#long post but totally worth it
ryuubff · 5 months
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when your first impression on the carpenter's hot son goes wrong just yell "plot twist!" and move on ✩
yeah no jia didn't really give seb a good impression upon first meeting eachother ... it took sebastian a good while to warm up to them because of this (ill draw it... evnetually)
this is based off my gameplay when first encountering sebastian 😭😭 i didnt know you need 2 hearts w a villager to enter ur room (he wasn't there atp) and when i tried to leave he was blocking the way so i just stood there... until he had the "..." speech bubble and ran past me it was SO EMBARRASSING
this is their current impressions of eachother! maybe when i post more comics i'll update it !!
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close ups below the cut as always sorry for a super duper long post LOL
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face cards......
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this is so can we pretend airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars i could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now
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math-is-math · 9 months
Aleheather headcanons because why not :))
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They moved into an apartment together after All Stars; it’s not exactly the lavish lifestyle they pictured but it’s cozy and comfortable for the moment
I personally don’t think Heather would name her cat Bruiser; I think it’s actually the family cat and that’s what her younger brothers decided to name him
After moving in together, they got a little white cat named Blanca (courtesy of Alejandro ofc)
“Blanca? W— isn’t that just white in Spanish??”
“Exactly. It fits perfectly for her.”
That said, Alejandro’s more of a dog person but he’s not opposed to cats; Heather LOVES cats but big dogs are not her thing though
They’ll dance together in their living room at 2 am, maybe sway the cat around too
Alejandro is the master chef while Heather is the resident baker
They enjoy hosting dinner parties for their friends! Duncan and Courtney, and Lindsay and Tyler are their most common guests
Heather is a WIZARD at the piano
Sometimes when Alejandro has a nightmare she’ll play to relax and comfort him; his favorite is Solamente Una Vez
Alejandro can play guitar at a beginner-intermediate level
Sometimes they’ll duet with their respective instruments + occasional singing
Courtney will come over and sometimes bring her violin so she and Heather can play together — and they’ll absolutely bring the house down every time; their signature piece is The Swan
Duncan will make fun of Alejandro cause he gets emotional everytime they play it
“Oh man are you crying?”
“Well at least I’m able to emotionally appreciate good talent!!”
I think Courtney helped Heather get her million back (with the help of her lawyers and finessing the system ofc)
First thing they did once receiving it — put that shit in the BANK
Alejandro’s Catholic; Heather isn’t religious :P
Heather doesn’t talk to her parents (or her family) anymore; she claims she doesn’t care but Alejandro knows it hurts
Alejandro has a good relationship with his parents and family (well maybe not José) despite his inferiority complex lmao; although FreshTV did say Alejandro’s not the favorite in his family
I think that role goes to Carlos since he’s the professional soccer player, but Carlos gets demoted to second favorite after his parents meet Heather
His mom adores Heather, she’s the daughter she never had; his dad isn’t rlly around cause of work but he’s quite fond of her too from the few times he’s met her
Alejandro and José made a bet about whether he would win Total Drama
When he got the call from Chris about TD Dirtbags, you bet your ass he was outta the house
Alejandro’s parents had literally no idea he went on the show (nor did they care LOL)
His mom found out when he called him after Chris announced World Tour and his dad found out when they were showing one of the eps on a hotel TV and saw him
Heather braids her hair when she’s stressed! She can do all sorts of braids from fishtail to Dutch
The only person allowed to play with Alejandro’s hair is her; he’s not fond of having it in two parts (i.e. braids and pigtails) but he makes an exception for her
Sometimes when she has a nightmare, Alejandro lets her braid and play with his hair to calm her down
Heather is terrified of vulnerability, due to a fear of rejection and being alone; she combats this by pushing everyone away to not face any potential possibilities of being rejected by anybody
The first time she said ‘I love you’ to Alejandro (not counting the WT confession) resulted in a panic attack and almost passing out (I wrote a fic about this hehe)
Occasionally Heather has doubts about Alejandro’s objective with her and their relationship — why he chose her of all people, if this could all end up a mistake in the future, if she can trust him, etc.
Alejandro’s patient though, he provides as many reassurances as she needs to hear
It’s taken a lot of time and coaxing to get her to take down her walls and let him in but they’re making progress; he just loves her so much and wants happiness for her :’)
They’re both afraid of losing the other but Heather’s fear is more extreme than Alejandro’s
I’ll update if I think of more lol but feel free to add to the list !!
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froggyfriend27 · 6 months
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I’m actually unironically really proud of how this patch turned out. (Ignore the box, I needed something to paint on and the string is for friendship bracelets and embroidery) :>
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imflyingfish · 7 months
This isnt a crazy statement but i still think that there should be better diversity on the life series. I mean specifically there should be more woman creators and creators who are poc.
Like 3rd life had ONE woman!!! WHAT THE FUCK?
Theres only ever been TWO non-white members of the life series! What????
Only 4/17 of the secret life members are women! Thats like 4 and a bit men for every woman! THIS IS THE SEASON WITH THE MOST WOMEN????
Like i know the gaming space is a bit messed up on this front but like cmon....
I dont think that the life series is like. Intrinsically bad or anything, but it would be cool if Grian/the team and such could take notice of these facts and help to change the server just a bit more.
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comixandco · 1 year
i think something people forget about pink diamond is that she had compassion for life long before she went to earth
the pebbles assume steven is pink not because of his gem or aura but just because he says ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ to them, a basic common courtesy that nobody else has given them in thousands of years
in steven’s pink visions, blue is yelling at pink about the little bugs she let loose on homeworld. when one of them is found in her cell, she is quick to check it’s okay before helping it out of the room. even before encountering humans she valued organic life.
even the garden, the setting of pink’s cruellest moment, is proof of her care for organic life. Unlike every other part of homeworld, the garden is teeming with plant-life, which was kept healthy enough that it continued to grow even after pink abandoned it. the only other homeworld structure that tends to organic life is the human zoo. who’s to say the garden wasn’t another attempt by the other diamonds to placate pink after she expressed concern for the life on one of their colonies? or maybe pink picked the plants herself from the many different colonies she visited and grew them there.
pink wasn’t perfect. she had a bad habit of acting on her emotions and impulses without considering the consequences of her actions, and she hurt a lot of people because of it. but she considered all life precious and worth protecting, it just wasn’t until she had a colony of her own that she fully understood that the expansion of homeworld was intrinsically linked to the destruction of life, and the moment she realised that is the moment she stood against it.
#steven universe#su pink diamond#this post is almost 5 years too late lol#like padparadscha by the time my thoughts have found their way from my brain to my mouth the moment is long gone#but a hot take is a hot take even if it’s been in a slow cooker#i just think people are sleeping on the pebbles and the scene with the little rainbow catipillar#there always seemed to be a sentiment that pink was an inherently cruel person and that she didn’t care about anything before earth?#and that her care for life was either superficial or out of left field#but something my brain keeps rotating round is that she was always like this she always cared for other life forms but never took them#seriously. she always cared about them but never really paid close attention to how they were. and it was something she learnt off of the#other diamonds who treated her exactly the same as she treated everybody else. they loved her but they didn’t understand her and they#never made an effort to change that. and they never thought about how their actions made her feel or whether she was responding to their#own outbursts and emotions. and she never considered how her actions would make other people feel.#she didn’t think how her screaming would hurt volleyball until it happened. she didn’t consider how all-encompassing her orders to spinel#and pearl and potentially garnet were. she didn’t think about how spinel would be hurt by being left behind and quite frankly i do think#she completely forgot spinel existed once she became preoccupied with saving earth which is horrible but also makes total sense for her#character who from creation was taught that other gems were worth less than her and that they existed only to serve her or her fellow#diamonds; and as somebody who was used to the concept of being left behind and abandoned whenever the people she cared about got bored#or annoyed with her. it hurts but it’s a part of life to her. what she didn’t consider js that her words are law and she left spinel with#no free-will. she left pearl physically unable to share important information and solve the problems she left behind.#and she doesn’t consider how her death will make others feel - she doesn’t think the diamonds will care that she dies but they do and they#murder all of her friends except for two. she thinks the crystal gems will be fine without her if she says goodbye to become steven but#they aren’t and a good portion of the show is about the gems grief and how it creates an unstable environment for steven to grow up in#consistently pink diamond was taught her feelings didn’t matter and was made to feel nobody cared about her if they weren’t compelled to#and that compiled with the privileged position she was formed into made her an insecure spoiled brat who had no comprehension that her#choices could hurt people around her#did she ever even consider that the diamonds were grieving her? or did she think it was just another action of violence to exert control?#i don’t think i’ll ever be over pink diamond#funnily enough steven has a similar problem e.g. sadie’s talent show and when connie was upset he gave himself up to homeworld#but that’s a discussion for when i’m not at tag limit lol
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vildo · 12 days
In this scene, when they’re about to throw spears, together they say Down Eros, Up Mars
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which at first glance could simply mean love is nothing, and war everything, indicative of how their friendship is likely to fall apart.
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As far as it goes in the book, Messala is quite upfront about his intentions, leaving Judah to choose between a future for their love, or a potential free one for his people
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Here in the following scene, things are pretty much the same, on the surface at least. Yet if you pay close attention to the positioning of certain elements, the spears high up there on that cross/crucifix, and the two of them holding hands beneath it, you’ll begin to see the clever choice made to suggest this is a lover’s quarrel, for up there reigns Mars, and Eros is down where they are
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dirtytransmasc · 7 months
still bitter that SKMD wasn't made into another season/partner series to TLK and was instead made into a rushed movie that had endless potential but just kinda flipped cause it didn't have the time it needed to truly flourish.
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Two idiots finally realizing they’re crushing (selfship art)
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The both of us: “what? I don’t have a crush on them! It’s not like I lay awake at night thinking about them….. oh no.”
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sixofravens-reads · 1 year
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Comic Expo haul!
As usual I went in with a whole list of recs and tbr books to find and found basically zero of them. The expo was smaller again this year, due to our convention hall being under renovations, which meant fewer booths and fewer book options (alas!). Ah well, I improvised and found a bunch of cool new stuff anyway! Mostly manga this year, bc the manga booth by far had the best selection. There were tons of comics booths, but as usual older Marvel/DC stuff dominated and I couldn't really find anything that interested me.
Anyway, I found:
1. whole bunch of manga! Box of Light was a cover buy (it's gorgeous), Blue Morning looks interesting and was selling like hotcakes so I nabbed the first 3 volumes while I could. Peach Girl and Hyper Dolls were at a random booth for 5 for $20 so I couldn't resist them lol. Princess Jellyfish I finally picked up after years of going "hmmm maybe..." and it's an absolute delight (it's the only one I've read so far), my only regret is not grabbing a couple more volumes. And finally Evangelion vol 1, which I owned years ago, but for some reason got rid of when I moved. I do want to finish the series someday, though!
2. DEATH NOTE BOX SEEEEEEET AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. I'm SO excited, i always wanted to read the whole series but I'm very bad at keeping up with manga and didn't buy all the volumes before they went out of print. My hometown library had it when I was a teenager, but someone (presumably an extremely religious, scandalized parent of some other unfortunate emo teen) had ripped out all the pages with violence, sexuality, or satanic/goth imagery....so yeah, I didn't get to read very much of them after all. I'm sooooo excited to have my own copies with ALL the pages that NO ONE can deface!!!!
3. The only comic I actually bought at the comic expo lol: Sex Criminals vol 4. been lowkey meaning to finish that series for a while, though this was kind of a pity buy bc I spent 45 mins hiding from the crowds in the Redd Skull Comics booth (they put down nice plush carpet, and have tall bookshelves, so it makes it a good booth to decompress in) and felt like I should buy something in return for the hiding spot.
4. DRAGONLANCE ART BOOK!!!! YES, A BOOK FULL OF MY FAVOURITE 80s BOOK COVER PAINTINGS!!!! I love it so much. So, so much. It was expensive as hell, but WORTH IT. I usually don't bother with art books bc I never remember to look at them, but I've opened this multiple times to stare at the gorgeous paintings of Raistlin, so it was a good buy. (also I know WOTC is in hot water again, so disclaimer: I bought this from a secondhand comics booth, it's just in extraordinary condition. WOTC got 0 of my dollars this weekend).
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localrobotlover · 10 months
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Them. I have so many emotions about them and those two episodes are just some of my favorite episodes in general. It's just sad in all honesty, they're not perfect episodes by any means, but the writers did the best they could with the time they had and for that, I salute them.
This episode starting with a happy, positive tone before turning into a really dark and sad episode as we see a character have the demons of the past come back into his life.
Kira doesn’t want anything to do with them, he wants to be free from this grip, but he agrees to help them one more time with the promise that they will leave him alone once and for all. He takes on his old identity and begins terrorizing the city by putting people in their worst nightmares by using one of his poisons(not physically harming them and we learn that they do eventually stop dreaming these nightmares and will wake up on their own. Kira doesn’t want to hurt them probably because of all the people he’s killed in the past, but it’s still interesting how he still acts antagonistic with how he words stuff and what he says, like he’s done similar things, like this is somewhat of a habit).
The Miniforce show up and while in a battle the yellow ranger(Max) and Killer Bee(Kira) figure out who each other are. Their friend. And, from what I remember I could be wrong, after Kira fully figures that he’s fighting Max, he retreats.
Max eventually goes to confront his friend and Kira does, eventually, admit who he is and his past as an assassin for Zenos, but, after exterminating all life on a planet by order of Zenos(yes, this is canon), he leaves Zenos, realizing the error of his ways. It’s also said that Zenos manipulated and exploited this, we’re not shown, but it adds up with how Zenos acts(I’ll talk about Zenos in another thing, I’m working on it I swear).
Max asks aggressively if he has gone back to working for Zenos. Kira quickly says that he hasn’t but, he’s interrupted by someone saying that he has gone back to working for Zenos. Zord.
I can’t remember what happens exactly after that, but I do remember Kira saying no and stands up to this treatment, but that obviously doesn’t work as Zord uses dark magic to enlargen and mind control him to become what they want and need, a controllable monster. With the help of Max he does breakout of the mind control, but only for a second as Zord uses more dark magic to get him under the mind control again and when Max breaks him out of the mind control and he’s fully free Kira almost blames himself for what happened by saying that he allowed himself to get exploited again by Zenos.
And then Kira gets killed by the rest of the heroes as they don’t realize that he’s snapped out of the mind control, all they see is him being on top of Max, so they kill him. Kira shrinks down back to his normal size and goes into his human form(it’s not his original form, but it’s the form he reverts into as if that’s Kira’s preferred and chosen form. The person he wants to be, who he chooses to be, who he wants to be seen as).
Kira dies in Max’s arms, but admits that he’s glad he went to Earth because he got to meet Max. Then he becomes light and goes into the sky.
And that’s all I’m motivated to write for now, so sorry lol, so let’s just get into why I chose those flowers!
Meaning of the flowers and why I chose them, starting with Max Max: White Lillies(purity) because of well himself. Max has a strong sense of justice and angers easily when he thinks someone has done something wrong, but he’s matured since Miniforce and allows Killer Bee to explain himself after he confronts him. He’s not perfect by any means, but he tries. I’m not explaining well lol, so I’ll stop
Kira: Purple Hyacinth(guilt and remorse) for the guilt and remorse of all the people he’s killed and the actions of his past self and White Roses(starting a new) for him making himself a new identity in Kira to start a new life away from Zenos and his corps, to try and escape the demons of the past.
There was also an attempted thing of blue violets in the background(but, I made them more purple as that blue was killing my eyes to look at for long periods of time) because it's the symbol of their relationship
This was technically the 2/3’s of the original idea as after I was finished with these two I was going to combine them together and add Forget-Me-Nots and well the Blue Violets, but I just wanted to finish it, so yeah, you got this
I’m gonna go cry about these two again, so bye for now!
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bylertruther · 2 years
whatever you do, don't think about will listening to nobody by mitski for the first time and spiraling in his room alone over it! don't!!
Venus, planet of love, Was destroyed by global warming Did its people want too much, too? Did its people want too much?
And I don't want your pity I just want somebody near me Guess I'm a coward I just want to feel alright
And I know no one will save me I just need someone to kiss Give me one good honest kiss And I'll be alright
Nobody, nobody, nobody Nobody, nobody Ooh, nobody, nobody, nobody
I've been big and small And big and small And big and small again And still nobody wants me
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splashink-games · 1 year
A Year of Gaming, 2022
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it's that time of year again! last year I posted a 2021 Top Games list. this year is going to be bigger. way bigger because I played so many games. this also means less rambling from me because there's a ton to get through
WARNING that this post is full of images! and because I've made everything into images, the text version of all this will be in the ALT of every picture
at last, enjoy gaming!
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And now it's time for my top 5 games I played this year!
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And that was my year!
As always, enjoy gaming, friends!
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icharchivist · 2 years
love seeing a lot of tweets vaguing an obvious bad take and you read the vague tweets and it’s like “damn whoever had the take you’re vaguing must have really said something stupid” and then you see the OP and you see like, a tweet slightly misworded by virtue of being 250 characters long, that absolutely did not say the thing everything is vaguing they’re saying, but you could conclude that by doing the absolute worst bad faith reading of that tweet, and now you’re watching people dogpilling them on their qrt over something they did not say and everyone having hot take about how they’re a bad person for something that is “implied if you assume the person meant badly by it” and it’s like wow maybe it’s good twitter is dying actually
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
The worst thing about my brain being an autopilot grammar nazi is that every single time I see people misuse “it’s” and “its” as well as apostrophe placements is that I don’t want to be rude and correct people... but my brain still is like UGH THIS IS THE WORST.
“It’s” and “Its” are more just my brain going weeo weeo on me when that’s a more understandable one bc “its” is literally the exception to a rule (because “it’s” actually means “it is”, so to avoid it being used for two meanings the apostrophe is removed for ownership cases), but when I see apostrophes before an S for plural wording and I know they speak English properly I’m just like. ugh. damn. bruh. please. go back to school.
Less severe cases of incorrect apostrophe use tends to be like, when people are playing Heroes and have duplicates of units and are like “my Ike’s” instead of “my Ikes”, because I think people are trying to... make it more clear that it’s referring to more than one? I think? Maybe? Or they literally just don’t realize it’s incorrect grammar, idk lol. Still can’t get past my weeo weeo autopilot brain though sadly.
Which speaking of Heroes, FE in general seems to have its script in every single game ever coded to always use apostrophes for ownership cases even when the word ends in S, so don’t worry folks. IntSys isn’t getting off scot free from my brain either LOL. No amount of “princess’s” is ever gonna fly with my weeo weeo brain.
this has been a psa
mainly a psa of my brain weeo weeos
#DCB Comments#but the absolute worst offenders are people who overuse apostrophes and like#don't know how to write the plural of a word. today I saw someone write horse's to indicate more than one more horse#and I think the darkest depths of my soul finally cracked at the sight shjfgjhgs#this wasn't someone who speaks in broken English either or anything. they know how to speak the whole language just fine#also the other worst thing about my grammar brain is that I could absolutely get a job teaching English based on my knowledge alone#but I don't have an uwu master's degree uwu so getting teaching jobs even as freelance work is basically impossible#the world decides your worth based on how much you were willing to pay an institution for a certificate#and doesn't base you on your actual worth or knowledge so yeah that's great#can't wait until we're in an anime or video game where society's young decides that's bullshit and we're totally over it and rebel sjkfghju#also you know how you see those posts of ppl being like forget what you learned in school? yeah no don't do that with grammar#to an extent it's one thing (the really stupid ''rules'' like don't start a sentence with x word) and some of it was over the top#but there ARE actually legit reasons for some of those grammar rules; it's just that schools fail to teach them properly#I was extremely lucky to have very amazing English teachers for the most part ngl bc most schools don't teach even basic shit well#at least in my country. even in my school the stuff they taught was shit lol I just got very lucky to have great English teachers#but like for instance run on sentences are usually seen as an issue in writing because people lose their understanding of the sentence#if the sentence goes on too long with too many thoughts you'll probably forget what it was even about in the first place#if it's a WRITING style like a book or a fanfic or whatever it can make sense in some cases you just have to be thoughtful abt it!#but rly like I see people who can't even write basic English grammar who can speak it fluently and I'm like#what the fuck are these schools doing??? bc I can tell you what they're NOT doing e.e#this isn't limited to gen z btw I see ppl around my age who do this stuff with grammar too so... yikes#in fact I see people OLDER than my generation doing it too like... my own mom lmao#I'M SORRY I JUST HAD TO GET THIS OUT IT'S BEEN EATING AWAY MY EXISTENCE FOR MANY YEARS
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myurucrie · 2 years
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nobody talks about shinbaha(game) here anymore but this card lives in my head rent free
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fortunately-bi · 2 months
...... If I went on a hiatus for who knows how long again would y'all hate me....... 👉👈
#i just spent like an hour writing and rewriting a post trying to explain myself amd its just so hard to put into words#im bored here but not in a ew not enough content for the dopamine hit shit#in like a every time i scroll through I dont smile I dont see anything that makes me happy at all i dont get a laugh or anything#its just mindless brain rotting scrolling nothing wasting my time hoping maybe ill see a new artist to follow or something#and every time its nothing#so much nothing taking up so much of my time and space in my life and i already dont have a lot of time to begin with#ive made some awesome friends here ive had lovers from here ive had people who are no longer on this earth from here who ill never forget#i dont think ive really enjoyed anything on here in 7 years#ive left before for a really long time i think like a year or more or something#and i wont be totally unreachable of people message me ill respond but im so sick of this stupid app taking up my life#and all i ever get out of it is getting mad or getting depressed over shit that really is t worth my mental state over#all i ever feel on here is that the world fuckin sucks and theres not even anything here to make hanging around worth it#im not new to this site making me suicidal for an abundance of reasons and im luckily in a spot where i wont actually hurt myself#its just ideation and intrusive thoughts but its a pattern i cant keep ignoring#also im old tumblr im old tumblr and i think i will always be old tumblr im just not catching on to new shit anymore#the fact im even saying anything about a hiatus should show how pld tumblr i am no one does this anymore lol#i just don't want to be here anymore i dont really want to be anywhere online anymore tbh#its always something and i cant mentally keep up with it anymore i have too much going on in my life#my wife is having cancer removed on Tuesday im a lead teacher who has to take care of i think 8 babies now#i have problems i have actual problems that need me and need me to be as there as i can be#i cant be spiraling over stuff online on top of real world problems im in no position to do anything about on top of personal life problems#that are drastically affecting my life at home and hurting my family and loved ones#i have a mass in my thyroid which is so big i choke to the point i stop breathing if I dont have my meds i throw up all day#i have to see a neurologist because at best i have a pinched nerve at worst im having seizures and i might have to move states again#i dont have it in me to come on here and see stuff that makes me upset for the chance i might see something i like#and i can unfollow people and whatever but I dont have the energy or time to sift through people i follow on here#if you want to talk in dms or asks or you want to send me posts pls by all means continue to do so thats fine#but i think i need to take the app out of my line of sight again for a bit and just be in the moment again same with twitter#anyways i love yall i promise i am safe and not in harms way im just stressed af and i have got to start cutting things out that#arent doing anything other then making me miserable
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