#non split attraction
Reblog for something aspec to happen to you this summer
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Aromanticism Zine but it's just my incoherent thoughts.
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xx-ace-raccoonz-xx · 25 days
This is a friendly reminder that...
•Even if you don't fit the exact definition of asexual or aromantic, you still are free to use those labels if you think they fit you. I don't exactly fit the definition either because I myself find some people aesthetically attractive like fireworks. I like looking at them but I ain't gonna touch them.
•You do NOT have to use the SAM (split attraction model) if you don't want to. If you do want to use the SAM, then that's also fine.
•Nobody has any right to tell you not to use a certain label just because you don't fit their definition. Those people ain't the label police, but instead they need to handle the police in their head first.
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weepingfireflies · 2 years
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Split Attraction Model (SAM) & More on QPRs
Edit: Thanks to @klavierpanda for correcting me! Romance-positive is supposed to be romance-favorable. I can't edit the photo right this second, but I will when I get a chance.
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 9 months
hi not so friendly reminder that this blog is inclusive of aros and aces. yes, even cishet aros and aces. I really hate how I have to make a post like this. cishet aros and aces are still queer *because* being aro or ace (or aroace) is queer. queer is not the same thing as "not cishet". and if you think otherwise get off my blog and never come back until you've unlearned your aphobia.
thanks. (OP is a minor. Don't be weird)
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trans-cuchulainn · 3 months
i'm just curious. i see it primarily used in ace+aro spaces bc i feel like that's an environment where a lot of people experience romantic and sexual attraction differently and have a strong sense that they feel one and not the other, or that they feel them towards different people. however i know a lot of people who don't experience meaningful differences between these and it feels like outside of ace- and aro-spec communities it likely gets used a lot less (while in ace- and aro-spec communities it's essentially compulsory)
but i feel there are probably people between those e.g. who do experience or understand them as meaningfully different aspects of their orientation, while also feeling both and having them be "aligned" (e.g. feeling that you're both homosexual and homoromantic and that they're distinct in some way while still pointing in the same direction) so i'm curious about that
even the wording of this poll feels biased bc it relies on the split attraction model in the framing but i couldn't figure out a better way of putting it. if these are completely overlapping concepts for you and the whole framing of them as separate doesn't match your experiences, that would be option 3
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aro-aura · 4 months
List of Arospec Identities [2]
(And their flags as bottlecaps)
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Under the cut is a list of microlabels and aro identities that is kinda alphabetically arranged.
Check out Part 1
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Desinoromantic refers to an aro-spec attraction where one does not experience full-on romantic attraction. [source]
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Frayromantic (also known as ignotaromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as when someone only experiences romantic attraction towards those that they are not deeply connected with, and lose that attraction as they get to know the individuals. [source]
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Greyromantic or greyaromantic (also spelled as grayromantic or grayaromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum which describes those who relate with aromanticism, yet feel that there are parts of their experience that aren't fully described by the word aromantic. [source]
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Idemromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subcategory of quoiromantic and is closely related to platoniromantic. It is described as experiencing no notable internal differences between platonic and romantic feelings, often categorizing relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic based on external factors. [source]
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Lithromantic (also called akoiromantic, akioromantic, or lithoromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Someone who is lithromantic may experience romantic attraction but does not want it reciprocated. The lithromantic individuals may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being romantically attracted to them, or they may lose their romantic feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. [source]
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Myrromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum in which one experiences multiple aro-spec identities. These identities may be static (kymenic) or they may fluctuate (amplusic). [source]
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Nebularomantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Much like platoniromantic, those who are nebularomantic are unable to distinguish the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. But in the case of nebularomantic individuals, that is due to one's status as neurodivergent. [source]
Neutral aro
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Aro Neu or Neu Aro (expanded to Neutro Aro or Aro Neutral) describes an individual on the aromantic spectrum who is neutral on allosexual and asexual. [source]
Non Split Attraction Model Aromantic
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A Non-SAM Aro is an aromantic person who does not use the split attraction model (SAM). A non-SAM aro is simply and only aromantic, and does not identify with any asexual or allosexual identity. [source]
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Orchidromantic is a micro-label on the aromantic spectrum. It can be used on it’s own or as an umbrella term. Orchidromantic is when an individual feels romantic attraction, but does not desire a romantic relationship. [source]
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Platoniromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subcategory of quoiromantic and is closely related to idemromantic. It describes the feeling of not being able to distinguish between platonic and romantic feelings. [source]
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Recipromantic or sometimes called Reciproromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum meaning someone who does not experience romantic attraction unless they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first. [source]
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Uniromantic, also known as oneromantic or unianthroromantic, refers to someone who feels romantic attraction toward one person and one person only for advanced periods of time, or perhaps one’s whole lifetime. [source]
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Quoiromantic (also called WTFromantic or Whatromantic) is a term associated with challenging one's own romantic orientation as not personally helpful. It also can include not knowing one's romantic orientation or not wanting to define one's romantic orientation. [source]
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Check out Part 1
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rjalker · 5 months
"what does not wanting to date have to do with being ace?!?!"
"what does not wanting to have sex with people have to do with being aro?!?!"
The current amisic stance is just as ridiculous as it sounds.
It's 2024 and people hate aroaces and non-SAM aros and aces so much they're literally trying to define us out of asexuality and aromanticism because they want the asexual and aromantic tags to literally be For Allos Only. I'm not even fucking joking.
the split attraction model is not mandatory. You literally do not ever get to demand people use it.
The asexual tag is for literally every single asexual person in existance. Not just allo aces.
the aromantic tags is for every single aromantic person I existance. Not just allo aros.
You do not get to ban aroaces and non-SAM aros and aces from using the main general tags for the fucking community just because you're allo and completely separate your romantic attraction from your sexual attraction.
Your experiences are not universal.
There is no fucking definition in existence that separates sexual and romantic attraction.
You literally do not have the right or ability to define other people's orientations or experiences to them.
"well I can easily separate my sexual attraction from romantic, so that means everyone can!"
No we fucking can't and newsflash, asshole, we're literally not even required to try! No other fucking orientation comes with the demand to forcibly separate sexual from romantic attraction. The fact that you think it's okay to demand this of aspec people just shows you're blatantly amisic.
The allo aros and allo ace tags exist. Use them if you hate seeing aroaces and non-SAM aros and aces existing so much.
If you hate seeing posts in the aromantic and asexual tags that don't conform to your personal definitions of asexuality and aromanticism that is literally just too fucking bad. Suck it up you whiny fucking self entitled brat. The world does not revolve around you.
If you hate aces and aros and aroaces so much you want to define us out of the aspec community to make sure allos are the only ones allowed...you will be the laughing stock of the whole fucking community. Get over yourself.
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agressivelyaro · 2 years
(for science)
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pizzaronipasta · 1 year
It kinda sucks that, while aces who don't use the split attraction model can just say "I'm ace" and be mostly understood, aros in that position have to clarify that they're non-SAM aro or else they'll get called aroace.
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styrofauxm · 5 months
On aroace flags...
I want to be very clear, I am not criticizing anyone specific, but rather the current ways of combining the asexual and aromantic flags into a cohesive flag.
But I've had this floating around my head for a while, and I saw a post similar to it today, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
Cut because it got long.
In the ace flag, black means asexuality, gray means gray/demi sexual, white is for allosexual allies of asexual people, and purple means community. (I lost the link to the AVEN post, but someone dedicated can find it. Otherwise you can just look up the meanings on the internet to verify).
In the aro flag, the green and light green stripes are for the aromantic spectrum, white is for non-romantic attraction, and black and grey are for the sexuality spectrum. (Post by the creator saying this here: https://www.tumblr.com/cameronwhimsy/102698477928/whoops-yeah-i-just-realised-i-never-actually-made?source=share).
So black, grey, and white all mean different things for each flag, yet in most combination flags, they only appear once. Do they mean what they mean on the aromantic flag or what they mean on the asexual flag?
The light green and green don't have any arbitrary separations for people who do and don't feel romantic attraction, and the grey and black of the aro flag don't have that for sexual attraction either, while the asexual flag does. Cutting out one of the green stripes or moving the black and grey away from each other don't make sense in the context of the aromantic flag.
I've also seen some that add an extra purple stripe. It doesn't mean anything, it's just aesthetic.
Whether or not you like the sunset aroace flag, it is a good example to look at when trying to create a flag to represent aroace people. It keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, without using the original colors in ways that don't quite fit. (Color meaning breakdown by the creator here: https://aroaesflags.tumblr.com/post/181034758671/revised-aroace-flag-after-some-conversation-among).
The whole point of having pride flags is to have a meaningful symbol to represent our communities. For aroace people, mashing two together keeps the association with asexuality and aromanticism, but loses the deeper meaning behind each flag.
Honestly, as an aroace person, I think the only way to really design an aroace flag is to depart from the imagery of either flag. That ensures the meanings are solid, and it ensures no one in accidentally excluded (which is, to my understanding, why the sunset flag was created originally - to have a community symbol that included the whole community inherently). But I understand not everyone shares the sentiment.
So, from one aroace person to another, if you are going to design an aroace flag that's based on the ace and aro flags, please keep in mind what those colors mean in the context of each flag, and don't put them in just to have them. And be sure that your design properly includes everyone you are trying to represent.
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redysetdare · 5 months
just because someone doesn't label an attraction on the split attraction doesn't make them allo in that attraction.
I don't label my other attractions because to me the only important ones to label are my romantic and sexual attractions as those effect me first and foremost. That doesn't mean I'm just allo in every other form of attraction. I'm not alloplatonic or alloaesthetic or allofamilial or whatever other ones (not in a dismissive way but in a 'there's so many i cannot name them all way'). I don't feel ANY attraction at all. I don't see a reason to label my other a-attractions because my lack of any attraction at all makes it feel a bit unnecessary for me personally.
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ryanyflags · 11 months
Non-SAM a-spec flags :D
These are included in the various a-spec flag sets I posted, but I also thought they should have their own post (to help explain it a bit).
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Non-SAM analt (analterous)
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Non-SAM apl (aplatonic)
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Non-SAM asen (asensual)
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Non-SAM anae (anaesthetic)
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Non-SAM aqp (aqueerplatonic)
Non-SAM (non split attraction model) is a broad term. Some examples would be:
Only identifying as either analterous/aplatonic/asensual/anaesthetic/aqueerplatonic.
Experiencing RoSe (romantic+sexual attraction) as one thing.
Experiencing all attractions as one thing.
Opting out of Rose.
Opting out of all a-spec and allo-spec orientations except either analterous/aplatonic/asensual/anaesthetic/aqueerplatonic.
Feeling as though their analterous/aplatonic/asensual/anaesthetic/aqueerplatonic identity is their most important identity.
And others too.
Whether you mean non-SAM to mean only RoSe or including tertiary attractions too, or why you identify as non-SAM, or how you experience attraction, etc., there's a lot of ways to be non-SAM.
I'm non-SAM ace myself, and I thought it would be nice to make some other non-SAM flags.
For the flags, there's two versions for each. They both use the purple/blue/turquoise/cream from this general non-SAM flag (by @arokill) to represent non-SAM. The first is based off of the five stripe non-SAM flags (like here and here), and the second is based off of my alt non-SAM flags (here).
The other colors are from the respective analterous/aplatonic/asensual/anaesthetic/aqueerplatonic flags. I used light blue for analterous. Yellow (first set), purple, blue, and green (second set), for aplatonic. Orange for asensual. Pink for anaesthetic. Yellow and pink (first set), and two shades of teal (second set), for aqueerplatonic.
I think these turned out quite nice. I really like the non-SAM label.
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libbyscribbles · 11 months
hi! In your pinned post it says you do pride blinkies, would you be able to make a non-SAM aro one? if so, thank you!!
of course! here you go :)
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let me know if there's a different flag you'd rather i use, or a different color scheme!
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fleabittenflags · 6 months
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[Image Description: A pride flag with seven stripes of equal width. The colors of the stripes from top to bottom are baby blue, light green, white, yellow, pale orange, pale magenta, medium blue. End ID.]
Unlabeled tertiary/non-rose attraction: A term describing one who does not label their tertiary/non-rose attraction, for any reason. Some examples as to why someone would use this term are: one does not feel that their tertiary attraction is an important part of their identity, their tertiary attraction would be too complicated to comfortably label, they do not feel tertiary attraction and are uncomfortable with atertiary labels, etc.
The top three stripes are adjusted from the unlabeled flag and the bottom four stripes are adjusted from the tertiary attraction flag.
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receivingtranny · 10 months
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Non-Sam Anattractional-Spec
based on the non-sam flag by @/arokill
sources - LGBTQIA Wiki, Wikipedia
A flag for anyone on the anattractional spectrum that doesn't follow the split attraction model.
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