#normally I don’t respond to these things but I don’t want misinformation to spread as that’s what I was seeing be done
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real-reulbbr-band · 9 months ago
If you're going to hate on demestrap to hype up Demelurina at least get an actual picture of Dem and Bomb to make your point.
I saw someone show the demelonzo meet up after the mac fight and say it was them- it's literally on the wiki.
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Here's the full photo; this is Demeter and Alonzo from a promotional image of cats Hamburg.
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thestarpletsystem · 10 months ago
{I'm going to post this as it's own thing as well, since I'm pretty proud of it. This is in response to "The Future is Plural" and those who respond with The Future is Singlet. This entire thing is aimed at anti-endos, and I think is an important read for them. I also wanted it to reach my normal audiance as well, since a lot of you probably have some of the tags I tagged the original as blocked.}
"The future is singlet" goes back to what I reblogged earlier, which I doubt y’all would see since it’s a pro-endo post. Nobody is asking for there to be more abused kids. If they are, they probably aren’t speaking in good faith on this argument or they have something else they need to work through.
Let’s say that we know, 100% for a fact, the only way to be a system is through trauma. There is still use for you in that phrase. The point of “the future is plural” is not what it says on the tin, as you've shown. We’re not asking for there to be more systems, if we’re thinking strictly in your terms. We’re asking for it to be believed; for it to be taken seriously. We want it to be normalized in the way where if someone says “hey I’m plural” we believe them. We want there to be more understanding and less hate. We want to ensure that those ahead of us don’t have to face what we have, and that what those before us have done was not in vain.
You know why it’s not okay for clinicians to abuse their patients with DID? It’s not because they woke up one day and decided “maybe we shouldn’t be treating our patients like this.” It’s because activists before us did their job. Back in the ‘80s there were so many fucked up practices being done to those with DID, named MPD at that time. Which I must include because it is pertinent to the history of our disorder. Law suits have been brought to court and have been won over these practices. Now, while we are quite a bit better in terms of clinicians that specialize in DID, we aren’t in terms of the general population. They may still believe we are voilent and scary. They may still believe that it’s not a real disorder. They may still believe that it’s just like what they see on TV. Which, as everyone here knows, it isn’t.
We want to make sure they understand that we are humans, too. While we may be many, we aren’t terrible or lying or any number of things others who have no experience with DID think. We, as a community, deserve better. We deserve to be believed. We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
And so, I bring it back to one of my first points. Even if we were arguing for there to be more systems, it’s not in the way you desperately want to believe. It’s not begging for more traumatized children. It’s not through pain and suffering. Its a call for pride on all sides. It’s also recognition of the systems that just happen, it’s to celebrate the beauty of those who found their plurality and aren’t traumatized like you or I. You can believe that systems and dissociation ONLY form from trauma, but you wouldn’t be right. To the end where even Dr. Collin A. Ross, one of, if not THE leading researcher in the field, outright states that there are those out there who have been diagnosed with DID and who struggle with dissociation who have no trauma history. He himself has said that there are even people who are multiple that would not fit the criteria or don’t have the difficulty that those with DID must to experience for it to be the disorder it is. (Thanks sysmedsaresexist!)
If you won’t listen to those who experience endogenic plurality, if you won’t listen to those who have done research and have still come to this conclusion, if you won’t listen to those leading in the field of trauma and dissociation, then who will you listen to? How will you be able to make sure you’re not spreading the same misinformation and hate that the phrase “The future is plural” is a desperate plea to combat? How are you better than the endogenic systems you want to demonize so badly?
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theswiftheartsystem · 1 year ago
Tw: very aggressive anti-endo post I’m responding to (Syscourse of course with that.) also I will most likely curse here and come off as very angry.
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Okay, so I normally wouldn’t do this, but this post genuinely pissed me the fuck off. I blocked out identifying information of the person because it’s not about this person, it’s about the general misinformation spread by these people. Please do not harass this person, this post is clearly engagement bait, which is what ultimately made me decide to do it this way.
Religious forms of plurality has existed and been known about far longer then DID has. Not just Tibetan Buddism. Which just shows you haven’t done any fucking research whatsoever. That’s pretty typical for posts like this, but still.
“Support actual victims” A lot of endogenic systems have trauma as well, but you deny them the right to exist because the trauma isn’t valid to you. It isn’t the “right” way. A lot of endogenic systems form alters to because there brain isn’t shielding them from the trauma by forming DID or OSDD, or a different form of plurality, so they fucking do it themselves. But no, they don’t fit your narrow views of plurality so therefore “to bad, so sad, you don’t deserve support” A lot of systems are Trauma-Endo, but that trauma isn’t real enough to you because you have decided “I don’t experience this, so it doesn’t exist” same fucking argument is used against queer people, people with invisible disabilities, (which DID can be, and we consider it one for ourselves personally, that doesn’t mean it is for everyone) and basically every fucking Minority.
Even if endogenic systems have no trauma, which does happen, why are you against them having a safe space??? That means they won’t be in your safe spaces because they have separate ones?!?!
I assume the persecutor thing is something to fall back on “Oh my persecutor said it, it wasn’t me!!!” As a persecutor myself, I don’t give a shit if you are a persecutor, or a caregiver, or whatever. You still are responsible for what you say and do. You are still responsible for what your alters say and do.
I assume this person is saying endogenic systems have factious disorder or something, but guess the fuck what. People with factious disorder deserve safe spaces too. Factious disorder is a real fucking disorder not just a quirky thing to call people. They deserve help and therapy with factious disorder, like you deserve treatment for DID.
Also as a final thing to add, it’s funny how sysmeds complain about how endogenic systems go on tags for them, when they don’t want to see it, and then purposely try to make upsetting post and using the tags used by the community so they see them and get triggered.
Endogenic systems have done nothing fucking wrong to you by existing.
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whentherewerebicycles · 1 year ago
ugh I am really struggling with a thing with a former student/mentee of mine. in the week or two of the post-hamas attack aftermath I posted something on instagram that was basically like, i feel an obligation to be an informed global citizen and believe me I read/think about/despair over the news every day but I also think it’s ok to really viscerally hate “doing politics” on social media, where complex, centuries-old geopolitical and cultural conflicts get reduced to a sensationalized infographic some teenager designed on canva last night. at the time I was watching people spread rampant misinformation about the hospital explosion when we had zero conclusive information, and had also just heard jon favreau talking about research indicating that something like 80% of the images and videos people were sharing on social media weren’t actually FROM the current conflict or couldn’t be verified as real. and idk I also have some private thoughts about how american leftists in particular really glom onto this issue because we perceive israelis as ‘white people’ and palestinians as people of color and we get to feel like we are exorcising our own country’s racial demons by advocating for the expulsion of the israeli people from land that many of them actually have deep historical ties to and at least a semi-legitimate cultural and religious claim to inhabiting.
to be clear I think the current israeli government is pretty much your trump-inspired shitty/evil right-wing militaristic populist movement and I feel like their response has squandered every single ounce of empathy garnered by the hamas attacks!! but idk I guess what I want to carve out space for is like, the right to say I AM NOT AN EXPERT HERE. I DO NOT HAVE DEEP ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF THIS CONFLICT. I WORRY ABOUT SPREADING DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION IN BOTH DIRECTIONS IF I SHARE UNVERIFIED SOURCES OR REDUCTIVE TAKES. ALSO I AM A PRIVATE CITIZEN AND I DO NOT HAVE A “PLATFORM” JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE CONFUSED, TO NOT PASS SNAP JUDGMENTS ON RAPIDLY EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL INCIDENTS, AND TO ENGAGE IN POLITICS BY MEANS OTHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING. but idk this former student, who I had a really good relationship with for many years, has just come after me in my DMs and keeps sending me posts implying that anyone who is not furiously posting right now is pro-Palestinian genocide, etc etc, and meanwhile she is posting hundreds of unverified stories a day from Arabic-language sources that aren’t just like, anti-Zionist but are actively pro-Hamas, actively denying that the attacks on Israel happened, and actively calling for the immediate and violent expulsion of all Jews from the area. dude idk she’s not my student anymore so I think I’m just going to disengage/not respond and continue staying off insta because it sucks out there!! but it sucks!
I also just refuse to experience a war via unfiltered social media posts again. I did that for a month or two at the start of the ukraine invasion and I can’t unsee some of the stuff I saw on telegram. I don’t actually think any of us have a moral obligation to watch or share a 24/7 feed of graphic images of maimed corpses and crying children. I can’t make the violence STOP by watching that content and I also don’t believe that ravenously consuming the most terrible moments of people’s lives is a form of meaningful political solidarity. WHATEVER as you can see I still feel super conflicted about how to feel about all of this but I also have to remind myself that IT’S NOT NORMAL to click through my stories or scroll down my feed alternating between liking people’s cat photos and watching people dying half a world away. we were NOT BUILT to process world-historical events this way and it is OKAY to opt out of watching a livestream of human suffering you are personally powerless to do anything about.
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critical-skeptic · 4 months ago
Why I Call Out Idiots, Ridicule Them, and Still Put in the Intellectual Effort
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Let’s get one thing clear right out of the gate: engaging with the intellectually bankrupt isn't about convincing them. It’s not about changing the mind of the conspiracy nut, the QMAGA cultist, the religious zealot, or the Dunning-Kruger poster child who thinks they know more than any expert because they once watched a YouTube video. Most of these people are beyond reasoning. They've willingly turned off the critical thinking switch in their heads and committed to their insulated worldview. Trying to talk them out of it is like trying to teach a fish how to ride a bike—it’s pointless, exhausting, and ultimately a waste of time.
But here's the thing: I’m not talking to them. When I call out their bullshit, ridicule their arguments, and put the intellectual or academic effort into tearing down their fallacies, it's not for their benefit. They’re lost causes. It’s for the one person in the crowd—the bystander, the lurker, the person who hasn’t yet fully bought into the echo chamber of ignorance—who might be open to listening. That person? They’re worth the effort.
There's a popular conception that if you engage with these kinds of people, you should do so respectfully, patiently, and with empathy. Frankly, that’s nonsense. These ideologues don’t deserve respect because they have no respect for truth. They don't deserve empathy because their entire shtick is designed to perpetuate ignorance, division, and sometimes outright harm. When someone uses their platform to spread blatant lies or dangerous fallacies, they should be called out—and if it takes ridicule to do that, so be it.
Critics might say, "But you're not going to convince them if you're dismissive or rude." Guess what? I don’t give a damn. I’m not interested in convincing someone who thinks the Earth is flat, that vaccines are mind control devices, or that an invisible deity is pulling the strings of the universe. What I care about is the other people watching, the ones who are still on the fence. The ones who might be swayed if they see someone actually pushing back against the tide of misinformation. If one person out of a hundred sees my argument and it plants a seed of doubt in their mind about the nonsense they're being fed, that’s worth it.
This is about reaching them—the thinkers, the skeptics, the people who might not even realize they’re hungry for real information. Maybe they’ve been floating around in the middle, too timid or unsure to push back themselves, too lost in the noise to seek out better sources. When they see someone pushing back—whether with logic, mockery, or cold, hard facts—it might just give them the encouragement they need to look deeper.
We live in a time when people are retreating into ideological bubbles, only talking to people who agree with them. That’s dangerous. It allows bad ideas to fester, unchecked, and gives the impression that everyone is either an extremist or a coward. I'm not interested in talking only to my bubble. I want to break through the walls and let people outside see that there’s another way to think. That’s why I engage. That's why I argue. And when necessary, that's why I ridicule.
The problem with staying silent or pretending these people can be reasoned with is that it normalizes their nonsense. It gives the impression that their ideas are just one side of a "legitimate debate." Newsflash: they're not. When you engage with a creationist, you're not debating science versus religion. You're calling out blatant ignorance masquerading as intellect. When you respond to a QMAGA believer who claims Trump was sent by God, you’re not engaging in a political conversation. You’re confronting a cultist mindset. And when you take on a conspiracy theorist who thinks 5G is part of a global mind-control plot, you’re not discussing telecommunications technology; you're pointing out someone’s dangerous disconnection from reality.
So, why do I still bother? Because it matters. Even if 99 out of 100 people are unreachable, there’s always the chance that the one who’s left will see the truth. And that’s worth everything. We all have a responsibility not to just talk to our perceptive bubbles, but to provide others with the tools and information they need to see things for themselves. You don’t have to force anyone; you just have to be there to plant the seed.
The world doesn’t change because a few idiots get smarter—it changes when a silent majority sees that the idiots can and should be called out. When rational people stop being silent and start pushing back, others take notice. And maybe, just maybe, that leads to real change.
This is the goal—what should be everyone’s goal. Not to convince every lost cause, but to ensure that the people on the fence have a clear view of both sides. And to make damn sure they know which side is built on reason, evidence, and truth.
If calling out the bullshitters and ridiculing the dogmatic helps accomplish that, then I’ll gladly do it every day.
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shit-talk-turner · 5 months ago
I’m a psychologist. I’ve met many men who have a hard time showing love. I constantly see people who label them as autistic or cold which only fuels harmful stereotypes. Stop diagnosing celebrities. Outside of my professional work, I’m a huge Arctic Monkeys fan. I saw them live multiple times and was lucky enough to spend some time in their social circle. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve cringed reading this blog. Gossiping is a part of human nature and I absolutely understand the concept of this whole thing, I didn’t come here to ruin the party. I see the entertainment value even though I’m probably way older than most participants. I absolutely love the open mindedness of the blog owner and her objection against things like: misogyny, fetishizing someone’s sexual orientation, bodyshaming, doxing and other venomous behaviors that are unfortunately, very common in the fandom. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude because I’m someone who devotes their entire existence to fight stigma and spread awareness of said topics. On the other hand, I had a pretty good laugh on here reading some of your humorous fashion takes, linguistic jokes and biting satire of the French culture. Pointing out the absurd of current social media trends is also something worth mentioning! Kudos to you because you definitely have a fascinating personality, rich sense of humor and some unique aura in your ways of responding that kinda made me addicted to this blog. Believe or not but I work with famous individuals and understanding their complex minds and relationships dynamics is a big part of my daily routine. I understand witticism but one thing I’ve noticed here keeps bothering me and it’s the main reason I decided to leave a comment….I keep seeing this callous and tranquil attitude towards heartbreak and the general difficult nature of romantic relationships. Now this is the part where I turn into a lame boomer and despite my private connections to people whose problems are the core of your entertainment, I try to stay as objective as possible. No one asked but it truly saddens me to see how much ignorance, misinformation and forms of sadism are being normalized within the fan community. And it’s often only because someone doesn’t meet your expectations of what you consider a „healthy relationship”. I hate(big word but it’s mandatory here) how easily you jump to conclusions with so little information. Like the lack of smile or physical touch in candid photos are being basically treated as diagnostic criteria. Or someone’s stage presence and theatrical mannerism is being called „autistic” without hesitation. The overall lack of education here is constantly showing. Sometimes it feels like you hate your idol, constantly trying to get your dirty hands on the most intimate aspects of his life…and do you really think this type of energy is innocent? Or don’t you see how pathetic it is to literally wait for someone’s heart break because it provides content and the awful egomaniac side of you needs to prove something? And you try to justify all of this because someone has made some mistakes in the past. So, you create a whole image of a possibly complex person by taking little scraps from their social media activity. I know how ridiculous it will sound but please, imagine educated professionals building someone’s entire psychological portrait using very short and blurry videos from parties and concerts. Oh lord. Someone’s awkwardness or dancing skills determine if they’re worthy of love? Whaaaaat? There are so many beautiful and powerful ways of communicating love or forming connection that will never be visible through the lens of an online platform. People have so many personalities and ways of conveying emotions. Not everything has to be obvious or clear. The lack of enthusiasm in body language is not always depression or unhappiness. Our past mistakes don’t reflect our true identity. Imagine yourself being judged by old Facebook posts! This absurdity kills me.
We two are individuals that work with people and understand the importance of relationships and how deep a humans personality goes. Of course we understand no one here (including us) can know everything about these people or what goes on in their lives. Thats why we keep our speculation and shit talk here and don��t take it to their social media profiles or something. We’re not wishing for anyone’s downfall but we do love gossiping about AM and right now, the well is dry, so yes a break up would be content. Notice how we’re not doing anything to bring it about. Just waiting for whatever content we’re going to get so we can enjoy it as is. We also welcome anyone to judge us based on our own social media, past and present (though obviously we’re maintaining our anonymity) because nothing in our past is as misogynistic or racist like some of the people we discuss here. Thanks for being here and for your thoughts
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twstedpometea · 2 years ago
Rules-Memo for this blog!
Considering the situation that happened with Crowstales, I’m going to be setting some ground rules. Including about messaging me. I will ask people to please read this post if you plan to interact with this blog! Blog Rules: 1. Please remember my posts (and their topics) are for just educating the fandom and not meant to be used as an excuse to harass someone!  
Yes, Ugi has traced stuff and done other stuff, but it is better to just protect ourselves from her. I can only suggest is that people don’t support her or Block her. By doing so we disable her range in the fandom space. We also need to alert people she’s traced from so they can handle stuff (as a lot of social media limits who can report about tracing.)
I do not want people Doxxing anyone within the Twst-Fandom! I do not support Doxxing. That is against the law!
You can also educate people if you want about the situation but please do not harass, message bomb or spread misinformation! There is a way to educate and make others aware of the tracing issue without annoying others.
You should also respect that people don’t want to deal with drama and that's fine. Everyone has their boundaries. This is why I also made tags so if people want they can blacklist stuff out. Block and move on if need be!
2. No Anon messages! Anon is disabled for this blog!
Again; I will not be supporting any Doxxing and as such if you want to share something your going to have to message or ask me normally.
Despite Anon being off though; I can promise if people do find any traced images and their sources I will keep all messages/asks private between myself and whoever sends the message if your so concerned about privacy.  
If people want me to answer their asks publicly, then please also let me know when you send a message to me.
3.This blog is only going to focus on tracing/plagiarism issues.
As an artist myself, this is where my main focus will be about all this.
All I would like to do is help source things to the original fan-artists/creators because they deserve credit for their artwork and because I don’t support blatant tracing/plagiarism.
Yes, there is a difference in tracing/copying/referencing. I will go over this in a later post to help educate people.
4.  4. Do not copy pasting and altering any of my posts
I do not appreciate anyone taking my posts and copy pasting them and altering anything from them to be used for whatever reason.
5. I will respond when I can!
I have a life outside this Twsty-dramaland. So just be patient. I might not reply quickly given apparently how many messages/people are currently pinging me so please bare with me.
6. Please be civil when interacting with this blog!
I am just a human myself and I have my boundaries as well. Keep that in mind! Thank you!
(Rules will be added if I see fit to edit stuff) -TwstedPomeTea
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dollzites · 9 days ago
A brief rant: I have nothing against anyone who ships Haein with JSM, but some of them (the ones that appear on my Twitter timeline) are a little crazy.
They create theories in everything they do, they create theories about every post the two make on Instagram, in general they continue to create theories about EVERYTHING that Haein and she do. I don't think this is healthy and normal.
He has already denied the rumors and basically said that they are just friends, in addition to saying that he would not comment on it because he was afraid of the media distorting anything he said (and he's not wrong( and she said that she understands why he did not want to comment and that she was happy that people liked the chemistry of the others and that it turned out better than she expected. In my opinion, their response to me is enough to know that they are just friends.
And even if they were or are dating, that's none of our business, we're fans and they don't owe us anything. They responded about the rumors and people should accept their official response. It's ok to ship the two and want them together, but it's not ok to keep trying to get into their personal lives, creating theories about everything they do, let alone making everything they do be about each other, if they make a post on Instagram, just enjoy the update, stop making it about a ship.
. ۫ ꣑ৎ . anon I really like the way you think because as a kpop / kdrama stan myself the shipping gets out of control. I have gotten into some arguments with people about the harm of shipping real people together. the characters are totally understandable but real people is when I draw the line and get really uncomfortable. you’re so right! none of it is normal at this point. the majority that I see spread misinformation just to fit their delusional narratives which is so awful and exactly it’s none of our business. I think fans don’t understand when to stop and realize that these men and women are simply doing their job as actors and idols and at the end of the day they’re normal humans (like us) that go home and do normal things. I haven’t had the chance to meet a lot of people who think the way I do so thank you for sending this! and having a normal mindset! I know it takes a toll on these actors and actresses because their name being in the media isn’t exactly what they want especially if it’s about dating / marrying that’s not even true. pretty sad :/
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showf4ll · 3 months ago
hiii soooo I just realised we've been mutuals for quite a bit now but I never knew you had a specific dni list... and I jus read it and think I may be on it.
I'm traumagenic, but I absolutely have no problem with endos. one of my closest friends is an endogenic system and I adore them and can't imagine ever hating them or anyone because they are endo. imo its none of my buisness what type of system a person is nor is it my place to say whether someone is or isnt plural or is or isnt valid.
is that an issue?
Do not respond to this looking for an argument. It is tagged with syscourse so that my followers don’t see it if they don’t want to.
If we’re mutuals already then it’s not too much of an issue. I will say though that I do NOT in any way support invalidating identities. The reason I’m anti-endo is due to it often being
1) An actual system being unaware of their trauma (which would mean they don’t even know there’s something to work through)
2) Misidentifying symptoms which in of itself is harmful if you’re trying to work through a whole different disorder than what you have.
3) Singlets that are just mistaking normal things for being plural which can and has for many “endo systems” and even misidentified traumagenic systems ended in psychosis or a loss of identity/other issues
It’s not my place to assume if someone’s experience is or isn’t real or if they are or are not a system. Endo spaces just very frequently spread misinformation and are inhabited by some people faking it for “fun”, though I’d say that’s the minority.
Im willing to explain more in dms if you’re comfortable but tldr; I don’t support hate and/or fakeclaiming whatsoever and my issues with endos are from a medical standpoint/concern.
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thebloodofchimera · 3 months ago
Introduction Post
Greetings, you may call me Ouroboros, as that is what we collectively want to be called here.
Our origins will be kept to ourselves as we feel more comfortable keeping that personal. Though, we will interchangeably use singular and plural pronouns. When referring to us, use respective pronouns, or he/they pronouns. He and they are interchangeable with us, having no specific preference for either. We are bodily transmasc and queer. The body is 21 years old. We have partners and aren’t looking for anyone else.
We will post individual introductions and link each to their respective member. As of now though, Ouroboros is enough. If we decide to make our individual introductions, we will update this introduction post.
Something to note about our blog is that we are pro-endogenic and pro-willogenic. We do not tolerate disrespect and will respond with the same energy you give us. Give respect to earn respect, we live by that principle.
Blog Purpose
We will talk about many different things. Experiences, our journey, our interests, normal main blog frolicsomeness. We have no specific goals for this blog.
Something we refuse to discuss personally is syscourse. We are not fans of the drama and do not want to get into the middle of it. So please, respect us and don’t drag us into it.
We are decently tolerant as long as you are a decent individual. We are not above blocking or making fun of anyone who either interacts or harasses us.
1. Anti-Endogenic, anti-willogenic, anti-non-traumagenic, Sysmeds. As stated before, we are pro-endogenic and pro-willogenic. We have no issues as long as no one is doing harm or spreading misinformation. As long as they’re not claiming to be a disordered system, they are doing no harm in our eyes.
2. Anyone with harmful paraphilias. With that, anyone who is anti-recovery/pro-forced recovery for these paraphilias. We are against these sorts of people. We know people who have been harmed this way, and have dealt with these sorts. We do not enjoy them and do not want to interact with anyone who is into them. In saying that, we do not want to know if you are in recovery, but if you are anti-recovery or pro-forced recovery, we really do not want to interact with those like you.
3. Radqueers and TransIDs. We do not like some of the individuals in these communities. Especially if we get into TransIDs that are legitimately harmful and fall under harmful paraphilia. Some are fine if you are a part of that grouping (transpecies for alterhumans for example). Though, we are very against the harmful ones.
4. NSFW/NSFT and adjacent blogs. This is not a kink blog. This is safe for work blog to interact with typical main blog things.
5. Minors messaging us. We mostly ask that you don’t message us privately. You are safe to interact here, but we do not want you to talk to us privately due to us being bodily 21.
6. Political blogs and right wingers (American political party). We do not want to get into politics and do not want to interact with anyone who are going against our rights. Either way, it is a sensitive topic and we do not want to deal with anything related to this topic on this blog.
7. General DNI individuals. This is for those who can fall under categories such as homophobic, transphobic, racists, and so on. If it is generally discriminatory or harmful? Get off this blog. We do not want you here.
Individual Introductions
To be shared later. For now, we are Ouroboros. Pleasure to greet you here.
Tags and Their Purpose
I will be taking care of these later. Plan for tags dealing with reposts, ask box messages, and so on. It is late and we want to try and fix our sleep schedule
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mylesobando · 5 months ago
Ethics of social media
In the online space it has become a trend to be snarky with your responses. They are often tweets from brands that end up going viral as you would not expect for a large company to respond like a moody teen. This was made very popular by Wendys, they seem to have moved away from this strategy but do sometimes respond to things in a more silly or childish way like this response to twitter user @objecti_5 saying “Mhm” to a tweet that just reads “Chicken Sandwich”. This is a trend we can see a lot from airline brand Ryanair. For example responding to popular Youtuber @RyanTrahan when they quote retweeted him saying “so needy” when asking for a compliment on twitter. Another example of them doing this is yet another quote retweet response to user @Chris_nonumbers telling him “dream bigger, Chris” in response to a photo of them being in a row by themselves and saying “Today, I lived the impossible dream”. 
There have been cases of poor ethics as in the Dr.DisRespect situation where he was canceled due to claims he was a predator and was also cheating on his wife. He had responded to these claims on twitter but this tweet has since been deleted. There were numerous tweets made about the situation such as that made by user @chrissyxchi posting about her opinions about the situation and some of her own personal findings. There have also been rather blatant cases of manipulation with the use of AI images/deep fakes. There have been images and videos of political leaders of them doing unsavory things and spreading misinformation. There are even laws being put into place in the state of California to force social media to take action against it. 
If I was to join a social media team I would like to be a part of the social media team for the game Omega Strikers. I think they seem like a good team to be a part of and exhibit ethical behavior. I believe this because they seem very genuine and kind as well as grateful for their community. They repost fanart of their characters on twitter or posting it with credit on their instagram. They also do not speak on things outside of their expertise or on topics not pertaining to their game, thus not stirring up controversy in their community. They also run the account in an often silly way making it not seem like tweets from a corporation but rather a real person like anyone else and they take real note of what their community wants and enjoys.
Another brand that I believe shows off good social media ethics is GamerSupps. They don’t just support themselves but they work with many different content creators big and small and from many different kinds of content creation. They retweet posts from their partners mentioning their brand, potentially bringing more eyes to those creators. There was also a controversy involving the release of one of their flavors, specifically the art on the tub. Normally when there is any art involved with their products they link to the artists social media account in the product description but for this product there was no such link. There were also many who believed the art to be AI generated. Reddit user u/countrybumpkincospla even posts a photo outline every spot where they think the AI claim would make sense. In response to the backlash, the company said the flavor would never be restocked and made a public apology about how much they hate AI generated art and will work to be better in working with artists and publicly crediting them. 
In the case of influencers being ethical two good examples would be MBT and Mista GG. MBT is a very positive voice not just for the Yu-Gi-Oh community but also for the LGBTQ+ community as well as he is openly bisexual. He also is someone who talks about politics quite often, even having a video posted where he plays Yu-Gi-Oh and speaks with a member of congress. Often speaking on politics is the downfall of many online but for MBT on his many platforms of Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, and even his podcast he shows a level of understanding and competency in the space to not spread misinformation or disinformation while also being able to continue being humorous without running the risk of spreading anything through misunderstood satire. Mista GG is a Youtuber and Twitch streamer who I also find very ethical. He navigates tough topics like his thoughts on a trend of simply beating up predators for views in a video on his second channel Mista G Dubs while making it clear it is just his take, not trying to put an agenda trough his position even respectfully saying he is not the target audience for that kind of content. He also watches and reviews movies and notes every video that he is not a professional thus to not mislead viewers who may be unfamiliar with him into thinking he is a professional movie reviewer and that he is just giving his personal opinion on the film.
For my own personal conduct I feel it is important for me to maintain trust with the people who follow me, I post more amateur edits of gameplay clips and when I say I am going to post soon I plan to adhere to that even is others say it does not matter if it am true to my word or not. I also feel it is important for me to not post about topics I would be more ignorant on as I personally do not like to spread lies online but also for potential employers to see me posting my opinion on current events and for me to maybe have a stance built on lies or misunderstandings that reflects poorly on myself. In the same vein I want to avoid Misappropriation. I can try and avoid this by doing sufficient research when big events happen and choosing if and when I post about them so as not to cause conflict with peers, family, or potential employers. I can also continue to refrain from dealing in unsavory activities. I also want to avoid having negative ripple effects. This means I have to be mindful that others may see my work and to not post things online that may, even if not offensive or hurtful to me, may be hurtful to others. 
Transparency, when a project is not on tract making sure I communicate this with my community.
Avoid Monotony, keeping my ideas fresh and improving my work and innovation with help me be a better social media user
Do not engage with narcissism, I will avoid hyper fixating on engagement on my page like follows and likes and will avoid pushing my name to a point where it is bothersome for those who engage with me. 
I will acknowledge that when entering a conversation under a post or about a topic online that I am not the star of the show and that we are all there to converse about something we had an interest in.
I will maintain proper etiquette and treat others as I would want to be treated.
Links for sources mentioned
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqVtF_YfXho&rco=1   timestamp 6:20
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kaymart18 · 2 years ago
The video on the show Cops was a pretty interesting one as I’ve been a fan of that show, as well as the show Live PD. In the video, we learn about the history of both of these shows, and we also learn about the behind-the-scenes aspects. The show originated with the launch of the Fox TV channel. At the time, there was other writers' strike, and the CEO of Fox at the time introduced cops as a great idea as it didn’t require actors, nor script writers and all.
Over the years, the show was been criticized for showing negative stereotypes and being a device for cops in different cities and states to advertise their department or as a way to clean up an image when there is controversy. For example, when the Rodney King video came out in the 90s, the use of the show cops to film the LAPD was finally approved after years of trying, it was used to make LAPD look better. Many other police departments followed and did the same.
Live PD uses the same concept as Cops, it’s just less polished as opposed to Cops and actually shows rawer footage. At the end of the day, these two shows don’t need writers whatsoever and follow the same strategy for every episode. Both of these shows are significant to the audience, as it shows a glimpse of the real world when it comes to law enforcement. Both of these shows follow police officers around responding to calls on their radio, doing heavy investigations, as well as talking to the public, and interacting with normal people who aren’t criminals. Capturing these real-life events is quite interesting to me, even though I have no desire in going into law enforcement, it’s still pretty interesting to see.
The video about the false flaggers was interesting as well but for the wrong reasons. We see in the video that these people go on from different cities or states to harass others debunking situations such as shootings or other heretic events, completely shutting victims and survivors that these situations never happened and that it was fake and everyone involved is paid crisis actors and there is no significant evidence that these events never took place. The vocabulary used by the false flaggers was disgusting and very childish, as these two are clearly out of touch with reality.
To answer the question, visual journalism evolved and been different in today's world, a lot of these news outlets have been relying on videos and images to tell stories. With the rise of these conspiracies and hoaxes made up online, especially AI, with these deep fakes, it has been very difficult for journalists nowadays to have their visual media as effective. The example for the show Cops comes with how the police are made out to be, many have said that these shows glorify police violence and show negative stereotypes for POC, which can be an issue for visual journalism. Journalists will rely on the visual content that is put out on cops and they will think that these stereotypes are true and will most likely contribute to reporting bias.
Just like the issue with cops, these hoaxes that are shown on social media, as well as other platforms give a negative impression for visual journalism. These false flaggers are notorious for using videos and images to spread their wild views and crazy conspiracy theories. It makes it hard for journalists to fact-check and verify these things when they go viral and create mass panic among the public. I don’t want to get political, but most Trump Republicans are like this, they spread misinformation and cause mass panic with these wild ideologies.
With these issues, it brings up the idea of Critical thinking and the whole aspect of fact-checking when it comes to visual journalism. Journalists now have to be extra careful when trying to verify a piece of information and find out the legitimacy of what they’re seeing or reading. Journalists always have to remember to be aware of stereotypes and biases that they might add to their work/content. With these extra precautions, journalists can make sure that everything they put out is legit and accurate, and their visual media can be very effective when reporting their stories.
As a journalist or a communications expert, there are a few things that can help the audience gain more knowledge of the actual importance that is media literacy, with also promoting ethical journalism. Fact-checking our sources, as well as avoiding sensationalism that will make our biased sides come out. Things that will help are instructions on how to identify fake news and legit news, as well as teaching the difference between a hoax and a conspiracy. Overall, these two stories with behind the scenes of Cops and the video of the false flaggers were quite interesting and very informative.
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sourholland · 4 years ago
Hello! Would you be able to do a timothee request? I just went to the gyno yesterday(tmi lol) and they found a lump in my breast:( I have to go get an ultrasound(since I’m 21) so could u do something based on that?Like where he comforts the reader cause ngl I was freaking out a little when they told me haha. Thankyou! And if u can’t or don’t feel comfortable I understand:)
What If? || Timothée Chalamet
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Summary → A doctor finds a lump in your breast. When you come home, Timothée comforts you and let’s you know how incredibly strong you are.
AN → so normally i wouldn’t write something like this, only because i don’t want to spread misinformation—but i feel extremely strong about breast cancer awareness. sweetheart, i am sending you all of my love and affection rn. if you feel comfortable, feel free to update me with how your ultrasound goes. i hope this eases some of your anxiety and brings some light and love into your heart. To everyone reading this, please perform breast checks on yourself! See this link to get more information. Requests Open
Pairing(s) → Timothée Chalamet x Fem!Reader
Warnings → Talk of Potential Breast Cancer
Word Count → 900
There are some things nobody can prepare you for in life, most you hear about throughout youthhood. The realities of marriage, parenthood, losing someone close, relationships coming to an end, and so on and so forth.
“So—we’ve found a lump in your breast.”
This was one hundred percent, not fucking one of them. You could still recall the feeling of the waxy paper against your exposed skin. The ringing in your ears remained the whole drive home. The rest of her words almost certainly went in one ear and out the other. Something about how these things can happen, not to worry yet, blah blah blah blah.
No tears, no panic, no disbelief. Utter and complete numbness. Of course, those things would come later. Halfway down the highway on the way home, you’d pulled over the car and couldn’t help letting out a sob of sorts. Nobody ever wants to be told that they could potentially have cancer.
You couldn’t help thinking: I’m young, relatively healthy, a good person. Why do bad things happen to good people? This question posed itself quite incessantly, it wasn’t until you opened the front door to your apartment when you finally felt a bit of relief. The same couch, the same kitchen, the same photos on the wall.
Should I call my mom, you wondered. Would that just make everything worse?
It could be several other things, you could be completely fine, but there was still that small section of your brain asking ‘what if?’ What if what? What if it’s not nothing? What if it’s serious? What if you’ve wasted all of this time? What if you’re sick?
With a shaky breath, you poured yourself a glass of water and sat down on the sofa. An ambulance sounded on the bustling street below you, car horns, and the noise of people going on with their day. This was always such an odd concept to you, the way nobody truly knows what another person is going through.
You’ve just gotten this horrid, anxiety-inducing news; everyone around you continues to live their lives as if nothing has happened. You walked out of the doctor’s office, watching all of these random people meander through the small suburban neighborhood of your gynecologist. There was a woman walking her daughter across the street, a group of teenagers hanging out by the curb, a man driving while music blared through his speakers.
They are completely unfazed, completely unaware. How many times are we all truly unaware? How many strangers have you walked past that have just received the worst news of their life?
The jangling of keys at the door brought you away from your thoughts, Timothée coming into the living room. He yawned, pulling his baseball cap off and throwing it on the kitchen island. His hoodie was eventually thrown on the floor, white t-shirt riding up his stomach when he flopped down onto the couch beside you.
“How did your appointment go? That was today, wasn’t it?” He asked, seeming to look for the remote.
“Yeah—yeah, it was today,” you responded a bit dazedly. “They actually found an abnormality.”
This seemed to catch his attention. You sighed, watching him sit back and look at you more pointedly. He stopped looking for the remote, waiting for you to elaborate. You didn’t want to cry, to make the situation bigger than it was. Truth was, you could very well be completely fine. This was stressful, though. You were rightfully scared.
“Abnormality? What does that mean?” He asked, head propped up with his hand.
“A lump. She found a lump in my breast, I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week.”
He seemed to let out a sharp breath. The sob you’d been holding in finally escaped, face hot and cheeks moist with tears. Wiping away the wetness, you placed a hand on his bicep, trying to ease the tension.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he murmured.
“It could be nothing, I’ll have to go in and see. They won’t really know much until we do the ultrasound, so I don’t really know much either,” you said. “I’m just—I’m scared, T.”
He gently pulled at your forearm, bringing you closer to his body and rubbing up and down your back. With a light kiss to your temple, his words of encouragement slowed your breathing a bit. Holding you tightly, he looked down and into your eyes.
“Hey, hey—you’re going to be okay, hear me? You’re so fucking strong, Y/N. We’re gonna get through this, together. I love you, don’t cry.”
The pad of his thumb swiped underneath your tired eyes, then he leaned in and pressed a feverish kiss to your lips. He was your strength in this moment, his arms around you. You held him just a little bit tighter, telling yourself the same things he was saying to you.
“You are so strong.”
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samwisethewitch · 5 years ago
How Find Safe Groups, Teachers, and Authors in the Pagan and Witch Community
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In my last post, I talked about how to recognize if a group is a cult or is using cult techniques to control its members. As I pointed out in that post, cults can be based on any ideology -- including pagan spirituality or secular witchcraft.
So now that we know how to identify the bad teachers and groups, how do we find communities, teachers, and resources that are safe, healthy, and helpful?
Obviously, the first step is to compare any teacher, group, or author to Steven Hassan's BITE model (the four-part model of Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional control used by cults to control members) and see if it matches up with their behavior -- anyone who employs the BITE model is not someone you want to involve in your spiritual journey.
Beyond that, here are some more things that you SHOULD look for in a teacher, author, or group:
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1. A safe teacher, author, or group prioritizes the individuality, independence, and autonomy of every student, reader, or member.
A good teacher can share information and even their own personal experiences without telling students how to think or what to believe. The same goes for authors. Safe teachers and authors encourage students/readers to use their own judgement to decide if what is being taught is right for them.
Likewise, a healthy group may be founded on a common belief or practice, but group members recognize that each person's experiences within that framework are going to be different.
Be wary of groups with imbalanced power dynamics. If a group has a clear hierarchy (official or unofficial) with some members getting special treatment, ask why. Some pagan groups do perform ordination, and it's normal for students pursuing ordination to get extra training or coaching from leaders. But even then, they should not be treated as if they were superior to other group members.
Avoid groups that put pressure on new members to make public commitments, such as baptism, initiation, or ordination. Again, some groups do offer these, and that's perfectly fine. What isn't fine is new group members being pressured to make major commitments before they feel ready for them. In groups that offer these commitments, they should be available for students who feel ready for them, but should not be treated like the default or like they are mandatory.
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2. Safe teachers, authors, and groups are honest and transparent about where they get their information.
If you're considering buying a book on witchcraft, paganism, or any other spiritual topic, perform this quick test before you do: flip to the back of the book and look for the "Resources" section. In a well-researched book, this section will be several pages long. In a really good book, it will include sources from non-pagan, non-witch authors, like historians and scientists. If the book doesn't have a resources section, or if the resources section is especially short, don't bother with it.
Likewise, when you're attending a class or group meeting, teachers and leaders should be open about where they got their information. If a teacher doesn't specify where their information is coming from, don't be afraid to ask them -- if they can't answer off the top of their head or they dodge the question, you may want to consider finding a different teacher.
Don't be afraid to ask teachers and group members for book recommendations! Most witches and pagans do a lot of reading, and will have no problem giving you a list of their favorite resources.
If you notice that a teacher or group is only using books from one or two authors, that's a red flag. This goes double if a teacher or author only uses or references books that they wrote themselves.
If a teacher or group relies heavily on information from a single author, do your own research into that author's legitimacy. For example, Silver Ravenwolf was a very popular Wiccan author in the '90s and early 2000s, and a lot of older witches still recommend her books to newcomers -- but a quick Google search will reveal that Ravenwolf is extremely controversial and has been accused of knowingly spreading misinformation in her books. If a teacher or group relies heavily on Ravenwolf or other authors that have been publicly exposed as frauds, you'll want to take what they teach with several grains of salt.
(For the record, the points in this post are based on the work of cult researchers like Steven Hassan, Margaret Singer, and Luna Lindsey. See? It's not that hard.)
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3. Safe teachers, authors, and groups are open to analysis and criticism.
If you really want to know an author's integrity, look at how they respond to their negative reviews. Someone who accuses those who disagree with them of being ignorant and small-minded, or of "persecuting" them is not someone you want to rely on in your spiritual journey.
Likewise, if you're considering joining a group, pay attention to how they talk about ex-members. A healthy group is able to acknowledge that what they offer isn't for everyone, and doesn't take it personally when someone leaves.
A good teacher will lead class discussions that encourage questions from students. Avoid teachers who belittle students for asking "stupid" or "irrelevant" questions, or who refuse to answer questions on certain topics. You should also be wary of teachers who use canned answers that don't really address what was being asked.
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4. A safe teacher, author, or group leader is qualified, approachable, and down to earth.
Determining someone's qualifications gets a little tricky in witchy and pagan communities, because many of these traditions don't have a formal clergy, and I have yet to see an accredited school offering degrees in magical theory. In some cases, the only qualification a person can have is being an experienced practitioner.
But there are some cases where you can -- and should! -- ask someone for their credentials. If someone uses a title like "High Priestess," "Elder," or "Reverend," make sure they were ordained by a legitimate religious organization. (Even if a group isn't legally classified as a church, you can still research them and their reputation.) If someone is teaching a formal system like Reiki, they should be certified to teach in that system. Any time someone claims to have a certain title, status, or certification, ask to see the paperwork to prove it.
A good teacher is accessible. If they charge for their services, the price should be reasonable for the service being offered. It's entirely appropriate for someone who is putting a lot of time and energy into teaching a class to expect payment, but it isn't appropriate to overcharge or exploit people.
A good teacher, author, or group leader is down to earth and approachable. They don't claim to be anything more or less than a human being looking to share their knowledge and experience with others.
Avoid anyone who claims to be an incarnated deity, angel, demon, or other non-human figure, or who claims to be the spouse, consort, or child of such a being. Avoid anyone who claims to be a reincarnated master or historical figure. Be very skeptical of anyone who claims to be on a unique divine mission or have been "chosen" by a higher power. These are all common tactics used by cult leaders to gain respect and worship from their followers.
If a teacher, author, or other authority figure asks to be "paid" for their services with sexual favors or says you have to have sex with them as a form of initiation, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND NEVER LOOK BACK. Any person who tries to coerce you into sex is an attempted rapist, and you need to get away from them as soon as possible, no matter what title or authority they have.
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5. A safe author, teacher, or group believes in science and history and does not try to discredit them.
Contrary to popular belief, you can have faith in magic, divinity, or some other cosmic force and still believe in science. Paganism and witchcraft are no less compatible with science than any other spiritual practice.
Avoid anyone who tries to twist history to make themselves look more sympathetic. Any author, teacher, or group who talks about "the Burning Times" or claims that there was a unified "witchcraft cult" in ancient Europe is either a liar or willfully ignorant. These things never happened. We know they never happened because there is no historical evidence to support them and a lot of historical evidence that disproves them.
Likewise, pseudoscience should not be taught as fact. You may hear people talk about how your emotions vibrate at different frequencies which have the power to positively or negatively affect your life -- what they won't tell you is that these ideas come from a book about political theory (Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins) and have no scientific evidence to support them. Or, you may hear people say that psychoactive medications block your psychic abilities -- how can this be true, when most medications are derived from the same plants and herbs that witches have been using for healing magic for centuries? Most of these conspiracy theories have little to no backing in the scientific or witchcraft communities, and they have no place in a spiritual learning environment.
Most importantly: If YOU feel uncomfortable, then it is not the right group for YOU.
A group doesn't have to be cultish or unhealthy to be a bad fit for you and your spiritual path. Ultimately, both witchcraft and paganism are highly intuitive, and you will have to do what feels right for you.
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dream-critical · 3 years ago
I watched nickisnotgreen’s video on Streamer controversies and,,, I would like to confront a stance of yours. I don’t watch much gaming outside of mcyt, and seeing how toxic, sexist, and hostile the wider gaming community seems, I don’t think Dream has done more harm than good with his platform as you said.
The Minecraft community has become one of the more welcoming and diverse internet communities since it’s resurgence and a fair amount of people have attributed that to Dream, as he’s, even if he doesn’t want to be, a head figure, who has openly supported the LGBTQ+ community (donating to charities, only selling pride merch bc his LGBTQ+ fans asked for it and he didn’t want to exploit them, etc). Hell, not that I want to get into this, him being openly affection and flirty towards his friends, and a bunch of mcyters being flirty towards their friends, helps because it normalizes that type of affection. It’s become such a big thing that people outside of the community comment on just how gay minecrafters are.
He has not spread hate on his platform. He’s badly addressed allegations, I agree with that, but actions speak louder than words and he has not used his platform to promote racism, sexism, or (ig this is debatable but idk) homophobia. He has not repeated mistakes of using questionable language (I.e. the tommy thing, the use of the word “lynching”, his previously uneducated opinion on the r slur) once called out for it.
While he does have things to work on, I don’t think he should be deplatformed unless he starts promoting a community that doesn’t support acceptance. There’s a reason gaming platforms had the reputation they did for being hostile to women and minorities, and I think Dream has only helped in separating the minecraft community from that reputation.
If you mean he’s done more harm with his platform because he responds to smaller accounts, then i guess I agree to a point? Its known now that the people he responds to are never doxxed or seriously harmed, but I agree he should keep that in check or find different ways to address it, as it’s a possibility in the future. A lot of mass harassment and doxxing that occurs by so called “Dream Stans” just happens without his involvement at all, and there’s really nothing he can do about that anymore since denouncing it won’t do anything.
This is just one persons observation though, and, if he has done indefensible harm with his platform that I’m unaware of, then I’ll reconsider.
I watched that video as well and tbh I feel like you made the wrong conclusion here.
Yeah when you look at all the other people nick discussed in the video there's a stark contrast with other ccs in the gaming community.
But you also need to factor in that 1) people can be harmful in different ways and just bc dream isn't calling women slurs and belittling them doesn't mean he does no harm ever and 2) nick did not mention anything except the gay joke. He was constantly stating how he didn't want dream stans to attack him and how he was scared of it. The fact that he couldn't even properly express himself without having to say "please don't kill me for this" should say a lot anon.
This isn't the first time that happened either, a lot of bigger content creators have to be careful when talking about dream or completely avoid it bc the second anything they say can be taken as negative they'll get mass hate.
Nick got told he had to "avoid misinformation" but where lmao. The only misinfo you could say is there is the discourse about his sexuality bc there should be no discourse. Like I've already said before, He's unlabeled. He's not gay he's not straight he has never called himself queer and that's where the conversation should end.
So stans were trying to push him towards a bias by trying to discredit what happened and the people talking about it. Which, are we suprised? Not really they keep doing this every single time anything happens. This is what they call holding dream accountable. Making shit up and discrediting anyone who disagrees with them.
Anyway to actually talk about the harm dream has done, i feel like you're missing the point.
Dream flirting with his friends was and is to get more views. He literally openly talked about it mid 2020. It's a marketing strategy. Even if he isn't straight that doesn't change that fact. It's not a way to "make the community more accepting" it's a way to get more cash. On top of that the way he normalizes and encourages RPF is extremely harmful bc rn the second a cc is added to the dsmp people start writing stuff about them. Gone is the norm of idk. Actually fucking respecting creators and being a decent person and not doing that. Ccs now have to actively say they're uncomfortable with it before people will actually think about doing it twice but even then it doesn't stop the RPF shippers and truthers.
Their whole existence gets sexualised and the fandom gets away with it bc dream said it's ok.
Rpf is a fact in most fandoms but when creators condemn it, it's kept to a minimum. In the dsmp fandom, people keep very close attention to boundaries so they can break them by using loopholes. Do you know how fucking weird and fucked up that is? Dream actively encourages this as well like????
On top of that a lot of people attributing that to dream doesn't mean it's true lmao. It's bc a lot of mcyters came out as queer in the last couple of years, a lot more creators of colour started getting big and all white cishet creators on the dsmp are very accepting etc.
Did dream have a part in it? Sure. It's not all his work though, saying that is just untrue and he couldn't possibly have gotten this big without other creators like Tommy, Wilbur, joining the smp.
Also since you mentioned the r slur stuff, he never apologized for that and instead went on a twitter rant bc of it. He did the same thing with the war cry controversy. He did the same thing with kkk edit as well. There's a pattern here anon and it's obvious to see. He doubles down on his harmful actions and even if he doesn't repeat them, the Twitter rants do leave an impression on his fans that defend him so I would say that the shit he did there was harmful.
No matter if he apologized or if you and me disagree on how acceptable and genuine those apologies were, his tantrums and debate bro outburst have a lot more impact than his short "sorry, love you guys ♥️💖♥️💖" bullshit.
On top of that, there are a lot of ways he could grow as a person and as a content creator yet he refuses all of them. You mention he should work on stuff instead of getting deplatformed but when is that going to happen anon? He refuses to get a pr team, he refuses to listen to other ccs critisizing him, and if he can't handle having this big of a platform why the fuck should he have that platform.
His refusal to change is one of the most harmful things he does. He can't keep going like this and we both know it.
Also and I've literally made this point like three times before, it doesn't fucking matter if the people who got doxxed bc of his stans actually get harmed he shouldn't fucking put them in harm's way.
Also "not seriously harmed"??? Are you fucking hearing yourself. Doxxing is serious and you trying to play it down to defend your fave is not appreciated like at all just saying.
Dream needs to grow the fuck up and the people defending him need to stop being in denial.
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pricechecktranslations · 5 years ago
An Error List for “Evillious Chronicles: 101“
What it sounds. I was very incensed at seeing this latest of Evillious “explanation” videos that not only was full of misinformation, but also repeatedly insults mothy as a writer for things that are clearly misunderstood or misremembered by the presenter (who doesn’t seem to have actually read the novels). Given that this video is over 2 hours long, it feels more likely than other cases that people might take the information in it seriously, and so I felt it was worthwhile to write a comprehensive (but not all-encompassing) list of the errors in it.
I am going to try not to argue with the writing critiques and just focus on factual errors.
In the interest of transparency, here is a link to the video that I am responding to [here] (epilepsy warning--the first 5 seconds or so of the video has flickering bright colors as the camera starts up).
Under a cut for length.
NOTE: I am not including errors that were later corrected (such as saying that Levia studied alternate worlds when she was a psychologist), and just to be nice I am going to leave be areas where he leaves out information or characters (which he does quite a bit especially near the end) unless he explicitly claims that the information or character does not exist.
1. The Second Period is not a real universe. It is entirely a simulation. The people within it are real, insomuch as spirit data has been made indistinguishable from real souls, but the world itself is not. They were believed to be parallel worlds because the Second Period did not realize it was a simulation and mistook the real world for an alternate universe.
2. Behemo is not a Len in appearance and Levia is not a Rin. Mothy himself said that he and Levia are not VOCALOIDS in design.
3. Behemo was not married to his maid, they were simply dating.
4. Behemo was not a member of the team that made the Second Period, he was a relative of one of the programmers.
5. HERS does not affect the First Period. It is more strongly suggested that the First Period was destroyed by nuclear fallout. HERS was deliberately created by the Second Period programmers.
6. Behemo does not go into the Second Period as himself. He creates an avatar of himself to enter into the program. At the point where Levia goes to the First Period and meets Behemo for the first time, there is no physical transference going on--all of the "inter dimensional" crossing is entirely "spirit data" ONLY. As in, no one from the Second Period went to the First Period without having bodies made to put their soul data into when they arrived.
7. The Climb One was never a real rocket ship. Behemo in the First Period tricked the programs into thinking they were on a ship going to another world, but what he actually did was create bodies for them in the First Period that he downloaded them into, using a real world equivalent Climb One to make them think they'd traveled there physically. This is why the Second Period individuals believe they are on a new world, rather than realizing they are on Earth (which they renamed Gudnatia, incidentally).
8. No one survived the Climb One crash (except Luna Hadzuki, I believe). This is why they were trapped in the ship, because they had no physical bodies to leave with and their data was stuck onboard.
9. Levia's motivation to destroy the world does seem to be implied to be a result of her HER, however Behemo's motivations are slanted more towards "starting over and doing a better job next time". This is why he drops it later when the world has already progressed.
10. The phrase is "Mem Aleph", not "Mem Alpha".
--. The Venom is not why Eve's twins were stillborn (however, with this note I am going to forgive anything that goes against recent revelations in the OSS novel because it may not be widespread fan knowledge at this point).
11. Pretty much the entire timeline of Project Ma as he describes it is wrong. Adam and Eve were a part of the first Project Ma, not something separate from it, and Seth only became in charge of the project after Adam and Eve disappeared. The Clockworkers only became involved in the 7th iteration of the project, not the first. Meta's part of the project took place during the 2nd iteration (his notes indicate he is aware that he f--ed up the timeline, but they don't adequately explain what the correct information is so I am still counting it as an error).
12. Seth does not spread HERS unintentionally--HERS is not a disease that you can catch during your lifetime (except in Judgment era when all the rules are being explicitly subverted). It is a genetic anomaly that you have from birth. It is extremely rare, though less rare if your parents have it.
13. It is actually explained pretty well--there's an entire segment of the Venomania novel's prologue that explains how it works.
14. Levia and Behemo's motive for reaching out to Kiril is because they were tired of waiting for the project to succeed (given its numerous failures) and wanted to use him to get a body to escape the arc with. They did not tell Kiril to kill everyone, they simply told him to put Elluka's body in the arc. The explosion was an unintended consequence of his actions.
15. The Climb One is not in a dungeon, it is in a religious temple.
16.The cat that becomes Irina is not a live cat. It is a cat plushy with a Black Box inside it. 
17. The spelling of “Grettle”.
18. Meta very explicitly has HERS.
19. Hansel and Gretel are kidnapped some time after Meta escapes, not the very same day.
20. Hansel and Gretel are abandoned by Adam and Eve in the woods, and they kill them once they find their way back home. They do not kill them just because they discovered they were adopted.
21. Eve's soul was never split into 7. The demons were people from the Climb One, yes, but they were reborn into demons via Hansel and Gretel. Eve simply "became" the Demon of Sloth.
22. Irregulars are explained. They are people born outside of the world's rules who are able to perform "Re_Birthday events", which destroy and rebuild things (often on a large scale such as reshaping the world, but it can be on a small scale as Hansel and Gretel show).
23. The explosion did not bring Elluka back from the dead. The Clockwork Secret Art Kiril used before the explosion repaired the decay of her body so that it was a usable vessel, which is how Levia and Behemo were able to get inside.
24. Behemo does not go to the moon after the explosion. He goes inside Elluka's body with Levia, but remains dormant. He only goes to the moon after Ma is formed.
25. Levia was not cured of HERS (this is vague, but her HERS is suggested to be why she tried to destroy the world as Nemesis).
26. Elluka's original body does not become "decrepit" after swapping with Lukana, it just ages normally.
27. Her name is Banica, not Bianca.
28. The deal with Gluttony was to keep Banica from dying of her morbid obesity, and to pursue dangerous cuisine. It was not because she wanted to be thin.
29. Carlos is not in line for the throne of Marlon.
30. Carlos got over her being overweight, but he did think negatively of Banica for her weight on first meeting her.
31. Carlos never cooked human meat for Banica.
32. Arth does not give birth to Allen and Riliane, Anne does (yes, I know he probably just misspoke but he said it multiple times).
33. Riliane was possessed by Gluttony in the childhood incident that separated her from Allen, not Pride. Pride only occurred later.
34. Elluka was the one who went to Held looking for new apprentices, Held did not call her back.
35. Michaela and Gumillia were forest spirits in between being crewmember data and becoming human.
36. Kyle is not a descendant of Conchita. He is the descendant of one of Carlos' brothers.
37. Allen killing Leonhart is closer in the timeline to Riliane's downfall than the video implies.
38. Michaela was not employed by Kyle in Marlon. Michaela and Clarith were employed by Keel in Elphegort, who was friends with Kyle.
39. Riliane's Green Hunting genocide was a result of not knowing which green-haired girl was Kyle's crush, and so killing them all to get this one person. It was not simply to get revenge on green-haired people.
40. Kyle and Germaine partially allow Allen's death for revenge (Kyle because he thinks Allen killed Michaela, Germaine because Allen killed Leonhart). It is not just for the sake of the public.
41. The demon of Pride was no longer in Riliane by the time of the twin switch (I don't recall if it's said explicitly but I believe the implication is that Ney took it when she escaped).
42. The doll is a doll. It does not look like a person--it is doll sized. People perceive it as looking human due to Eve's brainwashing power. There is of course also the issue of how this video describes Eve's soul as "breaking" is incorrect, which is made especially clear here, but that was covered earlier.
43. Kaspar was not a doctor. Margarita's father was the doctor.
44. The Duel of Merrigod Plateau does not occur during the Sloth event. It occurs much later.
45. Pere Noel is in Lucifenia, not Marlon.
46. Pere Noel is the name of the crime organization, not the name of its leader.
47. His name is Lemy not Lenny.
48. Irina is entirely behind Pere Noel, not just one of its main operators--she is the leader and founder.
49. Irina did not bring Lemy to the duel of Merrigod, he went there on his own.
50. Gumillia and Elluka did not have the vessel of Sloth during the duel. Eve was inside Elluka's body at the time, which is why she was present.
51. Gumillia did not die when she was sent to the Hellish Yard (this is, in fact, why she can't leave to the Heavenly Yard).
52. Seth does not promise to allow Gumillia to survive being in the Hellish Yard with demon powers. He promises to use his scientific expertise to solve the problem.
53. Kayo is not a hairdresser, she is...as the name of her song implies...a tailor. She cuts clothes. Not. Hair.
...Am I being trolled?
54, 55. Not only does he not bring up any of the plot twists of the Tailor novel (primarily that Kayo's actions were not done out of her psychosis but a result of a deliberate revenge plot), but he makes no indication that he's aware they're a thing, so I'm going to say that's two errors.
56, 57. The timeline for the Greed arc is messed up (again, does not seem to know what happens in the novel). Gallerian does not become a greedy judge until after he loses Michelle, which is waaaay after he met Ma, and way after their affair. He does not do this out of simple greed, but because he needs the resources to collect the vessels of sin, which he hopes to use to bring Michelle back to life, in a sense (I'm oversimplifying here but the point is I’m adding another two errors).
58. Gallerian is not actually a sin contractor.
59. Ma knew that Gallerian was her son and deliberately had a child with him while knowing this.
60. Nemesis is her birth name, it is not a name that she took for herself.
61. Ma did not put Eve into the doll, she put Irina into the doll. Irina is Master of the Court.
62. Ma does not have her own soul (this is why she tries to absorb other beings to, in a sense, create one for herself). She is consciousness without a soul.
63. Gallerian does not “abandon” Nemesis. He had no idea she existed until she came to kill him. He didn’t even know she was working for him in PN.
64. The "sins" do not "manifest" in the Theater arc until after Gallerian's death.
65. The way that the theater arc is described as coming about is wrong (Waiter is revealed to be Lilith Baldured, Gear is just Adam, etc). Again--doesn't seem to be familiar with events of the later books despite referencing reveals that are shown in them.
66. Seth as the mask is not able to shapeshift. It is Grim the End, the vessel that he is inside, that can shapeshift.
67. Hanma somewhat took care of Nemesis in her infancy--she was not completely alone.
68. Nemesis did not kill Michelle out of wrath. It was accidental. She didn’t even know that she’d done it.
69. Gallerian does not actually believe the Clockworker's Doll is human, he just believes that Michelle’s spirit is inside it.
70. The Pere Noel of Gallerian's era is not the same organization from Lemy's era. They only share a name.
71. Nemesis did not have to break into anything to get Punishment, she was in charge as the dictator of Elphegort.
72. No one is alive after the world's end except for Nemesis. They are still dead. They are disembodied souls.
--. Capriccio Farce is really the only primary, clear evidence that Allen is the one inside Master of the Court, Re_Birthday is not necessarily about the Irregular that she births, and Waiter's name does not necessarily mean she is waiting for Allen to be born to MOTC specifically (this is too contentious for me to list it as an error though, but my point is the level of retconning is not necessarily as severe as he makes it sound--I believe mothy began retconning this much sooner than people think).
73. Adam and Eve are blonde because they are Irregulars. This is also how they do the Court ending, not a result of “all the stuff their souls have been through”.
74. The Court ending people are not trying to kill the demons, they are trying to collect the contractors’ souls specifically--Ma tried to make a soul for herself using the demons but found them inadequate, and so she instead sought to use the contractors for the demons to sustain herself.
75. The contractors are not possessed anymore, but they do still have the abilities that their contracts gave them.
76. Very large inaccuracies here on how the confrontation with Ma goes but to sum up--Ma was lying dormant in Riliane's soul to stop herself from completely disintegrating into nothingness. She activates herself when all the sinners are assembled and draws them into her consciousness to remain stable, essentially becoming a conglomeration of all of them with Riliane’s appearance. This is incomplete because she does not catch Nemesis.
77. Gallerian is not part of the Court Ending, because he was drawn into the Ma conglomerate and was not present in the theater when it started.
--. Ironically, his (albeit brief) description of how the Court Ending functions is the one I believe to be the most accurate.
78. Most of the Second Period people did not ever learn that they were a simulation (save for Sickle and potentially Held).
79. It's not confirmed that Allen and Riliane fall in love in the Fourth Period (or that it's even them in 10 Minute Love).
80. Seth's motives for saving the world are explained. He is not "evil for evil's sake", he does things out of scientific curiosity. He still has HERS, but his goal as an HER has already been fulfilled with the destruction of the world.
All of this is not including the host of things he omits that, if present, would have made the events sound much more coherent.
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