#Star Trek AOS
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blanc-ci · 16 hours ago
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“ I am entirely conscious, Doctor. I'm simply contemplating the nature of mortality. “
Redraw of this! Because oh my god Quinto is beautiful
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icantspellthings · 1 day ago
The way ST Into Darkness was so angsty to me because you can literally SEE the way Jim is already so attached to Spock like way more than normal because he literally had spock primes memories rattling in his brain and now he has has the emotions of 30 years of friendship with this guy who he's only know for like a year. The way he expected spock to save his life no matter the regulations (like tos spock does sometimes) but mccoy snaps him into reality with "he would've let you die" and he realised that his spock isn't like old spock, that they don't have that decades long profound friendship yet, and he looked SO sad and heartbroken 😭😭😭😭.
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egonkula · 16 hours ago
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dare I say… no one understands them like I do…
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miss-americanbi · 18 hours ago
how the absolute FUCK am i supposed to live long and prosper in these conditions
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acaciajules · 21 hours ago
I did know this, and I've read all the fics.
No because why did no one tell me Karl Urban was in the Doom movie? And that there's a sub-tag in AO3 for a crossover with AOS called DoomTrek?
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POV: Jim and Spock tell you they're going on another life-threatening mission together (they both just got out of one barely alive and are still recovering in Sickbay)
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wizard-amulang · 3 days ago
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redraw my old art with different version's of HS Jim
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Who is hotter? Uhura AOS or Bashir?
Round one, match sixty four
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scotty-headcannons · 5 hours ago
Scotty... Wait, it's Scotty's birthday! Make sure you wish him a happy birthday today!
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heliotropepajamas-books · 13 hours ago
Fanbinding: Vulcans are Fangirls Too
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Bind #9
Vulcans are Fangirls Too by @jouissants
Date Completed: 12/28/2024
Size: Octavo. 10,838 words, 116 pages.
Copies: 1 (for now...)
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My former college roommate has been obsessed with Star Trek since she was a kid, 100% shipped Kirk & Spock, but had somehow missed the world of fanfiction.  Since we routinely give each other whatever strange new craft we’re learning, she needed a fanbinding gift for Christmas.  I wanted a fic that was short enough that it didn’t feel like I was giving her an assignment but still long enough to have a real plot, plus not too fluffy and not too angsty.  "Vulcans are Fangirls Too" was the goldilocks fic.
I am now in love with Octavos (8 pages per side of printer paper).  They’re so small and cute and perfect for stories around the 10,000 word range.  I had fun finally using the “command gold” bookcloth in my stash and I think I’m finally getting the hang of HTV - it turned out nearly perfect this time.
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Formatted in LibreOffice Writer with Liberation Serif as the body text font, Eras ITC for the title page and page numbers, and Federation Classic for the spine title. There are several letters in this story so I used the Ink Free font for Kirk's handwriting and Segoe Print for Spock.
Finished late at night right before going to visit and exchange presents the next day.
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wagtailcrafts · 23 hours ago
In case anyone was in interested in how it looked printed
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Aaaand my final typeset for Binderary is complete! This was battle between practical readability and getting this 230k fic to a page count that will fit in my guillotine.
Ultimately the guillotine won so hello 8pt font with 11pt line spacing
(it's a little cramped but I love it anyway)
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blanc-ci · 6 hours ago
The more scraps I see of AOS 4’s development (particularly about it being a prequel + set mostly on Earth) the more I get that feeling of? when you’re anxiously watching someone else cook and you want to leave them to it- but you just keep poking your head in the kitchen to see if the pot has boiled over yet
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icantspellthings · 3 months ago
I absolutely love the casting for the AOS movies because yeah Chris Pine kinda looks like a yassified Jim Kirk, and Zachary Quinto does look like a younger Spock. But then they looked at big, tall, broad shouldered, muscular action man Karl Urban and went. Yeah, I think he can play scrawny bean pole shrimp postured, looks like a light gust of wind would blow him away, Leonard McCoy. And by god, were they correct because it was like the spirit of Deforest Kelley himself possessed him to play Bones.
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trek-tracks · 27 days ago
Jim, texting Bones: Spock is stressed and driving all of us crazy please come to the bridge and say something deliberately stupid
Bones: on my way
five minutes later
Bones, striding on to the bridge: wow that nebula sure looks like cotton candy! Yessiree I bet it’d taste delicious
Spock, instantly turning around like he’s controlled by springs: Doctor, as you well know—
Entire bridge: sighs in relief
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I can never believe what an extraordinary script it is...
ST 09 Script
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If he had called him commander Spirk I would have laughed my ass off.
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This is hilarious
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McCoy's actual line was much better
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Glad this was changed. Made him seem sexist
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I know this seems small but I would of liked a line (even a sarcastic one) on Kirks love of books
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Imagine living in a town with a bar named that
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Same energy as "Vulcan's never lie" Spock lied
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Aww, I wish they kept this in
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The ears <3
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This needs to be the accepted canon of how Sarek reacted to spocks birth, not the 'so human' from V.
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I like half of this, not the second half
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Shouldn't it be green faced. Why red faced?
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This is how porn starts
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poor spock
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So is Kirk a cadet or lieutenant in this??
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Ah, yes. The one use of the F word you get in a pg-13 movie
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So the brig was at least momentarily considered
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So glad this was cut
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I'm actually glad this line wasn't in there.
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mr--spock · 3 months ago
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Admit it, Spock. For people like us, the journey itself… is home.
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