#like we have not been reading the same manga huh
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beanghostprincess · 9 months ago
Chainsaw Man has always been about power and control and a guy who has been stripped of his childhood and teenage years to then be constantly used and manipulated, forced to become hypersexual after being groomed and sexually assaulted, and losing the one bit of normalcy there's left in him.
Denji has no control over both his body and decisions and instantly becomes a vessel of what he thinks will fix him, the very same thing Asa is to Yoru, who keeps demanding war and respect and power and she knows what to do to make Denji lose his humanity.
The relationship between Denji and Asa is so genuine and human that using that against both of their wills is incredibly violating and dehumanizing. And that's why it is so good. And that's why it needs to be explicit. And that's why I am extremely surprised people are grossed out by this happening when dehumanizing and taking control of the lives of others is exactly what War would do.
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bunnwich · 6 months ago
Uh just a heads up, did you read/saw the Leona and you meeting in the novel? I kinda wanna talk about it
Leona and Yuu Meeting in the Novel
ANON ANON. YOU REALLY BROUGHT MY ATTENTION TO SOMETHING W I L D BC I HAD NEVER ACTUALLY READ THE NOVEL VERSION OF THE MC MEETING LEONA???? Also, I was gonna see if the EN translation had been released but it doesn’t in my area until 8/27 so RAAAAAAAAAAAA. OKAY SO LET'S BREAK IT DOWN. (Using @/yuurei20’s wonderful translation) So as we know, in the game and manga Leona comes off as very… aggressive?
He threatens to “rip out our tooth” which, sir???? Like from the first time, I could tell that this was just a “flex” and he absolutely was saying it in a facetious manner. Though in the manga they further escalate it, even going as far to have him going to kick Yuuken.
BUT, HERE???? IMO this interaction is much more indicative of his character as a whole. There is so much more nuance to his intentions here. Protecting his dorm, deescalating, being smart. All the stuff that I’ve been saying from when I started playing twst about him just keeps being proven to me. Also that perhaps Leona, actually doesn't like fighting. These are my main takeaways.
1.) Leona is a well-respected and liked dorm leader who is looking out for his dorm's best interests.
And his dorm mates follow his word like gospel for the most part. I feel like ppl tend to gloss over this bc he is lazy or w/e but the Savanaclaw students mostly love Leona and would do anything for him. 
It’s just nice to see so much of the stuff you get reading between the lines at the forefront here. He’s so much more calm and menacing here than cranky and aggressive and that feels so much more him? Leona’s intimidation IMO doesn’t come from his physical strength per se, it comes from the authority he commands, his demeanor, as well as his magic I’m sure.
-- He is wrapped in a strange atmosphere that attracts the stares of everyone around. Even hidden under his school uniform it is clear he is well-muscled, with a scar over his left eye that lends all the more power to his chiseled face. The fists of the older students froze in mid-air at the command, completely throwing off their momentum. Now, like small animals under the watchful eye of a predator, they shrink away, murmuring, 'Leona-san'. Ignoring the confused Deuce entirely, Leona raises an eyebrow at the formerly brawling group. 'Move up a grade and the first thing you do is start a fight in the street--are you all stupid?' 'But that brat is the one who started it first.' 'Huh. And? Don't like what I have to say, then?' 'Impossible! It's not like that at all.' Leona is dressed down, wearing neither the jacket nor the tie to his school uniform, but he does wear the same yellow vest as the three students who had come so close to exchanging blows with Deuce. All three have become properly obedient in front of their fellow dorm member, Leona. --
2.) HE DID WHAT???
SO in my head I always imagined Leona stepped a bit close and sniffed the air around Yuu/MC but in this version HE SNIFFS THE NECK?? LIKE FULL ON PUTS HIS NOSE TO THE BACK OF YUU’S NECK?? WHAT THE HELL???? THATS SO WILD SIR?? I’M CALLING THE POLICE??? YUUYA ,ARE YOU OKAY??
-- ‘Hey. You.''Y-yes?' Yuuya's response leaves him in a sound that is almost a yelp, because Leona has suddenly drawn close enough to place his beautifully-sculpted nose near to the base of Yuuya's neck.Yuuya breaks out in a cold sweat. Having his neck so exposed is frightening in a way he cannot put into words: he is frozen in fear of Leona tearing out his throat at any moment. --
3.) In this Ruggie CALLED Leona over to help Yuu and Deuce fight off the Savanaclaw goons.
That just gives such a layer to Savanaclaw as a whole, that neither one wanted to see Yuu and Deuce get beat up. Leona continues to show he has a soft spot for his underclassmen perhaps. I do think it mostly was about him protecting his dorm mates and not wanting them to get in trouble bc he knew Yuu was taken in by Crowley, the headmaster.
-- 'My name is Ruggie Bucchi.' Ruggie responds, with a deliberate shake of his whole body. 'And this scary personage is Savanaclaw Dorm Housewarden, Leona Kingscholar-san. We already know you're dumb enough to pick fights with upperclassmen, but even you know you won't be winning against our Housewarden, yeah? Times like this, you gotta side with whoever will benefit you the most.' 'Benefit? They're the ones who started this fight, and now they're trying to run away!' 'My my, aren't you a hot-blooded kitten--and here you should be thanking me. I called Leona over because I saw you were in danger, y'know?'Leona looks to Ruggie. 'Tch. Patronizing bastard. You just wanted to give me more to deal with.' 'Shi-shi-shi. That's our housewarden! Settle brawls in an instant like that, and people will start relying on you.' The three students who had been scuffling with Deuce and Yuuya look down at their feet, snickering; they seem to have cooled off after being chided by Leona. As his position in the dorm would lead one to assume, Leona seems to be well-liked.) (!!!) --
4.) Perhaps, Leona’s Lazy demeanor is just a front to something more.
-- Though he has a languid stare, his narrow pupils send a shiver down Yuuya's spine. Yuuya knows, instinctively, that challenging Leona on their own would be disastrously reckless. --
Anyways its just so funny that I never read this bc I assumed (wrongly) that it was just similar to the other version of this meeting and like…whoa. 
I know it doesn't seem like much of a difference now but when twst was newer and we got less depth to Leona, andhe came off as very one-dimensional guy who was aggressive for aggressive sake and most of my HCs were really were speculation for the most part, and at that time as not many bothered to read between the lines about him.
Yes, he is scary (stop sniffing ppl) but also a bit teasing, but lowkey a caring and good leader. I do think his intimidating persona is two-fold. Like…half is so he can command respect from his dorm mates and it’s needed to be the Savanaclaw dorm leader in the first place. And the other half is a front to hide the softer parts of his personality that he denies at every turn, like being idealistic and a good mentor.
5.)  Leona sort of defends Yuu when the 3 goons make a comment implying that Yuu needs to watch who they tangle with.
-- 'Nothing wrong with having guts, but prepare well enough to know who your opponent is.' 'Hahaha! Yeah, just like the Housewarden says!' 'I'm talking to you three, too.' --
IMO He’s clearly looking out for his Savanclaw member’s well being here but I think he does some inkling of respect for Yuu, whether that bc they are strange or simply bc they are affiliated with Crowley and he doesn't want trouble, either or both is interesting to me. 
(TBH I’m still NOT over the neck sniffing thing.)
I will be interested to see the official EN translation of this scene, so I’ll update ya’ll on that once I see it! I NEED to know if they change any of it. Sorry for the ramble but YES please anon, feel free to talk about it with me! I love to yap, thank you for bringing it to my attention!!
(Thanks again to @/yuurei20 for all the translations for this scene!! Your work is so so appreciated!!)
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multifandom-nerds-blog · 12 days ago
Me after chapter 201 (What took you)
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So, about Ando. (And his contradictions) huh.
We start of with the most important thing, Sakamoto telling Ikari that she's a creep. (Thank you Taro, she really is. ) Before Shin picks up Andos weapon to threaten him.
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It's clear that the stress of the whole situation is just getting to much to bottle up finally. He sneaked on the cruise to find him, in hope to reconcile with him. He's been on his own for FOUR YEARS, looking for information about Ando. Mind you, since he was only 9. He's barely even a teenager with 13 right here. He probably slept on the streets, and who knows what he had to deal with. He's skinny and probably doesn't get to eat regularly. Same for his eyebags, he probably can't find a safe spot often enough. (Not to forget the insane sensory overload he must feel compared to the underground lab. And I don't just mean his ESP with that.)
He's angry. His hopes for connection got crushed with his own father trying to kill him (multiple times). He's scared because at this moment he's probably convinced he will forever be alone. He's tired and probably hungry. He's overwhelmed so he points the gun at Ando.
Now Taro is trying to stop him, but mostly because he still wants to avoid the bomb going off. (Or so it seems at least) The fact that Ando has to die is less of a question for Taro, he's still his target. It's just a question of when and by who I think. He, already, doesn't want Shin to kill someone in anger. And although we can't see his thoughts here, he probably also doesn't want Shin to be the one to kill Ando specifically.
Now. Important is also that Shin only actually shot because Ikari scared him.
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He says himself, he didn't mean to. He really just wanted to force an apology out of Ando. And as a child, that grew up on his own around violence, the threat of violence was probably the most obvious answer to do so. And yet, he didn't actually want to shot. He's a child, he's scared. And because he's scared, he physically jolted when Ikari started shouting and pressed the trigger. It's all inhis eyes. He didn't expect the bullet to come out. He didn't want to do this.
Now. Well. Ando. We have a short insight in Andos mind. While Ikari is trying to attack Shin, before he jumps between them to save Shin.
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He's thinking about spending 13 years to escape the JAA, all because he saved Shin as Al Kamaar as a baby, only for Shin to show up with a hitman and mess it all up. And it very much sounds like he still resents Shin for it. He even thinks that he shoul've let him die as a baby. (In the official manga plus translation. In another translation he evn thinks about killing Shin as a baby.) And well, he then saves Shin, only getting injured even more.
And this is all just contradicting itself. Andos words and thoughts and actions. He talks about saving Shin as a baby, but who put him in Al Kamaar in the first place? He saves him, but who tried to kill him a few minutes ago? Who let Shin be thrown overboard a few chapters ago? (And it's very likely that Ando did that in order for Shin to have a chance of survival, somehow.)
One moment he resents Shin, in the next his parental instincts seem to show through after all. (And has Ando figured out that Shin can read minds? He seems to be Intentionally thinking those words here. This could support the theory that Shins powers are actually born, andAsakuras potion just triggered them accidentally.)
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All in all, I'm pretty sure that Ando might be mentally unstable. (I mean, who isn't in Sakamoto Days. And at one point Ando mentions being soft in the head, which is probably just a throw away line. But who knows.) His mind can't settle between an urge to protect and resent Shin. It was probably a moment of clarity, that made Ando drop Shin of at Asakuras lab. And even though they already didn't seam to have seen each other for a long time at that point, he seemed to know that Asakura would take care of Shin/protect him. Even when Asakura would complain about it. (He also talks about "What would Asakura think about this?" when Shin is pointing the gun at him. Which makes Shin angry. This seems to be directed at Shin, but it might as well be directed at himself. Because what would his old friend think about him trying to kill the child he left in hi ssafety all those years ago? Surely nothing good.)
Shin is rightfully upset about all of this, curling up in himself. Because Ando couldn't even say those words about Shin having grown so much out loud. Now. Taro reminds us though that there's still a bomb on the ship, that will explode the moment Ando dies. (Is it like linked to his heartbeat? What.) Telling Shin to keep him alive long enough for him to find and dissarm the bomb.
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When Shin says he's going with him to help, because the engine bay is to big, Taro actually tells Shin to stay back and use the remaining time he got left with his dad. Which... well. In the end Taro seems to understand that Ando is still important to Shin in some way. It's an absolutely messy situation in so many ways. Also because, again, the only reason they meet was because it was Taros job to kill Ando. But he wants Shin to be able to at least say goodbye to Ando. (Something Taro couldn't when Rion died.) But Ando also knows that Taro probably won't be able to find the bomb, which would mean Shins death as well if the ship explodes. So, seemingly set on wanting Shin to live in the end he decides to tell Shin the bombs location. And to go with him, while he will hang on until he gets back.
Which he probably won't. I think he just doesn't want Shin to see the moment he dies. Not to forget that Taro would protect Shin if the bomb goes off after all. In the end, his parental instincts are trying to protect Shin. Both physically, and mentally. Even if it's way to late for that.
Well. I'm definitely crying. This is all a huge mess. Taro, please get your newly adopted son to therapy instead of teaching him how to be an assasin.
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epickiya722 · 8 months ago
"How is Horikoshi going to wrap up everything on five chapters?"
I don't know, you don't know. We just know Horikoshi and his team have a plan and they know how MHA is going to be wrapped up in five chapters.
They got it, they'll handle this. At the end of the day, this is Kohei Horikoshi's story.
Regardless, I feel like this is the case with some of you.
You're afraid of being disappointed. You're afraid of being disappointed because you have these expectations set so high. With that kind of standard, you're never going to be satisfied with anything.
So stuck on "this must satisfy me and only me" that you forget that that story not written by you is a story that is just being shared with you. Not given to you because you're special and you're not.
On top of that, some of you just crave for more, more, more. And more. And more. Even more.
You want nonstop content being pushed out while being impatient about it (looking at you, 'how dare we not get a new chapter this week' folks).
Just because one manga had been going on for longer than another, maybe even came out before that one, doesn't mean every manga is meant to last for a long time. Manga, anime, TV show, comic book, novel series, etc.
Fun fact, Horikoshi's previous works didn't last for ten years. His last one, Oumagadoki Zoo, lasted little less than a year. From July 2010 to April 2011.
Three years it ended before My Hero Academia came into the picture. And I'll be honest, I doubt Horikoshi even planned for MHA to last this long because he didn't have the experience before.
Once it got to a certain point, I doubt he even wants for MHA to go even longer.
Hell, that's something I know all too well as someone who writes. And from what I remember, stories have a beginning, a middle and an end.
Stories aren't meant to keep going on forever. They're meant to be read, to be told, to be understood, to be enjoyed.
Not be graded like some college report and not ongoing like the people who create those stories are damn machines.
Something that it's very clear to me that some of you forgotten that. Or even care, let's be real.
Some of you want perfection so bad and yet can't even write your own damn story.
Who even wants a perfect story anyways? I don't know about the rest of you, but a story with flaws is a story that could be learned from. Stories can guide you, too, in more ways than one.
Horikoshi's writing to me, at least, isn't perfect. It's entertaining. I got into MHA because I was entertained by the concept. I got interested into it because of a meme I saw. You think I wouldn't want to seek it out and see if it will entertain me?
Yes, there are some points of the story where I wanted to pull my hair out and I don't doubt that a future part may make that feeling return.
But at the same time, what if... that's the point? Maybe you were meant to feel that emotion? Maybe that's what the writer was going for?
Are you understanding me?
Maybe, example, with the end we got for Tomura was meant to upset you? Sadden you, anger you even? Stories work like that sometimes!
But I doubt the writer should be condemned for it because at the end of the day, it is just a piece of fiction. My Hero Academia is the same story where a woman can grow to the size of a building and a kid has a speech bubble for a head.
Now does that sound like a story that you should be acting like a complete fool over? Wishing harm towards and arguing with others over? Huh? Does it?
Honestly, after MHA ends, if you choose to move onto the next manga, anime, whatever how about stop expecting so much?
How about stop having this entitlement that the story must go your way and your way only?
How about remembering that eventually that story will end?
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thornswoggled · 8 months ago
yori is fumiki and heres why: my manifesto
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or: wait, we werent all on the same page about this?
i should have written this when i first read chapter 98, but im only getting around to it now. this is less me trying to convince you, the reader, and more hoarding all my collected thoughts on why yori is absolutely fumiki, if its a red herring its a silly one, and if he isnt or if its left ambiguous forever i will eat crow. here we go:
before i start let me say most of my evidence is the way yamazaki frames him visually rather than solid "proof." comics are an artform, theres a reason things get framed the way they do, and her artistic choices in ch 98 (i feel) are meant to serve as a big blinking neon light that says "you should be feeling this way about xyz right now"
iic, there were rumblings of "the young auditor" being fumiki as far back as his introduction in ch 51 due to to his unique ability:
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which is essentially a refined version of fumikis innate ability to keep fae away. we know yori is part of a "family business," and it seems appropriate that with the proper training, he would be able to freeze fae in their tracks rather than simply ward them off
unfortunately this is where "evidence" ends and "vibes" begin
chapter 51 didnt get adapted into what was otherwise a pretty faithful adaptation in season 2, and i understand why - theres a lot going on, and this chapter is fairly out of left field. but theres one other quip that got left out of season 2:
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this is a one-off thought that wouldnt have been difficult to include in the anime. imo, i believe this line from ch 62 didnt get animated because we hadnt met fumiki yet like we did in the manga. now, onto more recent chapters... (under a read more because this is going to get pretty long)
chise and yoris first meeting is framed in a very purposeful way. in chapter 98, elias is preoccupied with ousting all the outsiders so that he and chise can be alone, stuck on the idea that "christmas is for family only:"
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and three pages later, who do we meet?
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im really struck by the way chise and yori are drawn together here. personally, i dont read this as "chise is meeting a new unimportant side character," this is "the strings of fate have pulled us miraculously back together again"
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waiter! waiter! can i get an order of drifting sakura petals and sparkles with this panel? am i waxing poetic here or do you see it? the way theres no background drawn here, no other characters, even in later pages when we know elias is standing right behind chise, he doesnt get included in frame so that its just the two of them:
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while im at it, can we appreciate how theyre wearing the same outfit? black pants and a hip-length dark coat/sweater with oversized pockets, a collar, and six left-sided buttons. yoris dark gloves also evoke chises cursed arm here but i dont want to risk looking like a maniac any more than i already do. i mean... dude, look at them, theyre matching
speaking of matching, lets pop back to 51 for a sec
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both yori and chise have canine familiars! actually, it looks like yori might have multiple - look at all those pokeballs i mean bamboo tubes in his coat. if my memory serves, we didnt know yori was japanese at this point, but everyone assumed so because of the appearance of this familiar... which was another log on the "this might be fumiki" fire
fun fact: this little dude is almost certainly a kuda-kitsune, which were said to be kept in tubes and summoned by a soothsayer, who could use it to perform curses, or tell the past and future
and the drama with which we find out his "name":
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"i bet you were expecting me to say fumiki, huh. good luck im not giving you that this early you have to work for it." as far as aliases go, "ri" could be derived from "hatori," but neither of the kanji in "fumiki" can be read as "yo," so its probably just random
after yori leaves, we get another repetition of "christmas is for family," which at this point feels like yamazaki is leading us to water and dunking our head in it:
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i think its awfully convenient that ruth was absent for chises exchange with yori. do you think he would have been able to smell that theyre related? or whiffed the kuda-kitsune in his coat?
right after this, too, we get this line from elias which i have been thinking about a lot:
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theres a few different ways this could be read, so im not married to any one interpretation, but it could be foreshadowing "if chise decides to pursue a relationship with her estranged family, what will i do then?" as gabriella would say, "i hate to be a third wheel"
given what we have seen of yoris aloof personality, i have to imagine there will be drama if/when the reveal is made. sadly i can picture him actually pushing chise away if she tries to reestablish a relationship with him
now! that is pretty much where my thoughts end, but i do want to share questions/doubts i have:
if yori read all of simons reports to determine he was an unfit observer, there is no way he doesnt know chises full name. i wonder whether he had any reaction to it? he may assume that its just a coincidence. i briefly wondered if the hatori name was an invention by yuuki, until i remembered that the family chise stays with in the OVA also has the same name. unless yuuki was adopted by another family like seth...? dont mind me, im going pepe silvia mode over here
have i mentioned i talked about yuuki before in another theory post? take it with a grain of salt, i already got proven wrong on one front now that jasper has been introduced
will yuuki be reintroduced if fumiki is? i desperately want chise to get that closure, but this scene from ch 42 has a sense of finality to it, a sort of "you will never get to resolve things with your father or see his side of things" stank:
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... actually, now that ive mentioned the kuda-kitsune, can we look at this thing again?
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another word for the kuda-kitsune is "izuna," which is read in modern japanese as "weasel." could the critter whos watching yuuki here come from the same place as yoris familiars? yuuki leaves his family immediately after this - getting summoned maybe?
okay, okay, let me stop myself here before i start looking like im ranting and raving. can we talk about the mail, please, mac? ive been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, ok? "pepe silvia," this name keeps coming up over and over again. every day pepe's mail is getting sent back to me. pepe silvia! pepe silvia! i look in the mail, and this whole box is pepe silvia!
if youre a fence-sitter, what are your thoughts? do you think we just dont have enough evidence yet? inquiring minds want to know
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n4giism · 1 year ago
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dirty dancing by cody jon ࿐ྂ
blue lock x fem!reader
characters: yoichi isagi, rin itoshi, seishiro nagi (separate)
content: weird/bad habits they have
ari's note: i'll make a part two soon! let me kno who u want to see in the second part!!!
part 2. part 3.
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yoichi isagi: folding the top corner of a book as a bookmark
"ichi! yoichi!" you called from the kitchen. you were currently baking some cookies that you wanted to gift to isagi's friend, bachira, for his birthday.
"come here and help me taste test the cookies, please!" you called again when you got no reply from your boyfriend.
a few minutes passed and still no reply from him.
"ugh, is he deaf? oh my goodness.." you sighed, rinsing your hands and drying them with a towel before going to his room to get him.
"yoichi! i've been calling you!" you snapped as you slammed his door open. isagi jolted in surprise from the manga he was reading as you suddenly opened his door.
he removed the earbuds from his ear and sighed softly, "oh, it's just you. you gave me a heart attack there.."
you rubbed your temples and heaved in frustration, "reading my manga again? goodness.."
he nodded happily.
"yes! thanks for lending it to me, by the way. could i borrow the entire collection? i want to read them at home when i'm free." he asked, returning his attention back to the manga.
"ah, sure. just take care of it, 'kay? those are expensive as hell." you answered and wanted to walk away when you remembered why you called for him in the first place, "oh! right. come and try the cookies i baked, ichi. need someone to taste them before i give them to birthday boy bachira."
he looked up at the mention of cookies, "oh! cookies?! i'm coming!!"
he folded the top page of the manga he was reading as a bookmark so he could go back and read it again later.
"h-hey! don't fold the manga page like that. oh my god! my manga! isagi, quick unfold it! hurry, isagi!" you wailed for your precious manga.
"h-huh?! what did i do?! unfold!? what?!" isagi panicked, not knowing the damage he had done to your precious, expensive manga.
"you idiot! you don't just fold the pages like that for a bookmark, isagi! use a card, or a random piece of paper, or something! don't just fold it! oh my god.. my manga... it's ruined..." you dramatically cried and isagi's eyes widened in horror.
"i-i'm sorry, y/n!! i'll... i'll get you.. n-new manga! please don't cry, don't cry!" isagi panicked, holding your folded manga in his hands like it was some dying animal.
"oh? new manga? okay, you said so, isagi. i'm expecting my new manga tomorrow." you said and got up, flashing him a playful grin and going back to the kitchen.
"what? hey! i thought you were crying, don't do this to me! y/n!" isagi shouted, chasing after you to the kitchen.
rin itoshi: leaving you on heard
you and rin were currently watching a movie in the living room. well, it was mostly you watching. rin just sat on the couch with you to keep you company. he was mindlessly scrolling through his phone, the sounds from the movie you were watching were merely just white noise to him.
"eh? isn't that the same actor in the series we watched a few months ago?" you gasped upon seeing a familiar actor in the movie you were currently watching.
no reply.
still no reply.
"hello, rin itoshi?" you called, eyes glued on the tv still.
"rinnie?" you kept calling his name until you were able to pull your eyes from the screen and look at your boyfriend, who you thought was sleeping since he didn't reply to any of your calls.
you looked at your boyfriend. he had one arm resting on the armrest of the couch, his head leaning on his fist, reading something on his phone. clearly awake.
you shrugged, brushing off his silence. maybe he's reading something important. you returned your attention back to the tv, forgetting about your question to him.
"yeah, i think it's the same actor." rin replied after 15 minutes, still looking at his phone.
you turned to look at him in confusion, "what? you took so long to answer, were you googling it?"
rin lifted his face from his phone and raised a brow at you, "googling? what would i be googling? i was reading this crime article i found." he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
you gave him a puzzled look, "you know what? never mind. thanks for confirming, rin."
"of course. you're welcome, love." he nonchalantly replied and turned his attention back to his crime article as though he didn't just leave you on heard for a whopping 15 minutes.
seishiro nagi: drinking milk with ice
"hey, girlfriend? could you get me a glass of milk, please? i'm so thirsty." nagi called out while he was laying on the couch while you were in the kitchen.
"i'm busy, sei. come and get it yourself." you called back while washing the dishes.
"huhhh, but i'm sooo lazyyy. can you do it for me, girlfriend? pretty please?" he whined quietly, but loud enough for you to hear.
"ugh, fine. but only because i love you." you sighed, drying your hands and paused washing the dishes as you grabbed a glass and took the milk carton from the fridge.
you poured the milk into the glass and placed it on the coffee table in front of nagi, who had sat up from his lying down position on the couch.
he smiled cheekily at you, "hehe, thank you, girlfriend. i love you, you always take care of me."
you blushed and looked away, "whatever, sei. just drink your milk and come help me in the kitchen."
you walked back to the kitchen and resumed washing the dishes. it was quiet until you heard the fridge open again. thinking nagi was still thirsty and was just getting more milk, you ignored it and carried on with washing the dishes.
that is, until you heard the sound of clinking ice cubes. you turned your head in shock, and your mouth parted in surprise at what you saw.
nagi, adding ice cubes into his glass full of milk.
"nagi seishiro! what in heaven's name are you doing?" you said, shocked. nagi paused midway of grabbing another ice cube and looked at you, bewildered.
"what? i'm just getting ice. you forgot to add the ice cubes." he shrugged and resumed adding ice cubes to his glass of milk which was going to overflow from the amount of ice cubes he had added.
you shook your head in disbelief as you watched your boyfriend carry on with his weird habit, like he was committing a crime. but you said nothing, rubbed your temples and washed the dishes again. all while speculating about how you ended up dating a weirdo like nagi and how he even enjoyed drinking cold milk with ice cubes.
nagi bonus!!:
after cleaning the kitchen, you and nagi settled on the couch to watch a movie. he was still drinking his milk with ice cubes. you really wanted to question it but he seemed to be enjoying himself so you let him.
a few minutes into the movie, you heard crunching sounds and looked at nagi, thinking he had some chips or something to munch on. but to your horror, you saw your boyfriend chewing on the ice cubes from his empty glass.
"n-nagi seishiro! stop chewing on that ice!" you scolded, taken aback from discovering another one more of nagi's weird habits.
"oh, sorry. i'll chew softer then."
"t-that's not what i meant! y-you.. you idiot! your teeth are gonna be spoiled if you keep doing that! stop!"
"what! don't say that! my teeth are fine!"
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seniaasaysstuff · 2 years ago
𝐁𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲💓 || 𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (reupload)
a/n- reader gets isekaied and plops right onto sukuna’s lap. it’s heian era! And sukuna is at the height of his power. Hilarious interaction between them. How is sukuna going to deal with a genz reader? read and find out for yourself🤭
pure crack?? I don't know what I was smoking while writing this Imao. Do we need a part two?? orrrr
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"Oi wake up," the man ordered as he lightly pulled your cheek. "What the fuck dude? Let me sleep," you mumbled and snuggled into the pillow. It felt pretty comfortable and you didn't want to wake up.
"Who are you calling dude? You dumb woman get up right now," The man demanded in a rude voice.
"Bro shut up you're annoying," you rasped as you hid your face in the 'pillow.
"This-this girl! So impudent! Do you know am? Do you want to die?" The person yelled loudly.
You whined and opened your eyes. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your body. Your bleary eyes gazed at the figure looming over you.
"Is the sleeping beast finally up?" The man sneered.
"Isn't that supposed to be sleeping beauty?" you let out a yawn as you spoke.
He snorted, "By any chance did you mean you're a beauty? Delusional beast."
The person oddly sounded like one of your favorite anime characters. You squinted your eyes and noticed that he had the same markings and the wooden half of his face as Ryomen Sukuna from the Jujutsu kaisen.
Sukuna pushed you off his lap and looked at you with disgust. You took it as an opportunity to admire him. He was sitting on a fancy throne. One pair of his arms were crossed over his chest.
"Yo, am I trippin' or what?" You blurted out.
"Damn! You look hotter in real life," You whistled as you eyed the man.
"Where else have you seen me?" Sukuna glared at you.
"In my dreams Daddy," You shot him a flirty wink. "Do you know how to speak woman?" Sukuna scoffed with a look of disdain in his eyes.
"Yo! Are you really Sukuna?" you asked in excitement. "So what if I am?" he narrowed his eyes at you. "Well, I've been curious bout something. Do you really have two dicks?" You looked at him curiously.
Sukuna pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a hysterical laugh.
“This is the first time I've been asked this. What the fuck is wrong with this lady?" Sukuna muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I can hear you asshole," you cried out. "It was meant to be heard, dumb woman," Sukuna grunted. "Okay, motherfucker. Stop calling me dumb or else I'm going to throw hands," you exclaimed in anger. "Huh? You want to cut off your hands and throw them?" Sukuna looked dumbfounded.
You burst out laughing. "Pfft, you old old wrinkly pruney old man," you wheezed.
"I have killed people for less you idiot girl. Who are you calling a wrinkly pruney old man? It seems like you love the idea of courting death." Sukuna was enraged. How dare a filthy woman call him old? He was literally in his prime.
“C-court-ing death pffft you old man.” You had tears in your eyes and your stomach hurt after laughing so much.
“What's wrong with what I said?” Sukuna grumbled.
“I think I should call you grandpa instead of daddy,” you wheezed again. It seems as if you were on crack cocaine just like gege in his recent chapters.
“What a fucking menace.” Sukuna crudely thought. After you sobered up you walked towards sukuna and hugged his leg, sukuna tried to kick you off but you stuck to him like glue. “I'm sorry for what I said sukuna. You were my favorite in the anime and manga though at times your fraudulent behavior made me rage.” (fraudkuna; the king of frauds)
you took a breath and continued to rant. “I mean like did you really have to possess Megumi? My poor baby. And what the fuck was up with the fight with Gojo? You weren't slick at all. Everyone hates you so much now. Like everyone’s calling you fraudkuna and shit. It was such a bitch move to use my emo gumi.” you squinted your eyes at him angrily. “I still like you so you should compensate me hmph.” you huffed.
“Your dicks would be enough for compensation? Noo wait! Your tongue on your stomach needs to be used as well.” you rambled. Sukuna patted your head, he looked very confused but understood some of what you were rambling. "So what l'm hearing is that my future self is a dumbass and you wanna get fucked by me?" Sukuna asked.
You shrugged, "Yeah that sums it up."
Sukuna burst out laughing. "Damn brat didn't know you were a kinky one." "Oh you're in for a treat," You winked at Sukuna.
"Kuna bro I forgot to ask but where are we?" You asked with a look of curiosity. "In my throne room." Sukuna curtly replied. You whistled.
"Give me a house tour? Pretty please" You batted your lashes at him. Sukuna tried to ignore you but you kept staring at him. It took him five minutes to give in. "Fine. Get up brat I”lI show you around." He grumbled and took you around the entire estate.
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mineonmain · 7 months ago
as @lurkingshan said earlier today, "Get bent, Maya"
I haven't been this pressed about a fictional character (antagonist???? she is one to me now!!) in a hot minute. Before I get into her in this ep, I wanna preface by saying that I do have the actual manga, but I wanted to finish watching the show before I went and read the manga for comparison, so that i'm going into this with basically an open mind. So I have no idea how this compares to the manga version of her.
Also if it wasn't clear, Spoilers for I Hear The Sunspot ep 7. Okay.
So it's the start of a new academic year, and we're introduced to freshman Maya, who is a Science major, is also Deaf/Hard of Hearing, and is Kohei's new tutee in the university as a result of having a mutual friend. That is the extent of what we know about her. Other than Kohei being her tutor and maybe a pseudo mentor/companion who can understand and appreciate her disability, they have absolutely no connection. They are not childhood friends or family.
Which begs the question, why on gods green earth is she so invested in what Kohei does or doesn't do, and who he is or isn't with???
Lady, he doesn't know you. He doesn't owe you anything, because you objectively mean nothing to him. So you've grown up with a really severe and isolating disability, I get it. But that's not a good enough reason to become so bitter that you decide to become judge jury executioner on every (visibly) abled person's morals. (Which is so incredibly telling, judging people on how visibly disabled they look or act, when you have a disability that is fairly invisible, unless you can see hearing aids or a cochlear implant or something like that. Interesting how that works, huh.) (Having a disability doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole.)
Maybe, just maybe, you're allowed to act like that based on how people act towards you. But what gives you the right to walk up to the friend of a friend (??) that you absolutely know nothing about, and mete out judgement? To decide how that person is allowed to interact with someone else, a someone else that you have no claim or authority over?
Oh, but god forbid that Kohei have a friend who doesn't treat him like a social leper, who doesn't have every interaction of theirs revolve around Kohei's deafness, who for once makes him feel included and normal.
Kohei is a grown ass man, who can make his own decisions, including his own mistakes. Who are you to suddenly come into his life and make decisions for him without his involvement, consent, or approval? And who says that any person who is friends with someone with a disability has to be physically and morally perfect?
How dare you?
If I were to sum up my biggest issues with Maya, it is in the way she talks. It's entirely indicative and reflective of how she views and interacts with society. One of the first things that Kohei tells Taichi is that he is able to understand what someone else is saying if they speak slowly, partially by listening and partially by lip reading. it's a small accommodation that we even see Taichi's friends making for Kohei. That means that when anyone talks they should talk clearly, and slowly, and try to enunciate their words properly. If we look at the way Maya talks, she barely opens her mouth at all. If I didn't know any better i'd have thought it was ADR. Given she is someone who has lived with the same sort of disability that Kohei has, she would require similar accessibility needs. And yet, while she expects the world around her to accommodate her needs, she doesn't accommodate for the world. She expects people to speak in a way that she can understand, but she won't do the same.
I'm assuming that the narrative point of Maya criticising Taichi right now is so that we get to see him go on a growth journey, where he'll become more passionate and dedicated about learning note-taking and even maybe signing (and advocating for the deaf community as an ally), and not just be a passive friend who seemingly 'takes advantage' of Kohei, and in the process become the person that Kohei truly needs, and not the person Taichi thinks is good enough.
But here's the thing. I don't care if Taichi has any growth or not. I don't care if he changes or doesn't change to maintain his friendship and relationship with Kohei. I don't care if he tries to become someone that Maya (and Kohei) can approve of.
Because Kohei already likes him the way he is.
And it's none of Maya's goddamn business. Get bent
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kyanitedragon · 9 months ago
I think the misconception that Touka isn't feminine comes from the fact that the original Tokyo Ghoul is told in Kaneki's POV.
(Seriously. When you read the manga and force yourself out of that mindset, you realize a LOT of different things.)
Because its through Kaneki's POV, we have a very specific introduction to Touka.
We see her briefly in her sweet waitress act, then glaring when Rize lures Kaneki...
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...and then we officially meet her when Kaneki's having a breakdown and they yell at each other,
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and then again when she beats up Nishiki and forces being a ghoul on Kaneki and having another nasty argument.
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Through Kaneki, time and again, we see Touka as this loud, violent, informal ghoul girl.
It takes her a while to like Kaneki, and even then she doesn't let him know that. She doesn't let him see that side of her. It's subtle and hard to see - literally kept to the background at times. Look at that little fond smile!!
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But remove Kaneki entirely from the situation for a moment. Look at Anteiku when he's not around. Before they met.
It's not that Touka's informal. It's not that she never uses honorifics. It's that she doesn't think age alone should warrant them. She uses them for people who she respects.
Yoshimura? Koma? Irimi? Yomo? Ryoko? Uta? Itori? She calls them all -san respectfully.
Look at how cute and happy she is to see Ryoko at the start of the series!
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It's literally just Kaneki, Nishiki, and Tsukiyama who she doesn't use honorifics for, and then Hinami because she's younger and they're friends. She even uses the cute nickname Hina.
Everyone calls her by the cutesy honorific Touka-chan, and she's never been shown to mind it. Even at the start when Kaneki was only ever pissing her off.
And her violence? Kaneki was being rude to her, so she lashed out. Ryoko died and Hinami was in danger, so she lashed out. But if you saw her on a good day, a normal day, when nothing awful was happening? When no one was pissing her off? She wouldn't be violent. She wouldn't be rude. Sassy and playful, maybe, but not rude.
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Take another look at her in Chapter 116, when she's not around Kaneki or Nishiki to rile her up. Just speaking to Yoshimura.
Not too much unlike her personality in :re, huh?
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Or look at any of her scenes alone with Hinami, like chapter 22 or 89.
Touka likes rabbits. She has a rabbit mask that is canonically based on an in-universe series.
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She has a bunch of rabbit plushies in her home.
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She has a lot of potted plants.
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She likes going to the zoo and seeing the animals with Yoriko.
Remember this scene? Of Yoshimura gently advising Kaneki to not judge ghouls? I think this can also be said for not judging Touka as a person. I mean, look at her here! Gently letting a butterfly land on her as she relaxes on her balcony surrounded by her potted plants! A complete 180 from what we've seen of her before this moment.
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She has a rough and tomboyish side, yes, but she's also incredibly girly and feminine. And I really love that about her, that she's both at the same time. It's not a contradiction. Ishida lets her be both, and he always has. We see a little more of her rough side in the original, and a little more of her soft side in :re, but they've both always been there and always will be.
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iamlostsomewhereinthegarden · 4 months ago
I have sooooo much drafts so here’s one being posted in your honor! I’m so hype that you requested (you’re like my second ever request lol)
Souya and his old Sex Toy
This was lowkey inspired by me getting sex toys lololol
TW: smut, sex toys, Gender neutral reader, meantions of cock which can also be read/seen as a dildo, giving a sex toy a name and gender (I just added this te because I find this funny), tell me anything else I’m missing lol
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(My favorite fucking gif and episode, I just read the manga and didn’t/don’t watch the anime cause they’ve butchered a lot of stuff but I watched this episode for Souya alone, and this might’ve been my favorite part. He’s a fucking beyblade.)
Going through Souya’s old room as you help him pack up so he can start living with you when you stumble across something interesting~ Smiling to yourself, you hide the item away amongst the stuff that you’re bringing back home for the day to surprise your cute, grumpy-faced lover. Later that night, when you were edging and prepping him for the night, you pulled out the item, a little fleshlight that was clearly too small for his long cock. “Soooo Souya, you were a pervert even before you knew you loved taking cock, huh?” You teased, leaving him a crimson stuttering mess. “How’d you even get or use this while still living in the same apartment as your brother? We both know your moans aren’t quite love~” You stroked his dick while he started to explain, “I didn’t use it often, a-and I did it when Hoya wasn’t home!” He squeaked. Hearing how little it was used gave you a wicked idea. “So it must have been so lonely being practically abandoned, huh? Why don’t we give it some love?” Squirting lube into the toy and hovering it over his blushing tip, you asked, “You wanna use it don’t ya?” And while Souya usually agreed to whatever devious idea you had, you were surprised this time by him shaking his head no furiously, “I want your cock! I don’t wanna fuck, I wanna be fucked!” Tutting you tell him “Now, we know that’s not fair for Mr. Fleshlight, he’s been abandoned for so long,” smirking evilly and teasing his top with the fleshlight you suggested. “How about you cum into him first, and then you can have my cock like you do every night, okay?" Souya nodded readily, looking on the verge of tears due to the upcoming orgasm. “Words hun, I need words.” “Y-Yes!” “Yes, what?” "Yes I’ll fuck Mr. Fleshlight! Please, please, please hurry, I want your cock soooo bad!!!”Chuckling, you slide the fleshlight onto his dick and coo at how small it looked on it. “Look at how tiny it is, barely fitting a third of your cock! My baby had such a small dick before, huh? Well, luckily my baby has a very sensitive tip, so he can still give Mr. Fleshlight cum right?” Waiting for a response all you got was Souya moaning and groaning, stopping your movements you looked at Souya with a displeased face. “I said, luckily my baby has a very sensitive tip so he can still give Mr. Fleshlight cum right?” Wanting the stimulation again Souya nodded furiously, babbling almost non-coherently. “Yessssss, your baby can give mister cum, your baby can, please let your baby cummmmmm.” Smiling back you continued your previous movements, “Good baby, now let’s make you cum so you can get my dick.” Licking across the vein on his dick Souya immediately came spurting cum through the top of the fleshlight. Not even giving himself time to catch his breath Souya pushed you to the ground, making the fleshlight fall to the ground, and pulled down your underwear, shoving your dick in his ass, finally looking satisfied. “Hmmm, I didn’t know you were that desperate for my dick.” You said once you recovered from the shock of his actions, shrugging you start moving, "Well, I promised and you did so well baby boy, now prepare to be my fleshlight.” Moaning at your movements, Souya thanks you before he got the sense fucked out of him. Though Souya’s move was delayed because of the soreness after that night, it was well worth it. Maybe you guys should introduce more toys into the bedroom.
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serendipity-by-chance · 3 months ago
New Gen 11
so like ive been having thoughts about ng11 given the recent chapters and all and wondering. whats the point of them lol. this is like me questioning the author again lol.
like we were first introduced to them very early on with sae's intro. ever since then the 11 players of ng11 have been mysterious. even more so with how much the manga heaped praises on sae making him compete against all bllk players and still coming out on top. also being the only one (prior to charles) who could actually play with shidou. and given that sae is genuinely the best midfielder we've seen so far, it was obvious that we would be excited for the ng11. However, ng11 is still confusing. according to bllk wiki (bear with me i havent read the manga in a while and im too busy with finals to reread and find the panels but trust once exams are over i will!) ng11 are players who are categorised as the "next gen" of football superstars. which would give u the idea that theyre the best of the best in the current gen. but here's the thing. they're not. look at loki. he's the same age as sae (i think i forgot sae's age but loki is 17/18) but loki isn't part of ng11. which u can say maybe he isnt anymore cause he's pro but remember when we see Michael for the first time isagi knows he is part of ng11 (chapter 157) which means isagi knows who the ng11 are right? Also when we see lorenzo for the first time (210) once again isagi knows who he is. Which definitely means that isagi knows who ng11 are. but thats not the case for loki which can lead us to think loki was never part of ng11. but loki is definitely a better striker than kaiser so why isnt he part of ng11? my problem with ng11 is how it seems so inconsistent? what makes one part of ng11?
again bllk wiki says that ng11 players are those of the next gen who have skills that cant be copied by others in a sense? like we see when michael makes his first kaiser impact even noa admits that michael is better at his speed of shot than noa and thats not sth he can easily copy. not to mention sae with his flawless pass. so is that all that makes one ng11? a skill that others cant copy? so ig ng11 is just the bllk version of knb's miracle generation (this came to me when i was rambling to my sister). the whole concept and history of ng11 being still ??? is so weird to me especially given that we have 3/11 of them in the manga now with sae and michael playing such pivotal roles to the two biggest characters (isagi and rin).
anyways, this thought came up to me cause i was seeing people on twt being like "so rin is better than ng11!!!" cause kaisagi decided to team up to beat him which made me think "huh, is he?" which then made me start questioning what exactly makes one ng11.
but whether rin is better than ng11 or not is still up for debate. especially cause there's 8 other players we havent seen. also... they all play different position lmao. rin is definitely the best in bllk. with rin vs kaiser debate... hmmm. even im a bit like... confused. id say in terms of their personal skills they might be more evenly matched? the kaisagi team up is necessary bc while rin has pxg on his side the entire bm team is divided betn kaisagi with both of them in a tug of war to turn the team in their direction. the match of bm is never bm vs other team lol. its always isagi vs kaiser vs other team. kaiser doesnt fight with just rin he fights with rin AND isagi and the same goes for isagi. which is why the next chapters will be so interesting.
anways these are all my thoughts on ng11! maybe i'll do a better one when exams end and i reread the whole manga and take proper screenshots and notes.
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loveephia · 2 years ago
the miya twins having a crush on the same girl.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, my poor humor (i'm sorry 😔), them fighting over you, you can pick who you end up with, suna is in the scenarios, timeskip.
⚠ warning/s: manga spoilers.
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they're like two puppies when it comes to you and your love RAAAAAAHGHHHGH
whatever you're interested in, they're trying to learn more about it so that they can see your eyes sparkle when the topic is brought up
when you're at their games and cheering for one twin, the other gets MADLY COMPETITIVE
when you want to watch atsumu warm up, he exclusively lets you!!
what i mean by "exclusively" is that he doesn't let his fangirls in the gym. LOL
he does all these cool tricks, flexes his muscles, and goes all out in practice matches, just to see your adorably shocked face
when you forget your lunch, osamu would be willing to share his with you!!
osamu can't keep his mind off of the fact that you're eating from the same chopsticks as him, which means that that's an indirect kiss 😭
down atrocious
when they're both sitting next to you on the bus and you've drifted off to sleep, the twins are wondering whose shoulder you'll rest on for the entirety of the trip
if you've lost something, say, as something as simple as a pencil or eraser, the boys come running to your side in a flash with the needed item
both of them never ended up confessing, in chance of hurting the other twin, so you never knew about how they felt
until one day, suna had tattle-taled on them a few years after graduating
one twin ended up losing feelings
while the other's remained
"wait, what?" you said as suna instantly closed his mouth shut. even osamu's jaw had slackened at the middle blocker's little slip-up.
"well.. i—!" atsumu panics, trying to find the words, while osamu drags suna away to give you two some privacy. osamu knew atsumu's feelings. he just hopes it's requited. atsumu merely sighs, "it was just a li'l crush from a while back, nothin' major!"
"how long ago?"
"..high school."
your eyes widen at his hesitant answer.
then came silence. silence, which was slowly killing atsumu. it's unlike him to stay this quiet for so long, osamu may think.
"what a shame.." you start, staring at your glass of water in the slightest hint of sadness, "i guess you could say that i had a little crush on you from a while back, too."
now it's atsumu's turn to be shocked, "huh, since when?!"
"high school." you smile.
"oh." were the first words suna muttered after he had let out one of the twins' most trusted secret on (an honest) accident. atsumu was nonetheless, frozen like a brick in place. while osamu's expression was mortified.
atsumu's eyes flickered rapidly from osamu to you, worried for what's about to happen between you two's relationship. suna had read the room, so before atsumu can worry any further, suna drags him away against his own will.
you turned to osamu, "judging from suna and atsumu's reaction.. i'm gonna assume that it's true?"
"..maybe." he meekly replies, wiping the table with a used rag to ease his nerves. "are you disappointed?" osamu asks a bold question that even he doesn't want the answer to.
osamu's heart drops.
"because i had also liked you back." you confess, mischeviously poking his cheek in the process, "too bad that you don't like me now, though. otherwise, we could've been dating, then happily married, with a nice little family of our own."
you've never seen osamu's face redden this fast before. it's amusing. "now, hold on—!"
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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short-black-diamond · 2 years ago
OM! Brothers reactions to mc who they dont know them too well and they sleep in longer than Belphie tehehe (then it turns out the slept that long because of jet lag? Jet lag? Relem hopping lag? Tehehe)
Sorry for so many requests ;^;
- 🍓
Oh noooo😭😭😭
I feel sorry for all the people who have that, I hope you guys are alright and that your sleeping rythm is alright...
MC who sleeps in longer than Belphie?
Lucifer was a little puzzled when he found you in your room. You were sleeping soundly, with a cozy blanked over and around you, and hugging one of your stuffed toys.
Your face however, showed some dark circles under your eyes, your brows furrowed, and your skin was rather pale. You looked very tired, even though you've been sleeping for more than ten hours.
He had to believe Mammon more now. It was the avatar of greed, after all, who said: "If ya don't believe me, then look for yourself! That human sleeps just as much as Belphie!"
It also didn't really help that you were not really a talkactive person as you rather kept to yourself, and the brothers didn't know you that good because of that.
Now, he sighed as he thought of a plausible reason as to why a human like you could even sleep that long without having to use the restroom or eat something.
Asmodeus stepped in because he needed some money from his sugar daddy oldest brother, and stumbled upon him examining you. The avatar of lust chuckled. "Oooohhh, does our little Lucifer have a feti- Ouch!", he yelped when Lucifer hit him with a rather hard pillow.
"Silent. I am thinking of a reason as to why MC is not awake yet. I mean, we don't know them very well, but still. I'm sure the normal human body can act just perfectly with just 8 hours of sleep."
Asmodeus rubbed his temple in pain as he thought as well. "Maybe they are doing some beauty sleep?"
Lucifer sighed. "I don't know...maybe? But let's have them sleep for a little longer before we wake them up."
Mammon grinned internally when Lucifer subtly apologized. Satan stepped into the kitchen where Mammon and Lucifer conversed. "Shouldn't MC be awake by now?", the blonde muttered, and Mammon looked at Lucifer.
"Yes, they should, but they are still asleep. I don't know why though."
Satan looked at the book he brought with him. "I don't know if this could be of use...but the book I'm currently reading tells something about some people who sleep in because of jet lag. It is when the sleep-rythm gets bothered when a person is in a jet, flying between continents and thus different time-zones, which messes up the rythm.", he explained and Lucifer made an "ah" sound in understanding.
Then he stepped into your room.
"...h-huh?", you grumbled as you stretched yourself. Lucifer stood before you, and he looked at you as you raised your arms. He had a concerned expression.
"Are you alright, MC?", he asked in a gentle tone, and you felt weird for some reason.
Lucifer was actually still a complete stranger, and it just...well, it made you feel weird, but you liked the feeling.
"Yes, I guess I just dozed off from swapping from the humanworld to Devildom.", you said softly, still a bit drunk from sleep, and the eldest brother nodded in understanding.
Just then, Leviathan stepped in with an excited grin as he pointed towards you. "I knew it! You're living the life of (insert a very long manga name which describes protag with jet lag)! ...I-I hope that you're okay though...", Levi muttered shyly when he felt Lucifer's stern glare on him.
It felt nice having people worry about you. You wish you could say the same to the people from your home...
"Thank you. I feel a lot better after my nap. I hope I didn't sleep too much?", you asked, as you yawned.
Lucifer looked at the watch on his hand. "You slept for nearly fourteen hours.", he stated, and your eyes widened.
"Whoah...", you chuckled with a concerned face, and Beel stepped in with some food. "I brought some snacks. I thought you might need it after nearly sleeping for more than half a day.", he murmured, and you thanked him with an excited grin.
"Really?! That's so nice of you! Thank you, Beel!", you exclaimed happily, and grinned even wider.
Beel gave you a close-eyed smile as he began eating a hamburger while you bit into a healthy salad. Leviathan ate some sushi while Lucifer dismissed you guys to attend to his duties.
'Living with you might be a little worrying, but at least you weren't loud...', Lucifer mused to himself as he thought about your behavior and lunged into his paperwork with a small smile.
Heyyy I hope this was okay! I didn't put in Belphie because as I said in my last Obey me! post, he's a lil shit and I don't like him.
so please don't reuqest stuff where he's involved, or I'll intentionally ignore it. <3
Read you guys in the next post!
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 months ago
its been itching my brain for a while so if you could please give me something to chew on—do you have any headcanon's for A, like what he (she?) might've behaved like or looked like? I'm really just asking for a nice sandwich and I love the ones you've made (Alphard) and would appreciate another
That time @therealvinelle and I made a character out of fucking nothing.
I assume you mean A from the Death Note universe? Sorry, I've got nothing for you.
The thing about what @therealvinelle and I did with Alphard, and why it worked, was the single solitary detail we did get, along with a few others, paints an incredibly detailed picture to work with.
I only have about five things on hand, but good god, do I get to see that man's entire fucking life.
We just don't have the same for A.
What We Know About A
A is introduced in Death Note: LABB, for those super Death Note nerds who read the novel like I did. There's no mention of either A or B in the manga or in the anime.
A and B were the first gen successors to L, before Mello and Near, and the premise of the novel is that "wow, that successor program was a really shitty idea even before it was a shitty idea!" in that of the two a) A couldn't handle the pressure and killed themselves b) B couldn't handle the pressure and turned himself into a physical clone of L, then sought to make a case so complicated L couldn't solve it, culminating with lighting himself on fire. The great irony being L had so little interest in dealing with it himself, he makes Naomi Misora do all the work/all the talking to 'Ryuzaki' without supplying any pertinent information or saying anything more than "uh huh, wow, such detective, such good, Misora" and only at the end admitting, "yeah, that wasn't me, that was my rampaging successor, but good job catching him."
A is years dead before the novel begins, and gets a one-off mention by our totally unbiased narrator Mello, totally, as being B's rival for the position of successor who at some point before it could be decided killed himself.
But let's try to bullet point it.
A Was Chosen: Nationality
First, we know A is at Wammy's.
We don't know exactly how Watari/Roger recruits for Wammy's, how you are selected to enter the 'successor' program, or even the scope of just where they draw successors from.
(I don't have vol 13 on hand at the moment, but I believe it only went into the ethnicity breakdown for L, not even nationality, and it's...
When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it." He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil." - from the wiki
Rock on Ohba, rock on with your.... "quarter Russian, Japanese, French/Italian, English".
I also love "slightly evil" from a man who has multiple "torture X character" arcs.)
Given we only see four characters who went through some variation of this program in the manga/anime (L, Near, Mello, and if we even count him Matt), it's really hard to judge. We know Beyond Birthday, by the time he meets Naomi, looks similar enough to L that the entire premise of the book is "oh wow, that's totally L and Naomi doesn't know, oh wow he's doing all the things you--TOTAL SHOCK IT WASN'T L AT ALL"
But if we have to choose, and we have to do this in a way that fucking makes sense given how borders work and that "no, Roger, you can't just take random orphans from any country you like and stick them in your Batman orphanage" then A is either from Britain, maybe Ireland, or if we're really stretching things maybe Western Europe.
Other places are possible, and they could bullshit their way in getting A to England, but there's also the fact that A is chosen for this program. It's unclear just how much searching Wammy's does for talented orphans who will fit the role of L (having the level of intelligence Watari and co. are looking for, the drive and desire, and being the world's most super genius to recreate the success of L).
Now, the manga/anime implies that they had very high standards. L is the greatest detective in the world, Near as his number one successor to is eventually able to defeat Light and is an extreme deductive genius.
If you want to play that game, you can't just use the orphans that happened to be in your orphanage to start with. You have to look for them and either a) wander around orphanages/newly orphaned children and test them for their suitability b) pick up orphans that they've heard of who have nationally/internationally been so impressive they meet the criteria.
Now the thing about b is that doesn't happen often (and probably not at the impressionable ages that Wammy's needs to both a) give the orphan the training b) convince a near adult "YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BECOME BATMAN WOULDN'T THAT BE SUPER COOL?!")
To sum this up, A is probably from Britain, maybe Ireland.
A Was Chosen: Age
Alright, A was selected, as gone in above from what we see of Mello, Near, and Matt, they got roped into this when they were very young. They're very young appearing AFTER the six-year time skip when they've been doing this long enough that a) this is their major goal in life and the only thing they can think of b) they have an intense and bitter rivalry c) Matt has already been weeded out. L, too, we have a brief image of him as a six-year-old or so (possibly metaphorical), implying he and Watari have been doing this for... a while, and that L was set on this path very early in life.
Both A and B were very likely young children when they started this program in earnest. Personally, if I had to write a fic... I'd say ten at most.
Now, this doesn't tell us much about when A dies, but we know that B is an adult man by LABB, Naomi never remarks upon him looking like a teenager. We also know he's able to impersonate L, and more (and this is important), the L we see in canon.
The entire L gimmick of the book is that we, the readers, are given the impression this is L (except for the weird eyes, that's weird). It's important that this isn't necessarily L at the time, but what we the readers would recognize him as years later during the Kira case. We, in canon, see L in his mid 20's. This means that B in the novel was at least passing as in his mid 20's. Could be he's younger, could be he's older, but what it does mean that A, if at a similar age only either reached a) very young adulthood b) teens.
Personally, given the pressure, the suicide, and the fact that the rivalry had been bitterly ongoing at that point, I'd say A was likely a mid/late teenager when they killed themselves.
A Was Chosen: Intelligence
A must have been good enough at whatever tests Wammy's did to gauge whether they had an initial aptitude for becoming an L candidate.
Now, we've seen the types of things Near is good at and that are heavily implied put him above Mello. Near is very good at intelligence tests, puzzles, and so on.
It's not unlikely that A was tested with very similar things and that A must have reached some threshold to be considered a promising candidate in the first place.
A Was Chosen: AMAB
Now, this one's more headcanon, but I go into this here. I think, either through overt or unintended bias, Watari/Roger would gravitate towards selecting AMAB individuals as opposed to AFAB.
I don't think A would be an exception.
Also, Viz translated the gender into English as "he", so take that as you will.
The Eternal Prince/Eternal Rivalry
Now, the trouble with A and B, being so early in, is that L was a very young man at the time and either not much older than they were or even younger.
L had already by this point reached international acclaim as the detective L, continued to gather for himself detective personas surrendered by rivals, and was showing no signs of stopping or slowing down.
So, how exactly are A and B supposed to become L? Either they somehow prove they're better than him, when he has the benefit of a) experience in the field b) connections with law enforcement and a working relationship with Watari c) all the resources in the world or L miraculously dies.
Not to mention we know, canonically, that L is vicious and would tolerate no competition for his title.
Mello notes this himself (though is a... biased... narrator) that the first gen were throwaways, they were the trial training run for the REAL successors, Mello and Near.
Regardless of what Mello thinks, the fact remains that A and B were both aware that to be L themselves, L had to go, which showed no signs of happening.
Not to mention they're still infighting with each other, quite viciously, so that they can at least be next in line.
Not only is this a tremendous amount of pressure, but it's utterly pointless pressure.
B was the type of person to react to this with a "FUCK YOU DAD", in that he tried to make a case L couldn't solve to finally prove he was superior to all of them.
A, for this or perhaps other reasons, killed themselves. We don't know if this was the sole reason, but it would certainly be a large factor.
A was likely born or at least orphaned in Britain, A was young when chosen and young when they died, A was likely good at logic puzzles/intelligence exams at a young age, A was highly likely to be AMAB, and was in a doomed competition where their entire self-worth/point of their existence hinged on a pointless struggle that neither they nor B could ever conceivably live.
But considering, that's really not much/what you were asking for.
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 months ago
Checked out the last couple chapters of My Hero Academia bc i was curious how it ended
-I actually thought the chapter with Ochaco going to cry and Deku following her to comfort and telling her she's his hero and has been from the beginning and saying she's always put her needs before others but she deserves support too was EXTREMELY sweet. like awwww. such sweet kids. Especially when the whole class ran up to her and Tsuyu tackle hugged her what!!! i'm glad the manga still has that sweetness in it, despite all the other faults, I think it looks like it did carry through the importance of friendship and supporting each other here.
-Ochaco spearheading an effort to give kids counseling about their quirks and any mental health issues they might be having regarding them, expanding the hero role beyond just crime-fighting (with Momo and Tsuyu and Iida), is also actually incredibly sweet and in-character too. It's actually surprising to not see her get shafted, considering how incredibly shafted she was in the parts I watched
i can't believe Ochaco has a dead gf now (joking)
-did...did momo actually get a decent costume where she doesn't have to be walking fanservice in a way she's uncomfortable with at the literal last minute when we can't even fully see it?
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she-she did didn't she. She gets sexualized to hell and back as a teen when it's super unsettling and gets to wear a not stupid looking outfit as an adult when it would be less so. I mean I'm glad I guess but the fact Horikoshi just decided to do that in her last couple panels where it doesn't matter anymore really speaks to having your cake and eating it too huh
-I am shocked Ochaco and Deku don't seem to have gotten together in the end when horikoshi was setting her as a love interest so hard. Though it might be because it really seemed like the last chapter was leaving things open for a sequel (we'll never be free) or maybe Horikoshi didn't want to upset any shippers, wise of him. But it lets me imagine she hooked up with Tsuyu. or maybe both her and momo (i guess iida's there too) who knows.
-I guess Deku lost his quirk again during the battle and then All Might gives him tech the tech girl came up (with Bakugou sponsoring it. i guess that's fine. as his penance) that i guess gives him the advantages of a quirk so it doesn't matter actually. I mean I have been wondering why he and others never just got to use tech to compensate so i guess that's fine, but the sacrifice he apparently made was seemingly meaningless lmao
-I like that MHA was apparently wasted all this time with the villains backstory and how they could be redeemed and how society had failed them then apparently just killed ALL of them at the end? how completely pointless, it's actually extremely funny.
-"Kirishima is popular with the male demographic" yeah i bet he is.
-:/ all the short haired girls have longer hair as adults while everyone else looks largely the same. wow convenient.
-did endeavor die? wait let me check.sigh of course he's alive, but i it appears dabi beat him up so bad he can't stand up on his own (good 4 u dabi) and he's retired i guess that's something. Even dabi is dying slowly horikoshi really could not let a single villain survive lmao
-I do not know why Deku needed to tells that kid that his quirk of creating little flying saucer disks could absolutely be useful as hero if he trains like...obviously it would be? That's a pretty good power? but i guess it's a sweet callback, and I also like that he's a teacher, I think he would be good at that.
-my mind would likely change if I read the nonsense leading up to this. but it wasn't that bad as a final chapter overall, though weirdly low key. definitely comes off as being as ambiguous as possible for the sake of a sequel. at least it wasn't one where we have to follow the child characters who are conveniently carbon copies of their parents. I have closure now.
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popopretty · 2 years ago
[Translation] Bungou Stray Dogs Projection Mapping (in collaboration with Kadokawa Culture Museum)
This is a projection mapping displayed on a huge bookshelf inside the Kadokawa Culture Museum. The projection lasts for about 5 minutes, with a short conversation between Dazai and Atsushi, of which the script was written by Asagiri Kafka specially for this collaboration. Videos and recordings are not allowed inside so I can only share some photos and the translation of the scripts here. Please note that it is based on what I heard and remembered so there might be some mistakes. Also the collaboration started from August 2022 so it might or might not relate to the recent events in the manga, it’s all up to your interpretation.
The projection starts with Atsushi climbing up the bookshelf and falling off it.
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Atsushi: Oh no. I have to put them back!
Dazai: Huh? Are you sure it is here? The book that has an impact on Atsushi-kun?
Atsushi: Dazai-san? Yeah, I’m sure it’s a book from this shelf but… I can’t find it now.
Dazai: Without that book, we might not have won that battle against the enemies, right?
Atsushi: Yeah…
“In days gone by I never repented of my acts. I was sorry only for what I didn’t do.” Had it not been for the words from that book, I might have not been able to make the right decision. What is it called again…? I can only remember the title was like, something written by someone…
Dazai: Pft… In other words, you don’t remember anything.
Atsushi: Sorry… You came all the way here with me yet…
Dazai: Nah, if you cannot remember, maybe now’s not the right time to remember it. Books sometimes behave as if they are testing us, that’s why.
Atsushi: Testing us?
Dazai: Have you never experienced that? You happened to come accross a book you didn’t know nor have any interest in. Then you picked it up and what’s written in it stayed unforgotten in your heart till years later. That kind of experience.
Atsushi: Dazai-san, do you read too?
Dazai: Huh? You thought I didn’t? Without reading, there is no intellect. It’s the daily consumption of foods that makes our bodies. But it is the letters and words that builds our souls. When you stand here, you will understand what it means. Look around you.
Atsushi: You’re right. There is something very…
Dazai: Yes, remember this well. Books, at times, behave like intelligent life forms, beyond a mass of paper and ink… If Atsushi-kun hadn’t read that book, we would not have won that battle. We must not take books lightly. Because there are some switches that can only be pressed through reading a book, quietly hidden in the darkness we think we are in.
Atsushi: Ah, I see. That book I read… it would be exaggerating to call it a fated encounter, but I feel like there is an important meaning to it.
Dazai: That’s what I thought. Atsushi-kun, maybe there is a reason you have a special role in there as well.
Atsushi: What kind of reason?
Dazai: It will reveal itself sooner or later... Well, now that I have achieved my goal of showing off as a senior in front of my junior, guess I’ll go back and sleep (yawning)
Atsushi: You didn’t come here to help me search for the book at all, did you…
The projection ends with Trash Candy playing on the background and a very cool presentation of the characters' skills. It is such a shame that I can't share a full videos with everyone, but live photo is a lifesaver this time.
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One last thing, even though the BSD collaboration will officially end today, the museum also does regular projection mapping on the same bookshelf and it is just equally cool so if you ever have chance to visit this museum, please give it a try. You will find a lot of BSD goods and related stuff around this area too <3
Thanks for reading till the end :3
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