#out of a world full of special and unique cats
robo-ruby · 4 months
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Markus and his heart-shaped nose
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
How the Lost Boys are with hugs 🤗💕
Whether it's giving hugs or getting them, the boys each have their own unique reactions to the act of hugging.
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David 🖤
He enjoys enticing others into coming to him. Loyalty and companionship mean the world to him, and he loves showing others just what he can offer them. Usually, his go-to secret weapon is the power of touch. After all, he couldn't stop putting his arm around Michael.
Despite his intimidating appearance, David can be quite affectionate. If you ask for a hug, he's more than happy to provide it. He can't fight the smirk on his face as he holds his arms out wide, commanding for you to come to him. He'll gently wrap his arms around your body, patting your back with one hand and running his fingers through your hair with the other. He'll whisper promises to keep you safe and let you know he'll take the best care of you. It's all a part of his game of wrapping you in his web.
Here's the thing. Although David is smug and cunning when you need a hug from him, he's quite the opposite when you're the one who says he needs a hug. If you go up to him and give him a hug without warning, he'll be shocked. Maybe even a little offended that you dared to touch without permission. But if you say something sweet like "I don't think you're a monster, David" or "it's okay. I want to help you feel better" then he's gonna turn into a big softie.
He's very lonely deep down. He'd be nothing without his boys, and he's always wanting to grow the family, just like Max was. Like father, like son. The problem is that with people like Star and Michael, he has to get them with deception and control. He's afraid they'll leave him otherwise, though he would never admit it. If you were to willingly give your love, especially with a hug, he's going to absolutely melt.
One bonus thing is that his coat is quite soft and warm. If you go in for a hug, then you're getting an extra blanket too.
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Marko 💚
The best way to describe Marko's relationship with hugs is how a spicy, feral kitten acts when it first meets a human. If he doesn't know you well, he is throwing hands if you try to hug him. He'll punch, scratch, yell, maybe even hiss if you try to touch him.
It takes him a while to trust people. Like....a LONG while. He's David's second in command, and insanely clingy towards him, Dwayne and Paul. If he feels like someone is trying to intrude on their gang and try to get too buddy-buddy, he's not having it. He won't even speak to you, let alone accept a hug.
Now on the other hand, if he IS friends with you, then he goes from feral cat to purring kitty. He loves to nuzzle your neck when getting a hug. Giggles if you do the same with him. Marko also likes to massage you while giving a hug. Rubbing your back, kneading your hips, just adding a little extra special attention to make it special.
So long as you're patient with him, it's so worth it in the end to get a hug from the guy. Just be understanding if he doesn't do it too often. It takes a lot out of him, so he'll usually opt for a side hug instead.
Dwayne ❤️
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Kind of similar to Marko. If Dwayne doesn't know you well, you are NOT allowed to touch him. He'll stare you down with daggers in his eyes as a way to warn you to stay away from him. Same goes for his boys. If you don't know the gang and you try to hug one of them, he's going to step in as their personal bodyguard to make sure you don't get near them.
That's not to say it's impossible to get him to put his walls down. Quite the opposite, really. Dwayne's an excellent judge of character, and can figure out quite easily whether you're friend or foe. If he ends up seeing that you're not a threat and that you just want affection, then he's switching off his guard dog mode.
He's incredibly welcoming with hugs. Dwayne will hold you close, making sure to be gentle with you. He'll be more than happy to lift you up into his arms and let you wrap your legs around him. Go full koala mode on this boy, and he will not mind in the slightest. He actually thinks clinginess is incredibly cute.
Dwayne is also big on cuddling if he's in a bad mood and needs some T.L.C. to feel better. If you offer a hug, he's going full lap dog on you. Laying on your chest, your lap, whatever you offer. He'll wrap his strong arms around you and keep you in place so he can feel the warmth of your hugs. Also, if you play with his hair, he'll immediately fall in love with you.
Paul 💙
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Paul is the biggest love muffin of the group. He's also the most handsy. He doesn't need any formal introductions for welcoming a hug. In fact, he's probably going to greet you the first time WITH a hug rather than a traditional handshake. If he thinks you're cute, he's going in with open arms and a big, goofy grin.
He love to lift others up into the air and spin them around before giving them a squeeze. He's just got so much energy built up, and is more than happy to share some love. If he's attracted to you, prepare to get some extra intimate touches too. Paul doesn't believe in "look, but don't touch".
Prepare to rarely get a moment of peace to yourself. The thing about Paul is that he's a little bit clingy due to attachment issues. He's very affectionate because in his human life, he didn't get the love he desperately needed in his life. He was surrounded by pain and cruelty, and he doesn't want that for the pack mates he cares so deeply for. He's scared he'll lose that love if he doesn't express if often.
Giving him a hug is wonderful, but using words of affirmation to show your love and adoration are even better. Things like "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere, I promise" may even get him a little emotional. But it's okay. He's the kindest one in the gang, and he'll return the love you give.
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bigmfrat · 1 month
Having a rough time so have some spec evo crumbs that have been sitting in the squidcord for months that I only just got around to drawing to distract myself with
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Teeth fall out regularly and are quickly replaced.
Only Minor and Minor/intercaste (more on this below the line) have feeding Tentacles.
Feeding Tentacles are stiffer than your regular tenties and remain in pockets when not in use. The ends also have very small teeth for gripping, they feel like velcro.
Teeth are dull but their jaws are for crushing bone so it doesnt matter.
"Venom" (bone melting enzyme) is black, sticky, and viscous, can be spit but is always a last resort. Most bites are dry bites.
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Claws come out of the tip of the finger as apposed to the top like humanoids
Like cats and dogs, Illithid have a quick, if damaged it will bleed (a lot)
Claws dull with use and must be taken care of to be sharp
Caste System
The Primordial Illithid society resembled that of an ant colony but on a smaller scale, their species naturally came in three basic castes that had their own biological functions. The modern Terrestrial illithids have retained the physical characteristics of their ancestors, though are now much smaller, and they no longer serve any function in their society.
The three base castes are:
Height Range: 6'8 - 7'5
Prey species: Humans, Half Orcs, Dragonborn, High Elves, Tiefling
Physical Traits: Longer tentacles, Longer and usually pointed braincase
Birthrate: 1
Height Range: 5'7 - 6'9
Prey species: Humans, Elves, Tiefling, Drow
Physical Traits: Medium tentacles, Rounded head, Most often have "beaks" - but not always, this trait is seen less with each generation.
Birthrate: 3
Hight Range: 4'5 - 5'9
Prey Species: Gnomes, Halflings, dwarves, Drow
Physical Traits: Shorter tentacles, Longer and pointed braincase.
Birthrate: 4
Minors have a few unique features and are the most faithful to their home world ancestors, the first being two long and thin feeding tentacles that remain retracted in their throats until they find prey, and two specially adapted tentacles on their forehead used as communication displays, these two traits have been entirely lost on the other two castes, Despite these 4 extra "tentacles" they are not to be mistaken for Ulitharids. Minors are also extremely rare outside of colonies despite being the most plentiful caste, this is due to their function in their original society as caretakers and homemakers, a Minor is more likely to take re-education over expulsion due to their social needs and most renegade Minors tend to be Inter-caste.
Each caste is biologically inclined to its individual food items, even with free access to enthralled meals of any race, they will usually stick to their preferred prey.
Three additional castes:
Height Range: A foot above the intended caste's average height
Prey Species: Humans, Elves, Tieflings, Dragonborn, Half Orcs
Physical traits: Two additional tentacles, usually thinner but longer than the main four.
Birthrate: 0.002
Any caste can become an Ulitharid.
Inter-caste Inter-caste is the closest thing you will get to a hybrid when it comes to Illithid. Each tadpole holds the full range of natural genetic code and has the potential to become any caste, what determines the end result is the tadpole's lineage; If the parent was a Media, the child will also be a Media. In the case of Inter-caste, however, one or two traits from one of the other castes may unintentionally come through. This can result in a Major with shorter tentacles or an unusually tall Minor.
Apex (more on Apex Illithid found here) Illithid super soldiers. Built like a tank with an intelligence to match, while their psionics are rather basic, they make up for it with an insane might and an ingrained determination to get the job done. Very rare and will ALWAYS be pure Majors.
None of these castes are natural, Ulitharids and Apex specifically did not exist until Elderbrains took over the race and while inter-castes did happen on occasion, they were much rarer before the Illithids were domesticated.
Other traits unrelating to castes:
Illithid DNA is very malleable and significant changes can be made in a single generation, while Elderbrain aren't the best at gene editing some differences can clearly be seen between colonies. The most noticeable example is their foot configuration: while Illithid living in a more aquatic environment will have the standard two webbed toes tipped with a large claw, their somewhat "dryer" cousins may sport a more humanoid approach with 3-4 webbed toes in the traditional Illithid style. A mindflayer with Human hands or feet however would be seen as deformed.
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regaliasonata · 10 days
now I want a au where scott is addicted to dillon's blood wtf-
Not even trying to drink the blood all the time cause he just likes the way his teeth feel on Dillon’s neck…arm muscles…and chest….☠️☠️☠️
Scott is definitely like a cat in this dynamic just sneaking up and being annoying but in a cute way, I’d say full on au wise what if Dillon’s blood has some rare qualities and he’s being stalked a bit by other vampires. Ooh now imagine if his dad General Truman is a very old vampire and doesn’t really approve of Scott’s life so imagine finding out when his son is dating a human.
World I’m thinking there’s some magic, vampires have powers but older ones and a fed special ones have more unique powers. But a bit of a twist where magic energy comes from negativity, Scott lost his brother due to humans and that gave him some crazy powers like maybe moon vampire stuff and Dillon has some strong spells but he hates using magic cause of family background and due to Tenaya being in a coma and cursed. So like the losses and such also bring them close together.
Now imagine their arguments and stuff, sorry I’m going on a tangent just enjoying the idea behind this ☠️
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rippleclan · 10 months
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[Image ID: Oilstripe sits under a block of text reading "Name Deep Dive: Oilstripe]
So this may seem a bit dull compared to other lore posts, but I really want to talk about name lore. Since you were most interested in the first cat to graduate in RippleClan, here is an examination of her name and its meaning! But first, name rules.
As I've said a few times before, I've been inspired by a lot of @bonefall's work. He runs a detailed section on Clan Mew, the unique language of the Clans. It's very cool, but doesn't interest me as much as it does others. However, it did inspire me to be picky about names. In the RippleClan universe, a good name involves a suffix that plays well with the prefix, the connotations of each word, and the connotation of the two words when combined. Some names are canonically awkward and silly, while others are beautiful by Clan standards.
With that out of the way, we'll be examining the prefix and suffix in isolation before moving onto the name when combined.
Prefix: "Oil"
Oil is a rare commodity in this universe. Only WheatClan has the resources and tools needed to develop oil. They have a large flax population on their territory, which they then use in their special oil press to make flaxseed oil. Flaxseed is a great source of nutrition for the Clans, and oil acts as a better tool than fat to make certain specialty dishes. As such, it is one of the most prized resources in the Clans, available only through trade with WheatClan.
Because of this, the word "oil" in the tongue of the Clans is associated with prosperity. Oil means trade with the other Clans for even more resources. It means a source of nutrition. It means a unique cooking culture for the Clan. If artisans have the time and resources to make a pot of oil, WheatClan is truly thriving. This also means that the word "oil" is permanently connected to WheatClan culture.
Suffix: "-stripe"
The stripe suffix has been used in Clan culture since the first leaders of the original three Clans. Most cats have stripes, making it an easy addition to a range of names. There are very few prefixes that don't work for this suffix. If a cat has a suffix with round connotations, such as a type of flower, -stripe may not be the best choice for them.
Full Name: Oilstripe
When oil lands on water, it floats above the surface in a glistening swirl of rainbow colors. This makes Oilstripe an amazing name, as a stripe of oil does in fact exist in the world. As a classic tabby, Oilstripe's swirling pelt also matches the way oil dances over water.
There are two major connotations with a name like Oilstripe. The first is remarkability. Oil glistens and shines over water, never mixing with it. It stands out. As such, Oilstripe will always stand out, especially since she was RippleClan's first apprentice.
However, there is also a negative connotation that can ruffle some pelts in the Clan; isolation. Because oil cannot mix with the water below it, it is forever alone. Clans pride themselves on a community identity, so for Oilstripe's name to signal her out as a potential loner could spell trouble for her relationships.
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memurfevur-archive · 10 months
A question for the mun; May I ask what are your favorite trolls in the ftc as a whole?
Oh geez, I feel like this is always changing for me because I keep getting to know amazing new people and amazing new characters. I think I'll just name a few blogs and list my favorites from there, as I don't think I can pick out of the entire community when it's full of people I also don't know or haven't interacted with (yet!).
Quite a few of them belong to my partner @mageofspacemultiverse as I've known those the longest and have quite a few ships between us. A few of my favorite characters from him are Zomson, Hidelord, Devaron, and Pixcel. Each character of his is unique and has interesting backstories and personality, and yet every one of them is so on-brand for his blog.
From @thestarlightbrigade I have always adored Deltra and MY LIL MAN HIBUKI. Special shout out to Iiboye too. Lots of edgy angsty characters but each one is a specific flavor that never gets tiring. Avery's vibe is I'm shaking him by the shoulders and biting him affectionately. That is to say, he's a fun guy and silly to talk to. Prepare to get cat-gif'd.
@stuckstucktrolls I thirsted after Viktor since day 1 bruh. He's the Troll I am most familiar with besides Teagan. Creative characters and also very pretty, the lot of them. Cool cat boy cryptid gets the seal of approval from royal moth cryptid.
@goddesstrolls Kairos and Kairne. Ik Kairne isn't on the blog anymore but I thought he was pretty damn neat tbh. One of the first characters I knew Bast by. Also um... my (ex)wife Akidis, I love her to bits and pieces, and my male-wife Darvai. Buff women and bastard men run this blog, and all the world build and narratives Bast has come up with over the years are SO -chefs kiss- .
@miks-fantrolls Antemh <3 Sticking him under a microscope fr. I don't know a lot about anyone else, but maybe that'll change sometime. I don't know a lot about Mik but I personally think he's cool af. Mik if you're reading this I'm staring at you with wet pathetic eyes and offering you an egg in these trying times.
@roetrolls Veylin <3 She makes my heart happy. Also Franky, I would give him the world. Mallum is up there, too. Roe makes a lot of characters that are compelling, friend-shaped, and possesses you with the Funny Horrors (aka I can't stop laughing every time I see 'Dominion' on a street sign or pub. Like, it's the kind of joy that's like 'I know that guy! That guy belongs to this really cool person that I look up to! How silly that he has a bar named after him!' )
@sasster ...................... Redivi.................. Look, one could argue and say it's because he's a vampire and I'm absolutely a vampire simp 100%. But. But he's *terrifying* and that's a big reason why he's a favorite Chase Troll of mine. Compelling, scary, but recognizable as people we may know in our every day lives. An ever so loved face and name, but there's always something behind the scenes that we can't see. There's a performance for the world, while on back stage the true colors show. Mind you, I am extremely behind in the lore of the blog, but that guy? Man. That guy.
@windy-trickster -slaps the top of this guy's blog- This blog can fit so many funky lil dudes filled with unique lore and fantastic personalities and oh my god the angst. My favorites among them are Doleos, Rastho, and Althor. Windy is a creative writer and puts SO much love into his characters. Like for real, it's always a pleasure listening to him talk about them. It's clear he puts in a lot of love and effort into his guys, and I think y'all should go and see that for yourself.
@askthehiddencaste Shuska and Ashoal. I feel like Shuska is the face of the blog (i mean, the entire theme is a library, so), and she's such a charming character. Warm, friendly, but she's STRONG in spirit. Ashoal and Shuska are the two I'm most familiar with aside from Heliel (I want that goopy man carnally). Kanny has a lot of fascinating characters that all feel like a natural family to me. I could hang out with their characters and feel right at home.
@experimental-failures The only one I'm familiar with is Nix, so I guess he's my favorite by proxy-- BUT! I've always thought Nix was very neat. He feels like a guy I can run into out on the street irl. He feels so real to me, and it's always a pleasure.
@the-rainbow-overflow Elnric and Viroxa. Two very interesting characters for vastly different reasons, lol! I love the alternate timeline stuff Elnric has going on, and I feel soft for this guy mostly because it's the first Troll I knew Dusk by. Viroxa is... oh boy, god damn, a bastard? Such a manipulative and cunning guy where the ends justify the means, and I am OBSESSED. Bonus points that he's a scientist guy, ya know? We all love unhinged scientists. Kissing him on the cheek even if he may take my lips as donation and sew it onto someone else. Special mention to Makona as well, I am unwell about HISStory of Violence <3
@trollbreak Um, Bladed, teehee -twirls hair- Jonah has SOOO many lil guys. Silly lil guys! Some of these silly lil guys commit murder and treason! Some of them will give you plushies and Autism Creature stare at you as a means of friendship. Heehoo is my ultimate favorite, and Bladed is close second, but I adore Jonah and all of their characters.
@clown-fuckers-r-us Montague!!!! MONTAGUE!!!! MY BELOVED!!! CRYING WEEPING AAAAAAAA-- ahem. So um Montague is my favorite, he's so cool? I'm so invested in his story and not just because I have a ship going with that guy but his concept is so intresting??? A Purple with anger issues, rich and privileged but kind and loving-- now ruined by a broken mind and psyche, his one scrap of salvation that keeps him from fully losing himself being the memory of a lover that he hasn't seen since before the war on Limebloods... You should definitely go share some love with Bun, the mun of the blog; she's an AMAZING person, truly a wonderful friend, and one of the most nicest people I know.
@moonlit-trolls Tythus by far. It's been SO neat seeing Tythus grow and develop as a character. Moona and I made Ptillo and Tythus together, and while Tythus had some shaky beginnings as Moona was figuring him out, it definitely solidified and paid off in the end. Tythus is a compelling villain imo with complex goals and ambitions. Not to mention what a SILVER FOX HE IS GOD DAMN. You go girl, make that man hot and pathetic <3
I'm running out of steam for this post; if you're not listed on here it doesn't mean I don't have favorites or that I don't like you. There's A LOT of trolls to keep track of in the community and a lot of members too. Everyone has such amazing characters that I cannot possibly list them all off. Keep doing what you're doing, and remember that even if it feels a little pointless at times or that nobody cares, there ARE people who enjoy the content you put out-- whether its art, writing, silly little tidbits, or whatever else! There's people out there who will think about you over the smallest of things and smile, people who will think about you and your characters and feel inspired, people who may be too shy to interact but love and appreciate you and what you do. Whether you're a big or small blog or something in between, thank you for being part of the FTC.
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sotcwcrp · 1 year
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Art done by our member Pidge! -> BurningPigeon#3793
Secrets of the Clans is a 15+ discord based roleplay server! We have over 200+ members and a lively, welcoming space. Our world is based on the forest territory of the books with the four original clans.
What makes SOTC so special? We use a TTRPG system to add random chance and level-building skills into your RP experience. Not only that, but you will be sorted and clan-locked into one clan based on a personality quiz.
We’ll be having a two clan opening for Shadowclan and Riverclan for only a few days, in order to help even out our current number of members. Applications will open starting on September 25th and will stay open for two weeks through to October 9th.
Can we be in more than one clan? No, you are only able to create and play characters in one clan, though if you are unhappy with where you're sorted you can switch within the first two weeks of joining! Our clan-locked system helps to create bonds within your clan, more realistic cross-clan romances and rivalries as well as gatherings that can feel authentic and surprising!
What if I'm not familiar with warrior cats, or a dice system? SOTC is a great place for beginners! Many of our members have never read the books, nor had experience in dice-rolling prior to joining the server. Our staff and clan-buddies are in place to guide you through any questions you may have!
How does character creation work in SOTC? Upon first joining SOTC you will be given two character slots, which can be used to adopt a premade adopt, and one oc token that can be applied to make your own from-scratch character. (Only your first oc token will have an age-range applied to it!)
How do I play a kit or apprentice? Kits and Apprentices are special characters on SOTC, as nearly every child character started from a litter born in the clan's nursery! You can adopt these newly born characters (or any young cats who no longer have players!), with their guardian player's permission. The only exception are cats bought with a donation to one of our server's supported charities (Right now, we're donating to a blind cat rescue!)
🌈SOTC is very LGBTQ+ friendly! ★
🍖 Working fresh-kill piles and herb storages! Hunt to provide for the clan, and gather to prepare for accidents, illnesses, or even battles! ★
💗 A thoughtfully curated content warning system, with paw-rating emoji for each thread. ★
🐣 Custom litters rolled accurately! ★
⭐ Unique brawling, healing and injury systems! ★
🎇Special lore crafted for each clan! ★
Still have more questions?
Check out our website, or pay us a visit in our server. Some channels will be missing when you join; you'll have full access to your clan's channels once you're sorted in! We are still open for new members, so hop in before we close in two weeks! If you miss this period, feel free to hang out in the rookie nursery until our next opening date is announced!
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ladamedusoif · 5 months
Hi Rose!
In your list of 5 topics you could speak for an hour on with no preparation, one stands out to me as quite different from the rest…
Apollo 11
How did that fascination start? What about the Apollo 11 mission interests you most? Any fun facts I may not know? (I will warn you that I have spent family vacations the past three years at various air and space museums lol)
*stretches, flexes fingers*
KAT. What a great ask. And yes, my love of the Apollo 11 mission - and the entire space race in general - is probably a little at odds with most of my special interests. I'm also very aware of the inherent problems in the space program, as Gil Scott Heron so beautifully articulated at the time in 'Whitey On The Moon'. But it absolutely fascinates me. Warning: nerding out incoming.
I was always aware of little things about the race for space - I share a birthday with poor Laika's ill-fated launch, so all the 'on this day' stuff I devoured as a kid on my birthday involved a poor little Russian dog going off into space and not returning. Definitely not traumatising or weird. (I have a Laika brooch and fridge magnet, though, as a little nod to this.) And I saw Apollo 13 in cinemas, and was always fascinated by the aesthetic of the program.
With the fiftieth anniversary of the Moon landing in 2019 the BBC launched an utterly brilliant podcast series called Thirteen Minutes to the Moon, which had me hooked. (They did a sequel about Apollo 13, too - highly recommended). I found the narrative fascinating and compelling - not a straightforward tale of heroism and American triumph, nor of absolute loathing of their Soviet cosmonaut rivals and colleagues. (A favourite Apollo 11 detail is that Armstrong and Aldrin left a commemorative medal on the surface of the moon for Yuri Gagarin, first man in space, and Vladimir Komarov, another Soviet space pioneer who died tragically young. Hardly the actions of hardcore Cold Warriors...)
After that I read everything I could lay my hands on about the mission and the space program in general. Michael Collins's extraordinary memoir Carrying the Fire confirmed him as my absolute favourite astronaut: erudite, a Francophile, utterly hilarious (he had a tendency to use slang terms like "that cat" and "baby" casually in his communications during the mission) and with a really insightful understanding of his colleagues. He also designed the initial concept for their mission badge - notably refusing the inclusion of their names, as this would have erased the contribution of so many others, and insisting on the olive branch in the eagle's claws as a sign of peace and goodwill for all mankind.
I also adore Andrew Chaikin's A Man on the Moon, which covers the entirety of the Apollo missions. The Smithsonian/Air and Space Museum (of which Collins was the first director!) also made available countless digitised and scanned items linked to the missions, including these natty purses in the shape of the command module from Apollo 11 that were gifted to the wives of the crew. (Yes, I want one.)
The final thing that hooked me? Todd Douglas Miller's beautiful, powerful Apollo 11 documentary, with a score by Matt Morton that is still on my go-to writing soundtracks list. I can't recommend it enough if you haven't seen it. It's an extraordinary piece of work, one that blends the humanity of the people involved with the epic scale of what was being undertaken.
And I think that's what appeals or interests me about it: the risks, the fears, the hopes, the criticisms, the sense of a world waiting and watching to see how this would play out. And that's why I've got a full Saturn V rocket Lego model on top of one of my bookshelves and a Lunar Lander set waiting to be built...
Thank you so much for asking - and apologies for all this nerding out! (I'm guessing you've seen For All Mankind on Apple + - if not, it's a great counterfactual telling of the story.)
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
2024 Leo New Moon: What YOU Need to Know
     Look what the cat’s dragging in from the cosmos… On Aug. 4, we have our eighth new moon of 2024, this one in gutsy and flamboyant fire sign Leo (a.k.a. The Lion; a.a.k.a. The Golden Child; a.a.a.k.a. the Charli XCX BRAT of the zodiac). And this August new moon wants YOU to be like the Lion and roar about your strengths, creativity, and special spark, while also recommitting to your divine purpose. Talk about ~BRAT~!
       What is that one special goal / achievement / ambition that you desperately desire and know you deserve? Dare to be dramatic in your intentions on this new moon – it’s the only way to get what you want. And trust me when I say: You WILL get what you want. Why? For one, Leo always gets what Leo wants. Secondly, this new moon has major support from Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini. So, the brat energy is HIGH.
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     Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are astrology’s Big 3 YANG planets; and they’re all about leading, passion, taking action, and boldly shining in the world. With these three planets cozied up in harmony on the Leo new moon, you’re being given extra oomph to shine brightly, show up for yourself more boldly, and move forward with more confidence.
      New moons are associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, making them ideal days to launch projects, apply for jobs, ask someone out, or even get a new haircut. Since Leo is a passionate fire sign associated with romance, creativity, pleasure, passion and play, this new moon is thus a fab day to start over in one, two, or all these areas of your life. 
     It’s also a great day to do something bold, to take action towards a goal, project, or activity that makes your heart sing, to have faith in yourself, and to commit to showing up more boldly each and every day forward. Mars and Jupiter act like a personal cheerleading squad, offering you support, encouragement, gusto, and exuberance. 
     Life is a creative act—and this Leo New Moon seeks to remind you of that. Whether you’re a Leo or not, you too are here to shine brightly in your own unique way. Aug. 4 is a reminder that you can do this every day. So, what new beginning do you wish to create for yourself? How can you show up more boldly, confidently or—dare I say—provocatively come Aug. 4?
Get the FULL SCOOP on the 2024 Leo New Moon, including YOUR Horoscope, on The Cosmic Almanac:
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brsb4hls · 1 year
Contains spoilers for Gotg 3!
This is exremely niche, but I need to put it out there:
They way gotg 3 depicted the interactions between Rocket and the High Evolutionary reminded me so much of 'the alchemaster's apprentice' by Walter Moers.
Moers is a German fantasy author (for those who do not know) and created a fictional world where his storys take place. He usually takes well known storytypes and transforms them with lots of word play and satire. It's quite unique.
In 'the Alchemaster's apprentice' an alchemist makes a deal with a starving cat named Echo, a special type of cat that can speak, to 'buy' his body fat, since he needs it for an experiment.
He will feed the cat for a certain amount of time and then kill it. Echo agrees, since he would starve either way.
The alchemist teaches Echo secrets of alchemy and comforts him, while he also tortures him psychologically.
Echo still seeks his comfort sometimes, but is also fully aware of the horrors the alchemist inflicts upon him and other creatures.
Spoilers (for those who wanna read to skip)
Echo finally manages to escape and slashes the alchemists nose. There's a vivid description of how dangerous exactly a pissed of cat can get that's basically just slashing claws.
And it's cathartic!
I felt a great deal of satisfaction when rocket went full on wild racoon and tore the Evolutionary's face of. I really felt that.
The mocking of Rocket's pain and the complete lack of empathy were almost unbearable for me.
I needed that scene, even if the results were devastating for Floor and Teefs.
I'm really greatfull for Rockets near death scene that solved that for me. For me personally it would have been even better if the animals were back in their natural state, but they wouldn't be the ones Rocket met, so I get that wasn't possible.
Anyways, great movie, the transhumanism critique was highly appreciated.
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 2 months
hi hi hi!! ive been reading some of your theo nott stuff and oh my god i am so obsessed you are such a talented writer!!
i was wondering if youd be able to tell who youd ship me with if thats ok! if its too much i understand and dont feel pressured at all to respond xx ❤️
i'm 6ft tall (pretty abnormal for a teenage girl i know haha) and i come from a big polynesian-australian family! (my mums side is māori and samoan).
i have tanned brown skin and central eye heterochromia with green in the center that sort of bleeds into brown and blue which i must admit is one of my favourite things about my appearence!
i have long brown hair with curtain bangs that i cut myself (they used to look absolutely horrific but practice makes perfect haha)
im obsessed with percy jackson and rick riordans writing, i have adhd and autism which makes school a bit hard for me but obviously i try my hardest i swear ❤️
i love stuffed animals and collect a bunch of stuff!!
im pretty nervous for the most part but once someone gets to know me im a massive yapper and love sharing the things i love with people but i do sometimes get into disagreements with teachers if i feel they are treating me or my friends unfairly
my love language is physical touch and i really dont have a preference when it comes to partners as long and theyre a good partner x
thank you so much! once again no pressure to respond have an amazing day/night!!! ❤️
okay so you are a gryffindor, the lionest of gryffindors if i am allowed, and i love you for that.
you seem lovely and full of colour and i want to pair you with someone who not only will admire your colours, but also add to them. You aren't the muse, or the creation, or the creator, but all these together and I find that extremely unique and special and beautiful and I want us to be friends.
So I will give you many options...
first and maybe obvious person for you BUT a great match nonetheless is Fred Weasley. You two would plan the greatest pranks but you would also inspire eachother to be more in tune with your inner child, and that would lead to a relationship full of warmth and fun and love forming a strong bond.
then, there is also Luna who would be fascinated by your energy. I can see you two having the greatest conversations and dates in the most peculliar and creative places. She would feel safe around you, safe enough to open up to you and show you her world and the two of you would geek about books and stories you love!!!
And last but not least, allow me to pair you with Regulus…hear me out, you sound strong and protective and i think these are traits Regulus would be attracted to, along with your genuinity and the fact that you dont hide yourself (like he does- because of how he grew up). His quietness in turn and his softness- despite his upbringing would make you curious about him. You would find him interesting, like a puzzle begging you to be solved. And oh, how fun the solving would be. Ah, he would love you so much. I think of him as a feral cat, that once tamed will give the most love to the one who deserves it, and you do. And he seems like the best listener, best best listener. He will stare at you in awe as you go on about the things you love, and he’ll make mental notes to search about the things you tell him about. Regulus is my favorite match for you tbh, i cant wait for you to find a Regulus (when you do please lmk so my hopes for love can be restored).
Also, thank you for this ask, i really missed doing these 😭😭😭
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moonlight-yuyu · 3 months
My lovely @weatheredcoffeecup I'm so sorry that it took me so long to work on this I hope that you'll like it. Thank you so much for spreading so much positivity and love in this world. I can really imagine that you're great in making people comfortable around you. Have a great great day love <3
& Team - Yuma The Cat Cafe
Your life was a whirlwind of work and laughter. You're the unofficial mood maker among your friends, you loved making everyone feel comfortable and happy. Despite being a workaholic, you always carved out time for your friends and for yourself. And, of course, for your beloved cats. You adored their quirky antics and shared funny cat videos whenever you could.
Then there was Yuma. Sweet, thoughtful Yuma, who had quietly stolen your heart with his gentle ways. He seemed to understand you in a way no one else did, always noticing the little things that made you smile.
One sunny Saturday, Yuma suggested an outing that made your heart skip a beat. "how about we visit a cat café today?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.
"A cat café? That sounds purr-fect!" You giggled, your excitement bubbling over.
As soon as you stepped into the cozy café filled with purring cats, you felt a surge of joy. The soft meows and the warm atmosphere were everything you loved. you played with the cats, and you couldn't stop laughing, feeling completely at ease with Yuma by your side.
As you sipped your drinks amidst your furry friends, you turned to Yuma, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the tea. "This is amazing, Yuma. Thank you."
He looked at you, his eyes full of something you dared to hope was love. "I’m glad you’re happy. I love seeing you like this."
Blushing you smiled back at him. In that moment, surrounded by cats and joy, you knew this was the start of something beautiful. A new chapter in your story, filled with laughter, love, and many more happy moments together.
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EN - Jay The Shopping Road Trip
You thrive on balancing your demanding job with precious moments spent with friends. As the go-to mood maker, you love seeing your friends smile and always make sure to enjoy your personal time. Your goofiness and love for cats are well-known, adding to the fun of your times together.
Then there's Jay. Quiet, thoughtful, and incredibly stylish, he has a way of making your heart flutter. His passion for fashion and his attentive nature draw you to him more than you care to admit.
One crisp Saturday morning, Jay suggests something that thrills you. "how about a road trip around town today? We can visit some unique stores and maybe find you some new outfits."
"That sounds like so much fun, Jay! I could use a break from work, and shopping with you would be amazing!" you reply, your excitement palpable.
You hop into Jay’s car, laughter filling the air as you navigate through the bustling streets although you sometimes forgot to navigate Jay the right way but he just laughed it off. Your first stop is a quaint boutique with an eclectic collection. Jay's fashion sense is impeccable, and he guides you through the choices with ease.
You twirl in a flowy dress, grinning. "What do you think, Jay?"
"You look stunning. It’s perfect on you," he says, his eyes shining with admiration.
Store after store, you explore, trying on outfits and enjoying each other’s company. Jay’s keen eye for fashion and your lively spirit make the day unforgettable. Sitting in a cozy café with bags of new outfits around you, you feel a deep sense of contentment.
"Today was incredible, Jay. Thank you for making it so special," you say sincerely.
Jay looks at you, his expression softening. "I loved every moment. Seeing you happy means everything to me."
Smiling, you feel your heart flutter. In that moment, amidst the bustling city and shared laughter, you know this is the beginning of something wonderful. A new chapter in your story, filled with style, joy, and the promise of many more adventures together.
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
Ohhh yeah we delving into the sweet treats this fine day of @khoc-week!
These are the kind of fun little ditties that rot my brain day in and day out, so I'm thrilled to get to indulge in some fun, albeit short, writing about it!!
One day I will fully indulge and the world will implode-
Erm. Anyway-
*scribbles out that 'or' and shoddily writes in an 'and' in its place*
Day 3 - Friends (and) Lovers
While they are all super close to each other in one way or another, they each have their own unique relationships they make outside the Heart Hotel dynamic!
I'll still touch on their relationships with one another, but it's also what's outside the clique that counts~
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Her only big relationship is with Alto, their dynamic being "innocent baby man and grumpy keeper of the brain cell."
Despite that, Iris sees him in a best friend sort of way, the two were super close when they got separated, after all. When they reunite, it's almost if no time had passed, and perhaps Iris learns to... loosen up?
She made teammates and brief friendships, but nothing seemed to come close to their dynamic. Maybe if she had more time, that wouldn't be the case, but the world may never know!
Iris sees Iliana and Reixen as her older sisters, in a way, even though the two of them get on her (and each other's) nerves most of the time. She looks up to them despite their somewhat brainless way of handling things, and it gives her role models she hadn't gotten back in her actual time.
Irene gets the special privelege of being her mother figure! Because in all honesty she doesn't recall having a mom, so Irene is her next best bet. She's too much of a steel wall to admit it, but Irene is her favorite of the others.
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Irene up until now really only interacted with castle staff, so her closest relations were really only a coworker dynamic in full. She enjoys tea time with Aeleus and Dilan, at least!
Aside from that, she started collecting adoptions in town, starting with Ienzo and Kairi, and moving on to Lea and Isa, Ventus, even, until finally any random stranger with children who frequently visited was not safe! Specifically Iliana-
She ended up collecting two others in the form of Iris and Reixen! Both reluctant at first but gave up and settled into it like a pair of stray cats. Reixen is far more open about it, but Iris is still touchy. Eventually, she will cave and accept her fate...
More came in after the events of KH3. No one was safe from her love and support, especially after the war-
She doesn't have very many parental rivalries, most of the group's parental figures tend to be in united agreement about the children, but she does have some tension towards Ansem the Wise and Even just based on prior experience. Mickey? It's a work in progress. Donald and Goofy? Her besties.
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Eventually, she finds a fine companion in Iliana's uncle, Russell, and mayhaps... the two have a silly romance?
After a post-KH3 meetcute when everyone is hunkered down in recovery, they stay at his shop for a few nights, so the two have time to get to know each other. They mostly talk about their experiences with their little arsonist, but it eventually evolves into more personal territory, something they resolve after a few very simple and cute dates.
Finally, a time where Irene can truly get out of uniform...
Also he's one of the stoic types that she just KNOWS she has to break eventually. She will get this man to smile no matter the cost!
Oh yeah it's all coming together~
They've earned it considering all the stress they go through with their collective adopted charges-
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Iliana out of all of them makes the most connections, but only a few of them stuck because she struggles to allow herself to make friends. Allies, sure, but friends? Naaaah~
She started out in her home world with a friend group in the form of Enya, Harlow, Rinée, and Tobias. They were all super close up until their teen years, sticking by each other through thick and thin! And they involved her little brother at times when her parents were out of town.
Her little brother, Mandorian is, like, THE most important person to her. He's just a little guy who loves frogs and hanging out with his big sis when she's not busy training. The two are so often left unattended that it's not hard to believe they spend most of their time together. Wherever she goes, he's close behind!
But whenever they're not together, she's hanging out with Tobias!
She and Tobias were two peas in a pod, completely inseperable most of the time. Tobias was her (secondary) light, and her brother's personal favorite person aside from her, so you can understand how soul destroying it was when they got murked (by her mortal enemy, she doesn't know this until way later though) in order to kickstart and send her on her hero's journey-
She fell out of touch with the others by the time she left due to the loss bringing out the worst in all of them, but Enya seemed to be the only one who continued to cling to what was left of their friendship...
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After suffering a horrible death and was subsequently resurrected, she got pulled into Sora's goofy family along with Alto, which filled in a gap left behind by her other (temporary) loss of her younger brother.
It's like she gained two new dads and two lil' bros all in one day, what a world-
Being parentified at a young age meant she knew how to handle keeping Sora and Alto in line, but that doesn't really stop her from doing her own very stupid stuff when they aren't looking. The hypocrite-
She kind of develops a dad dynamic with King Mickey as well, but it's not terribly definitive considering how absent he is...
Over time, the Guardians of Light end up being her found family DLC add-on, it's very wholesome! She's touchy about it, but like Iris eventually she will cave in to the love and affection.
Irene, Reixen, and Iris are like her chill aunt and weird siblings that irritate her, and that's very cool of them. They were there first, so no one can top that. They're like the only family she had most of the time aside from her uncle, so there's a distinct boundary of trust between them that others can't really match.
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Along the way, she also has many unrequited crushes on princesses or side characters of sorts, but the only romance in the timeline she persues (even if she's unaware of it half the time, she's very dense) is with Ienzo! Because a certain porcupine is now part of a polycule with a grape and an electric beetle- It would have never worked out, tbh.
She didn't settle, she just had a sudden and very real realization that she fell for probably THE dorkiest person possible. So many characters to pick, so many pretty princesses, handsome princes, teammates with more screentime, and it had to be a basement dwelling rat (affectionate)...
Considering her prior heartbreak at the loss of her childhood bestie, it does take a while for her to come to terms with the fact that it's okay to move on. She holds on to so much that you may need to pry it from her very warm, still alive hands-
Luckily, the two did know each other well enough since they interacted a bunch when they were kids, she did visit Radiant Garden quite a bit after all, it only made sense they may have some chemistry later down the line. Her grandma would joke about it with Ansem the Wise, but little did she know that it would become very real and very cute actually-
I dunno what it is with her and nerds, but if you can talk her ear off while all the info leaks out of her hearing holes, you have most certainly won her heart. Ienzo also partially fits the bill for her morosexual side, depending on the situation that isn't science related. Like cooking or something. Equal parts smart and dumb, just the way she enjoys them-
They're both t4t brainless nerds and in love, love wins etc etc.
And there you have it! It's not much but it's honest work-
They all deserve the love and respect they get along their journies, and I'm happy to say that they do find it all eventually!
Enough on that though, we're indulging in angst this next day. See y'all on Day 4!! >:3c
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pickerelstripe · 1 year
Hi hi hi! @troutfur from main here and I'm very !!! about Claymew. I've got a couple questions I wanted to ask:
Does your conlang differ much grammatically from base Clanmew or is it meant to be much the same just with lexical changes?
Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns? I for one would be really excited to see what alternative opening particles and forms of evidentiality others may come up with!
Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much to how they are portrayed in canon/Better Bones? If so do you have vocab to reflect that?
What sorts of words related to the arts does ClayClan have? Theater in particular I find very intriguing.
Oh hello! :D Yessss questions... also thank you, it means a lot that you like this project!!! I'm excited to share more, I've already got some posts planned out haha. These answers got long so they're under the cut! Enjoy some rambling (and words for theater!)
Does Claymew differ much grammatically from base Clanmew?
At the moment, no, as I've been focused on filling out the lexicon - I just finished the tree expansion but I've still got 50+ plants to name before I consider it really complete (and even then I'm sure I'll keep finding stuff to add).
I also don't know a whole lot about grammar haha, that's the one part of language I struggle with... but! I do hope to learn more about unique grammar structures and possibly implement some, I think it'd be a lot of fun.
2. Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns?
Pretty much the same answer as above, in that I'd like to dig into this once I know more about it!
I think evidentiality in particular is very interesting, so that's probably the avenue I'd explore first. An aspect of base Clanmew I really like is the particles that differentiate methods of attaining information (sight, hearing, etc), so I'd like to pry into that and see if there's anything I can play with... ClayClan is so communal that I could see them having multiple particles for "I heard this from someone else", differentiating information from family members, Clanmates, outsiders, etc. I'll have to look into it!
3. Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much in comparison to canon/Better Bones? Is there vocab to reflect this?
I really enjoy base Clanmew's perception of families, especially the mi/ba* system, so as of right now I'm running with that! The story of Heart Rot involves a lot of family drama, though, so I might mess with it to enhance that.
Actually now that I think about, I really ought to have a special word for a ClayClan cat who left honorably... For a second I also thought "oh and a word for QPRs" but then I remembered iwaw*, haha.
The family structures explored most directly in Heart Rot are the relationships between sisters, father-daughter bonds, and abusive partnerships, so if I do add new vocab it'll most likely be related to those.
OH AND MUD-KITTENS! Holy cow I forgot about those!!! A kitten found abandoned on the territory is a mud-kitten, a gift from Silverpelt to the Clan. They're always adopted in and raised unless their parent comes to claim them. The new word for a mud-kitten is glefmew, "raw clay kitten", a kit that's fresh from the world and ready for metaphorical molding.
4. What sort of words does Claymew have for the arts?
Plenty! I'm planning a full post about artsy words, so I'll just put the theater terms here for now. I make a lot of words with inspiration from base Clanmew, so those original words will be marked with an asterisk, as always.
Stage play - Paopapp (pao*, papp*) Musical - Paopayana (paopapp, yanana*) Rehearsed - Umnabana, umnaba, umnab (umnem*, ababab*) Stage - Sheshee Actor - Rrubab Cat who prepares the stage - Washrubab (washa*, rrubab; a "shadow-actor"!)
Yes ClayClan has musicals, yes they have musical kids, yes this is a hilarious concept to me as well. I was a major theater kid and still enjoy working backstage, so I looove exploring ClayClan theater! It's a concept I haven't seen explored much in WC fanwork, I'm glad you like it.
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hunterontheedge · 1 year
A Post About Video Games I’ve Played
hi! If anyone is looking for game recommendations, I suppose I have a few. If you’ve played all of these, props to you, but this post is for people looking for something new. Without further ado, here are some games I have both played and recommend to people!
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Wandersong by Greg, Em, and Gord
Story rundown: You’re a bard who’s on a quest to save the world through the power of song! Along the way you’ll meet many people and make lots of friends! Go on a musical platform in adventure, solve puzzles, and find a unique way to interact with the world!
Price: $19.99 USD
Release: Sep. 27, 2018
Content Warnings: Topics of death, War and Racism are present late game, Flashing lights
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Underhero by Paper Castle Games
Story rundown: The chosen hero has failed on their journey, and you, an underling of the evil king, decides to take their place. This timing-based combat RPG platformer has you venture all over the land and face off against various bosses- including your own.
Price: $14.99 USD
Release: Sep. 19, 2018
Content Warnings: Death, Amnesia
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Everhood by Chris Nordgren and Jordi Roca
Story rundown: You, a wooden doll, has had their arm stolen and are on a quest to get it back. It’s an unconventional adventure RPG that’s filled to the brim with musical battles and strange people. You are in for one hell of a trip.
Price: $9.99 USD
Release: Mar, 4, 2021
Content Warnings: Lots and LOTS of flashing with bright colors, Trippy imagery, Death, Religious imagery is involved, Amnesia
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Heartbound by Pirate Software
!!This game, as of writing this post, is not finished!!
Story rundown: A story about a boy and his dog, alongside secrets… and, sanity.
Price: $9.99 USD
Release: Dec. 24, 2018
Content Warnings: Animal death, Abusive relationships, Trauma
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Rain World by Videocult
Story rundown: You’re a creature they call a slugcat, living a nomadic life as both predator and prey. Every slugcat has their own unique story, and with the addition of downpour, there comes more to venture and explore. Grab your spear and brave the wilderness, but be wary- you look delicious to larger creatures.
Price: $24.99 USD
DLC Price: $14.99 USD
Release: Mar. 28, 2017
Content Warnings: Death
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Battleblock Theater by Behemoth Games
Story rundown: Buckle your pants for one wild ride— A ship full of friends has crashed on a deserted island with a theater on it. Lo and behold, this theater is filled to the brim with cats— and they’ve done something terrible to your best friend, Hatty Hattington. Now you must platform and perform deadly stage plays to save him!
Price: $14.99 USD
Release: May 15, 2014 (Steam date, actual release April 3, 2013)
Content Warnings: Despite being filled to the brim with poop jokes, there is in fact Traumatic Events.
All of these games hold a special place in my heart, and if you’d want to try them out, tell me what you think! Every price listed is the price on steam. My own personal reviews of these games are- well, all of them were good in their own unique ways, I just have an eclectic taste.
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scrunkore · 1 year
Scunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 3
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welcome back to the scrunko core
25) OneShot (PC, 2016)
It's not often that you fall in love with a videogame protagonist immediately, but I did just that with Niko - the little cat creature is possibly the most adorable kid I've ever seen and I did not want a single bad thing to happen to them ever. Though that's enough about them, the rest of the cast is really nice too, and the actual game itself is REALLY good. The relatively simple item-combining puzzles aren't that special, but the story and world have such a particular vibe to them that I enjoy, especially with the kinda huge extra stuff they added sometime after the initial release of this version. And that's not to mention the extra twists that do very interesting things with the medium, and I do not really want to spoil that if you don't already know about it, so go play it if that's the case. This game is honestly beautiful and I love it, and do play it on PC if you can. [5★]
26) VVVVVV (3DS, 2012)
This game's pretty simple, but it's also kind of a classic little indie joint, and it's really cool that it got a 3DS port that actually makes (admittedly not very interesting) use of the 3D effect, probably due to how early it came out. The core gameplay is just solving puzzles by rapidly flipping gravity up and down and swooping around the world map rescuing your friends, which can be done in basically any order, and it's really quite fun for the most part. Not a whole lot to it beyond that, but its simple graphics are cute and I enjoyed it a fair bit, although I did have to use the available options to make it easier when it was its most difficult - not cheating if the options are there, come on now. Anyway, it's a decent game. [3.5★]
27) Yume Nikki (PC, 2004)
Here it is, perhaps the single most well-known RPG Maker game, as well as one of the most bizarre and cryptic even to this very day. The creator is equally cryptic, and infamously elusive, only giving an interview to Toby Fox with just yes and no answers. Nobody really knows what the game is even about other than the pretty obvious yet not very descriptive answer of "shut-in girl explores a strange and often scary dream world", and it's not like it has a plot aside from the ending that was added at some point for when you get all the collectibles, which I do recommend you try to do for a somewhat complete experience. All you do in it is explore the various weird dream worlds, each one uniquely atmospheric, intricately designed and full of secrets in the most unusual of ways. I don't think it's something you can really assign a numbered score to, it's just a surreal and unsettling experience that's worth having at least once, even if you don't enjoy it. It's fuckin' Yume Nikki, you probably already know how influential it is. [?★]
28-31) BOXBOY! Series (3DS/Switch, 2015-2019)
HAL knows their stuff when it comes to puzzle games, believe it or not, and this really shows with the adventures of Qbby the funny little cube guy. In this consistently solid series, you solve a wide range of puzzles based around creating and destroying cubes to make it to the exit, with each new game introducing its own gimmick to shake up the basic formula and make it more interesting. It's kind of a deceptively simple game, as the puzzles ramp up in difficulty and end up becoming some real head-scratchers, and I appreciate that. The presentation is also charmingly simple, with pleasant audiovisuals, and even a simply story that eventually gets surprisingly interesting in the later entries. Give these games a try to finally see what that one sticker in Kirby: Planet Robobot was all about. [4★]
32) Pokémon Picross (3DS, 2015)
Pokémon and Picross feels like a pretty effortlessly winning formula for a crossover, and this one is... well, it's okay. The puzzles are decent Picross, and the gimmick of catching and using Pokémon to help you out in the trickier stages is pretty good too, but the area where it suffers is in the actual design of the game - it's one of those 3DS titles that is basically a mobile game, with stamina cooldowns and microtransactions to speed up wait times, though like Kirby Clash it does have a cap on how much money you can spend. But that spending cap doesn't make up for the core way in which it's designed. I don't find Picross too repetitive, so I want to be able to play it for hours at a time, but the damn game doesn't let me, and it just feels kinda poorly designed in general. But when I get to play the game properly, it's solid Picross. Maybe the unreleased but eventually leaked Game Boy Color game of the same name is better just for that. [3★]
33) Learn With Pokémon! Typing Adventure (DS, 2012)
This game is such a gimmick but god, I kinda really like it. It's a typing game on the DS, and so to facilitate that they made every copy come with a small Bluetooth keyboard that was pretty good for the original price at the time but of course isn't that good nowadays. But it works quite well, it's responsive enough to play this game, even if it can be kind of awkward sometimes just because of positioning. And the game is quite fun too, it's not very long but it can pose a pretty tough challenge if you're not that good at typing fast, and the typing action is actually quite intense as you get into the harder levels. It's marketed as an educational title to help you learn typing, but I don't think it really does that so much. But it's a fun game, with pretty good music and a funny computer voice reading everything you type out loud, and I am actually glad I shelled out for a complete copy of this obscure Pokémon gem. [4★]
34) Undertale (Switch, 2018)
Yeah, I didn't actually play this one until 2023 despite being a fan of it and Deltarune for quite a while, sue me. There's not much new that I can say about it, but this indie smash hit really does hold up even now that there's a similar game from the same guy that does a lot of gameplay things better. It's filled with unique and charming characters who you can either kill or spare (the latter is what you should do, but the former can be tempting), a really good and somewhat meta storyline particularly if you go for the "true" ending, and some pretty fun bullet-dodging gameplay that can be pretty difficult - though there is an option to grind for several hours and get an item that makes it much easier, no shame in doing that if you can be bothered. You probably already know everything that one should know about this game, but yeah, I liked all those things about it that much more after playing it for myself. It's definitely something you should play if you have interest in it, and I just know Deltarune is going to be way bigger and even better. [5★]
35) Animal Crossing Movie (Anime, 2006)
It's kind of an anomaly that this movie even exists at all, Nintendo rarely makes anime adaptations of their games and they're almost never full movies, plus it's based on Animal Crossing, a game series that doesn't really have much of a story and certainly didn't back in 2006. What they actually end up doing with this one is kinda fun, it's a fairly standard slice of life anime condensed into a movie decently enough, with a very comfortable atmosphere and nice interpretations of some of the characters from the games, and the narrative follows a young girl making friends and taking part in a few of the events from the earliest entries in the series - about what you would expect from it, really. It's not anything special or even particularly good, but it's really nice to see them replicate the vibe and characters of Animal Crossing in anime-movie form, and I do wonder if they'd try something like this again. [3.5★]
36) Tunic (Switch, 2022)
I don't really play very many games that aren't in a language that I understand - it's easy to find stuff in English most of the time - but this game technically counts, because it's specifically aiming for the vibe of playing a game like that, with almost all the text in a totally new language the devs came up with entirely by themselves. And honestly, I kind of love it for that, it combines with the lonely and mysterious vibe that the whole game has. Because the game doesn't tell you much, you kinda have to feel it out as you explore the top-down Zelda-like world fighting monsters and collecting pages of the literal manual while figuring out what's going on with everything. It's filled with cryptic (sometimes too cryptic) puzzles and secrets, with one even leading to a pseudo-ARG that helped people decode its language, and it's clear a lot of love went into this project. Towards the end I did look things up about it, but as it stands, this game is a wonderful adventure that might not be to everyone's tastes, but I certainly really liked it for what it does. [4.5★]
37) Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S (Switch, 2021)
Yes, another Picross game, and this time everyone's best friend Hatsune Miku is there, along with her other Vocaloid friends for good measure. And... that's about it. It's super barebones, only offering puzzles and unlockable music, but that is basically all it needs to be. It's cute, it's Picross with Miku, it does what it says on the tin. I just don't have much more to say about it other than that, it's just an average Picross game that does average Picross things, just without using the actual name Picross. It's fine, it kept me occupied for a few hours. [3★]
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