A that ‘70s show slasher / horror AU Loosely based on MTVs scream series.
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So yeah, I love Borrasca and I love that Cole Sprouse plays Sam as ive almost always envisioned Sam as Cole sprouse (Partially from seeing cole play jughead in the first season of Riverdale) so if ya'll haven't listened to this fantastic podcast, please do.

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Continuing the story
Hey everyone. Been awhile, the story is not over. The surviving teens will be back one day.
Part 2 is in the works but until then I am on hiatus and won’t be posting here all that much.
If you wanna see more posts from me you can check me out at my main account @deans-pie-67 I post there frequently and about many different fandoms.
While you wait for the next story to release (won’t be soon, it takes time) feel free to ask questions, give constructive criticism, or even send hate mail, though I probably won’t answer the hate mail, so maybe don’t do that.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far and will enjoy the next one.
#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#bob pinciotti#donna pinciotti#eric forman#jackie burkhart#kitty forman#red forman#steven hyde#midge pinciotti#deans-pie-67#part 2#other fandoms.#hiatus
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that 70s slasher
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Chapter eleven: Oh Donna.
The mask slid across the ground and flowing red hair fell out of the hood. The killer pushed the bat in to fez again and then pulled it away letting his body slide to the floor. Eric’s heart clenched, he recognized that hair from anywhere. It was Donna’s… in that moment his heart shattered, his girlfriend was the killer and she just killed fez right in front of him… this couldn’t be real, it couldn’t… but the pain in his heart said otherwise. It was all very real.
Donna turned around and brushed the hair out of her face. “Fez just had to ruin my big reveal” she rolled her eyes and looked back at the limp body. “Either way, now you know.” She walked over to her boyfriend and leaned down, “you never suspected a thing” She smiled and stood up and swung the bat, a spray of blood sprinkled Eric’s face. He winced and blinked a few times. “I… Donna I don’t understand…”
“Don’t understand?” she tilted her head. “Oh, right. You thought I was innocent” she smirked. “It just, felt so good, y’know?”
Eric shook his head. “I don’t. But why Laurie? Or buddy? Or Kelso” Eric gulped, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.
“When Tina disappeared my heart was shattered” she looked at Eric. “I was left as the only child in my house, but every time I saw you… I saw Laurie, you still had your sister, your life was good and yeah you felt sympathy but you didn’t know how it truly felt.”
“Donna it was horrible a-and we were all there for you-“
“Let me finish, Forman” she snapped at him. “over the years of watching you live your life, watching you forget that I ever even had a sister, which by the way I never forgot, it got to me, and I realized that you needed to feel the same pain that I had to truly understand me.” She laughed a little. “So I devised a plan, I got a mask and I waited for the right moment”
“You killed Laurie because you were jealous?” Eric gulped and shook his head. “What about the others, what did they do wrong?”
Laurie tapped her chin. “Well, you saw how Kelso cheated on Jackie with Laurie, she deserved better, and a cheater like him deserved what he got.” she looked in to his eyes. “And he was dating your stupid sister-“
“Don’t call her that!” Eric yelled and Donna walked over, grabbing him by the neck. “Shut up, Eric.” She pushed him against the wall and squeezed, he squirmed as she choked him, pressing harder and harder, then letting go, he took a gulp of air and closed his eyes for a moment.
“And for buddy” she shrugged. “He was getting in the way of us, I could see it, how he was still pinning after you, waiting for his moment to make another move.”
“That… that doesn’t mean I liked him back-“ he coughed. “I would have turned him down”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still a threat to our relationship.” She pinched between her eyes and shook her head. “I really wanted to see him go up in flames, too bad the bomb went off while I was in my room, what I sight it would have been” she leaned on the bat and looked up in thought, then back down at Eric. “The bastard somehow survived though and now you visit him in the hospital more than you visited him when he was intact” she sighed.
“So, what now, you’ve cornered yourself…”
“Quite the contrary” she giggled. “see, when the cops get here, which eventually they will, they’ll find you dead, along with Hyde, and it’s all the doing of good ol fez over there, he’s a foreigner, no one’s gonna second guess that he killed his friends, but in that final show down you got a good swing at him, killing him and then passing away yourself.” She turned and walked over to fez’s body, looking at it.
“You really did a good job saving the day Eric” she turned around and raised the bat. “I really did love you, but I see now that things just won’t work out.” She walked over to Eric, and raised the bat.
“Just like this knot didn’t work out?” Eric pushed and the on ropes and the fell to the floor he sprung up and tackled Donna. “I’ve been working on it while you were monologuing” he grunted and Donna punched him, knocking him to the ground. She got up. “You really wanna do this again Forman?” she swung the bat and Eric rolled over then got up. “You killed my friends… you broke my heart, of course I wanna do this again” he swung at Donna and she stepped out of the way, then hit Eric’s shoulder.
“You’re gonna lose and my plan will play out even better” she swung again and Eric dodged it. He was holding his shoulder in pain and could feel that the wound in his stomach was bleeding. “I just have to hold you off l-long enough until the cops get here… like you said, e-eventually they will come”
Eric was about to pass out and Donna took this as her chance. “Right, because you’re gonna stay standing for that long” she hit him and knocked him to the ground then raised the bat to stab him. “And before I kill you, I’ve got one more surprise-“
All Eric could hear was ringing and Donnas blood hit his face, mixing with Fez’s, he blinked a few times and looked up as blood leaked from a hole in Donnas chest, she dropped the bat and stiffened then fell over. Eric scrambled to his feet and looked around, his eyes stopping at the doorway where his dad stood, holding a hunting rifle.
Red pulled the bolt and pushed another bullet in to the chamber than ran over to his son, hugging him.
“Dad… I-I’m fine… we gotta untie Hyde” they both turned to look at the unconscious Hyde still tied up. Red nodded and made his way over to Hyde, pulling his pocket knife out him started sawing at the rope.
Eric looked down at the rifle and reached down for it. Movement caught the corner of his eye and he turned to see Donna standing up and raising the bat towards Red, “Dad!” he quickly turned and pulled the trigger. The bullet went through her forehead and she fell backwards in to the pool of her own blood.
Red turned around and watched Donna fall, his eyes quickly moved to his son who was holding the rifle. Red let go of the ropes and grabbed the rifle from Eric, who willingly let go and stood still, staring at the body on the ground. “We… we gotta call the police” Eric mumbled and his dad nodded. “I already did, before I left”
Eric gulped. “How’d you know I was here?”
“Fez called me” Red looked over at Fez. Not but half an hour ago he had heard the exchange students voice over the phone.
“Mr. Red. Eric is in danger.” Red heard the voice over the phone. “Tell me what’s going on” Red spoke in to the phone and listened. “He and Hyde are looking for Donna and the killer is leaving them notes, he’s leading them right in to a trap I just know it” Fez spoke.
“Thank you, stay where you are I’ll handle this” Red hung up and went up to his room, he grabbed the rifle from his closet and made sure it was loaded.
“Red? What are you doing?” Kitty asked from where she was sitting on the bed and Red turned, a little startled. “The boys are in danger” he threw the sling around his shoulder.
Kitty’s eyes went wide and she stood up. “Did you call the cops?” she was worried.
“Not yet, I’m going to when I find the kids” Red walked down the stairs and out to the Toyota, he turned around and gave Kitty a long soft kiss then got in and sped off.
Red shook his head as he stared at the body of Fez, why didn’t he listen to him and just stay home. “Come on Eric; let’s get you away from this place” Red led Eric outside where he sat him on the hood of the Vista Cruiser. “Stay right here, I’m gonna go get Hyde.”
Just as Red finished his sentence four cop cars and three ambulances came pulling up, the officers sprung from their seats, guns in hand. Red held his hand up. “It’s over… taken care of” the men looked at Red and Eric, nodding but proceeding inside anyway to be sure. Paramedics followed the officers.
Later one body bag was rolling out, it was Donnas… she was actually dead, he killed her and saved his dad. Next two gurneys were being rolled out, Hyde on one and Fez on the other, he wasn’t in a body bag. “Wait” Eric stood up and ran over to the gurney that held Fez. “He’s alive?” the paramedics nodded. “Just barely, any longer and he wouldn’t make it” Eric nodded and watched as they wheeled his friend in to the ambulance. Fez was alive and Hyde didn’t seem all that injured. Everything was gonna be fine, as fine as it could be with everything they had gone through.
Eric walked over to where Hyde was sitting down, finally back awake. “Hey” Eric sat down on the back of the ambulance and Hyde looked over at him. “Hey” he held an ice pack against his head. “It’s over man” Hyde said.
“Yeah… I just can’t believe it was Donna, this whole time, right under our noses.” Eric held his now wrapped up stomach, the medical gauze was much better than his torn button up.
“I’m sorry it was her, I know you cared about her” Hyde laid a hand on Eric’s shoulder.
“Yeah, but she killed our friends, and tried to kill us, I don’t know if I could continue dating someone like that” he laughed, it was short though and stopped abruptly as a twinge of pain shot through his stomach. “Ow…” he groaned and leaned back. “I’m not good to drive, think you could get the Cruiser home?” Eric turned his head to Hyde, who nodded in agreement.
Eric reached in his pocket and handed Hyde the keys. Hyde stuffed them in to his pocket and watched as Eric got up to go talk witch his dad. Cops and paramedics were everywhere and soon even a news team was pulling in and setting up, Eric ignored them and made sure his back was to the cameras the entire time. He didn’t wanna be on T.V he didn’t wanna be known, especially not for killing his girlfriend.
The gravel parking lot was full of police cruisers, ambulances and news vans so when Jackie pulled up she had to park on the side of the road, she wasn���t sure what was going on but it was big and she hoped none of her friends were hurt, but when she came around the corner and saw only a beat up Hyde and wrapped up Eric she felt her heart drop. “Guys?” she ran over and Eric turned from where he was talking with his dad and came back over to his friends.
“What happened? Are you okay?” She looked the two boys up and down.
“Yeah, we’re fine” Hyde rubbed his head and looked over at Eric.
“The killer is dead… Fez is headed to the hospital, it’s over” Eric held his torso and spoke carefully not to cause any pain.
“Holy shit you guys actually got the killer?” Jackie sounded excited and neither of the two boys wanted to turn the good news to bad news.
“Well, Forman did. I was passed out” Hyde tapped Eric on the shoulder.
“So what happened? How’d you do it?” she asked waiting to hear how Eric had taken down the masked killer.
“Jackie-“ Eric tried to stop her but she wouldn’t hush.
“What? How’d you do it?” Jackie started to realize something wasn’t quite right.
“Jackie, Donna was the killer.” Eric gulped and Jackie’s smile fell.
“That’s… that’s, Eric I am so sorry” she hugged Eric and held him for several long seconds before pulling away and hugging Hyde. “Why’d she do it?” Jackie asked then closed her mouth and looked away. “Sorry, I should wait to ask these things”
Eric shook his head, “It’s fine, I had the same questions… she was jealous, that I had Laurie, and she didn’t like the way… the way Kelso was treating you” he sighed. “I understand where she was coming from but… killing wasn’t the solution.”
Jackie and Hyde nodded. “All those innocent lives taken because of jealousy” Jackie shook her head and leaned against Hyde. Soon two paramedics walked up and asked Eric if he was ready to go, he still needed to go to the hospital for stitches and any other wounds he had gained from being hit and stabbed with a broken baseball bat.
Hyde and the paramedics helped him in to the ambulance and Jackie offered to go with him but he declined. “Stay with Hyde, I’ll be fine, my dad is gonna meet me at the hospital” he smiled and waved then sat down as the doors shut and the ambulance drove off.
Hyde and Jackie leaned against the hood of the Vista Cruiser. “So… Donna did all this and Eric had the will power to end it?”Jackie asked and Hyde nodded.
“I guess so, you’d have to ask Red, I was passed out, when I came to I was out here and Donna was… dead” Hyde choked on his words and Jackie pulled him against her, this entire night had been rough on everyone. “I’ll ask Red later… just try not to think about it Steven” she rubbed his arm and he nodded.
They had all lost a friend and the guys had been through not only the mental pain but physical too. “Is Fez…”
Hyde shook his head. “no- No, Fez is gonna be okay, I’m not quite sure she wanted to kill him honestly, either way the only fatality tonight was Donna, and everything is gonna work out fine”
Jackie nodded. “Yeah… we’ll recover, and we’re gonna have to give Eric some kind of gift, right? For saving the day”
Hyde shrugged. “I suppose so, not too sure how he would feel about a celebration for killing the love of his life, but we’ll just have to see how he recovers.”
The two agreed to wait, at least until things were fairly normal again, as normal as they could after losing so many people that they cared about.
When Eric got to the hospital he went by fez’s room, he was unconscious and hooked up to a hundred different things he knew nothing about. It saddened him seeing fez like that but it gave him hope that fez was even here and not in the morgue.
Soon they had stitched him up and cleaned up his bruises and cuts, he was gonna be perfectly fine aside from the scar on his stomach.
As he lay in bed he heard a knock. “Come in” he called and the door slowly opened, to reveal Buddy Morgan, on crutches. He limped in and let the door shut behind him. “I heard you were in here, thought I’d check on you.” He hobbled over to a chair, where his leather jacket hung. “Is this my jacket?” he looked back at Eric.
Eric rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh yeah, when... your car um…”
“Exploded?” Buddy laughed. “It’s okay to talk about it man”
“Right” Eric nodded awkwardly. “That, anyway I didn’t want them taking it in for evidence, and if you didn’t make it I wanted something to honor you” it sounded stupid when he said it out loud but it was too late to take it back. “You can have it back now that I know you’re not dead”
“No no, keep it, I bet you look stunning in it” Buddy sat down to get off his crutches and sighed. “They’re finally letting me walk around, not far and not without a nurse usually, but it’s better than nothing”
Eric nodded. “Yeah, I gotta stay in here for a bit, even then I gotta be careful, Donna took a good chunk out of me with that bat.” Eric felt his heart sink at saying her name.
“Wait, Donna did this? What happened?” Buddy sat up.
“Turns out she was the killer all along, she’s… gone now, I uh… I took care of it” Eric nodded towards his friend.
“I’m so sorry. I never… I never would have guessed” buddy looked down at his feet.
“No one could’ve known, everything’s gonna get better now, she’s dead, and we can all move on” Eric sighed. “You know, one thing that baffles me is how she pulled off killing Laurie, I was with her at the time of Laurie’s death. I was with her the entire time between when the cops said she was murdered”
“You think she had an accomplice?” buddy inquired.
“I don’t… think so, Donna admitted to her crimes, unless she was lying.” Eric sat up a little, a grunt escaping his lips. “Then again there’s not much to trust about her anymore” the thought that Donna had an accomplice that could still be out there worried Eric, but he didn’t even know if he fully believed it. It was all just a theory anyway. “The killings are done with, we’re all gonna go back to normal life and that’s all that matters.”
Buddy smiled. “Yeah, totally.” He stood up and limped over to Eric, patting him on the shoulder. “You saved the day, you’re the hero” he removed his hand and made his way to the door. “I gotta get back to my room, maybe check on fez on the way back” buddy waved and left the hospital room, leaving Eric alone, not for long though, soon Jackie, Hyde and his parents were pouring through the door to check on him.
end part 1
#Eric Forman#Kitty Forman#Red Forman#Bob Pinciotti#Donna Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Micheal Kelso#Steven Hyde#Fez#Jackie Burkhart#Buddy Morgan#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#chapter eleven#Chapter eleven: oh Donna#Oh Donna
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Chapter ten: Missing
Eric and Hyde had searched every inch of the abandoned Grocery store but didn’t find any sign of Donna or the killer. They had just about given up when they noticed the sticky note on the glass door; Eric pulled it off and read it. “Time is flying and this isn’t the place, the road is bumpy, but keep up the pace. You must be trying if you found this note, now go and reward yourselves with a coke”
Eric stuffed the note in his pocket and looked at Hyde who nodded, they ran back out to the car and sped off towards the hub, it was the regular hangout spot for the group and it must be the place the killer was referring to, they had to make sure, even if it wasn’t the place.
When they got to the restaurant they instantly knew it was the place, as there was a note and two sodas on their usual table. The boys ran over and took a seat, grabbing the next note and reading it. “Are you on the right path or doing the wrong math, take a school vacation and find the equation”
“The burned down school” Hyde said and looked across at Eric.
“He’s leading us on a goose-hunt… we have to be quick, he could be using this as a diversion to torture her” a worried tone filled Eric’s voice.
“Then let’s go, the school must have the next note” Hyde stood up and Eric followed.
Hyde stopped and looked at Eric. “We should tell Fez- Incase we go missing too” Eric agreed and they walked over to the phone, dialing Fez’s number and waiting, when the line picked up they heard the voice of Fez’s host father.
“Hi, is your son around? I’m his… math teacher and I need to talk to him about… school” Hyde spoke in to the phone with a deeper more adult like voice. Surprisingly enough the man agreed and soon they heard Fez speak. “Hello?”
“Fez hey man, its Eric and Hyde” Eric spoke in to the phone. “Yeah, man, don’t say anything just listen, we told your folks that it’s your math teacher” said Hyde and Fez understood, only saying “mhm” and “yeah” from that point on.
“Eric and I are looking for Donna, we know you can’t leave the house but the killer is leaving notes”
“yeah and we’re getting closer to finding out where she may be, we wanted to call in case something happens, we might need your help” Eric said next and Fez nodded along even though his friends couldn’t see.
“We’ll call you the next chance we get, right now we’re headed to the old school” Hyde said and looked over at Eric. “We gotta hurry, to find the next clue” Eric added in and the three said goodbye before hanging up the phone. Next the two boys went up to the counter and asked who ordered the drinks.
“Some kid in a hoodie, kept their face down and handed me a note to order with, didn’t speak, just paid and left” The guy shrugged and the teenagers sighed, that wasn’t much help at all.
“Thanks” Hyde grumbled and they walked out to the Cruiser, getting in and speeding off to their next destination. They were getting closer but they didn’t know how many more places they would have to visit before finding Donna, it worried them. it scared them.
Soon enough they arrived at the school, slowly walking in to avoid making too much noise, Hyde clench his fists and Eric gripped the baseball bat. They were ready to take on anything thrown at them. after making sure the killer wasn’t waiting at the door to knock them out they began to call out for Donna.
“Donna!” Eric Yelled, followed by Hyde, but they got no response. She wasn’t here. But a note on an old desk that hadn’t burned was. This time Hyde picked it up and read it. “You’ve had your reward and followed my lead, now you’re here and getting near, ready for a clue. You’re getting hotter, don’t be a mouse and fear slaughter, have courage and visit my house.
“The slaughter house” Eric’s eyes went wide and the two quickly left the building, this time leaving the note behind. This must be the final place, where they would find Donna and stop the killer. With both of them together they had a chance of saving the day.
The gold station wagon came to a skidding halt on the gravel parking lot outside of the Slaughter house; the place had gone out of business awhile back. Business was failing as it was with most places in Point Place.
This was it, this was the final place, the place where they would face the killer once and for all, save Donna and end the horror. They were staring right at the gates of hell. Two large metal doors that led inside. Both Eric and Hyde clicked the flashlights on, Eric raised his bat and they were ready.
Hyde picked the lock and they carefully swung open the doors, looking around the dark building. It smelled like death and looked like it hadn’t been used in years despite having only shut down a short time ago. As they got further back they started to notice that meat hooks and conveyer belts were everywhere, some of the hooks still have meat on them. Neither of them knew If the killer had set that up or if the people who left had just been so lazy to not clean up.
“Donna!” Eric called out. “Donna!” Hyde called next, they waited then called again, then they heard something, a scream.
“Eric! I’m back here!” Donna’s voice echoed down a hallway and Eric and Hyde quickly turned and sprinted toward the calls. She called out again but was cut off and Eric felt his heard beating faster, he was gonna beat the shit out of the person doing this, he was gonna end their life right there and then.
“Which way did it come from?” Hyde asked as they came to a hallway that split in separate directions. “I don’t know you go right I’ll go left” Hyde nodded and they went their separate ways checking each room as they went. Neither one had found anything yet, room after room they checked but Donna was nowhere to be found.
“Hyde did you find her?” Eric yelled and waited for a response. When one didn’t come he called again, met with silence a second time he stopped his search and ran down the hall way to find Hyde. As he was running a door opened and out stepped a figure with an axe, he raised the axe but this time Eric ducked, sliding under the weapon. Last time he had been hit but not this time.
He stood from his knee and the killer stepped forward, swinging the axe. Eric swung his bat and knocked the axe back but gauged the wooden bat, another hit like that would destroy the bat, he had to be careful. “Where’s Donna?” Eric growled out and the figure just looked at him, head tilted. They raised the axe again and swung at Eric but he jumped back and the blade got stuck in the wall.
Eric took his chance and swung the bat in to the figures side, he was to slow the as the axe was already out of the wall and all he had ended up hitting was the wooden handle. “Damn it” he mumbled and backed down the hall. “She better be okay you sick sack of shit” he held the bat tight as he back away being sure not to trip.
The killer spun the axe in their hand and walked towards Eric, swinging again and just barely missing as the scrawny teen dodged back in to the room filled with hooks and belts. Maybe he could use that to his advantage.
He swung the bat and the killer leaned back to avoid getting hit. It was a battle of who was quicker now, Eric could only hope it was him. “I’m gonna kill you!” he lunged forward and swung the Bat in to the figures leg causing him to fall to the ground in pain. By the time Eric had turned around though he was back on his feet and read to swing with the axe, which he did, swinging it down, the blade had missed Eric’s skin but tore a hole in his jacket.
Eric raised his bat again and clashed with the handle of the bat, knocking the killer back but not taking them out. He could do this all day. If Hyde was alive he would be saving Donna right now while Eric took on the Killer.
The two circled each other waiting for the next move. A single wrong move could mean death. Each of them hoped it would mean death for the other. “You Killed Laurie… and Kelso, I won’t let you take Donna.” Eric pointed the bat and the killer turned the head of the axe in the dirt then raised it up and swung at Eric. The scrawny teenager raised his bat and the blade smashed through it, breaking the top off, Eric stumbled back and fell, bat still in hand.
In that moment he knew this could be the end, but he wouldn’t let it be, he had to win this, for Donna… for Hyde, for Laurie. The killer swung the axe down and Eric rolled out of the way causing the axe to get lodged in the floor. Quickly Eric Sprung to his feet and swung the broken bat, the killer grabbed it with his gloved hand and twisted it causing Eric to let go, the killer then punched Eric and knocked him back
They let go of the axe and flipped the bat around, walking towards Eric who was stumbling to his feet and wiping the blood from his nose, he had no weapon, his choices mattered much more now.
The killer jolted the bat forward trying to stab Eric but he dodged it. They were circling again, watching and waiting. The killer swung the back again and Eric caught it, the pain from the wood hitting his hands plus the splinters from the shattered end cause him to wince but he couldn’t let go.
The killer pushed and Eric pushed back the only thing between them being the broken bat. They stared in to each other’s eyes, well, as much as Eric could through the large mask. It was getting hard to hold this pose and Eric was weakening, he had to do something, so he did. He kicked the killer in the shin and pushed him away. The killer used the bat to regain balance and Eric grabbed the axe and yanked it from the floor.
The weapons had swapped but the fight was still the same. Eric swung the axe and chipped another piece of the bat off. The killer spun the bat and jabbed it at Eric, ripping a hole in his shirt and cutting him. “Shit” he hissed and swung the axe yet again. The killer moved to the side and the axe bounced off of the side of the conveyer. Eric felt it in his arms and he winced.
He was getting tired, his arms were going limp and he was running out of breath, he couldn’t keep this up for much longer, he was gonna lose if he didn’t get the upper hand Soon.
The killer swung the bat at Eric and he blocked it with the axe, knocking the killer back in to one of the lower hooks. The hook stabbed in to the killers shoulder, giving Eric the upper hand that he really needed. As he walked forward he lifted the axe.
“You’ve taken so much from me. You’ve ruined my life” Eric gulped and got closer and closer as the killer struggled to get off the rusty hook. “I don’t even know if I wanna know who you are I just wanted this over with” Eric gripped the axe tight.
“Eric wait!” Hyde Yelled and Eric turned his focus to his friend.
“Why? Why should I wait, I’ve got him right here, I can end this” a tear rolled down his cheek and he started to turn back to the killer.
“Eric you don’t Wanna do this, it will last with you forever…” Hyde was gonna say more but by the time he started to opened his mouth again the Killer had gotten down and swung the bat in to Eric’s stomach, knocking his breath out and cutting him open.
He stumbled back and the axe fell to the ground, blood stained his shirt and he looked down. “no… no I had my chance”
Hyde’s eyes went wide. “Eric! Eric no!” he looked around for a weapon but didn’t see another aside from the axe, it was too close to Eric and the killer for him to grab.
By calling out he had turned the killers gaze to him giving Eric time to crawl away while the killer went after Hyde.
Both Eric’s best friend and his enemy disappeared in to the dark hallway leaving Eric to patch himself up, he pulled the jacket and plaid shirt off and used the shirt the tie up and stop the bleeding then he pulled the jacket back on and got up, groaning in pain. Now that the killer was focused on Hyde Eric was the one looking for Donna, he called out and got no answer, it turned his stomach over and he shook his head. She was just scared and being silent that’s all, it had to be all.
Eric heard an agonizing scream from Hyde and he grabbed the axe. He had to save his friend, he had to, he was bleeding and weak but he had to save all of them.
When he skidded in to the hall he saw the killer tying up a bloodied Hyde. The figure looked up with its soulless mask and grabbed the bat then started walking, ready to hit Eric.
He couldn’t do another stretched out fight, especially not now with a blooding stomach. “you won’t win this” Eric groaned and raised the axe. The weapons clashed but this time the Killer turned the bat and knocked the axe aside then hit Eric with the bat, knocking him to the ground where he stayed, groaning and blowing dust in to his eyes with each breath.
He was gonna lose, he and Hyde and Donna would all be on the news as the next victims… more tears filled his eyes and dripped on the floor. He knew deep down this would happen but he didn’t wanna believe it. He clenched his eyes shut in pain as the killer lifted him and pushed him against the wall next to Hyde, tying him up just the same.
“Eric? Hyde?” the familiar voice of their foreign friend echoed but before they could call out the slapped tape over their mouths. He grabbed the bat and started walking towards the door then stopped and dog in his pocket, then threw a piece of paper on the ground in reading distance of Eric.
On the letter read. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I didn’t want it to be this way. You’ve probably heard me call by now, I guess you found me… just know that I’m not the one behind this… the one doing this” the last part of the note was scribbled out, and written in Red sharpie over it was “YOU LOST” Eric shook his head, that was Kelso’s note, the one they had tried to get for so long… it devastated him more than he thought it would and he began to sob. This was the damned note the police didn’t want them to see.
Fez hung up the phone and snuck passed his host parents, he knew his friends were looking for Donna and he had to help them, it was on him that she was taken and he had to make things right, so he stole the keys to his host fathers Lime green GMC Gremlin and sped off before anyone could say anything.
He had to get to the school; he had to find out what the plan was. When he arrived at the old school he ran in, it was empty but he found the sticky note that led his friends to the slaughter house. He stuffed the note in his pocket and ran back outside, getting in the car and speeding off.
He was getting worried and was speeding through the neighborhood streets until he came sliding in to the slaughter house parking lot, kicking gravel up against the Cruiser and nearly flipping the small GMC, he threw the hand brake on and swung the door open, getting out and noticing the chains on the ground. They were here, and so could the Killer, so he walked up carefully and opened the doors, only a small squeak came from one of the doors but not loud enough to echo.
He walked in to the large room and noticed all the hooks, his eyes landed on the blood pool and chips of broken wood. “Eric? Hyde?” he called out and waited, then he saw him, the masked killer standing in the door way with a broken baseball bat, it had to be Eric’s.
“W-where are they you son of a bitch” He stuttered and stepped back, the killer stayed silent and walked towards the exchange student and he felt fear welling inside. “Stay away…” the Killer picked up their pace and fez took a few more steps back before turning and running around the conveyer belts, the killer followed and they moved in circles waiting for each other to slip up.
Fez hopped over the belt and ran past the killer but tripped and fell in to the puddle of blood. He wiped the blood from his face and squinted. “Aye…” he heard the foot steps behind him and remembered that he was indeed in danger so he ran again, this time towards the hall that the killer had emerged from. Maybe his friends were back there and he could help them. With all of them together they could take this asshole down.
When he entered the room he saw his friends and began trying to untie them it was harder than it look. “Where’s Donna?” he pulled the tape from Eric’s mouth. “I- I don’t know… we heard her but the killer stopped us before we could find her.” Eric gulped. “You gotta find her fez… We’ll be fine” he coughed and fez shook his head.
A scream echoed from all directions. “ERIC!” it was Donna and she sounded in pain… the room they were in confused the friends of which direction it came from and made it hard to know where to go.
Suddenly the killer entered the doorway and spun the bat again. It was sharp and stained with blood and this struck fear in all of them.
“I’m getting you out of this” Fez continued to try and untie the rope but to no avail. The killer was coming and Fez wasn’t even close to being done.
“Fez the axe” Eric motioned and fez turned, he saw the fire axe and ran to grab it. He stumbled a little but got his balance and picked up the axe, readying himself to kill the killer if he had to. “Come at me” he gripped the axe and the killer popped their neck.
“I said come at me!” Fez yelled and stepped forward swinging the axe, he missed and the killer also moved forward, swinging the bat, Fez blocked it and stumbled backwards. “Come on Fez!” Eric yelled and Fez swung again, clashing with the bat and pushing it back a little, he pulled away and hit the killer with the handle. The killer shook their head and swung again, Fez blocked it and used the end of the axe to hit the killer, the wood hit the mask and cracked it, throwing it to the floor. Fez’s eyes went wide and he froze. While he tried to comprehend what he saw, the killer pushed the bat forward and stabbed it in to him. He coughed, “h-how could you” Fez coughed again and blood dripped down his lip.
#Eric Forman#Red Forman#Kitty Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Micheal Kelso#Steven Hyde#Jackie Burkhart#Fez#Buddy Morgan#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#chapter ten#Chapter ten: missing#Missing
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Chapter nine: Funeral for the living
Eric paced Laurie’s room, watching as his parents pack things in to Boxes not letting him get a word in edgewise. He wasn’t ready to accept this, somewhere inside him he knew they couldn’t keep the room forever but he didn’t wanna think about that. “Stop” he put his hand on the red Corvette poster before his Dad could pull it down. “Just stop- Dad please… at least just wait a little longer…”
“Eric, remove your hand from the poster right now or I’m gonna put my foot in your ass” Red glared at Eric but the teenager shook his head.
“No… this is disrespectful to her, to the memory of her.” He kept his hand on the poster until his father gave up and went to get something else. Eric rushed over and stood in front of everything that his dad reached for. “I won’t stop, we haven’t even had a funeral for her and you’re already taking all of her stuff down”
Red sighed and looked at the hurt in his son’s eyes. “Fine, but after the funeral we are packing all of it up” Red wasn’t being heartless, but while Eric wanted to keep the memory, red wanted to suppress it in every way he could until he felt happy again.
Eric nodded in compromise even though he knew when that time came he would still stand in the way, for now they had an agreement and Red left the room, leaving Eric alone. He sat on the bed and looked around, still taking in the reality of everything.
After he had forced himself to get up and go downstairs. Eric took a seat at the breakfast table where a plate of food sat. He looked across at his parents and Hyde, then took a bite, staying quiet. None of them wanted to talk, Eric and Red were at each other’s necks over what to do with Laurie’s room and Kitty hadn’t said much since her daughter’s death, she wasn’t mute but she wasn’t talkative either. She was extremely depressed and that had an effect on the whole house. Hyde stayed quiet along with the rest because he knew no one wanted to talk, and if they did they would initiate conversation first.
When Eric finished he took his dishes to the sink and washed them, scrubbing the plate in circles with the sponge and listening to the water hit the other dishes below, usually he would just lay them down in the sink but he decided he would start washing them so that his mom wouldn’t have to. She was stressed, and didn’t need the extra work. Anything, even as small as washing the dishes would help let her rest.
Once Eric was out of the house he gathered with his friends in the driveway where they all talked about how things were going at home and how each of them was feeling. A group decision lead to them going to the hospital to check on Buddy, they had kept up a fairly frequent routine of going, sometimes they’d run in to Buddy’s friends or family, which made things a bit awkward, if not even more upsetting. The worst time was in Buddy’s mom slapped Eric. There wasn’t an explanation to why but he assumed it was for wearing the jacket, though it could have been anything.
This time the room was empty aside from Buddy which allowed the four friends to see him with no worry of drama. He was definitely doing better, his face was burnt but it was healing and he was starting to look the way he did before the accident, his hand wasn’t visible but the doctor said it was also doing better, even if Buddy wouldn’t be able to use it, very well anyway,
The teenager still had a long time to recover and was nowhere near done healing or even leaving the hospital, this saddened everyone but the hope that one day he would be back home and healed kept everyone smiling for him.
Eric mentioned to Buddy that maybe by the 1990s they would have robotic fake hands like in star wars and Buddy could just have his hand replaced like Luke. Buddy smiled a little though everyone could see the disappointment in his eyes that he would have a screwed up hand for the rest of his life and Eric’s story would most likely never come true, not in their life time at least. Hyde, Donna, and Jackie glared at Eric then went back to talking with buddy.
The visit lasted around half an hour before the doctors came in and the gang decided to head back home. The day wasn’t over, not even close. Eric had assumed that they would spend more time with buddy but they hadn’t, only half an hour and then they were back in the basement watching T.V.
The rest of the day went as usual, same for the next, and the next. Then suddenly another week passed in a moment, that’s how it felt at least for the grieving teenagers who sat wearing dark suits and dresses, sitting in metal chairs while the priest spoke over two closed coffins. Kelso and Laurie’s Funerals were being held on the same day. They were to be buried in separate places one after the other but for now they were sat side by side in front of the rows of chairs filled with grieving friends and family.
Kitty cried against Red while he kept his composure, him crying wouldn’t help anything, A few tears did escape his eyes though and he even choked up when he went up to speak. Across from the Forman’s were the Pinciottis, Donna who sat closest to the Forman’s, next to Eric, and her parents. Bob and Midge were both crying in to each other. Red wouldn’t let himself cry like Bob, he had too much pride.
“Michael and Laurie were good kids with so much to accomplish in life, they were both taken from this world too soon.” the pastor spoke and looked out over the crowd. Pastor Dave had been too emotional to speak at the service so another, much more serious man was brought up instead. “But fear not, they are with God and his angels in heaven, and we should be jealous of them, they now have the glory of our lord. Those kids now have a better life than us and it is thanks to the glory of the lord, do not mourn their passing, rather worship the lord for the life he has granted them beyond the pearly gates”
No one spoke, but many wanted to, losing Kelso and Laurie was the worst thing to ever happen to Eric, and the worst thing to happen to his other friends. And now this stupid pastor was talking about how this was somehow a good thing? It wasn’t a good thing it was a horrible thing, an upsetting thing that none of the teenagers were ever gonna be able to get over.
Soon the service was over, each person had gone by the caskets and said their final words to them before walking away or bursting in to tears, Hyde went first in front of his friends, saying goodbye to Kelso first. He sighed. “You were one of my best friends, and the biggest idiot I knew” Hyde turned his attention to the other Coffin. “You were never my favorite person, in fact you pissed me off just as much as you pissed Eric off, but you were still the closest thing I had to a sister, and I’ll miss your bitchy comments.” Hyde tried to keep it light even though everything was so dark.
Next went Donna. “Kelso you were a huge Dillhole… and one of the best friends I ever had” the redhead sniffled and felt her throat close up. She didn’t say anything towards Laurie as she was already choking up.
Even Fez had shown up to say goodbye, he was quiet, and skittish, holding his arms crossed as he spoke, he didn’t speak to the others much as his host parents would see and would probably make him leave the funeral before he got to speak. “Kelso… I” Fez looked down and went silent before quickly running off.
Jackie didn’t get a single word out before running in to Hyde’s arms and balling her eyes out.
Eric waited so that he was last in line, he wanted to say goodbye without the stress of a line behind him, but when he got up by the caskets he felt his heart sink. In those wooden boxes were his friend and sister, people he never thought he would lose, not in this way if anything. “I- am so sorry” he looked at Laurie’s coffin. What happened to Kelso was beyond Eric’s control but he felt that what happened to Laurie could have been prevented by him… if he had let her use the car this wouldn’t be happening. This was his fault. “I-I should have let you take the cruiser… this is my fault I’m so… so sorry.” Eric wiped a few tears away from his eyes and looked up at his friends who welcomed him over; they were all grieving and needed each other.
Fez had run off to the nearest bathroom where he sat in the stall, holding Kelso’s old pocket knife, he wiped the tears from his eyes and rolled up his sleeve. This was all he had to get rid of the pain. When he was done he wrapped his arm in toilet paper and unrolled his sleeve. He didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing, they would look at him differently and he didn’t want that.
Soon the funeral had dispersed and everyone was headed home, Eric and Hyde with Red and kitty in the Vista Cruiser, Jackie with her parents, Fez with his host parents and Donna with her Parents. While most of them would be going to the same area, they wouldn’t be seeing each other for the rest of the day. Eric and Hyde both retreated to their rooms and Donna stayed at her house.
That night Fez was in his room when he heard a tap at the window, then another, and another. The window shattered and a rock rolled across the carpet, wrapped around it was a piece of paper. Fez was filled with fear as he carefully reached down and picked the rock up and unwrapped the paper. There were words written on it and Fez read them. “If you refuse to come outside the redhead will be next”
Fez’ eyes widened and his heart sunk, he couldn’t face the killer, he would die, he couldn’t do that… but Donna was in danger and if he didn’t face his worst fear she would die, he opened his closet and grabbed his pants, pulling them on then pulling his shoes on. By the time he silently snuck down the stairs and out the door whoever had thrown the rock was gone, at least from where the rock was thrown. That’s when he spotted the figure standing under the street lamp across the street. Fez felt the fear rise in him but he knew he had to face this person, for all he knew this could be a prankster trying to scare him. “I- I’m not scared” he called out and the figure didn’t move, Just stood there in his dark cloak and ghost mask, staring at the exchange student. “Now what” Fez called again and the figure turned and disappeared in to the shadows, in the direction of Donnas house.
Fez didn’t take any time running after the killer; he couldn’t let this monster hurt his friend. He ran as fast as he could but he was still behind, he had lost any sight of the figure and it worried him, instead of trying to find the killer he kept his path to Donnas, if he could get there first he could warn Bob and they could protect Donna.
He was getting close, he just had to get through the woods beside the Pinciottis house and he’d be at their door, he dodged Trees and jumped over branches, he was so close, so so so close. He knew he had beaten the killer, he had to. He rounded the corner and saw the cloaked figure. “You son of a bitch” he mumbled out and went to tackle the figure but they were quicker, raising their fist and punching Fez, knocking him down, his vision was blurry but he could see the shape of the figure turning and walking towards the house, he tried to get up but fell back in to the grass and passed out. He had failed and the killer was going straight for Donna.
Fez woke up to sun in his eyes and sounds of Sirens around him, he was sitting on the chair in the Forman’s drive away and around him were cops talking to a crying midge and bob, a few others were talking to the Forman’s and Hyde. “Donna” Fez said and got up but a cop grabbed him. “No let me go I have to- I- Donna” Fez stumbled over his words to the cop then Eric and Hyde walked over.
“Fez, man” Hyde looked down at his boots.
“Fez- Donnas missing…” the words struck the foreigner hard and he shook his head. He couldn’t believe it… he had failed. “I failed… I could have saved her I failed…” Fez mumbled and a tear fell down his cheek. While he was talking with his friends an officer had stepped in. “hey kid, you knew about this?” he asked and fez nodded. “I got a note last night… it’s at my house” Fez took a seat again and the officer looked at him.
“What did it say son?” he asked and Fez gulped. “It said I had to meet with him, or Donna was next… I came here as quick as I could” Fez sniffled. “But he knocked me out and now Donnas missing” Eric laid his hand on Fez’s shoulder. “She’s only missing… there’s still” Eric Choked up. “Still hope” he had to reassure himself that there was no sign of death in the room, he could still get Donna back, and he wouldn’t let her end up like Laurie.
The officer nodded and motioned for Fez to get up. “Come on kid, take us to the room and show us the note you received, we may be able to get something from it” Fez nodded and followed the man to the cruiser, he got in and they raced off, leaving the devastated Eric and Hyde to answer questions and talk with the Pinciottis. Above them sat the empty room that was once clean, but now it was torn apart, bed sheets and blankets were thrown about, books were knocked off shelves and posters were torn, along with the window of the room being shattered.
There was clearly a struggle, a struggle that could have been prevented but wasn’t and now, somewhere out there was the Killer, with Donna. This thought lingered on everyone’s minds. Especially Eric, it confused him, up until now each murder had been a gruesome show of gore, meant to sicken everyone who saw, but this time the killer had taken Donna. He was toying with them, leading them on. He wanted something, someone. He had to; why else would he kidnap Donna rather than just ending her life right there and then?
“Hyde” Eric pulled his friend aside from the cops and made sure no one was listening. “I think the killer is trying to get at us… maybe even lure us in, why else would he kidnap Donna?”
“Maybe this is about her? Maybe the killer wants to settle something with her, do something with her before…” Hyde gulped and the thought made both boys cringe, thinking of anyone doing something to Donna… it disturbed them.
“Whatever it is we gotta stop him.” Eric clenched his fists. “Rescue Donna and arrest the son of a bitch… I’m her boyfriend… I have to protect her… I have to.”
Hyde nodded and they went back to the others to not seem suspicious. They needed a plan but they couldn’t come up with it with the fuzz everywhere.
Bob and midge were finally done with questioning and were now talking with Red and Kitty. Still in tears, which Red understood but wasn’t thrilled about. “It’ll be okay bob; they’ll find her and bring her home”
Bob nodded and sniffled and midge huddled closer against him. “We lost Tina…we can’t lose Donna, it’s been 5 years… they still haven’t found her” Midge said between sobs and bob held her closer.
“Don’t worry Midge” Red sighed. “the cops are looking and we are looking, there are more clues in this case than before, Donna will be found” Red tried to reassure his neighbors, he didn’t know for sure how things would turn out but he knew that he would try his damndest to find Donna.
“Come inside… let’s sit on the couch and have some pie… I baked three” Kitty had been baking more and more with each bad event that occurred in point place, the fridge was filled with pies and casseroles. When kitty was sad she baked, and baked, and baked. With so many recent deaths she was none stop baking, giving food out to neighbors and cops alike.
The Pinciottis agreed and the four went inside, whatever they could do to ease the pain, eating pie wouldn’t help anything but it would get their minds off of everything.
While the adults talked inside Eric and Hyde went to the basement where they began to gather things up, a backpack with flashlights and other camping gear that would aid them on the search for Donna, they would start with Penny’s supermarket as that’s the last place the Killer had asked Eric to meet him at, it was a long shot but it could be his hideout.
Next they would check around the neighborhood, see if there were any places the Killer could hideout. They needed to find him, and quick, he could be hurting Donna, or getting ready to kill her. After they had finished loading the Vista cruiser Eric pulled Buddy’s jacket on and grabbed his baseball bat from the porch.
As he lifted the bat to put it in the car he stopped. “Hyde did you find the bat and bring it back when you found me?”
Hyde shook his head. “Nope, just you. No bat” he was also a little confused by it. Had the killer come back to return the bat? Was the killer that dumb to risk getting caught or was he just that good that he knew he could get away with it?
Either way the bat was back and Eric was gonna use it, and not drop it this time. “Let’s hit the road” he got in the car and started it up, Hyde got in and they shut the doors at the same time then sped off to the supermarket. It was a long shot, and could even waist time, but they had to be sure.
While the boys got ready to face a killer and save their friend, Fez and the officer were at Fez’s house. His host parents were standing outside on the porch, they were very upset with Fez but when they saw he had shown up with law enforcement they didn’t say anything. They would talk to him later, along with talking to the officer to get the story on what happened.
Fez led the officer up to his room but when they got there the rock and paper, were gone. The officer looked at Fez and Fez looked back, he was completely dumbfounded, he had left it right there on the ground.
Oddly enough though, glass had been stepped on and broken, Fez hadn’t done that and he pointed that out to the officer. “Mr. Officer I never stepped on any glass” he said shakily and the man leaned down to check it out.
“I’ll call up some men and have them check it out, and you’re sure you left the note right here?” he asked and Fez nodded vigorously. “I dropped it right here when I went downstairs to try and stop the killer” Fez gulped.
“Why would you go after someone who’s taken two lives already? Did you have a death wish?” The officer questioned Fez.
“Because the note said if I didn’t… Donna was next, I had to do something, I had to save her” Fez felt his throat close up. “I failed her…”
“You didn’t fail her, you did what you thought was right. We will find her and bring her home safely. I promise. You’re lucky to be alive.” The officer laid his hand on fez’s shoulder and Fez nodded.
#Red Forman#Eric Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Kitty Forman#Michael Kelso#Jackie Burkhart#Steven Hyde#Fez#Buddy Morgan#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#Chapter nine#Chapter nine: funeral for the living#Funeral for the living
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Thank you, thank you all so much for following. It’s not much in comparison to other fanfiction blogs, but it’s more than I ever imagined this blog would get to, and to many more, I really hope you enjoy the story, the chapters that are already out and the chapters to come. I love writing this story and I hope you love reading it just as much.
#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#bob pinciotti#donna pinciotti#eric forman#jackie burkhart#kitty forman#laurie forman#red forman#steven hyde#Fez#michael kelso#midge pinciotti#buddy morgan
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Chapter eight: Dazed and Confused
Eric Forman’s living room
“Eric” the name echoed through the void of sleep. “Eric” another echoing voice and then Eric’s eyes slowly opened and he looked around the room, groaning a little and sitting up. “Eric lunch is ready” Eric’s eyes shot open as he recognized the voice, that annoying bitchy voice that he hadn’t heard in several weeks. “Laurie?” he asked and turned his head to his older sister who was sitting on the couch beside him.
He rubbed his eyes and looked again, there she was, sitting there, glowing blonde hair, bitchy smirk, and a white Denim jacket… a white denim jacket that he recognized but couldn’t put his finger on why. “Laurie you’re…”
“I’m what?” she looked at him and tilted her head then got up.
“You’re- nothing, never mind I just, had a really weird dream” Eric rubbed his head and tried to remember the dream but it was slowly slipping away from his memory.
“Whatever bro” Laurie got up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Eric in the living room alone. Now that he was alone he tried to remember his dream. Why couldn’t he remember? What time was it anyway?
He stood up and stretched, looking around. He was still tired, he shouldn’t have taken a nap, they always made him more tired than just staying awake, he didn’t even remember falling asleep, but here he was. After a little bit of thinking he decided to go in to the kitchen and eat lunch. He pushed the swinging door open and made his way over to the table, sitting down across from his sister.
Every time he looked at her he felt something but he couldn’t put his finger on it, he had never felt this way before, after all it was hard to feel this way for someone when you don’t know what you’re feeling. “Where are mom and dad?” Eric spoke and took a bite of his sandwich.
“They aren’t here right now, they’ll be back sometime” Laurie put a chip in her mouth and looked down at a magazine she was holding. After a bit of reading she looked across at Eric who was staring at her. “Don’t stare at me” she glared at him and he quickly averted his gaze down to his plate where half a sandwich sat, it tasted odd, like an aftertaste, even as he was eating it.
After he finished his food he got up and walked over to the sliding glass doors. “I’m gonna go find Donna” He started to open the door and Laurie grabbed his arm. “Little brother I think we should hang out today” Eric blinked and looked at her. “Us- hang out? Are you okay?” he asked and let go of the door handle.
“Of course, I’ve just got nothing to do and we don’t get enough sibling time, right?” Laurie smiled.
Something was definitely off about her. “Right, yeah I mean, if you say so” he raised an eyebrow and stepped past her to go to the living room again. When he pushed the door open he noticed everything was quiet, more so than he was used to it being. Soon Laurie was in the living room with him, turning the T.V on and sitting down.
“I’m gonna get something from my room, I’ll- I’ll be right down” Eric headed up the stairs before his sister could stop him, each step felt soft and almost wet but he was going on them so fast he didn’t think about it. When he got to his room he noticed the blue aura from the light and his lava lamp, they were much brighter and covered more of the room than he remembered.
He looked around the room and thought for a moment, forgetting what he came up for, that’s when he saw the brown leather jacket on his bed, suddenly he felt a pain in his nose and a memory of the arm sliding through the mud, he shook his head and looked at the jacket, which was clearly clean. Must have been part of his dream. But why was the jacket here in the first place? Did buddy leave it over?
He grabbed the jacket from the bed and realized why he came up here, he needed to return the jacket to buddy later and he came up to get it so he wouldn’t forget. “Yeah” he laughed and shook his head at the jacket before turning and heading back down stairs to sit on the couch across from Laurie.
“What’s the jacket for?” Laurie turned her nose up at the jacket.
“It’s a friends, he left it here and I gotta take it back to him” Eric replied and rolled his eyes. “so I should probably be doing that” he nodded along and Laurie looked at him. “Wouldn’t you rather stay here and watch whatever is on T.V?”
“I can do that anytime, what is up with you and wanting to hang out” Eric asked and Laurie smiled.
“Just to spend time together, we haven’t done enough of it” She smiled and leaned over, touching her finger to her brother’s nose.
Eric went cross eyed and pulled back. “No- no you never act like this, ever, what do you want?” he glared accusingly at her and she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Fine, I want the Vista Cruiser tonight” suddenly Eric felt another twinge of pain in his nose and this time a memory of Laurie asking him the same question but in the basement.
“the cruiser?” Eric about told her no but stopped, feeling that if he did he wouldn’t be able to forget about it, denying his sister of something she wanted wasn’t uncommon but this time he just couldn’t… wouldn’t say no. “Sure… I’ll just ask one of the gang if we can use their car”
Laurie smiled. “Thank you Eric” She stood up and looked at the T.V as one of the shows began to play music. “Hey, we should dance” She grinned at Eric and he gave her a confused look. “Dance? Isn’t that a little weird?” Eric asked and Laurie rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand and forcing him to stand up. “Oh shut up Eric, enjoy the weirdness of life and let me have this dance” She pulled him close and before he knew it he was dancing in the living room with his older sister, swinging back and forth and enjoying the moment.
He spun her around and pulled her back close, their gaze met and he froze, staring in to her crystal blue eyes. “Oh my God Eric” Laurie pulled away from her brother and grabbed a towel. “Your nose is bleeding” she patted the cloth up under his nose to stop the blood from running.
Bleeding, the word stuck in Eric’s mind and he held the rag up to his nose while Laurie asked if he was okay, he looked at her again and he knew what the feeling was, he knew what he had felt this entire time, it was a longing, a feeling he could only describe as missing someone and seeing them after a long time apart, and then it all came back to him why, telling Laurie she couldn’t use the car, the flashing lights and sirens filling the air as he watched paramedics wheel a body bag in to the ambulance, the sound of his mother crying, the feeling of tears burning his own eyes, the week of being an only child for the first time ever, every memory from the past two weeks flashed before him up until when he slid in the mud, dirtying the arm of the jacket.
His nose continued to bleed and the memory of what hit him, just as the bat did. He stepped back from the girl in front of him. “You- are not my sister” his headache got worse and he clinched his eyes shut for a moment.
“Eric what are you talking about? Are you okay?” Laurie took a step forward and Eric held his hand out. “No stay back! None of this is-“ he groaned in pain. “It isn’t real” the memory of the wooden bat slamming in to his face flooded his mind and his headache got worse.
“Eric calm down” Laurie tried to talk to him but he kept ignoring her and trying to think, then it hit him what else was so off about the house around him, it was dark, not a drop of light was coming from the open windows or glass door yet it was the middle of the day, the house should be filled with sunlight but instead it was pitch black outside, this was a dream.
“Eric” Laurie said again. “Eric please” she just kept talking but with time her voice distorted, almost getting… deeper?
“Eric” the house around him blurred and suddenly he was looking up at an old vine covered sign that read “Penny’s Supermarket” then his gaze fell on the curly haired guy kneeled above him. “Hyde?”
“Hey- yeah man, It’s me, I got you don’t worry man” Hyde helped Eric sit up.
“What are you- how did you…” Eric barely got words out; he still had a splitting headache. “Fuck…”
Hyde held Eric up against the Vista Cruiser and stayed by his side until he could stand up.
It was another couple minutes until Eric came too but when he did he started freaking out. “The killer! I saw him, he was in the woods he- he hit me with the bat and…” Eric leaned against the car and caught a glimpse of himself in the window, his face was covered in blood and so was the collar of his shirt, he was hit pretty hard but by the looks and feel of things he wasn’t hit hard enough for any long lasting damage to be done.
“Hyde how did you find me?” Eric rubbed his head and sat against the hood of the car.
“I followed you” Hyde took a seat next to his friend.
“You… followed me?” Eric looked at Hyde.
“Yeah, man you peeled out of the driveway and nearly ran a car off the road, of course I followed you” Hyde laughed a little.
“Why didn’t you follow me in to the woods? Help me face the killer?” Eric was getting a little excited and Hyde laid his hand on Eric’s shoulder. “I had to catch a ride, and by the time I found you, you were laying in the leaves covered in blood and passed out”
Eric nodded along and sighed. “He had Kelso’s suicide note.” Eric mentioned and blinked a few times, trying to fully get himself feeling better.
“Did you see who it was?” Hyde asked.
“No he was wearing some kind of… um ghost mask.” Eric looked around the parking lot and noticed that the only other car in the parking lot when he arrived was gone. “And he was driving a red car… I got the license plate number” Eric began digging in the jacket pocket. “It’s here somewhere...” it wasn’t, it was gone.
Eric sighed. “It’s gone, damn It” he shook his head and tried recall where it could have gone. “Did you see any pieces of paper in the woods when you found me?”
“Forman I was more worried about making sure you were alive” Hyde hopped off of the hood and helped Eric get down, making sure he had his balance after being out so long. “Come on, I’ll drive you home, you don’t look like you need to go to the hospital, your mom can probably fix you up” Hyde opened the passenger side door and helped Eric in.
When they got back to the house Eric got undressed out of the bloodied shirt and took a shower, cleaning off the sweat, mud and blood from his nose, while he was in the shower the thought of his dream crept back up, Laurie’s face, her voice… her movements, all things that he hadn’t seen for weeks and would never see again. Every second that he thought about dancing with her, or changing his mind and letting her have the car for the night… it hurt, it made his heart and stomach sink and his body feel cold despite the warm water pouring over him.
It wasn’t long before he broke down, falling against the shower wall and pushing the hair out of his eyes as he sobbed, everything hurt, mentally and physically. He couldn’t stop thinking about her being alive, her touch, and her annoying voice that he wished he could hear again… he had taken all of this for granted for 17 years, they fought all of the time and rarely had nice moments together and now she was gone. That dream gave him one last sliver of life with a big sister, and now it was gone too.
After he was out of the shower, after a good half hour or so of sitting on the floor crying, he got dressed and headed down stairs, rubbing his head because he still had a slight headache. After his mom had cleaned him up and made sure he wasn’t too horribly injured she asked him what had happened, he lied and told her that he tripped, Hyde backed him up and while Kitty didn’t quite believe them she accepted the tale.
When Eric sat down on the couch he looked to the side of him half expecting to see Laurie sitting across from him, yet all he saw was the empty seat. He sighed and took a big gulp to suppress the feeling of a closed throat. This was real life and he had to accept that, even if he didn’t want to.
Eric stood up and went outside to get a breath of fresh air, everything around him was hell, one direction was the street that Buddy’s car blew up, the other direction lead to the woods that Laurie was murdered in, his entire life felt like it was falling apart, he almost wished he had been killed when the bat hit him, but he hadn’t been, and here he was alive, having to go about his daily life.
“Eric, hey!” Donna came over from her house and grabbed Eric, “are you okay? Hyde told me what happened” she looked at her boyfriend’s bruised face and sad eyes, he looked horrible and it saddened her.
“Yeah- I’m fine, I mean I’ve got a bitch of a headache and I’ll never be able to wear that white shirt again but for the most part I’m fine.” Eric laughed, showing that he wasn’t that bad off. Donna laughed softly too. “That’s good, not the shirt, but that you’re fine.” She crossed her arms and stood beside him.
“So, Hyde told you what happened?” Eric asked and Donna nodded.
“Yeah, he said that you got hit in the face with a baseball bat” Donna giggled a little but overall she was being serious, she knew what happened with Eric could have gone way worse.
“Yeah, the killer offered me Kelso’s note and I believed him, like a dumbass” Eric rubbed his head and leaned against the Vista Cruiser next to Donna. “He tried to stab me but missed, I dropped the bat and I guess he grabbed it while I was running”
“What makes you so sure it was a he? Did you see his face, hear his voice?” Donna asked and Eric turned his head to look at her.
“What? No, he was quiet, but he was pretty big and, a girl killer? That’s just crazy talk” he rolled his eyes and Donna looked at him. “Oh, Really? You don’t think a girl could be the killer?”
“I mean maybe but it’s unlikely.” Eric shrugged. “Are you admitting that you’re the killer?” Donna punched him. “No Dillhole I’m just telling you we shouldn’t focus our search on only guys, the killer could be anyone”
“Yeah I guess so, but the person I saw in the woods was most definitely masculine,” Eric looked up at the sky and then down at his feet. “Anyway, wanna go to the hub?” he asked and Donna nodded “yeah that sounds great” she walked over to the passenger side to get in so they could go to the hub.
The rest of the day passed quickly and it was getting dark, Donna and Eric were back at Eric’s house, sitting on the couch in the basement huddled close to each other, across from them was Hyde and that’s how it would be for the rest of the night, Jackie didn’t feel like coming over and Fez was still on house lock-down, as things got worse they were glad Fez was safe at home, though they hadn’t checked on him in almost a week.
the sound of the television was the only noise in the room, none of the kids felt like talking, and that’s how it stayed until Donna went home and the boys told her goodbye, once she was gone Hyde retreated to his basement-bedroom and Eric went upstairs to his bedroom where he lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling, the thoughts of that dream he had filling his mind and causing tears to fill his eyes, this wasn’t the first time he had cried himself to sleep and it most definitely wouldn’t be the last time, he was never gonna be fully over the death of Laurie or Kelso, and the dream he had earlier that day didn’t make anything better, in fact it only made them worse.
The next day went by like any other, in fact it was one of the most calm days that had gone by in weeks, he and Hyde were the only ones that sat in the basement, as Donna was busy doing something with her parents, Jackie was at cheerleader practice all day, and Fez was still on house lock-down by his host parents.
Eric hated how things were with fez, if anything fez needed his friends but they couldn’t even be there for him. The only good thing to come out of it was that Fez was safe, if he didn’t leave his house the killer couldn’t get to him. Because of that Eric accepted not seeing fez, things may calm down when the killer was caught, but until then things would be Fezless for awhile.
The day passed, then the next, and the next… and then a week had gone by, no other deaths, everything was like it had been before everything went to hell, it was almost normal until Eric saw his father walking down the stairs with a box of some of Laurie’s things. “What’s that?” Eric sat up and looked at the box. “Are those Laurie’s clothes?” he stood up and his father nodded. “It’s been three weeks Eric… there’s no point in leaving her stuff in there”
“Dad we can’t- no, not yet… wait just a few more weeks” Eric didn’t wanna see Laurie’s room change, it would only confirm the thought that she was actually gone and he wasn’t ready for that “just…” Eric didn’t know what to say without sounding like an idiot.
“Eric your mother feels the same way but we need to do this, to move on.” Red laid the box down and Eric shook his head. “we’ll move on when we’re ready and three weeks isn’t enough time” Eric left the living room and headed up to the bedroom that once belonged to his sister, inside was his mother who was sitting on the bed crying. Eric took a seat next to her. “We don’t have to move anything yet mom” Eric hugged his mom and looked around the room. It was so empty even with everything in it.
Even when Laurie was away the room had never felt this empty. It saddened him and he didn’t wanna see it get any emptier, he didn’t wanna see it change in any way at all. He rarely stood up to his father but this time he knew he couldn’t let this room change, not for a long time.
#Eric Forman#Kitty Forman#Red Forman#Laurie Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Tina Pinciotti#Jackie Burkhart#Steven Hyde#Michael Kelso#Fez#Buddy Morgan#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#Chapter eight: Dazed and Confused#Chapter eight#Dazed and Confused
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Chapter seven: Time gone by
1 week from Steven Hyde’s arrest.
Eric paced the drive way of his house, it had been a week since Hyde was taken in and nothing had happened, which was good in a way, no one had died yet but that just gave the police more reason to keep him locked up, which wasn’t good. Maybe something bad would happen that wasn’t murder, someone would be attacked but make it out to tell the tale.
His train of thought was disrupted by a distant clap of noise, he jumped a little and looked around to see if he could see any smoke or hopefully just the fading colors of a firework set off by some teens, he didn’t know but tried not to let it worry him too much until he knew what was going on.
Red came out from the back door, also noticing the loud noise, knowing that his dad had heard the noise also concerned him until he realized that he couldn’t hear his dad very well, he thought for a moment and it came to his attention that the reason he couldn’t hear his dad was from the loud ringing filling his ears. He blinked a few times and waited for the ringing to fade. When it did he heard his dad asking if he knew where the noise came from. Before Eric could answer they saw a puff of black smoke rising from the next street over.
Both men moved their gaze from the smoke down to the ambulance and police cruiser that sped past them, Eric watched them speed by and then took off running in the direction of the smoke, now that he was gripping hold of the situation he knew he had to check on whatever happened. It could be one of his friends… he didn’t wanna think about losing another loved one, he had already lost two people. He sped up his pace and rounded the corner.
There in the middle of the road was a red Trans Am, fire and smoke billowing out of the engine and, the hood was laying upside down across the road; Eric felt his heart drop as it came to him that the car in front of him was Buddy’s. Quickly he bolted over to the burning vehicle where he saw several firemen trying to put the flames out. He noticed Buddy’s Jacket lying on the open trunk; it wasn’t burned up, though it did have a few marks from where flame had licked it. He grabbed the jacket without anyone noticing and rolled it up under his arm, he wasn’t gonna let it get any more harmed or taken in for evidence, never to be seen or worn again.
When the flames were gone he got closer to the front, noticing that Buddy wasn’t in the car. He looked towards the ambulance where he saw them loading a very badly injured Buddy in to the back. “Hey! Hey wait” Eric held his hand out and ran up to the ambulance. “Let me ride with him- please” the paramedics looked at the teenager with tears running down his cheeks then nodded, helping him in and shutting the doors. Soon they were on their way to the hospital, one badly burned teenager on a gurney and another sitting to the side crying and praying that everything would be fine.
“Please don’t die, please” Eric couldn’t do anything but talk, Buddy’s hands seemed to be the worst. “What happened?” Eric asked the paramedic nearest to him, he didn’t get a reply so he spoke again. “How the hell did this happen?” he was choking back tears and the man next to him finally spoke. “It looks like he was working on the engine when it went up in flames.” That was all he said, leaving Eric to guess everything else based around that fact. It did explain why buddy’s hands and arms were so badly burned.
When they arrived at the hospital he watched as Buddy was rushed inside by nurses and Doctors. Slowly he got out of the ambulance and let them close the doors. He had never seen anything this gruesome in real life, plenty of movies had shown it but this wasn’t a movie, and it put the fake blood and make up to shame. When the ambulance moved Eric saw Red getting out of the Vista Cruiser and walking over to him. He knew his dad had seen stuff like this before, he had been to war. But this wasn’t war; this was Point Place, a small town where nothing bad ever happened. “Eric” his father spoke. Eric didn’t reply, he just stood there in front of the hospital, frozen.
Red escorted his son to the station wagon where he then sat him in the passenger seat. “Stay right here, I’m gonna go in and find out what happened and then we are headed straight for the police station.” Eric nodded and Red shut the car door then began walking towards the glass doors of the hospital.
Jackie and Donna both sat in the basement wondering what they heard and waiting for Eric to come down to tell them but he never did, no one did. So they decided to investigate for themselves, going upstairs and in to the driveway. They both noticed the Vista Cruiser was missing then noticed the fading smoke that filled the sky. “Holy shit” Donna mumbled and started walking towards the smoke, she had to find out what had happened, then she felt her stomach drop. Could it be Eric? “Jackie that could be Eric” Donna worriedly said and Jackie’s eyes widened. “We gotta check” Jackie and Donna both started hurriedly walking towards the smoke.
When they rounded the corner they saw the road was tapped off and officers were everywhere, on the ground were car parts and burn marks, finally the girls caught sight of the red Trans Am being pulled up on to a tow truck. “That’s Buddy’s Car” Donna whispered to Jackie.
“Oh my god… where’s Buddy?” Jackie looked around but didn’t see him.
“They must have already rushed him away… the hospital. That must be where Eric went, and where Buddy is” Donna turned to Jackie. “Should we wait or go find out what’s happening?”
“I think we should stay… sit by the phone and wait for Eric to call or get back…” Jackie rubbed her arm.
“We don’t wanna complicate things” Donna nodded and they started their way back to the basement of the Forman’s house. They just needed to wait for Eric to get back and everything would be explained. “If what happened was intentional this could mean Hyde is innocent and they’ll let him go” Donna scratched the back of her neck and tried to think on the bright side.
It wasn’t for another hour until the girls heard the rumble of the Vista Cruiser pulling in to the driveway. Soon after Eric walked in carrying a brown leather jacket in one hand. and sat down beside Donna. “I suppose you know what happened?” he spoke and looked at Donna.
“Yeah…” Donna spoke and then Jackie “not all of it but we got the idea”
Eric sighed. “Buddy is in critical condition… he may lose his right hand. That is if he makes it” Eric gripped the jacket that was lying in his lap. “I didn’t hear much but it doesn’t sound like an accident… Dad went and talked to the police, he told me Hyde will be let out tomorrow if they find any supporting evidence that what happened was on purpose”
Donna wanted to be excited about Hyde but hearing about buddy made her feel sick to her stomach. “is that..” she motioned to the jacket in Eric’s lap and he nodded. “It was on the back of the car… I grabbed it before the cops got it” he leaned against Donna. “Seeing Buddy that way was… horrible… he must have been right next to the engine when it went up in flames.”
Donna pulled Eric against her and Jackie moved to sit on the other side of him. He was clearly very upset and was barely holding it all in. “Steven is getting out and Buddy isn’t…. He can recover” Jackie tried to comfort Eric. “Yeah… think about it that way, Buddy is still alive, it’ll be okay”
The girls spent the next half hour talking with Eric and trying to make the situation better, even if Jackie did make some comments that weren’t quite appropriate for the moment she didn’t mean anything bad by them. The rest of the night went as any night would except only three kids sat huddled together on the couch instead of six all spread out. It was the same but at the same time very different. And tomorrow night Hyde would be with them again.
Soon Jackie got up and headed home, saying goodbye to Donna and Eric, giving them each a hug before getting in her father’s car. She had called him before leaving because she didn’t wanna trouble Eric or Donna with driving her home.
The next day while Eric was sitting in the living room he heard the door click, he turned his head and watched as it opened to reveal Hyde and Red. “Hyde Oh my god they actually let you out” he stood up and walked over to his best friend.
“Yup, they said something happened and it proved me innocent.” Hyde shrugged and Eric tried to keep his voice from cracking. “Hyde… Buddy’s car went up in flames and he’s in the hospital.” Hyde’s expression fell and he looked at the seriousness on his best friends face. “oh crap” he walked over to the couch and sat down, putting his hands over his face. “Are you being serious?” he turned to look up at Eric, who solemnly nodded and took a seat beside him.
“I’m sorry to hear… I guess it was an intentional attack” Hyde asked, but said it in more of a statement rather than a question.
“That’s what they’re saying, and they let you out so they must think something of it” Eric answered anyway and they both sat in silence for a moment.
After looking back to see if Red was still in the room, which he wasn’t Hyde turned to Eric. “I’ve got a stash stored in the basement” he motioned in the direction of the basement stairs. “Wanna go light it?”
“Hell yeah I do, let’s go” the teens stood up from the couch and quickly headed towards the basement to go get stoned, neither of them had participated in getting high in several weeks so it was quite a relief for both of them to light up and sit down across from each other at the small wooden table.
“It’s been too long man” Eric coughed and looked at Hyde.
“I know what you mean man” Hyde smiled a little as he let the high drag him away from reality. “Being in jail is the perfect time to do this but you can’t, it was horrible” Hyde laughed a little and Eric did too.
“You two are idiots” Donna laughed and Eric quickly turned his attention towards the girl sitting beside him.
“Whoa- Donna when did you get here” Eric asked and then turned his gaze to Jackie.
“The same time I did.” Jackie laughed which caused the whole group to laugh. Both boys must have been really out of it to not notice the girls sit down across from each other between them.
“So I heard they’ve got this car, and it runs on water man” Hyde smiled and the others rolled their eyes.
“Steven, you’ve told us that before” Jackie glared at the curly haired stoner while Donna and Eric sat back and laughed. The rest of the morning went like this with the four friends arguing and laughing and inhaling the smoke. Finally they decided it was time to air the place out and sober up before any of the adults found them.
Kitty laid lunch on the table and called down to the basement for the kids to come up and eat. After she had called, without waiting for reply she walked back over to the table and sat down next to Red. Soon the 4 teenagers were coming in to the kitchen and taking seats around the table. Eric and Hyde had been in the circle the longest and were definitely still high so they stayed quiet so Red and Kitty wouldn’t notice. Eating their lunch as if they had been starved for days almost gave them away but Kitty chalked it up to them being teenage boys and how they were always really hungry.
Donna and Jackie tried to contain their giggles as they watched their friends try to hide being stoned. The boys, all of the teens deserved, needed the high though, times were rough and being high made them forget the tragedies around them.
Red glared at the two boys but didn’t say anything, he knew they had been smoking, he didn’t like it but he would allow it for the time being because of the events that occurred the day before. “Say, Eric. I think the gutter needs to be cleaned out, think you could do that?” He finally spoke and Eric blinked a few times, processing his father’s words. “The um- yeah the gutters… clean, yeah” Eric blinked again and managed to get the words out.
Red glared straight at Eric. “Yes, the gutters need to be cleaned so after lunch I expect you to do that” he brought his beer up to his mouth and took a sip then laid it back down, Eric nodded and finished the last of the food on his plate. “Okay- yeah I’ll do that” He stood up and took his plate to the kitchen sink, grabbing a sponge to wash it. He stared at the sponge and squeezed it, amused by the water that squished out of it. He shook his head and began to scrub the plate, once again being amused by the soft squishy sponge.
“Steven” Red turned his attention to the other stoned teenager. “I know you just got out of jail.” Red stuck a carrot on his plate with his fork and brought it up to his mouth. “so, I’m asking you, please stay low, don’t be a dumbass because If they take you back in they might just not let you out again” he pointed his fork at him and Hyde nodded. “Don’t worry Mr. Forman. I’ve got it aaaall planned out, trust me” Hyde nodded and crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair he was sitting in.
When Eric was done with washing the plate, which took about 5 minutes longer than it should have, Donna Followed him out while Hyde and Jackie finished lunch. Soon enough they were outside with other two, staring up at the gutters. Eric was too high to focus so he just stood there looking up. “I gotta like… clean those, man..” he said and the others nodded.
“Yeah” Donna laughed softly. “You so do” she laughed again and stood next to her boyfriend with her arms crossed.
“Hey guys, I forgot to mention” Jackie stepped up. “I was gonna tell you when we got to the basement but well… you two were high” she looked at Eric and Hyde then at Donna. “Daddy says he couldn’t get the note, says that it’s gone missing.” Eric and Donna turned to face Jackie.
“Missing?” Donna spoke. “Like, someone took it or- “Eric cut Donna off. “The police lost it? Or are they covering up so that no one else sees it, what’s on that slip of paper that they don’t want us to see?”
“I don’t know man but whatever it is it must be important, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the fuzz in this town care this much about something as little as a piece of paper.”
The four friends stood facing each other as they talked about the note. “There’s gotta be some way to get that note” Eric paced back and forth, rubbing his chin and thinking.
Donna looked at her watch and sighed. “well- I promised my dad I’d help him with something in about 5 minutes so I should be doing that” She smiled and gave Eric a soft kiss and said goodbye. Once she was gone Eric was back to staring at the gutters, no one else said anything and eventually Jackie and Hyde had both went on their own ways also. Leaving Eric alone to think. That’s when he noticed the piece of paper stuck under the windshield wiper of the Vista Cruiser. He raised an eye brow and walked over to the car, pulling the paper out and unfolding it.
“If you want your friends Suicide note meet me at 2:00 PM in the woods behind the old supermarket, up the hill and back until you see an old stop sign half embedded in the side of a tree. -nobody “
Eric read the note several times then stuffed it in his pocket and jogged inside, looking at his watch as he did so. It was half past one O’clock already and he knew he needed to follow the instructions, that note was vital to figuring out who the killer was.
Once in his room he grabbed Buddy’s leather jacket, pulling it on. It fit him nicely, next he grabbed a wooden baseball bat from the corner of his room, and a flashlight just in case. After he got his gear he bolted down stairs and out to the car, ignoring his parent’s questions and leaving the sliding door open. He started the car and pulled out of the drive, nearly hitting another car as he sped out. It didn’t matter who was in the car but he could have sworn they were wearing a mask. He shook his head and decided he was probably still a little high.
The radio blared out Led Zeppelin as Eric sped down the road, screeching the tires as he made a turn. He was on a mission and he needed to complete it, He was Luke Skywalker and getting this note was gonna help him blow up the Death Star, “Yeah!” Eric shouted as he skidded the car past the decaying shell of the old supermarket, he pulled to a stop at the edge of the woods and got out, he grabbed the bat and shut the door, that’s when he noticed the car haphazardly parked a few spaces away from his, that was the same car he cut off earlier… he looked at it and made sure no one was in it before walking over and writing down the license plate on a receipt he found in the pocket of Buddy’s jacket.
After he was done he started climbing the trail up in to the woods, he was fully secluded by tall trees. Everywhere he looked was just an endless line of pines. Finally he spotted the red sign sticking out of a large maple tree. “Okay.” He called out. “I’m here“ he gripped the bat tightly in his hands and looked around. “Come out man” he called again and looked around him, waiting for someone to walk out.
A few moments of silence and he saw it, a hooded figure wearing an old white ghost mask and a plain black pull over Hoodie. The figure didn’t speak, only held out the note. Eric reached out for it and the figure pulled back, and swung his arm up to reveal a large kitchen knife, he swung it towards Eric but he dodged and stumbled back. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted this!” Eric’s voice cracked and he swung the bat in to the Figures stomach, knocking him over but also knocking the bat out of his scrawny teenage hands.
The bat hit the soft leaves at the same time as the figure did and Eric took a step back. He lost his only weapon. “shit- shit shit shit” he took off running, not sure which direction was back to the parking lot. He was gonna get himself lost in the woods with a killer. He continued to run until he tripped over a root and scrapped his knee, tearing his jeans and getting the right arm of the leather jacket muddy. “Fuck!” he stumbled to his feet and wiped himself off, starting to run again, he was starting to get tired but he didn’t care, he had to get away.
There was a psycho in a Halloween mask chasing him and if he didn’t get away he would be the next victim, then his friends would never get the Note and he would be dead. When he looked up from his feet he saw the figure standing by a tree, bat in hand. “Oh Crap!” Eric tried to stop by digging his heels in to the mud but he didn’t stop in time, the hooded figured raised the bat right as Eric came sliding by. He swung it and the last thing Eric saw was the wood of the bat getting closer to his face, then everything was black.
#Eric Forman#Red Forman#Kitty Forman#Laurie Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Michael Kelso#Steven Hyde#Jackie Burkhart#Buddy Morgan#Fez#that 70s slasher#that 70s show#chapter seven#chapter 7: Time gone by#Time gone by
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Chapter Six: Locked up.
Eric Forman’s driveway
Eric watched the cop car leave the driveway with his Best friend in the back. “Hyde didn’t- they’ve got something wrong, they’ve gotten something wrong they had to, right?” he turned to look at Buddy who was just as confused as Eric, everything was happening so fast, which meant that maybe the killer would be caught just as quick.
Eric turned and ran in to the house to get his father, who he found in the living room, sitting in his olive green chair, reading the Newspaper. “Dad” Eric said excitedly as he busted in to the room. “Hyde’s been arrested” He came to a stop in front of the chair as he finished talking, waiting for his dad to reply.
“Arrested? For what” Red laid his Newspaper down and sat up. “What did he get himself in to?” Red spoke in an annoyed tone.
“They think he killed Kelso” Eric’s voice cracked and Red stood up and made his way to the door, grabbing the keys to the Toyota from his pocket. “Stay here, I’m gonna go talk to them” Eric followed his dad out to the car. “Dad wait, let me come, I can help”
Red looked at his son and shook his head. “If they want you to come in I will call, for now it’s best if you just stay here and wait”
Eric stood still as his dad drove off to go take care of the situation, everything was getting worse, it was like a disgusting nightmare and Eric felt like he was never gonna wake up, he knew he never would because this wasn’t a nightmare, it was real life.
He jumped at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder; he turned to see Buddy standing behind him. “Hey, I know how everything is going right now, and I believe that Hyde is innocent, we just gotta wait.” Buddy gave his friend a reassuring smile and Eric nodded, stuffing his hands in to the pockets of his jeans. “We should probably go down and tell Donna what happened” he sighed and Buddy agreed, following the scrawny teen towards the basement door.
Donna turned her head as the two boys entered from the outside door, when Hyde didn’t enter behind them she sat up a bit more in confusion. “Hey guys” she waited a moment more just in case, but when the two sat down and Hyde still hadn’t followed she decided to ask.
“Where’s Hyde?” she didn’t wanna sound worried so she kept her voice fairly upbeat.
“That’s actually what we came down here to talk about” Eric said and Buddy nodded. “Hyde was just arrested” he spoke again and Donna’s eyes widened.
“Arrested? For what- hold on… Eric, are you being serious?” Donna’s concern rose in her tone.
“They think he’s the killer” this time Buddy spoke up and Donna started shaking her head. “No- no that’s not right, Hyde can’t be- he isn’t the killer” Donna was actively worried at this point.
“Yeah- we know that, and my dad is currently headed to the police station to work this out… but what we believe isn’t gonna hold up to what they think, they’re the cops.” Eric leaned back beside Donna and tried to think of what to say.
Donna sat in silence trying to think of how they could prove that Hyde wasn’t the killer then it hit her. “What about the suicide letter” the two boys turned their heads to look at her in confusion. “Guys if that letter was written by the killer it could prove it’s not Hyde because it wouldn’t be in his handwriting!” Donna said excitedly.
“Donna that’s a great idea” “Great thinking Donna”
Eric and Buddy spoke at the same time but Donna understood them as if they had spoken separately. “We need to call Jackie, tell her that note could have a huge play in whether Hyde gets out of jail or not”
“Jackie doesn’t even know that Hyde has been arrested, maybe we should tell her first” Eric spoke and Donna agreed “Right, I didn’t think of that”
A moment of talking later and the three decided it would be best to tell Jackie in person, so they all got up and headed outside, deciding to take the Trans AM, as it was already facing the road and ready to go. It wasn’t the best for three people but they did all fit and it got them too Jackie’s house quick enough.
When they arrived they tried to walk up to the door as calmly as possible, they didn’t wanna make this situation any worse than it already was. Eric knocked and after a moment of waiting Jackie answered and looked at her friends, and Buddy.
“Hey, what are- all of you, doing here?” Jackie asked, mainly curious about Buddy, but also a little curious about Eric and Donna.
“Jackie” Donna spoke first.
“Hyde was just arrested, they think he’s the killer” Eric explained what was going on and waited for Jackie to say something.
Jackie blinked at the two. “No way- Steven would never—“ Eric cut her off. “We know he wouldn’t that’s why we need you to try extra hard to see if your dad can get that note, it could prove Hyde’s innocence.”
Jackie rubbed her arm and nodded. “Of course, right. I haven’t talked to him yet but as soon as he gets home from work I’ll try my best to get that letter, so much has already happened to us, to Steven, and he doesn’t need to be locked up falsely” everyone agreed that what she was saying was true, because it was. so many horrible things had already happened and Hyde being in jail wasn’t something anyone needed.
While the four friends talked about what was going on, Fez was held up in his room, in bed as he had been for awhile, he was unaware that his friend Kelso, had passed away, thus all of his emotions were still sadness from Laurie’s death and annoyance with his host parents for not letting him see his friends.
While he was sulking away he heard the slight murmur of the television in the living room down stairs, he couldn’t hear it well but it was playing loud enough that he caught a few words. “Sad” “hanging” and “Death of” quickly he threw the blankets off of himself and ran down the stairs, nearly slipping on the way down, he was scared, had someone else been murdered? Was it someone he knew?
He stumbled in to the living room where he saw a picture of his dear friend, Michael Kelso. His eyes began to fill with tears as the news reporter talked about the supposed suicide of the teenager, Fez couldn’t believe what he was seeing, but there it was. Kelso had committed suicide, but why? Didn’t he just invite them to the water tower a few hours ago? Was this why? He couldn’t figure it out, why would his friend want everyone to find his body like that.
He stood still in the middle of the room just staring at the T.V even after the News had already moved on from the story, he couldn’t bring himself to move until he nearly fell over, catching himself and bringing his mind back to reality, no longer frozen in shock he took a step back, pushing his hands up through his hair slowly, he was falling apart, his life was falling apart and both of his host parents just- watched, as if his friends death didn’t matter, as if his feelings didn’t matter. He watched them stare blankly before turning and running back towards the stairs, he felt so afraid, and alone.
As he was hurrying up the stairs he tripped, hitting his elbow which struck pain throughout his entire body but took his mind off of his sadness, was that possible, adding physical pain to lessen mental pain? He got back to his feet and finished his trek towards his room, locking the door when he got there. The bruise on his elbow still stung when he touched it, so he touched it over and over, a bit harder each time, sending a shiver of pain through him and making him forget the pain he was feeling from seeing the News story.
After awhile the pain of jabbing the bruise started to fade and he felt his throat close and his chest tighten, he was back to thinking about Kelso’s death, he had to find some way to suppress that again, a way to feel a different kind of pain, so he started rummaging through his draws and closet, trying to find something, to no avail he sat down on his bed, then laid on his side and curled up, trying not to cry but failing as tears poured from his eyes.
Nearly a full 3 minutes of straight crying and fez finally stopped, sniffling and noticing the pocket knife laying on his night stand, it was one Kelso had left one day a few weeks ago, when everything was normal… slowly he reached out and grabbed the knife, sitting up and opening it, looking at his reflection in the chrome blade, he sniffled again as he remembered the day that Kelso had left it, that was such a happy day but now it made him sad, that horrible tightening of the chest was back so he did what he hoped would help, he took the blade of the knife and poked his finger, drawing blood. “Aye!” he regretted the decision but it helped ease the feeling in his chest so he did it again, on a different finger, drawing another drop of blood and another yelp, then again, until all of the fingers on his left hand were dripping. He swapped hands and began to poke each finger on his right hand, he was used to the pain now, it still hurt but he could bare it, no more yelps, just little winces as the tip of the blade punctured the skin.
It hurt, but it made him stop thinking about what was happening so he accepted the pain. Finally all of his fingers had been pricked and he didn’t have any more to stab, he had to try something else, the thought of Kelso was creeping back up and he had to stop it, so he took the knife, set the blade against his upper forearm and drug it across, creating a small cut. He winced and clenched his teeth as the thought of Kelso dissolved back in to the void. He did it again, running the sharp edge a bit lower and creating another line of crimson.
He went on like this for a few more minutes, creating small cuts up and down his arm and watching the blood trickle out. It was so painful yet calming in a sense. After awhile he stopped, he had created enough marks for the time being and was no longer nearly as sad as he was before he hit his elbow, it was unusual how much peace the pain brought, but it worked.
He knew he couldn’t leave the blood so he grabbed an old towel from his hamper and wiped the crimson fluid off of his arm and the knife. after the knife was clean he closed it and stuck it in a drawer then went back to wiping his arm, eventually he made his way to the bedroom and washed the cuts off, dabbing them with the towel again to finish cleaning, next he pulled a button up shirt on to hide the wounds so nobody would ask about them, he knew everyone, especially his host parents, wouldn’t be happy with what he was doing, even if it helped him stay calm, though it was a new way of dealing with things, he would probably be using the method much more from this point on.
He thought about the cuts, the bruise, the small pricks on each finger tip, they all hurt, in a good way, putting the vinyl on the player caused his finger tips to sting and laying down in his bed cause his bruise and cuts to ache but he didn’t care, he just pulled the blanket up to his head and let the music drag him away from everything.
Eric, Donna, and Buddy all headed back to Eric’s house to wait, Jackie’s dad had arrived and they figured it would be best to let Jackie and her father have time to talk, it might give Jackie a better chance at convincing her dad to help them get that note.
On the way back Buddy noticed something was off about his car but it wasn’t affecting the driving so he decided to wait to check on it until later when he didn’t have Donna and Eric with him, the car seemed fine for the moment and probably just needed a fluid check.
When Red arrived at the police station he got out and made his way in, looking around as he got up to the front desk. “I need to speak to whoever thought Steven Hyde murdered those kids” Red spoke sternly and the guy looked up at him. “Sir we all think that, it’s pretty obvious he did it” he half chuckled and started to look back down at what he was doing when red grabbed him by the collar causing a few people to look. “Who issued the arrest warrant, dumbass. I’ve known that boy since he was little, he didn’t kill anybody” Red let go of the man’s collar, letting him drop back in to his seat.
“Right, okay um” he got up and made his way in to a back office, leaving Red to wait. When he got back the sheriff was with him. “Red” the sheriff spoke and motioned for him to come back to his office, Red followed and they sat down across from each other at the desk.
It was quiet other than the sheriff shuffling some papers in to place. “We have evidence that Steven killed, or assisted in the killing of Michael Kelso” he broke the silence and intertwined his fingers while he looked at Red. “I know that must be hard to hear, my men have had many run-ins with him and we know how close he and your son Eric are.” The sheriff sighed
“Listen here, I know what this may look like, but I also know that Steven wouldn’t kill one of his best friends” Red laid his hand on the table. “What evidence is it you have to go on exactly?”
“We found his finger Prints on the paint can” that was the easiest and most reliable source they had, so they were going with it.
“That’s your proof?” Red said with an annoyed tone. “those dumbass’s were always using those spray cans, you can probably find Eric’s prints there too, almost every time they steal stuff it’s from my garage so you could probably even find my prints if you looked hard enough”
“Steven Hyde and Michael Kelso’s sprints were the freshest on the can, and considering Michael is the one we had to pull down its safe to assume Steven had the can last.” The Sheriff moved one hand up to scratch his head. “If he isn’t the killer, we will know in due time” he looked at Red. “Another body will eventually show up and Steven will be let free, or nothing will happen and he will be proven guilty” he gestured his hands outward and shrugged.
“So you are gonna let another teenager get murdered, just so you can know if Steven is innocent or not?” Red was about ready to punch the man sitting in front of him but getting himself put away with Steven wasn’t going to help anybody.
“We’re still keeping an eye out, keeping men on patrol, but right now we’re near positive that we have the killer locked up, now, are we done here?” he grabbed some papers from the side of his desk, waiting for Red to reply.
Red put his hands on his knees and sighed. “I wanna bail him out”
“I’m sorry Red, we can’t do that. And even if we could, I know your family. And you couldn’t afford it” He wrote something down and looked at Red with a stupid smile that made Red wanna start yelling.
“Can’t afford it? I’ll tell you what I can’t afford! My foot-“ the sheriff slammed his fist on the desk and cut red off. “I’m gonna stop you right there, you wouldn’t want me to throw you in the cell right next to the boy, would you?” Red didn’t say anything else as the sheriff spoke, then stood up. “Now, I’m gonna let you off with a warning because I know times are tough right now, both deaths have been very close to home for you, you’re on edge” he drug his hand down his face, leaving it on his chin for a moment, sighing before speaking again. “But because of that little outburst just now, this conversation is over and I’m going to have to ask you to please leave my office and go home, I don’t wanna complicate things so don’t force me to put you in cuffs”
Red grunted and walked out of the office and towards his car, everyone in Point Place was a dumbass, but these particular Dumbass’s were gonna get someone else killed all while locking up an innocent man.
When Red got back to his house he went straight for the kitchen to grab a beer. When he got the beer he closed the door to the fridge and turned around to see Eric standing in the doorway.
“Well?” Eric asked and took a seat at the breakfast table. “What did they say?” Red took a seat across from his son and sighed. “They won’t let him go” Red brought the beer to his lips and took a sip. “The sheriff is willing to risk another death to test if Steven is innocent or not”
Eric sat up. “That’s crazy, any one of us could die and all they care about is holding Hyde?” Eric was filled with fear and rage. “Dad there’s gotta be something we can do”
“I already tried bailing him out, they won’t let me, we just gotta wait a few days and hope they come to their senses” Red sipped the beer again and leaned back.
Eric stood up and pushed his hair back before making his way back down to the basement without saying anything else, he needed to talk to his friends about what was happening.
“Eric hey, did Red get Hyde out?” Donna turned to her boyfriend and he shook his head, sitting on the back of the couch. “They won’t give up on the idea that Hyde did it” Eric sighed. “Red told me that the sheriff said they were waiting to see if any more people got killed to truly know if Hyde is the killer”
“That’s Insane, it could be one of us- it could be one of his kids next and he’s gonna risk that?” Donna was furious. “Hyde didn’t kill anyone and now he’s locked up while some crazy person is out there waiting to take his next victim”
Eric nodded and listened to Donna rant until Buddy spoke and they both turned their heads towards him. “He’s safe at least” he stopped sucking at the Popsicle to speak. “The killer’s not gonna go in to the police station to kill someone so, let’s look on the bright side right? Hyde is protected.” While none of them wanted Hyde in jail. Buddy had a point.
“Yeah, that’s actually a good way of thinking…” Donna was starting to calm down, but not by much. “He’s still locked up though, and it’s a lose-lose situation, Either no one dies and they use that as proof or someone does die, and both are horrible outcomes” Donna looked at her feet and Eric moved to sit beside her, wrapping his arm around the redhead to reassure her, they all just needed to wait.
#Eric Forman#Laurie Forman#Red Forman#Kitty Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Tina Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Steven Hyde#Jackie Burkhart#Jack Burkhart#Michael Kelso#Buddy Morgan#trigger warning#trigger warning: self harm#self harm#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#chapter six#chapter six: locked up#locked up#cutting#trigger warning: cutting
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Next Chapter Warning.
Hey, everyone, its me, your beloved evil writer that keeps killing off all of your favorite characters. anyway, I am in the process of writing the next chapter right now, I know I haven’t made posts like this in the past but i feel i should for this chapter.
in this chapter there may be some upsetting scenes, so here is a trigger warning, if Cutting of the wrists or any form of self-harm triggers you, or upsets you, I would Highly suggest skipping most if not all of this chapter, as there is a large portion devoted to one of the characters learning that physical pain helps them forget about mental pain.
I didn’t go in to very much detail, but i did write enough to really show what was going on, it’s all part of the story to show how the mains are taking whats happening and I’m in no way trying to target or hurt anyone. while this story is about murder, loss and other horrible things I figured this is ground i should tread lightly on.
as i was saying, if this kind of thing is one of your triggers or hits close to home, its probably best to wait for the next chapter to release or at the very least, read with caution. thank you for taking notice to this warning, I hope everyone has a nice day and continues to enjoy this story. peace.
#cutting#self-harm#self-harm mention#cutting mention#trigger warning#upsetting content#That 70s slasher#that 70s show#Eric Forman#Red Forman#kitty forman#Laurie forman#Bob Pinciotti#Donna Pinciotti#Fez#Jackie Burkhart#Steven Hyde#Michael Kelso
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I’m, so sorry I’ve been abscent. I’m not dead, the story will continue I swear, I’ve just been very busy lately and haven’t had motivation to write.
The next chapter is being written at this moment and should be uploaded in the next week.
#eric forman#donna pinciotti#red forman#kitty forman#laurie forman#bob pinciotti#midge pinciotti#michael kelso#Steven Hyde#fez#that 70s slasher#that 70s show#fanfiction#jackie burkhart
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Chapter Five: Hangman.
Point Place Water tower.
Sirens whir loudly throughout the forest as police cruisers skid up beside the station wagon, in the back of one of the cruisers is Eric Forman, and his girlfriend Donna Pinciotti. They got out , heading up behind the officers to talk to Hyde. When they got back up the hill they stared blankly at the body of Michael Kelso, hanging from a noose, clearly dead for awhile now.
Two officers made their way up the ladder to get to the rope so they could pull the body up. It wasn’t until the officers had ascended the tower that the Teenagers, and officers, noticed the Spray painted words, half covering the green pot leaf; they messily read “IM SORRY”
“Why were you kids up here in the first place, this is private property” the sheriff turned to the three kids. Eric wanted to argue that it didn’t matter but he knew it would get him nowhere.
“Kelso told us to meet him here.” Donna Choked out. “We didn’t know this is what we would find…”
“And Kelso is-“ the sheriff was cut off. “Michael Kelso is the guy hanging from the water tower” Hyde spoke, and the officer nodded, understanding now.
“Sheriff we found a suicide letter” called out one of the officers who had helped gotten the body down, he had found the note sticking out of Kelso’s back pocket.
“Excuse me” the sheriff walked away from the teenagers and over to the officer holding the note. “What does it say?” he grabbed the piece of paper from the officer and began to read, stopping when Eric came up to him. “What does it say?”
The sheriff folded the note and stuck it in a baggy. “None of your concern, it’s evidence in the case.”
“What? No- we’re his friends we deserve to know what he wrote- he probably wrote it for us!” Eric reached for the bag and the officer reached down for his gun. “Stay back, you can read it when this case is over.” Eric glared at the officer as Donna and Hyde came up and talked him away from the situation.
“This is bullshit.” Eric spoke to his friends; they were being escorted to a police cruiser to be sent to the station so they could be questioned. “I know man, we have a right to know what our friend’s last words were!” Hyde yelled as the cop stuffed him in to the back seat, next they stuffed Eric and Donna in.
The car door slammed’ then the officer was driving the 3 distraught kids to the station. They understood why they were being questioned, they found the body. But it didn’t mean they liked it.
When they arrived, the officer escorted them in to a room, taking Eric in to the interrogation room first because he was the one who had called. An officer sat him down on the metal chair, then took a seat across from him.
Another officer outside called the Forman’s and the Pinciottis so that they would know what was going on, they told them that no one was in trouble at the moment and there was no need to worry, but they should still come down to pick up the children after they were done.
“We’re gonna start off with why you were at the water tower in the first place” the officer opened a flipbook and clicked his pen.
“Kelso called us… told us to meet him there” Eric twiddled his thumbs trying to stay calm. He already lost Laurie, and now Kelso. He didn’t know if he could take much more.
“Was Kelso a bad influence?” the officer asked as he wrote down Eric’s answer.
“What? No, we just wanted to hang out without my dad breathing down our necks.” Eric was eager to get out of the room so he was answering the questions as simple as he could.
“Do you know of any reasons why he would want to end his life so soon?” he yet again wrote Eric’s answer down.
“My sister just passed away a few days ago and he was- close with her” Eric nodded along, choking up a bit.
“So you’re Eric Forman… I’m sorry for your loss” he looked at Eric and wrote down the third answer.
“but- but Kelso wasn’t- he wasn’t like that… and he would’ve talked to us about how he was feeling” Eric stuttered out, he just couldn’t believe that Kelso would take his own life.
Before the officer could say anything else the door opened and another officer peaked in. “we’ve found something you might wanna know about” he nodded and stood up. “You’re free to go kid, when I come back I’ll be questioning your friends.” He dismissed Eric and walked off with the other cop, leaving the three friends alone.
“Forman” Hyde solemnly watched his best friend nearly fall in to a hug with Donna, a moment of silence and Eric had pulled away from the hug. “Do you guys believe that Kelso…” he stopped, not wanting to say the word because saying it would make things so much more real.
“I know what we saw, but there could be more” Donna said. She didn’t wanna believe Kelso was dead, but she especially didn’t wanna believe he had taken his own life, if the same murderer that killed Laurie had killed Kelso, she could get revenge, and though not by much, knowing that she could get revenge on the sick sack of shit that was doing this made her feel a little better.
“He left a suicide note… maybe if we can get a hold of that it could give us some clues?” Eric suggested.
“that’s a good idea man, but they won’t let us see it, or at least for awhile, and by the time we get our hands on it things could be worse” Hyde stuck his hands in his pockets and sighed.
“Jackie’s dad is pretty high up, right? Maybe Jackie could talk to him or something and get us that letter” Donna suggested and both boys agreed.
“We need the letter as quick as possible and you two have at least another hour before you’re let out…” Eric said. “I can talk to Jackie, see what she can get worked out.”
Donna and Hyde nodded and listened as Eric spoke. “Red should be here soon, and when he gets here I’ll have him take me to get the Cruiser, then I’ll head to Jackie’s” Eric spoke again, His father walking in to the station and up to the front desk right as Eric finished.
“Speak of the devil” Hyde said and pointed out to Eric that Red had just arrived.
Eric turned around to see his dad then quickly made his way over. “Dad- Dad I need you to take me back to the water tower, I had to leave the Vista Cruiser to come down here” he wiped a tear from his face before his dad saw.
“Eric I can get the Cruiser later, right now I need you to tell me what is going on.” Red grabbed Eric’s shoulders and looked at him.
“Dad- Kelso… hung himself from the water tower… and we found him.” Eric tried to stay calm as he spoke.
Red froze. “Eric- are you telling me, that Michael…” Eric nodded. “I am… so sorry,” Red actually sounded sympathetic, this entire week was showing a side of Red that Eric had never seen. “Come on, let’s get you home” Red turned to go out to the Toyota.
“What about the Vista Cruiser?” Eric asked.
“Eric I told you I would worry about that later.” Red was still stern, even if he was nicer about the situation.
“No dad- I-I need it-“ Eric stuttered.
“What for?” asked Red.
“I need to check on Jackie-“ Eric needed to do more than that but he couldn’t tell his father what he was up too.
“I’ll take you by her house, and wait outside, but with everything that’s going on, you don’t need to be alone and you definitely don’t need to be driving.” Red unlocked the car and got in, starting it and waiting for Eric.
While Eric would like to have his own car back, he would agree to Red’s terms for now, if it meant talking to Jackie and possibly getting that letter they found in Kelso’s Pocket.
When they pulled up to the large house Eric got out quickly and hurried up to the door, knocking and waiting for an answer. Jackie answered, wiping tears from her eyes and hugging Eric, he hugged back for a moment before pulling away. “Jackie, I need your help” Eric spoke and Jackie nodded. “y-yeah… sure, whatever y-you need Eric” She invited him in and they made their way in to the living room, sitting on the couch.
“Jackie, do you think your dad could get something from the police for us?” Eric cut straight to the point.
“He might… why… what do you need?” Jackie managed to answer clearly.
“Kelso left a letter… but the police confiscated it before any of us could read it” he scratched the back of his neck.
“He… he did?” Jackie felt her throat close up a bit.
“Yeah, he did… and we think there’s more to this… we, I think that whoever killed Laurie is the one who did this, and that letter may be our only proof.” Eric was very confident in his theory.
“So you… don’t think he…” Jackie leaned against Eric.
“No, He wasn’t that bad off and I know he still cared about you, there’s more to this and I will prove it” Eric rubbed Jackie’s arm softly to try and sooth her.
“Okay… yes I’ll talk to my dad a-and find out if he can get that letter… because if you are right, and this is the killers doing, I want him behind bars” Jackie sat up and looked at Eric. “Thank you for stopping by, can you tell Steven I wanna talk to him later?” she asked and Eric nodded. “Yeah… the police are questioning him and Donna, but when they’re out I’ll tell him to give you a call” Eric smiled softly.
They both looked at each other for a moment, silently thinking about everything that was going on. “Yeah I should be going… my dad’s waiting outside…” Eric stood up and motioned his hand towards the door.
“I’ll see you later Eric, thanks again…” Jackie walked him to the door and watched as he got in the orange Toyota with his dad, and drove off.
Finally the interrogation was over, Donna and Hyde were released and headed back with Donna’s parents, neither one of them liked the questioning but they dealt with it and got through it. They knew the cops were only trying to help solve this case. They didn’t respect the law but they respected their friends and the police were trying so they went along with it.
Back at the Forman’s house the Donna and Hyde talked. “I heard them talking on our way out.” Hyde spoke and Donna raised an eyebrow. “What did you hear?” she asked.
“They were saying that Kelso looked like he was struggling when he hung himself” he exclaimed.
“Struggling? Like with another person?” Donna asked and Hyde nodded.
“Yeah man, it sounds like they’re considering this a murder case” Hyde said.
“You guys have more information on what happened?” Donna and Hyde turned to look at Eric who had just come from the back door.
“Yeah man, the fuzz are saying this could be more than a suicide” Hyde said to Eric.
“And if we can get that letter he left, it could give us more details that only we would notice” Eric chimed in on the conversation, fully interested in it now. They were getting closer to knowing who the killer might be. As the three talked a red trans-am pulled up in front of the drive way, in it was Buddy Morgan, not someone they hung out with very much, but Eric knew him, the guy did try to kiss him after all, which wasn’t at all what he had expected, even so they had stayed acquaintances over the past year.
“What’s your boyfriend doing here” Hyde Joked and Eric glared back at him. “Real funny Hyde, real funny.”
“No seriously Eric, what is Buddy doing here?” Donna asked next.
“I didn’t know how long you two would be gone so I called buddy to give me a ride over to pick up the Cruiser” Eric answered and started walking backwards towards the car.
“So you’re just gonna run off to get the car?” Donna said, slightly annoyed but not mad.
“I’ll be back in half an hour, don’t worry” Eric turned and got in to the car. Donna rolled her eyes and followed Hyde in to the basement while Buddy and Eric drove to the water tower to get Eric’s car.
Donna and Hyde took a seat in their normal places in the basement after Hyde turned on the T.V. “Fez wasn’t there like he said he would” Hyde mentioned. “Did you notice that?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did. It’s probably his host parents or something” She shrugged it off.
“Yeah, or he’s the killer and didn’t show up because he didn’t want us to know” Hyde smirked and Donna punched him in the arm. “Don’t play like that, Fez isn’t the killer.” She rolled her eyes and watched the episode of Threes company that was playing.
Hyde laughed and rubbed his arm. “Whatever man, he’s the one that didn’t show up.”
Donna ignored Hyde’s comment and continued to watch the show, laughing at a joke the characters made, and making sure it was clear that she was laughing at the T.V and not at Hyde’s joke.
With everybody gone and all the current events going on the basement seemed very quiet and very dull, sort of depressing in away, this wasn’t how things were supposed to be but it was, so they had to deal with it, and they were a step closer to finding out who the killer was, and then maybe things would be normal again.
Bob and Midge sat at the breakfast Table, drinking a glass of wine each. “I just can’t believe Michael killed himself…” Midge shyly spoke.
“I know, he didn’t seem like the type, and I liked him… he reminded me of myself when I was his age” Bob sipped his wine and stared blankly at the table, Michael Kelso’s death was affecting more than just the teenagers of Point Place, it was affecting the adults too.
“Maybe we shouldn’t let Donna go out so much unless she has someone beside her at all times.” Midge suggested. “It’s not safe out there anymore and I don’t wanna lose Donna like we lost Tina…” She finished and sipped her wine.
“I like the Idea Midgey, but Donnas gonna do what Donnas gonna do, and she has Eric and that Steven kid with her Quite a bit, I will be keeping an eye out though, just in case” Bob reassured his wife and they went back to silent drinking.
When Eric and Buddy arrived they had to talk to a few officers still on the scene, eventually Eric got in and got to his car, pulling up beside Buddy before taking off. “Thanks for giving me a ride.” Eric nodded and Buddy nodded back. “No problem, I’ll meet you back at your house so we can talk for a little bit if you want?” Buddy asked and Eric shrugged, agreeing, they both took off, racing back to the main road, Buddy won but it was all in good fun.
When they got back to the house Eric pulled in to the drive way and buddy parked on the side of the road, leaving his car there and going up to Eric, leaning against the back of the car so they could talk.
Hyde looked up at the ceiling and got up. “I think I hear buddy’s car, I’m gonna go see if Eric got the cruiser back” he stood up and walked up the stairs leading to the kitchen while Donna continued to watch T.V
Once up and outside Hyde saw the Red trans-am and knew that Buddy was in fact here, he walked around the car, looking at it for a moment.
After a few minutes of talking the two boys saw Hyde round the corner, he looked a little annoyed but not much, he was still probably not happy that Eric and Buddy were hanging out. Eric believed in second chances though and had made it clear to buddy that they could stay friends if he didn’t try anything else.
As Hyde was walking up, a Police Cruiser pulled up in the drive way, two officers stepped out, guns in hand. “Put your hands in the air.” They called out. “Steven Hyde you are under arrest for the murder of Michael Kelso” Hyde slowly raised his hands above his head and Eric stood up from his leaning position on the station wagon. “Wait hold on, No- Hyde was with us… there’s no way-“
“We have finger prints on the spray can that was found below the crime scene along with other evidence.” The two officers cuffed Hyde and put him in to the back of the cruiser. “We’re very sorry, being betrayed by your own friend can be rough.” One officer said before they turned and got in to the car, pulling out of the drive way and speeding off, leaving Eric and Buddy standing in bewilderment of what had happened so quickly in front of them.
#Eric Forman#Red Forman#Kitty Forman#Laurie Forman#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Tina Pinciotti#Jackie Burkhart#Steven Hyde#Michael Kelso#Fez#Buddy Morgan#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#Chapter five#Hangman#Chapter five Hangman
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Chapter four: Jackie and the Burnout Foto hut, Point Place Wisconsin.
Jackie followed Hyde in to the small camera shop, looking around. “So, this is where you work” she commented on the place.
“Yeah, it gets me paid and all I really have to do is sit around all day. I can even leave sometimes, and I do” Hyde chuckled, taking a seat in his chair and picking up a magazine, it was his typical work day, which was boring, but doing anything else was boring and it didn’t get him paid.
“It’s got- uh… “Jackie wanted to be nice but truthfully she thought the place sucked, it was covered in a layer of dust, smelled like pot and was very cramped. “Well… character?” the young girl was trying to be less rude, being nice was hard though.
“The place is crappy, don’t worry about saying how you feel” Hyde never moved his eyes from the magazine as he spoke. “Leo should be here, but if he doesn’t show up we can probably just, play board games.” Hyde held his finger up. “No, I take that back, even if he shows up we can still probably play board games.”
Jackie nodded in response and leaned against the desk top, crossing her legs and taking in the different cameras around the room, then her eyes landed on Hyde, who wasn’t paying attention, she didn’t mean to but her eyes had landed on him and she couldn’t take them away, he was handsome, and cool, and though neither of them really ever said any good things about each other, he was nice. Maybe she was just dealing with her break-up with Michael by looking for someone new, or maybe she really was falling for the curly haired stoner.
After a moment of silence and awkward staring, Leo walked in. “hey man” he said to Hyde and then noticed Jackie. “Oh, hey man” he waved and took a seat next to Hyde. “Hey” Hyde said, only glancing up from the magazine for a moment.
“Whatcha readin?” Leo said and leaned in to look over Hyde’s shoulder. Hyde moved to avoid Leo, then handed him the magazine. “Here, enjoy, I’m gonna…” Hyde stepped back towards the door, looking at Jackie. “We’re gonna go-” he pursed his lips and pushed the door open.
“okay man, You’re the boss” Leo kept reading then stopped, “wait- I’m the boss, man, whatever, come back soon-“ Leo didn’t care what he was saying, he was just interested in his magazine.
The two teens quickly made their way out of the hut. “I’ve got the day off, wanna head back to Forman’s house?”
Jackie thought for a moment. “Hm, no, how about we go see a movie?”
Hyde nodded, knowing that no matter what he said Jackie would win in the end, she was like that. It annoyed him, but he was fine with it so he never let it get to him. “So what movie?” Hyde asked as he climbed in to Jackie’s car.
The rich girl thought for a moment then spoke. “I hadn’t gotten that far, why don’t we see what’s playing when we get there?”
“Jackie I am not driving all the way to Kenosha on the off chance that there is a movie we both wanna-“
“Steven, I know what movie is playing, I was just hoping you would be willing to go along simply to be with me” she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“Why would I wanna go simply to be with you?”
“Steven!” Jackie turned to look at him, noticing his playful smirk that was barely showing. “Do you wanna see the movie with me or not?”
“Sure, yeah. Whatever” Hyde put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot behind the Foto hut, Heading towards Kenosha. He would never admit it, but really the only reason he was going was because of Jackie.
Just a little while later the two were at the theater, settling down in their seats, the movie wasn’t one Hyde wanted to see, but he had nothing better to do, and to be honest he did enjoy most movies, even ones he claimed to hate. As the movie lingered on, he found himself really enjoying the plotline, the Male Lead reminded him of himself and the female lead- well, she reminded him of Jackie. The two were lovers in the movie, which he and Jackie most definitely, were not.
Finally the credits started to roll. It was an enjoyable movie, but still not his favorite type, and seeing two characters kissing, when they reminded him of him and Jackie wasn’t all that comfortable.
“Well Steven?” Jackie asked as they walked out of the theater, side by side.
“It was, well-” Hyde tried to think of a word for it. “Fine for what it was” he nodded, stopping by the car and looking at Jackie.
“Oh, well- I really liked it” Jackie smiled softly and they got in the car, looking at each other before Hyde turned it on. “Do you wanna head back or, go somewhere to eat- or something?”
“There’s this really cool old malt shop I’ve been to once with my parents, it’s really good, we should go there” Jackie said chirpily and Hyde agreed, pulling away from the theater and following Jackie’s directions.
When they pulled up to the small neon illuminated restaurant they noticed it was very vacant, aside from a waitress, it was open though, or at least the glowing ‘OPEN’ sign suggested so.
Hyde got out first, opening both the car door and the building door for Jackie. He may not like her… that much, but he would still be polite. She probably considered this a date, which she wouldn’t be wrong, this was very date-esk.
Once sat down, they each ordered a malt, why else would they come to a malt shop? “We should probably call the Forman’s… tell Eric we’re not Dead” said Jackie.
“Why would we do that? Forman probably isn’t worried all that much and we’ll be back before the night is through.” Hyde replied.
“Steven, his sister was just…” she gulped. “If he suspects the same of us…”
Hyde stood up, sighing, she was right. “I’ll go see if there’s a phone I can use.” Jackie nodded. Hyde doing this for her, for Eric, it made her feel a bit more content.
Hyde waited at the bar but noticed a phone on the wall in the back. No longer needing to ask, he walked over to the phone, digging in his pocket for change, luckily enough, he had the right amount to call. He spun the dial and waited for an answer, soon he heard the voice of Kitty. “Hey, Mrs. Forman, Jackie and I are…” he contemplated saying ‘on a date’ but changed his mind. “In Kenosha… we won’t be home for at least another hour or so, could you tell Eric we-“ he knew how much Kitty was affected by Laurie’s death also, so yet again he changed his wording. “We’re fine” he pursed his lips and listened to kitty talk for a moment, they both said bye, and hung up.
By the time he sat back down, the two chocolate malts were already set neatly on either side of the table. He looked at Jackie as she grabbed the class and began to suck through the straw.
Hyde sipped at his straw also, sitting in silence for a few seconds.
A little bit of talking later and the two were back on the road, headed for Point Place, on their way back they stopped. Parking in a clearing in a park, they talked a little, and after a while they ended up sitting on the trunk, enjoying the cool night air, completely silent for half an hour. “This is the best date ever” Jackie spoke, breaking the long amount of silence.
“Jackie, we haven’t talked in thirty minutes.” Hyde turned his head to look at her.
“That’s okay…” Jackie lays her hand on Hyde’s shoulder. “Steven, you don’t have to say anything, I… I understand you.”
“Oh? You do, do you?” Hyde scoffs and looks away from Jackie.
“Sure, so you’re probably sitting there thinking, ‘I’m on this date with this girl, who probably really, really likes me and she’s- so beautiful that-’ “Hyde interrupts Jackie. “Jackie-“ the girl puts her finger to his lips. “Hush” she removes her finger, “and you’re wondering… ‘How can I open up to her? When everyone I have ever loved has abandoned me, and… With everything that’s going on right now, am I even worthy of love?’ well, you are Steven… you are”
Hyde covers his face and begins to cry; Jackie puts her arm around him and rubs his back. “It’s okay… Steven, it’s okay, let it out, let it all out.”
Hyde sobs an “Okay” before pulling his hands away and blowing a raspberry, smiling a little bit. Jackie flails her arms up and slides off the trunk of the car, “Let’s go home” she says in an annoyed tone.
“Aw- come on I’m kidding” Hyde raises his arms. “No this- this is alright we can hang out here for awhile, okay?”
“God…” Hyde sighs out as Jackie walks back over, sitting beside her date yet again. “Here, have some of my shake” Hyde reaches over and grabs the to-go cup and hands it to Jackie. “Sure” the dark hair girl says shyly, taking the drink and sipping at the red straw.
Hyde sighs and Jackie scoots closer, grabbing his arm and lifting it around her neck. “Okay…” Hyde smiles accepting the gesture. As the night goes on, it gets colder and Hyde offers Jackie his Jacket, she accepts and pulls it on, smiling and scooting back against Hyde.
“So…” Jackie tenses and purses her lips. “Our first date is almost over…” she nods a little
“Yeah” Hyde nods along with her.
“What’d you think?” Jackie leans towards Hyde a little bit.
“It was no worse than bowling” he smiles and turns his head to look at her again.
Jackie raises an eyebrow in confusion and Hyde continues. “I-I don’t hate bowling”
Jackie leans closer and Hyde picks up on what she’s doing and leans in also, their lips are so close, and then they are touching, moving against each other. They were kissing, really kissing. Jackie touched Hyde’s cheek lightly with her hand. Before pulling away. “That was…” Jackie spoke, clearing her throat. “I didn’t feel anything…”
“Nothing?” Hyde asked.
“No I mean the kiss was hot but…” Jackie paused. “I mean, did you feel something?”
Hyde blushed and lied. “Uh… no” he thought for a second. “Well…” he wanted to tell her the truth but decided not to. “No”
“So… I guess that’s it then?” she taps Hyde’s leg with her fist “Turns out, you were right about us all along”
“Yup…” Hyde pursed his lips again.
“So, what happens now?” Jackie awkwardly asks.
Hyde looks Jackie up and down. “I’m not opposed to doin it” Hyde jokingly says and smiles. Jackie gasps and punches Hyde playfully “Take me home you pig!” Hyde smiles. “Yes Dear”
Hyde dropped Jackie off at her house, walking her up to her door and smiling. “Well… I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” Jackie asked and Hyde nodded “You know where to find me” he smiled, they leaned in to kiss again but stopped and avoided eye contact, Jackie turned and went in and Hyde started to walk home, leaving Jackie’s car in the drive way.
While Jackie and Hyde were on their date, Fez was in his bed, curled up, he hadn’t left his house since he found Laurie’s body, glimpses of her blood stained clothes and dead eyes kept flashing in his mind, he couldn’t handle it, it made him sob in to his pillow, shutting out his host parents, who didn’t seem to care much other than telling him how bad it was that he was associated with those people.
His friends hadn’t even come by to check on him… or called, he heard some people at the door the other day but he wasn’t sure who it was, maybe it was his friends but he didn’t know for sure. His life had been so turned around that he didn’t even know what to do with it anymore… he just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up, Laurie’s cold body was the worst thing he had ever experienced, and he had experienced some horrible things in his home country.
Who was next? Was someone next at all? Would he have to deal with yet another friends death, the idea of it was too much to take, he tried to push it out of his mind, who would be next, how it would happen, would he be next? He curled up more and tried to fall asleep. Which he did eventually he fall asleep.
The sun rays beamed in over the foreign kid and he slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes and getting up, he was still very depressed but he was also very thirsty, so he headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. On his way to the kitchen he passed his host parents, who were watching something on the T.V, he didn’t stay in the living room long, instead hurrying to the kitchen to get his water.
He gulped down the glass of clear liquid, and poured another, gulping it down just as fast, as he was drinking his second glass the Phone rang, he nearly spit the drink out “I got it!” he called and grabbed the phone before either of his host parents could get to it.
He answered. “Hello” he was hoping it was his friends.
“Hey, Fez, good to hear your voice, your folks have been keeping us away from you” Eric spoke, giving a glance to his friends. “So, Kelso called us this morning and asked if we wanted to go to the water tower later?”
“Oh that would be wonderful Eric” Fez excitedly said.
“Cool” Eric said and gave his friends a thumbs up. “Meet us in an hour?” Eric asked and Fez nodded even if his friend couldn’t see. “Yes, I’ll be there”
As soon as he said that the phone was yanked from his hand and hung up. “Aye!” Fez jumped back and saw his host father. “You will be doing no such thing young man” he crossed his arms.
“But they are my friends!” Fez whined.
“No buts, they are dangerous and could get you hurt, instead you will be staying home and helping clean the house” the man sternly said and Fez realized there was no way of getting out of it, he was stuck with his stupid host parents instead of hanging out at the water tower with his friends. Back at Eric’s house, he, Donna, Jackie, and Hyde, were all getting in the Vista Cruiser to go see Kelso and Fez at the water tower, Eric and Donna got in the front while Hyde and Jackie got in the back, scooting closer to each other than normal.
“Are you guys okay back there?” Eric asked, looking at them in the rearview mirror.
“Yeah man- we’re fine” Hyde said.
“You sure? You seem kinda close?” Eric smirked, guessing that Hyde and Jackie had done something a little more than just talk the night before.
“No, we’re not that close, man. What’s with all the questions Forman?” Hyde turned the questioning around to Eric. “Yeah Eric, what’s with all the questions?” Jackie asked Eric also.
“Will you two just shut up so Eric can drive” Donna laughed and rotated in her seat to look back at the two teenagers in the back seat.
On their way to the water tower they all sang along to a Led Zeppelin song that came on the radio. It was truly calming, just singing along as wind blew through the open windows, Donna was up against Eric and Jackie was up against Hyde, basically confirming Eric and Donnas suspicions.
A while later they were pulling in to a gravel spot down the hill from the water tower, they could see the top of it but not the whole thing, the four got out of the car after Eric shut it off and headed up the small dirt and stone trail, all Laughing as they did so. Eric tripped and slid down the trail a foot or so and everyone laughed, though soon helped him up, brushing him off.
“Eric are you okay?” Donna asked, a little worried but still holding back laughs.
“Yeah… I’m fine, just a few scrapes.” He laughed and Hyde laid his hand on the scrawny boys shoulder.
“That has got to be the best part of today, you started sledding on your ass man” the joke caused the group to laugh and they turned to head back up the trail.
What they found was not at all what any of them expected, it was disturbing, and all of them could see it clearly from where they were standing. Donna took a step back muttering an “oh my god…” Eric’s eyes went wide and he said the same as Donna, though a bit louder.
Jackie’s eyes filled with tears and she turned to Hyde, hugging him and sobbing loudly against his Jacket while he just stared up at the scene before them, his mouth hanging open just slightly has he tried to comprehend the situation. Eric turned to his friends. “We gotta call the police man!” he yelled and Hyde nodded. “I’ll stay here… you take Jackie and Donna and go find a phone.” Hyde commanded Eric nodded and did as he said; taking Jackie and Donna in to his arms and walking down the trail quickly back to his car.
#Eric Forman#Laurie Forman#Kitty Forman#Red Forman#Steven Hyde#Jackie Burkhart#Donna Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Michael Kelso#Tina Pinciotti#that 70s show#that 70s slasher#chapter four#jackie and the burnout
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That 70s Slasher
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Chapter Three: Good times bad times.
Eric Forman’s Bedroom.
Eric stared at the ceiling of his bedroom tears still fresh on his cheeks, Laurie’s body had been found eight hours ago by fez, Eric didn’t sleep a single second of those long horrible hours. Instead he cried, curled up under his covers. He never expected this much emotion for his sister, but how could he not feel this way. She was dead, actually dead and that was tearing him apart, it should have never happened this way, if only he had offered her a ride or just not been selfish and let her have the car completely.
He didn’t wanna get out of bed. He didn’t wanna walk in to the world that was now his reality. He didn’t wanna face the sad faces of his friends, or hear the sobs coming from his mother’s room. He didn’t wanna face Red. He wanted to go to sleep and never wake up, but he couldn’t. Another hour passed of pure silence as he stared upwards, sometimes he’d turn his head. Maybe even look at the tear stained family photo that he had gotten out the night before and cried over, seeing Laurie’s face. He didn’t actually see her body like Fez did, not that he wanted to. His last memory of her being alive was fine. He might not ever feel an ounce of happiness again if he saw her lifeless face.
He knew breakfast wouldn’t be ready when he came downstairs, and Hyde would still be in the basement so he didn’t see much point. If no one else was gonna get up and do something than why should he? It was pointless, going out there just to live a life where his sister was dead.
Suddenly not getting up wasn’t an option when he heard Kelso’s voice echo from downstairs, he blinked and wiped tears from his cheeks, getting up and pulling jeans on. This was not what he wanted to deal with and he hoped Kelso knew the situation and wouldn’t act foolish. Once down the stairs he saw his father talking to Kelso and Jackie. His friends looked up at him, tears in their eyes. Eric scratched the back of his neck, he didn’t know what to say, none of them did. Red looked as emotionless as always , Eric knew his Dad was hurting even if he didn’t show it. Red left the room, heading back upstairs to try to help calm kitty down. The three friends instantly started to talk. “Eric oh I am so sorry about Laurie.” Jackie managed to force out, hugging Eric, an odd gesture from the one friend in his group that he wasn’t that close to, but it was welcomed, he hugged her back for a few seconds before they pulled from the hug, Jackie was far from his favorite person but any affection at all helped him feel better than he had the night before.
Kelso grabbed Eric next and squeezed him, pulling away sooner than Jackie, his hug was tight and quick while Jackie’s was an embrace, not too hard or tight, but comforting. After the friends had gotten all of the physical apologies out they made their way to the basement, they wanted to check on Hyde and see how he was doing, though he hadn’t cared for Laurie nearly as much as Eric, he had still known her, and still cared about her. When they arrived in the basement they could hear The Rolling Stones playing loudly from Hyde’s room. Kelso and Jackie sat down while Eric went to get Hyde. Right before Eric got to the door, Hyde emerged. He looked fine, aside from a single wet spot on his cheek where he had forgotten to wipe off. “Hey… Kelso and Jackie are here.” Eric motioned back at the two dark haired teens sitting on the couch. Hyde nodded, putting on his sunglasses and walking over to his seat. After they had all sat down it was quiet, there was nothing to talk about, the events of last night were too serious for the group to make any jokes, or burn each other. Everyone was on edge and that made the entire group stay quiet. They didn’t wanna make things worse for the others.
It was Kelso that spoke first. “I… can’t believe Laurie is gone” he gulped, his Adams apple bobbing. No one spoke, not at first, it was a moment before Jackie joined in. “I was just starting to like her… we had so much to do” she sniffled. This was truly hard for all of them.
“Yeah, Laurie and I were just starting to-“ Kelso didn’t finish.
“Starting to what Michael?” Jackie turned to her boyfriend and glared, it wasn’t her normal glare but it got the point across.
“Starting to get along- yeah. We were starting to get along and- damn Jackie this is a trying time for me!” Kelso crossed his arms and turned away from her slightly.
“Man, don’t be a dick.” Hyde threw an empty Cream soda can at Kelso.
“Ow!” Kelso rubbed his head, this brought a small smile to Eric’s face, He wasn’t completely happy, but seeing his friends bicker and throw stuff at each other reminded him of the days before his life became hell. While the four friends argued and tried to hide their depression, Donna was a house over with her parents and a cop, the murder had happened right next to their house so the cops had decided that was the best place to start.
“Mr. and Mrs. Pinciotti” the officer addressed the adults. “We are so sorry to have to bring up Laurie Forman; she was your Neighbor and friend.” He turned his head to look at Donna, then turned back to her parents. “But because it happened so close to your house, its mandatory that we talk to you about the events of last night, in case of finding out even the smallest of details that could help us bring the killer to justice” the adults nodded and Donna sat back in her seat, paying just enough attention to get information from him, but not enough to let it get to her.
“Did the three of you see or hear anything the night of Laurie’s passing?” the officer asked his first question, readying his note pad to write down whatever the family had to answer.
“Bob and I heard a scream.” Midge spoke, huddling against her husband. “We thought it was just some of the local Kids playing, there was a party on Chicago so we assumed it came from there.”
The officer nodded and scribbled on to the notepad. “The event happened in the woods around your house, did the proximity of the scream not concern you?” “Oh it did, I made bob go check it out.” Midge nodded quickly, holding Bobs arm.
The officer perked up at hearing this. “So you did go to check on where the scream came from?”
Bob nodded. “Yup, I got up and walked right over there, didn’t see nothin.” Bob was telling the truth, when he had walked over to the woods, there was no body to be found.
“Did you know that Laurie was outside alone at such a late hour?” the officer glanced at all of them.
“No, we had no idea. We were in the back yard and couldn’t see the street.” Midge answered for both her and Bob. The officer turned his attention towards the girl sitting to his right. “What about you, Donna, did you know anything about why Laurie was out that late on her own?” It was a simple question that she should be able to answer truthfully but she didn’t say anything at first. Could this get Eric in trouble? She didn’t wanna rat Eric out, and she definitely didn’t wanna add more stress in to his life, there was enough already from what had happened. “the night this happened… we were going to the bowling alley, and Laurie wanted to take the car but because the party she was going to was just a few blocks away we told her to walk.” She was telling the truth, for the most part, Laurie was told to walk, but only by Eric. She wasn’t gonna hand her boyfriend over to the cops, not for this, not for anything.
“So you told her to walk, alone, at night?” the officer wrote this down. “Did you ever think that might not have been the best idea?”
Donna wanted to punch the cop in the face. “No, we didn’t. Point Place isn’t a dangerous town we had no reason to suspect that Laurie would be killed that night” said Donna, with an annoyed tone in her voice.
“Thank you, all of you for taking time to answer these questions.” The officer flipped the notepad shut and made his way to the door. “Everything you have said today may help to find a lead in the case” he nodded at the three and let himself out. As he was walking out he noticed something, a dried red foot print on the patio. He didn’t know what to make of it, were the Pinciottis covering for their wrong doings? They both said they were in the backyard at the time of killing, but were they lying? He turned and walked back to the door, knocking.
Bob answered. “Something else officer?” he cocked his head slightly.
“Yes, may I see the bottom of the left shoe that you were wearing that night?” the officer asked.
“Well, I don’t quite remember what shoe I had on” Bob scratched his head.
“Let me jog your memory.” The officer stepped aside and showed Bob the red footprint. Bob stared at it, realizing what he had stepped in that night, it wasn’t beer or water. It was blood. He took a step back. “Can you tell me how this got here Mr. Pinciotti?”
Bob nodded. He knew exactly where it came from. “When I went to check on the scream I stepped in something… I thought it was a spilled beverage… it was dark after all”
The officer nodded, he could tell the emotion bob was showing was genuine. “Thank you Mr. Pinciotti, would you please bring me the shoe?”
“Of course, but why do ya need it?” Bob asked and looked at the man standing in front of him.
“It’s evidence in the case.” That was all that needed to be said, he didn’t say anything else until Bob had gone to get his shoe. When Bob returned he handed the shoe to the officer, they talked about some extra things for a moment then he went back inside, sitting down at the table next to his wife and looking across at Donna. “You knew that Laurie was out there?” Bob asked his daughter.
“Yes, I did… like I said, Point Place is boring and peaceful, Eric and I have walked all over town and nothing has happened” Donna was fed up with the way adults were treating her on this subject, yeah they shouldn’t have made Laurie walk, but there was nothing to worry about, her parents and everyone was acting as if their small town was just the worst most crime filled town in the state, but it wasn’t.
“What about Tina, Donna this isn’t the first time something bad has happened in this town”
“Really, dad? You’re gonna bring Tina in to this? That happened four years ago and was a totally different scenario!” she stood up from the table. “We had no idea that this was gonna happen, I would have made Eric give her a ride if I thought it would be dangerous”
“Donna all we are trying to say, is that maybe putting all of your trust in how quiet this town is, from this point on may not be a very good idea” Bob spoke and midge agreed. Donna frowned. “Sure because making the same mistake again was on my agenda” she stomped out of the room, leaving her parents alone. She was so tired of all of this, maybe they did care. She knew they did, but right now they were being huge assholes, acting as if she was dumb, she wasn’t. She knew the details of her sister’s disappearance; it wasn’t like Laurie’s death. She was murdered and left for someone to find. Tina wasn’t, no she had disappeared, and 4 years later they still hadn’t found her. Tina was a child; Laurie was an adult. That also had to mean something right? Donna was so busy trying to come up with any connections or disconnections that she hadn’t even noticed where she was heading, Eric’s house. She was at the basement door when she noticed. She went ahead and went down the stairs meeting up with her friends and sitting next to her boyfriend. “A cop was at my house.” She said, causing the group to look at her. “Cops are no good man, they probably know something we don’t like who the killer is, they just don’t want us to know” the events that had happened didn’t affect Hyde much; he was still himself, distrust in authority and all.
“What’d they say?” “did they ask you any questions?” Jackie and Eric asked almost at the same time, glaring at each other for talking over them. Donna smiled at how normal the basement felt. “A bunch of random crap, they asked me if I knew why Laurie was walking at night” she rolled her eyes.
“What’d you tell them?” Eric sat up a bit.
“The truth, I covered for you though, told them it was a group decision, no names” she was replying to Eric but gave a look to the entire group implying that she meant she covered for all of them.
“Those cops don’t know what they’re doing, they didn’t know Laurie like I- we did” Kelso blurted out, getting a confused look from everyone except for Jackie, who was glaring at him. “Michael, why are you talking about Laurie like you had something with her?” she was still glaring and clearly upset now.
“I didn’t I- she was my friend, and I’m just upset that she’s gone.” replied Kelso.
“You’ve been acting this way before she went missing, Michael” Jackie was clearly not happy with him and she could see how much he was lying. “Just tell me the truth Michael”
“I- I am Jackie! Nothing was going on I swear!” Kelso stood up and looked at Jackie. “If you wanna be that way, fine! Accusing me of something I didn’t do!” he had done it, he had been sleeping with Laurie and even catching feelings for her behind Jackie’s back, but he wouldn’t admit to it.
“What are you saying Michael?” Jackie stood up also. “You know what, Michael We’re over… I can’t trust you, I gave you a second chance but maybe I shouldn’t have.”
“Fine!” Kelso yelled.
“Fine!” Jackie yelled back and watched as Michael turned and stomped up the basement stairs.
Jackie slowly turned to look at her friends, tears welling up in her eyes, she brought her hand up to her mouth and looked at the group, her eyes landing on Donna, then Eric, then Hyde, where they stayed. She slowly made her way over to Hyde and hugged him for a moment before taking a seat between Eric and Donna. “I’m such an idiot.” She sniffled. “I knew there were signs of him cheating… and I should have broken it off sooner… and He’s probably more upset now…” Eric and Donna laid their hands on her shoulders and rubbed softly.
“don’t worry Jackie, Kelso will come back, beg you for forgiveness, admit to his really shitty behavior and you two will get back together, until he cheats again… because you know he will, he’s Kelso” Donna tried to comfort her friend But didn’t do too good of a job based on the crying from the rich girl beside her.
“Yeah, man. Kelso is an idiot but he’ll get over this, like he always does, and maybe he will come to terms that cheating on you does not ever end the way he wants” when Jackie heard what Hyde said, it calmed her down a little, she was still upset, but her friends were helping.
“And if you ever need anyone to talk to…” Eric smiled caringly. “I’ll be right here, ready to listen” Jackie looked at Eric, who was being much nicer than normal and smiled softly. “Thank you.” She looked at Donna and Hyde also. “Thank you all for being here… Michael is such a jerk, I’m glad t-things are o-over” she choked up and began crying again, falling against Donna. Hyde stood up and stretched. “I’m gonna head to work, Leo is probably asleep or something”
“Can I come with you?” Jackie said and looked up at Hyde who shrugged and made his way to the door. “Yeah, come on” Jackie followed him out, leaving Donna and Eric alone. “You okay?” Donna asked, looking at the scrawny boy beside her.
Eric didn’t speak right away; he just stared at the blank T.V thinking of how to reply. “I uh… I’m fine” he pursed his lips and turned his attention to Donna. “I mean, My life is never gonna be the same and now My family is gonna be the big story on the news” he shrugged slightly, he still hadn’t shaved and he had been wearing a white Tee-shirt the entire morning, showing that he still wasn’t okay, not at all.
“I know this is rough, Eric. That’s why I’m gonna be here for you the entire time.” Donna gave him a kiss, feeling his light scruff brush against her face. “And all this time I thought you couldn’t grow any facial hair” she laughed and it brought a smile to Eric’s face. “Oh, I can. But this world isn’t ready for the Eric Forman beard” He joked and they both laughed. “Are you sure it’s not because this is all you can grow?”
“Well, yeah it might be that too. The world still isn’t ready though” he softly punched her arm and she punched his arm back a bit harder. They leaned in to each other and laughed, thinking about how even in a dark situation like this they still found happiness together.
“Have you seen Fez?” Donna sat up and blinked a few times, their foreign friend was nowhere to be found, yeah it was only morning but fez was often one of the first to show up and he wasn’t there.
“Now that you mention it, no… not since last night” Eric sat up also, a small amount of dread sinking inside of him. “We should go check on him, right? Make sure he’s okay, he was the one that found her after all.” Eric stood up and waited for a response from Donna. She nodded and stood up and they headed outside to the vista Cruiser. They got in and headed for Fez’s house. They soon arrived and got out, going up to the door and knocking.
Fez’s Host mother answered and gasped. “I saw both of you on the news. They were talking about that girl that was murdered.” She didn’t give them time to say hello or anything. “What are you doing here?” She didn’t seem very happy that they were there.
“We were just here to see if Fez was okay-“ Donna was cut off when Fez’s host father stepped in. “yes, he is perfectly fine, and he will stay fine without you.” He huffed and glared at them. “He doesn’t need to be around such negativity, a girl being murdered, a place like that is no place he should be.” Eric felt anger boiling up, how could this man stand here telling them they couldn’t talk to fez because of what happened? “We didn’t do anything wrong, seriously?”
“Someone was murdered, for all we know, he could be next if he goes anywhere near your house.” Fez’s host father spoke sternly.
“You think this is our fault? My fault? It was my sister that was killed- I would never- none of my friends would ever hurt her- it wasn’t us, I’m not a threat to him!” Eric stepped forward but Donna grabbed him and looked at him. “Come on, it’s clear we are unwanted here, we will find another way to contact him.” Eric sighed and nodded. The couple walked back to their car and got in, looking back at the house as the rude man shut the door. Eric’s life was falling apart one piece at a time and he couldn’t stop it.
#Eric Forman#Laurie Forman#Kitty Forman#Red Forman#Steven Hyde#Jackie Burkhart#Michael Kelso#Fez#Donna Pinciotti#Tina Pinciotti#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#That 70s show#That 70s slasher#chapter 3#Good times bad times.
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I should have chapter 3 up by tomorrow, I’ve gotta proof read it and fix any mistakes I find before posting but hopefully it will be up tomorrow. I’m so sorry I’ve made all of you wait so long, I’ve had a busy week and couldn’t get to writing this chapter, it is finally written, just not perfected yet.
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Hey everyone, all few of you amazing followers. Today is my birthday, so I won’t be writing / uploading chapter 3 because I’ll be with family all day. Hope none of you were waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
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That 70s Slasher
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Chapter Two: the disappearance of Laurie Forman
Eric Forman’s kitchen, morning.
Eric sat awkwardly at the breakfast table, his dad straight across from him and his mom to his right, he stuffed some eggs in to his mouth and watched his parents movements. “Eric have you seen your sister?” Red broke the silence and sipped at his glass of orange juice. Eric gulped and shook his head. “No, she probably passed out at the party, it wouldn’t be the first time she hasn’t come home after going out.” He forked more food in to his mouth, he wasn’t all that worried.
“Why don’t you head over to that house and get her.” Red asked but Eric could tell by the tone of his voice it was a command not a question. “Dad Laurie can get home on-““Eric, you’re gonna go get your sister or my foots gonna take residence in your ass” Red pointed his fork at him and Eric sighed, getting up and taking his plate to the sink then walking to the back door to go out to the Vista Cruiser, Laurie was an adult, she didn’t need him to pick her up, but here he was, doing as his father had asked.
He sped right past the spot of woods that Midge and bob had heard a scream the night before, he wasn’t paying attention to them; he grew up by them, there was nothing special to be had there, so he hardly even paid attention to them. Soon enough the station wagon was pulling in front of a two-story house with red-solo-cups and bottles scattered in the yard. He turned the car off and got out, walking up to the door, he knocked three times then stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
A guy answered and looked the Forman boy up and down. “Yeah? If you’re here to get your hat it got dropped in the toilet sorry-“ Eric was confused by this and shook his head. “No- no actually I’m here to ask If Laurie Forman is here?” The guy at the door tapped his chin. “I don’t recall hearing that name, what’d she look like?”
“About this much taller than me” Eric held his hand a little over his head. “Blonde hair, kinda bitchy looking, she was wearing a white denim jacket over a slutty blouse?” the guy thought for a moment.
“Sorry man, I don’t think your sis was here.” He rubbed his eyes, clearly hung over. Eric turned around and walked back to the car, awkwardly saying a “thanks” as he climbed back in and started it up. He passed the woods again, still paying no attention to any changes to them. Laurie wasn’t at the party and she wasn’t home, he knew she had to be okay but a small amount of regret was burning in his stomach. He made it home and parked the car, getting out and heading down to the basement where his friends were watching T.V he had invited them over before breakfast; they must have arrived while he was checking the party house for Laurie.
“Eric you just mizzed the best burn.” Fez smiled and Eric jumped over the back of the couch, landing between Donna and Hyde. “Yeah I just burned the hell out of Hyde” Kelso laughed and bit a small chunk off of his Popsicle. Jackie rolled her eyes and readjusted on Kelso’s lap. “The things you find funny are beyond me Michael” after that Donna spoke. “It wasn’t that good anyway, you didn’t miss much” she snuggled up against Eric and turned her gaze back towards the T.V which was playing an episode of Gilligan’s island. “Sorry I wasn’t here, Red made me go to the house on Chicago to get Laurie, she wasn’t there. Say, have any of you guys seen her since last night?” Donna shook her head, Kelso said “Nope” Fez shook his head with an “uhuh” Jackie shook her head the same as Donna and Hyde spoke up last. “No, man she’ll show up though, she always does.” Eric sighed and watched the T.V. he knew Hyde was probably right but there was just something in him that was worried about his sister, she was a huge bitch but she was still his sister and he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
As the time ticked on she still hadn’t shown up and now more of the gang was worried, especially Kelso which angered Jackie how much it worried him. “Michael you are acting more worried about Laurie than Eric is and it’s only been a day” she glared at her boyfriend. “Well she’s my friend- and obviously she would want us to be worried if she was in danger” Kelso scoffed and avoided eye contact with Jackie. “Jackie has a point man, you’re acting really strange about the situation” Hyde looked at his friend and then at the T.V.
“All of you are acting really strange about the situation, Laurie has been gone for way longer than this and no one ever said anything but now because Eric made her walk at night and you idiots wanted to see a horror movie, it’s got you all on edge” Donna spoke and everyone blinked a few times, realizing just how right the Redhead was. They all settled down and went back to enjoying their show. The rest of the day passed, Kelso had gone home, Jackie following him out, fez following her out. Hyde had just retreated to his back room in the basement and turned the radio up so he wouldn’t hear Eric and Donna flirting with each other.
“I’ll walk you home.” Eric stood up and held Donnas hand as she also got up.
“Oh really now? Eric my house is right next to yours, stop letting those horror movies get to your head”
“Yeah I know- but it never hurts to hold hands while we take two steps to your back door” Eric laughed and Donna rolled her eyes, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
“Okay fine, come on you dork, lets walk to my house” Donna made her way up the stairs with Eric and they headed towards her house, hand in hand. “So… you really think she’s perfectly okay?” Eric looked at the ginger girl standing next to him. “Of course she is, well… I wouldn’t say perfectly okay, she’s probably still sloppily drunk” Eric snickered at her joke and pushed her lightly as they got to her door and kissed one last time for the night. Donna shut the door behind her and Eric strolled back to his house, looking at the sky as he walked, out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure across the street in all black clothes and a mask he couldn’t quite make out. He stared at the person and they cocked their head slightly right before turning and walking down the street out of sight. Eric shrugged it off, it was cold so the hooded sweatshirt made sense, and some people just really like black. He opened the sliding glass door and walked through the kitchen hearing the soft rhythm of Hyde’s music playing from the door to the basement. He smiled and walked up stairs to his room. He knew his sister would be okay, his friends were right, she was drunk somewhere and would come home smelling like pot and whiskey, Red would be mad for half a second until he gave in to her sad “I’m sorry daddy” and forgave her.
“Eric, help me! Help me!” the voice called out and Eric sat up in bed, a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, it was just a dream… a stupid stupid dream. He kicked his feet over the edge of the bed and looked out of the window where sunlight was shinning in. he got up and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower and forget the dream he had just had. 10 minutes later and the scrawny teen was out of the shower and headed back to his room to get dressed. On his way down the stairs and in to the kitchen he stepped in on a conversation between his parents. “Red, honey have you seen my large kitchen Knife? It seems to be missing.” Kitty looked around the kitchen opening drawers and cabinets trying to find the knife. “No kitty I have not seen your large Kitchen knife, did you check the block?”
“Of course I checked the block, Red, it’s the first place I checked” kitty turned and saw Eric. “Oh, Eric hi. Have you seen my knife?”
“Uh No Mom did you ask Hyde?”
“No I haven’t seen him all morning” and as if she had called him, Hyde stumbled in to the kitchen scratching his head and making his way to the table. “Steven, have you seen my knife?”
Hyde looked up at Kitty and thought for a moment. “I don’t think I have… did you check the sink?” Hyde turned his attention back to the table, grabbing a banana from the bowl of fruit and peeling it. “Say, Hyde why are you so tired?” Eric asked as he sat down across from his best friend. “I stayed up all night reorganizing my room while listening to zeppelin, man” Hyde’s response was Quick but sounded exactly like Hyde, so Eric didn’t question it.
“Here it is!” Kitty exclaimed as she pulled the knife out from under a plate and began to wash it. “Thank you Steven, I just don’t know what I would do without ya!” Kitty laughed out loud in that almost iconic laugh she always seemed to have. “You’re welcome Mrs. Forman” Hyde answered and took a bite of his banana. “So Forman, did you have any plans for today?” Eric thought for a moment. “Other than hanging out in the basement, no.” Hyde was about to say something but noticed Red looking right at him. “I was gonna head over to Kelso’s place and see what he wanted to do, wanna tag along?” Hyde changed his plan and Eric nodded. ‘”yeah that sounds good”
After Breakfast was over and the two boys were outside Hyde revealed his actual plan. “Kelso and I were gonna head over to the water tower later today, we thought you and the others might wanna come” Eric shrugged “sure, sounds like a plan” it was normal for them to go to the water tower, it was one of the few good places to be away from the adults in town which made it perfect for the kids to hang around and drink. An hour passed and the 6 friends were meeting up at the water tower. “Ladies first” Kelso stepped aside to let Jackie go up. “Michael no way, you just wanna look up my skirt” she crossed her arms and stepped back. “Let’s make Donna go up first, there nothing to look at there” she suggested.
“Hey!” Donna scoffed and cross her arms also before deciding to go up first, which meant Eric obviously volunteered to go second, following her up soon after. Once they were all up on top they gathered around and began telling jokes and looking out over the town. It wasn’t the best but it was a pretty town from up on the tower. Kelso leaned over the railing to look down and Hyde grabbed his shirt pulling him back. “Let’s not go see Eric’s mom at the hospital today, man.” He patted Kelso on the back and they went back to talking about the next concert they were gonna be able to go see.
After another hour of chatting and joking the group of friends decided to go home, getting in the car and heading back. “Who wants to get milkshakes?” Eric asked and looked in the mirror to see his friends reactions; they all seemed to agree so he made a right and headed towards the nearest place that had shakes. It wasn’t long before they were pulling back in to the Forman’s driveway; Kelso and fez were in the back seat pinching each other across Jackie, who was about fed up. When they parked they all got out, luckily enough before Jackie killed both boys. Bob Pinciotti was just on his way to ask Red something when the gang got out of the car. “Hey there hi there ho there” Bob happily said as he saw the kids. “Dad” Donna greeted her father. “Mr. Bob” fez greeted him. “Hey Mr. Pinciotti” the rest said, they all stood politely as the man passed them and went inside to do what he had originally planned when coming over.
“So none of you have heard from Laurie?” Eric brought the subject up again bringing a groan from all of his friends but Kelso. “Eric you are worrying over nothing” Jackie said. “Yeah man, she’s probably fine, since when do you care this much about her anyway?” Hyde asked and looked at Eric.
“look man, It’s been two days and she’s still nowhere to be seen, I know what you’re thinking but if something did happen to her, it’s because I told her to walk-“ Donna cut her boyfriend off. “eric nothing happened, but even if it did it wouldn’t be your fault.” She laid her hand on his shoulder, calming him.
“I’m worried too, Laurie could be out there, needing my help” Kelso stepped in to defend Eric’s anxiety.
“Your help?” Jackie glared at Kelso.
“I mean our help! Damn Jackie.” Kelso retorted.
“Uh-huh, sure, Michael. You have been obsessed with Eric’s sister ever since you got that van, tell me the truth”
“The truth is there is nothing going on between me and Laurie!”
“I didn’t say there was, Michael!”
The two bickered for another few minutes while the rest of the gang watched them. None of them knew when or why Laurie became such a hot topic to them now but it was, so they accepted it and went along with the flow, well everyone but Kelso and Jackie who were constantly arguing about the matter.
Once again the group split up and went their own ways at the end of day, Michael and Jackie first, then fez, this time Donna went home before Hyde went to bed which left Hyde and Eric alone. The two friends talked about some events of the day that they enjoyed. The night was a nice night so they stayed outside sitting on the Vista Cruiser’s hood, while they talked Eric looked back across the street to see if the hooded figure had decided to return, he hadn’t but Eric still kept his eye out just in case.
While Hyde and Eric talked, Donna fell asleep and Kelso and Jackie made out, Fez was left completely alone, walking back to his house, he had to pass the Pinciotti house and the wooded lot on his way back, Fez Hated the woods at night, and there was something definitely off about the woods to his right. Normally he wouldn’t stop but something in him told him he should check the woods. They were quiet and lonesome, which made them so much creepier to the foreign teenager entering them. He almost thought about turning around when he saw it, an arm limply hanging out from behind a large Oak. He cautiously stepped over to the tree to see who was there and why. When he rounded the Oak his eyes went wide and he felt the need to vomit, he couldn’t hold it back so he turned and regurgitated his last meal on to the grass.
In front of him was the Body of Laurie Forman, Deep in the woods, leaning up against a tree. Her once white jacket was now almost entirely covered in blood and stained a pinkish red, her skin was still smooth as it was when she was alive but now it stuck tightly to her face. Fez couldn’t believe it, the girl that he and many others had once crushed on was lying against a tree, Dead. He puked again and stepped away from the tree, he had to tell someone, so he did. He turned and ran out of the woods, heading towards Eric’s house, he busted through the door and grabbed the phone, causing confusion to the two boys who had now made their way in to the kitchen and were talking while drinking two cups of tea.
“Fez man, what’s up?” Hyde turned in his seat as Fez dialed 911 “wait hold on, fez really what’s going on” Eric stood and made his way to his friend, listening closely.
“Hi yes, my name is Fez, there’s an emergency” Fez spoke in to the phone ignoring his friends concerns.
“Come on what’s goin on man” Hyde had stood up now also and was standing beside Eric, who was looking more and more distraught as the call went on.
“There es been a murder, I found her body in the woods hurry I’m at Mr. Red Forman’s house” fez hung up the phone and turned to see Eric and Hyde. Eric felt tears building in his eyes and Hyde could see Eric’s pain. While Eric was on the verge of a break down, Hyde kept his cool, not letting the events get to him. “No… no it can’t be, Fez, tell me it’s not Laurie” Eric grabbed fez’s collar. “Tell me it’s not Laurie!” he was full blown crying now and Hyde had to pull him off of fez. Once Eric was no longer grabbing fez’s collar he was turned around and weeping in to Hyde’s flannel shirt.
He couldn’t believe it, his sister had been killed… she was dead… he would never be able to talk to her again… and his last words to her were ‘then walk’ he couldn’t deal with the fact that this was his fault… his hands gripped at his friends shirt as he sobbed, Hyde stood still, trying to keep calm, as the other two people in the room clearly couldn’t. “Forman take it easy… calm down we’ll figure this out.”
Sirens filled the night air as several Police cruisers skidded up to the Forman and Pinciotti houses. Red made his way down the stairs, followed by kitty. “What the hell is all the commotion down here” he spoke in an annoyed manner until he saw his son crying against Steven and the foreign kid rocking back and forth at the kitchen table. “Steven?” Reds voice Cracked as he spoke to the boy standing in front of him.
“Fez… found Laurie’s body…” Hyde softly let the words pass his lips.
Red felt his entire body stiffen. “she-“ Red was about to talk when he turned and was suddenly in the embrace of his wife who was bawling double the amount her son was. The kitchen was filled with sobs and lit by red and blue flashing lights. Red finally pulled away from his wife and kissed her forehead then walked to the door. “Show me where you found her.” He slid the door open and grabbed fez’s sleeve pulling him up. “Now.” Fez nodded and walked outside showing Red and the officers where Laurie’s body was still laying, the officers rushed in with guns ready, and an ambulance came to a stop in front of the woods. Eric pulled away from Hyde, and kitty took his place, Hyde sighed, staring out the glass doors at the flashing lights.
Eric walked out in to the action; everything felt slow as cops rushed in and lights hit his face, he slowly walked past the Pinciottis house, where Midge and bob were standing solemnly. As he got to the edge of the woods he saw Red punch a tree, causing bark to fly everywhere, his eyes followed one of the pieces of bark to where it landed on a red patch of grass. This was all real… that was blood. He looked up and saw the paramedics zipping up the black body bag and carrying it to the ambulance. That was his sister… and she was dead.
It all felt like a dream but he knew it wasn’t, no… this wasn’t a dream it was real life, someone had murdered Laurie Forman. As the thoughts flooded his mind he felt a hand on his shoulder, he swung around to see Donna, Tears in her eyes as she hugged him. This was the worst day of his life, he hated it.
“I-it’s all… my fault” Eric managed to stutter out.
“Eric no- no no it is not your fault you had no way of knowing…”
“I should have given her a ride but I told her to walk and now she’s d-dead” Eric felt anger and fear and depression all eating him up.
“Come on… let’s get back inside a-and get away from the crime scene” Donna turned Eric away; the last glimpse he got was of several officers tapping off the trees that were once just a normal part of his everyday life. This shouldn’t be happening but it was, it was happening. “I’m gonna f-find whoever did this and rip their damn throat out, Donna,” the redhead nodded and walked her boyfriend back to his driveway. “I know how you feel Eric… Remember when Tina went missing.” Eric remembered suddenly that point place wasn’t perfect, Donna’s little sister had gone missing four years ago, but they all had put it at the back of their minds to avoid knowing what truly happened, though the body was never found they all knew Tina was never coming home, and now, neither was Laurie.
#Eric Forman#Laurie Forman#Red Forman#Kitty forman#Bob Pinciotti#Midge Pinciotti#Donna Pinciotti#Tina Pinciotti#Jackie Burkhart#Michael Kelso#Steven Hyde#Fez#That 70s show#that 70s slasher#Chapter two#The disappearance of Laurie Forman.
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