#mary jo kopechne
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 5 months ago
Protected Under "Diplomatic Immunity"
"Adult Son of Israeli Diplomat Who Ran Over Florida Police Officer Gets No Jail Time, Moves to Israel"
Avraham Gil, 19, hit a police lieutenant who was conducting a traffic stop in January, and his lawyer claimed that he was protected under “diplomatic immunity.”
How many crimes has Sparry committed in the US?
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Elites Getting Away With Murder:
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aunti-christ-ine · 6 months ago
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x-manson-annotated · 7 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter Three - Part 9 - THE ACCUSATION
I'm going to level with you. If you weren't already put off by this story, this section might seal the deal for you. This section deals with Emma Frost being placed at the center of a scandal where she is accused of sexually abusing her students. It's awful, but it is integral to understanding the world of this story. This will be the last section of Chapter 3.
tw for that, and tw for mentions of attempted suicide.
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I'd like to know who this "Weedy Looking Man" is. My assumption is it is the X-Manson version of Trevor Fitzroy.
Like i said, this section isn't pretty. I am of the mindset that nothing happened, but this section will bring to the mind of some people the Satanic Panic and Q Anon conspiracy theories popular among the right wing.
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Shinobi Shaw, the son of Sebastian Shaw.
*also, Doug and Marie-Ange are insufferably cute.
**Pot's legal in the United States as of 1990.
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This feels like an outlandish parody until you realize that conservative media is exactly like that.
"She knew what could happen to teenaged girls" What the fuck does that mean? That feels close to "Well, you saw what she was wearing. She probably wanted it." It's a cryptic, weird thing to say.
This feels like a reflection of something you would see a lot of later in the 2000s. Ultimate Marvel used to do this thing where psychics would read minds and there would be a joke of "Oh, stop thinking about me naked." or "I wasn't thinking about it until you told me not to think about it." Shit like that. This feels like a more realistic take on how that might feel with someone with psychic powers. It isn't some kind of fun jokey thing for them. It's horrifying.
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*I'm detecting a reoccurring argument between them with this line from Marie-Ange.
**That's an incredibly strange way to speak about someone, Douglas.
***She's not wrong for thinking that.
But let's focus on the thirteen students who put forward accusations against Emma.
I can't imagine who they might be. Possibly this world's version of the Hellions, sans Marie-Ange?
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What were they arrested for?
Holy shit, Disney is not pissing around when it comes to copyright in this universe.
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This makes sense about why Xavier kept his class sizes on the smaller end. Easier for him to be more personable and manipulate the students.
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I wonder how much of that is coincidental and how much of it was orchestrated by Xavier.
The system failing to work.
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She finds it difficult to maintain romantic connections if she doesn't have access to her psi-ablities? Difficulty reading the emotions of others? Autistic Emma Frost?
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A full lobotomy with a gun killed her psychic abilities?
It's interesting that there are still mutant education systems in place in public schools.
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I have no idea who this man is meant to be.
Also the "Roy Cohn Professor of American History" Roy Cohn? like the lawyer and all-around bastard who adored Joe McCarthy.
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The Hinckley Law. This immediately puts me in mind of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. Reagan was never Presiden in this Au, so is it possible that Hinckley attempted to assassinate him when he was running for Governer of California?
Furthermore...Did Ronald Reagan destroy Hinckley's personality?
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You can tell this is fantasy because the American Left is presenting a unified front against Conservatism.
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Mary Jo Kopechne was a mutant with gills!
The pear-shaped man is Sebastian Shaw. This feels like an accurate way to describe the man.
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I feel like the molestations stopped around when Emma took over the school. Good god.
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Sebastian, his nose heavy with clotted phlegm and coke: how can any red-blooded American man learn in the company of disgusting WHEMEN!
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This feels like something from the McMartin Pre-School Scandal where kids were essentially coerced by law enforcement into making up bigger and bigger lies about satanic ritual abuse.
Example Below from the McMartin Preschool Trial's wikipedia page:
Some of the abuse was alleged to have occurred in secret tunnels beneath the school. Several excavations turned up evidence of old buildings on the site and other debris from before the school was built, but no evidence of any secret chambers or tunnels was found. There were claims of orgies at car washes and airports, and of children being flushed down toilets to secret rooms where they would be abused, then cleaned up and presented back to their parents.
The Cuban cigar angle feels like a nod to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
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*This reads like a modern day Trumper losing his shit.
**If you cared about your family's "Good Name" you wouldn't have named your son "Shinobi" you insufferable goddamn weeaboo.
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Sebastian: the rich of america are entitled to live as kings! We are not unlike gods!
The mad philosopher Scalia. Is Antonin Scalia a supervillain in this universe?
*Again, you can tell this is a fantasy because we have the misfortune of having had Scalia on the Supreme Court.
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"That he knew of". I want to know more about what kind of Anti-Psi protection exists in this world.
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All this kind of bums me out. I mean, i guess i'm happy about an au where Doug's doing kind of alright after a tragedy. But him becoming this big tech bro kind of sucks to me.
It's kind of cool that he turned Apple into a co-op. I guess.
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gregor-samsung · 7 months ago
“ Non avevi contatti con i Kennedy. No. Io nei primi anni Sessanta ho lavorato con Bobby a Chicago. Brevemente. Lavoravamo con un tizio di nome Ed Hicks che cercava di ottenere libere elezioni per i tassisti di Chicago. Kennedy era sostanzialmente un moralista. In breve tempo si sarebbe fatto una lista di nemici stupefacente e si vantava di sapere chi fossero e cosa stessero tramando. Non lo sapeva, ovvio. Quando un paio di anni piú tardi suo fratello venne ammazzato si ritrovarono invischiati in una sequela di intrighi e complotti che non sarebbero mai stati chiariti. In testa all’elenco c’erano l’omicidio di Castro e, se questo non fosse andato a segno, l’effettiva invasione di Cuba. Alla fine non credo che sarebbe successo ma è una specie di spia dei guai in cui si trovavano. Mi sono sempre chiesto se non ci sia stato un momento in cui Kennedy rendendosi conto che stava per morire non abbia sorriso di sollievo. Dopo l’ictus del vecchio Joseph per qualche motivo i Kennedy hanno ritenuto opportuno dichiarare guerra alla mafia. Ignorando lo storico accordo che il vecchio aveva stretto con loro. Non ho idea di cos’avessero in testa.
Jack continua a scoparsi la fidanzata di Sam Giancana – una signora di nome Judith Campbell. Anche se in tutta onestà – espressione curiosa – penso che Jack l’abbia vista per primo. Se non lui uno dei suoi papponi. Un tale di nome Sinatra. Cosa vogliamo dire dei Kennedy? Piú unici che rari. Un mio amico una sera a Martha’s Vineyard è andato a una festa privata e quando è arrivato Ted Kennedy stava accogliendo gli invitati sulla porta. Indossava una tuta giallo canarino ed era ubriaco. Il mio amico ha detto: Complimenti per la mise, senatore. E Kennedy ha detto sí, ma io me la posso permettere. Il mio amico – che è un avvocato di Washington – mi ha detto che i Kennedy non li aveva mai capiti. Li trovava sconcertanti. Ma quando ha sentito quelle parole dice che gli son cadute le bende dagli occhi. Ha pensato che probabilmente erano incise nello stemma di famiglia. Comunque si dica in latino. Sia come sia, non ho mai capito perché da nessuna parte esiste un monumento intitolato a Mary Jo Kopechne. La ragazza che Ted ha lasciato annegare nell’abitacolo dopo che lui ha tirato la macchina giú da un ponte. Non fosse stato per il sacrificio di quella donna quello squilibrato sarebbe diventato presidente degli Stati Uniti. Per me a parte Bobby erano solo una banda di psicopatici. Presumo che in qualche modo Bobby sperasse di poter scagionare la famiglia. Anche se certamente sapeva che non sarebbe stato possibile. Nei forzieri che avevano finanziato tutta l’impresa non c’era un solo centesimo pulito. E poi sono morti tutti. Ammazzati, perlopiú. Non sarà Shakespeare. Ma un discreto Dostoevskij. “
Cormac McCarthy, Il passeggero, traduzione di Maurizia Balmelli, Einaudi (Collana Supercoralli), 2023; pp. 334-335.
[Edizione originale: The Passenger, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York City, U.S. 2022]
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kennedy-family-library · 1 year ago
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The Chappaquiddick incident occurred on the island in Massachusetts of the same name some time around midnight between July 18 & 19, 1969, when Senator Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy negligently drove his car off a narrow bridge, causing it to overturn in a tidal pond. This resulted in the drowning death of his 28-year-old passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, who was trapped inside the vehicle.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years ago
Episode Thirty-Nine: The Kennedy Curse Photodump
Photo 01: A photograph of Mary Jo Kopechne’s body being removed from Ted Kennedy’s car in the Chappaquiddick incident
Photo 02: A partial illustration of some of the events attributed to the Kennedy Family Curse.
Photo 03: Union Boss Jimmy Hoffa flipping off Robert Kennedy during a Senate committee hearing in 1957 (Credit: Reddit)
Photo 04: Photo of Robert F Kennedy after he was shot. His last words were allegedly spoken to a busboy whose hand he had stopped to shake. His last words were “Is everyone okay?”
Photo 05: Video footage of Robert F Kennedy’s assassination (Credit: ABC / Lad Bible)
Photo 06: Wreckage from Ted Kennedy’s plane crash. Ted Kennedy survives.
Photo 07: Ted Kennedy addresses his role in the Chappaquiddick incident and acknowledges his belief in a curse (the full video is 11 minutes long and can be found on YouTube)
Photo 08: Video of JFK’s assassination
Photo 09: The only available photo believed to be of the wreckage of JFK Jr.’s plane (Credit: Alethonews . com)
Photo 10: The Kennedy Family at Hyannis Port on September 4, 1931. From left to right: Robert, John, Eunice, Jean (on lap of) Joseph Sr., Rose (behind) Patricia, Kathleen, Joseph Jr. (behind) Rosemary. Dog in foreground is “Buddy.” (Credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)
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My Thoughts As I Watched Chappaquiddick (2017)
making it a thread
aka my emotions through chappaquiddick the movie
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'We've got a problem' bitch understatement
'I'm not gonna be President' uh no shit
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'she's already dead' ... h- no
'I'll handle this' LIKE HELL YOU WILL
oh my god
mf says he'll hande it DOES NOT HANDLE IT
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is he dumb or is he blind which one is it personally i think it's both
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Bitch says 'she's already dead' BITCH GOT PROVEN WRONG
i cant even
bro got told alibi
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oh my god
hes sleeping as she's suffocating
i just watched a flea give me a bite
yall i cant
joey's relatable rn
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giving very much paint it black
in which ted painted that goddamn car sea color
lesbian moment
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you son of a bitch
joe sr being the one to say alibi is accurate
bro probably committed tax fraud
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he's like 'dad i killed a woman but i can't use an alibi'
bastard meow meow man
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'problems, plural' yeah we know
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' i think my license might be expired '
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the room:
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fucking dumbass
ah yes
the boys
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oh my god
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m e n
this is men at their finest
'I'll wear what I want'
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'Go fuck yourself, Teddy'
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'joe this is your family too. start acting like it' start being less manipulative
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'you. will never. be. great.'
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10/10 movie and uh. still dont think differently bc i mean it just told me what i knew but joan was a queen and joseph sr kinda sucked and we should stan joey
that's it
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authortobenamedlater · 1 year ago
This President Ted Kennedy thing is killing me 🤣🤣🤣
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roadimusprime · 8 months ago
Ted Kennedy really saw his brothers get assassinated and still went, "ah yes, i think i shall run for president too."
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mydaddywiki · 11 months ago
Ted Kennedy
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Physique: Husky Build Height: 6′ 2″ (1.88 m)
Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009) was a United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. He was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died and was the fourth-longest-serving senator in United States history, having served there for almost 47 years. The most prominent living member of the Kennedy family for many years, he was the last surviving son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. and Rose Kennedy; the youngest brother of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the father of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy.
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Handsome, hairy chest, thick ass and drunk half the time, Kennedy was known for his charisma and oratorical skills, becoming recognized as “The Lion of the Senate” through his long tenure and influence. More than 300 bills that Kennedy and his staff wrote were enacted into law. Unabashedly liberal, Kennedy championed an interventionist government emphasizing economic and social justice.
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The Chappaquiddick incident in 1969 resulted in the death of his automobile passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, hindered his chances of ever becoming president. Back in the 90s I had a seroius Ted Kennedy thing going after the William Kennedy Smith rape trial and later the Clarence Thomas appointment hearings. I was just realizing my attraction to older men at the time and he was the kind of man I liked. Stocky to down right fat, thick white hair and horny as hell. Thoughts of him running around my mind with no pants on was hot. Even when I see him on TV making a speech, all I could think of was him standing behind the podium with no pants on.
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Twice married with three children with his first wife, Joan Bennett Kennedy. After accusations of philandering and alcohol abuse surfaced, they divorced in 1982. 10 more years of whoring and drinking. In 1992 he remarried second wife, Victoria Kennedy and credits his recovery to his new relationship. Together the couple had two more children. On August 25, 2009, Kennedy died of a malignant brain tumor (glioblastoma) at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, at the age of 77.
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melancholicstation · 24 days ago
I'm new to the fandom, and I am seeing the hot takes. Can someone break down the lore on Ethel being a bad mom, and using religon/ god plan ideology after Jfks death? Also can someone break down why Ted Kennedy is so disliked, like what happened?
And JFK JR was into acting ?!
There is so much lore to catch up on omg 😩
okay so here's the gist i would recommended these articles on ethel to get you started: https://nypost.com/2015/09/13/inside-ethel-kennedys-cruel-neglect-of-her-troubled-kids/ and the whole religion thing i believe was in 'Bobby and Jackie' but I can't find it so that might've been a figment of my imagination! who knows!
ted kennedy is disliked because of chappaquiddick in which mary jo kopechne who was his assistant (i think?) died in a car driven off a bridge by ted, you can read more about here: https://www.britannica.com/event/Chappaquiddick-incident. fun fact it inspired kendall roy's traumatic car scene in succession!
jfk jr acting lore is crazy cause i had no idea... rip jfk jr you would've been adored by a24
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presidentialconfessions · 3 months ago
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I will never, ever like Ted Kennedy, never. I don't care that he was lionazed later in life for his work in the Senate, after what happened with Mary Jo Kopechne and he didn't serve any jail time, I will never respect a dead man like him.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year ago
I hate the Kennedy family. I know they're a big deal in US politics, but they're almost all awful people. Let's discuss:
Family Patriarch Joseph Sr was an antisemitic man who wanted to compromise with Hitler. He was also a defeatist and very pessimistic. After like 1 year in England, he was convinced that the Nazis would win and that "democracy was finished in Britain". Quite a stellar man, no?
Then there's the story of how he gave one of his teen daughters a lobotomy because she had an intellectual disability. I'm not kidding. Rosemary Kennedy was given a lobotomy and shuffled off to a home, all because her dad thought she wasn't good enough.
Not like some of the kids were much better. JFK was a womanizer who constantly slept around on his wife. Joseph Jr died at 29, but that's a good thing. He was the oldest of the kids, and he openly praised Hitler and Eugenics. RFK cheated as much as JFK, and his son is now a nut who claims vaccines cause autism.
Finally, their youngest kid was Ted. Ted Kennedy also sucked. I know he died of Brain Cancer like my mom did, but I'm calling it as I see it. Ted Kennedy was drunk and drove and off a bridge. He had another passenger with him: 28 year old Mary Jo Kopechne. Ted Kennedy swam out of the car to safety, but went back to his hotel and slept soundly as she drowned. He never bothered to rescue her. And he did all this while his wife was pregnant! What a sleazy man.
The only Kennedy branch I respect are the Shrivers. Eunice Kennedy-Shriver was the founder of the Special Olympics. She was also the closest to Rosemary before the lobotomy. Eunice was the best of the lot. Besides Eunice and Rosemary, the rest of the family can go to hell for all I care. America's worst dynasty. A bunch of sleazy people in that family.
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tedkennedyswife · 10 days ago
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November 1st, 1969 - Senator Edward Kennedy being interviewed by reporters on the Mary Jo Kopechne case.
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thishadoscarbuzz · 1 month ago
317 - Chappaquiddick (Patreon Selects)
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This week's episode comes selected by one of our sponsor tier patrons over at our Patreon! The 2017 festival season brought us Chappaquiddick, director John Curran's recounting of the titular incident where Senator Ted Kennedy was responsible in the accidental death of party secretary Mary Jo Kopechne. With Jason Clarke as Kennedy and Kate Mara as Kopechne, the film earned solid festival reviews (with even stronger notices for Clarke) but a planned qualifying release before the end of the year never came to be.
This episode, we talk about the short life of Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures and the 2017 qualifying release for the film that was canceled. We also talk about Clarke's career in grunt roles, the film's frustrating post-script in relation to Ted Kennedy's career, and Bill Crystal's Oscar hosting duties.
Topics also include vague movie titles, TIFF Galas, and Frederica Kimmel's friend.
The 2017 Academy Awards
The 2018 Academy Awards
Vulture's Movies Fantasy League
Apple Podcasts
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howardhawkshollywoodannex · 9 months ago
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Jason Clarke as Ted Kennedy and Kate Mara as his victim Mary Jo Kopechne at the beach in Chappaquiddick (2017), filmed on Chappaquiddick Island in Martha' Vineyard, other Massachusetts locations, and in Rosarita Beach, Baja California, Mexico.
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