bunnwich · 28 days
Uh just a heads up, did you read/saw the Leona and you meeting in the novel? I kinda wanna talk about it
Leona and Yuu Meeting in the Novel
ANON ANON. YOU REALLY BROUGHT MY ATTENTION TO SOMETHING W I L D BC I HAD NEVER ACTUALLY READ THE NOVEL VERSION OF THE MC MEETING LEONA???? Also, I was gonna see if the EN translation had been released but it doesn’t in my area until 8/27 so RAAAAAAAAAAAA. OKAY SO LET'S BREAK IT DOWN. (Using @/yuurei20’s wonderful translation) So as we know, in the game and manga Leona comes off as very… aggressive?
He threatens to “rip out our tooth” which, sir???? Like from the first time, I could tell that this was just a “flex” and he absolutely was saying it in a facetious manner. Though in the manga they further escalate it, even going as far to have him going to kick Yuuken.
BUT, HERE???? IMO this interaction is much more indicative of his character as a whole. There is so much more nuance to his intentions here. Protecting his dorm, deescalating, being smart. All the stuff that I’ve been saying from when I started playing twst about him just keeps being proven to me. Also that perhaps Leona, actually doesn't like fighting. These are my main takeaways.
1.) Leona is a well-respected and liked dorm leader who is looking out for his dorm's best interests.
And his dorm mates follow his word like gospel for the most part. I feel like ppl tend to gloss over this bc he is lazy or w/e but the Savanaclaw students mostly love Leona and would do anything for him. 
It’s just nice to see so much of the stuff you get reading between the lines at the forefront here. He’s so much more calm and menacing here than cranky and aggressive and that feels so much more him? Leona’s intimidation IMO doesn’t come from his physical strength per se, it comes from the authority he commands, his demeanor, as well as his magic I’m sure.
-- He is wrapped in a strange atmosphere that attracts the stares of everyone around. Even hidden under his school uniform it is clear he is well-muscled, with a scar over his left eye that lends all the more power to his chiseled face. The fists of the older students froze in mid-air at the command, completely throwing off their momentum. Now, like small animals under the watchful eye of a predator, they shrink away, murmuring, 'Leona-san'. Ignoring the confused Deuce entirely, Leona raises an eyebrow at the formerly brawling group. 'Move up a grade and the first thing you do is start a fight in the street--are you all stupid?' 'But that brat is the one who started it first.' 'Huh. And? Don't like what I have to say, then?' 'Impossible! It's not like that at all.' Leona is dressed down, wearing neither the jacket nor the tie to his school uniform, but he does wear the same yellow vest as the three students who had come so close to exchanging blows with Deuce. All three have become properly obedient in front of their fellow dorm member, Leona. --
2.) HE DID WHAT???
SO in my head I always imagined Leona stepped a bit close and sniffed the air around Yuu/MC but in this version HE SNIFFS THE NECK?? LIKE FULL ON PUTS HIS NOSE TO THE BACK OF YUU’S NECK?? WHAT THE HELL???? THATS SO WILD SIR?? I’M CALLING THE POLICE??? YUUYA ,ARE YOU OKAY??
-- ‘Hey. You.''Y-yes?' Yuuya's response leaves him in a sound that is almost a yelp, because Leona has suddenly drawn close enough to place his beautifully-sculpted nose near to the base of Yuuya's neck.Yuuya breaks out in a cold sweat. Having his neck so exposed is frightening in a way he cannot put into words: he is frozen in fear of Leona tearing out his throat at any moment. --
3.) In this Ruggie CALLED Leona over to help Yuu and Deuce fight off the Savanaclaw goons.
That just gives such a layer to Savanaclaw as a whole, that neither one wanted to see Yuu and Deuce get beat up. Leona continues to show he has a soft spot for his underclassmen perhaps. I do think it mostly was about him protecting his dorm mates and not wanting them to get in trouble bc he knew Yuu was taken in by Crowley, the headmaster.
-- 'My name is Ruggie Bucchi.' Ruggie responds, with a deliberate shake of his whole body. 'And this scary personage is Savanaclaw Dorm Housewarden, Leona Kingscholar-san. We already know you're dumb enough to pick fights with upperclassmen, but even you know you won't be winning against our Housewarden, yeah? Times like this, you gotta side with whoever will benefit you the most.' 'Benefit? They're the ones who started this fight, and now they're trying to run away!' 'My my, aren't you a hot-blooded kitten--and here you should be thanking me. I called Leona over because I saw you were in danger, y'know?'Leona looks to Ruggie. 'Tch. Patronizing bastard. You just wanted to give me more to deal with.' 'Shi-shi-shi. That's our housewarden! Settle brawls in an instant like that, and people will start relying on you.' The three students who had been scuffling with Deuce and Yuuya look down at their feet, snickering; they seem to have cooled off after being chided by Leona. As his position in the dorm would lead one to assume, Leona seems to be well-liked.) (!!!) --
4.) Perhaps, Leona’s Lazy demeanor is just a front to something more.
-- Though he has a languid stare, his narrow pupils send a shiver down Yuuya's spine. Yuuya knows, instinctively, that challenging Leona on their own would be disastrously reckless. --
Anyways its just so funny that I never read this bc I assumed (wrongly) that it was just similar to the other version of this meeting and like…whoa. 
I know it doesn't seem like much of a difference now but when twst was newer and we got less depth to Leona, andhe came off as very one-dimensional guy who was aggressive for aggressive sake and most of my HCs were really were speculation for the most part, and at that time as not many bothered to read between the lines about him.
Yes, he is scary (stop sniffing ppl) but also a bit teasing, but lowkey a caring and good leader. I do think his intimidating persona is two-fold. Like…half is so he can command respect from his dorm mates and it’s needed to be the Savanaclaw dorm leader in the first place. And the other half is a front to hide the softer parts of his personality that he denies at every turn, like being idealistic and a good mentor.
5.)  Leona sort of defends Yuu when the 3 goons make a comment implying that Yuu needs to watch who they tangle with.
-- 'Nothing wrong with having guts, but prepare well enough to know who your opponent is.' 'Hahaha! Yeah, just like the Housewarden says!' 'I'm talking to you three, too.' --
IMO He’s clearly looking out for his Savanclaw member’s well being here but I think he does some inkling of respect for Yuu, whether that bc they are strange or simply bc they are affiliated with Crowley and he doesn't want trouble, either or both is interesting to me. 
(TBH I’m still NOT over the neck sniffing thing.)
I will be interested to see the official EN translation of this scene, so I’ll update ya’ll on that once I see it! I NEED to know if they change any of it. Sorry for the ramble but YES please anon, feel free to talk about it with me! I love to yap, thank you for bringing it to my attention!!
(Thanks again to @/yuurei20 for all the translations for this scene!! Your work is so so appreciated!!)
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
he lives in you
Characters: Leona, Floyd, Jamil, Lilia
Synopsis: You shared a night of passion with your lover before you left for the other side of the mirror, but fate's cruel hands strike once again as you realise you have to raise his child alone in your original world. Thankfully, your child is incredibly drawn to magic, and they opened a portal...?
Tags: slight angst, fluffy end because im a sap, fem reader, reader gives birth to a child, reunions, bot proofread
Word count: 2.4k+
Notes: uh i was practicing Japanese and researching Japanese names before writing this, so all my name ideas ended up in japanese? if it makes you uncomfortable, you can imagine that reader is japanese hehe
right in time for mother's day, so here's to a celebration of the motherly figures in our lives, blood related or not, for being there for us<3
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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A few months passed as you settled back into your routine at home. Eventually, with the noticeable changes in your body, it dawned on you that you were with child—his child, your lover from the other side of the mirror whom you could no longer reach.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turn into months. You had adapted to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. Juggling the responsibilities of work, childcare, and household chores was no easy feat, but you found solace in the small moments of your child's growth and development.
Your child was a true joy to behold, a mirror image of their father in many ways, and you often see the ghost of your past lover in them. Having inherited his magic, your child experimented with their powers, leaving you to support them with what limited knowledge of magic that remained from your NRC days.
On one such experiment, your environment started to shift as a wave of magical energy engulfed you. When you opened your eyes again, he was there, right in front of you—
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Hina (日来) with 日 meaning "sun, day" and 来 meaning "coming, future"
Leona reminded you of a shining sun that radiated warmth and light in your life, of how the it would surely shine again no matter how dark the night seemed, and so you named your daughter after that image
your daughter has the clearest emerald eyes and flowing dark brown locks that you often braided in a similar style to her father's
she's very energetic, always curious and asking questions, eager to learn more about the world around her
she's an obedient child, although she's eager to seek your affection and may whine a bit when things don't go her way
if there was one thing that was similar to the Leona you knew, it's that she's extremely clingy and constantly seeks physical affection, hugging your legs and asking for you to carry them any chance she has
and also the fact that she enjoyed her naps a bit too much
her lion ears are a bit of an issue in our world, but you often hide them with hoods, clever hair styling, or simply saying it's a costume
when you told her about the brilliant man her father is, she grew really excited about the possibility of meeting him, and started playing around with magic more to be like the intelligent mage he is
and then it happened, just an ordinary afternoon practicing magic had the two of you transported back to twisted wonderland, face to face to Leona
somehow, he had grown even more handsome in the years you hadn't seen him, but instead of his lazy smile, he looked confident and powerful, like the leader he was always meant to be
A sudden gust of magic swept through the air behind him as he raised his staff in response, only to immediately drop it in shock as your figure came into sight, and beside you, a small child that he had never seen before.
"Herbivore..." he whispered.
Without a second thought, Leona rushed towards you, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He felt a lump forming in his throat as he reached out to embrace you tightly.
"This better not be a dream," he murmured into the crook of your neck as he inhaled your scent. "It's really you."
after a tearful reunion and introduction, Leona quickly excuses himself from his duties with a quick meeting with Falena, and helps you and Hina settle into the palace
since you left, Leona's been working hard to do what he can do as per your promise with him
he's now in charge of foreign affairs and on better terms with his brother after much needed communication
he showers you in affection, he's even clingier than before that it almost starts a rivalry with your daughter
he puts in a lot of effort to spend time with Hina, learning her likes and dislikes and bonding over magic
uncle jack and ruggie are always fun to be around and play with her
though it wasn't his fault, leona feels guilty you had to bare the responsibility on your own for so long, and he puts in a lot of effort to make amends for any mistakes work to build a strong relationship with you two
he has a family now, and you're damn sure he'll protect it with his life
Leona looked down at Hina, feeling a sense of pride and wonder at the little girl standing before him. "Hey there," he said, his voice gentle. "Nice to meet ya, kiddo."
Hina stared at him, her eyes searching his face. "Are you my dad?" she asked, her voice small and uncertain.
Leona's heart ached at the question, knowing that he had missed so much of her life. "Yeah, I'm your dad," he said, reaching out to take her hand.
Hina looked at him for a moment before a smile spread across her face. "Can you show me magic?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Leona felt a sense of joy at her words, feeling a connection with her that he had never felt before. "Of course I can," he said, standing up and taking her hand. "What do you wanna see?"
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Sakura (桜) meaning "cherry blossoms"
your daughter has sleek teal hair that reminds you of the sea, a single strand of dark hair, and mismatched eyes in the same manner as Floyd
Floyd had lovingly given you the nickname "Shrimpy", and it only felt right for your daughter to be named Sakura, after the tiny sakura-shrimp
she's incredibly mischievous and there's not a moment of silence with her, she's spontaneous and playful and you've got your hands full
though she is very considerate of you and will listen to your words, she's uncontrollable when she's bored and in need of a spark of interest
she's also a squeezer, much like her father, and hugs you every time she sees you or anyone she likes, and you're thankful her strength hasn't developed too much yet
she enjoys biting you, albeit gently, and you find your arms littered with bite marks, but it's her unique way of showing affection
her eel form won't show unless she's been in the water for too long (thankfully), and she enjoys squeezing you in her eel form even more
ever so curious, she's asked about her father many times, and you've told her how carefree and easygoing her father is, and that he'd love her the moment she saw her
which leads you to her magic actually teleporting you to him, her spontaneous idea having manifested itself, and you found in a dimly lit room similar to the Mostro Lounge
Floyd looked matured, his hair sleeked back and his features sharpened, though his wry smile that you loved had stayed the same
Floyd's eyes widened with shock and disbelief, and his steps quickened as he rushes towards you, his long arms outstretched in a gesture of longing. As he got closer, he noticed the beautiful and curious-looking child standing close to you.
"Shrimpy?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "No way... It's really you!"
Floyd pulled you close, holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let go. "I missed ya so much, I wish I hadn't let ya go," he said, his voice choked with emotion as tears threatened to spill. "You're not allowed to leave again, okay?"
Floyd is so ecstatic he can't stand still, once he's calmed down a bit, be immediately carries Sakura and drags you to Jade and Azul
Azul and Jade are pleasantly surprised at your return, and it's a warm welcome back
the two of them are glad Floyd won't be moping any time soon
the trio have now expanded into a franchise and divulged into many businesses, though Floyd largely acts as Azul's right-hand man
Now that you're back, he refuses to be apart from you, always holding onto you tightly and afraid you might disappear just like how suddenly you appeared
he does get mood swings where he's upset or angry, not at you though, just at how unfair things were and how he couldn't be there for you
he's a good eel who does everything to make sure you and Sakura are happy and comfortable, often cooking meals for you two
he's so curious about Sakura and enjoys playing with her and lifting her high up in the air
don't worry, he's extremely careful, this precious gem is why you got back to him!
Jade is the best uncle and Sakura wants to marry him??? (honestly same)
poor Azul is getting pranked by the daughter- father duo, though Sakura does comfort him afterwards with squeezes and kissss
Floyd looked down at Sakura, and he saw her staring back at him with wide, curious eyes in the opposite colours of his eyes. Though she resembled him physically, there was an air about her that was so distinctly his Shrimpy.
"Heya," Floyd said, trying to sound friendly. "I'm your dad."
Sakura giggled and reached out to him, her tiny hands grasping at his hands. Floyd froze, not sure what to do, letting her yand his hand forward. But then, she opened her mouth and bit down on finger.
"Hey!" Floyd cried, pulling back in surprise.
Sakura just laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Floyd couldn't help but laugh too, despite the pain in his finger.
"Yer a feisty one, aren't ya, Sakura-shrimpy?" he teased, grinning down at her as he ruffled her hair. "You know," he whispered, "you can't just go around biting people like that. But I like your style."
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Isami (功己) 功 meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits" and 己 meaning "self, serpent, snake."
your son has smooth ebony locks and sharp grey eyes that make him look slightly intimidating
Jamil had shown you how much he valued his achievements over his social status, so you chose a name the could embody him
he's a quiet child who's always attentive and careful
he's rather shy in front of other people, but when it's you he'll soak up all of your affection and stare at you with longing eyes seeking praise
he's a cute helper at home too! he always volunteers to help you with chores and cook in the kitchen, though you're careful he's not close to anything sharp or dangerous
he does have an inherent fear of bugs, something he's inherited from Jamil, but thankfully you've taught him to be less destructive than his father
do expect screams and for him to be crying as a little fly chases him around though
he's incredibly smart and talented at magic, easily grasping the concepts of magic you can only teach him theoretically
when you told him about his father, you've told him about the diligent man that his father is, and how would let his guard down around those he treasured
he had listened quietly without much of a change in his expression, but you could tell there was a bubbling excitement building up in his eyes
and no long after that, he managed to teleport the two of you to a warm, airy room of marble walls
Jamil's features had sharpened, he seemed more openly confident and comfortable with himself
Jamil's heart skipped a beat as he saw you. It had been five years since he bid your farewell at the mirror chamber and lost you forever. And yet here you were standing here in front of him with a child in tow, a child who resembled him so much.
"It can't be..." he murmurs.
Without hesitation, Jamil dropped all the papers and rushed towards you, his heart pounding furiously. His eyes locked with yours, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. He could see the love and longing still shining in your eyes, and he knew deep down that he had never stopped loving you.
Jamil couldn't stop the tears that began streaming down his face. "I've missed you so much," he said, his voice raspy. "Letting you go is the worst decision I've ever made." He reached out and pulling you into a tight embrace, his arms shaking with emotions.
he's a bit overwhelmed but still so thankful you're back in his life
Kalim barges in at this time and exclaims in surprise at your return and ??? OMG JAMIL YOU HAVE A SON?!!
Jamil has half a mind to dissuade him from holding a banquet immediately to welcome you back, and instead take things slow to not overwhelm you or Isami
asks Kalim for some privacy and the second he's away, he melts into your embrace
he hasn't felt so at ease in so long
if he wakes up in the morning and you're not right there beside him, he's panicking and searching all over the place for some confirmation you're still here
he's very curious about Isami and asks him all sorts of questions to piece together his development and personality
they definitely have a rivalry over who's braver over bugs but it just ends up with the two hugging you for safety
he's a bit awkward with how careful he is with his emotions, so it takes Isami some time to fully trust him
but trust me, Jamil will go above and beyond for his family and there's no way Isami will have to endure what Jamil did in his childhood
Jamil's eyes widened in surprise and wonder. He couldn't believe that they had created a life together. He knelt down to the Isami' eye level and looked into his eyes. "Hello there," he said, his voice gentle and warm. "What's your name?"
Isami starred back at him, his eyes wide with distrust and caution before he buried his face in your legs. Jamil chuckled softly. "It's okay," he comforted. "You don't have to be shy around me. I'm your dad."
Isami looked up at him again, this time with a mix of curiosity and wonder. "Daddy?" they said, testing the word out.
Jamil smiled warmly as nodded, his heart swelling with love and joy. "Yes, daddy," he parroted. "And I promise I'm never going to leave you or your mommy again."
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Yuri (百合) meaning "lily"
Lilia's name always reminded you for lily flowers, and what better name for your daughter to embody him?
your daughter has straight raven hair with some of the hair flipping upwards resembling two horns, angular fae ears, and bright crimson eyes
she's always up for pranks and mischief, it's rare to see her without a smile
she loves exploring places, if you keep your eyes off her for one second, she's letting her curiosity take her to whatever she wants
if you're serious and stern though, she will listen to you, she wouldn't dare make her mother upset!
she's friendly with everyone and isn't shy to say hi to neighbors or absolute strangers
she's not overly affectionate, but she definitely enjoys hugs and kisses from you
she has an odd habit of taking stray animals back home in an attempt to adopt them, so you have little adventures with her trying to find an owner
do not let her in the kitchen
she has surely inherited her father's cooking abilities, somehow, she can render even a piece of toast beyond human consumption
magic comes as second nature to her, and she's always standing on ceilings
gosh her eyes absolutely sparkled when you told her about the teasing and mischievous fae that is her father
and soon, the portal opened and you found yourself in a gothic castle lit up by green candles
He's a lot taller, his hair longer and reaching his waist, and more enchanting than ever
Lilia stood in shock as your family figure come into sight. In all his years of living, he had never been so utterly stunned. After all these years, you had finally returned to him.
"Beastie..." Lilia gasped, his voice catching in his throat.
With a surge of energy, Lilia broke free from the trance-like state and hurried towards you, his hair streaming behind him like a dark flag as he enveloped you tightly in his embrace. "After all these years, you've truly come back to me?"
Carefully, Lilia held you at arm's length, studying your matured features, etching them into his memory like a cherished work of art. His eyes traced the lines and contours of your face, memorizing every detail that time had etched upon you.
"My, how you've grown," Lilia murmured, a mix of pride and wistfulness coloring his words. "The years have shaped you into a remarkable individual."
it's family reunion time!!!
he immediately drags you to the throne room where malleus, silver and sebek are
malleus is now king with two incredibly reliable bodyguards, and Lilia's his most trusted advisor
malleus is so glad his dear human friend is back, silver is satisfied that his father will have someone to be with, and sebek is screaming about Yuri, though she enjoys his loudness
for a while, Lilia is extremely affectionate, trying to make up for all the years that had gone by
when you're sleeping together at night, he hugs you tightly and it's difficult to leave his embrace
he definitely tries to cook for you two, going on and on about how the two of you need to stay healthy and need lots of nutrients
you always volunteer your portion for Yuri, and she'll gladly eat whatever her father has cooked for her
silver is an older brother often on babysitting duty, and Yuri loves watching him spar with sebek and also wants to learn
Sebek is quite fond of Yuri, and he sees his half-fae self in her
Lilia is always trying to fun with Yuri, bouncing her high up in the air and teaching her to hang upside down and swing around
plans so many family vacations, he can't wait to be exploring places with his two darlings
"Is she... ours?" Lilia asked. At your nod, he reached out to caress Yuri's cheek, his touch gentle as if he were touching fragile porcelain.
"Well, I'll be damned," Lilia chuckled, his voice cracking with emotion. "I never thought I'd be a father again. But I'm glad to meet you, little one. What's your name?"
Yuri giggled and and beamed at his touch. "My name's Yuri," she said, her voice sweet as honey.
"Yuri," Lilia repeated, his heart swelling with emotion. "What a beautiful name for my beautiful girl," he reached up to fondle her hair. "You know, Yuri," Lilia said, his voice growing serious. "I may not have been there for you when you were born, but I promise I'll always be here for you from now on. No matter what happens, I'm your father, and I'll always love you darling."
Part 2✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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squiddy-god · 2 months
dorm leaders and a chubby s/o
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As a chubby guy my self I absolutely love Chubby readers, this was written in the early days when I wasn't writing all my readers implied to be chubby- dark times I know- since I am almost done with restoration ⚠︎REQUEST ARE OPEN⚠︎ please send in request, my navigation post has links to anything you would need! And if you don't wanna request you can always just chat! Anon is always open
CW : fluff, chubby readers supremacy
Riddle lives you no matter what! 
You being chubby does not affect him at all, besides your super soft and good for cuddles
Will not tolerate slander on your name weather from yourself or others 
Gets really angry when people comment rude things about you 
Isn't one for PDA but he'll hold your hand, especially when your insecure 
Lowkey loves your hugs sm because gosh your just so amazing 
You make him so red in the face aksbsosndhskebje like how can you be so cute 
You can always tell who was talking smack because they will have riddles collar thing and will avoid your gaze 
And the screaming from riddle 
Very soft with you 
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He knows exactly how you feel when you feel insecure
Azul is very understanding because he also used to be chubby
Loves your hugs so much because your warm and soft ✨ 
If you let him lay his head on your thighs he would probably die on the spot 
Seriously he loves to rest his head on your nice plush thighs 
Talk shit get hit, or in this case, hunted for sport by two very tall eel Bois
Actually gets angry when people mermer about you because oof that shit hits close to home
Really good at comforting you because he says all the things he wishes he was told
Always compliments you ❤
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Literally not a fuck in sight 👀 he gives no shits
You are good for naps tho
Loves to lay on your tummy and sleep for hours 
Thinks your such a cute little herbivore
Ur a snack ❤
When your down and sad he'll legit just pull you into his lap and cuddle tf out of you ✨ 
Has heard people talk smack about your weight and it always irks him 
Probably gave someone a black eye about it
Not the best at comforting you but he'll tell you that those people are just assholes and not worth your time 
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Aksnakamdbsks 𝕐𝔼𝕊 𝕐𝔼𝕊 𝕐𝔼𝕊
Loves you so much!! Everything, from your cute cheeks to your soft hugs and adorable tummy
Am I biased? Extremely. Does that change the fact that I think kalim would ADORE a chubby s/O?? Not at all
Always wants hugs from you because your soft and warm and make his heart go brrrrrrr
Always gives you the most heartfelt compliments 
If your insecure about the close you were then he'll let you know just how much he loves anything you put on 
Gets legitimately confused and mad when someone talks bad about you and has no shame in asking what there problem is
Really good at comforting you and will cuddle you while calling you cute pet names 🥺
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😤👏body👏positive 👏vil 👏
Vil firmly believes that just because your chubby doesn't mean that your not beautiful and adorable 
👏all bodys are gorgeous 👏 
Always seems to pick clothes that look fabulous on you and also make you feel comfortable
Won't admit it out loud but he loves your plump cheeks and tummy 
Pitches your cheeks Affectionately 
Someone : *talks shit about you* 
Vil : rook hold my teira 
Literally has 0 patience for someone slandering your name and putting you down 
Will fight 
Probably likes to trace any stretch marks you may have and tell you your beautiful/handsome/gorgeous
Also won't let you put yourself down 
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Your so cute he couldn't even look at you without blushing, even from behind his tablet, seeing your chubby cheeks in HD was a 1 hit k.o 
Once your together he's pretty comfy around you (and probably only you lmao) and oh boy does he want ✨cuddles ✨
Your like perfect for cuddles, your soft, warm, plush, adorable, don't fight him on this you can't change his stubborn mind, and yes he has a PowerPoint on why he's right
You'll be cuddling and suddenly he'll get the wildest, toothy grin and squish your tummy or pitch your cheeks 
Immediately blushes and shys away 
Sometimes he'll just rant/ramble about how cute you are as if he's talking about one of his hobbies (a.k.a talking at light speed and info dumping for hours) 
Someone : *talks shit about you* 
Idia : *about to roast them both figuratively and literally* 
Ortho : * pulls out magic laser* 
Idia knows what it's like to be bullied and it makes him angry to see people treat you like that 
Get you your favorite snacks and has you sit in his lap and game with him to comfort you (and lets u win Mario kart) 
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Oh absolutely
Something about you, his chubby little human, makes his heart go brrrrr
He's so curious and he likes to poke and squish your tummy and thighs (lovingly) 
Takes any and all opportunities to lay his head on your lap 
Behind closed doors he's a cuddle feind 
Stairs at you lovingly from across the room 
Gives you lots of small complements because they just came to him and he's like "haha gotta tell y/n that! " 
I'd recommend not talking shit about you because malleus is not having ✨any of it✨ 
Legit gets so angry when people badmouth you because he just doesn't understand why they would 
But they won't be talking for long that's for sure
꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚ ꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: jake sully x male reader (+sully family)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: There were many struggles that came with fatherhood—you must find a solution for each one.
ᴀɴᴏɴ: jake and reader are like the dads of the sully children, basically the sully's having gay dads??
ʀᴇ𝐐: yes ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 6565
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: mentions of death (lighthearted) never happens tho, swearing, much worrying about children, surrogate neytiri referring to your kids as hers too (idk just in case)
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: so. i've got a lot of things to say. that's why i'm putting a second a/n at the bottom. - two gays cannot have an avatar child if they can't have children therefore surrogate Neytiri <3 - my first attempt at writing a full sentence in Na'vi, y'all are probably not fluent in it but i hope it's correct. - regrettably, there's only one scene with Tuk and only one mention of Spider - less about the relationship between jake and reader, more about the children
Neteyam was a blessing.
Him and Neytiri both.
When she agreed to be a surrogate for your children, you were both over the moon, over each of the three of Eywa'eveng.
Neytiri knew it best, the stress of having a child. Though it was all her, her body, her belly, her birthing, you and Jake stuck to her side and stressed with her. You could see her pain, in her eyes, and Jake said he felt it himself.
The musings did not help Neytiri through the pain.
Omatikaya welcoming ceremonies consisted of everyone in the village, close family, friends, acquaintances, everyone rounded up to welcome the newborn. But this one was special, for there was one mother and two fathers. Strange as it may have been, the three of you knew there'd be plenty more to come.
When Jake held him up towards the sky, calling the name, "Neteyam", you knew the name truly belonged to him, even if the newborn had yet developed characteristic traits.
The first year was not pretty. If it weren't for Mo'at and Neytiri–and thought it may be harsh, it is the truth–Neteyam would probably be dead.
Jake always knew there was a thing with babies. They didn't have a sense of danger. On Earth, some of the deadliest stuff they could find was a fork and an outlet. On Pandora, however, there were much worse things.
He was aware of this, both of you were, of the Hammerheads, Thanators, Viperwolves that each posed a dangerous threat to your child. Even herbivores, like Flathead Rams, could trample over your baby like he was nothing. He couldn't roam, either, for he didn't know the difference between a poisonous plant and a safe one, and the differences were scarce. Not to mention, they grew close to the ground. Even the carnivorous plants were huge enough to swallow him whole.
So you both watched him, most of the time.
When the hunt called, however, it was only one of you. You took turns.
Why? Because the mighty Toruk Makto, Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, once war chief of three tribes at once, was not exempt from taking care of the baby.
Besides, he kind of liked it. He liked looking at his boy, knowing that in all ways except biological, Neteyam was his.
He loved when the little baby wrapped his four little blue fingers around one of his five large ones. He was so tiny, so defenseless. He had to take care of him. Couldn't let him out of his sight.
He was also so, so cute.
Neteyam lets out a little yawn, stretching all his limbs except for the hand holding his father's finger.
"Aww," Jake coos. "dinner's in a bit. The game's not even here yet. You can sleep."
As time passes, and Neteyam drifts off in his father's warm, large arms that encompassed him, Jake gets lost in the sight and his thoughts. Neteyam was his child. He never thought he'd have one.
He doesn't register the sound of you propping your bow up on the wall, or your footsteps, or a portion of the fresh hunt being placed next to the fire.
In fact, he doesn't really notice you at all until you sit next to him.
You wrap your arms around him, one around his back, the other around his stomach below his arms and Neteyam, and settle your head into the crook of his neck.
Jake laughs lowly, your nose against his neck's skin slightly ticklish—he didn't think the Na'vi were ticklish, hadn't learned it until he was victim to your fingers. "Kxì, my love. Tired?"
"Ngenga pllertxe fura tawtute lì'fya... ‘Ìnglìsì. Tìftang si." (You're speaking that sky people language... English. Stop it.)
Ever since the first time, he's memorized the words, therefore knows their meaning. "You know I don't speak Na'vi well. Right? Or are you too tired to remember?"
"Perfectly conscious enough to remember." You laugh lazily, "Just love to tease you."
Jake presses the side of his head against the top of yours, the best affection he can offer with Neteyam in his arms. "Zola‘u nìprrte’. Happy?"
Where Neteyam was yours, Lo'ak was Jake's.
But first, came the unexpected Kiri. A month after Neytiri affirmed that she would have your second child, Norm and Max called with a panic.
One morning, as bored eyes strayed from scientific screens and microscopes, Norm discovered a bump on Grace's avatar's body. There were many theories, but each was discredited. The tank was safe, you were all sure, even if you did not know anything of the amniotic fluid within it. It wasn't scratched, didn't show any signs of opening, it displayed nothing at all. So what could be the cause?
The answer went unanswered for another two months. Until, at the third month, Norm realized that the size lined up with that of a human pregnancy. It was already the size of a seven month old baby bump. Which meant... soon enough, the vacant avatar would be having a baby.
There was hardly a discussion of who would raise it. Jake knew that he was indebted to Grace, that even though he had yet another child on the way, whatever came of Grace's avatar was his to take care of.
Kiri was born first. Lo'ak was soon to be on his way. However, the season for the first communion with Eywa was approaching. Though having the three of them commune with the Great Mother at the same time would be wonderful, the first communion was not to be delayed.
While Jake helped Neteyam attach his queue to the Tree of Souls, you helped Kiri.
Her eyes, her smile, toothless even, her dilated pupils... She was elated. She was so happy, and you mirrored her smile too.
This wasn't your kid, wasn't Jake's either, but you would raise her as one of your own.
Lo'ak and Kiri... they both came out with five fingers and little eyebrows. It was a scary thing, to have children that looked different from everyone else. Jake knew that, with an Avatar body, it was possible. Seeing it himself, though...
Neteyam, being oldest, required a little less care. He slept by himself at his crib. The newborns slept with you whilst the two of you waited for Neytiri's hunt.
Lo'ak was cuddled up in his father's arms, Kiri in yours. Her fingers were wrapped around your smallest finger, what Jake would call his ring finger. "Five fingers.." You muttered to yourself. You'd counted them many times over.
Jake hears you. "And eyebrows."
"Just like you." You muse with a laugh. Jake laughs along too, but you notice the difference; his laugh lacks its usual humor.
"What is it?" You ask, concerned lace with his words like the weaving of a necklace.
"Nothing." He shakes his head. He couldn't worry you, especially because he wasn't even sure if these five fingers and eyebrows would make any difference.
"I can tell there's something." You remain stubborn, scooting even closer to him. It was one of the qualities he actually loved about you, as annoying as it could be. "You can't evade me, darling."
"Darling? You picked up the word?"
"Jake." You're deflecting.
"I know." He sighs, "I know. It's just... They're different, Kiri and Lo'ak, different from others their age. It's not something I want for them."
"You think it'll affect the way they are treated?"
"Darling." You repeat the pet name more stern now, calling for his attention. He lifts his gaze from his baby boy to meet your eyes. They're yellow, they're golden, just like his. "You were different. But now you are not. You're Olo'eyktan, one of the us; one of the people, one of the Omatikaya. These children are yours, and they are mine. They are part of the Omatikaya."
"But they–"
"Extra fingers, extra hair on their face. The eyebrows are expressive, lovely. The fingers are good, help with dexterity." You tilt your head forward, "They will be fine."
Just as the same as he yearns to hold you, he wishes he believed you. For now, however, he settles on your only point of contact being your lips, and his assured belief about these children being that you and he would love them to the ends of the Earth.
The differences meant nothing to Jake, there would be no change in the way he treated them. Soon enough, he'd sort of forgotten, for the most part.
What couldn't be forgotten, though, were his Olo'eyktan duties.
The problem was, you were gone for a little while. The second problem was, Neytiri was taking care of Neteyam. Now that didn't quiet seem like a problem, but she was taking care of him before you left and before he realized he had important Olo'eyktan stuff to do. He couldn't just bother Neytiri to take care of his kids! The third problem was, they were his kids! He couldn't just leave them. They were hardly two months old.
So now, he was left with a dilemma. Baby carriers.
For humans, it was a little embarrassing to, as a father, be wearing one of them. But to the Na'vi, it was just another part of life, a necessity.
Jake was a Na'vi now. He had to get over human societal norms.
"Hanging in there, baby girl?" Jake asks Kiri–as if she can understand him–who unfortunately has to take the tight space on his back.
After getting the silent answer he was expecting, Jake begins his work. As expected, no Na'vi seem to pay him any mind. They greet him just the same as any other day, the only difference being the small coos directed at his children. He's just happy they love them.
As Jake checks his daughter is safe on his back for the umpteenth time, he hears something wrong.
He stares ahead, obviously disturbed. His eyebrow furrows as he finds the camera, with a diminishing flash, being held by the scientist he regrettably called a friend.
"Norm, don't you have shit to do?" The swear word doesn't faze him, for the babies were too young to even register the word.
The scientist adjusts his exopack over his shit-eating grin. "Research, Jake." He gives off a hint as his amusement with each word he speaks, "I’m capturing the Mighty Toruk Makto in his natural form. Which is adorable." He winks.
"Uh-huh." Jake replies; contrasting his friend, he remains unamused. "Kiss the dark side of my blue–" Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Mo'at. Shit, Mo'at. She knew English and he needed to talk to her.
"You are a lucky man, Norm." Jake turns on his heels, leaving Norm behind as he heads towards the Tsahìk.
When he does so, though, Kiri turns her head as much as she can to stare at the human scientist curiously. Norm takes the opportunity.
Lo'ak and Kiri were, relative to their brother, the same age. They also looked the most like each other, excluding their father. They both had the characteristic traits of an avatar, traits that set them apart from the rest of the clan. Because of this, you thought they'd be inseparable, best friends. Instead, they fought, and fought, and fought.
It was weird, even, that Kiri often sought out her older brother's company over her baby brother's.
These peculiarities' origins, however, were solved when you realized the common point of these arguments. Lo'ak. Lo'ak was a troublesome kid in that he loved freedom, and even more, loved to be possessive.
Within seven years, many things were taught. Jake, for one, learned much of the Na'vi language. In fact, it was practically English to him. Sometimes he forgot what language he began the sentence with, and he would end up starting with Na'vi and ending with English or mixing in a couple words in the middle.
As far as the kids were concerned, it was gibberish. At least, for a couple years. After they dominated the Na'vi language well enough, they began to learn English. Their main teacher was their father, not their sempu, so when things like this happened...
"I hate you times infinity, Lo'ak! Penis face!"
It was his fault.
After the kids' argument was swiftly dealt with (the toy had to be threatened to be cut in half, and then they stopped), Jake places the toy in Kiri's hands. "Kid, go find your brother." He sighs, "You can play with him."
"I don't wanna play with him." Lo'ak crosses his arms, stomping his foot. "He's a sucker."
"Hey, now, that's not a good thing to say about your brother." Jake presses a harsh finger against his son's shoulder. "What would Neteyam think?"
"It's true! And he needs to know it!"
"If your sempu was here, you'd be–"
"Sempu's here." You call. The kids didn't really realize you heard the beginning of what Jake was going to say. Instead, they run to hug you. Kiri drops the much beloved toy they so desperately wanted earlier, in favor of wrapping her arms around your waist.
You scoop each of them up, each held by one strong arm. Even so, knowing that the position is weak, they steady themselves by wrapping their small limbs as far around you as they can. "Now, what was it that you needed me for?"
"Nothing, sempu." Kiri shakes her head, pressing her head against your shoulder. "Just a little dispute."
"Yes. A dispute." Lo'ak agrees with the wide nod of his head, though he pronounces the word much worse than Kiri does. Seems he slacked off on their latest English lessons and somehow ignored the word "penis" that Kiri vividly recalls.
"Ooh, dispute? Where'd you learn that big word, huh?" You coo, rubbing your nose into her hair. She laughs at the feeling, it's almost ticklish.
"Dad." She replies simply.
"Yeah, well, they also managed to learn the word "penis" from me." While you gawk dramatically at your children, Jake sticks his tongue out at them just as childishly. Little suck ups. He mouths.
Lo'ak sticks his tongue back out at his own father, to which you slap him gently on the hip. "What situation requires that," You think of a suitably negative word , uglily scrunching up your nose so that the children can have something to laugh at. "despicable word?"
"Lo'ak," Kiri is quick to tell, "was trying to steal my toy!"
"No I wasn't!" Lo'ak huffs. If he were on the ground, he'd have stumped his feet. Instead, they kick the air.
"Yes you were!" She retorts.
"Which one, the one so sadly on the floor?"
At the mention of its position, they both turn their gazes towards it. Kiri dares to mutter a little "uh-oh" as her eyes find it. Whilst they are distracted by the dread building up in their bodies, you look to Jake. Go find Neteyam. I'll deal with these two.
Silently, he nods, and slips away while the children begin to make up excuses. As he walks down the river bank, he hears a shout from the house. "You're a big fat liar!"
If memory served right, Neteyam wanted to visit Neytiri. Out of all of their kids, he took to her the most.
A part of him, at the back of his mind, wonders how all his children will react once they learn who their mother is.
He doesn't indulge in the thought. Instead, he focuses on the task ahead. The path from his home to Neytiri's was one he memorized, and he made sure when he built his home that it wouldn't be a long distance.
He doesn't expect to find the two of them, Neteyam and Neytiri, outside of the house. Neither does he expect his son to be so vigorously training even after training hours.
"That's it. Remember your stance." Neytiri advises Neteyam, patting his shoulder. "You're doing great."
"Hey!" Jake greets the two. The sudden call surprises Neteyam, which makes his shot fly off to the side.
The boy frowns, but his lips soon lift as he turns to greet his father. "Hi dad."
"Hello, my son." He nods. His smile turns a little more stern as he turns to Neytiri. "Hello, auntie Tiri. What's going on?"
Neytiri opens her mouth to speak, but Neteyam taps her thigh and mouths a little something. It's not hard to read his lips, nor had he tried to hid it so hard, but Jake looks away out of respect.
Auntie Tiri nods and looks back up to Jake, "I figured he needed some practice."
"He practiced this morning."
"I know." She raises one hand up in surrender, "Practice makes perfect." She ruffles Neteyam's hair. Though coming from his dad it was annoying, it is apparently endearing coming from his aunt. "Could I talk to you in the house?"
"Of course."
She hardly waits for him to reply before she pats Neteyam on the head again and says, "I'll be right back, keep practicing."
Neteyam nods excitedly. However, Jake stops him. "No, put that down." It dampens his son's spirits, but he nods. Both of them know that something could go wrong if Neteyam practices unsupervised.
Neytiri rolls her eyes, but doesn't protest. Instead, she heads inside, Jake close behind.
"What is it that–"
"Your son, our kid, " She begins with firmness. "he came to me asking me to help him improve."
"What? He's only seven." Jake reasons, "Why would he?"
"He's your oldest." She replies simply. "Your heir, the next Olo'eyktan. There's a lot of pressure that comes with that." She spoke with experience. Between you, him, and her, she had so much more experience. He wonders sometimes how they've come to this arrangement, if she could be a better mom than he, a dad.
"Yeah… I know. But I don't give him any pressure. I make sure of it." Does he really? Are each of his words premeditated, thought out?
"He's only a year older than Lo'ak and Kiri, but he already has it ingrained in him that he has to protect them." Neytiri crosses her arms, giving him a pointed look, "Like you said, he's seven. He still deserves to be hugged and kissed."
"I try to."
"You try to?"
"It's hard when, you know…" He sighs, "your parents coddled your brother more than you."
She purses her lips, thinks it over. "I may not know about you and your brother," She begins on a lighter note. "but I know that you can relate your experiences with him with our children, your sons. At least you know what not to do. Just make sure they know you love them, and that they are still children that should play, while you still can."
"Yeah." He nods, "I will."
The children played with each other, for once not beckoning their parents into play or sparking arguments between each other.
So for the first time in a long time, you had some moments of peace.
"He reminds me a lot of Neytiri, Neteyam." You spoke in a hushed voice, wary of their young ears.
"How so?" Jake squeezes your shoulder, his arm wrapped around it.
"His smile. It's a lot like hers. Toothy, isn't it?" He was smiling right now. Though it didn't compare to some of his biggest moments of joy, his smile still displayed his growing teeth. It was adorable.
He only has to think of it for a moment before agreeing, "Yeah."
"He's good with his bow. Don't doubt that he'll make a great hunter one day. And his love for Ikran..." Your face lights up at the memories, "even though he doesn't have one."
"About that, love..." Jake begins solemnly.
You turn to him, away from your playing children, at his serious tone. "What is it?"
"Neteyam," He glances over at the boy. Thankfully, he hadn't heard him speak his name. He lowers his voice and continues, "Neytiri told me he's been trying to get better at using a bow."
"Hm, well, he's probably trying to impress us."
"And that he wanted to protect his siblings. He feels," He purses his lips, "like its his responsibility. It's what he worries about."
"Does he?" You huff, "He has asked a lot lately, about the dangers of the jungle. I thought he just wanted to look out for himself, but now that I think about it..."
"He wanted to know so that he could keep his siblings safe." Jake finishes for you.
"Hey, I wanted to play with it!"
"I had it first!"
Before either of you can act, Neteyam stands first. He gives you only the smallest of glances before pushing his siblings away from each other.
"What? Hey!" Lo'ak shouts.
"Go away, Neteyam!" Kiri struggles against her brother's hold.
At his sudden interference, the toy falls to the ground. Neteyam kicks it to his feet. "Stop fighting!" He hisses at the both of them, making them falter. "It's either one or the other. Got that? You can take turns."
"Me first!" The children scream simultaneously, Kiri finishes her sentence first by a millisecond.
"Ugh." Lo'ak groans, but he begrudgingly kicks the toy in her direction. "Fine, you can have it first. But you get ten minutes!"
Kiri grins, picking up the toy, "That's good enough."
With the argument over, Neteyam smiles. He turns back towards his own toy, but not before sparing a not so subtle glance in your direction. Seeing your encouraging smiles, his own grows larger.
"He didn't need to do that."
Jake nods, "But he did, anyway."
"You're right." You shake your head with a sigh, "We should wait for the right moment to tell him."
That moment doesn't take long.
Lo'ak had grown restless at home, and even more at the village, so he proposed one thing: to let him and his siblings explore the jungle. It wasn't a surprising proposal, you'd allowed them to do so many times before. Neteyam, Kiri, and Lo'ak often explored the jungle; so, you allowed it without a thought.
The jungle was a beautiful place, one you were proud to call home, so you were happy that your children were falling in love with it too.
However, as curfew grows closer and your children do not return yet, your worry begins to grow.
The children had shown time and time again that they knew curfew, knew the way home, knew to come back safely. You trusted them to come back.
Your rapidly growing concern and restlessness burst, and you must find them yourself. As much as Jake had reassured you, as much as you wanted to trust them, something was clearly wrong. You had to find them.
As you mount your ikran, though, they emerge from the tree line.
Neteyam and Lo'ak prop Kiri up, helping her walk. They've got her arms around their shoulders. Together, the three of them, they're mismatched. Lo'ak wishes to run, Neteyam doesn't want to injure Kiri further, and she is weak.
You're quick to whisk Kiri up and bring her inside, whilst Jake grabs a hold of his sons and brings them in too.
You place Kiri down on your hammock, "Where does it hurt?"
"My side." She yells back, her eyes spilling fresh tears. She was scratched up everywhere, from her arms to her knees, but the most concerning gash was on her side. It was a long cut, spanning from her belly button to her chest.
"I got you, baby girl." You assure.
While you rush to patch up Kiri, Jake squats in front of his sons and questions them. "What happened?"
Neither boy wishes to speak, but between the two of them, the culprit is clear. Still, he knows that he has to wait for them to speak up. If Neteyam speaks first, Jake will know what the boy has burdened himself with. If Lo'ak speaks, he will know that the boy has the responsibility to admit his own faults.
Regardless, because none of them speak, Kiri does. She clearly wished to have the culprit, which inadvertently caused her injuries, be punished. "Lo'ak led us to a forbidden area!"
"No I didn't!" Lo'ak bites back.
"Yeah, I did." Neteyam steps forward and puts an arm in front of his brother in order to shield him from his father's impending scolding. "I convinced them it wasn't such a dangerous place."
There it was. Neteyam taking the blame. He took protecting his siblings so far, that he was willing to take the blame and the punishment for what Lo'ak did. Jake hated it, hated that he reminded him of his brother so much.
"Neteyam, you and I both know you know the dangers the most." Jake points a finger at him, "So step back."
The boy follows his instructions, but for once, not obediently. He looks down at the ground and backs off with a subtle scoff.
"Oh, so now you decide he's not to be believed?!" Lo'ak huffs, crossing his arms. "I didn't–"
"You did." Jake interrupts him, "And I need you to admit it."
"Fine!" Lo'ak shouts, "I did it! But I didn't think it would be so dangerous."
"I know that, son." Jake says, placing a hand on his shoulder. Lo'ak tries to shake it off, but he ultimately fails to do so. He settles on ignoring its heavy presence. "But you're still responsible for the consequences."
"I didn't mean for Kiri to get hurt." The boy mumbles.
"Tell that to her."
"I'm sorry, Kiri." He mumbles that too, but Kiri hears it anyway.
Though she rolls her eyes, something Lo'ak can't see because you cover her body with your own as you work away, and accepts the apology, "Fine." She hisses slightly, which Lo'ak mistakes as directed to him. The sound makes him falter.
"The two of you, listen to me." Jake places his other hand on Neteyam's shoulder, pulling the brothers close to each other.
"You should listen too." You tell Kiri. She nods.
"You should all to take care of each other, equally. That means protecting each other. Not just you, Lo'ak; not just you, Kiri," He nods in each of his kids' directions, "not just you, Neteyam. You got that?"
Neteyam nods immediately, while Lo'ak nods with a scowl and eyebrows knitted. He was displeased to be asked to act just like his stuck up brother.
"Hey." Jake shakes his son not so gently to make sure he is paying attention. "Lo'ak, I need you to protect your siblings. Because, in this world, it's not just you. It's all of us, it's this family. Your brother, your sister, they need taking care of. And if we're not there, who will do that? You. You have to."
"It's not an "if he can't do it, then I have to"." You cut in to add, "It's not a toy to be passed around. It is something you should all be doing, all the time."
"Today was just an example. Tomorrow," He gestures to the side with the nod of his head, "if things do not change, worse things can happen."
"Okay." Lo'ak nods. Though the solemn look on his face is new and different, it meant he was taking it seriously.
Jake nods too, "Good. Neteyam," Knowing that the boy will be much more affected by his words, Jake keeps it simple. "that means it's not all up to you. Don't take the fall for things you didn't cause."
"Okay." Neteyam agrees too.
Auntie Tiri loved to visit the kids. Though she knew she wasn't their mother in the family sense, she still thought of them as her own children. You weren't one to complain, much as you teased her, because it meant you and Jake could have some time of your own.
"Second time this week?" You laugh, greeting Neytiri at the entrance. "It's only just beginning, too."
"If I birthed them, I at least get to raise them." Neytiri argues. The words don't make much sense to the children, thankfully, or else you would have a lot of explaining you weren't quite ready for.
You roll your eyes and let her in. As she passes you, you walk outside. Behind you, you hear screams of delight as the children see Neytiri.
After Jake says his temporary goodbye's, he follows you outside.
He lets out a sigh of relief as the even fresher air of the outside washes over his face. "It's been a while since we got to be alone, right?"
"Just two days, my love." You remind him. "Neytiri visited two days ago."
"Hmm," He snickers, "right."
He lets out a yawn, stretches his limbs far up into the sky. As he brings them down, though, one arm not so subtly wraps around your waist. Even less subtly, it pulls you close to his side. "Wanna go for a walk?" He offers nonchalantly.
You chuckle, placing a hand a on the one he's got around you. "Sure."
The benefit of being alone with each other often was that your children were not responsibility for the tiniest of moments. It also meant you didn't have to speak of them.
But usually, as your children are the light of your life, most things end up being about them.
"Your hair's starting to dread up, love." You remark, wrapping the end of one of his locks around your finger. It was just a little strand, but the hair above clumps together.
"Ah, well, I don't have the time." He sighs, "Between Olo'eyktan duties, giving advice to folk, taking care of the kids..."
"I could braid it for you." You offer.
"I heard that takes a long time." He says, but he's done more than hear it. He's witnessed it, seen your children slouched over themselves, falling asleep whilst your fingers still nimbly worked on their braids. "Don't know if I've got enough."
"Well, we can keep it dreaded." You shrug, "Whatever you like."
"What do you like?" He retorts.
You roll your eyes. "Whatever you like to wear will be what I love, Jake."
"That's an awfully sweet," He begins slowly, coaxing a soft smile out of your lips. "lie. Too uncharacteristic of you, my darling."
You laugh. The sound is... young. It sounds young. You've known each other for seven years now, been parents for most of that time, and you've matured so much since the first time he laid eyes on you. Those laughs, ones without the worry of your children or responsibilities, had seemed forgotten. He's glad it's still there.
The conversation falters and you fall to comfortable silence; but something picks at Jake, at the back of his mind.
"Is there..." He pauses, not too sure if he really wants to mention it. He's already started, though, and he does feel as though it is something that should be talked about. "anyone Lo'ak reminds you of?"
"Lo'ak..." You hum as you think, "well, Lo'ak is his own person. He's a special kid. There's no one quite similar to him. Why do you ask?"
"He reminds me of myself. My younger self." Jake says. It was the original thing he wanted to say.
"Reckless, quick to jump into a fight, defensive, couldn't take the blame... I couldn't take anything seriously." He lists off things, each one putting a dampener on his mood. "A child in a man's body."
His lowering spirits were affecting yours, so you stop your walk to make sure your next words are registered fully. You take his hands in yours and begin, "Some of those things aren't always bad. Defensiveness means, well, you're protective of your loved ones. And not taking things so seriously... you can always make me happy. You can lighten any situation. As for the recklessness, well, it was always funny when you failed at some Na'vi things."
"What I'm trying to say is, you're still defensive, you're still humorous in harsh situations. These are both things of your younger self and the self that stands before me." You bring a hand to his cheek and he nuzzles against it. "They are part of who you are; and those same things, they're part of who Lo'ak is. If we tried to change them, Lo'ak wouldn't be himself. All of those traits are bad at varying degrees. If we teach him correctly, he can still be himself. Less reckless, more serious, but still himself."
Much as an annoying rascal he was now, it was the Lo'ak Jake still loved, has loved for seven years. He couldn't imagine his son any other way.
Everyone loved Neteyam. It was hard not to.
Lo'ak and Kiri, on the other hand, often received many stares. It was harder for them to make friends outside of the family; harder to avoid the comments about their fingers and eyebrows. Though Lo'ak had a penchant for an argument (which had lessened ever since you began parenting him better) this was where he and Kiri agreed.
When Neteyam played with his friends, Lo'ak and Kiri often stuck together. Their differences and toy-sharing difficulties were pushed aside.
Neteyam often tried to coerce his friends to play with Kiri and Lo'ak, they were only a year younger after all, but it usually devolved into asking them why they had such funny fingers.
Jake and you often noticed it. You saw your children's awkward, uncomfortable faces. But you knew things would only be worse if you interfered. Children were often like that, picking at the little things. Just kissing your children would earn them the nickname of "sempuyä 'evi". Besides, they needed to be independent.
It was a matter that sparked concern between you.
"I was right about their differences." Jake grumbles. He subtly observed his children from above, at a high point in the village. Less people were going to spot his vigilant dad behavior up there.
"They'll make friends eventually, find people who don't care." You reassured him, but you spoke it into the world because you were really wishing for it to happen.
"Like you?" He muses.
"If you want a comparison point." You let out a little laugh.
Jake wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close. Just then, a little someone breaks through the crowd of nosy kids and sticks their hand out.
Rather than judging your children or pointing out their differences, they exclaim "Wow that's so cool!" so loudly that you can hear it from up there. It warms your heart.
Lo'ak eventually found friends that actually deserved him. Kiri, on the other hand, well, the friends found her. Unfortunately, it was after that that she discovered she actually preferred alone time better than having so many people around her, disturbing her thoughts with constant chatter. So, she didn't often talk with her friends. The only thorn on her side, though, was the human kid, Spider. She tolerated his presence often. She actually even seemed to like his voice.
But while they had gotten over that problem, Jake was still worried.
Your children had yet again become a year older. In the past year, you'd taught them all so many things. You made sure Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri were all protective over each other equally; that Lo'ak learned how to control his recklessness and maintain his humorous attitude; that Kiri felt connected to Eywa.
You knew that, when you allowed them to be on their own, they would be just fine.
After seven years of taking care of your children so actively, you no longer had to worry so much. It was sort of a relief.
Naturally, though, you sort of missed it.
"I want another kid."
"Another girl would be nice." You hum to yourself, "She'd be the cutest little thing."
Once the initial shock wears off (because you don't just mention that out of nowhere) Jake finds himself agreeing. He, too, missed coddling his children. "Yeah, she would."
"Did you ever get a copy of the picture Norm took of you?"
"Of course not." Jake grumbles. "It's embarrassing."
"Only because you make it." You snicker, booping him on the nose. He responds by scrunching it up and flinching back. "I think it's rather cute."
"I only think Kiri was cute." He wipes his nose. "We can talk to Neytiri and–"
"I want her to be yours."
"What? But–" Jake shakes his head profusely, his eyebrows knitted together. "I can't have another kid turn out like... like me."
"Five fingers and eyebrows?" You ask.
"Yes." He replies immediately. "I can't have her be... different. Lo'ak and Kiri, they struggled to make friends because of their differences."
"You know that Lo'ak made his own friends."
"It took time." He argues, "Don't you remember his face, every time he came back home? It was horrible. In fact, he asked you to pull him onto your lap and kiss his cheeks over and over just for reassurance. Which–"
"Which he asked for because he loves me, not because it's uncharacteristic of him." You say, implying that Lo'ak loves you more.
Jake rolls his eyes. "I don't want to see another kid go through that again. I just want another normal kid that'll make friends flawlessly."
"There's nothing wrong with being special." You take his hands in yours. His hand was only bigger because of his extra finger, which wraps around your hand. You bring it up to show him, "Nothing better with being normal."
"Why... why can't you do it, then?"
"Because," You begin, smile lighting up your face. "even you still haven't gotten over your differences." Jake looks away. His silence to the accusation is as much of an answer as affirmation is. "This child will be proof that your differences don't make you any worse than a regular Na'vi. Because you are on of the people. You are the Olo'eyktan. You are one of us."
"How do you know?" He grumbles, but he was starting to believe you. "Did Eywa tell you, or something?"
With Tuktirey, you couldn't be any happier.
And she came out, as promised, with four fingers and hairless browbones.
She was a pudgy little thing, and everyone loved her. You could see it in their eyes and their smiles that the kids loved her at first sight. Their toothy grins would grow even wider when they each got to carry her; even if Lo'ak nearly dropped her.
Though she couldn't even speak and hardly babbled, you could tell that you would come to love her.
You held Tuk in your hands, laying your head over Neteyam's legs. He made for a bony pillow, but you loved him so much you could get over it. Jake hugged Lo'ak with one arm. Kiri was sprawled horizontally over the both of you, her head laying on your stomach. Your muntxatan nuzzled his nose into your neck as he spoke, "I met your sempu while I was training."
"He fell from the tree branches onto the mud at my feet." You explain less graciously, causing an uproar of laughs from each of your children.
"Ah-ah," Jake breaks up the mocking laughter, "you say it's like Eywa sent me to you, no?"
"Okay, fine, I guess." You roll your eyes playfully.
Jake laughs. You can feel the deep rumble of vibrations going through his neck against your shoulder. "It was love at first sight."
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ 2: it's a cute prompt, of course, could fulfill it with headcanons, however I wanted some Lo'ak and Neteyam struggle + scared father Jake - one of these scenes (if you saw it, you know the scene) was made using the dialogue of this incredibly fucking cute fanart. It's just Lo'ak instead of Neteyam here. - I made Jake a better father because his kids deserve better
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galaxyshine24-7 · 15 days
What would happen if bartender Yuu is drunk and the Leaders were there to witness it?
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Well, Yuu can hold their liquor pretty well, very well I must say. However they also have the life motto of work hard play, so when the atmosphere is right and Yuu is taking some well-deserved break time, things can get off the rails very quickly.
A Night to Remember
TW: Crazy Drunk Shenanigans
This week in NRC a local club was doing an anniversary and many people came to show support and enjoy the shows being put on. The leaders were invited and wanted to show their support for the local community so they all strolled up dressed to the nines to enjoy a night out.
Little did they know they weren't the only ones with the same idea. Growing up Yuu's teachers made it so they could interact with many children and have a good set of social skills. Some of these children keep in touch with Yuu and invite the bartender for a night out of drinking and dancing. With no work for a few days, Yuu decides it's the perfect time to let loose and party not knowing that their drunken antics will be seen by all of NRC's leaders.
Sitting with the rest of the leaders sipping on a mocktail. His eyes scan over the dance floor where he and the others have a full view. Dancers showcase their skills on tables as the DJ blares his music to the audience. Riddle was already upset to have to come to this loud and obnoxious party, but drunken people stumbling around didn't help either.
Riddle Rosehearts🌹 It is then he hears Leona say something rather interesting.
"Ha, Is that Yuu?!" The beastmen takes a chug of his whiskey peering down at the crowd. Riddle's head turns around so fast to see that Leona is in fact not lying.
"Y-Yuu." Riddle had to peer down at the crowd to see that it was in fact the bartender he knew so well.
Yuu their Yuu was in the middle of the crowd with a drink in hand busting it down like no tomorrow. Riddle has to cover his eyes his face flushing a bright right.
"What are they doing!?" Riddle has to turn away. He knows deep down this is so improper, but he can't just leave Yuu here they are probably intoxicated. Riddle's head is running with all the lessons they taught him in school about not drinking and doing drugs.
So Riddle is a big mess once presented with the fact that Yuu can get drunk and goes a little crazy when they do.
Leona Kingscholar🦁
Leona knew he smelled something familiar in the crowd he just couldn't believe it was true when his eyes saw the prefect beating someone in a game of shots. He can't help but laugh out loud making the other leaders raise a brow to what was so funny.
"Honestly Leona would it kill you to compose yourself?" Vil rolls his eyes.
"You should tell the herbivore they're on their third round of shots." Leona holds in his stomach as the other leaders see what he's talking about. This is comedy gold, the usually stone-faced bartender now has a look of drunken smiles as they rally for another round of drinks.
Leona has to keep a note to see them tomorrow morning. The sight of them hungover will make getting up early worth it.
Azul Ashengrotto🐙
Azul spit out his drink when Leona announced that the bartender was down on the floor partying away. If only he had Jade and Floyd here he would've had them take notes and gather evidence. He has to see him for himself, but oh boy, Yuu will definitely not remember this tomorrow.
Yuu just gambled and won a poker game with money they probably don't have all while their drunk.
Azul makes sure that this is imprinted into his memory in case he could offer some assistance to cover this all up, but for now, he enjoys seeing this new side Yuu. He's so happy he orders a round of drinks for the group to enjoy the show.
Kalim Al-Asmin🌧
To think the one time he sneaks out without Jamil he gets to party with Yuu. He thinks its meant to be, and he starts to run down the stairs until Leona catches him by the collar.
"Hold on, don't scare them away." He lifts up Kalim like a cub.
"But I wanna dance with Yuu!" He whines letting out a pout.
"If they see you they'll run and the show is over for the rest of us." Leona smiles as he thinks of a plan. "Let's do this after this party invite them to one of yours and tell them of what you saw here tonight. Then they will join you." Leona lets out a sly smile thinking about how embarrassed Yuu would be to hear their activities from Kalim's mouth.
Kalim of course didn't catch Leona's mischievousness as he beams with joy.
"That's a great idea, don't worry I'll just watch from here." Leona lets him go as Kalim goes to watch Yuu over the railing and to keep the party going he buys everyone's drinks.
Vil Schoenheit👑
He at first found the party rather dull he prefers galas and banquets this fit his sophisticated style, but alas he his presence was called upon and who was he to refuse.
Vil can notice Leona acting more smug as the seconds go by and it annoys him. He just has to know what cat the big cat is so excited and he still can't believe what he saw as he struts over to the railing to survey the crowd. There is his potato wearing an absolutely stunning outfit that he has seen on the exclusive Crewel line, and he can't even get his hands on it. The glass of wine nearly breaks in his hand as his head spirals with questions. Has the bartender always been able to reach this level of beauty? Where did they get those clothes? Why are they dancing on the table? It's wrinkling the garments! It's safe to say Vil will be giving Yuu a long lecture on etiquette and proper clothes care.
Idia Shroud 📱
Idia loathes public appearances and this gathering was overstimulating to no end. He's only here because Ortho forced him to go outside by locking down his electrics. He will have to rework his protocols when he gets back home.
So in the meantime, he sits by Azul with his hood over his head sipping a glass of water. He whips his head around when he hears the bartender's name watching with the rest of them. His phone is going into overdrive trying to film the whole thing while also pulling up information about the people Yuu is with.
A goofy smile spreads on his face with all the information he gathered. He'll have to buy Ortho a new toy for this wonderful idea.
Malleus Draconia🐉
Malleus was thankful to be invited and he was able to successfully enjoy some time to himself with Silver or Sebek. This new world still amuses him and the people in it especially give him great interest. One such person is Yuu the bartender of the Silver Bullet. They never treat Malleus any different and offer a comforting presence whenever he needs some time to think.
It is safe to say he has grown fond of the child of man. He noticed their presence the minute they walked in. He watches the spectacle with the rest of the leaders his face showing a range of emotions. He never knew Yuu was that flexible or that athletic it seems Malleus is discovering new sides to them every day.
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It's safe to say Yuu had a lot of questions from the leaders the day after the party. Sadly for the bartender, they can't really remember most of it so they can only watch in horror at the videos and pictures that were captured, but at the end of the day it was fun and it wouldn't be the last time Yuu has a night out on the town. They probably need to find nightclubs outside of the Night Raven sector which is good to know since their friends talk of going over to the Royal Sword sector and seeing what their night life is about.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
proper compensation
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: Leona and Jamil went chasing Grim around Styx and got him back to you safely. It's only fair you offer them proper compensation.
Author's Comments: this was inspired by a dialogue part between leona and jamil during the phantom node searching in chapter 67 sector eight. i was so inspired that i wrote a four page oneshot for it for some reason. this might have made me a jamil stan. i dont know how all this ends because i havent finished it yet so this might be canon divergent (it probably is) so dont kill me please OKAY THANK YOU
There’s a knock on Ramshackle’s front door in the late hours of the afternoon. After everything that happened at Styx, you refused to let Grim out of your sight, and that includes leaving him to answer the door. He’s been unusually tired, content to accept your affection and sleep in your arms, happy and safe with the person he trusts. You hold him gently as you stand up, walking towards the door. You manage to stoop over just enough to get it open, and you’re met with the sight of two familiar people.
“Can I help you?” you ask, raising a confused brow. You don’t normally see Jamil and Leona together like this, much less together here.
“We got you back your furball.” Leona grunts, waving dismissively at the cat monster curled up in your arms, “It’s perfectly reasonable to compensate us for the return.”
“Indeed.” Jamil smiles, but there’s something so ingenuine about it that you can’t help but shiver.
“I…don’t have any money.” you fumble, trying to think up something to give them, “I can…do chores? Or something?”
You doubt they would accept your dusty furniture, and if there’s one thing you’ve learned from people at NRC, it's that everything comes with a price, and you best pay it in full if you don’t want to get screwed over.
“Nah. I got Ruggie. I don’t need another errand runner.” Leona shakes his head, looking more and more like a predator as the seconds pass.
“I can handle my chores myself. Make no mistake, I’m used to taking care of Kalim.” Jamil steps closer, reaching out to touch your hand, “Come on now, Prefect. You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.”
You’re pretty sure you have figured it out, even if it seems like you haven’t. Because if they don’t want to exploit you like Azul did, they probably want what Ace usually begs for when he does something right (although he detests the word beg.)
“I…think I have an idea.” you confess, gnawing at your lower lip, “Just…let me put down Grim. He fell asleep in my arms and-”
“Oh, please. Allow me.” Jamil swoops his arms under Grim and plucks him out of your arms as easily as yanking a flower out of the grass. You yelp and gape at the boy as he waltzes into Ramshackle without a care in the world.
Like he owns the place.
“What’s your idea then, herbivore?” Leona snickers, leaning against the doorframe like he also owns the place, “I would love to hear it.”
“Um…would you guys accept kisses as compensation?” you say, wrinkling your nose at just how stupid it sounds when you say it out loud.
Leona lets out a barking laugh, throwing his head back and all. You feel even more embarrassed now, taking his amusement as rejection.
“Oh, you’re smarter than you look.” he huffs, voice thick with amusement, “You nailed it, herbivore. Now are you going to pay up or not?”
You can feel your face growing warm as he leans in, eyes staring straight into your soul as if this doesn’t affect him one bit. Was he so used to teasing and moments like this that they didn’t even phase him anymore? Or were you just a flustered fool, dancing in the palm of his hand?
You ultimately decide that if it means receiving affection from him, you don’t care.
And so you allow him to brush his nose over your cheek, and you allow his breath to fan over your lips as you shut your eyes in anticipation. He laughs at that, too, his hot breath only making you more and more anxious.
“Are you going to kiss me or not?” you grumble, furrowing your brow with your eyes still clamped shut.
“Aww, do you want a kiss?” Leona teases, and you’re about to yell at him when he follows up with a quiet, “Well, fine then.”
And then he’s kissing you.
Your back is pressed against the doorframe as he cradles you against him. His hands are placed securely at your waist as he tilts his head, pushing against you as he searches for more, more. Your head is spinning with it all, and you’re certain if Leona wasn’t holding you up you’d be crumpled over on your doorstep right now. There’s a clear smugness in his movements, especially when he hooks a hand under your thigh and pulls it up. Your face could not be any warmer than it is right now, especially when he squeezes the flesh gently and his claws rake against your skin.
He breaks away and you gasp, the sound soft and bewildered. You brush your fingers along your lower lip, and even though it feels like it's burning it doesn’t burn.
Leona gazes at you, his expression so smug you have half a mind to wipe it off his stupidly handsome face, but then he turns on his heel and starts walking away,
“Well, that’s enough for me.” he yawns as if he didn’t just kiss you breathless (like a satisfied predator), “See ya around, herbivore. Thanks for the compensation.”
You manage to call out a shaky goodbye to him in your shock, mind still reeling and unorganized from the kiss. Why can’t anyone on this campus be predictable?! Never in a million years did you think Leona and-
Wait, Jamil. He didn’t leave.
You were so distracted by Leona that you forgot about Jamil and the fact that he basically shouldered his way into your dorm.
He’s still around here somewhere (unless he’s jumped out of a window, which is too much of a Kalim thing to do so you dispel the thought with a giggle.)
Great Seven, you’re not even close to being recovered from what just happened, but there’s no use delaying the inevitable. You make your way to you and Grim’s bedroom, hoping Jamil didn’t just dump him somewhere. Surely he’s responsible enough to not do that, right?
You discover that he does know where Grim’s bed is. Grim is still fast asleep, tucked away in his bed. You laugh again to yourself as you realize that Jamil probably still has the layout of Ramshackle memorized from when he stayed over during SDC.
“Yes, he’s fine. I made sure he didn’t wake up.” Jamil says from behind you, and you jump at the unexpected noise. Spinning around to glare at him (though the expression holds no malice), you jolt backward when you see just how close he is. He rolls his eyes at your mock annoyance and jerks his head to the left. He’s holding a tray of tea and snacks in his hands, and while the gesture would be nice from almost anyone else, you figure he’s going to use this against you later.
You enter your bedroom anyway. Jamil follows you silently and sets the tray of treats on your nightstand.
“Do you want the same thing as Leona?” you ask, sitting at the edge of the bed.
Jamil makes a quiet huffing sound under his breath but doesn’t answer your question. You let him pour the tea and hand you a teacup, and watch him as he pours a cup of tea for himself. You don’t want to push too hard, but he was the one that came to you in the first place.
“Jamil.” you say softly, reaching out and cupping his cheek, “You said you wanted compensation but all you’ve done is help me out. I need to pay you back, right?”
His eyes flicker toward you, and he sighs.
“I don’t want what Leona wants, Prefect. I was just teasing you earlier.” he mumbles, shutting his eyes as if he’s exhausted (which he probably is), “I would like to rest here with you. That’s all.”
Your mouth forms an o shape as you realize that no, the tea and snacks were not to trap you in yet another favor, but were meant to be part of your favor to him. There’s a stab of guilt in your stomach, and you swallow it uncomfortably.
“I thought the tea and snacks were for another favor you wanted paid back.” you confess, fisting your hands in your lap, “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be.” his tired expression turns wicked in a split second, his eyes gleaming with mischief, “I plan to take up more of your time than Leona did. This is me paying you back.”
“That’s too many transactions.” you murmur, placing a gentle hand on his upper arm, “Just come here. “
Jamil follows your lead and clambers into bed, the springs squeaking under the extra weight. You’ve done well to keep your voice low for Grim, so much so that Jamil’s heavy sigh is the loudest sound that's been made in the room by either of you this afternoon. He slumps over against your shoulder, the top of his head bumping against your chin as his shoulders sag. You feel your heart twinge in your chest as you wrap a steady arm around him and rest your head on him, too.
You certainly wouldn’t mind if either of them wanted to do this again.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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territorial woes | k. leona
✮ tags ; fem!reader (referred to as leonas woman very briefly) fluff, territorial / needy leona , he is sickly in love in this sorry they're so domestic, one singular sex joke, this is a college au so everyone is over 18 for sake of my sanity, sfw but this blog is 18+ so minors don't follow please and ty
✮ wc ; 2k (? ? ?)
✮ a /n ; im so embarassed that this is leaving my fingertips actually. i do have to clarify like... i dont rlly think leona gets jealous easily but he can be kind of childish bc he's spoiled if that makes sense lmao. i was so Plauged by this i couldnt sleep its like 4am. i took my melatonin at midnight im so sick. blame @/petrichorium i am not responsible.
✮ synopsis ; leona kingscholar is often annoyed, but not usually over something like this.
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He shouldn't have come to class.
The clock on the wall is agitating. Tick, tick, tick. On repeat over and over, plainly the same and piercing. Leona is sensitive to his surroundings, and particularly to noise.
He hates loud noises and sharp cries and he hates the sound of the damn clock in Trein's classroom. He's never been a fan of the classroom setting, general lack of motivation aside. It goes against his very nature to listen to boring lectures and sit through assignments he's already done hundreds of times.
All of his education from being young royalty paid off but ultimately amounts to nothing, because if he wants to graduate he still has to do this all over again.
He's a hunter, so he's not opposed to sitting and lying in wait if there's a promise of reward at the end. If all this sitting around with a twitching ear and bored sigh would amount to anything he'd be a little less annoyed with attending.
And there was one, originally. A thing, that Leona had wanted (which he can only admit to himself begrudgingly) that was worth hauling his ass out of the peaceful botanical garden and into class today. That very thing which is currently giggling their heart out to one of those idiot freshman from the Heartslyabul dorm.
Tick, tick, tick. Leona snaps his jaw close and tears his eyes from the sight, nose scrunched in frustration with a knuckle pushed against his temple.
He wants to go back to his dorm. But he can't. He won't until he gets what he even came for.
The presence of another person alerts his senses, but he relaxes upon realizing it's Ruggie, sitting on the edge of his desk with that usual smug air about him. Leon passes him a glance but doesn't say a word.
"Somethin' troublin' you, my liege? Shyehehe."
Leona all but growls.
"Shut your trap or I'll hang you up by your tail."
"Ouch. That bothered by it, huh?"
"I'm not bothered by squat."
Ruggie laughs hard at that and Leona considers throwing him through a wall. Ruggie is also looking ahead where you at, staring a little more openly than Leona is. He whistles under his breath. He can't remember the names of the two brats, but they're always together. One of them with orange hair and the other with the short blue.
"They're pretty close with those two, yanno. Heard they were having sleep-overs and all durin' their first year.''
Leona narrows his eyes. The clock ticks on. Ruggie grins and Leona knows he should just up and leave. It's stupid to be hanging around here. It's lame that he's even looking. He should just go up there and—
"They're best friends, basically. Been like that since before you two had a thing going too. Way before that, I think."
Leona knows well enough what Ruggie is doing. What Hyena's are good at, goading his annoyance to push him to act. He's looking for a show, and Leona is nearly tempted to give him one. Nearly.
You're not the fierce type like the women back home. You probably wouldn't think twice about it, just bat your little lashes and wave your friends goodbye like the herbivore you are if he decided to drag you away. You'd pester him, follow him around while he acted moody and cold for a while before frowning.
You'd get mad at first, before huffing and saying sorry for something you didn't even do. Mumbling and poking around until Leona eventually drags you in his bed to nap instead of being outright about any of it. If his sister-in-law knew he was acting like such a kid to his woman, he'd never hear the end of it. It's that voice in his head that keeps him stuck in his chair, seething.
"Not like you to be so docile, King." Ruggie says. Leona shoots him a mean enough glare that he backs away in fear.
It's not like he's being docile. Not really. There's more to it than that.
Thing is, Leona is used to being chased. Regardless of his inferiority in birthright, he's still royalty. Royalty means plenty of people itching to get in his good graces to get a taste of the highlife. Leona is used to cheap tactics of seduction and luxury in order to earn his favor - he can smell it from away. He's always half expecting to uncover secret intentions.
It never happens. You are all by all measures, frustratingly sincere. Leona doesn't really know how to respond to it. You don't pay mind to his royalty or his ability aside from a normal amount of awe. You're an herbivore firstly, and a stranger to this world after that. Whatever traits in Leona you've latched onto, he can't wrap his head around nor does he understand.
It's the first time in his life that he's gotten into a romantic entanglement like this. Where everything is all lovey-dovey and things are so important. He's always been respectful to his women but he's never been seriously in love in his life. It's different from just being decent. He cares what you think to an extent that's unfamiliar. It's not like he'd ever fix his mouth to say all that, but it really matters that he does things the right way.
Leona doesn't usually act in self-interest, to begin with. Cocky as he may be - he's still king and kings act in the interest of his people. Regardless of what it looks like, you are part of his people. His pride, in more simple terms.
It's not being docile as much as it's an effort to show some respect for you.
Leona isn't usually jealous about petty, trivial shit. It doesn't matter to him what you do or who you do it with in your own time. He likes that you're independent, too.
He is however, a territorial apex predator and a prince. For better or for worse whenever he looks at you, all he can see is to prey animals encroaching on his territory.
That's the part of him that's raring to go. Teeth clenched and agitated, brows all drawn together in frustration. Leona wants to go back to his dorm, but he wont without what he came for. It's putting him in a bad mood.
But ultimately, he doesn't move from his spot. Ruggie leaves eventually when his mood has soured completely. His head is on the desk and he's got his eyes closed, but his ears twitched at the sound of your chair dragging on the floor.
"Can you guys walk Grimm back to the door? I'm gonna go with Leona. Thanks! See you later,"
And just like that, the classroom clears of the last nuisances occupying it. Leaving only you and Leona and that ticking clock together.
He hears you walk up to him before he sees it. Your voice is annoyingly pleasant to listen to.
"Leona? You sleeping already?"
He's starting to understand why his older brother folded at every single word that came out of his sister-in-laws mouth. He lifts his head just barely to look at you and you're looking at him all wide-eyed. He wants to tick you off a little, but can't conjure up any ideas.
"You done with those little yippin' herbivores you call friends? Can we leave now?"
You frown.
"You're in a bad mood. And don't be mean to them, they are actually my friends, you know?"
He scoffs and your frown deepens.
"Leonaaa," You drag out the syllables of his name as you stand beside him "What's wrong with you?"
He hears you pull a chair up. When he finally sits up, you're sitting directly in front of him on a chair turned backwards. There's hardly any room between you. Your face is twisted up with worry.
Leona reaches to pinch your nose. You pull away making his lips twitch upward.
"I shouldn't've came to class." He complains. You rub your nose but don't say anything back, considering him.
"I didn't think it was that bad today though. I guess it might always be for you though since you know like, everything, but I don't—"
Before you can keep going, he leans forward to press his lips to yours. It shuts you up effectively. Your lips are soft. They're sweet and a little sticky - mouth warm and welcoming.
When he pulls away, you blink at him.
"What were you sayin'." He asks.
You look a little taken aback.
"I don't know. Oh, uhm. I liked the lesson. It's fun to learn stuff about this world, I guess." You stumble over your words like you're shy. It's ironic to him, but charming all the same.
He grins.
"What? You nervous after a little kiss?" He teases.
You flush.
"You're not usually that forward, dummy. Which brings me to my question again, what's up? You're sulking."
"What the hell? I'm not sulkin'"
"Yes you are. Your doing the little nose scrunch thing too. Did something happen?"
He pushes the comment about his nose scrunch away entirely because he's sure thinking about too long is gonna get on his nerves. He glares at you for a while, debating on what he should say. Truth is, he is a little pissed. But he isn't going to tell you that your little chat with friends is making him territorial. That would be ridiculous.
There's a brief moment of silence before you pause. You tilt your head, eyes shining with curiosity.
"...Were you lonely?" You suggest.
His face drops.
"You're not the jealous type usually, but you're like a big overgrown kitty. So, you missed me right? That's why you're moping?"
The tone of your voice makes him want to pinch you again.
"Watch your mouth, herbivore." He grits, agitation rolling back into his tone like a wave. And you laugh, the nerve of you. Giggle a little as you lean in closer.
"You didn't say no."
"Shut up." He says, weakly.
"Leona," You say his name again, a little sweeter. Purposefully full of affection and he hates everything about how mushy it's making him feel. You reach your hand up to his head, petting behind his ears in the place you know he likes "I'm sorryyy,"
"Do you go 'nd tuck your tail between your legs like this for everyone? Where's your self-respect, huh?" He means to say with a lot more characteristic sarcasm.
But it all comes out gross and sweet sounding instead.
"Mm, no? It's just that my boyfriend is pretty shit at being honest about his feelings so if I don't dote on him he'll wither away like a houseplant and—"
He covers your mouth with his hand and glares at you, faux annoyed. And you're giggling against his palms, all bely laughs. It's all a little nauseating for him. He pulls away by cupping your jaw instead, squishing your face together.
"When'd you get so damn mouthy?" He grumbles.
"Since forever ago." You say through squished lips. He huffs, leaning forward to kiss you a second time. You're all soft everywhere. Squishy and mellow. Leona kisses you three times in the process, each one a little more impatient than the last before releasing you.
He doesn't let go, hand going to cup the back your neck instead. He cradles your head close, sighing against your mouth.
"Annoying," He says. You smile at him and he has to look away to deal with the intensity of it.
"You love me." You say with a smile. If only you knew the half of it.
He doesn't say that of course. Just scoffs as he stands to his feet, dragging you with him. He curls an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. The warmth of your body makes him purr.
"In your dreams. You owe me for cuttin' into my naptime."
"What can I do for you my liege?" You say sarcastically, grabbing his hand openly. He squeezes it "You wanna take a nap with me?"
"Can't promise I'll get you in my bed and not fuck you about it." He says with a lazy chuckle. You nudge his side.
"You're so crass."
"You love me," He mocks. You huff.
"Unfortunately, I do. Could use some rest though," You yawn, and blinking blearily "So nap time it is. 'kay?"
He kisses the side of your head.
"Sounds good t'me."
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Overblot victims (and Malleus) reacting to Yuu patting their heads when they look stressed after the incidents (and for Mal, after Chapter 6 the night Idia and Ortho come over to play games)
Lmao I haven't played part 6 yet I am a disgusting lowly eng player but I can do them getting headpats
Victim #1 - Riddle
He's disgusted at himself and his actions. Who wouldn't be after reacting in such an uncouth matter? His dorm members still keep their distance, eggshells more like glass shards as they tiptoe around him.
Yuu finds them after a throwaway comment from Adeuce about their dorm leader looking even wearier than usual
He's holed up in one of the study rooms, the floor is adorned with books and sticky notes, study materials repeated over and over, it's less of studying than a distraction, not that it's working.
He doesn't notice Yuu is there until he feels the gentle weight of a hand on his head, and the warmth it gives. Something tells him it's Yuu, and something else tells him that it's okay.
He cries there, without a single word exchanged between the two.
When times are hard, or when Adeuce is being especially awful to handle, he'll come over just for some quiet time, to get his head pat
Victim #2 - Leona
Leona is someone who hates being indebted to anyone, and he now owes his life to a bunch of meddling kids, and Yuu, some magicless nobody. It's embarrassing, not just for him but also his actions. Like a child who threw a tantrum.
I wanna say that Ruggie sent Yuu to talk to him. not for any reason in particular, other than the fact that Yuu is really helpful to others.
He's at the spelldrive practice, lazing off per usual, but this time while glaring at everyone. He shouldn't be mad at them, but it's sort of an automatic response.
He notices Yuu, but didn't expect them to approach, less to reach over and. pat. him. it's humiliating, especially in front of the crowd, but the sheer balls of their actions is the only thing keeping Yuu from disintegrating into a pile of sand.
"What in the land of the great seven do you think you are doing, herbivore."
"sharing good vibes."
If Yuu runs their fingers through his hair, he'll melt. if anyone asks, he hates it. if no one is there, he might mimic the action, and then curse himself when he realizes it.
Victim #3 - Azul
It's easy for Azul to hide behind the guise of work, to distract himself with ideas of promotions and menu additions and money-making schemes of the legal sort, but the usual chaotic grin wouldn't show when he was huddled over his desk.
Yuu doesn't have the money to get one of his little consultations, but that's okay, because the twins have decided they didn't want to deal with his BULLSHIT cruel increase in hours
Even buried in work, everything is organized and tidy, so much so that it doesn't look any different from the last few times Yuu snuck in, which is insane. If the twins hadn't noticed anything, they doubt anyone would have.
He's on edge, tearing his sight from the paper scribbles and readjusting his glasses.
He isn't given the chance to speak before Yuu stomps over and places a hand on their head. "You deserve a break, don't you?"
The Prefect is magicless, he knows this, but it feels like they put a sleeping spell on him, a heavy weight like that of a warm duvet blanketing over him.
It's the first he's relaxed, but he's too exhausted to say his thanks, resting his head on the desk as Yuu pets him.
Victim #4 - Jamil
Jamil is perpetually stressed. He has to worry about Kamil's food, Kalim's daily safety, Kalim's chores, Kalim's grades, Kalim Kalim Kalim, it's no wonder he's overblotted, but just because he has doesn't mean he'll be given any sort of break.
It's a bunch of Scarabia students who beg Yuu for help, since they were one of the handful of people who's actually faced off against his overblot, and who isn't terrifying to talk to.
Without any other attendants to help with Kalim or the dorm duties, Jamil would be found carrying stacks upon stacks of items to and fro down the halls
Yuu practically shouts his name, and a whole chill raced up his spine from Kalim trauma, but relief hit hard when he realized it was just the Prefect. He doesn't know why they are so worked up about him doing his job.
Yuu would offer a hand, and before he can refuse, it settles on top of his hood, pressing down just the slightest. When he looks back on it, he should have remarked that they would mess up his hair, but he was too stunned to even speak.
They would take some of the stuff in his arms, and spend the rest of the day just helping do small chores, and in return, get a lovely meal and a genuine thank you from Jamil.
He won't ever mention the headpat again, but if by some lucky miracle he gets some time off, he'll seek the companionship of the Prefect.
Victim #5 - Vil
Vil is hard to find stressed, because he knows that stress messes with his sleep and that messes with his skin and he can't risk that, so he has spa days - that always get interrupted, yoga and meditation - that are ruined when Rook enters and spews verse after verse about such a lovely day being spent outside, well fine, he still has his cheat days to fall back on, except Epel ate all the berries.
He has no choice but to escape, and whats the one place he knows for sure he won't be bothered? Ramshackle, as long as he brings some tuna to bribe Grim away.
Yuu is the one to open the door, surprised but not bothered by his presence, and he asks if they would let him stay for just a few hours to just... hide.
He ends up falling asleep on the couch, which is one of the worst things he could have done, but when he wakes, he finds a pillow under his head and Yuu patting his hair gently.
While it wasn't part of the plan, it's certainly got a calming effect. Probably not as useful as a nice soak, but certainly something to keep in mind the next time he needs a quick pick-me-up
Idia - head pat headcannons
Obviously Yuu is the one to initiate, probably because the bitch called them 'the real life equivalent of a discord kitten' and he got so scared that to stave off their wrath he had to meow for them Kawaii Anime Girl Style
He got headpats for being a good kitten and went [Windows XP Error Sound Effect]
Do not mention or his head will turn pink and He Will Never Speak Again
Ortho will spill the beans and say that his Nii-san has developed an odd fascination with the action Ortho PLEASE DONT SPEAK YOUR BROTHER COMMANDS IT
Malleus - head pat headcannons
So idk I've never met a dude with horns on his head, and I would think that the horns kinda be like tusks on an elephant, or like, a tooth. Not a lot of feeling, but they still got nerves
But they are still the symbol of his might and power, so it's gonna be hard to get him to let anyone get near them. I feel like it would almost be seen as an insult if he were to lower his head and expose his horns.
Yuu asked very politely with no ill intentions, and he knows that, so it's probably why he does let the Little Child of man inspect the horns.
What he doesn't expect is for them to place a hand right between, and just. pet him. He would chuckle, but he wouldn't complain.
This Child of Man always manages to surprise him somehow.
This was a little longer than expected, but it was fun to do an ask. Continue to feed me, children.
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momo-t-daye · 10 months
The watchers in the water
The mermaids might be watching, the older students tell the first years.
They speak with their back to the windows, the shadows of fish flitting past.
No!  Don’t look!  That’s very suspicious behavior, my friend.  The light in the water is dim, it is easier for them to see us than for us to see them.
Now, you must learn a few Mermish signs, it is only polite. Bend your fingers this way and then flick your wrist like so to say hello.  Flutter your hand with these fingers curled and these two extended to say goodbye.  Yes, it is difficult, their fingers have more joints than ours and the webbing on their hands helps hold the sign in place. Here is how to spell your name with the syllables their mouths can make. Oh? Their mouths can say your name perfectly? Add a mistake to the name you give them. Just in case they decide to call to you when you're out at night to lure you into the water. Kids, those aren’t the teeth of an herbivore.
Stop staring!  Don’t make that face. They might be watching us right now.
Did you know? Albus Dumbledore speaks Mermish.
Yes, of course that is why you must learn to greet the mermaids at the very least.  Mermaids are very keen to communicate, they’ll usually come up to the window and there we can see them clearly.
Just watch what you tell them, you can’t trust them to keep your secrets, not from the Headmaster.
No!  Don’t let them know that you know they could talk to him!  That will only raise their suspicions and his.  You must never let them know we know they’re watching us.
No! You can’t just ignore them, that sort of rudeness will look suspicious too.  The mermaids will follow you from the Common Room to your dormitory and watch you from the dark water every night. You don’t want them scratching at the windows and singing your name for attention, do you?
Use their signs to talk to them, we don't want them trying to learn how to read our lips. Yes, they might know how already, but if they don't you shouldn't give them any ideas or incentive to learn.
You can ask them for advice, they love giving advice almost as much as they enjoy watching us, but you really shouldn’t take their advice.  They’ll report you right away if you do and frankly I would too.  Cannibalism is frowned on, children, there are tidier ways to get over heartbreak, poor grades, and a loss on the Quidditch pitch.
Ah, yes, I know they’re at the window now, I know you can see them watching us.  You can see fifteen of them?  Twenty?  There will be more out of sight.
Do not look at their teeth!  That’s very rude and will attract their attention.  They can and will remember your face.  Stay calm!
Now, hold your left hand down like so and take your right hand, bend these two fingers like this, and move the right hand around slowly from the mouth to your left hand.  Good, now you are telling them you ate a big meal.
We will teach you Mermish sign, children, it is very important that you be polite and not attract suspicion. Just be careful what you do when they might be watching you and always be careful what you tell the mermaids.
Because, you know, we’re all watching you too.
Because drawing fish staring at Snape from the windows is fun and I had a fun time chatting with @dastardly-lemondrops about the potential for/perceived possibility of near constant surveillance at Hogwarts (and specifically the Slytherin dorms), and because I also like the idea of Slytherin students using a signed language to communicate with mermaids (...and because I also like scary mermaids), I tossed together a fast ficlet.
...and because the thought of Slytherin students being paranoid that the mermaids might be spying on them in their Common Room/dorms for Dumbledore (even if he wasn't! Like, it does not matter what Dumbles is doing because he COULD talk to the mermaids and asking if he is would only lead him to doing so) would have made Hogwarts seem even less safe for Severus as a student (since the Marauders with their map and invisibility cloak could find and torment him everywhere else in the castle)
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blondeaxolotl · 6 months
Drop ur best meyron prompts/ Hcs
CLAPS AND RUBS HANDS EVILY MEYRON HCS BET here are some of my favourites, some of them are very funny to me - Mey-Rin is the taller one in the relationship, Ronald is the short king - They're the definition of a Girlloser x Boyloser!! (It's just that when Mey-Rin fights, she wins, but when Ronald fights, he loses) - Ronald probably danced like one of those fancy male birds once to impress Mey-Rin and it surprisingly worked - Mey-Rin cannot cook for SHIT to save her life, but Ronald can somewhat and he ends up learning to cook better just so he could cook for her (yeah short king AND malewife over here) - Mey-Rin was the first to fall and develop a crush, but Ronald developed a crush harder and it only got stronger after the first time he witnessed Mey-Rin kicking ass and shooting people - If they ever wanted to train together, as in Ronald wanted to know if he can take her in a fight. Mey-Rin would purposely loose because she'd feel too bad to even hit Ronald because she's aware he cannot fight for shit (no one tell Ronald she let him win, it will break his heart)
Also screw you I'm giving you Meyron headcanons for my aus too cause I CAN
For Red Butler/Swap AU - RB!Mey-Rin's first reaction to meeting Ronald was she thought he was cute, she liked his hair. When she tried to tell him that, he was confused since Ron didn't know English and Layla had to translate it for him (she overexaggerated it on purpose, instead "oh she thinks your hair is cute" she went "Oh she says your hair is SOOOO cute and your face is ADOORABLEEE"). He got very flustered, quickly - Since Ronald only knew German and was struggling with learning English, Mey-Rin started to learn German herself in her free time so she could get along with him better. And since she was a fast learner, she picked it up quick!! She surprised Ronald with it one day and it was safe to say he felt honoured <3 (It also eventually led to Ron teaching Mey-Rin more German while she helped him out with English)
For Beastars Butler AU - Mey-Rin first avoided Ronald because a gazelle trying to offer flowers and gifts to a cheetah was not a good look in the publics eyes (Mix species couples involving Carnivores and Herbivores together were very frowned upon). Though later was revealed she was scared that she would fall for him (she already did) but then later her instincts would kick him and she'd end up eating him. - Ronald actually reassured Mey-Rin that she wouldn't have to worry about eating him because a reapers meat and smell is actually very disgusting and would scare away any carnivores because it was that bad. He even demonstrated it by purposely cutting his hand open and the smell of rotten meat filled the room completely to the point Mey-Rin gagged alot. After that, she just helped him bandage his wound up, she was actually happy to know the sight or smell of meat now officially disgusted/disturbed her because of this. (This actually helped Mey-Rin associate the smell with other herbivores as well so her instincts almost never get triggered because her brain just assumes all herbivore meat smells and probably tastes horrible!! Making it much easier to protect her herbivore friends and family all thanks to Ronald!!)
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aerodaltonimperial · 7 months
katy's community poll-fic 2k24
part 1 | part 2
(The people have spoken. 24 hours. Not positive weekend updates will roll out, but we shall see, haha. They tend to be dodgy for me.)
Jack loses sight of Hook when the other rounds a corner and hops into a stairwell, moving with speed Jack generally only sees in the ring. Whatever. Bowens offered up an additional option that Jack hadn’t thought of: the Undisputed Kingdom. They are pretty much the biggest assholes on the roster right now, so maybe the best idea is to interrogate them first and then start working down the rest of the list. Either Hook is heading elsewhere, or he didn’t make note of where the locker rooms are; Jack starts down the opposite hall. He remembers where the paper was taped. Mostly, he remembers because staff always has to put them near one of the wheelchair ramps now, and those end up on the main floor. In fact, the door is positioned right at the top of one leading down to a set of double doors leading outside.
He pauses outside the door, UNDISPUTED KINGDOM stuck up against the polish, hand halfway into a knock. Is this a bad idea? These dicks literally shoved Hanger against a windshield just because his name came up as a possibility. Jack’s not really sure he wants to be the next target, especially not just for Max Caster and his terrible theatrical wails.
Well. He’s come too far now—might as well see this through. Jack knocks on the door, which is opened after a few minutes, and Matt Taven stares at him, eyes narrowed.
“We didn’t place any orders for douchebag twinks,” he says.
“Bummer, I come highly recommended,” Jack replies. “In the absence of that, you got any trios title belts hidden away in there with you?”
“Any what?” Taven parrots. But he does open the door a little wider, so Jack can see the rest of them milling inside. Roddy is on the couch, and Mike is on one of the metal chairs. Adam, of course, is in his wheelchair, with his little black boot held aloft on the kickstand.
Jack can’t immediately see Max’s belt anywhere on the floor, but that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t here.
“The fuck is this guy doing here?” Mike asks, seemingly to the rest of the room instead of Jack, even though he’s looking right at Jack, like a tool.
“Something about a trios belt,” Taven says.
Jack sighs. “Yeah, do you have it?”
Adam sits back, tenting his fingers in front of him. He looks like he’s trying to channel an evil villain of some kind, but really, the image is ruined by the whole bootie thing. “Are you saying that there’s a title belt missing? And you came here to ask us because…?”
“This seems to be one of the places that wayward items make their way to,” Jack says.
Adam’s eyebrows arch. “Is it?”
“Cut the shit,” Jack says. “Did you take it or not?”
“Why would we want some chump’s title belt?” Mike asks.
“You literally took the ROH tag belts back while wearing ski masks,” Jack points out. “You are a little obsessed with obtaining championships at present.” Then he pauses. “Also, where’s the giraffe?”
Roddy stares at him. The caterpillar above his lip trembles a little bit with the force of his frown. “What?”
“Y’know, the giraffe,” Jack repeats. “Did you keep it? Toss it? Ritually dismember it when you didn’t need it anymore? Also, why did you choose a giraffe?”
“Are you shitting me right now?” Taven asks.
“Did you choose a giraffe because you thought it made you seem non-threatening?” Jack continues. “Like, this whole herbivore thing?”
Roddy groans. “Can someone make him stop talking and go away?”
“Answer the question, and I’ll get out of your 80s bad cop facial hair,” Jack tells him.
“We don’t have a trios belt,” Taven says, with a smile that definitely does not meet his eyes. “Now scram, and let the adults get back to winning.”
“Fine,” Jack says, grumbling. He won’t get anything more out of these fucks when they’ve decided to be the biggest douchebags possible. He turns and starts back towards the hall, pausing only when he hears a “Hey!” called out from behind him.
He pauses. Twists on one heel to watch Adam wheel himself out into the hallway, injured foot bumping in time with squeezing through the doorway. Clearly, this establishment is only barely ADA-compliant, but whatever.
Adam sits back in the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest a few times. Jack finally spots the poor giraffe taped to the underside of the seat like some sort of sacrifice. Adam gives Jack a once-over, and then says, “You have no finesse and lack all sense of dramatic tension, but you’re a lot more like me than I would have thought a year ago.”
“Excuse me?” Jack asks.
“I have a proposition for you,” Adam says.
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Oc ask :3! Your characters are tasked with hiding a draft horse in a zoo of otherwise exotic animals. The horse is calm and cool with pretty much anything being done to it, but it has to stay hidden without getting caught by park staff or visitors for 24 hours. Bonus points for who questions why they're hiding a horse, and who does it immediately without question.
Ooooh very interesting!!! This is really creative, let's see what I can come up with!
Rae: Decides to hide the horse in plain sight. She gives it its own enclosure, brushes its fur a bit, then comes up with a placard that makes it look seem more interesting than it is - she even takes her knowledge of languages to provide translations and anecdotes in various languages, passing the horse off as some kind of incredibly rare, near-extinct breed of wild horse found somewhere in the American plains. She herself finds a zookeeper's uniform and makes a show of keeping the enclosure in order to keep the rest of the staff away.
Robin: You said it's a draft horse? Well, she'll hide in plain sight too, but not quite the way Rae does it. She turns it into a gimmick - throws on a historical-ish blue dress and saddles up the horse, then rides around the zoo offering a "Disney princess meet & greet". The zoo staff doesn't remember agreeing to hire a Merida impersonator, but it's so entertaining to the guests that they just decide to go along with it.
Madison: Just keeps moving, keeping the horse hidden wherever there's enough room for it and moving on when there get to be too many guests or staff. Once, there get to be too many people before she can move the horse again, so she camouflages herself and opens half the doors in the aviary, and the resulting chaos of birds is enough to divert attention for her to move the horse again.
Ophelia: There are a lot of trucks behind some of the larger exhibits, used to move the animals' food, water, or other resources around. She essentially builds a "shell" of one of these trucks - it can't drive, but it looks fundamentally the same from the outside and has a large enough space for the horse inside - and parks it with the others, then just waits with the horse and offers it food and water throughout the day.
Jasper: Finds an exhibit currently closed for construction, and manages to find a way inside. If there are any actual zoo staff or construction workers inside, they'll manipulate their emotions to make them feel tired (so they'll call off work, or move to an easier task), but otherwise they're free to just wander around the empty exhibit with the horse until their time's up.
Kestrel: Doesn't exactly hide the horse, just creates a bigger problem for people to deal with. They stash the horse wherever they can find, then fly across the zoo and shapeshift into some large, dangerous-looking animal (like a tiger or a rhino) and wander around. Obviously they don't attack anybody or cause any major damage, but it results in all the guests being evacuated and all the zoo staff diverted to taking care of this supposed "escaped" animal.
Katherine: Uses magic to cast some sort of illusion over the horse, then places it in the enclosure that will cause it the least harm (probably among some sort of bovine, or any herbivore with a good large habitat)
Quinn: Bribes one of the workers to close off one of the animal houses for the day (let's say the aviary, they're usually air-conditioned and not as smelly as some of the others, though it's a little loud in there), and just hangs there. No need for complex plans, especially since it's enough work just leading the horse inside when they have to also lean on their crutches.
Eris: Doesn't really bother hiding the horse - I mean, he finds a hiding place somewhere, but doesn't worry about it lasting the whole day. Instead they just wait with the horse until it's discovered and argue with the staff worker who says they're not supposed to be there, which then turns into such a full-scale, confusing debate that by the end of it the staff member isn't even sure if the horse was supposed to be there or not. Eris is... well, very good at arguments.
Nikoletta: Finds a large, somewhat shadowy building somewhere on the zoo premises - maybe some far corner of the bat cave, it's smelly as all hell but good and dark - and manipulates the shadows to hide the horse (and herself) completely from sight. If anyone turns the lights on, the jig is up, but who turns the lights on in the bat cave?
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FFXIVWrite 2024 Day 13
Prompt - Butte
(FFXIVWrite 2024 Masterpost)
(Warning -- this contains heavy spoilers for the start of Dawntrail Zone 4!)
After everything Cross had seen — the northern reaches of the continent of Aldenard, far out into Othard, even the distant, dimension-crossed worlds of the First and Thirteenth — she thought there was very little about the world that was going to surprise her.
And yet, the northern and southern continents of Tural floored her with how varied and fantastic the landscape was. The jungles and mountains on the southern half of Gulool Ja Ja’s kingdom left her with a desire to poke and prod and the wildlife, and climb high to find good views to enjoy the passing of time in a way that she hadn’t felt as keenly before.
And now, after the ascension ceremony for Wuk Lamat and Koana, she was standing on the edge of the northern continent.
“You certainly look like you’re prepared to enjoy yourself,” Erenville remarked as they looked out over the desert in front of them. “You grew up in Thanalan, did you not? Does Shaaloani remind you of home?”
“Ah —” Was that why she felt so excited? “Not quite.” Cross turned away from the landscape to face Erenville, putting a hand on her hip. Her decision to wear jeans instead of her usual black mage robes felt like a good decision now. “The deserts of Thanalan have different vegetation, and the rock formations are completely different. I don’t believe I’ve seen so many small mountains in the distance like that before. They look like smaller versions of the one in Urqopacha. Wormor Zormor, I think?”
“Ah.” Erenville’s expression shifted slightly. Anyone else would find it hard to read, but those who knew him could see his curiosity easing into something a little softer. “Yes, there certainly is a difference in geography. Ecologically, as well. I doubt you will find many animals that live here in common with what you grew up with. The people, too, are quite different.”
“That, I am not surprised to hear.” Cross looked around at the landscape again, taking in the mostly-flat desert, broken only by small towns and, in the distance, strange, shorter mountains that rose up and stood on their own. “I’ve seen so many lands and worlds beyond this one now, it’s…I wondered if I could still be left amazed at sights like this. I’m quite glad that isn’t the case.”
“I am glad to hear that,” Erenville said. “If you like, I can fill you in on what I remember of the local wildlife as we walk down to a nearby mount station? I doubt you would want to be on your feet for the entire walk to the nearest settlement.”
Cross blinked, then smiled a little. “Riding something new? I certainly wouldn’t say no. What sort of creatures do the people here employ? More alpacas?”
“No. The beasts of burden on the northern continents are rroneek. They are large, well-built herbivores, mostly known for their ability to carry people and large loads for long distances, while also being a good source of meat for the locals. Generally good-natured, but they are known to stampede when riled up.” Erenville motioned with his head for Cross to follow. “I think you will find them quite different from chocobos and alpacas.”
“They certainly sound like it,” Cross agreed. “Very well — lead the way.”
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griancraft · 1 year
I have no idea what rainworld even is😭
Spoiler free!!! Or at least, direct plot line spoiler free.
Rainworld is a very lore heavy, very difficult game with a lot of existentialist themes. The main idea is that the world of Rainworld is stuck in a cycle. Nothing really dies, if it is a sudden event like being eaten by an animal, the prey wakes up in the last place they slept. If it is due to old age, the animal will wake up as another animal. This is used to explain respawning.
The ancients were the only sentient species at the time, and being conscious and aware of all of the rebirth and death was terrible, apparently. They lost their will to keep going and essentially tried to figure out a way to die permanently, or “ascend the cycle”
The main plot of this story is that the ancients are wrong though, or at least that’s what I took from it. Ascending as the player character is a way of beating the game, but for many characters it’s not satisfying or they are unable to. Living is the best thing you can do, and it’s stated in game that the ancients lost sight of that. So I would not worry if you are suicidal or have been. I think you’ll find a lot of comfort in this game.
The ancients made many purposed organisms with genetic engineering. All of the flora, with few exceptions, are evolved from these organisms. two very important creatures to our story:
The slugcat:
A lot of this is speculation and theory, but it lines up until we learn otherwise.
Slugcats are a small-ish species of animal in rainworld that probably evolved from pipe rats, an animal purposed to clean the ancients pipes. They vary in colour but mostly stay light. They are usually herbivores and insectivores, but some are also carnivores as well. It might even be an aquired taste sort of thing.
Slugcats are intelligent beings with simple tool use and the ability to understand complex instructions. They are likely around primitive humans in intelligence but many people believe it’s more
The iterators:
I will not say much as to not spoil a bunch of stuff, but it’s kinda important and might get people into it soo.
Iterators are massive superstructure computer gods made by the ancients to figure out how to die. They are partially biological and partially mechanical. They are cursed to never die, and cannot break several “taboos” put in place by the ancients. Like robot law in the real world sorta. They are partially the cause of the rain.
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ao3sakari · 1 year
In a Resident Evil AU set in the Zootopia universe, what animals would Chreon be?
I had a random idea about Chreon working in the R.P.D. as Zootopia animals bubble up, and I'm so curious to see what animals the fandom would imagine them (or any other RE characters) to be.
I'm not sure if the 500-word intro that I drabbled out will ever become more, but it can be read under the cut.
First animals that came to my mind was Leon as a wallaroo (smaller kangaroo, herbivore prey animal, has a powerful kick), and Chris as some sort of big predator cat. Tell me your thoughts 💚💙
Also, I'm giggling at this dumb equus joke:
“How can I join STARS?” Leon looks over his shoulder to glance at the strapping zebra asking the question. “Now, now, hold your horses,” the presenter says.
Nestled in between mountain ranges, bends of rivers and sprawling woods is a citified span of land called Raccoon City, named after the one native animal of the region that was shrewd enough to thrive across all the various rocky, wet, and leafy habitats of the surrounding area. Conveniently located where the differing terrains intersected and easily accessible for all the diverse fauna in the area, Raccoon City became a popular hub for inter-species trade and eventually developed into an urban centre where creatures and critters of all shapes and sizes could live together in harmony. “Today, Raccoon City is seen as a beacon of hope for peaceful coexistence across the entire animal kingdom. However, while most see the benefits and synergies of inter-kingdom cooperation, there are still wildlife that prefer the feral way of life and see the commingling of species as a threat.” The primate delivering the presentation jabs his pointer stick at the projector screen displaying a photograph of an untamed tiger bearing its viciously sharp teeth at a bird caught in mid-flight. Leon fights off the shudder that threatens to shoot down his spine at the sight of that wide maw, an evolutionary response of the predation instinct. Seated all around him are other fresh police academy graduates, arranged from front row to back row by size. Leon sees a waterbird in the front row ruffle its feathers, shaking from beak to tail, and is glad he’d spent so much time on desensitization training so that he wouldn’t be caught trembling in his boots. Despite it being a natural reaction, a cop quaking with fear just doesn’t inspire much confidence in the public eye. The presenter advances the slide deck using his remote clicker, and the room rustles with excitement over the next picture. STARS really needs no introduction. Everyone can recognize their distinctive forest green tactical gear, if not the unmistakable crest proudly emblazoned on the sleeves. Still, the primate brandishes his pointer stick at the screen again, saying, “The R.P.D.’s STARS division protects Raccoon City against the beasts looking to disturb the peace of our citizens.” He clicks to the next slide, opening his mouth to continue his presentation, when he’s interrupted by a question from the back. “How can I join STARS?” Leon looks over his shoulder to glance at the strapping zebra asking the question. “Now, now, hold your horses,” the presenter says, waving off the question and directing everyone’s attention back to the projector screen. “There are two paths rookie officers can pursue: Traffic Services and the Emergency Services Unit. Only after your first year on the force can you apply to other policing units. Now, STARS, in particular, is a division where candidates are scouted; only officers with a recommendation from a STARS captain are invited to apply. Do your best to protect and serve, and you just might catch the eye of STARS.” The zebra in the back row gives a braying sigh in response.
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starsmuserainbow · 9 months
Encyclopedia of Tamaran - Honnatarl
Repost from before this blog was a multi. Basically, this is a similar ‘series’ to the ‘Headcanon Time’-things, just posts that might occasionally appear on my blog and talk about some details of tamaraneans or their world, or in the case of the 'Encyclopedia'-entries, but more about one specific thing or creature.
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This post here is made to introduce you to the Honnatarl, a tamaranean creature that has similarities to the earthen reindeer.
More below the cut, as usual - even links to two awesome refs that amazing people did for me that I still love very very much!
Even back when Tamaran still was a luscious tropics-like planet basically all-around, it was a rare sight to spot a Honnatarl, and it was even rarer (if at all possible) to be able to approach one or try to befriend or catch it. Due to the nature of the species, the tamaraneans so far have not been able to say for sure if the species has died out or is still existing on their world, after the catastrophe.
Their fur is of a dark brown color, and usually there is a flower-like pattern on their backside. Unlike most species of reindeer that exist on Earth, a Honnatarl always has antlers, regardless of its gender. Seasonally, there are protrusions growing on the antlers, that resemble red flowers, though most likely aren’t actual flowers. That’s only guessing though, since no tamaranean so far has managed to research those protusions. Their tail is mostly resembling what the earthen bunnies have, and their ears are somewhat similar to cats’ ears, including the movement according to the mood. Their nose by default glows faintly red in the dark, and the Honnatarld (that’s how you call multiple of them, by the way) are able to make the nose glow stronger if they wish. It serves also as a form of communication within the species, to blink the glow of the nose in patterns. Some tamaraneans have before tried to imitate the glowing with their own energy, in attempts to both understand the Honnatarl’s communication and also to perhaps approach one without it running away, but it is either simply not similar enough to have the hands (or eyes) glow instead, or they didn’t understand the patterns as well as they thought.
Most times, it is rather difficult to tell the males and females apart - the male antlers are a hint bigger, but not as much that it’s directly recognizeable; and the females usually carry markings throughout their body that can glow, but unless it is one of those times when the markings do glow, they are only barely visible through the fur. It is unclear when, why or how exactly it happens, but the markings of the female Honnatarld are on occasion glowing in a brilliant gold, which then of course makes a defining of that one as a female rather easy. The males do not carry such markings, or perhaps simply not in a way that is even in the slightest visible through their fur, and definitely not capable of glowing. While any earthling might expect a species that is as reindeer-like as the Honnatarld to have hooves, they are in fact not having such. Their feet are ending in dexterous toes with talons.
(Two awesome people offered to do reference-pictures for me for this species, so here are the links! Here, and here!)
The Honnatarld are very timid, perhaps skittish, creatures, and tend to flee the scene from even the slightest noises. Since they can move fast, and are also capable of flight, it is rare that any potential danger - or anyone, really - can keep up with them. While rather rare to come close to for others, they do occasionally meet with another of their own species. There has not been any sighting of a larger group yet, though, so presumably they prefer small groups, if any.
They are herbivores, and their favourite food is Jellorel (see here for a little bit of details on that) - they usually take it before it falls from the trees.
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