#plural coins
systuffs · 5 days
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an origin term for those who's system was formed or influenced by roleplaying!
F2U, credit appreciated but not required! Coined & Requested by @mysticpridesys!
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
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Systempunk: A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry. We're outspoken on how the psych community mistreats us and how we will force the breaking of the chains that continuously fakeclaim or harm us whenever we do something singlets/psychiatrist do not like. We have been silenced and told that if we are open, it is a sign of us lying. We have been forced to follow the strict guidelines of the dsm5 in order to avoid being told that our experiences are false. We have been forced into psychiatric wards and abused because we are not singlet. We have been the face of the liars for too long, plural liberation is something we must push. The future is plural.
Meaning of the flag:
Brown and Black: The POC-bodied systems who are put down by both the community and the society around them. POC-bodied systems who have had their diagnosis's rejected due to their race. POC-bodied systems who have a cultural origin or connection and are hurt because of it. POC-bodied systems who are appropriated by other systems and are not listened to. POC-bodied systems who are hurt by the white dominated psychiatric system. POC-bodied systems who deserve to be heard and understood.
Purple stripe: Endogenic Solidarity, allyship, love, liberation. Endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry, are against the liberation of plurals, and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others. Endogenic systems are also used in a lot of fakeclaiming content made by singlets and psychiatrist despite the research that supports their existence. It's because singlet society hates plurals and hates any form of existence we have. Love your endogenic siblings. They are the diverse experiences of plurality, they have helped us through so much.
Yellow Stripe: Disordered and traumagenic system solidarity and liberation. Disordered systems are horribly abused by the psych system, we make up most of those hospitalized and we are put down as too crazy to make our own decisions. Even if our existence is from trauma or a disorder, we shouldn't be forced into a singlet cure, we deserve autonomy.
Pink stripe: Abolition of psychiatric wards used to abuse us, hide us away, and silence us. Our autonomy is stolen from them, we deserve resources that help us instead of force us into a place that fucking hates us.
White stripe: Psych-critical beliefs or Anti-psych beliefs, despite their differences we still stand together against the harms of the psychiatric system. ACAB included in this.
Barbed wire: Anti-fakeclaim culture, systems deserve to be believed. Pro-plural protection. Protect another no matter your beliefs, cops and psych wards fucking hate us and want us dead, protect those you love. protect the closeted, protect all systems.
Fangs: Fight for your existence, be loud about it, write essays, make art, do whatever you can. Force plural liberation down the throats of singlets. Force the future to be plural.
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sadowife · 4 months
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✦ Irdiseverance Alter …
A flag for alters whose role is to dislike & disconnect from the system's Favorite Person { FP }. This alter may be an anger holder, but any alter can have this role. Exclusive to systems with BPD { Borderline Personality Disorder }.
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Requested By : @mygraine.
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anomalymon · 5 months
The Plural Community Needs to Write More Essays and Make More Resources
This has been a pretty big push in the alterhuman community, but hasn't quite reached the plural community yet. So
Systems: Write about your experiences! Post them!
It doesn't have to be good or coherent, but we want to see more experiences that aren't just bland, blanket positivity posts or term coining with zero substance. Some of our favorite writings we've read have had poor grammar and disjointed paragraphs!
Reasons to write about your experiences:
It can make people who have that experience both realize they're not alone and learn ways they can explore that experience
It can be education for people who don't experience that so they can learn what it's like
It gives more potential for citation for those who are making more comprehensive resources
They can be used several years down the line to track trends and events within the plural community
Also want to combat anti-endos? Write about your experiences. Humanize yourself (for lack of a better term). Create solidarity with others and encourage them to be out about themselves. Don't let psychiatric texts, syscourse rants, and simple definitions be the only information about your group!
We'll tack on what we're interested in seeing, but feel free to reblog and add anything too:
Guides! Guides on how your system does things, or guides that can help other systems
How plurality intersects with other disabilities or neurodivergence
Headspace tours, art about your headspace, collages
The effects drugs or medication has on your system
Non-traditional roles, or even how traditional roles do their day to day tasks
Different types of plurality intersecting (i.e. systems who fit more than one of DID, endogenic multiplicity, medianhood, soulbonding, etc)
Spirituality and religion intersecting with plurality
Seriously, whatever you want to talk about
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banesberry-anomoly · 5 months
Ive been looking for a system term to describe myself for a while, and decided fuck it we ball and made one myself
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A lockhost is an alter in a system that seems to be the 'main' host, and is almost always fronting. They may also decribe themself as 'front-locked' or 'front sticky,' but this may not always be the case. They may be able to leave front or the front area, but are usually aware of whats going on with front anyways, and they are quite often pulled back to front within a short period of time. Because of this, they usually become the bodies 'main identity' in a system.
Other alters may use the identity of the lockhost as a mask in the case that they do not want to show themself, and may also interact with or control the body via the lockhost. In the case of a lockhost being an introject, it would not be uncommon for several doubles of the lockhosts source to also be present in the system.
Lockhosts may also act similarly to 'Observers,' in that they are always aware of the body to some degree, and can quickly be pulled to front in the case that they happen to not be fronting in the traditional sense. The lockhost may also serve many other roles in the system, but not always.
In the case of a lockhost also being part of a subsystem or side system, they may or may not be a lockhost of those as well.
We are aware that there is a similar term to this that was made by an anti endo, however this term was coined without knowledge of the post existing. Do with that info what you will, keep us out of discourse. And like we said before, we don't care who uses this term, but we ask that anti endos not reblogged so we don't get dragged into discourse.
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plural-userboxes · 2 months
Pro-Endo/Endo safe flag
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Pro-Endo/Endo safe flag(also known as the Phoenix Plural Flag)!!!
so umm
hai!!! my names June!
and im the newest member of TVoWF!
and even though i dont know much about syscourse i do know and have seen how it has negatively impacted our friends/other system members!
it made me really sad so i decided to make a flag ig!!!
Basically my thought process would to make like...a flag for anyone who's pro-endo!!(though it could also just be seen as a plural flag :>)
oh!! also a small note :D
since we have seen alot of singlets who are anti endo(which makes me sad D:) we just wanted to add that singlets can use this flag as-well to umm show that their a safe person!!!(whaaa that wording may be weird sorry!!!)
so...um yeah!!
note: also umm pro-leaning endo neutrals can use this flag as-well :>!!
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[Image ID/ A rectangular flag with 8 horizontal stripes, the top stripe and bottom stripe and thinner than the rest. The colors in order from top to bottom are: Off white, Pale yellow, Orange, Orange-Red, Deep Red, Indigo, Cerulean, Sky blue. /END ID]
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thecouncilofidiots · 2 months
We made our own plural pride flag <3
Calling it the Dusk Plural Pride Flag, primarily made with cool colors to represent calm and peace; the "sun" setting and allowing for rest
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Dark Purple : Plurals/Systems of any/all origins; whether traumagenic, endogenic, spiritual, involuntary/voluntary, ect
Light Purple : Non-system plurals, partial systems, median systems, ect; essentially any non-singlet, no matter where they are on the plural spectrum
Pink : Disordered and non-disordered systems; whether diagnosed/self-diagnosed or undiagnosed, functional multiplicity, ect
Light Grey : Community and Love; promoting a welcoming environment, finding connection/others to relate to, ect
Dark Grey : Advocacy and Acceptance; encouraging acceptance of all under the plural umbrella, destigmatizing plurality and dissociative disorders, ect
This flag is free for anyone to use, as long as they do not use it to promote hatred, exclusion, bullying, ect. We do allow it to be used in art/edits, just please credit us <3
Disclaimer : This flag is not inclusive of radqueer/transID. Please do not use if you are transDID, transOSDD, transUDD, transCDD, transRAMCOA, transOEA, or anything along those lines. We are endo-safe, we believe in disordered endos, but we do not associate endogenic systems with transID, and do not want radqueer/transID to interact.
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disrealities · 4 months
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Romance holder.
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An alter that holds all affection, romance, or romantic feelings! They themselves may be a hopeless romantic, or they may just love "too much"!
For day 4 of @puriette's event!
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coiningcoiningcoining · 3 months
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CDD (Complex Dissociative Disorder) Flag for ALL people with CDD.
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Meaning of flag:
1. Trauma recovery, therapy, self-care and self-acceptance.
2. People with Complex DID/polyfragmentation or strong dissociation.
3. Diagnosed/medically recognized or undiagnosed/looking for a DID, OSDD, P-DID and UDD diagnosis.
4. medically recognized or self-recognized as system/plural.
5. "non-accepted" people with CDD. (Introject heavy, pro-endogenic, endogenic (like mixed origins, traumabased, etc.), etc.)
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This flag was made by an undiagnosed CDD person, but medically recognized as a system.
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butterednuttered · 1 month
Voisic (pronounced voy-sick) - An alter who is always capable of speaking
Non-voisic - An alter who is never capable of speaking
Semi-voisic - An alter who is capable of speaking a little bit
Hemi-voisic - An alter who is capable of complete speaking half the time (aka voisic sometimes, non-voisic other times)
Voisicflux - An alter whose ability to speak fluctuates
Choice Voisic - An alter who could speak if they want to but chooses not to.
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systuffs · 11 days
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a system origin term for those who are/identify with willogenic & neurogenic!
F2U, credit appreciated but not required!
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kiruliom · 4 months
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[ ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, in the following colors: turquoise, off-white, yellow, orange and dark blue. /End ID ]
atypical system flag
a flag for all systems, plurals, and adjacent that feel they are excluded from their own community because their experiences with plurality/systemhood is considered wrong or fake by the exclusionary individuals within.
coined bc it felt wrong to get lumped in with endos as a traumagenic non-disordered system by anti-endo communities when Im not endogenic. also spite. lots and lots of spite.
this is by all means not coined to divide the plural/system community, just something for those who often feel left out to take pride in.
includes, but isnt limited to:
endogenic, nontraumagenic, traumaendo, and adjacent systems
willogenic, spiritually formed, partially or fully voluntarily formed systems
traumagenic by proxy systems (formed to deal with a traumagenic disorder's symptoms, etc.)
non-disordered systems, systems who dont fit the criteria for a CDD.
systems who's trauma doesnt fit CDD standards, or are told/feel its not 'bad enough' to cause CDDs
OSDD/UDD systems who feel excluded by the huge focus on DID in the community
median systems who feel excluded by the huge focus on multiple systems in the community
systems who prefer to identify as one person or use parts or otherwise outdated terminology
schizospec and psychotic people who see themselves as plural due to their consistent delusions and/or hallucinations.
anyone else who's plurality feels too atypical to fit in even in this community full of atypicals
it is not meant to include transplur-al people who are 'transitioning to become a system' with no concern or forethought for the actual challenges of being multiple people, but if a transplur-al person chooses to identify with this I dont have the power to stop them. the dash is there so it doesnt show up on the search. just know I dont like you, at all.
the coiner of the term is against the name tulpamancy for willogenic systems but they can use this flag as well, again, no power to stop them.
feel free to make alternative flags, symbols, etcetera! however do tag me in them if you do.
please do not reupload without permission and credit
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sadowife · 4 months
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✦ Stinger Alter …
A flag for alters whose primary role is to say cruel things when in arguments as a defense mechanism. This alter could be a persecutor or prosecutor. However, any alter can be a stinger.
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mogaiers · 5 months
about time i coin this considering i’ve used it for so long personally!
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A role which pretains to an alter who is perpetually aware of front/the body, they do not necessarily have to perpetually be in front (though they can be!!), but they are actively aware of what is going on around the body at the present moment.
Colors are based off The Eye from The Magnus Archives!
tagging; @pluralitywords @pluralterms @radiomogai @system-term-archive @plurchive
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outergodly · 3 months
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𓏵 Socializer Alter。 
A flag for alters whose role is to be social, ie. handling social scenarios, managing social relations, etc. This alter may also be referred to as a social protector, but any alter can be a socializer.
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Requested By : 💜✨️💍.
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plural-userboxes · 25 days
Non Disordered Plural/Sys flag
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A flag for any/all non-disordered plurals :3.
Requested by: @chaosgoodvibes
Requests are closed!
tags: @radiomogai
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