#om word origin
jeevanjali · 3 months
Sawan 2024: क्या है ओंकार, कैसे हुई ॐ की उत्पत्ति? जानिए कहां से आया ओम नमः शिवाय मंत्रSawan 2024: भगवान् शिव के भक्तों के लिए सावन का महीना बेहद पवित्र माह होता है। इस पूरे महीनें शिव की सेवा करने से शिव लोक की प्राप्ति हो जाती है।
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dirwael · 10 months
thirteen really puts mc's death and the related angst into a new perspective... unless she tampers with their life candle, she's forced to watch as it slowly melts until the flame finally goes out. she'll likely be the first person to know of mc's death unless they're with others. but what will she do afterwards? will she get to handle their soul? will she let them go? will she keep them?
could she even revive mc?
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paintpaintpaintman · 2 months
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"Why does it look like that?"
"Do you hold the knife like this?"
"Where'd you learn to do this? Did you teach yourself? How'd you get so good?"
"The soul makes what it sees. Mine sees the sky. Yours sees something else. This is the way of things."
Baa was sort of an adoptive father for the Lamb. A man who lost his family, and someone young who never truly had one. What more could you hope for when you are broken?
He never knew their name, they refused to say. They knew to never call him Paa, that wasn't who he was to them. So it was simply "Lamb" and "Baa". It stuck for each of their forevers.
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oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
I kind of ended up w a small pile of Hatake ocs and lore to fill the early konoha timeline void, and a big thing is like. They all die to preserve the narrative. A lot of them very young bc again, made to fill the time line, so logically, there had to be some Hatake kids/teenagers who met an unfortunate end.
So I'm kinda sitting here considering a 4 part fic where each chapter revolves around a specific Hatake and their inevitable death, w maybe a bonus chapter at the end being about Sakumo
"Death of the Wolves," the unfortunate end of the Hatake's, told in 4 parts
The Hatake's helped set the Konoha standard rule of "a team can only be made up of so many % of one clan" (with special exceptions) after a large chunk of them got sent on a mission together bc of their specializations and all wound up dead, wiping out a solid 90% of the clan in one night.
Actually, expanding on that bc the tragedy is so good -> I already established that in my time line, the Hatake head, Haruka (Sakumo's mother, Tobirama and Hashirama's aunt) died under a week after Tobirama's death, and she would have lead that failed mission. Does that mean one of Hiruzen's first acts as war time Hokage resulted in the accidental slaughter of his beloved dead Sensei's mother's clan? That's amazing actually, so much drama there. I bet him Danzo and Kagami argued like crazy after that monumental fuck up, probably went on to define how he feels ab being Hokage / what that entails. Fun times!
Anyways, I'd also be very interested in exploring early konoha politics n stuff. Especially from the multiple views of not the people in charge of making the village but the ones who are living in it. The view from the ground up, instead of looking down from the tower. The younger generations being brought to this new village, going from their isolated clan lands to suddenly being surrounded by others their age from different clans, possible for the first time ever depending on their age and their clans level of secrecy.
Also, I really wanna poke at the outsider pov of Madara and other founders— but mostly Madara bc I find his downfall very fun to think about, especially from the POV of someone not in his clan.
I'm so in love w the take of the Hatake's being fond of Madara bc "he'd make a very good Hatake." Something about the two tropes of the Uchiha being a clan that loves love and the Hatake being a clan w similar values when it comes to family and loyalty just meshes so well.
Comedy moment where Haruka is weirdly insistent on Madara potentially marrying into the clan, not even for the politics or anything but specifically bc she NEEDS a cute squishy Hatake baby with his massive hair. She NEEDS IT, MADARA.
Anyways also just the early konoha inter clan drama but like. From the eyes of the clan kids. The Uchiha kids seem to be having some sort of terf war with the Senju— but it was interrupted by the Hyuuga, and now the Senju and Uchiha kids are somehow banding together against the Hyuuga? But oh no now the Nara kids are teaming up w the Hyuuga, and the Hatake kid (singular bc there's literally only like 1) seems to have an actual blood feud going on with the Hyuuga clan heir— but the older Hatake teenagers are fond of the Hyuuga's baby clan heir so it's just a mess. All the clan drama but with none of the tragedy bc everyone involved is a child.
Meanwhile the older clan members are somehow bonding over their children's fights bc they're all struggling to pull them away, or going "what the fuck do you mean you teamed up with the SENJU??" Then sharing a disbelieving Look(tm) w the opposing Senju's parents before realizing what they just did and having a crisis of faith ab it
Meanwhile the teenagers are having a wonderful time, especially those from smaller more isolated clans like the Hatake. There's so much romantic drama, there's probably a whole shinobi soap opera happening in that direction. Hormonal shinobi teenagers from opposing clans just got dropped into the same dating pool it's gonna be a MESSSS.
Even funnier if you take crumbs from my senju weed empire au and like. Some of these clans regularly smoke n stuff. Meanwhile other clans have never touched a psychedelic in their life. Some are especially vulnerable to drugs due to heightened senses (Orochi, Inuzuka, Hatake) while others have been smoking since they were younger and have an insane tolerance and very much distorted views of a reasonable amount of weed to smoke (Senju, Nara, Shiranui) There is no way in hell that goes well. Someone is going to get fucked up in a MAJOR way.
Well-intentioned Nara accidentally gets a bunch of dog wired guys and one snake high out of their fucking minds, the high lasts a full week for some of them and one sometimes wonders if they ever really came down from it
Anyways I got a bit off track but yeah! Early Konoha fic that revolves around the daily lives of differently aged Hatake ocs, taking a look from different angles of Konoha and all the silly clan drama and daily lives of an early Konoha shinobi— each chapter being different degrees of generally lighthearted, but ending in the Hatake's death. The fact that each Hatake is in with a different crowd and is a different age would make it even more fun and easier to explore the different layers Konoha has to offer! It's for sure on my list of things I wanna write
(Also I'd really love to have it just so I can point to it as a good introduction for my Hatake ocs. I love tricking people into learning ab my ocs it's great)
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
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Levi’s comment + the speed lines to present The Child(tm) are so fucking funny to me for some reason
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noctlas332 · 11 months
warning for some mild gore and organs yaaa
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sorry mayo got gored for spooky season
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inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
The Authoritarianism of "Father's" Celestial Realm (NB Season 2)
OKAY, life got crazy for a while, but we're finally all caught up on Nightbringer's main story, and PHEW we've got some things to talk about. So let's dive right in, starting with one of our favorite topics:
God and the Celestial Realm actually kinda suck in the OM universe!!!
(spoilers up to NB lesson 38!)
Now, this been a consistent pattern for most of OM's story and lore, but we're going to be focusing here mostly on Lessons 37 and 38 in particular this time, because they had a lot to talk about in that regard.
In Lesson 37, we are introduced to the underworld, specifically Cocytus at the very bottom layer of it.
One interesting note, however, is that this region is territory of the Celestial Realm, despite it being geographically in the Devildom, and the Celestial Realm is the one that doles out punishments relating to it -- usually. We'll dive more into that whole conspiracy in another post, but it's certainly an interesting geopolitical fact of the Three Realms.
As for the underworld itself, the idea of multiple layers of hell is a common one which originates from Dante's Inferno, the first section of the Divine Comedy, and we see that Cocytus here is taken pretty directly from that as well. Just like Dante describes in the Divine Comedy, Simeon informs us that there are four regions that make up Cocytus, made up of four concentric circles of growing intensity according to their corresponding offenses. Specifically, each layer of Cocytus is related to a type of betrayal: of family, of homeland, of guests, and finally, as the very worst type of betrayal, of "him".
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The design of that is immediately very telling about how the Celestial Realm views these offenses. Other offenses may land a person in the underworld in general, but these specific types of betrayal are the worst. And among those worsts, betraying God is the ultimate offense, absolutely beyond anything else one could ever do.
Now, these levels of Cocytus almost directly match Dante's Inferno take on them -- with one major, interesting distinction. In the Divine Comedy, Judecca is for "traitors to masters and benefactors." In OM, it is traitors to "him." Considering that the rest of the levels are a direct match, this suggests that, in OM, their father is the master who must never be betrayed.
And as Mammon notes, that's exactly what our beloved demon brothers did, with Lucifer in the lead.
That brings us to the present situation, with Lucifer chained and suffering at the very center of the bottom of the underworld. The worst of the worst offenders.
Simeon, Luke, and MC arrive to find Lucifer in a screaming rage, noting that same fact. Lucifer is in such pain and rage that he's creating dangerously massive gusts of wind, and as he worries about MC and then his brothers, it only gets worse. Suddenly, Raphael appears to read Lucifer his charges. And then, we get this conversation:
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There's a lot going on there, but to go piece by piece, Luke is obviously distraught upon hearing the brothers' decreed fate. He wants to protest it and argue against it. Simeon stops him because Luke absolutely must not say another word -- as a reminder, arguing against Lilith's punishment was the catalyst for the whole rebellion that ensued, which is the entire reason Lucifer is being punished like this now!
Simeon, however, has recently been demoted. We know he was a seraph at the time of the rebellion; the official Nightbringer website specifies that he was demoted for "covering for" the brothers, though we don't know the specifics of what happened there. Simeon has always been a little daring on speaking truth to power, and considering he's already been demoted, it seems he's willing to take the potential consequence of speaking up again here. So he does, expressing his questions and concerns about the whole situation going on. And, finally, he calls out Raphael on also feeling the same as he and Luke both do.
It is perhaps the most telling moment we've gotten to date of how Raphael has felt about this whole civil war between the angels. In the past, he's been fairly consistently strict about the Celestial Realm's rules, which essentially boil down to always obeying their father, and Michael by extension. And he holds himself to basically the same standards, obediently doing whatever Michael tells him to even as he's disgruntled or frustrated by the myriad requests. But when it comes to seeing Lucifer punished this way, he can't accept it either. It's wrong, and he knows it.
But he can't question decisions that come from on high. Even doubting is considered wrong.
We've heard the same from Lucifer once before -- that he questioned one who was never to be questioned. That is what he has been punished for.
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This is the reason Luke must not speak up. This is the reason Raphael is crying. And it's the reason for Lucifer's current punishment. Simeon, Lucifer, and Raphael all know it implicitly -- what comes from on high is absolute. Questioning is unacceptable. Doubts are unacceptable. And rebellion is unacceptable -- the absolute worst thing that someone can do.
Anyway, now throw all that out though, because apparently Lesson 38 wants to attempt to bring us to a completely different conclusion!
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Let's be honest here -- OM is a bit jumpy on its writing sometimes, and sometimes makes wild left turns. But we ended Lesson 37 feeling pretty excited because it's revisiting a common theme we've had hinted at throughout both games about what kind of leader their father is and what kind of place the Celestial Realm really is under him. And what we've seen, generally, is this: it is a very strict place, unforgiving of those who step out of line, where their father's word is absolute, and even feeling doubt is a grave offense. We even know that Simeon's greatest fear is their father!
So imagine our shock and disappointment when Lesson 38 suddenly decides that, no, actually, this punishment and everything else is actually God's love for them. What?!
New theory: exactly one person on OM's writing team is actually super religious and keeps trying to make this game about dating demons into a message that God is good. These lessons were not written by the same person.
Lesson 38 starts with a rather chaotic scene -- Lucifer has broken free of his chains and is lashing out in rage and despair, not thinking straight. Diavolo makes his appearance and tries to subdue Lucifer, though the two end up going into an all-out brawl as Lucifer lashes out at Diavolo as well. MC eventually intervenes and the brothers show up to protect MC from both Lucifer's and Diavolo's attacks. Lucifer is taken aback seeing that his brothers are all okay and present in front of him, and as MC approaches him to further calm him down, the Ring of Light glows and Lucifer momentarily transforms into his angel form, inspiring awe from everyone around at the sight of the Morning Star once more.
Earlier, Lucifer was begging to be shown some kind of sign from his father, of what it was that he wanted from him. Simeon comments that this might be Father answering that call for a sign -- a sign of his love. Lucifer seems to accept this, though with some bewilderment. But we have Lucifer straight up tell MC later in the lesson that he "must have forgotten" that Father loved them all along! That all he ever did was give, and never ask for anything in return!
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Except for blind, unwavering loyalty. Something that Lucifer has actually forgotten about in this moment.
For that matter, why does Simeon automatically assume it's this grand sign of their father's love?! He himself just stated his own doubts and called Raphael out on his.
It's a huge 180 that gave us some intense whiplash for sure. But this isn't the first time we've seen that more religious trauma view from Simeon; we've seen it before in OG season 4, where he has obviously been deeply affected by being demoted out of being an angel altogether but tries to reassure himself that their father does everything for a reason, "even this."
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However, even aside from the very sudden turnaround, this explanation leaves a lot to be desired, because it doesn't actually answer anything!!!
We just got told that Raphael was crying from the cognitive dissonance of obeying orders to read the charges against Lucifer while feeling deep down in his heart of hearts that this is wrong. Luke has been stopped from saying anything that could be construed as going against their father! Even harboring doubts is wrong, but somehow we are supposed to suddenly believe that it's because their father loves them?
If that's God's love, it's sure sounding like God is an abusive helicopter parent, because that's not a healthy loving relationship.
Think about it -- this is a scene of punishment. Lucifer isn't just chilling down here for fun; he is actively in pain when we find him, and it only escalates his torment at the thought that his brothers are being punished similarly. And even as we are told that Little D. No. 1 couldn't take material form because their father "just loved them so much," is it really a healthy form of so-called love to hold on to a piece of Lucifer's soul without his knowledge, even after casting him out?! We wouldn't say that a parent who throws their own child out to be homeless while keeping their old room intact is a good, loving parent; why should we think this is any different?
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Plus, this is the case for Lucifer -- but what about the other brothers? Though they all managed to get free, Cocytus itself seemed prepared to punish each of them for their various transgressions, and as Mammon points out, all of them were guilty of treason against their father. Yet, it's only Lucifer whose Little D. was never able to take form. It is Lucifer specifically who is targeted for this Cocytus punishment, and the others would likely have been left alone if not for the fact that they came to save him. Lucifer is the one who, for that one moment, regains his angel form.
And what does this mean, if this is God letting go of the last of his grip on Lucifer? That he still loved his favorite son but is casting him away for real now? We know Lucifer has said that God would never forgive him in particular, and though he's been accused of just being stubborn himself (and make no mistake, Lucifer certainly is also stubborn too), it does seem in line with everything else we've been shown about their father. Does this mean that their father no longer loves Lucifer, from this specific point onwards?
And, if their father loves them so much -- then why did they need to rebel for Lilith's sake? The implication here is truly bizarre: their father was going to obliterate Lilith entirely from all existence so that not even her soul would remain, but he also just loves Lucifer so much, but is also so authoritarian that Lucifer trying to talk it out with him was met with a complete shutdown so that Lucifer felt he had no other choice but to start the war. Of course, conveniently, this lesson also just chooses to completely disregard the whole Lilith thing, both her existence at all alongside the brothers before the war and her punishment, so apparently none of that matters!
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It's completely out of line with the rest of everything we've ever really been told about the Celestial Realm, and frankly, we don't like or accept it. This so-called love that's suddenly used as the explanation in Lesson 38 isn't a true or healthy kind of love, and we don't want it.
So in conclusion: God is gaslighting us but he really does totally actually suck. We're just supposed to suddenly believe now, out of nowhere, that he doesn't. But he definitely, really does.
Anyway so, Lesson 37 is 10/10 and 38 is -10/10, would not read again. Merry Crisis!
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mitsua · 3 months
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Ineffable infatuation
Summary: Barbatos past self, saw his future self with an amazing being by his side while using his power on accident, what is this feeling he's had ever since for them?
This is my apology for the last Barbatos fic that I did not finish (do you want me to though?) and I'm extremely proud of how it came out, I love this man so much
I highly recommend reading it while listening to "After Dark" by Mr. Kitty
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Warnings: mentions of dizziness, wars between Demons and Angels, screams of agony, repressing feelings, a Demon being seen as a God (very brief, don't come at me, it's for the story's sake), some spoilers (? I don't really consider them spoilers 'cause it's all on OM's SWD? original and early story...)
Genre: angst to romance (bittersweet) Pairing: Barbatos x MC
Series: Obey me! SWD? & NB! Words' count: 1.52k
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Barbatos found himself in what could be described as the beginning of a new era in the land he's just arrived to, barely recalling anything from whatever could have brought him here.
Who was he to begin with?
He looked up and down, feeling his body for the first time, adapting to its strange movements and finally, he started walking successfully.
It was all unknown to him, even more when he heard his own voice for the first time as he looked up and admired the endless starry sky above him. It was so beautiful—What was everything he was feeling just now?
He glanced down once again, noticing the fauna surrounding him. There were a couple of strange creatures to him, they were looking at him... he didn't know what to do.
Even less when a certain group of black little cloud-looking things came flying to him, his arms and hands moved by their own and without knowing he created something in front of him.
The little D's gang stopped on their tracks when they saw a peculiar oval-shaped thing glowing, more voices could be heard from it.
Barbatos could see everything. He saw it.
Atleast, until he saw you.
After several minutes of complete silence excepting some really rushed sounds from creatures they didn't know about, the glowing, flashy thing dissapeared.
Barbatos stood still, processing everything he's witnessed. He just used magic—as all his events have made him learn. He was catalogued as a Demon, he just landed on what will be the Devildom one day, he'll meet countless people.
Countless until he finally meets you.
That was the moment he pictured the most now that the only light there was in that bare world was the moon's.
He could remember feeling a certain way once you spoke to him for the first time, asking who he was at that classroom from the Royal Academia of Diavolo—whom he'll someday come to serve with all his might.
Still, he could not adress what the feeling was though.
He could not wait to come face to face with you, he had to do something, anything—no, he was only beginning to understand everything but if one thing he got clear from this experience was just how powerful he was.
To put it plainly, he could easily change anything from the timeline he wasn't pleased with. Anything.
So, he knew that even if he was craving to encounter you as soon as possible, he shouldn't, he would regret it even.
His last vision was you, you made him lose his concentration for a second so the portal he created vanished into thin air. He knew how to make it appear once again now, however, chose against.
If he got to see you once more, he knew he wouldn't think twice and get with you. What was wrong with it? A little voice asked on his mind.
Thus, instantly provoking a downpour of timelines he's just witnessed fall apart from his mistakes pop up everywhere, making him feel dizzy for a second and crouch down to take a hold of his head and heart which pulsed painfully.
The little D's did not comprehend a single thing that just happened, but after taking a glance to one another, they agreed that the creature infront of them seemed unharmful and flew to its side to aid in any way they could.
A couple grabbed one of his arms, a couple more the other and the last three gathered around his head, were they could see his face contorting in any way that made them all think he was not doing great.
One last look to a blue-horned one from the other six made them start chanting some noises they've learnt help to cure aches from experiences they've gone through on their few days alive in that wild environment.
Which then again, they didn't really know could be counted and only thought the night had no end nor beginning, so didn't mind it that much.
The following minutes were filled with unharmonied babbles coming from the seven little D's and slowly but surely, a light rainbow-colored glow and breeze enveloped Barbatos upper body, its appearance making his agony subside.
Barbatos stood up, feeling what he could express as painless with his lack of vocabulary for the moment, when in reality he felt even fresher than when he first blinked to his new life.
He bowed his head to the black creatures around him, trying to make them understand he felt... "grateful? yes, that's the right word."
The little D's assembled in a line infront of the man, excitedly screaming and making a face mirrored to Barbatos'.
He was smiling, for the first time in this new life, in his new life—his life—he smiled.
Right then and there he understood that he must take every step seriously if he wanted to achieve all the good and great things he saw moments ago.
More specifically, if he wanted to meet up with everyone he now knew the faces of, those who have made such feelings stir inside him that he could still not name, but he cared deeply from now on.
Barbatos began with a journey that he knew had an ending, one he didn't know about, but preferred it stayed that way for as long as possible. He only had on mind the day he'd make contact for the first time with you.
He saw the first Devildom's ruler arrive to the desert land, he was witness of the first encounter with other race they had, they proclaimed themselves as 'Angels'.
He heard the first cry for help of a demoness being shoot by a spear when the first conflict between those two races began.
He was known for millennia as the first magic user and the most powerful being who had ever stepped that cursed land that 'only Demons could reside.'
He was known as a God for sometime, a Deity who had to be praised in order to receive blessings in your life while he had gone on his first trip to the human world for a couple of centuries to get to know more about them, leaving the little D's in charge of everything oblivious to the fame he had made of himself.
That's when humans caught a glimpse of him and started the rumours of 'ungracefully-looking being', 'monstruously-looking being' and more so that he learnt the magic to make his demonic appearance look more human-alike and be able to blend in.
Nevertheless, he was both impressed and bothered by the fact that those rumours did nothing but spread further until the whole world got to now about the 'cursed beings being able to disguise themselves and come curse them to death or even trick them to eat their souls.'
Barbatos came back when he got to know that the latest Devildom's King had an offspring, only then did he remember once again those filled with pure curiousity amber eyes staring right at him when he first used his powers millennia ago.
He had to be there, be there when Diavolo first took charge of the Devildom himself once his father fell in a seemingly-endless sleep, he's sworn loyalty to him centuries ago, he couldn't and wouldn't want to back down.
As years went by his side, Barbatos got to experience tons of instants that he felt his heart swell with pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth—just as the avatars that he knew and slightly feared were extremely close to meet him and his master for the first time ever.
The Celestial War came. A bloodshed was spent, an eternity seemed to pass while he could hear and recall all those pained screams from his companions being butchered by those who called themselves 'merciful' that made his blood boil and almost lose control. He knew better than to lose it, he knew this would happen sooner or later—he had to accept it—he had to accept he could not save everyone he cared for.
Following the 'most traumatizing events' as he'd decided to aknowledge it all as, Diavolo kept his word and continued with the Royal Academy of Diavolo foundation, which the latter promised one day would hold creatures from all three worlds.
Barbatos got to know each and every emotion he thought he would feel in his whole life, yet once he saw you, physically present infront of him, he discovered there were many more he's kept hidden in his heart just from this moment on.
You, who had held his sanity for as long as he's seen you that first time from a magically-created screen that—even if he felt something deep inside him then—once he got to talk to you made it bloom and he could finally name it.
He was in love.
All the time, all his time was about you, and now, he planned on not letting any more of this precious moments go to waste and make you his. Because Barbatos, as much loyalty he'd pledged to Diavolo, has—since the beginning of time—been yours always.
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the pictures and tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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nerdykorgi · 7 months
(aka, my ideas and thoughts on how these bad but sad boys work!)
with pictures :D !
ok for starters! I tried my best to make real life connections with actual biological stuff and yeah but there are some things ima have to bullshit lol
i hope yall like rambling
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[ ^ Basic ideas ]
Lets talk about anatomy!
From what i can tell from the grim walker ingredient book they have some pretty ... interesting ingredients...
Heart and Power apparently. What i can make of this is that the Galderstone not only powers and animates the non-organic materials but acts as a circulatory system, flowing blood and nutrients to keep the body stable by creating magical pulses of pressure that makes the blood flow. Blood is kind of ideal for homeostasis and living and om pretty sure we've seen hunter bleed at least once... Perhaps the Galderston can create an artificial vascular system to carry oxygen, magic, and nutrients throughout the growing body instead of just making veins from scratch. I want to say the Galderstone can generate energy for the grimwalker but that would mean they wouldn't need to eat, and I don't think that's true. I think its main purpose is just activate the magic materials and is like the generator to a car, keeping it running. If the Galderstone were to break or fail, the grimwalker probably come unglued and fall apart to its components (which would be pretty horrifying)
Very key component! The ortet bone kind of helps form the blueprint for the species of the grimwalker, as well as supplying blood, a skeletal system, and components of DNA. The most basic definition of the word ORTET is as follows: the original plant from which the members of a clone have descended. Fun fact: since were using cloning terms, Hunter is to Caleb as Ramet is to Ortet (Ramet is an individual clone) I did research for cloning and as it turns out you kinda need a complete genome for cloning but for bullshitting reasons (which will be explained) we can clone with incomplete DNA and make synthetic dna from scratch! I hypothesis that the reason grims can look different from the ortet instead of just straight carbon copies is due to the bone that is used and how much of i there is. Like example a grimwalker made using just a toe phalange is going to look A LOT less like the ortet compared to a grimwalker made from something like the cranium and bigger bones and such. Basically smaller bones dont carry as much dna info and leads for room to fill in the blanks. Sadly this means alot of Grimwalkers had A LOT of health problems (this can range anywhere from immune system problems to liver failure which is quiet typical in clones, that and it is often that clones appear different from the ortet due to enviromental factors and influences)
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[ As the image above shows, subject #103 has a very close resemblance to the ortet due to the bones that are used ] There are pros and cons to using bones! Pros being that they can hold DNA for much longer than tissue, but the thing is bones can degrade really easy if not preserved, and i don't think belos had a bottle of hydrogen peroxide laying around that he could dunk Caleb in, so let's just assume he made sure his brother's corpse was well cleaned and kept. Biggest con is the human body only has so many bones (about 206) I believe that the reason Grimwalker can generate organs is by using the ortet and making the stem cells created from bone marrow. Stem cells are very important because they can turn into different types of cells like blood and tissue cells as well as repair tissue. I believe the process of growing grimwalkers is kind of like "Self-renewal" the process in which stem cells divide and make more of the body
Im just gonna assume stone sleeper had very small lungs because aint no way those t rex lungs fit in a teenage boy. I originally thought The reason that Grimwalkers can stay underground for so long is because the lungs, similar to how a stonesleeper hibernates for centuries (kind of like how wood frogs can basically cryo-hibernate) by petrifying but a grimwalker IS growing and therefore needs resources to grow, like how a baby does in the womb. So it has to be actively getting said resources so it cant be petrified. I now think the reason that grimwalkers have these lungs is because theyre easily compatible to the galderstone, which needs oxygen for the blood and that they can be easily harvested and stored in stone form. But that does give room for cool adaptations like self-petrification! (which i will get into next time :D )
Ok its says that the wood is used for keratin, which is a fiberous protein which can make all kinds of things like scales, hair, nails, feathers, horns, claws, hooves, and skin! And since its also a plant means it can grow 4 times as fast as normal keratin can! This explains why hunters hair grew so ridiculously fast in season 3, was because his hair can produce its own carbohydrates and nutrients on its own... This means his skin and surface wounds can heal quite fast! (down side is it might give him something similar to PSS (Peeling Skin Syndrome ) ...) I think Palisman is very important becasue of several reason! 1 Like palisman, it can "animate" if you will, more or less help pull off the illusion that he is alive. 2 Like mentioned before, Grimwalkers need nutrients to grow and I believe the palistrom wood aids in that! Using a process called cellular diffusion, the grimwalker can take in nutrients from the ground around them (which i theorize to be highly fertilized) through THEIR SKIN! and into the veins and flesh of the grims 3 I believe that in the process of forming, the galderstone "activates" the palistrom wood, forming into skin or hair but this process of rapid growth leaves the skin all undone and fragile because a proper cutaneous barrier was not formed yet (which is useful for being malleable. This is why Hunter's ears are so 1 .god blessed big because they are fake and molded to look like that. Its also why The grimwalker Belos possessed fell apart so easily, like he said "It wasnt ready")
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This one kind of confused me because... well why do we need the seal flesh when the ortet can just regenerate it?? I think its kind of like the stuffing if you will, it also speeds up the process of producing flesh by a lot! Especially if you want to make grown grimwalkers! Im thinking that Grimwalkers don't have a set "age" theyre just as big as however many materials they are given to work with. Even though the book says they can start as babies, if you look closely there is a check mark towards the more adolescent figure, so im thinking that they are not ready to be unearthed until they reach a certain growth ima guess around the age of over 10-ish?? We don't know how young Hunter was pulled out of the floor but it seems like he was fairly young, or atleast younger. This means while Hunter appears to be 16, he might have only been living for around 5 years or so.
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Now typically normal seals have a lot of blubber which is a thick layer of fat, also called adipose tissue, directly under the skin of a marine mammals. Its used for insulation. The thing is tho, it says Selkiedomus Scales, not flesh... Dont worry there are mammals that have scales like Pangolins but i dont know if these scales are like thick plated or small and stretchy. Magic bullshitting time, Im goin to assume Selkiedomus scales refers to a layer of scale-like flesh that protect the creature from boiling but is also highly malleable and easy to work with. Maybe the reason they can withstand such heat is due to unsaturated bonds of butadiene molecules mixed into the blubber that are highly heat resistant Selkie domus flesh is molded and into the relative shape of desired body and using the DNA of the ortet the flesh is reshaped and reused into the desired muscles shapes. The vascular system created by the galderstone spreads throughout the flesh and binds with it. healing together and becoming flesh, kind of like a speed up version of skin graft maturation! This is useful for growing them quickly because they don't have to grow an entire adult body from scratch so this speed up the process by eeeerrm 20 years or so lol
Thats only the basics for now, sooner or later i shall get into the more fun stuff, like adaptaions of Grim walker, the growing process, ad more!
Hope you guys enjoyed my ideas, if i got anything incorrect let me know, my research isnt exremly searched through.
last question ill leave you all with, it kind of stumped me while i was working...
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i have a theory but i wanna know your thoughts...
(i worked hard on all this btw, i really hope people read it lol /lh.)
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temis-de-leon · 6 months
Love potion and OM! Brothers - Part 2
Characters: Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Intro , Part 1 , Part 3
CW: fluff, a tiny little bit suggestive, Belphie's a brat (aren't we all surprised), brothers crushing hard and MC implied to be crushing hard too, pre-established relationship
A/N: Just like in other posts, I can't seem to be able to properly tag some of you :(
How could he see the cat from his seat by the window, Satan didn’t know, but he would be crazy if he ever let go of the opportunity to pet one. The only thing he could think of before rushing out was grabbing you and some treats and hope the kitten was still there by the time you arrived.
He could feel his excitement buzzing in his chest when he knocked your door, but no sound came in return. He sent you a message, growing impatient and pacing in the hallway until he entered your room with determination.
“MC! Cat alert! I need help to sneak him in!”
Your smell was strong, but you didn’t seem to be in the room. Weird. However, it didn’t take him long to realize it was actually coming from the cauldron.
Satan got closer, temporarily forgetting about the cat while he studied the glittery liquid or, rather, holographic. He moved the spoon, humming when it reflected the warm light of the candles in a fluid motion. The smell was delicious, but it didn’t resemble any food he could think of. Actually, it reminded him of the Royal Library and the cat café you both visited after your study sessions.
Soft, shimmering, appealing.
A love potion? What were you doing, MC? Trying to enchant somebody?
He could tell you had left before finishing your project, otherwise, the essence would be stronger. Satan wondered if whatever you smelt reminded you of him in any sort of way. Maybe his cologne? Or the smell of treats and old books that plagued his room?
The brief thought of adding a strand of his hair crossed his mind, but he quickly erased it. He loved you and he wanted you to love him, yes, but he’d be damned if he forced those feelings. You taught him love and affection, allowing him to experience every word he’d ever read in his romance books and picturing you as the main character’s love interest.
Satan had no doubts. If you were to reciprocate his feelings, he’d prefer them to be real.
“You won’t believe it, MC!”
He gained one thousand followers in Devilgram in just one night! Sneaking out and going to that party with Mammon was totally worth it! They both had to kneel before Lucifer for three whole hours and Mammon was hung upside down, that was true, but still, totally worth it!
Now, where were you? Your phone was charging on your bedside table and only half of the candles were lit, pictures of the family and various trinkets decorating the branches of the tree. He could see all the skincare products he’d ever recommend and bought for you on the table, but he frowned when he hold a bottle in his hand and felt it was almost empty.
Why didn’t you tell him? You could use the opportunity to go on a shopping spree with him! But… ooh, what were you making? It looked like the face oil you just finished! Silky, golden and glittery, almost odourless if not for the faint smell of your lip balm and flowers; roses, like the ones in his room.
Were you trying to replicate the product? He could understand why, it was a little expensive after all, but it wouldn’t achieve the same results as the original. Natural ingredients had some limits, after all. But hey, it could be fun! You had some great ideas, MC; although it was a pity you didn’t want to share them with him.
Or, maybe, you wanted to surprise him! A fuzzy feeling covered his heart at the thought, like bubbles in a sugary drink, and he had the sudden need of sitting down next to the cauldron with mixed words stuck in his throat. The oil changed its appearance from that perspective, the golden colour turning hot pink with red swirls.
Asmodeus stared in amazement, wondering what type of ingredients you used to create such a hypnotizing concoction. Could you share the recipe with him? It would be your little secret! He already had some ideas for the next one, like a soft baby pink or a shimmery white that looked and smelled like frosting.
Or, perhaps, if you were keen on the idea, you could come together to create a new smell that would only belong to you. Something that he’d never share with anyone else and could never be duplicated.
Like all the love he felt for you.
Forgive him, MC.
It smelt too good.
Like cheeseburgers with fries and pizza with sodas and raw cookie dough with marshmallows and ice cream and chips of every flavour… Everything he had ever eaten with you, especially during that movie marathon weekend.
It had been a consolation price for losing his last Fangol game, something that hardly happened and left him with a sour taste in his mouth, broody and frustrated, so not like him. He’d been hungrier than ever then and, if not for Lucifer and Lord Diavolo, he would’ve eaten half of the coliseum. Thankfully, you had a whole stack of food ready to be taken in the kitchen.
Beel knew you probably bought it all thinking he would win the game, but, hey, food is food. He’d never think of complaining, especially when it came from you.
He didn’t remember what you watched and he already apologized for it a couple of times, but he wasn’t really bothered about it. After all, he’d spent the whole weekend cuddling you, crossing the wobbly line of friendship you’d both established long ago, and eating everything you had for him. Only when the week began again he realized he hadn’t been left entirely satisfied and he deeply hoped you felt the same.
Should he had kiss you? Distract you from the movie and confess under the blankets, smelling you amongst the sugary and savoury food?  
He wasn’t sure at the time, but Belphie’s teasing was encouragement enough for him to leave his bedroom and rush to yours.
But you weren’t there.
And the cauldron smelt so good.
Beel didn’t even have time to check what it was before drinking it all at full speed as if it was a bottle of water after practice. The smell remained only for a couple of seconds, but he didn’t feel any different, maybe a little bit warmer than before.
Where were you, MC? He had something to tell you.
He was dreaming of the beach, waves crashing against the sand and warm wind tanning his skin, but you weren’t there. He looked around for a while, finding no one, so, although very reluctantly, he forced himself to wake up.
The attic was empty and without the seawater’s coolness the high temperature in the room left him sticky, tangled in his sheets and uncomfortable. He searched for his DDD, toying with the idea of sending you a message in hopes of sleeping in your room, but he didn’t know how long it would take you to respond, so, grabbing his pillow and his blanket, he got up and went down the stairs.
He hadn’t seen you since last night and you didn’t share any classes that day, hence him not going to RAD despite Lucifer’s complaints. Then, dinner had been hectic with everyone trying to get your attention, so, overall, Belphie didn’t really spend any time with you that day and he missed you too much to sleep properly.
Yes, he blamed you.
And yes, it was a reason good enough to enter your room without knocking.
Disappointingly, just like in his dream, you weren’t there, although it smelt so much like you: your human essence, your body products and your detergent, which he’d stolen multiple times to clean his bed sheets.
Did you do laundry recently? Why didn’t you say anything? Or were you in the shower? In that case, don’t worry MC, he could wait, just not for long; after all, your bed was too comfortable and your room was especially homey that night. He expected you to be already at the beach by the time he got there.
Naked, clothed, in your swimwear, he didn’t care. Belphie just wanted you there with him. Hopefully, forever.
@hello-gloomy  @the-sassiest-toaster  @hero-nii-blog  @yourlocalyin  @elaemae  @eliciria  @darkflowerav  @zarakem  @yuuvis32  @anxious-chick  @commets-space  @deepestartisanhumanoidshark  @ourfinalisation
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 7
While writing The Pirate Planet, Douglas Adams considered that Xanxia could be the Master or the Master's daughter when trying to figure out her motivations.
When he met his Ninth, Tenth, and Twelfth incarnations, the Eighth Doctor was pleased to see them acting as childish as ever.
While excavating Ice Warrior Citadels, Bernice Summerfield had sex with a man named Tim in the egg chamber.
The Second Doctor once saw the musical Hamilton.
Upon meeting the Twelfth Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor thought he was the Master.
Ace has dreamt of being naked and stabbing people before.
The Doctor was friends with Mao Zedong before he rose to power (although he "probably wouldn't listen" to the Doctor after his rise).
Om-Tsor is a drug that the Eighth Doctor once took A LOT of in order to telekinetically stop missiles.
The Second Doctor took Jamie back in time to kill a would-be dictator as a baby as well but was also unable to go through with it.
The Sixth Doctor once commented on his resemblance to Commander Maxil to Peri Brown.
According to the Eighth Doctor, an imminent regeneration feels like "a caterpillar wrapping itself in a chrysalis."
The Eleventh Doctor once said that regenerating in a morgue is something you should only do once.
After receiving word that the Master had died, the Fifth Doctor took Tegan and Turlough to his funeral in the nursing home he had died in. This was a trap, of course, and the Master tried to steal his remaining regenerations. Turlough had to save the Doctor.
As a Time Lord, the Doctor often has flashes of people's futures and could see someone's past when he looks at them.
The Seventh Doctor traveled alone as he got older because he couldn't trust himself with another life.
The role of Sarah Jane Smith was originally cast to April Walker rather than Elisabeth Sladen, but Walker was found to not have chemistry with Pertwee and was thus quietly paid for the contract she had signed on for. Neither Barry Letts nor Sladen ever revealed who the other Sarah Jane was during their lifetimes, and her name was only uncovered by an infotext writer during his research.
The Doctor's psychic potential is so great that even after his final incarnation's death his corpse generated a psychic call for a long time.
In several accounts, the Sixth Doctor killed himself, either after having been convinced to do so by his Seventh self, purposefully piloting the TARDIS into the Rani's tractor beam, sacrificing his chronal energy, etc. Colin Baker finds the exercise bike theory to be very disappointing (so out of respect for him, I do not consider that a possibility).
The Doctor was taught how to perform hypnosis by the Master.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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mcrdvcks · 3 months
could you do ❛ i want you to forget this ever happened. ❜ and ❛ kiss me again. ❜ with hunter from tbb?? 🥺
A Moment of Silence
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Summary: You and Hunter are quick to deny anything between you two, even with Omega's insistence.
Word Count: 3.2k+
Pairing: Hunter x fem!reader
Notes: thank you to anon for requesting this! this is my first time writing a reader fic so hopefully it's okay. it does use she/her pronouns, but i'm going to try and get better at making it gender neutral. enjoy!
AO3 Link For Chapter
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Hunter watched as you talked animatedly to Tech, your hands moving around with every word you spoke, and occasionally Tech would glance up from his datapad to respond to you.
The blue lights of hyperspace always seemed to contrast your skin and energy perfectly. Hunter couldn't help but smile as he observed you interacting with Tech. Your enthusiasm was infectious, and even though he couldn't hear the specifics of your conversation over the ship's hum, he could tell you were engaged. He leaned against the bulkhead, arms crossed, content to watch you for a moment longer.
Omega, perched nearby, glanced at Hunter and then at you with a mischievous grin. "You know, Hunter, if you keep staring like that, everyone's going to figure out that you've got a soft spot for her."
Hunter raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about, Omega."
She rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure. Just like you didn't know how to fix that engine last week until she showed you."
Hunter's lips twitched into a half-smile. "She's resourceful. Knows her stuff."
Omega nodded knowingly. "Uh-huh. And you're just really interested in her knowledge of ship mechanics, right?"
“Well, she is a mechanic.” Hunter responded.
You had been originally working with Rex, helping him with small things like fixing his ship and piloting it. But then when you had met the squad and Omega, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of pity for the boys who knew nothing about women.
And while they were doing a fine job of taking care of Omega, you knew that it wouldn’t hurt for you to give them a helping hand.
“Yeah, but all you needed to do was connect some wires, which I’ve seen you do on your own before.” Omega shot back, taking a seat next to Hunter.
"Yeah, well, maybe I just enjoy her company," Hunter countered with a playful smirk, his gaze flickering towards where you were still engrossed in conversation with Tech.
Omega snickered, nudging Hunter's arm. "Sure, sure. Company. Right."
Hunter chuckled softly, shaking his head. "She's just easy to talk to, that's all."
Omega's grin widened mischievously. "And she's not bad to look at either, right?"
"Omega," Hunter warned, trying to hide his amusement.
"She's like sunshine on this ship," Omega continued, unabashed. "Always bringing a smile to everyone's face. Even Crosshair cracks a grin when she's around."
Hunter nodded in agreement, his expression softening as he watched you. "She's got a way about her. Makes things feel lighter."
Omega leaned closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "So, when are you going to make a move?"
Hunter sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know, Omega. It's complicated."
"Complicated how?" Omega pressed, genuinely curious.
"It's just... timing, I guess," Hunter explained vaguely. "We've got a lot going on right now."
Omega rolled her eyes. "There's always something going on. You can't keep waiting forever."
Hunter glanced at Omega, grateful for her straightforwardness. "I know."
"Just don't take too long," Omega advised, nudging him again. "You might miss your chance." Omega stood up, skipping into the cockpit where you and Tech were. “Starry! Can you help me with my homework?”
Tech adjusted his goggles, “your homework is your homework, you are supposed to do it on your- ”
You scoffed, standing up and patting Tech’s shoulder, “want to do flashcards? Or a pop quiz? I can give you some tricks on how to remember Imperial ships.” You asked Omega, cutting off Tech’s sentence.
Omega grinned mischievously, jumping at the chance to avoid her homework. "Ooh, tricks? Like what?"
You leaned in conspiratorially, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Hunter wasn't listening too closely. "Alright, here's a tip. The Imperial Star Destroyers? Think of them like giant flying triangles with a gazillion guns. If you imagine them like that, you'll never forget."
Tech, ever the factual one, chimed in with his usual precision. "Actually, their geometric structure adheres more closely to a quadrilateral than a triangle, and their armament- "
You interrupted with a playful eyeroll. "Tech, I'm trying to simplify things here, not go into architectural specifications."
Omega giggled, clearly enjoying the banter between you and Tech. "You make learning fun, Starry."
Tech adjusted his goggles, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Indeed. Your educational methods are unconventional but effective."
Hunter observed the exchange with a fond smile, leaning against the wall nearby. "See? I told you she's good with them."
Omega nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, she's way better than Crosshair at explaining stuff."
Hunter chuckled. "Well, Crosshair's got other talents."
You grinned, feeling a warmth spread through you at the camaraderie. It had been a few months since you joined the squad, and despite the challenges and dangers, moments like these made it feel like you were part of a makeshift family.
After completing their mission for Cid, which was just recovering some sort of chest, you and Omega sat in the parlor while the guys gave the chest to Cid and received the payment.
Echo, Wrecker, and Crosshair stood around the chest, engaged in a serious discussion with Cid about the details of their payment. Meanwhile, you and Omega found a quiet corner to relax, away from the business dealings but still within earshot of the ongoing conversation.
Omega flopped down onto a worn-out couch, kicking her legs back and forth. "That was easy, huh? Just grab a chest and boom, job's done."
You chuckled softly, sinking into an adjacent armchair. "Sometimes the simple ones are the most satisfying. No complications, no surprises."
"Yeah, but surprises can be fun sometimes," Omega replied with a mischievous grin. "Like when Tech accidentally set off that alarm on Corellia. That was hilarious."
You grinned, recalling the incident. "Tech's face was priceless. I think he's still figuring out how he managed to activate a security protocol just by trying to hack into a data terminal."
Omega laughed, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I think Echo was about to burst a fuse trying not to laugh too hard."
The banter between you and Omega was easy, filled with shared experiences and the camaraderie of being part of the same makeshift family.
Across the room, Hunter caught your eye briefly before returning his attention to the conversation with Cid and the others. He seemed deep in discussion, his brow slightly furrowed in concentration. It wasn't lost on you how his presence anchored the group, his leadership and steady demeanor keeping them together through thick and thin.
"So," Omega began, breaking the comfortable silence between you, "what's the deal with you and Hunter?"
You raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"
Omega rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on. You know what I mean. You two have been dancing around each other for months now."
You chuckled softly, not quite sure what Omega was talking about. You liked Hunter, but only as a friend. Though, it was quite confusing as to why your stomach seemed to flip when you were in his presence. "We're friends. Teammates."
Omega smirked knowingly. "Sure, sure. Just friends."
"It's not like that," you insisted, though a small part of you knew she was onto something. Hunter's presence had grown more significant to you over time, his protective instincts and quiet strength drawing you in despite the complications of their missions.
"Uh-huh," Omega teased, nudging your arm. "You're both hopeless."
Before you could respond, Wrecker's booming voice cut through the air as he exclaimed triumphantly, "Got the payment! Let's celebrate with some Mantell Mix!"
Echo and Crosshair exchanged amused glances, knowing Wrecker's fondness for the local snack. They joined in, laughing and teasing Wrecker as they prepared to wind down from their mission.
Hunter approached you and Omega with a small smile, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before addressing Omega. "You finish your homework?"
Omega rolled her eyes dramatically. "Yes, Starry made me do flashcards."
You chuckled, amused by Omega's playful exaggeration. "Hey, learning doesn't have to be boring."
"Tell that to Tech," Omega quipped, earning a mock glare from Tech himself as he passed by with a datapad in hand.
You noticed how Hunter rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was the beginning of an overstimulation headache, probably caused by all the shouting Wrecker did during the mission, complaining about heights.
"Hey, I think I left something on the Marauder," you said, looking up at Hunter with a sheepish smile.
Hunter's brow furrowed slightly, concern flickering in his eyes as he took in your expression. "What did you leave?"
You shrugged lightly. "Just some tools. I was fixing the comm array earlier, and I might have forgotten them."
His expression softened, and he nodded. "Alright, I'll come with you."
You led the way back through the ship, weaving between crates and equipment until you reached the Marauder's storage area. It was quieter here, away from the bustling activity in the parlor where the rest of the squad was celebrating their successful mission.
"I'll just grab them real quick," you said, stepping into the storage compartment. You rummaged through a toolbox, searching for the tools you had used earlier. It was true, you were fixing the comm array earlier, but really you just wanted to take Hunter away from the loud noises.
Hunter leaned against the wall of the ship and closed his eyes. Being away from the crowds of the inner city made his headache lessen, if only slightly.
As he stood there, taking a moment to collect himself, he heard your footsteps approaching from behind. Opening his eyes, he turned to see you with a toolbox in hand, a faint smile on your lips.
"Found them," you said, holding up the tools triumphantly. "Forgot I left them here."
Hunter nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Good. Wouldn't want to leave anything behind."
You stepped closer, standing on the wall across from him. The ship's low hum filled the quiet space between you, a comforting background to the rare moment of solitude.
"Thanks for coming with me," you said softly, glancing up at him.
"Anytime," Hunter replied, meeting your gaze. There was a warmth in his eyes that sent a flutter through your chest, a feeling you tried to ignore.
The moment lingered, both of you caught in a silent exchange of unspoken thoughts and emotions. Hunter was normally composed, steady in the face of danger, but something about being alone with you seemed to soften his edges.
"You doing okay?" you asked, breaking the quiet.
"Yeah," Hunter answered, his voice low. "Just needed a moment away from all the noise."
You nodded in understanding. "I get that."
There was a pause, filled only with the sound of your breathing and the distant murmur of the celebrations continuing in the parlor. Hunter shifted slightly, his gaze flickering towards you as if searching for something.
"I understand, you know? I grew up in a small village, everyone knew each other, and it was… homely. When I went to Coruscant for school everything was so much bigger and louder than I ever thought was possible," you shared with Hunter, your voice carrying a nostalgic tone.
Hunter listened intently, his gaze softening as he took in your words. He could relate in his own way, having grown up in a vastly different environment as a soldier, where noise often meant danger or chaos. "Yeah, I get that," he replied quietly, a hint of empathy in his voice. "Must've been a big adjustment."
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "It was. But I learned a lot there, too. Met people from all over the galaxy, experienced things I never would've imagined back home."
"Sounds like quite the journey," Hunter remarked, his tone warm. "What made you decide to leave the village and go to Coruscant?"
You shrugged lightly, leaning against the ship's wall. "Curiosity, I guess. But I also got into the engineering school there. It seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up.” You adjusted the toolbox in your hand as a hydrospanner fell out of the box onto the floor.
Before you could bend down completely to grab it, Hunter did it for you. He stood up to his full height, the distance between the two of you much, much closer than before. Hunter handed you the hydrospanner as you gave him a shy smile in return and slowly grabbed it from his hand.
"Thanks," you murmured softly, feeling a subtle warmth spread through you at the proximity. Hunter's presence felt comforting, his quiet strength a contrast to the chaos of the mission and the constant hum of the ship around you.
Hunter's gaze held yours for a moment longer than necessary, and you felt a tension in the air, unspoken words hanging between you like a delicate thread. His hand lingered where yours briefly brushed against his, a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine.
For a heartbeat, neither of you moved, caught in a silent exchange of emotions too complex to put into words. The ship's vibrations seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the echo of your breathing and the weight of Hunter's gaze.
You were the one who tore the gaze reluctantly, looking down at the toolbox in your hand as you placed the hydrospanner in its rightful spot. A gentle, gloved hand was placed on your jaw, as he tilted your head up.
His touch was tender yet firm, his eyes searching yours with a depth that spoke volumes. The quiet intensity between you hung in the air, unspoken words threading through the space like a fragile web.
"I..." you started, unsure of what to say, your heart pounding in your chest. Hunter's expression softened further, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek. You felt a rush of emotions, a mix of nervousness and a strange, fluttering excitement.
Before you could gather your thoughts, Hunter leaned forward, closing the gap between you. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss, a moment of hesitation followed by a surge of warmth that spread through you. It was soft, tentative, as if testing the waters of something unspoken yet palpable between you.
Your mind raced, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in dynamics. Hunter, your teammate, your friend, was kissing you. The realization sent a jolt through your system, igniting a swirl of conflicting emotions.
Hunter pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort or hesitation. His hand lingered against your cheek, a silent question in his gaze.
"I..." you began again, but words failed you. Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, grappling with the implications of this moment. Hunter's expression was a mix of concern and something deeper, something you couldn't quite decipher.
"I want you to forget this ever happened," Hunter murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His thumb traced a gentle path along your jawline, a gesture both soothing and heartbreaking.
Forget? The word echoed in your mind, conflicting with the rush of emotions coursing through you. Could you forget this moment, this kiss that seemed to unravel a tension that had been building between you for so long?
But before you could respond, Hunter's expression shifted subtly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. His hand dropped to his side, breaking the connection between you.
"I'm sorry," Hunter said quietly, his voice tinged with regret. "I shouldn't have done that."
The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. You wanted to reach out, to reassure him that it was okay, that you didn't want to forget. But Hunter stepped back, putting a respectful distance between you.
“What if I don’t want to forget?” You spoke quietly, placing the toolbox down on the seat by the console.
Hunter's gaze flickered with surprise, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of uncertainty. His hand, which had dropped to his side, twitched almost imperceptibly as he processed your words. The ship's gentle hum seemed louder now, echoing the intensity of the emotions swirling between you.
"You... don't want to forget?" Hunter's voice was soft, tentative, as if he hadn't expected your response. His brow furrowed slightly, a mix of confusion and a flicker of hope crossing his features.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper. "No, I don't."
A myriad of emotions played across Hunter's face- relief, hesitation, and something deeper that he couldn't quite hide. He took a step closer, his expression searching yours for any sign of uncertainty.
"I shouldn't have kissed you," Hunter murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "It was... unprofessional."
"Maybe," you replied softly, your gaze meeting his with unwavering honesty, "but I'm glad you did."
Hunter's resolve wavered, his hand reaching out tentatively to brush against your cheek. His touch was gentle, a silent question lingering in the air. The warmth of his fingers against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, a rush of anticipation mingling with the lingering uncertainty.
"I... don't want things to be complicated," Hunter admitted quietly, his thumb tracing a delicate line along your jawline. "We're a team, and- ”
You cut him off by closing the rest of the distance between you two, your hands were now resting on his chest plate, which was the only thing stopping your chests brushing each other’s. “I want you to kiss me again.”
Hunter's resolve wavered, torn between duty and desire. He searched your face, seeing the honesty and longing reflected in your eyes. Without another word, he closed the distance between you, his hands gently cradling your face as his lips met yours once more.
The kiss was different this time- less tentative, more urgent, as if both of you were testing the waters of something that had been building between you for far too long. Hunter's touch was tender yet firm, his lips moving against yours with a hunger that mirrored your own.
You responded eagerly, your hands sliding up to curl around his neck, drawing him closer. The weight of his armor pressed against you, grounding you in the reality of the moment even as everything else seemed to blur around you.
As the kiss deepened, Hunter's hands tightened slightly around you, his touch seeking reassurance and offering comfort in equal measure. His breath mingled with yours, a shared heartbeat beneath the armor and the weight of duty that bound you both.
Slowly, reluctantly, you broke the kiss, your breaths mingling as you rested your forehead against his. Hunter's eyes searched yours, a mix of vulnerability and desire flickering in their depths. His hand cradled your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly across your skin.
"I..." Hunter started, his voice low and filled with unspoken words. He hesitated, searching for the right way to express what lay between you.
You placed a finger against his lips, silencing him gently. "Shh," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. "Sometimes words complicate things. Let's just... be."
Hunter nodded, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His hand slipped from your cheek to entwine his fingers with yours, a silent promise in the touch.
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malewifeharem · 7 months
~ MGᝰ.ᐟ
yandere!diavolo alphabet
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彡- ,, yandere om! diavolo alphabet (template from @dear-yandere eheheheh)
cw ⁞ OMSWD CHAPTER 16 SPOILERS , mentions of babytrapping, violence, abduction, manipulation, just general yandere behaviour??? not proofread.
an ⁞ FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR THE HONOR OF TAKING YOUR FIRST ASK??????????? i've never sent an ask cuz im too nervous even with anon mode on haha :3
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
his love for you is deep, sure, but you have to remember that he's a crown prince — he doesn't have the time to love you as much as he wishes. he tries to compensate for that by showering you with gifts originating from all three realms, all of them being worth more than your house.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
he doesn't get messy, no no. barbatos does! he just needs to say the word and his loyal butler will get it done, no doubt. there are probably dozens of bodies rotting in the dungeons below the castle, but that's not for you to see or worry about.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
i can see his duality switching up very quickly depending on his mood. he could either be gently cooing to you, almost begging for you to not cry. OR he could be really sadistic and cruel, taunting you to no end — reminding you that you are his for the rest of your life — both as a human and as a devil and angel.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
he guilt trips you to noooooo end. what do you mean his gifts are too expensive for you? do you hate him? well, if you don't, you simply must accept them all! he gives you no room for negotiation, how could you anyway? his parents aren't around anymore, don't you feel sorry for him?
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
he doesn't like showing you his vulnerable side. he needs to be strong so you can rely on him, after all! thank god (is god the right word for him???) he's spent decades learning how to maintain his composure.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he would intimidate you into breaking your resolve. he would transform into his demon form and coerce you with threats like tying you up in the basement. i don't think he'd ever actually do that though — he knows human lives are fragile.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
he takes his relationship with you very seriously. he expects you to rule next to him — he still needs to prepare you for that role, so don't you dare leave.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
although diavolo would never keep you in the castle basement, he will throw you in there for a few minutes just to scare you. he did it once as a last resort after you threw a fit — locking you in one of the clean cells. you were quickly fished out though, he can't risk having you go around and finding the corpses of the people you know.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
he wants you to rule devildom next to him so marriage is a given. having heirs is up to you but he will be very disappointed if you say you don't want any — he may even consider baby trapping you at one point. he probably gives you etiquette lessons too, making sure you know your role in the near future.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
he gets very jealous but doesn't want to admit it to you. he'll find excuses for getting rid of your close friends and family — you've heard some absurd reasons before but you don't dare question him.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
very very affectionate. he likes to keep you around him as much as he can. whether or not that means resting in his bedroom, lounging in his office while he works or sitting on his lap on his throne. he's shameless too, he'll initiate pda anywhere and anytime he wants.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
he cant decide if he should properly court you or just claim you as his immediately. he is the prince of hell, how and who are you to say no? he ends up choosing to court you instead but he runs out of patience eventually, and just abducts you with the assistance of barbatos.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
although you'll most likely never see his true colors, he's literally insane. if it weren't for his amazing composure, he'd be lashing out at everyone and everything for even breathing the same air as you. you've noticed him tense up to the point where he's almost shaking from rage. (he's gonna pop and burst like a balloon eheh)
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
if it's a light sentence, he lightly slap your face and remind you to obey. if you've done something horrendous, he'll lock you in his room till you've learnt your lesson. he's sick, while he carries on with his day, he imagines you clawing at the door, begging to be released from your confinement. (i dont think it wld get that far)
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
you're not allowed to go out of the castle grounds. the gardens are still available to you but anywhere outside of the fences is a no no for you. you're not allowed to talk to any staff and angels except barbatos. he and the brothers are for you to use at your disposal, feel free to work them to the bone if that's what you wished.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
you may mistake him for being patient since he's quick to forgive you for your insolence but no. he's not used to not getting what he wants immediately, but he will forgive you easily. (aka he's impatient)
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
death isn't an escape for you, it doesn't matter if you're reborn as an angel or devil in your next life — he will have you either way. screw harmony between the three realms, he'll start another celestial war if it means he can have you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
he doesn't feel guilty at all. he has never been told no before in his royal upbringing and he feels entitled to have you to himself.
"only a fool would let go of a girl like you."
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
his mother passed early in his childhood and he hasn't seen his dad in decades or even centuries. no one around him is comfortable enough to talk to him normally till innocent you arrived in the devildom. you're too precious to him, he wants to know more about you. no, he needs to know — everything about you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
he'll gently coo at you, telling you that everything will be fine as long as you're with him. what could possibly harm you when he's the future king? (you yourself, duh)
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
(skip... if someone cld tell me what a classic yandere is pls do)
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
if you could somehow get in contact with the angels, you could get them to rescue you. although, in doing so, you might just start a war between the two realms.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
physically no, but he likes using fear to instill obedience in you. (read H)
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he quite literally kisses the ground you walk on, going as far as to collect some of your belongings to worship. he wouldn't build a shrine but he does secretly store all of them in a little safe in the corner of his room.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
after the events of the first game. he was really tempted to abduct you after belphegor almost offed you though. (do the calculations yourself ehe)
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
i don't think he would intentionally break you, but he also fails to realize that the fear and paranoia he puts you in is leading you down the same path. (so yes but unintentionally)
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obae-me · 9 months
I always knew team obey me didn't have the best writers but damn that ending was a new level of bullshit, like, a concerning level of bullshit. What the fuck was that
I know... I love the game, and I think the scenarios are creative despite the lackluster writing, because then the fandom takes over and does better things with it, but there have rarely been moments where I feel genuinely... I guess ripped off for lack of a better word-- disappointed.
The very end of original OM was going in that direction, it felt from a writing standpoint that they were running out of ideas and throwing everything they could at the wall.
Which is why Nightbringer was so refreshing. They had new content to use and were really leaning into the romance concept, and giving us some angst-ier story archs. Of course, it's not the strongest story I've ever come across, but the characters have been so good I've never cared.
But the reason why the ending to season two of Nightbringer pissed me off so much was because they fundamentally stripped the characters personalities. The *entire* time, we've been told that they've been worried sick for us, to the point of threatening Solomon. And then... what, they just essentially said "oh hey" and little else?
And, I have an inkling of a feeling that this has been resulted by overworked workers. They've been pushing out new lessons, new art, new events, new product so fast that I think the writing has suffered as a result. At least thats my assumption.
But still... from the opinion of a writer it also seems like they got scared to commit to the reunion, or they had hardly any time to write a reunion, and so they wrote something last minute and hid it in the hard mode lessons so most casual players don't even *see* the ending.
I'm still going to play because I love these boys and the story gives me inspiration but goddamn. That was a so utterly disappointing.
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arvandus · 11 months
Closet Space - Mammon x F!Reader
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This is a birthday gift for @silverrings-n-prettythings (happy birthday, you fabulous bitch!) and takes place during the OM! 2023 Halloween event (loosely based, creative license was very much utilized...).  Also, disclaimer that I have NOT completed the original game yet (I’m on Chapter 29).  Therefore, discrepancies may abound.
Content warnings:  18+ NSFW content; fem!reader, female!reader; reader is dressed as a sexy nun (for the birthday girl 💚); oral (f receiving), fingering, finger sucking; reader gets lifted up, held, and carried by Mammon (he’s a demon, okay?); rough(ish) sex; some dirty talk; the L-word is dropped cuz this man is canonically a simp.
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You stared wide-eyed as Mammon ran full speed at you.  He closed the distance within seconds and before you could even respond, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you with him.
And just in time, too; behind him was a mummy in hot pursuit, its eyes gleaming red, its crooked fingers outstretched and leathery mouth gaping.
You instantly fell into step next to him, your hands still linked, the high heels of your knee-high black boots clicking on the floor.
“What the hell happened?!” you demanded.
“I don’t know!” he replied.  “We were all working at the café, and suddenly they all went apeshit!”
You struggled to stay level-headed, especially considering Mammon was the one who was so scared of monsters.  But you couldn’t help the fear that tightened your spine and sharpened your senses.  The short, tight dress of your sexy nun costume threatened to hike up dangerously high as you tried to hold it down with a free hand, and your boots were killing your toes as you prayed you wouldn’t twist an ankle.  This was not the outfit you should be wearing while getting chased by a monster.
Mammon glanced down at your feet, his cheeks flushed. “How the hell can you run in those?!”
“I can’t!” you retorted.
You knew you were slowing him down, and you glanced back to see the mummy was quickly closing the distance.
“Mammoooonnnn!!!” you warned.
He glanced back and yelped, the mummy’s reaching hands inches from your backs.
“C’mon, slowpoke!” he yelled.
He yanked your hand, making you lose your balance and fall into him.  In a matter of seconds, he scooped you up in his arms and burst into a full run down the deserted hall of RAD.  The mummy behind you roared in anger, and you stared with wide eyes as the gap between you began to widen.
Mammon turned the corner and entered the main hall where the double staircase twisted up to the second floor, the black iron balcony high above.
“Hold on!” he ordered.
Suddenly you were flying, buoyant in the air.  Or at least it felt that way, with the way the floor shrank beneath you. You watched as your nun’s hat blew off the top of your head and drifted down, down below you.  You yelped and clung to his neck, burying your face into his shoulder.
It was brief, lasting mere seconds, then suddenly you felt the impact of his boots against something hard.  You opened your eyes just in time to see his thin bat wings fold and vanish, his demon form once again tucked away. You looked down and realized he was perched on the balcony railing like a bird of prey.
“Wait, did you just fly?” you asked.
“With these skinny ass wings?? Nah, I jumped. The wings helped with balance and gliding.” Mammon replied as he hopped down with you cradled in his arms.
He set you down, his hand once again holding yours tightly.  “Demon, remember?”
“Like I ever forget,” you teased.
You both looked down below to see the mummy had made its way to the base of the stairs.
“Damn, he’s persistent...” you commented.
“Shit, shit, shit, let’s go!”
And then you were running again, but apparently not fast enough for Mammon, because he once again scooped you up in his arms, his hands hot against your bare thighs.
As he ran, his face lit up. “I have an idea.”
“NO,” you said immediately.
But he didn’t listen.  He bolted with purpose down the hall until he reached the double doors of the cafeteria.  He kicked his way through and made his way to the kitchens as you watched the double doors swing back and forth behind you.  It was dark, the cafeteria closed for the evening.  But even so, the doors were loud, and it took them forever to stop their swinging.
“Where the hell are you going??” you demanded.  “Those doors don’t even lock! He’s just gonna follow us!”
“Quit yer yappin’!” he scoffed as he pushed past another door.  He was in the kitchens now, rows and rows of counters, ovens, and stoves surrounding you. The only light in the space was the furnaces still burning low, keeping the coals hot for tomorrow’s breakfast.  It cast an eerie muted warm glow throughout the room.
You looked at where he was going, and then you realized.
“The pantry?! Seriously?!”
But before you could stop him, he opened the door and stuffed the two of you inside.
It was pitch black, and you both stumbled against each other.  Your hands reached out and found all four walls easily within a half a step’s distance.
“What?? What is this? Why is this pantry so small??” You asked.
“It connects to the larger storage room, but they lock it up with magic because they know Beel would clean it out if they didn’t,” Mammon muttered.  “There’s like... ten of these and they call connect to the same room.”
He was close to you, really close. Close enough to feel his warm breath against your hair.  Your hand found his chest, your fingers brushing against the fabric wraps of his mummy costume that he wore. You heard him inhale sharply at the contact.
“Hey—” he started.
But his words were cut short by the sound of a deep bellowing howl.  The mummy had finally reached the top of the stairs.
You both froze.
“Mammon... does this pantry door lock from the inside?” you asked around a tight throat as you began to fumble for some sort of latch.  “Like to keep Beel out?”
“Don’tcha worry.  I worked in the kitchens before to pay off some debt and learned the spell to get in the storage room.  Once we’re in, the magic will hide it again. I just gotta say the incantation.”
“Well, get to it then!” you whispered harshly.
“Yeah, yeah! Don’t rush me!” he snipped back.  “Okay, okay.... let’s see...”
He muttered the words, and you waited. And waited. The magic pulled, shuddered.
Nothing happened.
“Well that did a whole lotta nothing,” you commented dryly.
“Shaddup! Lemme try again.” He muttered the incantation again, his voice a little louder, a little firmer, his palms pressed against the shelves.
Again, nothing happened.
“What?? I don’t understand! Why isn’t it working??” he said.
“Mammon, are you sure you even remember the spell correctly?” you replied.
“Tch, of course I do!” he replied, his voice rich with indignation.
“Is it possible that they changed it?  Like changing a password or something?”
“Wait... hang on a sec...” he muttered.  You felt him moving next to you, his arms outstretched, and you could feel his hands touching the objects on the shelves. It was the sound of glassware clinking, bags rustling.  It was nearly pitch black, and you didn’t dare turn on the light, lest it shine beneath the door and give away your hiding place.
Mammon’s hand bumped something, and it fell to the floor with a loud, shattering crash.  You both flinched against the noise and waited with bated breath as you both listened.  A moment later, the unmistakable sound of a monstrous growl and the double doors slamming open resounded, and you both jumped.
Your breaths were coming in faster now.  “It’s here....” you whispered.  You clutched the sleeve of his jacket in a death grip.  “Mammon!”
The scent of spices began to hit your nose, drifting up from the broken container at your feet.
“Wait... “he muttered. He bent down and touched the powder with his fingers and sniffed.  “No...”  He stood up and opened another container and sniffed it, and then other.  “Shit! No, no, noooo....” he muttered.  He laid his head against the closed door.  “This is the wrong one.”
You felt the blood drain from your face.  “What?”
“It’s the wrong pantry! This one is just spices!”
“So?? What does that even mean?”
“It means it’s not connected to the storage room!”
“Why the hell not??”
“I don’t know, that’s just how they designed it! Ask Barbatos, he probably knows!”
“Mammon!!!” you whispered harshly.
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” he protested.
“Yes, it is!!”
“No, it’s not! I was distracted!”
“By what??”
“By the damn mummy chasing us!” he retorted.  “And you, dressed like that...”
You did a double take.  “Excuse me??”
The sound of something hard scraping against the cafeteria floor snagged both of your attention.
“Why did you have to be a sexy nun?? With that tight dress, and those boots...” Mammon muttered to himself.  “It’s okay, it’s okay... we just gotta think of... something.” Mammon let out an excited gasp.  “Hey! You’re an apprentice now, right?? You know any good spells?”
Your brain was still stuck on the ‘sexy nun’ comment.  Another scrape of noise, the sound of one of the cafeteria tables being bumped, regained your focus.
“Me?? What about you?? You’re thousands of years older than me!!”
“Yeah, do you think I’m spending all that precious time staring at spell books when I can be out there earning cold hard Grimm??”
“Ugh,” you groaned.
Another scrape, closer this time, followed by the sound of one of the stacked chairs clattering to the ground. Mammon’s arms were around your waist in an instant, holding you tight against him.
“Shit, shit, shit... hurry!” he whispered into your ear.
“Okay, okay, just... shut up and let me focus,” you muttered.
His hands released you, and you felt along the edges of the door, tested the shape of the door handle.  A binding spell, or a weaving spell? Which would be better?
“Okay, I think I got it...” you whispered.
You placed your hands on the door and began to chant.  As you chanted, your hands began to move, following the seams and leaving a trail of faint, pale light before vanishing like ripples on a pond.  You did the doorknob last, weaving the binding spell thick and taut.
“That should do it.”
The door to the kitchen banged open and you both jumped.  Mammon yelped, and you covered his mouth with your hand.  Once he was quiet, you removed your hand and you both waited and listened.
One, two....
Then you heard it.  The sound of scraping, dragging footsteps and raspy breath. It was getting closer, closer...
Your heart was pounding wildly in your chest, your palms sweating.
But it was Mammon who was really starting to lose it.
“No, no, no, no.... he’s gonna find us!” he whispered.
“Mammon!” you whispered back.
You heard a loud bang, the sound of a door being thrown open. Then the shuffling of footsteps, and another bang.  The mummy was checking all of the closed doors.
“No, it’s too late! He’s gonna find us! I’m too young to diiieeee,” he whimpered.
You could feel your eyes roll into the back of your head.  “You’re a demon! You’re not gonna die!”
But he didn’t hear you; his breaths were coming heavy and fast now, and your frustration was starting to morph into genuine concern.
“Mammon...” you tried again, your hand against his chest.
You could feel the movement of his body, could tell he was shaking his head in the darkness.  You covered his mouth with your hand just as the shuffling footsteps stopped right outside the door.  Then you heard it.  The jiggling of the doorknob.
It didn’t open. Your spell held, the knob giving off a faint glow as the magic activated.  With it, you caught a glimpse of Mammon’s terrified eyes as he stared at the door. The dim light faded as soon as the hand released the knob on the other side, once again plunging you into darkness.
It happened again, the shaking of the knob harder this time. But again, the magic held, the light shining slightly brighter than before.  Mammon whimpered against your palm, his arms finding your waist again as he clung to you.
“Mammon, pleeeease...” you begged in the faintest whisper against his ear.
The light dimmed again.  There was a long pause.  Just when you thought the mummy had left, a loud series of bangs resounded against the sealed door.  The edges glowed, the framing illuminating the small pantry space.  Mammon yelped into your palm, and your heart nearly tore out of your chest with how quickly it was pounding.
If the mummy heard him... if he learned that you were both in here...
You had to shut Mammon up.  You had to distract him.
You grabbed the thick collars of his jacket and yanked him down into a kiss.
His mouth crashed against yours, lips warm.  He froze, eyes wide in the darkness, lit against the pale glow as the mummy tried to the doorknob one more time.
The doorknob stopped jiggling and the light disappeared, once again plunging you into darkness.  One breath, two, you counted as you kept Mammon’s lips pressed against yours.  Just as he began to overcome his shock and wrap his arms around you, you heard the shuffling of the monster’s feet as he trudged away.  You pulled away, your body hot and sensitive.
You waited a couple more minutes with your ear to the door before finally braving a whisper.  “I... I think he’s gone... maybe he went to go find someone else?”
Mammon was uncharacteristically quiet.  You cast a lighting spell, and a small orb of orange light lit up the small pantry.  You tossed it up gently and it floated over your heads.
“There, that’s better...” you muttered as your eyes began to take stock of everything. 
The shelves were well stocked with various questionable devildom ingredients.  Mammon was right; it was the spices pantry, rows upon rows of glass containers with various labels on them. Eye of newt, ghost garlic, howling peppers.  You noticed the broken container on the floor, red powder scattered with Mammon-sized footprints pressed into it.  On the higher shelves sat various pickled ingredients: rabbit feet, bat wings, toad eyes...
But your attention to the pantry space was overshadowed by the heavy stillness that lingered behind you in the form of one unusually quiet greed demon.  Mammon’s silence was becoming torturous, and finally, knowing you could no longer avoid what’d happened, you turned and looked at him.
It was enough to snap him out of his stunned state.
“What the hell was that??” he demanded.
“What do you mean ‘what’? You kissed me!”
“Well, yeah, you were starting to lose it and I had to shut you up!” you retorted.
“With a kiss? Here? Now??”
You couldn’t suppress the grin that blossomed across your face.  “Are you telling me you didn’t like it?”
“Wha- No, I didn’t say that...” he muttered as he scratched at the back of his head, his eyes looking away.
You stared at him for a long moment, your heart pounding in your chest.
“You know I like you, right?”
His eyes snapped back to you, his mouth open as he tried to find words.
“Y... you do?” he finally said.  But then a lopsided grin curled up on one side and he straightened up pridefully.  “I mean, of course you do.  I’m the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed.”
You laughed, rich and light with amusement.  You grabbed him by the wrapped bandages of his costume. “C’mere.”
Mammon’s grin was full now, his eyes gleaming in the warm light.  “You gonna kiss me again?”
“Yes,” you replied as you pulled him closer.
His arms tightened around you, pulling you against him. The scent of his expensive cologne surrounded you, and you fought the urge to bury your face into his neck and inhale.
��But I’m not scared anymore,” he teased.
“Oh,” you replied. You placed your finger to your chin thoughtfully.  “You’re right.  So maybe you should kiss me instead. As a thank you.”
“You want me to kiss ya?” He began to dip his head down, his eyes staring at your lips.  “ Y’know I won’t be able to stop when I start, right?”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
His lips were close enough to brush yours, feather soft.  “Because I’m greedy.”
“So am I,” you grinned.
A small scoff escaped his upturned lips, the warmth of his breath fanning yours for a split second before he kissed you.  Warmth spread throughout your body and you held his face in your hands.
He pulled back for just a fraction of a second to take in your dazed eyes and parted, open mouth.  Then he kissed you again, harder, as his body pressed you up against the sealed door. Your mouth opened for him instantly and Mammon took advantage of it, his tongue meeting yours hungrily. His hand came up to cup the back of your neck while his other held tightly to your waist.  Over and over you kissed, his warm tongue swiping against yours as his hands began to roam, caressing your body with a selfish touch.
You nibbled on his lip and he groaned as his body pressed harder against you, his leg taking up residence between your parted thighs.  You could already feel his hard cock pressed against your leg from within his pants, twitching eagerly against the restraining fabric.
“Your costume has been driving me fucking crazy all night,” he growled as his hands palmed at your breasts.  His body forced your legs open even wider to make room for him as he stood between them. “Especially these,” he commented, as his fingers tugged playfully on the edge of the knee-high black boots.
You glanced down at your costume with a giggle.  The short skirt was hiked up to your waist thanks to the way he had you spread for him.  It left your panties exposed, pretty and enticing.
Mammon wasted no time once he saw them, his palm cupping the shape of you through the thin fabric as he rolled and pressed his fingertips. You sucked air in through your teeth as sharp jolts of pleasure radiated.
“You better’ve put these on for me and no one else,” he growled.
Your breath shuddered from your chest as you struggled not to buckle under his firm touch.
  “Only you,” you replied.
“Good,” he whispered, and then he kissed you again, his tongue stealing your mouth.
His fingers continued to rub circles through your underwear, your wetness causing the fabric to glide easily across your sensitive skin as it soaked through, hot and slick.  You moaned into his mouth, and it spurred him on, his fingers pulling the panties aside and dipping into your wet heat.
Your body was more than ready, your walls slick and welcoming as he pushed one finger in, curled it, and then followed it quickly with a second, pushing deep into you until his knuckles were pressed against your folds. His other hand tugged the edge of your top down just enough to expose your breast, your nipple captured between his thumb and forefinger.
You gasped, your lungs filling hungrily with air as your nerves sang.  Then you exhaled, the breath carried on a wanton moan as he curled his fingers against your soft walls while his other hand rolled and pinched.
“Fuuuck,” he muttered against your lips, his breath hot. “You’re so fuckin’ hot...”
He kissed you.  Then Mammon pulled his fingers out slowly and pushed them back in.  Your eyes rolled and your mouth moaned. 
“I’ve thought about this so fuckin’ much,” he murmured as he watched you intently, “...fisted my cock every damn night to the thought of havin’ you just like this.”
Mammon pulled his fingers out again and then pushed back into you swiftly, harder, his palm grinding against your clit.  You yelped, your spine straightening as your head fell back against the hard wood of the door.  He stared in rapture and did it again.  Your fingers clung to his shoulders, your nails digging into his jacket.
It was everything Mammon had hoped for, everything he’d wanted.  Every whine and moan, every gasp and spasm were like little gifts of worship that you left on his golden altar.  It only spurred him on, eager to hear more, see more, take more. 
He began a steady, hard pace with his fingers, curling his tips on their retreat and grinding your clit on his return.  Your yelps turned into breathy whines, his name on the tip of your wet tongue and swollen lips.
He grinned devilishly. “You like that, huh? You like when I fuck your pretty pussy with my fingers?”
You were too enraptured by the sensations he was stroking in you to respond, your mind going dumb against the rapid onslaught of pleasure, and he chuckled.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby... gonna spoil ya, treat you the way you deserve.”
Mammon was everywhere; his fingers deep in you, the scent of his cologne surrounding you, his hot breath painting your lips.  He stole wet kisses from you with his tongue before trailing his mouth down your jawline.  He sucked on your neck harshly, pulling at the sensitive skin where your pulse fluttered wildly. It ached, sharp and rich, and you knew the mark would linger for weeks, and somewhere in your dazed mind, you thanked him.
But then he was moving further down, his teething grazing your collarbone and down your cleavage until he found your nipple. He took it into his mouth and bit it between his pearly white teeth with a growl.  Your body jolted, your hands pushing against his shoulders instinctually, but he did not relent.  Instead, his tongue lathed over the tender flesh and he began to suckle.
“M-Mammonnn...” you begged as you finally found your voice.
He released your nipple and continued to crouch lower and lower, until his face was level with your exposed, needy cunt.  His fingers still worked you, but they slowed considerably, causing you to whine.
He stared up at you, his blue-gold eyes dark with hunger.  “You haven’t been with any of my brothers, right?”
You vision focused, the seriousness of his tone forcing you to concentrate on him. “No,” you replied. “I p-promise. No one else...”
“I’ll be your first,” he said firmly.  “And I’ll be your last.  No one else is allowed to have you, ya got that?”
“You’ve always been my first,” you confessed. “I don’t want anyone else.”
He smiled at that, lips pulled into the sexy grin that you loved so much.
Then his mouth was on you, tongue dragging mercilessly across your swollen clit.  You gasped, deep and rich as your fingers tangled into his white locks and tightened on his roots.  He moaned against you, his voice reverberating into your core.  Mammon removed his fingers from you and in a single swift motion, he grabbed both of your thighs and put your legs over his shoulders.  You yelped as your body weight shifted against the door, but between his shoulders his hands gripping your ass, and the hard wood at your back, you were held steady.
The shift in your position forced your cunt harder against his face, and his tongue dived into your folds as his nose nudged your clit.  He licked and sucked, moaning like a starving man as he devoured you.  He relinquished your ass cheek with one hand, trusting in his shoulders and the door behind you to hold your weight as he pushed his wet fingers back into you, pumping them in a steady rhythm.  Your hips began to roll and buck, your fingers clenched into fists upon his head as you grinded yourself against him.  It built rapidly, faster than you could manage.
“Mammon!” you cried in warning.
You came hard, your body wracked with wave after wave of hot euphoria.  It rolled through you in shudder after shudder, the pleasure pushed out on decorated moans.   Your cunt throbbed needily around his tongue, his fingers, aching for more, more...
Your orgasm hadn’t even fully finished before he was removing his fingers from you and setting you back down on shaking, weak legs.  He came back up to face you, his mouth capturing yours in a hungry kiss as you whimpered against him.
You were torn between the aftermath of pleasure and the lingering sensation of feeling incomplete.  God, you wanted more of him, needed to feel him in you, hitting you deep and filling you up...
Before you could even so much as speak, his fingers were in your mouth, drenched in your arousal.
“Suck,” he ordered.
Your lips closed automatically, swallowing your juices off his long digits as they pressed against your tongue.
He laughed, breathy and light, as his eyes drank in the ruined sight of you.  “Look at ya, so fuckin’ greedy... I knew you were perfect for me...”
As you sucked his fingers clean, his other hand was quickly undoing his belt buckle and then his pants.  He’d barely gotten his cock free before he was lining himself up with your sopping, messy hole and pushing himself into you.  You moaned around his fingers, your eyes rolling back into your head as the filthy sounds of profanity fell from Mammon’s lips like prayers and promises.
His free hand lifted your thigh up against his hip as his body, hot and sweaty, pinned you against the door. You took every inch, every centimeter, your walls stretched and burning at the size of him, reigniting the nerves that hadn’t even had the chance to mellow before he began to fuck you.
Your legs were already weak from before, your heels making it difficult to stand.  Mammon removed his fingers from your mouth and hooked his forearms behind your knees and lifted you with ease, pinning you against the door with your knees drawn up on either side of you.  It rendered you helpless, the shift in the angle allowing him to hit you deeper until you were seeing stars.
Mammon fucked you harder, his hips pistoning his hard cock into you at a relentless place.  You clung to his shoulders as your whines and pleas grew louder, higher.  It was too much, the pleasure too rich, too sharp, it felt like wildfire...
“Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he moaned between his heavy panting.  He kissed you, hard and sloppy, his mouth conquering yours as if he were searching for the residual taste of your cunt on your tongue. “I love you. I love you, I love you...” he chanted.
He adjusted his hold on your thighs slightly and his pace shifted, his cock pounding, faster, deeper, a greedy pursuit of a high he’d longed for ever since he first laid eyes on you.  It hit your sweet spot over and over until it ached, throbbed, and finally you were shattering, your second orgasm ripping through you, harder than before.  You cried out, and Mammon laughed, thrilled at the sound of your pleasure.
“Yeah, let ‘em here ya baby, fuck.  Let ‘em know who you belong to.”
But then his own words fell away, and he burst with a groan, loud and heavy as he buried his face into the crook for your neck.  His cum was hot, like fire, and it filled you up, and still he fucked you through it, savoring, reveling, until it oozed down his cock and soaked his balls, his pants. 
With a final thrust, deep and hard, his cock spasmed the last drops and he moaned low in satisfaction.
Your world spun, dizzy and tumbling with lightheadedness as you gasped heavily for air.  Mammon was still for a long moment, his sweaty forehead pressed against your collarbone as his hot breaths coated your chest.
Slowly, he lowered your legs until you could wrap them around his waist.  Then, with you still held in his arms, you both slowly slid down the door until you were sitting in his lap, his softening cock still tucked snuggly in you.
You stared up at the ceiling, dazed, as the orange orb glowed and hovered, flickering like a candle.  The air was hot and stuffy, rich with the smell of sex and spices.
You tangled your fingers into his hair at the back of his head and scratched along his scalp tenderly, and he groaned contentedly.
“I love you too,” you finally rasped around tired lungs.
Mammon sat up finally and looked at you, his arms still around your waist.  “Do ya?”
You smiled at him.  “Yeah.  I do.”
He kissed you tenderly, his gentleness returning now that his lust had finally been satiated... for now.
“Good,” he replied. “Cuz I meant it when I said it.  I love ya more than anything.”
You smiled and kissed him back.  “I know,” you replied.
You leaned your head back against the door and closed your eyes.  Mammon laid his head against your chest as he snuggled you.
“Mine,” he muttered.
You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair.  “Yours,” you replied.
After a few long minutes of silence, you finally spoke.
“I have a confession.”
“Yeah? What is it?”
“I don’t know how to undo the binding spell on the door.”
“..... WHAT?”
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darklyndivinely · 1 year
For The Rest of My Life
Fandom - Obey Me!
Pairing - Lucifer x gn!reader
Summary - Lucifer proposes to you.
Warnings - Fluff, Suggestive content, marriage proposal, kissing.
Wordcount - 580+
A/N - Happy belated birthday to my favourite boi. The original plan was to write something angsty, it turned out fluffy instead. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate everyone who interacts with my posts, especially all the reblogs and tags. Y'all keep me sane, y'know. Hope you like this!
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The door clicks shut with a relieving finality. You discard your jacket and shoes, sighing at the lessened weight and stretch your tired body. Lucifer encircles your figure from behind, familiar and imposing, and nuzzles into your neck with a deep inhale. A smile pulls at your lips. You entangle a hand in his hair, resting your head back against his shoulder.
“This might be my favourite part of today,” he breathes, beginning to pepper kisses on your skin.
You release a shuddering breath when he teases the sharp of his canine against your collarbone, and turn, capturing his lips in a desperate kiss. His hand presses against your waist, sending a flutter through your stomach as he draws your body closer.
You fist the collar of his shirt, still trying to capture the full taste of the Demonus on his tongue and shift your weight on the balls of your feet. Take me to bed, the action means. But Lucifer pulls away, satiating your chasing lips with a chaste peck, and rests his forehead against yours. You gulp in deep breaths to calm your breathing, and cup his face, tilting his head to gaze at him, and tenderly swipe at his cheekbone. Everything ok?
Lucifer’s eyes flick between yours, searching, thinking; twice, thrice. “I have something for you.”
“What is it?”
He pulls away, straightens his collar, and smoothes his shirt. His hands are shaking, you notice. As he slowly digs into his pockets, anxiety coalesces in your throat. What is he doing?
Lucifer pulls out a small red box and your heart lurches to your stomach. Gently, he lowers to a knee, eyes fixated on your face and flicks the box open. It’s an elegant ring, simple and sober, crafted richly and thoughtfully. You stare at it, thoughts slowing as if immersed in quicksand.
“I know that I am not always very forthcoming with my feelings,” he starts. “Since you’ve arrived at Devildom I have only let you down, hurt you and underestimated you. I have been the worst version of myself to you. But these years that we’ve spent together, they’ve changed me. You’ve changed me. You have become an integral part of my life, of my family, of me. You have come to mean to me more than I had ever thought possible. I can’t imagine a universe where we don’t belong together... I love you. If you’d let me, I would like to love you for the rest of my life... Marry me, please.”
You stare into his eyes, looking at you with such hope and love. How many people had Lucifer knelt for? How many had he professed his love for?
“I love you too,” you say, feeling your heart lighting up with the words. “Yes. Yes. I’d love to marry you.”
Lucifer smiles, bright and wide, the shine of a thousand suns in his joy. The most beautiful creature to exist, indeed. He extracts the ring and slides it on your finger, snug and perfect. You stare at it, overjoyed, and meet Lucifer’s kiss halfway.
“I love you,” he says, kissing you so fervently. “I love you, I love you, I love you so fucking much.”
This time there’s no need for you to indicate anything to him. He leads your figures backwards and onto the bed himself to make do on his vow to love you for the rest of his life.
You laugh against his lips, electricity in your veins. “I love you too, Lucifer.”
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Taglist: @w01f2 @lilactaro
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