i firmly believe that Kaz doesnt have keys, and instead picks every single lock he has
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Character designs done for my Six of Crows adaptation last semester.
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my take on how the crows would text:
Matthias would definitely type in full sentences straight from an essay, like this.
Kaz probably also texts like this; the literal epitome of an old man. Sometimes he likes to use emojis to mess with Nina 🧍🧍
nina cannot go ONE text without emoji spamming!!! seriously!!! 🥰🥺💕💕😭🤩✨✨🎉🎉
wylan is just mostly lowercase
inej is also lowercase but she lovessss emoticons :)) <333
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I dunno 'bout you, but for me, personally, the most hilarious scenes in the whole Grishaverse are the scenes in Crooked Kingdom when the (5!) Crows are keeping Alys in the tomb, and her crying and eventual singing drive them (even Kaz!) crazy.
I've reread this book so many times, but these scenes still make me laugh.
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actually kazper is so special to me
like not even necessarily as a relationship. like their friendship is so fundamentally different from every other friendship in the books
like kaz and wylan have a very obvious mentor/mentee relationship that morphs very seamlessly into casual friendship. inej and jesper are as close as two people can be without having any romantic feelings; they move through and around each other effortlessly. nina and jesper joke around constantly, but don’t talk very much about things that matter. kaz and nina have a business relationship that is friendlier than most relationships, on account of them being all of seventeen years old.
but kaz and jesper? they’re closer than friends, but it’s inaccurate to call them brothers. they predict each other’s actions and know things about each other that they might not even know themselves. kaz funds jesper’s gambling debts because he doesn’t want to lose someone that is so close to him the same way he lost jordie. jesper doesn’t question kaz’s touch aversion and doesn’t try to “fix” it, just takes it as a fact of life. jesper is one of two people kaz trusts to watch his back fully and completely, and the only other person he trusts he is canonically in love with. kaz knows that jesper is a durast and keeps it to himself because he doesn’t want to out jesper without permission/reason
god i love them so much and i could literally talk about them for hours and hours and hours
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okay but Wylan's love language is gifts because he is Kerch and to give someone something without expecting anything in return is like the epitome of love to him.
Jesper realizes this and will bring him random little things (a cool rock. a flower. sheet music he saw in a store. an old ring he doesnt wear anymore but thinks Wylan would like. a shirt he thought would look good on him. a little trinket he made him), but Wylan always ends up bringing him something in return to make up for it, and it frustrates Jesper endlessly. he just wants to give him things to show he loves him, but Wylan insists on giving him things back. It gets so bad that they have to promise to only give one gift a day, and that they have to go back and forth with it. they have an endless supply of stuff in their house.
it's even worse with Kaz, Inej, and Nina because he doesn't see them as often. Kaz will walk in to something sitting on his desk and just know it's from Wylan. every time Inej comes back to Ketterdam there's like a million new things in her room in their house. Nina gets packages sent once a month filled with things. and they have no way of stopping him because he has the funds to do this, and also no one ever actually sees him collecting them, they always just kinda... show up.
and there are always a thousand little things out in the backyard under an M carved into the wood of a tree
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Nina: ooh I like your pants
Jesper: Thanks, I got them for 75% off
Kaz: It would've been better i f they were free
Nina: You can't get stuff go free Kaz, no store would agree with that pricing!
Kaz: Why not? I got mine for free
Inej: *from the kitchen* don't listen to him, he stole them
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just a quick heads up, i’m drawing more than writing rn cuz school started back up again. i’ll get back to the fics eventually tho, don’t worry!
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Stadwatch: He is currently engaged in criminal activity (!)
Kaz: Innocent until proven guilty
Kaz, aside: But I am doing it
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I’m going to be so real, The Shadow and Bone tv show isn’t that good.
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Every time someone compares Kaz Brekker to the Darkling an angel loses its wings
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plot twist: kaz brekker took his name from a box of chinese biscuits
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fuck it, Novyi Zem is based off of America? Fine.
they use Fahrenheit
they use the imperial system
Jesper Fahey has no fucking clue what temperature anything is supposed to be at ever
Kaz: it’s about ten meters that way
Jes: it’s about fucking w h a t
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Jesper: well, well, well if it isn't my own mistakes coming back to haunt me
Nina: *tapping on his shoulder* actually those mistakes are mine, yours are over there *points off to the left to larger and more problematic mistakes*
Jesper: yeah that seems about right
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them 💞
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