#omg I’m pissed
wheelercurse · 2 years
yikes I haven’t blocked that annoying blog like confessional byler and I read a bad take about Mike and now my night is ruined 😭😭😭
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houseswife · 9 months
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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cyanorhis · 6 days
In terms of “canon-compliant” zutara, I think often about how Zuko’s development is both his redemption and his doom.
Because how come the obsessive go-getter of the show does not fight harder against fate (bryke’s annoying ass) to save his beloved from putting herself into a rewardless martyr-like situation in the form of a marriage that serves as repopulation program? (Which I always thought was ridiculous).
He learns bit by bit to acknowledge and make up for his mistakes. He respects Katara above all else. He fights fair. He does not guilt-trip her nor treat her like a reward. He loves her. He gave his life for her. He would not have survived had she not been the exceptional person she is. He supports her decisions no matter what. He listens to her.
So when she tells him about her ridiculously good and selfish intentions of pandering (once again) to a non-celibate Monk who wishes to have her mother his children for the sake of airbending and his supposed affection that was born out of the self-insert of narrators who give way too much importance to childhood crushes for one’s babysitter, he might argue but he can’t help but love her and respect her decision, both horrified by the cruelty of fate (aka bryke) and filled with admiration for the person she has always been.
If Orpheus loved Eurydice too much not to turn back when she tripped behind him, then Zuko loved Katara way too much not to validate and support her terribly selfless decisions. Because how dare him be selfish and want her for himself. And how dare him tell her what to do after years of war.
It is terribly tragic because on the other side, a part of her wishes he had fought harder.
A “villain” turned “hero” sometimes can mean the upholding of ideals made by two men who enjoy shaming young girls for their choice of love interest. Sometimes, the lack of a “villain” to whisk away the princess from the “hero’s” hands means said princess will remain unacknowledged and forgotten in a narrative that turns it into something of her own volition, a narrative that ignores everything a beloved female character represented for the people she was made to represent (by their own words, must I say). It leaves the realm of picking the love interest (which honestly could simply not ever happened in any form and would still be better than this) and enters the realm of once again giving a poor treatment to a female main character who quite literally Drives the story from its beginning.
And just like Orpheus and Eurydice are doomed by fate, Katara and Zuko are doomed by Bryke. And surprisingly, Katara gets the worse of it.
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kidovna · 10 months
i went to edinburgh today and had a pint of cider at cask and barrel (where the resurrectionist scenes in good omens s2 were filmed) i’ve been excited about this for months!!
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mrsbridgerton · 7 days
more pictures of luke thompson (benedict bridgerton) and yerin ha (sophie baek) filming (the masquerade ball) on set of bridgerton season 4!!
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shibaraki · 7 months
I like ‘bad’ fanfiction I like crackfic and silly AUs I like fic that diverges so far from canon that it’s practically unrecognisable and fic that is blatantly self indulgent I like fanfics with no plot and cliches and predictable twists and repeated tropes! not every fanwork has to be a bestselling novel every single fic has a place and a purpose and sometimes I want to come home and read something that doesn’t require me to think! sue me
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tabrisangel · 2 months
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i never fw’d nyoengland’s design it pissed me off because it didn’t look like it would be him she needs to look like the unhappiest 40 year old mom ever also here’s her wife. sure
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coco0milkshake · 9 months
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Nine! About time I drew him
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 3 months
Im feeling a bit controversial rn so
What if I said every character in ST is written to have understanding from the audience. What if I said Brenner has a reason for the things he does and that might not make it right, or even make him objectively good, but it’s still a reason.
What if I said every character has a reason and a belief that what they’re doing is correct. Brenner, Henry, Edward, Eleven, Will, Hopper. All of them are included in that.
What if I said that I can see why Vecward would want to kill the entirety of Hawkins because he’s a character that’s written to be realistic, and if we were viewing the story from his point of view we’d all agree.
What if I said Henry was put in a unwinnable, impossible situation and he did what he thought was the best possible choice for his situation. And maybe it was an awful bad choice, but isn’t that more a testament to the situation he was in than him as a person??
What if I said I can understand Will wanting to kill Henry even if he figures out that the situations he’s been through, and the situation he’s in, wasn’t really Henry’s fault
What if I said I can understand why Mike was acting the way he was in S3 and that he didn’t think he was being that dicky, that his actions were justified or reasonable in his point of view
What if I said most “antagonists” are simply a product of their situation
What if I said I can understand their motives and have empathy for all of them
This isn’t to say that I like Brenner, or whoever else you guys would wanna throw at me because I don’t (Brenner can go die in a hole). But, I understand their actions. Having empathy doesn’t mean I like the people I understand. I probably wouldn’t do the same thing in their situation, but I understand it
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alphaclxwn · 10 months
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tee hee noah lindsay friendship is so underrated honesty
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jmdbjk · 11 months
I'm so fucking mad.
It is reprehensible that they've separated Kpop out of the general Global category. That’s blatant segregation. What was the logic? Which countries qualify for global if not Korea? I mean, what the ever loving fuck is "Global Kpop"?
I tried to give myself space to calm down but every time I think about it, I just get angrier. I thought looking at pretty pictures would calm myself down...GRRRR.
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This isn’t any consolation but at least everyone sees what they’ve done. Meaning what Billboard has done.
And Seven, an English song written and produced by white men with a black female rapper featured on it is categorized as Kpop ONLY BECAUSE THE MAIN ARTIST IS KOREAN---YET SINGING IN ENGLISH??? is not included in any of the Top categories. They just didn’t want a Korean artist to take an award away from either Miley or the Whalen asshole. Because JK would have. GRRR!
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girlrindou · 13 hours
rindou is so ugly im genuinely upset oh my god. What is this
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mattsdae · 7 months
i wish interviewers took matt and trey more seriously. like i can enjoy a goofy interview every once in a while, it’s frustrating seeing how everyone assumed matt and trey were just goof balls who never did anything seriously (especially in the 90’s when they were characterized as stoner/drunks who just happened to be funny and have a show)
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yellowmotorola · 2 months
the attempt at yassifying trump this year has been SO so GOD Damn embarrassing
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hilsonamore · 29 days
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posted this on my instagram but my friends won’t get it
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wokelander · 1 month
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my babies that leon gave birth to
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