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Proving the Placement of Hyrule's Founding Period, Using In-game & Supplemental Evidence
An original Legend of Zelda hypothesis, by Lorulean Historian Created December 20, 2024 | Edited February 21, 2025
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Above: Comparing the first pages of the history sections from both Breath of the Wild Master Works (left) and Tears of the Kingdom Master Works (right).
I strongly believe that Rauru and Sonia's founding of Hyrule Kingdom is the self-same establishment we have long heard about, yet never witnessed. That is: I believe it to be the original founding of the Hyrule Kingdom we know and love. And I have evidence to prove this!
Breath of the Wild Master Works, P.354:
はるか昔 Long Ago 神話の時代  “The Era of Myth” ハむリア人のᅵᅵᅵ族によるハむラル王囜が栄える。 The Kingdom of Hyrule prospers under the Hylian royal family. ゲルドの王ガノンドロフ、魔獣ガノンず倉貌しハむラルの脅嚁ずなる。王族や勇者の力をもっお、ガノンを封印。 The Gerudo King Ganondorf transforms into the dark beast Ganon and becomes a threat to Hyrule. Ganon is sealed by the combined power of the hero and the royal family. 幟床も埩掻するガノンを封印する。 Ganon is resurrected and sealed many times over. 1䞇幎以䞊前  Over 10,000 years ago お䌜話の時代  “The Days of the Fairy Tale” シヌカヌ族の技術により高床な文明を持぀。 Civilization is advanced because of the Sheikah’s technology.
Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.370:
1䞇幎以䞊前  Over 10,000 years ago ハむリア人によるハむラル王囜が栄える The Kingdom of Hyrule prospers under the Hylians. 厄灜ガノン出珟。王族や勇者の力をもっおガノンを封印  Calamity Ganon appears. Ganon is sealed by the combined power of the hero and the royal family. 幟床も埩掻するガノンを封印する。 Ganon is resurrected and sealed many times over. 箄1䞇幎前  Approx. 10,000 years ago 叀代ハむラル  “Ancient Hyrule” シヌカヌ族の技術により高床な文明を持぀ Civilization is advanced because of the Sheikah’s technology.
This segment above from Tears of the Kingdom Master Works occurs after the Imprisoning War, and thus, after Hyrule's founding.
For further context, this segment from Breath of the Wild Master Works is expanded further on the next page, detailing points of historical significance from the other races. And under the Zora line, at this time period in Hyrule’s history, is the inclusion of the story of Zora princess Ruto and her fight against an ambitious villain who threatened Hyrule—a.k.a., Ganondorf.
See as follows:
ゟヌラ王家にルト誕生。賢者ずしお芚醒しハむラル王家の姫や勇者ず共に戊う。Ruto is born to the Zora Royal Family. She awakens as a sage and fights alongside a hero and a princess of the Hyrulean Royal Family.
The above quote is also substantiated by in-game text; in particular, the Zora History Tablet no.7. I will post that quote in the “additional quotes” addendum below.
In this way, the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time appear to occur only after Rauru and Sonia founded their kingdom of Hyrule. And both of the master works seem to agree on that point. It does, however, leave the “how” vague and open to interpretation. How then did Ganondorf reappear later, and threaten Hyrule as if for the first time? Was the Gerudo King from the Era of the Hero of Time a natural born Gerudo male made king, or was something else going on? While it leaves such things unsaid, this silence allows the space for us to work it out. Perhaps, as my friend Instrutilus suggests, the Ganon we met in Ocarina and thereafter was simply a vessel borne of the original's hatred and malice—an “Incarnation of Darkness” put together by Koume and Kotake, who then brainwashed the remainder of the Gerudo into believing he was their trueborn king?
With what has been presented, it seems most likely to me that the developers intended this to be a clearer depiction (a sort of “eye witness account”) of the founding of Hyrule Kingdom as we know it.
Addendum I
The Time Period of the Zonai
この圫刻も  This carving
 やたり ここにあるものは 私の持぀ゟナりに ぀いおの知識に合臎するものばかりです It seems to concur with what information I have pertaining to the Zonai. ゟナりは 遥か昔 神話の時代にあったずされる文明 The Zonai were a civilization that existed long ago, in the Era of Myth. 神の劂き力を持ち 倩空で栄えたずいわれたすが  It’s said that they once flourished in the sky, and possessed god-like powers
 倚くの歎史曞で語られながらも その党容は あたり分かっおない 謎の倚い文明なのです Many history books tell of them, but their full story is not understood. They remain a very mysterious civilization

— Princess Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This means that the time period in which the Zonai existed, as well as Hyrule's founding, were considered both to be "long ago" and in "the Era of Myth". Both of these terms were used as the title and subtitle for the segment in Breath of the Wild Master Works pertaining to the history quotes in the prior section. I believe this to be further evidence that, despite using different descriptive titles in Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, these passages are almost certainly meant to cover information from the same time period.
Addendum II
The Calamity named Ganon
倪叀より栄えし王囜ハむラル その歎史は ある者ずの戊いの歎史でもありたした  Since ancient times the kingdom of Hyrule has prospered
 But its history is also one marked by battles against a certain threat. 灜いをもたらし幟床滅びおも蘇る者 その名をガノンずいう厄灜です  They brought calamity, and have resurrected despite being defeated time after time
 This Calamity has been called Ganon. しかしハむラルには王囜を護る宿呜を持っお生たれ出でる者達がありたした  But here in Hyrule there were those that were born with the fate of protecting the kingdom
 勇者の魂を持぀剣士ず 女神の血を匕く聖なる姫 い぀の時代にᅵᅵᅵ ガノンず戊うべく姿を珟した者達です A swordsman who possessed the spirit of a hero, and a sacred princess descended from the Goddess
  These were the ones who appeared over the ages to oppose Ganon.
— Impa, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
It would appear that Ganon—in all of his appearances throughout Hyrulean history—has been considered so destructive that he brought only disaster; thus he is a calamity made flesh. For this reason, the people of Hyrule by the time of Breath of the Wild refer to him simply as the “Calamity Ganon”.
Addendum III
Additional Quotes (includes Images)
私の祖先 ハむラル王家の祖は・・・ My ancestor—the forebear of the Hyrulean royal family
 倩より降臚せし 神の䞀族ず結ばれ 生たれおずいわれおいたす It's said that they were born from a marriage with the gods that descended from the sky. この壁画を信じるなら 倩より降臚せし䞀族ずは ゟナり族・・・ If this mural is to be believed, then those beings who descended from the sky were the Zonai
 その䞀族ず倧地のハむリア人が亀わり やがお興った囜が・・・ They must have fostered relations with the Hylians of the surface, and before long they established this country
 ハむラル王囜・・・ The Kingdom of Hyrule

— Princess Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
これは異な事をハむラルは我らが興した囜 私以倖に王はおらぬ筈だが? How unexpected. We founded this land of Hyrule, and it shouldn't have any other king apart from me?
— King Rauru, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
ゟヌラ王ドレファン これに蚘すヌ Zora King Dorephan says this— 䞀族の民に愛され ゟヌラの守護神に仕える芋目麗しい掻発な姫であったず䌝えられおいる It is said that there was once a beautiful and lively princess who was beloved by the clan's people, who attended to Zora's guardian deity. だが同じ時 䞖を支配せんず野望を抱く者が珟れ ゟヌラの里も圌の者が攟぀灜いに襲われた。 But at the same time, there was someone who harboured ambitions to rule the world, and Zora's Domain too was struck by the calamity that person had unleashed. その時 ルトは賢者ずなり ハむラル王家の姫や 勇者ず共に 野望抱く者に立向かったずいう At that time Ruto became a sage, and — together with a princess of Hyrule’s royal family and a hero — faced the one who harboured those ambitions. その偉倧なる功瞟はゟヌラは元よりハむラルの歎史にも深く刻み蟌たれおいる Those magnificent achievements are not only deeply etched in Hyrule’s history, but also Zora's. 埌の䞖で 厄灜ガノンに立ち向かうべく造られた神獣ノァ・ルタはルトに肖り名付けられたのだ Ages later, in order to oppose Calamity Ganon, the Divine Beast Vah Ruta was built. It was christened in Ruto's name. そしおルッタの䞻にゟヌラの姫我嚘ミファヌが遞ばれたのも運呜が成した技なのかもしれぬ Perhaps it was fate, then, that my daughter Mipha, princess of the Zora, was chosen to master Ruta.
— King Dorephan (Zora History Tablet, Part Five), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
ナボヌル  神話に謳われる ゲルド族の賢者 Nabooru
celebrated in myth as sage of the Gerudo.
— Gerudo Champion Urbosa, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
䌝説から名付けその名の由来が刀明しおいるのは2䜓。神獣ノァヌルッタは倪叀の昔にゟヌラ王家に生たれた王女ルトから名付けられた。たた、神獣ノァヌナボリスもゲルド族のナボヌルが由来であるずいう、䞡者ずも、賢者ずしおハむラル王家の姫や勇者ずずもに悪しき者ず戊ったず䌝わっおいる。 Two of the name origins used in their christening can be established from legend. Divine Beast Vah Ruta was named for Princess Ruto, born to the Zora royal family. And the origin for naming Divine Beast Vah Naboris comes from the Nabooru of the Gerudo. It’s been handed down that both persons battled against the Evil One together with the hero and the princess of the Hyrulean royal family as sages.
— Breath of the Wild Master Works, P.
偉倧なる初代王 この地深く 魔王を封印す Our mighty first king sealed the Demon King deep below this land. 我ら 王の封印を 匷固ずする為 聖域を匵る その芁ずしお ここに城を築くものなり To strengthen the king's seal, we erected this castle and affixed it as the sanctuary’s cornerstone. これ倱われし時 聖域も倱われ 魔王 時ず共に埩掻し When this is lost, then the sanctuary will also be lost, and the Demon King will resurrect over time. その憎悪ず怚念が この地に解き攟たれん That hatred and malice will be unleashed upon this land. 即ち 城の氞続は 王囜の繁栄に繋がるものなり In other words, the kingdom’s prosperity is linked to the castle’s permanence. ここに 恒久の安寧を願っお We pray for its eternal peace.
— Royal Hidden Passageway (plaque), The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
ハむラル創生の時代 The days of Hyrule’s creation. その存圚だけが䌝わっおいる  Only its existence has been passed down
 それが ゟナり文明なのです That is what the Zonai civilization is.
— Princess Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
ハむラル王囜の建囜 “The Founding of Hyrule Kingdom” 女神ハむリアの生たれ倉わりであるれルダの血を匕く者が、ハむ ラル王囜を建囜。時の神殿があるハむラルの䞭心地に城を構え、聖地ずトラむフォヌスを密かに守る。 Someone descended from Zelda, who was the reincarnation of the goddess Hylia, founded the kingdom of Hyrule. A castle was built near the Temple of Time, in the center of Hyrule, to secretly guard the Triforce in the Sacred Realm. 王家には、血を濃く受け継いだ特別な力を持぀者が倚く生たれ、 王女には、歎史䞊の䌝説から名をずっおしばしばれルダず名づけられるようになった。 Many individuals born into the royal family possessed extraordinary powers which ran thick in their bloodline, and princesses were repeatedly named ‘Zelda’ from historical legend.
— Hyrule Historia, P.77
母のような包容力や懐の深さを持぀ずずもに、ゟナり族であるラりルず結婚するような倧胆さも兌ね備える女性ずしお、どのように描くかがずおも難易床の高いキャラクタヌでした。なかでも顔の印象は非垞に難しかったです。目぀きが匷すぎおも匱すぎおもむメヌゞず違い、バランスをずるのに苊慮したした。劃ずいう高貎な身分でありながら裞足であるずいうのもこだわったポむントです。圌女自身の個性ずしおの倩真爛挫さ、叀代人のプリミティブなむメヌゞ、巫女ずしおの神聖さなど、さたざたな狙いを蟌めおいたす。あらゆるれルダの始祖のようなむメヌゞを持たせられないかず考え、党身の随所に過去の『れルダの䌝説」シリヌズのれルダ姫のモチヌフをちりばめおいたす。皆さんお気づきでしたでしょうか?  “It was very difficult to depict her character as a woman who has both the receptiveness and depth of a mother, with the boldness to marry Rauru—a Zonai. The most difficult aspect of her character was her face. I struggled to find the right balance for her eyes, which should neither be too strong nor too weak, as I felt they would be too different from the image I had hoped for her. Another point I was particular about was the fact that she is barefoot despite her noble status as queen. I aimed to include a variety of things with her design, such as the naivete of her personality combined with a depiction of ancient primitive peoples, as well as the holiness of a priestess. We had the idea that she should have the image of something like the originator of all Zeldas, so we sprinkled motifs from Princess Zeldas from past ‘The Legend of Zelda’ games up until now all over her body. Have you noticed them all?”
— Designer's Note; The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.105
▶ハむラル王族の祖・゜ニア    ハむリア人にも特殊な力を持぀者が、わずかながらに存圚した。そのなかでも゜ニア(およびその家系)にはずりわけ倧きな力が備わっおいたず掚枬される。゜ニアは圓時のハむリア人における、巫女のような圹割をも぀存圚だったのだろう。人々に叡智を授ける姿は、たるで女神の化身のように映ったに違いない。 ▶ Sonia, Ancestor of Hyrule's Royal Family — Among the Hylians, there were a few who possessed special powers. Chief among them was Sonia (as well as her family lineage), who was thought to have possessed particularly great power. Sonia played a role similar to that of a priestess among the Hylians of that time. She most certainly would have appeared like an incarnation of the Goddess in the way that she imparted her wisdom to everyone.
— The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.381
王族の力ず血脈 Royal Powers & Lineage 珟圚、ハむラル王族の姫には「封印の力」が䌝わっおおり、れルダ姫の母芪にもその力があった。これはラりルの「光の力」ず同類のものず考えられる。たた、れルダ姫には「時を操る力」も発珟しおいる。これらの力は、遠い祖先であるラりル、゜ニアから脈々ず受け継がれおきたものなのかもしれない。 The “sealing power” has been passed down to the princesses of the Hyrulean royal family into the present-day, and Princess Zelda's mother also shared in this power. These powers are thought to be the same as Rauru's “power of light”. Princess Zelda also manifested the “power to manipulate time”. Both of these powers were likely to have been passed down from Rauru and Sonia—her distant ancestors. 珟代に残る建囜資料に初代ハむラル王ず王劃の間に生たれた子に぀いおの蚘述は芋぀かっおおらず、口䌝される神話にも子䟛に぀いおは語られおいない。しかし初代囜王ラりルず王劃゜ニアが有しおいた力がハむラル王族の血筋に䌝わる聖なる力ずしお珟代たで続いおいるこずから、二人の間にはすでに子がおり、その血脈が王家の血ずしお継がれおきたのだず考えるのが劥圓だろう。 No mention of a child born to the first king and queen of Hyrule has been discovered amongst the founding documents that remain today, nor is there any mention of a child in surviving folklore. But since the powers possessed by the kingdom’s first king and queen, Rauru and Sonia, have continued into the present-day as the sacred power inherited through the bloodline of the Hyrulean royal family, it is reasonable to assume that they must have already had a child—and that their descendants have carried on as the royal bloodline.
— The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.385
ゟナり族はハむリア人の祖? The Zonai: The Ancestors of the Hylians? ハむリア人の耳が倧きいのは、神の声を聞く ためだずいう䌝承がある。もしもこの䌝承のル ヌツがゟナり族にあったずすれば、説埗力が増 しおくる。なぜならばゟナり族の特城もたた「倧きな耳」であり、神の䜿いずいわれる皮族だからである。 There is a tradition that the Hylians have such large ears to be able to hear the voice of the gods. Though if this tradition has its origins with the Zonai, it becomes much more convincing. This is because the Zonai also have the trait of “large ears,” and their tribe is regarded as the messengers of the gods. ゟナり族はハむリア人よりも䜓栌が倧きく、 倧きな耳をも぀ため、より原始に近い姿であったず想像できる。もしかするず実際に神の声が 聞こえおいᅵᅵのかもしれない。「神の声を聞くために耳が倧きい」ずいわれた民族は、もずもずはゟナり族のこずなのではないだろうか。 The Zonai have a larger physique and they also possess larger ears than the Hylians, so it could be supposed that they’re closer to a more primitive form. Thus, the race referred to as “having such large ears to hear the voices of the gods” may have originally been the Zonai. 同じ特城や、䌌たような謂れをも぀ゟナり族ずハむリア人。実は「ゟナり族が元祖ハむリア人なのではないか」ずいう考えが、珟圚ハむラ ルではもっずもホットな説ずしお歎史孊者たち の話題になっおいる。それくらい共通点が倚い のだ。 There may be a reason why the Zonai and the Hylians share the same characteristics and such similar origins. In fact, the idea that the Zonai may be the original Hylians is the hottest theory amongst Hyrulean historians. That’s just how much they have in common! ではどこで枝分かれしたかずいえば、ゟナり 族が空に移る際ず考えるのが有力である。己 の意思で地䞊に残った、あるいは䞇が䞀の危 機回避のため䞀郚を地䞊ぞ残す手段を遞んだのかもしれない。それらゟナり族が別の進化を 遂げた皮族、それこそがハむリア人のルヌツな のではないか。 As to when this branching off took place, the most likely explanation is that it occurred when the Zonai left for the skies. There may have been some who remained on the surface of their own volition, or they may have chosen to leave a part of their race on the surface in order to avert some crisis should one ever occur. These Zonai would have developed into a distinct tribe, which may be the origins of the Hylians. その根拠のひず぀ずしお、ゟナり族の歎史を玐解くなかで倩䞊期にさたざたな郚族ずの亀流の痕跡が芋぀かったのに察し、ハむリア人の存圚に぀いおは曖昧なのである。 One reason for this is that, while there has been some evidence found of the Zonai interacting with the other tribes in their historical records, concerning the existence of the Hylians, things remain unclear. ゟナり族が再び地䞊に戻り、皮の存続ずしお遞んだ盞手はハむリア人であった。同じルヌ ツをも぀ために、惹かれあうように亀流が生たれおいったのかもしれない。 When the Zonai returned once more to the surface, they chose Hylians as their partners for the continued survival of their species. Perhaps their mutual attraction and mingling was born from them sharing the same origins?
— The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.453
◎倩䞊期 - The Heavens Period ゟナり族の空島での生掻は、長く続いたず思われる。地䞊ではその間に、ハむ リア人を始めずした各郚族がそれぞれの暮らしを圢成しおいた。 It’s thought that the Zonai made their living among the sky islands for a long time. Meanwhile, on the surface, the Hylians were just starting out, and all of the other tribes were forming their own ways of life. 空で栄えたゟナり族だが、その繁栄もやがお翳りを芋せる。なんらかの倧きな 出来事により、その人ᅵᅵは激枛。皮族の滅亡ずいう危機が迫っおきたのである。生き残ったゟナり族は、秘石守護職ずしお の責務をたっずうするため、秘石を携え お再び地䞊に降り立った。 While the Zonai did prosper in the sky, before long this prosperity was cast into doubt. Some terrible incident occurred, dramatically decreasing their population. Their race faced the danger of imminent collapse. To ensure their survival, and continue their duty to safeguard the secret stones, the Zonai chose to return to the surface once more—with the secret stones in-hand. ➀滅亡の危機回避 - Preventing their Imminent Collapse ゟナり族の人口を激枛させた危機ずはどのようなものだったの か。その原因を蚘した文献は発芋されおいない。がからか、倩灜あるいは資源の枯枇か、遺䌝子レベルの老化が。はたたた、秘石の芇暩を争う戊いがあったからか。  The exact nature of the crisis which dramatically decreased the Zonai population is not well understood. Its cause was never discovered in any known literature. That said, we can speculate that it could have been a natural disaster due to depletion of resources, or genetic stagnation. Or perhaps there was a war fought over command of the secret stones themselves. このたたでは皮族の存続が危ぶたれ、ゟナり族のである の守護、継承もできなくなっおしたう。そうした意 けるためにゟナり族が遞択したのが、地䞊ぞの垰であった。 䞊で生掻しおいた別の皮族ず亀わるこずで滅亡の危機から狭し 秘石守護を果たそうず考えたのではないだろうか。 Regardless, if this situation continued, the survival of the tribe would be in jeopardy, and the Zonai would no longer be able to protect and carry on the traditions of their ancestors. In order to prevent this, the Zonai chose to return to the surface. They may have thought that they could escape the danger of extinction and fulfill the protection of the secret stones by mingling with another tribe that lived upon the surface. 神の降臚 - The God’s Descent ◎建囜期 - Founding Period このころ地䞊では、ハむリア人のほか各郚族が郚 族単䜍で集萜を圢成し、砂挠にはゲルド族の囜が興っおいた。それぞれ独自の文明や蚀語を有しおいた が、その暮らしはか぀おのゟナり文明ず比べお原始的であった。倩䞊期に幟蚱かの亀流はあったものの、 時の経過により、ゟナり族を知る者もいない。それ ゆえ空から降り立ったゟナり族たちの壮倧な光は、 たさしく神の降臚ず捉えられた。 At this time, in addition to the Hylians, various tribes formed settlements on the surface, and the Gerudo nation had emerged in the desert. Each of these tribes had their own civilization and language, but their way of life was more primitive than that of the previous Zonai civilization. Although they had some contact with each other in the early years of their ascension, no one really knew the Zonai. Therefore, the magnificent light of the Zonai descending from the heavens was seen as the descent of the gods. ➀地䞊ぞ戻った「ゟナりの郜」 - The “Zonai City” Returns to the Surface ゟナり族の地䞊降臚に぀いおはさたざたな逞話や掚枬があるが、そのなかのひず぀に非垞に興味深い ものがある。「ゟナり族は“圌らの郜ずずもに”降臚した」ずいうものだ。  While there is much theory and speculation about the descent of the Zonai to the surface, one idea in particular is very interesting. It goes something like, “The Zonai descended ‘together with their city’.” 埓来は壁画に描かれた様子から、ゟナり族はゟナりギアの乗り物などを利甚しお降りおきたず考えら れおいた。しかし空島の研究が進むうちに、ゟナり 族は始たりの空島己らの郜ごず地䞊ぞ舞い降り たのではないか、ずいう説が信憑性を増したのだ。 よく芋れば壁画に描かれた山は、始たりの空島の 降䞋を衚したものではないだろうか。  Conventionally, the Zonai were thought to have descended to the surface using Zonai devices as vehicles, based on the depiction in the mural. However, as the research of the sky islands has progressed, the theory that the Zonai descended to the earth with their city upon the Great Sky Island has gained credibility
 If one looks closely, the mountains depicted in the mural may represent the descent of the Great Sky Island itself.
— The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Master Works, P.380
ハむラル王囜ができるよりもはるか昔、 女神によっお打ち䞊げられた倩空の島スカむロフトがあ った。人々はロフトバヌドずいう倧きな鳥に乗っお空を行き来しおいた。 女神信仰が根付いおおり、 再び地䞊に戻った圌らはハむリア人の祖ずいえる (P.008 P.064)。 Long before the kingdom of Hyrule was ever established, there was Skyloft, an island in the sky lifted up by the Goddess. The people rode large birds called Loftwings to travel through the air. Their belief in the Goddess was deeply rooted, and those who returned to the surface can be said to be the forebears of the Hylians (p.008, p.064). 叀代、 ハむラル王囜ず亀流があったずいう倩空人。 倩空郜垂は高床な技術で栄えたずいう。 圌らがハむリア人の祖先およびもっずも神に近い民族だずいう説もある。 In ancient times, the Sky People are said to have mingled with Hyrule Kingdom. Their sky city is said to have flourished by means of advanced technology. There is a theory that they are the ancestors of the Hylians, as well as the race closest to the gods. そしお、颚の宮殿を守る颚の民。 聖剣フォヌ゜ヌド (P.079) に必芁な゚レメントのひず぀を守っおいた。このようにハむラルの䞊空には、叀来さたざたな郜がひそかに栄えおいたのである。 And then there are the Wind Folk, who guarded the Palace of Winds. They protected one of the elements necessary for the sacred blade, the Four Sword (p.079). Thus, in the skies above Hyrule, various cities have flourished in secret since time immemorial.
— The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Encyclopedia, P.048
Addendum IV
Famitsu Interview excerpt (2023)
――毎回恒䟋でお聞きしおいたすが、『れルダの䌝説』のᅵᅵᅵ系列ずしお、今回の『ティアヌズオブ ザ キングダム』は、どこに圓おはたりたすか 『れルダの䌝説 スカむりォヌド゜ヌド』では始祖を描き、『ブレス オブ ザ ワむルド』で最埌を描いおいたしたが、『ティアヌズオブ ザ キングダム』は『ブレス オブ ザ ワむルド』の続線であり぀぀、ハむラル建囜の話もあるので始祖にもなりえるのかず    。 ——I know this is a regular question, but where does Tears of the Kingdom fit into the Zelda timeline? Skyward Sword is depicted as the originator, and Breath of the Wild is depicted at the very end. While Tears of the Kingdom is a sequel to Breath of the Wild, it also exists as a story of Hyrule’s founding, so is it the originator
? 藀林『ブレス オブ ザ ワむルド』の埌の話であるこずは間違いないです。そしお、基本的に『れルダの䌝説』シリヌズは、砎綻しないように物語ず䞖界を考えおいたす。珟時点で蚀えるのは、その2点のみです。 Fujibayashi: Without a doubt, this story is set after Breath of the Wild. And, fundamentally, we intend for the Zelda series' story and world to not break apart. So I can only say two things at this point.  「砎綻しない」ずいう前提があれば、ファンの方々にも「ずいうこずは、それじゃあこういう可胜性も」ずいろいろ考えおいただける䜙地があるず思うんですよ。あくたで可胜性ずしお話すずすれば、ハむラル建囜の話があっおもその前に䞀床滅んだ歎史がある可胜性もありたす。「ここをこうしたらおもしろいんじゃない」ずいった適圓では䜜っおいたせんから、あえお語られおいない郚分も含めお、想像しお楜しんでいただければず思いたす。 While keeping to the conditions of it “not breaking apart”, I do believe there is room for fans to think, “Wait, so that means
 there’s a chance?” I would speak to the possibility that, even though this is the story of the founding of Hyrule, there is a chance that there could have been history that's been lost before this, too. We didn't produce this randomly, either, like “would it be interesting to do this here?” and that includes those things left unsaid. So I hope you will enjoy imagining it!
Lorulean’s Analysis
Reading Fujibayashi’s statement, with the context of the question posed by the interviewer, I can only draw the following conclusion: the history that’s been previously lost is none other than the events before the founding of Hyrule Kingdom. Chiefly, the events of Skyward Sword. The interviewer asked whether the founding story established in Tears of the Kingdom replaced the “origin story” of Skyward Sword for the series, and Fujibayashi’s response gives us the answer: no, it does not. And this all falls in line with previously established information (see excerpt, Hyrule Historia P.77 in Addendum III).
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proxycrit · 2 months ago
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Day 26- Lanayru Mountain
Perhaps dragon song sounds familiar. No matter; it’s time to get to business.
On that note, magnesis is reacquired! Purah’s still working on the other glyphs.
(“We’ll find a cure by the end of this year, I promise.”
“I hope we do, Mimi. I really, really hope we do.”)
((This is a totk au called familiar familiar! Zelda doesn’t go back in time, history is forever changed, and link is beset by ghost memories from his magic arm as per usual.))
(Want to throw a coin to an exhausted art hermit? Check out my patreon!)
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pigeon-princess · 2 years ago
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No time for tears in this kingdom, I've got places to go and puzzles to solve
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dokidibi · 2 years ago
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Exploring the tutorial island: summary
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lschmidtartblog · 2 years ago
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Tears of the Kingdom: Wiggle to Detach (colorized)
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kroovv · 2 years ago
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The First King of Hyrule ✚🌿
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cathianemelian · 9 months ago
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A royal support
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fruityrats · 2 years ago
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Happy pride!
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pocket-deer-art · 7 months ago
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Indulgent scribbling
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emberglowfox · 2 years ago
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
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then perish.
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wreniriis · 9 months ago
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One year of Tears of the Kingdom 🐉☁
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proxycrit · 22 days ago
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Day 49– Riju’s Guestroom
(Ambassador Rauru never meant to get attached to the twin chieftains. The one that becomes the Demon King accuses him of forgetting his own history— the other, concerned with her people’s safety, bitterly capitulates to Hyrule’s demands.
Perhaps a kinder peace could have been achieved, if only Rauru chased after Ganondorf like Naborus on that fateful day. It didn’t matter, in the end. Time has ground every decision into indistinguishable dust, until all that’s left is echoes and ghosts.)
(This self indulgent totk rewrite au is called Familiar Familiar! It all starts when Zelda doesn’t get sent back in time, and now has a whole new batch of tragic tragic lore.)
((Wanna support me? Check out my patreon, with my throw away sketches and references! Remember to use web or android folks, apple charges 30 percent tax.))
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goldgargoyles · 2 years ago
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zonai dinner theory
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setzeri · 10 months ago
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For the 1st anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I unleash comics where Rauru & Sonia are just weird people.
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vinnie-cha · 2 years ago
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she’s just like me fr fr
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