#doctor who expanded universe
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madfantheyinablueblog · 2 years ago
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a-wartime-paradox · 2 years ago
My NEW mapping for the Doctor's incarnations!
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After showing off my old version of the "doctor mapping" on the Doctor Who Discord, Bongo50 showed me this app, DrawExpress. I subsequently spent 5 hours of the next day creating this, and the next week slowly adding to it. The PNG here is very poor quality, but I have a PDF attached which is amazing quality (as Tumblr doesn't allow files to be uploaded afaik, I'll attach a drive link).
Here's the link!
Anyway, the incarnations I think I added since last time are:
All three incarnations of Intrepid instead of just one
The Nth Doctor and his predecessor from Audio Visuals
The Stranger and the Professor from BBV Productions
Doctor Omega, El Jefe, and Dr. Who (King Kong Escapes)
As always, I very much appreciate any feedback!
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sixties-doctor-who-stan · 3 years ago
So I bought The Companion's Companion yesterday (managed to find it for just a fiver!) and it's really cool honestly. There is tons of stuff that was cool but this part in particular just... well... broke my little Two/Jamie shipper heart :(
Also apparently Jamie is an amazing artist? Who knew?
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[Image Description: An old fashioned looking letter with a photo of the Second Doctor and Jamie stuck on it.
Text reads: "My memories are vague and I'm not allowed to keep them. I cannae remember leaving Scotland, let alone the planet. I'll draw for you what I can."
A detailed sketch of the Second Doctor, followed by more text.
Text reads: "Aye, I stayed true to the Doctor. I remember a man who was clever and would lay traps of the mind for the enemies he faced. A man who was not really a man, but a lord of time who travelled throughout space in his wee blue box and treated me as his closest ally. He would joke and play the fool, but all the time he was thinking, thinking, thinking. You've never met a sharper man."]
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[Image Description: A continuation of the previous old fashioned letter
Text reads: "I was never the brightest, but I was always bold. Aye, I could ride a horse or scale a mountain. I even wore my kilt in Tibet. That's as bold as a man could get. I fought beasties - lots of them. Creatures from outer space who could change their faces, or metal beasties that wanted to dominate our very planet."
Detailed drawing of a Cyberman face from the Moonbase, followed by more text.
Text reads: "He wanted me to teach him to play the bagpipes. There was talk in my clan of the Phantom Piper who would appear to a McCrimmon before death. I sometimes wondered if this could be the Doctor... But here I am. Aye, I wish I could keep these memories, but what would I do with them?
Jamie McCrimmon"]
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alyona11 · 3 years ago
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Commission for @fioiles Was awesome to draw Leela and Narvin from Sophie's War Room episode!
Plus bonus sketches of the ideas for this pic:
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alanofalltrades · 2 years ago
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It says "A Space Full of Time"
Well that's not ominous at all!
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riversofmars · 2 years ago
Any tips on How would someone who hasn't really listened to a dr who audio before go about finding the big finish audios?
Ahh well, it depends what you're interested in!
For an easy starting point, a lot of the old Main Range audios are on Spotify, so might be good to initially try out if you like the audios in general. Though I would say: don't start with the famous ones ("Zagreus" or "Scherzo" or something like that) because they're very hard to understand if you're unfamiliar with the format! Good ones to start on would be "Storm Warning" or "Chimes of Midnight" just to see if you like DW audios in general.
There are also some free audios on the Big Finish website. For instance, one of the best jumping on points in my personal opinion is "Doom Coalition" and the first episode of that, "The Eleven", is free on the website, so that's good to try as well.
Other than that I would say talk to other listeners for advice on what to start with or recommendations for different ranges based on what you like. I'm more than happy to help! Tell me what you like and I'll point you in the right direction.
And really important: wait for sales and always buy bundles when you do start buying from Big Finish. There are lots of ways of saving money on them, biggest mistake you can make is buy them one at a time! But again: always happy to give advice there as well!
So really: have a look at the free ones and get advice on where to start once you have an idea what you're looking for!
Hope that helps!
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musicalcompanions · 2 years ago
My child is fine
Your child is obsessing over an obscure Doctor Who expanded universe character
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fanonical · 2 years ago
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false-anomaly · 2 years ago
Sometimes I think about the first Doctor pre An Unearthly Child and I'm like. Okay so he had dubious looming/parentage, slept in a barn most of his childhood, killed a boy with a rock, killed two of his friends in an endless toy dimension after having a breakdown over a flower, got expelled, got married to a woman older than his kithriarch, passed his exams (finally) on the third try, had 13 kids (somehow???), fell out with every single one of his ex best friends, did something bad enough that the president ordered his own brother to assassinate both him and his granddaughter and he ended up running away to keep her safe. And also one of his companions from like 1000 years in the future was there and its implied that the universal concepts premeditated the whole thing but whatever. And it all happened within like 300 years.
All I'm saying is its no wonder he kidnapped Barbra and Ian if that's what we're working with
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"You're not the man I fell in love with." vs "I still love you."
(Main Range 50: Zagreus // Main Range 63: Caerdroia)
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quantumdoctor23 · 2 years ago
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Quick thoughts on "Tales of the Jedi: Justice"
Originally, I created this account to share my thoughts on Doctor Who-related things, because some stuff in the Expanded Universe there is WILD. Especially in the books. Oh boy, the books.
But for whatever reason I had this random desire to go through the Star Wars universe. Before that, I only watched the six movies and even that quite some time ago, so I was pleasantly surprised by the second episode of the "Tales"
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First of all, the animation here is ASTOUNDING. Probably one of the best I've ever seen. And I honestly loved seing Count Dooku as a jedi! "Justice" is a relatively short but nonetheless a very interesting story. The desolate atmosphere of the planet, the oppresion by the senator and Dooku's unacceptance of it. It's ironic to see how his desire for justice began his descent into darkness. All in all, I really enjoyed the episode and it honestly left me wishing to see more of Dooku's jedi years! Also, his voice actor? H o t. So I guess I'll also be posting Star Wars stuff here too! But there will definitely be Doctor Who posts because some of the 90's books are mind-blowing and people should read them. I was terrified writing this first post, because I was really unsure of my ability to write a comprehensive and interesting english text (I'm not a native, hiii, please bear with me), but hopefully I can make something out of it?
Love to you all, human beings!
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madfantheyinablueblog · 3 years ago
In celebration of Beep the Meep returning to Who, I'd like to share one of my favourite moments from the audio adaptation of his debut comic strip.
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a-wartime-paradox · 2 years ago
An extensive mapping of all of the doctor's incarnations
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This is my second revision (third edition overall). In this edition I have added quite a few incarnations and origins as well as clean up the mapping quite a bit.
The added incarnations include: the Red Guardian, Dronid Doctor, Dr. Who (Cushing Movies), Intrepid, 11's Ganger, the Dream Lord, Master!Doctor, Ulysses (for the Infinity Doctor), and the Father of Time.
The added origins include:
For the Other: Intrepid, the Stranger from the Future, contemporary of Rassilon (replaces "naturally born pre-pythian curse), Ancient being (including the subsets of Mimir and Nyarlothotep), and some relation to Tectuen (because their role in mythology is similar)
For the Doctor Proper: 49th century colony
Note that I also included both "invalid" doctors (such as Peter Cushing and Lenny Henry), as well as characters originally intended to be the doctor/other but never confirmed (Red Guardian, Intrepid )
I desperately wanted to add Ryan Fogarty's idea that Marnal was actually the Other and the Doctor absorbed the Other's biodata due to regenerating in his (Marnal's) TARDIS so many times, and being in it, but couldn't find any kind of actual evidence (unlike my Mimir Canon-Weld which I feel has somewhat adequate evidence).
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puffins-studio · 2 years ago
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sapphyreblayze · 3 years ago
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With a little help from my friends...
The Eighth Doctor and his companions, illustrated by Lee Sullivan in Doctor Who Magazine #272
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alanofalltrades · 2 years ago
I wonder if the Infinity Doctor could - outside of being from an alternative reality, of course - be some sort of Zeroeth Doctor, a transitional step between Fugitive/Morbius Doctors/Whoever Else Was There and the TV bunch.
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