#mood as fuck
questioning npd culture is always steering conversations back to you and your interests and your characters because you don't know how to let other people talk about things they like without relating it back to yourself and the things you like
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polyfragcultureis · 1 year
polyfrag culture is am I really polyfrag? I've never felt a cohesive sense of identity ever in my life. wait where are my memories???? I'm definitely making it up. am I???
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hpdcultureis · 1 year
hpd + physically disabled culture is people assuming your physical disability must be fake and a big scheme to get attention (and sometimes you think it is too, i say as im in debilitating pain because i walked up the stairs) ~ starcat
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reactionimagesdaily · 3 months
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darishima · 5 months
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made a chart of the straw hats' skin tones with the colors being screencapped directly from the episodes, to show how much they've lightened. this is more than just an "artstyle change" or "design evolution" or "just the timeskip" this is blatant racism/colorism. it's fucking ridiculous and i don't understand how toei is continuously getting away with it please reblog btw, i think this is something people should see
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succubunniii · 2 years
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who else mourning the person they could've been if they were treated kindly as a child
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sob-deep · 9 months
Couldn’t be more upset, with u.
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horny-rose · 2 months
In a monster fucker mood right now, just imagining being the free use human for a clan of orcs!!!
Each orc has a huge, vainy, cock, barely covered by a loincloth made of animal skin and all you have to do is give one of them a single look, one that screams ‘fuck me’ and his cock is already standing at attention.
The first orc pulls you into his lap, right in the middle of everything and pushes his huge cock into your tight human hole….you’ll be moaning loudly and a second orc notices. He comes over to play with your chest. Massaging it in his huge hands, playing with your nipples, while you bounce like a good little bitch on the first orc’s cock- and a third will join in the fun. Kneeling down in-front of you, his mouth sucking and licking the mixed slick that’s falling out of your stuffed hole and all you can do is stay there and take it.
All while 5-6 more orcs simply watch. Lazily stroking their cocks, waiting patiently for the first to finish so they can have a turn :)
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psykopaths · 5 months
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acecroft · 2 months
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WALTON GOGGINS as Cooper Howard/The Ghoul in Fallout (2024)
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NPD culture is taking screenshots whenever absolutely anyone says anything good about you and saving them all in a folder (Sorry for the multiple back-to-back submissions I'm feeling better now so that should be all for now lol)
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rainywhispersblog · 6 months
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hpdcultureis · 1 year
hpd culture is not feeling like you need to vent to anyone but doing so anyway, but because you want to entertain them trying to turn your vents into jokes which makes no sense to them because they thought you wanted to tell them about something that upset you not lift their spirits
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goji-pilled · 3 months
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okay but would she still love her if she was a worm though??
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saduboiss · 1 month
you think I’m okay, but inside I’m fighting back the urges to tear open my skin
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