#people for community recovery
positivelyadhd · 9 months
I wanted to remind everyone trying to support people in crisis to remember to support themselves as well.
It's alright if you need to take a step back and look after yourself.
You can't be one person's only support system and you shouldn't have to feel like you are.
It doesn't make you a bad person if you need to distance yourself for a while.
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fictionfreedom · 1 month
Hey guys, just a fun reminder that we are PRO PARAPHILIA. We support ALL Paraphiles, we advocate for their freedom to speak about their feelings and get help, and we advocate for them to not all be treated like predators.
We support pedophiles. We support zoophiles. We support necrophiles. We do NOT support anyone attempting to harm children, animals, or other people. We DO support paraphiles using roleplay, BDSM/Kink, and similar things as outlets for their feelings. We do NOT support attempting relationships with living, non-consenting things.
If you follow us, you need to understand that we SUPPORT ALL PARAPHILES. We support them finding community between themselves, we support them being able to speak about their attractions, we support them finding outlets for their attractions that don't harm people.
Also: WE ARE ALL OF THE BIG THREE. We have disordered pedophilia, and are a zoophile and necrophile.
If you follow us and do not support paraphiles: Being allowed to find community, being allowed to speak about their attractions without being attacked (especially in psychological situations such as therapy), being free to use Kink and BDSM as coping mechanisms, and being free to do absolutely none of that if they don't wish to.
Then UNFOLLOW us, especially if you reblog shit putting down Paraphiles.
TLDR: We support all Paraphiles and believe they deserve a safe community. This doesn't mean we support Grooming or Predatory Behaviors in any amount.
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paingoes · 21 days
“Aegre fero” here has a double meaning of “I’m sorry” and “It hurts”. Taking some license with the Latin I think. Forgive me.
(Content: living weapon whumpee, comfort!!!, crying, past trauma, conditioning, malnutrition mention, emotional whump, abuse mention, rocky recovery)
Apollo readjusted the dials on the old receiver. He clicked in between the channels of the small device, listening in as best he could through the static. The sheer range of Galatea’s radio always impressed him. 
“-off the Western side now, escalating-“
“-running out of provisions! Just a reminder-“
“-tell Contra if she doesn’t fix her damn-“
“-worst summer in years, but not like-“
“-does anyone not need their kidney-“
Delta came out of his room, slipping quietly out into the hall. His short hair was hard to get used to. It was actually kind of curly when it wasn’t weighed down. Apollo thought it was cute. His expression was totally unreadable, but that was about typical for him. 
“Hey.” Apollo pulled one of the earbuds out. He didn’t move much beyond that. Delta had gotten comfortable enough that he didn’t feel the need to fuss after him nor the impulse to coax him out of hiding. It’d be better to stay still, not spook him too much.
Delta skirted the edge of the couch carefully and knelt down onto the carpet. He folded his arms on the cushion, resting his head down on top of them. It hid his face. Apollo took out the other earbud, leaning forward.
“You okay, bud?” Apollo’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. Delta hadn’t knelt for him in a while. He’d thought that he was getting out of the habit. Delta nodded, his face still buried in the cushion. Not speaking, but that was also to be expected.
“Do you want to sit up here?” Apollo offered, just in case he needed to be reminded that he was allowed to. He shook his head for no.
“…Okay. Let me know if you need anything, alright?” He only put one earbud back in. Delta spoke so softly, he didn’t want to miss it. He wasn’t going to force him to talk about it, if there was anything to talk about at all. Delta needed to do what made him feel safe. As odd as the behavior seemed to him, he wasn’t going to correct it. 
He turned his attention back to the radio, but kept his sights on Delta to see if there was any change. His eyes widened as he noticed the small hitches along his shoulders. He was definitely crying.
“Hey, hey.” Apollo put the radio aside on the couch, sliding down onto the floor. He touched Delta’s arm lightly, “C’mere.”
It was all the invitation he needed. Delta shifted off of the couch and into Apollo’s arms, burying his face in his chest. Small sobs wracked his body. Apollo was surprised at how silent he was being in spite of this. He made shushing noises reflexively, even though there was no sound. He felt the fabric of his shirt marginally tighten as Delta gripped it. 
“Aegre fero.” Delta’s voice wavered. It was only when he spoke that Apollo could hear just how much trouble he was having breathing. He carded his hands through his hair.
“It’s okay. Deep breaths, yeah? Four-seven-eight,” he said. Delta knew how. Apollo had caught him doing them alone before, unprompted. He was clearly used to being the only one to calm himself down. Apollo’s heart ached at the thought of him sitting up whenever they had kept him, forcing himself stable for somebody else’s sake. Still, he slowed his breathing, picking up the pattern. From where Delta was curled into his chest, he should’ve been able to hear it well. His shoulder blades gradually steadied. The shaking stopped. He didn’t let go.
“Do you…like when I play with your hair?” Apollo’s hands stilled. He realized he’d never actually gotten permission to touch it. He probably should have. Delta nodded slowly. His face was still hidden. Apollo continued to run his hands through it. It was very soft — and seemed to be a lot healthier than it had been when they’d first picked him up. He was proud of that, the way the malnutrition symptoms were gradually fading. He had missed cooking for people.
It took a while before Delta would pull away. His face was flushed when he did, eyes bleary. He looked down like he was ashamed. Apollo patted the couch cushion.
“Sit up, sweetheart.”
Delta climbed onto the couch, pulling his legs up to his chest. He was always more responsive when given direct orders. Apollo didn’t want to force him, but honestly, his joints couldn’t take any more time on the floor. He stood up himself, disappearing briefly to retrieve a cup of water. He brought back the burner phone too, passing both of them to Delta.
It was mortifying. When had he ever cried? He could count on one hand the number of times he had done it over the last two years. On two hands, he could count the last decade. Now it was like he couldn’t stop. He wasn’t supposed to behave like this. He had learned, so early on, that he was not supposed to behave like this.
It had felt so nice to be held for a second.
Apollo sat back down on the couch and opened the IRC program. The burner phone buzzed in Delta’s hand. He unlocked it.
sunspot: Hey
nodiving: hi
nodiving: sorry
sunspot: Do you want to talk about it?
nodiving: i dont know
nodiving: i dont know whats wrong with me
nodiving: im not supposed to be like this
sunspot: Be like what?
nodiving: pathetic
sunspot: Why do you think it’s pathetic?
nodiving: because it is
“That’s circular logic,” Apollo said aloud. Delta typed faster.
nodiving: im not supposed to need anything and i usually dont
nodiving: now i have to keep bothering you for everything even things that dont matter
nodiving: im sorry
He began to type something else, but couldn’t bring himself to. He knew he should be punished for it. For having the audacity to even take notice of the emotion, let alone make it someone else’s problem. He should’ve just stayed in his room until it passed. 
sunspot: Everyone needs things. 
sunspot: I’ve been telling you this entire time to please come to me if you need anything
sunspot: Thank you for trusting me enough to take me up on that
Delta blushed, his fingers idle about the device. Apollo looked him up and down.
“When you say ‘things that don’t matter’,” he ventured cautiously, “You mean your own feelings?”
Feelings. The word itself sounded childish to him. He was supposed to be above it, as cold and mechanical as they’d trained him to be. But his skin was still damp where he’d been crying. It was a little late for that.
He nodded. Apollo couldn’t be mad at him for it; Delta already acknowledged their own worthlessness. It wasn’t a lie.
“Okay,” Apollo said softly, “I understand why you would think that. Nobody’s had much regard for them throughout your life. But it’s not true. Your feelings do matter. It was wrong for anybody to make you feel like they didn’t.”
No they don’t. Delta hid his face in his hands. He shouldn’t need this. He recoiled from the words as if they had burned him. No they don’t.
“I know you might not believe me right now. That’s okay. I’m still really proud of you for coming to me with this instead of trying to deal with it alone. Even if you think it’s not important, I still want to know what you’re feeling. It matters to me.”
“Yes, sir.” He nodded, showing he had heard. Not that he agreed, just that he’d heard.
Apollo paused while he caught his breath. It took a lot of effort to try and recover from what he’d just said. It still burned.
“Do you want to try?” Apollo encouraged.
Delta nodded, picking the phone back up. He typed slowly and decisively.
nodiving: nothing caused it
nodiving: im just sad
“Thank you. That’s a really good start, Delta. I know you’re not…used to talking. So maybe you don’t have all the vocabulary you need for it right now?”
Delta’s eyes narrowed at that, the mention of vocabulary. He wasn’t stupid. He read books.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. I know you’re smart.” Apollo raised his hands in mock surrender. “Your technical skill is advanced. You’re great at arguing. I know. All I’m saying is that you probably don’t have a lot of practice talking about this kind of thing. It might be difficult at first. And that has nothing to do with your intellect.”
That was objectively true. He had no idea what to describe what was happening to him, not with all the words he knew. He thought of the one that had shocked him most when they first suggested it. Abuse. He knew the definition. He did not see how it could slot into his life. Many of the words they used triggered that same uneasy feeling in him. Chess-piece. Feelings. Love. 
Most days, he could barely talk at all.
“I’m...gonna get you some CBT workbooks or something. We can work on it more later. Is there anything you need for right now though? Anything that normally helps?”
He didn’t know anything that would help. He’d never felt like this before. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was receding. The mood had passed.
He realized that crying might’ve helped. Touch. Talking. All the things he’d never been allowed before. All the things he thought he didn’t need.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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thescreamcorner · 2 months
Sometimes it's really really concerning how much anti-psychiatry and anti-recovery rhetoric exists-- and for once I'm not just talking about endos, but even within the OSDDID internetsphere, especially in actively pro self dx circles. It's not to say that you can't or shouldn't work on things away from a healthcare team, but with chronic and intensely debilitating disorders it is rare, if not impossible to fully be "fine" without help.
Like. If you're experiencing dissociative amnesia or memory/identity issues in general (even when caused by things as innocuously treated online like ADHD if it's at a debilitating level), you NEED someone who isn't affected by those things in order to have a sense of grounding and heal. And it's vital for that to be someone who has a baseline understanding of how dissociative disorders work.
My caseworker calls are sometimes the only thing giving me any sense of the passage of time, and she remembers things during calls that I completely forget or dissociate through. Not even my partner can consistently provide this because of her time blindness, vs the professional who reaches out, doesn't have a disorder affecting her memory, and takes notes during our calls.
My therapy visits, as infrequent as they've been lately, are some of the only reason why we've made progress toward one of our alters no longer making contact with our abusers when she fronts, and that fight isn't over yet. My partner can't stop her from doing it-- she'll wait until they're asleep. They also don't have the resources or bandwidth to address with her why doing this is bad, and if they intervene incorrectly it increases the chance that one day I wake up in another state.
I get from firsthand experience that healthcare, especially in the US, is notoriously inaccessible, and in some places the facilities available are full of inexperienced, incompassionate tools who don't care about their patients. But instead of using that as an excuse to stop trying, instead of pushing others into not seeking care and not trusting doctors, that needs to get channeled into finding and providing resources.
Many states have government funded healthcare available for those below the poverty line. Many facilities offer payment scaling plans even without insurance. A fair amount of insurance companies that "don't cover this" will make exceptions if you go through other channels and get professional referrals. It's not easy, it's not always free, and it's not fast. For those underage, it may be awhile before you can legally access it.
But for the love of all that is sacred on this burning planet, do NOT discourage trauma survivors from trying to get psychiatric help over the potential of a bad experience or a bad doctor. You are not helping people heal and learn to love themselves. You are creating paranoia and enforcing a regressive mentality that can prevent someone from reaching out before its too late.
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oros-ash3s · 4 days
hello whumpblr!
I’ve only recently started posting whump-related things (which you’ll find on @dioles-writes) and I really wanna make some whump or writer friends, but I’m not entirely sure how. so if you’re interested, dm me or comment down below!
(btw my main is @ash-thedrawer so that’s where I follow from)
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Caretakers that go
you're sad, I don't
what should I do
what should I do oh god I'm terrible at comforting people but
hey uh
wanna have some candy??
oh no why are you crying
I'm sorry please don't cry
oh okay um you're welcome
do you want some more??
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vizthedatum · 11 months
If someone is having difficulty empathizing with you after repeated attempts of communicating and showing them how you want to be treated, then a boundary needs to be made.
It doesn't matter if the person is a good person or not.
This boundary can include saying "no" or changing the dynamics of your relationship (including ending the relationship).
You are not being cruel for having boundaries or pulling back your energy.
Do not enable behavior that hurts you, even if there are reasons for that behavior.
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ktempestbradford · 4 months
Jumping off of what I said in this post about having to dismantle certain toxic ideas about myself, I realized that folks might not know how deeply not being a straight, white, cishet, able-bodied, Christianized male (aka the Dominant Paradigm) in the West messes you up mentally. It's a huge mental health problem that isn't always addressed.
When I started up my latest round of therapy I began to acquire labels for some of the ways I acted or reacted to situations. One day in session I was like: Was that a trauma response? It was, wasn't it? And my therapist confirmed. What confused me is that I didn't think I'd experienced trauma.
The idea I had of trauma was some Major Incident in which something Very Bad had happened to me or near me. Or it was about being in abusive situations, usually at home. The kind of ways trauma is depicted in the media.
Then I came across a Twitter thread in which the person said that everyone needs therapy, especially marginalized people, because the way Western society works, anyone who is not the Dominant Paradigm or doesn't hew closely to it is constantly being harmed by society.
Are you BIPOC? Racism is almost everywhere, and where it is, it's constant. It's also not always KKK-level in your face racism; it's more often wave after wave of microagressions on top of whatever challenging condition you're in due to historical racism. In other words: Chronic.
Are you neurodiverse? Good luck not being overstimulated by allegedly benign activities like going to the grocery store. Good luck not being criticized on a daily basis because you can't act "normal". Try holding down a job that expects you to sit at a desk for 8 hours yet you can't even sit in a quiet environment because the asshole CEO read that open office plans make employees more productive.
Are you anywhere under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella? Welcome to the constant barrage of invasive questions from strangers, invasive laws, invasive religiosity... Once again, an allegedly benign activity (going to the bathroom in public) can be a damn crucible if you don't look like the "right" kind of woman or man. Have fun navigating the medical system when you want affirming health care.
I could go on. Disabled people, poor or working class people, fat people, any people who have been historically marginalized and oppressed all experience this. It is trauma. It is harm. It does affect us. But it's Chronic and Systemic. That's the crux.
Because we have to keep on going even with all this. It's every day and it's not easy to escape. So we "deal with it." Some of us have good coping strategies and or supportive family (bio or found) and that really helps. It doesn't alleviate the overall problem. Thus, we all need therapy (so the OP of that Twitter thread concluded).
I don't know that we ALL need it. And I for sure know that some mental health practitioners and therapy frameworks are quite harmful to marginalized people. I'm very lucky in that I have a great therapist and the treatment I'm getting is informed by my identity and background, not ignorant of it. Not everyone has that or has access to it.
What I do know is that we all need Community. True community offers true support, which is necessary for healing.
We also all need to know that our mental health struggles and our trauma are real and valid, even if they don't look or manifest the way we've been conditioned to recognize them. Don't let anyone invalidate your experience or mental health struggles because you don't fit into a specific, wrongly-labeled box.
And don't let anyone tell you that this society isn't out here traumatizing you, because it is. Society doesn't need to be this way. But here in The (European Colonizer Created) West, that's what those with more power have chosen for the rest of us. And it sucks.
I have nothing but hugs and empathy for all the other people out there experiencing this. The only piece of advice I have is: Find community, hold on tight to each other, be that oasis of Okay that others need and they'll be that same oasis for you. <3
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codacheetah · 2 months
It's deeply important to me that Loop kind of sucks
#they are literally awesome but they do kinda suck. just a tad#mostly as in i keep thinking about lucabyte's comics. they are critical to me#i love isat's postcanon as a space to explore recovery and communication#but sometimes you kind of have to drag urself through glass to get there. sometimes the glass sticks in ur skin and makes u prickly#i think constantly about like. loop being surprised by siffrin's kindness if u choose to be nice to them in certain dialogue options.#remarking about how time has made them jaded more than he is#loop is fundamentally kind. but they are scantly ever 'nice'#i think if loop joins the party it's inevitable that they are going to make each other bristle up#loop has a difficult time with all of the party members. between the guilt and the loss and them just not being capital s Siffrin#and to the party who only knows loop from one interaction and siffrin's apparent care for them i think loop would come off. abrasive at bes#like. like i dont think loop would act the same with the party that they do siffrin. their mask is very Piss Siffrin Off specialized#but how much of ur persona is an act and how much of it is yourself. or whatever. loop wouldn't want to be mean to their friends sure#but it's much easier not to hurt if you wedge some distance. no better way to get that distance by being offputting. i think isabeau esp#would get the brunt of this. poor man#plus there's just hte general fact that like. nobody likes the feeling of talking to somebody who clearly knows too much about them. who#will never show their own cards. added with the fact that there's just an inherent strangeness w loop. where they have a relationship to#siffrin thru the loops that none of the party members will ever grasp (and in a way they cant even guess frankly!)#i just have a hard time seeing loop's assimilation into the party as going smooth and nice. you know. i think the party members would think#that loop kinda sucks a little. i think loop would let them think this. all of this being said this is not irreconcilable or permanent#but i like there to be growing pains for the party's expansion. i won't even get into nille bc this aint abt her but yah#the lucky thing loop is you made friends with a lot of really nice people who would being willing to get to know you again.#isat spoilers
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 months
Captured -- wild humans hunted and captured to be used as servants Masterlist
Warnings: captivity, starvation, starvation whump, cruel whumper, human slaves, etc.
Summary: in a world where human pets are considered a convenience and a luxury to own, how will a young boy who was hunted and captured from his home town in the wild and enslaved to bird-people survive in this new environment as a servant? What lengths will he go to to make it out alive?
Part 1 - Hunted Humans
Part 2 - Unusual Dinner Guests
Part 3 - Stolen Human Servant Alert
Part 4 - The Face of Death is Deceivingly Friendly
Part 5 - Forced Caretaking
Part 6 - Homesick
Part 7 - Risky Ideas
Part 8 - Danger at its Peak
Part 9 - Trouble in Town
Part 10 - Abandoned Human Servants
Part 11 - Human Servant Transport Services
Part 12 - Waking into a Living Hell
Part 13 - Re-Capture
Part 14 - The Whipping
Part 15 - Don't Think, Just Jump!
Part 16 - Unlikely Heroes
Part 17 - Guardian
Part 18 - Welcome to the Rebellion, Human
Part 19 - Brink of War
Part 20 - Newsboy
Part 21 - Uh-Oh...
Part 22 - Fight for Your Life
Part 23 - Angel of Death
Part 24 - Sacrifice
Part 25 - Friends for Eternity
Main Masterlist
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump
@otterfrost @sausages-things
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pyrepostings · 1 month
Free Birds and Fiddlers: Dragon AU
Cw: collars, conditioned whumpee, magical brands.
Kevin paced the floor of his bedroom, tugging at his long, currently unbraided red hair, Julian sitting calmly on the edge of the bed, watching him.
"You know, if it truly still distresses you to be without the collar, you can just wear it to the meeting tomorrow."
"They already think I'm a spy, brainwashed. If I can't go one meeting without it- I can't wear it, but I have to."
"They already know you are having a tough time readjusting. It is half the reason they are visiting. I can ask them beforehand to not bring it up during the meeting?"
"But they'll still be thinking it. I won't be able to argue back. No, if they've something to say, they should say it."
The silence stretched for a moment as he continued pacing.
"You could wear the leather one?"
The leather one, tanned cowskin braided into a necklace of celtic design. Instead of the smooth, shiny, gold and emerald engraved with a master's claim, the leather circlet was simple, soft and pliable, crafted for the express purpose of not being that gold one. The only symbols were on the inside: his own name, and a calming spell etched along the right side, resting over the artery when worn.
The spell was simple, and a weak one given that it was burned into dead skin rather than that of the living. And it needed to be activated, and humans rarely could activate spells like that to their fullest potential. It might as well have been placebo. Do placebos even work when you know them to be what they are?
Placebo spell or not, the leather collar has helped. Perhaps ironically, knowing it couldn't force him to feel anything helped calm his anxiety at disobeying orders. And it definitely helped to feel something around his neck. And importantly here, it was not something he was ever forced to wear. It could be explained as a show of defiance to his deceased master, not a reluctance to disobey. It was made to honor his own culture, not the dragon lord's.
He stopped pacing. "I could wear the leather one."
Kevin pulled it out from the bedside table and sat next to Julian on the bed. He wrapped it around his wrist, spell side out over the pulse point in his wrist, and traced it, activating the spell. He felt the magic flow from him, wrap around the cord, and flow back in, slower, steadier. A near infinite loop when done right.
"Do you feel better?"
Kevin nodded, "Yeah. I'll wear this one tomorrow."
Julian smiled softly as he brushed a strand of hair out of Kevin's face. "Good. Do you know how you want your hair done? I can braid it straight down for you, like how the cooks have."
"I'd like that."
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pararecovery · 1 month
I want to share these life-saving resources for adults who are concerned about their sexual thoughts towards children. These resources are created by the nonprofit Stop It Now! which is dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse.
In the first link, you will find a ton of self-help modules. In the second link, you will find a lot of advice and information, especially about creating a safety plan.
Self-help modules
Advice, safety planning, and FAQs
There's no words for how helpful and understanding this nonprofit is -- it's one of the first places I ever went to when I was needing help with my paraphilic disorder. They have a confidential helpline if you need to talk to someone. Please reach out to them if you're struggling or concerned!
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I followed the tag adultbeginnerballerina so tag me in stuff? I love reblogging original posts, investing at 3 notes, etc
🫵 don’t be shy, I won’t be, I’ll reblog your personal ballet posts, I’m excited for you too 🎉
🩰 so tag #adultbeginnerballerina 🩰
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kindaemo-exe · 1 year
open letter of advice
to feel so deeply is not a curse, despite what people may tell you or how you feel. emotions are an important peice of life, savour each one.
you are not your body, your body is a shell to hold you and carry you throughout life, treat it with the love and respect it deserves
be cringe. we have 80 years on this planet, and thats an optimistic guess. do not spend that hating yourself, instead embrace the cringe, exspecially if youre autistic.
do not judge others if they are doing something harmless. the more you hate the more miserable you will be.
you are not ugly. you are a history book. a collection of your ancestors genes and that in itself is beautiful.
take compliments. do not brush them off. words cannot meet you if you dont let them.
i love you, take care of yourself. you are important, you are loved and you matter to someone out there
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vampiricsheep · 5 months
so since I may be free this summer after all, would anyone be interested in an RP event that's a potluck? I've been wanting to do it for ages but there's never any interest compared to other themes
for a discord rp, I would make a separate server explicitly for this purpose so you don't have to be in any guilds or anything! I would also delete the server (or at least channel, if people would like an event-planning server long-term) after a week - enough time for people to read over their stuff but not preserved forever and ever.
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