#jesus died for you
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brenda-walsh-ministries · 24 days ago
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Today's Daily Scripture Pic: God's Commitment Isaiah 49:16 – “See, I have inscribed you on the palm of My hands.”
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willows-at-the-well · 1 year ago
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Jesus is and has always been the most hated, mocked and bullied person to ever walk the Earth. Yet, he remains the most loving, selfless and forgiving. 🥺😔
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I’m trying to come back to Christianity after deconstructing and your blog has been a great help to me, but I still struggle with the phrase “Jesus died for our sins.��� I feel like it places undue responsibility on people who had nothing to do with his death. How is it possible that he died for my sins when I didn’t even exist 2,000 years ago?? Or am I taking the phrase too literally?
Hey there, I feel you! I know of so many people who, especially as young children, were made to feel a lot of guilt over the idea that "Jesus died for your sins." And that's a problem, especially seeing as Jesus came to liberate us from our guilt, and to invite us into full and mutual relationship with him.
While the dominant Christianities that exist in our culture/s right now don't like to acknowledge it, there have always been many different ways of understanding what happened on the cross and how salvation "works." So if this phrasing does harm rather than good for you, there are many other ways to understand salvation!
One that resonates most with me is a view of salvation that doesn't focus solely upon what happened on the cross, but instead takes the entire Incarnation into account. In her book Inspired (which is such a fabulous read, especially for folks working to reconnect with Christianity & scripture), Rachel Held Evans sums this idea up well:
Jesus didn’t just “come to die.” Jesus came to live—to teach, to heal, to tell stories, to protest, to turn over tables, to touch people who weren’t supposed to be touched and eat with people who weren’t supposed to be eaten with, to break bread, to pour wine, to wash feet, to face temptation, to tick off the authorities, to fulfill Scripture, to forgive, to announce the start of a brand-new kingdom, to show us what that kingdom is like, to show us what God is like, to love his enemies to the point of death at their hands, and to beat death by rising from the grave. Jesus did not simply die to save us from our sins; Jesus lived to save us from our sins. His life and teachings show us the way to liberation. But you can’t fit all that on a bumper sticker.
For God so loved the world, They took on human flesh. Jesus's whole life was lived in love for us, for you — all the joys and connections that contained, not just the pain and death.
Another thing that I always stress, and that you point out in your ask, is that we have to be careful when we discuss who's responsible for Jesus's death. Otherwise we end up with people blaming Jewish people, or scared little kids, or even God for his death.
Ultimately, it was human beings in a very specific context, and imbued with systemic power, who enabled and carried out his execution: Roman soldiers acting on behalf of the Roman Empire. Jesus died because corrupt human powers cannot stand for the Good News of liberation and abundant life for all peoples. He died in ultimate solidarity with all who are similarly oppressed or executed across history.
It's reeeally long so sorry in advance, but if you're interested in an exploration of theologies of the cross, I've got a YouTube video on the topic! If you don't have the time or inclination to watch it all, the parts I most recommend for you are:
(13:01 - 21:54) Delores Williams & Historical Consequence — paying attention to real-world impact; don't use cross to justify suffering
(1:21:41 - 1:27:00) Theologies that look at Jesus' whole life, not just death, starting with Jesus as Moral Influence/Exemplar
1:42:54 - 2:00:00) The Cross as Solidarity — Christ becomes one with all who suffer unjust / systemic violence — on the cross, God knows godforsakeness — good news for oppressors as well as oppressed
If you check out the PowerPoint linked in the video notes, you'll also find links and resources in that :)
Finally, you might want to wander through my #crucifixion tag or #sin tag for more related to your question.
Wishing you well on your journey, anon! May the Spirit of Love guide you into healing and wholeness <3
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an-unanonymous-messenger · 4 months ago
I ran across an article speaking about how "it says nowhere in the Bible that Jesus died for our sins". This is a heresy. It does indeed say in many places in the Bible that Jesua died for our sins. It even holds record about Jesus foretelling His death many times before He died. All the four Gospel accounts hold evidence of it. It is even written in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles. Even the prophecies throughout the Old Testament, from beginning to end. Be careful who you listen to, for he may be a false teacher. You can find it throughout the Bible about Jesus laying down His life as a ransom for the whole world. There is a reason why He said He's the Good Shepherd. As Jesus says, as written in John 10:11 - "I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." He as our Good Shepherd has authority to lay down His life and to take it back (John 10:18). He did indeed come to give His life for all, and it is finished. Let us therefore turn to our Good Shepherd, Who knows the right way to the Kingdom of God.
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onlyjesussatisfies · 3 months ago
Wednesday Service Heart Highlight:
October 16th, 2024
Scripture & Service Highlight:
1 Corinthians 8:1 AMP
"Now about food sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge [concerning this]. Knowledge [alone] makes [people self-righteously] arrogant, but love [that unselfishly seeks the best for others] builds up and encourages others to grow [in wisdom]."
When you walk in Charity -love- you will edify
The word will edify you, it will show you what God says about you
We have to edify and strengthen ourselves in God by faith
We can't see people in their weakness, we need to edify them in Christ
This Love that Gives-> edifies
We take what Jesus says, not our opinion
Beloved, we live in a world that is full of hate and darkness. But thank The Lord that He called us to a place of light. To be the light in the darkness. Beloved, it's so easy to point out failures, be it our own or someone elses. But we're not called to dwell on them, nor are we called to condemn them, rather we are called to see as God see's. To see the blood of Jesus, The One who paid the price for sin and made a way back to The Father. Who gave us His victory and calls us to be as He is, perfect and without blemish. Perfect as in complete in Him, as in following God's way even when we want to follow our own.
Beloved, when we get the opportunity to either speak life or death to someone, let us speak life! Whether or not that person believes, Jesus still loves them and wants them to return home. So we too must allow His love to pour out of us and into them by edifying them. By calling them as He says they are, not as it seems to look like. Jesus told the paralized man that His sins were forgiven and to get up and walk (Matthew 9:5-7). A man who had never walked in His life. A man who didn't have the motor functions nor muscles built to do such a task. Yet, Jesus didn't see that, He saw a man made complete and told him to get up and walk.
It's the same for us, we must walk by faith and not by sight. Not only with others but with ourselves too. We cannot look at our flaws and edify those, no when we see these things we have to speak faith over them. We have to edify ourselves in faith and by love. When we see brokenness, we build ourselves up in the reality that God heals the broken hearted. When we see sickness, we build ourselves up in the reality that Jesus healed us through His 39 stripes. When we see depression, we build ourselves up in the reality that Jesus has given us joy and peace. When we see failures, we build ourselves up in the reality that Jesus has forgiven us and poured out mercy and grace. When we see unloved/unlovable, we build ourselves up in the reality that Jesus loves us so much that He literally died for us.
Let us edify one another and ourselves so that we may grow in His love and wisdom.
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aesthetically-flora · 2 years ago
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Daily reminder; JESUS loves YOU 💗
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yeslordmyking · 1 year ago
Hebrews 12:2 — Today's Verse for Sunday, September 10, 2023
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gramarobin · 2 years ago
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🤔 ironic.
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
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mysteriouslyjollyheart · 2 years ago
THIS is who Jesus died for.
He died for the prostitute.
He died for the murderer.
He died for the drug addict.
He died for the alcoholic.
He died for the adulterer.
He died for the sexually immoral.
He died for the liar.
He died for the cheater.
He died for the abuser.
He died for the gambler.
He died for the rule breaker.
He died for the SINNER.
What a powerful image of what the blood of Jesus covers. The Gospel of Jesus Christ frees us from ourselves, and it also frees us from having to follow a religious rule book.
Religion leads to death.
When you LOVE the Lord with all your heart mind and soul, the desire to follow His truth will make itself evident in your life in stages as He sanctifies you.
Please don’t let anything negative that you see said by PEOPLE, to lead you away from THE ONE true Jesus. His love covers a multitude of sins.
Praise God!!! ♥️🙌🏼♥️
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nyny-213 · 2 years ago
Good Friday. We remember the reason we have eternal life today. That Jesus died for us on the cross. Took an extremely painful death. A death every single one of us deserved and did it for us to have everlasting life with the Father. It’s sad to know we were the cause of His death. But encouraging to know that because of that death we can be forgiven of all our sins if we accept Him as the savior. Because of Him we can now have everlasting life. So whenever you feel down, feel hopeless, feel discouraged. Remember what this day means. Remember this as the truth. And remember the truth will set you free.
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apreacher61 · 24 days ago
He is with us
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jesusislord3333 · 1 month ago
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mariefollowerofjesuschrist · 5 months ago
Remember, we must take up the cross when we follow Jesus.
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an-unanonymous-messenger · 4 months ago
Jesus Christ has shown the greatest act of love in the world, in giving His life for everyone - not just the good, but also the bad. He wants everyone to repent and turn to Him, so that they would be delivered from the great judgment coming to the world. As He said in John 15:13 - "No one has greater love than this, that one would lay down his life for his friends." He also told us of everything that would happen to us until His Second Coming. He comforts us all the time when the glorious arrival of the King commences. This world will try everything to distract us from the salvation Jesus has prepared for all - from discouragement through disasters, to intoxication through pleasures of this world. We were forewarned of all these, even disappointment from other people who could betray us for following Christ. This world is evil, but God is good and He wants the best for us, which will never end, u like this world and all its offers. I pray you understand the love God shows us, and turn to Him in order for His joy to be fulfilled, and your portion of the promise to be firm!
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tom4jc · 1 year ago
February 15, 2024 Verse Of The Day
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