A girl with nothing special who believes that everything will be alright if we can learn to accept it as it is ^.^ Also an Internet addict, manga lover and ultimate music listener XDXD I love music, I listen to anything I find interesting XD You will find most of old blog posts are about Piko, my favourite utaite turned pro singer from Japan. Since he is currently not as active anymore, I am now posting spoilers and ranting about Vanitas no Carte and Bungou Stray Dogs and other mangas I'm following. I do translations but not on requests. If you don't like to be spoiled please feel free to unfollow or block me. I'm very sorry to see you go and I'm sorry for the uneasiness I have caused T_T
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I recently found this blog and since then I have been wondering, is the "everything will be alright as long as we learn to accept it as it is" part your bio related to something specific related to this blog or just a random piece of general advice? (I'm sorry if this question comes off as weird, you obviously don't have to answer it if you're not comfortable with doing that)
Oh thanks for asking.
It is neither related to something specific in this blog nor an advice. I wrote that years ago because I realized that was the only way for me to feel better about my past mistakes and stay optimistic to move forward. It is more like a reminder to myself. I don't think it has changed a lot now.
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popo-san, how many volumes of bsd mochis are there, and which characters are in each volumes? i want all Odasaku mochis, but looking online only confused me x_x
Hey, so as far as I know there have been 6 sets so far.
Vol 1:

Vol 2: There is one Oda here

Vol 3:

Dead Apple: There is one Oda here

BEAST: Another Oda

Vol 4: If you buy the box from Animate store, you will get young Oda as a bonus

Mini series: These are smaller and slight cheaper than the normal mochi

Hope this helps!
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[Translation] Asagiri Kafka's afterwords for The Day I Picked up Dazai novel
Normally, afterwords would be the last thing I read in a novel, but as there are not many changes to the published novel this time compared to the movie bonus version, I was able to skim through the text quickly and get to this. And to be honest, despite not being a writer myself, I was so moved by Asagiri's views about writing and his characters that he shared in the afterwords, that I had to sit down and translate it right away.
This is just my crappy translation, as usual, but I hope it gave you a short, interesting look into the author and the characters. And please do not forget to buy the novel if you have the chance.
The translation is under the cut, thank you!
It has been a while. This is Asagiri Kafka.
Have you been enjoying Bungou Stray Dogs?
This novel, “The Day I Picked up Dazai”, is a compilation of the first week’s bonus novel “The Day I Picked up Dazai – Side A” and the second week’s bonus novel “The Day I Picked up Dazai – Side B” for the screening of “Bungou Stray Dogs BEAST” movie (hereinafter referred to as “BEAST”).
Normally, it is difficult to publish a bonus like this, but since "BEAST” and “Fifteen” that were published earlier by BEANS Bunko were originally bonus novels too, "The Day I Picked up Dazai” was also published in the same way, thanks to the efforts of all parties involved in the Bungou Stray Dogs series.
It is the story of Dazai and Odasaku’s first meeting, where Dazai who wants to die, collapsed in front of Odasaku’s place, who is neither a mafioso nor a hit man.
Why are there two different stores, Side A and Sode B? Regarding this question, please read the novel and see for yourself. If you keep in mind that this is the bonus for the BEAST movie, I think you will be able to understand it better.
Let me reminisce a little bit here.
This story was actually suggested to me by Igarashi Takuya, Director of the Bungou Stray Dogs anime.
Shortly before BEAST movie premiered, I was struggling. It was because I was asked to write a bonus novel for movie-goers again. I said “again” because, as I mentioned earlier, BEAST itself was a bonus novel for the Bungou Stray Dogs DEAD APPLE movie. I remembered having a hard time writing it, because I let myself run wild and wrote a total of 190 pages instead of 50 pages as requested.
But I had learnt my lesson after the last rampage. I can’t just write whatever I want anymore. I have to wrap the story in a reasonable length, like a pro should do.
A proper, professional story.
My pen stopped right there. I stopped, looked around, feeling lost.
What is a proper story?
The act of writing novel is quite different in character compared to other types of media such as writing manga, anime scripts, or game scenarios. You can say it is almost a different thing. Writing novels, rather than narrating an event, is more like putting the flow of emotions into specific sentences. You use the sequence of letters to create rhythms, create flows, and create emotions. If anything, it might be closer to composing a song than writing a story.
Therefore, you have to decide “what kind of emotion will be put in this novel” from the very beginning, or you can’t start writing. That is the only and absolute rule.
Now, however, that is where the condition of a “proper story” hung over me.
A proper novel, of a proper volume, with a proper content for a bonus.
In other words, a proper emotion.
I searched through the drawers inside my head. For a proper emotion that is waiting to be brought out.
There was nothing but emptiness there.
A professional story teller is one with the skill to move the readers’ emotions. When people find the chance to move their own emotions, they will happily be paying for it. Human-being is that kind of creature.
And writers are ones who create and sell those kinds of emotions: the fear, the excitement, the heart throb etc., those that make you think. It is that kind of job.
It is supposed to be that kind of job.
Yet I became unable to move forward.
A good story is a story that moves people. I know that. Then what kind of emotion I should put in the story to make it "proper"?
How do I find that emotion?
I mean, how did I even write novels until now?
I stood still. My legs stiffened, my knees froze, unable to take even a step forward.
I then tried to at least pretend that I was moving forward, by listening to music, by taking a walk around the neighborhood at night. But as good as the night breeze felt, I didn’t manage to reach a single story that I needed to write.
What if I stayed like this forever, what would I do?
I felt a chill plunging into my back.
Then I realized, that stories, or probably emotions too, are not things you can search for or come up with. You have no choice but to patiently wait for it to come your way. You have no choice but to humbly and earnestly sit and wait for the story’s visit.
I got that, but the "proper 50-page story” still refused to come.
It was not long before one week passed. Then two weeks.
I was doing other work, while keeping my heart’s door open, waiting for the story to come to me.
At that time, I had an online meeting with the anime staff. I casually asked Director Igarashi, “Do you have any story you want to see?”
The Director gave it a little thought then told me, "I want to see the story of Dazai and Oda’s encounter”.
At that very moment, the story rushed in through my door, like a bang. I could hear that sound very clearly.
Two stories. Odasaku, and the two Dazais. A story where they met, and a story where they couldn’t meet. A story of gain and a story of loss. If I can portray the gain and loss side by side, the amplitude of the heart will be doubled and rise up in front of us.
That was a momentary event. Rather than pushing my way forward, I felt as if something was pulling my hand. Before I noticed, I have already finished the stories.
I came to realize.
It is not the writer who searches for the story. It is the story that chooses its writer, and at some point it will come our way. A professional writer is no more than someone with the ability to catch that call.
Also, this is the most important thing: there is no such thing as a “proper emotion”. Because after all, the feelings of other people belong to them only. That is why there is no guarantee that a novel can move others “properly”. However, you can move your own emotions. You know what kind of novel can and how it will move you. If you do, you can write just that. That’s the only way. That is the truly professional attitude. That’s what I thought.
Well then.
It is a little bit off topic, but as we are talking about “stories that come our way”, let’s talk about Odasaku’s first-person narrative.
Odasaku is a special character. For me, he is exclusively a novel character, and I have never portrayed him in the manga.
He first appeared as the narrator in “Dazai Osamu and The Dark Era”, then “BEAST” and now this “The Day I Picked up Dazai”. All are novels. That’s why for me, Odasaku doesn’t live inside the pictures, he lives inside the first-person narrative passages.
He is an eccentric guy. Even if you prepare the place and tell him to speak, he won’t speak to you that easily. His way of thinking is rather unique, that if I write his narrative after writing other characters’ first-person narrative, I would stumble for sure. Odasaku doesn’t speak. He just sits there in silence, while I can do nothing but sitting in front of my blank manuscript paper, trying to talk to him, like “What’s up?”, “Here, here”. However, he is a guy who won’t speak when it is not necessary. Sometimes it goes days or even weeks without him saying a word. Why did such a character come to me...?
During such time, there is only one thing I can do. That is, of course, to stay with him, sit patiently, and simply wait.
Finally he will start speaking. In his unique rhythm, word by word. His words have the power to cut through the world from a certain angle. That special cross-section is full of things I have never seen before and it never fails to surprise me.
And then when he finishes telling his story, he will swiftly disappear. To a dark and quiet place somewhere – probably, I can only imagine, somewhere like a bar. He will sit there calmly and keep his own time to himself. After that, it will be hard to call him again. It is a backbreaking task to me, but in the end, that is the type of guy Odasaku is, and if I am allowed to sound self-conscious, that is Odasaku's charm.
This story was written in such a way. There is a chance that he will come back again. And when he does, I will patiently listen to his voice again.
This story was completed and published thanks to the help of many people: in the Bungou Stray Dogs BEAST movie’s Production Committee, the anime staff, Young Ace’s Editorial Department, BEANS Bunko’s Editorial Department, and the many people who were involved in the publication of the book. Thank you very much. It is all thanks to you that the book was published without any problem this time as well.
Well then, see you in the next story.
Asagiri Kafka.
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Just how fast the night changes…
<Illustrations from The Day I Picked Up Dazai novel>
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First scene of side A

And last scene of Side B
<From The Day I Picked Up Dazai novel Preview>
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Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if you will be posting the illustrations when the day I picked up Dazai comes out!
Hi, I dont plan to share all the illustrations as I hope people will buy the book to support the authors. However I’m pretty sure someone might share them anyway.
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Piko singing a cover of Mephisto (Oshi no Ko’s ED theme)
It is funny because the original version is already insanely high yet he was singing in a higher key than that because he could not reach the lower note in the original version 😂
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Hey, is it okay if I put your "The Day I Picked Up Dazai" translation into a google doc just so save it so I can read it when I don't have access to internet, and maybe share it with a friend? You will be credited of course, but I do not plan to spread it around!
Yeah please feel free to do so ^^
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Bungou Stray Dogs - "The Day I Picked Up Dazai" Light Novel
To be released December 28, 2023.
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Sorry there will be no chapter summary this month because I can’t find the time, but the chapter is going the exact same way the anime did so far, with little to no details added. Let’s see if we can at least learn more about Sigma’s fate in fufure chapters.
Btw Dazai only appears for like one frame in this chapter but look how pretty he is 😭

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Hi ! One thing I do not get is that someone should be chosen to join the mafia like Mori said in chapter 65 ! is that out of question now ? I mean it has been so long since then ! who do you think will join?
Hi, I have answered a similar question here:
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hello! I just saw your translations on twitter and ugh, they really hit me in the feels.
Can I screenshot some of them and post it here on tumblr with my reactions? I'll give credit and put the twitter link as well.
is it okay?
no pressure btw, I'll respect your decision.
thank you for your hard work. :) <3
Hey its totally fine, please feel free to do so.
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hello! thanks for all the work you're doing to compile and translate bsd resources on your blog! i've been watching dead apple recently and i keep thinking about fyodor's ability during that infamous 'i am crime i am punishment' scene. i still can't figure out what it's supposed to mean. also, do you have any theories on how that scene could hint at fyodor's ability and what it could mean for his supposed character death at the end of s5? thank you! ❤️
Hi, thanks for the question.
I think untill we have Asagiri’s confirmation on Fyodor’s ability, we can only guess. His ability might be the biggest mystery of this manga lol
My best guess is that his ability is like another personality, that can take over his body, or switch with the real Fyodor (meaning that “fake” speech Fyodor made with Sigma might be partially true). I thought so because when Sigma pointed the gun at Fyodor, he changed the question from “Who are you” to “What are you?”, so it is possible that Sigma have noticed something non-human about him? Also, Fyodor keeps saying that you cannot kill “me”, can it be because he is actually the ability? There is also a possibility that Fyodor’s ability can exist without a physical body and can somehow transfer from one person to another. But it is all just my theory at this point.
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Hi ! I hope you're having a great day.
I don't know if anyone asked you this question but since it's close to the end of the deal, I want to ask your opinion about who do you think will transfer into PM ? A lot of people say it's either Dazai or Tanizaki. What do you think ? We know that Mori still has a executive seat open for Dazai and asked him many times to rejoin the mafia, but if Mori really does choose Dazai, wouldn't just Dazai destroy the organazition from the inside ? However I'm not sure because as I remember, there's only one common goal both ada and pm has and it's to protect Yokohama right ? Would Dazai still try to destroy the PM on the inside knowing this ? (Also in the anime Mori sent Chuuya to save Dazai right ?)
I'm worried because it doesn't matter who will be chosen, pm is a terrible place itself.
Hi, sorry I took so long to answer this question.
Tbh I think at this point of the story, the deal about someone going to the Port Mafia seems to have been forgotten. So personally I want it to happen, but there is also a chance that it will not.
I have a feeling that the deal was brought up only to lead us to Yosano’s past arc, because I think it is implied that when Mori proposed the deal with Fukuzawa, he wanted to have Yosano, but Fukuzawa understood him so well that he said from the beginning not to take her. And so Mori just gave up on it. He still seemed bitter about it, though, that’s why he lied to Yosano about what Fukuzawa said later (beginning of Chapter 66).
So my opinion is Mori might not take anyone, because honestly no one in the ADA, including Tanizaki and Dazai is a good fit for PM. Tanizaki’s ability is strong and convenient but it depends largely on his obsession with his sister. Dazai will simply not go. Mori knows that better than anyone. Even if the ADA and PM have the same ultimate goal to protect Yokohama, their methods are way too different and as long as Dazai wants to stay on the good side, he is not the optimum choice that Mori would make for the sake of the organization.
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Sorry for so many questions I hope I don't bother you! I am just curious about the ending drawing for season 5 last episode of bsd that Harukawa sensei drew! I just wonder do you think that the characters that are walking away are going to die later on in the manga ?
I don’t think so. To me the drawing just looks like they are waving goodbye to the audiences because their parts in the arc are done, and they are also waving to Atsushi because the next is likely going to focus on Atsushi and Akutagawa (as we have seen in the last episode).
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Sorry !one more question who do you think is the villain in the end in the last episode of season 5 of bsd !? do you think it is someone we know?
To me the villain looks like Fukuchi but at the same time does not look human. It reminds me of the situation with Shibusawa in Dead Apple when he was revived from his skull and become a monster. It was once mentioned in the manga that Fukuchi’s sword was originally a human so I am thinking about a scenario where it took over Fukuchi’s body after he died. Or maybe the villain is just the sword itself taking Fukuchi’s form because it is his sword? Anw its just my theory.
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Hi I just wonder ! do you think the Bsd manga will follow the last episode in season 5 ? I mean we know that Fukuzawa sliced Fukuchis throat in the last page of the 110.5 manga chapter ! it happened too in the last episode in the anime, but everything after that will it happen in the manga !?
I can’t tell tbh.
I have a feeling its gonna be almost the same, with more details added. But Asagiri likes surprises so he can also pull out a totally different outcome for the manga. There are also some differences between the manga and the anime that can lead to different outcomes in the manga (for example, Fyodor’s hand is not injured in the manga) so its really hard to tell and I am looking forward to finding out.
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