#like his parents oblivious neglect of him is something that he's just going to be stuck with the rest of his life
You know I don't think Timmy actually ended up sharing Wanda and Cosmo for all that long with Chloe in the grand scheme of things.
I mean there's various points in the show that seem to imply that having Fairy GodParents is a temporary thing. Like extremely temporary for most kids.
As in even being 10, and having gotten Cosmo and Wanda at age 8, Timmy's considered as having been a GodChild for a long time. Even if that's only a couple years.
Like there's a reason why there's multiple episodes about all of Fairy World being interested in whatever Timmy's up to.
Timmy's an outlier case.
He's going to end up aging out of the system (bar any breaking of any major rule that the fairies can't find a way to forgive) and everyone knows it.
They made a whole live action trilogy of bending the rules just for him where he gets to keep his fairies as an adult, and then turns into a fairy at the end of that trilogy.
He's a, probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood without fairies, kind of a case.
That's not the case for most kids who get fairies, or at least it's heavily implied that's not the case for most kids who get fairies.
Take Cosmo and Wanda being Crocker's fairies in 1972, and having already been his fairies for about 2 years by that point, but having had been Billy Gate's fairies in 1970.
We're never even given a hint that Billy lost his fairies traumatically, because he grew up to invent the internet just fine, and we never hear about him beyond that. And it seems like if a kid traumatically loses their fairies before their ready, it ends with them being a screwed up adult.
Which tells me that whatever situation Billy was in to need fairies resolved itself shortly after the time travel thing.
Heck even then, it was heavily implied that Crocker's life, even qualifying for fairies, was better than Timmy's was. Considering the only things mentioned is that he's got a single mom that works multiple jobs, and when she doesn't she tends to focus on her hobbies, and an evil babysitter to deal with.
He's not bullied at that point, he's not struggling academically, the only things wrong with his life (before getting over dosed on magic mindwipe and being disfigured and losing his mind as a result, which turned him into a social outcast) is that he's got a single mom who works a lot and leaves him with a mean babysitter so she can have me time.
That's it, that's what makes him qualify.
And he would have aged out of at least one of those problems before turning 18. He would have been 14 when he would have naturally outgrown needing to have a babysitter (as that's how old Vicky starts babysitting Timmy).
Then by that point he would have also been old enough to get a part time job of his own. Lightening the financial lode on his mother, and possibly freeing up some of her working time to actually spend with her.
Meaning it's possible that both of his fairy qualifying problems would have resolved themselves by age 14 or 15.
But also the kind of miserable it takes to get godparents (at least when that baseline is first established) is temporary for most kids.
I wouldn't be surprised if the typical Fairy GodParent & GodChild relationship typically only lasted like a year or two for most kids.
[And it seems like the majority of kids we meet who have GodParents, get them at age 10.
I'm pretty sure Timmy being 8 and getting his Fairies, is the youngest kid we ever see having Fairies.
Other than de-aged Vicky that one episode, but because it happened in the constraints of one of Timmy's wishes, I'm not going to count it. Especially because when Cosmo and Wanda are reassigned to Vicky, no one comes to erase Timmy's memory of having fairies, so she doesn't have to worry at all about hiding them which all other godkids do.
Also Vicky is just given Cosmo and Wanda and not her own fairy, which I feel heavily implies that all of this is falling under wish logic, and not normal logic.
Crocker is the second youngest, because he had Cosmo and Wanda at 9.]
Especially in cases where the root of the kid's misery is something they have the power to personally confront and change.
Like if a kid gets a fairy because they're being bulled at school to the point it's ruining everything else in their life. [Bully is making it to where they can't complete school or home work, causing grades to drop, meaning no extracurricular stuff, and getting in trouble with parents.]
But that kid manages to reveal what's happening, and gets things to change, and their life goes back to how it was before. Then that kid obviously doesn't need a GodParent anymore to make up for their miserable life.
I could easily see plenty of situations where a kid might only have a GodParent for less than a year.
Like Hazel's situation from A New Wish weirds me out, because all her problems are super temporary problems that resolve in like a few months to a year for most kids who have those problems.
It's missing her older brother who left for collage. Which most kids eventually get over after just getting used to them no longer living in the same house as them.
When the younger sibling gets used to the older siblings absence, a pretty good chunk of them revel in the bizarre experience of being either the new oldest, or an only child for the rest of their own childhood.
It's moving to a new city and having to make all new friends. Which Hazel does over the course of season 1. She's got 3 friends if Dev counts.
Everything causing her to need fairies is all extremely temporary. Which is a large part of the reason why I don't think she'll be one of the kids to age out of the system the way Timmy was.
She's got parents who love her, she's not struggling at school, she doesn't have an abusive babysitter, she's already started making friends at her new school, her brother came home from collage, but even then that's something she'd just grow out of eventually.
So I feel like unless something in her life changes for the worst, she's going to only have Cosmo and Wanda for a few years at most. And lose them around age 14-15.
Sure her problems are a lot more relatable than Timmy's ever were.
Which is understandable considering Timmy was a kid who had literally everything going wrong in his life, except he wasn't living in poverty.
From neglectful parents, being bullied as school, an abusive babysitter, being specifically targeted by a teacher for harassment, being the target of a girl's stalker crush on him, being canonically considered an idiot even without Crocker targeting him (even though I'm pretty sure he just has ADHD). And that's just the major stuff he starts off with.
That's not even getting into like the magical enemies he makes over the course of the show. Who are out to get him from then on.
And the fact that his parents weren't actively malicious towards him, just forgetful and oblivious.
But Hazel's problems are also all a lot more temporary than Timmy's ever were.
And that's like, the big thing that makes them different and give me the feeling that, while Timmy definitely aged out and had fairies until the last possible moment, kids like Chloe and Hazel probably only had fairies for a few years at most.
That's most likely why Wanda and Cosmo still refer to Timmy as their last godchild before retiring. Even though they were assigned Chloe years after they were assigned to Timmy.
Chloe's issues probably resolved at some point and Timmy returned to being a singular GodChild from that point on.
[I'm guessing she grew a backbone at some point, lets her parents know all the pressure they put on her was making her miserable, and stopped being a complete doormat for literally everyone. Because those were her big problems that caused her to qualify for Fairies.]
Which was probably extremely awkward for Timmy in the aftermath of Chloe having her memories purged of fairies, considering they only spent time together because they were made to share fairies.
Sure Timmy had seen kids lose their fairies before, like with Remy, but he'd never cared then because he hardly spent any time with Remy, and no one would call him and Remy friends.
But it had to be weird when it inevitably happened with Chloe, because by the end there, she basically lived in the Turner house.
Heck of the two kids who get fairies in A New Wish, I'd say that Dev is the kid more likely to be an age out case than Hazel. If he ever regains godparents.
Considering having a single parent, who literally loves business and money more than he'll ever love his own kid, is a bit more of a permanent misery than "I moved to a new town and have no friends, and my brother went off to collage" is.
Just to be honest.
Like maybe it's different rules because Hazel is a post-retirement passion project for Cosmo and Wanda, and they can stay with her until she'd age out because they're not on official rotation or whatever.
But no one will be able to convince me that she'd actually need fairies the entire rest of her childhood unless something horrible happens to her in season 2.
Like baby girl those are some temporary issues that tend to resolve themselves within a year, how are you going to keep qualifying for fairy godparentship the rest of this series?
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Why Stolas is a Terrible Person/Character
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Oh this will be long. In this post I will cover why Stolas is a character that fundamentally fails at everything it tries to accomplish. I probably have to say that you can love Stolas. That's just why I hate him.
Trigger warnings for: Racism, casteism, power dynamics, sexual assault, sa apologism, abuse, and neglectful parenting. A lot, I know, but that's Stolas.
His Actions in S1
Despite the title, there will be two examples from season 2.
Stolas is from the upper caste, a royal. He seem to often fetishize imps, or the fact that he's sleeping with someone who's less than him. I even saw fans pointing this out. He have empathized Blitzø being an imp in a sexual context.
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(Notice the use of words: "little", "plaything", to me this is blatant racism and fetishism).
He also showed a certain lack of empathy for his imp butler.
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Stolas isn't particularly violent, he doesn't choke people left and right. He's just angry, at Stella, so he decides to.. choke the imp.
Stolas has been dehumanizimg imps. Fetishizing an imp for being an imp, calling him an "impish little plaything", and he has been willing to choke an imp just because he was angry at something unrelated. He's racist and casteist.
Treatment of Blitzø
"Treatment" is putting it lightly. In the first episode, Stolas does something inexcusable that will taint their dynamic for all of season 1. First, he sees Blitzø in a vulnerable position, where he cannot think or negotiate. Thus, stripping him of what little choice he has on what he's about to offer.
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What Stolas is saying is, "Fuck me or I'll shut down your business". This deal he makes is just a threat with extra steps. Which, is a real life abuse tactic called Quid Pro Quo:
"Quid pro quo harassment occurs when someone in a position of authority over another directly or indirectly demands sexual favors in exchange for some benefit, or to avoid some detriment in the workplace".
One element I haven't brought up yet, is the political power imbalance. Stolas is royalty, one with a lot of power, influence, credibility, etc. Blitzø has non of that. Other characters have commented on that the fact that Blitzø even has a business is a miracle.
There are so many layers of imbalance and how Blitzø has no choice or agency. A royal is """offering""" the powerless a Quid Pro Quo while he's in a life threatening situation.
And their dynamic looks exactly like you'd imagen. Stolas is consistently sexualizing him against his consent. (As it's been established, Stolas's racism feeds into this). And refuses to do the surface level courtesy, not even calling him his real name (x).
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Stolas treats Blitzø as a lesser being, violates his boundries, forces himself on him, and strips him of all autonomy.
Faliure as a Father
Stolas's role as a father is directly tackled in Loo Loo Land and Seeing Stars. At the beginning, both episodes show Stolas being a good father to Octavia, but does this still hold true in the currect day? Well, no.
In Loo Loo Land, Stolas wants to take Octavia to a theme park. Octavia is 17, and Stolas ignores her when she says she doesn't want to go. (In retrospect, Stolas coud be oblivious because he's projecting onto Via his experience meeting Blitzø).
But that's just the start. Stolas then invites Blitzø to the trip and harasses with him all throughout. Essentially, Stolas is forcing his daughter to watch as he harasses "the homewrecker", all the while he's supposed to be with her, on a trip she didn't even want to go to.
After a whole day of this, as expected, Octavia runs away. Stolas chases her. (And of course, he's still thinking of Blitzø on his way to find Via). There's an apology scene that looks deep, but when you dissect it, it's rather empty.
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Stolas never actually provided an explanation as to why he just did what he did, nor of the "drama" with Stella. There is nothing here. Octavia only makes up with him because he said he isn't gonna leave her. Which is bare minimum.
After he realizes that his affair hurts his daughter to the point where she feared he's gonna leave her, what does he do? What practical actions does he take to improve? Divorce Stella? Cut off his deal with Blitzø? Explained the situation?
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Nothing. And now we see he's willing to stand up on a stage and let people know.
In Seeing Stars, Stolas bashes Via's mother to her. Which, does she know about their situation? Does she not? She isn't shown to hate or.. anything Stella. Is he hiding the situation (which I'll cover), while also trashing her mother? That's impulsive and negligent.
But that's nothing. She later runs away, Stolas is stressed as he should be, but the second they arravie on earth he's all calm and everything's normal.
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When his daughter is missing. When he is shown to be stressed, it's for the sake of plot. But he's willing to just chill, watching Blitzø's show.
Stolas is, dare I say it, neglectful. He might care about his daughter, but he's proven that she's not enough of a priority to focus on her when it matters.
Yes, I know what ended up being revealed, I'll cover that. In season 1, the relationship is presented to not be perfect before Stolas cheated.
But there were instances that showed that what Stolas did changed their relationship for the worse. (Some additional rebuttals).
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It could have been a loveless marrige, they could hae fallen out of love, they could have been arranged. But their relationship was manageable. Love or no love, it's a committed relationship. and Stella didn't deserve to get cheated on.
Who was Stolas?
Stolas's behavior is common among royals. Stella has no problem throwing said butler at Stolas (S1 E2), and the Goetias are shown to be casteist. They're untouchable privileged assholes.
Stolas was born that wealth, never having to suffer the consequences of his actions. Always putting himself first, hurting others. He doesn't mean to, he wants for everyone to be happy, he does care.
However, when it actually matters, he acts on his worst tendecises with no self control. He never had to learn self control. That is, until Ozzie's.
Before Ozzie, Blitzø and Stolas are at obligation. Stolas's actions had tainted them. There was one redeemable moment: He saved Blitzø's life. Stolas did something for him. But this one act of goodness doesn't magically fix anything.
Stolas's family life have been escalating. Stella hated Stolas for cheating and his daughter just had to take it. In Loo Loo Land, he learns the full weight of the damage he caused. And in the next episode we see him, he proceeds to take no steps to improve the situation. In the end of that same episode, we learn that Stella hired an assasin after him. Because he did nothing.
The season 1 finale, Ozzie's, is aware of all of this and absolutly delivers.
The episode starts with seeing Stolas alone, in his big house, miserable. It appears that Stella finally left the house. (Also he later says "Octavia is with her mother this weekend"). He's eating a bowl of cereal, pitying himself, wallowing in his despair. You feel bad for him, he looks so torn down.
And then Blitzø calls. The one he loves, asks him on a serious date. It's hope, it's honest, and it's exactly what he wanted. It's almost as if the universe handed him is fairytale scenario.
Almost. Reality smacks him right in the face on that date. Asmodeus calls him out on losing everything he had. He had a family, a happy daughter, but gave it all up for an affair.
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Blitzø calls him out on treating him like a pet, not earning any of that emotional connection he wants or even communicating it, just violating him, they have nothing.
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The show held him accountable and called him out. While it's not perfect, Stolas is a morally grey character. Now, a character arc was set up where he learns to treat people better. Stolas is exactly the character I want to see from a show like Helluva Boss. He's a horrible person, but nuanced, who does care.
Season 2
Yeah... all of that is thrown out the window. Because apparently, Stolas is just imperfect. He simply made a lot of mistakes. He misread a lot of situations, really it's all just an accident. He's an oblivious victim. So, let's get into the woobification of Stolas.
Surrounded by Evil
In The Circus we're given Stolas's ✨️backstory✨️. And we find out he had such a terrible life.
Stella is, and always was, an abusive evil bitch. From the day she was born. Pure evil.
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So you see, Stolas did nothing wrong. Let me be clear, you are not obligated to stay loyal to your abuser. We can erase "cheater" off the list. But that's the only reason why it's done. So we can erase that off the list, and that we could feel oh-so-sad for him.
Because Stella isn't written to be an abuser. She's a cartoonishly evil. We see a picture of her as a kid where she's the same person. Spongebob villians have more depth than her, you know, the abuser in the adult show.
Helluva Boss reversed an established dynamic where Stella is the victim and Stolas is at fault, except without any of the depth or nuance.
But that's not all. Stolas's dad (Paimon) is also neglectful. By "neglectful" I mean, of course, a Saturday-morning cartoon villain.
He doesn't remember his name. This is such bullshit. I can buy Stolas having a horrible father. It's also not bad to show Stolas's trauma. What is bad is that the subject matter is handled with less seriousness as the fish fight in Spring Broken. And Helluva Boss did write Crimson as a serious abuser, the episode did have comedy, but not Paimon.
The reason why all of this is happening, is so we could feel bad for Stolas. They do zero of the work to earn a good story about abuse, but still go "Do you see how sad he is? Look at how they're treating this poor baby!!"
In said ✨️backstory✨️, we also learn that Stolas and Blitzø are childhood friends. But also not really, they just hung out for one day. Where did this come from? How does that enrich the characters? I would tell you, but I don't know. However, what I'm sure of, is that it's done to make Stolas look less problematic.
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DO YOU SEE HOW CUT THIS IS? He isn't just horny for that imp, he is special, it's absoultly pure! Don't worry, totally safe.
Later in the flashback, we see how Blitzø and Stolas reconnected after over 20 years. Apparently... Blitzø was the one who sexually manipulated Stolas, selling him that he wants him.
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All Stolas did was just buying into Blitzø's narrative he was imposed on. It's a role he leaned into, because he thought Blitzø liked it. I.. WHAT???
If this horseshit is true, why did he make this weird r*pe deal with Blitzø? If Blitzø was the one who acted like he's interested at first, and he was sexually exploiting him, why did he lash out at Stolas in Ozzie's? Did it just hold no weight for Stolas? It went from "Don't pretend to have something when you've been harassing me this whole time" to "You misunderstood".
The Stolitz backstory makes no sense, it's cheap, and fixes nothing. No matter what the story is trying to sell, in season 1 Stolas knew what's happening enough to try to force it. And maybe Stolas wanted Blitzø because of a connection, he still harassed, dehumanized and violated him.
Note: Stolas realizing "he imagened the relationship" is completely ignored one episode later in Seeing Stars. This is a huge deal, didn't he learn? Just further evidence that he's willing to violate the guy. (x)
Before this backstory, we had a story of a selfish man hurting the person he loves while explointing the broken system and the power that he has over him for his own selfish desires that he's forcing on him. Now, we have the same thing, but with fanfic tropes – and the story refuses to confront that.
Casteism is Brushed Off
Helluva Boss pretends that Stolas isn't racist, because he didn't want Blitzø for being an imp, but for being his fanfic trope childhood friend. Which fails to adress the disgusting fetishism of Blitzø for being an imp, and he also continued to dehumanize his imp butler in Seeing Stars. He's still racist.
Imperfect Father
In The Circus, Stolas devivers this line: "The only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty, was for that girl to have a normal life".
Sounds impressive, he stayed all these years just for his daughter. But that's the thing – it sounds impressive. Every time their relationship is the focus, Stolas is being the scum of the earth. What I see here, is a person. A person who despite being willing to stay passive, acts on his his selfish wants, forgetting to look around him. Mind you, this fact is also being revealed one episode after Ozzie's.
But no, one episode later, in Seeing Stars – that was covered as a prime example of everything I just descriped – Loona says this:
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Yeah. He's just a good father "trying" his "best" and makes some.. "mistakes". The Circus did present Stolas as this, but Seeing Stars really solidified how his parenting will be handled moving forward. And I think it's comlete and utter dogshit.
Damsel in Distress
The title is a bit misleading. This section is mainly about Stolas's power being toned down. Both magical and in presentation.
In season 1, he was energetic and enthusiastic, while being able to set his foot down and intimidate when needed. He's still all of those things, but in some instances his characterization made my raise an eyebrow.
In Seeing Stars, he's being weirdly gentle with people kidnapping Blitzø and are later beatting him.
In Oops, he's excited to start negotiating with literal kidnappers. I have no idea why he's so nice.
(He did harass Blitzø again in Seeing Stars and bashed Striker, all of which isn't soft, but it's also the two moments where he should have shut up).
Further more, both of these conflict rely on Stolas not using his powers for some reason or another. Why didn't he just do whatever he did in Truth Seekers to track Fizz/Via?
About Via, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the "My powers are limited on earth" nonsense because, for starters, kid Stolas is shown to remember the contents of his books and now he's been studying them for years. And two,
There is no excuse for Stolas to not use his powers and whenever the show says otherwise it's bullshitting its way out of it.
Even in Western Energy, before Stolas gets captured he was just aimlessly going in and out of his demon form. Why didn't he turn him into stone like he did in Loo Loo Land?
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Stolas has been presented as weaker than he is. He's made to look more vulnerable, less "above it all". He was untouchable, and when he wasn't, it had a harder impact and made sense. Now, I almost forgot he's a powerful demon.
And his characterization is at the core of this issue. At times he's just so kind and gentle with people who should get smacked in their heads.
What about Ozzie's
The big clash, the one that called Stolas out on everything, the one that set him on a genuine path to grow, what about it? How is it adressed while the show tries to pretend he's a good person?
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No, not the message Stolas is looking at, the ones in the background he just scrolled through.
I'm not breaking this down. I refuse. The only reason I put it here is to show how fast it goes. I'm not touching that.
Who is Stolas
Stolas is a moral scapegoat – "a character that is bad, but the book/movie/show portrays them as good". It's characterized by the story twisting itself to make one character look good.
Stolas didn't start out as one, but became one over one season premire and it just kept escalating from there.
Helluva Boss takes place in Hell. A horrible place filled with horrible people, the root of all evil. Stolas fits right in there. He was already problematic, awful, fed into Helll's broken system. Why trying to cover up his faults? It's Hell, and it was great. But now, we're supposed to pretend he's just flawed.
With the show actively ignoring everything he did, what's left for him? What does he have to learn? How will he grow as a person? How will he improve? What's his character arc? It's nothing. Because everything that happens to him isn't his fault, and at times could just be solved with one conversation.
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momentomori24 · 10 months
I haven't seen anyone talk about it in detail if at all, so I'll just throw this out there: Is it just me, or are Ashley's feelings for Andrew very not romantic?
Just to be very clear-- this isn't me trying to sanitize the incest present in their relationship or twist it into pure unproblematic platonicness despite everything in the game being a hellish, dystopiant, grotesque, unapologetic mess (in a good way), just an observation that's been on my mind for a while.
We know Andrew is absolutely, 100% romantically attracted to his sister especially through both his inner monologues, relationship with Julia and of course, The Scene. But I never really got that same attraction from Ashley. She loves to degree where it can't be considered platonic, but there's a blunt edge to her affection I wouldn't call romantic either.
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She's obviously been obsessed with him from a young age as he's the only person she had to cling to without worrying that he'd leave her. She doesn't treat him like a person, she treats him like a coveted toy that only she can play with. Between borderline neglegent parents, untreated apathy issues, a major abandonment complex and a parentified brother/psuedo-dad, unhealthy attachments and toxic tendencies can go real bad real quick. Go figure. It's possessive, referring to her brother as hers and something that's considered stolen the moment someone else has an interest in it, but it feels a lot more "innocent" than Andrew's possessiveness of her. Andrew is hers to have because he's her brother, just like how a plaything would be hers because it was bought for her-- there doesn't seem to be anything more to it than that.
I think the best example of that is their reaction to the Vision in the Burrial route:
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Unlike Andrew, who is disturbingly flustered rather than reasonably revolted, she just... doesn't have a reaction to it. They've already trapped themselves in a box with each other and commited some of the worst atrocities imaginable, so she just chalks it up to another thing to add to their crimes list. Her causual playfulness and indifference to the situation is such a strong contrast to Andrew's desperate denial and really shows her feelings about the whole thing. Or lack of, as she isn't at all fazed about it. You'd think that she'd be thrilled, or excited or equally as flustered as Andrew at the thought of their relationship taking the next big step, but there isn't any of that here. Despite her jealousy, obsession, possessiveness and extreme closeness, it doesn't seem that there was ever any romantic intent involved on her end (or at least none that she knows of). Heck, she even voices her confusion when Andrew confesses he read her actions that way:
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There is something funny about going through the story thinking ''ok i get it she's the obsessed yandere sister with a brother complex i see you game'' only to be hit with the revelation that it's the complete opposite way around. Basically just Ashley hitting both Andrew AND the players with the "wait you really saw me like that what did i even do to make you think that??" at the very end and it is baffling. The fact that she seems genuinely oblivious to how she comes off is both a little cute and unexpectedly innocent, but also cements just how little she grew up from when she was a kid.
But I think this line from her really encapsulates their relationship perfectly:
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One way to keep him around. She won't sleep with him because of some repressed sexual tension or genuine (messed up) affection, but because she views it as transactional. She loves Andy, that version of her brother who went along with whatever she wanted and cared about her despite all her issues when no one else did. She always acts uncaring towards other people, but it's so obvious that she's lonely. That the people she cares about not caring about her has an effect on her. We see it with their mom, the way she continued to call her despite the abuse and neglect she put her through and immediately assumes she wouldn't have wanted them to find her because she feels that unwanted. We see it with her ''friends'', the way she felt so betrayed by how they basically left her for dead in that apartment without bothering to try throwing some food up their balcony. She didn't even care if they would've succeeded or not-- she just wanted someone to try. She clings so viciously to her brother because he's all she has left. She's been labelled unlovable by everyone else in her life, and the moment he leaves her for someone more stable, she's alone for good. Andy needed her the same way she needed him, but now he's gone, and Andrew is more unpredictable than ever. His nightmares have gotten better, so he doesn't need her to sleep easier at night (not that he did in the first place). He's better at having a social life too, so surrounding himself with others and getting his life together shouldn't be too hard. He doesn't need her the way she needs him anymore, but she knows that Andrew wants her, so she'll give herself to him before anyone else can if it means that he'll stay. Which, by the way, is such a good parallel to her mom's own mindset when it comes to relationships (like mother like daughter ammirite). It's so far from love; it's just blatant codependancy she doesn't acknowledge on her end, something we see Andrew both enable and take advantage of whether he realises or not. And I think that's a more nuanced, fascinating trait of her character rather than just the ''yandere sister in love with her brother'' trope.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this messy, hopefully coherent analysis of our gravecest couple, mostly focused on Ashley. And who knows, maybe she IS in love with Andrew and I completely misinterpreted her feelings for him, but until proven otherwise I'll keep clinging to this theory. This GAME THE-- [GUNSHOTS].
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
2. make plans to break plans
Summary: Rumor has it, that hometown hero-turned-teacher Steve Harrington is hot for teacher. The English teacher next door to him at Hawkins High, who also happens to be his childhood friend, that is.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x chaotic!dumass reader
Warnings: no use of y/n - reader goes by Trouble instead, depictions of high school, cursing, dumb group chats & contact names, references to Vine memes, mention of a broken engagement, sad girl hours
A/N: Modern!Teacher AU, English teacher reader, History teacher Steve, slow burn, friends to lovers, romance. Here’s 3.1K of Steve and Reader’s ~feelings~; feedback and reblogs are appreciated, enjoy!
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Then - Fall term, November
The end of the day finds you hunched over your keyboard, furiously typing back a reply to some helicopter parent. You blow out a puff of breath and hit ‘send’ as your door creaks open.
“Hey,” Steve greets pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He sets his hydroflask down on your desk with a clang and leans against a nearby desk. “You ready?”
“Yeah, gimme just a sec,” you say, logging off for the day. Turning back to your desk, you give him a small smile and shove a few things into your backpack. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the two of you worked at Tiger Library, aka extended tutorial sessions in the library. The extra pay was decent and it allowed you both time to keep up with any grading or lesson planning that had gone neglected during the week.
You rearrange a few items on your desk before swiping a stack of essays to hopefully grade. Steve hits the lights after you, while you nudge the door open with your hip, elbow pressing down on the door handle and balance a backpack dangerously close to slipping from your shoulder. 
“Gimme,” he tuts, index finger looping around the strap sliding from your arm, “S’okay, I got it.”
You hum in assent, turning to take the stairs down to the first floor, Steve hot on your heels. “Thanks,” you try to keep your voice level and impassive passing through the corridor. Steve keeps a respectful distance as you stride through the doors of the library. 
Something is wrong, but he can’t guess as to what. You’d been off all week; since your weekend bender, really. Nance had dropped you back at The Hideout to get your car and once she’d returned she beelined directly to her room and didn’t say a word.
Nancy rarely has such a visceral reaction to anything, so whatever you had divulged to her was enough to crack the surface of her rage. Having been on the receiving end of it before, Steve knows it’s endless. 
But the question remains, why haven’t you said anything to him? You’re friends, thick as thieves and have been for god knows how long. Yes, you’re an unfiltered, oblivious dumbass with poor emotional regulation skills, and he hates that at times. But you are his friend; and Steve currently wants to throttle himself for allowing you to go radio-silent for the better part of a week.
He sighs, for what feels like the millionth time today, he’ll let you be. 
For now.
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Students have claimed tables and chairs for the evening, notebooks and laptops scattered here and there. Chairs pulled up as teens arranged themselves amongst their cliques, catching up on the latest gossip since the final bell rang. 
Making quick work of Vickie’s computer you set up shop, decidedly ignoring her post-it reading ‘Dumb & Dumber - don’t mess with my shit!’ Steve slides in the circulation desk behind you, depositing your backpack at your feet. Silently, you prize the post-it from the monitor with two fingers and pass it to Steve who reads it with a snort.
He snaps a quick photo to send to the ‘elite meeting’ group chat and tosses it into the trash. Queueing up the collaborative playlist for the night, you call out, “Okay team, this is our final Humanities night at Tiger Library before the fall break, so you know the drill.”
The students turn to the circulation desk, conversations falling to a murmur. Steve crosses his arms and leans back against the built-in bookshelf, he gestures between the two of you with his index finger, “Ask either of us a math or science question and you will be vacated from the premises.”
A few laughs and snickers ring out here and there.
“Yeah,” you concur, “Harrington will suplex you into next week and I’ll post it to the school’s socials.” 
That shuts them right up. 
“Furthermore,” you continue, “The collab playlist is live for tonight and if any of you turkeys forces me to listen to anything that would make your friends and parents ashamed to know you,” you pause, eyeing a few kids menacingly, “I will force everyone present to listen to ska for the rest of the session. Got it?”
Steve shudders and shakes his head, “That is not an idle threat, by the way. She’s done it before and it was god awful.”
Announcements made, you and Steve sign off on a few seat-time papers for the credit recovery kids and settle in for the night. You open your texts to find a notification from Eddie in the group chat. Reading through Harrington and Buckley’s responses, you tap out a reply to Eddie’s question. 
💫elite meeting💫
bandcamp 👿: why is my paladin not at Hellfire you schmucks?
god’s fav 😎: spill the tea, sis.
dingus 👽: ooh, if he’s breakin out the yiddish he must be pissed!
trouble 👁️👄👁️: it’s like you don’t even read your emails eds.
god’s fav 😎:  whaddup, i’m eddie, i’m 28, and i never learned how to fuckin read ✌️
 bandcamp 👿: shut up.
During tutorial nights, someone from the group would be assigned to take care of dinner for whomever else was stuck on campus. Nancy had made a laminated chart and stuck it to the loft’s fridge, y’know, like any completely sane person would do. 
You huff a laugh and open your insta feed, clicking on the invite in your messages. ‘Steve has invited you to eat at Chipotle today!’ You select your regular order, tacking on some chips and queso for good measure. 
After a while, a student shyly approaches the circulation desk with a worn copy of The Catcher in the Rye and a worksheet in hand. You give her a reassuring smile and invite her to take a seat. As you’re reviewing the questions she’s struggling with, Eddie storms into the room searching for Mike.
“Wheeler,” he bellows, startling the students from their conversations, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
The student at your side jumps in her chair at the sheer volume of his voice. “Oy, Munson,” you hiss, “Can it!” He fixes you with a perturbed glance and strides over to Mike’s table to tear him a whole new asshole.
Managing to get the students back on track, you talk through the more complex passages of the text with the girl, directing her back to the questions when appropriate, and send her off with a friendly wave.
Returning from his circuit around the library, Steve dramatically slumps into the chair at your side, letting out a long-suffering sigh. He shoves his glasses up to his hair in an effort to scrub at his eyes. “What’s got ya down, clown?”
He blows a raspberry and rolls his eyes at your quip. “See that table by the windows?”
“Yeah,” you nod, noting the giggling group of girls, freshmen, if you had to guess. Sneaking side-long glances at Steve before blushing profusely and turning back to their friends. “Ooh, they seem struck by you!” you tease, letting your voice twang in a southern affectation.
“Don’t encourage them!” he admonishes, “They wanted help with geography, I don’t even teach that,” he sulks. 
“Steven,” you gasp, “Don’t tell me you never learned to read a map, you are an educator!”
Steve fixes you with a glance, “I’ll have you know, it all gets very confusing in Europe after the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc.”
“Don’t you teach AP World: Modern?”
“Yeah, you know that.”
“A-are you indoctrinating the students, Steve?” you needle him, earning an exasperated huff in response. “Snowflake,” you tsk reproachingly, “Trigger warnings! War on Christmas!” 
The taunting continues until Eddie approaches the desk. With a too-wide smile directed at Steve, you cut your eyes across the library to where Wheeler sits trembling like a leaf.
Mike looks well and thoroughly abashed after whatever Munson just lectured him about. Sinking as low in his seat as he did during the parent conference facilitated by Assistant Principal Bauman. Munson had clearly laid it on thick. 
Chains jangling against his hip, he sits on the desk. “Hey there, big boy,” he purrs winking at Steve, causing him to blush and sputter. “Light of my life,” he croons addressing you, “A thousand apologies for young Wheeler there,” he nods at the dejected teen in question, “It will not be happening again.” Raising his voice to a louder pitch, hollers out, “Not on my watch!”
“Yeah,” you goad him, waggling your brows, “On god, no cap?”
He stares at you as if you’d grown another head, and leans down to your level. “What fuckin’ Tik-Tok nonsense is that now?”
A notification pings from someone, Steve probably; grandpa that he is, he refuses to silence his phone like a normal person, no matter how many times you show him the focus or do not disturb function. 
He throws his keys at Eddie, who catches them before the ring of metal can brain him in the face. Steve pouts as Eddie jangles them triumphantly walking out the door, “Be back in five, hot stuff!”
Steve sends you an annoyed look, “Please tell me that wasn’t directed at me.”
You take a loud sip from his hydroflask and grin, “No, you’re big boy and I’m hot stuff,” you chide. “C’mon now.” Like it’s the most logical thing in the world.
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“So,” he mutters escorting you to your car later that evening. “Are you ever gonna spill what went down the other night?”
“Huh,” you kiss your teeth with a wet click, bag slung haphazardly across your arm. “Thought Nance would’ve cracked by now.”
“What d’ya mean?”
You kick at the rocks scattered along the blacktop, refusing to meet his eyes. “Well,” you sigh. A grunt, a huff of breath before you tug at the strap of your backpack and admit flatly, “He, uh, ended it.” You hold up your left hand and wiggle your fingers in proof, and sure enough, no engagement ring in sight.
Steve never truly understood what people meant when they said the phrase ‘seeing red’ until now. Granted, he’d been knocked on the head more than most in his time, but even with the concussions he still had enough sense to know that you were the real fucking deal. And any asswipe that thinks he can do better than you is sorely mistaken.
He should know.
Willing himself not to vibrate with rage, he slings an arm across your shoulders and pulls you to his chest. You sniffle and press your forehead to his neck, he smells clean and comforting like cypress and vetiver with the faintest whiff of laundry detergent. 
“M’sorry honey,” he soothes, voice soft and low, subtly rocking from side to side as you fail to stop the tears from falling. “I gotcha, it’s okay.”
Naturally, you completely lose your shit in the school parking lot while Steve holds you. And truthfully, you’re more frustrated than anything because you’d been trying so damn hard to keep it together this week. You thought you’d been doing pretty well, too, until Harrington used his dumb best-friends-forever powers of perception.
Unbeknownst to you, everyone’s been desperately trying to keep their cool. 
Nancy was tight-lipped about the cause for your bender last weekend, but occupants of the loft were distinctly aware of how rigidly she held herself after dropping you off. Completely glued to her phone in case you needed anything at all and going so far as to out-law rom-coms for seemingly no reason.
His anger is simmering now, bubbling just under the surface because hell if he’s going to let you see how affected he is. True, he was never the biggest fan of your fiancé, well, ex-fiancé now, but he seemed like an okay guy. 
Clearly not.
A wet sob claws its way from your throat as Steve draws you closer, his hand cradling the back of your head. He’s doing his best to comfort you, but there’s only so much he can do in the parking lot of Hawkins high school. 
He pulls back briefly to look down at you, searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “Wanna crash at the loft?” He asks, voice hushed, as if he’s afraid to spook you. You glance over your shoulder to your car parked a few spaces away, eyes wide and wet. 
Steve feels like he’s lost all language. Doesn’t know any words because you’re stuttering, cursing, and sobbing against his chest like he’s never heard before. He’s at a complete loss as he shepherds you toward his car, opening the passenger door and sliding you into the seat. He has to pry your fingers off from the way you’d latched on to his shirt. 
As the door closes, he grabs his phone and types out a quick missive to let the roommates know what’s coming.
steeb🖕: nance, a heads up would’ve been nice
bucko 🤠: 👀
nwa 🔪: oh shit.
dumbass🤘 : stop talking in code nerds
steeb🖕 has changed the name of this group from 🫰freeloaders🫰 to 👊 fight club👊
steeb🖕: trouble is crashing with us, it’s bad guys. like, defcon 1
bucko 🤠: isn’t that the lowest level of defcon?
steeb🖕: not the time robs
nwa 🔪: her fiancé broke it off, that’s why she got shitfaced. didn’t want me to say anything until she was ready
bucko 🤠: what a piece of shit
dumbass🤘: i’m gonna need his name and address, ss# is a plus but not a necessity 
bucko 🤠: eddie NO
steeb🖕: eddie YES
nwa🔪 has ‘liked’ this message
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“Sorry–” you whisper hoarsely, “I’m–sorry–”
Steve’s mouth falls open, so fucking helpless and confused. “There’s no need for that,” he assures you, “You didn’t do anything hon.”
You’ve barely gotten out of the shower, hair damp and dripping on the tiles of the bathroom. You stand in the doorway, dressed in an oversized Warped Tour shirt from ages ago, one bare foot scratching the adjacent ankle. 
Steve had to coax you to shower after arriving at the loft, your face puffy, smeared with tears and snot. Once you had been safely stowed in the shower, Nancy went into crisis-management mode. Delegating tasks to everyone in proximity to her and speaking in hushed tones with your parents on the phone.
Robin was in charge of securing a sub for you tomorrow (and, let’s be honest, one for Eddie, Steve, and herself as well), Eddie was researching moving companies and doing some mild internet sleuthing about your ex, just for his own research purposes, which left Steve on babysitting duty.
You start crying again, hiding the tears in your palms and dropping to the floor, curling up. Shit. Shit. Shit. Steve’s losing it. Can’t even keep you happy for two seconds–which he knows is the easiest job in the world because you have attention span of a goldfish and will laugh at anything.
He’s still perplexed when he drops to the floor with you, splaying his legs around your body, wrapping his arms around your back. His shirt is basically soaked through, sopping with your tears but that doesn’t deter you. You burrow into his chest, hands crawling up his shoulder blades, fingertips digging in enough to bruise, and you cling to him like a lifeline. Steve’s chest swells in pain for you, a hurt he feels down to his bones. You’re shaking with sobs and shivery hot in his arms.
Unable to soothe your tears, Steve gets to work and slides an arm down underneath your legs to secure you against his chest. “Okay honey, hold tight,” he breathes, scooping you up as he rises from the cold tile floor. You press your face further into his chest, sinking so deep into his hold he thinks you might fall right into him. Another choked sob as you nod.
He carries you down the hall and into his bedroom, all dark and quiet. Steve lays you down atop his sheets where you continue to sob fitfully, eyes blooming with fresh tears. He reaches over your body, takes the far edge of the sheet and pulls it around, tucking it beneath your back. He does the same to the other side and soon enough, you’re wrapped snugly in its cocoon. Only your head is visible.
And he knows you’re sad, and it’s very fucking real. The kind of sadness he felt when Nancy crushed his heart to smithereens back in high school. That, but times a thousand.
“How’s that?” he says, breaking the silence now that your cries have died down. “Better?”
You blink at him after a while. Your head jerks a few times, eyes pointedly cutting to the open space on the bed next to you.
Steve shucks his shirt, volleying it to the hamper, and slips in chuckling at the way you inch your body closer to his. His arm falls to rest against your hip, “Okay honey,” he whispers over the top of your head, “Better now?”
“Mmhm,” you sigh, pressing your forehead to his chest once more. “Stevie,” you rasp, voice muffled, “Can you stay?”
“Yeah,” he says right away, fingers sketching along your side, a crease of worry forming between his brows. “‘Course I’ll stay honey, long as you want.”
Steve spends another couple of hours with you, settling down in hopes that you’ll eventually drift off to sleep. He pulls a movie up on his phone, something with little emotional labor because you’re more than likely spent for the week. He lays next to you on the bed, propped up by a pillow or two, his free hand tracing calming circles against your hip. After the credits roll, your swollen eyelids begin to slip shut.
He stays for a little longer, just until your breathing evens out and he knows you’re asleep. As gently and slowly as he can, Steve gets out of bed careful not to jostle you awake and makes his way to the living room. Everyone’s awake and lost in their own little world, it’s quiet save for the sound of clacking keys and mouse clicks. 
Settling against an armchair, he clears his throat and says, “She’s asleep, for now.”
“How’s she doing?”
He shrugs, because isn’t that the million dollar question. Steve couldn’t begin to guess at that thoughts rattling through your brain. But he tries anyway, “Uh, not great.”
Silence settles around them once more. Steve stares wordlessly at the ceiling and grits his teeth loud enough for everyone to hear. He inhales a deep, steady breath and it feels like the only one he’s taken in hours.
And for the first time in a long time, he allows himself to fall back on a familiar feeling. To push past all the anger and hurt; the tinge of his own failure he tries not to associate with you, struggles to do that most days, too. 
Behind the darkness of his eyelids, there is strangely so much light.
A semblance of hope.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
OKAY FINAL REQUEST FOR NOW FROM ME. yandere Bro Strider headcanons? Reader is either a teacher of Dave's or his doctor from a callout appointment, either way someone Dave holds at a high regard in a sense, for how Bro would meet them perhaps. I feel like Bro could be a bit of an unstable yandere, like really nice at times but can be suddenly really mean and uncaring of their own comfort at others. I still want to kiss him though ):
Oooo, Bro content? I can try my hand at this >:D Sorry if he came off too harsh, I was trying to keep it from being OOC I guess.
Yandere! Bro Strider Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mentions of child neglect because Homestuck canon, Manipulation, Stalking, Kidnapping, Violence, Murder implied, Forced companionship, Blood.
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I'm going to start this off by saying in canon Bro is definitely a horrible parent/brother/guardian.
He isn't the most empathetic person and sees taking care of Dave as some sort of game, usually being overly harsh to prepare him for something.
Bro is very monotone and quiet most of the time.
He plays mind games and is unusually fast and stealthy.
However, even though Bro teaches Dave through harsh methods (such as physical violence and neglect....), he most likely cares for him somewhat.
Which means Dave no doubt has either a teacher or a doctor he sees for the sake of this concept. Maybe even a babysitter.
This could be where you come in.
Dave no doubt ends up attached to you due to the contrast between you and Bro.
You're nicer, keep him fed, and don't subject him to painful levels of... irony?
Bro seems like a yandere who'd be hard to read or even tell he has an obsession.
Far as you know he's just Dave's guardian, you don't have any connections beside taking care of Dave.
Bro isn't very vocal about his obsession so it brews while you're unaware.
He's perfectly capable of stalking due to his stealth and no doubt uses Dave against you.
Bro knows you care about Dave and often invites you over for something involving Dave.
Tutoring, Check ups, Extra care...
Things like that.
You don't mind since Dave is such a good kid with you.
I personally see Bro as an unpredictable yet calm yandere.
He's caring towards you at times while at others he may act like you did something wrong.
The biggest thing in this dynamic is the fact Dave is a bargaining chip.
You'll find out how Bro treats him at some point and may feel obligated to watch over the kid.
Which leaves you vulnerable to Bro's tactics of getting you close to him.
It's hard to tell his emotions at times, very similar to his post-scratch self.
He appears platonic but could very well mean romantic.
He isn't the most expressive.
Eye contact doesn't help as he barely removes those glasses of his.
In some strange way Bro cares for you like he does Dave.
He appears a bit blind to if he's hurting someone he cares about though.
For example, he has no issues with kidnapping you or taking a sword to those he hates around you.
He could be covered in blood and expects it to be okay because he did it for you since he cares.
He's not the worst Homestuck yandere but he's pretty bad due to his lack of empathy and tendency to do whatever the hell he wants.
I feel him hurting his darling is partially accidental yet also because he feels he's doing the best for you.
Kidnapping you and locking you in his room is for safety, right?
It's like he's selectively oblivious?
He chooses not to care sometimes when you're in distress.
If anything you're closest to Dave and are scared of the stuff the kid deals with.
I don't want to say everything about Bro is bad though.
Most of it is, don't get me wrong on that.
When he isn't pretending nothing is wrong, he's affectionate.
He holds you, pets your head, tries to make you feel comfortable and wanted.
He even praises how you take care of Dave.
He trains him... you provide care.
Bro's intentions unknown but they appear to be similar to Dirk.
But he's so harsh with it.
Bro's obsession is the definition of tough love.
He feels to protect you and Dave he has to do what he's doing now...
Even if it means neglecting your wants and needs at times for his own selfish interests.
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sstardustt3 · 6 months
-akira kurusu (joker) headcannons-
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First of all, THEATER KID. 
You simply can not tell me that he is not an overdramatic theater kid who does the most at all times, especially when he was a kid.
But this led him to be seen as “odd” and outcasted by the people around him in the which made him extremely lonely, he wasn’t bullied but he didn’t have any friends 
Because of this he kinda closed himself off to fit more into the societal norms and not be seen as strange which is why he’s so quiet and keeps to himself all the time 
Which made him partially excited to go to shibuya because despite it being a pretty shitty situation, being on probation and arrested for something that wasn’t even his fault, he thought that maybe in the big city he’ll find some people that won’t think he’s weird and can open up to which he ended up getting with the thieves  but his hope was only temporarily diminished with his record being leaked
Holy fuck that was long but, moving on, I think he has a very poor relationship with his parents, especially after being convicted of assault.
I don’t think his parents hate him by any means but they’re definitely neglectful based on the fact joker doesn’t get a single call, text, or a letter from them
What i personally think is that his parents are the type of parents to do the bare minimum and do nothing else for him
In a sense his parents sort of gave up on him because of his “eccentric”  behavior and him getting arrested might have solififed that for that for them and even if not they’re definitely not on his side when it comes to the whole assault thing which could be why they never contact him
Okay the last two were pretty angsty but moving on,
He has like, zero experience with girls and he’s the most oblivious mf ever
And because he wasn’t really popular at his old school (for the aforementioned reasons) he got ZERO bitches, none, cero.
 This is actually another headcanon that i really don’t have an explanation for but when he moved way more girls started liking him because of people thinking he was this bad boy and he had NO idea how to deal with that
Like for a while he just thought people were just being weirdly nice to him
Like he is the type of guy who unintentionally flirty like just natural charisma with looks
Like you have to be insanely obvious for him to even take a hint
Adding onto the headcanon that you have to be insanely obvious to get him to notice that you like him, once he does realize  that you like him like one of two things is going to happen:
One, if your not that close than he has no idea what to do about that and he’s just slightly more awkward than usual
But two, if you are that close, he is BOLD. despite he is not knowing how to flirt for shit he is still charming enough that his horrible attempts at flirting and teasing somehow work
Because he has no cannon birthday other than the year he is born (2000) my personal thought is that he’s born on valentines day, there’s no elaboration for this one just a gut feeling
I feel like he has a vivid imagination of scenarios 
Like for example he can imagine an entire plot for a musical at three am and exactly how it would go
Morgana and sojiro have frequently told him to shut up and go to bed
Also he has insomnia. I just felt like I should throw that into there.
Him, sojiro, and futaba have movie nights once a weekend and ninety percent of the time it’ll be a horror, old movies, or a studio ghibli movie
Texas chainsaw massacre, kill bill, sadako vs kayako, jacobs ladder, don’t look up, my neighbor totoro, spirted away, sailor moon r, ponyo, etc
60 precent of the time futaba picks the movie
I have no explanation for this one but him in the metaverse is very much christian borle coded in a way i can’t explain i swear (please i beg of you listen to hard to be a bard from something rotten its so good)
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anastasia-queen · 7 months
Character Appreciation: Chloe Carmichael from Fairly Oddparents (Proper Character Analysis WIP)
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(Note: The discussion you are currently reading is a WIP. As for the reason, I wanted to post something about the subject just in case I lost motivation for this personal project.) Anyways, let's begin this discussion about Chloe Carmichael.
Chloe Carmichael is a heavily misrepresented character across the general or FOP community. She does have a source of misery, which is she is a child who has a sheltered lifestyle and must live up to her parents and other expectations and morals enforced upon her.
As a result of her sheltered life, she has a strong personality that makes socializing with kids difficult. Her conflict is purely internal, not external because her conflict focuses on the psychological effects on her character. The beauty of Chloe's Character is that despite having to enforce a sheltered lifestyle, it's due to that lifestyle from her parents' skewed reality. Chloe can see the beauty of small things and believes there's always a positive direction of thinking or behavior for anyone. She's an optimistic person.
However, due to how her parents unintentionally put their mindset upon their daughter, whether something minor or major that breaks Chloe's perception of reality, she often breaks down or loses it.
Chloe Carmichael is essentially the antithesis of Timmy Turner, Timmy, a child who had a neglectful life as a result of his parents' personal work life, escapades, and oblivious behavior interfering with his need for attention and guidance in his life, which led to him taken advantage of hence characters like Vicky, and Timmy begrudgingly accepts it because he has no one else to go to for help.
As a result of this consistent behavior cycle, Timmy had a very pessimistic outlook on people and life, resulting in Timmy having a noticeable blunt, sarcastic, and partly arrogant behavior in the earlier seasons, especially for Season Zero.
While Timmy and Chloe are both opposites in lifestyles and mannerisms, they also have the same problem of acknowledging both of their feelings ignored by the general public.
While Timmy's situation and source of misery are more noticeable and direct than Chloe's, Chloe is still miserable because she represses her feelings and thoughts of wanting more, to be heard, to be an actual child, for only to follow the morals enforced by her parents. Chloe even admitted in the episode Booby Trapped that she holds her parents and extension their thoughts in high regard. The episode Summer Bummer also amplifies this notion by having the physical manifestation of the inner child in Chloe's mind, saying Chloe is prioritizing the need for education over the liberty of freedom of being a child.
Someone would ask the question. If Chloe has an internal conflict that affects her perception of life, wouldn't that mean Timmy also has an internal conflict? The answer is no. Timmy's conflict is external.
An external conflict is about having a force of nature, like society or a situation set against the main character. Whether natural or not, it must be outside the character's control, which the main character must learn to overcome. Hence, Timmy's reason to have Cosmo and Wanda. Timmy is a child who had a neglectful upbringing outside his control, which led to people mistreating and taking advantage of him, which caused him to have a pessimistic outlook to only have Cosmo and Wanda to help him combat this.
While it's true that the neglectful lifestyle had taken a toll on the perception of the mindset of Timmy and how he interacts and perceives others. The definition of an internal conflict is about the constant inner battles of prioritizing your wants and needs for a set principle. Timmy doesn't have this problem because he doesn't have major internal battles of his identity to qualify. After all, Timmy is a person who suppresses his feelings.
A person who suppresses their feelings is self-aware of their problem. However, they are deliberately making the conscious choice to avoid acknowledging it. As a result, the issue remains unresolved. The only reason why Timmy's problem is being addressed is because of Cosmo and Wanda. Otherwise, Timmy wouldn't have had the inherent ability to do so, thus setting aside his feelings.
In contrast, a person who represses their feelings is not subconsciously aware of their feelings. Hence, Chloe often has an epiphany when her problem is eventually acknowledged.
Someone would probably ask me a question. If Chloe is a child from a sheltered upbringing who deals with the constant repressed inner battles of her parents enforce morals over her needs and wants of being an actual child, which had an unintentional effect of giving Chloe a strong personality that overwhelms or annoys people to be long lasting meaningful friends with her outside the things she can offer as her character conflict. How come no one mentioned this component of Chloe's character?
Well, dear reader, that is because no one thoroughly watched the tenth season outside the first episode and the notorious horrendous episodes of the Flash era. (Specifically, the episodes The Kale Patch Caper, Knitwits, Tardy Sauce, and the most popular contender everyone loves to use to belittle this season and extension of the modern era Fairly Oddparents as a whole, the episode Certified Super Sitter.) If you don't believe me, then go to YouTube and Twitter.
However, not every episode from the Flash era is terrible. Summer Bummer and Fancy Schmancy are relatively decent for Season 10B standards.
(Season 10B is only thirteen episodes across seven episode blocks. Season 10A is 30 episodes across 13 episode blocks.) I mentioned this because there is a noticeable misconception that the Flash era was half of Season 10. (7 out of 37 episodes is approximately 19%.)
Poor episodes that plague the reputation of Season 10A are The Big Fairly Scare Share, Girly Squirrely, and Return of the Losers. (3 out of 30 episodes is approximately 10%. In total this is approximately 29%, a third of the season, which is legitimately poor.) Leaving 71% of Season 10 undiscussed. "Yeah, that is definitely fair".
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eksvaized · 10 months
[ 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 ] — 3
>> Ghost x Reader, part FOUR
>> 18+
>> this was inspired by the tv show 'you'
Five more days till Simon gets to see you.
He should have spent his time doing something else, but because he couldn’t get you out of his mind, he opted to do something productive, and something productive in his mind meant tracking you down and following you until he learnt what your typical day looked like, what you liked to do, where you went, and, most importantly, where you lived.
He had no idea where to begin, but he concluded that the last place he saw you at would be a good place to start. And it was. Of course, he had to spend two days wandering the same street, keeping his eyes open, in hopes of seeing you again... but eventually, there you were , strolling, well, more like running down the street – you definitely were late.
Simon followed you like a shadow for the rest of the day, staying a few feet away, never walking on the same side of the street as you, and turning around, concealing his face, pretending to be on the phone anytime you looked over your shoulder, just in case you recognised him.
But you never looked at him. It was as if you were oblivious to the world around you, lost in your own mind.
Once or twice you even crossed the street without looking left and right, and once or twice Simon almost ran towards you, wanting to drag you back to the sidewalk, when a car drove by too fast, startling you.
You need to be protected.
You were too naïve, too innocent, incapable of taking care of yourself.
You needed someone like Simon by your side - you didn’t realise it yet, but he was convinced that he could be the answer to all your problems.
And, based on what he could overhear while listening to your phone conversations, you appeared to have a lot on your plate.
You despised your job, and your boss was overbearing and unable to keep his hands to himself, but you couldn’t quit because you needed a way to make a living; Simon made a mental note to deal with that jerk as soon as he found out where you worked at.
He also discovered that you were pretty forgetful when you answered your phone for the second time and began apologising to someone on the other end of the line for being late and promising that you were on your way and would be home soon.
You were going home.
Simon's eyes widened, and he could physically feel the satisfaction seeping into every fiber of his being.
He was afraid that he would have to follow you around the city all day, and to be honest, he was getting bored with walking; you didn’t have a car and never took the bus or called a cab, which was great because Simon never lost track of you. But his fingers were freezing and going numb from being outside for so long and having to linger around several places, when you would go into some building and he didn’t want to follow, not daring to risk being seen.
You lived in a run-down house in a sketchy neighbourhood. Every one of Simon's senses seemed heightened as he trailed behind you, unable to fathom your sense of safety while walking down these streets alone. This was not the right place for you and he wanted to do nothing more than to whisk you away because you deserved better, you deserved more.
As Simon stood, leaning against a tree, trying not to attract anyone’s attention, not that there were a lot of passersby, but there could still be plenty of noisy neighbours, who had nothing better to do this evening than sit by the windows and spy on people that passed their houses, he wondered if you lived alone .
Probably not.
The house, with its faded color and overgrown front yard, appeared old and neglected. The place was big and he couldn’t fathom you owning it, so perhaps you were renting it. Do you have roommates? Or was this your parents’ house from which you still hadn’t moved out?
So many questions, and so few answers.
Enduring any kind of conditions was second nature to Simon, who had been trained as a soldier. Spying was part of his work, and he was damn good at it, but he had to draw the line somewhere. This was enough for one day.
His fingers were numb and he could barely feel them. His back was stiff, and he chewed on the inside of his cheek to stop his teeth from chattering. The cold was seeping into his flesh, causing his body to shiver, and his skin to turn to ice.
He was already walking back, smoking, his feet lazily dragging across the concrete, when a car drove down the street and parked in front of your house. He came to a sudden halt, whirling around just a little too fast and tossing the cigarette to the ground.
A man got out, closing the door a bit too loudly, alerting the entire neighborhood of his arrival.
Matt. He recognized him from the picture he saw on your profile.
What was he doing here? Was he here to see you? Why?
He stood there watching as Matt walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, the door opened, and he saw you.
For a second, he was only focused on you. You had changed your clothes and were now wearing shorts and a plain white shirt. Was this how you always dressed when you were hanging around the house? Probably. Simon smiled.
He couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to wake up on a Sunday morning, around noon, walk to the kitchen and find you, making a cup of coffee, dressed like this. He could see you turning around and your eyes lighting up when your gaze would settle on him. Your lips would curl into a smile as you would walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, getting on your tiptoes and…
Simon snapped back to reality  feeling the icy breeze on his face.
He blinked.
Matt and you were gone, and the front door had been shut. He knew Matt hadn’t left and was inside your house now because his car was still parked in the driveway.
He would have marched down the street, broken the fucking door, and dragged Matt outside if he had let his impulses control him. Matt didn’t deserve to be near you; he didn’t deserve to look at you or to talk with you. Hell , he didn’t even deserve to be in the same room as you, much alone breathe the same air.
But Simon was wiser than that; he knew he couldn’t act on his urges. He had to be smart about this and it was going to be a long game. It may take time, but he always prevails and this time wasn’t going to be different - he will win again. He had no doubts about that.
You are going to be his. Only his . He just needed to keep himself grounded. And that meant, as much as he despised turning around and leaving, he had no other choice.
But walking away, knowing your house was disappearing behind him in the distance, wasn’t difficult since he knew he would see you again on Friday.
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Reaper of Odds
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Summary: It was the annual reaping, but the results weren’t what you had expected
Warnings: mentions of death, cursing, hints of neglectful parents, and mentions of drinking
A/N: Feel free to request for any one shots you would like to see in this series!
Masters of the Scene Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Everyone stood shoulder to shoulder- if you could even call it that. It was more like shoulder to stomach with so many people packed into the small square.
There was almost no breathing room, it made your chest squeeze painfully and your lungs begin to tickle with the slightest bit of a burn.
It was safe to say that the only thing keeping you grounded in that moment was the small squeeze of reassurance that the boy to your left gave your hand. You grasped his hand back tightly, not caring how desperate you came off. His hand was the only thing keeping you grounded in that moment.
“Welcome, welcome, to the seventy fourth annual Hunger Games!” The woman- Rowena- spoke smoothly into the microphone upon a stage that made her look out of place against the bland concrete behind her. You could only imagine how she would look standing in the crowd with all of you.
“I have a feeling,” The red haired woman with too much makeup and too bright of a dress continued, “That it is going to be a very special year.”
Not a single person matched her enthusiasm.
“As always, may the odds be ever in your favor.” It must have taken years of practice for her to stare out at all of their tired, grief stricken faces and not once let her perfect smile falter, “Let’s begin with the girls.”
Deans hand tightened even more around yours when she spoke, and you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes.
His lips were set in a stern line and his eyes were hard, the complete opposite of how he looked whenever he was looking at you. It was almost starting to see the face you had grown so accustomed to look such a way.
To his other side stood his younger brother, Sam, who was slouched down as if that could hide him from the reality of the reaping. His eyes were wide and filled with a horror that would be enough to fuel your nightmares for a long time.
Though he was Deans little brother, he had always been like one to you too. He was always someone you felt you needed to look out for, take care of.
And the interesting thing about it was, it wasn’t just because you and Dean were together. The two of you had been best friends almost all your lives having grown up as neighbors, and even then, you still looked out for Sam as if he were your own.
It was only recently that you and Dean had finally admitted your feelings after years of hiding it. And though you were arguably in the most dangerous and difficult district to live in, you found yourself being happy. A rare feeling for any person in district twelve.
Of course, you knew the chances of any one of the three of you being picked were as slim as they come, but that didn’t stop your breath from catching in your throat as the woman onstage gracefully made her way to the large bowl on the side of her and fished out a single slip of paper.
On that paper would be the name of one doomed child, one forced to give up their life and everything it could have become, victor or not. No one ever truly won.
The woman cleared her throat when she got back up to the michrophone and made a spectacle of dramatically unfolding the paper, as if she was oblivious to the way every single person in the square was holding their breaths.
In a couple seconds, all but one person will let out their breaths of relief.
But then she did something she wasn’t supposed to do, Rowena read your name from the paper. Clear and crisp as day. Though there was absolutely no way she had read it wrong, you couldn’t help but desperately wonder if she had- if some sort of mistake had been made.
You stumbled backwards, even Dean's grip had loosened in shock at the news. He was staring up at the podium, frozen, barely looking like he was even breathing.
There was a ringing in your ears, sharp and painful, you couldn’t hear anything else but it. Not the horrified sobs of Sam, nor the impatient grunts of peacemakers who were making their way through the crowd when it became clear that you weren’t moving.
People all around parted from you like a plague, not offering a single hand to you as your knees gave out and you fell to the ground. You were too numb to even feel the sting upon impact.
The peacekeepers had finally surged through enough of the crowd to reach you. The closest one roughly grabbed your arm and yanked you to your feet. Your mind was too full to even comprehend the gesture, so you simply stumbled up and followed as he pulled you to the stage.
“Hey! Hey!” Dean finally snapped out of his trance, and a look of complete and utter rage washed over his face, “Let her go, you son of a bitch!”
A separate peacekeeper had to hold him back, but you still numbly made your way to the stage, giving no sign that you even noticed the outburst coming from the boy you loved.
“Now,” The lady smiled once you stood beside her, as if nothing had happened, “We shall draw from the boys.”
The peacekeeper holding you apparently deemed you safe enough to let go and took a step back, still close enough in case you had another episode.
Your eyes finally lifted to meet those of Deans, whose green eyes showed with unshed tears. He had stopped fighting, fallen silent and held a sobbing Sam to his chest.
An overwhelming smell of fruity perfume filled your senses when the woman returned, holding a folded slip of paper.
“Samuel Winchester!” She read happily.
No. No. No. No. No-
One of the local officials that were near the two Winchester boys moved to take Sam and push him onto the stage.
A furious scream left Dean's lips as he lunged towards the peacekeeper that wrenched his younger brother out of his grip, swiftly punching him in the face.
The official fell to the ground the second Deans fist hit his jaw, knocked out automatically.
You sank to your knees on the stage floor, hands cupping your mouth as you wept and wept.
The odds that were supposed to be near impossible not only brought you despair once- but twice.
Not Sammy, anyone but Sammy-
The boy was practically shoved into your arms, and you held each other close.
Suddenly, remembering the cameras that were directed at the two of you, no doubt having at least half of Panem watching, you shakily pulled both of you to your feet, keeping one arm wrapped securely around his shoulders.
Even through your panic and duress, one thought broke through all others: now that he was here, you needed to do everything in your power to keep Sam safe. If one of you was going to get out of this, it would have to be him, not-
“I volunteer!”
Your head snapped up to where Dean had shaken off the holds of the officers that had restrained him, his arm was raised straight in the air, eyes trained solely on you and Sam as his voice boomed through the square.
“I volunteer as tribute.” His voice was steady, calm, a stark opposite from how he had been acting a mere moment ago.
Sam sucked in a sharp breath and tensed up. He might have been horrified to be sent into that arena, but that didn’t mean he wanted his big brother taking his place.
Unlike you and Sam, Dean didn’t need an escort up stage, he simply strode forward with his chin held high and a look of determination set on his face.
The young boy was directed back into the crowd as Dean came to stand beside you, facing forward, but immediately grasping onto your hand with his own, interlacing your fingers and squeezing reassuringly.
“Well, this was an interesting experience,” Rowena laughed airily before swiping an arm to the side to present to you and Dean, “Our district twelve tributes, everybody!”
Instead of being met with applause like the woman had hoped, all she got were pitying looks directed at you and Dean, who still stood hand in hand, facing the people of your home district.
After clearing her throat, Rowena ushered the two of you off the stage and into some back rooms you knew would be where you were meant to say goodbye to your loved ones before you were shipped off to the capital.
“It’s okay, Honey Bee,” Dean muttered into your ear as you walked, “We’re going to be alright.” He squeezed your interlocked hand.
The two of you were sat down in a small back room and were told to wait while they let your families in.
Unsurprisingly, Sam was the only one to scurry through the door.
Your parents had died when you were young and Dean and Sam’s father, John, had been sulking in the back of the square, no doubt nursing a flask under his jacket and taking quick sips when no one was looking.
He hadn’t so much as make his presence known when not just one, but two of his sons were put on stage in front of the entire district, awaiting departure to their possible deaths.
Quickly, the younger boy threw his arms around his brother's torso and sobbed into his chest.
“I-I’m so-sorry-“
“Hey, hey, shh,” Dean shushed him, rocking the boy back and forth as he rubbed a comforting hand up and down his back, “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”
The boy was still sniffling when he pulled away after a few moments and fell into your arms. You just pushed his hair back from his eyes and gave his forehead a kiss, “It’s okay, Sammy, it’s okay.”
Neither of you said that you promised to come back, that was too big of a promise to make to the boy. Too much of a possibility that you wouldn’t.
“P-please watch out for each other,” The boy hiccuped when it was finally time to leave, giving his big brother one last hug.
“Of course we will, Sammy.” Dean mumbled, closing his eyes briefly as he held his little brother tightly.
He pulled away after a moment and looked at the boy sternly, holding him at arm's length, “If you ever need anything, I want you to go to Jody. She’ll look after you.”
Jody was also your neighbor, and the woman had been kind enough to take you in after your parents passed. She never failed to take care of you or either of the Winchester boys. She wasn’t family though so she hadn’t been allowed in with Sam.
The boy nodded, rubbing a dirty sleeve over his nose.
“And Sam?” You swallowed, “Will you tell her that I said thank you? For-For everything?”
His eyes filled with tears once more at your words, but nodded again nonetheless.
“Alright, we best be going.” Rowena entered the room, clapping her hands and perfectly manicured nails together once.
Dean squeezed Sam’s shoulder once more, “I love you, okay?”
“I love you too,” Sam mumbled, glancing at you as well so you knew he included you with that.
Your heart clenched with pain at the thought of leaving the boy, but not as much as it did if he had been with you.
Instead, you were now faced with having to go into a fight to the death with your boyfriend by your side. A fight that will take one of you away from the other.
And just as you had promised yourself with Sam, you would make sure Dean made it out alive. He needed to survive more than you did- he had so much more to live for. He had a family, you did not.
“Let’s go,” You said quietly, taking Dean's hand in yours and following Rowena out of the room.
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Sooooo... This took much longer than expected in terms of research. And just as long to rank. HOWEVER!-
*Drum rolls*
The 40 Mom Tier List:
Ranking the Mom's of the 40 Characters!
S Tier:
Tamako Yukihira - Taught her son that making mistakes is part of success, introduced her son to a new passion for cooking, etc. Cool Mom points for sure.
Rachel Phantomhive - Even she had asthma, she tried her best for her family while she alive. Took care of her children, disciplined them when needed, and took joy when her sister played with them when she couldn't. She was even there for sister when her husband died and tried her best to cheer her up.
Hiroko Kastuki - She's a caring and supportive Mom. AND SHE'S ALIVE! S Tier for sure. :D
Hinata's Mom - Same as Katsuki's Mom. Caring and supportive. We like supportive Mom's in this household.
Nanako Hasegawa - Top Tier Mom, supportive of her son's passions and offered advice during his feed with Reki. She even asks for advice from her late husband's photo when it comes to her son, which shows how much the two mean to her.
Kie Kamado - Took care, supported, and raised of all her children while she was alive, so that counts for something, right? S Tier.
Kotoko Fujioka - Someone Haruhi tries to model after, so that counts for something.
Mitsuko Serinuma - Supportive and caring of her daughter and son, especially with Kae's biy troubles. She even supports her otaku's shenanigans without much of a fuss from what I've seen. Of course, she got worried when she locked herself in her room, though.
Senna - Cares for her child avatar or not. Supports her even though it sometimes means letting her go perform her duties as the Avatar, no matter how dangerous.
Trisha Eldric - CARED for her family and supported them even though she was mourning her husband all the while.
Sachiko Fujinuma - Known to be caring and dedicated to her son.
A Tier:
Ursa - Look, aprt from taking care of Zuko however she could, she was also part of how he remained strong after all those years and taught him that trying even though things get tough was a strength of his. But Azula. Enough said there. Plus, if you want to include the comics, then much more of a reason may be.
Inko Midoriya - She takes care of her son and supports his decisions even though it takes convincing sometimes, say how she wanted to keep him from U.A. that one time. Buuut, as much as it pains me, she did sort of unintentionally cause some issues to form in Deku the day he was prescribed as quirkless. So A Tier instead of S Tier.
Kurumi Saiki: Now, she's personally one of my favorites; she is part of why Kusuo rarely ever uses his powers for wrong reasons. BUT, she also sometimes fails to be an actual parent to both her children who were probably barely raised, if at all because of their fastmature news compared to her and Kuniharu. Not to say she didn't try, but considering Kusuke and Kusuo's sibling hood, Kurumi get A Tier. Still like her though.
Sukuyo Mankanshoku - Now correct me if I'm wrong, you guys (I wanna finish this fast, and I've hardly watched Kill La Kill before sorry), but she seems like a sweet mom. She takes care of her childern, discipline, and even makes meals fo Ryūko as if she wer her own. But she has shown to be a bit oblivious like Kurumi when it comes to the safety of her children, so that's probably one of the only reasons she's not in S Tier.
Kyoko Honda - Reeeeally wanted to give her S Tier, but even if she helped form Torhu moral compass and all that with her wisdom, she did go into a depressive state once her husband passed away leading her into neglecting Tohru and even considering suicide. So, A Tier is the least to do here.
Mrs. Kageyama - A little overworking and doesn't know that her son is hanging with Reagen of all people in all honesty(no offense to Reagen dudes), but supportive.
Kuchel Ackerman - Worked as a prostitute sooo... She cared for Levi, she did, but if only she reached out to someone to take care of him while she was getting sicker. Not saying it was without reason, but she unintentionally did leave her child to starve if it weren't Kenny. Well, I'm not giving her B Tier, but I'm not giving her D Tier either.
B Tier:
Maho Fujiwara - I didn't find much on her and I've never watched much of Love is War, but since she's diplomat, overprotective, and Chika barely mentions her, Imma say she tried her best, but could do better. Feel free to tell me if I should move her up or not.
C Tier:
Yugi/Hanako's Mother- Now I tried to research about her but... well after her son left, well she sort of-... Well, committed sewerslide. Yikes. She only gets D Tier because she didn't treat them like nothing while she took care of them.
D Tier:
Hiromi Shiota - Projected her desires onto her son by making him present as a girl so that he could live a life she wanted. Not very caring or nurturing if you ask me. Then again, she not F Tier.
Leano - Chose her appreance over Legoshi. If you know then you know.
F Tier:
Raygo: No. Just no. NO. (If you know then you know)
Isabella: Season 2 didn't do it for me, so she gets F Tier as she deserves.
Kikyo Zoldyck - Do I really need to explain this one? Do I REALLY need to explain this one? N-O.
Iruma's Mother - Yeah, if you read the first ranking of the Dad's, you know what she did. No S Tier for her.
Bonus, some honorable mentions here:
Kya, Midori Nendo, Mrs. Nanase, and Mrs. Neogi
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf , you like? Please help me fix the ranking if you feel I was too harsh/soft on one of these Mom's. Remember to take a break please! :D
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prettyrealm · 1 year
tom holland mini personality reading
positives + negatives
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+ positives
i think he may be quite grounded, self-aware - he doesn’t think he’s the smartest person in the room and doesn’t pretend to be either, open to different personality types and accepts people for who they are, i don’t think has a lot of crazy misogynistic or hateful views of women (compared to most men I’ve read for so far), doesn’t find it hard to apologize, he can be quite charming, very good at managing himself (isn’t the type to over eat, drink too much, do drugs or sleep around too much), refuses to sacrifice his integrity or go against his own moral code, good at creating wealth (if he ever fell off he would probably have a super lucrative business or something to fall back on and just stick to that), very understanding of others and likes to learn, likes to share his success with those around him, good mental strength and doesn’t fall victim to peer pressure, can handle being made fun of, doesn’t allow insecurities or low self-esteem to get in the way of his goals (it’s like he actively combats negative thoughts telling him what he can or can’t do or for ex. ignoring how bad he thinks he looks in a film because he knows that’s not what’s important anyway)
- negatives
he seriously does not want to hear about drama at all and he can be kind of dismissive when it comes to this, fearful and can be a bit cowardly, pretends to be oblivious, bad at putting up personal boundaries (if someone’s making him uncomfortable he won’t say anything he’ll just deal with it), i think he can get in his head a lot and this results in a lot of sleepless nights, he can get pretty angry and when he does his words are very cutting, learns lessons the hard way, if he has children I think he should be wary of child neglect (he may end up pushing his children way too hard and becoming an overbearing or smothering parent), mega control freak and overly protective, a bit gullible, chatterbox - he’s not good at keeping secrets in general, but he also may have a habit of revealing things on purpose and acting like he didn’t know any better, likes to play dumb, reminisces and dwells over the past and what he’s lost too much & people may find him hard to trust.
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thegirlwhoimagined · 2 years
If Artem is so innocent, why hot?
I just can't stop thinking of how much Artem and Loid have in common. They both have malewife behavior, they are oblivious, they can cook. Both are tall and have big dicks. Both are smart but clearly are dumb when it comes to anything other than their work/jobs.
Is that the formula for the Dream man? They also both like the same type of women. Yor and Rosa are very dedicated to their jobs and are both kind with crazy brother figures that are involved in dangerous jobs in their life.
Coincidence? I think not.
I honestly think the dream man formula is a man being a malewife and not seeing what's so "rare" about it.
I hat to bring him up but take N*d Fulmer for example, he was BARELY a malewife. All he did was like bake bread and cook once in a while. And he kept on about how he 'loves his wife'. Because he knew that the bar for men was in hell, and that going even 5% beyond it was enough to gain fame and fortune. But he left alot of things to be done by Ariel. Why? Because, to him, it's a woman's job. It may not have been something he thought actively, but the undercurrents of it were there. In fact, its so instilled in all of us, that we all end up thinking and acting that way subconsciously. Because its our learned response, it doesn't mean we WANT to think that way, its just the way that we think because it was reinforced in us over and over.
Loid and Artem, however...
They don't do house chores and cook and stuff to be called malewives, they do it because it needs to be done. They take an active part in household chores because they understand that its their home too so they need to do equal amounts of work to maintain it.
Both of them grew up in situations where they didn't have a traditional home life. Loids parents were killed and Artem presumably lived in a home where neither of his parents were around for things like house chores. They both have also lived a large part of their adult lives living alone. Which means they had to do all the chores for themselves, because neither of them are the type to neglect their surroundings - because being a spy and a lawyer takes precision and attention to detail.
So yeah, they don't do chores FOR Yor and Rosa, they do it because its part of life. They don't hold it over them or constantly recount it to them - as if them doing it was a favour. That's what makes them dream men.
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shitty-hp-prompts · 9 months
AU where Draco sees Snape as more of a Parental Figure to him than either Lucius or Narcissa:
Consider, for a moment, a HP AU where the twins somehow get their hands on a magic potion/spell/etc that causes a very brief but very extreme burst of panic and mortal terror so severe that anyone who experiences it will immediately cry out for their parents—something which the twins were more than glad to share with their friends and classmates before gleefully remarking, "wonder who the ferret will call out for, mummy or daddy?"
"Of course," they add, glancing at Harry and Neville, "that's not the case for everyone; really, it's whoever mainly raised you or who you see the most as a parental figure." So Neville would likely call out for his Gran, and Harry... Well. Maybe Molly Weasley or Sirius Black? Maybe even Remus Lupin or Minerva McGonagall. Who knows.
But Draco Malfoy? Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Surely "daddy" and maybe "mummy" as well.
Or so they thought, but that's not at all what happens...
When Malfoy is hit with the spell or doused with the potion or whatever...his immediate reaction is to scream Sebby.
...Who the hell is "Sebby"?
The answer comes soon enough when Snape and McGonagall and maybe a few others come swooping in to see what all the panic is about, Severus Snape himself looking particularly panicked. When Draco calls out "Sebby" again, terrified and shaking, Snape pales drastically and throws himself onto the floor beside Draco, gathering him up in his arms and immediately interrogating him and all those around to tell him what in Merlin's name happened here?!
Sebby. Sevvy. Severus.
Holy shit.
Here's what they don't know: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are shit parents, if you can even call them that. The second Draco was born they foisted him off onto the House Elves to take care of, and only interacted with him when necessary—attending fancy dinners and events and such.
The House Elves were to feed him, clean him, teach him—everything that a parent is normally supposed to do. And Severus? Oh, Severus...
As Draco's Godfather Severus Snape felt obligated to at least get to know the kid a bit, only to be absolutely horrified at the neglect and lack of care. Snape never wanted or planned on becoming a father but goddammit you cannot just foist a child off onto your magical little slaves to deal with.
And that's how Severus Snape wound up becoming a father completely against his will, regularly visiting the Malfoy Manor nearly every day to take care of and teach little Draco—something which the boy's actual parents were completely oblivious to, considering they never pay a lick of attention to their own kid anyway.
And as for the name "Sebby"? Simply put, little baby Draco couldn't exactly pronounce the v in Severus and it's not like he was going to have his little baby godson address him by his surname. So, Severus became Sevvy became Sebby, a name which Draco winds up associating far more with warmth and love and safety than words like mummy or daddy.
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m-t-nester · 1 month
A video file is attached. Would you like to watch it?
[Video begins in darkness.
“I just don’t see why you’re letting him stay on your couch if you’re so uncomfortable with him,” Cynthia’s voice says.
“Call it a matter of personal pride, as a mother,” Em responds quietly. 
“Won’t you end up just resenting him? You’re exhausted, you need rest. I’m just worried about you.”
“I… don’t know. Maybe,” Em admits. 
Footsteps can be heard— one pair of slippers, one set of heels, and a large bipedal pokemon. The camera fades in to show Em, Cynthia, and her garchomp approaching the couch.
“Oh, shit,” Laurence says quietly. “I— am I going to get arrested?”
“Doubtful. You’re still a minor,” Cynthia says.
“Oh.” He considers this. “Can I say hi to your garchomp?”
Em sighs, muttering something about the stupidity of innocence, but sits down to supervise anyways. Garchomp seems pretty okay with this arrangement, and puts her head in Laurence’s lap.
“So, I assumed you might have had your pokemon taken by Plasma earlier,” Em says, almost conversationally. “Not a lot of kids your age don’t even have a starter. And you could be hiding from transphobic parents.”
Laurence flinches at that.
“Knock it off, he’s clearly not ready,” Cynthia snaps.
“No, I— it’s okay,” Laurence says. “I know I can’t pass that well, anyways. I’d have to dress better than I can afford to, or learn how to do makeup, and make an effort with my voice, and it’s all too much trouble. I don’t care if people clock that I was born a girl. I don’t even know for sure if I’m a boy, it’s just safer right now. It doesn’t hurt if people call me a girl. But it’s not safe.”
“You’re…. Not sure. So you’re experimenting?” Em frowns. “I see.”
“Something like that. Being a girl in Plasma wasn’t great.” He gives an emotionless smile.
“Well, I’d imagine that being part of an organization that brutally murders children isn’t great,” she remarks coldly.
Laurence doesn’t seem to notice her tone. “They weren’t brutal. They don’t beat you to death unless you really mess up and betray us, and that was only one time anyways. It was medical neglect, mostly. Preventable stuff, like how a couple people died each winter from the flu or hypothermia. Oh, or when the measles went around. I heard you’re supposed to be vaccinated against those, but we weren’t.”
Laurence keeps petting the Pokémon in his lap, seemingly oblivious to what he just said. Em looks too shocked to do anything. Cynthia has her hands clasped over her mouth.
“Historically accurate infant mortality rates,” Cynthia says very quietly, and then rushes out of the room, looking ill.
Her garchomp looks ready to follow her. Laurence pouts, trying to get the pokemon’s attention again.
“Kid. You know— that’s not normal. None of it is normal.” Em shakes her head. “They shouldn’t be recruiting kids. Kids deserve better than this. I’ll kill them all.”
“What, all the parents? Are you going to kill me the day I turn eighteen, too?” Laurence asks.
“I— what the hell?!? What do you want,” Em demands, looking more and more flustered.
“I want to reunite with my Pokémon and live somewhere safe until I stop feeling empty inside. That’s all, really.” Laurence finally loses at his attempt to keep snuggling a ten foot tall garchomp, and sighs as the Pokémon rushes off. A moment later, garchomp returns, nuzzling Cynthia. She looks pale and unwell.
“I’m going to get some water,” Laurence says, standing with a crack and wandering off into the other room.
Garchomp deposits Cynthia on the couch next to Em, gives her one last nuzzle, and then follows Laurence.
“Sorry you had to see me like that. I’ll be a proper feminist girlboss tomorrow,” Cynthia says, trying to fix her bangs. Trying to fix her composure. 
“No need for that here. It’s okay.” Em’s hand touches hers. “I’m a bad feminist too.”
“It’s stupid. It’s stupid, it’s incredibly stupid, any historian will tell you that you should never uncritically romanticize the past. They blamed technology for their problems and recreated medieval— historically accurate mortality rates. We study the past so we don’t repeat it!”
“I. Maybe I should study more,” Em admits. “I didnt know they had kids in their ranks. Plasma, I mean.”
“Is studying going to be a trauma trigger for you?”
“I dont know.”
“I dont know either.” Cynthia sighs, wiping at her eyes. Her eyeliner, normally sharp enough to kill a man with, is smeared from crying. “Hey, this might be overstepping, I don’t know, but is there any chance you could pack me a lunch or something? Whenever things go bad, I feel like I need to Do Something about it, and I’m working with interpol to raid another hideout, and—“
The camera pans downward. Em is holding Cynthia by both arms, leaning across the couch. Their chests nearly touch. Cynthia’s body language is shocked at first, then she reciprocates, wrapping an arm around Em. A lock of blonde hair falls into Em’s lap.
Video ends.]
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twigg96 · 1 year
Steve Harrington HCs
With some Steddie HCs as well :3
Steve is the best big brother ever but he pulls the shittiest pranks on the kids. He is always 3 trends behind in the prank world so they always know what he’s about to do. Even El knows the Whoopie Cushion is hiding under the pillow for her to sit on most times. Dustin thinks it’s because Steve would never intentionally hurt them. Max thinks it’s because he’s too slow to realize times have changed. Robin is the only one that knows it’s because Steve gets all his “great ideas” from renting the old movies from the video store.
Steve would 100% become Tik Tok famous at any age. He’d master the all of the dances and become the biggest thirst trap on the platform. Only problem was. He was completely oblivious to it. He just liked to dance and his followers seemed to like it when he put in the extra effort to move his body a little more or take his shirt off. So he was more than happy to do as his new friends asked. Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Hell even Argyle had warned him not to get to attached with the people sending him nice comments for what they wanted. But Steve insisted that his friends on the app liked him for who he really was. It helped a lot that Eddie was more than supportive of him and even appeared in a few of his Tik Toks. The lead singer danced along side his boyfriend (more so staring at the man than dancing but who was going to ever judge him).
One day during a discussion about what they wanted to grow up to be as children and how stupid their child selfs were, Robin had loudly proclaimed that she had wanted to become a “crayon tester”. Something her parents came up with to keep her busy on long car rides and in important public places to keep her happy and quiet as she was always talking to strangers about all their family business. Everyone thought it fit her quite well and if there was a real possibility of a job opening for a crayon tester at the Crayon factory she’d be a shoe in. Eddie laughed about becoming a veterinarian. Telling a long exaggerated story about how many animals he saved over the many years he spent living at his Uncle’s only to have Steve hold up two fingers knowing quite well from a proud Wayne himself that Eddie had saved a stray baby kitten and a nest of hatchlings once. However when everyone turned to Steve he stayed quiet. They poked and tried to pry it loose, even Nancy didn’t know what his child self wanted to be. “A lawyer like your parents?” Made the boy turn his nose up at Johnathan and scrunch his face in disgust. “And you’re supposed to be a journalist Byers?” He asked laughing to try and raise his own mood. But no matter how much he tried to change the subject his friends wouldn’t let up. So he relented. “An astronaut…” he muttered blushing and looking away in shame. “I wanted to be an astronaut. Mostly to get my parents to pay attention to me… because it seemed like when I watched the astronauts on TV with the Nanny’s… they all had a huge crowd of people cheering for them. Their whole family was so happy and I wanted that too. When I told my parents they just laughed and told me I needed to be smart to do that. I tried to get by on my grades but I just couldn’t get past the things my parents said… and my math wasn’t worth a damn so I’m freshman year I game up on that dream and started chasing sports. Figured if I couldn’t get into college for my brain I might for athletics and then… maybe mom and dad would be proud… ya know eventually.” Everyone stared at Steve their expressions ranging from heartbreak to rage at his neglectful parents. Steve wanted to take everything he said back but was swallowed in a huge bear hug instead.
During the first summer Steve and Eddie spent together, they worked in the same job. Well… they worked at the same place. They both worked at the small locally owned amusement park that opened a few years before just outside of Hawkins. Eddie and Corroded Coffin got their first real “long term gig” that promised to pay a low but even rate every Monday through Friday and Sunday with Saturdays off to do whatever or preform elsewhere for extra cash. A good amount of musically inclined people would come to the park after dark to listen to the performances so the offers to perform in bars, restaurants, clubs, and even as an opening act for one of Indiana’s better known Indie bands. Steve worked as a game attendant in a booth near the stage. His booth contained three separate games he had to man. The first was a water gun game where his “guests” had to aim jets of water at a clowns mouth and see who could get their buzzer to ring first. He found the water pressures on the first and third chairs were the highest and changed between the two to make it seem like it was random. He kept track of which chair won last to make sure the kids or people who looked like they needed cheering up would be sure to win. The second game was ring toss. That one was always rigged but had the best prizes in the whole park so he got a lot of traffic on that game. He noticed there were only around 17 bottles the rings would fit over at all ranging from small prize to large. Only one bottle would allow for a large prize however. He tried to discourage people from playing it when they had young kids who desperately wanted a prize and instead tried to encourage the other water game where prizes were almost guaranteed. The last game was a basket game. Shoot an easy one shot from like 6 feet away 3 times get a large prize. Easy right? Wrong. The hoops were rigged to have screws poking out the back to keep people from making baskets. He was instructed to tighten or loosen the screws so much based on the parks expected crowd capacity before he opened the game. He really hated cheating everyone so he was sure to tighten the screws just enough to allow for a few more baskets but keep his bosses from getting suspicious. Busy days like holidays it could get quite crowded and hectic. But on slow easy going days when Eddie and his crew showed up early to set up, Eddie would take a long walk with Steve on his lunch break to let him relax and let him know how loved he was and that all this was going to be worth it.
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robotnik-mun · 2 years
So, while I primarily jaw about Sonic stuff? I’m also a pretty avid Deltarune fan, and like most in the Fandom I got my own ideas and theories of where this is all heading to. Now, the Big Stuff has been covered a dozen times by now, and better than I could do it, so I’m gonna introduce something a little small scale.
Namely, I think I got an idea of what is up with Kris’ half of the bedroom.
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At a glance, this paints an incredibly dismal picture of Kris as a person, especially in contrast with Azzy’s half of the bedroom. It’s just a void of anything you’d expect a teenager to have- no decorations, no awards, nothing to indicate they have any kind of hobbies or interests, not even an alarm clock. Kris’ life is just an unholy, unnatural blank.
Likewise, it says nothing good about Kris’ dynamic with their family, at a glance. What kind of brother lords their accomplishments over their sibling in such a gratuitous manner? What kind of parents PERMIT something like this to occur? You’d be under the impression that Kris is blatantly neglected and overlooked, and it would seem born out by the fact virtually everyone in Hometown is more interested in talking TO Kris about Azzy rather than conversing with Kris for their own sake. The game system in the Dreemurr household has one good controller and one outdated, junky controller. Berdly even refers to Kris as a ‘fellow bluebird’, the context making it clear he regards Kris as being unremarkable and ignored as Berdly himself was prior to the Spelling Bee.
Yeah, this room seems symbolic about Kris, doesn’t it?
Only... I’m not actually sure this room being this way is why we think it is. As we learn more about Kris it becomes clear that Kris isn’t some blank slate we pilot, but someone who does in fact have interests and hobbies and all that jazz, as any teenager should. Nor is Kris actually being neglected by their family- the ‘bad’ controller is used by Asriel rather than Kris. Kris is in fact greatly loved by their family, from what we see. So why is none of that reflected in their half of the room?
I think Kris’ half isn’t like this because Kris is completely unaccomplished and lacking in things they like. I think, at one point in the past, Kris’ corner was every bit as decorated as Azzy’s... and then, for whatever reason, Kris willingly decided to just get rid of it all, and chooses to live this way for reasons that we can guess at, but will probably become clear the further along we go.
Why do I think this? Because whatever their failings as people, I have an incredibly hard time believing that Toriel OR Asgore are so negligent and oblivious that they’d allow a set up like this to persist unless it was by Kris’ own choice. I could be wrong, mind you, and I do believe that Kris’ parents are at some level unwilling to confront that Kris has problems... but I don’t think that even with that caveat that either of them is so utterly incompetent as to just allow one child to seemingly flaunt their accomplishments in front of the other like this.
And then there’s Azzy himself. We don’t know anything about how Asriel is in the present. So far the picture we have painted for us though indicates that he is in fact a good guy who cares deeply for his sibling (as well as being a colossal dork at odds with the kind of Golden Boy that the rest of the town has constructed him to be). So on that front, it seems incredibly unlikely that Asriel would make his half of the room the way it is given how it’d look for Kris. And even if the truth is that Asriel is in fact a horrible asshole (which strikes me as unlikely-but-possible), then it comes back to Asgore and Toriel not allowing this even if Asriel was covering up his actual bad intentions.
Therefore? My conclusion is that Kris, for whatever reason, has gotten rid of all the things that defined THEIR half of the room, and is choosing to live this weird, miserable existence that we see them living. Why they’re doing this, as with everything else, is open to heavy interpretation. My own suspicions range from them doing it out of sheer self-loathing, to them deliberately doing it to hide the details of their life from Us, the Player... there’s a lot going on here that indicates things with Kris go far beyond what We see, and they are privy to thinks that We aren’t. But either way, their corner being the way it is? Is due entirely to their own choice, and Toriel is simply permitting it even though its not a healthy thing for Kris to be doing at all.
In the end we’ll only know once the rest of this game is finally released (and God I hope that’s soon you seriously have no idea), but for now? I choose to believe that Kris’ life isn’t as barren as this room would indicate... they simply, for whatever reason, are unwilling to share that life with others at this point, either due to the events of the past or due to not wanting Us to see.
... I also like to think that, if this is true, Toriel is storing all of Kris’ things in the attic in the hopes that one day they’ll want it back. That however is less textual based and more Realm Of Pure Headcanon, heh.
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