#plural osdd
wxrmeaterz · 3 months
Welcome - We're the Forest Collective
This post contains our Do Not Follow , Before You Follow and some extra info about us bellow the cut
Collective Terms + Identities:
Forest , Xi/They/Wolf/Howl , Transmasculine
Therian + Otherkin (Primarily Wolfkin + Wolf theriotype , but we also identify with ragdoll cats, bunnies, and several others)
Punk , Cripplepunk / Cpunk
Collectively we are situational mute (do NOT call us selective mute) and predominantly semiverbal
(we have several masked verbal alters who communicate for us verbally when necessary, but we are considered semiverbal)
We interchangeably use parts , headmates and alter language and mainly use We/Us when talking about us.
We are intersex.
Get blocked (DNI):
Antisemitic, homophobic / transphobic, TERFs/SWERFs, racist, ableist, fatphobic, zionists etc
Non-traumagen "systems" + supporters/neutrals (endo, willo, etc) OR culturally appropriate closed practices
Pro/neu contact paras, radqueers and transIDs fuck off
If you reduce introjects to their source / blacklist certain sourced introjects (wtf is wrong with you)
If you don't know how to actually tag and TW things you're getting blocked
If you don't follow your own DNI
Anti contradictory labels - you are literally so intersexist and transphobic.
If you cannot tell the difference between real values and FICTION
Before You Follow:
If you stigmatise cluster B PDs by promoting the myth of "narcissist abuse"
Perisex but use Intergender or think you can transition to be intersex
Do not use complexity labels on us
We are physically disabled and use mobility aids
We often lose the ability to speak or communicate coherently as well as the ability to advocate for ourselves
We will block you if you actively post / reblog about our triggers
We are bodily intersex and will not tolerate intersexism of any kind.
Posts / reblogs tagged with: "dir post 🧂" or "dir reblog 🧂" are directed at our syspartner
Anons and asks will be tagged with:
"🌳 forest.chats"
Random rambles unrelated to our usual posts will be tagged with:
"🌳forest rambles.exe"
We have survived RAMCOA , Programming and TBMC and post about it (tagged with appropriate warnings)
Our Disorders:
AuDHD , Dyslexia , Speech disorders (stutter, situational mute, semiverbal), Tourettes
Agoraphobia, C-PTSD, Polyfrag DID
Cluster B PDs: BPD, HPD, NPD
Cluster C PD: DPD
OCD, DPDR, Pica, ARFID, Anxiety + Depression
We are visually impaired with VSS (currently looking for more Dx that may explain our vision)
POTS, FND, Hypermobile EDS, Fibro
Our Collective Pronouns page:
(this also contains links to other headmates pronouns pages)
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rustybutterknife · 6 months
Microdosing polyamory by dating a system
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welldrawnfish · 2 months
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oursystemblog · 2 months
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"was it dishes again" Yes
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collectivewarmth · 3 months
one of the most important things about dissociative identity disorder and generally being a system that i wish people would understand is that it truly isn’t as cut and dry as it may seem for member count.
you’ll see people who say they have “six alters” and then immediately assume it’s six fully fleshed out equal individuals with no confusion or fuzziness regarding identity. that’s simply not true in a majority of cases, as i have seen.
most systems still VERY much deal with confusion regarding potential splits, go through dissociative episodes where they’re unsure of who they are, sometimes feel no attachment towards any identities, feel like they might have split and then suddenly that person is gone, unsure if alters they haven’t heard from often have gone dormant, not sure how to react when alters do come out of dormancy, etc.
it’s not a fun feeling and it’s genuinely unfair in certain situations to force systems to list every single alter to you with full certainty, as if it will never change. because it will. for so many different reasons, systems will grow, they will shrink, they will fuse, they will develop. you can’t expect the person with the dissociative disorder and lack of core identity to be able to keep up a perfected list of forever, it’s simply impossible. you may have alters who stick with you, but that doesn’t mean changes won’t happen.
and systems who may be reading this — please don’t feel bad. you are not a hassle, you are not a headache, and you are not an inconvenience for simply coping with something like this. it’s out of your control and the only thing you can do is continue to cope to find ways to help yourself retrain from these reactions. please don’t allow yourself to be harmed by others who don’t understand what you are going through. there are people who will accept and love you for who you are, all of you.
past, present, and future.
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elliebunniiee · 3 months
Bitches in my head having anxiety, call that a nervous system
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rin-and-jade · 3 months
Types of Amnesia
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Diagram created by me
General criteria for amnesia:
Memory loss
Inability to recognize familiar figures/places
Difficulty recalling names or places
Not remembering where you went
Worser ability to remember things that had happened
Generalized Amnesia Where a person completely forgets everything about themself and have no recollection of what, where, and who they spoke to. This can describe a blackout switch and may still recognize who they are.
Localized Amnesia Where a person is unable to recall a specific/series of event from the whole, which creates an incomplete picture of the situation. For example, remembering childhood but not the abuse.
Selective Amnesia Where a person only lost some and retain the rest, forgetting parts yet not all of them. This can describe greyouts as it grasps some information/sensory yet not enough to tell what exactly happened. One example is playing the phone and unable to recall what occured, only to jump its memory right to being at bed.
Emotional Amnesia Where a person has an intact memory and it's details on what had happened, but do not remember what the event feels like (e.g. was scared, happy, etc.). One description is that you're watching something that didn't happen to you, because you don't feel like being in the scene itself.
Continuous Amnesia Where a person fails to retain full parts of the event/day, for a set period of time (can vary from minutes to days) and create an accumulative, small bits of selective amnesias, continuously, leaving many gaps in a chronological timeline. This usually happens in times or stress, or abuse.
Fragmented Amnesia Where a person has an unrelated, and/or disjointed memories that does not go with the timeline's order, creating confusion and difficult to grasp the cohesive picture of what truly happened. Emotional amnesia may be present in this type. Bonus for systems:
Amnesia barriers Where a person fronting is not able to recall other alter's memories, which is a form of retrograde amnesia and compartmentalization. Because the fronter will only retain any information before switching out with the next one, the rest experiences anterograde amnesia as it cannot form and remember those memories, unless being coconcious or cofronting (even though, this is not always guaranteed).
Take notes that amnesia can still happen outside system things due to comorbidities like anxiety disorders or depression, this does mean systems are bound to experience more amnesia compared to non-systems folks out there.
Do you have any discussions about this? Or would like to describe your own way of seeing these different types of amnesia? Or have more to add? Feel free to tell them here!
- j
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dolliez-sys · 2 months
“You can’t be a system!! You and ___ both do this!!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ LOVEEE this!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ talk very similarly!!!”
We still share a brain.
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children-of-moss · 2 months
The future should not be plural.
The future should accommodate for those with dissociative disorders.
The future should have further more thorough research in dissociative disorders.
The future should be more accepting of dissociative disorders.
The future should not be plural.
That means children are getting repeatedly traumatised at an impressionable age.
That means children don't have healthy coping mechanisms.
That means children AREN'T SAFE.
The future should not be plural, but it should be respectful and accepting to those who are.
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actuallyverynormalbtw · 6 months
realizing youre Real is .weird,,
like you can exist for Years??? never noticing??? never thinking about Yourself. assuming you are the host, or assuming you are another alter.
it is WEIRD to sit there with your morning coffee, having a conversation, and just suddenly the stars align . and you realize how different you are from "you" . you realize you werent "you", you were actually YOU the whole time.
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m0nst3rgunxz · 3 months
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kintsugicollective · 2 months
Shout out to people who are plural for "weird reasons"
Internet access
"everyday stress"
Emotionally unavailable parents
Drug use
Perceived risk of abuse (no active abuse)
"gifted kid"
You are just as valid as those with textbook traumas and we love you <3
- Tobie
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oursystemblog · 2 months
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working on it
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reimeichan · 9 months
PSA: If you are using Pluralkit or Tubberbox, go save your avatar files NOW.
Discord has been implementing a feature where direct links to images uploaded to Discord will no longer work after 24 hours. If you want more information, please check out this post by twilight-sparkle-irl. As Pluralkit and Tubberbox both use the direct links for images uploaded to discord for member avatars, this will likely affect these two bots.
I've talked to the Pluralkit devs and they have informed me that Pluralkit and Tubberbox devs are in talks with Discord to see how this will affect the bots. No updates as of yet but once I hear anything I'll update this post.
In the meanwhile, I highly suggest everyone to save alter avatars if they can. I'll be providing a link to an external tool that you can use in the reblogs of this post.
UPDATE: One of the helpers/mods for Pluralkit/Tupperbox has made a post about the situation. I definitely recommend people to read it when they can. If Tumblr breaks the link, I have a reblogged version of this post with the link there.
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soiarsys · 4 months
some alters hold trauma/memories that they didn’t exist to experience / didn’t front during.
some alters have amnesia for moments they were there for.
like that’s really common. you have a dissociative disorder. you aren’t faking if you remember something you didn’t front for and you aren’t faking if you forgot something that you yourself literally did. our brains are trying to protect us. sometimes it does a good job with the amnesia thing and often times it doesn’t. there’s no real way to make amnesia convenient. like a lot of systems only get amnesia from switches, but a lot of us forget the day prior even if no switch occurred.
and although this post is about amnesiac systems, you’re valid if you don’t have amnesia either, or not very much. everyone is different. every system is different.
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rin-and-jade · 2 months
I know that being a system means you're rather different from other parts inside, but that doesn't mean you can't share the same traits or habits:
Some systems don't have distinctive handwritings that can be distinguished from one to another
Some systems don't have a jarring difference when it comes to using clothes or style of fashion
Some systems don't have a separate accent from one another, they all speak the same, and use similar words
Some systems don't have varying amounts of skills or proficiency, they all have it evenly the same throughout, not lesser nor better than others
Some systems don't have their specific disorder affecting just one alter, it affects everyone collectively too
Some systems don't have opposing opinions or ideas from each other, they all share similar life views and perception
Systems being different is true to an extent, but since multiple alters share one brain, it's common to find overlapping qualities among them as well.
What other kinds of traits do you all similarly have, or could be indistinguishable among systems? Join in and share them here!
- j
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