#dwayne the lost boys x reader
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tac-the-unseen · 8 months ago
how slasher reacts that s/o is rude and hot-tempered with everyone but with him he becomes sweet and kind ?? (pleaseee do Tommy)
Slashers x Rude Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•Honestly whatever
•He thinks it's a little funny when you're sassy or bitchy with people
•He chill with almost whatever you do
•Loves feeling like He's the only person in your world (He's toxic like that)
•giving only him your affection sends every happy chemical to his brain
•No matter what your relationship, He wants to be the only one
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•You give these boys whiplash
•One second you're yelling at somebody, and the next you're giggling and laughing with them
•However watching you blow up at a guy for flirting with you is enough to make them stay
•If you're also a Ghostface, they're putting you on phone duty. They love your sassy one-liners
•They both back you up all the time, whether you're wrong or right
•these boys are real ride or dies (You did watch the movie right?)
Thomas Hewitt:
•He has no idea how you can switch up so fast
•He loves how kind you are to him, But watching you be mean to everybody else makes his head spin
•On one hand he loves being around you, and you are truly his best friend. On the other, he doesn't know How you even became friends in the first place at times
•Your smile is enough to remind him though
•But he also knows that your mouth is going to get you in trouble, So he's double protective
Bubba Sawyer:
•Another case of whiplash
•But at least you get to stand up and fit in with his brothers
•they're the rudest people he knows, So at least he knows that you're truly part of the family
•And someone has to tell the cashier he ordered no pickles, And it's not going to be him
•Loves seeing your ‘soft’ side (It makes him feel special and trusted)
Bo Sinclair:
•Loves it
•Couldn’t be more proud
•Watching you snap at travelers is enough to put hearts in his eyes
•He cheers you on while you verbally brawl with others
•Sometimes wishes you're that bitchy with him (But then he remembers all the people you made cry, and prefers not to be on that receiving end)
Vincent Sinclair:
•A little unsettled by the deja vu he gets
•You remind him so much of his brother that it bothers him to a degree
•Then you're so sweet to him and he forgets that feeling for a while
•However he will have a mini crisis by how many rude people are in his life….or were
•Asks you to try and be a little nicer to people, while also giving you permission to have screaming matches with Bo (You leave poor Lester out of it!)
Lester Sinclair:
•He kind of needs someone to stand up for him
•someone has to set his brother's straight, and it sure ain't going to be him
•views you like a guard dog
•He's so grateful for it too
•Tries to repay you by taking you the scenic routes if you tag along with him for work
Billy Lenz:
•Whenever he's fed up he hands you the phone line
•Another slasher that cheers you on
•Scream at the sorority girls all you want, no matter what he'll be behind you with imaginary pom-poms
•And when you turn around and look at him with affection, it makes him melt
•Will be snuggled up to your mid section with you curse a bitch out
•If you literally weren't the only person in his life, you'd be a little concerned that you are his comfort person
Brahms Heelshire:
•as long as you're not rude to him, whatever
•kind of loves it, but will not admit it
•It makes him less prone to jump out and grab people
•Will still snatch a hoe if needed, but he loves to watch you take care of ‘pests’
•Sassing the grocery Boy is a sure way to get Brahms to do whatever you want
•It just makes him feel secure, heard, and understood
Hannibal Lecter:
•Be honest with yourself
•You do not have Will Graham privileges
•You're going in the soup
•om nom nom nom 😋
Will Graham:
•another case of: whatever don't care
•(Not) The rudest couple in town
•You've both mastered the “Bitch Please” Look
•Hannibal tries telling Will that you are bad influence, Will doesn't listen and does not care
•you're as sweetest can be to him and feed his puppies, that is enough for him
The Lost Boys:
•You fit right in
•What other possible qualifications would you need to have to join the residential sassy vampire biker club??
•Watching you curse out a clumsy Tourist makes their day
•David Loves to stand back and watch you ruin a sleazy dudes day
•Dwayne tries to reel you in when you go to far, but will mostly let you do your thing
•Paul and Marko Are your personal cheerleaders through and through! Right or wrong!
•But walking around the boardwalk, terrorizing tourists, spending time together in the cave, and overall spending time with them Really solidifies your place in the gang!
Thanks for Reading!
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miss-multi45 · 1 month ago
YAY!! i'm so glad you are gonna start writing for the lost boys!! would you mind writing some headcannons about what each one of them would be like in a relationship? like what their good qualities and bad qualities would be with a partner?
two seconds after I posted it. you were lying in wait and watching my lost boys reposts. cutie patootie
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possessive, it's in a vampire's nature but even more so because, come on, it's david.
calls you stuff like kitten, puppy, pup, pretty, princess/prince, little monster.
if you're standing up in the cave he'll wheel towards you and drag you into his lap.
unconsciously squeezes your waist when that happens.
will carry you away fireman style if you've been talking to someone that isn't him for a lil too long.
the only other bike he lets you ride on other than his is dwayne's.
will give you hickies and bites in public and glare if anyone looks.
shoves his face into your neck and bites you while you're doing literally anything.
nicknames he calls you are woman, girl, pretty, mama, baby.
we all know he's large, he'd defo put his hand on your lower tummy just to give you butterflies.
speaking of, the man is a tummy, ass and thighs man, you can't tell me he wouldn't appreciate a thick girl.
absolutely lifts you by your hips onto his bike.
kisses the back of your neck to send shivers down your spine.
his hobbies and interests include flustering you and making ur pussy wet.
please fuck me.
drags his hand along your lower back when he walks past you.
calls you sunshine, babe, mama, baby, sugar.
crackhead boyfriend. not because him and the others sometimes do drugs but because he is so unhinged.
firm believer he is neurodivergent.
rests his head on your shoulder.
drums his fingers on your body to the beat of whatever song is playing in the cave at that moment.
tit man. will stare at them even if you're not wearing something that shows much cleavage and drool if you are.
if you're dating him you're likely also dating marko, so have fun with the terror twins.
italian and oh my god he will praise you so hard in italian.
like it's so obvious through the white tank top he wears.
has really sexy arms.
nicknames for you are dove, venus, bella, sweet girl, baby, italian petnames i can't remember.
talks to his pigeons about you.
gently runs his nails along your thighs and sides if you're sitting next to him or on his lap.
you will wake up with his face nuzzling your neck.
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thelostboyslove-ect · 7 months ago
Tour Mates (The Lost Boys X Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
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(Hello, Hi, How ya goin. So I have been lurking in the Lost Boys fandom for over a year now and have been feral for these boys for far too long to not have an insane amount of ideas about them. So as if this movie didn't have a strong enough chokehold on me already, it led me to write my first ever fic. I have no idea if it's any good, but I hope someone out there at least enjoys the vision. This will be multiple chapters cause I can't shut up. Behold! Whatever this is!
P.S. I know Dwayne and his actor aren’t actually 6’7. But ya girl is 5’10 and may have a small size kink and this is my fic😤So let a girl live.)
Pairing: The Lost Boys x Fem!Reader (Poly Lost Boys implied)
Work count: 1208
Warnings: Darker Fic, misogyny, sexism, allusions to sex, allusions to murder, the boys being whores. Smut in future chapters.
Summary: You had always wanted nothing more than to be in a band and share your music with the world, and you were finally on your way to doing so. If only your band was big enough to do it alone.
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You had always wanted to be a musician. Always. Ever since you could remember. From a child when you would sit and listen to whatever music your dad loved, making you guess titles and quiz you on the bands. From when you were a preteen and had the freedom to branch out to whole new styles of music you had never heard, buying records with what little money you could save. From when you got a guitar on your thirteenth birthday and played every moment you could after school and every chance on the weekends. From when you were fifteen and your friends made the choice to form a band. And from when you made the promise that very day that you would be the most legendary band in history.
While you were yet to be the most legendary band in history, for now, you were finally making moves. You were nowhere near Motely Crue, but you were getting somewhere. After years of writing, months upon months of being in studios, and all the savings you could muster. You finally had the money, the managers, and the following to go on tour. Your dream was coming true. If only there wasn’t one slight, incredibly frustrating, and immensely infuriating problem.
While you had the monetary ability to tour and quite the following, you weren’t quite big enough to tour on your OWN. Enter stage left the current bain of your existence—The Lost Boys. A Californian glam rock heavy metal band just starting to find their feet os so luckily at the same time as you. The band consisted of David the lead singer, a dominant man who truly embodied the idea of a frontman. Marko the bassist - the secondhand man to David as they had said themselves which had been proven multiple times with the way Marko seemed to wait on David hand and foot, never seeming to be too far behind him. Paul the lead guitarist, a wild chaotic lady’s man who always smelt of weed where it may be his erratic behavior took him. And last but DEFINITELY not least Dwayne. The drummer, an imposing 6’7 man who seemed to be made of muscle, with an intense gaze that could make anyone feel immense fear or simply melt depending on his mood.
At first, it had seemed perfect. They were nice, if not slightly flirty (aka clawing to get into your pants from the get go) and your bandmates got along brilliantly with them. You loved their music and it matched your sound really well. It was the ideal situation. That was until maybe a month into the tour. You could understand the excitement for a while, the booze, the drugs, the women, the partying. You’d be a hypocrite if you had blamed them for enjoying those things seeing as you had partaken in them yourself. But you thought that maybe after a little while that they would maybe calm down a bit. But they seemed pretty dead set on sticking to their band's slogan of sleeping all day and partying all night. Which you would respect if it wasn’t for the fact that it was impacting your ability to sleep at all, and in turn, your ability to play.
Now it was already hard being a woman in the rock industry, but being the only woman on an otherwise all-male tour? That came with a whole nother set of problems. You had been called every misogynistic name under the sun. Constantly told you couldn’t play, which your predicament was only adding fuel to the fire. Even more, you had your fair share of being told that the only reason that any of the boys kept you around on the tour, is so that they can have someone around as a backup to fuck on the nights they can't pull any groupies. A sleazy stand-in kept in reserve for desperate nights.
This is where the resentment began. You obviously didn’t care about anyone on tour sleeping around or bringing people back to the hotels, it came with the territory, and your boys did it pretty regularly. But the lost boys were seemingly insatiable. Bringing groups of fawning girls back to their (weirdly) shared hotel room every single night. Of course, this word spread and they inevitably got nothing but praise for their man whore behavior. As where you had been branded a slut for so much as picking up a guitar and being in a band. You had even only made out with one man on the entirety of the tour! The opportunity to go any further being ruined by the band in question themselves when they stumbled across you and refused to leave, glowering at the man till he took his hands off of you and left. A strange situation but nonetheless frustrating. The resentment only grew as the situation began to affect you in other ways than just your image and reputation.
When the boys would bring these girls back to their room it would always go the same. At some ridiculous hour of the morning you would hear the drunken love-struck giggles of the group of girls they had chosen for the night, followed by the strong voice of David beckoning them into the room, insisting for them to make themselves at home, to even shed a few layers to get comfortable, which would inevitably be followed by whooping and hollering from the other boys and then the music would start blaring. But no matter how loud they would blast the music you could always still hear the giggling, which would turn to moaning, which would turn to shrieking. You had to admit the first few nights, hell even to this day, it sometimes frightens you. Sometimes the screams just don’t seem as pleasurable as they should. Sometimes they are…almost blood-curdling. Like someone losing a fight for their life. But you know that’s just your imagination running wild, because just inevitably as the girls being there every night, the moaning would return. Always just the boys though, but you always imagined they had just fucked the girls out so much that they didn’t have the energy to make much noise.
These nightly occurrences would not bother you if it weren’t for the fact that while they were up and causing chaos, you were up and unable to sleep. Which for the first few weeks, was fine, but now nearing a month and a half of borderline sleepless nights due to the proclivities of your tour mates, you were starting to come undone. You didn’t have the luxury of sleeping all day, so naps in your dressing room were having to suffice and that would inevitably have an effect on your performance. You can't remember the last time you got through a show and didn’t mess up at least a segment or two from a few songs.
But after all of that what had been your final straw, was the boys being AWARE of the effects their actions had on you. They HAD to be from the way they had taunted you, teased you. The acts had become more frequent as the days went on. And ton your aggravation, harder to forget about.
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arenpath · 2 years ago
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Dating Dwayne Aesthetic
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bonniebird · 2 years ago
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Dwayne x Fem!Reader
Requested by @shadowcatgirl09
Make a request
Request: Okay first one! Can I get Dwayne (TLB) plus a female reader with "Are you trying to trap me against the wall? You’re a little small for that."
Read on Wattpad
Read on AO3
Warnings: mild smut, implied smut
You heard them before you saw them. The rumble of bikes across the beach grew louder and louder until they darted into sight and parked up where they usually did. Several people had to hop out of their way to avoid getting hit by the bikes.
Their raucous laughter and whooping echoed around several shop owners on the boardwalk hurried to shoo people out of their stores so they could close before they managed to get in. But a few of them weren’t so quick. You didn’t bother. They always managed to get in somehow. Like they could crawl into the cracks. Hurrying, so they wouldn’t know that you were watching, you sat down behind the till and threw your feet up on the counter. You casually flipped through a comic book you’d been given by the kids a few stores down. You could never tell if they were twins, brothers or two friends that were always together. You didn’t really care enough to inquire.
“Well, well, well.” Paul said as he strolled into the store. He flicked at the nick-nacks on the small rickety shelves as Marko pushed past him. Marko, the littlest of the group, didn’t seem to make as much trouble as the others. Though you were certain it was because he would steal as much as he could fit in his pockets every time he was on the boardwalk. You weren’t paid enough to do anything about that so you paid it no mind and watched Dwayne over the top of your comic. He entered behind Paul and muttered something to him. The two of them snickered and muttered as Dwayne looked over at you. Your eyes flicked down which was how you spotted Marko out of the corner of your eye. He’d snuck round the counter, quiet as anything, and managed to get a closer look at the more expensive trinkets in the cabinet under your feet. You startled slightly which made Dwayne and Paul laugh. Marko merely looked up at you as if he was unsure what could have possibly made you jump. Though he smiled slyly to himself after he turned away. He had absolutely done that on purpose and routed you out from behind the counter.
“I thought you quit.” Dwayne said as he and Paul split. The store was small. Really with the three lines of shelves you, Paul and Dwayne could barely stand shoulder to shoulder. It always smelled musty and damp no matter what anyone did. The store sold hippy stuff, stones, plastic toys and cheap crap marked up three times what it was worth. The tourists bought into it but any local would turn their nose up at the store. 
“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t.” You answered quickly. Paul chuckled and turned to Marko, leaning over the counter.
“Either you did or you didn’t. You’re still here aren’t you?” He pressed. You sighed and shrugged. 
“Only until he finds someone else.” You answered quickly. 
“Is he even looking?” Dwayne asked as he leaned on the shelf above your head. It rocked and dropped something heavy next to Paul who yelled. Marko quickly snatched up whatever it was judging by the scurrying sounds and the way he and Paul hurried out, clearly holding something large under their jackets.
“You’re going to have to pay for that.” You said as you turned to Dwayne who grinned.
“Pay for what?” He tried to turn and leave as well but you darted under his arm and blocked the way. The two of you danced around like that for several more minutes until you almost had him trapped against the sliding metal door of the shop.
“Are you trying to trap me against the wall? You’re a little small for that.” Dwayne said with amusement. He chuckled at the determined face you made and let you back him against the metal door which rattled loudly at the contact. Unsure of what to do next you pointed an accusing finger at him, jabbing it against his bare chest. He watched with amusement letting you get closer and glare up at him. He leaned down, white teeth flashing in the low light of the small stall. “Then again. You seem pretty tough for something so small.” 
“I am!” You answered quickly. His proximity made you swallow nervously and your stomach fluttered. He chuckled to himself and leaned in more. 
“Hmm.” He said and held your gaze as he smiled. “You’re going to find I don’t make good prey.” 
Suddenly the nerves snapped and you serged towards him. Lips on his hands pressed against his shoulders as you slammed him against the metal door so hard you thought it would fall off its flimsy rail. For a moment you were in control. Until his mouth consumed yours, hands spread across your back to crush you against him, lifting you off the floor until your tiptoes struggled to touch the ground. He turned and trapped you, caught in his arms you felt yourself give in as he broke the kiss, trailing affectionate nips down to your neck, his teeth grazing the soft, warm skin as one of his hands slid down your body and into the front of your denim shorts. You gasped, the small sound drowned out by the roar of the boardwalk outside. 
Dwayne tags:
@gillybear17@ravennoore14@the-caravello-post@killing-gremlin@aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18@lchufflepuffcorn @skylermoyer
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man-moth-hook-hand · 2 years ago
Last but not least, bbg Dwayne
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I tried to make him goth but those skills are beyond me. He's a low matinence gal.
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p4r4syte · 6 months ago
if youre cold, theyre cold. Let Them In.
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whitlocklibrary · 2 months ago
𓉸ྀི ✩₊˚.☪︎ ⁺₊✧
🃜 pairing : Poly! Lost Boys × Vamp! Female! Reader
🃜 fandom: the lost boys × reader
🃜 summary: Reader is a newly turned vampire and mated toThe Lost Boys. She was turned a few months before Micheal arrived. And the day that Frog Brothers come with the Emerson’s the Reader decided to sleep with her mates. And in their haste to rid Santa Carla of the Vampires they make a grave mistake. (No use of Y/n)
🃜 Word Count:2.7k
𓉸ྀི ✩₊˚.☪︎ ⁺₊✧
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𓉸ྀི ✩₊˚.☪︎ ⁺₊✧
The cave was quiet, the only sound being the waves hitting the rocks outside. All of the inhabitants of the cave peacefully sleeping, well almost all of them. Something instinctual, deep in your gut and the back of your mind is telling you somethings not right. Slipping through the dark fog in the faint chime of hushed whispers. Voices exchanging softly, all dim and low like they were sharing secrets.
It has you pushing your face deeper into David’s neck in an attempt to muffle out the sounds, desperate to escape fully back into the comfort of a deep sleep.
You usually slept in a bed that wasn’t far from where the boys slept, while Star and Laddie slept in the more open part of the cave. Something in your mind told you to sleep with the boys, so you listened to it.
When you arrived back at the cave after feeding, you were brought to where they slept. There was a little arguing over who you slept with,but something was telling you to sleep with David. So you stopped them from arguing,and they all climbed up to the bar they hang from. Dwanye stayed on the ground with you, so you had help getting to David. Once David is settled he opens his arms for you, and with a kiss to your head Dwanye helps you wrap yourself around David. Once you’re settled David wrapped his arms around your waist, letting you tuck yourself into his hold.
It’s still daytime. Something deep in your gut and the back of your mind assures that the sun is still high up in the sky, scorching and hot. An intuition that you still don't quite understand, but it has your limbs turning heavy and lax, muscles relaxing in David’s hold Your exhaustion has you numb to the world, the delicate rhythm of the waves crashing outside the cave muting down into nothing, the sound of the quiet voices vanishing.It must be two of the boys. Awake already. It would strike you as odd on any other circumstance, and to a degree it does, but your sluggish brain is quick to let go of that train of thought.
The insistence that something is wrong fading into an ignorable afterthought. The scuffle of shoes along dust and stone ignites a tremble down the notches of your spine, as though your body is begging for you to wake up and investigate while it simultaneously sinks further into David’s tight hold.
Something isn't right, something isn't right.
It's like a chant. A primal whisper that coils through your bones and sinew. Leftovers from your ancestors, remnants of the instincts that had kept them alive long ago, but it all seems null and void against the fatigue that seems to press you down like a physical weight. Even while hidden away from the sun it seems to sap you of all your strength.
It's impossible to even try to rouse yourself. Its as though you're held under water. The strength of that debilitating exhaustion sweeps back over you, making the sound of the angry, masculine voice that rises up high within the cave, reverberating from the dust covered stone, dim and distant. As though it's miles away.
“I feel a draft. I think there’s something up here.” You hear from far-away, murky and vague.
“Let’s check it out Sam.” Another voice.
“I’ll be right back Mike.” A third voice. Mike. Mike. That sounds familiar from somewhere - someone. A name mentioned in passing. Mike. Michael. A discussion carried on by the boys while they were all encircled around one of the burn barrels one night. So casual while they considered the fate of a complete stranger as though they were discussing dinner and not the destiny of a man's soul. Some sap that had apparently caught the eye of Star. She hadn't wanted it to go far, but then again, it's never supposed to go that far. But David wanted the guy dead. He was meant to be her first, she hadn't been able to do it. 
A wave of muddled scents breaks past the barrier of the rotting wood. Unfamiliar and thick, coated with cologne and shampoo that you don't recognize. All of it twisting with something even more out of place here. Something alive. Heat and life and blood. Iron, warmth, and salt. It's distinctly human. Living. The alarms go off in your head. Raging and flashing red in a way that's violent. And a bright light flashes behind your eyelids.
“JESUS.” One of the voices yells, another one screams before being cut off. Your eyes blink, lashes fluttering as you try to fight the sleep weighing your lids down. Your vision blurs a little, straining through the exhaustion, but then you notice the three figures standing below. They're children. Looking lost, dressed in camo and gear as though they've prepared to fight a war. One has his hand wrapped around the mouth of the blonde child muffling his scream. Wide blue eyes reflecting a visible panic while he stumbles back away from the other two. Another swears, cursing sharply under his breath while he flinches. But it's the one closest to you that moves. His dog tags glinting and chiming from a movement so sharp that it had to be a reflex, but the determination burning in his eyes is purposeful. 
“I thought they were supposed to be in coffins.”
“That’s what this cave is. One giant coffin.” The one with the bandanna says as he moved with the other one dressed in camo. They begin to climb up the wood beside your group.
“They’re at their most vulnerable. Easy pickings.”
“You just have to kill the leader huh.”
“We don’t know which on he is. We’ll kill them all.”
“We’ll start with her. She’s already seen us.” They say as the climb closer to where you’re hanging with David. An animal kind of panic tears through you, lighting up your nerves like lives wires, electricity and adrenaline burning through your veins with the white heat of fire. You try to move and wake up David, but your limbs struggle, sleep thawing in your tired arms and legs.
"Kill her, kill her!" One shouts all while the blonde in the background yells at them to stop, but it falls on deaf ears. The boy wielding the stake lunges forward with a war cry. You manage to wiggle slightly in David’s hold.
“David wake up!” A panicked shout rips from your throat, but David remains sleeping.
"The bitch is trying to wake them, you gotta get her before they wake up," someone shouts in a panicked rush. You continue to squirm in David’s hold trying to get the two of you away from the teenagers. Poised in the air, high above the boy's head in an arch. There's hardly any time to act and fear sinks in your gut, chilled and frozen as he drives it down with all the strength he has in his body; his lips curled in a hateful snarl. He's going to kill you. This is it. This is how you die. Your mind screams it over and over again on a broken loop, but your body acts all on its own. It twists so David’s unconscious body turns away from the stake,and your heart is away from the point.
There's no time to rejoice when the stake is already piercing your skin. It sinks in deep, parting flesh and muscle beneath its lethal point. The boy collapses and tips over the side of the ledge that they were standing on. You don't initially realize that you're screaming. You feel it first. The strength of your agonized wail shreds up your throat as though you've swallowed nails, but that pain is secondary to the fire and anguish pulsing through your shoulder. The stake is still wedged inside of your back, burrowing past skin and meat, prying at your shoulder blade like it means to rip it free from the sinew keeping it intact with the other bones. You're bleeding. You can smell it, sharp and distinct in the panicked air. The pain is crippling. Ripping and engulfing, eating up your spine.
The boy with the blue bandana wrapped around his head is stepping forward, already clasping a stake in a white-knuckled hold. The resolve in his eyes is haunting. The desire to kill you fervent and glaring in his stare. That's all it takes to have your voice spilling from you, rising up in another terrified shout.
"Say your prayers bloodsucker." He practically spits it out, lips twisting in a grimace as he moves forward preparing to stake you again. And then combined hissing and snarling fills the pit as the boys awaken. They finally awoke to your shouts and the smell of your blood. Four sets of yellow eyes focus in on the three humans in front of them as snarls fill the air.
"Guys, guys, we gotta go." It's the blonde that's repeating it over and over as he sees the vampires awaks, stumbling over his words while he jerks on the other's arms. They give in without any resistance. Fear alive and bright in their eyes, even while the kid with the bandana points his stake in your direction and tosses a quick "This isn't over" at you as the three of them take off in a brisk jumble in the direction that they came from.
The growls from within the cavern raise up higher as the boys realize what happened and it has the kids in a full-blown panic. Tripping over their feet in an ungraceful run as they try and reach the opening of the cave. Your body trembles and your head rolls forward onto the snarling David’s chest.
You can feel your lung snag and pinch as though it's being burned from the inside out, catching on the point of the stake when you inhale. It has you crying, a tear managing to trickle free as your ribcage shudders violently as you gasp. 
You don't want to take your eyes off of them, desperate to track their panicked flee, but your eyes cloud over. Stars dot your vision, spotting and flickering in shifting colors as a vignette blurs around the corners of your sight. You feel the world spin as David jumps down from the bar and lands on his feet. You still cradled against his chest. Three more thumps follow as the rest of the boys land behind. Iron coats your tongue. Thick and wet. Bursting up from the back of your throat while you try to breathe, spitting up with each labored inhale. You can feel your life waning. The strength diminishing, shrinking under your skin. Dying out like a flame that's being smothered. Whimpers spill from your lips as your carefully laid on your bed. You can hear the sound of claws ripping across the earth as two of the vampires tear their way out of the chasm like creatures pouring out of hell.
You hear muffled screams and shouts. The dull thud of hysterical footsteps as they rush to escape before death can seize them. You hear David's bellow roll throughout the cave, crashing over the screams from the horrified children. The loud chaos of it all grows dim - distant as they're no doubt running up the mouth of the cave while Paul's laugh rings out from somewhere far away. 
It makes you jump when a pair of hands smooth over your shoulders, light like a caress, but you can still feel a heavy tremble run through the fingers. A voice hums out, cooing softly to hush you when a strangled sob wrangles out from your body. The way they handle you is delicate, softly turning you over onto your hip and lifting you up to cradle you against their chest as though you might shatter into a million pieces otherwise. Breathing past the wet iron to try and notice the traces of spice and earth and musk. 
It was Dwanye. You try to say his name, but your throat tightens, choking on blood. You can feel his fingers grip your bicep, holding you still and you know that he's looking at the stake punctured deep in your flesh. His hold is nowhere close to the to the wound and yet it flares pain across your nerves, making you twist in his arms while a gutted sob wracks from your body. 
"I know, I know, love. I know,but I have to take it out" he says into your hair. It's difficult to hear his voice past the roaring in your ears, but once the words make it past the hum. It's like you can feel the agony already, simmering and slicing across your fried nerves like the edge of razor blades.
“Marko! I’m gonna need your help. ” He calls and you can hear another person coming. And then a gloved hand is cradling your face. The glove was cold against your skin as the hand tilts your head back from where it was tucked against Dwayne’s shoulder. It makes your lashes flutter, and you have to force yourself to keep your eyes open with how heavy they've grown, weighing heavy and threatening to slip closed.
“If we don’t remove it. You’ll die baby.” Marko says. There's a protest lodged somewhere in your mouth, slick from the blood and caught on a broken gasp, but you don't have time try and voice it.
“I’m gonna hold her still you pull it out.” Dwanye says as his grip around you tightens. Marko nods, gripping the stake in his hand and pulls. You want to scream, but there's no air left in your lungs for you to do so, and all that makes it out is a ragged, splintered gasp. 
Scorching hot pain pours in your veins as he rips the wood from your shoulder. It slices ribbons up your spine, feeling bone deep and white-hot, acid lashing up your muscles.You thrash in Dwayne’s lap, the grip around you tightening and pinning you against his chest. Marko continues to pull the stake from your shoulder, and there’s hardly any relief once its out. The damage it's done is still agonizing, coiling through your muscles. It's as though the flesh on your back has been flayed.
You can faintly hear the clatter of the stake hitting the stone walls. As the two fuss over you, David and Paul rush back into the area where your bed is.
“How is she?” There's a rawness to his voice, a breathless edge despite the non-necessity of breathing.
“She needs to feed.” Dwanye says. “She won’t make it to sundown.”
David stalks forward while dragging his nail across his wrist. He kneels beside your bed and presses his wrist against your lips. You clasp your fingers around his arm, digging into the aged leather of his jacket. Your teeth bury themselves into his arm as his blood pours down your throat. You feel a hand stroking your head as you feed on his blood. Life floods back into you with each gulp, syrupy and warm. The hole made in the split meat and torn flesh of your back begins to mend in a sluggish process, stunted. You’re cradled protectively between Dwayne and David as Paul and Marko hover around the two.
Paul leans over and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Did you get them?"  Dwayne asks.
The thick silence that follows gives Marko and Dwayne their answer. And twin snarls rip out of their throats.
“They’re dead.”
“And they will be. They will be.” David says with a snarl.
“Marko when nightfall hits I want you and Dwayne to go hunt. She’ll need an actual feeding and we’ll need our full strength.” David says as he continues to stroke your hair, letting you have your fill of his blood. He wanted to make sure your wound was healed.
“Paul you’ll be staying here with her while we go take care of the little pests.” Paul nods as he sits on the edge of your bed by your head.
“They’ll regret touching our mate.” They all say as your wound completely healed and you pulled away from David’s wrist sagging against Dwayne as exhaustion took over. The boys continued to plan their attack as you fell into a deep sleep.
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tac-the-unseen · 9 months ago
The Lost boys x Reader bathing headcanons
Slight NSFW
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•There are a couple ways the boys bathe
•there's actually a giant pool in the back of the cave that's connected to the ocean via tunnels
•Sometimes they just use a public restroom to freshen up. But they use the caves pool more often
•they have it completely decked out
•Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body scrub, bath bombs, loofahs, everything
•And they take bath time very seriously
•It's a time no one play fights or really even speaks
•It's scary quiet
•All of them turn uncharacteristically soft and gentle with each other. They take their time bathing and washing each other
•While it's started with David's ‘No splashing’ Rule it turned to really soft and romantic
•It's a bonding/mate/pack activity they all value and look forward to
•Vampire Bats Bond with each other by grooming and cleaning off debris
•All of them turn uncharacteristically soft and gentle with each other
•Paul and Marko shut up for once in their unnatural lives, Dwayne and David are unnaturally touchy
•They all want to wash you off and expect the same from you
•Is there some (not so) light groping and touching but it only goes farther when the bath is done
•David loves to wash your face
•Dwayne loves to wash your hair
•Paul loves to wash your chest
•Marko loves to wash your arms and waist
•They all enjoy you washing them anywhere but do have specific spots they love you washing
•David loves when you wash his chest, it makes him feel strong and masculine
•Dwayne and Paul like it when you wash their hair, They both like that it feels very intimate (And they need a little help washing all that hair)
•Marko likes it when you wash his back, he feels safe and strong
•David has Charcoal shampoo
•Dwayne has Cinnamon and Apple shampoo
•Paul has Mint and chocolate Shampoo
•Marko has Lavender and coconut Shampoo
•They do try and mix the scents together to use it on you, when you refuse the horrible concoction, they pout a bit but respect it
•Afterward they dry each other off and drag themselves to the nest to cuddle (whether they are clothed or not is based off on how tired they are)
•The smell of weed, leather, sweat, and hair gel comes back the next night
Thanks for reading <3
I'm still working on the requests! I just take a long time on one-shot! Promise, they're coming out soon!
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justnatoka · 6 months ago
...and consequences
Poly! The Lost Boys x GN! Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Prompt: "You are all remarkably well behaved tonight. What did you do?"
Summary: The boys decide to take matters into their own hands.
Part 2/2
Previous Part
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It’s been a few days since the boys came to the diner, and you started to get slightly anxious. Sure, it’s not like they visited you every night before, but based on how you had to part ways last time, you feared they weren’t coming back. Maybe they got tired of your manager’s bullshit and decided it just wasn’t worth it. Even though you thought you had something going on between you and them, maybe you were the only one who started developing feelings. When they didn’t show up on the third night either, you felt like they abandoned you. So you decided to keep your head down and distract yourself with the monotony of work.
There was just one problem. You still had to interact with your manager, which was a challenge given that he was the cause of all this. In the following days you made sure to make him wait a few seconds every time he called your name, always dragging your feet a bit when he gave you a new task to complete. It was childish, but it made you feel a bit better knowing that you caused him mild irritation all day. It’s not like he could do much about it, you still did your job right, completed everything he told you to. It was a small and pretty harmless way to show him your disdain.
At first you thought it was your actions that had him on edge, but after you witnessed him literally jump out of fright when a customer accidentally sneaked up on him to ask him a question, you knew it had to be something else. You noticed him eyeing the door all night, flinching every time the bell chimed above it. Not to mention how he got more and more nervous when closing time drew closer. You always left a few minutes before him, since it was his duty to lock up, and you could have sworn you saw his hand shake last night as he waved you goodnight.
Another peculiar thing was that he started to be nicer to you. Sure, he wasn’t exactly friendly, but it’s been days since he chastised you for something, and his backhanded comments had also stopped. You had no idea what was going on with him, but you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
On a night exactly one week since the incident, the bell chimed like usual, and when you looked up to greet the new customer, your heart missed a beat. Paul and Marko was grinning at you from where they stood, the latter even waving enthusiastically, David and Dwayne behind them, all of them handsome as ever. You felt a bright smile grow on your face, and you couldn’t contain your excitement as you walked up to them.
“Well look who decided to finally show up,” you greeted them.
“Hi babe, did you miss us?” You felt something warm swell in your chest as Paul asked the same question he did last time.
“You know what, Paulie? I actually did miss you guys.” His eyes seemed to shine just a tad brighter. “Where have you been?”
They took their seat at their usual booth before David levelled you with a curious look.
“We had some pest problem that needed to be taken care of,” he answered, his word choice sounding strangely purposeful.
The four of them shared glances and smiles with each other, and now you were sure there was some hidden meaning that you weren’t privy to.
“How about you, sugar? Everything okay with work?” Marko asked casually, and for a second it seemed like all of them were awaiting your answer with bated breaths.
“Everything’s fine, the customers are mostly nice, and even my boss seemed to lay off his pestering lately. I have no idea what’s gotten into him,” you admitted. There was a noticeable shift in the air around them, as if some unseen tension dissolved all of a sudden.
But now that you mentioned him, you remembered that your manager must be fuming by now, staring daggers at your group. Looking over your shoulder, you were surprised when you didn’t see him anywhere. You shrugged it off and took their order. Going back to the kitchen, there was still no sight of him. It was odd, as he was usually watching them through the window in the kitchen door. While waiting for their food to be made, you noticed another curious thing. The boys were sitting neatly in their booth chatting, no bickering, no shouting, just acting like normal people.
Even after you brought out their food, they thanked you with bright smiles, no over the top flirting, and they ate without a fuss or without a single piece of fry going anywhere other than their mouth. It was too normal.
You stood behind the counter, chewing on your nail in contemplation. Something was up.  For one, you haven’t seen your manager since the boys came in, even though you were sure he was talking to a customer just before that. You didn’t even see him disappear into the back office, he was just gone. On the other hand, the boys were acting like your everyday mild mannered townsfolk who came in for a late night snack, which was the total opposite of their usual chaos. Some unseen connection gnawed at the back of your mind but you couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
In the end you couldn’t take it anymore, and seeing as there was no one to chastise you for it, you went over to chat.
"You are all remarkably well behaved tonight,” you eyed them suspiciously. “What did you do?”
“Nothing,” David answered nonchalantly. “We realized that we’ve been causing you a lot of trouble so we decided to play nice.” The innocent smile he gave you told you otherwise.
“Yeah, sure.”
Hearing the disbelief in your voice, Dwayne asked, “Is it so hard to believe that we can behave nice?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
Marko snorted but said nothing.
“Oh come on, dollface, we can be really nice if we want to,” Paul insisted. “You know, like helping old ladies cross the road and whatever shit people do.”
Marko almost choked on his milkshake at this point while you just stared at Paul with the most deadpan expression of your life.
Someone cleared their throat behind you, and as you turned around you saw your manager peeking out the kitchen door hesitantly. His gaze was flitting from you to behind you, his face suddenly going pale. When you looked back to the boys, you just barely caught something before they all smiled at you innocently. You told yourself that it was just the trick of the light that made it seem like their eyes shined yellow for a second.
“Yes?” you turned to your manager again.
“C-Can I talk to you for a second?” The stutter was new.
You furrowed your brows as you answered, “Sure.”
Following him into the kitchen, he stopped just on the other side of the door, sending nervous glances outside.
“Can you tell them that I learned my lesson and they can stop now?”
“It’s all good, they can come in any time they want. I’ve been good, haven’t bothered anybody. Please, just tell them! I can’t take this anymore!”
He was getting agitated now, looking absolutely terrified. The puzzle pieces fell into place in your head. Glancing over to them through the window, it looked like the boys were looking at your interaction intently, but the second you turned to them, the same innocent smiles were suddenly on all their faces. Letting out a heavy sigh, you assured him that you will tell them everything he wanted you to, then marched out of there and over to their table.
“What did you do to the poor guy?”
“What do you mean, kitten? We did absolutely nothing,” David faked concern.
Looking at Dwayne, you knew you had no chance of getting anything out of him either, and even though Marko looked a bit antsy, a stare from David rendered him mute. So you turned to the weakest link in the group.
“Paul, darling, why don’t you tell me what happened?” Your voice was sickly sweet and he started to sweat.
“Nothing, like David said.” No pet name meant he was nervous. Good, you thought as you continued.
“Paulie,” you practically purred his name, and you saw him break in front of your eyes.
“We might have threatened him a bit,” he muttered under his breath, but you heard it nonetheless.
Your eyes almost fell out of your head as you stared at them.
“You WHAT?”
Paul shrunk under the extremely disappointed look David was sending him.
Seeing no point in denying it anymore, Marko jumped in. “He was treating you like shit, sugar, he hurt you. Were we supposed to just stand around and do nothing?”
“You sure as hell weren’t supposed to threaten him! What if he went to the police?”
“We made sure he wouldn’t,” David answered matter-of-factly, his tone casual but his gaze so cold it caused a chill to run down your spine. How can such a short sentence sound so sinister?
A big hand enveloped yours, and you turned to look into Dwayne’s deep, warm eyes.
“We didn’t want you to get hurt. We just wanted to help.”
Feeling your resolve crumble, you let out a dejected sigh. You gave his hand a little squeeze before looking over them with a much softer expression.
“Thank you for looking out for me, but you didn’t need to do all that. I don’t want you guys to get in trouble for me, it’s not worth it.”
“But you are worth it, babe,” Paul asserted, seemingly back to his normal self. “Besides, if we couldn’t come here anymore, we wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face so often.”
A blush crept up your cheeks, but now you were smiling brightly.
“Jesus, Paulie, how can you turn everything into a flirty comment?” you chuckled.
“It’s my talent.” His grin was infectious.
“Okay, but promise me one thing. Let’s not resort to threats to solve our problems, alright?”
“Hey, I didn’t even break his nose,” Marko chimed in and you burst out laughing.
“You want me to give you a gold star?”
“I can think of a few things you could reward me with,” he winked, and everything was back as it should be.
The rest of the night was filled with jokes and laughter. David felt satisfied as he watched you interact with his brothers. You were good for them, he felt that the very first time you met. That’s why he promised himself to protect you. And for now, that meant protecting you from the truth.
You didn’t have to know about how they hunted down your manager when he was walking to his car in the empty parking lot after locking up the diner. You didn’t have to know how they cornered him, changing before his eyes and threatened him, leaving him with a reminder that the only reason they let him live is because it’s more convenient for you. But also making sure he knew that if he ever put his hands on you or treated you like shit ever again, they would find him. You didn’t have to know that they kept stalking him for a whole week, keeping him on edge, making sure he kept his promise. There were a lot of things you didn’t have to know yet. And maybe they will tell you all about it one day, but for now, they were satisfied with just spending these nights at the diner with you.
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arenpath · 2 years ago
When the boys want attention
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detroit-become-hurt · 5 months ago
Sweet Thing
So to kickstart this block again I'm regressing into old hyperfixations. So here's a fanfic I'm working on for The Lost Boys! I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Moving to Santa Carla was a sudden decision, but something about it just felt right. There was something about that place, calling you to it, you just didn't know what.
Or: you're drawn to Santa Carla cause you're the final mate of The Lost Boy's pack
I sighed heavily as I sat on a bench at the boardwalk. Santa Carla was fun for the first week upon moving here, but after that it sort of just lost its charm. It was the same routine of showing up to work at the little oddities shop between the chinese take out place and some other little resturant that served the greasiest burgers. It wasn’t a bad job, but it wasn’t always the busiest as there were other attractions to see that were much more interesting. The shop consisted of bad taxidermy, crystals, fake skulls (which a lot of people thought were real), and tarot cards/readings. It wasn’t a bad gig, just again, not the busiest. 
Tonight was my night off, and I really had no idea what to do. I decided sitting here was better than sitting at home, with even less to do. Deciding it was best to grab some food I stood up, making my way over towards the shop and the chinese place. Chinese sounded good for dinner. As I neared the resturant, I couldn’t help but notice a group of bikers loitering outside the shop. There was two blondes, rough housing with each other. A tall dark haired main leaned on the wall of the front of the shop, watching the two blondes wrestle. And finally, leaned against one of four bikes was a third blond, a cigarette balanced between his lips. His eyes flitted through the crowd, taking in faces, a dark look lurking behind them.
It wasn’t really of any concern to me seeing these four, Santa Carla was full of different types of people, and I’ve seen them around before at different places on the boardwalk. We never interacted before, but a cloud of trouble oozed off of them. I tried to keep to myself. 
Ordering my food I waited to the side for them to finish preparing it, tapping my foot lightly as I listened to the sounds around me. Rollercoasters whizzed by with screams that lasted mere seconds, loud carnival music and people chattering away. It was almost overwhelming, the sounds. But you grow used to it pretty fast. Finally my order was called, and I picked up the bag containing the food. Upon closer inspection I realized that they had gotten my order wrong…but it wasn’t worth arguing. They ended up giving me more than what I ordered, I wasn’t going to complain.
“Perhaps Sandra would want some of this…” I wondered out loud, thinking of my coworker who was currently working tonight. Deciding I would share my feast, I walked over to the shop, towards the group of four bikers. As I approached, I caught the attention of the blonde leaning against the bike. His eyes trailed up and down me slowly, sizing me up. “Um…excuse me. Could you move your bikes, so I can like…get inside the store.” I asked, trying to maintain eye contact.
“You want us…to move our bikes…so you can go inside?” He repeats back to me, and I instantly knew what he was doing.
“Yes. You, move bikes. I go, inside?” I throw back, raising an eyebrow. The banter between the two of us caught the attention of the other three. The second blonde with curled ringlets going down his back couldn’t help but snicker, flashing me a dangerous smile and a wink when I looked his way. “Really it would just be easier if you moved, so I don’t have to weave in and out of your guys bikes and risk knocking one over. So what’s it gonna be pretty boy?” I asked shifting weight on my feet.
The third blond, who’s hair was teased to high hell and back laughed loudly. “Aw come on sugar, if anyone’s pretty here it’s you.” He says wrapping an arm his friend with the ringlets. “Do we at least get to know your name?” 
“What’s your name? I’ve seen you guys around before.” I say chewing my lip. I really did not expect to get into such a conversation, but it seemed like there was no backing out now. “If I tell you my name, will you please move your bikes?” I throw in, hoping they would indeed do as I asked.
His grin widens, and he sauntered down the steps, wrapping his arm around me. The smell of aqua net hair spray and weed overtook my senes. “I’m Paul. That’s Marko, Dwayne, and David.” He says pointing each of them out. “And I…have definetly not seen you around here. Are you new?” he questions.
Slipping out of his arm I nod, “I’m y/n. And yes, I am new. I just moved here about a week and a half ago.” I say. “Now really, this is quite the lovely chat but I think I’m just gonna weave around the bikes. Sorry to bother you.”
David holds his hand up, stopping my movements. “Hang on there sweet thing, you didn’t give me a chance to answer. Since I am a man of my word, we will move our bikes.” It’s funny he says that, cause he never mentioned giving me his word. But oh well. “Come on boys, let’s get out of here. We’ll see you around y/n.” he gives me a smirk, again something hiding behind his expression as the other three revved their bikes to life. With hoots and hollers they revved the engines a few more times before taking off, nearly hitting me in the process.
“Fuckin assholes,” I mutter as my heart pounds in my chest. Finally walking up the steps I walk inside, “Sandra! It’s me! I brought some food, the chinese place messed up the order.” Walking to the counter I set the food down, taking it out and arranging it so we could easily grab what we wanted. 
Sandra comes out from the back, a yawn errupting from her lips. “Oh thank god, I was going to fall asleep back there. Hey, did you hear like, motocrycle sounds?” She asks as she grabs some food.
Between swallows I nod, “Yeah. Some bikers out front. I asked them to move, and it took a minute but they did. Who knew all I had to do was give them my name.” I say. “I got their names in return. David, Marko, Paul, Dwayne. Interesting group of guys. I’ve seen them around the boardwalk before.” 
Sandra freezes, looking up at me with wide eyes. “Y/n…please tell me you’re joking. Like say sike right now.” She’s bouncing on the balls of her feet, anxiousness radiating into my bubble.
“What’s the big deal? They’re not trouble are they?” 
“Oh yes they’re trouble! They’re dangerous y/n. They’re always in trouble with security on the boardwalk, bothering people.” Sandra’s looking me dead in the eyes now, a look I can’t place. 
Finishing up my food I wipe my mouth, “Okay. I’ll keep my distance. Can’t blame me too much you know, I just moved here.” A part of me was annoyed. I appreciated her concern, but again I just moved here. And the boys seemed nice enough…although that doesn’t make up for the fact that I don’t know them.
“I know. I’m sorry, I just really like you and I don’t want you to end up on a missing person’s poster. It would suck to not have you in my life anymore.” That was one thing I was definetly grateful for, was my quick friendship with Sandra. She took me around, showed me the ropes, and was always there should I have needed anything in my short time in Santa Carla.
“Thank you, Sandra. Really.” Glancing at the clock on the wall I sighed, “I should probably get going, it’s getting late and I have to work a twelve hour tomorrow.” 
Sandra gives me a sympathetic look. “Well if you need anything, give me a holler okay? Seeya later!” Her voice disappears as the bell to the door chimes and I’m once again outside. Traffic has quieted quite a bit, not so loud. Turning I begin to make my way home, unaware of the set of eyes watching me from the dark.
I want her.
Me too.
She needs to be with us, one of us.
Soon, she will be. Give it time.
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Imagine how frustrating it must be for the boys if they had an s/o who just shrugs things off and accepts every weird little thing as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
David: we can't really go out in the sun.
S/o: I get it, I burn quickly too.
Paul: yeah, no we have this thing about blood.
S/o: a thing as in you faint or a thing as in you think it's sort of pretty in a weird way? Because I get that.
S/o: it's actually brilliant to sleep during the day in summer. The cave is nice and cold, and you can do whatever you wanted to do at night when it's way more comfortable.
Marko: yeah - yeah, that's exactly why we sleep during the day?
Dwayne: we'll see you later, we got to feed.
S/o: sure, can you bring a milkshake back for me?
Dwayne: sure
The boys: so you do realise we're vampires right?
S/o: what the fuck?
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so0thsayer · 8 months ago
random lost boys HCs !!! (x gn!reader)
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I have to get these out of my system. They have been marinating for far too long man omg. Also, this is also my first post so................ lets pray i did this right🙏🙏 also i didnt really proof read lol
let me know if you wanna see more stuff like this :3
WARNINGS: mentions of scars, drugs, biting, scratching. slightly suggestive (nothing too crazy)
𖦹 loves to leave marks and love bites anywhere he can sink his teeth. His favourite places to mark would probably be the back of your neck, between your shoulder blades and the inside of your thighs. He understands the importance of the marks not being visible to the public - so he likes to sink his fangs in places that most people cant see. BUT- he'd def leave hickeys in very obvious spots.
𖦹 I'd kill for you.
𖦹 Wants everyone to know you're his. Not afraid to get handsy in public if you let him.
𖦹 enjoys a good book every now and then, but only when your head is on his lap.
𖦹 typa guy to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, or his arm around your waist/ shoulders 24/7.
𖦹 Your seat in the cave is right next to his
𖦹 Not scared to show affection in public. He has no shame.
𖦹 He’s very touchy, but times that by 1000 when he gets his lips wrapped around that stick of holy grass (yes i am a paul does drugs sometimes believer). He would want to feel the heat of your skin, even scratching at you sometimes just to have a piece of you under his nails.
𖦹 CONSTANT flirting
𖦹 Has a collection of stolen goods. Even stuff that he would never use. If you show an interest in a trinket he has stolen, he'll give it to you whether you want it or not.
𖦹 music buff. loves sharing his takes on popular songs and artists. He likes to bring you to the boardwalk stage to listen to some live music, usually sitting on the outer skirts of the crowd.
𖦹 has a bunch of stupid pet/nicknames for you. (dollface, sugar, sweetness, etc.)
𖦹 This man's love language is playful teasing, dont try to tell me otherwise !!! Not even in a mean way- just always striving to make you laugh in his own way.
𖦹 hovers over you a lot. Always getting up and going places with you without a question, even if you dont ask him to come. He just really enjoys your company, never shy of interesting conversations.
𖦹 the best at cooking out of the four of them, often taking over the cook pot to make your favourite meals.
"You got something there" He points at your shirt.
As you look down, he flicks your nose.
"Gotcha." He chuckles.
𖦹 he'd bark at someone if they tried to get with you LMAO
𖦹 one of his favourite ways to pass the time with you is hitting the up the boardwalk clothes stores. He loves picking out new clothes for you, letting you know how good you look in them. "Damn, babe."
𖦹 having you over his shoulder gives him a constant ego boost.
𖦹 definitely love marks, scars etc. idk, he just seems like the kinda guy who would. He loves the way they feel under his fingers as he caresses his lover’s skin. He reads the stories they tell like brail. And for stretch marks, he loves the way they glisten in the light as they fade, and he loves the way they make an indent, rather than a bump for once. Perhaps he'd also like leaving a few marks of his own, like a bite mark or two, but he also doesn’t want to hurt you at the same time.
𖦹 I'd die for you.
𖦹 cuddling with this man would be incredible.
𖦹 loves it when you play with his beautiful hair :3 (has a hard time asking for you to tho- he feels a great warmth when you do it without him asking). honestly just loves being touched by you in general
𖦹 he isn’t so much a go out of his way to smother you kinda guy, but he will gladly hug you tightly if you hug him. His favourite ways to touch you are to wrap his arm around his waist, putting his arm over your shoulder while you’re sitting with each other and stroking your hair and skin while you lay your head on his lap. He just loves to feel your warmth on his cold finger tips.
𖦹 100000000x more affectionate in private dude
𖦹 the moment you ask him for something he’s on it. “Hey, could you get me-“ and he’s already handing it to you. He loves helping you in every way possible.
hope you enjoyed my first post !! :3
I know it's kinda short but I couldnt really find anything else to add😭 i am stressed
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slowlyoats · 3 months ago
The Lost Boys: What Jewelry do They Like Seeing Their S/O Wear?
- ear cuffs
- He really likes the look of jewelry on the upper part of ear
- He even learned how to make them with wire and some pliers!
- He used the boys as guenie pigs at first till he got the shape of the wire right
- He stabbed them multiple times during the whole process lol
- There was a period when all three boys wore one of Marko’s creations
- Once he felt confident in his jewelry making abilities he custom made one for his S/O
- It matches his own earring that he wears
- anklets
- He doesn’t know why, but seeing his S/O wear anklets really does it for him
- He doesn’t care whether it’s one of those dainty ones made out of delicate chains with little pearls and dangling pendants or a thick leather one with music notes painted on it
- If him and S/O are lounging on the couch with their feet in his lap he can’t help admire how pretty your legs look with a anklet dangling from them
- rings
- I could see him with a S/O that wears a lot of rings.
- He loves the way they feel when you hold hands, or when you rub his shoulders
- Or when you wraps your arms around Dwayne’s waist when you two go out for a motorcycle ride.
- His S/O catches Dwayne staring at their hands a lot
- Which you think is adorable, but Dwayne gets flustered when you call him out for it
- earnings
- Just like Marko, he really likes seeing his S/O accessorizes their ears
- Whether you only have your first holes or second or even third he loves the way they look with earrings in them
- If your wearing dangle earring he likes to walk up to you and lightly tug on them to get your attention
- If you lose a backing while out, he carries extras in his pockets and loves the intimacy of replacing the lost backing for you.
- He would definitely deny it though if you asked
- You’ve started to let him pick out your earrings for the night, and now it’s part of your little “getting ready” ritual
- He surprisingly has good sense of style when it comes to this! He can just be a little picky with them either matching your outfit or matching his aesthetic
- If you have multiple ear piercings I could see him insisting that you wear at least one earring that resembles his own
- Though you feel it’s just a small nod to your connection to him, it sends a BIG message to the other gangs on the boardwalk that you are protected and not to be messed with
- His S/O won’t admit it, but they secretly enjoy the thrill of knowing that they have scary boyfriend privileges while on the boardwalk
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