six of crows brainrot
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writer brought back from the dead by nina zenik herself | queerplatonic kanej truther | they/them | main: @xrxrxrxrxrxr
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 11 hours ago
someone needs to throw a publishing contract for your comic adaption at u ASAP and it better be A LOTTTT of money brotherrrrr. ur a professional!!
hahaha thank you! That would be a dream for sure. The world needs more SoC comics! I'll unfortunately have to stop updates once I finish Ch 4 and graduate, but I truly hope that I'll get to do more in the future.
Enjoy this incredibly distorted photo of my character design final. Assignment was supposed to be three characters, but my professor let me do six (good bc I've been meaning to redo my design sheet, bad bc of my finals week time management). I also have to do an illustration with all of them... Excited to share once they're done!
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 23 hours ago
One of my favorite things about SOC is that they never specify which leg Kaz broke. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but even when I was first reading the series, I really appreciated it. I was able to imagine him using a cane with the same hand I do, for the same pain that I have. This sort of representation can be so, so important for people like me.
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 1 day ago
Something that always irks me is when people create an imbalance between Kaz and Inej. What I mean by that is... Kaz is not superior to Inej, but Inej isn't superior to Kaz either. Which is something a lot of people tend to believe. Neither one is more superior to the other. On the contrary, they are equals. They have always been equals, and that is one the most beautiful aspects of their relationship.
Kaz and Inej are both severely traumatized
They are both flawed characters who make bad decisions
They both have questionable coping mechanisms
They are both closed off from other people and tend to share little to nothing personal about themselves
They are both violent and vengeful
I bet you Inej has killed as many people as Kaz
One helps the other feel less isolated
They both help each other's trauma (Inej's voice grounds Kaz when he is drowning and Kaz's ability to always "see" Inej helps her feel present)
They are both so devoted, supportive and protective of each other, but simultaneously, are also able to pick up things they do that are wrong
Kaz shedding enough blood to paint a barn red = Inej wanting to kill a whole room full of people for Kaz
They are crime partners, confidants, and best friends first and foremost
Kaz trusting Inej enough to expose 1/2 of his skin in her presence = Inej trusting Kaz enough to let him stand super close to her while her arms were exposed (chapter 26 of CK)
Kaz calling Inej an investment and joking about Inej being at the Menagerie due to bad luck = Inej being slightly insensitive about Kaz's trauma at the end of SOC (the "gloves on, fully clothed" line) and joking with him about having to limp down the stairs
But Kaz and Inej making up for these things in CK by Kaz admitting to Inej that she matters more than her skill and that he would come for her regardless, as well as selling every asset to pay off her indenture while Inej reflects on what she said to him on the boat and beginning to be more patient and considerate with him, not wanting him to immediately remove his gloves, loving him regardless of the things he's unable to do currently realizing that she struggles as well with intimacy and telling him that she would return to Ketterdam
Kaz and Inej healing together and finding happiness and love with each other
You see? They are equals. One is not better than the other. It's one of their defining qualities and also proves why Kanej is the best ship to ever exist.
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 1 day ago
“We have a tank,” marveled Nina. “Kaz, you creepy little genius, the plan worked. You got us a tank.” “They got us a tank.” “We have one,” Matthias said, then pointed at the horde of metal and smoke bearing down on them. “They have a lot more.” “Yeah, but you know what they don’t have?” Kaz asked as Jesper rotated the tank’s giant gun. “A bridge.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 40 (Leigh Bardugo)
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 1 day ago
When your little sister asks if she can do makeup on you and suddenly you're surviving Oomen scene irl
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 1 day ago
I love how every time I reread Six of Crows, I pick up something new. And this time, something new I picked up was the fact that Kaz was running around and engaging in the Ice Court heist on not only a bad leg, but also several fractured and untended bones which he got when he jumped down from a couple of crates with Inej in his arms. On top of that, the packet of bombs and lock picks were stuffed down his gullet the whole time and he brought them up every hour. And last but absolutely not the least, towards the ending of the heist, he fell into ice cold water and drowned so his heart stopped for a bit, Matthias gave him CPR that was really him near-cracking Kaz's sternum, so Nina, bless her, had to take over and revive Kaz with her powers.
And even then, after he was awake, he dragged himself up a wall, rode a tank, and then proceeded to put himself through even more hell in the next book.
This kid is in severe need of both therapy and a long vacation. Someone, I don't care who, give him a damned Rubik's cube and make him sit for once.
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
I feel like Kaz’s sleep schedule is:
kaz: I’ve slept a grand total of thirty minutes throughout this week, all the blood in my body has been replaced with coffee and literally every single part of my body is shaking. I feel great. I think I’m going to try caffeine patches.
kaz: I passed out on the floor my office and woke up three days later with no feeling on the entire left side of my body, Anika told me she came and poked me with stick just to see if I was alive. I did not move. She was preparing to tell Inej I was gone when I finally woke up.
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
Kaz brekker is the type of guy who would bark at dogs to intimidate them
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
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Wesper art bcus the grishaverse has CONSUMED ME
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
“You don’t deserve miracles,” said Matthias with a scowl. “You desecrated the sacred ash.” Kaz pushed to his feet, staggered slightly, drew in another shaky breath. “It’s a symbol, Helvar. If your god is so delicate, maybe you should get a new one. ...”
Six of Crows- Chapter 40 (Leigh Bardugo)
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
modern wesper that writes (Jesper) and illustrates (Wylan) childrens books but. but. every book comes with a recording of Jesper reading them so kids that struggle/dont like to read can still enjoy them
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
“You’re in shock, demjin,” Matthias said. “You almost drowned. You should have drowned.” Kaz coughed again, and his entire body shuddered. “Drowned,” he repeated. Nina nodded slowly. “Ice Court, remember? Impossible heist? Near death? Three million kruge waiting for you in Ketterdam?” Kaz blinked and his eyes cleared. “Four million.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 40 (Leigh Bardugo)
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 2 days ago
thank you to Grishaverse wiki for this absolute gem
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(the guy who got his eye pulled out by kaz)
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 3 days ago
I lost motivation and didn't finish, but here's what I had so far. Any revisions, ideas, or just general comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Kaz Brekker’s leg hurt. Well, it always hurt, That was nothing new. But today it was really bothering him. Probably because he had nothing better to think about. There hadn’t been any interesting cases in a week now and he was so bored that he was almost considering going down to see if anyone needed him in the clinic. Almost.
Then came a sharp knock on his door and he looked up as Jesper walked in with a folder. The other male’s lab coat was no longer the clean white color it had originally been, rather a faded grey after years of wear. His curly brown hair was still wet from a morning shower and his bright pink tie was slightly askew, but somehow it only made the doctor look more charming.
“What is it?” He grunted out, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an impatient eyebrow at the interruption. The practiced look of total disinterest on his face didn’t betray the brief spark of excitement that lit in his gut at the prospect of a good case. That would distract him. Jesper ignored the familiar attitude and set the stack of papers down on the desk.
“Twenty-nine year old female, first seizure one month ago, lost the ability to speak. Babbled like a baby. Progressive deterioration of mental status.” Jesper hesitated for half a second before adding, “she’s my cousin.”
Kaz groaned, disappointed but not surprised as he reached for his cane and hoisted himself up to his feet. “And your cousin doesn’t like the diagnosis. I wouldn’t either. Brain tumor. She’s gonna die. Boring. What do you want me to do about that?”
“Brain tumors at her age are highly unlikely though,” Jesper protested, as if he’d expected to be dismissed right away and wasn’t ready to take no for an answer. “Just listen- the protein markers, the three most prevalent brain cancers, came up negative. She has no family history or environmental factors and she’s not responding to radiation treatment.” He spoke quickly, knowing he’d get interrupted if he paused for even a second. When he finally stopped to look for a reaction, he was met with a blank stare. “Oh come on, what about somebody on your team then? God knows none of them are busy. You’ve got three over-qualified doctors working for you. Getting bored.”
Maybe he had a point.
“It’s a lesion,” Matthias said confidently, a smug look on his face that he’d been the first to speak up after Brekker had shown the MRI. The rest of the team, however, looked less impressed.
“Yes, and the big green thing in the middle of a bigger blue thing on a map is an island,” Kaz monotoned while rolling his eyes. “I was hoping for something a bit more creative.”
“Shouldn’t we be speaking to the patient before we start diagnosing?” Matthias argued, his face turning sour. “Have you even met her?”
“Is she a doctor?”
“No, but-”
“Everybody lies.”
The two other members of Kaz’s team sat in silence, evidently accustomed to waiting out arguments between Matthias and his boss. But this time, Wylan joined in. “Isn’t treating patients why we became doctors in the first place though?” Kaz looked surprised at the interruption, almost amused, and shook his head slowly.
“No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable.”
Wylan’s eyes widened in surprise, while Matthias let out an audible scoff of annoyance at this response. The only one who didn’t react was Inej, the lone woman in the department. She had been working with men long enough to know when it was better to say something and when it was best to just let them tire themselves out. “Classic Kaz. If anyone would want to eliminate humanity from the practice of medicine, it would be you.”
He fixed her with a sharp look, though the corner of his mouth tipped up  almost imperceptibly. “If we don’t talk to them, they can’t lie to us. And we can’t lie to them. Humanity is overrated.”
Wylan blinked and looked back and forth between the two before clearing his throat uncertainly. “Uh… well I was thinking… a stroke? Or an aneurysm?” He could tell Kaz was testing, and he asked the question almost as if he wanted to prove that he’d been paying attention, that he belonged there with the rest of them. Matthias called the redhead a ‘tryhard’ and a ‘suckup’ for his approval-seeking tendencies, but Inej understood. Something about the way Kaz was never impressed only made her want to try harder too.
“Do a contrast MRI then,” Kaz grunted, turning around abruptly and leaning heavily on his cane as he made his way back to his desk. It was clear he was done with the discussion.
Maybe a coffee would make things better. Probably not, but the hospital cafe was just around the corner from the hospital pharmacy, which meant he could swing by and swipe a bottle of vicodin. That would definitely help. The pain always got worse during the colder months, but of course he still had to come into work. Sometimes focusing on unusual cases helped distract him, which was useful. Drugs helped more though. He was standing outside of the elevator waiting for it to come when he heard the distinct click of high-heels echoing down the hallway. No no no… he did not have the energy for this right now. It was way too early. He jabbed aggressively at the button with his thumb, willing it to come faster. But apparently she had already spotted him.
“Kaz!” Nina barked, storming towards him with her arms crossed tightly across the rather revealing top she was wearing. “I was expecting you to be in my office twenty minutes ago.” Kaz rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and tightened his grip on his cane.
“Really? Well that’s odd,” he said dryly. “Because I had no intention of being in your office twenty minutes ago.”
“Do you think we have nothing to talk about?”
“No, I just can’t think of anything I’d be interested in.”
“I sign your paychecks.”
“I have tenure.” Finally, the elevator dinged and the light above it lit up as the doors slid open. He let out a sigh of relief and stepped in, finally looking up to meet Nina’s eyes, the ghost of a smirk flickering over his face. “Are you going to grab my cane and stop me from leaving?”
She looked like she wanted to kill him. “That would be juvenile.” For a second he thought he’d won, but then she stepped into the elevator behind him, not bothering to hide her smug smile. “I can still fire you if you’re not doing your job. You’re six years behind on your obligations to the free clinic.”
“See, I was right. This doesn’t interest me.”
“Six years, times three weeks- you owe me better than three months.”
Kaz looked away. “It’s five. I’m going home.”
“To who?” Nina called after him as the doors opened and he stepped out. Before he had a chance to respond, she quickly added on “look, Dr. Brekker, the only reason why I don’t fire you is because your reputation is still worth something to this hospital. But your reputation won’t last if you don’t do your job. The clinic is part of your job.” When Kaz didn’t even turn around, she tried another strategy. “I’ll pull your authorization.” Suddenly, he stopped, so Nina kept going. “No use of MRIs, imaging studies, labs…” the expression of disbelief on Kaz’s face as he looked over his shoulder was exactly what she’d wanted. “No long distance phone calls, or photo- copies-”
“You’re risking a patient’s life!”
“Is that really what you’re upset about here, Kaz?” 
He huffed and turned on his heel, flipping Nina the bird as he stormed past her. On the way out, he stopped at Jesper’s office and poked his head in the doorway. “I have to do four hours a week in the clinic now until I make up for the time I’ve missed. 2054, I’ll be caught up in 2054. You better love this cousin a whole lot.”
Matthias cleared his throat and tapped on the clipboard he was holding a third time, trying to steer the attention back to the chart, though Wylan was too deep in conversation with their new patient to notice. Something about a new album that had just come out and was apparently “revolutionary.” They were pushing her down the hall in a wheelchair to the MRI machine, which probably did not call for an escort of three highly qualified doctors, but they didn’t have much else to do. Working with the famous Kaz Brekker in the Ketterdam hospital’s department of diagnostic medicine should have been exciting, and it might have been, if Kaz ever actually took on any cases. Most he brushed off gruffly as ‘too easy’ or ‘too common.’ Unfortunately, that meant a whole lot of playing cards and getting coffee orders while they waited around for something rare to show up.
When they turned into the last room on the floor, Inej helped the patient into the machine and then took a step back to explain what they were doing. “Doctor Brekker has taken a particular interest in your case, but he’s very busy so he sent us for now. We’re going to inject some contrast material into your brain for the magnetic resonance imaging, which will make whatever’s in your head light up so we can see it more clearly. It might make you feel a little lightheaded.” She waited for the other woman’s nod of understanding before stepping back and pressing the button to activate it. Before Inej had a chance to go around to check the scans, her pager buzzed and she glanced down at it with a frown. “It’s Kaz. It’s urgent.” When she stepped outside the door to go find him, he was already standing in the hallway, waiting impatiently as if she’d taken hours instead of seconds to respond.
“Inej. Give her steroids. High doses of prednisone.”
Matthias, who’d come out at the sound of Kaz’s voice, cleared his throat again in an attempt to announce his presence. “You’re looking for support for a diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis? But inflammation of blood vessels in the brain is awfully rare, and we can’t diagnose it without a biopsy-”
“We can. We can treat it. If she gets better, we know we’re right.”
“And if we’re wrong?” Inej asked, eyes narrowed.
“Then we’ll learn something else.”
She was getting worse. It was visible, in the way her skin had become paler and more see through every day, in the way that she could barely keep her eyes open for more than a few seconds at a time. They were running out of time.
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 3 days ago
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Six of Crows: A Comic Adaptation
Special Color Edition
Part 1, Chapter 4
Pages 8–11
Download the Comics
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 3 days ago
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wylan sticker! 💥
the other crows
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 3 days ago
“The boy had come from nowhere, and been a slew of trouble since” is one of my favourite descriptions of Kaz that we get anywhere in the duology on so many different levels
On the surface it’s a brilliant and lightly amusing quote, and coming in the final chapter of Six of Crows when we know Kaz very well adds to a comfortable sense of knowing how well it fits him and being amused by the phrase
We also have the reminder that Kaz is still a child, and the imagery of him having “come from nowhere” since he literally clawed his way back from death and built the life he’s clinging to up from nothing is already excellent.
We have yet another reference from someone with more money than our main characters to the crimes and danger of the world they live in by a diminishing descriptor like “trouble”, which is deeply ironic considering that the source is Pekka Rollins. Most of the time, this diminishing language comes from members of the Kerch aristocracy, such as when Pekka himself is described as a mere “miscreant” by Council Members in Crooked Kingdom.
But as if that wasn’t all already enough, you know what else we have??? A horrifying, cruel reminder laid out starkly next to Rollins’ descriptions of having heard Kaz’s name since he rose to success in the Dregs and having seen him around the Barrel a few times, that Rollins is supposed to know where Kaz came from. He should remember who Kaz is, and what he did to him. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know anything about a child from a farm two towns over from Lij, a child who came to Ketterdam with an idealist elder brother who was barely a teenager and simply hopping to find some kind of peace for them in the world, a child who had the brief glimmers of hope returned to him snatched away just as quickly, a child who held his brother as he died and was thrown in a fucking plague pit alongside him, a child who was forced to use his brother’s corpse to keep him aloft in the harbour to survive, a child who couldn’t go back and close his brother’s eyes because he knew that is he stepped into the water again eh wouldn’t be able to thing himself to crawl back out of it. Rollins doesn’t know anything. The boy simply came from nowhere, and had been a slew of trouble since.
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