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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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We grow a lot like our muscles do. When pushed to our limits and torn open we recover and grow stronger then we were before. #StayStrong #motivation #inspire #earnyours #tattedandfit #beastmodebeauty #chickswholift #fitness #trainhard #pushpullgrind #muscles #flagnorfail #duespaid #ironaddicts #legionofboom #1stphorm #bikiniprep #armday #biceps ##fitnessaddict #strongissexy #fitchick #gymshark66 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOx6PbjqQf/?igshid=s3esyf3yg8ig
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sellyoursoulforagoodfic ¡ 6 years ago
What Time Forgot Chapter 3
Aaravos x reader
Summary: Being recognized leads to some arguments with literal children
Word Count: 2076
As she’d expected, they made great time. They were only a few miles away by the time night fell. Much to Y/N’s surprise, it was Aaravos that suggested they stop for the night.
“Are you alright? You hate stopping this close to a destination,” she asked, dismounting her horse so she could sit next to where he’d taken up residence on a rock.
“I am better than I have been in decades now that I am back at your side, dearest. I wanted to talk before I met my adopted children, as it were. Is that alright?”
She pressed a kiss to his hand after lacing her fingers through his. “Of course.”
So they just … talked for a while. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend they were back in their study in Xadia, especially when he moved to rest his head on her lap and allowed her to play with his hair. They shared stories from their time apart. Well, she mostly talked since he was locked away in a magic mirror that whole time. The moon was high in the sky, and the stars were doing their best to replicate Aaravos’s skin by the time they decided to actually get up and make camp.
Of course, that didn’t mean they actually made camp. That’d been the plan right up until two children and a tiny dragon barged into the clearing. In the span of a heartbeat, both adults were on their feet, Y/N crouched and ready for attack and Aaravos already having drawn the symbol for an area lightning spell.
“Whoa!” the boy that Y/N now recognized as Callum exclaimed, hands up in surrender.
The young Moonshadow elf that accompanied him was in a similar pose until she recognized the make of the dagger pointed at her. “That’s a Moonshadow blade …”
“Y/N?” Callum gasped.
“You know these children?” Aaravos inquired, glancing at the woman crouched in front of him.
“I know him.” She stood and put away the blade, prompting her lover to dispel the crackling rune. “Callum, what are you doing here? Everyone’s been worried.”
“We’re trying to return Zym to his mother. This is Rayla, by the way. What are you doing so far from the castle? And who is that?” The underlying ‘What is he?’ didn’t go unnoticed by either adult.
Rayla’s lavender eyes narrowed as she stared at Aaravos. “I know you …” she muttered.
“Of me, perhaps, but I can assure you that we have never met.”
“He’s a Startouch elf, Callum,” Rayla explained.  â€œThey’re all but extinct. The last one anyone knew about was said to be a traitor to Xadia. Helped the humans fight against his homeland.”
“To be fair,” Callum started, seeming a little worried about angering his friend, “we’re both kind of doing the same thing …”
Her face scrunched up in displeasure at thethought. “But we’re trying to bring peace, not betray Xadia or Katolis!”
“Who’s to say that I didn’t try the same?” Aaravos countered, crossing his arms.
“Everyone!” Rayla shouted. “They taught us all about you. You helped push the humans out of our lands in the first place, then bought a human woman back, then betrayed us to fight for their cause!”
“Wait what? I thought elves hated humans?” Confusion was all over Callum’s face.
“Most do,” the young Moonshadow elf replied. “So you’ve found another one, then? Planning to bring her back, too? Or are you planning on betraying us again?”
A white eyebrow raised while Aaravos looked unimpressed. “I am not the one planning our moves currently. One thing I will not allow, though, is you slandering her.”
“Yeah, Rayla. Y/N’s always been really nice to Ez and me,” Callum argued. “She wouldn’t do anything to make the war worse.”
“Well?” Rayla’s lavender eyes turned to stare at Y/N. “Are you going to say anything for yourself?”
“Okay,” she shrugged, moving to sit back down on the ground. She didn’t bother to hide the smile on her face as the Startouch elf took a seat next to her a bit too close to be completely innocent. “First off, I was the human that lived in Xadia so long ago, so that whole ‘tricked another human’ theory isn’t a thing. We’d been together for years, and it looks like the count is still going. Also, I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting like I’m ‘easily fooled’ or whatever.”
“But—and I’m choosing to ignore the whole ‘you’re super old’ thing—why would you guys be, like, together?” Callum’s face scrunched up at the thought. “Wasn’t that a big no-no during the war?”
“To say the least,” Aaravos said coldly. Last time Y/N heard his voice sound that frosty was the day they heard the details of the treaty. “However, I would think you two of all people wouldn’t be questioning relations of any kind between elves and humans.” He’d noticed the way that Rayla had moved to protect the human boy when they initially stepped into the clearing; it was just a little too similar to the way that Y/N had moved to guard him.
“Aaravos,” Y/N’s voice was warning, “they’re just children. It’s a wonder that they aren’t more intolerant given their upbringing. Let them be.”
The only response verbally was a hum, but Y/N knew him well enough to see that he was annoyed at their relationship being questioned. It was something that’d always angered him, and that didn’t seem to have changed due to their time apart. That little fact warmed her heart a bit.
“As for your other claims,” Y/N continued, “we were neutral for many years. Our actions were not driven out of anger or a want to betray Xadia. It was mostly because we were tired of the hatred. I was mocked and threatened endlessly in our own village, and we would have been run out of any town in any human kingdom had we decided to settle there. Mind you, I’m not a mage nor have I ever violated the natural magics to anger the elves around us, so I’d done nothing other than simply be a human to spark the hatred aimed at me.”
“Okay, okay, we get it,” Callum interjected, ending the uncomfortable argument. “Rayla, we need to rest if we’re going to make it to Xadia tomorrow.”
Yellow eyes narrowed at the imploring look Y/N gave him. He knew that look. “What are you thinking?” Whatever it was, he knew he wouldn’t like it.
“They’re trying to bring peace, Aaravos. We should help them.”
“We don’t need a traitor’s help,” Rayla snarled.
“See? They don’t want our help, dearest. What about your adopted charges?”
“Soren and Claudia can handle themselves for now. I can’t just let something this important slip by. We’re walking, talking examples of how elves and humans aren’t predestined to fight.”
“They could help, Rayla,” Callum argued for them. “As much trouble as we’ve had … If he’s as dangerous as you say, it’d be a lot easier to get around.”
Rayla groaned, clearly hating that her friend had a point. “Why should we trust them? How do we know he won’t betray us like he did Xadia?”
“How many times do I have to say it? We both did that,” Y/N pointed out.
“You shouldn’t,” Aaravos spoke at the same time. Voice smooth as silk and as casual as someone talking to an old friend, he added, “You should let me earnyour trust. Besides, anywhere she goes, I go. You don’t have to trust me in order to trust that.”
“Okay, I’ll believe that.” That was as close as they were getting to acceptance, so it worked for them.
The grin that formed on her face was something that Y/N didn’t bother to hide. “Great! We’ll set out at dawn, then.”
“There is still a problem, dearest,” Aaravos sighed, unhappy to be the one poking holes in the plan that clearly made her happy. “You were banished forever. As soon as you’re recognized, you’ll be arrested. Normally I would say that it is not an issue—elvish memories are long, but I doubt you would be recognized on-sight—but with me . . . The pair of us are easy to remember if we’re together.”
Rayla found herself more than a little jealous of the affection that was practically tangible between the two. In recent days, it was something she’d been craving from Callum, even more so since his whole Dark Magic episode. After being told her whole life about how terrible humans were, liking the prince was weird enough. Then add the existing relationship between an elf and a human … Basically there was just a storm of emotions and hormones in her with jealousy at the heart.
“I don’t care, ‘Vos,” Stef was saying. “We’ll be fine. I won’t get arrested, and you won’t be put back in that mirror. Who knows, maybe the queen will end the sentences if we help return her son.”
“As long as you know the risks.”
“Okay!” Callum chimed in again. “So we’re camping here with you, then?”
“Sure,” the Crownguard chuckled. “We were just about to settle in when you guys showed up, anyway. I’ll send a note to the town for Soren in the morning.”
With that, a few minutes later the group was settled in on opposite sides of the clearing. Rayla was on a lower branch of a tree, Callum on the ground below her. The Moonshadow elf watched the other pair lie down after Y/N had written the aforementioned note. They used his fancy cloak as a blanket, and held each other close. Apparently, they either didn’t realize or didn’t care that her trained assassin ears could hear their quiet whispers even across the clearing.
The answer was that neither Y/N nor Aaravos really cared. They were just happy to be together again, and it wasn’t like they weren’t used to being overheard anyway. After all, war camps just off the front lines didn’t make for many private conversations.
“Any chance you learned how to tone down the glowing while you were locked in that mirror?” Y/N teased, tracing the glowing star on his chest that was left exposed y his shirt.
That pulled a real, mirth-filled chuckle out of the elf. “Sadly no, though not due to lack of trying.” He turned his head to press a kiss to the crown of her head.
She turned to look up at his face. “Are you serious?”
“Well after years of your whining and nothing better to do, I looked into the matter.”
“You know I’m always joking about that, right? I don’t ever want you to change something like that for me.”
“I am aware. But I also remember how there were days when you were suffering from your headaches and how hit physically hurt you to open your eyes around me.” He kept speaking, cutting off her argument, “And it was the only way I could remain close to you. The king thought that my punishment would be more severe if there was no trace of you there.”
Effectively silenced on the matter, Y/N just kissed the underside of his jaw. There was a long moment of silence before she decided what to say. “The scar you asked about, the one on my neck … Not long after you were taken, a group of soldiers ambushed me. They wanted me to pay, I guess, for my relationship with you. When they realized I had no money, they tried to take the ring.” Reflexively, she adjusted the ring on her finger. “I managed to win, but I was wounded. I made it back to the castle, and spent the next year in and out of the hospital because of it.”
“You … were willing to die for a ring?” he questioned.
“No. I was willing to die for the last reminder I had of you. So I get it. I had to do what I could to keep you close to me too.”
It was his turned to be stunned into silence, and by the time he decided what to say, he could feel that her breathing had leveled out, signaling that she’d nodded off. He figured the eventful day finally caught up with her. “I love you,” he whispered futilely, yellow eyes gazing up at the stars.
A/N: Okay, that’s all I’ve got on this one for the time being. Might eventually pick it back up if the mood arises, but who knows. It’ll be updated on the masterlist if I do add more and I forget to delete this little note. This note is as of 28 May 2019, so you have a time frame to help you decide to check the list or not.
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emviana ¡ 8 years ago
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I never worry about the next man because he should be standing on his own two feet. I worry about important people making idiotic changes. #bluecollar #getajobyabums #earnyours
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Be Confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are - and aren't- that you will truly succeed. • • #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #tattedandfit #chickswholift #fitchick #beauty #strongissexy #gymshark66 #1stphorm #legionofboom #transphormationchallenge #1upnutritionchallenge #ironaddicts #ironbeauty #confidence #bikiniprep #staystrong #fitnessaddict #flagnorfail #youcandoit #fitfam #buildabetteryou #resultsspeakforthemselves https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt935oWFgdy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rdlq9udo2uwf
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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I feel really good going into this week. Ready to crush some more goals. #fitness #earnyours #motivation #sundayvibes #mealprep #fitnessaddict #setgoals #1stphorm #mytransphormation #iam1stphorm #wedothework #duespaid #legionofboom #weightlossjourney #sundaymotivation #keto https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4lkvIFDUG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7jl5lp358h48
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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No one can break me down and nothing will stop me from reaching my goals. Don’t let anyone stand in your way of becoming the best that you can be. Avoid toxic and negative people and surround yourself with people who motivate you and help you push forward. And don’t let anything get in your way of reaching your goals. Period. Believe in yourself, train hard, work hard and you’ll get there. #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #gymquotes #believeinyourself #mindset #nopainnogain #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #tattedandfit #1stphorm #duespaid #ironaddicts #isymfs #staystrong #flagnorfail #chickswholift #girlswithmuscles #shelifts #EatClean #TrainDirty #bikiniprep #makeyourmark #improvementseason #backday #fitchick #fitnessaddict (at Mason's Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsKG_e4l2j3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yleb372880yy
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
First time pressing 135lbs . It feels good knowing that most girls dream of bench pressing with a 45lbs plate on either side and here I did it for 1 rep with ease. • Deadlifted 225lbs. I haven’t pulled this weight in a long time and it pulled it pretty easy. I just love all the benefits deadlifts have on the body. • I just wanna say I could not have achieved all that I have so far without @_purerage, thank you so much babe you are an amazing gym partner and trainer. • #fitness #motivation #inspire #staystrong #earnyours #flagnorfail #ironaddicts #chickswholift #chickswhodeadlift #duespaid #fitcouple #gympartner #powercouple (at Mason's Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxyoFqJD3IF/?igshid=13g8kjxm7e7tn
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
You're never gonna be 100% ready and it's never going to be just the right time, but that's the point. It means that every moment is also the right moment. I'd you want it, you just have too do it! #fitness #earnyours #motivation #inspire #followyourdreams #tattedandfit #chickswholift #staystrong #flagnorfail #gymshark66 #1stphorm #duespaid #transphormationchallenge #youcantodoit #noexcuses #backday #fitchick #strongissexy #fitfam #bikiniprep #ironaddicts #isymfs https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIOzkblBIO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v070q2h1y316
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Well 4 weeks ago I fell on ice in my driveway and bruised my tailbone. I am so glad to finally being getting close to my regular weight for deadlifts. Here I deadlift 215lbs, it felt great. I was not gonna let a injury hold me back, I have kept my eating clean, kept training everyday even trained on my normal leg days and I can honestly say I have never felt better. #fitness #earnyours #motivation #inspire #followyourdreams #1stphorm #transphormationchallenge #duespaid #gymshark66 #1upnutritionchallenge #deadlift #chickswholift #chickswhodeadlift #nopainnogain #fitfam #bikiniprep #staystrong #isymfs #ironaddicts #flagnorfail (at Mason's Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt17CWzFJzz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1laz6tb7vheks
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
My mission, which is my obsession, is to work my ass off in order to become the best that I can be. #improve #workhard #becomethebest #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #tattedandfit #chickswholift #1stphorm #legionofboom #wedothework #duespaid #iam1stphorm #mytransphormation #transphormationchallenge #8weeks #gymshark66 #ironaddicts #fitchick #fitnessaddict #bikiniprep #followyourdreams #strongissexy (at Pekin, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtC5ftAlkBw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c7z1rcej69xb
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
There Are No Weekends Off When You Are Chasing Your Goals! #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #tattedandfit #chickswholift #staystrong #flagnorfail #bodybuilding #1stphorm #legionofboom #wedothework #duespaid #gymshark66 #bikiniprep #fitchick #armday #triceps #goals #100daysofketochallenge #nopainnogain #fitfam #fitnessaddict #ironaddicts #isymfs #strongissexy (at Pekin, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsUSTDMlTzI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1juoxayx9e7ku
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Keep Your Head High & Your Glutes Tight! #fitness #earnyours #motivation #tattedandfit #girlswhosquat #girlswithmuscles #chickswholift #chickswhodeadlift #shesquats #bootybuilding #bootygains🍑 #fitchick #duespaid #1stphorm #ironaddicts #isymfs #staystrong #flagnorfail #bikiniprep #legday #deadlift #squats #straightleggeddeadlifts #EatClean #TrainDirty (at Pekin, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMglK7lMsM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=to2kl883pr0f
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Motivation comes from within; There is no supplement, secret or substitute for the power of the mind to control the body. The only thing holding you back from being the person you want to be, is yourself. • No matter your goals, your challenges or the adversity you’ll face, the first step always begins with thought don’t let self-doubt or fear cloud your mind. • Unlock the internal fire that’s burned inside and don’t let anything stand in your way. Get Up, Get Out and Get After It! #fitness #motivation #inspire #tattedandfit #fitfam #fitchick #staystrong #followyourdreams #earnyours #girlswhosquat #chickswholift #tattedandfit #shesquatsbro #strongissexy #squaterella #legday #humpday #bootybuilding #squats #flagnorfail #isymfs #ironaddicts #1stphorm #duespaid #legionofboom #IAMBUILT #bootygains🍑 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrmL8Nrl5ui/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rb3eliszjx0f
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Ass down, Cheat up! That's the way we pick shit up! • Here is @tattootrainer giving me a pep talk getting ready to deadlift. Having him there motivating me to hit my PR of 245lbs. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be able to pull this kind of weight. This just shows that anything is possible as long as you throw away all the 'I can't' excuses and just dig deep and believe in yourself. Nobody can stop me now, this girl is ready to smash some more goals! LOOK OUT WORLD! • • #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #followyourdreams #staystrong #flagnorfail #sweatandblood #tattedandfit #deadlift #shelifts #isymfs #ironaddicts #chickswhodeadlift #chickswholift #girlswithmuscles #liftheavy #beastmodebeauty #fitcouple #mindovermatter #noexcuse #bootybuilding #legday #humpday #strongissexy #1stphorm #legionofboom #duespaid #nextlevelshit #fitchick (at Mason's Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBvZqcl2eE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1215ssag0byt9
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Beauty is about how you feel on the inside and it reflects within your eyes. It is not something physical. . . Stay true to who are. I choose to be the woman I always dreamed of becoming. 😊💖💪🏼 . #fitness #inspire #motivation #chickswholift #earnyours #followyourdreams #staystrong #flagnorfail #sweatandblood #1stphorm #legionofboom #ironaddicts #superman #shorthairdontcare #fitnessaddict #mixedbeauty #confidence #beauty #strongissexy #sundayselfie #sundayvibes #instagirl https://www.instagram.com/p/BqoVwBkF5XU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zlgez6uup9u9
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fitbrit03-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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I get asked a lot how I do I work 12 hrs then go hit the gym after my long day? I love ligting weights, I feel so good after my workouts and proud of myself for going in after a long work day. Too many people use these excuses "I'm too tired" and "I don't have time" way too much. And that's what sets me apart from the average person because I make time and I don't make excuses for myself. I want to get results. So this week I will use this as motivation as I go through my week of long hours with no excuses and my ass in that gym after work pushing myself cause I owe it to myself. So "Let's Fucking Do This!" 💪🏼 #fitness #motivation #inspire #earnyours #staystrong #flagnorfail #weightlifting #ironaddicts #isymfs #fitfam #chickswholift #12hourshift #cnalife #gymlife #fuckaverage #fuckexcuses #improvementseason #MondayMotivation #lovewhatido #fitnessaddict #determination #noexcuses #nopainnogain #trainhard #bodybuilding #eatclean #sweatandblood #1stphorm #legionofboom https://www.instagram.com/p/BqYr1tnFkbQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ou4bylngfad8
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