#judy review
artist-issues · 1 month
Tell me every reason you enjoy Zootopia enough to give it all the rewatches you do.
Every? Oh boy.
Good Story
Perfect Characters
Visual Appeal
Let me break it down.
1. Good Story
Zootopia’s main point is: “Try to make the world a better place by realizing we’re fundamentally the same.”
That’s a really good main point.
It has the benefit of being true. Right now our culture is super into “self-identification,” and this crazy contrast between, “I want to be able to identify as something special” and “Now that I know what categories I fit in, I can choose who’s ‘one of us’ and who’s ’not one of us.’” Okay well that sounds pretty and I’m sure it fulfills some emotional need at some point, but it’s actually super divisive, and self-serving, and it’s the seeds for all prejudices. Including racism.
Do we have differences in origins and experiences? Yes. Of course. Do we also have some fundamental things in common? Yes. Of course. Which truth are you going to give the highest priority to? If it’s “no, I’m a prey animal, I know exactly where I belong, that’s who I am, that’s how I dress, that’s my compass for how I interact with others” then you’re getting all your security from your “sense of self,” and being able to understand what that is…which is just a fancy way of saying “I’m all about me. My own perspective informs everything I do.”
Anyway. Zootopia’s message was super true.
And the coolest thing about it is that if only Judy were in the wrong, and the other half of the dynamic duo, Nick, was this open-minded, un-prejudiced guy…and she just hurts him and has to apologize…the movie’s message wouldn’t be as well-communicated.
They have their prejudices and their hurt-from-being-prejudiced-against in common!
They’re the same…because they’ve both felt what it’s like to be treated like they’re not “the same.”
Nick isn’t the only character being mistreated and written off because of his species. The whole first half of the movie is about Judy being mistreated and written off. They think she can’t be a cop because she’s little and cute and a prey-animal. They think Nick can’t be trustworthy because he’s sneaky and small and a predator.
So literally…if Judy represented one race, and Nick represented a completely different race…the movie would be saying that both those races are discriminated against. They even have discrimination in common. AND, if Nick represented men who people make assumptions about because he’s a man, and Judy represented women who people make assumptions about because she’s a woman—the movie would be saying that both those genders are falsely judged.
I mean. Wow. Right now, your movie is either pro-woman or pro-man. Right now, your movie is either BLM or white-supremacy. Everybody’s lining up on one side of the line or the other. Zootopia says, “it doesn’t matter what character you’re looking at, from the elephant that can’t remember anything to the two main characters—every single one of them has fundamental things in common, and one of those things is that they all live like they’re in their own special category. When actually, they’re all fundamentally the same.”
I don’t want to keep beating the dead horse. But I have a post somewhere that lists every background character and points out that each animal is the exact opposite of what you would assume they are based on their animal-stereotype. The otters are never shown being playful or snuggly, only traumatized and ferocious. The cheetah is fat and slow, not quick or even quick on the uptake. Etc.
Even if you look outside of characters—look at the sets. Look at the environments. The whole city is designed “for animals, by animals.” But it’s in neat little segments. The animals organize themselves by habitat. Of course, in one sense that’s practical—the polar bears can’t live in Sahara Square, etc. but the point is, by making Judy and Nick, the main characters, small animals, in a city where everything is built to accommodate by species—UGH this is so good—they have to figure out how to problem-solve in situations that weren’t made to accommodate them.
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Little Rodentia? Judy has to avoid stepping on all the mice or knocking over their buildings. Parking tickets? She has to figure out how to jump to reach bigger animals’ windshields—or she inconveniences smaller animals because the tickets are all printed at the exact same size. Stuck in a cell? The guards didn’t think about the fact that small animals can fit down the pipes made to accommodate big animals.
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Zootopia is a city advertised to be where all the animals can come together. But the way they do that is by trying to accommodate every species’ preferences. So then actually while they try to come together, everything from their cars to their districts remind them of their differences. The whole idea is that they prioritize the wrong truths. Yeah, mice can’t drive giraffe cars—but they still have “driving” in common. See?
And oh my word. Initially it was supposed to be a spy story. But they changed it to a buddy cop story. Why? Well because justice doesn’t discriminate. Or at least, it’s not supposed to. So then there’s another lens to look at the story’s main theme through.
It’s just that every layer, every perspective you look at the movie from, is just hammering that truth into you: “Try to make the world a better place by realizing we’re fundamentally the same.”
2. Perfect Characters
Every character is so well-thought-through in this movie, even the side characters. You get the feeling you could watch a whole movie based on the side characters, because that’s the amount of love and nuance built into them.
Look at the main ones, though. Bellwhether is supposed to be soft and a follower. She’s a sheep. Instead, she’s hard and bitter—and she’s a leader. A villainous leader, but a leader, nonetheless. Even as she tries to keep animals divided based on fear of their stereotypes, she’s not fitting her own stereotype. Her voice actress has this strained, half-hoarse, but sweet voice. Like you can tell that this character has spent a lot of time under pressure and trying to manage appearances. Appearing like she’s fine, and she can handle it—until you realize that the appearance she’s really managing is “the cultural fear-based identify of the city.” They dress her in plaid and flowers and she’s a farm animal, because that’s the kind of character Judy would be most likely to trust. But she still has green eyes, and jagged teeth, so that when she does start making evil expressions there are some caricature-pieces in there that come out and accentuate that.
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Nick Wilde—everybody’s favorite—is supposed to be sly and smooth and shifty. And he is. He’s a fox. But he’s also brave, helpful, and trustworthy. The first time you see him is when he’s dodging out of the way of a bigger animal ignoring him and about to run him over. Well, that’s important.
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Because Judy knows what it’s like to have to get out of the way of larger animals, because they overlook her.
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So right off the bat, this character she has to get along with and work with, this character who furthers her development and nails the main point, is introduced in a way that has something in common with her. But he’s also introduced in a way that gives her an opportunity to focus on a different truth—that he is different from her. Because the sheep is yelling that he’s a “fox.” Right away, we’re back to species-as-identification.
And that’s what the movie does, all the way through. It presents new animal characters, and with those new animals characters, more than one thing is true at a time. And Judy has to try to focus on which truth is more important. “Try to make the world a better place by realizing we’re all the same.” Yes, Nick is a criminal. But Nick is also brave, helpful, and eventually, becomes trustworthy.
Judy, too. Judy is an incredibly well-done character. Because she believes, in her head, that anyone can be anything—which is not what the movie ends on. In fact, she goes from saying, “anyone can be anything,” to saying, “we all have limitations.” It’s not true that a fox can be an elephant. But it is true that a fox can be trustworthy. Figure out what’s true, and try to make decisions for the better, based on that.
I could talk about character design and acting. Ginnifer Goodwin gives just the right amount of smugness and self-confidence to Judy without making her unlikeable—you don’t realize she’s smug and her self-confidence is misplaced until she does, when she fails to make the world a better place for Nick.
Judy wears tight, actionable, well-fitting uniforms for the whole movie. In her civilian clothes when she comes to Zootopia, she’s wearing athletic t-shirts and shorts. Ready for action, that’s Judy, even in her civvies. Meanwhile, Nick? Nick wears loose-fitting clothes. Loud, patterned clothes that don’t match. Like he didn’t even what, ladies and gentlemen? Like he didn’t even TRY. “Try to make the world a better place…”
Because when you meet Nick Wilde, he’s long since given up on trying, in life. So his character design reflects that. He rarely even stands up straight, or opens his eyes all the way—his default is drooping. And guess what?
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When Judy “gives up?” Quits her job? Goes back home? Stops trying? Her civvies aren’t ready-for-action, trying clothes. They’re loose flannels. And her “ears are droopy.”
SERIOUSLY, you can find things like this in every corner of the movie. For every character. Not one character is a throwaway, not in voice acting, not in design, not in animation, and not in narrative.
3. Visual Appeal
Which leads me into this point—no other animated anthropomorphic animal movie is as visually appealing as Zootopia.
What Zootopia does is it matches the best of the best anthropomorphic animal designs from past Disney movies:
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And they marry it with this incredible intentionality with modern CGI.
Did you know Disney invents its own software for things like fur textures?
The sheep’s wool, the velvet pig skin, the fox fur, the bunny fluff—it’s all completely different textures. There’s no one “fur” covering all the hairy mammals.
Nick isn’t just orange. He’s orange with deep red and dark tufts. Judy has black tips to her ears, too—which helps the two of them look like, in some sense, they belong “together” in every shot.
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It’s so important to the movie that the animals feel like animals that they worked this hard to do this. And then that extends to the textures of the snow, the ice, the sand, the wet leaves, the grass, the fire.
Every character moves like their animal, and like themselves. Nick and Gideon are both foxes, but they don’t move similarly at all. Gideon is aggressive and glowering and physical. Nick, again, is slouchy, leans on everything, completely non-confrontational.
Other anthropomorphic animal movies like Sing or Puss in Boots—they’re not doing both as well. Zootopia is appealing, without sacrificing realism completely, and without cutting character acting.
The lighting. Nope. This post is too long, I can’t talk any more.
4. Earnestness
There is no disingenuous moment in this movie.
The animators are never lazy. They always go for the challenge. They don’t cut corners. Have you ever seen “Over the Hedge?” I like Over the Hedge. But I watched it recently and it’s crazy how many shots are strategically placed so that the animators don’t have to solve a certain effects problem.
For example, when RJ sprays Hammy with cool whip to make it look like he has rabies? He doesn’t. You never see the cool whip leave the can. It just cuts away, then cuts back when RJ is pulling the can away from his face. The shots are also cut so that you never have to see gas actually come out of Stella—and you never see Vern’s full body as he gets back into his shell, just the upper part of the shell as he wiggles it around, going through the motions of putting it back on.
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That’s because that stuff would be painstaking to animate. Any time one character has to interact with props or substances (especially liquids) that are not part of their model, it’s harder on the animator.
Zootopia? We’re getting full-on views of characters getting wet, fur and all, characters touching various objects and elements, foam coming out of the mouth, new clothes, new set pieces, multiple models, huge crowd shots of different animals in different outfits, all with their own movement patterns and acting.
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And all that hard work and effort, aimed so totally at the main theme of the movie? Making sure it looks as good as it can? Not just that, but the way it’s written, the acting, is so genuine. They don’t hold anything back. They don’t shy away from real emotion.
Judy Hopps’ apology scene is brutal. She’s crying, having a hard time finishing a sentence, her voice is all tight. It’s not pretty, it’s not romantic, it’s like…ugly crying. And her character is wrong in a super embarrassing way. They're not afraid to go there. The writers, the actors, the animators—they’re not afraid of being too vulnerable with these character flaws.
So many movies, especially kids’ movies today—they just pull up and shy away from being real through their characters. They think a quick sad facial expression will get the point across. And it does. The audience gets that the character feels sad about whatever the circumstance of the scene is. But not as powerfully. Because you didn’t put as much work and heart into it.
Zootopia is all heart, from work ethic to vulnerability to the filmmakers enjoying what they’re doing, enough to make it as good as it can possibly be. I can’t explain it better, other than to say, you feel like they would’ve been happy making this movie much much longer than it was. You feel like they’re cramming every bit of joy and passsion into every little joke, every side character, every hair on a CGI bear.
There you go. Long post, you did ask for it
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THE NEW YORKER, August 19, 1939.
And the review by Russell Maloney:
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therealnightcity · 9 months
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11 months of cyberpunk (and one imposter)
I’d been a little nervous about posting this but finally just decided to go for it. I have improved over the year, even if it’s the first tentative forays into modding (or the realization that I could take vertical shots in vanilla if I was willing to tolerate the neck strain) and hoping I can continue to further improve over the coming year.
A big thanks to all of the people I asked for modding advice and who were so encouraging and let me talk their ear off about OCs—y’all are the real inspiration.
(Template credit goes to @pinkyjulien and the shots are all mine 🩷)
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REVIEW: The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend Is My Girlfriend by Maddy Court
Whenever I delve into a new project, I make serious considerations about what research is necessary for it. What areas do I lack knowledge in? What is the project focused on, and can I answer to those themes intelligently? The next step is to start finding books I feel might answer those questions and get reading.
When it comes to American Dream, I knew I would have to delve into gender and sexuality. In particular, lesbian identities and experiences, especially those that dyke/butches, etc. experience. I identify as bisexual, but there is something within the dyke/butch/masc labels that, while I do not feel comfortable taking up as my own, appeal to me and my identity.
Because of this and the centrality of the characters' lesbianism — I knew I had to read up. I checked out The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend Is My Girlfriend without knowing it was actually dating advice for queer folk. Nevertheless, it proved to be informative!
I read all of Maddy Court's (and friends) advice in one sitting. I'm currently going through a weird phase in my own romantic life — breaking up with my partner of 3 years, exploring polyamory & generally what I want out of relationships, discovering I may not be as sex-apathetic as I’d thought — so on a personal level, Court's book was extremely helpful. If you're a queer person, the book covers everything from new love, getting over someone, finding your place in the community, coming out, etc. There's a little something for everyone. It was comforting, even though I've been out for 5ish years, to read something written for you in mind.
What shocked me the most about reading TEGOMEGIMG (lol) is that I forgot straight people get all these resources about love, relationships, etc. and we don't have that same wealth of resources, which is especially frustrating as our love inherently exist outside of what our society deems "normal" or "acceptable" or the "status quo." This book did a phenomenal job of reminding me that I may be queer, but I'm human, too. In that way, I cannot recommend this book enough!
On a I'm-researching-for-a-book level, I would not say that this does the job except in a very particular way. This isn't a problem! I'm the dumbass who didn't read the description before checking it out lol. For research purposes, though, these are the things I found most informative:
Transmisogyny is alive and well in the queer community! As a trans masc individual, I'm keenly aware that the experiences of trans femmes/trans women are different from my own, and given Judi is a trans woman (a particularly masc-presenting one at that), the book opened my eyes to some considerations I should have when writing her, what her experiences might be realistically, etc. Central to her character is her feelings of alienation and loneliness. What role would her experiences in queer, sapphic communities have in those feelings? I want things to be nuanced of course, and the question from Ex-Girlfriend that deals specifically with these experiences and frustrations (beautifully answered to by Mey Rude) points to some of those considerations in representation.
The difficulties in finding your queer community, even when you move to a new place or think you've found some great people. Each of the main characters face some level of alienation, both self-imposed but also as a result of their experiences. Eddie really struggles with finding his place, especially in rural Michigan, and I found Maddy's perspective as a midwestern queer illuminating — how her dating life has adapted to the fact that her pool of queer friends and acquaintances isn't terribly large, so she's accepted that LDRs are going to be common in her life.
Compulsive heterosexuality. While I wouldn't call it a central part of Birdie, I do want to explore that part of her. When the story starts, she's with a man — her best friend of 6-8 years, someone she grew to love over time and found attractive. She thinks of him as the one-off guy, even though she's had other partners in the past that were men. Overall, the q's regarding comp het and internalized homophobia were illuminating in this regard, especially as I struggle with both myself.
9/10, but not very useful for the purposes of researching queer identities and representation. I would recommend the book to literally anyone — it's such a short read, and you'll walk away with a leveler-head. You'll feel like you're filled up with all this good advice, all this love for yourself, your friends, for the people you will meet. The book soothed a lot of my anxieties, some I hadn't even been able to recognize. For what it is, Maddy Court's The Ex-Girlfriend of My Ex-Girlfriend Is My Girlfriend does exactly what it set out to do. In that way, there's not much criticism to give.
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tinyreviews · 4 months
Tiny Review: Quantum Of Solace 2008. James Bond with character arc.
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I am in my Daniel Craig James Bond phase of my Tiny Reviews. Loving it so far. Action. Women. Clear good and bad. Criminal masterminds. Character arcs.
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Quantum of Solace is a 2008 spy film and the twenty-second in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions. It is the sequel to Casino Royale (2006). It is directed by Marc Forster and written by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, and Paul Haggis. The film stars Daniel Craig as Bond, alongside Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Giancarlo Giannini, Jeffrey Wright, and Judi Dench. 
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okay so just a random dump of thoughts because i've been reading others' discussions on tsh
what if the mysterious fifth figure at the bacchanal was the farmer?? at least at times?
so some have the theory that the Gang didn't kill the farmer and if that was the case, perhaps just the thought of the possibility of them killing the farmer was enough to drive them all into the deep end. like perhaps we all have this 'evilness' for lack of better term inside of us and it's just a matter of how well we keep in caged inside
also the Gang + Julian are all so allergic to doing anything that makes them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. its kinda hilarious
judy is the best character and i love her
i think a key part of tsh is how we contruct ourselves to appeal to others. from richard wanting to impress his other greek students to whatever is going on with henry and bunny to the grief of everyone to bunny's death (i mean that man's father is something else entirely). and i also think that if everyone's grief was genuine then i think it would be interesting that richard would be projecting his own conformist and chameleon-like behaviours onto everyone else bc i think we can all agree he has a Problem
also it would be so much more useful if the way my brain is turning for this book transferred to the books i ACTUALLY need to study/revise for
my priority should be on uncle vanya and the remains of the day NOT tsh
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thehours2002 · 2 months
i want to start a fight with john doyle and ann hould-ward over the fosca costumes in csc passion
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like maybe the intended effect is to play up the way she's wasting away by making the clothes too big for her but. geez!
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my cursory search yielded the above sketches and like. these are not bad costume ideas they're just horribly tailored to her body. and like... it's just a shame after donna looked so good in those jane greenwood costumes that were subtle, plain, and well-fitted
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elliepassmore · 22 days
Song of the Six Realms review
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4/5 stars Recommended if you like: fantasy, quests, music magic
I particularly enjoyed the first part of this book and getting to know the House of Flowing Water. I thought all the information about the musicians, dancers, and artists was interesting, and I liked learning about the way the patronage and apprentice levels worked. I also liked the camaraderie between the girls, even if some of it turned out to be false.
Once Xue leaves the House and begins traveling with Janglang there's fewer people and less worldbuilding for a while. Like Xue, I also began to get frustrated with the lack of answers and how she was consistently left alone with nothing but her qin. There was little action for a while there in the middle so while the descriptions were nice, I did feel my attention drifting somewhat.
I did enjoy the parts about music and the musical magic Xue uses to try and solve the mystery. The poetry wasn't my favorite, but the descriptions of the songs themselves were interesting and I liked the way Xue thought about and described the musical pieces. The music was definitely interesting and I wish it and the way certain songs could 'unlock' things was more of a focus of the story. Sure, it played a big part, but I definitely wanted more music magic.
Xue is left in the dark about a lot of things and so she tends to just float along trying to learn the Meng Manor and fill her days to prevent boredom. She's obviously destabilized by the change from apprentice in the House of Flowing Water to a guest at an esteemed lord's manor, and especially a Celestial's manor. Xue really shows her mettle and personality in the beginning of the story and at the end. Her strength comes through in different ways and I appreciated getting to see the different sides of her, from her love of beauty to her protective streak. I did wish there was more plot in the middle to continue showing those sides of her though.
The other characters kind of come in and out of the story at different times, so I don't totally feel like I got to know any of them very well. Janglang is supposed to be the love interest, but aside from some mild attraction, I'm not really convinced the two are in love. Xue spends half the book thinking he's grieving a fiancé for god's sake! I did like the addition of Chenwen and and Linwei, but would've liked it more if they'd been around more. I enjoyed Chenwen's humor and the way he teased Xue, which I feel like she reacted disproportionately to.
For a book focused on figuring out what Xue's uncle and Janglang's shifu had discovered, the two actually do very little investigating and there's often little adventure to be had. As other reviewers mention, different things keep coming up as oh-so-important plot points and then end up being minor aspects of the story. Xue getting presented to the Sky Emperor (King?) and Consort but then it goes over quickly and well, and there doesn't seem to be much of a lasting effect from her performance. Likewise, there's this whole thing with Janglang's mother....but in the end she's diabolical and evil but not particularly menacing.
I also found the 'mystery' to be a bit obvious. I clued in to the 'who' as soon as they're introduced and I also clued into the red herring as soon as it came into the story as well. Unfortunately, it takes Janglang and Xue almost the entire rest of the story to figure it out, leaving me smacking my head when they trust certain people or fall into certain traps.
Overall, this is a good neutral read if you're looking for something light to occupy your time. It's entertaining enough and I find myself feeling pretty neutral on the matter. I did like it, but the beginning and ending were the most interesting to me, and things in the middle kind of lagged.
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ratleyland · 10 months
For the ones who stayed
For the ones who left
And for all the ones who were lost.
I seriously recommend this movie.
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Just As Long As We're Together - Judy Blume
"Can you have more than one best friend?
Stephanie’s best friend is Rachel. Since second grade they’ve shared everything, good and bad. But now it’s the start of seventh grade and Alison has just moved to their neighborhood. Stephanie immediately clicks with her—she’s cool and fun and totally humble even though she’s the daughter of a famous actress. Stephanie hopes all three of them can be best friends, but the more she pushes Alison on Rachel, the more Rachel seems to drift away. Is it possible to have two best friends? Or is it true that two’s company, three’s a crowd?"
Read Date - July 2024
Length - 202 pages
Genre - Realistic Fiction, Coming Of Age, Contemporary
Rating - 7/10
Stars - ★★★★☆
Notes - This book being about middle schoolers is sweet, because I didn’t read when I was a teen. It’s like a little insight into the world of what could have been. The lingering plot line of the talking dog is one that is sweet. They’re all young, and they’re gullible (except for one of the girls) and they still have their youthful whimsy.  Bruce having nightmares about nuclear war is interesting and provides depth to his character. Them writing letters to the president was bittersweet, and its nice that his family helps out. The girls finding out that Stephanie’s mom is famous was another interesting scene because you see how the girls are so shocked by it, but to Stephanie, it’s just normal. There’s nothing extravagant about it for her. Alyson revealing that she lied to be friends with Stephanie and Rachel was adorable and it shows that-- they’re just kids. Kids having fun and navigating life. Rachel getting transferred to advanced math makes Stephanie feel like they’re drifting apart even though they’re still together. The reveal that Stephanie’s parents are splitting up was shocking and I wasn’t expecting that. Peter sharing his shampoo with Stephanie was adorable, and i think its a nice way to show interest between the two. The girls obsession with periods reminds me of my own friendships i had growing up with girls, where we all sit there talking about our future and what we want to develop. The mentions of weight are interesting but i’m unsure how productive they are. A lot of the times, when weight is mentioned in a book, it’s a bad thing. Stephanie doesn’t take it as a bad thing, and instead, uses it against her father. Stephanie lashing out at Iris is realistic to how children may react to new relationships in the family, especially this early into the separation. Steph still has hope for her parents, no matter how wrong she is about it. Bruce winning his position for the peace project was a smart way to write a solution to the nightmares that have been happening about nuclear war. Bruce wants peace, it’s as simple as that! Rachel and Stephanie growing apart is sad but makes sense, because sometimes you just grow apart as people. That’s life. The blowout between the two was a really good scene and i liked the way it played out if im being honest. Rachel pents up her anger until it comes spilling out of her. Stephanie getting her period on her birthday was a cute moment where she finally feels grown up. Them getting their first kiss the same night was also so sweet, and she really did grow up! Alison finding out her mom was pregnant was also a big twist that i wasn’t expecting! Her wanting to keep it secret makes sense, especially when Stephanie’s mom is friends with Alison’s mom. She’s worried that she wont be good enough as a daughter if her mom has a biological child, since she’s adopted. Rachel and Stephanie making up with each other was a bit rushed but it was a cute scene. It recreated the things they did as kids and its a nice call back. The cliffhanger was nice and didn’t cause enough tension, and you wouldnt NEED a sequel to exist (thought it’s set up for one). 
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rickchung · 2 months
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Sunny (prod. Katie Robbins).
There's a strange but sleekly intriguing immediacy to the tone of Sunny's bleakly offbeat comedic leanings. [Rashida] Jones as a lonely sad sack propels much of the A.I.-themed thriller into deftly amusing territory inspired by foreigner in Japan dramedies à la Lost in Translation with the robotic sensibilities of something like Big Hero 6.
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rachel-sylvan-author · 5 months
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"Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner" by Judy Melinek, MD
Thank you @paws.and.pages for the rec! ❤️
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nat-reviews-books · 8 months
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Are You There God? it's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
Margaret Simon is going into sixth grade at a new school. She meets new friends, has new crushes, is excited to grow a chest, and have her first period. She doesn't belong to a religion, but she still has a special relationship with God.
This was a cute coming-of-age story. I especially liked that as the girls were growing up (getting their first bras, having their first periods), the mothers in the book were positive and helpful. If I had read this book then, I might not have been so embarrassed to talk to my own mother about these things. There definitely were topics that could have been elaborated on more, but I thought that this was a good middle grade book that could help kids think about how what they say about other people might affect them, and that growing up isn't a scary thing.
Recommended for: middle school/older elementary school girls, kids who aren't sure about religion, and parents of tween girls.
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munchflix · 1 year
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IMDB BLURB: After earning 00 status and a license to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro.
WARNINGS: Violence (sorta), terrorism, nudity, CBT. No...really.
RATING: One randomly bleeding, asthmatic, chess prodigy Albanian with Mad poker skills.
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: All reviews are done solely for humor and should not be taken seriously ever. If you cannot handle cursing, crude humor and probably some offensive things, pls do not read this.
Munch: I get to go in blind again! I've never seen this because I don't really fuckin' enjoy Bond movies.
Biscuits: Me either, but we're watching one. Why are we doing this again?
M: Because you've got the hots for Mads Mikkelsen, I assume. This is only pg-13, why are we bothering?
B: I was gonna comment on that. It's not even really an action movie, it's just a movie where a guy goes to a poker game.
M: That's not very Bond, is it? Isn't he supposed to be like banging tons of women and blowing things up?
B: He does have sex with women for no reason, and I guess he does some other stuff. Mostly he seems like a chode who's incompetent at everything.
M: Movie starts all NOIR. I don't know what's happening. Bond is here and some other guy and I guess other guy is selling secrets. Wait, he's not even 007 yet??? What's the point??
B: He's about to get promoted. This is a flashback scene. Bond is played by Daniel Craig, who is a guy. Is he good looking? No. Is he a good actor? Eh...
M: I like Daniel Craig, just not really as James Bond. Would've made a great gay James Bond.
B: Listen, Bond HAS to be a straight white British guy or the world will fall apart. He should have been gay Bond. We have to face so much injustice in this world. I do really like the Bond credit sequence.
M: Oh Eva Green is in this? She's hot. The opening credits always look cool.
B: This movie isn't good but it's heavy on the aesthetic.
M: Is this Soundgarden? I hate soundgarden. Aesthetic can redeem a movie tho. See Coppola's Dracula. It's not great but it's DRIPPING with aesthetic.
B: Also I know this based on the novel of the same name. I don't care.
M: I didn't know they wrote novels! Do all Bond movies have novels??
B: Let's get the jokes out of the way! Bames Nond's having a stronk, call the Bondulance! And when I find the guy who James Bond burgered my sister! There, now I don't have to make them. If you want us to watch other Bond movies, fuck you.
M: I don't wanna watch other Bond movies, they're not really good. So now we're in....fucking somewhere....there's a war going on or something in Africa. There's a lot of people with guns. And like three white dudes and one of them is Mads, so who cares about the others.
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B: For this movie, instead of making the villian some Russian super agent who kills people, Le Chiffre is a financier, so we gotta set up this whole complex process of him taking money from people and doing terrorism for...stonks? Why not just a bad guy who kills people?
M: Because! Capitalism is the most evil. Bottom text. He's got a cool eye scar thing going on. I love the evil stock market thing.
B: Evil stonks! That's his whole thing, and Bond has to defeat this guy by beating him at a poker game!
M: That's...impressively lame. I guess we're in Madagascar now with some other dudes who are doing secret agent things but not very well because they just got caught. Bond is just standing there while this other white dude is doing all the work. Is he training him?
B: They're going after this bomb maker guy. Secret agent stuff, dude.
M: How silly of me. A rousing chase scene ensues. Bond suddenly has a fucking industrial plow but this guy knows PARKOUR and he is scaling the building frame in record time. Bond also knows parkour. Now something exploded.
B: I think Bond gets this guy killed.
M: Three other dudes have already died falling off the trellis.
B: That's what I'm saying! He's not a very good secret agent! Why isn't Bond chasing this guy, why is his friend Virgil or whoever chasing him. I don't know if that's his name, I literally just made it up.
M: It is now! Bond is here now and he's gonna chase this guy off a ten mile high building rig cos that's how secret agents do. Isn't this kind of high profile violence for a secret agent? Oh parkour guy is fine, he knows how to tuck and roll. Ow. Bond is definitely not okay but really he is. YOU CAN'T JUST DO A FUCKING 40 FOOT DROP AND BE FINE.
B: Bond has broken like every bone in his body by now and he just busted through a piece of DRYWALL.
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M: Aren't they getting tired? This has been like 10 minutes of constant fighting and running and parkour.
B: Uganda's first action movie! Parkour guy set off an alarm and now there's bad guys everywhere and guns.
M: Bond gets hit by exactly zero of the 900000 bullets being fired by the 50 assault rifles. Now he's holding Parkour guy hostage but not really. He lets him go as a fake and then BLOWS UP 30 PEOPLE.
B: James Bond's war crimes, the movie. You could make an entire movie of those.
M: Why do they have 80 year old Nokia phones?
B: This film came out in 2006 so....
M: Back to the Bad guy! French Mads is having dinner with some randos.
B: Blood comes out of his eyeball sometimes.
B: To make him look cooler and more evil. He's really good at math, that's his evil superpower. Statistics.
M: British agent kills unarmed prisoner reads headline. AND 30 OTHER PEOPLE.
B: Mads is looking at this like - this guy sucks at his job. Oh yeah Judi Dench is here.
M: I don’t know how.
B: She was in some bad movies, okay. She was in CATS.
M: Don't make me remember that. She deserves better. Bond is doing some secret agent shit with some fucking computers that seem way too advanced for a world with the old brick Nokias.
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Hacking photosynthesis.
B: Geolocating, triangulating. You think the government would have this kind of technology? They can't even afford printers. If there's one lesson life has taught me, it's that the government is incompetent.
M: H ( who is actually M being played by Judi Dench but Munch is dumb )  is kinda pissed about the rampage of death. Bond is awfully sassy for someone who sucks this much at his job.
B: H tells Bond that he's arrogant and shitty and shouldn't be so egotistical,  and he never learns this lesson. He's still arrogant at the end of the movie!
M: That's like the whole Bond thing tho, that he's this verr macho macho man who doesn't need oversight because he's so BADASS except this Bond sucks at being a secret agent.
B: Bond is doing something, he's very cool. He's got GPS.
M: Where the fuck is Q? Doesn't Bond need gadgets and shit??
B: Later. Did I tell you this movie is really boring?
M: No. Bond is tying his shoes and getting the lay the of the land for a long time, which does not at all look suspicious.
B: He's also bad at parking a car. He might have done that on purpose.
M: Just to be an asshole?
B: That guy thought he was the valet.
M: So he destroys his car?
B: You saw what he did to other shit! Bond immediately begins snooping.
M: What even is his mission right now? Watch dvds?
B: He's...secret....I don't know...looking to find some clue? Hang the fuck on, I just got a fucking email from 8TRACKS telling me someone liked my playlist!??! What the hell???
M: Who the hell has an 8tracks account in this year of our lord, 2023???
B: I forgot I did!
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James Bond on his Nokia liking my 8tracks Fallout playlist I made in 2014.
M: You and this one other guy apparently. Bond is doing really boring shit. I don't even care. He's getting a hotel room. Whoo. Later we shall bang, beautiful blonde woman at the counter. Bond goes swimming. This is so dull. A woman I assume to be Eva Green rides by on a white horse. No it is not Eva Green. Nevermind. Bond has hacked into H's account to look up criminal profiles on facebook. Le Chiffre, banker...accountant. EVIL GENIUS.
B: Some dudes are playing poker or something. Bond is gonna play. That's important. A hot woman appears. She is the woman from the horse earlier. Her boyfriend is a dick.
M: Bond is gonna gamble away all of H's retirement.
B: Bond is good at poker, but not really.
M: He's probably cheating. And eyeing up the girlfriend. He hasn't banged anyone yet so we gotta get that 13 into the pg-13 rating. Mr Bond is EXTREMELY forward. Hey I know you don't wanna piss off your boyfriend so how about coming back to my place with a man you just met for alcohol?? Biscuits has fucked off and left me. They're just gonna bang on the FLOOR?
B: Sex! James Bond is so cool. Why is she like giving him her life story? By the way this character only exists so Bond have sex with her. I guess he's trying to get information out of her?
M: With his penis?
B: This is spy business!
M: It's penis business, she's going down on him ffs. Or not, cue phone ringing. It's the husband/boyfriend. He's leaving so they can bang all night on the hard floor. Are we sure Bond's not gay? He seems really uninterested in this woman who is crawling all over him.
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Hi honey, your voice sounds way deeper over the phone!
B: No he likes banging women, he's a cool guy.
M: When does the next fight scene happen? I'm bored. And out of booze. There's so many scenes of just...nothing happening. More poker is happening and Bond is getting caught by the husbando and they're having a very very boring knife fight where neither one really moves. And husband is stabbed but it's fine, nobody will notice.
B: He just stabs a guy in a museum because he's cool agent guy. Someone has taken the important evidence he was trying to get? But he figures it out by calling the cell phone.
M: How did he have this guy's number? From his wife? Now there's an airport. *yawns* A lot of walking around looking at things. Trying to find the guy who took his stuff. So he calls H and tells her he'll call her back. There might be a bomb.
B: *sits in silence for 10 minutes of these guys walking around doing nothing* Oh yeah...terrorism I guess? That should be the movie summary.
M: Accurate. It's very slow paced terrorism but how exciting can you make evil stonks??
B: They're gonna blow up a plane to tank the stonks and Bond's gotta stop it but he DOESN'T because spoiler alert, he's bad at his job!
M: *sits in silence for another 10 minutes of nothing really exciting happening while Bond doesn't do his job* I guess if I found like...car chases really thrilling...
B: I don't dislike action movie per se, I've discovered, there's some I actually like!
M: There's nothing wrong with some good cheesy action but this is taking itself waaaaaaay too seriously. It's so fucking overwrought. Like....move the fuck on with your action sequence. We all have lives to get back to.
B: The virgin Jame Bond vs the chad John Wick. What's happening? Oh yeah...epic action. SUPA ACTION!
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M: I'd rather be watching Who Killed Captain Alex.
B: That's a masterpiece of cinema so it's not really fair to compare this movie to it.
M: That's true. I like Daniel Craig but baby doll....you can do so much better than this. Let some other boneheaded guy play Bond. Oh I guess Bond's getting arrested.
B: They think he just did terrorism.
M: Meanwhile the other bad guy is blowing up the plane....and himself because Bond...planted a thing on him??
B: Le Chiffre uses an inhaler. I'm really scared of this old accountant with an inhaler. This is your bad guy. This is the guy your government is going after. And that girl Bond was fuckin' is fuckin' dead now.
M: Why is she like...dead on H's lawn???
B: They’re at the hotel I think. H is like...this is all your fault.
M: It IS tho. Le Chiffre is an Albanian chess prodigy accountant to terrorists and he has asthma. He is already like 100 times more interesting than Bond. I wanna know more about this fucking guy. H and Bond have a rousing discussion about stonks.
B: Le Chiffre's biggest crime...insider trading. Btw, you gotta go beat this guy in a poker game to stop terrorism.
M: How...exactly is that gonna stop him?
B: H just explained it, when he loses all his money he's gonna be scared because the guys whose money he has are gonna come after him and then the government is gonna take him in because he knows stuff.
M: Why would Le Chiffre bet ALL HIS MONEY in a poker game???
B: He's...super arrogant. This is Vesper Lynd, our Bond girl.
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M: Eva Green is so beautiful and she deserves better than this. So I guess they're just gonna get Bond into this poker game and he's gonna win because uh...he's secret agent guy.
B: Bond has to do some back and forth biting flirtation with her.
M: Bond is apparently also an armchair psychologist. Women love being psychoanalyzed. Gets them so hot.
B: She's right, he is a bastard. She's a good character because she keeps telling him no and he needs to hear that more. He's reckless, he's a danger to everyone around him and he sucks at his job. And half of this movie is just people playing poker. Cool, high energy spy shit.
M: It's not even that interesting when they do the spy shit.
B: He never stops trying to fuck her.
M: Bond apparently only likes married women.
B: Like I said, he's kind of a chode.
M: How did they arrange this game if Le Chiffre knows who Bond is? They were just like, hey we're gonna try and entrap you, you mind?
B: It was already going on and they inserted Bond into it.
M: But if Le Chiffre KNOWS who he is and where he's from then.....
B: Look...the plot makes perfect sense. It just does.
M: WE AREN'T EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH. What the fuck else is gonna build the action for another hour??? We're leading up to a poker game!
B: There is no action. Only poker. Oh yeah Mathis is a character, he's not that important. Bond tells Vesper she needs to look hot for spy reasons so she can distract the other players. Bond assumes MI6 doesn't know his measurements, even though they have a tracking chip in his arm.
M: Seems like a shitty decision for a secret agent to allow a tracking chip....but that's just me.  Are you serious about the poker game going on for an hour?? Oh my god. Oh Le Chiffre knows everything. So...okay.
B: This is important, this whole password thing. Sort of.
M: They get to make a password so they can wire the money anywhere in the world or some shit but...
B: It's just so they have an excuse for Le Chiffre not to kill Bond immediately later.
M: But no spoilers.
B: This is where Mads spends a lot of time smouldering.
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M: Well...he's good at it. He's the most interesting thing in this movie anyway.
B: Sorry your back is tired from carrying this whole movie, king.
M: The last Craig Bond movie I saw was that one with Javier Bardem as the villian and he carried the entire movie too. They should just make Bond villian movies.
B: Bond was too busy looking at boobies to make a bet.
M: I too, have been distracted by Eva Green's boobs, and unfortunately for you, I guess we do not get to see Mads’ boobies.
B: We do not.
M: Meester Bohnd.
B: This shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but the dealer keeps taking the player's cards and mixing them back in with the cards on the table, which like?? Why would you do that, don’t do that.
M: No cheating here.
B: They assume the audience doesn't know anything about poker, which they probably don't, but...
M: We gotta take a break so Bond can assault Lynn as some way of pretending he knows that Le Chiffre is bluffing but he's wrong.
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Just...something happen! Please!
B: He doesn't know shit, he doesn't know that Le Chiffre is bluffing and Matthus's entire role is to tell the audience things and I hate him. I just want two hours of Mads sitting at a poker table in a beautiful building looking angry. Bond plants a tracking mechanism in Le Chiffre's INHALER which is a little ableist, I gotta tell you.
M: It's kinda fucked up. But then....I don't know why they don't just...kill him and instead decided to risk everything on some dumb high stakes poker game.
B: We gotta take this scene now to show these guys who are attacking Le Chiffre for not having their money but he should have the money! He just won like 4 billion on stock terrorism!
M: How the fuck is this guy in the hole to all these people when he's doing all this fucking underground evil money making?!
B: How do they even know where he is?
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Yeah these guys are basically just a plot device, what can ya do.
M: They also put a tracker in his inhaler.
B: He takes the medication thing out and it's just full of tracking bugs. He also doesn't care if you hack his girlfriend into pieces.
M: Is Bond gonna fucking rescue the bad guy? Who is not actually that bad of a guy after all?
B: No but he's gonna kill people for no reason. Saving Le Chiffre would've been a very interesting plot twist!
M: They don't have the balls to do anything that interesting.
B: These guys are gonna shoot at him for...overhearing I guess and they're gonna fight in a stairwell because that's cool. (Editor’s note: Isn’t Bond killing the guys who want money from Le Chiffre kinda antithetical to their whole mission...?)(Editor’s editor note: Yes, but as you pointed out earlier, the plot makes perfect sense, it just does.)
M: He's gonna look really beat up when he gets back to the table.
B: Damn, what happened to you?? Oh I had sex with my wife so hard all this blood came out of my face because I'm so cool.
M: Bond is like...Vesper...go tell Matthus to get rid of all these bodies. What the fuck.
B: We gotta be reminded that Daniel Craig is buff and has abs. He's not really my type but he does have big titties.
M: He's old enough....
B: I'm not gonna respond to that.
M: You don't need to. Your old man thirst is well documented on this blog.
B: Le Chiffre is also fine after his horrific incident of terror.
M: I hope this doesn't affect his poker playing!
B: We're taking a break from the poker now because Vesper is traumatized and is sitting in a shower in her evening gown. This is like the one nice moment where Bond is trying to like...comfort her and maybe he's not a complete douchebag. But then he goes right back to being a douche.
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Buck up, little camper.
M: He's sucking on her fingers so....yeah.
B: Just kidding, he was being horny the whole time. This your man?
M: Is there a point to that scene? Are we supposed to think he's a kinder gentler Bond....why has this game paused for the entire night???
B: It's like a tournament that goes on for several days...I think. Matthus just frames some rando for the murders in the stairwell.
M: That's fucked up. Mads stares deeply out a window.
B: Absolutely serving cunt.
M: The worst part is...the poker game is more interesting to me than anything else that's happened in this entire movie.
B: Bames Nond is gonna up the stakes because he thinks he knows when Le Chiffre is bluffing.    
M: They're playing it up by making it look like Le Chiffre has all these tells by touching his temples and shit but come on. This guy is a chess prodigy.
B: And then Le Chiffre goes ALL IN so that Bond has to go all in to match him. And now we're gonna have to pause for a minute so I can rant.
M: Four of a kind beats a full house motherfucker. Okay rant away.
B: Bond bet all his money so now he's broke and he's like, hey Vesper you and the accountant people need to give me more money! And they're like no, which is the correct response, because all he's done is LOSE! He's just demonstrated that he's really bad at poker! But then THIS OTHER GUY who was there at the poker table, who has not been important yet at all, is like "Hey I'm from the CIA and I'll buy you back into the game" - like WHAT. MY MAN. Also ensuring that James Bond receives ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENCES for his fucking failure!
M: Also, Bond just decides he's gonna kill Le Chiffre - with a fucking kitchen knife. But CIA guy stops him.
B: 007, Consequences. That doesn't sound like a very good movie, does it? But then Le Chiffre's girlfriend who kinda looks like Britney Spears poisons Bond's martini.
M: But why, he already lost all his money and he didn't actually attack Le Chiffre so....
B: He unlost tho so....she decided to give him consequences. It was just a drop of consequence poisoning.
M: Bond runs to the bathroom to barf and sweat and then go to his car in the middle of the game, which seems like it would also have consequences but that's where all his cool gadgets are so he can be like oh no I've been poisoned.
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When will you learn?? When will you learn that your actions have CONSEQUENCES??
B: I don't wanna have to say it again but...Bames Nond is having a stronk....call the Bondulance. They’re like...defibrillate yourself.
M: Why don't they just fucking call an AMBULANCE. Or a BONDULANCE. How do they know it's digitalis???
B: The chip that monitors his blood can tell that but he didn't plug in the defibrillator because he's bad at his job! Eva shows up and she somehow knows what's going on and how to plug in the defibrillator and save him.
M: Bond, poisoned about 20 seconds ago is fine now. That's not how poison works.
B: When you die, it removes status effects! Come on!
M: You don't suddenly like...have a heart attack and then be like, oh poison gone.
B: Le Chiffre makes a great ‘how are you not dead’ face.
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M: Back to poker. Stop trying to kill everyone and just fucking play. Two aces on the table so that's big. Everyone is going all in. If Le Chiffre is not fucking STUPID he won't do it but he's gonna because he's a bad guy. Bond goes all in.
B: As we clarified, he's bad at poker, but he's trying to force Le Chiffre to do it too.
M: He has to lose because otherwise they'll stare at each other longingly for all eternity. What would happen if one of these other dudes had four of a kind? A royal flush?
B: But Bond wins the poker game with a straight flush and Le Chiffre is mad now.
M: Why is the CIA playing in a high stakes game anyway?  Bond needs to get some grub. Which is fair.
B: He just wants to hit on Vesper.
M: There's still like...half an hour left.
B: The climax happens and then the falling action just goes on for like...half an hour.
M: That was the climax???
B: No that's the point that's coming up. That's when I climaxed at least. Vesper is like, don't you even care that you murdered two people?
M: And Bond is like, I've killed way more people than that. Oh shit....Matthus. He might be in danger!
B: Actually he was a double agent! He was working for the bad guy the whole time! And Bond runs after a moving car. He's gotta get in his cooler car.
M: Is this gonna be another 20 minute long chase scene? I'm sorry but there's NO WAY he somehow swerved to miss hitting Vesper tied up in the middle of the road also how did they get here there that fast?
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Bond is definitely very alive after this, trust us.
B: Bond wrecks the ever loving shit out of his car and he is now dead. They have Bond now and they gotta get the tracking chip out of his arm. I guess they knew about it because of Matthus. Time for your ball flattening.
M: *dies laughing* Ouch.
B: I'm not kidding!
M: Oh this is a real thing?!
B: Dude this is the cock and ball torture scene!
M: You didn't say anything about a fucking CBT scene!!!
B: I thought everyone knew that happened!
M: NO. We're gonna have to put a CBT warning. I don't wanna see this! Oh god. Bond is naked and strapped to a chair with the base cut out and Le Chiffre is carrying a big rope and uh....
B: Le Chiffre has to sensually tell Bond he's taken good care of his body. All of Bond's villians are gay coded, they have been for ages, it's fine, nobody’s mad.
M: Hannibal training. I really don't need to see this happening. Is this where the pg13 rating comes in?
B: Is this an inappropriate time to say God I wish that were me?
M: YES. He just whacked Bond in the nuts with a huge rope.
B: Thank you daddy, may I have another? I wanna be whoever had to spray Mads to make him that greasy. Man is fucking lubricated.
M: Bond is screaming though, as anyone would be. But he's trying to be cool about having his balls decimated. Le Chiffre has a point tho.....even if he kills Bond, MI6 would still welcome him because he knows too much stuff. Much better terrorist tactic, threaten Vesper.
B: Is little mister Bond gonna tell Daddy the password, or is he gonna keep being a naughty boy?
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Man, 50 Shades of Grey looking better than I remember
M: I don't know you.
B: Just in time to save Bond's balls, it's some guy! With a gun! Honestly it would’ve been a very bold move to make it canon that Bond loses his balls. But that doesn't happen. The world wasn't ready for gay, ball-less, villian rescuing James Bond.
M: They weren't even ready for a black Bond, do you remember the hate toward Idris Elba??? They would never let us remove Bond's Balls. Oh yeah....Le Chiffre is dead.
B: Matthus is actually like...a triple agent? He was working for them but now he's not really? Or maybe he is. He's just a plot device.
M: I have no idea. They just tased him.
B: I stopped watching after this point the first time because Mads was dead and all I wanted was him sitting there looking mad at a poker table.
M: Vesper is here and she's gonna make Bond feel all better, and I wanna know how he thinks he's gonna bone her when his balls are the size of grapefruits.
B: This man's testicles are wrecked right now. But because of trauma bonding, they're totally into each other right now. Speaking of people who don't have balls...it's my cat!
M: Hi kitty. They should have Bond sitting there with a giant ice pack on his lap. Vesper suddenly is like, I love you even without your balls. WHY.
B: Dude....
M: Bond is like, I have no armor. You must love me now. I love you. I have no balls. This is the fucking movie, friends. Are we really supposed to believe Names Bond is gonna settle down???
B: Sex mode activated!
M: He's pretty motivated for a dude with a hospital bed in his room.
B: We must be reminded that Daniel Craig is buff. Every Bond actor is like someone your mom thinks is hot.
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So you’re a buff guy, like it really rough guy, just can’t get enough guy
M: My mom definitely thinks Daniel Craig is hot. He's okay.
B: I think Vesper double crosses him actually.
M: Good. He's got it coming.
B: I'm ready to quit my job and travel the world with you, woman I've known for two days. He's acting like he's gonna quit because being a secret agent is so hard on him emotionally. He's resigning, but not really.
M: I think he's just afraid for his balls. Which is fair. Why isn't this over yet? The bad guy is dead.
B: We gotta set up for the next movie. He always looks like such a goober when he's not in his sleek spy suit. Why would his employer want him to come back?? He failed at everything.
M: He didn't even take out the bad guy. Le Chiffre is dead but that's not what they wanted, they wanted him alive.
B: Everything went wrong except that Bond is cool now and he gets to fuck a woman half his age.
M: Ooooh H wants to know where the monies are, and Bond is like...oshit...is Vesper stealing all the money?? Uh oh. Now MI6 is gonna kick your ass. To be fair, if I was Vesper...I would've done the same thing. Fuck this guy.
B: She's being manipulated by some secret organization because she couldn't have done this of her own free will because woman.
M: That's way less interesting.
B: I thought it was gonna turn out the person she'd been in love with was Le Chiffre but no. He doesn't like women that much.
M: I like my version better where she's just like, you know what Bond, you're a lying sack of shit with huge swollen balls and I'm taking your monies.
B: We gotta have one more action scene because otherwise the board would be like no we need more shoot gun explosion action.
M: Boo. This should have ended like an hour ago.
B: The falling action goes on forever. They had to set up the next movie instead of being like hey Bond your next mission is to go to Costa Rica and fuck some dudes in the ass! Except more British.
M: He's gotta cause enough property damage to negate all the money MI6 would've gotten back.
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Listen, blowing up that building was just a goof!
B: This might be more than that. He's levelling buildings. Daniel Craig does have extremely blue eyes. They are very pretty. Nice titties and very blue eyes.
M: The bar is so low. He's like...perpetually doing duckface tho as his natural expression. I don't even know what's happening, stuff is just exploding. Vesper might be drowning, there's a lot of dust and gunfire. I assume Bond will come out on top. Oh he's gonna rescue Vesper? Or not. She's gonna commit aliven't??
B: Secret agent stuff? I guess? Some kind of thing.
M: This makes no sense.
B: That's implying the rest of the movie did make sense. No, don't try to save me. I love you, let me drown to death. She just exhaled so much, she would be drowning already, so would he.
M: She does tho and he's fine, despite all of his exhalation.
B: He might not be good at his job but he's got the lung capacity of a seal.
M: Somehow he got her out of the water and now he's doing the sexiest version of rescue breathing I've ever seen, wherein he doesn't even exhale and just makes out with her corpse.
B: We don't really feel bad for him tho because as we've clarified, he's kind of an asshole, and we don't feel bad for her because she mostly existed for him to bang.
M: And now M has to explain that Vesper had a boyfriend but they kidnapped him and were threatening to kill him so...that's kinda fucked up. Bond is like, NO I DON'T CARE ANYMORE SHE WAS A BITCH.
B: He's acting like a 10 year old. Now we'll never know who was behind all this because you fucked it all up, Bond. Don't worry, he'll fall in love with a different woman in the next movie.
M: I'm literally just waiting for this fucking movie to end. It won't end. They keep adding random shit that means nothing. There's another criminal fucking organization behind everything and we donut care at all. Some other guy just got shot by Bond. BLARG. I don't really have any closing thoughts uh....Bond really sucks now. Like...either stick to your guns and make him this utterly dehumanizing super macho bullshit strong dude or don't. But don't fucking go back and forth with it the whole movie. It's annoying as hell. The villian was 10000 times more interesting.
B: James Bond? More like LAMES BOND.
M: Parfait.
Munch and Biscuits out, yo.
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15 notes · View notes
a-love-for-movies · 8 months
Jawbreaker (1999) is a dark comedy starring Rose McGowan (Scream), Judy Greer (13 Going on 30) and Rebecca Gayheart (Urban Legend). It involves a group of four characters, three planning to prank another on her seventeenth birthday (Liz), soon, it turns into an accidental murder. The girl dies from acute asphyxiation due to getting gagged by a Jawbreaker -hence the name- and it getting lodged in her throat.
(worse spoilers under the cut)
After making it seem like the girl was raped, a fifth main character gets introduced (Greer) as a shy, unpopular girl. She spots the dead body and screams, running away. eventually the other girls catch her and coax her to become popular. She gets a makeover and changes her name to "Vylette", two of the girls -one quite sinister, Courtney, (McGowan), the other like a puppy dog, Marcie (Julie Benz)- drop another, Julie (Gayheart).
The situation escalates massively as "Vylette" becomes egotistical and starts to get passive aggressive with Courtney and Marcie, which inevitably leads to the two getting revenge by pulling up her past self and showing the entire school. "Vylette" faints twice, hurting herself the initial time.
While this entire thing happened, Julie bloomed a new romance with a boy from drama club and desperately wants to show that Courtney is a murderer and liar. As her mother passes her a bag that contained a few of Liz's items, a card is one of them. It's a card that is able to record messages. Turns out, Courtney accidently recorded herself admitting that she killed Liz. Julie uses this to her advantage, immediately informing her boyfriend.
The second time that "Vylette" (Fern) faints, Julie and her boyfriend find her and help her. A small argument between her and Courtney break out. Afterwards, they plan to ruin prom night (a small reference to Carrie is involved) by plugging the card to the speakers.
They ruin prom night as Courtney becomes prom queen and it's a happy ending. 7.5/10, I recommend to people that enjoy Mean Girls, Heathers and/or Drop Dead Gorgeous.
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tinyreviews · 4 months
Tiny Review: Casino Royale 2006. Scruffy subversive start to a new Bond franchise.
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Good characters. Good action. Good thrills. Good soundtrack. Good structure. Good story. There’s good reasons why this is the one of the most lauded of the James Bond films.
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Casino Royale is a 2006 spy film, the twenty-first in the Eon Productions James Bond series, and the third screen adaptation of Ian Fleming's 1953 novel of the same name. Directed by Martin Campbell from a screenplay by Neil Purvis, Robert Wade, and Paul Haggis, it stars Daniel Craig in his first appearance as Bond, alongside Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench, and Jeffrey Wright. 
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