#kaz....who can say
lucky-draws · 7 months
thinking about metal gear pokemon au yet again......
older/mgsv era ocelot as a gym leader....ghost/dark gym leader with a goth cowboy style... his team is basically cats and ghosts: shiny liepard, alolan persian, shiny duskull and yamask (the shiny versions of liepard+ duskull have a red colour scheme lol)...... maybe i will draw this maybe i won't
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lilyimmsim · 4 months
the crows would have absolutely loved monopoly
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catdoingblep · 1 year
Jesper: *talking shit about the merchers’ high society of Ketterdam and their questionable fashion choices in a random social event*
Wylan: Jesper, we are here not for gossiping *sipping wine* Did you see Boreg? The suit he is wearing is a crime worse than any crime Kaz has ever commited. The worst suit I've seen in my life so far, and I am living in the very same house with that purple monster you’ve bought last summer
Jesper: Yes, I know, right! Boreg is hilarious. How a person with money can even... Wait, what did you say about my purple suit?! You said you like it!
Wylan: Actually, I said that I’d like to take that suit off you... like in not seeing it on you anymore
Jesper with the most overdramatic facial expression: Wylan, I am deeply offended!
Jesper in two seconds: But you know who wears even worse outfit than Boreg? Just have a look at Schenck's wife!
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lunarthecorvus · 4 months
Nina and Alina Paralells
⋆。°✩-Orphans and grew up in orphanages
⋆。°✩-Power loss (Alina lost her power, and Nina lost her original power)
⋆。°✩-Baddass bitches
⋆。°✩-Both bullied in the orphanages
⋆。°✩-Lost their loves (one was temporary and one was well there is no chapter 40)
⋆。°✩-Teenager soldiers
⋆。°✩-Both hate their best friend's boyfriends haircut
⋆。°✩-Held hostage by the Darkling
⋆。°✩The Darkling has killed their some of their friends
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 months
six of crows modern high school chatfic! jordie lives!!!
i'm starting this because i need more of kaz fulfilling his annoying little brother role :]
check out what i have for the characters so far, below the cut (age, username, pronouns, facts, etc.)
Kaz Brekker - Dirtyhands
17, Any Pronouns (bro does not give a shit) (agender) (just like me frfr)
Aromantic (I love projecting) and has zero interest in relationships. Non-SAM, by the way.
Did online school and graduated when he was 16. Works at the Crow Club.
People started calling him Dirtyhands because of the rumors that have gone around about his gloves and stuff. He goes with it because it builds his reputation as a spooky cryptid.
Has haphephobia from the Reaper’s Barge, despite Jordie living. Also not a fan of swimming, but that’s about the full extent of it.
BFFs with Jesper
Jordie Rietveld - Pigeon
21, He/Him (trans masc)
Sole legal guardian of Kaz; surrogate older brother to all.
Works mostly from home, but sometimes goes on business trips.
Kaz calls him Pigeon because he got plucked like one when they were children. At this point there’s no malice to it, just some friendly teasing.
Has thalassophobia from the Reaper’s Barge.
Nina Zenik - Corpsewitch
17 - She/They (queen)
Bisexual, dating Matthias.
Wants to be a funeral counselor and collects bones, so people started calling her Corpsewitch. She likes to think of it as a compliment.
BFFs with Inej
Matthias Helvar
18, He/Him (cis)
Sexuality? No comment. Dating Nina.
Doesn’t see the point in making up a fake name to text his friends. His real one will do just fine.
Jesper Fahey - Jes
17, He/Him (cis)
Bisexual, dating Wylan.
Kaz started calling him Jes when they got closer a few years ago, and it felt special getting a nickname from him. He kept it.
BFFs with Kaz
Inej Ghafa - Spider Queen
16, She/Her (nonbinary)
Lesbian (sorry Kanej shippers)
Known to be the greatest spider of them all, she sticks to walls and doesn’t make a sound. Some people know her as the Wraith, but Spider Queen has a nice ring to it.
BFFs with Nina
Wylan Van Eck - Sunshine
16, He/Him (cis)
Gay, dating Jesper.
Jesper called him Wylan Van Sunshine sarcastically a while ago because of his blunt attitude and (impressively) chaotic/violent ideas.
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19burstraat · 6 months
Rn this Jordie fic sequel is just a Kanej fic wearing a Jordie fic hat. I keep adding Kanej scenes and no actual plot lfmdjfj.
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scalproie · 9 months
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likeimurloverr · 8 months
The people who treat Wylan like hes a mini kaz are just as bad as, may i even say, worse than people who make him too kind (baby him)
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lesbians4armand · 10 months
i really do think it incredibly funny that netflix went to adapt soc/sab and saw kaz “traumatised and emotionally closed off gang leader with a terrible haircut” brekker and went “yep we know exactly how to do that one” and gave him the tommy shelby cut.
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
Stop saying Goncharov and Katya are 1970s Kaz and Inej, just because they're a mob couple doesn't mean it's a kanej parallel
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lesbiansanemi · 11 months
The things I want to say about mei mei’s character and the way the fandom reacts to and treats her vs the way they treat male characters who do shitty things… but I know y’all would crucify me
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scorndotexe · 5 months
you never really want to be asking yourself "how was i THE EXCEPTION for necrophilia accusations" but here i am
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catdoingblep · 1 year
Ok, it is around 1000 words of wesper carrying for each other (ft. Jesper being almost sensory overloaded, Wylan’s insecure thoughts and cold weather in Ketterdam)
Few months ago Wylan wouldn’t have believed if someone had told him that he will feel himself safe in the Crow Club. Few months ago he also wouldn’t have come to the Crow Club in a first place.
He was thinking that it's a dangerous place. He still was thinking that it's a dangerous place but somehow presence of Jesper in the club even with them being at the different sides of the room made Wylan felt himself safer than if he was upstairs in their room alone.
Safe enough to make calculations for Kaz’s new order in the middle of the club in the Barrel.
Maybe too safe as he did’t notice Kaz until Kaz’s cane touches his shoulder.
“Take him out”, cawed Kaz as Wylan looked at him.
“Jesper. Take him out”, repeated Kaz. “Upstairs, outside, I don’t care. I don’t want him to do something that can scare the pigeons”.
Wylan looked for Jesper in the crowd to see him at the bar. He was sitting but Wylan could see how he’s constantly moving a bit, playing with his rings and earrings, touching his guns, staring somewhere off the side. There was a strange tension in his movements, and maybe all between them was still fragile and new but Wylan had already learnt what all these signs means.
That Jesper was unstable and tired, like his mind was exhausting itself. That soon all this restless energy would make him nervous, overwhelmed, irritated by every sound and touch, and then he would explode.
“Do I need to repeat again, Hendriks?”, said Kaz raising his eyebrow as like he didn’t understand why Wylan was still here.
Wylan shook his head, hiding papers with calculations in one of his vest’s pockets, and went to the bar, trying to avoid any contact with noisy and drunk club visitors.
Jesper even didn’t notice him with his restless mind too away from the club.
“Jes?”, called Wylan, touching his shoulder as light as he could.
Jesper flinched in surprise, smiling confusedly for a second, before he stretched his mouth into a slightly fake wide smile.
“Did you finish your work, sunshine?”, he asked with a hint of weariness in his voice.
“I think, I need some air”, lied Wylan. Jesper would never agree that he needs a break like no one ever taught him to take care of himself. If Wylan said that Jesper seems tired, he would try to distract Wylan with a joke or lie that he is completely fine. “Do you want to go outside?”
“Just to be sure no one will try to steal my gorgeous man”, smiled Jesper, jumping up from his barstool. Wylan felt himself starting to blush.
Jesper grabbed Wylan’s hand and headed up to the exit with tensed shoulders, maneuvering through the crowd, obviously trying not to touch anyone except Wylan accidentally.
Outside was relatively quiet as it was a time in between of very late night and very early morning. One of the lanterns in front of club was out again, making street a little bit darker than Wylan expected.
It also was cold and windy, and Wylan’s old jacket wasn’t doing anything with it properly. There was even a frost on the paving stones, and Wylan almost wanted to return back.
Almost, because outside Jesper was slowly relaxing like the relative calm of the night street was calming his nerves. It was worth a little freezing if you asked Wylan.
They was silent, and Wylan started to thinking about the project for Kaz again, and went too deep inside his mind because next thing he noticed was Jesper’s coat covering his shoulders.
“You are shivering”, said Jesper when Wylan looks at his face. He still looked tired but his voice sounded calmer.
“And what about you?”, asked Wylan trying to take the coat off while Jesper was trying to make him keep it on.
“And I will not wake up tomorrow with a cold”, reminded Jesper. “And if you return it, I won’t put it back - and we both will freeze”.
Wylan rolled his eyes but allowed Jesper to close few buttons. Jesper’s coat was obviously too long for him, but it was way more warmer than his jacket.
“Do you want to walk around?”, asked Wylan after few moments of silence.
“Walk around”, repeated Jesper with a shadow of amusement in his voice. “In the Barrel. At the late night. I don’t know if you noticed but we are not in the one of that fancy districts there people are walking around. You know, Barrel is a dangerous place”.
“I am pretty aware of it”, said Wylan with all the stiffness he could put in his voice, and Jesper laughed.
“Is it so, gorgeous?”, asked Jesper, and there was so much tenderness in his voice that Wylan felt himself lightheaded.
“But I will be with the best sharpshooter in the Barrel”, continued Wylan. “And you will be with the best demo expert in this city”.
“So you are the best in whole city, and I am just the best in the Barrel, so sad”, sighed Jesper feignedly.
“What can I do?”, smiled Wylan. “There is no one better than me”.
He knew that it is not true. There was the voice of his father in his head, saying “What do you think you are, Wylan? Like everything can overshadow that you are such an idiot”. But it was easy to pretend with Jesper. To act like he was really worth something. Like it didn’t matter who he is and what he can and cannot do. So easy to pretend that he was valuable, that someone as brilliant as Jesper Fahey could love him, that he could be… whoever and whatever Jesper was seeing in him.
Like he could be himself, be just Wylan, and it would be enough.
“No one better than you”, echoed Jesper so quietly that Wylan wasn’t sure he didn’t make it up.
He took the hand Jesper offered, and for a moment he was feeling himself maybe not the smartest like Kaz, not the bravest like Nina, not the worthiest like Inej but definitely the luckiest person in whole Kerch.
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lunarthecorvus · 10 months
♡ ~My Kanej Headcanons~ ♡
-While Inej is away hunting slavers, Kaz learns all he can about sailing and nautical knowledge
-Whenever they cook (which is rare), it's always Kaz who cooks because Inej is a terrible cook like dangerously so.
-In this one, Kanej goes to visit Kaz's hometown and stays at the Rietveld farmhouse a couple of times a year. So the townpeople refer to them as mysterious couple but everyone loves them both, especially Inej. (I have so much more to say about this headcanon)
-One of Kanejs' first kind of intimate touches was Kaz leaving a kiss on the top of Inejs head, and she loves it so much. Even when they get more comfortable with intimacy, she still loves it, and it always makes her heart flutter and is one of her favourite touches.
-This one is so common, and I adore it, it's that Kanej both love eachothers hair. Kaz loves plaiting/ braiding Inejs hair, and she loves it when he does it. Inej loves running her fingers through Kaz's hair and often does it absentmindedly
-Inej loves Kaz's shirts, she sometimes wears them casually and wears them to bed. She always wears them when she needs comforting ( especially when she out at sea)
--I'm definitely team if kanej has any child(ren), it will be a girl
-I headcanon both of them as demisexual
@spilled-paint thank you for believing in me :,)
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lilisouless · 2 years
Talking about how the show adapted Nina vs how the show adapted Alina
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mukuberry · 4 months
smash or pass: the smoker trio in milgram
like all of them at once? there isn't a world i pass up this opportunity outta my way gayboy im boutta have the worlds most fulfilling orgy
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