#college witch
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magickkate · 1 year ago
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Good Evening! 🌙✨ Are you ready to infuse a dash of magic into your daily culinary adventures? Welcome to the whimsical world of Kitchen Witchery—a delightful blend of spell work, herbalism, and culinary enchantment! 🌿🧙‍♀️✨
🍲 Basic Ingredients for Your Magical Pantry:
Herbs: Rosemary for protection, basil for love, and mint for healing. Experiment with your favorites!
Spices: Cinnamon for prosperity, ginger for energy, and nutmeg for luck. Let your taste buds guide your magical choices!
Crystals: Place a few on your kitchen windowsill for added energy. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
🌈 Setting Up Your Kitchen Altar:
Choose a Sacred Space: Designate a corner of your kitchen for magical workings. A windowsill, shelf, or small table works wonders!
Magical Tools: Incorporate a cauldron, candles, and small bowls for herbs and crystals. Personalize it with items close to your heart.
🕯️ Candle Magic in the Kitchen:
Color Magic: Choose candle colors aligning with your intentions. Green for abundance, white for purification, and red for passion.
Enchant While Cooking: Stir your intentions into soups, sauces, and stews. Feel the magic in every motion!
🍵 Brewing Magical Teas:
Create Tea Blends: Mix herbs like chamomile, lavender, and mint for relaxation or energy. Sip with intention and let the magic steep into your soul.
🌕 Harvesting Moon Energies:
Full Moon Feasts: Plan magical meals during the full moon for amplifying energy. Charge crystals and herbs under the moonlight for added potency.
📚 Witchy Wisdom:
Start a Grimoire: Record your magical experiences, recipes, and discoveries. It’s your personal book of kitchen enchantments!
Experiment & Trust Intuition: There are no strict rules in kitchen witchery. Trust your instincts, and let your intuition guide your magical creations.
🌻 Infusing Love into Every Bite:
Cook Mindfully: Turn cooking into a meditation. Infuse your dishes with gratitude, love, and positive energy.
Share the Magic: Share your enchanted meals with loved ones. The joy of kitchen witchery multiplies when shared!
🌿 Nature’s Bounty:
Grow Your Own: Cultivate a small herb garden or keep potted plants in your kitchen. Nothing beats the magic of using homegrown herbs!
Remember, dear beginner kitchen witch, your journey is as unique as the flavors you create. Embrace the magic in simplicity, trust your instincts, and let the cauldron of your heart stir up spells of nourishment and enchantment! 🌈🌟💖 ✨🌿🔮
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ladyiristheenchantress · 1 month ago
What im actually doing as a college witch
Hello! I have finally settled into university after a long couple months getting all my affairs in order, and I wanted to do an update post to my university witch series and tell you about tips and tricks that worked for me, and ones that didn't work so much. I am a transfer student, living in campus apartments, and here are some things im doing to keep the magic alive in my life :)
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Things that work
I brought a couple decks with me, but I mostly have switched to online formats like using online rune casters or even using a random wheel picker to do things
I have been using a lot of water magic, using crystal elixirs and rue water (no one is allergic!) to protect my apartment in a college friendly way
I dont really have space for wands or candles, so instead I enchanted my room spray for certain goals, created an academic perfume oil for tests, and enchanted my medications
I use a lot more makeup magic, so certain shades of eyeshadow for test days, using under eyeliner
Created a sigil for testing calm, and another one to help draw anxiety out from me and you just throw it away to keep it away from you
Nap magic has become a really big part of my life, my favorite spell has been saying a prayer before my nap to be fully recharged so I can retain information better
Doing little bits of divination here and there
Nature magic! My campus has a lot of spaces to check out plants and walk with history, so that’s been very grounding
“Sleep magic” so before bed I like to honor water by going to a sacred space in my mind and using wave noises to sleep, it’s a way to have a sacred moment every day easily!
HAIR MAGIC!!! Vailing, braiding, and other stuff with my hair has been amazing! I keep a crystal in my bun, cover my hair for certain observations, and braid it when trying to do stuff. Plus it’s been a great way to connect to my culture
Honest to god baneful magic saved my ass when I got into some hot water so I’m keeping that close to me
What hasn’t worked for me
Daily meditation, I just lack the time to actually sit down and do it, so instead I’ve been integrating it into my mornings and lunch time by eating outside to ground myself
Essential oil magic, as much as I love it, a lot of people are sensitive to scents so I try to just enchant my perfume and body spray instead and pair with a sigil of the day
“Study magic” in general can be really tedious especially when you need to lock in, I would recommend pre-enchanting your notebooks for retention, and just focusing on the content
Any physical items like crystals are great at home, but because I am in so many labs and lectures they tend to just be left home, instead just try to integrate what you can
Really intentional “self care” stuff, like affirmations and such can be really hard to remember, so instead take some time before showers or self care time to just breathe and reflect, and that can be a good enough reset!
As I think of things I hope to include more of my experience as a college witch! I wanted to be transparent in what things worked and what things didn’t, so this was a wonderful check in! Feel free to leave your college magic tips or opinions in the comments!
Fair winds!
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moonlit-hexes · 4 months ago
study witch tip!
consecrate a candle for grounding and draw a sigil for focus and concentration Right below that before anointing it with rosemary (for good memory and protection)
thank me later <3
happy witching!
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abalone-n-seashells · 1 year ago
Don’t you just love when you pull a tarot card and you’re like nah I don’t like that gimmie another and so you pull another card and it’s basically saying “bitch I said what I said” 🙃
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so this afternoon I was supposed to have an exam that the entire class was unprepared for and the professor is very all over the place. I have a class before that one and was studying in the back while silently crying bc I wasn't ready to bomb it and guess fucking what. the professor sent an email saying the exam is postponed until next week. idk which one of my deities did that (I suspect Aphrodite) but holy shit. I've been crying (quite literally) over this exam for a day now and my gods said y'know what baby? postponed. go rest ily. gods I love my deities
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stars-on-the-water · 7 months ago
So, I never did an altar post or anything like that. Mainly because my altars are MESSY, however. I wanted to show yall that you can practice any where. I moved for college and was worried that I wouldn’t have any spaces for my deities. But I do! Sure- it’s small, but at the end of the day it is your practice, not anyone else’s. Do what makes you happy, what makes you comfortable. Picture below of what I did. I have an antler for Lady Artemis, Fernando (the owl sculpture) for Lady Athena, and a dice for Lord Hermes. Everything else is pretty much crystals because I love a good rock.
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energyuntapped · 10 months ago
Laundry Magic
I'm feeling a bit lazy today as there has been a lot to get done. Laundry however rarely rests and I need clothes for work so we are doing a bit of light laundry magic!
As I am feeling lazy im going simple with my methods and charging my soap before I put it in with music. I asked the universe what energy most needed to be brought into my life right now and played that next to the soap focusing on infusing it. This saves me some energy and allows me to be open to guidance which I am needing.
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gh0st-f4iry · 8 months ago
decided to read about the festivals that surrounded different deities bc it seems cool, why the fuck are there like 5 different calendars the ancient greeks used
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thegeekywitchus · 1 year ago
Look What You Made Us Do!
It's been a long time coming...but TheGeekyWitchUS has updated its shop listings. Not only have new products been added, but so have new fandoms.
And perhaps...starting at the beginning of the next month, the code COMFORTLOVE may just bring some joy to you this Valentine's Day...
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magickkate · 1 year ago
🤍a simple personal cleansing spell 🤍🎧
Feeling a bit weighed down by negative vibes lately? It's time to treat yourself to a personal cleansing spell that'll leave you feeling refreshed and renewed from the inside out. Here's a gentle ritual to get you started:
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🌸 Set the Scene: Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Light a candle or some incense to create a soothing atmosphere. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and let go of any tension.
🔮 Connect with Your Intentions: Close your eyes and focus on what you want to release from your life—whether it's stress, self-doubt, or anything else holding you back. Visualize these negative energies as dark clouds surrounding you.
✨ Embrace the Power of Water: Fill a bowl with warm water and add a handful of sea salt or a few drops of your favorite cleansing essential oil. This mixture symbolizes purification and renewal.
🌊 Cleanse Away Negativity: Dip your fingertips into the water and gently splash it over your face, allowing the purifying energy to wash away any negativity or stagnant energy. As you do this, repeat a simple affirmation like, "I release what no longer serves me and welcome in positivity and light."
🌿 Ground and Reconnect: After cleansing, take a moment to ground yourself by placing your hands on the earth or simply feeling the support of the ground beneath you. Visualize roots growing from your feet, anchoring you firmly to the earth's energy.
❤️ Seal in Positivity: Finish your ritual by anointing yourself with a few drops of cleansing oil or moisturizer, focusing on areas like your wrists, temples, and heart. As you do this, affirm your commitment to self-love and inner peace.
💫 Express Gratitude: Take a moment to thank yourself for taking the time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Feel gratitude for the cleansing energy that now surrounds you.
Remember, personal cleansing spells are all about honoring your own journey and intuition. Trust yourself and let the magic flow! 💖🔮
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ladyiristheenchantress · 7 months ago
Magic for the college witch
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In honor of finding out I am set to graduate in December with my associates in science I have decided to celebrate with you all by sharing my tips and tricks I used to help pass some of my classes! Each tip will be sorted into circumstances as to where they may be applicable. Please enjoy, and congrats to all my future grads!
Reminder: In dorms and such you wont have access to many tools, but if your living in an apartment things are less strict. every time you see candles and such if you live in a dorm replace it with either electric candles or even colored stones you can rub together or place in a grid!
Registering for classes
Often times we try to register for classes as soon as possible, especially when you are an incoming freshman. When it comes to getting accepted and starting the process congrats your here.
Set up registering appointments on lucky number days, during the new moon, or on Mondays and Thursdays because those times represent readiness and preparation
Manifest getting good classes and teachers by sending off a prayer out to the universe
Do divination when registering opens to see if a teacher is a good fit or not (Also check out rate my professor)
If you are having trouble establishing classes, or just cant seem to get that *one* class you need, light a blue candle and put mint at the base of it to promote an opening
If your facing a situation where you are trying to get into an exclusive class (this also works if your presenting a thesis) put a sugar packet under your tongue to sweeten your words and make you more convincing
Getting to class on time
The commute anywhere can be a really hard thing to do, whether your commuting from a dorm to a classroom or city to campus it can be hard to be on time or find the motivation to show up to class
To motivate yourself to go to class keep a carnelian under your pillow to help you rise in the morning
Keep a consistent schedule, not only is this helpful psychologically but magically consistency helps build up magical energy towards motivation
enchant your walking shoes (or get heelies) to put pep in your step and always be on time when walking. You can optionally put a sigil in your shoe
enchant cars to avoid red lights by charging your keys in full moon light
Light a green candle before important days to make sure your morning commute runs smoothly
Setting up magical space in the dorms
Most dorms don't allow things like candles or flames, heaters, strip lights, etc. With this in mind people assume it must be hard to create a magical space without some of the key items, but we do have solutions!
Instead of regular candles, use electric ones as votives on deity altars
Instead of incense use MILD essential oil diffusers like lava stones in the corners, or a defuser. Bonus points if you use a dehumidifier
Chances are you wont have a lot of space, so opt for small placements on desks via mini figures and small stones
Set up sachets around your space and put them in clothing areas, not only do they smell good and keep moths away, they act as magical protection
Start working on energy based practices like meditation or enchantments with only your body
Navigating relationships
College can be a hard time, your adjusting to life without the friends you grew up with, most people start their dating life, and friends begin to come and go as you go through classes. Don't restrict what you experience
When you brush your teeth, enchant it to represent you 'speaking your truth' and 'biting back' so your protected from people who have bad intentions or are deceptive
When at parties and such put a sigil of protection on your left thigh, this represents protection from people looking to harm you
blow cinnamon at your door, or use a light cinnamon essential oil wash to invite new people and opportunities
Keep amber under your pillow or by photos to maintain friendships and help you let go of ones that no longer serve you
wear silver to repel energy vampires or people who are looking to use you
Studying success
Studying and how effective it is will depend on you and how you like to study, there are hundreds of posts online that look at how to find your study style, this more focuses on magic you can do for memory retention
Chew mint gum during studying AND during your test for memory recall
Draw sigils on your physical flash cards to make the information easier to retain
On the third of each month save that day to brush up on all information from the class, not only does this prep you for the final but this day is Athenas ritual day
Study the most on Wednesdays as they represent wisdom
Use a shungite worry stone during studying and testing to help keep your mind focused and stress free before tests
Test taking
Test taking can be a really hard part of college, I know it was for me. We do a lot of things to help prepare but what can we do during a test?
Create a sigil of good luck on top of your exam
Wear green on exam days
Eat and drink something enchanted (I swear by a snickers and a red bull) before a test for good luck
Create a superstition like a lucky shirt or pair of socks after your first good exam grade
Wear gold accessories to enhance your test taking skills, and speed up your test (Great when you are being timed)
Mental Health
Your mental health in college is very important, it can be hard being separated from your home town or family and just know that it does get better. College is a mix of emotions, from the loneliest point in your life, to the most social. You will be navigating new challenges, new feats, and its important to take care of yourself. Seek out the college mental health resources available to you like counseling as needed. you matter!
Use words of affirmations when you wake up and before you sleep to remind yourself you matter, my favorite is from the help "You is smart, you is kind, you is important"
Carry rose quartz and carnelian on you for self love and energy
Before bed drink lavander tea for rest and revitalization
Pray over your food to nourish your spirit as you go through college
Write down letters and petition to the universe for stability and how you feel.
I hope you all have enjoyed! Again, congrats to all my future grads, and I hope you all can come with me as I journey to getting my bachelors
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joytri · 2 years ago
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the history of magic
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abalone-n-seashells · 1 month ago
I haven’t done spell work in the longest time. I decided to light a candle with Hecate in mind. The candle was mixed with a rose leaf tea and a live carnation at the bottom. I also added Black Sea salt and sand around the wax.
My intentions were healing and protection. I also wanted to use the rose petals in the tea because I wanted to send more love out. I don’t know why I just really get like making this candle.
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bull-shit-suji · 3 months ago
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hey chat is this anything
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energyuntapped · 10 months ago
This weeks worship was wonderful and I'm so happy I decided to do it! I put together a playlist I was happy with and will have my deities add to it as they like. If anyone is interested in the playlist let me know and I will post it. I also got my alter refreshed which was really nice. It felt like it breathed more life into my apartment. I have been listening to the book Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller. I'm about 75% of the way through this book and I'll be honest I'm not sure I find it super applicable for my practice. I like quite a few of the ideas but some of it seems over the top. That being said I very much gravitate to everyday witchcraft that fits in with my life and very very rarely do anything resembling ceremonial magic. Not today but hopefully this coming week I'll be cleansing and resetting my wards. I am also today listening to a podcast and going to put down the weekly astrology. I love astrology and this podscast has been an amazing resource. Plus we have to prep for the full moon! Ill have the day off and want to start planning now so I'm not rushed.
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gh0st-f4iry · 2 years ago
i just bought way too many candles for someone who’s leaving for college in a fucking month
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