#nice to see paul’s been in the studio
silverfoxstole · 22 days
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According to the description, this 1885 brick Victorian in Saint Paul, MN is the most admired home on the street. It has 3bds, 3ba, and is priced at $795K.
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It's cute, colorful, and someone spent a lot of time & effort painting faux finishes. You can see their work on the stairs and moldings in the hall.
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Nothing else was changed. The beautiful fireplace is there. I think that the paint adds charm. Love the ceiling.
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The dining room is a regal red and gold.
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With all the cabinetry choices there are, I don't know why anyone would pick this light wood for a Victorian. I don't like the kitchen at all, but I do like the moldings and ceiling.
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All Victorians have to have a guest powder room. This is cute.
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Here's an interesting room. A desk fits perfectly into a stair wall that goes down to the basement. Nice shelving lines the wall and a palm tree was added to the faux finishes which include a sky ceiling.
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The primary bedroom is nice.
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It always amazes me that owners of Victorians find room to make walk in closets.
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This bedroom is used as an office. Each room seems to have its own unique finish on the molding.
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Here's another unused bedroom. It's nice, though.
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This is odd. Here's a nice, large bath, yet they put another sink, plus a shower, in a separate room. That room must've been another bedroom at one time.
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This home is confusing. It looks like this room is an art studio. Look at the floor.
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And, here's a small shower room.
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Look at this winding path to the property.
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Now, it's getting closer to the house. It's a 10,018 sq ft lot.
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Look at how long the yard is, b/c it includes the path.
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And, there's also a large deck on the roof of the garage.
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Large driveway and 2 car garage.
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thelostboyslove-ect · 19 days
Tour Mates (The Lost Boys X Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
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(Hello, Hi, How ya goin. So I have been lurking in the Lost Boys fandom for over a year now and have been feral for these boys for far too long to not have an insane amount of ideas about them. So as if this movie didn't have a strong enough chokehold on me already, it led me to write my first ever fic. I have no idea if it's any good, but I hope someone out there at least enjoys the vision. This will be multiple chapters cause I can't shut up. Behold! Whatever this is!
P.S. I know Dwayne and his actor aren’t actually 6’7. But ya girl is 5’10 and may have a small size kink and this is my fic😤So let a girl live.)
Pairing: The Lost Boys x Fem!Reader (Poly Lost Boys implied)
Work count: 1208
Warnings: Darker Fic, misogyny, sexism, allusions to sex, allusions to murder, the boys being whores. Smut in future chapters.
Summary: You had always wanted nothing more than to be in a band and share your music with the world, and you were finally on your way to doing so. If only your band was big enough to do it alone.
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You had always wanted to be a musician. Always. Ever since you could remember. From a child when you would sit and listen to whatever music your dad loved, making you guess titles and quiz you on the bands. From when you were a preteen and had the freedom to branch out to whole new styles of music you had never heard, buying records with what little money you could save. From when you got a guitar on your thirteenth birthday and played every moment you could after school and every chance on the weekends. From when you were fifteen and your friends made the choice to form a band. And from when you made the promise that very day that you would be the most legendary band in history.
While you were yet to be the most legendary band in history, for now, you were finally making moves. You were nowhere near Motely Crue, but you were getting somewhere. After years of writing, months upon months of being in studios, and all the savings you could muster. You finally had the money, the managers, and the following to go on tour. Your dream was coming true. If only there wasn’t one slight, incredibly frustrating, and immensely infuriating problem.
While you had the monetary ability to tour and quite the following, you weren’t quite big enough to tour on your OWN. Enter stage left the current bain of your existence—The Lost Boys. A Californian glam rock heavy metal band just starting to find their feet os so luckily at the same time as you. The band consisted of David the lead singer, a dominant man who truly embodied the idea of a frontman. Marko the bassist - the secondhand man to David as they had said themselves which had been proven multiple times with the way Marko seemed to wait on David hand and foot, never seeming to be too far behind him. Paul the lead guitarist, a wild chaotic lady’s man who always smelt of weed where it may be his erratic behavior took him. And last but DEFINITELY not least Dwayne. The drummer, an imposing 6’7 man who seemed to be made of muscle, with an intense gaze that could make anyone feel immense fear or simply melt depending on his mood.
At first, it had seemed perfect. They were nice, if not slightly flirty (aka clawing to get into your pants from the get go) and your bandmates got along brilliantly with them. You loved their music and it matched your sound really well. It was the ideal situation. That was until maybe a month into the tour. You could understand the excitement for a while, the booze, the drugs, the women, the partying. You’d be a hypocrite if you had blamed them for enjoying those things seeing as you had partaken in them yourself. But you thought that maybe after a little while that they would maybe calm down a bit. But they seemed pretty dead set on sticking to their band's slogan of sleeping all day and partying all night. Which you would respect if it wasn’t for the fact that it was impacting your ability to sleep at all, and in turn, your ability to play.
Now it was already hard being a woman in the rock industry, but being the only woman on an otherwise all-male tour? That came with a whole nother set of problems. You had been called every misogynistic name under the sun. Constantly told you couldn’t play, which your predicament was only adding fuel to the fire. Even more, you had your fair share of being told that the only reason that any of the boys kept you around on the tour, is so that they can have someone around as a backup to fuck on the nights they can't pull any groupies. A sleazy stand-in kept in reserve for desperate nights.
This is where the resentment began. You obviously didn’t care about anyone on tour sleeping around or bringing people back to the hotels, it came with the territory, and your boys did it pretty regularly. But the lost boys were seemingly insatiable. Bringing groups of fawning girls back to their (weirdly) shared hotel room every single night. Of course, this word spread and they inevitably got nothing but praise for their man whore behavior. As where you had been branded a slut for so much as picking up a guitar and being in a band. You had even only made out with one man on the entirety of the tour! The opportunity to go any further being ruined by the band in question themselves when they stumbled across you and refused to leave, glowering at the man till he took his hands off of you and left. A strange situation but nonetheless frustrating. The resentment only grew as the situation began to affect you in other ways than just your image and reputation.
When the boys would bring these girls back to their room it would always go the same. At some ridiculous hour of the morning you would hear the drunken love-struck giggles of the group of girls they had chosen for the night, followed by the strong voice of David beckoning them into the room, insisting for them to make themselves at home, to even shed a few layers to get comfortable, which would inevitably be followed by whooping and hollering from the other boys and then the music would start blaring. But no matter how loud they would blast the music you could always still hear the giggling, which would turn to moaning, which would turn to shrieking. You had to admit the first few nights, hell even to this day, it sometimes frightens you. Sometimes the screams just don’t seem as pleasurable as they should. Sometimes they are…almost blood-curdling. Like someone losing a fight for their life. But you know that’s just your imagination running wild, because just inevitably as the girls being there every night, the moaning would return. Always just the boys though, but you always imagined they had just fucked the girls out so much that they didn’t have the energy to make much noise.
These nightly occurrences would not bother you if it weren’t for the fact that while they were up and causing chaos, you were up and unable to sleep. Which for the first few weeks, was fine, but now nearing a month and a half of borderline sleepless nights due to the proclivities of your tour mates, you were starting to come undone. You didn’t have the luxury of sleeping all day, so naps in your dressing room were having to suffice and that would inevitably have an effect on your performance. You can't remember the last time you got through a show and didn’t mess up at least a segment or two from a few songs.
But after all of that what had been your final straw, was the boys being AWARE of the effects their actions had on you. They HAD to be from the way they had taunted you, teased you. The acts had become more frequent as the days went on. And ton your aggravation, harder to forget about.
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Recovery - Chapter 24
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em and Reader have an argument at the studio. Later, she receives a bouquet of flowers that brings back painful memories.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff
Y/N’s POV 
Marshall leaving hickies all over your neck was, indeed, an efficient way to get people at the studio off your back on the topic of your dating life. Now, they had found another past-time : grilling you with questions about the mysterious person you were seeing. 
You still don’t want to tell us who the mysterious man is ? Porter asked with a grin. 
Nope. I’m keeping to myself on this one, you chuckled. 
Come on, Royce chuckled. Is he nice ? How long have you guys been dating ? 
He is, you giggled. We’ve been dating for a few weeks. 
Do you like him ? Porter asked. 
I do. I like him a lot. 
Is he hot ? Marshall chimed in with a smirk. 
You have no idea, you said teasingly. Hottest man I have ever dated. Hands down. 
Good in bed ? Royce asked with a grin. 
Meh, you said playfully. I think he’s got a lot to learn but he’s alright. 
They all chuckled, except for Marshall who shot you a faux death glare. The look he gave you was full of promises. Obviously, you would have been stupid to miss an opportunity to tease him. Besides, you had already told him countless times that he was your best, so you didn’t worry about him being sensitive on the subject. You felt your phone vibrate on your lap. 
From M : No sex for you tonight. 
To M : We’ll see ;-) 
From M : I can keep it in my pants. Unlike you. 
To M : You’re underestimating me, baby. I’m too irresistible. 
You saw him chuckle and shake his head as he stared at the text he just received from you. He obviously didn’t believe you. You were in a good mood and definitely wanting to show him what you were capable of. As the guys kept on working, you devised a plan so that you could prove your point. Thankfully, you were wearing just the right outfit : a white, flowy dress with tan boots and a cardigan. The weather was good enough so that you didn’t have to wear tights. The dress itself was pretty light, and showed a bit of cleavage, hence the cardigan that made the outfit more modest. You got up and went to the bathroom where you removed your panties and your cardigan. When you got back, you saw Marshall alone in the kitchen, grabbing a can of Redbull. You went to him and smiled. 
Are you alright ? He asked. 
Are you ? You replied with a grin. 
Yeah, fine, what are you-? He began asking as you put a hand in the pocket of his jacket and put your panties there. 
You giggled and got back to the couch where you played with your phone for the rest of the recording session. When Marshall came back, he looked a bit flustered. However, their work session kept going. Whenever he looked at you, you bended on purpose, pretending to grab something in your bag so that he could have a great view of your breasts. It was his right not to want to put out, but you also had the right to tease. You could see him staring, having more and more trouble focusing, which was unusual. 
Bro, are you alright ? Porter asked. 
Yeah, yeah, he hummed. 
At some point, you got the bright idea to stretch your arms, causing the dress to ride up. You didn’t flash anyone and it was not bothersome. At least, not to people you ignored that you were bare underneath. Marshall almost spilled his mouthful of Redbull. 
Alright, we’re done, he said calmly. Time to go home. 
Are you sure ? Royce asked with his brows furrowed. 
Yeah, he replied. I have a headache. You guys go home, enjoy the weekend, alright ? 
Still on for the Lions game on Sunday ? Porter asked. 
Of course. 
Porter and Royce left, while Jamal stayed with you and Marshall. 
Are you guys still coming for dinner tonight ? Jamal asked. Talia’s preparing her Masala Chicken. 
Sure, Marshall said. Go ahead, we’ll join you there. I just have to go to the office and sign some papers for Paul. 
Ok, Jamal said. See you at dinner, lovebirds. 
Once he was gone, Marshall got up and faced you with a stern look. 
I’m at work, Y/N, he groaned. 
It’s true, you said innocently. And I think you did a good job today. 
I would have done a better job if I had been able to finish the beat I was working on, he pointed out. 
Finish it, then, you said as you got up.
Later, he groaned. 
He grabbed your arm and took you to his office, where he slammed the door shut. You weren’t too sure if he was furious or not. His eyes were dark and he didn’t seem in too good a mood. Maybe your fun plan was starting to backfire. He made you sit on the sofa. 
You think it’s funny ? He asked. 
I was merely proving a point, here, you shrugged with a smile, trying to defuse the situation. 
How ? By interrupting my work and acting like a slut ? He asked coldly. 
Don’t say that, you said defensively. 
Then cover your tits and try not to flash our friends, he said as he threw your panties at you. 
You thought he was being unfair. It’s not as if you had been walking around the place naked. You were simply teasing him and no one had even caught anything. You understood that he was serious about his work, but you had meant to harm and, anyway, that didn’t justify the name-calling. You got up, faced him and silently left the room to get your stuff. You were putting your cardigan back and were about to leave when he came to you. 
See you, you said coldly. 
Are you leaving ? He asked. 
Are you apologizing? 
He stared at you and crossed his arms. 
Are you ? He asked back. 
You’ve got to be kidding me, you scoffed. You insulted me and I should be the one apologizing ? 
You started it, he said coldly. I was out of line but… 
But nothing, you cut him. You know I meant no harm. 
And you know how I am when it comes to work, he said sternly. 
Still, I’m not having anyone, especially not my boyfriend, calling me a slut, you said. 
Fine, he said. 
You looked at him and waited for the apology but he kept on staring at you. 
What ? He asked. I just said I was out of line. 
You really suck at apologies, Marshall, you scoffed before leaving the studio. 
As you left the building, he followed you in the street. 
Fine. I’m sorry, he sighed as you kept on walking. 
Good evening, Marshall, you said. 
Come on, we have to go to dinner, he said. 
Fine, you sighed. 
Now, the both of you were clearly in a bad mood, but you got back in the building and waited for him to grab his things. Then, the two of you went to the car. It was a silent ride home. Before you got out of the car, he gently grabbed your hand. 
I’m sorry, honey, he said softly. 
I’m sorry too, you shrugged. 
How about we go back to my place after dinner ? He offered. I’ll draw you a bath, give you a massage… Let me make it up to you, ok ? 
Sure, you said with a smile. 
He kissed you softly and you got in. The smell of spices had taken over the house and you were ready to enjoy your favorite dish. As soon as you stepped in, Talia handed you a big bouquet of flowers. 
These came for you earlier, she said with a smile. Good choice on the peonies, Em. 
You shouldn’t have, Marshall, you squealed. They’re beautiful though. Did you know they’re my favorite ? 
I didn’t send flowers, he said. 
You wondered who could be the one sending you the flowers. You checked the card. It was from Simon. It read : “It has been one year already. I am sorry I didn’t handle the situation better. I hope you are doing well. I would love to talk.  Love, Simon”. That’s when it hit you : today was the “anniversary” of your miscarriage. The one event that had led to your drug use, your overdose and the downfall of your relationship. Your heart dropped immediately. 
Baby, who sent these ? Talia asked. 
You gave her the card and you could tell she understood as she read it. “Oh”, she simply said as she rubbed your shoulder. 
What’s with those faces ? Marshall asked. Who died ? 
You couldn’t help but shoot him a death glare. It was probably a poor choice of word, but having him say that as you were reminded of the date you had learned that your baby’s heart had stopped beating was painful. You said nothing and took the bouquet to your bedroom. You sat on the bed as tears started to flow. In truth, you hadn’t thought of that at all, because you were too busy focusing on your relationship with Marshall. But now that you were reminded, it was like being hit in the face. You had done a lot of progress in a year, but you had spent so much time focusing on your sobriety that you hadn’t done nearly enough work on your grief. A few minutes later, Marshall knocked on the door. 
Baby ? He asked. Are you alright ? 
Yeah… I’ll come down in a minute, you said in a broken voice. 
You reached under your bed and found the box you had put together after the miscarriage, that you had not opened since you moved in with Talia and Jamal. You were thirteen weeks pregnant when you lost your baby and you’d had time to buy some stuff for him/her : a tiny pajama, socks, a little plush toy… The box also contained the few pictures that were taken during the sonograms as well as the pregnancy test you had taken on a gloomy Sunday morning after noticing that your period was late. It definitely wasn’t planned, but you had been ecstatic to learn that you were pregnant. So was Simon. The two of you thought it was meant to be and you were overjoyed to start a family together. You held the pajamas in your hand, taking in how tiny they were, how tiny your baby would have been. You sighed and put the box on the bed before going downstairs. By their faces, you gathered that they had talked and that both Jamal and Marshall were up to date on the situation. 
Sorry, you told your friends. I needed a minute. 
Of course, sis, Jamal said. 
Are you alright ? Marshall asked as he took your hand in his. 
Y-yeah, you lied. I’m fine. 
Talia gave you a hug and you sat at the table. The three of them tried to get your mind off things and talk about joyful stuff, but it was to no avail. You were feeling sad and guilty for even forgetting about this day. Deep down, you knew it wouldn’t change anything, but you felt selfish. After dinner, you went back to your room, with Marshall. As soon as the door was closed, he took you in his arms for a long hug. 
I’m so sorry, my love, he whispered. I had no idea. 
It’s fine, you said in a whisper. It’s just… Hitting me like a ton of bricks right now. 
Of course, he said as he stroked your hair. 
You sat on the bed and you began to put away the baby stuff that was laying on it. You had the plush toy in one hand, the pajamas in the other and you couldn’t help but burst into tears. Your boyfriend lovingly put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You were literally crying on his shoulder. 
I’m sorry, you sobbed. 
Don’t apologize, Y/N. Let it out, he said softly. 
It’s just… It’s been a year already, but also, it’s only been a year, you said. So much has happened since then. 
It’s true, he said. You’re in a really different place. 
Nothing’s the same. It seems so far away. Sometimes, I think it’s all been a dream, you know ? But then, I remember that it actually happened. That I was pregnant and that I actually lost that baby. 
He hummed and let you talk as he stroked your hair. 
The worst thing is that I can’t talk about it a lot, you know ? Because very few people knew. We were getting ready to tell everyone when… well…, you said with tears in your eyes. 
You can talk to me, if you want, he said softly. 
You probably don’t want to hear your girlfriend talk about having a baby with another man, you sighed. 
I’m not your boyfriend, right now, he explained. I mean, I am, but I’m your friend too. First and foremost. That’s what makes our relationship so great, you know ? Plus, everyone has a past. 
Thank you, you said softly. 
You don’t have to thank me, he said as he kissed the top of your head. I will always be here for you. 
I just… I never really had a family, and I was so excited to start one of my own, you know ? You explained. It wasn’t planned or anything, but it felt meant to be. As if I finally got my happy ending, the wedding, the little family… And now it’s… Gone. 
You can still be happy, he said as he stroked your cheek. 
I know, you said. I am happy. But thinking about how different my life is now, it’s a little weird. Now, I’m happy in a different way. But I guess I still haven’t fully processed the whole thing, you know ? 
Grief takes some time, he said. But you’ll get there. You’re so strong and you’re doing so good. 
You nodded and he kissed you tenderly. You put the baby things in the box and put it away, not without sadness. 
Sorry, you said. You probably think it’s creepy that I have this box. 
I get it, he said. You do what you need to do. I have a box of my own, you know ? 
You do ? 
Yeah. It’s a recovery box. Inside I have my hospital bracelet from the day I OD’d, a few things I have written when I was in rehab, drawings the girls made for me when I got home, a letter from my sponsor, my sobriety chips… I understand the need to hold on to these things, he explained. I don’t look at it too often. But I have it. 
I’m so sorry, you said sheepishly. I’m so selfish. Sometimes, I forget you’re recovering too. 
It’s alright, he said. 
I feel like a mess, compared to you, you added. I mean, you have your life together, you’re level-headed, you’re so strong… 
It’s apples and oranges, baby, he said with a smile. I’ve been sober for more than fifteen years. A lot of stuff comes with time. You’re just getting started on your journey. But you do have your life together. And you are doing good. But I’m still struggling, you know ? 
You are ? 
Yeah. I guess it’s always a work in progress, he shrugged. I always thought it would be over once I’ve been sober for a long time and I’m not tempted to use or drink. But there’s always something to work on. Like my emotions, my anger…
I think you’re doing a good job, you said softly. 
Thank you my love, he said with a smile. But still, I shouldn’t snap as easily as I do, sometimes. I’m still sorry about the way I talked to you at the studio, you know ? 
I forgive you, you said as you nuzzled his neck.
Do you still want to go to my place so that I can make it up to you ? He asked. Let me take care of you, honey. 
You don’t have to, you said. 
But I want to. 
You ended up agreeing and going to his place. He kept true to his word and took care of you, even more than he usually did. You were still sad, of course, but you knew you weren’t alone. He encouraged you to talk about your feelings and made sure you felt warm, safe and cozy. In moments like these, he felt like your safe space. You loved that you could talk to him about anything. Most people in your life usually danced uncomfortably around the subject of your miscarriage. Even Talia and Jamal. But Marshall, on the contrary, encouraged you to talk and even asked questions. It felt good and it felt like you were being even more intimate with him, giving him access to a part of your soul. Eventually, you switched to other subjects and he opened up to you about his grief about his uncles and best friends, as well as his mental health. Most of the time, the age difference didn’t cross your mind. But for once, it did and you were grateful for it, because you benefited from his maturity and experience. Serious topics aside, you spent the rest of the evening and the next day lounging, watching movies in his movie theater that had been turned into a blanket fort after you told him you had never built one in your life. You were cuddling under a soft blanket, mindlessly playing with his fingers. 
Do you still want to come tomorrow ? He asked. 
For the game ? Yeah sure, you said. Unless you don’t want me there. 
No, I’m trying to make sure you’re coming, he chuckled. But if you feel like avoiding the crowd, I understand. And if you need, I can even cancel the whole thing and stay with you. 
You’d cancel football for me ? You asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing how important it was to him - he had even canceled recording sessions in order to be able to watch some games ! 
For you, yes, he said with a smile. Special occasions only, of course. 
It’s not a special occasion, you shrugged. 
I just want to make sure my girl is feeling good, he said as he kissed your temple. 
I’m feeling much better now, you said softly. Thank you again. 
You’re very welcome, he said. I love you so much. 
I love you too, you cooed. No need to cancel. 
Your first meeting with my family, he mused. 
It’s just going to be your daughters, right ? 
Not really, he said. The girls will be there, along with their boyfriends. There will also be my brother, his wife, their kids, guys from the studio, guys from D12… 
You opened wide eyes. You’d watched games at his place before, but there had never been so many people around. You knew it wasn’t an official meeting with his family, but seeing as you weren’t the sociable type, it was enough to scare you. 
You’ll be fine, babe, he chuckled as he saw your face decompose. You know a few people already. 
What if your family doesn’t like me ? You asked. 
I told you, I’m sure they will love you, he said with a smile. They’re really chill and they know I’m “friends” with you so they already have a good opinion. They know how picky I am when it comes to people I hang out with. Believe me, I’m the most judgy person in the family. Just be your cute amazing self and everything will be fine. 
Easy for you to say, you scoffed. If the situation was reversed, you wouldn’t feel too confident. 
True, he chuckled. We’ll get there someday, though, I guess. 
I don’t think so, you shrugged. 
Why is that ? He asked. 
I just… Don’t have a lot of people in my life, you know ? You said sheepishly. Especially after this past year. I don’t really have family either. It’s just me, my father and his wife. You already know the people who matter : Talia and Jamal. 
I see, he said 
Sorry, that’s a little lame, you admitted. 
No, I get it, he said softly. But if you don’t feel like meeting all these people tomorrow, you don’t have to, baby. I’m just thinking it might be a good, chill opportunity. Take the band-aid off, you know ? 
Right, you said. 
Plus, the girls asked me if you’d be there. 
They did ? You asked confused. 
Yeah. Hailie told me she misses you and Alaina and Stevie are extremely curious, he explained. 
They know about me ? 
Of course, they know about you, he chuckled. They might not know you’re my girl yet, but your name has still been in quite a few conversations, you know ? 
Has it ? You asked, still surprised. 
Well yeah, he said. I mean, obviously, when they saw the pictures of us holding hands after that party, they asked questions, especially since they had never heard about you before. So I had to clear the air. They also know that you know Hailie and they figured that I care a lot about you, after that whole hospital incident. And I might have said that you’re a feminist, so they’re particularly excited. Especially Stevie. 
You nodded nervously and he kissed you, reassuring you once again. You knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help but think it was kind of a big deal. After all, you still wanted to make a good impression. 
Maybe you should take me home ? You suggested. So that I can have my beauty sleep and be pretty for them. 
Don’t you want to stay here ? He asked. 
It’s Saturday, you pointed out. 
Yes, but the kids are not coming for brunch. Plus, you’re going to be here anyway, so you might as well sleep with me tonight, he said with a wink. 
And you’re ok with sleeping with me seven nights in a row ? You asked playfully.  You won’t be bored ? 
I could sleep with you a thousand nights in a row and still not get enough, he said softly, making your heart melt. 
As he expected it, Y/N’s first meeting with his family went great. She seemed about to freak out at first, but she quickly relaxed. As soon as Hailie arrived, she gave her a big hug and told her how sorry she was that it didn’t work out with Josh. If only she knew… His girlfriend also seemed to get along with his brother and his wife, but especially with Alaina and Stevie. They laughed together and she truly seemed to enjoy herself. He sat next to her on the couch and, even though he was usually extra focused when it came to football games, he couldn’t help but glance at her. Everyone was focused on the game so he gently stroked her hand with his fingers for a brief second, making sure no one could see. He wasn’t really into PDA, but given the hard time she’d had in the past two days, he wanted to make sure she was alright. The contact seemed to make her smile, though she kept on staring at the screen. He was so in love with that smile he couldn’t help but smile himself. At some point, she seemed a bit lost when it came to the rules so he took the opportunity to get even closer and whisper in her ears. It reminded him of the very beginning of their friendship, when he took every single opportunity to talk to her, whether it was to explain something about hip-hop or make a silly joke. Looking back, he may have had a crush from the very beginning… 
After the game, which the Lions thankfully won, people stayed to have some pizza. Being busy talking to some D12 friends, he lost her for a moment. He found her in the garden with his daughters, playing with Nate’s kids. She was a natural with children and his nephews seemed to like her a lot. As soon as he spotted him, the youngest, who was about five, ran to him and jumped in his arms as he always did. 
Uncle Marsh ! I like your girlfriend ! He said. 
My girlfriend, huh ? He chuckled. 
We tried to tell him that Y/N is not your girlfriend, Alaina giggled, but he wouldn't hear it. 
What makes you think she’s my girlfriend ? He asked, curious. 
You talked to her during the game, the boy said. You never talk to anyone during the game. 
That’s because your uncle took pity on me and had to explain the rules, Y/N said with a smile. 
Exactly. Come on, bud, you really think I could get a girl as pretty as her ? He asked playfully. 
Yeah… Probably not, his nephew shrugged after a second of thought. 
There you go, Stevie giggled. 
That was… humbling to say the least. The girls burst out laughing and Y/N flashed a smile at him that warmed his heart. It took everything he had in him not to hug and kiss her. She was making him too soft for his own good, and he surprised himself thinking that he could not wait to be out with her as a couple. His brain was telling him to keep it reasonable, but the rest of him would simply not listen. 
Can we play video games in the movie room ? His older nephew asked. 
Sure, he said. I’ll help you set up in a second. 
Y/N, will you play with me ? The youngest asked. 
Of course, she answered. What are we playing ? 
We should do a Mario Kart tournament, Stevie suggested. 
Oh, I love that, Alaina said. We should do teams. 
Boys against girls ? Hailie chimed in. 
There’s only three boys and there are four girls, his nephew said. Uncle Marsh, can you play with us ? 
I don’t know, he shrugged. I have guests. 
Please ? His nephew asked with big pleading eyes. 
Yeah, Dad, people don’t need you to eat pizza, Stevie said. 
He’s probably just afraid to be humiliated, Y/N said teasingly. 
Oooooh, his three daughters said in unison. 
I like you, Y/N, Stevie said. 
I told you she was great, Hailie giggled. 
It’s on, he said. Boys, we’re destroying them, alright ? 
The eight of them went to the movie room and started their tournament. Obviously, he was teaming up with children so it wasn’t a piece of cake. His oldest nephew was pretty good, but the two younger ones were… trying hard. He knew that it was what mattered, but he was still very much a sore loser. During one of the rounds, he played against Y/N. 
Destroy him !!! Stevie encouraged her. 
I’m your Dad, Marshall groaned. You should be rooting for me. 
Go Y/N !!! Alaina yelled. 
She ended up beating him, leading him to groan. His nephews were looking at him with an attitude. 
You lost to a girl, the youngest said. 
He lost to a legend, Y/N said with a grin. 
Quit the attitude, he scolded her playfully. 
As the others were playing, he whispered in her ear “You’re staying the night and I’m getting revenge”, leading her to blush. 
A few hours later, everyone had left. Hailie had offered to give Y/N a ride home but he told her he would do it. He was intent on having his girl spend the night in his arms. 
See ? He asked as they were eating some pizza leftovers. You survived. 
It was great, she admitted. I had a good time. 
Even if you ended up babysitting Nate’s kids ? He chuckled. 
They’re so cute !!! She said. 
You’re good with them, he said. 
I can’t wait to have kids of my own, she said dreamily. 
These words cause him to freeze. He knew she didn’t mean she wanted kids with him, nor that she wanted them now, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit panicky. Because, even if their relationship was new, he was intent on being with her. She was amazing and he would gladly spend the rest of his days with her. That’s how in love he was. However, he had sworn a long time ago that he would never remarry and that kids were out of the question. He was done with all of it. Something in his gut told him that he would have to have this conversation with her at some point. And judging how touchy the topic of kids and pregnancy seemed to be for her, he knew it would be a tough conversation to have. 
He was spending the week-end with his girl, as usual. The plan was to spend a lot of time in bed, with as little clothes as possible. That is what she had suggested and he was happy to oblige. The only time they left the bedroom was to cook. They were in the kitchen, making pancakes. He was just wearing sweatpants and Y/N was in one of his tee-shirts, sitting on the marble counter, kissing him lazily when the doorbell rang. Being lazy, they had ordered some more food for their brunch. He grabbed a hoodie and put it on to go and get open the door to the delivery. Except it wasn’t a delivery guy. It was Hailie. 
Hey Dad, she said happily. 
Hay, he said in a surprised tone. What are you doing here ? 
Have you seen my headphones ? She asked as she walked in. I’m recording a podcast episode tomorrow and I think I forgot them here. 
Uh, maybe, he said. Look, right now isn’t a good time, I… 
Babe ? He heard Y/N calling from the kitchen. Is the whipped cream finally here ? I can’t wait to have you-
HAILIE’S HERE, he yelled before his girlfriend said something absolutely inappropriate. 
His daughter looked at him in a state of shock and walked to the kitchen before he could stop her. There, she found Y/N half naked. 
Oh my God, Hailie said. Please tell me it’s a prank. 
They all stared at each other in shock. It was definitely awkward, not to mention it was not how he wanted his daughter to find out about him dating Y/N. 
I should go, his girlfriend said in a small voice. 
Don’t you dare move, Hailie darted with anger in her voice and her eyes. 
Look, Hay, Marshall began. Y/N and I…
I don’t need you to explain it to me, Dad. I think it’s pretty obvious. She has some explaining to do, though, she said as she motioned to his girlfriend. Is this why you broke up with Josh ?! To screw my FATHER ?! 
Y/N looked like a deer in headlights. He wanted nothing but to appease the situation, although he had no clue how to do it. 
Did you cheat on Josh ?! His daughter asked. 
His girl didn’t say anything. Not that she had to. She was a terrible liar and the look on her face was giving her away. 
Oh my God, Hailie said. I can’t believe I even felt sorry for you !!! I thought we could be friends but you’re just like anyone else… You see fame, money and you can’t jump on it fast enough, can you ?! 
Hailie, that’s enough, he said. 
No, it’s not, his daughter said as she looked back at him. Is this why you broke up with Nicole ?! 
He sighed and pinched the area between his eyes. He knew it was going to be a tough conversation. 
Ok, let’s talk about this in the living room, he said. 
Please get her to put clothes on, Hailie said as she rolled her eyes. 
Yeah, I’ll… Whatever, Y/N mumbled before hurrying out of the room. 
Minutes later, he was sitting on the couch across from Hailie who looked at him. She was clearly mad. 
So… Your headphones are here, he said tentatively. You could have texted, you know ? I would have brought them to you. 
When I moved out, you said this would always be my home and that I didn’t need to ask before coming over, she pointed out. 
I did say that, he recalled sheepishly. 
They stared at each other some more. The anger in his daughter’s eyes was breaking his heart. He could not stand to have his kids mad at him. 
So… Are you mad at me for breaking up with Nicole ? He asked. 
You said you liked her, Dad. 
Yeah, she’s great. But I’m not in love with her. I’m in love with Y/N, he said calmly as he hoped she would understand that this was a serious relationship. 
You told me she was your friend, when I confronted you about the pictures, Dad !!! You lied to me. You never do that. 
I didn’t lie back then, he corrected. We started out as friends and it became… more. I was going to tell you girls eventually but it’s only been a few months and we wanted to take things slow. 
Months ?! She asked in disbelief. So it’s serious ? She’s your… girlfriend ? 
She is, he said. And she makes me really happy. 
I’m going to puke, she warned. 
What ? 
He thought that clearing the air would make things better but, by the looks of it, he was wrong. 
You can’t tell how wrong it is ?! She asked, almost screaming. My FATHER is dating someone MY AGE. 
Look, I know it’s a little bit weird, but… 
No “but”, Dad. It’s disgusting ! She said. 
I know it’s a shock, Marshall said, and I’m sorry that you had to find out this way, but I want you to know that it’s serious. I’m in love with her. She makes me really happy. 
So what ?! She scoffed. You’re going to marry her and we’re going to have to call her “Mom” ?! Are you planning on having kids too ? Because that wouldn’t be weird and twisted at all, right ?! 
Calm down, please, he pleaded. Is that what it’s about ? You’re scared that I’m going to start a new family and replace you guys ? It ain’t happening, Hay. 
I’m not five, she said as she rolled her eyes. I always rooted for you to find someone and be happy after Mom. Not someone creepy, though. 
You told me you liked her, he said. 
WHEN YOU SAID SHE WAS YOUR FRIEND. Not when she turned out to be a bitch who cheated on my best friend with my Dad ! You know she’s only interested in your money, right ?! 
I know you’re angry, but the name-calling is out of line, Hailie, he said as he slightly raised his voice. And I understand the concern, but I can tell people’s intentions. 
Whatever, Dad, she groaned. Are you paying for her stuff ? Are you her sugar daddy ? What’s her thing ? Handbags ? Shoes ? 
They heard Y/N come into the room, a look of hurt on her face. 
I never took a dime from him, Y/N said coldly. 
Hailie and Y/N were staring at each other. His daughter was mad and his girlfriend was clearly insulted by the implication that she might be a gold-digger. His daughter had always been protective of him and he understood that. But he wished she could see and understand that their relationship was genuine and how happy Y/N made him. 
If you have questions, I will answer them truthfully, Y/N said, but don’t you dare imply that I’m with him because of his money or status. It’s just not true. 
Like I can trust you, Hailie shot back. 
I would never wrong him, his girlfriend said. 
You being with him is wrong enough, Hailie scoffed. 
Why ? He asked. 
Let me think, his daughter said sarcastically. First of all, there’s the age thing. Obviously creepy. You’re old enough to be her dad. She should go to a therapist instead of dating. Then, there’s the fact that she made you break up with someone who was good for you. But let’s face the worst of it : she’s an addict. 
She turned to Y/N. 
Yeah, Josh told me about that, she continued. And if you think I’m going to condone a relationship that will put my Dad’s sobriety in jeopardy, you are sorely mistaken. I have been in the pits with him and I will not have you ruin him. 
I’ve been sober for months, Y/N replied in her own defense. 
And you expect me to clap for that ?! You’re still an addict. My father shouldn’t have to put up with your recovery and your mistakes. He has been through enough shit as it is. 
Hailie, Marshall warned. 
If you loved him, you would realize that you’re stalling him. And that it’s wrong. And I was here when you and Josh talked about kids and marriage. How you dream about having kids and being a wife. You know it’s not happening with Dad. I know it. He knows it, she continued. 
Hailie, Marshall raised his voice again. 
Dad, I love you, but I refuse to see you get used, or hurt, or both, she said as she looked him in the eyes. 
Y/N, can you leave the room for a minute ? He asked gently. I need to talk to Hailie alone. 
His girlfriend nodded and left the room. He looked at his daughter whose eyes were welling up with tears. 
What was that ? He asked, confused as to what tone he should be using. 
Dad, the idea of you relapsing is making me sick. Like, actually sick. I still have nightmares of the night I found you when I was 11, you know ? You’re my Dad. I can’t lose you. 
You’re not losing me, baby, he said softly as he took her in his arms. I know I’ve made mistakes, and I know I’ve been a lousy Dad, at times, and I put you kids and Mom through some tough shit, but it’s been fifteen years. I’m handling myself. I’m not relapsing. 
What if she relapses ? You’re going to be the one handling that. 
I know it’s scary, he said. I was worried about that too, at first. But she is strong and she is handling things very well. Much better than I did when I got sober. 
You don’t need to plead her case, she said in an annoyed tone. 
He sighed loudly. He hated the situation and the way he was handling it. 
I’m sorry, he said. You shouldn’t be worried about your 51 year-old dad. 
I forgave you a long time ago, she said. And I want you to be happy. That’s all I want. I want you to be happy and healthy for as long as possible.
I know you probably don’t want to hear that right now, but my relationship makes me happy. And it’s healthy too. I am happier than I’ve been in a long time. 
I know you’re going to need time, he continued. And you’re mad. I get it. But someday, I’d like to introduce Y/N to you guys as my girlfriend. Do you think you could be civil and give her a chance ? 
Hailie grimaced and rolled her eyes. 
I guess, she sighed. But just know that I will never forgive her for what she did to Josh. And if I’m civil doesn’t mean that I condone whatever is happening. 
Ok, he sighed. That’s better than nothing, I guess. Can you please not talk about this to your sisters, please ? 
Why ? 
Because I think I should try and handle the situation a bit better than this conversation, he said. Let me be the dad, ok ? 
If they ask, I’m not lying, she said. 
They both nodded in agreement. 
And I think you owe Y/N an apology, he added. 
Not doing that, she quickly replied. 
You called her a bitch and a gold-digger. And we both know your Mim and I raised you better than that, he said sternly. 
She groaned and she tried really hard not to chuckle. As unhappy as he was with his daughter’s behavior, he couldn't help but pick up on the resemblance with his own personality. He didn’t need a DNA test to know she was his. She was just as stubborn. 
I should go, she said. 
Don’t forget your headphones, he said with a slight smile. See you tomorrow ? 
Only if she’s not there. 
She won’t be, he assured her. Just us. 
See you tomorrow, then, she said as she walked towards the door. 
He walked her out and gave her a hug. 
I love you, Hay. 
I love you too, Dad. 
She left and he closed the door as she got in her car. He went to the kitchen where he found Y/N eating pancakes. 
Sorry I didn’t wait for you, she said sheepishly. 
It’s fine, he said as he sat beside her. 
She didn’t say a word and stared at her plate. 
We should probably talk about all of this, he sighed. 
Do we though ? She asked. I think it’s pretty clear : Hailie hates me, she thinks I’m an awful person and she made some pretty valid points. 
What do you mean ? He asked. 
She’s right, Marshall. On the fact that I might stall you and cause you to relapse. That I’m not age-appropriate for you. And… On the fact that you don’t want to marry or have kids ? 
She said the last sentence with so much sadness in her eyes that it broke his heart. He did not want to have this conversation, but somehow, he had to. That was probably the worst Saturday he’d had in a while. 
Don’t you think it’s a bit early to talk about babies and marriage ? He said awkwardly. 
Let’s be real though : it’s not something you want, is it ? 
It’s not, he confirmed. I’ve done the marriage thing, I’ve had my kids… I’m done with that. 
But I do want these things, she said. And I’m not saying I want them right now. But I guess that raises the point of where our relationship is going… Because I love you, and if we keep this going… I’m going to want them with you. 
Right, he said as a lump formed in his throat. 
I love you, Marshall, she said. 
I love you too, baby, he replied. I love you so much. 
She stared at him with tears welling in her eyes and took a deep breath. He pulled her in his arms and hugged her tight. He knew where this conversation was going and he hated it. 
Maybe we should break up, she sobbed. 
Don’t do this, he pleaded. Not now. Not ever. Please, Y/N… 
I love you but it can’t work, she whispered. 
Give it some thought, ok ? Hailie just left and you’re not in your right mind. And me neither. Don’t break up with me. Please, he pleaded. 
I’m sorry, she said as she burst into tears in his arms. 
He felt some tears rolling on his own cheeks. That was much more emotion than what he could handle. He held on to her, stroking her cheeks and her hair. She leaned into his embrace. 
I don’t want it to be over, she whispered. I love you so much. 
As long as you want to be here with me, it won’t be over, he said. 
Please, don’t make it more difficult than it has to be, she pleaded. Please. 
I’ll take any time I can have with you, Y/N. Whether it’s hours or years. 
He knew he couldn’t persuade her to stay and that she had her reasons. But he could not let her go. Not yet. Not now. 
It’s so hard, she whispered. 
You said you’re mine, he said. Do you remember ? 
I’ll always be yours, Marshall, she sobbed. I was yours from the moment we met. 
He kissed her passionately. If it had to be the last time his lips would meet hers, he would seize the moment and make it last. She kissed him back, hungrily and sloppily. They were about to part ways but their bodies seemed glued to each other. 
Let me make love to you, he pleaded. One last time. I need you. 
Ok, she whispered. 
He didn’t need more encouragement. He lifted her and sat her on the kitchen table where he started to undress her. 
Where do you want me ? She asked. 
In all his years of being sexually active, he never undressed a woman so slowly. He made sure to imprint every detail, every sensation in his brain. He wanted the memories to last forever. He kissed every inch of her skin, ran his fingers through every strand of her hair. For an amount of time that seemed infinite, he made love to her in every corner of the house. The kitchen, the living room, the movie theater, the home gym and even the pool. It felt as if he was making love to her for the first time, rediscovering her body, her sweet spots… He could never get enough of her but somehow, he had to. The lovemaking was slow yet intense, sometimes tearful. Overall, it was messy and beautiful. They were both panting, about to pass out. Tears were running on their cheeks, both from climaxing, sadness and exhaustion. They were in bed, intertwined. 
I don’t think I can go for any more rounds, Y/N said with sadness in her voice. 
He hummed in response before kissing her hair and holding her tightly against him. 
Don’t go just yet, he pleaded. 
I have to, she whispered. 
One last shower ? He offered with puppy eyes. 
Make it a bath ? She negotiated. 
It’ll last longer, he agreed. 
They silently went to the bathroom and cuddled in the warm water. He kept on kissing her chastely, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He wasn’t sure how he could be expected to let go of her. 
Thank you, Marshall whispered in her ear. 
For what ? 
For the past four months. For the past year. For indulging me. For… absolutely everything, he said emotionally. 
Thank you, she replied. 
What will become of us ? He asked. 
I thought I was pretty clear, she said, obviously unsure of what he meant. 
No, I get it, he chuckled softly. But… Are we going back to being friends ? 
I don’t know, she admitted. 
I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Y/N, he said. As hard as I try… I can’t. 
I guess we can give it a try. 
They looked at each other in agreement, sadness in their eyes. It was the weirdest breakup he ever had. 
You can still change your mind, he said tentatively. 
Marshall, she whispered. Please. 
Can’t blame a guy for trying, right ? He chuckled. For real though, call me in twenty years and I’ll be there, ok ? 
I’ll visit you in the nursing home, she chuckled. 
Brat, he said lovingly before kissing her shoulder. 
Don’t wait for me, though, she said. You deserve to be happy. Find a nice lady your daughters approve of. 
I don’t want to think of anybody else, Y/N, he said. Not right now. Not ever. I’d rather become a monk. 
Sorry I brought that up, she said sheepishly. 
The water started to get cold and she started shivering. They got out and he wrapped her in a robe before hugging her. 
I should go pack my stuff, she said. I have hundreds of things lying around here. 
I’ll bring it to you later, he said. Don’t worry about that. 
I think it might be easier to do it now, she said. For closure. 
I’ll help you, he mumbled. 
They spent about an hour gathering the many, many things Y/N had left at his place. Marshall had become so used to it that he hadn’t realized that some of the stuff wasn’t his. While she was busy downstairs, he hid her favorite hoodie of his in her bag. He wouldn’t wear it anymore anyway, so she might has well have it, to remember him by. He also shamelessly stole her bottle of perfume and hid it in a drawer in his closet, just in case he would need to smell her. He knew himself well enough to know he might get that sentimental. 
I think I’m all set, she said. I’ll get a cab. 
Don’t be stupid, he said. It’s the middle of the night. I will drive you home. 
He went to open the door but she grabbed his arm and faced him. 
As long as we’re in the house, it’s not totally over, right ? She asked nervously. 
It’s not, he said. 
Ok then. 
She got on her tippy toes and kissed him for the last time. It was a chaste, soft peck on the lips. He cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. There it was. Their farewell as lovers. As he felt a knot form in his stomach, he was not sure how he would ever recover from this.
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marimayscarlett · 2 months
I hope the guys and families are flying to some very nice holiday destinations today. They more than deserve it!
P.S. still not over them crying. Paul? Out of all of them?? And it looked like even Till was trying to control himself. Must've been insanely overwhelming. After 30 years, so many struggles..last year.. to still see a packed stadium. Night 5 in the same packed stadium, no less 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 you can tell they are so grateful for everything they've achieved and for all the love, and support 🖤♥️
Hi 👋🏻
I also thought about their plans for their free time now - Paul and Olli love to spend time in South Africa, Schneider and his family seem to visit Austria a lot.. I just hope everyone finds a way to unwind (no Richard, this doesn't mean hiding away in your recording studio in the basement), to find back to their off tour-selves and also...find a way back into the 'normal' everyday life back home. I can imagine that this transition might be hard, being almost 3 months on the road and then coming back home to their families, where life just continued in the meantime. But I'm sure they will now have a wonderful time, whatever they decide to do 🤍
Yes, Paul being the most emotional and the most open about was indeed a bit surprising, but then again, it is only natural to be emotional after such a tour, this whole stadium era, the hell of a summer™ last year, after playing the set list for one last time before the break in front of an audience full of fans, who cherished them quite a lot ❤️
Everyone had a different way to show it, Paul and Schneider openly expressed their emotions through a little bit of crying, Richard seemed to be very thankful/kind of overwhelmed and was barely holding onto his emotions in the elevator, Till seemed emotional as well, Olli danced a bit in the elevator, Flake was smiling (if I remember correctly).
And Till's words really expressed their gratitude and how much they cherish their fans, and gave hope that they will continue as our beloved six men marriage:
"We want to thank you, especially those who believed us, believed in us, who trusted us. Thank you very, very, very much [...]. One does not spoil our enjoyment so easily. The envious one had it wrong (-> from Links234: "Der Neider hat es schlecht gewusst."). Have a good night and thank you."
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adrienneleclerc · 10 months
The Start of it All
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: The day Y/N started working in Walter’s district and called him “Don Refri” for the first time
Warning: Masterlist pinned on my blog, it’s probably short.
A/N: i wanted to create a fanfic universe so it’s a series of one shots that take place in the same universe. Like a multi part series without the commitment which is literally PERFECT for me. If you have any ideas of what you want to see take place in this universe like in Walter and Y/N’s relationship, let me know!
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Walter was in his office with the commissioner wanted to talk to him.
“What is it? Is there something wrong?” Walter asked.
“There’s nothing wrong, I found a new records clerk.” Harper told him.
“Do we really need a glorified secretary? We’ve been handling the files just fine, Harper.” Walter said.
“The time you spend creating police reports could be used actually solving cases. Whether you like it or not, a records clerk will be here. You can’t do everything on your own, she starts tomorrow.” Harper said, walking out of Walter’s office.
Walter sighed, running his hand through his hair. He knows he had no reason to be mad that a new person would come work here. He just felt that a new person would ruin the flow of things. He won’t know until he meets her though.
Y/N moved to Saint Paul 3 weeks ago and she finally got a call about the job she applied for. She moved from Miami to Quantico for FBI training but when failed the physical assessment, even after weeks of training, she decided to move to Minnesota. Why Minnesota? Who knows, she’s not use to the cold, but it was a nice change of scenery. She managed to get a nice studio apartment with her savings from working as a receptionist in Miami. She applied as a records clerk for the Saint Paul Police Department, Western District (I’ve been researching, they don’t organize the police department by precincts, only few cities do), and she got it! Now she was talking to her Miami bestie.
“Why did you choose Minnesota instead of staying there in Virginia? Do you know how cold it’s going to be once it hits winter?” Her bestie, Melissa, said.
“I know, I know, ni me lo recuerdes, but I’ll be making more money here than in Florida.” Y/N said.
“Fine, what are you going to wear for your first day on the job?” Melissa asked.
It was the next day, Y/N was putting professional clothes to make a good first impression. She decided to leave her hair down and drove to the station. Once she found parking, she entered the precinct and saw five people standing by the cubicles.
“Good morning, Y/N, we spoke on the phone, I’m commissioner Harper, these are our technicians, Matthew and Glasgow, profiler and psychologist, Rachel, and our best detective, Walter.” Harper introduced everyone to Y/N, shaking everyone’s hands respectively.
When Y/N went to shake Walter’s hand, she felt a little spark when they touched. They made eye contact and thoughts that were running in their heads were less than professional. Y/N thought about how it would feel to run her hands through his hair or having his firm hands touch her body. Walter was thinking about how it would feel to kiss her and what sounds she would make when doing so. Maybe having a new person in the precinct won’t be so bad after all.
“It’s very nice to meet everyone, can’t wait to start working here.” Y/N said with a smile. Harper showed Y/N where her cubicle was and she settles down.
Walter watched Y/N for a whole before heading to his office. The morning was pretty calm, when Walter entered the break room to grab his lunch, he saw Y/N eating her lunch, talking to Rachel at the table like they were old friends. He stood by the counter to eat his sandwich.
“So what’s the story of the detective?” Y/N asked quietly.
“He’s a good detective, but he’s closed off, kind of a grouch, we call him detective grumpy but obviously not to his face. I mean, I understand why he’s closed off, I’ve seen the photos of the cases he works, it’s brutal. I can’t imagine actually being there in person.” Rachel said. Y/N looked back at the detective and looked away.
“I Can see that too, but I think it’s better to talk it out, a desahogarte.” Y/N commented. “Bottling up your feelings can’t be good in the long run.”
One night, Y/N and Walter stayed late at the district because they cracked a big case so Y/N is doing the paperwork for it right now. It was kind of quiet so Y/N decided to break the silence.
“So, Detective Marshall, what got you interested in working in homicide?” Y/N asked. Walter looked up from a file he was reading to look at the woman.
“Am I required to answer?” Walter asked.
“You don’t have to answer, I was just trying to make conversation seeing as we’re here, alone.” Y/N commented. Walter rolled his eyes.
“I was on SWAT before, then I switched to homicide.” Walter said.
“Why did you make the switch?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t want to talk about this, just finish your work.” Walter said, looking back at the file, reviewing Y/N’s work.
“Whatever you say, Don Refri.” Y/N commented and Walter looked back at Y/N, seeing her slightly smirk.
“What did you just call me?” Walter asked.
“It’s ‘mister fridge’ in Spanish. Since you’re kinda closed off, you don’t talk, you don’t let what you’re feeling be known. You have a poker face all the time, it’s good when you’re interrogating a perp, but it’s not so good for the soul. You’re kinda cold as well, so until you learn to express your feelings in a positive way and not bottle them up, you will be Don Refri, okay? Okay.” Y/N said as she continued typing. “I wanted to be an FBI profiler before coming here. I was in Quantico and everything, I was training for weeks but when it finally came to the physical assessment, I couldn’t do it. I failed the times 1.5 mile run and got a stress fracture. So now I’m here. But I don’t think I want to become a cop.” Y/N shared and Walter just hummed. “In my culture we’re very family oriented. I moved from Miami, I’m far away from my friends and family, I’m all alone. Since I’m reporting to you, I thought we could at least be friendly towards each other, guess not. I finished, look it over, I’m leaving.” Y/N said as she packed up her stuff to leave.
Walter felt like an asshole. He could at least replied or act interested in what she was saying.
The next morning, Y/N entered the station and when she walked to her cubicle, she saw a little box of chocolate chip cookies with a sticky note that said “Sorry -Don Refri” and that made Y/N smile.
Although Y/N really wanted a relationship with Walter, being friends with him seems like a step closer to the right direction.
The End
Taglist: @shellyshellshell
Hope y’all liked it! I did my research about the Saint Paul police department to make it accurate, and hopefully I gave Y/N a good background since I put in the first installment that she doesn’t do the cold, I made her be from a warmer state. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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hi! I'm new to the beatles lore and I've been trying to catch up on an insane level of information for weeks. it's been fun but also heartbreaking 💔💔 anyways, I wanted to ask a couple of questions if that's ok? for example, I keep seeing this narrative that john was using yoko as some sort of weapon against paul... what was john trying to achieve by that I mean where does this idea even come from? according to this, john was hurting paul on purpose while he was singing him love songs in the studio asking him to be partners again (as in songwriting creative partners) WHAT WOULD JOHN ACHIEVE DOING THAT? also it sounds very one sided like paul is the most innocent in the break up eventho he was the one who came up with a secret album and a lawsuit. I don't know what to think. before knowing them I used to think lennon was in love and on drugs so he got so annoying to the point that he broke up the band but now...
Hi there! Welcome to the fandom! don't worry about feeling overwhelmed at first there is a LOT to take in.
I want to say, I do get the feeling you are somewhat mixing things up here, though I don't particularly blame you for being confused. (if not then sorry! just want to clarify as much as I can)
Tedious as it sounds, I find keeping a timeline in my mind (ideally, accurate to the month) helpful to provide some clarity regarding the breakup era specifically, so the period of 1968-1971. John's studio taunting you're referring to would have happened between mid '68 and mid '69, but Paul worked on his solo album (what I presume you meant by "his secret album", though it wasn't all that secret – John had already released solo music of his own by that point*) in late '69 and early '70. He filed a lawsuit against the others in late '70.
*I think you're conflating the album itself with the fact that, along with the release of McCartney (said album), Paul "surprise revealed" he had quit the band to the public, which the other band members, especially John, were not impressed with.
That being said, the events of the breakup are still convoluted at best, even to "seasoned" fans, I'd say. One of my main pieces of advice I can provide as someone who's been doing this for more than 3 years is get comfortable with not knowing things and with some of the actors involved doing something fundamentally irrational sometimes. They're humans, they don't always make sense and they won't always be forthcoming about why they behaved the way they did.
Which brings me to the narratives you mention: I say this as nicely as possible, but sometimes people want to tell themselves the best story rather than the most truthful one. It's more important to some that John is taunting Paul out of some twisted form of love than why specifically.
To answer your question regarding where this particular idea comes from, I would say: Paul has indicated that he felt John replaced him with Yoko (in whatever way he meant by that – some think it's sexual, some it's about creative partnership, or simply as a best friend); John's behaviour clearly and drastically shifted for the worse in mid '68, which is around the time he got together with Yoko, left his family, and started doing heroin; footage from Get Back shows John both all over Yoko and trying to reach out to Paul periodically.
There's probably more, but I don't know if there's much point in getting into the weeds of it right now. My point is: it's not the only valid theory, IMO, and probably not the whole truth if it is true, but it's not unfounded.
I think it may be a misstep to dismiss a theory because "what would John achieve by that?" Again, people are not always acting in a way that strictly makes sense, especially not people with the issues John struggled with. Some people might say John was testing Paul, trying to make him fight for him. Some might say John had an outright sadistic streak. Others that he was too out of it to notice the pain he was inflicting on others. I think it could very easily be a mix of all three. When dealing with human emotions, I personally think it's a mistake to assume things are simple and straightforward, which is why a lot of tinhattery turns me off. It very often feels like a blanket-statement self-confirming axiom, rather than a truly thoughtful and multifaceted argument.
My most condensed version of events would be: John became incredibly difficult to work with in multiple ways (including but not limited to bringing Yoko to the studio) by mid '68; Paul, for the most part, tried to accomodate him, to diminishing returns, while having his own longterm relationship fall apart and being completely in over his head running a brandnew business; Paul deals with distress by burying himself in work, the other three do not – this leads to further conflict, along with issues over creative control; the band decide they need a new manager type to help them out with their new business and provide the guidance they haven't had since Brian died; cue John wanting Klein and only Klein and massively distrusting Paul's "nepo" choice of Eastman + apparently not trusting Paul's belief that Klein was bad news; extreme resentment over money issues which are incredibly underrated by the fandom because at their core they are boring, emotionally, ensue; John decides he's "over" the band and tells the others he's out; Paul is destroyed over this (and everything that led up to it), spends months spiraling and recording his album; wanting to get this all out of the way, Paul finally breaks down and admits he's leaving the Beatles to the world and to the band itself, even though he had asked John to stay quiet about his own quitting the band months earlier; John (understandably, IMO, though I don't blame Paul exactly – this is what I mean by not everything makes perfect sense) assumes Paul is using the band breakup for PR and gets a hell of a lot angrier than he already is about the money stuff; John undergoes primal therapy which opens up about 43273289635298 wounds; John does an interview in which he spills his guts and tears down almost everyone in his life except Yoko; meanwhile more financial issues. I cannot overstate that those matter too, tumblr is just not a place where finance peeps hang out; Paul is getting more and more fed up with all of this and he, as a last resort, files a lawsuit to no longer be legally tied to the others.
I for the most part left out George and Ringo here* and I'm writing off memory here without re-checking sources, so take what I say with a massive grain of salt. My main point is that this shit is complicated and don't let people tell you it isn't.
*I'm of the opinion that John and Paul are at the center of the breakup, but they also aren't the be-all, end-all of it. But because in the end George and Ringo fell "in line" with John and you didn't ask about them, I decided to mostly leave them out.
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daisyful-gvf · 2 years
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pairings: josh x reader x jake
tags: angry twins🥰 , threesome, degradation, a lot of praise, oral sex (m receiving), rough sex,
word count: 4.6k
summary: you end up staying late in the studio with jake and josh, and things get tense
notes: no twincest obv !! but if twins x reader is not ur thing pls don’t read. i see this as sort of an extension of the malibu stuff so they’re all familiar w each other already.
also if u know me no you definitely don’t <3 this is filthy oops
“No—fuck, Josh, no, that sounds like shit.”
He took his finger off the intercom button and slumped his shoulders forward.
Jake had spent the better half of the last hour shaking his head. Everything was no, wrong, not quite, fuck, no—
It wasn’t going well.
He was sitting in the rolling chair with his head in his hands. He rubbed his face and took a breath, some cleansing sort of motion.
Josh walked back into the control room, shutting the soundproof door behind him a little too hard. You winced.
“Fuck you, Jake. You wanna try? You wanna sing the fuckin’ song?”
He wasn’t angry—close, maybe, yes—but more frustrated than anything.
“You know that’s not what I mean,” Jake held a palm up and sighed, “The whole reason we’re still here this late is to get this shit. We have to get it,”
Everyone else had left the studio hours ago, either too tired to keep going, or having already finished their work for the day. As usual, the twins were insistent upon committing to the creative process, and so they were here.
So were you, then, partly for the motivation and partly because you enjoyed just spending time with them. They were tired though, and probably hungry, and so things were feeling generally dismal.
Josh plopped himself down on the loveseat in the corner, laying on his back, and pushed his face into the corner of his elbow.
“I know we have to get it, Jake, do you think I’m just dicking around?”
Jake settled for rolling his eyes.
You sat silently in the chair beside Jake, tempted to move one or two of the sliding buttons on the panel before you. You wouldn’t dare, though, not right now, for fear that you may lose a hand.
They weren’t really like that—they probably couldn’t yell at you if they tried, not really. But they were unpleasant when they were mad. Too stubborn for their own good, too picky to settle for less than perfect, and too damn critical of themselves and the other guy.
So you sat quiet, gave small praises where you could, sipped your drink. And watched.
Because maybe they were unpleasant when they were like this, but fuck if they didn’t look a little nice with their brows furrowed down, biting a lip here and there, jaws and hands tensing.
“You wanna try your shit?” Josh murmured, sounding defeated.
“Yeah.” Jake huffed a heavy sigh out and got up from the chair in a sudden motion, also slamming the door on his way out.
You watched him take his place on the stool in the room across the plexiglass. He grabbed the Les Paul with some amount of determination and found the cord nearby on an amp. He plugged it in with little finesse, and then focused closely on the tuning pegs, twisting them so slightly you wondered how it was doing anything, or how he knew what sounded best.
He looked up briefly then, and met your eyes. He gave a curt not. You gave a meek smile back.
He softened for a second, and gave the quickest of winks. You bit back a smile as he turned his head down to the fretboard.
Unfortunately, the tender moment was brief—about ten seconds in to whatever Jake was attempting, there was an abrupt squeak of a note that clearly did not belong, and Josh stood up from the loveseat.
“For fucks’s sake,” he breathed. He moved to the rolling chair Jake had been in and held down the intercom button, talking into the mic. He leaned forward, bracing his elbow on the panel board.
“I thought you said we have to get it, Jake,” he bit out, and you held back a gasp.
Your eyes flitted to Jake, trying to be subtle.
You couldn’t hear Jake, but you could see him spit out a “Fuck you,”
He didn’t look like he was teasing—his brows stayed furrowed, and he shook his head, seemingly at himself.
Josh slumped back in his chair and rubbed his face.
Softly, you spoke up, “You okay?”
Josh sighed, drawing his hand from his face gradually, before landing it in his lap. He was wearing these pants you loved—patchwork cotton. Very peace, love, and unity. His shirt was plain black, but it still hugged him nicely.
“Somethin’ like that,” Josh answered you, gruff.
You spun in your chair a bit, trying to move the air in the stiff room.
“You know you’ll get it,” you encouraged, “You know he’ll get it.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Hey,” you murmured, a little hurt.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I’m sorry, I know. Just doesn’t feel that way til it actually happens,”
You nodded.
Jake started again, smooth and easy. You smiled at the wonderous way he had with the instrument—it sounded fucking great, which checked out with him being a grammy-winning artist and all, but still, it was different to hear it so raw. No matter how many times he played in front of you, it was hypnotizing.
He got into it, then, closing his eyes and scrunching up his face how he did, tapping his foot, and—
The string snapped with a startling twang, coiling up to lash at his hand before flopping lifeless in the air. You tensed.
“Fuck!” You could see him yell, and in a swift motion he was up, kicking the stool, ripping the cord out of the cable jack, shoving the guitar into its stand, and—
“Gotta be fucking joking, gotta be fucking joking,” Josh smacked his hand down on his knee, “That’s great—“
Jake yanked opened the booth door, not bothering to shut it behind him,
“I don’t wanna hear it,” he stared, sitting on the loveseat, “I don’t wanna fucking hear it, I don’t wanna deal with it, I—“
“It’s a fucking string, Jake, just go change it—“
“No,” Jake pointed a finger at him, “No, Josh, you’re not gonna tell me what to do when you can’t sing the goddamn lyrics that are written on a piece of paper—“
“Are you serious?” Josh stood with his hands up at his sides, “Are you fucking serious, Jake? You know I have to focus on what the hell I sound like while I’m reading these fucking lyrics we wrote only four hours—“
“That’s your fucking job!”
“Hey!” You snapped, and their eyes bolted to you in a panic, like they forgot you were there. “What the hell? Are you two professional muscians or not? What the hell is this?“ You waved your hands in the air as to demonstrate your point.
They looked stunned, blinking at you. Josh stayed quiet. You looked at Jake, then, who was grinning slowly.
There was a long beat of silence.
“Well,” Jake said, letting his palms fall down against his lap, “Angel has something to say, huh?”
You swallowed, gauging his tone. You hadn’t heard it before. Then again, you can’t remember ever seeing him this irritated before, much less while you were involved.
“You wanna help, huh, sweetheart?” Jake grinned. He sounded on edge, with a high pitch in his voice that you identified to be suppressed frustration.
“I…” you didn’t know where you were going with your response.
“Come here, then,” he patted his thigh, motioning you over to him with his other hand. He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek: something that made your stomach turn with equal parts nervousness and intrigue.
“What…” you cursed yourself for all the half-assed sentences. This was new territory, though..
“You heard me,” he nodded, “Come sit,”
He slid down a bit, spreading his legs in a display of masculine possessiveness. You would have thought it was slightly humorous any other time, but now it was just hot.
Your eyes flitted over to a silent Josh, hoping to find some sort of clue to understand what was unfolding.
“Don’t look at him,” Jake interrupted your thought. Your head snapped back to him. His eyes were dark. “Don’t look at him,” he repeated. His voice was low, and it was apparent, now, his intentions, “Be good and come here.”
Partly because you didn’t want him to have to repeat himself, and partly because you were suddenly very turned on, you made your way to him and straddled his lap.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?” Jake smirked, pushing your hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. A gesture so gentle, it contradicted his predatory stare, “You want us to ease up, angel?” He traced his finger along your jaw.
You nodded softly, opting for silence given that you weren’t sure what exactly to say.
“Mm,” Jake nodded, “Wanna help?” He tilted his chin down and looked up at you through his lashes, but you were sure this wasn’t real submission—he was nearly vibrating under your skin with something tense and pent up. “Wanna let me get some frustration out?”
Jesus. You sucked in a sharp breath.
“Yeah?” Jake murmured, leaning forward to kiss your jaw, “Always so eager to help, aren’t you?”
“Jake…” you let out a shaky breath, intending to finish the thought when Josh interrupted.
“Oh, sure, just go at it like I’m not right here,” He huffed.
You turned your head to meet his gaze, trying to silently let him know you wouldn’t be opposed to his joining.
“No one asked you to just sit over there, Josh,” Jake said, biting a kiss to your neck, “Stop pouting,”
“Yeah, her sitting on your lap is a real clear invitation,”
Jake chuckled against your skin. He licked your collarbone and you bit your lip, leaving them to bicker, letting yourself get caught in the crossfire.
“Jealous, huh?” Jake murmured.
“No,” you heard Josh stand up.
Jake pulled you down against his mouth as you heard Josh walk away. You panicked momentarily that you had scared him off, but then, a sweet little sound: the studio door locking. Then, the soundproof door latching shut.
You opened your eyes, and the lights were dimmed. There was an orange glow from the control panel.
Jake watched your face and traced a finger over your cheek.
“No, I’m not jealous,” Josh was close behind you, “‘Cause she’ll be sweet to me too. Won’t you, mama?”
Josh’s hand was around your neck, tipping your head back with a light force. He was there, then, enveloping you in a kiss.
You sighed into it, your legs tightening around Jake’s torso. After a moment, there was some territorial noise from Jake, and his fingers were on your jaw.
You pulled your head down from Josh to look at his twin. Jake smirked, and like that, you were putty between them.
Josh removed his hand and let Jake pull you in by the back of your head, crashing your lips together.
He let out a soft mmmf, and you were eager to do whatever you had to do to hear it again.
Experimentally, you slid your hips forward so you were sitting pressed closed against him, then ground yourself down. He hummed again, his hand in your hair tightening down. His other planted itself over your thigh, pressing firmly.
As Jake licked into your mouth, you found yourself wanting to be fair.
“Josh, c’mere,” you murmured between kisses. You beckoned with your hand to the empty part of the loveseat; not a large space, but it would work.
“Don’t say his name while my tongue is in your mouth,” Jake muttered, biting your bottom lip.
You whined and nodded; this was so new; they weren’t like this when you were together. They butted heads in a playful way often, but possessive was not a word you’d have used to describe your interactions so far.
After a minute more of kissing Jake, you pulled away abruptly to look at Josh. Josh was flushed, an odd expression on his face—maybe desperation, and jealousy, despite his previous defense.
Reading something on your face, Josh leaned forward and met you in a needy kiss.
Jake’s hands tightened on your thighs, but he leaned back, allowing the kiss to proceed.
You cupped Josh’s face in your hands, and he reached a hand out to rest on your shoulder.
He was kissing you hard, teeth bumping together occasionally, hot breath exchanged between your lips, lips slick and swollen.
It only went on for a minute or so before Jake grew impatient. He touched the bottom of your chin, asking you to come back to him. You listened, pulling away to settle back against his lips.
After kissing him for another moment, you pulled back to catch your breath. Both of them watched you.
Jake’s hand moved up to touch your face and as it did, you caught a glimpse of dark red
“Jake,” you murmured, grabbing the hand. You quietly gasped at the lash against his skin. It wasn’t bleeding, but the flesh was raw in a line across his palm.
“When the string broke?” You asked.
He nodded curtly.
Gently, you unfurled his fingers and pressed a kiss to it. He sighed, shoulders dropping in relaxation.
His demeanor softened for just a moment, a quiet curse slipping from his mouth, before he growled low and lifted you to your feet by your waist:
“On your knees,” he gritted out, standing in front of you.
Josh looked as though he was just along for the ride at this point, following his twin’s lead, as he watched you react to Jake’s command.
“C’mon, pretty girl, help us out, huh?,” Jake was saying, undoing his belt and jean zipper.
You sunk to your knees upon instinct, bound by the warm depth of his voice. You were thankful the room was carpeted, though you probably would have done it regardless.
“Um,” you murmured, looking around the room, suddenly coming to your senses, “Are there cameras?”
Josh was standing then, coming to cup your cheek in his hand, “Only out by the gear,” he motioned his head to the room next door, “And it’s dark, we’re fine, mama.”
You nodded as Jake was shoving the front of his jeans down a bit, leaving you to look at the shadow of him straining under his boxers.
Carefully, you looked up at him through your eyelashes. His eyes were dark.
“S’yours,” he huffed out, nodding down at himself, “Take it,”
You nodded, reaching for the hem of his boxers, tugging them down to let his cock spring free.
He looked as if he was studying you, his head tilted just to the side, his hands tracing along your jaw as you reached for him. You touched him gingerly, wrapping your fingers over him.
You licked at the head, sucking it languidly into your mouth. His stomach tensed but his teeth were gritted, and he kept his composure.
He grabbed the back of your head and pushed himself into your mouth, tentatively, testing the waters. You whimpered and relaxed your throat, resting a hand at the base of him to help guide him.
“Let me fuck your pretty mouth” He breathed, “Tap my leg if you want me to stop,”
He gave a slight pause to allow you an out, and then when you didn’t take it, his head was falling back as he started slow thrusts against your tongue.
“Good fucking girl,” he was panting, “That’s a good girl, angel, letting me use you,”
“Jake…,” Josh gave the warning in a soft tone.
“Oh, shut up,” Jake groaned, still focused on you, “She likes it. Get with the program or get out.”
Josh made a strangled sort of grunting noise and then he was pulling his pants down just so, taking himself into his palm. Suddenly, he was fisting your hair and yanking your face towards him. Jake let go, allowing the switch.
You moaned too loud, taken aback by the possessive display.
“Yeah, mama,” Josh was murmuring as your mouth closed around him, “Thank you, sweet girl, just like that,”
He was thrusting slower than Jake, possibly scared he may hurt you, or scared he may not be able to stop if he did any more.
“You’re so slutty,” Jake murmured in the background, “Makes me so fuckin’ hard,”
You spared a quick glance to him and realized he was stroking himself slowly. He looked at you with his eyes full of desire, his jaw tensing and forearm fluttering.
“Come back, pretty slut,” Jake growled, doing as Josh had and bringing you back to him. You caught a deep breath and then let yourself be led, taking whatever he wanted to give you.
The underlying care they were taking; the soft cradles to your jaw, the way they were grabbing your hair at the roots so as to not sting so bad, the way the first thrust into your mouth was softer, was melting you.
After no longer than another minute, Jake was pulling you off of him with his fist in your hair. He tilted your head back just to look at your lips shine.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, “Look so pretty when you’re ruined, angel,”
You whimpered, waiting for his next move. Your knees felt sore, and the ache between your thighs was nearing unbearable.
“Let her up, Jake,” Josh murmured.
Jake nodded, helping you to your feet. He backed you up against the desk with the controls, biting at your jaw, holding your cheek firm in his hand.
“I’ll go down on you later, angel. Just be a good girl and let me have you right now, yeah?,” he breathed into your ear.
You nodded and whimpered, unable to do much else with the way he was speaking clouding your mind.
“Bend over,” he rasped, turning you and pushing you over the desk. He yanked your pants down to just below your ass.
For a moment you were concerned about all the keys and buttons being dislodged, but as soon as the slick head of him pressed against you, all other thoughts vacated your mind.
“So sweet, angel,” he whispered, “Such a willing little thing, aren’t you?”
You bit your lip, bracing yourself for the stretch of him, as he continued to nudge against you.
“Answer me,” he demanded.
“Yes,” you whimpered, “Whatever you need, both of you,”
You caught the noise that Josh made at that. You could see him through the blurred edges of your vision, a few feet from Jake, watching, not even touching himself, just raking his hands through his hair.
“Good girl,” Jake hummed, pushing into you all at once, shoving the front of your thighs into the edge of the desk. “Fuck,” he hissed through his teeth, “Needed you,”
He wasted no time, settling into a harsh pace, one of his hands at your hip gripping hard, the other wringing through your hair.
“Jake,” you whimpered out, “Oh—god—“
“Yeah, angel? That feel good?” He teased, snapping his hips.
You nodded and whined, hands grasping for purchase on the desk, thighs beginning to shake.
“I know, angel,” hs gripped at the flesh of your ass, groaning as he did, “Take it just like that, sweetheart, so good for me,”
You let yourself submit to it, mind blanking at his forceful thrusting, his need making your stomach burn warm.
Suddenly, there was another hand on your lower back. After a set of low, unintelligible grunts, Jake was pulling out swiftly. Before you could process anything, Josh was buried to the hilt inside you, hips pressed to your ass.
“Oh my god,” you cried out, “Oh, fuck, Josh—I—“
“Mm, mama,” he breathed, “I know, sweet girl,”
He gave a slow thrust in and out.
“Let me know if it’s too rough,” he breathed, “Okay?”
You nodded, reaching a hand back to grab his. He took it, steadying himself with another hand on your waist, and with that he was gone, fucking hard and deep into you, making you throb around him.
He was choking out soft cries, letting the tension melt from him. He was also gifting you soft praises, muffled and intertwined with his curses, eager, “good girl”s, and “so sweet”s.
Between the way he was hitting the perfect angle inside you and his general demeanor that was so much more urgent than normal, you were hurtling towards your end quickly.
You grew more vocal, and Josh as always, was paying attention.
“You need to cum?” He muttered, “I can feel you squeezing me. Wanna cum?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, “Fuck, please,”
“C’mon then, do it, sweetheart, let me have it,”
You gasped and let your cheek press to the cold desk as it slammed into you, him fucking you through it, not relenting for a moment.
After you had caught your breath, he was pulling out, smoothing his hand over your hip.
“Come here,” he murmured. You stood, legs shaking, turning to face him. His cheeks had red, flushed stripes, and his chest had a slight sheen of sweat. Jake had reclined on the loveseat again, working his hand slowly over himself.
Josh pulled you into a fervent kiss, backing you against the desk as he licked into your mouth.
When he parted, he smoothed your hair, tucked it behind your ear. He helped you step out of your pants the rest of the way and tossed them on the rolling chair.
“Jake, gimme one of our shirts,” he said, watching your face.
Jake tossed him the clothing, and he set it on the flat part of the desk behind you.
“Can you lay back for me, mama? Wanna watch your face when I cum,” He nipped at your cheek and you nodded, doing as he asked. It was only slightly uncomfortable, but as he sank into you, pulling your thighs flush to his hips, you felt nothing but bliss.
“That’s it,” he reached up to hold your chin, “Look at me while I fuck you,”
Your eyes rolled back for a moment but then you forced yourself to focus on him, his dark eyes, his flushed face.
He fucked you just as hard, gripping the fronts of your thighs, biting his bottom lip as he came apart.
For a moment, he slowed way down, eyes falling to watch himself push into you. He dragged out slow, then eased in slow, sending his eyes rolling back, lashes fluttering, head falling back.
“Fucking—oh,” the breath shuddered from his chest, “Gonna cum,” he admitted, resuming the harsh pace.
“Yeah, Josh,” you groaned, breathless, “Fuck, please,”
He nodded, head shaking slightly as he lost his composure, and then his head snapped down, eyes glued to yours, as his lips parted in a soft groan and he spilled over.
You whimpered, watching him, taking the throbbing feeling of him in. Slowly, his eyelids fell shut. He took a deep breath, and then opened them to look at you. He grinned.
“Well,” he chuckled, “that helped,”
He leaned forward to kiss you. You grinned into it, sucking softly on his bottom lip as he pulled away.
Jake was behind him before you knew it, and your cheeks were heating all over again at the realization that he still looked so tense.
He grabbed Josh’s shoulder with a small squeeze, and Josh stroked his hand over your thigh as he pulled out.
He pressed a kiss to your leg before he backed away, going to lay back on the loveseat.
Jake slid between your legs, eyes dark and focused. His hands traced over the insides of your thighs. He circled your clit with a gentle finger, and flashed a grin as you jolted at the touch.
“Mm,” he hummed, “I’ll do more of that for you later, angel. Just gonna fuck your right now, cause I need it.”
You nodded, biting your lip.
He sank into you, eyes shutting briefly as he rolled his hips, “You can come back to my place, mm? I can take care of you?”
As he had before, he began fucking into you at a rough pace, slamming your skin to his, hitting somewhere perfectly deep in you.
“What if she wants to go back to my place?” Josh spoke up from the other side of the room.
Jake looked annoyed, and he let loose, gripping your hips and fucking into you with reckless abandon, “Then I guess she can fucking choose, can’t she?” he gritted.
“Watch your tone” Josh warned.
“Oh, please, she likes it,” Jake grinned down at you, “Don’t you, angel? Hmm? You like when we’re just a little mean? Does it get your panties all wet?”
“Fuck, Jake,” you breathed, clenching around him as your eyes squeezed shut.
“Yeah, you do,” he grinned, voice low, cracking here and there, “I see how it makes you blush, y’know. How your pretty eyes go back and forth, watching us.”
Somehow through the incredible force of him fucking you, you were able to conjur a thought about how hot it was that he was so perceptive.
“Answer the question, angel,” Jake reminded, “Wanna come home with me, let me take care of you?”
You didn’t want that, though, not with Josh in the room especially. You hated the feeling of being unfair to them, choosing just one.
“Maybe I’ll go back to his place and you can come along,” you grinned at Jake.
He slowed the pace of his hips, moving with punctuated thrusts.
“Yeah?” His eyes were wild as he smirked, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Get us both all over again?”
You whimpered, nodding.
“Mm,” he licked over his lip, “See, you’re so fucking slutty, angel,” He was smiling wide now, “You want us both to take care of this sweet little clit?” he drug a finger over it softly, “Want both of us touching you?”
“Fuck,” you breathed, vision beginning to blur.
“Yeah, you do. You greedy thing,” it was unclear at this point if he was talking in such a vulgar way for your pleasure or his, “Want me to eat you out til you cry, hmm? Bet you’d love that,”
“M’gonna cum, Jake,” you breathed, overwhelmed by the things he was saying.
“Oh, you do love that, huh?” He grinned. He grabbed your cheeks and held your face, locking eyes with you, “Cum, angel, with me, do it.”
Your head fell back and you nearly screamed as it ripped through you, hot and wonderful. Jake was groaning and whimpering, fucking you through both of your orgasms.
He slowed as he came down, finally settling with hips against yours, tracing gentle lines up and down your belly with his pointer finger.
“You’re so sweet, angel,” he was smiling gently, “Thank you.”
This was your Jake. Regular, sweet Jake. You smiled back at him.
“I really will take you home, baby,” he murmured, pulling out gently and leaning in for a soft kiss, “Clean you up and make a mess of you all over again, mm?”
He helped you off the desk slowly.
“And I really meant what I said,” you looked to Josh, “I want you both.”
They both were grinning at you, and Jake nodded softly.
You grabbed your pants and tugged them back on, groaning at the feeling of them leaking out of you. It wasn’t all bad, but with you far from any kind of shower, it was a little unpleasant.
“Wanna come to my place so we can all fit in the shower?” Josh murmured, tugging his clothes back on, “I can order some take out.”
You nodded. pulling your shirt over your head, and Jake hummed in agreement.
After he was dressed, Jake pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you, angel,” he murmured into you hair, rubbing your back.
You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Of course. You’re right, you know,”
His eyes flitted over your face, trying to understand. He raised a brow.
“S’kinda hot when you’re both angry,”
Him and Josh gave short laughs, and he kissed you hard.
“Glad it’s fun for you, at least, angel,” he grinned, letting you loose so that you could help try and tidy up the studio before making your way out.
“Gonna have to bring you here more, mama,” Josh grinned, giving you a playful smack on the ass.
“You might not get asked to come back if we do this again,” you laughed, “Maybe I can find ways to annoy you both at home,”
Josh laughed, “You know what,” he grabbed his keys and wallet and took your hand as you walked to the door, “I’m not entirely opposed to that, sweetheart. Do your worst.”
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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On February 15, 2001, George Harrison took part in two web chats (with Yahoo and MSN).
George: “May God bless you all. Don't forget to say all you prayers tonight. Be good little souls. Lots of Love! George. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)”
The full chat transcripts under the "read more" cut.
Yahoo! Chat Transcript
 George Harrison 02/15/01 ChatYahoo_Lisa: Welcome to Yahoo! Chat ChatYahoo_Lisa: We are here with George Harrison george_harrison_live: Hello! george_harrison_live: It's nice to be here! george_harrison_live: It's my first time on a computer... I'm pretty illiterate :) yahoomusic asks: What made you decide to re-issue All Things Must Pass now? george_harrison_live: It's the 30th anniversary and I'm in the process of remastering my entire catalog george_harrison_live: Which I want to get back into the stores george_harrison_live: So we started with that one george_harrison_live: and hopefully during the year george_harrison_live: We'll be able to come with the next batch and so on george_harrison_live: So that everything I have ever done will be available. morvyon asks: George, are you planning a new studio album? george_harrison_live: Yeah. george_harrison_live: I hope to put out a new studio album george_harrison_live: Possibly in November george_harrison_live: and I have at the moment many songs in various states of completion george_harrison_live: Possibly 35 songs that I have been working on over the years. yahoomusic asks: Do you surf the internet much? What types of things do you do online? george_harrison_live: No, I never surf george_harrison_live: I don't know the password. willowy_blonde asks: Hi, my boyfriend wants to know, he's a musician what's your fave electric guitar and do you still have "Rocky" your '61 fender strat? george_harrison_live: Hello willowy blonde! george_harrison_live: I still have Rocky! george_harrison_live: and he can be seen at Cyril's rare guitar shop on allthingsmustpass.com timbarwick asks: Will you be releasing Living in the Material World in a remastered/extra tracks version? george_harrison_live: Well, as I said before george_harrison_live: That will be the next one to be remastered george_harrison_live: I have to get into my tape library to find out if there are any alternate versions of anything. silbeat asks: Hi George! Glad to hear from you again! Are you planning to do any live performances? If so, where would you like to play? (Please include Argentina!!!). With love from Argentina. Sole, Mara, Silvi, Vale, Gilda, Ale, Sami and Graciela. george_harrison_live: Hello Argentina! :) george_harrison_live: At the moment I have no plans for live performances george_harrison_live: If I do later, I will certainly come to Argentina rbortega2001 asks: What did you think of Bob Dylan getting nominated for an Oscar? george_harrison_live: I think he should win it! george_harrison_live: I think he should win ALL the Oscars george_harrison_live: all the Tonys george_harrison_live: all the Grammys pcpalmiere asks: How has The Rutles influenced your career? george_harrison_live: I got all my ideas from The Rutles! george_harrison_live: particularly the 12-string Rickenbacker and slide guitar styles I got from Stig O'Hara. george_harrison_live: I met him once and he is a super chap. oldmanalex asks: Hello from Russia, George! Russian fans invite you to play in Moscow! Can you tell, will the Traveling Wilburys reform? Are there any plans to record something with Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and Jeff Lynne? george_harrison_live: Thank you Russian fans! george_harrison_live: I'll be there after Argentina! nattyrobbo asks: Hi George! I'm Natalie, an 18 y.o. girl from Australia, and I'm a HUGE fan. Any hints for a budding guitarist??? george_harrison_live: Yes. george_harrison_live: Buy a ukulele! mike_n_tex asks: George, do you ever see a reunion tour with you and Paul and Ringo? george_harrison_live: Stranger things have happened. flatcat65 asks: George, Which version of My Sweet Lord do you like best, your original or the new version? george_harrison_live: I like the new version better. george_harrison_live: Because it's new! george_harrison_live: and I like Sam Brown singing it. ChatYahoo_Lisa: Why did you re-visit it? george_harrison_live: At the time, the song was so popular and also so controversial that the most important thing about it for me was that it george_harrison_live: in it's small way george_harrison_live: conjured up a touch of spirituality george_harrison_live: something we are very short of... ChristopherClause asks: Hi George! Christopher here! Thank you for being such an inspiration! What was it like working with Phil Spector? Although I can hear his influence, your "influence" and leadership in the production is clear. God bless you, George! george_harrison_live: Phil Spector was prob the greatest producer from the 60s and it was good to work with him because I needed some assistance in the control box. george_harrison_live: Phil is very funny george_harrison_live: loveable george_harrison_live: we love him :) mebissy asks: I have several teenage friends who've just discovered All Things Must Pass. They were wondering about radio airplay. I explained that this was a re-mastered, etc. album - a re-release essentially. They, however (as do I) feel the music is just as cool as it was when you first released the work. Wouldn't it be great if a single was selected and the whole cycle could start again? george_harrison_live: It's nice to know that teenagers find All Things Must Pass *cool* george_harrison_live: As far as a single goes, george_harrison_live: I suppose that's really up to Capitol Records george_harrison_live: I have no objection! melissay1 asks: Hi, Mr. Harrison, how do you feel about the Beatles 1 album being top of the charts? george_harrison_live: It's very nice george_harrison_live: It's also nice that young children seem to be hearing it for the first time george_harrison_live: and I think as an alternative form of music for today george_harrison_live: it has its place alongside all this other stuff. captainwombat_2000 asks: Out of curiosity, why the garden gnomes on All Things Must Pass? george_harrison_live: Originally, when we took the photo george_harrison_live: I had these old Bavarian gnomes george_harrison_live: which I thought I would put there george_harrison_live: like kinda... John, Paul, George and Ringo george_harrison_live: gnomes are very popular in Europe george_harrison_live: and these gnomes were made in about 1860 george_harrison_live: so, while building the website george_harrison_live: the gnomes just seemed to get into it and we just couldn't stop them! gearfabasitwere asks: Is Indian music still a big infuence on your music? george_harrison_live: Yes! ChatYahoo_Lisa: anything particular? george_harrison_live: Check out U. Srinivas a South Indian electric mandolin player george_harrison_live: eat your heart out Van Halen! moosefalva101 asks: Following the incident at your house on Dec. 1999 has your outlook on life changed at all? george_harrison_live: Yes and no george_harrison_live: Adi Shankara an Indian historical, spiritual, groovy-type person once said george_harrison_live: "Life is fragile, like a raindrop on a lotus leaf." george_harrison_live: and you better believe it! Nicole_Paul asks: I am curious about your website and the way the cover photo is altered by adding roads and urban development to the picture. Does that symbolize anything? george_harrison_live: Yes. george_harrison_live: It symbolizes that our world is being concreted over. Haven't you noticed? bluejeanbaby42001 asks: George, you have quite a reputation as a gardener...What are some of your "pride & joy" plants? Love, Dianne george_harrison_live: Well, for the cooler climates (as in England) george_harrison_live: The current trend is definitely toward Miscanthus george_harrison_live: You'll find many lovely varieties george_harrison_live: try the Zebrensis and also the Malepartis george_harrison_live: However, george_harrison_live: if you're gardening in the tropics george_harrison_live: I think you'll find a lovely little ginger called Kahili :P a_t_m98 asks: Mr. Harrison.. what is the opening chord you used for "A Hard Days Night"? george_harrison_live: It is F with a G on top (on the 12-string) george_harrison_live: But you'll have to ask Paul about the bass note to get the proper story. hari_girl asks: What do you think of Eminem's grammy nomination? george_harrison_live: What's Eminem? george_harrison_live: Aren't they choclates or something? beatles_lvr asks: You started the "band aid" movement; who would you help today? Love you George!! george_harrison_live: Bob Geldof! Moyette asks: What did you record with Bill Wyman last month? george_harrison_live: :) An old Ketty Lester song called "Love Letters" sharonconcannon2000 asks: Why was "I Live For You" left out of the original mix? (I think it's lovely, thank you for putting out at last!) george_harrison_live: I didn't think that we had got a good enough take on it. george_harrison_live: Except for Pete Drake, the pedal steel guitar player. george_harrison_live: At that time, I had so many other tracks as well, george_harrison_live: so we just left it off. george_harrison_live: It did need patching up george_harrison_live: in the drum department. pcpalmiere asks: How close are you to releasing that boxed set of unreleased songs and demos you talked about in Billboard some time back? george_harrison_live: Well, hopefully during this year I should at least get out a new album and all the other boxes of unreleased demos could possibly follow in 18 months. I'm trying to get everything that has ever been done out there. It'll just take a little time. nikolaidisgm asks: George, what do you miss most about John Lennon? george_harrison_live: John Lennon. michaelcalcina asks: George: In the Anthology book, you talk about the unwound G string. What is that? I play guitar and I'm not sure what you're talking about. george_harrison_live: It's one of those little things that goes up your butt so that people can't see your pantylines. george_harrison_live: No, It's actually a 3rd string that doesn't have a winding around it. spongeweed70508 asks: Does Paul still piss you off (tell us the truth) george_harrison_live: Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass -- You know his faults -- Then let his foibles pass. george_harrison_live: Old Victorian Proverb. george_harrison_live: I'm sure there's enough about me that pisses him off, but I think we have now grown old enough to realize george_harrison_live: that we're both pretty damn cute! incantataa asks: Mr. Harrison, I was wondering if you might tell us a bit about your ideas on love. Romantic love, that is. I recall you having written some of the Beatles' most beatiful love songs. It would be interesting to hear how your religious attitudes have impacted your beliefs concerning romanticism. george_harrison_live: Well, the lover that we miss is actually God. george_harrison_live: The beauty that you see within each other is actually God. george_harrison_live: So, Krishna was the greatest romanticist. He had girlfriends on every corner! george_harrison_live: I can't seperate the two -- a beautiful girl is the divine mother, a beautiful man is the manifestation of potential. fabzzy asks: You're joking in a most Pythonistic manner tonight George.., it's great to hear you online!!! george_harrison_live: PISS OFF!! george_harrison_live: You nosy bastard! i_arcos asks: Is it true that you recorded "Homeward Bound" with P. Simon? george_harrison_live: I recorded that with Paul Simon on Saturday Night Live back in 1853. tnntxx asks: George, given the drug experimentation of the 60's, how do you feel about the legalitzation of pot? george_harrison_live: Well, I saw someone on TV last night pulling out huge loads of pot out of various fields in California. My feeling is... george_harrison_live: as long as you can go into a store and buy george_harrison_live: whiskey george_harrison_live: bourbon george_harrison_live: and all the rest of it george_harrison_live: then, a little grass is nothing. george_harrison_live: the authorities are just causing the price to be high -- 'scuse the pun. ckeavenyuk asks: Have you any tips to budding songwiters? Do you, as John apparantly advised you stick at it until you have finished it. george_harrison_live: Try and write some melodies. And some words that mean something. george_harrison_live: It is true that if you are on a roll, then it's best to finish it in one go. george_harrison_live: That's what Johnny said. kdtash asks: Any chance that the Dark Horse material, esp. Shankar Family and Friends will be released on CD? george_harrison_live: Well, along with my own catalog of records george_harrison_live: the other Dark Horse records george_harrison_live: hopefully will be finding a new home george_harrison_live: and coming out on CDs (remastered) sometime in the future. mp0071999 asks: Hey George will you be ever be back on Yahoo? george_harrison_live: Possibly. It's pretty painless for me. kyntire2001 asks: Happy Birthday (a little early). During your recent Internet video promoting All Things Must Pass, you pointed to an engraving on the back of your guitar. What did the engraving say? george_harrison_live: It's a Maclaren strat and it had a metal chassis number plate on the back. george_harrison_live: Thank you all! george_harrison_live: May God bless you all. george_harrison_live: Don't forget to say all your prayers tonight. george_harrison_live: Be good little souls. george_harrison_live: Lots of Love! george_harrison_live: George. george_harrison_live: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ChatYahoo_Lisa: Thank you sooo much for joining us....pretty please come back soon! george_harrison_live: Check out allthingsmustpass.com. george_harrison_live: for further entertainment! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Bye everyone!
MSN chat transcript - George Harrison, February 15, 2001
DishDiva : Welcome to MSN Live! Today we are pleased to welcome George Harrison to MSN. DishDiva : Please join me in welcoming Mr. George Harrison to MSN Live! DishDiva : Today we will be talking with George Harrison about the re-release of "All Things Must Pass." DishDiva : George, welcome to MSN Live! George_Harrison_Live : Hello, good evening! George_Harrison_Live : How's your father! How's your uncle? DishDiva : George, the Internet was not a part of your promotion last time around for "All Things Must Pass." What part does the Internet play in promotion for "ALL Things Must Pass" now? George_Harrison_Live : I suppose the fact that it is just like this and everyone is listening.It eliminates the time of someone printing up a Newspaper. DishDiva : SR says: Is it true that you were really asked to join the beatles because you knew all the chords to "Twenty Flight Rock"? George_Harrison_Live : No! Paul knew "Twenty Flight Rock" but I did too. DishDiva : Spockmiester55 Asks: What is the difference between the old and new release if any? George_Harrison_Live : The new release is remastered and is much much better to the record that existed up until now and it has five bonus tracks on it. It also has new packaging. DishDiva : Sherwood Asks: Will your other past releases receive the deluxe treatment as "Pass" did? George_Harrison_Live : It depends really. They will all be remastered. Whether the artwork will change, I don't know. It depends what we feel at the time and what the record company feels at the time. DishDiva : alina says: Do you remember how you felt making "All Things Must Pass"? DishDiva : jerryfender Asks: Don't you miss the old packaging with albums vs CD's? All Things Must Pass was great because even the box was huge! George_Harrison_Live : Twelve inch square artwork gets you more scope and greater impact.Those days the album cover used to be part of the overall package. It seems to become less important because it is smaller and not so many people are interested in the artwork. DishDiva : doodah says: Where were you spiritually then when you wrote the lyrics for "My Sweet Lord", and where are you now spritually, have you grown? George_Harrison_Live : Somebody said a very famous Indian saint said "if there is a God, we must see him. And if there is a soul we must perceive it." In the West they still argue if God really exists. Basically, I am in the same place. The song really came from Swami Vivekananda. DishDiva : iluvgeorge says: Will you be touring? George_Harrison_Live : At the moment, no. DishDiva : lidbaby says: Any musicians you like right now? George_Harrison_Live : Hoagy Carmichael. There are many, many, many musicians. DishDiva : babe says: Is most of what's been written about you pure rubbish? Is there any one book that's more accurate than any other? George_Harrison_Live : The one that is the most accurate is "The Beatles" by the Beatles. When a book is written by someone who doesn't like you, it may not be very good. DishDiva : WildingTangent Asks: Are you still writing and recording songs? How would your style of music these days? George_Harrison_Live : I am still doing that, yes. Hopefully, there will be one coming out at the end of the year. DishDiva : tedsblues Asks: Re: recording...analog or digital? George_Harrison_Live : I have always recorded analog except when I was in a live concert. Generally, I record on analog but I hear that digital these days are getting better. The bandwidth is getting better. DishDiva : arainyfriday Asks: Looking back, how do you view your book "I, Me, Mine"? If it were to be re-released, would you make changes based on perspective you have gained over the years? George_Harrison_Live : It was ok for the time. I thought it was well made. It was an excuse to have a nice leather book like the Bible.
 DishDiva : liam0241 Asks: What was the inspiration for the song 'Run of the Mill' George_Harrison_Live : There was an expression that came from Yorkshire where they made fabric. Run of the mill just means average. I was using that phrase more or less, because, the Beatles were just splitting up. I don't know if they had that expression in America. DishDiva : sasha says: Hi Mr. Harrison. My dad and I like your site. Did you do it? George_Harrison_Live : I am not a technician. But I sat with people from Radical Media. They came to my house and set up the computers. The technicians did it and I kept thinking of ideas.I didn't have a concept of what a website was and I still don't understand the concept. I wanted to see little people poking each other with sticks much like Monty Python. DishDiva : You can check out George Harrison's website at http://www.allthingsmustpass.com DishDiva : rico Asks: What do you wish you could do, that you have'nt done already? George_Harrison_Live : Dematerialize my body. DishDiva : OKRichH says: I consider this a great priviledge to chat with you. Was the recording of "All Things Must Pass" a fulfilling outlet for you? George_Harrison_Live : Yeah, at the time it was very fulfilling- a chance to do a record of my own material. DishDiva : Brit says: What's the most popular misconception about you that people have? George_Harrison_Live : That I am serious. Pisces are depicted as two fish going in opposite directions. Many people do not see the humorous side. It is just as big! DishDiva : Beat says: Are you interested in all in the different sounds that electronics can add to guitar sounds, or are you more of a 'back to basics' advocate? George_Harrison_Live : More of back to basics. I really like the sounds they had in the 50's. Now you just buy something and plug it in. You can sound like Jimi Hendrix or whoever and everyone sounds the same. DishDiva : jediprincess00 Asks: what would you like to say to the younger generation that looks up to you? George_Harrison_Live : Try to realize what the purpose of being in a body is. There is only one purpose really and that is what you have to try to not forget. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? DishDiva : George, it has been a pleasur having you as our guest tonight! George_Harrison_Live : Lots of love and kevlar to everyone! George_Harrison_Live : It has been nice talking to you. Please enjoy the website! Ask_Questions_Live : The preceding is ( c ) 2001 MSN Live Thanks to our guest, hosts and to everyone that came to today's chat! Please remember that due to the number of questions received, it was not possible for our guest to answer each one individually. Thanks for coming to MSNLive! DishDiva : Again, you can check out George Harrison's website at http://www.allthingsmustpass.com DishDiva : You can also pick up the re-release, including, "My Sweet Lord" online at http://eshop.msn.com DishDiva : The transcript of tonight's very special event will be available later at http://chat.msn.com/msnlive
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player1064 · 7 months
Hi! All such great carraville drabbles so far! If you’re still doing them, may I request them coming out publicly and the various reactions of news broadcasters, other ex/current footballers and of course, the internet. Thanks!
aaa thank you!!! and yessss I love fics where it's public reaction to stuff and i LOVE multi-media type fics so this was fun to write (even though i am much too lazy to come up with fake twitter usernames)
Group: MU mob
Phillip: forwarded an instagram post by gneville2 Phillip: ???
Gary: what Gary: do u think I was too nice to him in the caption Gary: I can edit it to add something about scousers maybe Gary: or how he never won the league
Phillip: you and Carragher???
Gary: ?
Paul: whyd u make me look at that rot first thing in the morning Paul: put me off my breakfast that did
Ryan: im not installing instagram for this whats he done now
Nicky: ^
Phillip: he’s dating Carragher?????
Ryan: where have u been for the last 2 years its literally all he talks about
Phillip: America! I have been! In! America! Phillip: Gaz I can’t believe you told them and not me?
Paul: I wish he hadnt told us to be fair Paul: they r so annoying
Gary: sorry phil I mustve forgot Gary: timezones etc Gary: gtg we’re having breakfast before he has to head to studio 🥞😍
David: nice post Gary 😊🏳️‍🌈 Happy for you x
Chat: Stevie G
Missed call from Stevie
Stevie: Carra
Missed call from Stevie
Stevie: Jamie Lee Duncan Carragher Stevie: pick up your damn phone Stevie: you are shit at this best friend thing yknow Stevie: also Gary Neville??? Stevie: you were moaning about him when I called you just last week Stevie: but if he makes you happy that’s alright then Stevie: tell him he’s buying me a pint next time I’m home Stevie: in liverpool mind Stevie: don’t care if you love him you won’t see me in pub in manchester
The Daily Mail
Former rivals turned co-pundits posted Valentine’s day messages on their Instagram accounts which appear to show an intimate relationship between the two men, who were both married to women for over ten years. Neither has responded for comment.
> they’re the worst pundits on sky anyway they don’t even try to hide the bias for their teams
> gary neville’s always trying to bring politics into everything rishi was right he should stick to football!
> well I will be getting my commentary from MOTD moving forward. wish I could cancel sky sports but can’t afford to miss all the match coverage so they will be getting a strongly worded letter from me instead.
The Guardian
There are still no openly gay players in the top tier of the men’s game. Now that two retired premier league footballers have come out, we have to ask: why is this headline news?
Both Liverpool and Manchester United football clubs have posted messages in support of Neville & Carragher, and so have many current and former players. But it begs the question why they thought that support might not be implicit, or why the two pundits had to publicly “come out” at all.
> tbh I didn’t even know who they were until I saw Beckham’s ig story 💀
> surprised Gerrard’s not said anything, thought he and Carragher were mates >>> probably can’t if he wants to keep his manager contract $$$
> the guardian: why is the media making a fuss about two ex-footballers coming out? the guardian: is part of the media making a fuss about two ex-footballers coming out…
Sports - Trending Gary Neville 264k tweets
Jamie Carragher 151k tweets
@.1111 they’ve been obsessed with each other for years is anyone really surprised
@.222 ngl I thought Gary Neville was already out as gay? You’re telling me people have believed he’s straight this whole time??
@.333 it’s giving slow burn enemies to lovers 150k words…
@.444 sky already wheels the two of them out together whenever they need to promote ANYTHING I bet it’s gonna get 10x worse now
Chat: J ❤️
G 👹👸: good luck on show tonight G 👹👸: no vday dinner :( G 👹👸: I shall have to waste away and pine instead G 👹👸: drown my sorrows etc
J ❤️: should be back to hotel by 1 at the latest J ❤️: I know that’s past ur bedtime old man so don’t wait up
G 👹👸: I will be up (😉😉) and ready to give you your dessert 😘 G 👹👸: might have a cheeky nap before though to be fair
27 notes · View notes
crepesuzette2023 · 7 months
'We were all as one': Mike McCartney on playing with Wings on McGear (1974)
SDE: So, how did you get on with the sessions with Paul, what was the working practice because obviously you wrote a lot of songs together, did you come in with lyrics and ideas? MM: He said, “right, now, the Eastmans have said to do an album [after they listened to the single Leave It and liked it], have you got enough stuff for an album?” I said, I’ve been writing for years, quietly in the background with my own ideas. With the Woman album that got me going and I kept going, so I’ve got lots of ideas for songs, but I was going to work and do another Woman album at some stage, you know, when I could afford it. So I had lots of ideas that I was going to do in the future, but I just couldn’t afford to do them. So I said, yes, I’ve got loads of stuff, it’s not finished. He said, “well, that’s great because we’ll work on it together. So, I’ve got Denny and you’ve got your drummer and we’ve got another guitarist which I’m thinking of, so what we’ll do is go into … down here in London, Abbey Road, is too expensive, and so that place you recorded the Woman thing, Strawberry [Studios, in Stockport], sounds great. So we’ll just go to there from our houses” – which were only three quarters of an hour away in Heswall on the Wirral – “and we’ll see what comes out”. So, that’s what we did, I had all these ideas, I said, right, here’s the lyrics for this one, and here’s the song for this… and we just worked on them together, with Denny. So, these things started to magically come together, with Gerry Conway and then Jimmy [McCulloch]. It was a labour of love, it wasn’t like a nine-to-five. With our kid, his business was always with love, with his chums, and then going into Wings. You don’t do things for sessions, you do it for the love and the communicate and spread the love. So, to work in an environments like that is so much freer and far more productive. I listened to this after 40 years, this McGear album, and I suddenly realised how important it is in terms of music – how relaxed, how together, how professional, how joyous, how unique it was. SDE: Did you get on well with Denny Laine and Jimmy McCulloch, were they a nice group? MM: We were all as one. I was like a member; I was a member of Wings for a bit! Because, you were all there for the same reasons, you were all there for the love of music, and so that is a very strong powerful concoction, and that’s what produces these songs that have longevity. They transcend all of the other stuff I did, all The Scaffold stuff, if you listen to it, the majority of it – unless it’s things like ‘Liverpool Lou’ which was Wings [anyway] – but all the Scaffold stuff is all manufactured, all session people, and so there’s very little … I mean, one good one, again was [1971 single] ‘Do the Albert’, we did that with Mooney [Keith Moon] on drums. We did that in EMI [Abbey Road] in studio one, where we did ‘Lily the Pink’. Mooney was there early morning, and I remember him lining up his stuff, his drums, his side drums, his bottle of brandy [laughs] this was in the morning… absolute magic.
Mike McCartney interview on Super Deluxe Edition, McGear reissue, 2019
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l-r: Mike, Jimmy McCulloch, Linda McCartney, Paul
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Sewing in G/T
Fiber Arts | Knitting | Crochet
Sewing is one of those skills that exists in literally any representation of g/t, even if it's not emphasized! Most people wear clothes, and those clothes have to come from somewhere. If they're not being sourced from another place, like doll's clothes for borrowers, then giants and tinies likely have to make clothes for themselves! So long as they have a needle and thread, they can make and mend their own clothes and other articles.
As per the usual format now, I'll be going through examples of g/t sewing in media that I'm aware of, talk about some of the practical application in g/t scenarios, and provide some examples of what gives me real life g/t vibes in sewing.
Just a heads up, I am a relative novice with sewing compared to knitting/crochet, having picked it up only in the last few years. So if anyone more experienced has more ideas, please share them!
In Media
This time around I actually have quite a few examples of on-screen sewing in g/t that I know of, and as always I'd love if anyone would share others that aren't shown here!
The most practical example of tiny sewing I know of is the scene from Studio Ghibli's Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty) in which she and Homily are putting together very large bags in preparation for their move. Not only is it a nice quiet moment that starts to build the tension and seriousness of their situation, but it also showcases the difference in skill and experience between mother and daughter.
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While appearing rather large in comparison to real life hand stitching, you can see that Homily's stitches are tight and even along her own seam. Arrietty's, on the other hand, are uneven, and within the scene Homily points out that some of them are too long and she'll have to start her seam over to make sure it's properly secure.
Homily is shown sewing in several iterations of The Borrowers that I've seen, as shown below. She seems to be mending things in the 1997 and 1992 versions, and I think 2011 Homily is running her needle through a ribbon, maybe making a ruffle? It's hard to tell since it's not exactly the focus of the scene, but it's clearly a way for her to cope with her husband very audibly getting into trouble.
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And for once I have examples of giant sewing to include as well! @taters169 recently shared one with me in the discord, in a version of Gulliver's Travels I hadn't seen before. The Lilliputians pitch in to make him a new jacket!
Another, shorter example is from an old Disney short about Paul Bunyan, an American folk tale about a giant lumberjack. There's a brief scene, timestamped below, in which the town that found and adopted Paul as a baby came together to make his clothes. Not only does this include sewing, but there's also a big group spinning yarn to knit into cartoonishly large booties for him. Again, it's very short, only one shot in the whole thing, but it's nice to see those details included!
The Potential
Sewing has been around since the dawn of time, so there's really no reason why any giant or tiny couldn't have some access to it in some form or another, if they really try! Needles can be made from bone or antler if metal isn't available, and tinies can potentially use human-sized needles for their own purposes. Sewing needles come in many different thicknesses and lengths, so depending on the scale, they don't have to be too unwieldy. The smallest needles I've seen were quilting needles (shown below), but I'm sure if a tiny or giant is crafty enough, they could make their own.
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As for thread, that can be sourced from loads of places! It can be spun from natural fibers, like animal hair or plant fiber or silk, or it can be repurposed. Giants could use spools of rope, and tinies could use some of the thinner threads available.
Similarly, fabric can be homespun and woven, or found and gathered and recycled. I think it depends on the kind of setting you're working with, and whether the giants or tinies live adjacent to human society and have to source things that way. If they live independently, then the former is certainly a possibility. The latter is the reason patchwork items give me major g/t vibes! It's a thrifty way to put clothes together when you don't have enough of any one fabric for the entire thing. The smaller the patchwork, the bigger I envision the person wearing it since I can only imagine giants could find very small amounts of fabric at a time, proportionally.
I guess that leads right into:
Real Life G/t Vibes
With regard to sewing patterns, Vibes are really open to interpretation. I often gravitate to simple garments that don't have too many bells and whistles. Adjustable garments as well, especially if one imagines a giant or tiny could have less access to fasteners.
I recently found a company called Matchy Matchy Sewing Club. I'm in no way affiliated with them. They're a US based company that sells cotton and linen fabric, and PDF sewing patterns. The patterns are designed in such a way as to have several panels, giving ample opportunity to mix and match fabrics into some very cute patchwork looks!
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I will say that printing PDF patterns can be tough on a domestic printer, so if you can, I would find a service that can print patterns full size for you. I can't speak for international services, but I know that in the US you can use PDF Plotting and have patterns printed and shipped to you. I haven't used it personally yet, but from what I've heard, it's more worth it to upload several patterns to print at once to make the shipping worth it. If anyone knows of other services that work internationally or in other countries, please let us know!
Fabric choice is also a factor in g/t vibes. Solids are kind of a blank slate, but if there's any sort of pattern on it, I feel it kind of works like visual storytelling. For instance, Moda has a line of tone-on-tone fabric called 'Grunge' that almost looks pre-distressed, great to give one some rugged, well-worn vibes! In a similar vein, I'm a huge fan of their speckled metallic line, which is a fun and random-looking small scale print.
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The scale of prints can do a lot to imply how large or small someone is, without being obvious enough to those not in the know. Small scale can give the impression of being big in comparison, while large scale has the opposite effect! Examples below, small scale Liberty Tana Lawn on the left, and large scale Robert Kaufman Organic Flannel on the right.
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The thickness and texture of the fabric can also play a part. For example, cotton woven fabrics are much thinner and more drapey than typical quilting cottons, and there are lightweight canvases that are stiffer than typical cotton, but still usable in garments if one wanted to make something that looked like it was originally made for dolls!
I feel like I could go on forever about this, but I'll cut myself off there. What do you think? I'd love to hear your ideas and inspirations for g/t sewing! And if you'd like to chat with more g/t fiber folk, come join us on our discord!
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beatleskinkmeme · 2 years
Ides of March-a-thon Master Post
Please check out these fics and leave a comment!
want me when i'm not there by @backbenttulips
Paul cheats on Linda with John and she's fucking furious about it. Give me a fic where she behaves in a normal way instead of reacting like a McLennon shipper or saying "that's nice honey" and accepting an unfair scenario where Paul can have a boyfriend but if she had one he'd go batshit. PLEASE lots of Paul making pathetic excuses ("I said I wouldn't have other women! It was only blowjobs!") and her being the boss she is. PERSECUTE THAT MAN.
The Rockingham Club Mystery by WordsofLove42
Paul/Robert, Paul reporting to Robert about his time with another man (Robert had been his only male partner up to then) and telling him all the things that were similar and different about the experience. Maybe Robert feels a bit smug and maybe also a bit inspired?
Silly Girl by @bluewater9
John and Paul's relationship as told through Martha's perspective :3 Yes I know she's a dog but this is fiction so who cares.
I Can't Tell You But I know it's Mine by @aquarianshift
We don't get enough starrison. After a long stressful day at the studio, George goes to Ringos house after. Ringos pent up and George just looks delicious.
I Don't Care Too Much by @notgrungybitchin
John trying to be a sugar daddy in Paris but he and Paul are lowkey broke.
The Jumper by @merseydreams
John and Paul always shared clothing. After the break-up, John sees a picture of Denny Laine wearing one of the shirts that Paul and John had shared! He decides that is unacceptable and goes to a Wings show to get it back.
Plant a Seed by skua
John fuck Paul in his gay little sailor outfit from those Miami pics.
well, how did I get here? by @theoldmixer
McLennon crossover with 13 Going on 30. John goes to sleep one night when the Beatles were still struggling and he wakes up in the early 70s to find out he got everything he wanted and is one of the most famous musicians in the world but he doesn’t understand why he and Paul aren’t friends anymore….
i can only speak my mind by Paisanas
Someone in John’s staff sells his diaries to the press in the 70s. They’re printed in the papers. They contain his feelings about Paul. They are him pining over Paul. Paul reads them.
Brother Dearest by @javelinbk
AU where Mimi and Jim get married and John and Paul are stepbrothers (stepbrothers who are attracted to each other)
Managing Expectations by @pauls1967moustache
Paul and Brian cross paths on a night out at the clubs. After a mixture of several drinks/substances, and the subsequent effect of severely lowering the pair’s inhibitions, Paul begins to question Brian about his relationship with John. [How far Paul pushes the discussion and the extent of what Brian reveals are both up to the author. Tone and any pairing involving the three also up to the author.]
Content to Whisper by @adriansfrombrooklyn
I would love a peek inside J&P’s minds when they were playing pyramus and thisbe. You know, must’ve been interesting to play the lover of the person you secretly loved
you gave me the word by tarenas
John/Paul telepathy - they accidentally start hearing each other’s thoughts at random
oh, what a night by @two-gurus-in-drag
John and Paul have sweaty euphoric sex after the impromptu obertauern gig they did while filming Help!
No I in Threesome by @with-eyes-closed
i would love george finding out he has a daddy kink and just being like "god damn it, i thought i was the only one of us who didn't have some kind of daddy issues"
John, I'm Only Dancing by @skylikeaflame
After Paul almost falls off the building during the Mad Day Out photo shoot, John freaks out. They have it out and fuck tenderly.
**This will be updated as we get more fics!
**Also I wasn't sure of everyone's tumblr so if you want me to tag your tumblr please let me know!
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Recovery - Chapter 26
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Reader has left the country to try and deal with her breakup with Em. She thinks it's over until she gets a call... from Hailie.
Tags : ANGST, Comfort
You’d been back in France for a few months and you were finally a doctor. You had successfully defended your doctoral dissertation over zoom and it was one of the happiest, most relieving days of your entire life. It was quite an accomplishment and you felt extremely proud. Of course, it wasn’t the whole ordeal it would have been if you had stayed in Michigan : the university would have organized a designated event and you would have invited a lot of people to celebrate this milestone with you. Instead, it had been you, wearing a blazer in front of your computer for a Zoom call with the jury, while people you knew watched the livestream. It was a little sad, for sure, but ultimately, you knew that coming back to France was the best decision for your mental health. 
The breakup with Marshall had taken quite a toll on you and you had not been able to function properly. Everything made you think of him and you had come to the conclusion that you would never heal if you had constant reminders. Talia and Jamal were sad to let you go, but they did it for your sake. Also, you did not want to impose and be a burden for your best friends. A few weeks after the breakup, things had gotten so bad that Talia had to help you shower and monitor your eating. Back then, you weren’t doing much : trying to work on your dissertation and crying, only sleeping when you were exhausted. It wasn’t a proper way to live and you knew it. Hence your decision to go back to France and live with your Dad. For university as well as most people you knew, the official reason for your departure was that you had family issues that required your presence. It was a blatant lie and you felt guilty, but you did what you had to do to go forward. Everyone had been nice and supportive, especially people you knew from the studio. Even Paul was kind to you and, when Jamal told him you were leaving, he even offered for you to take the private jet. You had refused, but you appreciated the thought, even though you suspected that he just wanted to make sure that you were leaving for good and wouldn’t be a disturbance to Marshall’s work life. 
Regardless of the distance, your friends came through for your dissertation defense and they watched the livestream as you achieved your long-term ambition of becoming a doctor. You were truly touched by everyone’s support. They had even sent gifts to be delivered to your place the day after. You were treated to bottles of champagne (from people who did not know you were sober), gourmet baskets, bouquets of flowers… The biggest gift of all, though, came from Marshall. 
Upon landing in Paris, you found that Marshall had tried to reach you while you were on the flight. Of course, you had the urge to call him back, after all the texts you had sent. 
Hello ? You heard his sleepy voice say on the phone. 
Oh my God, am I waking you up ? You asked as you were suddenly reminded of the time difference. 
Mmmh yeah, he said. It’s ok though. Thanks for calling me back. 
Sorry I missed your call, you said sheepishly. I just landed in Paris. 
How was the flight ? He asked. 
Good. Got an upgrade so I flew in business class instead of the coach, so  it was pleasant. 
Good, he said softly. Look, I… I’m sorry it took so long for you to get a hold of me. I completely unplugged and by the time I checked my phone, you were gone. I want you to know that I would have come and said goodbye. I was too late. 
Thank you, you whispered in a sigh of relief. I thought you didn’t want to see me… 
Of course I did, he replied. Also, thank you for the package. Jamal gave it to me and I’m… speechless. You know what I mean ? It means so much. I’m touched. 
You’re welcome, you said. I was afraid it would be too much. 
It’s definitely too much, he said with a small laugh. You shouldn’t spend too much on me. But the pen and the notebook are beautiful. 
I’m glad you like them. They made me think of you. I was saving them for your birthday, but… You know. 
I should have been the one treating you to fancy stuff, he mumbled. If I’d known you’d be leaving, I would at least have arranged for you to fly private. 
I know, you said softly. Paul offered the jet when he knew I was leaving, but I refused. 
Marshall went silent on the phone for a few seconds - enough to make you wonder if he had actually hung up on you. 
I see. I read your letter. I get it, he said. 
I’m sorry, you said flatly. 
I’m sorry, Y/N… I wish I had known you were struggling. I wish you would have called me. 
I couldn’t, you replied in a creaky voice. It’s too hard, Marshall. 
I know, he said softly. But just so you know… You being on another fucking continent doesn’t mean I’m not here if you need, alright ? You can call me if you need anything. I mean it. 
Promise I will, if I ever need a plane, you chuckled. 
You know what I mean, he said sternly. 
I do. Thank you, you said softly. 
Anyway… Congratulations are in order, I guess ? You’re finally done with your work, he said. 
I am, you said with a smile. Thank you. 
Thank you for the acknowledgement, too. That was the sweetest thing ever, he said softly. 
Not too cheesy ? 
Just enough, he said with a laugh. Jamal told me you’d do the whole defense over Zoom and that they’d be watching. Can I watch too ? You know, I would have loved to be here on your big day if it had been in Detroit.
Please don’t, you found yourself saying. I appreciate the support but I just can’t do it if I know you’re watching. 
I get it, he said sheepishly. But I know you’ll do great. I’ll be thinking of you. I always am anyway… 
Thank you, Marshall, you said in a whisper. I always think about you too…
I read that, yeah, he whispered back. 
Silence again. 
I should probably let you sleep, you said. 
…Ok, he replied. Thank you for calling, Y/N. Take care, alright ? 
Bye, you said softly. 
You heard him hang up the phone and whispered “I love you”, on the verge of tears. Now that you were back in France, something painful hit you : it may be the place that you were born, but it wasn’t home. Home was the place you had left six weeks ago. Home was Marshall. And now, you had to start all over again. 
About a week after your dissertation defense, you received the most enormous package you had ever seen in your life. You weren’t even sure how it could have been handled by the postal services. It contained the biggest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen - some real Dubaï Housewife Instagram stuff - a black velvet box containing an exquisite diamond solitaire necklace, as well as a gorgeous watch from Cartier. Of course, it was from Marshall. You didn’t even need to read the card. He knew this watch was your dream one - the one you wanted to get when you had achieved something significant, when you truly became successful. The box also contained a letter, written in his penmanship that you loved so much : 
“Dear Y/N, 
It’s my turn to make a big gesture. Congratulations on your achievement. You were absolutely amazing (unsurprisingly so). I might have hidden in a corner of the room when Talia and Jamal watched your defense (hope you don’t get mad at me). I hope you like the necklace, though it won’t do you justice. The watch is set in the Detroit time zone, just in case you want to call any of us. We’re all thinking of you. Especially me. 
Love you always, 
You immediately sent him a thank-you text and the two of you texted for a bit but you didn’t really keep in touch. In the following weeks, your former roommates mentioned him when you were on the phone, but that was about it. You didn’t really know what he was up to, although you guessed he was working, as usual. The only other type of information that you had was from his official social media accounts so, really, there was no way for you to know how he was actually doing, apart from tweets about the Lions games and a few Instagram posts managed by his team. 
Weeks went by and you received a package from Shady Records. It contained a CD version of the new album as well as a small box with a vintage portable CD player and Beats headphones, along with a note from Marshall. 
“Dear Y/N, 
I don’t know if you’re old enough to own anything that can play a CD, so I included one of my own players for you to listen to the album (take good care of it, it’s one of my favorites). We’re finally done with the new album. Thank you for every minute you spent in the studio, for all the time you spent encouraging and listening to me and for all the times you listened to some of these tracks. This album would not be the same without you.
PS : whenever you get a CD, always check the booklet :)” 
You knew the album was coming. Jamal had mentioned it, although he was probably not supposed to, knowing how secretive Marshall and his team could be about this. However, holding a physical copy of the album felt different, not to mention how thoughtful and personal the gift from Marshall was. You immediately opened the case and looked at the track list. It included some of the songs you liked the most - some of which you had actually witnessed the recording of. You remembered the times you gave him your opinion and it seemed like he had taken it in consideration. There were some newly recorded tracks as well. 
Before listening, you took a look at the booklet. You found your name in the acknowledgement section. 
“To Y/N. Thank you for everything. You deserve a whole album, but I hope a song will do. Check track n.12”. 
Curiosity got the best of you and, of course, it was the first track you listened to, as you skipped the first eleven ones. It was a track you had never heard before, so you could only assume it was recorded after your breakup. It was a feature with Skylar Grey, a dark, sad yet beautiful love song. It seemed like a conversation between two lovers parting ways. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard a line you distinctively remembered writing in your letter : “Every little thing is a reminder of what once was and will never be again. And being reminded that I had everything and lost it all is too much pain”. 
You shed an emotional tear at the idea that your letter had inspired him to write such beautiful, yet sad lyrics. You listened to the whole album with your eyes closed, letting Marshall’s soothing voice fill your ears. You had always liked the way he could play with his voice, conveying so many different emotions. For a minute, it seemed like he was in the room with you. 
Once you were done, you immediately texted him. With a newly released album, there was no doubt that he would be busy and you didn’t want to disturb him. 
To M : Thank you or the album. And the CD player. And the acknowledgement. And track 12. Loved every second. PS : Let me know if you ever need a ghostwriter again 🙂
Much to your surprise, he responded immediately. 
From M : Glad you liked it. Though I should tell you that ghostwriters usually aren’t credited. 
To M : For you ? I’ll skip the credit. Just write me a big, FAT check. 
From M : Check the booklet again… Credit section. Is wire transfer ok ? 🙂
Your heart skipped another beat. He didn’t… Did he ?! 
You looked at the credits for the song and noticed that the list was surprisingly short compared to the rest of the album, prompting you to think that fewer people had been involved in the making of the track. It mentioned Marshall, Jamal, Skylar Grey and… yourself. Your name was mentioned as a lyricist. 
Without a second thought, you FaceTimed Marshall who immediately picked up with a smile on his face. 
You didn’t !!! You exclaimed. 
I did, he said with a chuckle. That’s your line after all. 
You didn’t need to credit me ! 
You know I give credit where it’s due, he replied. I’ll send a contract your way. I can even get Paul to talk numbers with you. Just keep it reasonable, ok ? It’s one line. 
I don’t want money, you said with a laugh. I just can’t believe you did this. You turned a part of my letter into a song and dedicated that stuff to me ! That’s just…
Yeah ? 
Well that’s crazy, you simply said. 
Well I’m crazy about you, you know ? He mused. 
After all this time ? 
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. 
Harry Potter reference ? You giggled. 
You’ve been on my back about these movies and how I haven’t seen all of them so I caught up, he chuckled. I actually watched the last one a few days ago. 
You should read the books now, you said. 
Not a chance. 
You stared at the screen and watched his face, or at least the part you could see, since he was holding his phone in weird angles, as the boomer and technophobe he very much was. He seemed to have lost a bit of weight but you weren’t too sure. 
Y/N ? He asked as you went silent. 
Sorry, you said. I’m a bit tired. 
Yeah, you look like a panda, he said with a smile. Or a raccoon. 
That’s what happens when you make me cry with your music and acknowledgements, you replied as you playfully rolled your eyes. 
Her smiled and chuckled. Hearing his laugh was medicine. Talking to him felt good too. It was the first time you felt alive in weeks. 
What are you doing ? You asked. Did I wake you up ?
Nope, it’s still daytime here, he said. I’m at home, resting a little and packing my bag for some promo tour. I have a couple interviews planned in New York and LA next week. We’re also looking at actual tour dates for this autumn. 
That’s soon, you pointed out. 
Yeah, it’s a surprise tour, he said. A small one. Just a couple of dates here and there, US and Europe, to see if I can still attract the crowds, I guess. 
Of course you can, you scoffed. People are going to go crazy. Are you excited ? 
Yeah, I like performing, he said with a smile. I don’t really like tour life, though. I’m just afraid I’m a bit rusty. I haven’t done that in a while. 
You’ll do great, you said reassuringly. A couple of sold out stadiums and you’re good. Where are you performing ? 
So far, I think we have Detroit, New York, LA, Berlin, London and Amsterdam, he explained. We’re also talking about some festival dates, but that’ll be for next summer. We’ll see. 
You found yourself a little sad that he didn’t mention Paris. It would have been the perfect excuse and opportunity to see him perform. After all, he was known to put on quite a show. But perhaps it was for the best. Maybe it was a bad idea. After all, you had literally fled to another country so that you could heal from your breakup. Talking to him was one thing, but seeing him in person was another. 
How about you ? He asked. What’s up with your career ? 
My career as a lyricist ? You joked. It’s going great. 
Seriously, I want to know, he said with a smile. 
Not much. I teach a couple of hours a week at university, you said. It’s not a fancy position or anything, and it’s actually ending soon, but it’s the best I could find. I’ll have to apply to other jobs. 
Your students must be lucky to have you, he mused. 
I’m kind of a bitch when it comes to grading, you chuckled. 
Do you enjoy it ? 
Love it, you said with a genuine smile. I can’t wait to  have an actual job in the field and make a living out of it. 
You don’t, yet ? He asked. 
Right now, I don’t work much so the income is not the best, you admitted. But it’s fine. 
You manage to pay the rent alright ? 
I’m living with my Dad so I don’t need to, you shrugged. Plus, you know me, I’m not high maintenance so it’s fine, really… 
You know, if you need money…, he began. 
I don’t, you said. 
Let me at least pay you for the lyrics, he offered. 
Not a chance, you said sternly. If you give me a dime, it means you’re sending the letter back and you don’t want it. 
Fine, he groaned. But can you promise me you’ll be alright ? 
Yes. Promise me you will be alright ? 
Promise. I’m sorry, I have to go, he said with a sad voice. The girls are coming to my place. 
Enjoy, you said softly. It was great talking to you. 
Thanks. Take care, alright ? 
Take care. 
The call ended and, for the first time in weeks, you had an actual smile on your face. You were happy you got to see him and hear his voice. You were also giddy and emotional over the fact that you had a song on his album that you could actually claim as yours. It was by far the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you. 
Weeks went by and you got a chance to catch a few interviews of Marshall talking about his new record. Obviously, it was doing really well in sales and streams and fans were obsessing over it - yet another surprise album he had quietly dropped after years of anticipation. Track number 12 turned out to be a fan favorite too. You liked watching the interviews as it allowed you to, once more, see and hear him. It was almost like a guilty pleasure and you could get where his Stans were coming from. He was always fascinating. By watching them, you could confirm that he had lost quite a bit of weight. He still looked good, obviously - to you he always did. But you did notice a few comments about his appearance. Some said he looked sick and tired. One journalist even confronted him about it. 
I have to ask, because the Internet is obsessing over it at this point, man. You have lost some weight haven’t you ? 
Yeah, I have, he confirmed quietly. 
Are you on some sort of diet ? 
Nope. I’m just eating healthy, exercising… staying in shape, you know ? 
So you’re healthy ? Everyone seems worried about you. 
I’m good, he chuckled. I’m just not twenty anymore, you know. I’ve been working a lot on the record so that’s probably where the extra wrinkles and dark circles come from. Plus, i kind of had to get fitter. We’ve been shooting a couple of music videos and, at this point, I can officially announce that we’re going on a few surprise dates to perform in a few months, so… if people want to make sure I’m healthy, just come to the shows, ok ? There’s gonna be some dates in the US, UK and Europe, to be announced really really soon. 
He smiled as the audience clapped and easily got the conversation to shift. 
It's quite a surprise isn’t it ? The journalist asked. We haven’t seen you perform in forever ! 
I have to get back into it, right ? I miss the fans, the energy. Recording music is great, but performing, it’s another thing. I like both, you know ? 
Why didn’t you plan more dates ? And why so soon ? 
As I said, man, I have to get back into it. I didn’t want to wait too long to perform the new tracks and that’s kind of the downside when you drop surprise albums like that, you can’t exactly plan a tour easily. Otherwise people will know about what’s coming. Plus, I’m at a point where I’d like to see if I can still sell out venues without advertising a year and a half in advance. 
The interviewer went on to ask some more questions about the tour but Marshall wouldn’t give too much information. 
Eventually, the interview ended and you had to refrain yourself from actually searching for the tour dates and booking tickets for whatever show. You knew it would probably be a mistake. Plus, even though you weren’t strapped for cash, you couldn’t really afford concert tickets and travel. It wouldn’t be reasonable. After a while, you ended up realizing that watching those interviews on loop was messing with your brain. It only made you miss him more and it wasn’t helping you to get better. You were still struggling, even though it was not as bad as when you had left Detroit. You had lost quite a bit of weight too - about thirty pounds to be exact and, even though you fought hard to stay clean, you didn’t exactly lead the healthiest of lifestyles, barely eating and struggling to sleep at night, only passing out when you were exhausted. 
You figured out it was yet another thing to recover from : your addiction to Marshall Bruce Mathers III. You had to, otherwise you would never move forward. Although, as time flew by, you couldn’t help but think that leaving him was your biggest mistake. You didn’t care about kids and marriage nearly as much as you cared about him. But you had to move on. What was done was done, you were in another country and there was no going back. 
At some point, you stopped checking the interviews, even unfollowed him on social media. Eventually, you stopped mentioning him and his music altogether when you spoke with Talia and Jamal. You decided that denial may be the best option you had for the time being. The only thing you did indulge in was track number 12. But only because you were one of the lyricists, so that made it ok, right ? Right ? 
A couple more months went by and it was autumn. You fought against the thought that Marshall would soon be in Europe. Closer than ever. Your contract with university had not been renewed and, in spite of a lot of applications, you hadn’t found a job yet. So you were left alone with your intrusive thoughts and spent most of your days mindlessly watching movies and reading books. You didn’t go out much and most of your social interactions were through your phone, with Talia and Jamal. When it rang, you picked up without even looking at the caller ID. Who else would call anyway ? Hiring season was over, so it wouldn’t be for a job. 
What’s up Talia ? You asked as you closed your book. 
It’s not Talia, you heard Hailie’s voice say. 
Your heart immediately began to race. If she was calling you, it couldn’t be good. After your last interactions, it was clear that she wasn’t your biggest fan and wouldn’t be calling to check up on you and have some girly chat anytime soon. For a second, you were worried that she was calling to tell you something awful had happened to Marshall. 
Oh my God, what’s wrong ? What happened to him ? You immediately asked. 
What ? She asked. 
You’re calling me. We both know it can’t be good. 
You heard her sigh on the other end of the phone. 
You’re right, it’s not, she said. 
What’s wrong ? 
What’s wrong is that Dad is miserable without you, she stated. What’s wrong is that you left him months ago and now he is a mess. 
I was trying to do the right thing, you said sheepishly. I guess you made some pretty valid points, Hailie... 
Look, I hate to admit it, but I was wrong about some of it, she said in an annoyed voice. I guess you made him happy and that you were good for him after all. I’m… sorry for saying some of those mean things. 
Thank you, you whispered. 
Did you really love him ? She asked. 
Of course, you said. With all of my heart. 
Do you still ? 
I… Yeah, you sighed. I do. 
Then I need a favor, she said. 
You were surprised. Hailie calling you was the last thing you expected. Especially not for a favor. You knew how proud she could be. 
Go on, you said. I can’t promise I’ll say yes, though. 
Will you please come to the Amsterdam show ? She asked. It’s the last of the tour and it falls on his birthday.
Do you think it’s a good idea ? You asked. I’m not even sure he would want me there. 
He still loves you, Y/N, she sighed. Of course he would want to see you. Look… Do you want to be with him or not ? 
You sighed. Of course you wanted to be with him. In fact, it was the only certainty you had about your future : that you actually wanted to be with him. You had done a lot of soul-searching in the past months, and you had come to the conclusion that, even though you had always wanted to get married and have kids, you didn’t care as much about your hypothetical future husband and kids as much as you cared about Marshall. When you imagined your future, you only saw him. You had ever met anybody as good for you as him. 
Y/N ? Hailie asked after you’d been silent for a minute. 
Sorry, you said. Yes, I do. I want to be with him. 
Then please come to Amsterdam and get back with Dad, she said. He needs you. I’m still mad at you, but I’m not too proud to admit that you were good for him after all. Looking back, I had never seen him so happy than when you were in his life. 
Are you actually giving me your blessing to date your dad ? You asked in disbelief. 
Don’t read too much into it, she said in an annoyed voice. If you’re what it takes to make him happy again, I will find a way to put up with you. I’ll e-mail you with your plane tickets and we’ll discuss the details later ok ? 
I’ll get my own, you said with sass. I would hate for you to think that I’m taking advantage of your family money. 
Please shut up, she groaned. I’m doing my best to be nice to you and you’re not making it easy. I will book your tickets and you will accept them. 
Thank you, you said as you eased up a little. 
I’ll talk to you soon, ok ? For the details of the surprise and stuff, Hailie said. 
Ok, you said. By the way… I heard you guys were engaged. Congratulations. 
Oh you heard about that ? She asked as you could hear her smile. Congrats on the PhD. 
Thank you. 
You smiled. You were pretty sure she still despised you, but at least, these words meant that you could be civil towards one another. After another exchange of words, you said your goodbyes and you felt your heart pounding in your chest. After nearly six months apart, you were going to see the love of your life. 
In the following weeks, leading up to your trip to Amsterdam, you were a nervous mess and Talia spent a lot of time on the phone with you, convincing you that it was, indeed, a good idea. For the first time in months, you were looking forward to something and it was quite a feat. Hailie had booked first class tickets from Paris to Amsterdam, which was extremely generous. It seemed like she was intent on making it a good surprise for Marshall and convincing you to come. She even texted back and forth with you to make sure you were actually coming and would not miss the flight. She even bought a fancy hotel room for you, just in case. 
When you got out of the plane, she was waiting for you, along with Stevie and Alaina. The reunion with Hailie was a bit awkward but her sisters were all smiles. You made small talk in the car that was taking you from Schiphol Airport to the hotel everyone was staying at. 
How was your flight ? Hailie asked in an attempt to make small talk. 
It was good, you said shyly. Thank you again for the first class ticket. I would have flown in economy, though. It’s a short trip. 
Well, we want the surprise to go well, Stevie giggled. Putting you in a good mood is part of the plan. 
Shouldn’t you be spending the day with him ? You asked. 
We arrived in Amsterdam yesterday to surprise him, Alaina explained. We also spent this morning with him but now he is doing sound-checks and rehearsals. He won’t even notice we’re gone. 
So, what’s the plan ? You asked. 
We have a few hours before the show, Hailie said. We’ll sneak you in the arena with a bit of help from Porter and Paul. We’ll hide in the crowd during the show and go backstage afterwards, so that you can go and see him. 
Ok, you said nervously. 
You stared at the three of them. The whole situation was definitely weird. 
Don’t be nervous, Alaina said with a smile. It’ll be fine. 
It’s been six months, you said sheepishly. What if he’s mad at me ? 
He’s not mad at you, Hailie said softly. He misses you. A lot. 
Are you sure ? 
In the past few months, we’ve never seen him as happy as the few times he got off the phone with you or texted you, Stevie said. 
You know about that ? You asked in confusion. 
Here’s the thing about Dad, Hailie said with a grin. He believes he’s not letting on, but he sucks at hiding anything from us. 
Doesn’t help that he doesn’t know how to lock his phone, Stevie giggled. 
So you… snooped ? 
Believe me, if you’d seen him, you’d have done the same thing, Hailie sighed. At some point, I was scared that he would relapse or something. So I checked his phone to make sure he didn’t have a drug dealer. That’s how I saw your texts. So I told my sisters. 
And as time went on and he wasn’t doing better, we decided to help  the two of you get back together, Alaina said. 
Was it that bad ? You asked in a worried voice. 
He’s a bit better now, Alaina said reassuringly. Touring helps getting his mind off things. But yeah… He wasn’t doing too good. 
You nodded. You had no idea it was that bad. The thought of him being unhappy broke your heart. After all, on the rare occasions the two of you had talked, he seemed to be doing alright. But obviously, you weren’t there and his daughters knew best. 
I’m sorry he had to go through this, you said on the verge of tears. And you too. Do you think he will forgive me ? 
It’s not your fault, Alaina said. You’re the one who left but, from what I gather, you had your reasons and relationships end all the time. We wouldn’t have had you come all this way if we weren’t sure of what we were doing. No one’s mad at you. 
Well, I am, Hailie said sternly. But it’s not about Dad. So, yeah. 
And how about… you girls ? You asked Alaina and Stevie, whose stance you didn’t know about. 
I couldn’t care less, Stevie shrugged. I mean, it’s Dad, so it’s weird to think of him being with someone but I guess I’m glad he found someone who is actually willing to put up with him. Didn’t think it would happen, so… 
Steve ! Alaina giggled. But yeah, she’s not wrong. You know, Dad was single for so long, we were a bit worried. All we want is for him to be happy. 
Ok, you said shyly. 
It was reassuring to know that they didn’t hate you. Still, you were a bit unsure how you should navigate the situation. 
We have a few hours before the show. We can get you set in your hotel room and after, we can do some shopping and help you find an outfit if you don’t have one, Hailie offered. 
You looked at your outfit. It was nothing extravagant but you had made an effort to find clothes that fit you pretty well - which was a challenge since you had lost weight and your whole closet had become at least two sizes too big. You were wearing a casual short black dress, black tights, leather boots and the jacket Marshall had bought for you in New York. 
What’s wrong with my outfit ? You asked. I didn’t think I would need to dress up for an Eminem concert… 
Not the concert, Alaina giggled. For Dad’s birthday dinner, tomorrow night. Hailie told you, right ? 
Oh my God, I forgot, Hailie said. I’m so sorry ! I’ve been so busy with planning… So, basically, we’re just celebrating casually after the show tonight, dinner in his suite. But we’re staying and enjoying Amsterdam for a few days after, and tomorrow, we arranged for people to fly in and have dinner to celebrate Dad’s birthday as well as the album’s success. Porter is already here, obviously, but Talia and Jamal are coming too, Royce, Dre and Fifty as well. 
Are you sure I should be here tomorrow ? You asked, definitely nervous. I’m happy to just leave you guys to it, you know… 
Believe me, if I have to be there, so do you, Stevie chuckled. 
I’m definitely having the two of you sit next to each other, Hailie sighed. It’s Dad’s birthday, make an effort. Of course you should be here, Y/N. You’re his girlfriend. 
Not yet, you pointed out. We’re not even sure he wants me back. What if it goes wrong ? 
It won’t, Alaina said. Just relax. Look… I shouldn’t tell you, but I know for a fact that he made plans to fly to Paris after the tour. He wanted to see you. You’re just beating him to it. 
Ok, you said nervously. I’m sorry, I know I sound like a broken record, it’s just… I guess I’ll feel better when I see him. 
When you got to the hotel, they took you to the room that had been booked for you. Then, they convinced you to do some shopping. Apparently, the next night’s dinner was to be held in the hotel restaurant, which was five star. You were a bit nervous since it was your first time shopping in six months but they helped you find a nice outfit. 
Hours later, you were in the crowd, waiting for the show to start, nervously playing with your pendant, which had never left your neck. 
Is that Dad’s pendant ? Alaina asked. 
Yes, you said. He gave it to me when we first met, to wish me luck on my recovery journey. I never really took it off. 
For how long have you been sober ? 
Almost a year and a half now, you explained. It would have been longer but I relapsed a while ago. But Marshall… He helped me through it. And I’ve been sober ever since. I owe him everything. 
Even after the breakup ? She mused. 
Well, yeah… I mean, the only thing that kept me from using again and numbing the pain with pills was that I wouldn’t want him to be disappointed, you said earnestly. He changed my life. He is the reason why I got better and stuck to it. 
You guys are good for each other, she pointed out. 
I don’t know, you replied. But… If he lets me, I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be good enough for him. 
Taking you by surprise, she engulfed you into a big hug.
Thank you for coming, she whispered. And thank you for loving him like this. I know Hailie is mad at you, and Stevie is just grumpy to be without her boyfriend, but… We’re really thankful for you, you know ? 
You hugged her back and smiled as the show started. Suddenly, you understood what the big deal surrounding Eminem was. He was clearly born to perform and make music, he was literally oozing charisma. He was wearing jeans, sneakers and a simple black tee-shirt. Obviously, he didn’t need anything else to look good. You were literally unable to take your eyes off him. 
Now, he said on the mic, we’re gonna perform a very special song. It’s my favorite one on the album and I know you guys love it. I need someone for that. Please welcome the incredible Skylar Grey, Amsterdam !!! 
Everyone cheered as the singer stepped on stage and the first notes played. You knew what was coming : your song. Track 12. For three minutes and thirty seconds, the whole crowd sang along to the words of the most beautiful song ever written. It felt like they were singing it for you. You were flabbergasted and overcome with emotion : your mouth was wide open and tears were welling in your eyes. Hailie, Alaina and Stevie smiled at you, rubbing your shoulders. 
Marshall and Skylar performed a couple more songs together and the show came to an end, with the crowd singing happy birthday to Marshall, who was smiling. Seeing him on stage made you fall for him all over again. When the crowd started to vacate, the girls took you backstage and Porter immediately came to greet you, as well as a few other people you knew from the studio. 
We’re on a mission here, Hailie recalled. No one is supposed to see her before him. Where is he ? 
Showering in his dressing room, Porter said. Paul is searching for you girls. Something about guests for tomorrow… 
Can you take her while we sort this out ? She asked. 
He nodded and she gave you a pat on the shoulder. 
Breathe, she said. 
As Porter led you to the corridor, he made small talk. 
It’s great that you could make it, he said. We all miss you at the studio, you know ? 
I miss you guys too, you said with a smile. I had to go back because of some family stuff. 
Quit lying, he chuckled. Marshall told me about the two of you. 
Oh, you said, embarrassed to be caught in a lie. Who else knows ? 
I think I’m the only one, he shrugged. Paul had suspicions, though. Here we are. 
You were in front of a closed door and, suddenly, it became real : you were about to see Marshall after six months. You weren’t sure if you were about to faint or not. Before you got cold feet, Porter knocked on the door. No answer. 
Bro, it’s me, he said. I have a birthday surprise for you. 
Can this wait ? You heard Marshall’s voice say. I just got out the shower. 
No. Open the door now, his friend insisted. Someone is here for you.
I swear, if it’s that prostitute joke, I’ll kill you. 
Believe me, this one is out of my price range, Porter giggled. 
The door swung open and you were faced with a shirtless Marshall, looking at you in shock, his jaw almost on the floor. You were staring at each other but none of you said a word. 
I’ll leave you guys to it, Porter said with a wink. Happy birthday, man. 
Hey, you whispered. Happy birthday. 
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Kinda want to throw Jean-Paul Valley into my Reverse Robins AU, not gonna lie. Not, like, the full Knightfall plot. Just... hrm, I think I could probably do something interesting with his original "Azrael: Fallen Angel" plotline.
Set it in Duke & Damian's time as sidekicks, very early days (like "when Damian was first allowed to officially join the team" early.) Series of murders in Gotham, match an MO seen over many years all around the world, suddenly stop and the presumed killer is found dead. Local college student goes mysteriously missing. Murders start up again.
If Bruce puts Batman on the cult's radar just a little bit earlier, this could easily become a batboys centric story, as they try to crack the mystery & rescue their dad (and Jean-Paul, once they realize he needs rescuing.)
Help Duke & Damian bond by showing them someone who's kinda a mix between them. Jean-Paul Valley is only a little older than Duke, and has zero experience with the weird side of their world---he's just Some Guy(TM) in way over his head. At the same time, he's had this programming implanted in him since he was a kid, and there are Expectations put on him that he can live up to but isn't sure he wants to from the cult that already used, used up, and discarded his father before him.
Let Damian see how destructive the things he thinks of as normal can be for someone who wasn't raised in it, who has a reference point for what "normal" even is. Let Duke see how hard it is to fight that kind of ingrained behavior, even when you already know how very not normal it actually is, especially when isolated & put under extreme pressure. Both of them get to re-contextualize Damian's past, gain an understanding of eachother's perspectives on it, and come out better brothers for it; Duke a little more forgiving & protective, Damian a little more willing to question his assumptions & rely on his connections (especially Duke) to help him adjust.
Let Jean-Paul go back to his fucking life with serious support from a superhero-level therapist when its all done. Proving that it's possible to survive & move past even the worst of things, though you coming out unchanged is nigh impossible (he'll never be able to look back on his childhood the same way again, after all. All those memories with his father are tainted knowing his father was planning for Jean-Paul to turn into a mindless weapon for the cult of St Dumas one day.)
Also, gives the boys a fully civilian friend who actually understands what they're going through. Had a fight with the family, need a sympathetic but uninvested ear? Crawl through the window of Jean-Paul's tiny studio apartment and interrupt his homework to rant about what's been going on, then crash on his couch or something while he finishes his homework.
I think that'd be nice.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Photo 3 by Davy Jones, photo 4 by Paul Undersinger.
“[Peter’s] really a genius, a prolific musician — he plays about seven instruments.” - Micky Dolenz, Record Mirror, February 11, 1967
“[Peter is] an incredible musician. [..] And he's a genius, the man is a genius at music. As I said, Peter was — and is — a genius in music. And he got very frustrated because he wasn’t able to satisfy himself creatively. And Mike felt the same way. […] Peter is writing, he’s writing songs. He’s an incredible songwriter. And if you’re watching, dummy, get some publishing because you’re a great songwriter.” - Micky Dolenz, Tomorrow with Tom Snyder, 1977
“[N]o one of us really supported any of the others except that — that I like to think that I tried to support Micky in a way which, for some reason, he never did pick up on. I mean, I think that Micky has a certain kind of genius that he was never able to acknowledge in himself.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters radio, September 1989
“Peter is the best rock guitarist around today. He plays about ten instruments in all — just about everything with strings. Mike and I also play guitars, although we are not in Peter’s class.” - Davy Jones, Melody Maker, January 14, 1967
“Peter Tork has to be one of the best guitarists around — he can cut anybody on guitar. He plays about 10 instruments — banjo, uke, the lot.” - Davy Jones, The Ottawa Journal, January 20, 1967
“Hey listen, fair is fair. They laugh and joke about that [‘Lady’s Baby’]. OK, it cost as much to do I think as ‘Good Vibrations.’ They were laughing about Peter Tork, but that [song] is a true-to-life thing. He was living with a woman [Karen Harvey] at the time and she had a little baby [Justin Hammer] and that changed his life, you know? That gave him something to think about. He was being downtrodden by the studio in regard to his recording and his playing and his songs and everything else, but the guy was the salt of the earth. It wasn’t just Hare Krishna, waterbeds and brown rice. That guy was a very, very accomplished musician. He needed magic to be able to do get in and do ‘Lady’s Baby.’ It’s a nice song. It’s true. It’s got the warmth and everything of what he was living. ‘Lady’s Baby’ touches me, lets me know that I am free, whatever it is. I remember it so well. It’s a real tune, you know? I love it.” - Davy Jones, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story of the ‘60s TV Pop Sensation (2005)
“Well, Davy’s always been a man of great talent and heart and I had just been hoping to work with him some more. He had such talent. He was probably the most talented of us all. He certainly had the best pitch and the best time. He should probably have been the drummer or the bass player of something. He should have been in the rhythm section. It’s kind of amazing – the two guys with the best time in the band weren’t in the rhythm section [laughs]. That was a little weird, looking back. And he was so able – there was just nothing he couldn’t do. I remember once in the middle of a tour, we said, ‘Well, we want to do this song, and we want to do it this way. But we’re missing a bass player. Davy, here’s a bass. Put your fingers here and pluck this string there.’ Next thing you knew, he was playing bass on stage like that night or two nights later or something. It was nothing major – he wasn’t popping strings and doing runs and fills, but he was laying down a bass and it was solid – it was solid. And that kind of ability is, I think, what I’m going to miss … what I’m sorriest to see go.” - Peter Tork, LeHigh Valley Live, June 2012
“I have a great deal of respect for Mike as a musician and a songwriter. He’s very good. He could make it on his own easily. Also he’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met.” - Peter Tork, Flip, August 1967
"Nesmith is an astounding artist, and he’s very funny." - Peter Tork, Monkees Convention Q&A, 1982
“I still have a lot of respect for Michael.” - Peter Tork, WDBB, February 2006
“There are two common and, to me, repugnant notions about the Monkees. Number one, that I was the only one who had any talent, which is patently absurd. It’s as unfair and as unkind as it is stupid. The other one is that I was the only musician. I wasn’t the only musician and I wasn’t much of a musician. Peter was a much more skillful player than I was by some orders of magnitude.” - Michael Nesmith, The Monkees Tale (1989)
"Everyone was accomplished – the notion I was the only musician is one of those rumors that got started and won't stop – but it was not true. Peter was a more accomplished player than I by an order of magnitude, Micky and Davy played and sang and danced and understood music." - Michael Nesmith, Rolling Stone, March 8, 2012
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