#jedi politics
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duck-in-distress · 9 months ago
The only thint that felt really out of character to me was anakin's reaction (or lack thereof) to Slick's speech in "the Hidden enemy".
Isn’t it weird and by weird I mean hypocritical that the Jedi found value in saving Clones, who were made to be disposable, but they couldn’t be bothered to save Shmi, Anakin’s actual mother?
It depends on what you meant by jedi putting value in saving clones. though it’s true most Jedi would do everything they could to save their men during battles, the ugly truth remains that, as an order, they did very little for the clones. 
The was no attempt to given them citizen status;
“I don’t feel like a Republic citizen, because none of us are, in case you hadn’t noticed. We don’t exist. No vote, no identification docs, no rights.” — Fi (Clone Trooper) in Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
“He’s not a citizen. He’s a clone soldier.” “I know. And?” “We have no agreement for long-term care with the Grand Army. In fact, as far as the Republic is concerned this patient doesn’t exist, and as he’s been declared brain-dead by the duty neurosurgical team, we would normally terminate life support, except he’s still breathing, which is highly abnormal.” The droid paused as if to check if Besany was following its train of logic with her inadequate organic brain. “Withdrawal of life support in his case means withdrawal of hydration or feeding, or both.” “Starving him to death, for us lay-beings.” “Indeed. This is clearly ethically undesirable, so euthanasia will be administered.” Besany thought she’d misheard, but she hadn’t. “No,” she said, hearing her voice as if she were standing outside herself. “No, it will not be administered. I’ll get his care authorized. In fact, I’ll get him moved to private care.”Did I hear that right? Do they really put patients down like that? Like sick pets? “He’s Grand Army property, so unless you have a Defense requisition, you can’t take possession of him.” “He’s a human being.” [Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss]
There was no plans for their future post-war.
“[Darman]’d once asked Etain what would happen to the clone troops when the war was over—when they won. He couldn’t think about losing. Where would they go? How would they be rewarded? She didn’t know. The fact that he didn’t know, either, fed a growing uneasiness.” — Darman (Clone Trooper) and Etain Tur-Mukan (Jedi Knight) in Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
There was no freedom (clones weren’t allowed to leave the GAR).
While Vau slept and Ordo piloted the ship, Skirata admired the haul for a while, imagining all the safehouses, escape routes, and new beginnings it could buy for clones who decided they’d completed their service to the Republic. He wasn’t encouraging desertion. He was liberating slaves.”— Kal Skirata in Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
There was no respect for dead or injuried clones:
That careful comment meant a great deal in political code if the listener wanted to interpret it. Skeenah seemed to. “Yes, I’ve asked repeatedly about casualties—the medical field units are woefully inadequate, and I can’t find out what happens to those killed in action. To the best of my knowledge, the bodies aren’t recovered. There’s no heroes’ return for these poor men. So if you see large sums allocated to clone welfare, I can assure you there’s no sign of it being used to that end.” Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
“You might know, then, what happens to them.” “In what sense?” “When they’re wounded but can’t return to active duty. You see, I can find out what happens on the Rimsoo medical stations—or at least I get some limited answers from the Defense staff—but I’m getting no answers about the men who can’t be patched up and sent back.” […] “I would imagine they die,” Besany said. “The army seems to go to a lot of trouble to send them back.” “Ah, but life isn’t that tidy,” Skeenah said. He lowered his voice, even though the doors were shut. “There’ll be injuries that a man can survive, but that means he’ll never be fit for service again. I can’t seriously believe something like that hasn’t happened in more than a year of this war. And yet there are no homes for these men, who must surely exist, and we know they don’t end up being cared for by family—because they have none. So where do they go?” Besany didn’t even want to think about it, but she had to. The only answer she could think of right then was that the most badly injured who might otherwise have been saved were left to die. But some mobile surgical units had Jedi advisers. No Jedi would let such a thing happen … would they? 
They were property, bought like livestock and no jedi ever questioned it.
“He wanted to ask her why only a handful of Jedi objected to a slave army, and why they could claim to believe in the sanctity of all life and yet treat some life as being exempt from that respect.” — Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
“‘Explain something to me, littl’un,’ Rex said. Maybe he could have asked Skywalker this same question, but something told him it was a bad idea. ‘What’s the difference between Jedi who fall to the dark side, and do whatever it is that dark siders do, and Jedi who just let bad things happen on their watch?’ He really wanted to know.” — Rex and Ahsoka | The Clone Wars: No Prisoners by Karen Traviss
Considering how clones were treated it makes sense there was no attempt to free the slaves on Tatooine. And it’s not just about Shmi. There were numerous CHILD SLAVES on the planet and the only child they ever tried to rescue was the son of the guy enslaving them.
The Jedi Order was focused on the bigger picture, they can look away if it might work in favor of the greater good. and that’s the exact mentality Palpatine used against them.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months ago
Did cal ever realize anakin is vader? Cause I can just imagine him excitedly talking about the hero with no fear from his childhood and then the other 3 just looking at each other deciding who’s gonna tell him
i think you're forgetting one important fact about cal...
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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newgrean · 1 year ago
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A companion piece to this post
Image description below the cut!
ID: A digital comic of Shaak Ti leaning on a library desk, arms crossed, with a cup of boba tea in her right hand. She has a relaxed, slightly amused look on her face and is speaking to Jocasta Nu who is on the other side of the desk. Master Nu has one arm resting on the desk and the other hand on her hip. She is smiling and has one eyebrow raised at Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti asks, "Hey girl. Got anything on sentience qualifications or cloning ethics?" Master Nu replies, "Do you even have to ask?"
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blackflash9 · 4 months ago
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To all my Trump-supporting Star Wars fans eagerly awaiting the next season of Andor—congrats. You voted for the fucking Empire.
You’re not the "Chosen One," not the Jedi, not courageous resistance members like Cassian Andor, not loyal soldiers like Rex, not noble leaders like Bail Organa or Mon Mothma, and not even lovable rogues like Han Solo or Cad Bane. You’re background characters, sycophants blindly supporting a regime that will keep treating you like nobodies.
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jessicas-pi · 2 months ago
Soulmates AU as playing cards, part two: Copper Crests and Silver Stripes
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click for better quality!
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aaeeart · 9 months ago
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this scene in Rebel Resolve 🤭 let's ignore what happens next <3
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sinswearslaughter · 1 month ago
*New Republic politics being established*
Leia : -then we will implement taxes on...
Luke : Water? Oh I know that one, Hutts did that too. But we definitely don't want slavery, so what are we going to do with the children that people give us when they don't have enough water or money?
Leia : ....
Leia : WHAT
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short-wooloo · 11 months ago
Another way I realized the opinion that "the Jedi got too involved in Republic politics" is stupid:
How in the fuck are they supposed to be effective at their job of peacekeeper-diplomats if they aren't involved in politics?
You can't eat your cake and have it too! No one listens to people who have no political authority!
Politics involves you, whether or not you're involved in politics!
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diamantdog · 4 months ago
from a twitter thread about the cultural shift in america leading to the alt-right-ification of the youth:
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fans of the acolyte have always known this. it's also why we're fighting for the show. and i hate that the media especially forbes has been yapping about viewership and budget, calling these things "valid" reasons for the cancellation. instead of using their platforms to investigate and pursue the angle stated in the above tweet, they're just repeating excuses fed to them. the variety article on superfans was thisclose, but it still failed to mention those so-called fans' connection to the alt-right.
(note: a little correction regarding the last paragraph. the merchandise has long returned to the official store).
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levitating-lawnchairs · 4 months ago
This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both the Jedi and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendship. But we must persevere and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you, always.
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and-loth-cat · 4 months ago
can someone call emperor palpatine because he would be a LOT better than the guy we have now
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months ago
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luke who do you think you're hiding this from
(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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shapelytimber · 5 months ago
not sure if you've answered this before but for the sapphic au... how did leia and luke get made if their parents are both cis ? are they force babies, created by anakin meddling with the force just as sidious did and thereby killing padme? or maybe they just went to star wars sperm bank idk. desperately curious to see if you have an explanation in mind or if they just kind of popped into existence (sorry I just get wrapped up in silly details with everything)
Oh am I glad you asked !
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Only hole in my flawless explanation..... There is no way in hell Anakin in topping regularly in this relationship. So gotta assume the moment they tried to switch it up a bit they got magic stap babies.
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obiwanwhat · 2 years ago
Obsessed with the fact that the Ahsoka show is setting up both Jedi and Sith parallels for Baylan and Shin. Their first scene is an inverted version of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's first scene in TPM. The scene where Shin sends out a probe droid mirrors Maul's probe droid scene on Tatooine. Shin has a padawan braid, one of the most visible physical symbols of a Jedi. Their blades are a odd red-orange that don't quite look like traditional Sith blades but certainly don't look like Jedi blades. Baylan used to be a Jedi, and still remembers old Jedi codes. It's such a fascinating mix of signals, and I'm so excited to see where they go with it.
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this-acuteneurosis · 7 months ago
Up for Debate
In spite of all the machinations and plots, Leia feels like she's getting somewhere.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 4 months ago
Why is it that fandoms that are based around inclusive or wholesome content turn out to be toxic AF? I’ve seen this with so many children’s fandoms like SU, TOH, Jedi apologist etc where people become extremely hateful for disagreeing. Meanwhile, the least toxic fandom I’ve been in is the Shinji/Rei fandom on discord and Reddit despite the pairing’s controversial nature. Possibly because the people there are mature adults who understand nuance. This is not to give a free pass to dudebros who watch Family Guy and South Park but why is it always the “progressive” fandoms that are the most toxic and puritanical?
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