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letswelcomethenewme · 3 years ago
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Welp. This is very hard for me to post. After a fun weekend celebrating my bday, I'm not only very bloated, but I'm feeling like utter shit. Been eating better past couple days and it's helped, but this is a giant wake up call for me. After eating healthy for so long, my body is retaliating against unhealthy foods. At least in high volume. I hear you body. Let's get back to normal now. Thank you for putting up with me 🙏🏻 Let's do this! . #mytransphormation #falltransphormationchallenge2021 #progress #progresspic #dedication #committment #determination #mindset #consistency #dlbdailypurpose #week52crew #personal #face #weightloss #journey #cantstop #wontstop #imafuckinganimal #dlbdailyfam #beastmode #lifting #girlswholift #motivation #london #ontario #ldndot https://www.instagram.com/p/CUv9B13szgB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ileasfitlife · 4 years ago
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Today was mostly arms..they are completely dead now🤣🤣 #armday💪 #armsonfire🔥#kraken #mytransphormation #phamily #iam1stphorm #1stphorm #legionofboom  #bethe1 #wedothework #duespaid #Fitfam #fitnessmotivation #workout #getfit #becomestronger #habits   #changeyourmindset #girlswholift #1stphormathletesearch #cvg #wearthedamnshorts #ttsl https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9mYUiADTF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ketoresource5world · 5 years ago
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Double TAP ❤️ if you can relate to this 🤣 . Follow us @help2.fatloss_ for daily weight loss tips and nutrition advice 🍏 . Double TAP ♥️ if you want more content like this 💯 Tag your friends below 🙋
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fatbrogetsfit-blog · 6 years ago
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Progress post! Final photo of the #mytransphormationstartstoday challenge offered by #1stphorm still have more progress to make but I see change in 58 days which makes me wonder what I can do in another 60! Commitment is key, go to the #gym on the days you don’t want too those are the days that count! Work hard and leave it all on the floor, and remember you are more powerful than your excuses! Thank you @1stphorm for the challenge, it made it way more interesting. Keep following me I’m not done yet! #duespaid #mytransphormation #fattofitjourney #fattofit #progresspic #progressnotperfection #workforit #nodaysoff #hardestworkerintheroom #sweat #beforeandafterweightloss #getfitordietrying #getfitwithme #fatlossprogress #fitnessmotivation #keeppushing https://www.instagram.com/p/BvIMoTplaat/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10zfpcimhm0fh
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weightcrunch · 4 years ago
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Tranformation 🔥👌🏻 The Costume Keto Diet Plan gives you an easy-to-follow plan and includes everything you need to be successful with the Keto diet — both now and in the long-term. Just think… armed with 30-day meal plan, the 7 ketoguides, and the 3 bonus expert guides… you’ll be able to start strong and finish strong, possibly losing 5 -10 ILB in the first week alone. You also get a downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient you will need in the upcoming seven days. 🔻 Visit our Website via the link in the Bio Share with friends! Turn on post notifications! Never miss any update from us. Don't forget to share and follow @weight.crunch Dm for Credit __________ ‌‌ #weightlosscoaching #weightlosschallengeonline #weightlosshumor #weightlossthatworks #weightlossexercise #weightlossroutines #weightlossstories #weightlosstransformationinprogress #bodytransformationjourney #weightlossgoal #weightlossstruggle #weightlossresults #mytransphormation #ketoweightlosstransformation (at Chicago Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRVGqIJAUyk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fatboyfitjourney · 7 years ago
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Doubling up the cardio till summer! . . . #fatboyfitjourney #bodyspartan #spartanarmy #modernmanmind #respectmodernman #fit #keto #weightlossjourney #fitfam #fitness #mytransphormation #1stphorm #gym #gymlife #gymrat #health #nutrition #exercise #modernmansupplements #gymtime #weightlifting #weights #gains #fitnessgoals #workout #cardio #getstrong #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney (at Bloomsburg Area YMCA)
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soccer10plus · 7 years ago
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Never judge a book by its cover... #neversettle #fitfam #teamtuff #teamll #iconmeals #gasp #teamfusion #getbuckedup #mytime #fighter #judgemenot #swolenation #lobo #phamily #wickedgood #badasseggteam #mytransphormation #workforit #morethanahobby
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cleverwombatmoon · 4 years ago
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What have i been doing during this time of COVID? When my travels ground to a halt. Many things :) mostly domestic and family stuff. I also did something HUGE! Lose the excess baggage I have been carrying around for a few decades :) So far I have lost 62 pounds from 237 starting weight. Stick around and I will continue to share what I am doing to get ready for my next travel! And here’s a peek at my breakfast this cold morning. #covidsuccessstory #weightlossjourney #weightloss #mytransphormation #mybreakfast #diet #inmykitchen (at Port Madison) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5lXq7h_7f/?igshid=1hvo1m927zg9t
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ileasfitlife · 4 years ago
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Anybody else's furry friend like to get in the action..lol meet Jack. He also jumped on my back while in Spiderman pose 🤣🤣 he's about 20 pounds. #mytransphormation #phamily #iam1stphorm #1stphorm #legionofboom  #bethe1 #wedothework #duespaid #Fitfam #fitnessmotivation #workout #getfit #becomestronger #habits   #changeyourmindset #girlswholift #1stphormathletesearch #cvg #wearthedamnshorts #ttsl #pets #furryfriends #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIW5NQJGnX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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darrellwaynewilkesjr · 5 years ago
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fatbrogetsfit-blog · 6 years ago
Warming up! Gotta love #squats and #legday isn’t the same without them! #1stphorm #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transphormation #duespaid #iam1stphorm #legionofboom #nodaysoff #hardestworkerintheroom #ironparadise #irontherapy #bendboundaries #rentsdue #earnit #sweatforit #nopainnogain #nopain #gohardorgohome #shutupandsquat #shutupandlift #notheretotalk #isymfs #beastorbitch #fuckexcuses #fuckaverage #valleyofthebeast #sidewalkcracker #sidewalkcrackinmf #becauseisaidso #commandyoutogrow #youwontoutworkme #getfitordietrying #getfitwithme #fattofitjourney #fattofitjourney #gymlife #gym #fitspo https://www.instagram.com/p/BvDCKv_FoLc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dh9l3gcfmjpk
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fitnessnerd · 5 years ago
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Morning Run! This morning is just amazing! Woke up at 5, got dressed, strapped my shoes on and got after it! These mornings are the best to get a sweat on and plan out my day as I run. Since starting these morning runs, I have found myself calmer and less stressed throughout the day. There is something so calm and peaceful, working out this early, I just love it! Its become a great way to get my mind right and ready for the day! I have a random question for you all. Do you run/workout with music or not?  Myself, I switch between music and podcasts! I find when I need to dig in, the music really helps motivate me to push harder and give my all! @fitness_nerdz .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ #75hard #75hardchallenge #75harddominators #75hardprogram #75hardketo #jogging #fitnessjourney #fatlossjourney #duespaid #fittips #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transphormationchallenge #ketogeniclifestyle #ketofitness #legionofboom #1stphorm #livehard #andyfrisella (at Calgary, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWrniEAoKG/?igshid=1v5jjzn59rb37
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Throwback Tuesday . 4years ago. I was getting adjusted BK in my home town which I was sick about the last thing I wanted was to end up here. I had just really started finding myself and becoming the person I always wanted. Fast forward a year I meet someone and As time passes I slowly loose that person I was becoming for having fun was okay until it lead to more and then i was back to hiding who I was because of the person I chose to stay with because our fun times lead to something neither of us has ever imagined have a beautiful baby. She saved my life and also realize I was lying to myself and everyone around me. after almost a year and half later I've realized im beyond depressed n idk y until it clicks. Duh dummy your tired of pretending to be someone your not so as this year has been not so good for others it's my year to bloom into the Man I've always been I'm tired of hiding, I'm tired of being depressed I've made more moves this year then any other. I've openly come out on here of course to majority of my friends as well my close friends at home including my partner that's not fully understanding so it makes it difficult to be comfortable until I finally had to tell myself I have to love me n put myself back on the front burner next to my child because she's what matters to me more then anything else. So no matter where me n her dad end up I have him to thank everyday for this blessing In my life. My point is it's hard to be brave sometimes because your scared but in the end it will be worth it because your happiness is worth everything and that should mean something My family doesnt know that I'm trans but I'm Working up the courage doing the best to prepare myself for good or bad questions ect. I know im way over thinking it but it's scary ya know Hope this helps someone else struggling with this or whatever. Say it... It's hard .... for now ... It's hard for now, Not forever It will get easier ! #thistooshallpass #transgender #mytranslife #personal #mystory #mytransphormation #ftm #ftmpride #ftmtrans #positivevibes #positiveenergy #keepmovingforward #youareenough #youarevalid #lgbt #lgbtqlove #loveyourself #itshardfornow https://www.instagram.com/p/CByhJhOHWNN/?igshid=q8n6g21igxob
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weightcrunch · 4 years ago
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130 pounds down in less than 2 years. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but keep going. We all start somewhere, sometimes we are so quick to give up bc we aren’t losing weight as quick as we want or bc others are losing it quicker but everyone’s body is different. Stop comparing yourself to others. As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting results. ✨Link in bio @weight.crunch if you’re ready to start your weight loss journey Share with friends! Turn on post notifications! Never miss any update from us. Don't forget to share and follow @weight.crunch Dm for Credit __________ ‌‌ #weightlosscoaching #weightlosschallengeonline #weightlosshumor #weightlossthatworks #weightlossexercise #weightlossroutines #weightlossstories #weightlosstransformationinprogress #bodytransformationjourney #weightlossgoal #weightlossstruggle #weightlossresults #mytransphormation #ketoweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney2020 #igweightloss #weightlosstip #weightlossfoods #weightlossuk #weightlossblogger #ketotransformations (at Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFu5J2AkMA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unicornfitness-blog · 5 years ago
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I’ve given myself a project: 6 weeks to build new habits. ▪️ Six weeks of workouts. ▪️ Six weeks of meal prep. ▪️ Six weeks of tracking calories and macros. ▪️ Six weeks of staying organized. ▪️ Six weeks WITHOUT WEIGHING IN. I want to see how far I can go without any distractions or excuses. I will pay attention to how I feel mentally and physically. I will take every day as a new day with new energy. I will use this time to make myself better in as many ways as possible. • Let’s do this. • #weightloss #motivation #transformation #mytransphormation #discipline #dayone (at Planet Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mhzZXHQbz/?igshid=17moue2ywt7fx
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fitbrit03-blog · 6 years ago
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I feel really good going into this week. Ready to crush some more goals. #fitness #earnyours #motivation #sundayvibes #mealprep #fitnessaddict #setgoals #1stphorm #mytransphormation #iam1stphorm #wedothework #duespaid #legionofboom #weightlossjourney #sundaymotivation #keto https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4lkvIFDUG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7jl5lp358h48
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