#oh spoilers btw lol
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gothamite-rambler · 7 days ago
Bruce guessing the twist correctly while watching movies with his friends.
Bruce (watching the kill while eating): The killer is Patrick Dempsey's character.
Diana: What? There's no way Dr. Dreamy is the killer.
Bruce: He hasn't been in many scenes where the kills happen publicly, and… it's Patrick Dempsey. He makes the perfect twist killer.
Clark (eyes widened in horror): Why are we watching this?
Bruce: You asked me if I knew any good Thanksgiving movies and this is one of them. Plus I never finished it because of you know being Batman.
Barry (eating his popcorn): So a good thanksgiving movie is an Eli Roth gory slasher film?
Bruce (chewing on a Twizzler while watching the gory kill involving Yulia): Yeah, people don’t like his movies, but they’re enjoyably gory.
Barry: Got me there, and this movie isn’t nearly as gory as Cabin Fever.
Clark (shocked): This is the tame one?!
Bruce: We should watch Cabin Fever next.
Diana (smirking): Barry, you did that on purpose.
Barry: What can I say? Clark getting grossed out by fake gore is funny to me.
Clark (covering his eyes): I haven’t been through this type of pain! Don’t judge me!
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year ago
Mike: is struggling financially and mentally
Vanessa: *throws his prescription medicine*
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Edit: it's not just about whether Mike needed the drugs (which he didn't, i understand), it's about the fact SHE LITTERED and most likely polluted the river too.
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artuurle · 2 months ago
Okay so about those headcanons-
I believe ascending to god-hood in Great God Grove is heavily Tied to a persons mental health, whole post is under read-more for the sake of everyone, poorly written ramblings by someone that struggles to write out thoughts below with some doodles (obviously spoilers too!) :
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Aka dumb idiots who girl-rot (/silly) and don't handle their internal issues end up ascended in the realms hours to DAYS after the event instead of immediately after like in the case of King. In my headcanon this is because a gods new form is tied to who they are, and if you hate yourself, don't know who you are, or think you're nothing, it'll effect how you turn out, fighting with other aspects of how you see yourself for dominance. The harder the struggle to create a form, the more of a recoup period for said god to actually start being able to do things- think about it like recovering from exertion or from being sick.
This of course can lead to some problems for the said gods with more problems than others, like Inspekta:
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He fears being nobody, dying, leaving nothing behind, and being forgotten- and when he ascended he quite literally lost his whole torso and his tail popped off! hands possibly representin' the others that propped him up! Finally waking up after ascending I'd take it he took his form rather poorly and actually needed extra time to recover *emotionally* before anything on top of the time needed to pop into full existence as a god. I believe when the other gods saw his entrance into the realm, it was quite literally him dropping in from a long ways up with a thud for the jacket and his head bouncing away (really silly, like a ball). while being able to put it together for the other gods he ended up really struggling about what he'd become in private.
Another god i believe may have had issues with ascending is not surprisingly, Click Clack. A god i feel in his human life spent making himself palatable and burying editing out how he felt about things and being unnoticed. Also wouldn't be surprising some of the burying editing came in during the time between him and Thespius ascended, his lover was above them now, after all! I actually drew how i envisioned his entrance to the god realm, because i'm biased.
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like a sudden ink spill appeared after a while and he crawled out, exhausted.
anyway i've rambled incoherently enough hope u enjoyed my nonsense and the doodles [explodes]
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 10 months ago
as an apology for my recent brief shift from tdp content. (my heart just got broken by a show about dead british people I apologize) here are some textposts
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 4 months ago
shout out object shows with canon queer ships. I'm talking on screen kiss or even just verbal confirmation. all things considered it's a bit strange you don't really see them that much when you think about how gay everyone here is. I love you ii but c2bc did what you didn't and I think that's actually really nice.
#girl makes claims when there's 1 more ep for ii and many more for c2bc. police arrest her.#inanimate insanity#ii#osc#silver's mental breakdown#c2bc#c2bc spoilers#do we do that here or what#fireball c2bc#pound c2bc#i always misread his tag as pound cake. i am but a fool#also is firepound mildly fanbrush coded ir am i kind of losing it. it's someone and pb. because fireball is very pb coded. inspired? somethi#ng. also c2bc totally takes influences from ii and we all noticed that right. it's not a bad thing. ii is my favorite show. but like. “im nb#.“ ik there was like no other way to say it but that's exactly what pb says in s3. ”he wants to make a boys club!“ ”im nb.“ ”i mean... a no#girls club!!!!“ i think i lile c2bc but im bot 100% sure? i saw someone comment that all the chars are likeable but like. speaker isn't!! st#op bullying my girl corky!! she's literally not that bad! don't get me started on beerkeg. i dont feel bad that he was manipped bcus like. d#ude she said no. leave ger alone#!!#i dont feel bad for him at all snd even cheered when princess hat (?) started using him even though it was not the greatest move and not sup#er healthy. s2's cast is still mych better though. justice for portal though!!!!!!! gone too soon. i kinda shipped. princess hat (?) and tap#e measure in s1 btw i never told anyone that but I did think it. service bell is like a taco i like mych less. and shout out firepound and m#mirror book. pretty crazy how gay objects can just live in my head and i let them do that. anyways sorry for writing a whole nother post in#the tags i just haven't shared my thoughts yet and wanted to lol.#i like it i think#firepound#<- oh hey look gay people
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roominthecastle · 1 year ago
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Dain: You're wounded. You know that, right?
Violet: And you're a memory reader.
Dain: …
Violet: Oh, were we not stating obvious facts?
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nineshrike · 9 months ago
Call me a Stolas apologist if you'd like, but Stolas wasn't wrong to portal Blitzø out.
Blitzø had basically just challenged Stolas to take his turn at insulting him, let's go, let's have everything out, let's make this breakup a fight to remember, remind me why I don't deserve you -- and Stolas. Doesn't.
Because that's not how fights like this have ever gone for him. Stolas's past relationship wasn't like Blitzø and Verosika trading insults in Spring Broken; it was standing still and quiet while Stella hurled abuse at him. He's stood up for himself against her, yes, but how can he stand up against Blitzø? When Blitzø's right, and when Stolas is seeing Blitzø through such rose-tinted glasses?
From Stolas's perspective, there really isn't anywhere the conversation can go after that. Anything else that is said will just make the situation worse. So he ends it. And, honestly, even if Blitzø was reaching out at the end there, he still hadn't had time to process, and I can't really see an emotional reconciliation happening that quickly. It probably would've just devolved into another argument. At this point, space and time are the best things for both of them.
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extrahorribledynne · 8 months ago
issue 10 soundwave
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JUST LET HIM FIX HIS CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lavender-teardroplettes · 26 days ago
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.w. Did y'all know that alligator's have courting rituals? Who would have thought that extended to gator aliens?
Damian belongs to @papaziggy-devblog! uwu/
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artuurle · 2 months ago
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"who knows if i draw them like this again" - says the person who immediately draws them like this even more (and a godpoke as a treat) . shut upppppp
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kaeyachi · 10 months ago
my recently cynonari obsessed brain: What if Cyno can safely handle 2 ba fragments of Hermanubis as an adult due to being companions/ having prolonged exposure to Tighnari, and Hermanubis recognized that closeness? (Tighnari being a descendant as well)
Cyno handled the 2nd ba fragment a bit too well for my angst-loving brain...
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fumifooms · 9 months ago
Your post about falin manifested some Thoughts in me. Seeing how such a big part of her arc was becoming more independent and discovering what She wants to do, mixed with a lot of parts in the manga where she is much more comfortable looking masculine - embarrassed about how blushy she is but not really liking makeup, enjoying more masculine clothes, that one haircut swap where she seemed really happy in laios' cut, it made me realize there's totally some room for even some transmasc falin headcanons! Or at the very least, she's definitely GNC and it would be fun to see that explored in fanfic and fanart... anyway, your in depth analysis posts have really inspired me, got me itching to create some obscure dunmeshi fancontent or analysis now!
Omg…… I’ve never fully thought about it but you’re so right transmasc Falin would go so hard… There’s also how she idolizes Laios a lot… Male older brother role model she puts on a pedestral, could play into her relationship with it. Because of the dragon I like to see her as intersex, including post-canon but beyond that I always saw her as being the more or less agender type that just goes with whatever she feels fits her better, the sort of cis by default for lack of caring about it all that much, not unlike how I consider Laios cis by default but if you dig deep enough there’s otherkin stuff going on in there… Def agree with GNC Falin.
She and Toshiro have some interesting parallels, of being passive and suppressing themselves for the convenience of others, it’s a reason why seeing her being unabashedly entranced by a bug struck him so much— himself being a bug fan and polishing his demeanor to be perfectly respectable. Because of that and including specific details like getting told "boys don’t cry" by Hien- Actually just let me link this excellent post about trans Toshiro. Transfem Toshiro is so compelling and I think pairing it with transmasc Falin would be very interesting… The gender envy of it all, the talks… Need them to go on a trip together post-canon so so bad, life changing self-discovery camping trip
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I’ll be munching on this... I love it. Your reblog tags have been a delight, I’m so happy I could inspire you in any way! So looking forward to what you might make in the future
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nami-moittli · 1 month ago
General! Lilia polycule of his Wife (Meleanor) and her husband (Raverne), his husband (Ray/Knight of Dawn) and his wife (Leah), and his boyfriend (Baul)
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baldrickwhethers · 5 months ago
hi so. i know i should probably move past the 13 min mark in the ep but i just need to rant real quick about fucking up in character making a character good while still being flawed. spoilers for mismag s2 ep 2 and ep 3 under the cut
i love. LOVE. that erika fully committed to having k fuck up. he didnt back down when aabria did the 'are you SURE' and they didnt back back down when she said the dc. erika knew the odds were close to none and he STILL went through with it, resulting in the most dramatic and incredible character death and roleplay moments i've ever seen from d20. and what drives me more insane was that it was completely in character for who k is.
k's job as itsy is the guide. their whole thing is helping people new to magic get their foot through the door and work on their magical abilities. and she's GREAT at it. however, it also seems to have put her in the mindset that she can just 'fix' things. even when they arent already broken.
evan was fine. his bone had been healed wrong, sure, but his arm worked. he was fine. he didnt need to be helped in that moment and he never asked for it either. but k saw a poor, scarred man, ('he's so SAD') and decided to help him.
not realizing how royally they were going to fuck it up.
and it's beautiful it drives me CRAZY because it's a perfect encapsulation of how to show a character flaw even as someone 'good-aligned.' k asserted their will over evan and he suffered the consequences. it was, to be blunt, selfish. in their craving to assist, to be helpful, they've done something that's irreversibly changed evan's life. he didn't even know what was coming.
i commend EVERYONE at the table for taking k's mistake and just running with it. i may only be 13 minutes into the episode but the emotional toll is so bad i've had to pause twice and take a break so i dont start weeping.
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jazzically · 5 months ago
there is a powerful need inside of me to draw them but unfortunately i can't draw so i was suddenly compelled to create these instead (i have homework please save me)
here are the color palettes i associate with some of the main tma cast. the vibes called to me (ft. my awful finger handwriting)
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do with them what you will — they just feel right to me (i haven't looked at any fan art yet besides like one or two drawings of john and maybe martin and melanie)
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