#ignis frost is a sexy robot xd
bubbleteaop · 1 year
SMG4 Lawsuit Arc but it’s Mega Man
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Blaze Girl: Aiden, I’m scared….
Ignis Frost: Guys, this is our only best chance of winning this trial.
Ignis Frost:  So lets give it our all!
Aiden: Yeah, Ignis is right, let’s give it our all’s!!
Butterflette: We can do this!
Cryo Man: We’ll kick their axx!!
Quake Woman: Ok WIthout further ado... LET’S BEGIN~!
Gift for @flowersofstarlight , @brandiph0 , and @purplequeeneve
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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I had to draw cause I was all like “Wonder if there was some kind of SP//DR version of my friend’s OC?” Plus this was so fun to draw~! ✨🎀💖🌸
Issac Wright
Age: 19
Affiliation: Pilot of 1.G.N.1.5 - F.R.0.5.7 / 1.F
Personality: Issac is a intelligent of having the great ability to pilot the 1.7. He is also a brave, charming, and friendly person.
Synopsis: When Issac was only 10, his father died piloting the sentient robot suit he made. He was informed by her mother Dr. Charlotte A Campbell that he is one of those people who can still pilot the “1.7” Issac accepting his fate now became the new pilot of the “1.7.”
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bubbleteaop · 11 months
This time I drew 2 of my friend’s OC again, and I remembered posting that “one Fanart” back at January which included my friend’s OC and a canon character, (Btw this was a satire Fanart I drew at the past.)  and now I drew it again and also what am I doing with my life….. 💀
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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Mega Man Oshi no Ko AU - Mega Man Fanart
Taiga Woman and Ignis Frost is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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This took quite a while…. to draw..
1.G.N.1.5 - F.R.0.5.T is a sentient robot created by Dr. Wright and Dr. Charlotte and was created in case X was out of action. The 1.F can be piloted by a human that has a v chip implanted in them. If the 1.F overheats or malfunctions it will automatically self destruct.
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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Who let the Chomp out but it’s Mega Man OCs || Part 3
Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfGcVX5ljiw
Slate: WHUT DA F-
Cryo Man: *Addressing to Slate, Crash Man, and Ice man* RUN BXTCHES RUN!!!
*Then Crash Man Ice Man, Cryo Man, Ignis Frost, Rocket Man and Slate get in one of the castle's room*
Ice Man: *Faints and lies in the floor.*
Crash Man: WTH was that!?!
Cryo Man: Man, that was a scary Chain Chomp.
Ignis Frost: I DON’T WANNA DIE!! *panicking*
Cryo Man: Don’t worry Ignis, we just have to wait till help is here.
(suddenly an alarm sounds)
Slate: *Shocked* AHHHH THE MEATLOAF! 😱
*Then a stove on the second floor starts burning, Slate gets out of the room but gets trapped by the Chain Chomp*
*Then Slate comes back with his armour half damaged*
Slate: ……
Slate: Uhhhh… yes?
Ignis Frost and Rocket Man is owned by @ministar100
Slate Neil is owned by @flowersofstarlight
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
Still a work in progress but I’m kind of proud of how it turned out.. I was inspired by one of the clips from “South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut.”
Spectre Man, Fairy Woman, Taiga Woman and Ignis Frost is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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What am I doing with my life…. 💀
Spore Woman: You guys, this is all Torch Man’s fault!!
Quartz Woman: *looks at Spore Woman with a confused face.*
Ignis Frost: *gets very angry at Spore Woman* Shut it Spore Woman!! >:(
Ignis Frost and Taiga Woman is owned by @ministar100
Quartz Woman is owned by @flowersofstarlight
Inspiration: https://youtu.be/lqJBWWIYqyU
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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Who let the Chomp out but it’s Mega Man OCs Part 2 || Mega Man Fanart
Inspiration: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfGcVX…
Cryo Man: RUN BXTCHES, RUN!!!!
Ignis Frost: *realizes that the pole holding the chomp is broken* AHHHHHH!!! *runs away*
(The Chomp starts chasing Cryo Man, Ignis Frost, and Rocket Man. "Who Let the Dogs Out?" starts playing in the background.)
Ingis Frost and Rocket Man is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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Who let the Chomp out but it’s Mega Man OCs || Part 6
Heat Man: INCOMING!! *GETS A MINIGUN AND SHOOTS THE CHAIN CHOMP WILE HE SINGS "I'm not your daddy i'm your grandpa!"*
*Cryo Man, Ignis Frost and Rocket Man opens the second floor but when they open Quick Man and the others burning appears saying "Im on fire!" because Ice Man didn't turn off the stove on time and then they decide to go to the garden*
Heat Man: *mini gun runs out of ammo and the Chain Chomp pulls out a gun.* Come at me bro. You Mad?
*Then the Chain Chomp shoots Ivo Robotnik out of the gun which says "pingas!!" and makes a K.O to Heat Man*
Ignis Frost: *screams and fails*
Slate and Crash Man: RUN BXTCHES RUN!! *then Slate and Crash Man get in a room.*
Ignis Frost: G-G-Go on without me… :(
Rocket Man and Cryo Man: Oh ok…
Ignis Frost: You son of a BXXXX!!!!
*When Ignis Frost is going to open the garden door, the Chain Chomp gets out of the garden and he chases Ignis Frost, Rocket Man and Cryo Man to the basement.*
Cryo Man: Ok…. I think we lost it…
Rocket Man: Ummmm guys I think the Chaim Chomp is right behind us….
Chain Chomp: *barking*
Cryo Man: Stay back!! I’m warning you!! *screams like a girl and throws a power star at the Chain Chomp which turns into a Pac-Chomp*
Ignis Frost and Rocket Man: *gets angry at Cryo Man* You are STOOPID! >:(
TIMESKIP…. cuz I’m too lazy…
Ignis Frost: And nothing of value was lost. :D
*the Castle which is burning down and the biggest tower is destroyed*
Cryo Man: Ummmm… I don’t think Mega Man and Roll are gonna be happy about this when they come back…..
Ignis Frost and Rocket Man is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
I had to draw Ignis Frost doing the Family Guy death pose…. 💀
This scene is a reference to “SMG4: Who let the Chomp out?”
Rocket Man and Ignis Frost is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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If you guys have seen my DeviantArt, I drew Ignis Frost and Taiga Woman as Hiro and Zero Two which I did kind of did last year. (I can’t believe it’s been like a year or something.) And I remembered earlier I knew this would be a perfect role for Ignis Frost and and Taiga Woman.
Ingis Frost and Taiga Woman is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
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Ignis Frost as Zenitsu Agatsuma || Fanart
I remembered drawing Tundra Man and Taiga Woman as Tanjiro and Nezuko but I realized that since I drew Taiga Woman as Nezuko, I thought drawing Ignis Frost as Zenitsu would be a good role or something ldk….
Ingis Frost is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
Magnet || Mega Man OC Fanart
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🎶I want you to embrace me closely and gauge my limit.🎶
🎶Please make me believe that this is not a sin.🎶
Ignis Frost is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
Fairy Woman, Ignis Frost and Windy as Utauloids.
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This was very fun to draw. XD
Fairy Woman, Ignis Frost and Windy is owned by @ministar100
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bubbleteaop · 1 year
Who let the Chomp out but it’s Mega Man OCs || Part 5
Cryo Man: Guys, did the bait work?
Ignis Frost: Well, he's my bro, he had nothing to do and he was up for it.
Cryo Man: Oh, I think that kind of makes sense. Wait is it just me or do I hear something….?
*Then in the room Slate and Crash Man are playing Mario Party 9, they are fighting Chain Chomp. When suddenly he breaks out of the TV*
Chain Chomp: Surprise motherfxcker!! *Slate and Crash Man scream and the Chain Chomp get them out of the room*
Slate and Crash Man: AHHHHHH!!!
*Ignis Frost, Rocket Man and Cryo Man scream and try to open the Castle door but The Gourmet Guy is blocking it, while listening to "This is what I do, I sit on you".*
Heat Man: Guy get out of here, I’ll handle this!!
Cryo Man: Heat Man??
Ignis Frost and Slate: *Gets angry* Well what are you gonna do, throw your chainsaw?
Ignis Frost and Rocket is owned by @ministar100
Slate is owned by @flowersofstarlight
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