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Sebarial and Palona in Wind and Truth.
Only got basically referenced, no major scenes, but they got married!
It made me so happy to read that, my heart almost burst. My loves. They deserve the world. Seriously in the running for best moment in the book for me, ngl.
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cosmerelists · 1 year ago
What Cosmere Characters are Doing on a Snow Day
Snow doesn't really seem to happen in a lot of the Cosmere but, well...if they DID have snow, what would Cosmere characters be doing?
Lift: Sledding! Slicking the ground makes her sled go real fast!
Marasi: Inside, wrapped in blankets, drinking hot chocolate.
Allik: Inside, wrapping in fifty-thousand blankets, by the fire. He's still cold.
Venli: Building snow-singers. (Snow is lot harder to work with than stone!)
Susebron: Catching snowflakes on his (new) tongue. Having a great time.
Adolin: Building a snow castle out of snow bricks.
Maya: Silently and seriously helping Adolin build.
Azure: Leading a contingent of men in a truly epic snow fight. She is covered in snow splatters, grinning.
Kaladin: Leading the other contingent. So good at dodging that he hasn't been hit yet--except for the one time he dove in front of Skar to protect him.
Sarene: Making snow angels, mostly to piss off Hrathen, who is visibly shaking at the blasphemy.
Shallan: Making note of the various animal tracks in the snow, sketching them carefully.
Pattern: Staring at individual snowflakes as they come down, buzzing with intense excitement.
Syl: Zipping along excitedly among the snowflakes.
Navani: Just invented snow shoes and is watching her engineers craft them.
Sebarial: Sitting in a tent full of heating fabrials, in which he and Palona are drinking mulled wine and watching the festivities
Rock: Has created a Hot Stew Station where people can come and get warmed up.
Dalinar: Wearing Navani's snow shoes, standing silently, watching everyone.
Szeth: His white clothing blends into the snow. In his hand, a finely crafted, perfectly round snowball. His target: Kaladin. The snowball fight ended hours ago, but no one could find Szeth to tell him. So he continues to hunt, silent and invisible in the frozen landscape, stalking his next target.
He's having a good time.
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ohhhmio · 9 months ago
Sebrial: Useless woman! All you do is spend my money. Why do I even put up with you?
Palona: Cause you love me.
Sebrial, continuing to shower her with riches: Impossible.
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happy-little-cloud · 4 months ago
I dont see enough discussion about how fucking iconic Sabarial and Palona are during the battle of narak. Like the high storm and ever storm almost upon them (neither of which predicted or prepared for), the army is being decimated by the prashendi storm forms, the assassin in white AND kaladin show up using stormlight, and these absolute divas are lounging eating dried fruit drinking wine that was BLOWING AWAY, Palona is reading a book. No fucks given. Sabarial has already taken command of a fallen high princes army and sent them on to safety. But he and palona chose to stay behind and serve cunt to the storm father himself.
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sebarial-the-economist · 5 months ago
In Words of Radiance, Dalinar is awfully judgy of Sebarial for bringing his mistress on the journey to the center. Especially considering Dalinar brought Navani... who he's likely sleeping with... and not married to...
Its the cremling calling the hasper small. There I'll say it.
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itsaboon · 13 days ago
I got Sigzil, and thought, good so far, then Palona, and was like, ok, I'm chill with this, then I got Rayse. And Oh Boy Is This House Gonna Burn Down.
Spin this wheel of stormlight characters three times. They are your new roommates.
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wiccaphiliaa · 1 year ago
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I did this drawing on Nona for New Year’s Eve but im only now bringing it here.
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tiffanyachings · 2 years ago
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i got so possessed by this silly meme that i taught myself how to draw which honestly tells you all you need to know about me
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tanoraqui · 2 months ago
underrated hysterical moment in Wind and Truth: when Dalinar finally gets back from the Cognitive Realm, he goes directly to Navani (of course) and interrupts her in the middle of officiating the wedding of Sebariel and Palona, the Highprince and his Herdazian mistress who have been partners romantic, sexual, and in crime & politics for years without getting married, who have clearly finally resolved any personal differences and decided that if the world might end in an hour by god they’re going to be lawfully wedded for it— and Dalinar walks in, completely ignores everything, and he and Navani start making out.
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mayasaura · 1 year ago
Pyrrha didn't figure out who Nona was sooner because she didn't want to know. She never did.
At first out of plausible deniability—so long as she doesn't question it too hard, she can pretend to herself that Nona is the kid she wants her to be. A second chance. Like when she's walking Nona to school and talking about Nona's birthday, she wonders aloud if "she" ever got presents. She means Gideon. She looks at Nona and thinks of Gideon and hopes she's somehow making up for eighteen years of missed birthdays.
Then, later, because it doesn't matter. Nona is her Nono, her Hairy Mcleary, her sweet Nons, daddy's little treasure.
She didn't figure it out because she was trying not to. Figuring it out would change things; it couldn't help but change things. So she doesn't know, not for sure, so she can keep playing pretend just a little bit longer.
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lady-harrowhark · 5 months ago
Nona’s “It was such a relief to be pretty” vs Alecto's “I am a hideousness.”
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yuck-pfaugh · 2 months ago
Pyrrha had dropped down beside her—had gathered her in her big dark wiry arms, smelling ferally like sweat, her cheeks a little rough from the bristles where she hadn't shaved. Her throat was scratchy and nice, and Nona buried her face in it and made little ah, ah, ah sounds until she felt better. (NtN, p. 358)
Reblog if doing this would fix you also.
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cosmerelists · 2 years ago
Cosmere Characters in IKEA
The title says it all, really.
1. Adolin & Shallan
Adolin: This place is such a maze!
Shallan: Yeah, it kinda reminds me of my time in the chasms with Kaladin.
Shallan: There could be a chasmfiend made entirely of hex keys around any corner.
Adolin: You’ve already mapped this place in your head, haven’t you?
Shallan: Well, duh. 
2. Kaladin & Teft
Kaladin: Ha, look at the size of this bed! What kind of spoiled lighteyes needs a bed this big??
Teft: Kaladin, lad, that’s a bed for two people...
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: I knew that. 
3. Sebarial & Palona
Sebarial: Genius, really, setting up all of these fake rooms to make people imagine their homes looking like this.
Sebarial: Makes you want to buy way more than you came in for.
Sebarial: And it all seems cheap, but it sure adds up!
Palona: Mmm...and the pathing really forces you to see everything, no matter what you’re looking for.
Palona: Urithiru is mazelike already--think Dalinar would give you a floor to set up something like this?
Sebarial: Are you SURE you don’t want to marry me?
4. Dalinar & Stormfather
Dalinar: I think it’s good for people to build their own furniture.
Dalinar: I never felt as clear-headed as I did when I dug that latrine that one time.
Stormfather: Bah, this flimsy wood could never stand up to a storm.
Dalinar: Most people keep their furniture inside.
Stormfather: I’m listening and learning here.  
Dalinar: What?
Stormfather: What?
5. Lopen & Rock
Lopen: Now, see, people say the REAL fun is the food!
Rock: Ha! These meatballs are not as good as chouta with fried cremling claws, but they’re still pretty good!
Lopen: Of course! Nothing beats chouta!
6. Wyndle & Lift
Wyndle: Oh, this is SO exciting!
Wyndle: Look at all of these WONDERFUL chairs!
Wyndle: I can’t wait to add some of these to my chair garden!
Lift (dragging her feet): Is this the LAST time I let you pick our activity. 
7. Denth & Tonk Fah
Denth: You know what I hate about being a mercenary?
Denth: People think you have no sense of style.
Denth: And sure, interior decorating isn’t a big part of our life.
Denth: But just look at this pillow I chose and tell me it wouldn’t look great on any modern couch.
Tonk Fah: Hey, that old lady you stabbed to get that pillow seems to be coming around.
Denth: And people NEVER appreciate the lengths we got to to get a good deal!
8. Szeth & Nightblood
Szeth: I like this place.
Szeth: There is no profane stone anywhere, and the seemingly endless maze of empty rooms devoid of all life reminds me of the inside of my own head, only they took out the screams.
Szeth: And some of the plastic fruit is nice.
Nightblood: That’s great but can we get back to my thing now?
Szeth: That sofa wasn’t evil, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: Then why was its name looking at me with those beady eyes?!
Szeth: I think the umlaut is just part of the spelling, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: I think we should destroy it, just in case.
9. Siri & Syl
Siri: Look at this!! A tiny frying pan!
Syl: No, look at this!! It’s a blue stuffed shark!
Siri: Look at how colorful this rug is!
Syl: I don’t even smoke, but this ash tray is shaped like a COW!
Siri: I can’t believe Vivenna and Kal said we “couldn’t be trusted in the marketplace”
Syl: I know! We make such good decisions!
10. Jasnah & Navani & Elhokar 
Jasnah: It is nice of them to include pictogram instructions, so that even men can assemble this furniture. 
Navani: Engineering for men. Very progressive of them. 
Elhokar: How am I supposed to screw in all these screws with just this hex key?! Also, these dowels definitely do NOT fit in this hole! And I am definitely missing some pieces!!
Elhokar (muttering): I bet Kaladin could build this bookcase.
Jasnah: Should we help him?
Navani: Give it five more minutes. 
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felidaefatigue · 10 months ago
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Noodle has entered the chat
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gideonysis · 1 year ago
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Missing them! Very much!
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featherbreak · 2 years ago
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Nona added in the spirit of truth: "And I can't help chewing the ends with plaits. I want to steer clear of Temptation."
feat. Noodle(s) and a mustache r--
coloured contacts & silly faces test for summer!croptop!Nona (aka "it's too hot to wear three layers on public transit right now, ayfkm?")
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