#lara mcdonnell
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activefancaster757 · 3 months ago
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jabberwocky1996 · 1 year ago
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Lara McDonnell as young Rachel in Greatest Days (Dir. Coky Giedroyc)
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ratleyland · 1 year ago
For the ones who stayed
For the ones who left
And for all the ones who were lost.
I seriously recommend this movie.
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userkatz · 1 year ago
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prettyfamous · 2 years ago
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Lara McDonnell | 1883 | Jemima Marriott | June 2023
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years ago
Greatest Days. Movie Review
In this author’s mind, the original Mamma Mia movie is a strong contender for the greatest/worst thing ever created. It has enough self-awareness to have some sort of handle on the party atmosphere but nowhere near enough to realize just how effectively the final product is a bucket of camp cheese. This is perfectly encapsulated by the Lay All Your Love On Me sequence as the chorus of shirtless…
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sasa-chan · 2 years ago
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Day 15:
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 5 months ago
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Title: The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf
Rating: R
Director: Han Kwang-il
Cast: Theo James, Mary McDonnell, Lara Pulver, Graham McTavish, Tom Canton, David Errigo Jr, Jennifer Hale, Kari Wahlgren, Matthew Yang King, Darryl Kurylo, Keith Ferguson, Jennie Kwan, A.J. LoCascio, Michaela Dietz, Harry Hissrich, Adam Croasdell
Release year: 2021
Genres: action, fantasy
Blurb: After escaping from poverty to become a Witcher, Vesemir slays monsters for coin and glory...but when a new menace rises, he must face the demons of his past.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years ago
Audio 🎧 Video 📹 0:03 clip of 1:26 on Instagram
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Remember the smiling Irish eyes at Aisling’s birthday party?
The woman on the other side is Lara McDonnell from Dublin. She played Cousin Moira in Belfast and will star with Aisling in the film Greatest Days, premiering 16 June.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years ago
Rotten tomatoes was never place for objective opinions and highly politicized. To often films with bad rating can turn out good and vice versa. User verified score highly manipulated too, studios by our seats and leaving reviews by bots. Score not change at all from 100 reviews to 5000+ like try find someone who will believe this. I saw film and it's definitely not 95% and not 50% all audience score truth something in between. Cinema score and IMDb usually much closer but this time ppl there just tired from Disney cash grab and race swap instead of creating own black characters. Nobody there against black panther or miles morales if u look bo tracking. Just food for the mind. Disney will lose money on this one and unfortunately for Halle she was great.
Rotten tomatoes was never place for objective opinions and highly politicized. To often films with bad rating can turn out good and vice versa.
That can definitely be true.
User verified score highly manipulated too, studios by our seats and leaving reviews by bots. Score not change at all from 100 reviews to 5000+ like try find someone who will believe this.
That's probably true, but I'm more likely to believe the "verified" reviews from people they can prove that actually SAW the movie, and aren't just rating the movie w/out seeing it because they're haters. 🙄
Cinema score and IMDb usually much closer
IMDB.com is highly manipulated as well. Just look at the graph of the ratings on certain films. For a lot of "Black" films, the graph doesn't resemble a bell curve (like most normal graphs), but more so resembles a field goal.
but this time ppl there just tired from Disney cash grab and race swap instead of creating own black characters.
Funny how people are just NOW tired of Disney's "cash grab", when just about EVERY single movie that Disney puts out is for a "cash grab".
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Nobody there against black panther or miles morales if u look bo tracking.
First of all, a mermaid is a fictional and mythical character. It's not real. Nor is Ariel real. Funny how nobody has any issues when white actors have played people of color in certain films:
Scarlett Johansson - Ghost in the Shell
Rooney Mara - Pan
Katherine Hepburn - Dragon Seed
John Wayne - The Last Conqueror
Ben Affleck - Argo
Fred Astaire - Bojangles of Harlem
Majority of the Cast - 21
Lara McDonnell - Artemis Fowl
Liam Neeson - Batman Begins
Kris Kristofferson - Blade I & Blade II
Laurence Olivier - Othello
Majority of the Cast - Exodus: Gods and kings
Mickey Rooney - Breakfast at Tiffany's
Angelina Jolie - A Mighty Heart
Just to name a few.....
See..... Y'all don't seem to be upset when it's the other way around....even when the film is about ACTUAL real people in history. 😒
Just food for the mind. Disney will lose money on this one and unfortunately for Halle she was great.
Disney hasn't lost a single thing. The movie JUST made nearly $180 million it's FIRST opening weekend, and is the 5th highest-grossing film for Memorial Day Weekend at the box office lol. 😅
It's not a flop by any means. It's not going to gross as much as an MCU/Marvel movie, but I predict that it's going to make back what it took to make the film and more.
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agent-toast · 2 years ago
just found a compilation of holly short scenes from the artemis fowl movie
(not by me!)
if you:
-ignore the painful fact that the casting is inaccurate to the books' description and think of lara mcdonnell's holly as an alternate universe holly
-look past all the mentions of the 'aculos' egg acorn thing
-and all the other stuff that doesn't make any sense
these scenes are good! and the acting is great! (especially when she punches artemis heh)
just wish the full movie stayed true to everyone's character, but oh well.
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frontmezzjunkies · 3 months ago
The Frontmezzjunkies Best of Theatre 2024 Edition On Stage – in NYC; Ontario, Canada; & London, England
#frontmezzjunkies shares his #BestOf2024 #Theatre Edition From #Toronto #NYC #LondonUK #theater #theaTO #WestEnd #Broadway #OffBroadway @ShawFestival @StratfordFestival @BuddiesTO @Soulpepper @CrowsTheatre @CoalMine @IcarusTheatre @CanadianStage @Audible
Lara McDonnell, Laura Donnelly, and Sophia Ally in Broadway’s The Hills of California. Photo by Joan Marcus. Frontmezzjunkies Reports: The Best Theatrical Experiences of 2024 in NYC; Ontario, Canada; & London, England By Ross It’s been another wild year, running back and forth from Toronto to NYC, with stops in London, England and London, Ontario, Canada. Mostly to make sure I could see as…
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theclubhero-blog · 1 year ago
Tomb Raider da Amazon terá roteirista de The Marvels e WandaVision
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Megan McDonnell afirma participação na produção em entrevista A série Tomb Raider da Amazon terá uma celebridade cuidando do roteiro. Megan McDonnell, que trabalhou em vários projetos do Universo Cinematográfico Marvel, como WandaVision e The Marvels, está cuidando da narrativa do projeto para o proprietário do Prime Video. Em entrevista à Variety, ele confirmou seus projetos futuros, sendo que um dos projetos atuais que mencionou é a Saga Lara Croft. “Gosto de fazer coisas incomuns nas aulas e gosto de escrever sobre coisas que quero ver”, explicou ele. Além da série Tomb Raider da Amazon, McDonnell também está envolvido em outros projetos. Um deles é Dark Matter, chegando ao AppleTV + e baseado no romance de Blake Crouch de 2016. Junto a isso, o roteirista admite que aplica suas experiências pessoais em seu trabalho. “A maioria das minhas histórias começa com algum tipo de confusão, crise ou sentimento e encontro uma maneira de explorar isso através da ficção especulativa.” Além da Amazon, a Netflix também oferece animação de Tomb Raider. Uma adição animada ao catálogo da Netflix, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft tem estreia prevista para 2024.
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initiumnovumhq · 2 years ago
do you have any mw characters or fcs?
Too many to count!
mw canons: poppy sweeting, gareth weasley, natsai onai, ominis gaunt, imelda reyes and anne sallow are the first that come to mind!
mw faceclaims: natalie alyn lind, maia mitchell, paulina chávez, storm reid, barbie ferreira, sophia anne caruso, sofia wylie, sisi stringer, daniela nieves, sabrina carpenter, mia mckenna-bruce, jonetta kaiser, lara mcdonnell, sydney sweeney, hunter schafer, judah lewis, hero fiennes tiffin, gavin leatherwood, ross lynch, evan mock, cody christian, danny griffin, joel courtney, and finn roberts.
We have so many amazing characters and faceclaims avalible and can't wait to see who you bring. Hope this helps!
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Belfast (2021) dir. Kenneth Branagh
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balfeys · 4 years ago
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We all have a story to tell. But what makes each one different is not how the story ends. But rather, the place where it begins.
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