#master igni
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sweet-beezus · 24 days ago
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Procrastinating on a redraw project, so I turn to the usual sillies for a distraction
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express-archives · 2 months ago
dropping hyv oc animal motifs because i'm bored:
faye -> wolf
viola -> dog (more accurately, puppy)
emilio -> lion
hestia -> phoenix
farzaneh -> hawk
amara -> dove
eir -> owl
kassandra -> tba
aeolus -> tba. some kind of bird though
esfir -> tba
artemis -> dog
ambrose -> fawn
lian -> she's already a dragon. So. uh. she has sunflower motifs instead HAHAHA
ophelia -> swan
mnemosyne -> probably a crane i think
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yakool-foolio · 1 year ago
So uhhh remember when I posted this and didn't elaborate?
Today's the day I'm gonna elaborate. Ringo Ignis backstory summary speedrun GO!
Ringo was born to a family that's been tight-knit with the WDO ever since its founding. Their ancestors were a part of a scientific study to figure out if genetics served a part in what gifts people with supernatural abilities, and if so, what kind of genetics. However, once the WDO discovered that people born with unnatural silver eyes were most likely to gain Fortes, they began enforcing arranged marriages within the WDO to ensure that there would be a long line of Master Detectives from the Ignis family tree, proven to carry the gene. What they didn't know is that those with silver eyes are also highly vulnerable to a disease that is slow-acting and lethal, causing their family to basically disintegrate as they fail a race against time to continue their bloodline. The WDO acts like its not their problem while still holding the Ignis family in high regard, forcing them to work under the organization since they have nowhere else to turn to for work.
In present day, Ringo and his dad are the only ones left alive in their family, but their dad recently caught the illness. Ringo used to confine himself at home in order to take care of their sick father, learning how to multi-task as a way to distract themself from the potential loss of his last remaining family member. But eventually, their ability to multi-task developed into the power to create illusions of themself, able to appear like they're in two places at once. At first, he refused to join the WDO despite their dad's insistence. They instead spent months trying to enhance their powers on their own, desperate to find a way to help their dad. But when nothing worked, they eventually gave in, hoping that his work at the organization could provide them enough money to pay for a study and treatment of the disease before Ringo could be inflicted with it as well.
As for how the whole 'apple' part fits into this, the apple is a symbol of immortality to the Ignis family. To them, immortality is simply the experience of getting to live a full life and die peacefully when the time is right, not violently cut short by the disease cursing them all. The reason the family hasn't completely died out yet (other than the WDO still insisting they have children for the sake of having more Master Detectives no matter their shorter lifespan), is the idea that one day there will be someone who could break the 'curse' and let them live normal lives until death is nothing but a stranger. As the family is cut down to two living members, Ringo is named as their last shot at peace, carrying the decaying legacy of their bloodline.
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palesmokeisinthevoid · 7 months ago
Found an expression meme thing and I wanted to practice drawing mouths so I drew a bunch of my guys with it (mostly Canaryverse because I love these guys)
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All of them deserve to be a little mad (in both senses of the word), as a treat.
Character order for anyone who wants to ask any sort of questions ;)
1a: Riptide Hansen (He/him)
1b: Trevor(?) McGee (He/They)
1c: Lyda Moniter (She/Her)
2a: Annie Keeper (They/Them)
2b: Thing Keeper (She/Her)
2c: The Director “Dira Keeper” (He/She/They)
3a: Puppet Master (He/It)
3b: Alex Rose (They/Them)
3: Ignis (He/They/It)
Also said meme
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bubbleteaop · 2 years ago
SMG4 Lawsuit Arc but it’s Mega Man
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Blaze Girl: Aiden, I’m scared….
Ignis Frost: Guys, this is our only best chance of winning this trial.
Ignis Frost:  So lets give it our all!
Aiden: Yeah, Ignis is right, let’s give it our all’s!!
Butterflette: We can do this!
Cryo Man: We’ll kick their axx!!
Quake Woman: Ok WIthout further ado... LET’S BEGIN~!
Gift for @flowersofstarlight , @brandiph0 , and @purplequeeneve
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paracosmicparadox · 2 years ago
Hello, folks. If you've already seen my previous FFXV posts, you know I have some opinions on the game. That being said, I've decided to actually do things with those opinions instead of just rant about them. SO. I took the questionable route of logging onto AO3 and creating a fic. It's really just a personal enjoyment thing and a way for me to cope with the lingering effects of the game (it's road-trippy and wholesome and a little angsty---the works) But if you're interested, it's called I Miss Watching The Streetlights Go By With You, and you can find it here.
Yes, it does involve some Promptis fluff bc I gave in and decided they were cute. If you're interested, coolio. If you're not, coolio. For a little snippet to know sorta what it's like, continue reading below.
Their food didn’t take long to come out of the kitchen, and Takka presented it to them with a flourish. “I’m sure y’all are used to the fancy stuff up in Insomnia, so don’t judge our fast food too hard, alright?”
“Give yourself some credit, Takka,” Prompto said, “Insomnia’s restaurants pale in comparison to what you can get here.”
A grin split Takka’s face. “You flatter me.” He turned to Ignis. “Speaking of food, how’s yours coming along? You up and cooking again?”
“I think you’ll be pleased to know that I am.”
“That’s damn impressive. I know if I lost my eyes, I’d just give up and retire,” he laughed. “Glad to know that you’re stronger than that. Really.”
Ignis couldn’t suppress the smile as it grew on his face.
As they ate, Cid chatted about the influx in business that had resulted from the new roads and conditions around Lucis. Apparently Hammerhead was working its way towards opening up a dealership. “Cindy’s real hooked on the idea,” Cid said, “She’s been planning it all out for months now. It’s gonna start out small, but with the way things are lookin’, it’ll grow quick. Hammerhead-brand cars. Can you imagine?”
“I’d buy from you,” Gladio said.
“Well, of course! I expect you lot to be our best customers!” Cid guffawed, then fell into a coughing fit and had to take a moment to compose himself. “I’m real excited for what the future holds, I’ll tell ya. Just wish Regis coulda seen what this old pit stop’s become.”
Noctis’s eyes softened. “He would’ve been proud.”
“Yes. Yes, he would have.” Cid reached out and tapped Noctis’s hand. “Of more than just Hammerhead. You were his pride and joy, you know that? It nearly killed him when your mother died, but he had you to raise, and that was reason enough to stick around. Now look at you. All grown up and leading his kingdom.”
Prompto didn’t miss the way Noctis’s eyes shimmered, but the tears didn’t fall. “I think he was scared I wouldn’t make the cut.”
“Nonsense. You may have acted like an ass sometimes, but you were young. That’s what young folk do. Your father and I were worse about it than you were.”
He’s still young, Prompto wanted to say. We’re all still young. He turns twenty-one in fourteen days. Gladio’s the eldest of us, and he turned twenty-four this past April. Prompto said nothing. First he got upset over their eventual old age on the drive over, and now he gets upset over their youth? This was why he had Deirdre. He was a wreck.
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saphronethaleph · 8 months ago
The Bibliophile Gambit
“A Sith Lord?” Mace asked. “Really?”
“He said he was,” Anakin confirmed. “I… don’t know what to think, Master Windu. He’s been my friend for so long, and now…”
“I understand,” Mace told him. “You’re questioning everything he’s ever told you, because he’s been lying about that for the whole time you’ve known him – you’re asking how much he’s responsible for.”
“Yeah,” Anakin agreed, then paused. “And… I’m… I’m not sure why he revealed himself to me. He said he wanted me to use his knowledge, to – well, to do something that I want to do.”
He leaned against the wall. “I wish Obi-Wan was here. He usually helps things make sense.”
After a moment, he looked up at Mace. “...what are we going to do now?”
“Stop him, probably,” Mace replied. “I’ll take several other Jedi and arrest him.”
“Arrest him?” Anakin repeated, still trying to process. “Are you sure?”
“No,” Mace admitted. “My first instinct is to kill him, as soon as possible, so he can’t use his Force powers to do… something. Something dangerous.”
He rubbed his temples. “We’re right near the end of the war, we think. Obi-Wan destroying General Grievous is devastating to the Confederacy’s war effort. So why is he revealing himself now?”
Then Mace glanced up at Anakin. “Do you have any ideas?”
“No,” Anakin admitted. “I… guess it might be something political?”
“Political,” Mace repeated. “Political… perhaps that’s it. If we’re getting right to the end of the war, and he is a Sith, then… the war has let him accumulate all kinds of power to himself. We were going to make sure he surrendered the emergency powers, but-”
He cut himself off. “This is bad news.”
“I know,” Anakin said. “I know! And – I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what we should do. We need to stop him, right?”
“We need to stop him,” Mace agreed. “But we need to be as certain as possible of success. We cannot fail – if we attempt to kill him, and we fail, then Palpatine will have the justification he needs to keep his emergency powers.”
“Why would you need to kill him?” Anakin asked.
“If this is his plan, he will not come quietly,” Mace replied. “He will not submit to arrest.”
He frowned. “I need to think.”
“We need to hurry, don’t we?” Anakin said. “And – are you sure he won’t be arrested?”
“Anakin, if he’s told you, then it’s for one of two reasons,” Mace replied. “Either he expects you to turn to the Dark Side and help him out, or he expects the Jedi to come for him. There’s no way that being arrested would help him out, not that I can see – and if he does agree to be arrested, then that just means he has a plan for that situation as well.”
Anakin clenched his fist. “Then what do we do?” he asked. “This is – it sounds like he’s planned for everything!”
“Maybe he has,” Mace replied. “Or – maybe not.”
Palpatine looked up. “Master Windu,” he said. “And… Masters Kolar, Fisto, and Tiin. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then.”
He looked thoughtful. “I must say, you’re here sooner than expected.”
Mace Windu stepped forwards a pace, his expression glassy calm. “In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.”
“Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?” Palpatine asked, eyeing the lightsabers all four Jedi had ready – not ignited, not yet, but held in preparation to do so.
“I am not,” Mace replied, evenly. “You have been credibly accused of being a Sith Lord, specifically by the name of Darth Sidious. You have also been credibly accused of the murder of Darth Plagueis.”
That was enough to make Palpatine look confused.
“...what?” he asked. “Why do you care about Plagueis?”
“You murdered him, did you not?” Mace replied. “Chancellor, if you submit to arrest and to the judgement of the Senate, then this can be resolved peacefully.”
“I am the Senate,” Palpatine grated out.
“Not yet,” Windu denied.
“I don’t think there’s enough of you,” Agen Kolar murmured.
Palpatine stood, flicking his wrist, and a lightsaber appeared in it.
“It’s treason, then,” he said, igniting it, then a spike of blue light smashed though the glass and took his head off.
“...all right, I understand up to that part,” Padme admitted, less than a minute later.
She looked at the hologram of Anakin, in the council chamber, as the footage from the holorecorder Saesee Tiin had been carrying faded away. “The Jedi Masters summoned Palpatine to surrender, and he drew a lightsaber. But what was that?”
“It was Master Fisto’s idea,” Anakin said.
He’d been relaying the imagery to Padme for her input, since she was the only politician he trusted at this point, and he shook his head. “Master Windu asked the others what was something that a Sith would never expect the Jedi to do, and Master Fisto pointed out that something that would qualify was – sniper overwatch.”
He shuddered. “Also, I’m never returning any holobooks late again… so, uh, what do you think the Senate is going to think of this?”
“Well,” Padme began, then stopped and frowned. “With that kind of evidence, I think – it’s going to be very hard for anyone to be a public supporter of Palpatine in the Senate, now. He literally proved their accusations when he drew that lightsaber.”
She frowned. “And I’m not sure why he exploded, either…”
“That’s because of the Dark Side,” Master Windu contributed. “The Dark Side is self-destructive, that’s one of the dangers of the Seventh Form… admittedly it’s not usually quite that literal.”
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dailyadventureprompts · 1 month ago
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Settlement: Errishaan, where Inspiration Rises with the Tide
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Though it boasts no mighty navy or renowned trading port, the harbour town of Errishaan has seen an unexpected surge in prosperity in recent years as it's become something of a hotspot for some of the most brillaint minds in the realm.
Tinkerers and scholars of all kinds have begun flocking to the cliffside settlement in droves, hoping to obtain the attention of its ruler, Countess Milsa Bonharte , who's become a famed patron of the inventive arts over the past decade and a half.
What began as an informal gathering of minds has breathed new life into Errishaan which now boasts numerous workshops, annual innovator's competitions, and a thriving trade in clockworks.
Adventure Hooks:
Of the region's biggest attractions is the Savyswell Rally, an annual competition where various the boatbuilders and artificers of Errishaan race self made vessels to see who can be the first one to cross the notoriously turbulent waters to the town's lighthouse and back, with the caveat that their creations can only use magical forms of propulsion AFTER the half way mark. The party might be seeking the aid of one of these artificers and be drawn into the competition as a means of paying off their services, or they may have a friend/relation/contact who's in need of a hand as the deadline draws near.
Beyond drawing it's livelyhood from the sea, the cliffs surrounding Errishaan do a tidy trade in copper, and the local mines and metalworks are always willing to pay adventurers to help drive off cavedwelling monsters or runaway elementals. Cannonmakers Heldok & Loyid are having a bit of trouble with one of the latter, as the ignis bound to their foundry has become a bit hyperactive after one too many overtime shifts doing important work for the Countess. Now it's slipped its arcane bonds and is going about town manicly smelting things like a blacksmith's forge hopped up on one too many 5 hour energy shots.
Seeing the potential in all the curious minds drawn to Errishaan by the influx of Artifice and Lady Bonharte's patronage, a travelling dedicate of the Archheart named Dijdek has taken it upon himself to found an academy where the magics, crafts, and sciences can be recorded and taught formally. Doing so is easier said than done, as he'll need to convince at least a few of the infamously protective master artificers to consider teaching, and convince the Countess to help provide funding. The first step in this endeavour will be finding a place to establish the academy, an abandoned monastery not far from town might be just the place, but something dangerous is lairing there and most folk have written it off. Perhaps a little divine meddling can bring the priest and the party together for common cause.
Though no one would speak it publicly, it's commonly thought that Countess Milsa's interest in inventions is a distraction from the sorrow she feels at her husband's untimely death, a means to feel close to the famously brilliant man by surrounding herself with the science he loved.
People think too little of Milsa Bonharte, they always have. She was the pretty daughter of a wealthy merchant, courted by an eccentric noble ten years her senior thought mostly unmarrigeable for his habit of splashing about in tidepools and fucking off for weeks at a time to study the migration patterns and mating habits of the local sea birds.
Milsa loved Daedalyn, loved him for being someone who would deny the decorum of his station to chase his passion, loved him for being one of the few to see the clever mind behind her pretty face, loved him with a fierceness that neither death nor the ocean could deny.
So when his ship went down in a storm, she made a vow: The water could have her tears, it would not keep his bones.
Milsa was not a mage, nor was she an engineer, but with her husband's title, her family's connections, and her own business acumen, she could bend the talents of mages and engineers to her purpose: to build a craft that could recover Daedalyn's ship ( the Sandpiper) from the deep and bring his remains to rest in the Bonharte family crypt where she would one day join him.
After fifteen years her vessel, her Vow, is nearly complete, ready to delve into the depths and bring her husband home. All that's needed are some final preparations, some last mechanical and course adjustments, and maybe the addiction of a few worthy heroes to the crew.
Further Adventures:
The Bonhartes had three children before the Daedalyn was lost to the waves, and all three feel the tragedy of his loss in a different way. Madalyn, the youngest was an infant when her father died, and grew up the dutiful daughter of a mother who's attentions were largely elsewhere. Mildryd, eldest, remembers the happy times the best, and has felt their loss most sharply, sinking into sullenness , spending most of her time in the castle library or listlessly watching the sea. The family's servants are worried about her melancholy, having found a diary overfull with vivid and poetic descriptions of death and drowning. In reality the budding little goth is just working through her emotions... partially with the help of her secret merfolk boyfriend named Eddy who's also so done with like, everything. Teenagers, am I right?
Then there's Delsyn, the tempestuous middle child. with a lot of mixed up feelings and no way to channel them, Delsyn has a history of acting out...the latest of which happens to be using a fake name to sign up for the same Savyswell team the party are on, recklessly pushing them forward to the point where he'll likely get himself or others hurt.
The sandpiper was lost on a scholarly expedition, using Daedalyn's newly acquired diving bell to explore the wonders of a not so distant coral reef. With more than one wreck site reported and no confirmations, Milsa and the crew of the Vow will need to check all of them, an exacting process that will have the party encountering all kinds of hostile sea life (big and small and very, very big) as well as negotiating with territorial merfolk (hey, maybe Eddy can help smooth things over).
What Milsa couldn't have known is that the storm that destroyed Daedalyn's ship was a magical one, creating a whirlpool that sucked the vessel and all those aboard it into an aquatic demiplane before smashing it into the ruins of a sunken city. Her husband was in the diving bell at the time, and managed to make a desperate swim for shelter when it was evident that rescue was impossible. Trapped in a series of half flooded ruins, Daedalyn has managed to survive the intervening years in the half flooded ruins, barely staving off madness and the dark influences of the Demiplane. If the party do it right, they might just might be able to give this double tragedy a happy ending after all.
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sinful-lanterns · 8 months ago
i wonder... which sinners have a mommy kink and which sinners have a daddy kink
Likes to be called mommy: Chelsea, Cabernet, Garofano, Cassia, Chameleon, Stargazer, Suspect R, Eleven, Anne, Dreya, Hamel, Lisa, Sumire
Likes to be called daddy: Zoya, Deren, Shawn, Corso, Iron, McQueen, Demolia
Likes to be called mistress: Langley, Serpent, Eirene, Oak Casket, Shalom, Pricilla, Raven, Adela, Lamia, Du Ruo, Enfer, Macchiato, Pearl, Joan
Likes to be called master: Bai Yi, Mantis, Tetra, Coquelic, Uni, Etti, Dudu
Likes to call you mommy/daddy: Kelvin, Luvia Ray, Bianca, Chief
Likes to call you mistress/master: Ariel, Cinnabar, Rahu, Wendy, Eureka, Matilda, Nightingale, Ignis, Labyrinth
Doesn’t care for this kind of dynamic: NOX, Vanilla, Ninety-Nine, Angell, Yao, K.K, Flora
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myuniverseinabox · 6 months ago
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Examples of three average dragons. From left to right; an imperial neross dragon, a cayto ignis dragon, and a terakx vita dragon.
Dragons are quadrupedal, winged creatures sporting horns, scales and sometimes fur. They are the most numerous race in the mainlands and perhaps the most well known race of Arcardia. They are mono elementals, and often hold positions of power in the mainlands; such as elemental masters, researchers, generals, and leaders - besides of course the council, those spots being reserved for the seraphs.
As a species, they’re rather good generalists and vary greatly between individuals. There is much evidence to believe that dragons are relatives to the chimeras due to their highly adaptive and varied nature, but the dragons... don't much like this theory.
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sweet-beezus · 1 year ago
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Tis the season again feat. The Duo of All Time
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 year ago
A young, horny Lambert sets his sights on an older hunk of Witcher beef. CW: age gap, flirtation.
"I'm going for it."
"Lambert, don't be a fucking idiot. They'll laugh at you."
"They might, but he won't. You miss all the chances you don't take, right?"
"Your funeral."
Lambert licked his lips and smoothed his hair back as he stood. He hadn't torn his eyes away from his mark for a single second since said man had swaggered into the hall a few hours before. This was the winter he'd do it. He was a man himself now, which meant he had every chance of bagging himself the hunk of good-lookin' he'd been coveting from the moment his dick had started getting hard at night and hair had appeared on his jaw.
It wasn't just that Eskel had two decades on Lambert or that he was becoming a seasoned witcher. No other Witcher in the keep compared. Sure, some tried. They might step toe to toe during drills or try to outflame Eskel's igni, but they never could. The only one that outmatched Eskel was his pale shadow, Geralt. They even looked a little similar. But cream puff was a fucking bean pole of a man, and that shitty headband...
N'aw, Lambert wanted big. He wanted heat, and honey eyes, and that thatch of dark hair he'd seen on Eskel's barrelled chest in the baths, and that huge fucking d--
"You lost, Lambert?"
Lambert blinked. Gweld, the ginger prick, was frowning at him, ale tankard halfway up to his mouth. The others had paused their card game; Clovis looked drunk, Geralt was slouched back trying to see Clovis' hand and Eskel was watching Lambert speculatively.
Watching, with those honey-coloured eyes that turned Lambert inside out. The words caught in Lambert's throat; shit, fuck, why was he so fuckin' stupid the moment Eskel looked at him?
He took a breath, conscious of Clovis elbowing Gweld with a chuckle, while Geralt looked over with a smirk.
Lambert found his words. He folded his arms, thrust his chest out, widened his stance and put on his best cocky smirk. "Was just wonderin' whether Eskel wanted some better company. You losers can't handle your beer at the best of times."
They laughed. Gweld elbowed Eskel who cocked a half smile, eyes rolling not at Lambert, but his friends, proving Lambert's point. Obviously.
"Is that right?" Geralt asked, amusement turning his narrow face bright with a toothy grin. Lambert had been told that as witchers matured they honed their sense of smell, could identify a man's emotions from his body language, the flush in his skin. Lambert knew Geralt had him sussed. "And what kinda company are you offering?"
"Geralt..." Eskel growled in warning, and it went straight to Lambert's groin. Fucking hells.
"Whatever he wants. I'm a man of many talents."
More laughter--"little man has game, shit; fuck, I'm chokin, too funny"--but Lambert wasn't put off. Eskel's eyes were on him, warming him like the sun. The lines around those eyes were wrinkled with mirth, and damn if that smile wasn't snatching the breath right out of Lambert's chest.
"Does your master know you're out?" Eskel asked, placing his cards face down. He leaned back in his chair and slung his elbow onto the back of it, knee turned out while a hand tapped at his drink.
Lambert tried to keep his eyes level and resist the urge to... look. Eskel's codpiece put on an absolutely fucking heroic effort, but it could only hide so much and that was when Eskel was soft. "What he don't know can't hurt him. No business of his who else is in my bed as long as I am."
Eskel pressed his lips together to smother his smile while the others guffawed. More was said but Lambert didn't really hear; he was too focused on keeping his heart from beating out his chest and appearing suave.
Eskel hummed. "Aren't you a little young to be lookin' for that kinda fun?"
"Worried you won't be able to keep up, old man?" Lambert felt momentum. He could do snark, he could meet Eskel on this well worn ground, toe to toe, and the way Eskel's head tilted to the side and his eyebrow rose. It wasn't a no, right? He looked interested. Amused, but he didn't dismiss Lambert outright.
Gweld slapped Eskel on the shoulder with a bark. "Eskel here's got stories that'd make your balls shrivel up into yer belly, lad. I don't think he's a good choice for yer first ride, best drop your ambitions."
"Fuck off, Gweld," Eskel said, but there was no heat to his words. Just wry amusement.
Geralt snorted into his drink and Clovis made a vulgar gesture with his hand, but before Lambert could respond a familiar voice barked through the hall and sucked all the building sexual tension into a vacuum. "Lambert, get your arse to bed, you missed roll call!"
Lambert clenched his teeth, shoulders lifting towards his ears. For fuck's sake...
Three of the witchers in front of him groaned in mock empathy. "Oof, tough break, Lambino. Cock blocked by Vesemir," Gweld said, shaking his head while Geralt and Clovis snickered. "Don't worry, we've all been there. Ain't that right, Gerbear?"
Geralt guffawed in protest and smacked Gweld on the shoulder. It quickly devolved into a wrestling match on the floor, one which Gweld was definitely going to lose. Eskel watched them briefly before he looked back at Lambert. "Another time perhaps," he said, toasting Lambert with his ale. "G'wan, before he decides the target dummies are a little light on straw."
Lambert grunted, frustrated, but stalked away. He'd made inroads, and the way Eskel's eyes had shone, and that crooked grin. Eskel hadn't outright rejected him, hells, he'd--well, that smile... Eskel didn't smile at everyone like that.
Lambert laid in bed with that smile behind his eyes and a hand under the sheets, determined that it would be Eskel's instead of his own by winter's end.
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altacctforastarion · 2 days ago
Okay, hear me out… Astarion with a Druid tav who has a whole “all life is sacred” mentality and had difficulty with the idea of taking someone’s life unless forced, until… they hear about what Cazador did and they are fully ready to rock his shit, their own morals be damned!!!
Hey @psychedelic—spaceman (did it tag you? I don’t think it did, ugh) thanks for requesting!
I did this one in hc format, hope that’s cool
Warnings: Cazador, Astarion’s trauma mentioned, sfw but still 18+, mdni, my works, my blog, and anything that has to do with me is strictly for adults.
Tag list: @astari0nsju1ceb0x @lotus-ignis @obsessionprofessional
- “I’m not saying I won’t kill them, I’m just saying I wish we didn’t have to! All life is sacred, and I don’t enjoy slaughtering those who oppose us.” You say defensively. Astarion stands before you, angry, having watched you try to talk your way out of a fight with the goblins that threatened the grove.
- “You didn’t have to kill them then, you could have simply told their drow where the grove was and then we could have looted what remained. Maybe kidnapped someone for information, but I could have handled that and you could have pretended it didn’t happen.”
- “Then the innocent people from the grove would have died-“
- “Innocent? That Druid nearly killed a child. That’s far from innocent. However maybe you could take a note from her book and stop getting so worked up over a few worthless lives.” He snaps at you, his annoyance bubbling over after your minutes long debate.
- “They weren’t worthless! They were living creatures and they mattered! I hated killing them, and I hate to think of how many more I’ll have to kill. Just fuck off, Astarion.” You’re anger fades into disappointment with your companion, and you turn away from him, walking back to camp in silence and ignoring when he jogs to catch up with you.
- the two of you stop talking unless it’s during combat or giving eachother/the group warnings, until one night he approaches you.
- “I shouldn’t have been so cold. I’m sorry. Maybe I’ve always been like this, maybe it was what happened to me if I wasn’t, I don’t know. And I don’t understand you at all, but I don’t have to, we need each other, and we might as well try to get along. Please forgive me.”
-He doesn’t make eye contact, his words have lost their dramatic flair, and in an effort to get a better understanding of him, you tentatively ask him about what he’d said, “What happened to you if you weren’t? What do you mean?”
- Astarion looks at you, surprised, “Oh, I suppose I haven’t told you much at all about Cazador, have I? He had orders, and as a spawn, you must obey your master. It’s not always a choice, sometimes he controls your body, other times he just sends you out to do his bidding. It’s not really a choice then either though, you either obey or you’re tortured. Believe me, you obey eventually, even if you hate what you must do. I did what I had to do to survive.”
- “I’m sorry, I had no idea it was like that, I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. If it helps, I’ll help you kill him. That’s a man who deserves death.”
- “Kill him? You want to kill him? What happened to all life has a meaning?” He’s flabbergasted, looking at you like you’ve grown an extra head or two.
- “Not a life that has been spent torturing and murdering. He lost his meaning when he forced you, and the others, I presume, to do his awful bidding. He will die, and I will help, if you’ll allow it.”
- “Fine, if you’re so desperate to turn to bloodshed, how could I deny you. Maybe I’ll even help you plant something, or whatever you druids do. Though I don’t like to get dirty, maybe I tell you what to plant, and you plant it and I tell you that it looks nice. I’m not a fan of flowers though, perhaps those plants that catch flies? Those seem fun.” He rambled a bit, seeming almost giddy, and you can’t help but to play along.
- “Sure, when we kill Cazador, and whatever else, and rid ourselves of these tadpoles, I’ll let you pick out some plants for me. Thank you, Astarion. They’re called Venus fly traps, by the way, and I’d rather not have insects constantly dying around me, maybe pick something else?”
- “Ah yes! All life is precious extends to insects apparently, the more you know. Fine, fine, I don’t know, you’ll have to give me a list of Druid safe plants and I’ll pick from that, if you’re going to be so difficult about accepting my help.”
-Your “yard” in the Underdark isn’t viable for plants, so instead you take to bringing them home, dedicating a whole room to various plants you can keep alive, your own little place to reconnect with nature when you don’t have the time or energy to leave your spawn filled city.
- Astarion brings you little plants sometimes, little splashes of color that you can place around the home, in your shared space instead of the area you keep mostly to yourself (not that he minds, if he enters you will put him to work, and he gets dirty enough dealing with the livestock.)
- He gets you a cat, when he finds you sad one day, wishing you had more animals around to take care of and love. Saying he can’t deal with anything filthy, but cats clean themselves and keep the bed warm when you’re gone, which isn’t as often as it was when you first started building and planning in the Underdark.
- He’s not always kind to the other spawn, at least not at first, it’s hard for him, seeing versions of himself in them, knowing what he gave up even if he doesn’t regret his choice, but he adores the kindness you give them, even if it means you scold him when the two of you return home. He loves the care you have for life, sometimes he even feels like he might have gotten a touch kinder, a little bit softer. But maybe that’s just the cat on his lap and your head on his shoulder. Probably not though
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yakool-foolio · 1 year ago
Any idea of how your OCs would interact with the canon characters?
I actually was gonna write up a whole post about my OCs dynamics with canon characters on my own, but I greatly appreciate the ask! I'll list off Ringo and Lieu's dynamics with their respective groups (NDA detectives and peacekeepers, of course)! Buckle your seatbelts, fellas, it's gonna be a long ride!
Ringo and the NDA detectives
Yuma - If there's one person who's the easiest to rope into Ringo's spontaneous plans, it's Yuma. As much as Yuma worries for his and Ringo's safety, he can't deny he's just as excited to go on stake out missions to catch criminals. Unfortunately, Yuma ends up being the bait in the schemes most of the time. But Ringo doesn't give the rookie any chance to argue before they spring into action. Outside of their detective work, Ringo and Yuma form a loose friendship, both yearning for companionship, but aren't quite used to each other's energy levels. The mirage detective can't help but confide to Yuma about their negative experience with the WDO; partly to get their own feelings out to someone willing to listen, and also to test if talking shit about the organization will spark Yuma's memories somehow, but no dice.
Halara - With extensive knowledge about the WDO's history to improve their standing within the organization, Halara is aware of the Ignis family's once outstanding presence dwindling into obscurity over time. They originally use this information on Ringo's family's relation to the WDO to judge their character and have the upper hand in discussion. This leads to them starting off on the wrong foot, Ringo standing firm against Halara's harsh judgment of his family due to something out of anyone's control other than the organization that started their downfall. But after many tense arguments, the two eventually give in and reveal their motivations for being a part of the WDO. They both want to raise money earned from their job toward good causes, such as the charity to save cats and funding research to treat and cure the Ignis bloodline's hereditary disease. Their interactions slowly start to turn to the positive as they share in a love for reptiles. Animals mend all strained ties.
Desuhiko - Putting these two together is like releasing two dogs with a bad case of the zoomies into the streets. They work exceedingly well as a duo for investigations, utilizing both their Fortes to the fullest potential as masters of deception. However, they are also prone to getting so far off track from their original objective it's like swerving off a cliff. They're easily entertained and distracted by anything that catches their attention. Desuhiko also helps Ringo understand that their illusions might not be as powerful as they wish they were, but they can still be used for a lot of good, even if all they are are distractions. They're the agency's entertainers, making sure everyone's spirits are lifted by their jokes and gags.
Fubuki - In an inverse of what would typically happen when ya put someone next to a scheming Ringo, Fubuki is actually the one who comes up with adventurous plans to take them on first! Getting up to even stranger shenanigans than Ringo is used to, it's always a pleasant surprise when he's around her. They sympathize with Fubuki's isolation at home, even if they're on different sides of the coin. Ringo's isolation being purposeful on their part, while Fubuki's parents kept her inside without her having a say in the matter until they kicked her out. No matter what, they both enjoy each other's company after years of confinement.
Vivia - Oops, they're narrative foils! With Ringo's tendency to overwork himself due to their acknowledgement that he could die an early death, he prefers to appreciate life as fast as possible and do as much as they can. However, once Ringo inevitably tuckers themself out from their work, he finds an unlikely companionship with Vivia. The phantom detective indirectly teaches Ringo about enjoying life in the little things and taking it slow, but not all of his ideology gets through to them. Ringo is still quick to criticize Vivia for his laziness and wish for death, which he doesn't budge on. They may not entirely see eye to eye, but if the right conditions are met, they make for good company.
Yakou - As much as the chief loves having someone around willing to do chores for free, he can't help but worry about Ringo overworking themself and their knack for getting involved with cases the detectives' aren't focused on. Yakou was informed of Ringo's lineage before they arrived to Kanai Ward, but he could hardly prepare himself to take on the task of working with an Ignis--a younger and spritely one at that. Despite the initial fears, Yakou is just as protective of Ringo as he is with the rest of his detectives. Yakou tends to refer to Ringo as 'Jazz', since he'll often encounter the mirage detective doing chores at the agency while listening to jazz on the radio.
Lieu/Sylvester and the peacekeepers
Swank - Since Lieu's a bit higher in the pecking order, they always try to have one over Swank by consistently challenging him to gamble with them. He never gives them the satisfaction of winning, however, far too attached to his money to ever risk the chance of losing it to a former street rat. Swank is the one in charge of handling bounties on whistleblowers, so he's usually the one to rake in the cash from Lieu's missions. As much as they bug each other, he can't deny they're an efficient moneymaker.
Seth - While Yomi has direct ownership of Lieu as one of his hitmen, Lieu works alongside Seth most often. Seth runs his own botanical garden within the corporation, and Lieu voluntarily assists him in taking care of it since they use many of the poisonous plants grown there for their missions. While it may seem like the formation of a friendship, Lieu doesn't make it easy by making Seth their (thankfully metaphorical) punching bag when they're having a rough day. It's an unfortunate side effect of being around Lieu the most after Aide died. Seth learns to not be so intimidated by them since they never actually have any plans to harm him, far too needy of his garden to sour things any further.
Dominic - In a surprising turn of events, Lieu respects Dominic the most out of the lower rungs of the higher-ups. And by respect, it means they know not to fuck around with him. Ever since Lieu heard of Dominic surviving a war and still being just as strong as if it barely even mattered, they understand why he's not to be tested as someone's who's scraped by many of their own fights when they were younger. Lieu can help but wonder what it'd be like to arm wrestle with him though, yet they know better than to sign themself up for a death wish. Since Lieu doesn't mess with him, Dominic doesn't mess with them either. They're on equal footing.
Guillaume - On the other hand, Lieu detests Guillaume. She pesters the hitman without fear, since she's well aware that they can't lay a finger on her unless they want to be punched into the next decade by a protective Dominic. Lieu avoids her at all costs if they can help it, and they will usually end up trudging back to Seth's office to let off some steam by yelling about their frustrations to the gardener. Guillaume has no business with Lieu, but she still insists on getting under their skin. Maybe it's some sort of secret technique to make Lieu all the more ferocious during their missions, but it's purpose is doubtful at best.
Yomi - While Yomi is the one who took Aide and Lieu in to work as his hitmen, Lieu's view of him decayed over time. What once was admiration and respect fell into jealousy. Yomi paid far more attention to Aide and gave him everything he wanted, all while Lieu was left with scraps. Yomi kept pulling Aide further and further away from Lieu, which fueled their sentimentality and other emotions that Yomi ordered them to discard as a hitman. And after Aide's death, both of them are far more outwardly aggressive toward each other, Lieu despising Yomi's choice to assign Aide to that mission, and Yomi wishing he'd sent Lieu on that train instead. Lieu lost a lifelong friend, Yomi lost his right hand man.
Martina - The two first meet each other over (nonpoisonous) drinks, venting about the ones closest to them slipping away to be with another guy. They quickly find common ground, realizing that they're being abandoned by Yomi and Aide. When the ones they love continue to leave them, they learn to rely on each other instead. It's shocking how quickly they form a tight bond, fueling each other's artistically violent desires, as if spitting in the faces of the two that gave up on them just as fast. When Yomi sends Martina away to be cubed, it's Lieu that witnesses her being dragged away and contacts Makoto about it first. If Lieu couldn't keep Aide by their side, they'll do what they can to make sure Martina is there instead. Martina swears she'll find a way to take Yomi down, not just for her sake, but for Lieu's as well. Yeah, they're fruity.
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annamositwo · 2 months ago
okay ive started to go stir crazy so i need to talk about it here where i have the HIGHEST doubts my friends will see it as my tumblr blog gets the least amount of traction
but ive been thinking about ignius fatuus once more and i NEED TI RAMBLE about scar and grian and cub and mumbo and SKIZZ god i canNOT believe that me innocently going “hey thats something i should consider because hes very near and dear to all these characters” is the SOLE REASON I BECAME THE STIRCRAZY SKIZZ GUY amongst my pals
but i digress. Ive come here to yap, and for once, IM NOT YAPPING ABOUT SKIZZ
I mean i will be, but in due time.
Welcome to my MASTER post of ignis fatuus since i need to acutally jot it down in a place where people outside if my friends group can see this
Ignius fatuus is, in short, a fantasy au where grian is attending a magic univeristy than, in their last semester, they must spend a year obserbing magic in the real world with someone suprivising them, and journal it with what they want to do in the world. Grian also, to some degree, knows that if he picks one of the high-teir wizards he’ll be on the Longest waitlist known to creature kind at large. So, what does he do?
He seeks a local potions-place that has a well established spot in their community - owned by two elves; Scar and Cub.
And’s thats just the start- there’s magic and redstone and how those two cannot coincide and hybrid info and ranchers and JAVHDJSHS i have a lot of ideas but I got to ready before class and work and observations, oh my!
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little-robin-h00d · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween! :D a Halloween Town Ienzo for your viewing pleasure!
I was able to do art for the first time in years recently, and I absolutely WENT OFF! The muses put me in a headlock and didn't let me go until they were satisfied, so this boi got done just in time for Halloween!
The amount of detail i put into this guy is INSANE! But the glazing and light filters messed up the small details that were only really visible anyway at 800% zoom, so i'll be including those under the cut.
Almost every embroidered symbol is unique, only mirrored on the other side of the coat. From top to bottom: the Nobody symbol, the Heartless symbol, a symbol found in the old mansion in Traverse down combining the fleur-de-lis heart and a crown, the symbol of Ansem the Wise, the Kingdom Hearts symbol, a stylized rose, an eight pointed star, the player pin from The World Ends With you and the one from the sequel, a symbol found in Scala ad Caelum, a rounded star, a book, scales of justice, a beaker, Sephiroth's symbol with the wing inside the meteor, Shinra's logo, the buster sword from Final Fantasy 7, a chocobo, a cactuar, a moogle, fleur-de-lis, Red XIII, the Unversed symbol, Nobody symbol, Heartless symbol, Kingdom Hearts symbol, Roxas’ symbol, Eraqus’ symbol, numbers 1-14 in roman numerals.
The general mirroring stops here, and the symbols on the right are: a sun, moon, pentacle, meteor, hidden Mickey/lucky emblem, demon and angel wings on a heartless symbol representing Riku, sea salt ice cream and a thalassa shell for Xion, and Roxas’ symbol and a cut-off Oathkeeper keyblade.
On the inside of the coat’s embroidery are funny easter eggs to fill out the space because I ran out of ideas, from right to left: Sans, Loss.jpg, Amogus, Anarchy symbol, the cool S, the symbol for pi, Bill Cipher, Kirby, Ali from “Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun”, Elmo, a rat, a bat, the Palestinian flag and a watermelon (free Palestine!), two band-aids, the Pokémon type symbols for ghost psychic and dark-types, and the Genshin Impact element icons in order as they appear on the loading screen.
The text inside the Lexicon reads…
Page 1:
Once upon a time, a young boy became a prince. However, this story is not a fairytale…
This is a tragedy.
[This is the story of] Radiant Garden, and the [events that led to its] fall. It all began with [a man with amnesia, and a] series of experiments [by the apprentices of Ansem the Wise,] students of the Heart. [The amnesiac man, only remembering his name was Xehanort, was taken in by] Master Ansem.
… it is unclear when … point of no return.
Page 2: Little Ienzo rarely spoke, but [that certainly didn’t mean he] didn’t understand. The edge of the book reads: see every atrocity, hear every rumor, never shut up.
The rest is illegible.
Page 3: … Heartless because Xehanort had… body…
Page 4: Ignis Fatuus: fool’s fire, will-o-wisp. … illusion, delusion.
There is also text on all of the floating pages!
First floating page:
Design (and art) By: Little Robin Hood 1 Halloween Town Ienzo Wizard/Blue Mage + Will-O-Wisp Fanart encouraged, but please credit [the design]! I have lost so much sleep over this boi… Record: 22 hours awake TToTT
Second floating page:
I hereby relinquish my heart to Xehanort. In order to [successfully] achieve the goals of Organization XIII, I shall be given the number VI, and the title of Cloaked Schemer. I shall apprentice under lord Xemnas directly, and pledge loyalty to the Superior of the In-between. I shall don the cloak and a new name, and act as the Superior’s eyes and ears. None shall be above Xemnas, and my loyalty shall be his alone. Until our goals are finally achieved, my name shall be…
X Zexion
Third floating page: an abridged short version of the “Fresh Prince” theme song
Fourth floating page: T’was the Nightmare before Christmas And all through the streets, every monster was preparing for next Halloween! But good ol Jack had another idea - why not invite Sora and friends? And thus, Ienzo let his magic work, now ready for fun and festive fright! What fun forms might his friends take..?
Fifth floating page: dictionary definition of Wizard and its etymology
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