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pingintech · 1 day ago
i mean a gajillion neuroscientists and psychiatrists and psychologists have written about the effect of societal stress on humans and how it destroys us on a cellular level but one of the best books imo for this specific topic is " Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" by Robert Zapolski
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Neurodivergence refers to variations in neurological functioning that diverge from what is considered typical or "neurotypical." While there is no single, universally agreed-upon list, neurodivergent disorders generally include conditions that affect cognition, behavior, perception, or social functioning.
1. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) (controversial as a separate diagnosis)
Asperger’s Syndrome (outdated term, now part of ASD)
2. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD (Predominantly Inattentive Type)
ADHD (Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type)
ADHD (Combined Type)
3. Learning Disabilities & Processing Disorders
Dyslexia (difficulty with reading and language processing)
Dyscalculia (difficulty with math and numerical processing)
Dysgraphia (difficulty with writing and fine motor skills)
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
Visual Processing Disorder (VPD)
Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD)
4. Intellectual Disabilities
Global Developmental Delay
Down Syndrome
Fragile X Syndrome
Williams Syndrome
Prader-Willi Syndrome
5. Communication Disorders
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Speech Sound Disorder
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Selective Mutism
6. Tic Disorders
Tourette Syndrome
Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder
Provisional Tic Disorder
7. Mental Health Conditions Often Considered Neurodivergent
Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders
Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Delusional Disorder
Mood Disorders with Neurological Features
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder (long-term cases cause atrophy in brain regions like the hippocampus)
Dysthymia (Persistent Depressive Disorder)
Anxiety & Related Conditions
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (sometimes considered)
Panic Disorder (sometimes considered)
Trauma-Related Disorders (sometimes included)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (when it significantly alters cognition and sensory processing)
Complex PTSD (CPTSD)
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Personality Disorders (Not all PDs)
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (StPD)
8. Sensory Processing Differences
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) (not formally recognized in DSM-5 but widely acknowledged in neurodivergent communities)
9. Epilepsy & Neurological Conditions (sometimes considered)
Migraines with Aura
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
10. Other Conditions Sometimes Considered Neurodivergent
Hyperlexia (advanced reading ability with comprehension difficulties)
Synesthesia (cross-wiring of sensory experiences)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (due to high comorbidity with neurodivergence)
Autoimmune Encephalitis (when it affects cognitive function)
Neurodivergence is a broad and evolving concept, with some conditions more widely accepted as neurodivergent than others. The core idea is that neurodivergent individuals experience the world in ways that differ from neurotypical standards, often due to innate neurological differences.
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honeyluvsw · 2 days ago
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psychology pngs ! credit not necessary for pngs ! like or reblog to use <3
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astrosouldivinity · 15 hours ago
Hey there! Are there certain aspects or placements in your birth chart (natal) that make you stutter or have speech impediments?
Hmm well to start, I would consider Mercury-Neptune aspects. This could manifest as difficulty in expressing oneself clearly. Additionally, a lack of air element in a natal chart may indicate reduced natural fluency in communication as well.
More Placements/Aspects to Consider:
3H Chiron: This placement indicates wounds related to communication and expression, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy when speaking.
Mercury in Pisces: Individuals with this placement could struggle with articulating their thoughts clearly, as their communication style can appear uncanny or mystical.
10H Mercury: I have this placement, which creates pressure for me to communicate effectively in public settings. But this can manifest as struggles with speaking, which makes me prefer writing as my primary form of expression.
In addition, individuals with Mercury in the 10H may also experience shyness, particularly if they have been judged for their outspoken nature. They could feel like their words carry significant weight, which can further contribute to communication challenges.
Saturn-Mercury Aspects: This aspect can promote a sense of seriousness or self-doubt around communication, making individuals with this placement feel burdened by their words and overall communication style.
Mercury in the 1H: This placement can indicate a strong focus on communication and self-expression, but if negatively aspected, it could manifest as anxiety in speaking situations.
Mercury in the 12H: Individuals with this placement could struggle with articulating their ideas clearly, as their innermost thoughts can be clouded and difficult to access. This might result in hesitation or confusion when speaking.
Moon-Mercury Aspects: Individuals with this aspect might struggle with emotional sensitivity linked to self-expression, which can lead to hesitation or fear of judgment when speaking.
Mercury Retrograde in a Natal Chart: Individuals with this placement may have a more introspective communication style, and they can also experience learning difficulties and struggles in expressing themselves, which can lead to challenges in articulating their thoughts clearly.
This is all I got for now. I hope I answered your question and it provided you clarity.
-Kiki ❤︎
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liberatingreality · 1 day ago
Almost all of our faults are more pardonable than the methods we resort to to hide them.
François de La Rochefoucauld
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funeral · 1 day ago
Emotionally divided selves translate into action other people's definitions of who they are. They seem unable or unwilling to move forward in terms of their own self-definitions. The self that complies with the wishes of the other is perceived as a false, or inauthentic, self. A basic split in the self-system of the subject occurs. Outwardly she complies with the wishes of others. Inwardly she rebels. Outwardly the behavior of her false self appears normal. Yet this is a façade. She perceives herself as living a lie. Inwardly she feels intense anxiety, hatred, fear. There may be momentary liftings of the veil of normality. In an emotional outburst her "truer" inner self is exposed to the world and to those others who dominate her. Such outbursts may take the form of violence toward herself and others. She feels captured within the very skin of her body. She feels that she is a captive of the other.
Norman K. Denzin, On Understanding Emotion
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kafkasapartment · 2 days ago
The brain appears to possess a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our lives beautiful. From the time he met Tereza, no woman had the right to leave the slightest impression on that part of his brain.
“The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, by Milan Kundera:
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astra-ravana · 2 days ago
Navigating Your Own Astral Mindscape
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Your astral mindscape is the personal, internal realm of your consciousness—a vast, shifting landscape where your subconscious mind, spiritual essence, and energetic body converge. It is both a sanctuary and a place for exploration, healing, and self-discovery. Learning to navigate this space can deepen your understanding of yourself, enhance psychic abilities, and strengthen your connection to astral realms.
Understanding the Astral Mindscape
Your mindscape is a mental-astral projection of your consciousness, shaped by thoughts, emotions, memories, and subconscious symbols. It can appear as:
• A dreamlike world with familiar and unfamiliar locations.
• A personal temple or sanctuary where your energy resides.
• A labyrinth of shifting symbols, reflecting deep psychological and spiritual truths.
• A gateway to deeper astral realms, spirit communication, or past-life exploration.
Unlike traditional astral projection, which involves traveling to external astral planes, mindscape navigation is an internal journey where you explore and shape your own inner reality.
Preparing for Astral Mindscape Exploration
Before diving in, set up a safe, focused space for practice:
1. Grounding & Centering
• Breathwork: Slow, deep breathing to calm the mind.
• Energy Anchoring: Visualize roots growing from your feet, grounding you into the Earth.
• Mantras: Use affirmations such as “I am safe. I am in control. I navigate with clarity.”
2. Creating a Protective Shield
• Imagine a sphere of white or golden light around you.
• Call upon a spirit guide, deity, or guardian for protection.
• Carry a protective talisman (such as a black tourmaline, pentagram, or protective sigil).
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3. Setting an Intention
Before entering your mindscape, decide your goal:
• Healing past wounds
• Finding guidance from spirit allies
• Strengthening psychic abilities
• Exploring past-life memories
• Building a personal astral sanctuary
Entering Your Astral Mindscape
Method 1: Meditation Gateway (Ideal for beginners)
• Close your eyes and relax deeply.
• Imagine a doorway, portal, or staircase in your mind.
• Step through it, entering your personal mental-astral realm.
• Observe what appears—do not force anything.
• Move through your environment, noting landscapes, symbols, or beings you encounter.
• When ready, return through the portal, grounding yourself back in your body.
Method 2: Lucid Dreaming Entry (Best for deep subconscious access)
• Before sleep, affirm: “Tonight, I will enter my mindscape with awareness.”
• Keep a dream journal to track recurring locations, symbols, or themes.
• Use lucidity triggers, such as hand-checking or reality affirmations, to recognize when you are dreaming.
• Once lucid, shift focus inward, asking: “Where is my mindscape?”
• Explore with intention, gathering insights from your subconscious.
Method 3: Guided Visualization (For structured exploration)
• Imagine yourself in a void—a vast space of limitless potential.
• Picture the environment shaping itself around you- A temple, a forest, a castle, an endless ocean—whatever resonates.
• If uncertain, ask: “What does my mind look like?” and let the scene emerge.
• Walk through this space, interacting with objects, doors, or entities.
• Take mental notes of anything significant—everything has meaning.
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Mapping & Interacting with Your Mindscape
Once inside, you’ll find key locations that serve as powerful points of transformation.
Common Mindscape Structures & Their Meanings:
• The Sanctuary: A safe space, often appearing as a temple, garden, or home.
• The Mirror Room: A place where you face your true self, hidden aspects, or past identities.
• The Library or Archive: Holds records of your soul’s knowledge, memories, and past lives.
• The Abyss: A void where suppressed fears, trauma, or deep truths reside.
• The Gateway: A portal to external astral planes or deeper subconscious layers.
• A Garden: Growth, creativity, and healing energy.
• A Castle or Fortress: Strong walls and locked doors. Your defenses, inner strength, and self-protection.
• A Dark Cave or Locked Door: Hidden trauma, fears, repressed memories, secrets, or untapped potential.
Interacting with Your Mindscape:
• Speak to Entities: Some beings may represent aspects of yourself, spirit guides, or guardians.
• Alter the Landscape: You have control—if something feels unsafe, change it.
• Write Everything Down: Keeping a Mindscape Journal helps track patterns and growth.
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Advanced Techniques for Deeper Exploration
1. Shadow Work in the Mindscape
• Visit dark or hidden areas, recognizing suppressed aspects of yourself.
• Ask entities: “What do you represent?”
• Face fears safely by observing rather than reacting.
• Bring light into darkness, healing wounds by offering love and acceptance.
2. Strengthening Astral Constructs
• Create permanent structures, like a protection temple or energy wellspring.
• Reinforce portals for astral travel beyond your mindscape.
• Program guardian spirits or sigils into your space for continued protection.
3. Inviting Spirit Guides & Higher Knowledge
• Call upon deities, ancestors, or totem animals.
• Ask direct questions: “What must I learn?” and listen for responses.
• Receive symbolic messages, later analyzing their deeper meanings.
4. Astral Projection & Mindscape Expansion
• Find a high place (a tower, mountaintop, or floating island).
• Set the intent to project beyond yourself.
• Visualize leaving your mindscape while maintaining awareness.
5. Strengthening Protection
• A protective wall or boundary around key areas.
• A guardian spirit or familiar stationed at the entrance.
• A shield of light around yourself when exploring.
Safely Exiting the Mindscape
It’s crucial to leave your mindscape properly to avoid lingering in an altered state.
Closing the Session:
• Visualize returning to a door, portal, or staircase leading back to waking consciousness.
• Affirm: “I return to my body, fully present and grounded.”
• Take deep breaths and wiggle fingers/toes.
• Drink water and write down insights immediately.
Exploring your astral mindscape is a lifelong practice that deepens with time. As you return, you may find it changing—reflecting your personal growth and challenges. Trust your intuition, move at your own pace, and always practice with intent.
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yulia-inferis · 3 days ago
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nousrose · 14 hours ago
No aspect of the human psyche can live in a healthy state unless it is balanced by its complementary opposite. If the masculine mind tries to live without its “other half,” the feminine soul, then the masculine becomes unbalanced, sick, and finally monstrous. Power without love becomes brutality. Feeling without masculine strength becomes woolly sentimentality. When one side of human nature grows out of balance with the other, it becomes a tyranny in the soul. It drives its complementary opposite into the unconscious. But the unconscious will not tolerate this kind of imbalance; we have already learned that the greatest force in the psychic universe is the demand for completion, for wholeness, for balance.
Robert A. Johnson
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olivia-bensan · 2 days ago
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mercurialbadger · 14 hours ago
It is very helpful for mental health to have your own trade and professional projects and bank account and some kind of legal representation if you are plural, assuming you have your base needs covered.
Work is important for building up your space in the world, your image of your place in the world, and people's understanding of what to expect from you as a friend and as a person.
As soviet psychologist Leontiev writes,
'Personality', like 'biological individual', is a product of the integration of processes that implement the subject's life relationships. There is, however, a fundamental difference between the two. It is determined by the nature of the very relationships that generate it: these are social relationships specific to human, into which they enters in their objective activity. [...] Here we come to the main methodological problem that lies behind the distinction between the concepts of "individual" and "personality". We are talking about the problem of the duality of the qualities of social objects, generated by the duality of the objective relations in which they exist. As is known, the discovery of this duality belongs to Marx, who showed the dual nature of labor, the manufactured product and, finally, the duality of man himself as a "subject of nature" and a "subject of society". [...] The real basis of a person’s personality is the totality of their — social by nature — relationships to the world, but relationships that are realized, and they are realized by their activity, or more precisely, the totality of their diverse activities.
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soulinkpoetry · 3 days ago
Don’t try to heal anyone. That’s their responsibility. Just try to listen. To know that someone is listening is part of their healing.
You can’t heal anyone
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furryfeet · 2 days ago
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funeral · 2 days ago
When we try to remember something that happened to us, these sorts of “constructive” errors are common. We can usually recall a few facts, and using these facts we construct other facts that probably happened. We make inferences. From these probable inferences, we are led to other “false facts” that might—or might not—have been true [ . . . ] This process of using inferences and probable facts to fill in the gaps of our memories has been called “refabrication,” and it probably occurs in nearly all of our everyday perceptions. We supply these bits and pieces, largely unconsciously, to round out fairly incomplete knowledge.
Nancy Loftus, Memory: Surprising New Insights Into How We Remember and Why We Forget
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