#physically disabled hpd culture is
hpdcultureis · 4 months
phys disabled hpd culture is liking it when people ask about your disability unlike a lot of people because then they always feel bad for you and give you attention... >//<
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cluster b culture is doubting yourself over and over again about yoyr diagnosis but then realising you fit the engire criteria of yiur disorder
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identifying. documenting. mapping. tedious. laborious. indigenous. dissociative. self medication. modalities. spirituality. it’s all coming together. who are we? who are you? where are we? when are we? what are we? we are a collective
-Pågo 🌺 Narcisa 🌔 and Apathy ❓
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wxrmeaterz · 4 months
Welcome - We're the Forest Collective
This post contains our Do Not Follow , Before You Follow and some extra info about us bellow the cut
Collective Terms + Identities:
Forest , Xi/They/Wolf/Howl , Transmasculine
Therian + Otherkin (Primarily Wolfkin + Wolf theriotype , but we also identify with ragdoll cats, bunnies, and several others)
Punk , Cripplepunk / Cpunk
Collectively we are situational mute (do NOT call us selective mute) and predominantly semiverbal
(we have several masked verbal alters who communicate for us verbally when necessary, but we are considered semiverbal)
We interchangeably use parts , headmates and alter language and mainly use We/Us when talking about us.
We are intersex.
Get blocked (DNI):
Antisemitic, homophobic / transphobic, TERFs/SWERFs, racist, ableist, fatphobic, zionists etc
Non-traumagen "systems" + supporters/neutrals (endo, willo, etc) OR culturally appropriate closed practices
Pro/neu contact paras, radqueers and transIDs fuck off
If you reduce introjects to their source / blacklist certain sourced introjects (wtf is wrong with you)
If you don't know how to actually tag and TW things you're getting blocked
If you don't follow your own DNI
Anti contradictory labels - you are literally so intersexist and transphobic.
If you cannot tell the difference between real values and FICTION
Before You Follow:
If you stigmatise cluster B PDs by promoting the myth of "narcissist abuse"
Perisex but use Intergender or think you can transition to be intersex
Do not use complexity labels on us
We are physically disabled and use mobility aids
We often lose the ability to speak or communicate coherently as well as the ability to advocate for ourselves
We will block you if you actively post / reblog about our triggers
We are bodily intersex and will not tolerate intersexism of any kind.
Posts / reblogs tagged with: "dir post 🧂" or "dir reblog 🧂" are directed at our syspartner
Anons and asks will be tagged with:
"🌳 forest.chats"
Random rambles unrelated to our usual posts will be tagged with:
"🌳forest rambles.exe"
We have survived RAMCOA , Programming and TBMC and post about it (tagged with appropriate warnings)
Our Disorders:
AuDHD , Dyslexia , Speech disorders (stutter, situational mute, semiverbal), Tourettes
Agoraphobia, C-PTSD, Polyfrag DID
Cluster B PDs: BPD, HPD, NPD
Cluster C PD: DPD
OCD, DPDR, Pica, ARFID, Anxiety + Depression
We are visually impaired with VSS (currently looking for more Dx that may explain our vision)
POTS, FND, Hypermobile EDS, Fibro
Our Collective Pronouns page:
(this also contains links to other headmates pronouns pages)
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crippled-native · 2 years
🔔‼️🚨 able bodied people - unless y’all are committed to unlearning and combating physdisableism, DNI! y’all are ableist and violent toward physically disabled people of color.
⚠️DO NOT INTERACT unless you are Black/Brown/Indigenous, physically disabled, older than 21, and respect self diagnosis. self diagnosis is lifesaving for us. do not interact unless you respect ALL Black/Brown/Indigenous people’s identities, disabilities, genders and sexualities⚠️
💎I am Indigenous, triracial, third/culturally gendered💎
🌺physically and mentally disabled. childhood sexual abuse survivor. I use a cane, eyeglasses, inhaler and am a medical marijauna patient. I’m mid-high support needs.🌺
📌chronic pain syndrome, hEDs, PoTS, IBS, interstitial cystitis, asthma, long covid, CPTSD, OCD, OSDD-1a, DPDR, MADD, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, hidradenitis supparativa, insomnia (DSPS), autism, adhd, PPD/SZPD/BPD/HPD/AVPD/OCPD, auditory+visual+speech impairment, dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia/dysgraphia, BDD+recovering anorexic, plantar fasciitis, TMJ, ARFID, suspected ID
❓you can call me Dragon. my pronouns are he/him only. do NOT call me they or she.❓
[image ID: a banner that says "DNI IF WHITE, ABLED, OR UNDER 21” on the first line, and “ONLY INTERACT IF” on the second line, and “BLACK/BROWN/NATIVE & DISABLED” on the third line. End image ID]
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hpdcultureis · 8 months
physically disabled hpd culture is accentuating your limp for attention
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hpdcultureis · 1 year
hpd + physically disabled culture is people assuming your physical disability must be fake and a big scheme to get attention (and sometimes you think it is too, i say as im in debilitating pain because i walked up the stairs) ~ starcat
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