#muslim jihad
bulletines-news · 4 months
Cow Smuggler Jamiruddin Qureshi Arrested in the Murder Case of Jaunpur Journalist Ashutosh Srivastava
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arabian-batboy · 11 months
I really find it interesting how Zionists have no issues constantly using words like "Islamic" or "Islamist" or "jihadist" to describe the people they're killing without any fear of being accused of Islamophobia or that they're being bigots.
Because they know that we live in a world where anything or anyone remotely "Muslim" are automatically portrayed as inherently evil and deserving of death, especially in the US and other Western countries where Israel gets most of its support from them. So therefore, no one can be mad at them for killing all of these people, right? After all, they're only killing scary radical "Islamists" and "jihadists," NOT innocent people.
Meanwhile you would never hear any pro-Palestine people calling IDF soldiers "Jewists" or "Jewish extremists," even when they're literally branding the star of David onto Palestinians' faces and houses, instead we have to be very careful to not associate Judaism with Israel's crimes and are obligated to write a long essay about how we in fact do NOT want to kill every Jew in the world before we're allowed to show a shred of sympathy toward the thousands of Palestinian civilians being murdered as we are speaking.
Yet somehow that's not enough and they still hit us with the "when you say Zionists you actually mean Jews!" all while ignoring how they themselves aren't putting any effort into not demonizing Islam and Muslims with their words, because demonizing Islam and Muslims isn't an issue to them and the only way they can justify all the killing they're doing.
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hamdosana · 6 months
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secular-jew · 5 months
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A soldier in the Jewish Brigade Group of the British Army, with an artillery shell reading "A gift to Hitler" in Italy, 1944.
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
hindutvawadis love talking about jihad more than muslims do
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jangillman · 27 days
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Is everyone paying attention now??!!
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sole-e-acqua · 18 days
Dalia Ziada's Life Mission: Fighting Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood De...
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caitlinjohns77 · 17 days
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Hamas hostage weighed less than 80 pounds when her dead body was recovered
Fuck everyone who supports these Islamist savages. Rot in hell.
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naderdawah · 23 days
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أعظم امتحان يمتحن به عباده، هو الجهاد في سبيل الله، قال: { وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ } أي: نختبر إيمانكم وصبركم، { حَتَّى نَعْلَمَ الْمُجَاهِدِينَ مِنْكُمْ وَالصَّابِرِينَ وَنَبْلُوَ أَخْبَارَكُمْ } فمن امتثل أمر الله وجاهد في سبيل الله لنصر دينه وإعلاء كلمته فهو المؤمن حقا، ومن تك��سل عن ذلك، كان ذلك نقصا في إيمانه.
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hafsadeeyah · 3 months
trying to be a better muslim. be nice to people even if theyre not nice to you.
anyway, look at this set my mum got me yesterday <3
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ultraericthered · 11 months
Normally I prefer to keep current events, politics, foreign affairs, etc. at a minimum on this blog. But I feel I need to be truthful about where I stand and I don't care if any non-Muslims take offense....
*deep breath*
I stand in solidarity with all among the world's Muslims who are as decent, peaceful, friendly, faithful and good as any human being I could have the pleasure to know.
But absolutely FUCK the Middle Eastern world, the unreformed, primative, barabaric, radical "Jihad Islam" religion of uncivil unrest and extremism that comes from it, and the heartless, cowardly, inhumane terrorist scum who pratice it via deadly attacks of mass destruction and unspeakably horrific, repugnant crimes against humanity. Any person, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political/ideological leaning and faith, who brings about such evil is themself evil.
All those to whom the first paragraph applies: please know that you are loved. You are valid. Your lives are worth so much and your human rights are to be respected.
ISIS, Al-Quaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, the Iranian Mullah Clergy, the Assad regime and the Salman regime: the Muslim world is to be a better one without you all in it. To Hell with every last one of you. Every. Last. One.
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archtroop · 6 months
'Scary' Islam Is Recruiting Woke 'Useful Idiots' - Yasmine Mohammed (4K...
Yasmine Mohammed is an ex-Muslim who speaks out against the extreme religion, and how woke useful idiots are being used against us. She was forced to marry an al-Qaeda terrorist, but has since escaped and now speaks out with incredible bravery. #heretics​ #islamist​ #usefulidiots​
Follow her on X:    / yasmohammedxx  ​
Subscribe to her channel: @YasmineMohammedxx​
More info:
Through her initiative Free Hearts, Free Minds, she supports closeted ex-Muslims from Muslim-majority countries and co-ordinates an online campaign called #NoHijabDay​ against World Hijab Day. She also has a website and hosts an online series on YouTube called Forgotten Feminists.
Mohammed has been interviewed by Sam Harris, Seth Andrews, and several news outlets from multiple countries, and in 2019 self-published the book Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.
0:00​ Highlights
1:30​ % of Scary Muslims
5:30​ Why Worse Than Other Religions
8:30​ Is There Something About the Text?
11:30​ Is Islamophobia Racist?
14:05​ Can you be an atheist Muslim?
16:30​ Yasmine’s Past - What Was I Thinking?
19:10​ What Did Allah Look Like in Your Mind?
21:30​ Yasmine’s Bravery (Insane!)
23:30​ Salman Rushdie Said This
25:20​ Yasmine’s Incredible Story
31:30​ Marrying an al-Qaeda terrorist
35:30​ Covering Herself in Black
38:30​ The Beatings She Took
43:30​ The Ideology Ruins Love
46:00​ Where Islamist Palestine Turned
49:30​ Palestine Like ISIS? Using Western Students
52:30​ Strippers for Gaza / Useful Idiots
55:30​ The Plot to Take Over The West
58:30​ Katharine Birbalsingh & Michaela School
1:00:30​ Maajid Nawaz
1:04:10​ A Heretic Yasmine Admires
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hamdosana · 5 months
Detach yourself from pleasing people. Be good with them for the sake of pleasing your Rabb ﷻ. Not for their pleasure or any appreciation.
Because, they'll disappoint you but Allah ﷻ never disappoints.
Make Allah ﷻ your best friend.
انما اشكو بثي وحزني الى الله
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secular-jew · 5 months
Don't know who she is, but let's make this Hamas sympathizer and rape enthusiast -- famous !!!
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jangillman · 28 days
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IF THE WESTERN WORLD DOESN'T PREPARE FOR THIS, THEY'RE DELUDED! And don't expect the transgenders, gays and greenies to help protect the country! 🙏 for the Police and Military in the Western World!
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torahapologetics · 2 months
Who Stole Palestine or Israel? J.e.w.s or Muslims Palestinians? #israel #islam #bible
Please 🙏 Re blog My posts.
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