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robingurlscorner · 3 days ago
Episode 1-2 AU Chapter 1
So I rewatched Eps 1-2 and finally decided to write out an idea I've had for forever.
Insert Narrator's Voice Here: What if it really was Robin on the ground, instead of Molly, drugged and can't speak?
Episode 02 Trap AU
By Robin Gurl
Idea: What if it really was Robin after the car exploded and Batman saved him?
The Bat Mobile’s tires squealed to a stop as the car made its way into the Batcave. Batman glanced over hoping to see Robin was feeling better with the ride, but the boy was asleep in the passenger seat. The Boy Wonder was so still that he had to reach out and feel for a pulse.
He sighed relieved at finding one then unbuckled himself and got out, “Stay there. I’ll get the universal bat antidote.”
He fumbled through the desk with all of their antidotes hoping one of them would work. The universal Bat Antidote usually did the job, but there had to be another one just in case or one that would help it work.
His head jerked up at hearing a moan from the BatMobile. “Hang in there, Robin. Don’t move.” He grabbed the bottle of pills and a tin of lozenges before running back over.
Robin was attempting to sit up and look where he was, but his body was heavy and wasn’t listening to him. Each time he tried, his energy gave out and he fell back into the leather seat. He tried to remember what had happened and started to call out for Batman but no sound came out of his mouth.
He sat back eyes wide as he reaches up feeling his neck. He tries to speak again but only ends in coughing. As he did, he could hear Riddler laughing loudly in his ears, his mind racing as he tried again to remember. He didn’t even hear Batman coming over and startled as the other appeared in his face.
“Easy, chum. It’s just me. You’re safe.” Batman reassured his partner reaching out placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Think you can manage a bat antidote pill?” He offers it watching him carefully ready to help.
Robin did his best to take it himself, but his hands were shaking too much. He finally gave up and with his pride hurt let the other help. The familiar awful taste of the universal bat antidote hit his tongue and he made a face but knew it would help.
“Stay there, I’m going to pull out one of the cots so you can lay down and sleep off whatever sedative was in that drug he gave you.”
The other nodded groggily, his energy was disappearing quickly, and it was getting harder to stay awake.
Unknown to either the elevator door opened, and Alfred stepped out into the cave. “Sir? I heard the Batmobile is everything alright? Did you find Master Robin?” He rounded the corner and took in the scene in front of him. He saw Robin curled up in the passenger seat dozing off not looking well and Batman was missing? That wasn’t like him, not when Robin was hurt. “Master Bruce?” He called again hurrying over towards the car to check on the younger of the two.
“Over here, Alfred.” Bruce appeared, his cowl off, pulling out one of the cots they would sleep in on long nights.
Originally, they were down here when Dick was younger and needed more sleep at night but didn’t want to leave Bruce’s side. As Dick got older, they were now used more for late night cases and recovering from whatever the villains did to them.
One last tug and the cot finally pulled free scratching across the floor. A stuffed animal fell out and bounced to the floor at his feet.
“….so that’s where you went.” Bruce chuckled picking up the circus elephant stuffed animal putting it on the cot and pulled further.
4 years ago, it had gone missing and it had taken several nights of sleeping in Bruce’s bed (and a new stuffed elephant) for his ward to forget about it.
He’d have to show Dick once the drug wore off.
“What happened to him? He doesn’t look well, Master Bruce.” Alfred asked walking over reluctant to leave the other in the car. “Was it the Riddler?”
“The same. Before Robin passed out on the way here, he briefly motioned that he’d been given a shot of some kind that took his voice and paralyzed his vocal cords. I’m assuming a sedative or two was added into that.” Bruce went over to one of the closets and pulled out a pillow and a blanket. “Here, make the bed as comfortable as possible. He needs to sleep off whatever they gave him then we need to figure out how to get his voice back.”
“And Missus Cooper?”
“She still thinks we’re at my Uncles, I hope.” Bruce looked up getting a nod. “Good. I don’t know what sort of excuse we could give her for this.”
“We may not have a choice, sir. The boy can’t sleep down here for very long. It’s cold and damp as it is. He’ll catch a cold, then she would be upset with you.”
“I know. I’m hoping we won’t have to. I’ve already given him the universal bat antidote. I’m hoping once he rests and sleeps this off it will have worked.”
“And if it doesn’t?” Alfred looks up from getting more pillows to see the other at the Batmobile lifting the young teen into his arms into a cradle carry. His stomach dropped nervously at seeing the boy look so pale and exhausted. “The nerve of that Riddler. Drugging a child.”
“If it doesn’t, we’ll be taking him to the hospital where a doctor can hopefully help us diagnose it.” Bruce explained as he eased his ward onto the cot. He leans down and unclasps the cape, removes the mask and the green gloves before tucking the Boy Wonder in. His hand stays for a few seconds on his partner’s head reassuring the boy and himself. “As for Riddler, he will get what’s coming to him. Mark my words.”
Alfred exited the elevator with two different cups of hot tea on a tray and some sandwiches. “I’ve got the tea right here, sir and I thought a meal might help as well.”
He was relieved to see Dick mostly coherent and awake, but he could tell the boy was still groggy and moving slowly.
Bruce was sitting on the edge of the cot doing a quick check of his partner’s vitals. He gently presses the stethoscope to the heaving chest listening. His eyes narrowed at hearing at the heavy breathing. He glanced back up, the boy was having trouble breathing and staying awake.
His eyes met Alfred’s they both shared a worried glance. “Chum? Alfred brought down some sandwiches and some tea. The tea may help with your voice.” Bruce takes the plate looking down at them, “It looks like Peanut Butter, Jelly and Banana. You’re favorite.”
At getting no response, Batman handed the plate back then picks up the cold compress from the bowl of water and pulled the boy to a sitting position placing the compress on his neck, he was holding him up but was hoping it would help. “Deep breaths. You’re panicking. We’ll figure this out. This is just a side effect of the sedatives. You’re coming off them.”
This time he got a moan and slight nod. Robin leaned forward and rested his head on his mentor’s shoulder trying to calm his breathing down and get it back to normal. His vision was blurry and spun around him, so he closed his eyes. He was safe. He was in the Batcave. Batman had rescued him.
He felt a hand rest on his head reassuringly. “Dick, it wasn’t your fault. We got separated and I got drugged then you were kidnapped.”
Dick’s eyes opened surprised, but he didn’t sit up. He tried to rasp a “what” but he only made a slight huff.
“I’m alright. They drugged my orange juice. I was in rough shape for a bit. Would you believe I had to talk two Gotham City Police Officers to look into the Bat Antidotes and ask for the general one? They looked at me like I had two heads but then they had four at the time, so we were at a stalemate.”
Alfred watched the two of them quietly. He knew what Bruce was doing and it was working. Dick was calming down and starting to breathe normally. He sat the tray down then walked over and pulled up one of the blankets draping it over the boy’s shoulders.
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up an appetite. I think you need to eat as well. You’ve got nothing in your stomach and it’s making the side effects worse. I can help you eat but you need to try.”
A few seconds passed before he felt a weak nod. “Good Lad.” Batman felt Robin pull away and caught him before he fell to the side. “Move slowly, chum. No need to fall off and crack your head open.” He helped him lean back into the stack of pillows.
This time his partner didn’t look as bad as before. The panic was gone and all that was left was exhaustion. “Think you can hold your sandwich?”
The boy glanced over at it and nodded with more confidence than before. He tried to speak again but no sound came out and this time a sharp pain came from his throat as well.
“Dick don’t strain your voice. Here, I’ve got an idea. Stay here.” Bruce tucked the other blanket around his wards waist before getting to his feet. He hurries over to the desk and picks up the pad of paper and pencil. “Here, if you can write what you want to say.”
Dick looks down at the pad of paper and takes the pencil. His hand shook as he tried to write. It took all of his concentration to write “Aunt Harriet” in barely legible handwriting.
Bruce sat back down on the edge of the cot taking the plate and sits it down on the pad. He picks up half of it and holds it out, “Don’t worry. She thinks we’re at my uncles house.”
Dick reaches out and takes the offered half concentrating really hard to get it to his mouth. He maybe groggy and still mostly drugged but he was going to feed himself – what kind of crime fighter didn’t?
Bruce watched before reaching out and gently guiding the boy’s hand to his mouth by his elbow. This sedative was either a doozy or it was given multiple times.
Slowly but surely the entire sandwich was eaten, crust included. “Well done, Master Dick. Relieved to see your appetite is back. Now sir the tea has gone cold-“
“That’s alright. It’s safer for him to drink anyway. Did we have the two I requested?” Bruce picked up the plate again handing it over. He took note of Dick being able to keep his eyes open, he definitely looked more coherent.
“Yes sir. Slippery Elm and Ginger tea. I also found honey and lemon, peppermint and green tea later if necessary.” Alfred nodded taking the plate.
“Good. Before we do that, I want to take a small blood sample.”
Dick’s eyes widened nervously, and he scribbled as quickly as he could “what for”.
“This maybe a new type of sedative, Dick. I need to know what it’s doing. I should have taken one earlier while you were sleeping but I was more worried about your health. However,” Bruce got to his feet explaining as he got the supplies. “It seems to be a stronger than usual sedative so it will still be in your blood stream. While it may not be as potent as it was, it will still be there.”
Dick sighed before looking away as Bruce sits back down wiping his arm with an alcohol wipe. He winced feeling the usual prick. “Doing great, Robin. Almost there.”
A few seconds later the pressure and the sharp pain in his arm was pulled away. He felt a gauze be pressed against his arm then a different set of hands held it there. He glanced over and saw Alfred was helping patch him up. “Well done, Master Dick. This will help us figure out how to help you.”
Dick looked down at the pad of paper before writing on the paper again. This time it took a bit for him to write all out. Once he was done, he showed it to Alfred. The other took it and turned around, “He’s asking about the Riddler and what we are going to do about him.”
“He isn’t our concern at this very moment. Riddler told me once that a riddle a day keeps the Riddler away. So as long as he hasn’t given another riddle, for the time being, we can focus on you. Besides, I need you back to fighting form, you are the one who solves most of the riddles anyway.”
Dick blushed but gave a weak grin.
“Alfred! There you are! I’ve been looking for hours. Where have you been?”
Alfred turned around seeing Dick’s aunt hurrying over. “I’m sorry, madam. A repair man has come to fix the basement hot water heater. I’ve been down there with him. I thought Master Bruce informed you of this before he left.”
“And that’s another matter. What of Bruce and Dick?” She stated ignoring him. “I want to speak to my nephew. It’s not like them to go off and not call me to let me know they are safe.” She stands in his way glaring up at him, “I just know something’s wrong. I can tell.”
“Madam, I already explained. Bruce and Dick are-“
“At Bruce’s uncle’s house. Yes, I’m aware.” She looked around then crossed her arms. “I’m going to call them. I just need to know he’s okay.”
“But you don’t know the number.”
“No, Alfred I don’t. But you do. Now come on.” She nodded towards Bruce’s study. “Mush.”
Batman was sitting at the desk trying to go through the notes he took on the blood sample the bat computer had given. He kept glancing over relieved to see Dick was resting. His ward was feeling better physically, and his energy was returning but his voice had yet to show at all.
He opened up another medical volume looking in the back for vocal cord inflammation or something close. This time he saw it.
Page 458.
He quickly flipped through it before finding it. “In order to cut down on the inflammation and swelling, a dose of Corticosteroids more specially Prednisone will help with this.” He read aloud. “That’s it. I need to make a call to Gordon to see if he can put me in touch with a doctor he trusts.”
Before he could start picking up the red phone, the black phone beside it started to ring. He sighed frustrated but took a deep breath and picked up the phone, “Bruce Wayne?”
“Ah yes, Fredrick. I need you to go find Mister Wayne. He and Dick are there for the weekend? Missus Cooper would like to speak with them.”
Bruce blinked before stumbling, he finally manages a different voice, “Right away.”
Aunt Harriet stands close hands on her hips waiting. Alfred prayed that Bruce would be able to handle it. He then heard rustling, “Master Bruce, how lovely it is to hear from you. Yes, she’s right here.” He hands the phone to her.
“Bruce? Bruce there you are. When you up and left… no matter. Where is Dick? I need to speak with him.”
Bruce glanced over his shoulder, the other was fast asleep. “I’m afraid he’s resting at the moment. You see he’s come down with a bit of a cold, so Uncle Thomas and I are letting him rest. He’s lost his voice from coughing I’m afraid.”
He winced hoping the name would pass and the excuse would as well.
Her eyes widened nervously, “A cold? No voice? Coughing? Oh dear me. I’ll come immediately.” She started to fidget her mind racing, “Oh I just KNEW something was wrong. A woman can always tell, Bruce.”
“Now, don’t worry Aunt Harriet. Dick is well taken care of. He’s quite comfortable in many pillows and blankets he found to curl up in. You know he does that when he doesn’t feel well. I just checked on him. His fever has broken as well. Once he’s well enough to travel, we’ll be back home. He didn’t want to give it to you or Alfred.” Bruce sighed getting up from his desk and carries the black phone with him careful not to knock anything over. “I’m right here with him.” He sat on the cot and gently shook Dick’s shoulder.
Dick uncurled looking up at him groggily.
“Oh, he’s just woken up…. Now he doesn’t have a voice and the doctor warned him not to strain.”
She hung onto the phone tightly her eyes staring ahead waiting, “Dick? Are you alright?” She held her breath waiting. “Bruce told me you aren’t feeling well.”
Alfred watched wondering what Dick was going to do.
Dick was only able to moan slightly not sure else what to do. “He’s just tired and recovering. He needs to rest while he can before the coughing fits return.”
Dick turned onto his back rubbing his eyes. He had to beat this. He had to. He clenched his eyes shut before he felt a hand squeeze his arm. He opens them and sees Bruce shake his head.
“Now now, he’s fine. At least he made a noise. Yesterday he couldn’t even do that. Yes, Aunt Harriet, we’ll call as soon as he can rasp something. Yes, I’ll call a doctor as soon as I’m off. I will I promise. He will.”
Dick gave a weak smile at his mentor stumbling to come up with excuses. He just gets a wink in return.
“Alright, take care. I will. See you soon. Bye.” Bruce sat the phone on the hook then groaned. “Your Aunt is a pain the half… but don’t you tell her I said that.” The only response he got was a silent giggle from his Ward beside him.
“….hmph.” Aunt Harriet hung up the phone before looking to Alfred. “You were hiding this from me weren’t you?”
“I-I was told to keep it a secret from Bruce and Dick. They didn’t want you to worry but now you know he’s alright and-“
“Alright?! He has no voice and an awful cold and cough. What am I going to do with that boy? And Bruce.. I’m sure he was no help.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Don’t yes Ma’am me. You were in on it as well. Come along.” She motioned for him to follow.
“And where might we be going? I do need to go check on the repair man. Wayne Manor’s pipes are over 100 years old and-“
“He can wait for 10 minutes. I want to get Dick’s room ready and maybe a place for him to rest in the den when he returns. Colds like that will linger for several days, Alfred and I want him comfortable.”
Alfred sighs, “Of course madam.”
Gordon looked up from his work at hearing the Bat Phone beeping. He got up and ran over picking it up, “Batman?! Is Robin alright? I haven’t heard anything, and I was getting worried – my men haven’t found any trace.”
“I’m sorry for worrying you more than needed. It’s been a rough ride over here the past several hours. I found Robin. He was laying on the ground next to a burning car drugged with no voice. It’s taken almost 7 hours to come out of it, but he still can’t speak.”
“The nerve of that man doing this to a young boy like Robin.” Gordon huffs annoyed. He takes his glasses off and folds them up before putting them in front coat pocket. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Yes actually. I need to get in contact with a doctor who can prescribe a steroid called Prednisone.” Batman sat back down at his desk. “I don’t mind bringing him in, but I need to know it’s safe and that they won’t try to remove his mask for obvious reasons.”
“Of course, that makes sense. How about my office? You can meet the doctor here and we can close off the doors and windows - whatever he needs.”
“Do you have a doctor in mind?”
Gordon looked up in thought, “Hold on. Let me get the directory for the police department…” He places the receiver down the table before going to his desk and picking up the rolodex. He flicked through it then pulled a paper out of it before picking up the red receiver again, “Yes. A Doctor Mason. He’s a fine doctor. Has patched up a lot of our men from injuries on the job. He attended one of the biggest hospitals in Gotham City: Gotham Memorial before joining our force.”
“Do you think he would work with me?”
“We won’t know until we try, Batman. But if I can trust him with the lives of my men, I will trust him with Robin’s life.”
“Very well. Get ahold of him and let me know when to be there. The faster we can get Robin’s voice back, the better.”
“Right. Oh, and what of the Riddler?” Gordon asked almost too nervous to bring him up.
“He will get what’s coming to him. Trust me.” Then the phone line went dead.
He sat the phone back on the hook before heading over to his desk. He picks up the black phone and dials a few numbers, “Yes. I need Doctor Mason. It’s urgent.” He glances at the watch on his wrist before sitting back waiting for a response. “Hello – Dr. Mason? I have a doozy of a favor.”
Bruce sat back into his chair sighing. He had honestly lost time with all that happened with Dick. He probably should have taken him to the hospital before this, but he never knew how well he could trust them not to try and figure out their identities.
He leans forward resting his head on his hands. He hoped he hadn’t made it worse by doing that. He turned his head glancing at his ward. Dick had fallen back to sleep quickly after the phone call.
He was going to get Riddler for this. One way or another, he was going to make it known that Riddler had gone too far this time.
He lifted his head seeing Alfred coming over, “Ah Alfred how is Missus Cooper?”
“Beside herself with worry. I do apologize. She wouldn’t let me leave until I called.” He stammered embarrassed that he had been held at “gun point” by her. “So I did the only thing I could think of-“
“Call my personal line down here in the Bat Cave.” Bruce finished for him. “I know it’s fine. I think we handled it as best we could. At least now she won’t be too surprised when Dick does come back hoarse.”
“Has his conditioned changed any?”
“Each time he wakes up back up he’s more and more coherent. His eyes were focusing earlier on me and didn’t go out of focus immediately like before.”
“And his voice. Did the tea help?”
“I’m afraid not. It hasn’t touched it. I did find something that could help in my father’s old texts. I already called Gordon to ask if he could put me in touch with a doctor.”
“And you trust this doctor?”
“I don’t have a choice, Alfred.” Bruce sighed shaking his head. He pulled his cowl back over his head arranging it so he could see, “I’m putting my trust in Gordon to not fail me. Robin’s health is the upmost importance right now.”
“O-Of course sir. Will you be needing my help?”
“Once I get a time, I may. Depending on how coherent Dick is when it’s time, I may need help getting him back in costume. You will only be a last resort of course, we need to make sure he keeps some of his pride.”
Alfred blinked surprised at the half humor coming from the other, “Oh. Indeed. He would never forgive us.”
Dick woke up feeling his gloves being pulled onto his hands. He opened his eyes and saw Alfred holding his cape and mask.
“I’m sorry to wake you, Master Dick. You have both been summoned to Gotham Police Department. It seems Gordon has found a doctor to look at you. You will need to get back into costume of course. I thought I’d help and pull on your gloves first. Do you need help with the rest?”
The boy glanced at the cape and the mask before taking the mask pulling that over his head. His arms were heavy, but he was able to do it so far. Once the mask was on and straight, he sat back tired. He looked frustrated at he forced himself to sit up again. This sedative was beyond frustrating.
“Please do not strain yourself.”
Dick finally scribbled on the pad “Frustrated.” Then “Tired.”
Alfred sighed before smiling, “Don’t worry, Master Robin. I won’t tell a soul about this.” He straightened the mask making sure it was on correctly before shaking the cape out. “Now, can you sit up for me at least?”
Robin was able to happily do that. He sat up as straight as he could letting Alfred snap his cape on. He sat back slightly then looks past Alfred to the Batmobile. He hadn’t tried to walk since he woke up and Batman hadn’t let him try.
“I think we should wait for Master Bruce.” Alfred said trying not to poke a hole in his balloon. “I think we’d both rather you not fall over and hurt yourself, yes?”
Robin nodded. He picked up the pad of paper and pencil right as Alfred sat next to him on the cot. He sighed and turned the page writing on it then showing it.
“Don’t be scared. Master Bruce always figures it out. You will have your voice and health back in no time.” Alfred reassured him. “Besides, you’re already doing so much better than you were when you first got here.”
Robin glanced up at him before nodding smiling.
Footsteps were heard from the other side of the cave as Bruce came back. “I spoke with Gordon again, he says Dr. Mason will be in his office in about 45 minutes. It takes 30 minutes to get to Gotham City from the Batcave. We’ve got a bit of time before we need to hit the road. I see you’re dressed in costume again and sitting up. Very good.”
Batman turned to look where Robin was staring, “You feel up to walking? You’ve been too groggy to attempt before this.”
Robin took a deep breath before nodding. The other just smiles relieved to see that and walks over offering his hand. “Just take it nice and slow and if you can’t its ok. That sedative was heavy and its staying in your blood stream longer than a normal sedative would. So, if you’re still unable to walk or stay awake, it’s the drug – not you.”
Robin took the offered hand using it to pull himself to his feet. He wavered unsteadily as a rush of vertigo took over and stumbled forward thankful that Batman caught him. If they hadn’t been there, he would have been face first on the ground.
“Alfred, go open the passenger car door. I’ve got you Robin, one step at a time.”
Alfred got to his feet putting the pad of paper down, “Right away, sir.”
Batman glanced down briefly getting a glance of what Robin had written while he was away. He didn’t blame the boy one bit for being scared. They had both been drugged before, but this was the worst to date. “Alright Robin, just lean on me.”
“Sir, are you sure you’ll be alright?”
“Yes. Stay nearby in case I need to contact you. Depending on how the visit goes, I may need you to somehow smuggle Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson some clothes and a car from the manor.” Batman explained after buckling Robin into the passenger side. The boy had already drifted back into a groggy sleeping state again.
Alfred came over with one of the blankets that had a big bat signal on it. He draped it over the younger one tucking it around his body. “Do be careful, Master Bruce and I will await your call.”
Batman saluted as he buckled himself into his own seat and starting the car.
Alfred stepped back away from the car watching it head off.
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hinamie · 10 months ago
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spins him around trying to understand the pink mop he calls hair
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months ago
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thought ‘what if the vintage skins were more in line with actual 1930’s cartoons design sensibilities’ and promptly went mental. plus a bonus two-tone dandy ! since he’s not playable and all
so some things i learned as i was doing this:
-solo cups were not invented until the 70s, so scraps has a tin can as part of her tail instead
-hoodies WERE invented in the 30s but were generally worn by warehouse workers bc of the cold. they didn’t get worn by the general public until the 70s, so toodles and cosmo are Not wearing them
-leg warmers were invented in the 40s but also didn’t get popular until the 70s so glisten’s legs get to be naked. sad !
other than that it was just a lot of ‘put gloves and/or shoes and/or pants on them. sometimes noses’
under the cut is All of them together and then also the sketch :]
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lazylittledragon · 4 months ago
y'know every time i feel guilty about bothering someone by singing along when i'm listening to music, i just remember that i have to tolerate my dirtbag brother screaming at his ps5 for hours every day so listening to muffled off-key fall out boy is probably preferable
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800db-cloud · 6 months ago
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i’m literally shaking buy them brown contacts pls
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
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then perish.
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irithyllians · 2 months ago
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in my heart rook had the chance to do the funniest thing ever and flirt with the inquisitor right in front of solas, and she took it
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kokoasci · 1 year ago
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every few months i remember how cool his design is
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isjasz · 11 months ago
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(happy eclipse day yesterday🎆🎆🎆)
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fanaticalthings · 10 months ago
Bruce coming home one day to find Robin Jason clinging onto a chandelier with Dick below him cheering him on.
Bruce: Jason what are you doing?
Jason: Dick said that you missed his antics after he moved out and so he’s teaching me how to be a better son
Dick: After this we’re going to drive the Batmobile into the bay :D
Jason: We’re going to what? I mean yeah! Right into the water.
Jason trying to whisper to Dick: Dick I can’t swim though
This just further fuels the chaotic dynamic of Dick and Jason during a time where Dick was still going through his teenage angst and was absolutely not a benevolent role model LMAO
I mentioned it in this post, but it's just so funny to me to imagine a Jason who grew up with an absolutely WILD Dick Grayson as an older brother, while the younger batkids grew up with a more mellowed out and mature (arguable but when measured against the other kids, he wins by a landslide) Dick Grayson.
Robin!Jason era:
Dick: You wanna go out and get high?
Jason: I can't, I have homework.
Dick, sputtering: HOMEWORK?
Dick, about to do an elaborate (and totally not dangerous) acrobatic move in the manor: Watch this, littlewing
Jason: You shouldn't do that, it'll make Bruce upset.
Dick, on the brink of angry tears: Why are you like this.
Jason, dejected: Listen, I know you don't approve of me because you think I'm not good enough as Robin, but-
Dick: Not good enough as Robin? I don't care about that, I just think you're a little bitch
Dick taking Jason out on a hangout for the first time: OK, looks like I got my work cut out for me. Take out a notepad and write everything down. I will NOT have my successor embarrass me like this. So what you wanna do to piss off Bruce-
[Years later, Jason returning to Gotham with the fury of a thousand suns and the chaos to match it]: I'm gonna make your life a living HELL, Bruce
Dick, older and relatively more chilled out: Okayyyyy, maybe let's just– calm down a lil, haha, no need for the theatrics
Jason, betrayed, observing a Dick Grayson who is teaching his new younger siblings to behave and be mature: Dick, what the FUCK
Present!Dick, mentoring Tim: Make sure not to be too impulsive, don't wanna raise Bruce's blood pressure
Red Hood!Jason spying on them from afar: Who even ARE you??
Jason: So you teach me ALL of that, only to turn into the ONE thing you despised so greatly all those years ago
Dick, sweating: Well-
Jason: I'm ASHAMED. How can you be worthy of being called my PREDECESSOR?
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parisoonic · 9 months ago
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pals drinking together (hand practice that got out of control)
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choccy-milky · 9 months ago
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seb about to learn every language there is 📚📚
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arcanegifs · 19 days ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 2x02 - “Watch It All Burn”
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wuntrum · 5 months ago
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2025 horror pin up calendar!!
print version | digital (/print it yourself) version
a labor of love, truly <3 prepare for the new year with 12 suggestive (and silly) horror characters :) featuring characters from: american psycho, bride of re-animator, the evil dead, hannibal, jason x, frankenhooker, alien, an american werewolf in london, jennifer's body, saw, the thing, and scream! to see the full specs of the calendar, check out the pages above!
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secretly-a-trekkie · 5 months ago
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noornight · 5 months ago
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Long distance besties. This definitely happened after the third movie (source: trust me bro)
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