#mental health goals
autumnsup · 11 months
Almost 9 months into my little Tumblr experiment, I can say I've discovered at least 5 truths for myself:
There are people out there who are way more obsessed with things than I am, or could ever be, and it's okay if I can't keep up.
Fanfic, while the main reason I decided to join Tumblr in the first place, can only take me so far creatively and personally. Even when backed by an excellent playlist. That being said, I've found some lovely people through sharing fanfic, so there is definitely joy in it!
I absolutely love deep-dive explorations of movies and books and music and themes that are meaningful to me. I also appreciate a snappy one-liner, but I've never been good at writing succinctly, so I will continue to admire without emulating. :)
I will likely never be a widely-read writer, and that's okay. People will find and enjoy my work on their own terms, just like I will find and devour the work of others when the time is right.
Like every other social media platform I've tried, it's best if I take Tumblr in moderation. Which is easier said than done on some days.
For anyone who's curious, you can find my master list of fic here. The majority of my efforts have been in the first fandom I discovered online, Harry Potter, but I've also branched out to Velvet Goldmine and The Dark Is Rising, and may keep going if the inspiration strikes again. But paying attention to my mental health needs to come first, and if that means not writing or posting anything for a while, so be it.
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desultory-suggestions · 5 months
You have to stop ruining things for yourself preemptively because you believe they’ll fail anyway. Give yourself a chance to succeed.
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parwatisingari · 8 months
Navigating Mental Health with Grace
Day3 Unfettered Living. Jan Sky, bless her curious heart, inquired about our mental health goals, and then, with an air of intrigue, probed into how we’d bring these aspirations into our personal domain. Following that, she turned the spotlight on us as community contributors – especially those in leadership roles – asking how we’d weave these goals into the tapestry of our…
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histhoughtslately · 3 months
When love finds you again, I wish for you that is kind, gentle, loving, peaceful and tranquil. May it make you smile again, laugh often, dance like no one’s watching, and support your true self without condition.
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foxweddingss · 2 years
Healthy goals are whatever dog instagramers do. Like go on a walk and wear tiny bow ties. Maybe stick your head out the window of a car and bark at a cat once in a while.
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daily-spooky · 9 months
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max-is-a-tranny · 2 months
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Real shit
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warriorheartofmine · 1 year
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allaboutthemoonlight · 5 months
How to Master Motivation
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Hi friends,
Today I want to talk about motivation and finding ways to maintain it in our daily lives. Motivation is a crucial factor that drives us to achieve our goals, overcome challenges, and stay committed to our development.
Understand the locus of control
Our locus of control, internal or external, is the degree to which we believe we have control over what happens to us in our lives. It influences how we respond to circumstances that impact us and how motivated we feel to take action.
An external locus of control is when we believe that our life and the outcomes we experience are a result of external forces beyond our power. We think everything that happens to us occurs because of chance or luck—two things we can’t control.
The key to staying motivated is to develop an internal locus of control. This is when we believe that we’re responsible for the things happening to us and understand that we have control over the outcome. It’s a level of self-determination where we realize our efforts, decisions, and habits create the life we live.
So, how do we adopt an internal locus of control?
The first point I want to emphasize is that, regardless of your perception of how much control you have over your life, the amount of work you put into something is always within your control. The first step is to abandon the mindset that everything is left up to chance and, because of this, you should stop trying. You need to understand that you always have some level of power over your circumstances, even if you’ve been told otherwise:
Be more aware of the choices you make and realize there is always a choice to be made.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance from those around you.
Spend time self-reflecting and trying to understand yourself better. Reflect on previous instances where you’ve felt a lack of control and write down what could have been done instead.
Don’t be afraid to fail; it’s an opportunity to learn.
Know the different types of motivation
Next, I want to talk about the different types of motivation and how they impact you.
There are 4 different types of motivation, each with their own distinctions:
Intrinsic motivation: This is where you do something because it aligns with your values or just because it’s fun. Although it’s good to have intrinsic motivation, this type is fragile and can be undermined when we start feeling like we’re losing autonomy over our choices.
Extrinsic motivation: This is what most people think of when they imagine motivation. It’s when our motivation comes from outside of us—we’re doing something for a reward or to avoid a punishment. It’s the opposite type of motivation that you should seek if you want to be self-driven.
Introjected: This type of motivation can create resentment or tension. We do something because if we don’t, we’ll feel shameful or guilty. For example, you might go to the gym not because you enjoy it or care about the health benefits, but because you feel guilty if you don’t work out.
Identified: The reason you’re doing something is because it aligns with your idealized self. It’s something that you’ve internalized to be important and allows you to behave in accordance with your self-concept and identity. This is the most important type because it creates habitual behaviors are no longer choices. We understand our identity and that certain habits and behaviors need to be done so that we’re constantly aligned with our higher selves. For example, you might regularly volunteer at a local shelter or organization because you’re someone who values compassion and community service.
So, how can we implement identified motivation more into our lives?
Really try and understand the reasoning behind a goal you want to achieve. Ask yourself “why do you actually want this thing?”. This is also a good time to review your values and whether or not your goal aligns with them.
Constantly remind yourself about why the outcome matters to you because we often forget the reason that we started in the first place. —ex.
Like James Clear said, make your goal, system, habit, or whatever you’re wanting to accomplish more motivating or fun. Beyond that, start associating the reward with the challenge itself. If you’re training for a marathon, instead of seeing the finish line as the only reward, find or fulfillment in the training process and the discipline you developed along the way.
Adopt a positive mindset. Rather than complaining about having to workout in the morning or studying for an exam, start saying “I get to study for this exam and further my education” or “I’m blessed to have a body that works for me and allows me to exercise”. It’s all about perspective and embracing gratitude. If you put half the energy that you use from complaining into figuring out how to take the next step, you’ll accomplish a lot more.
Don’t neglect your emotional and mental health
Slumps are very real, and mental health can impact every aspect of motivation. Self-improvement and changing your life aren’t easy journeys by any means, and there will be times when stress and feelings of being overwhelmed can paralyze you. In these moments, it’s critical to take a break, a breather, or anything that can help reset your mental health. Remember to engage in activities that support your emotional needs. Not every second of the day needs to be spent doing something productive or working toward your goals. It’s okay to take breaks and have rest days; in fact, I think it’s crucial.
Reward yourself often, even for the smallest achievements. It’s not about what you completed, but the fact that you completed something at all. Spend time acknowledging your accomplishments.
Take it one step at a time and remember no action is too small. Starting small is what helps us build consistency in the long run.
Embrace positive self-talk. Avoid talking yourself into a negative spiral, as it will only make you lose motivation and put you in a slump.
Get an accountability partner. Having someone in your corner who will cheer for you and keep you accountable is a game changer.
Stay motivated, stay grateful, stay resilient.
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becomingvecna · 6 months
anxiety, depression and/or being mentally and/or physically exhausted should always be a valid reason for any employee to take a day off without their paycheck being affected in any way, and also for any student to take a day off without their grade being affected in any way by the way
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Even if your body isn’t what you wish it were, you can still treat it with the respect it deserves. While it’s completely fine to dream of certain goals and changes for yourself, it’s equally important to learn to appreciate your body for what it is right now. Don’t try to fuel yourself on self hatred.
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eatclean-bewhole · 9 months
I don’t want you to just lose weight. I want you to build habits that keep you heathy physically and mentally for the rest of your life.
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xxautumnivyxx · 2 months
I don’t want to be strong like mountain
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ros3ybabe · 1 month
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First Impressions 🎀
I've had 4 of my 5 classes so far (one doesn't start til october) and I definitely have some thoughts on them, so I thought I'd share my first impressions!
Principals of Accounting II:
the professor seems a bit disorganized, nervous, and semi chaotic but I like his energy
so many people in southern attire, I was a bit surprised
might take a decent amount of study time and energy to keep my grade up in the class, but I'm always up for a challenge and I definitely know I'm capable
gotta figure out a time efficient study routine for this class
Learning (Psychology)
professor has an accent, no idea where he's from, but it's a cool and thankfully understandable accent
feels very content heavy. I definitely want to buy the textbook for this class
need to find a way to stay awake, that's one of the classrooms that make me sleepy
that professor likes to talk for sure (1 hour and 15 min of just the syllabus? man's can talk)
Integrated Survey of Organic and Bio Chemistry
the professor is definitely a science guy, him being the professor makes perfect sense
i really like how he explains and teaches
appreciate that all the content needed is already posted to our class online and all the slides are available already
I love science based classes because I know how to succeed in them and this one seems no different
I have a friend in the class so that's nice!
Intro To Business (Online)
lots of content
lots to do
I gotta make sure I time manage for this class cause otherwise, I'm gonna fall behind
an introduction video?? why not just a discussion post?? ahhhhh
Overall, with working full time, this is going to be an incredibly stressful, incredibly busy semester, but I'm so up for the challenge, and I know I can do it. I just gotta study efficiently, time manage properly, and keep disciplined. I WILL be successful.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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daily habits of successful people
reading allows for continuous learning, which is a relevant trait of successful individuals.
having a solid morning routine sets the tone for the day. this might include exercise, meditation, or planning tasks for the day ahead.
creating a daily to-do list helps keep priorities in check. it's a simple yet effective habit that ensures productivity and focus.
successful people recognise the importance of relationships. spending quality time with family and friends contributes to overall wellbeing.
regular exercise is crucial. staying active not only improves health but also enhances mental clarity and productivity.
taking short breaks throughout the day helps maintain focus and prevents burnout. even successful people need moments to recharge.
keeping up with industry tends and business news is essential. stay updated to make informed decisions.
celebrate small victories along the way. working toward achievable milestones keeps motivation high.
this little list works for any definition of success, it is simply the basics.
❤️ nene
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warriorheartofmine · 1 year
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