#launch school workshops
ghadafamily · 1 month
🚨 Vetted Fundraiser 🚨
My name is Ghada, I am 32 years old, and my life has always been filled with dreams and ambitions. I began my educational journey by studying Public Relations and Advertising in 2013. Then, I decided to broaden my knowledge and pursued a degree in Primary Education in 2016. As time went on, I felt that technology was the future, and now I am studying Information Technology, believing that knowledge is the strongest weapon to face life's challenges.
This was my home before it was destroyed🤍.
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I live with my father and my younger brother Khaled. Khaled completed his studies in Accounting and works with my father. My father used to own a workshop for aluminum manufacturing, and our lives were relatively stable despite the challenges we faced.
This is my home after it was destroyed💔.
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But the war did not spare us. In an instant, everything we owned was destroyed. Our home, my university, which I considered a refuge, and my father's workshop, which was our source of income, were all gone. We were forced to flee from northern Gaza and found ourselves living in a school in the Al-Zawayda area, trying to adapt to our new reality.
The killing of dreams and aspirations 💔.
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This is my younger brother Khaled. He finished his university studies and was aspiring to continue his education and earn a master's degree 💪. But the war shattered his dream when his university was destroyed 🏫💔.
These are photos of our current place.💔
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Despite everything I have been through, I have not lost hope. I know I must start over, but this time not alone. I want to help my family build a new life and achieve the dreams I have not given up on. To do this, I need your support. I aspire to launch a fundraising campaign that will help me travel, continue my education, and build a better future for myself and my family🤍💪.
I believe that life is lived with love and hope, and that despite all the pain and loss, a person can rise again if they find someone who believes in and supports them. My story is not just one of displacement and war; it is a story of strength and determination. I have not given up on my dreams, and I need your help to achieve them.
Your support through donations will be crucial in protecting my family from the brink of death. Every euro you contribute could play a vital role in saving our lives 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Vetted by 🍉🍉
@gazavetters ➡️ link here
My campaign is on their verified list, number 6.
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pufflehuffing · 9 months
Courting rules in the 1890's and Hogwarts students
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Courting: be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.
I love reading time accurate fanfiction and decided to delve into the courting rules of Victorian England, more specifically the late 1800's. I twisted some rules to add my personal interpretation of how these habits would work for Hogwarts students. This post is specifically about courting, not casual dating. Please keep in mind that the 1890's weren't as progressive as the 2020's while reading and that this discusses middle- and working-class families. This post will probably be subject to additions when I learn even more about Victorian England.
English isn't my native language so I hope the grammar isn't too bad? Let me know!
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Meeting someone new.
Typically, teenagers were allowed by their families to begin courting between the ages of 16 to 18, though their education always came first. Girls were taught at home by their mothers to prepare meals and take care of the household. Boys were taught to work with their fathers at home or at the local workshops so they knew how to handle enterprise. During the summer months, Hogsmeade had more soon-to-be sixth-years working the shops than the actual owners.
In September, sixth-years were taught sexual education by the school nurse. She was aided by the potions professor, who taught the girls how to brew a simple contraceptive. Boys were taught their valuable role in society, and how important it was that they did not court multiple girls at a time. It was the boy who had to make a move, so to speak. Victorian women had a more helpless image than they do today, seen as delicate flowers who needed men to take charge.
A girl who was kind, patient, benevolent, peaceful, charitable, and caregiving, was worth pursuing. Girls were to pursue boys who possessed the ability to speak with ease, respect, and courtesy to all, a neat appearance, excellent manners and respect for all women.
The two sexes didn't mingle much. Students would often stay within their own circle, only befriending peers in their own house and classes. The only times that Hogwarts students really had time to meet someone new was during their walks in the hallways, study time in the library or on their trips to Hogsmeade. Therefore, students would often join extracurricular clubs to widen their circle like Quidditch, the school choir, the Astronomy club, Crossed Wands, etc.
Students taking Defense Against The Dark Arts were to follow rules when dueling with the other sex. Boys weren't permitted to use Depulso or other blasting charms at their female peers unless specifically asked for by the professor as it was ungentlemanly to launch a female into a stack of crates without reason.
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Dating and falling in love.
If he perceived that she was interested, and he was confident that his position in life and circumstances were sufficient to allow him to proceed, a boy took the next step — sending an owl to the girl's father (or his next-in-line if he had died or was absent from the family) to ask permission to pay a visit to their home. In this letter, he stated his position and prospects, and mentioned his family, as well as his blood status and house. Boys would often pen down what electives they were taking and which profession they would like to pursue after graduation. The letter's envelope would be sealed with a wax stamp of the boy's house or family crest.
Families played a crucial role in the courting process. Parents often had a say in their children's relationships, and the approval of both families was considered important.
If the father of the girl had approved of the young boy, courtship could commence. Most courtship was conducted exclusively in public places and always in the company of a chaperone. Note that I'm discussing romantic and not platonic relationships. Girls and boys were allowed to spend time together alone platonically, under the clear pretence they weren't courting.
The lovers weren't officially allowed to give their suitor any gifts without her parents being present during the exchange. Though it wasn't uncommon for boarding school students to hide lockets under their pillows and dried flowers in their journals, hoping the house-elves wouldn't find them. Flowers, fruit and non-explosive candy from Honeydukes were allowed to be given without supervision, as their perishable nature implied no greater enduring memorials.
With the many rules society put on courting teenagers, love letters were one way to escape the prim and proper manner at which they conversed. Love letters were considered sacred and sincere testaments to a couple’s love; such intimate correspondence was regarded with respect and a deep sense of privacy. A family member would never open a daughter’s or sister’s love letter. Upon receiving an owl she were to retire to her room to read its contents in private.
Often times girls would scent their letters with their perfume and moving portraits were popular attachments. Photography wasn't popularized in working-class families until the next century, yet witches quickly gossiped about conjuration spells that allowed them to take small polaroids of themselves. Boys would attach the dried flowers I mentioned earlier. The more experienced wizard could include a conjured paper butterfly or bird.
Staying at Hogwarts, students weren't allowed in the other gender's dormitories, so they resorted to explicit portraits and sneaky snogs in the Astronomy Tower or the Muggle Studies classroom. Gifting each other their scarf was a discreet way of "claiming" each other, though it was considered improper by the professors.
After having learned the disillusionment and silencing charms, teenagers were very eager to master Evanesco.
The more cunning wizards and witches of Hogwarts would sneak into the Restricted Section of the school's library to look for Muggle books that contained erotica in order to spice up their love letters and late-night encounters.
If allowed by her family, male students would accompany their date to the Yule Ball. They were instructed to never lose sight of her there and to not drink any alcohol in her presence. The couple was also required to arrive in separate carriages and left the event separately before midnight. The boy would walk his lover to her carriage or to her chaperone and bow his head to say goodnight.
As graduation approached, boys who were in the process of courting were sat down by their father figure who explained the importance of marriage. The boy was expected to start thinking of proposing to his lover.
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Getting engaged.
Though courtships were short and often only lasted less than a year, engagements were commonly much longer, and usually lasted several years. This was especially the case for working-class couples, as they had to work to save money for the marriage.
Though boys were allowed to ask their girlfriends for their eternal love via an owl, it was much more proper to do so in person. It wasn't permitted to propose marriage with a ring, though they were often obligated by the families to officiate the engagement with one.
After the couple decided to get married, the boy was supposed to visit his future wife's house often. Visits were often made in the evening and when he came over, he needed to pay attention to everyone in the family, not just his fiancée. The goal was to slowly win over the family's affection, especially the girl's mother.
Engagement rings were a means of showing a boy's wealth. If he had worked at the workshops or had inherited some Galleons from his family, he could gift his lover a more intricately designed one. Rings ranged from a simple band to a collection of carved initials and differing gems.
Rings weren't often gifted to boys from their girlfriend, though if her fortune permitted it, she could have a custom wand handle made for him.
Gift giving became more frequent amongst the lovers, as did penning love letters, since the couple would be spending more time apart to work and earn money. Gifts were allowed to be given in private now too. Lockets were often (officially now) exchanged with a small enchanted cloud inside. The light represented the giver's mood: red meant anger, blue meant sadness, pink meant in love, green meant happy. A bewitched bouquet or a self-writing quill could also be thoughtful presents.
Once the couple got engaged, they were officially allowed to get closer to each other physically. No couple had the nerve to tell their parents they had probably already kissed and perhaps spent the night in their lover's dormitory already, and that they snuck out just before the prefects and house elves would catch them. Nevertheless, they were now officially allowed to go for walks by themselves, hold hands in public, and take rides without anyone accompanying them. They could also share a hug, a sweet kiss, or hold hands publicly now.
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opencommunion · 8 months
"What is this force, these human beings, referred to in this word – resistance? 
First, literally, we refer to the achievement of the poorest and most strategically disadvantaged people on the planet. Within the encircled and immiserated Gaza Strip, many of the Al-Qassam fighters are orphans. Amidst closure and de-development, the popular resistance has been able to consolidate an arsenal and bring 1.5% of its population into a guerrilla force of 30,000-40,000 men that can – man for man – outmatch nearly any in the world. 
The resistance, secondly, has alloyed ideological commitment, willingness to sacrifice for their people, and technological ingenuity into armed capacity capable of going head-to-head with a nuclear power from underground tunnels, the ‘rear base’ and physical strategic depth needed for guerilla insurgency. The concrete is their mountains. From there they have imperiled an enemy with orders of magnitude higher GDP per capita – Israeli GDP is at $52,000 a year, with arsenals worth billions.
Third, the resistance, in launching its October 7 operation, is an example to the world that post-Soviet asphyxiation and extermination procedures, sanctions and terror lists and aid-based countermeasures, could not prevent the rise of a disciplined and new national movement from raising its head to the sky. 
Fourth, the popular cradle brings the word resistance beyond armed men to doctors going to their deaths in lieu of abandoning their patients and women and men in the Gaza Strip’s North – facing white phosphorus rather than abandoning their homes. It is precisely the strength of the civilian commitment to the national project that provokes US-Israeli extermination: ‘the 'civilian' officials, including hospital administrators and school administrators, and also the entire Gaza population’ are, as a result, the targets – not out of cruelty but to break Hamas by breaking its cradle. 
Fifth, through these achievements, the Palestinian resistance has been able to present an acute threat to the settler-capitalist property structures called Israel, to militarized accumulation, to the world’s workshop for counterinsurgency technology, and to the entire architecture of regional repression with its associated petrodollar flows, treasury and security purchases, and arms merchandising. For capitalism is not just the smooth clockwork of accumulation through generalized commodity exchange and labor exploitation, it is the machinery of violence – its technology – which ensures the smooth running of the clock, the thingification of its human elements, the political decisions to maintain and rework the machinery of monopoly accumulation, and the waste of human lives which is increasingly the core Arab input into global capitalism. 
More worryingly from the perspective of monopoly power, the Palestinian resistance is not alone. It is part of a regional populist resistance enfolding the poorest people on Earth. ... It is unimaginable that the neocolonial authoritarian states nor their US benefactor would remotely tolerate massive working-class militia which speak a language of justice and republicanism and raise arms against those states’ sponsors. In turn, it is as natural as the sun rising in the East that the US, the UK, Germany, France, and their Gulf and Arab satraps would converge on support for Israel as the spear’s tip of the assault on the surrounding Arab popular militia. 
And because Israel is the keystone of the regional imperialist order – maintained not by hegemonic consensus but the brutality of Apaches and Merkavas – it is as natural as water falling from clouds that what has developed in the Gaza Strip, as soon as it mobilized politically and militarily, would incite the Western reaction to wipe it from the face of the Earth and impose unimaginable horror to terrify the Palestinian, Arab, and Third World people to never again raise their heads.
The October 7 operation has perhaps overcome the central role of the Israeli state in accumulation on a world scale: ingraining a state of defeat amongst the Arab working classes, as part-and-parcel of the post-Soviet ideological defeat imposed by capital upon labor globally. Deterrence is the form that defeat takes when pushed to the military plane, and Israel openly admits that its deterrence has been shattered.
Seen from this perspective, the risks run by the western capitalist states – their imposition of fascist regulation against freedoms of speech and assembly, their backing for genocide, their desperation to see the Palestinian armed militia wiped from the face of the Earth – is logical, reasonable, and rational in its sociopathy. It is the logic of monopoly attempting to defend itself and the consciousness which bodyguards it with fire from the sky. It is a logic which fills graveyards, and a logic which makes orphans, and it is a logic which might yet meet its end in that crossroads of continents – that salient, and city and their camps and their people."
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Hey, you!
Yeah, you!
Do you crave more ✨canon queer stories✨ in your fandom experience? Are you begging for more major character representation that you don’t have to headcanon for yourself?
Then have I got the kickstarter for you!
The Tin Can Bros (a comedy trio and makers of live theatre, digital sketches, webseries, you name it! You might know them from all the work they’ve done with Starkid—founding Tin Can Brothers Joey and Brian played Ron and Quirrell in A Very Potter Musical) are launching a brand new season of projects, most of which contain QUEER MAJOR CHARACTERS AND THEMES. These guys have got gays, they’ve got lesbians, they’ve got trans and gnc characters, they’ve got wholesome first love and Hannigram levels of fucked-up toxicity. It’s a whole cornucopia!! They’re planning to produce work in Los Angeles, NYC, London, Edinburgh, and Adelaide, but there will be digital tickets so you can watch where ever you are!
We’ve got:
-Two Rocky Horror-style concerts of the cult-hit, spy-movie parody musical Spies Are Forever. Gay protagonist who will sear himself into your heart! Seriously, his relationship with fellow spy Owen will emotionally destroy you for at least seven years.
-A concert of the developing musical This Could Be on Broadway, which follows a group of high school kids putting on a production of The Matrix: The Musical (not a show in real life) in their theatre department. A bunch of the central kids are canonically some flavor of queer, and there’s a central, very sweet lesbian romance that includes a trans character. She’s played trans actress Esther Fallick, who also worked with TCB as a consultant to make the character and show as authentic as possible. Seriously, if you want to see a trans teen thriving in their own skin, this is the show for you.
-An Edinburgh Fringe Fest production of The Solve It Squad Returns, a Scooby-Doo parody that follows the parodic versions of the Scooby Gang when they reunite as fucked-up adults to finally confront the almost-twenty-years-past traumatic murder of their dog Cluebert. I promise it’s funnier than it sounds. Esther, the Velma-esque super genius, is gender non-conforming and identifies with they/them pronouns. They also have a girlfriend WITH a boyfriend!
-A workshop reading of the QUEER SCI-FI TELEVISION COMEDY PILOT Intelligent Life. Unlike the other projects I’ve mentioned, this one is new to the TCB fans, but will follow a pair of ex-boyfriends forced to survive together in an extra-terrestrial colony. From the sound of it, there will be plenty of queer supporting characters as well. This frankly sounds like it could be tumblr’s dream show, and it’d be great to support its development.
-The Great Debate—a live comedy game show where comedians debate silly things. While this obviously won’t have narrative gay rep like the other projects, it will showcase gay talent (at the very least, Tin Can Brother Corey will participate in every show) and may include debates involving queer topics.
-Gross Prophets, in which three wannabe gurus/cult leaders lead a seminar on the path to enlightenment. This is a completely new stage musical so I honestly don’t know if it will contain any queer characters or themes. But the TCB queer track record is pretty good!
Guys, I’m so genuinely so excited by this season. But all this awesome queer art won’t happen unless we get their kickstarter funded. And they need our help! So let’s get fundraising!!
TLDR; Comedy group Tin Can Bros are attempting to fund a season positively filled with queer stories and characters, and they need help! If you want to support the creation of queer theatre and the development of queer TV, consider checking them out and giving to the kickstarter!
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drarryspecificrecs · 7 months
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2024.02  ~ Top 6 longest fics posted on AO3
1. The Stag and the Dragon: The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by Jesse_James [T, 180k]
►On the night of October 31st 1980, in an attempt to subvert prophecy, The Dark Lord Voldemort launches a pair of attacks to rid him of the one chosen to defeat him. But when one fails, the world is changed forever. But in this universe, things are different. The rules are not always the same. And things will not always be as we remember. And with a different choice made with a young orphaned Harry's future, the consequences of this one act will echo across fate. /// Meanwhile, in a different family, another boy struggles against what he is, and what he was born to be. All while his father seems to orchestrate more than just his life.
2. Empty Spaces by nori_mari [T, 125k]
►What do you do when everything you know comes to an end? The battle is over, Voldemort's gone, everything they ever wanted has come to pass. So why is it so hard to return to a “normal” life? How does one simply pick up the pieces and move on? When your entire life and identity have revolved around this one thing for so long… what do you do you have left of yourself when that one thing is over?
3. Papa Needs Daddy's Help by @amillionregrets [E, 94k]
►Harry's life revolves entirely around work these days, and he's deeply engrossed in it, as usual, when an urgent fire-call from Ron abruptly turns his world upside down. Apparently, a four-year-old girl with emerald eyes and long black hair has shown up at Ron's shop, claiming to be Harry's daughter and seeking his help to save her papa.
4. The Boy from the Piano Shop by @soliblomst [M, 90k]  *typo
►After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar. As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes.
5. An Addendum For Depressed Authors by @queenie-jinny [E, 86k]
►‘The Misadventures of Harrison Portier’ six-part book series by J.E.P has been on the Daily Prophet’s best sellers list for 177 weeks straight, despite the author’s insistent anonymity and continuing avoidance of the public eye. After a long hiatus, the elusive final novel in the septology is about to hit the shelves, and Draco Malfoy, avid reader of the series and self-proclaimed number one fan (a proclamation he’d made to absolutely none save for himself), is determined to be the first person to read it. When the epilogue of the book leaves much to be desired, Draco has no choice but to take matters into his own hands. Thus begins a stormy correspondence that threatens to disrupt Harry’s hard-earned peaceful routine and maybe change his life in the process.
6. Draco's Splendid Decisions by @jocundasykes [E, 69k]
►Stuck in the doldrums of a rubbish summer holiday, an unexpected invitation beckons you back to the halls of Hogwarts for an eighth year. Should you go, and endure another round of academia? Dive into the mundane drudgery of work? Or escape it all with an international getaway? /// You're a free man. What happens next is up to you.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
alive is a color you don't own by sectumsempra [E, 15k]
armstrong limit by @brosamigos [E, 11k]
Crossed Wires by @skeptiquewrites [E, 11k]
Enclosed is a Memory by Anonymous [M, 12k]
I'll Find You Again (I Always Do) by @dodgerkedavra [E, 15k]
The Month of Giving by Justlikewriting [M, 20k]
Nobody Except For You by @mistsound [T, 10k]
Oh, Overwhelming Passion and Seduction by AtelierOfStories [E, 19k]
These Old Feelings by Reloumi [E, 24k]
Time to indulge by @onehundredflamingos [E, 10k]
Until Now by crpage [T, 11k]
Warm Touch Makes No Sound by @rainjulyx [E, 13k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Frottage Cottage WFAUFF Challenge
Knot Another Writing Fest: Knot Again 2023 | @hpknotfest
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freesia-writes · 4 months
Ch 11: Farmer's Market
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~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter ~ WC: 3.1k
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The Town Square Farmer’s Market was a glorious cacophony of colors, sights, and sounds, and nearly everyone on the island crammed into the large cobblestoned area to peruse the various wares for sale, to snack from a plethora of food vendors, and to socialize in groups both large and small. There were breads and baskets, fruits and flowers, and vegetables of all kinds. Local artisans displayed their creations, and various opportunities and upcoming events were advertised at informational tables. 
One of these tables was occupied by Echo, who had commandeered Hunter and Crosshair to promote a new class that would soon be offered at his Defense Training Academy. While the school as a whole was a rigorous and in-depth program with the goal of preparing a makeshift military to ensure the island’s safety in case of invasion or attack, he’d received repeated requests for smaller-scale civilian opportunities. After a bit of brainstorming and discussion, the brothers had agreed to offer some one-day workshops for personal self-defense. There was very little crime on the island, mostly consisting of young scallywags trying to exert premature independence by stealing or vandalizing, but Echo firmly believed that there was no such thing as too much precaution, and he wasn’t alone in the sentiment.
It was an uncharacteristically warm day, providing a nice reprieve from the chilly weather of late. Cheerful music drifted across the plaza as people milled about, occasionally stopping at the DTA table to ask questions or enroll. When a sufficient crowd had gathered nearby, Echo announced that a quick demonstration was about to take place, catching the attention of other passersby. He explained the benefits of knowing how to protect yourself against a variety of attacks, then gestured to Hunter and Crosshair for the first scenario.
“I hope this makes you happy,” Hunter muttered, playing the part of the assailant. He was better at hand-to-hand by nature and by engineering, and they both knew it. So it took a particularly bitter amount of humility to intentionally allow himself to be bested by the sniper, although the tables would be turned in the next example.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle,” Crosshair hissed beneath his breath, blocking a sudden swing and twisting Hunter around with an awkwardly bent elbow, pulling him against his front and pausing while Echo narrated. They stayed that way for a moment before breaking apart, preparing for the next encounter. This time it was Hunter who would be defending, and he caught a somewhat malicious glint in Crosshair’s eye as they squared up to each other. 
Echo described the setting and approach, then the brothers moved into action. But what was supposed to be a simple surprise attack from behind turned into a swipe of the legs, dropping Hunter on his butt with a less-than-graceful thump. Crosshair was on him in a flash, but he was ready, twisting in a catlike motion to launch his brother backward with a well-placed foot. Springing to his feet, they were on each other immediately, swapping blows and blocks with lightning-fast precision. Perhaps it had been a rough week, or there had been some built-up angst in the silver-haired soldier, but Hunter could sense his frustration rising. 
A flashback came unbidden, transporting Hunter to the training facility on Kamino, where he had tried to convince Crosshair to leave the Empire and rejoin them, but their chat had been interrupted by the sudden activation of wave upon wave of droids. They’d grappled then as they did now, with Crosshair’s attacks being messy and scattered whereas Hunter’s were tight and precise. A particularly wide swing gave Hunter an opening, and he charged, wrapping both arms around Crosshair’s waist and bringing them both to the ground, where he pinned him quickly.
“What is wrong with you?” Hunter panted, tufts of hair falling in his face as he looked down at the narrowed eyes of the sniper. But a wry grin curved across Crosshair’s thin face in response, and he jerked his chin toward the crowd. Following his gaze, Hunter noticed that they had attracted quite an audience, all of whom were staring at them in hushed amazement with wide eyes and open mouths. 
“Thought we’d give them a real show,” Crosshair muttered, pushing Hunter off as he released him. Echo was glaring daggers at the two, having been left out of this particular plan, but his indignation was short-lived as his table was immediately flooded with awestruck onlookers clamoring to learn how to do that. Hunter rose to his feet, brushing off his shirt and extending a hand to Crosshair, who took it with a satisfied grin, then rested a gentle hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “Good job.” 
“You could have told me,” Hunter huffed.
“What’s the fun in that?” came the provoking reply.
“Hot dang, that was awesome!” a bright voice rang out, distracting the two from their lighthearted stare-down. Luciana had pushed her way through the crowd, clapping her hands together as she beamed at each of them in turn. “Where did you pick up all that?” 
“It’s all from Echo’s magnificent teaching,” Crosshair said with affectionate sarcasm. 
“Man. I’ve gotta get me some of that!” Luciana giggled. “Those were the fastest moves I’ve ever seen.” Her congenial pat on Crosshair’s shoulder slowly shifted into a slow stroke down his spine that momentarily threw him off his game with a confusing mixture of aversion and flattery. He sniffed disdainfully, repositioning his shoulders before leaving to join Echo at the table without another word. Unaffected, Luci turned to Hunter, rosy cheeks framing her winning smile as she continued, “Want to try me?” 
“What?” Hunter hadn’t the slightest idea what she was asking. Surely it wasn’t an invitation to fake an attack on her, after what she’d seen? Perhaps this was more of her flirting? She reached up to carefully remove her colorfully beaded earrings, one at a time, and tucked them into her sling purse before tossing it off to the side. Pulling a stupefied Hunter onto a grassy knoll, she tightened the bandana that was tied around her messy red curls atop her head before squaring up to him.
“Come on,” she said playfully, “Get me.”
“Get you…?” he echoed, still dumbfounded. She was wearing flowy white pants and a small, white crop top with lace sleeves that rested below each shoulder. A golden piercing sparkled in her belly button, accentuated by the low-rise of her pants, and she moved forward, pushing him in the chest in an impish challenge. Hunter’s mouth went dry, hands awkwardly clasping and releasing at his side.
“I can take you, Xyrgio,” Luci goaded, making a kissy face at him. “Unless you’re afraid of messing up your hair?”
“I mean… alright…?” Hunter said, calculating the swiftest way to end it with minimal risk of hurting her… or touching something he shouldn’t. He really didn’t see a point to all this, but she didn’t seem to be inclined to let him off the hook anytime soon. Better to get it over with when it seemed inevitable.
Without warning, he leapt around her side, bringing an arm up to brace it across her collarbone, his entire focus centering on avoiding certain areas and being gentle. But she wasn’t so soft, moving far too quickly as she steadied herself with a foot behind, grabbing Hunter’s forearm with both hands and throwing her torso forward, using a calculated pivot point to catapult him over her shoulders. He landed on his back in front of her, too shocked to be insulted as the wind whooshed out of his lungs, and he stared up at her with an open mouth as she stood over him, upside down in his slightly blurred vision. 
“Told ya so!” she chirped happily, giving Crosshair a wiggly-fingered wave as he clapped loudly from the table behind them. “Sorry, was that too much?” she asked, reaching down to grab both Hunter’s hands and attempting to pull him up to his feet. It took him a second to be anything more than dead weight, but he eventually stood up, regaining his composure with a slightly flustered grin. 
“Looks like you know a thing or two,” he muttered, rubbing the small of his back. She adjusted her top, scooping her breasts up to restore the perfectly-curved cleavage, and neatly tugged her sleeves to lay gently across each bicep. 
“When you’ve been as many places as I have, you’ve got to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Especially in my lines of work,” Luci said, giving him a suggestive wink before moving to cup his cheek. “But don’t worry, I won’t beat you up anytime soon.”
Hunter chuckled absently, still not sure what to do. Fortunately, he was spared from any further humiliation by a sudden hug from Luciana, a pat on the chest, and a chipper goodbye as she darted off to buy fruit, or meet a friend, or whatever she’d said as she disappeared. Not a second had passed before Crosshair appeared with the biggest smug grin Hunter had ever seen, and that was saying a lot. 
“Maybe she should be teaching the class…” he remarked, dodging the elbow Hunter threw at him. 
“What was I supposed to do with that?” a flustered Hunter asked, more genuine than rhetorical. Crosshair shrugged in response, pulling a toothpick from his pocket and lazily tucking it into the corner of his mouth.
“I would have kicked her ass.”
* * * 
Early afternoon found the team packing up, the Market dwindling as everyone’s commerce and conversations finished. Hunter and Echo remained, putting the last of the table supplies into a cart drawn by one of the island fathiers, which were used frequently by the locals for everything from farm labor to recreational riding. The two clones paused by the cart, Echo giving Hunter an unreadable look.
“You and Cross alright? That seemed a little heated.”
“I never know,” Hunter sighed. “He’s been a little edgy since he started at the observatory. He said it was just to impress the crowd.”
“Well, it worked…” Echo noted with a dry chuckle. 
“Meh. He’s always got something up his–”
“Hello!” Echo interrupted, nodding behind Hunter to Lyra, who had approached from the last stall of the market. A large canvas bag slung over her shoulder was full of flowers and fruits, providing a pop of color against the loose sage green jumpsuit she wore beneath a long beige cardigan. 
“Hi,” Lyra said sheepishly, offering a small wave to both. “I was told I had to come see the fighting.”
“Oh really,” Hunter said, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “And who told you that?”
“I don’t even know,” she chuckled, “But it sounded like the showdown of the century.”
“It felt like the cheap shot of the century,” Hunter grumbled, hand returning to his back where his spine had hit a particularly hard patch of dirt. 
“Aww, I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, “You hurt?”
“No.” His answer was almost too fast, and Echo bit back a smirk at the thinly-veiled indignation.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can barely walk after yesterday,” Lyra offered, patting her own backside. She was of course referring to the tumble she’d taken down the beach cliff, landing squarely on her tailbone on the rocky shore beneath, but Echo knew nothing about that, a loud guffaw bursting out of him.
“Oh really?” he said, turning toward Hunter with an overly-dramatic tilt of the head. If looks could kill, he would have been dissolved on the spot, but he was free to waggle his eyebrows and nod enthusiastically. “Sounds like you two have been having some fun!”
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Lyra may have been a little awkward, but she was no spring chicken, and she clapped a hand over her mouth, face turning bright red. It was endearing enough to distract Hunter from the eighteen different ways he was considering how to skewer Echo alive, and he shook his head to clear the thoughts as she spluttered.
“Oh gosh, no, not like that, I just meant…” she paused for an incredibly nervous laugh, “I fell when we were hiking, and landed on my butt, and… Geez. Well, nice to meet you.” She finished by burying her entire face in her hands for a moment before lifting it to look at Echo. 
“At ease, soldier,” Echo teased, ignoring Hunter’s suddenly sharp look. But Echo had an excuse for the potentially-identifying language that the others didn’t, with the Training Academy and what he’d shared about his own history of being in the private military of some abstract, remote planet. It was Hunter who remained paranoid in comparison, still carrying his lifelong vigilance to protect his family in any situation. Echo offered her his hand, which she shook as weakly as she smiled, “The name’s Echo. And you must be Lyra.”
“Yes. Echo. Hi,” she offered. “Hunter and I are just friends,” she blurted out, causing Echo to do his best to stifle another laugh. The phrase created an odd sensation for Hunter, but he pushed the thoughts away.
“Yes. I’ve heard,” Echo nodded. “It’s good. Hunter could use some friends.” The aforementioned (ex) Sergeant took advantage of Lyra’s distraction as she shifted her canvas bag from one shoulder to the other to swiftly stick an elbow in Echo’s ribs, dropping his arm back to his side as Lyra straightened and nodded to both of them.
“Well I’ll add this to my list of wildly successful introductions,” she said with a self-effacing sarcasm that brought a little grin to Echo’s face. “And I’ll see you both soon, perhaps?” 
“At the first self-defense class, right?” Echo said in earnest. “It could be quite useful, you know. Especially hanging out with these types.” He jerked his head in Hunter’s direction. “Although he did get thrown by a girl earlier so maybe it would be unnecessary…”
“Ooohhhh-kay. Thanks Echo. Lyra, you’ve met him. Echo, this is Lyra. Both of you, nice to meet each other… All that... Time to go,” Hunter burst out, having had as much as he could take of Echo’s merciless ribbing. The mischievous brother and Lyra shared a smile and wave as Hunter gently took her by the elbow, steering her back toward The Market, which was almost entirely cleared by that point. “Sorry. He’s an idiot,” he muttered, letting go of her arm quickly as though just realizing he was touching it. 
“It’s alright,” she chuckled, “I kinda set him up for that.”
“Yeah,” Hunter agreed, giving her a warm glance before returning his eyes to the path ahead. “He doesn’t need much ammunition to take it and run.”
“He sounds like fun,” she said sincerely. Then, more quietly, “It seems nice to be surrounded by family.” There was a wistfulness to her tone, and a heaviness settled on her shoulders that Hunter wanted to ask about. But her body language was clearly closed, so he didn’t press.
“Most of the time,” he quipped.
They shared a smile, then continued walking toward the business district called The Cobbles, weaving their way through the tall structures of town on the wide paths that zig-zagged down the side of the hill. It was somewhat steep at times, but the locals had built everything cleverly into the side of the land, taking advantage of the gentler slopes and trees to nestle each home and apartment building along the trails. The Town Square wasn’t much higher than The Cobbles, since both made up the relative center of the village, and they were passing the central garden in about fifteen minutes. It was a small, stone-walled community area full of flowers, vegetables, herbs, and a few trees, with a large fountain in the middle that contributed a soothing sound. 
Lyra paused at the gate, wrapping both hands around the strap of her bag. Hunter followed suit, glancing at her in curiosity as he’d assumed she’d either join him to his butcher shop or continue past The Cobbles to her cottage. 
“I bought some flower bulbs today, mostly for my garden, but I thought a few would be a nice addition here,” she explained. 
“Got it,” Hunter nodded, absently running a hand over his dark, tousled hair. He’d left his bandana behind him for the most part, except on occasion, and with Omega’s insistence had sometimes opted for a man bun atop his head, with scattered pieces still falling around his neck and shoulders. “Uhh, you going to the lunar festival?”
“Yeah, for a little while at least. It’s… quite the party…” she said, clearly conveying her distaste. It wasn’t judgmental or dismissive, just an acknowledgment of something they both shared – an aversion to excessively loud, raucous situations with large crowds and lots going on. “You?”
“We’ll all be there.”
“Okay, well if I see you, there’s one particular food stand with goodies from Plata that you absolutely have to try. If you want.”
She rummaged in her bag, seeking the bulbs she’d mentioned, and it seemed as though neither of them could bring themselves to walk away. Hunter shifted his weight, tucking a hand into his pocket, and then finally took a deep breath, giving her one last smile and nod, and turned toward his shop.
“Oh, Hunter?” she said softly. The way she made his name sound surprised him through and through, sending a wave of warmth and tingles through him with its smoothness and the slight grit in her voice. He swung around to face her again with an inquisitive look.
“You got thrown by a girl?” She said it so simply and innocently that he couldn’t help but laugh, rubbing the back of his neck before lifting his eyes to the sky.
“Yeah. The bartender from the tiki bar on the beach… uh… She wanted me to try to attack her, or something… Because Echo was advertising his classes and Crosshair and I were displaying some techniques.. And I… Well, she… She was insisting, and I didn’t…” His increasingly flustered attempt to explain was as frustrating to him as it was adorable to her. “I was trying to be gentle and careful and… well, she wasn’t.”
“I’m sorry,” Lyra said, lips pressed together somewhere between a smile and a smirk. 
“I should have known better,” he admitted dryly. 
“Bah,” she shook her head, her usual warm self. “Women can be treacherous.” With a grin and wave, they went their separate ways.
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nitewrighter · 3 months
Hi, I’m studying to get my associates in library tech with the goal of becoming a children’s librarian. Is there anything that you wish you knew before becoming a librarian?
Well it's tough to say for sure because I had been working as a library assistant for a long time before I got my master's, so I actually did have a lot of 'on the ground' experience in libraries, albeit in a very immediate, lower-skilled customer service sense.
I would say, on a "librarian as a whole" level, try to get as much hands-on experience in programming development and assisting with programming as you can--a major part of advancing your career as a librarian (at least as a public librarian) is being able to plan and implement programming, and also evaluate the success of that programming, and while I got a lot of experience with that in theory in Library school, it wasn't something I really bothered with as a library assistant because I felt too intimidated by it and I felt it "wasn't my place"--even though it's absolutely something I'd have to do as a librarian. And it's something they ask you about at EVERY interview for Librarian positions! If I could go back in time, I'd go back to 2018 and thwack myself with a newspaper to tell me to elbow my way into more programming development--because there ARE openings for it! Libraries ARE always looking for fresh ideas for programming, and one day, I WILL get my Makerspace Cosplay Workshop For Teens idea launched, goddammit!!
On a more "Children's Librarian Specific" level, I realize I talk a lot on this blog about like... the basic thesis that Children Are Indeed People. And I realize in that last ask I got that I was complaining a lot about parents basically using library space as a space to shut down and recover--often at the expense of the space, or sometimes even at the risk of their children. But I do think in terms of like... practicality, respect, and humility, that you as a librarian have to acknowledge that these parents are caring for their kids 24/7 and a lot of the time, for all your dreams of "Youth Liberation!!!" they will, generally, know their kids' triggers and patterns of behavior better than you, Cool Youth Liberator Librarian, ever will. I'm gonna use an example I call the "Give a Mouse a Cookie" story:
So we have coloring sheets and crayons at our children's desk, right? And this little girl comes up to the desk asking for a coloring sheet and I'm like, "oh, okay, we have a puppy coloring sheet?" and she's like, "No, I want the kitty." And her parents are going, "Sweetie, just get the puppy, we need to leave," and I'm like, "Oh, I can just print out some kitty coloring sheets. It's not a big deal. It looks like we're running low anyways." So I print out a bunch of kitty coloring sheets, hand her the first warm-out-of-the-printer kitty, and she starts melting down, because it wasn't just a kitty coloring sheet she wanted, it was a Unicorn Kitty Coloring sheet (except she's like 4 or 5 so it's not really fair to act like she could articulate that), and this is where the story gets stupid, because I'm like, "Oh. Here." and I draw a unicorn horn on the kitty--and like, I need you to understand that this is me going off of babysitting experience where I'm used to little kids being psyched at me drawing something especially for them. And this would provide an immediate 15 second solution rather than however long it would take me to track down the unicorn kitty coloring sheet she wanted through our coloring sheet database and then send that to the printer. And like, I know how to draw a horn so that it meshes decently enough with the coloring sheet's art style. LIKE IT MESHED WITH THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CAT'S HEAD. But still, the meltdown intensifies because that's not the unicorn cat that other kids were coloring. How dare I slap a horn on this regular-ass cat and try to tell her it's a unicorn cat?!?!? So finally her parents just go, "She needs a nap" and drag her off. I told this story to my brother and he went, "Oh yeah. You gave a mouse a cookie."
Like, yeah, there is something very rewarding in validating a kid's desires and meeting their needs just like you would any adult patron. I love that little flare of 'Yes! I did the thing! I asked the lady where the InvestiGators books were, and she showed me!" I love seeing kids light up when you take them to the nonfiction section they ask for and then you help them leaf through it for the right book for their desired content and reading level, but also... sometimes it's not about the unicorn kitty, and you have to be able to trust when the parents are picking up on that and be able to put up a united front. It's kind of like when you start getting caught up in your own anger, and you have to ask yourself, "Am I letting this burn out, or am I adding oxygen to the fire?" There is so much going on under the hood with kids! So much is happening! Developing brains and very little experience are a helluva drug! You do want to fight for and encourage the kid's agency and value when you can, but also they're part of a family! And families have their own unique dynamics and needs! Growing up and having to negotiate your wants and needs with everyone around you is a trauma in and of itself!
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twinksrepository · 8 days
A Photography Class that gets you more than a few shots
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Asmodeus X F!Reader
CW: NSFW, fluff and smut, Penis in Vagina sex, making out, embarrassment, safe sex, condom use, modern AU, Oral sex female receiving, Vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, Big dick, partially nude photography
Word count: Roughly 6K
A/N: You like taking photos and decided to sign up for a ten week workshop in the evenings after work. You wanted to get better at meeting new people and learning more about taking photos. You just hadn't expected to end up with such a good looking instructor.
And here is the Asmodeus one. Between this and the Satan one both were fun little brain worms to write.
Images belong to Solmare.
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When you had decided all those weeks ago to take a photography class that was offered by the local university in the evenings you never thought you’d end up in a situation like this. 
Leaning across the curved portion of a yoga chair with your calf resting on your instructor's shoulder while he pistoned his cock in and out of your pussy like a machine and all you can do is gasp from the pleasure roaring through your head. 
That was a possibility that had never entered your mind as you followed the posted arrows toward the classroom that was meant to hold an introduction to photography worksop. Swallowing a little as you enter the room already a buzz with conversation, you’re very much out of your comfort zone but you’ve been interested in photography for a while.
It’d be nice to have some formal training instead of just taking photos like you’re used to doing now. If you had a better idea of what you were doing instead of just pointing and clicking maybe you could use it as a side hustle for some extra income. 
Taking a seat away from some of the others who seem to have already formed a bit of a rapport. You were falling at the other reason you had signed up for these classes though. 
Meeting new people.
People also told you how you were outgoing but it took you a while to warm up to people, and you almost never sought out new people yourself. Back when you were in school, it was usually someone taking you to meet other people. Now it was just the people from your office that you talked to. 
“Good evening all my lovelies.” Your head flicks to the door as what your brain can only comprehend as the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen walk in. Heck, you aren’t even sure if this walking beauty is a male or a female. “I’m one of the professors here at the university and seeing as none of you are in any of my classes you may call me Asmodeus.” Yeah even with their name that doesn’t help you at all, feeling your watch vibrate you look down and swallow. Your heart rate just jumped to 168 beats per minute. 
Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. “So who wants to go first and show me their camera?” That little giggle Asmodeus makes has you feeling even warmer, it’s like a wind chime. This is a really bad idea.
By the end of the class, you realize it wasn’t a bad idea. At first, it was when it turned out you were the only person who thought to bring their camera with them to the class. Feeling nervous as you explained the model and its functions just like the feminine man had asked, by focusing on the camera itself you had managed to stumble through it. 
“Excellent! A key to Photography is understanding your equipment and what it’s capable of. You have a good one there, Hon, it’s what I used before I got the newest model two years ago.” A wink sent your way before he launches into an explanation about different shooting styles and lighting systems. 
By the end of the hour-long period, you feel pretty good about the lesson and your homework. Taking photos using the concepts explained in the lesson on still objects, and everyone else was reminded to bring their cameras for next week.
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“These are just wonderful!” Flipping through the printed images you handed Asmodeus before the start of class, his eyes roaming across the image behind the rims of his glasses. “You have a keen eye for detail, at this rate I’m not sure why you’re even taking this class.” 
Shaking your head at his compliment with a small laugh. “I swear I wasn’t this good before the classes started. I’ve learned a lot from you so far.” 
“Then you should find tonight's lesson very interesting.” Handing you back the printed images before pulling his glasses back up his nose. “Some of my students need to practice drawing live figures, so we’ll be using them as examples of lighting changing the composition and tone of an image.” 
“Real people?” That makes you feel a little nervous, so far all of your photos have been of either plants or animals. “Do they know we’re going to be taking photos of them?” There’s a cold sweat forming along your spine.
“Of course Hon. I wouldn’t let you use my precious students for practice if they weren’t ok with having their photos taken. Or my brother who agreed to model for them.” That helps you somewhat, but there’s no denying the sweat lining your palms through this lesson. Or how much your hands are shaking as you try to take several images. 
Asmodeus takes notice, and as everyone but the model for his students are packing up to leave and heading out the door he calls your name stopping you. “Yes?” 
“Come here, Hon.” Curious you tilt your head as you approach him. “Take out your camera.” 
“Um.” You have no idea what’s going on but you do just that. Handing it to him as he goes through the images and shakes his head clearly not happy with the quality he’s used to seeing from you. 
“Mams, sweetie?” Calling out to the model starting to pack up. “Can you stay for a few more minutes?” 
“Now come here.” Guiding you back towards the platform the model had been standing on, watching the man from earlier strike a pose again. As you step closer you’re even more nervous as Asmodeus slips your camera back into your hands and slides in behind you. 
“Asmode-us?” There’s a stammer in your voice as he slips his hands over yours and lifts your camera up to your face with the screen on so you can both see the image instead of looking through the sight. 
“Just relax.” His voice whispers right next to your ear, making you swallow. “I know you get nervous around people.” 
“Hush.” Using his foot to get you to spread your legs a little wider by tapping the toe of his boot against your heel so you have a better stance. “I’ve seen your work, you never have people in your images. It’s not that hard to figure out. Now just breathe.” 
You try to do just that, breathing in your nose as you try to focus on the screen. “I just, don’t want to upset people.” It’s true and some small part of your brain when you’re out taking photos tells you people don’t want you to take their photo. 
“Trust me, Hon, Mammon here would be more upset if you didn’t want to take his photo. A feeling I share, I love having my photo taken.” With that, you feel his hand slide from the camera and along your arm, guiding it to a better position. “Now just breathe and click like you do for every other image you’ve ever taken.” 
You swallow, trying to focus on that instead of the feeling of his chest against your back, the rise and fall of it a gentle pressure against you. Or of the warmth sinking into your skin from where his hands are on your, or the way his breath fans out along the shell of your ear. 
It’s hard but you do just that, looking at the image through the screen and breathing. This man wants you to take his photo, you can do this. Another breath and your hands are far steadier than they were for the entire class as you make a few small adjustments so the lighting is perfect as you press the button to close the shutter and capture that moment in time in a still image. 
“Now that.” Whispering against your ear like he’s proud of you Asmodeus lets out a small laugh. “Is what I expect from my skilled little photographer, and those fine details you capture that have the power to make and break an image.” 
“If you say so.” Shaking your head a little as the feeling of his body enveloping yours leaves your heart thundering inside your chest. 
“At some point, you’ll just have to accept that I’m right. I know what beauty looks like.” The way he says it makes your face warm, fully unsure how to take that compliment.
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As the end of the tenth week and the final class comes to an end you find you’re all smiles talking with some of the other students before leaving. Hanging back a little to thank Asmodeus for more than just the lessons. You still have a long way to go with talking to strangers, but you don’t feel the anxiety building in you like before. And the extra time he spent with you in the evenings. After the lesson with the live model, he started getting you to hang back, and to get you to practise taking more images of people. You still couldn’t take an image of a stranger but you could take photos of those that gave you permission. 
“Ah! There’s my favorite photographer, it seems our times together are at an end.” Letting out one of those little giggles of his that makes you grin while he pretends to be swooning. 
“We are. I wanted to tell you just how thankful I am for everything you’ve taught me, I learned so much in the last few weeks. You’ve given me an amazing opportunity.” Smiling at him as you give a little bow. “It’s been one of the best times I’ve ever had.” Ignoring the little flutter in your chest.
Letting out a hum you watch as he places a hand against the side of his face, tilting his head as he watches you for a moment. “Speaking of opportunities, how would you like to help me with something? I’ve been working on a project with some different poses but I just can’t get the images the way I want them.” You’re confused but you nod as he keeps talking. “Would you like to help me with it?” 
Wait? Is he offering you a chance to work on a project with him. You’re floored from the offer and your tongue feels heavy in your mouth as you try to get the words out. “Yes.” It’s half choked as you get your mouth to catch up to your brain. “Yes, of course. I’d love to.” 
“Perfect.” Leaning over his desk to write something on a note before handing it to you. “I’ll also text you the details in case something happens to this one.” 
“Awesome, I’ll see you in a few days then.” Grinning as you slip it inside your bag, lifting your head as he calls your name as you’re closer to the door. 
“Oh, and Hon? It’s a partially nude project.” 
And you’re right back to feeling like taking this class was a terrible idea.
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Looking at the address on your phone again you’re back to feeling nervous as you look at the number on the outside of a warehouse in the industrial district. This seems more like the place to get murdered than do a photoshoot. Rolling back and forth on your feet before you press the buzzer beside the door next to the numbers that match. 
Thankfully you don’t have to wait long before the door swings open and a sense of relief floods through you at Asmodeus standing there in a robe with one of those Cheshire cat grins of his firmly in place. “I’m glad you didn’t get lost.” A quick wink flashed at your face before he moved to the side to allow you in. “Welcome to my studio.” 
It’s like night and day, while the outside of the building gives murder vibes the inside is awash in bright colors, muted displays, and monochromatic furniture. Heck, there’s even a bed. Several backdrops hanging from the ceiling in different places and a few tables filled with printing and cutting equipment. A small enclosed space that you wonder if it’s for film printing since the bathroom is marked by a light above the door. 
“It’s not what I was expecting.” That’s an understatement. 
“I get that a lot.” Giving another laugh as he passes you heading toward what looks like a yoga chaise longue with a few bouquets of vibrant flowers nearby. “But the rent is affordable and I don’t need to worry about a lack of space since I can leave working areas set up without having to move things depending on what I’m doing.” 
“Makes sense. So I guess we’re waiting for the model?” Closer to the area you notice a camera on a tripod, a camera with a similar look to the one in the bag hanging from your shoulder. Immediately drawn to it and remembered how Asmodeus had told you he had the newer model of yours. Seeing the countdown setting is engaged you swallow. 
“Nope.” Your eyes follow a cable and see a button to work the shutter lying on the floor right next to the couch. You already have a good idea what he’s about to say and the sweat at the nape of your neck starts to form and your stomach feels queasy. “I’m the model.” 
Well double shit. “You were trying to take the images yourself?” 
“I was, and none of them turned out anywhere near the way I wanted.” Striding closer you watch as those well manicured hands of his work the connection to remove the button and cable before coiling it up. “You look a little nervous. You can back out if you want.” 
Shit. Your palms are slick and you rub them against the hem of your skirt. “No. I um. You said partially nude right?” If Asmodeus wants you to help him with this project you well and truly want to try your best. It’s the least you can do. 
“That’s right.” Nodding he moves the robe to the side and you’re thankful to see he has a pair of underwear on. Mind you. It’s underwear that doesn’t hide that fact he’s packing which does little to help with how nervous you are. “Once I get into position I have a sheet to drape across my body to help with the composition. The theme I’m going for in this project is petals, hence the flowers.” 
“Ok.” Nodding more to yourself than to the beautiful man that is asking you to take semi nude photos of him with flowers and just gave you an idea he should have been a porn star instead of an art teacher. You can do this. You can do this. Repeating it over and over in your head as you wipe your hands again. “Do you want me to use your camera or mine since yours is set up on the tripod already?” 
“You can use mine, this other cable has it connected to my laptop over there so it sends the images as soon as you take them.” Surprised when he slips his hand down into yours and gives it a squeeze. “Just remember, you’re doing me a favor so if you get too nervous just let me know and we can stop.” Another one of his playful winks and he saunters over with a sway of his hips towards the couch. 
Rolling your shoulders as you move behind the tripod while Asmodeus gets set up himself, and for some reason as soon as the sheet falls across his hips you find you’re able to focus more on the directions he’s providing on what he’s trying to accomplish. 
While the first few images are not your best, the moment you realize in every shot you can focus more on the flowers instead of his skin it’s like a new ball game. Sure you’re treating Asmodeus like he’s just the background for the images while keeping him in focus but it’s certainly taken the edge off. 
So much so that you lose track of time as Asmodeus takes his different poses and you snap an unknown number of images. Blinking when he calls out to stop and you both head over to his laptop to review what you’ve taken. 
“Wow.” Clicking on another image, this one of a rose pressed to his lips and obscuring part of his face so his eyes are visible above the petals. It’s like he’s staring right into your soul and knows every secret. “You’ve done an amazing job with these Hon.” 
“I mean, I doubt they’d have turned out so well if it wasn’t you in the images.” Laughing as you try to deflect his praise away from you. 
“Well, I do agree these images are beautiful because I’m in them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing.” Turning towards you with a look that you aren’t sure how to decipher. “You need to learn to get better at accepting praise.” Leaning closer so part of his robe is brushing against your arm, this close you think you can smell the hint of cologne on him. 
“Maybe.” Giving your head another little shake. “You just tell me so often I feel like it’s a teacher just trying to encourage his student.” 
“Oh, Hon.” Lifting his hand to your jaw and tilting your head to look up at him where he’s leaning over with you sitting in the chair in front of his laptop. “I don’t give out my praise so easily.”
Shit. With the way he’s watching you and the sweeping of his fingers across your chin, you find the room suddenly way too hot as you swallow. That queasy feeling is back in your stomach and your skin feels moist as you start to sweat. He’s still as attractive as when you first met him, but damn, he’s never pulled a move like that on you before. “I um.” Scrambling to try and say something that doesn’t make you sound like an idiot. 
“You are just too adorable when you’re all flustered.” Laughing a little he dips his head down and grazes his lips over yours. “I could get used to seeing that hue on your cheeks more often.” A little hum with his lips at the corner of your mouth. “With nothing else on.” 
Your brain goes blank. 
Like whatever electrical impulses that process what you hear and see just freeze as if overloaded like a computer and needs to be restarted. Opening and closing your mouth as no words come out for several seconds while he starts to giggle in that wind chime way of his again. 
“I’m your student.” It’s the first thing your brain comes up with and you wince at how sad and pathetic it sounds. A low whine accompanies the words as the rest of your body and brain screams screw it because if he’s coming on to you to go for it. 
“You were.” Leaning back as if to give you some space but he keeps his hand on your face, trailing it upwards to cup your cheek. “Now we’re two consenting adults and I’m tired of having to dance around how much I wanna see you cum for me.” If it was physically possible you think there might be steam coming out of your ears from how hot your face feels. Like there’s an inferno trying to burst past the skin and engulf you whole. “So…” Trailing off as he lowers his face so you’re eye level. “Wanna have sex?” 
You’re doing that fish thing again with your mouth as your brain rushes to process the words he just spoke. 
“Yes.” You blurt out that one word so quickly you aren’t sure you said it. 
That doubt leaves you the moment Asmodeus spins the chair and slots into the space between your legs and presses his lips to yours like he’s a man dying of thirst and you’re the only water around. If you had the brain power for it you might have responded to that first kiss. This man just left you spinning with how quickly he moved and did things, including one of his hands in your hair to tilt your head just the way he wants as he kisses you senseless. 
When your brain finally comes back, Asmodeus starts to blaze a trail along the edge of your jaw, peppering the skin with soft kisses as he moves. Your hands flying to his hair, so your nails can drag along his scalp as you try to get him to return to your lips. He might keep taking you by surprise but you want to show him you aren’t there to just be a bump on the log so to speak. 
“Oh? Does my cute little photographer wanna play now?” Whispering against the hollow of your throat before sucking harshly, making you cry out for him with your hips jolting upward against his firm body between your legs. Pulling away from your neck with a wet pop before blowing on the wet skin to make you shiver.
“Asmodeus” Whining his name as he ignores the light insistence of your fingers trying to get him to move him. 
“Asmo.” Licking a strip along the front portion of your neck that has you arching with a sigh. “Call me Asmo.” 
“Asmo~” A breathy exhale as you say his name and he seems to finally be willing to give you what you want. Gliding those soft lips of his across yours before nipping at your bottom lip, the tease. 
You aren’t going to just sit there this time, parting your lips and flicking your tongue against his top lip before tracing it with the tip of your tongue while you let out an airy mewl. Trailing your hands along the crown of his head and hooking your legs under the chair to pull yourself forward so your chest can touch his instead of being wedged against the backing. 
Hearing his moan in return has your body warming, your core clenching as your panties grow moist and start to cling to your skin. Tilting your head to gain better access to his mouth as his tongue playfully slides against yours, engaging more into the kiss. You want more. More of him. Trailing a hand down his neck until your fingers brush the soft robe wrapped around his form. Using the edge as a guide to find the sash holding it in place and tugging it undone so you trail your hand along the skin of his chest. 
You spent most of the last few hours watching his body, you knew he was lithe and flexible with some of the positions he put himself into, you just weren’t expecting him to be so firm under your palm. That discovery has your other hand reaching down so you can push more of the fabric off his shoulders while your tongues are busy exploring each other. 
Distracted by his wiry muscles you gasp when one of his fingers graze along the material of your underwear, a soft caress to the damp cloth as he traces your sex through it. Using your moment of distraction to press his advantage and shove his tongue more into your mouth with a fervor that makes your head spin as your heart pounds away inside of your chest. 
You know for a fact you’ve never had a kiss this intense before. 
The fact it’s from a man who a few nights ago was your instructor and a few weeks longer a stranger just seems to make your body respond even more rapidly as you feel the beads of perspiration start to trail down your neck. 
Jolting as the bare pad of his finger pushes the sodden fabric aside to trace your folds before sliding along your opening. Making a noise that almost sounds like dissatisfaction before breaking the kiss. 
“You’re nowhere near wet enough for me Sweetie.” Pecking the side of your mouth while leaning back and pulling his hand from under your skirt and sticking out his tongue to lick at the long digit. Humming as his eyes close and he seems to savor the taste of you, curling his lips around it as removing his finger with a pop. “I think I’d like a taste from the source.” 
“Asm-oo” Dragging out the O at the end of his name as he licks a strip with the flat of his tongue along the length of your opening. He’s quick, having dropped to the floor and lifted your skirt just enough to get his head under the fabric and move your underwear to the side. It gives new meaning to the phrase seeing stars, since you’re throwing your head back and gasping as he undulates the tip of his tongue just inside your moist core. 
“Fu-ck” There’s a tightness forming in your stomach, your fingers scrambling to push the rest of your skirt away so you can at least see his pink champagne hair. Letting out another whine when he switches to sucking on your clit and pumping one of his fingers into you. When he hums the vibrations against your clit almost send you over the edge, grabbing his hair while your hips roll. 
You want more. 
Just more. 
 More of the fire building inside you. More of his touch. More friction against your pussy as you shift more and more to the increased speed of his tongue. More of his body pressed to yours as a roaring blares in your ears.
All of the tension leaves you as you tumble over that edge with a low moan and slump back in the chair while Asmo keeps lapping at your core drinking down your release and dragging out the pleasure flooding through your body. 
He doesn’t relent until you let out a noise of discomfort. “Aw, is my pretty photographer all done after one orgasm?” Barely opening your eyes as he stands, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“I need” Blinking you rub at your face trying to collect your thoughts. “A minute.” 
“Oh, you really are adorable.” Laughing as he turns and starts rooting around in his desk for something. 
“You keep saying that.” Finally feeling more aware but relaxed you fully open your eyes, just in time to watch him drop his underwear to the floor. “Right, you are a lot bigger than earlier.” Deadpanning as you keep watching him, blowing you a kiss as he uses his teeth to rip the edge of the condom package open. 
If these past few weeks have taught you anything he’s a tease. Making a show of sliding the latex along his shaft before trailing his painted fingers through the light dusting of hair that’s immaculately kept. “That tends to happen when you’re horny Hon.” Another wink as he saunters closer with that monster swaying between his legs. “Now.” Bending at the waist and ghosting his lips over yours. “Ready for round two?” 
“In this chair?” 
“No.” Standing with his soft hands wrapped around your wrists and tugging you upwards before guiding you to the yoga chaise lounge he had been using as part of the photo shoot. “Somewhere I can really make you scream my name.” Giggling as he slides his hands to the edge of your shirt and starts to pull it upwards and over your head. 
“I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow am I?” Reaching your hands back to undo the clasp for your bra before dropping it to the floor. 
“Oh, Hon. I’m planning to make it so neither of us can walk tomorrow.” Starting to work your skirt off only to have his hand stop you. “Just the underwear. I like the skirt.” Well, if he likes it after that orgasm you aren’t going to tell him no. Slipping the drenched material from your legs and letting it drop to the floor just like your bra. With that wet flop, Asmo has his hands on your hips guiding you toward the lounge and getting you to lay back against it. 
“Does that mean we’re staying here tonight?” Feeling a little braver as his hands sweep along your sides making you shiver while your core throbs. 
“If you can handle it, Hon.” Using his hand to push your chest back against the curved higher end. “Just don’t expect to get much sleep.” Sliding the tip of his cock between your folds, tapping the head against your clit making you let out a soft mewling noise. He has your skirt lifted just enough to watch what he’s doing, his eyes glued to your slick skin while he teases you. 
“Asmo!” Whining again as you reach out to touch the hand on your hip keeping you in place and your skirt out of the way. “Please, I don’t wanna be teased.” Sliding your fingers through his and rubbing his knuckles. “Just fuck me.” 
“Oh, you want me to fuck you, Sweetie?” Your stomach clenches at the edge to his voice as he lifts his head and you swear there’s a mad gleam in his eyes behind his glasses. Shit. “Of course you do.” His cock isn’t sliding between your folds anymore, you can feel the pressure of the wrapped head nudged against your opening. “But I want to hear why you want me to fuck you.” 
That edge is still there and you swallow. This might be a mistake but you have enough of an idea exactly what he wants to hear you say, and it has nothing to do with the fact you had zero idea that he was even interested in you like that before tonight. “Because Asmo.” Adding a purr to your voice as you use your abdomen to pull yourself upwards so you can look into his eyes, it's your turn to make a show as you lick your lips. “I want the most beautiful man that I’ve seen to fucking ruin me with his cock.” 
That gets you the desired result as you let out a cross between a scream and a moan as he slams his dick balls deep into your pussy with enough force you feel his balls slap against your skin. Panting like you’ve run a race as the muscles of your inner walls spasm, even with an orgasm having already racked your system the stretch has a fire spreading along your lower back. “I’ll ruin you so all you can think about is my beauty when someone tries to fuck you as good as me.” Dragging his cock back out to the tip before slamming forward again. 
“Asmo!” Screaming his name as your body rocks with his motions, the size of him with the steady pace has you quickly approaching the edge of an orgasm again. You have no idea what to do with your hands, torn between touching him which you can barely do back against the curve of the couch, and wanting to just grip something to try and focus on that. Curling your fingers under the edge of the couch and panting his name like a prayer. 
“That’s right Sweetie, cum on my cock.” Cooing the words as his fingers rub at your clit in a tender caress. A long drawn out moan rings around the room as you do just that, clenching around him as your back spasms. “Such a pretty sight, all blissed out because of my beautiful body.” Asmo isn’t moving this time as you orgasm, watching you as you swallow while your cunt squeezes around him. You’re a lovely sight to him and the way you grip him has him feeling giddy, wondering if after tonight he can come up with another project to get you into his studio again. You’re far from his first partner, he likes having a good time be it with him giving or receiving, but the way you respond to him? That has him wanting to keep you around longer. 
“Shit.” Your fingers hurt as you loosen your grip on the wooden frame under the smooth fabric covering the yoga couch. “Damn Asmo, you really will ruin me.” Whispering the words as you try to sit up. 
“And I will.” Gripping your hands in his and helping to slide you more to the top of the hump while keeping his throbbing cock deep inside your walls. “I want this pretty pussy to be all mine.” Damnit. He has your face burning again, you shouldn’t be feeling embarrassed like this by his words after he ate you and gave you a second orgasm all in the last ten minutes. 
“You’re a menace.” Shaking your head with a grin as you wrap your arms around his neck to go in for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his lips from earlier, it’s easy enough to ignore the bitter fluid when his tongue sweeps out to coil around yours. Humming as your fingers toy with the fine hairs along the back of his neck, rolling your hips a little so you slide along his shaft. 
“Says the needy girl ready for another orgasm.” Chuckling with a sweep of his fingers along your jaw. “And you’re lucky enough for me to be just as greedy.” Gripping one of your thighs with a squeeze that makes you arch your back.  
“And Lucky enough to have someone as beautiful as you interested in me.” Fluttering your lashes as he lets out a real laugh that makes your stomach clench for a different reason. Shit, you could get used to that.
His hand doesn’t stay at your thigh for long, sliding lower so he can grip your calf while his other hand slides along your hip to adjust your legs. Gasping a little at the new angle, at least before you start to pant when he throws your ankle against his shoulder. You feel like you’re being split open by his cock and damn, do you enjoy the burn. “Now it’s time to start the real fun.” Blowing you a kiss with his free hand. 
What does he mean real fun? 
Before you can part your lips to ask your neck arches back, moaning as your inner walls spasm around his dick as he rocks into you at a blistering pace, you can feel every inch of him hammering in and out of your walls while the muscles of your stomach seize up. 
You’re quickly spiraling towards an orgasm as your lungs burn, panting as you try to suck in air to get your racing heart to slow. You’re starting to wonder if Asmo isn’t some kind of sex god, he certainly has the stamina for it. Letting out another whine as the tip of his cock drags along the upper muscles hitting a bundle of nerves your fingers would have never found. Feeling the sweat that drips from his face land on your leg as he keeps his eyes where you’re joined, a blistering pace now as he slams himself home. “You’re so tight.” His voice sounds strained, doing your best to keep yourself steady as you lift your gaze from where his cock keeps disappearing inside your walls. 
His chest is flushed, the skin slick with sweat. A visible sign he’s putting every effort into fucking you as hard as he can. Licking your lips and wishing you could get closer to lap at the beads dotting his chest. Lifting your eyes higher and trying to keep your eyes open as he seems to redouble his efforts, an audible slap of wet skin echoing around the space, laced with the occasional moan or mewl from one of you. That same flush is visible on his neck, the tendons flexing under the hammering of his heart, made more prominent by the longer strands of his hair stuck to his skin. 
“Asmo~” Panting his name again as you fumble for his shoulder, his slick skin makes it hard to get a good hold as you fingers slide off. 
“Just relax Hon, I’ve got you.” Still positioning his cock inside of you as the fire burns inside you like it’s going to consume you. A choked off sob as you bite your lip, you want this one to last, to drag it out. Squeezing the walls of your cunt as tightly as you can to try and keep Asmo from moving. The moan he lets out has your head swimming. “Sweetie, are you trying to push me over the edge with you?” Moaning through his teeth as his eyes meet yours. 
Those almost pink orbs seem even more vibrant in his flushed skin. A quirk of his lip upwards that makes your heart squeeze painfully inside your chest. Something you shove down and focus on his dick plunging into your core and you finally give in, letting your orgasm rip through as you scream his name at the top of your lungs. 
Sliding forward your blood rushes through your ears, missing Asmo calling your name as he slams home. Pushing your leg from his shoulder so he can slump over your body, guiding both of you along the curve of the couch and dropping his face into the crook of your neck as he breaths in deeply. 
It's nice, feeling the weight of his trim body pressing you down into the curve of the couch, his exhale cooling along the damp skin of your neck. Lifting a hand to play with his light colored hair. “I didn’t see this happening a few weeks ago.” Voicing your thoughts as the strands cling to your fingers.
“Funny. I did.” Huh? Rolling his head to nuzzle into your neck. “After you stayed behind to take photos of my brother I started fantasizing about you.” Giggling and shifting his hips. “You’re even better than I thought.” 
“I’d complain but I feel too good.” Mumbling as you sink down more into the material. “Plus you’ve been great for my confidence.” 
“Good. My sweet little photographer.” Lifting his head to peck your neck. “Now give me a few minutes and we can get ready for another round.” 
When your phone goes off in the morning you can’t move, wrapped in his embrace and lost in a haze with your limbs heavy. That class had definitely been worth it, and you hope you can come up with an excuse to repeat the last twelve hours again soon.
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Obey me Masterlist
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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The Prince of Wales visited in Sandwell to learn about the award-winning student-led initiatives available to pupils to support their mental health and well being. He was initially invited to visit the school in a letter by twelve-year-old Freddie Hadley in 2023. However, he was unable to visit at the time, but had commending Freddie and St. Michael's School for their work to tackle mental health challenges faced by pupils. St. Michael's Church of England High School employs a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing and in May 2022achieved a gold standard award by the Carnegie Centre of Excellent for Mental Health in Schools. During the visit he met representatives of Student Voice and learnt about the various initiatives set up at the school to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. William also joined a session with the Matrix Project which was set up to shine a spotlighton male mental health and sees boys aged 11-14 meet weekly to develop ideas and projects to tackle mental health challenges. The group launched the #AmIManlyEnough campaign last year to tackle the stigma aroundmale mental health and encourage men and boys to communicate more about their feelings. Finally, took part in a workshop with a larger group of students who discussed a range of issues related to mental health and wellbeing, including designing their own calm kits and their dream wellbeing hub.
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: daily transits 6/3
Monday, 6/3, Mercury's ingress into Gemini signifies a significant shift in the collective energy, as Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and travel, moves into one of its home signs. This transit emphasizes the qualities of curiosity, adaptability, and quick thinking, enhancing our ability to communicate, learn, and connect with others effectively.
Mercury in Gemini Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, which means it is particularly strong and influential when it transits this sign. Gemini, an air sign, is associated with communication, information exchange, and intellectual pursuits. It is characterized by versatility, social interaction, and a love for learning and exploring various ideas.
Key Themes of Mercury in Gemini
Enhanced Communication With Mercury in Gemini, the collective focus shifts to communication in all its forms. This period is marked by an increase in conversations, debates, and the sharing of ideas. People may feel more inclined to reach out, connect with others, and engage in social activities. Communication becomes faster, more fluid, and more dynamic, making it an excellent time for networking, negotiations, and collaborations.
Intellectual Curiosity Gemini is known for its insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge. During this transit, there is a heightened interest in learning and exploring new topics. People may feel drawn to studying new subjects, reading, writing, and engaging in intellectual discussions. This is a favorable time for academic pursuits, attending workshops or lectures, and expanding one’s knowledge base.
Adaptability and Flexibility One of Gemini’s key strengths is its adaptability. With Mercury in Gemini, there is a greater capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and think on one’s feet. This transit encourages flexibility in thinking and problem-solving, allowing for innovative solutions and creative approaches to challenges. It is a time to embrace change and be open to new possibilities.
Multitasking and Versatility Mercury in Gemini enhances the ability to multitask and handle multiple projects simultaneously. This period is characterized by a fast-paced environment where quick thinking and versatility are advantageous. People may find themselves juggling various tasks and responsibilities, thriving in dynamic and stimulating settings.
Collective Implications
Increased Social Interaction The ingress of Mercury into Gemini is likely to boost social interactions and connectivity. People may feel more sociable and willing to engage with others, both in person and online. This is an excellent time for social gatherings, networking events, and community activities that foster connections and the exchange of ideas.
Flourishing Communication Technologies Given Gemini’s association with communication, this transit may see advancements and increased usage of communication technologies. There could be a surge in social media activity, the launch of new communication platforms, or improvements in existing technologies. Innovations that facilitate easier and faster communication are likely to thrive.
Spread of Information Mercury in Gemini supports the rapid spread of information. News, ideas, and trends can disseminate quickly during this period. It is important to stay informed and critically evaluate the information being consumed, as the speed of communication can sometimes lead to the spread of misinformation or superficial knowledge.
Emphasis on Education and Learning This transit places a strong emphasis on education and learning. Schools, universities, and educational programs may experience increased activity and interest. People are encouraged to pursue their intellectual passions, enroll in courses, and take advantage of opportunities for personal and professional development.
Working with This Energy To make the most of Mercury’s transit through Gemini, consider the following approaches:
Engage in Active Communication: Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, and new acquaintances. Engage in conversations, share your ideas, and be open to listening to others. This is a time to strengthen your social networks and build new connections.
Pursue Learning Opportunities: Take advantage of the heightened intellectual curiosity to explore new subjects and expand your knowledge. Enroll in courses, attend seminars, or engage in self-study to satisfy your thirst for learning.
Stay Adaptable and Flexible: Embrace change and be open to new experiences. Use this time to experiment with different approaches and solutions, and be willing to pivot as needed.
Utilize Technology: Leverage communication technologies to stay connected and informed. Explore new platforms, tools, and apps that can enhance your ability to communicate and share information.
Prioritize Multitasking Wisely: While the ability to multitask is enhanced, be mindful of spreading yourself too thin. Prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively to avoid burnout.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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joysmercer · 4 months
post-season 3
Terri will freely admit that she wasn’t overly enthusiastic about her daughter suddenly deciding (with less than a month’s notice) to spend two weeks of summer at a camp run by her boyfriend and otherwise minimal adult supervision. Yes, a lot of it was because she (selfishly) wanted her daughter to spend that time with her after not being together for half a year, but she was also concerned on a more general level: across the country with no cell phones? The summer before her junior year? Terri would much rather she stay home, focus on SAT prep if anything, and prepare for her future—not go to some theatre workshop where she’s unlikely to learn anything of value. 
It did help to find out that Gina has been cast as the lead in the first-ever stage production of a wildly popular Disney movie and will also be starring in the associated documentary. This is a novel experience, can go on her college apps and résumé, and really, who is she to judge when all expenses are paid in exchange for signing a few release forms? 
Still, she misses the days she could hear about each rehearsal straight from the source instead of random teasers dropped on the Disney+ twitter account, and she especially hates that she has to work and miss Gina’s big debut. By the time intermission is called on the livestream, Terri (ever-so-grateful for the weekend off) is already en-route to California. 
Terri pulls into the Shallow Lake parking lot and spots Gina immediately among the throng of campers checking out and saying their goodbyes. She’s grown at least an inch, Terri realizes with a jolt. Gina is nearly seventeen now, on the brink of adulthood, and the way she’s carrying herself now demonstrates a demeanor entirely different from the teenager she’d dropped off at MSY just a few months ago. Why does time always move so fast with these kids? 
Gina whips around as soon as Terri slams the car door shut, as if she was able to hear it from all the way across the yard, letting out a loud squeal of delight that sends Terri’s heart melting before launching herself straight into her mother’s arms. Terri is instantly reminded of a five-year-old Gina doing the exact same thing at kindergarten pickup.
“Hey, sweet pea,” she whispers, returning her daughter’s tight hug. Some things never change. 
“Mom? What are you even doing here? I thought you were closing on the house? Oh my god, I had no idea—"
“I finished all that yesterday, and since I have a free weekend, I thought we could take a mother-daughter road-trip back home – just like old times.” While their last few moves had been too far apart to drive, she and Gina used to spent nearly every school holiday or long weekend transporting their lives across state lines while eating their fill of fast food and pancakes, touring random obscure roadside attractions, and making some of their fondest memories. 
Gina beams. “I’d love that,” she says, bouncing on her heels excitedly. “I finished packing, actually, so I just need to take care of one thing real quick and we can head out.”
Then she smiles big and wide again, an expression she saves for truly special occasions (like, apparently, 10 hours with her mother in a car), and quickly kisses Terri’s cheek. “Love you, mommy. Be back in a bit.” 
Gina sprints off in the direction of, according to a nearby sign, a “Yurt Locker”. Strange name, Terri thinks. She doesn’t have a chance muse on it (or what the hell it even means) further, though, because someone bellows GENEVIEVE MARIE! so loudly that both Gina and Terri, now at least 20 feet apart, jump at the sound. 
The source of the voice appears a second later—or at least Terri assumes that’s who the curly-haired boy with a shit-eating grin on his face now standing in front of Gina is, given her daughter’s currently crossed arms, flushed cheeks, and, surprisingly, equally playful smile. Terri eyes the boy curiously. Gina doesn’t give out her full name to just anyone and rarely allows anyone to use it (Terri can’t remember the last time she herself even said the word Genevieve, let alone added her middle name to the mix). But Gina seems entirely unfazed now, as if having this boy yell it for all to hear is a regular occurrence. Who is he?
Then she notices the acoustic guitar he’s clutching, and it hits her. Kristoff: Ricky Bowen.
It had been a while since Gina had mentioned Ricky in their weekly FaceTimes. His name had only ever come up in relation to Ashlen’s role of Belle in the spring musical, and even then, it was mostly to complain about his two left feet. If it weren’t for a panicked text conversation on Valentine’s Day (Gina’s teddy bear got lost in transit, long story), Terri would have entirely forgotten about him.
Clearly, not only has his dancing greatly improved this summer (if yesterday was any evidence), but so has his friendship with her daughter.  
Ricky pulls out a set of keys and gestures to the parking lot, fanning his face with his free hand, and that’s when Terri realizes he’s wearing…a pink-and-blue snowsuit. Gina laughs and rolls her eyes at him, clearly teasing him about his ridiculous attire for an LA summer, but when he says something else, Gina suddenly shakes her head, pointing straight at Terri. 
Terri gives a small wave to the kids, and Ricky immediately waves back excitedly.  Okay, then. 
Turning back to Gina, Ricky says something else and Gina smiles shyly and nods. Terri watches as the pair hugs goodbye, a motion that is simultaneously so natural neither think twice about it—falling into a tight embrace that nearly lifts Gina off the ground—but so awkward when they separate that Terri can feel the tension from all the way over here. Okay, then, indeed. 
Ricky meanders toward the bright orange bug almost double-parked in the last slot of the lot. Terri recognizes the car from her driveway last fall – but also remembers Gina mentioning that Ashlen’s boyfriend also drives an orange bug that the three of them and EJ would carpool to school in, leaving Terri to wonder which possibility is weirder: that Ricky and his friend got matching ugly vehicles together, or that Ricky transported his friend’s car across state lines for two weeks and his friend actually agreed to it. 
There isn’t much she knows about Ricky Bowen, actually, except that he has an apparent penchant for nabbing lead roles out from under everyone else’s noses and—surprisingly—actually justifying those casting choices. Gina’s scene partners are often so dry she has to work double-time to make the chemistry believable. Last night, however, Ricky showed a level of talent that nearly matched her own daughter’s in the way he was able to hold the audience captive even without Gina on stage with him. There was one solo of his in particular that had actually caught Terri’s attention (she had taken the opportunity to answer some emails) when, right at the end, he suddenly directed the final line of the song away from the audience and into the wings: you’re what I know about love, he sang, straight to Ana. Straight to Gina. It was not only a genius move but one she doubted he was directed to do—he must have come up with it himself. 
Still, something about him sets Terri on edge. Questionable decisions (seriously, snowsuit?) aside, he has the demeanor of a class clown, someone who stays while it’s fun but bolts when things get hard. It makes Terri uneasy, especially since it’s clear that this is someone Gina cares deeply about. 
“Sorry about that.” Gina’s back, suitcases in hand, shaking Terri out of her reverie. “I had to tell Ricky I didn’t need a ride first.” 
“Oh, I thought EJ was giving you a ride home,” Terri says, taking one of the suitcases from Gina. 
A tense silence. “Mom, I told you we broke up, remember?” 
“I know, sweetheart,” Terri quickly assures her. Gina had called early yesterday morning from Kourtney’s phone, relating the news with a quick “it was a long time coming, we’re still friends, prom was super fun otherwise, see you soon” and hanging up before Terri could even get an I’m sorry out. “I just assumed you’d keep the same arrangement since Ashlen and your other friends are there, too.” She winces. “I see how silly that sounds out loud, though.” 
“Yeah.” More silence. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Terri asks gently. 
Gina shakes her head no emphatically. “I told you, it wasn’t really a surprise. I’m fine.”
“Okay, okay, got the hint.” Terri laughs, sighing internally with relief when Gina gives her a (albeit watery) smile. She opens the car trunk and shoves the suitcase inside.
“So, why was Ricky wearing a snowsuit?” Terri asks as they settle in and buckle up, unable to keep the question to herself any longer. 
“Oh, he wasn’t supposed to be at camp at all, and showed up without a ton of clothes, so he mostly borrowed from others I think, and got pizza all over his laundry yesterday, too.” she giggles slightly, then continues, “plus the guys dumped ice water on themselves last night and he put is wet towel on top of his open suitcase, like an idiot.” She says all this with the nonchalance of someone explaining 1+1=2, not…whatever she just said about sudden enrollment, pizza, and ice water. 
“That doesn’t explain the snowsuit,” Terri says, now even more confused. 
“Rumor has it he was supposed to go skiing with his ex? he didn’t say, though." Gina shrugs. 
“that girl Jamie’s working with?” 
“No.” Gina doesn’t elaborate. 
“Well, regardless, he’s very talented,” Terri supplies. “I did enjoy that one ballad of his yesterday, the one with the guitar and lights.” 
“Oh.” Gina smiles softly, almost to herself. “I liked that one too.” 
Terri’s stomach twists, like they’re about to go barreling off a cliff they can’t see and can’t stop. 
“Is he doing the fall musical as well?”
“I dunno. Probably. It’s his senior year, he won’t have many more chances.” 
“I didn’t realize he’s a year ahead of you,” Terri says, surprised. “How are his college apps coming along?”
“Mom,” Gina groans. “It’s literally summer vacation, and believe it or not, I didn’t ask. He probably hasn’t even started thinking about them yet.” 
“Fair,” Terri says, although, internally, she disagrees. if Ricky were truly serious about his future, he would have had his summer plans set in place long ago, and a solid school list by now. 
I can tell you like him, Gigi, she thinks. And then, suddenly, I wish you didn’t. 
It’s a strange thought, and a foreign one—Gina has yet to make a friend that Terri straight-up disapproves of.  What Ricky does with his life is really none of her business, and Gina’s a smart girl—she won’t go rushing into poor decisions even if her friends are walking bundles of chaos. Plus, from the little she’s seen, it’s clear he cares about Gina, too. Maybe as much as she does him. 
But Gina in a relationship is…different. Gina in a relationship was more carefree, a little less focused. She begged to go to prom despite having an exam the next Monday, she shifted her summer plans around for a camp she showed no interest in before, and she prioritized FaceTimes and texting every night over reading or sleeping. there were no lasting negative repercussions for any of this, but if there was ever a time for Gina to conserve her extra energy for something worthwhile, it’s now. 
Ricky a good friend, Terri decides. As friends, he keeps her grounded—but anything more than that? She’s just not sure. 
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pushing500 · 1 year
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Hello, I love you. Thank you for giving me an excuse to show off my colony! I think it's my favourite of all the Rimworld colonies I've ever built, and I would love to give you a tour!
This settlement is called Eureka. It's quite big and sprawling, so I'll pop it under here where it won't clog up people's dashboards if they don't want it to:
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Okay, first of all, I'd like to mention that the main ideology of the colony (as well as two out of the three others we have in the colony: Wendy and Laurie's ideology, and Wookshy's little heretical sub-cult) has the City Builders meme from Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures, which means lots of separate buildings instead of one big one.
This makes things like temperature regulation across the colony a bit tricky, but I love the way it looks.
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Here's a shot of the whole of Eureka in all it's current glory. I think it's lovely, though I may be biased in that regard.
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Eureka's very first colonists, Albina, Brennan, Irwin, and Rogan the dog, crash-landed in escape pods right where that obelisk is standing in the middle.
The bedrooms you see here are built from limestone that we salvaged from a large ruin in the area. The top left is Albina's bedroom, beside that is Barghest's bedroom (it was Irwin's originally, but he moved into Connie's room when they got married. Both lads have the ascetic trait, and they love it), then the bottom left is Brennan and Debby's room.
The kitchen/abattoir/dining room/art studio/tailor shop is on the right.
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Here's the hospital, the research lab, and a "monument" we built for the Empire that now stores all our chemfuel. We also have a little field of blueberry bushes and a beehive. Irwin and Connie's bedroom is on the bottom left.
(Don't mind the apparent excess of sickly colonists, I'll address that in a post after this one.)
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Here is the prison barracks, the nutrient-paste vending machine for guests who forget to bring their own food, the water treatment plant, and the duck pen.
I have a lot of chemfuel generators, and this isn't even all of them.
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The northern part of Eureka is home to a luxurious hot-tub room, my lovely school /nursery with its adjoining veggie garden, and the tomb we built to honour cuterpillar Bernie, may they rest in peace.
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More chemfuel generators, the ex-Ancient Danger, the closet of clothes for Eureka's residents to select their ideal outfits, and the landing pad we have repurposed as a shipyard. It appears we are still a long way off from launching a ship, though. No escape anytime soon.
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The wedding chapel with an assortment of instruments that the colonists like to play, and the devilsheep pen.
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The boomalope pens (top for males, bottom for females), and some more bedrooms.
The top bedroom is where Wookshys sleeps (ew) and where Baz used to sleep before he moved into a room with Zonovo.
Below Wookshys' room is Kaz and Fafo's room. It will be equipped with a double bed once they get married.
To the left of their room is Laurie and Candlelight's room, which I only now realise is a terrible idea considering the amount of fights they've been getting into. I'll have to shuffle the sleeping arrangements to remedy that.
The room on the bottom left is Wendy and Tamarind's room, and beside them is the room where Andrei, Kawoo, and baby Andy sleep.
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Here you can see our smelting/machining/smithing/fabricating workshop above our new landing pad (since the last one was repurposed as a shipyard).
In the middle is the off-brand temple that I built for Wookshys' sad little sub-cult for no reason other than to make him and his heretic followers stop whining that they didn't have one.
Beside the temple for the "Wavian Path" sub-cult are two more bedrooms: Vu and Hazrov's room on the left and Baz and Zonovo's room on the right.
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Main storerooms, the temple for the proper ideology of Eureka (The Path of Animism), a bathroom, and the crematorium.
The crematorium has dodgy walls because I didn't realise I was building into the Anima tree's "exclusion zone" until after I'd already mined out the room and started putting up walls. Now it just looks weird, and I have to avoid looking at it.
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The riverside picnic area that Wookshys is banished to most days to do his fishing, where I don't have to see him. It's very pretty, and I think if I were trapped on a distant rim world, I would appreciate a nice riverside park like this as long as there were no Wookshys' around to bother me.
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Our treasured Anima tree, Connie's berrymaker dryad Gauranlen tree, and a little nature shrine that Irwin made out of jade for all the colonists who have the natural meditation focus types, which is a lot of them, apparently.
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Geothermal generators are boring, so I used this steam vent to make a hot spring instead which I like much better. There's also a reasonable selection of guest bedrooms, another bathroom, and our saunas which are separated into male and female rooms.
All our stone cutting is done by the hot spring, and all the cut stone is dumped in a pile with raw steel, bones, and other things that won't deteriorate on the ground outside.
Also, another view of Connie and Irwin's room, along with Albina's room and Brennan and Debby's room.
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Last but not least is Eureka's main farming area. There are little growing patches set up here and there all over the place (which I'm sure my farmers are thrilled about... At least they can get their steps up while they work), but this is the main spot where most zones are organised into one accessible area.
And that concludes the tour of Eureka! I won't pretend to be the most efficient or practical Rimworld player, but I love building things that look nice (to me, at least) and make my colonists happy.
I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the place where all my wonderful colonists live, and thank you again for giving me an excuse to ramble about it. <3
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Social Links forIsabel Vincent
A professor who appeared beside a top Hamas leader was due to speak on “genocide” at Harvard Monday — the same day as a deadline for the university to finally comply with a congressional subpoena demanding answers on antisemitism.
Noura Erakat, an associate professor of Africana studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey, was scheduled to speak on “We Charge Genocide; The Potential and Limits of International Law,” at the school’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies — after months of making anti-Israeli speeches.
The lecture by the controversial academic, who is also a human rights attorney, came amid mounting accusations that Harvard has failed to tackle antisemitism on its campus in the wake of the Hamas massacre of hundreds of innocent Israelis on October 7.
4Pro-Palestinian professor Noura Erakat, who once appeared on a panel with a Hamas leader, is scheduled to give a lecture at Harvard. She has blamed Israel for Hamas’ October 7 massacre of hundreds of innocent Israelis.Alamy Stock Photo
4Embattled Harvard University faces a deadline today over complying with subpoenas issued by a congressional committee probing the Ivy League school’s failure to discipline students for antisemitism.
And the speech was scheduled just as Harvard hits a deadline to hand over documents demanded by the House Education Committee as it probes antisemitism on campus.
Harvard had already been granted an extension to cooperate with the probe, formally launched after a December hearing in which its then-president Claudine Gay said that whether calling for the genocide of Israelis broke Harvard’s policies depended on “context.”
But Erakat’s speech appears likely to inflame tensions. From the beginning of the Hamas atrocities committed against Israelis, Erakat has blamed Israel alone for the violence.
“Any condemnation of violence is vapid if it does not begin & end with a condemnation of Israeli apartheid, settler colonialism, and occupation,” Erakat posted on X to her more than 176,000 followers on Oct. 7.
A few days later, on Oct. 16, she tweeted to President Biden “…@POTUS repeated the lie about beheaded [Israeli] babies [by Hamas], directed US diplomatic corps to avoid calls for ceasefire [between Israel and Hamas], & backs Israel’s genocidal warfare [in Gaza]…”
In 2020, she participated in an online workshop along with senior Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad that was hosted by Palestinian nonprofit the Masarat Center, according to a post advertising the event.
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sosuigeneris · 5 months
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Girls my photoshoot got delayed AGAIN because of this godawful weather. We had planned to take some really cool outdoor shots but it’s forecasted to rain so now we had to push to Monday 👹. It’s not like I need these photos immediately, my major events are later this year but I do want to desperately update my LinkedIn photo. I barely ever post on LinkedIn, only when I have launches and major updates. My recent LinkedIn post got a lot of traction and whilst my current photo is ok - it just doesn’t make me feel like ✨ The Shit ✨ which is why I need this goddamn photo shoot to happen right away.
in other news, I’m going to a perfume workshop over the weekend! I’m really looking forward to it. I love that I’m pushing myself to be more socially active and trying out new things. I can already see that it’s helping me increase my confidence and self image. It’s really amazing how even a 2 hour workshop a week can play such a big role in feeling more connected to yourself!
I want to be involved with philanthropy this year. I have a soft spot for children and I want to do something about it. At least 1 hour over the weekends, like on Sundays maybe. I don’t know exactly how I want to help but I’ve been noticing an increased number of roadside beggar children. They often try to sell products while the traffic lights are red and it breaks my heart because they should really be in school studying and enjoying their childhood. That’s one focus area. Another area is I want to do a food donation drive. I love how the Sikh community does so much food donation and free food for whoever who comes to their Gurudwara (their temples). It’s inspiring. I’m considering either making a hefty donation to them or trying something on my own. I want to feed at least 100 people in my first attempt.
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brownsugar4hersoul · 5 months
Time flies, so you better keep up. Life doesn't hit the pause button, So why should you? Transform 'I wish' into 'I will'. Say yes to life's menu. Embrace the 'carpe diem' spirit. Lifelong learning? Education? Back to school, you go. Workshops and seminars? Sign up for anything and everything. Master new languages. Devour books. Certifications? Collect them like trophies. Documentaries? Expand your mind. Storytelling? Pen your epic. Knowledge is your playground. Aim for the stars. Entrepreneurship? Launch that start-up. Barista skills? Brew it till you make it. Mixology? Shake up a storm. Forge friendships out of chance encounters. Invite that classmate for a coffee. Be a tourist in your own city. Explore museums, Become a regular at quaint cafes. Travel? Book that Airbnb. Break free from your hometown's gravitational pull. Grab your passport and roam the globe. Ditch the dead-end job and chase the dream. Fitness? Luxury gyms and spas? Indulge. Ballet? It's never too late to start. Experience the grace of ballet. Dance your way to health. Concerts? Dance like nobody's watching. Skydiving? Take the plunge. Snowboarding? Hit the slopes. Equestrian dreams? Saddle up. Enjoy cinema solos. End the reign of doomscrolling. Manual cars? Conquer the stick shift. Drifting? Slide into the driver's seat. Auto shows? Rev your engines. Motorcycling? Get that license. Art classes? Paint your heart out. Drawing? Sketch your vision. Pottery? Spin that wheel. Crocheting? Knot your niche. Candle making? Light up your world. Modeling? Build a portfolio. Hair? Reinvent your look. Fashion? Redefine your wardrobe. Wear those fancy clothes, Because being alive is the occasion. Give compliments like they're going out of style. Gratitude? Make it your mantra. Calligraphy? Craft elegance. Culinary arts? Whip up a feast. Versatility? Cultivate it. Home decor? Rearrange your universe. Vlogging? Share your world, feed be damned. Coding, video editing, photography? Create digital magic. Analog memories? Capture them on film. Be a free spirit, be wild. Smile. Hug your family, Hug a friend. Kiss a lover. Tell that special person that you love them. Just always remember, It's never too late When you're the one in control of your own destiny. Create your own world, Seal your own fate.
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hello, ive been learning portuguese for a bit and i was wondering if you had any recommendations for media? like youtubers, blogs, movies or series. if you do, thanks in advance
uff fuck, i will sure try my best but i can’t promise anything
I normally get my dose of Portuguese via going to academic workshops or working alongside Brazilian people, so I don’t exactly engage with media in Portuguese as a conscious learning process, I'm afraid. Like, for example, i normally just get a bunch of Instagram reels and TikToks cause I'm on the Brazilian side of instagram/tiktok, and not exactly because i follow any particular account or something, and i don’t level or recognize how hard the Portuguese is in each one, etc 
I have some series that i remember watching and liking tho, which are:
De volta aos 15: a drama/comedy series around a 30yo woman that time travels a few times to when she was 15 and tries to fix everyone's life, as one does
A sogra que te pariu: a very absurd sitcom in the best latinoamerican style (and set during covid)
Samantha!: Another comedy, now about a kid star from the '80s who is trying to launch herself back
Lulli: comedy, drama and romance. A medic student gets electrocuted and starts hearing everyone's thoughts
3%: suspense, fiction, drama. Set on a diasporic word where, while everyone gets a one-time change to better their life, only the 3% makes it
Ciudad invisible: Drama, mystery. This one has lots of references to folk culture and stories! It's about a man who, after a family tragedy, starts seeing different mythological creatures that will help him uncover the past
omnisciente: sci-fi, drama, thriller. The city is controlled and watched all the time everywhere by drones. A woman tries to solve a murder that the drones never picked on + plus discover how fucked up the system and the drones are
Coisa mais linda: Drama, romance, set in 1959, after getting cheated on and left alone, a woman sets herself to open her own bossa nova club
ninguem tá olheando: comedy, drama, fantasy after discovering some secrets of the bureaucratic angelic system, a guardian angel set himself to break every rule that there is for protecting humans
Valentina: drama a young trans girl moves to a more conservative rural town 
Alice júnior: Coming of age film about a YouTuber trans girl as she challenges her catholic school's conservative ways 
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