#model Spock
purpleenma · 1 month
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Like Yin and Yang
My gift to @donsdrawn for the Mcspirk Gift Exchange 2024 inspired by their awesome ongoing fic Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking.
In this AOS AU Jim and Spock are rival models that have a huge crush on Bones, the professional photographer that usually takes their pictures. This is their first time working together and trying to be professional about it.
I also needed to do this extra doodle, the silly compelled me xD
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AO3 art post
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stra-tek · 5 days
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Wonderful photos of the Star Trek III self-destructed U.S.S. Enterprise model, from the Set Blueprint Archive
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chernobog13 · 6 months
What we were promised:
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What someone (a heck of a lot more talented than 10 year-old me) delivered:
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97b0n3s · 8 months
Sigh maybe in another life Jim Kirk would’ve made a nice top model
ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT. Spock would be a sought after top model his sheer cuntiness, height, slenderness would all make him soo perfect. His ability to make any garment look absolutely amazeballs would lead to great things.
Kirk was told by many of his friends and acquaintances that his sheer charm and ability to serve needed to be brought to the attention of fashion designers unfortunately he was gifted with rocking pecs and a short torso but nonetheless for the fun of it he tried out at a top modeling agency in San Francisco that was known for birthing the biggest models out there. A long shot he thought but worth one.
It was all over the news about a young Vulcan taking modeling by storm being desperately sought out by modeling agency across the galaxy but settled on the one in San Francisco. After all it seemed to be the logical choice seeing the amount of top models came out of it absolutely victorious in conquering every quadrant.
Christopher Pike in this is a modeling agent taking Spock as his top student at this point he wasn’t even a student he was practically an upcoming empire but he noticed the new comer. Short torso.. height.. not too tall.. to any modeling agent they would scoff, what a joke! Not Pike, no. He saw absolute potential in this charming young new face in the business. The absolute gall this boy had intrigued Pike. He saw his interactions with the other models and no other new faces complimented each other better than those two..
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bonesibegyou · 10 months
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I would pay all the money I have (which is not much but you get what I mean) to have a scene in Star Trek 4 where they rescue a stranded ship with a bunch of Vulkan children on board (maybe headed to New Vulcan idk) and Spock sees how scared and sad they are (because well their planet is now a handful of space rubble and maybe some of their parents are gone now) so he just starts showing them around the Enterprise to cheer them up a little because Vulcan children are nothing but curious. And suddenly efficiency plummets and nothing gets done anymore because there's a First Officer surrounded by a group of tiny somber children calmly explaining to them how a starship works and no one can focus on their work anymore. Just imagine Spock showing them the bridge and answering their questions with endless patience and Jim just cannot stop smiling because of how darn cute it is. Bones is unable to pick his jaw off the floor when they ask to see the medbay. Sulu almost flies them into an asteroid because he is unable to cope with this level of cuteness. Scotty lets them pick apart a tricorder or two while on the verge of tears.
Bonus points if their Vulcan teachers or caretakers or whatever ask Spock to back off because they consider him a bad example (because of the stunt he pulled in front of VSA) and the crew gets a very uncomfortable glimpse of the way Spock is/was perceived back on Vulcan. Which causes them to Lose Their Shit (tm) in a very polite manner and leads to a very exasperated Spock wondering why he suddenly gets showered with praise everywhere he goes
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I’m just saying. I’m just saying that there was some SHADY shit going down at Spock’s school
I get that there’s a huge concern over keeping your emotions in check, but if you actually think about it, they would know and accept that kids have a harder time controlling their emotions, and so they would have systems in place where if a kid lost control of their emotions, they’d help them calm down and talk out how that kid should’ve logically reacted
What I’m saying, is that it would’ve been more in character for the school officials to look through security footage (which would’ve existed!! with it being the future and the way Vulcans like to document everything to the exact nth) and try to talk to Spock about how he should’ve reacted in that situation
Which means they would’ve seen the group of kids taunting him, and something about them makes me think that this is a reoccurring situation, not just with Spock, but any other Vulcan kid not deemed “Vulcan” enough
So although they would’ve done something about Spock losing control of his emotions, they also would’ve been more concerned about the kids making this a terrible learning space for other children, and they would’ve seen the logic in stopping the problem at its source
But instead no investigation was done? Against three kids cornering one, three kids who I’m sure would’ve been in multiple situations where they’ve had some kind of alternation with another kid, who would’ve let the adults know the other kids were taunting them? No investigation?
I think it was a coverup. I don’t think it’s just the school’s xenophobia either, I think one of those kids’ parents, or all of them, have ties in the school, and every time their kid is almost caught for doing something bad, they have the teachers tell the victims that the best thing to do is to control their own emotions and let it happen, making it seem like it was the victim’s fault so their kids get away with it and no investigation is done
I think the s’chn t’gai family should have sued the school.
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speakvulcantome · 9 months
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Someone else made, I found, please don't delete my account. It would seem... Leonard Nimoy is a sex symbol to a subset of internet users I wouldn't think were into Spock.
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defconprime · 9 months
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Hallmark Mirror Spock Ornament, 2021
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vulcannic · 2 years
what is your coolest big t-shirt then? :-)
my vintage borg shirt!!!!
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if you’re ever wondering what i look like at any given time, i’m probably wearing this exact outfit
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simptasia · 2 months
i would trust any starfleet doctor with my life
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chernobog13 · 9 months
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Okay, I'm probably over-thinking this, but there has always been something that bugged me about the design of ships like the USS Grissom and USS Cerritos: how do crew members get back and forth from the primary to secondary hulls? Is there a turboshaft that runs them past the engines? They're not using the transporters, 'cause that would be a huge waste of time and energy, right?
For all I know this has already been addressed on Star Trek: Lower Decks (which I need to sit down and watch soon), and my grumblings are moot.
(Sigh) I am over-thinking this.
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iskander-tm · 5 months
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Waiting for his man, to have an afternoon power nap
(rambling about background under the cut)
And there's a shmallll text of me explaining background because I'm really proud of how it turned out!!!
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First things first - It's Kirk's room!
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Here we have:
- a little model of Vostok - first space craft to carry a human inside
- dagger Spock got on one of the missions simmilar to earth's sword breaker
- dream catcher because at this point he's willing to try anything for a peaceful sleep
- Kirk stealing clay dudes from aborigines from different planet as a reminder that no matter how different from them and bizarre races they meet, they all united in urge of making little clay dudes
- I thought it'd be hilarious for Kirk to have such poster. Especially when Spock is his common guest (also x files was his bi awakening okay??)
Kirk's vitamins, sedatives, sleeping pills. Also when Spock comes in they set a higher temperature so Kirk is constantly thirsty
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- Book that he got after his trial. After that one he even tried to record some things on paper, but he's not very good with organizing it
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-Kirk boots( Spock wouldn't leave them like that, he's a careful man)
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-Spock grows plants that he finds on planets and some are not accustomed to the heat of his room so he places them in Kirk's
-At last, when Spock and Kirk sleep together they set a temperature between what's comfortable for Spock and Kirk, so it's a bit too warm for Kirk and a bit too cold for Spock. That's why Spock wears pajama and Kirk (may or may not) wear only underwear
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perlukafarinn · 7 months
need a fic set after amok time where spock ponders that he's gonna need a new bondmate eventually. and kirk goes, "well, what about me?"
spock considers this and very logically deduces that yes, kirk would be a suitable mate due to their mental compatibility, aligned careers and his general good qualities. "and also i'm in love with you," kirk helpfully adds.
spock is a bit alarmed by that, as he's not sure he can fulfill kirk's emotional needs but kirk assures him that just being with him is enough.
so they bond and begin to share quarters and it's a surprisingly easy leap to make. kirk is a model bondmate, considerate of spock's needs, offering intimacy when spock wants it and giving him space when necessary. spock does his best to return the favor and although he still occasionally worries that he cannot be everything kirk needs, kirk is always quick to reassure him.
then one day in their shared quarters after a shift, spock looks up from his paperwork at kirk. kirk, noticing him looking, gives him a soft smile and realization strikes spock like a bolt of lightning.
he is in love with kirk. it was never about kirk being the logical choice, spock wanted to bond with him because he loves him.
when he tells kirk this, his smile widens but he otherwise doesn't respond and another realization hits.
"you knew," he accuses kirk.
kirk hums. "i gambled."
then he holds out his hand and spock accepts the ozh'esta and is quietly grateful that this conversation will never be known to mccoy
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spockanalia-archive · 3 months
Spockanalia Archive Masterpost
With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we (@thegeminisage and @maulthots) digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. Updated features include:
Text that has been retyped and can now be read with screen readers, and, if you are on a computer, resized. On all devices, line breaks will occur dynamically, meaning that you will not have to scroll back and forth to read a single line of text.
Images that have been restored to remove paper texture, noise, and ghost text from old scans, and rotated to correct sideways scanning. These images will also resize dynamically to fit any device screen. All images have alt text for screen readers.
A master list of each volume and chapter of Spockanalia can be found below the cut; since the digitization is still in progress, we will add links as they become available.
Volume I
Cover art by Kathy Bushman
Dedication art by Chester Malon
Copyright by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
Contents and Art Credits by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
Lettercol art by Sherna Comerford
The Territory of Rigel by Dorothy Jones; art by Juanita Coulson
Off the Top by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
A Most Illogical Song by Shirley Meech, Kathy Bushman, and Sherna Comerford; art by Sherna Comerford
Physiologica Vulcanensis by Sherna Comerford, Juanita Coulson, and Kay Anderson; art by Sherna Comerford and DEA
A Proposed Model of the Vulcan Heart by Sandra Deckinger; art by Sherna Comerford and Kathy Bushman
To a Vulcan by Sherna Comerford; art by Dick Flood
Also to a Vulcan by Devra Michele Langsam
The Vulcan Gambit by Shirley Meech; art by Sherna Comerford and DEA
Vulcan Psychology by Juanita Coulson; art by Sherna Comerford, DEA, and Kathy Bushman
Spock Shock by Sherna Comerford; art by Sherna Comerford, Devra Michele Langsam, and DEA
Vulcans and Emotions by Devra Michele Langsam; art by Sherna Comerford and DEA
Kirk and Spock by Ruth Berman; art by Sherna Comerford
'S Blood by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
Thoughts on Vulcan Culture by Devra Michele Langsam; art by Sherna Comerford and Kathy Bushman
Excerpt from the Young Vulcan's Handbook of Emotional Control by Shirley Meech; art by DEA
Record Review by Dorothy Jones; art by DEA
Star Drek by Ruth Berman; art by Sherna Comerford and Juanita Coulson
Acknowledgments by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
Postscript by Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford; art by Devra Michele Langsam
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basoogil · 10 months
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found a very basic 3D modelling software on my computer so i made spock :)
i realised too late that i cant rig the model so he is eternally t-posing
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barbatusart · 9 months
welcome to my twisted mind 1: elves cant grow beards + i consider all beta models as outfits or hairdos characters were really into a couple years ago or whatever = cazador had a good half decade minimum where he was really into wearing spirit gum beards & has been a vampire for such a long time that he forgot elves cant grow beards & Everybody knows it’s fake. fuckin fake goatee and those bigass ears out like evil spock
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