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Undercover? Bitch when am I overcover
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 3 hours ago
something i havent seen anyone say about the old miraculous animation is that you dont realize how they MOVE like they look like dolls, puppets moving, the way their limbs bend and move and it looks incredibly weird
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while in the new animation, they actually look like, idk, PEOPLE???
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ive had this thought even before new animation its just very prevalent now
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 3 hours ago
Saw some mtf!Adrien fanart and this as a canon event is so fucking funny to me because Adrien sure brought that up with Marinette, explained that she thinks she might be a girl but isn't sure and Adrien feels SO GUILTY during all of that but Marinette is so supportive! She's panicking on the inside and questioning her whole EXISTENCE but she's supportive and tells Adrien that doesn't change anything and they'll work on it together. Is an awkward, fluffy talk.
Fast foward to NOT EVEN A WEEK later and Chat Noir shows up with a new, much longer, hairstyle and Plagg is working overtime to make Adrien look as feminine as he can. And Adrien's like "My lady, from today forward do please address to me using she/her pronouns" and Ladybug STILL DOESN'T PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER THAT CHAT NOIR IS ADRIEN. NOT ONE SECOND DOES SHE THINK CHAT NOIR AND ADRIEN ARE THE SAME PERSON WVEHDHHSHS.
Ladybug is, of course, supportive. She corrects anyone misgendering Chat Noir. Finds it actually sweet that Adrien got someone to look up to, now that Chat Noir came out as trans. At some point she makes a huge list of questions to ask Chat Noir so she could help Adrien, which is RIDICULOUS. GIRL. WE CAN'T DEFEND YOU ANYMORE AT THIS POINT.
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 4 hours ago
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Too many ideas, man
It’s all too much for one human 🧃😔
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 4 hours ago
Okay so Gabriel. Covers his eyes when he's embarrassed, or like, vulnerable, yeah? (and frankly maybe this is just the visual language of the show and i haven't noticed it as a trend for anyone else because i don't overanalyze the kids so much; i dunno work with me here. feel free to @ me tho.)
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That's after playing piano in Captain Hardrock, and both times the fry costume is mentioned with Harry.
And in Illusion! He's lying and he exaggerates it instead of minimizing it as playing with his glasses!!
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"I'm so sorry for making a public scene." *shakes violently* i love him so much he's such a shithead
Anyway I bring this up cause I was thinking about the Collector (whom I love). Gabriel puts on the akuma and uses it as an excuse to fag it up. The Collector is so Fun. But I just realized. The sunglasses. The Collector is an excuse to take off Gabriel Agreste™ but hes hiding his eyes the whole timeeeeee.
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 4 hours ago
How it feels waiting to watch Miraculous Ladybug season 6 in chronological order instead of by episode air date:
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 4 hours ago
So I've seen the idea passed around that CN's new power means he could just destroy all memories of his father or his own fame, giving himself the anonymity he wants.
While it is entirely possible, I cannot stress how much I hope it does not happen.
It is such a cop out Deus Ex Machina that it turns a relatable tale into a pointless one.
By relatable I don't mean 'lots of people are supermodels and have villain parents'. I mean that sometimes kids have to deal with the reputations of their parents, even on a small scale, or their own reputation might dog them from elementary/middle school/social media.
Those kids don't have access to a magical brain zapper to fix them. The far more valuable lessons to be handing out here are how to deal with a reputation, how they fade over time, and how to distinguish yourself from your parents. It'll require more effort in the writing, it'll take longer, but it'll be better for the audience.
ML has a chance to teach some good lessons here, which they ostensibly want to do by design. I hope they don't fumble it.
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
🍪Chocolate Milk and Cookies🍪
Miraculous Twitter AU Part Twenty Four
The Project 5
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Part Twenty Three | Masterpost | Part Twenty Five
Im back :D
Taglist: @miniw0nz @atteval @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @thechatsmeouch @anidleneuron @dcfangirl @homelesshareem @nuggetz-w-marz @justanothercommonera @poorkaykay @ceo-of-catboys
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
I swear y'all, people really be hating on Marinette for making questionable choices as if she wants to do them and isn't dying on the inside because of the guilt of her actions and how she does everything because in every other scenario, everything goes to shit.
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
I met Keith Silverstein on Saturday and oh so innocently asked him if he did much recording for season six. He just responded with 'ah, that's sneaky!'
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
while i'm on revelator fic ideas. what if chat noir accidentally loses control of miraculous chat noir one day? what if he erases too much?
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
gabriel using the rings to track abnormal human activity to narrow down ladybug/chat noirs identity was the only smart thing he ever did
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 18 hours ago
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im sorry? i dont know. im sorry
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tsurugi’s influence in revelator: let’s talk about it
something i noticed while watching revelator was the underlying implication that ms tsurugi is still very much active in the inner workings of the agreste family.
let’s set the record straight: we know very little about ms tsurugi’s partnership with gabriel from the earlier seasons. however, we do know that ms tsurugi is a very wealthy, smart, and cunning individual who owns a business in the technology industry, allowing for her to team up with gabriel to create the alliance rings in s5. she knew gabriel was monarch and willingly working with him (very important to note that she did not work for him), her intentions a mystery.
obviously, what made me realize tsurugi likely had some involvement in the events of revelator was vincent mentioning she sponsored him in one of his videos:
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seems kinda meaningless at face value, like something the writers inserted to fill an awkward space in the script. however, if you watch miraculous, you know that everything is intentional.
okay, so ms tsurugi sponsors this recently famous influencer who makes a living off of spreading false information about people. this is odd, as it doesn’t seem like the type of content tsurugi (a very no-nonsense type of person) would endorse.
on the contrary, vincent’s videos are coincidentally targeted at “reporting” on people who tsurugi had some sort of personal connection to. weird, right?
the most obvious example of this is how vincent is very clearly anti-adrienette. tsurugi and gabriel pushed hard for adrien and kagami to get together in earlier seasons to create “perfect” images for their brands.
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as soon as these words came out of his mouth, sirens immediately went off in my mind. WHY is vincent, a seemingly irrelevant character, using the same type of language gabriel and tsurugi used to describe their own children???
rich, famous, good-looking. vincent is glorifying adrien and kagami, describing them as pretty and powerful faces that shouldn’t be involved with common people such as marinette, a baker’s daughter (who he implied is using adrien for his status and success).
language like this has been used to describe adrien since his adrien, the fragrance days—perfect being the most prominent word. why? the lore is insane (iykyk), but to put it simply, adrien is a sentimonster, a creation in the eyes of gabriel. he believed his son could be nothing short of flawless.
a theory common in the miraculous fandom is that kagami is also a sentimonster. i won’t dive into this theory too much, but there’s plenty of concrete evidence to back it up—a noteworthy one being tsurugi using similar language to describe her daughter as gabriel did for adrien. she has high expectations for kagami, and wants her to be nothing short of the best—exactly how gabriel “parented” adrien.
from vincent’s video, it’s implied that tsurugi paid him to spread hurtful misinformation that marinette was a golddigger. her motivation? to get kagami and adrien back together. we already know she hates felix, her daughter’s current boyfriend, so it makes sense.
a possible counterargument:
“vincent is just creating meaningless drama revolving around the popular topic of gabriel agreste’s death, as it offers the opportunities for him to gain popularity”
respectfully, nothing is meaningless in miraculous. maybe i would agree with this argument if TSURUGI of all people didn’t sponsor his content. maybe i would agree with this argument if he didn’t spread false information that clearly villainized marinette and glorified kagami. he also obviously has it OUT for mari. don’t tell me he’s not obsessed with making people hate her because HELLOOOOOO:
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people are gonna love hating the baker girl.
it’s giving very much lila/cerise vibes, honestly. i wouldn’t be surprised if this was some scheme involving tsurugi and lila to turn everyone against marinette, something cerise has been trying to do SINCE SEASON ONE.
so, what do i believe? i believe FOR SURE that tsurugi has something to do with the events of revelator, likely paying vincent to spread misinformation about marinette with the hopes of kagami and adrien getting back together. i also believe it’s very possible cerise is somehow involved in this, maybe working with tsurugi in some way.
LET ME ALSO SAY: tsurugi only cares about marinette because she is preventing kagami from a relationship with adrien. she would not care about ruining marinette’s life otherwise. cerise, however? she obviously hates mari. if tsurugi and cerise did work together to orchestrate vincent’s secrets, it benefitted BOTH of them: pushed for an adrigami redemption (for tsurugi) and demonized marinette publicly (for cerise).
i’m feeling a lil bit like cerise with her thousands of notebooks with this all over the place rant, but lmk what yall think 😭😭😭
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Next we'll be bringing back Victorian workhouses for the old and sick, and sending children down mines or up chimneys. After all we can't have anyone being economically inactive, now can we?
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iive been so obsessed with this video for days
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Chat, is it considered “abusive roommate behavior” to release a raccoon into the living space after you have asked your roommate for months to please clean up their messes (they do not pay any of the mortgage)
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I am from Gaza I am Noha Ebrahim a mother of 3 children. I am 29 years old, but the weight of life and suffering has made me feel much older. We once lived with dignity in a modest home, and my husband’s boat provided for all our needs. But the war has left us with nothing. Our house has been reduced to rubble, and my husband’s boat, our sole source of income, was completely destroyed.
Today, my family and I live in a tent that barely shields us from the cold and rain. My youngest child asks me every day, "Where is our home? When will we go back?" And I find myself standing helpless, unable to answer. My little girls sleep on the hard ground without enough blankets to keep them warm, and my eldest son tries to be strong for his siblings, but he’s just a child—he needs safety and care, things I can no longer provide😭😭😭😭😭
I hope you will provide me with a donation link so that people can donate to me and buy food for my children.
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