#james marlene and peter as childhood best friends
vomits0cutely · 5 months
Effie: *telling stories of baby James, baby Marlene and baby Peter, and their childhoods to their friends*
Effie: “mamí my phone is gonna die, the card isn’t working” and I’d ask everytime “are you with anybody?”
Effie: cause I always— moms wanna know — is my son alone or does he have a friend that he’s at least with? And it was always:
Effie: “yeah, Marls and Pete”. So there was always this Marls and Pete who was always with him. And I thought “thank goodness for Marlene and Peter”.
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everythingisromant1c · 2 months
It's Always Been You - Chapter 6
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james potter x fem!reader
summary - Maybe it was an attempt to get over him, or maybe it was just from embarrassment, but you'd decided to avoid James. The only problem was, your best friend was making that very, very difficult to do.
wc [4.6k]
all chapters | <- Chapter 5 - Chapter 7 ->
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The weekend had ended without excitement, if you don't count kissing your best friend and practically getting rejected by said best friend the next day to be excitement.
As much as you willed it not to, the events of the past two days played in your mind well into Monday, perhaps being the reason why you skipped out on breakfast in the Great Hall and showed up to Defense Against the Dark Arts with hardly a minute to spare before class started.
Your professor this year, Professor Higglebottom, silly as her name was, was the adventurous type and always started class with some hands-on interaction. That's why you all crowded against the walls instead of taking a seat at one of the desks in the front of the room.
You were sandwiched between Marlene and Sirius, the latter you knew was trying to get you to respond to his whispers. You weren't much in the mood for whatever kind of conversation he was trying to spark up, especially not after the one you'd had with him last night that you most definitely did not lose sleep over.
"Alright class," your professor announced. Her bob haircut bounced lightly as she took quick circling steps before your class's waiting eyes. "Let's begin with a quick review of last week's shielding charm. Pair up with a classmate and practice, and no harmful hexes this time, yes?"
With a snicker from across the room, Higglebottom waved her wand and the desks all gracefully swept into organized rows against the far wall, leaving the center of the room open for spell practice.
Within the blink of an eye half the room had begun to shuffle around in search of a partner, and it hit you with a surge in your chest that you and James always paired up in this class. You stayed rooted in your spot against the wall for a second, looking around amongst the chaos. Sure enough, that head of curls and those eyes like honey were on the other side of the room, searching the crowd for someone—for you.
Maybe you weren't exactly thinking in that moment, but you acted before you had time to consider much of anything.
"Hey Alice!" your voice was raised to almost a shout that alarmed even you, and Alice turned to you in surprise.
"Hey," she said, and before she could get another word out you were practically running to her.
"Could we be partners?"
You figured that it might've been the desperate look in your eyes that had her nodding yes, but it didn't matter because at least you didn't have to pair up with James. Facing that awkwardness and ignoring the twinge in your chest whenever you saw him seemed impossible right then.
You walked over to the front left corner of the room with Alice, catching James in your peripheral. He was watching you, you knew he was. It only made avoiding him even more difficult in your heart.
You began practicing with Alice as Higglebottom instructed, though you put up your shielding charm with just a fraction of a second left before Alice's stunning spell would've sent you flying.
"Woah," she said, and you took a second to shake out your arm before preparing for the next round. "You alright?"
"What?" you asked, half listening. "Yeah. Just slow reflexes, I guess. Sorry." She sent another shining blue stream at you from her wand. "Protego!"
This time you blocked it properly, but it didn't leave Alice feeling satisfied.
"It's just," she began, flicking her wand again wordlessly. "Don't you usually partner up with Potter?"
You tried your best to contain any reaction, focusing on saying the spells as instructed. You shrugged. "I don't know, I wouldn't say always."
Alice laughed. "Okay, so ninety-nine out of a hundred times, then." You gave her a look that was half joking half annoyed, and she smiled with a tilt of her and a gesture that said it was your turn to aim some spells her way. You flicked your wand with a wordless spell, and she put up her shield in no time, continuing. "I was just wondering if everything was okay, is all."
"No, yeah, everything's fine." Your shoulders felt tense as you sent out another spell. "Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, for one thing, he keeps looking over here." As much as you tried not to let her words affect you, the thought of them made your heart race and your forehead crinkle anxiously.
You shook your head busily, lips tight. "Don't know why he would be." That was a lie of course, and you knew it deep in your bones as you said it. You fought the urge to ask her exactly how he was looking at you as you sent another spell her way. "Rictusempra!"
Alice deflected the spell with yet another shield from her wand, and you could feel your focus slipping from you with every exchange between the two of you on the topic. "Maybe he wants to talk to you?" she reasoned, and you chewed on the inside of your cheek.
"I'd rather not." With that, you prepared another spell.
Alice glanced at something somewhere behind you. "Well he's coming this way."
You panicked, and your spell shot completely in the wrong direction, aiming diagonally at Higglebottom's desk instead. You cringed as your gust of wind had a stack of papers go flying, falling through the air without any grace.
Everyone in the room stopped their dueling at the commotion, and Higglebottom let out a tiny gasp from her position across the room. You stood there, stunned. But somehow, the most mortifying part of it to you was the sight of James watching it all unfold a few feet away from you, looking like he both wanted to laugh and ask you a thousand questions that you didn't know the answer to.
"Well, that's alright," rang Higglebottom, and you could've ran up and hugged her when she clapped her hands and made everyone go back to practicing spells. That included James, who wandered back over to a smug looking Sirius. She daintily pointed her wand towards the mess and it was cleaned up in a matter of seconds, though your embarrassment lingered deep in the pit of your stomach and refused to leave you.
Your professor had spent the rest of the class going over proper spell-casting stances and dueling strategies, and you'd found that the more you focused on your classes, the less your head seemed to run amuck with thoughts of a certain someone.
You'd spent the rest of rest of the day doing just that, paying attention to your professors' lessons for every class like your life depended on it, and speeding off in between each one.
By the time you made it to Potions you felt like your mind was finally calming down, though the world loved to test your patience. You had to walk straight past James on your way to your seat—the seat that was right in front of his—and he didn't give you the grace of pretending not to see you. His eyes followed you the whole way to your seat, and somehow it felt like you could still feel them lingering on the back of your head as you sat down. You sighed; if he could do you the favor of picking up on your attempt to get over him and just go along with it, your life would be a whole lot easier.
"You alright?"
You turned to see Sebastian sitting in his seat next to you, looking as dashing as ever with his tie undone from the uncharacteristically warm weather that day. The fact hadn't left you that Sebastian was apparently a top prospect for girls in your year looking to find a date.
He looked at you with concern, though his expression was still warm. He was the second person to ask you that that day.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you said back, though the way he looked at you made you feel suddenly insecure. You patted at the back of your hair. "Do I not look it?"
"No, no," came Sebastian quickly, laughing slightly. "You look great. Trust me."
From the way his eyes hovered over you, you felt like both hiding from embarrassment and blushing. You were about to thank him until Slughorn stood up from his desk, tone somewhat more bubbly than usual as he spoke.
"Say, my eager students," he began, and you felt the class collectively sigh from around you. "The air does feel fitting for some friendly competition today, does it not?"
With his statement, the room seemed to perk up from their afternoon drag, though you felt a sense of dread settle into your stomach. The word "competition" said in a room full of Gryffindors and Slytherins was practically a death sentence. Slughorn didn't pay it any mind.
"Each brewing station should prepare a Wound-Cleaning Potion within the hour, and I'll determine the most well-brewed potion by the end of class. The winning group gets five points extra credit."
If the prospect of competition didn't scare you already, the fact that you were never any good at Potions definitely did the job. Sebastian turned to you with an optimistic grin on his face, something casual and confident, all while you felt the exact opposite.
"Don't be so worried," he said, like he could read from your face how you felt already. "We're gonna do great. Half the others can't even talk to each other without ... that happening."
He nodded over to where Sirius and Slytherin Quidditch Captain Marcus Craggy were already arguing, practically shoving each other as they both stood up to get ingredients.
You snorted into your hand. "Maybe you're right."
Between the two of you, you sorted out a plan of action and went to get the ingredients while Sebastian tended to warming the cauldron. If your staying-hyper-focused strategy went according to plan, you had confidence that with Sebastian's Potions skills you could actually do well.
You measured out the proper amount of the necessary ingredients, taking what you needed from the stacks of shelves aligning the classroom wall. You handed off the jar of dandelion root to a girl next to you before turning around, but that was when you turned right into a body.
You looked up. It was James—of course it was. You knew for a fact you did a horrible job at hiding your alarm, but were still in your ignore-your-feelings-and-focus-on-school mood so you didn't think twice before awkwardly avoiding looking into his eyes.
"Sorry," you said quickly. You briefly smiled at him, though you were sure you looked anything but casual.
"It's okay-" he began, his voice fading away as you rushed past him within a second.
You felt horrible.
Focus, focus, focus. When you returned back to your table and a waiting Sebastian, you did just that.
He naturally took the lead, since you didn't know the first thing about brewing a Wound-Cleaning Potion, but he was surprisingly understanding and explained each step in a way that made more sense than anything Slughorn had ever said. There weren't even any of the usual slip-ups that happen when you brew a potion yourself, though you couldn't say the same for the groups around you.
About halfway through class you peaked over to where Sirius and Marcus Craggy were working and saw the monstrosity that was their cauldron bubbling over the surface, a swampy green that most certainly was not the right color.
You heard a mousy laugh come from behind them, Peter giggling at the sight of his friend's failure. Within a second his own partner yelled his name, and with a terrified look he focused back on his own potion. It was safe to say your group was working better than any of your friends'.
In no time you were all finishing up your potions and Slughorn had begun coming around to review them, hands tucked behind his back like a true judge.
The first cauldron he'd surveyed belonged to Frank Longbottom and a red-haired Slytherin girl who you knew Alice was uneasy over. And, now that you got a good look at her, you could see she was the same girl you heard whispering about you and James's supposed broom closet snogging. So maybe the slight amusement you felt when Slughorn looked at her and Frank's cauldron and immediately grimaced wasn't completely impersonal.
He did the same to a few other groups, granting some an impressed nod until he finally reached your table. He gave Sebastian an enthusiastic and familiar smile, and nodded at you without any particular warmth, which you ignored.
The two of you stepped back and watched as Slughorn leaned over the side of the cauldron, peering it into it wordlessly. Sebastian glanced at you from the corner of his eye with a curious look and you fought a smile.
When you turned back to your potion, Slughorn's face was lit up satisfactorily. He clapped his hands together. "Splendid! Absolutely splendid."
You felt like you were hearing wrong, like words as positive as those could've never come from Slughorn in regards to you, but sure enough, he was talking directly to you. You were definitely sure you were dreaming then.
"Say, I believe we may have found our winners!"
Your jaw was hanging then, and Sebastian was beaming proudly. You were about to turn to him and celebrate, when a Gryffindor boy at a table in the corner of the room shouted out in protest.
"You didn't even look at the last three groups!"
Slughorn turned to him at first in alarm, but then his expression then morphed into a tightlipped smile you could tell was meant to be sympathetic. "I'm sorry dear boy, but I can see from here they're all the wrong color." He scanned the row of cauldrons behind you. "I can also smell them."
The room chuckled at that, and Slughorn turned back to you and Sebastian unbothered and cheerful.
"I expected nothing less from one of my star students, yes?" He shook Sebastian's hand firmly like he was an old family friend, and then, to your surprise, held out his hand to you too. You took it, feeling suspicious of how well this was going. "Very impressive work today." He smiled at you more authentically then you'd ever seen him smile at you, and you felt like bursting from happiness, though you watered it down to a prompt "Thank you."
"You two pat yourselves on the back," said Slughorn, regarding you both one last time before taking his leave.
You turned slowly to Sebastian, sporting the biggest smile you'd worn in days. The groups that weren't as upset over the loss clapped lightly from around the room, and you were so happy you could've literally jumped for joy.
"We did it!" You looked at Sebastian, and he was grinning down at you with a smile that met his eyes, looking half like he wanted to laugh at your overexcitement. You were so happy you even ran up and hugged him, not exactly thinking before you did it but it didn't matter because he hugged you back, chuckling.
Right before you went to pull away, you heard a bubbling noise coming from next to you. It grew, rumbling and groaning, and not a second more went by before the potion behind yours splattered all over.
You both stepped only slightly back before the mess reached you. You were lucky you were standing where you were, because most of the potion got on Sebastian instead. That didn't change the fact that it made an absolute mess.
"Goodness!" Slughorn shouted, and you stepped away from Sebastian right away, scanning over the mess the cauldron had made. A blue-gray goo covered the left half of his shirt, not an insane mess but still a concerning amount of slimy potion to be covered in.
You turned to the table who'd been sitting behind you, and realized with a sense of both dread and annoyance that it had been James's cauldron to explode.
You looked at him in dismay as he stood there, backed away from the table like the explosion had come completely as a surprise to him. But, judging from the way he took in Sebastian's appearance without so much as a grimace, it very well could've been just the opposite.
James's table partner, the Slytherin boy on the smaller side, looked beyond mortified. "Oh Merlin," he began, arms outstretched towards Sebastian. "We're so sorry, I don't know what happened, I-"
"Now, now," Slughorn interrupted, moving swiftly over to where the mess was. With a face that showed he was trying very hard not to react, he pulled out his wand and muttered a spell that cleaned up the mess from the desks and floor, and another one for Sebastian's shirt.
"That should take care of the mess, though I do recommend you pay Madam Pomfrey a visit, Sebastian. The possible side effects of an improperly-brewed potion are quite impossible to determine externally." He patted Sebastian on the back, who looked not angry but dazed, if anything, and turned to James and his partner. "And as for you two, pay better mind for what ingredients you're using. Next time, I won't be so kind about cleaning up for you."
They both nodded obediently, James wearing the placating face he always did when confronted by a teacher, and staring down at his feet. Was he ashamed? Hiding laughter? You couldn't tell, but certainly had suspicions, knowing his dislike of Sebastian for some unidentifiable reason.
Slughorn dismissed the class, and Sebastian gathered his things to go to what you assumed would be the nurse's office.
"Let me go with you," you said.
He turned to you in surprise, shrugging his bag over his shoulder. "Oh, don't worry about it."
"It's no problem, really." You smiled at him assuredly and he let in, waiting for you to get your things and walk with him out of the classroom. "Are you okay?" you asked once you turned the corner. "The color of that potion was definitely concerning."
He nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Or at least, I feel okay."
The two of you walked in silence for a moment, and you let your thoughts drift to the class you'd just finished, and how amazing and odd it felt to get a handshake from Slughorn. Soon you found a smile creeping into your cheeks.
"Are you laughing at me?"
You escaped your daydreaming, whipping your head to Sebastian who was looking at you with a disbelieving smile of his own. "What? No! Of course not," you assured him, shaking your head rapidly. "I'm just really happy our potion did so well."
"Yeah, me too."
"I mean seriously, I don't think I've ever smiled so much in a Potions class. Or that Slughorn's ever said anything that nice to me." And you meant it. Visions of nights spent practically crying over a bad potions grade flashed through your mind.
"Well," Sebastian began, eyes looking down at yours with fondness. "You deserve it."
You looked back at him, feeling like he really meant those words. A kind of odd feeling simmered in your chest, but it was warm and you invited it as you kept walking beside him.
"Hey," he began again after a beat, shifting his attention fully to you. "I've been meaning to ask you something-"
"Can we talk?"
Both of you stopped as you reached the staircase at the end of the hall and, somehow, there stood James. He was looking at you with an intention behind his eyes that flickered over you like he hadn't noticed Sebastian was with you at all.
You frowned at him, eyes glancing between both he and Sebastian in both shyness and irritation. "You know, I'm kind of in the middle of something-"
"It's an emergency." James leaned closer, eyes wide. "About the you know what."
You did not 'know what,' but James didn't seem to pick up on that. Your confusion only extended the interaction and had Sebastian stepping away.
"It's okay," he said to you with a neutral tug of his lips. "I'll talk to you later." Before you could tell him it was fine, that you wanted to hear what he had to ask you, he'd smiled and turned to climbed up the steps, leaving you alone with James.
You turned fully to face him, your irritation masking whatever nervousness you felt at finally looking him in the eyes. "What kind of 'emergency' was so important that you had to interrupt my conversation with-"
"Sebastian Vance. I know." He said his name like it was a chore, and it only had your forehead creasing even more. "There's, um, a problem with the prank."
"Really?" you deadpanned, staring at him blankly. "That was the emergency that couldn't wait?"
"You haven't let me finish," argued James defensively.
"Okay," you added, tone impatient as you motioned for him to continue.
"Wormtail lost the list of passcodes to the Slytherin common room." He ended his sentence as if there was more that he wanted to say, rubbing at the back of his neck.
"And ... we were wondering if you could find a way to get them from Vance."
"What?!" you shouted, lowering your voice when you realized how loud you were being. "No, have you gone mad?"
"Oh, come on," James said, tone much too lax for your liking.
"You really expect me to trick my friend into letting us prank him?"
James let out a huff that sounded like a scoff, raising his brows at you. "Oh really? He's your friend now?"
"Yeah, he is." You crossed your arms, staring at him disbelievingly. "Is there a problem?"
"No, no problem." James shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, peering somewhere down below and not at you. "Just didn't know you guys were so close, is all."
Something about the way he spoke was infuriating you, tone casual but clearly masking judgement, as if he had any kind of control over who you could and couldn't speak to.
You scoffed. "Why are you being so weird about this?"
"I'm not."
"Really?" you deadpanned. "You interrupted my conversation with him when I was trying to walk him to the nurse after your potion exploded all over him, right after we won-"
"You don't really think I did that on purpose, do you?"
"I don't know!" you shouted. "With your house rivalry, and the way you lot are so obsessed with pranking people-"
"'You lot'?"
You stopped, realizing how much this was escalating when you really didn't want it to be. You pressed a hand to your forehead. "Sorry that's... that's not fair." You shook your head, as if doing that would rid you of the mess that was your mind right then. You hated arguing with James. "I'm just annoyed right now, is all."
"Yeah," James said with a nod, voice quieted. "Look," he breathed. "I'm sorry I interrupted you. And I really didn't mean for my potion to go exploding all over the place. I don't know what happened. I guess I was just ... distracted, or something, when we were brewing it. I'm sorry."
You let your eyes scan over his face, noting that he truly did look sorry. Something churned in your gut, something that you filed away as uninportant in that moment. "It's alright," you sighed.  "Although, it's not really me you should be apologizing to."
It took him a second before he caught what you were referring to, him realizing with a look to the side and a half-laugh. "Yeah right."
"James." You gave him a warning look, and he raised his hands in surrender.
"Alright. I'll apologize to him."
You uncrossed your arms, feeling a bit better. "Thank you."
He tipped his head in acknowledgment, and you stood there for a moment debating if there was anything more to be said, knowing in the back of your mind that there certainly was, but you took a step up the stairs anyway.
"Wait." James took a light hold on your wrist that seemed to burn right through the skin, the contact making you feel unstable on the steps. "That's ... that's not all I wanted to talk to you about."
You stilled, glancing over his unsure expression. "Oh, okay." You waited for him to say something, but he stayed silent, out of character for him. He didn't meet your eyes as he thought, throat bobbing. "James?"
"Are we okay?"
He looked up and into your eyes then, the motion striking you as you were more level with him now from your stance on the step.
You felt your heart rate pick up. "What?"
He drew his hand away finally to run it uneasily through his curls. "I just feel like you're ..." He trailed off, voice going soft.
"Like I'm what?"Slightly heartbroken? Avoiding you? You knew exactly what he meant, of course, and it was eating away at you to lie straight to him.
"It's nothing." He waved a hand, though you could sense his seriousness in the tenseness of his stance and the darting of his eyes. "I just wanna make sure everything's alright between us."
You nodded because you felt the same way, though you knew the answer. "Yeah, I get that."
He looked expectantly at you, eyes intent but not prying. "So, is it?"
A beat went by before you could answer, your throat going dry with the effort of your lie. "Yeah," you assured him. "Of course."
He seemed to visibly relax, and the way his features softened made your shoulders sink. "Good. Great."
Were you a bad person for this? Maybe. Probably. But avoiding him had felt like best coarse of action and the only way to get by, at least for the time being. You knew, or hoped, that eventually things would go back to normal. Or rather, the 'normal' that existed before you ever had feelings for James, if that even really existed.
He offered you a smile of his pink lips that eased your thoughts even if only for a moment. Then, he leaned in and hugged you, and you felt like melting for too many reasons. You were at a height that let one of his curls brush against your cheek just like it did the night you kissed him—ignore, ignore, ignore—only, you weren't sure how much longer you could keep doing that.
If you weren't going to avoid James all together anymore, than you'd have to just avoid certain situations; situations like this, where you could feel the rise and fall of his chest against your own, something dizzying yet comforting in a way that made you want to hide in your dorm.
You pulled away, reminding yourself that hugging him was the last thing you should be doing, and turned towards the steps again. "Let's go find the guys, figure out all this prank business."
"Good idea," James said, who followed you up the stairs without missing a beat. You hadn't reached the top step before he froze, ending up a few steps behind you.
"Crap," he cursed.
You frowned down at him. "What's the matter?"
"I just remembered that I booked the Quidditch pitch for this time."
Your jaw dropped for a second, lips curling up at the stupefied look on his face. You waved your hand towards the top of the steps. "Well then, go! Hurry!"
James's face set in with a hilariously determined expression and he set off up the steps in a jumble of robes mixed with his bag hanging limply off his shoulder. He passed you with ease, zooming off down the hallway.
"See you!" he called. He turned over his shoulder with a grin before disappearing around the corner, and your heart hurt at how easily laughter came to you around him. Because he's your best friend.
You reminded yourself of that fact with a small but stern nod, probably looking like you'd lost your mind standing alone in that hallway. It didn't matter, because you were going to keep those thoughts out of your mind from then on, and that was the end of that. Or, at least that was what you told yourself all the way back to the common room.
@hisparentsgallerryy @msmk11
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
james’ fingers ran through sirius’ curls. his back was resting against the tall walnut tree in the potters’ garden, and the sun shine on them through the thick branches and leaves.
“i’m glad you’re here,” james said, looking down at his friend, whose head was resting in his lap.
sirius hummed, contentedly, and smiled, his eyes closed. “i’m glad i’m here, too, mate.”
ever since sirius had come to the potters, it was obvious that he was doing better. instead of the ghost-like pallor that he had when he showed up on the potters’ doorstep, sirius’ skin had taken a light, pleasant tan. his hair had gotten longer and his smile wider, and he was no longer glaring at james’ mother and father, instead now making light conversation with them, doing crosswords with fleamont and laughing with euphemia.
and, selfishly, maybe, james thought about himself, too. about how he was lonely during the summer holidays. his parents were great, that was undeniable, and they offered him everything they could; however, he could not, with them, achieve the wordless connection that he only had with teenagers, that he only had with sirius. he thought, within him, that this was good for both him and sirius; sirius finally had a safe place to live in, with people that loved him, and james had his best friend back.
james looked up to the thin rays of sun peeking through. it was bound to be a good summer, he was sure of it.
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ellecdc · 6 months
can i request a reader x poly!marauders where the reader finds a stray kitten and she hides in her robes so she can feed it in morning and just carries it around school.
it’s the boys vs a kitten for reader’s attention, especially sirius sometimes he’s talking smack to the kitten who’s a asleep and then reader catches him and scolds him for it
loolllll poor Siri. Thanks for your request!
Sirius' Arch Nemesis
poly!marauders x fem!reader
CW: brief mention of Sirius' crappy childhood but very brief and it's only for dramatic effect (it's from Sirius' POV, obviously)
Some may deem this dramatic, but Sirius was very sure that this was quite possibly one of the worst things to have ever happened to him.
“Now, that’s a little dramatic, Pads.” Peter chided, watching you coo at a little bundle hidden beneath your robes as you fed it pieces of chicken at dinner.
“She used to feed me chicken like that.” Sirius pouted, causing Remus to snort.
“She’s never once fed you like that, Pads.”
“Awe, poor Siri.” James cooed, sounding awfully sympathetic to his musings; at least Sirius had one ally here. “Would you like me to feed you chicken like that?”
Sirius gave James his best kicked puppy impression (which was very easy seeing as he was a giant puppy and had spent his entire life training for it) and nodded. “Yes please, Jamie.”
James cooed again and pressed a kiss to Sirius’ cheek before dutifully stabbing a piece of chicken and bringing it to Sirius’ mouth.
“Merlin you guys are embarrassing.” Remus muttered as he turned back to watch you dote over the runty little kitten that you’d found in Hogsmeade last weekend all on its lonesome. 
“You should leave it here, dovey. His mama may be looking for him.” Remus tried, though he couldn’t deny that the kitten did look particularly pathetic. The tiny thing was shaking, crying, and looked sort of wet or dirty - Remus may not know much but he was quite certain no kitty mama would let their little one walk around in such a state.
Remus nearly whimpered when you turned your face up to the three boys standing over you with tears in your eyes, your face overflowing with empathy. “Can we wait here then? To see if the mama comes back for him?”
Remus ignored the petulant whining’s from Sirius as he sat himself down beside you in camaraderie with nothing more than a sigh. How could he say no to such a reasonable albeit emotional request?
“Jamie?” You murmured, and Remus wasn’t sure how much of the pout was honest and how much of it was to gain sympathy for your cause, but James was quickly at your side.
“Yes, angel?”
“Do you think you could ask Madame Rosmerta for some water? Maybe tuna if she has some?”
James looked like he really didn’t want to do that but also felt he was in no position to deny you.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” He conceded, pressing a kiss to your hair and causing Sirius to grumble.
“Why don’t you come with me, Pads? Once we bring it back we can head to Zonko's whist these two wait.” James offered, causing Sirius to brighten up considerably.
Needless to say, the mama cat never did show up and the kitten let out a number of pathetic little sneezes from its curled-up place in your lap.
“It’s getting dark, dove. Curfew is soon.” Remus reminded you gently.
“I can’t leave it here, Rem.” You moaned, still never raising your eyes from the kitten as it kneaded biscuits into your robes.
And Remus really hated to admit it, but he didn’t think you could leave it here either.
So, thanks to your bleeding heart and Remus’ lack of self-restraint when it came to anything you ever wanted, Sirius was effectively being replaced by a tiny little devil.
“I don’t know why you’re so wound up about this Black.” Marlene taunted from her place in her girlfriend’s lap as said girlfriend massaged her scalp on the couch of the Gryffindor common room. “It’s just a tiny kitten.”
“'Just a tiny kitten'.” Sirius sneered back at his best friend. “Right, so tell me, Miss. ‘My-Girlfriend-Is-Currently-Snuggling-And-Petting-Me-Right-At-This-Very-Moment’, what do you see my girlfriend doing right now?”
Marlene barely maneuvered her head from Dorcas’ lap to see you curled up near the fire with a book in your hand and that stupid kitten in your lap. 
“She’s reading to her cat?” Dorcas responded bemusedly, clearly not seeing what the big deal is.
“Exactly!” Sirius huffed. “That should be me.”
“Oh, my gods.” Marlene grumbled as she stood from her place, grabbing Dorcas’ hand to pull her up too. “Can we go snuggle in the snake pit? I can’t handle Sirius’ level of dramatics tonight.”
“Some friend you are!” Sirius shouted at Marlene’s retreating form as the portrait hole closed behind them.
James and Remus were currently at a prefect’s meeting with James being head-boy and Remus as (the head-boy’s favourite) prefect. 
Usually, you and Sirius would spend this time together just the two of you, which was hard to come by sometimes in such a relationship as yours. One-time you guys went and used the bath in the prefect’s bathroom knowing that all the prefects would be busy for the next hour and having gained the password from your boyfriends’. Another time, you two fashioned your own prank without the help of the other Marauder’s and even got away with it!
But right now, Sirius just wanted to cuddle.
But that was fine! If it was animals you wanted to cuddle with, Sirius was more than happy to oblige.
With a quick glance to ensure that the common room was empty, Sirius quickly shifted into Padfoot and made his way over to you.
Padfoot was feeling pretty confident in his plan, that is until he heard a nasty little sound emanating from your lap.
“Sirius!” You scolded, picking up the now very spiky and angry looking kitten from your lap. “You’re scaring him, Pads!” You cooed, tucking the kitten into the collar of your jumper.
The portrait hole opened at this and James and Remus entered the room hand-in-hand, laughing about something before turning to take in the scene.
“Uh oh...” James started, making his way over to the two three of you currently sitting near the fire. “Did Padfoot try to eat the kitten?”
Padfoot harumphed the best he could in his current doggy form. Is good dog, he thought, would not eat...only maim.
“The kitten is frightened.” You pouted, looking to James for sympathy. James looked like he was considering giving it to you, but Remus spoke up as he scratched placatingly behind Padfoot’s ears.
“Perhaps you should bring him upstairs, dovey. Give him some quiet time.”
You readily agreed, much to Padfoot’s chagrin, and left the common room. Now you’d be all the way up there and he’d definitely not get any cuddles.
“Okay, is anyone else sort of jealous of the cat?” James finally muttered plainly once he knew you were out of ear shot.
Yes, Padfoot thought as he quickly shifted back to Sirius. “Yes! It’s like she’s replacing us!”
Remus scoffed at that. “No one is being replaced, boys. Just relax.”
Sirius levelled his boyfriend with a glare. “Yeah? When’s the last time she read to you by the fire, Moons?”
Remus paused and seemed to think on that for a moment before his eyes darted back to Sirius. “I still think you’re being dramatic.”
“It’s been since the kitten, hasn’t it Remus?” Sirius argued, not willing to let it go.
“Sirius, she’s allowed to love things other than us.”
Both Sirius and James scoffed at that. “I think bloody not!” James retorted. 
“I can concede if she likes other things, but she cannot love anything more than me! She needs to love me the most!” Sirius insisted, causing both of his boyfriends to look at him funny.
“Oh?” James asked with a bemused frown.
“Is that how it is, really? You think she loves you the most out of all of us?” Remus continued.
Sirius levelled them with a look he hoped portrayed a “yeah, duh”. 
“Is that how this relationship works for you Sirius? Which of us do you love the most?” James demanded, crossing his arms in that way Sirius loves because it makes his muscles bulge. 
“Me, obviously.” He answered simply.
“You’re your own favourite?” Remus deadpanned.
Sirius shrugged. “Yeah, I’m awesome.”
“You’re not supposed to have favourites!” James whined.
“You’re telling me you’ve never been like ‘oh merlin, right now Moony is my favourite’?” Sirius asked him.
James scoffed indignantly. “Right now, he very well might be!”
Instead of having the effect he hoped that comment would on Sirius, Sirius nodded in agreement. “See? Favourites.”
“You’re an idiot.” Remus grumbled as he stood and made his way upstairs.
“Do you really have favourites?” James asked quietly once Remus had left, his voice giving way to a vulnerability that made Sirius melt.
“Not a chance, bubs.” Sirius insisted, placing a kiss to James’ temple as he pulled the spectacled boy into his side. “I just like arguing with Moony; he makes it so easy to take the piss.”
James chuckled and allowed some tension to leave his body. 
“No, but seriously, what are we going to do about that kitten?” James piped up and pulled away so he could look into Sirius’ face.
“I suppose my current plan of feeding it to the Hippogriffs is a no?” Sirius asked. He was answered by an unamused glare from James.
“Fine. Fine. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon.” Sirius conceded. For as much shit as he gave you, he did sort of love how much you loved anything and everything that might be in need of some; himself included.
James and Sirius watched the flames dance in the fireplace for some time, just enjoying the quiet company that the two of them very rarely shared together.
“Why don't we go see what those two are up to, hm?” James asked eventually, helping Sirius up from his position on the floor and heading up the stairs towards the boy's dorm.
The room was quiet as they entered and when Sirius turned after closing the door to survey the room, he let out a horrified gasp.
“How in the buggering hell did he manage that!?” He whisper shouted, pointing to Remus laying on his bed with you pulled into his side, nuzzled into the crook of his arm.
As James moved to survey the two of you from another side, his face morphed into a pained grimace. “Pads, maybe it’s best we-”
But it was too late, Sirius had seen all he needed to see.
“You bloody traitor!” He nearly shrieked, albeit not loud enough to stir you nor the stupid fucking kitten currently curled up in a very content ball on Remus’ chest from your respective slumber’s.
If Remus had been pretending to sleep, his ruse was given away by a smug smirk gracing his face.
“Better luck next time, Sirius.” He goaded, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm as you burrowed further into the werewolf’s side. 
Sirius had been beaten, crucio’d, starved, disowned and homeless in his eighteen years of life. But this right here was without a doubt the worst thing to have ever happened to him.
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deathnguts · 3 months
Marauders era characters and they’re bi/gay awakenings except not all of them are the obvious answer
Sirius: Remus (starting off strong with an obvious answer, god damnit)
Remus: Professor Ferox (I know he isn’t a canon character but his first crush being a cool teacher makes so much sense to me)
James: Frank Longbottom (young James was concerned with two things, and that was quidditch and pranks. Frank Longbottom let them get away with pranks and was captain of the gryffindor quidditch team)
Peter: No one (he’s Aroace to me and simply learned to be annoyed at romantic attraction)
Lily: Pandora (no explanation, simply vibes)
Mary: Lily (no explanation, simply vibes)
Marlene: Mary (fell for her best friend, rookie mistake)
Dorcas: Marlene (fell for a girl who fell for her best friend, rookie mistake)
Pandora: Dorcas (I’ve never actually seen anyone ship them, and I’m not exactly doing that either, but I can see Dorcas being Pandora’a first girl crush out of respect for her as a witch and admiration of her beauty and their friendship)
Evan: Regulus (Barty is the obvious answer but I like rosewater a lot and it makes sense for them to be childhood friends, therefore give Evan time to like Regulus even before they went to hogwarts)
Barty: Regulus (Barty’s brain chemistry was rewired by his love for regulus, even if you choose to believe they’re not endgame. I choose to believe that tho. I’m biased. Fight me.)
Regulus: Remus (hear me out ok, I’ve mentioned this headcanon before but like Remus just has that cool ‘bad’ boy persona with his scars and how quiet he is, combined with how he’s an intellectual and he’s Regulus’ older brother’s friend… as a younger sibling he was cooked from the start)
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princessconsuela120 · 8 months
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Request: Hey, could you write a remus x reader, childhood bestfriend? Maybe it was unrequited at first (by remus) then they got into a fight and he slowly started realizing?
Warnings: cursing, fighting, angst
Author’s note: I loved this request so much. I’m sorry to everyone who sent in requests, I’ve been really only in the mood to write for Harry Potter atm so it’s taking me a while to find inspo for the others. Enjoy guys!
FOR AS LONG AS YOU COULD REMEMBER, Remus John Lupin had been your one saving vice. Growing up, your mothers both met each other at a pilates class nonetheless, quickly becoming college best friends. Coincidentally, they both met their future husbands at the train station in London, when they were traveling to work. It was a surprise to both of them when they realized they were pregnant with you and Remus at the same time, let alone that the two of you would be wizards.
You both boarding the train to Hogwarts together, met the marauders together, and even managed to share majority of your schedules. But life didn’t get easier for you after going to Hogwarts. Student were mean, and people stuck their chins out at people born from muggle parents. For Remus it was easier to look the other way, considering he had enough to deal with as is. But for you it was harder.
Not only did you get teased for your blood status, but you soon realized that your friendship with Remus was growing to be more. You couldn’t love him like that, he was your best friend. Yet you did. He owned all your heart in the palm of his hand, and worst of all he didn’t even know.
“The more you stare at him, the more obvious it is that you're totally whipped.” Marlene teased, raising an eyebrow at you as she took the horklump juice from your hand, not wanting you to cause an explosion due to your daydreams.
“I’m not staring. I was just, seeing if I was doing it right.” You defended yourself, shaking yourself out of your daydream, your lips curling to a smile when you caught sight of Remus laughing at something James had said.
“Right, cause you meant to almost pour the whole bottle into the cauldron.” She gestured for you to look down, noticing the many ingredients you had almost incorrectly added, causing you to groan as you shook yourself back to her.
“Sorry I just, sorry.” You mumbled in response, looking down with a sigh.
“Y/n, come on.” She sighed, handing you a ladle to mix the potion. “This is torture seeing you like this.” She said, smiling sympathetically as you nodded.
“I know, I know. I just, I can’t do anything about it Marls. He’s my best friend, he could never feel that way about me.” You explained, shaking your head as you moved back to continue adding to your potion.
“Sunny, Marlene.” Remus greeted, your heart fluttering at the nickname. Ever since he found out you were in Hufflepuff, he gave you the nickname if sunny. Not just for your yellow clothes, but for the sunshine you give off. “May I steal this one real quick?” He turned to Marlene, making her nod.
“She’s all yours.”
“What’s up?” You asked, following him over to where you needed to get more ingredients.
“Well, I know the Yule ball is coming up…” he said, earning a nod from you.
“It is? Do you need help asking someone?” You suggested, digging through the budget for some billywig stings.
“Actually, I was going to ask you.” You turned over to look at him so quickly, you almost spilled the whole jar.
“I know, I know, it’s not romantic. But, well, James is bringing Lily, and Sirius can’t decide between the three girls he’s taking. Even Peter is bringing someone. I don’t want to be alone.” He explained, making your heart drop slightly.
“So you want to take me, so you won’t be alone?”
“Exactly. Do you accept?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you excitedly, making you nod.
“Of course I’ll go with you Remus.” You accepted, making Remus smile as you both began walking back to your tables. Marlene smirked at you, to which you waved her off, not feeling like getting into detail over the fact that you had just been ultimately friendzoned.
YOU HAD BEEN CASUALLY WALKING AROUND HOGWARTS, your books tightly held in your hands as you made your way to care for magical creatures. As your walk continued, you ran into none other than Gideon Prewitt, a wide smile in his face as he came up to you.
“Y/n, hey.” He greeted kindly, making you smile back at him.
“Gideon, hi how are you?” You asked, a slight flirtatious smirk adorning his face.
“I’m lovely, how are you?”
“Good, good. What can I do for you?” You asked. You seemed to have a confident walk to him, which made it nice to be around.
“Well, I understand the Yule ball is coming up.” He suggested, making you squeal slightly with excitement.
“Yes, I can’t wait. I just got my dress yesterday.” You cheered excitedly, making Gideon nod happily.
“Perfect. Just let me know what color, and we’ll be on our way.”
“Why do you need to know the color?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he chuckled nervously.
“I guess I should have started with this, Y/n L/n, you are the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts. I would be honored if you would attend the Yule ball with me.” He said, handing you a red rose he had been hiding behind his back.
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t give you butterflies. You couldn’t help but blush at the compliment.
“Oh, Gideon that’s really sweet…”
“She’s going with me.” Remus growled lowly, interrupting you before you could finish, making you press your lips together nervously.
“Oh, Remus, I’m sorry dude. I thought you guys were just friends.” Gideon said, raising his hands defensively.
“We are, we’re going as friends.” Remus grumbled, making Gideon chuckle awkwardly.
“Oh, um. Okay. Well, Y/n, if you want to go with someone for real, my offer still stands.” He said with a wink, before turning and leaving towards the Gryffindor common room. Remus scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes as he began walking beside you.
“What’s with that guy huh?” He hissed, making you shrug.
“I don’t know, it was kinda sweet. He got me this rose and all.” You smelt the rose, a slight blush coming on your cheeks as you did.
“Are you seriously considering going with him? You already agreed to go with me.”
“Yeah as friends Remus. Maybe, I don’t know, maybe I want to have a romantic night with someone who wants to be there with me.” You explained, causing Remus to stop in his tracks, grabbing your shoulders so you’d look at him.
“I wanna be there with you.” He said, a slight frown on his face as he did.
“You know what I mean, Remus. Like, I don’t know, someone who likes me that way.”
“What, is he everything you ever wanted, y/n?” He asked bitterly, making your face twitch with anger. You pointed a finger at him, your face contorting with hurt.
“Remus, you’re being mean. Stop.” You spoke angrily, your voice breaking as you brows furrowed with hurt.
“This is bull shit.” He shouted, throwing his arms to his sides angrily.
“Remus!” You yelled, taken aback by his temper.
“No! You agreed to go with me, now, what, you change you’re mind cause Prewit gave you a rose?”
“Remus, I am so sick and tired of chasing after you! I’m not going with you for pity!” You shouted, now angry with the boy, catching him off guard.
“It’s not pity, it’s a school dance y/n!” He yelled in response, angry by your outburst.
“I don’t care! I have loved you, all my life.” You shouted, quieting down slightly, not expecting to have admired that, but not caring at the same time.
“Remus, I’m so tired, okay? I can’t just keep waiting here for you, in the hopes that maybe one day you’ll like me back.” You pinched your forehead with frustration, ignoring the longing look Remus gave you.
“You like me?” He asked, making you scoff.
“Oh come on, it’s obvious is it not? Remus, I will always love, just, I can’t keep waiting for you. It breaks my heart.”
Before he could answer, you quickly ran forward, hoping to make it to class in enough time to take the spot next to Sirius so Remus couldn’t sit next to you today. Remus was left in shock. It may have been the first time since Remus started Hogwarts that he missed a class before a full moon.
“OH QUIT MOPPING MOONY.” Sirius teased, shoving Remus teasingly as the werewolf rolled his eyes. They were sitting at their table for the Yule ball which consisted of James Sirius, Sirius’ date of the hour, and Lily. Marlene and Dorcas had agreed to accompany you at your table, to not further strain the awkwardness of the situation. You did decide to go with Gideon, after the angry response you got from Remus, it was clear to you that you should go with who you wanted.
“Don’t tell me what to quit, padfoot. Does Amanda know she’s your fifth date tonight or did you want to let her find out on her own?” Remus hissed, raising an eyebrow at sirius, who’s eyes widened when his date, Amanda, slapped him over the head.
“You prick!” She shouted, storming away from the table, sirius chuckling angry as Remus smirked.
“Thanks for that.” He grumbled, choosing to put his anger aside when seeing the sad look on Remus’ face.
“I’ve ruined the one and only good thing in my life.” Remus mummbled, hiding his face in his hands. Sirius rolled his eyes, nudging him.
“Sitting right here Moony.” Sirius snarked, earning a shove back.
“Shut up.”
“Oh come on. It’s y/n, I mean, it’s your sunny! She can’t stay mad at you.” Sirius explained, causing Remus to shake his head.
“She loves me. I mean she really, loves me.” He said in disbelief, shaking his head as he sighed.
“And you don’t love her back?” James asked, his expression soft as he looked at Remus with concern.
“I mean, I don’t, I can’t right? I mean she’s my best friend. Anyone but her.” He explained, the other marauders sharing a smirk before turning back to Remus.
“I don’t know moons, love works in mysterious ways.” Sirius teased, making Remus roll his eyes again.
“Posh, what do you know about love.”
“Well, I know that you and y/n are meant for each other. Wether it be friends, or true love.” Sirius said, making Remus shrug.
“Yeah, whatever.” He mumbled, choosing to ignore Sirius’ comment and resting his chin against his palm angrily. He looks up to see you walking into the room, hand and hand with Gideon. A wide smile adorned your face as you smiled around at the decor around the room, making Remus smile.
“Wow.” Remus muttered, his eyes trained on you which caught the boy’s attention.
“She's so pretty.” Lily said, waving for you to come and sit over with them as she got up to greet you.
“Pretty? Are you kidding? She’s gorgeous.” He whispered to himself, causing Sirius and James to share a look.
“Someone’s gawking.” James teased. Remus gestured to where you stood, you face seemed to sparkle under the lights as you spoke to Lily.
“How can you not. I mean, wow. I’ve never seen sunny in red before.” He couldn’t help the way his heart picked up speed when you waved over to him.
“I guess red suits her in more ways than one.” Sirius mumbled, referring to the fact that Remus, the gryffindor boy, truly did belong with you. Remus didn’t hear him, having been making his way over to you the second he saw you wave.
“Sunny, hey.” He greeted, causing you to smile widely as you hugged him.
“Remus, hey.” You said in response. The second you pulled away you noticed a thick awkwardness that wafted between you two.
“You uh, you look great.” Remus complimented, making you smile, bowing slightly before turning to Gideon.
“Thanks. I’ll be right back Gideon, I’m gonna grab us some punch.” You explained, absentmindedly kissing Gideon on the cheek as you ran from the awkwardness. Remus would be lying if he said his heart didn’t ache at the sight.
“So what, you two are dating now?” Remus asked, watching you walk away as Gideon shrugged.
“I don’t know. I might go for it, I think she likes me.” He explained. Remus snorted, rolling his eyes. “What, you don’t think so?”
“No just, well, sunny could do a lot better than you.”
He wasn’t sure why he said it. Remus never had a problem with Gideon before, in fact he considered him a good friend. He had no idea why the thought of him with you made him so mad. Well he did, but remus decided to stay cluelessly angry with clenched fists instead of admit that.
“What, like you?”
“No, just, better.” Remus responded with a shrug, causing Gideon to sigh.
“Look, Remus, if you like her I can back down. You’ve had her longer than I have I wouldn’t step in the way of that?”
“Had her?” Remus asked, now looking at Gideon with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah well, I guess you’ve had claim on her for longer.”
“Claim? She’s not just something you can claim Prewitt, she’s a person!” He shouted.
“Calm down Remus, I just meant…” Gideon tried, holding his hand up with defense before Remus interrupted him.
“No!” He shouted, shoving Gideon back angrily. “She deserves better than you. She’s a human being, not just someone you can set your claim on like, like some kind of animal.” He shook his head, feeling anger consume him. It was strange, he had never felt this incredibly angry before unless a full moon was near, which hadn’t happened since last week, so that couldn’t be it. There was no one you could make him feel as powerfully as a full moon could, right?
“Oh come on now, we all know how it goes around here, right? You’d know better than anyone, what with Sirius being your friend and all.”
Remus felt as though Gideon had burned those words into his brain.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m sure you’ve all gone back and forth choosing who would get to have her.”
It didn’t take much more from Remus before he swung a punch right at Gideon, knocking him to the ground. He wasn’t sure what came over him, but Remus just started punching, and he didn’t stop. He choose to ignore Gideon’s pleas for him to stop, his anger taking over.
“Remus stop! Stop it now! Merlin’s beard, what is wrong with you guys!?” You shouted, quickly pulling Remus back. He wipped him nose, a punch Gideon had landed now causing it to gush blood as he grunted. Gideon was only able to land a few punched anyway, and Remus stood back trying to catch his breath.
“Nothing.” Remus grumbled, clenching his fists. He fought the urge to say something, before huffing as he walked outside the building.
“What the hell was that?” You asked, watching as Remus pulled a cigarette out of his back pocket, something he only did when he was angry.
“Nothing.” He hissed. You grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, putting it out which only made him angrier.
“Nothing??…nothing!?! Remus Lupin, explain yourself. Now!” You shouted. He huffed again, gesturing out at Gideon who was being checked out by Madam Ponfrey in the hall.
“Nothing happened alright? He pissed me off, so I hit him.”
“You can’t just lash out on people Remus. It’s, it’s not healthy for you.” You sighed, rubbing your forehead. “Merlin, you need to start taking care of yourself, and stop getting into these fights over, stupid things.” You explained. He didn’t say anything in response, just stared at you as you dug through your pocket for the disinfectant you always kept with you, for him.
“Do you really like him?” He mumbled, causing you to look up at him, your heart rate increasing.
“What?” Your voice cracked as you spoke.
“Gideon, do you like him?”
“I don’t see why that matters.” You replied shortly, causing him to sigh as he stared deeply into your eyes.
“Just tell me the truth.”
“I don’t know Remus, he makes me feel special. Like I’m important, like I matter.” You explained, meeting his eyes as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“And I don’t make you feel those things?”
“You’re the one that told me we were just friends, okay? You. I-I can’t keep liking you, and getting my heart broken.”
“No, no no no.” He muttered, shaking his head as you spoke.
“What do you mean no?” You hissed, now angry that he felt he had the right to keep pulling at your heart.
“I-i don’t know y/n. Something about seeing you tonight, with him…I don’t know I just felt, angry.” He explained, shaking his head at the ground as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Because I was with Gideon?”
“Because you weren’t with me.” His voice broke as he spoke, though he spoke with such certainty you almost melted on the spot.
“But you…”
“I know what I said.” He stepped closer. “And I felt it, I did. I thought, anyone but you. I couldn’t love you , anyone but you. And then I saw you tonight, and I felt it.”
“You felt what?”
He smiled, stepping closer again, your faces as close as they could be before touching.
“Love. And not the kind that means I love you because your my friend, the kind that means I want to be with you forever. The kind that means in love.” He explained. He caressed your cheek with his hand, smiling as you looked at him with uncertainty.
He didn’t let you finish, getting the reassurance he needed as soon as he heard his name, pulling you into a kiss. It was gentle, yet the most passionate kiss you’d ever experienced. You pulled away, smiling at him as he smiled back.
“Everything you’ve ever wanted?” He asked, making you chuckle, resting your forehead against his as you kissed him again quickly.
“You have no idea.”
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klarolinexluv · 1 month
Tbh I want to write/read a long as fic with married jily and their boyfriend Regulus. Like give me all the angst.
Give me James’ guilt for having feelings for someone other then Lily.
Give me Lily’s inner turmoil and conflict, and unresolved feelings because she has feelings for someone other than James.
Give me Regulus’ denial that he is in love with two people, a married couple at that.
Give me Sirius watching his little brother fall in love with his best friend and feeling conflicted about it because he thinks James is leading him on …
Give me Remus watching his best friend fall in love with Regulus. Give me Remus feeling guilt and a little sad because he thinks Lily will ask James for a divorce.
Give me Peter, who knows everything. Knows James’ feelings. Knows Lily’s feelings. Knows Regulus’ feelings. Give me a Peter who is the mastermind behind getting the three of them together.
Give me a Barty who relentlessly teases Regulus but at the end of the day would do anything to help him.
Give me an Evan who is ready to throttle James and Lily because they are hurting his best friend.
Give me a Pandora who is the small beckon of hope for Regulus because Pandora is a co-conspirer with Peter and knows everything.
Give me a Marlene who knows all about James’ feelings and is stuck between siding with her childhood best friend and her current best friend.
Give me a Mary who knows all about Lilys feelings and for once has no idea how to help her.
Give me a Dorcas who tries to help Regulus move on but comes to find that moving on seems to break something in Regulus more and more. Give me a Dorcas who doesn’t know how to help.
Now. Give me a Peter who has been watching all this angst unfold, give me a Pandora who gets all their friends together. Give me a Peter and a Pandora who start project jegulily. Give me all them realising that the three of them are in love with eachother. Give me them all working together and helping jegulily figure themselves out.
Give me a Peter who at their wedding, (yes they can get married because I said so) Give me a Peter who at their wedding tells them the story, the truth behind their getting together.
Anyway- I could think of more but I’m lazy. Might write this myself lol
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mrauderspoll · 2 months
tell me more duos I missed<3
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
marlene's relationship dynamics:
dorcas- strangers/classmates during first and second year. rivals by third and rivals with benefits by fifth year, before becoming gfs by sixth year
lily- distant friends/roomies in first year, closer friends in second. friends with benefits in fourth year, which ends near the end of fifth year, and bestfriends from then on (getting closer after lily drops severus)
mary- roomies/bestfriends by first year and stays like that (with falling outs now and then) till the end of seventh year when they get into an argument about mary leaving the wizarding world until the wars over, then becoming strangers from then on
james- childhood bestfriends, turning into only friends in first year (james calls sirius his best friend on the second day so marlene pulls away and declares mary her new best friend). and remaining friends for the rest of their lives (so 21)
emmeline- distant friends/roomies in first and second year. they bond a little in third when every other girl starts dating boys and they don't want to. date for a week or so in fourth year, before calling it quits and being friends-that-fight-constantly again from then on
sirius- onesided hatred (on marlene's side) in first year, which dilutes to casual friendliness by second year. becoming friends in fourth year and getting closer and closer as they get older
peter- friendly but not friends in first and second year, becoming proper friends in third year and getting very close (gay/lesbian fake blonde dyslexic besties), until marlene sees peter kill her mother in front of her and then points his wand at her
remus- friendly but not friends in first or second year, and become friends by third. they stay friends since (not super close, but close enough to hang out alone together and not feel awkward)
alice- onesided awe during first, second and third year (on marlene's side), becoming a mentor/mentee bond by third and marlene being tutored by her in some subjects and coached by her in quidditch practice
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It's Always Been You - Chapter 12
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james potter x fem!reader
summary - Things hadn't gotten much better with James, and you knew you could only go so long without talking to him—after all, he was still your best friend. But, considering all that'd happened, along with some encouragement from your friends, you knew the time had come to finally admit you wanted more than that.
wc [6.2k]
a/n: alr guys ... very happy and also sad to say this is the last chapter of it's always been you!! :( i've loved every minute of writing this series as well as sharing it (its become my baby atp), and it is definitely because of all the love and support everyone reading has given it. thank u to everyone stuck around to this point, & i hope u guys enjoy this last chapter!! i send all my hugs and kisses <3 - e
all chapters | <- Chapter 11
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It'd been another hour or two until everyone had fully returned from Hogsmeade and dinner was being served in the Great Hall. You finally changed out of your dress and into your everyday clothing again, already feeling better, but that didn't mean you felt good. You didn't think you could feel good when both your brain and heart were hurting like they were. And worst of all, the one person you'd go to in times like these for comfort was the same person you couldn't go to. Not now.
The girls had been doing their best to get your mind off of everything that had happened that day, aside from when Marlene profusely apologized to you for letting Potter hear her outburst in the common room.
"Although, I have to say," she admitted afterward. "I'm not completely sorry for him that he had to hear it. I may be brutal but I never tell a lie."
That fact didn't leave you as you sat with her and Lily in the Great Hall for dinner, a number of seats away from the other Marauders. You recognized with a skip in your heartbeat that James was with them, surprisingly enough since you knew how he was accustomed to skipping meals in the dining hall when he wanted to be alone, a habit you both unfortunately shared. But that didn't mean he was enjoying himself either.
You could see even from your seat down the table that he wasn't saying much, mostly keeping to himself quietly, something so out of character for him yet you'd seen him do it constantly the entire week. You wanted to yell at him and shake him silly, but you also wanted to hug him. When you caught yourself in the midst of those thoughts you turned back to your own spot at the table shamefully.
You tried to force yourself to eat, catching your friends' concerned looks at your full plate, but you didn't feel much like it. Especially not when you still felt maybe a dozen pairs of eyes on you from every corner of the Great Hall.
Even with all that'd happened since just that morning, the rumors and whatever else people had come up with to talk about had not yet been forgotten about by the school like your friends said it would be. Then you thought about whether news had spread of your disastrous date in Hogsmeade, and prayed that nobody had caught wind of that incident either. You didn't think you could handle any more of the staring.
Immediately after you had that thought, you spotted a fifth-year in Ravenclaw robes walking past your table, watching as he blatantly pointed at you as he spoke to his friend, and you looked down at your plate with hardened eyes.
You heard Marlene scoff from next to you. "Hey!" she called to the boy. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to point?"
The fifth-year didn't respond to her but looked to his friend, hurriedly taking a seat at his own table, his whispers being drowned out in the loudness of the dining hall.
Marlene fumed from next to you. "I can't believe these people. Are they really that bored with their own lives that they're so obsessed with a bloody rumor?"
You shook your head toying with your fork. "Just ignore them. That's what I've settled on doing."
She sighed from beside you and you thought that'd be the end of everything, until you heard gasps from down the table. You looked up and followed the sounds and were met with a sight not even the magic of Hogwarts could've prepared you for.
James—your James—had stood up on the bench he'd once been sitting in, and you thanked Merlin he wasn't standing fully on the table; though you had absolutely no idea what he could possibly be up to, you knew it couldn't be anything good. He cupped a hand to his mouth as your heartrate picked up.
"Can I have everyone's attention?"
He didn't have to ask twice for it. His voice boomed out loudly, something that seemed to come naturally to him, and the noise in the Great Hall had died out in a mere second until it was almost completely silent—quiet enough for you to hear the beating of your heart in your chest as you looked up at him. Your throat went dry.
"Not that it's any of anyone's business," he started confidently to the hundreds of eyes now looking at him, tone nothing but sober. "But nothing happened in the broom closet. Or in the locker room."
You felt the churning in your stomach claw up into your throat, then felt it drop back down, keeping you stationed in your seat. He didn't give much context to his declaration, but with the popularity of the topic amongst the school, it didn't seem like he needed to. His voice almost seemed to echo, all other noises drowning out as everyone stared up at him. James looked around the entire room appearing completely unafraid and you didn't know how the hell he did it; you probably looked more fearful than him.
"So," he began again, "I don't want to see or hear anyone talking about those rumors any longer. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can answer to me. Alright?"
Of course, nobody said anything then, but you could see in their eyes that they were going to listen to him. Or at least, they'd make sure they didn't get caught going against him. Maybe it was from his impenetrably confident voice or his respected status around the school, you weren't sure, but he had that unique effect on people in an almost effortless way.
When it was clear he'd gotten his point across, he scanned his eyes over the sea of students until they found yours. In a dizzying way, it felt like you were the only two in the room for a moment, as cliché as the thought sounded in your head.
You didn't know what had motivated him to do what he did, but you could see in his eyes something fragile that juxtaposed the self-assured look they'd had only seconds ago. He looked away again and stepped back down to floor level once more, not taking a moment before striding out of the Great Hall, his form disappearing seconds after.
Even without his physical presence, his action seemed to linger over the room for a moment more before chatter broke out once again. You were still frozen in place, not knowing if moving would finalize the idea that whatever just happened was real and not just part of some wild dream.
Marlene had confirmed that it definitely had happened, however, when she turned to you with her jaw dropped, an amazed but delighted sparkle in her eye. "Someone tell me you saw that too."
"Oh we saw it," rang Lily, who also looked much too happy about that fact, probably just relieved James's antics weren't centered on her for once. You could see them both staring at you expectantly, waiting for you to react. You could also see the boys in your peripheral, the three of them remaining at the table searching your face for a reaction.
Yet, all you could do was stand up and walk hurriedly towards the exit. Dozens of conversations rushed past your ears as you did, a blur of remarks ranging from "Potter's lost it" to "He's so bloody fit." Whatever they were saying, you noted with gratefulness in the back of your mind that none of the conversations were about you.
You reached the doorway and stopped once you were a safe distance away in the hallway, heaving breaths in for a moment to yourself before finding that you weren't alone. All of your friends had followed you without blinking an eye, and you didn't know whether you found it endearing or inconvenient. Though, to be fair, you didn't know where you were going. You just knew you couldn't sit there and pretend as if nothing had happened.
You blinked at the three boys who neared you with puzzled looks on each of their faces. "Did you guys know anything about this?"
"No," promised Sirius. "In fact, James has hardly said anything to us since this morning."
You shook your head to yourself, feeling breathless. "I can't ... believe he would do that."
"Really?" Lily stared at you. "I mean, it's Potter we're talking about. It's exactly something he would do."
You couldn't fight the smile that tugged on the corners of your lips even as you shook your head. You ran a hand over your hair as the blonde from next to you hit you in the shoulder.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" You frowned over at her as she stared at you expectantly. "Go to him."
You stilled, gaping at her. "What?"
"Go to him. Do I have to spell it out for you?"
You tipped your head at her like it would help you understand her better, parting your drying lips. "I thought you said he was a selfish git." You heard Remus snort from beside you.
"I did, sure," reasoned Marlene, not without a hint of pride. "But only because I thought he was ruining your chances of moving on now that you were over him. But seriously, I can see your face when you look at him." She shook her head. "That's not the look of someone who wants to move on."
Your eyes flickered over her face as she spoke, an infinite number of thoughts overtaking you. In the silence of your thinking, a Hufflepuff boy walked past the six of you in the hallway, staring all the while.
"What are you looking at?" snapped Marlene, turning to him without missing a beat. "Did you not just hear Potter?"
Like he'd heard him loud and clear, and also like he was scared of Marlene, he hurried away with his head bent forward. Satisfied, the blonde turned back to you. At your conflicted expression, she asked, "Well?"
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. "It's just that," you began, not even knowing where you were going with your rambling. "I've spent so long trying to get over him. It's not fair to myself to just forget all of that, and it definitely wasn't fair to Sebastian-"
"For Merlin's sake," cut in Lily, to your surprise. "You keep talking about what's fair and what's unfair, but what about you? What do you want?"
You stared at her, beginning to feel breathless under the eyes of all your friends. "It's not just about what I want. It's not that simple."
"But what if it is?" she questioned. "I know how difficult this has all been for you. And I know you said Potter doesn't just get to realize his feelings for you and suddenly be with you, that it doesn't work like that. But what if it does?" She raised her hands at her sides. "Not everything is a perfect story to tell. Especially not when it comes to you two. It's not every day you fall in love with your best friend and he finally sees that he's fallen for you too. Are you seriously going to let him go because of some made-up system of rules?"
Your breath was becoming staggering now, and you didn't know what to think, because everything they were telling you sounded so right.
"I don't know," you began unsurely. "Of course, I don't want to lose him. Not talking to him for the past week has been harder than I ever could've imagined. I don't even know what it would feel like to have to do it for longer than I already have been." You blinked down at your shoes, truly realizing those things at the same rate you said them. "I think I just ... miss him."
"Of course you miss him." Marlene looked at you sympathetically. "That's why I think you should go tell all this to him."
You felt bile rising in your throat. "I don't even know if he'd want to see me after all we've said to each other."
"Are you joking?" Remus butted in exasperatedly. "Prongs is bloody in love with you. Can't you see that?"
"Remus," you warned softly because you didn't know how much more of this hope you could take before you did something you'd regret.
"I'm telling the truth." His voice was heavy with meaning. "Maybe it took him a while to realize it himself, but the rest of us have had to sit back and watch you both act like you don't have feelings for each other for years. Believe me, the only reason he's in his room right now and not with you is because he thinks that's what you want."
Your brows pinched. "You can't truly know that."
"Really?" he laughed. "What do you think we talked about that night Vance asked you out?"
Your expression faltered and you forced yourself to think back to the night James had begun acting distant from you, though it wasn't difficult to, the storyline of it all clicking into place in your head.
"You," breathed Remus. "We talked about you."
"Not to mention," Sirius added, "we're the ones who've had to spend every night in our dorm listening to him bitch and moan about Vance this and Vance that." You swallowed at your friends' words, but they didn't quit.
"And we know James was being a right idiot today," Sirius insisted honestly. "But you should've seen him this morning right after you two argued. He was heartbroken. More than he'd ever been over Evans." He turned to the redhead in question. "No offense, Evans."
Lily rolled her eyes lightheartedly. "Trust me, Black, none taken."
He nodded and turned back to you swiftly. "So for you to think that James would want anything other than to fix things with you and just be with you is bloody mental."
You stared at all of your friends who were looking so determinedly back at you that you didn't think you could tell them 'no' now. But still, your feet didn't budge.
"It's not just that," you almost whispered. "I guess I'm just ... scared. What if it goes wrong and we get into some ridiculous fight again? What then?"
Marlene took a hold of your shoulders, slightly scaring you in her resoluteness. "Potter just stood up and yelled at the entire bloody school and you're trying to tell us you'rescared?" She shook you a little, and your friends smirked from behind her. "Be a Gryffindor for Godric's sake! Go to him!"
Before you could say anything more, she was turning you around and shoving you a little until you had the momentum you needed to take steps toward the Gryffindor common room. You made it all the way up the nearest set of steps before you paused, turning back to your friends with a grateful smile.
"Thank you, you guys." You expected them to share the sweet moment with you, but they only rolled their eyes.
"Go, woman!" Sirius groaned, and you rolled your eyes back at them, but it lacked any real annoyance.
You didn't know exactly what you were planning on doing, but you didn't have time to think about it because your legs were carrying you speedily through the halls in your anxious state and wouldn't let you stop until you reached the portrait entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Taking a steadying breath in, you said the password and entered the room.
With everyone else still being at dinner in the Great Hall, it wasn't exactly difficult to find James. He sat in the common room, his brunette head of curls visible to you in the low light. They covered the majority of his face that you could see, his head tipped downwards with his elbows resting on his knees. That changed within the blink of an eye as you entered the room, his head swiftly lifting until he locked eyes with you, and you had to fight a shiver at the feeling it sent shuddering through you.
He seemed to think you were just going to go to your own dorm and ignore him, and he averted his eyes to look somewhere else, maybe the fireplace, until you left—but you didn't. You only walked closer to him until you were separated by only one of the couches, the distance still small enough to make your breathing quicken.
At the soundlessness of your stilled footsteps, James looked back up and met your eyes again, and he swallowed. Clearly, he hadn't expected you to make any move to talk to him that night, even after the scene he'd made in the Great Hall. The problem was that you hadn't expected yourself to either, and now you didn't know what you wanted to say first, because there were certainly a million things you had to make sure he knew.
"Thank you," you said, because you figured it was a good place to start. He nodded up at you, his eyes not revealing much of anything, but you didn't let that sway you. "You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Of course I did." His voice was stubborn, but too sincere for how little his expression gave away.
You looked down at your feet, letting a moment pass before speaking again. "Well, now it seems like everyone is going to be talking about you from now on."
"That doesn't matter to me." James's voice cut through the air richly, and when you looked back up from the floor he was staring at you meaningfully. "They can say whatever the hell they want. As long as they're not talking about you."
Your shoulders dropped at his words, and the way he held your eyes as he said them made your heart beat faster in your chest. It hadn't even been a full day since you'd last spoken to him, but you already missed him.
"They wouldn't leave you alone," he said concretely, his tone beginning to fill with emotion. "And then, I heard what Marlene said in the common room, about some girl harassing you in the library? I-" he shook his head frustratedly, rubbing at his forehead with one of his hands. "I'm just mad at myself that I've let it go on for this long. Or that I didn't even know that happened."
You already felt too emotional for your liking, the feelings inside of you swirling more aggressively at every word he said to you. "It's not like it's your fault, James."
"Well it's not like I did much to stop it, did I?" He seemed genuinely angry at himself now, and you didn't know what you could do to help. A painful lump was rising in your throat, but you stayed rooted in your spot behind the sofa. "And I'd ask you why you didn't come and tell me, but that'd be a bloody stupid question."
He shook his head, eyes becoming wistful like he was recalling a memory, one that pained him. "Earlier, when Marlene was defending you in the common room, the look on your face was ... I don't know. Crushed. Sad."
You swallowed at the memory, because that had been exactly how you were feeling, amongst thousands of other ways. James looked down at his lap.
"I just wanted to try and help, do anything to make that look on your face go away, but I couldn't. So I just kept replaying how you looked in my head, and the more I thought about it, the more I hated myself because I realized you were only hurting because of me. And that was the worst part. Realizing that it was all my fault."
You felt yourself wanting to take a step towards him, wanting to just reach out to him as the tips of your fingers teemed with the longing you felt in your chest. "James," you began, your voice hushed. "It's not all your fault."
You meant it. To try and say to yourself that you had no part in all the confusion between the two of you would be a blatant lie, one that you couldn't let James go on believing, especially not with the pained look on his face.
He only shook his head at you. "It is," he insisted. "And here you go, being perfect towards me when I don't deserve it." A muscle worked overtime in his jaw. "Marlene was right. I was being selfish, and petty, and a lot of other things, but most importantly, I wasn't being a good friend." He paused, a grieving confliction tugging at his brow. "That's ... that's not what friends do."
You went still then too, the word 'friend' hanging in the air between you with a weight that only made you tired. The truth was that cobwebs had grown in the house where you'd fostered that unforgiving title, and it felt like some intangible force had locked you both inside with it blindly.
"Yeah, well," you began, your voice small, "we've been doing plenty of things that friends don't do, lately.Like you said, we kissed, right?" You let out a breathy sound like a laugh that lacked any joy, and the way James's eyes flickered up at you knocked the rest of the air right out of you.
"About that," he began hesitantly, and you could tell he was thinking about both the night it'd happened and that morning when you'd fought, just like you were. "I know you don't want that to mean anything, so it- ... it doesn't have to. Even if I want it to. Because it doesn't matter what I want—what matters to me is you."
You were thankful you had the couch next to you to brace a hand on, because you'd never felt so swept up by a conversation and you weren't sure how much longer you could stand the way your heart was nagging at you.
"You were right," swore James, but the slight shake of his eyes back and forth on your face didn't look as adamant as he sounded. "It's not fair for me to expect something from you when you already got over me."
The words you'd shouted at him in Hogsmeade that morning sounded foreign and wrong coming from his lips, and you knew the months of dishonesty that laced them like you knew the back of your hand.
"And it's too late now, I get that." His voice went from deep and determined to on the cusp of breaking, and it killed you. "I just want to know that you're happy, and if being happy means being with Vance instead of me, then ... I can deal with that."
You watched as he swallowed, like he was forcing the words to come from his lips even if it pained him. The way he hadn't broken eye contact with you the whole while was starting to make your head spin.
Your blinking sped up, maybe holding back the emotion you knew you was fighting to come out, and you whispered, "James."
Maybe you hadn't been loud enough, or maybe he just knew you'd try to disagree with him again, but he only continued determinedly at you.
"I know I probably went and ruined your chances with Vance, like an idiot, but I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you another date with him." He nodded at you once firmly, and within a second he was standing up, taking an intentional step forward. "Hell, I'll even go talk to him right now and-"
"James," you called again, louder this time. "Stop."
You put a hand out and it landed on his arm softly but firmly, and all you could was pray you could find the right words to say to him as he stared at you, level with you now in an unsteadying way.
"You didn't ruin my chances with Sebastian. It wouldn't have worked out regardless, even if I'd wanted it to. Because being with him isn't what I want." You shook your head, recalling back what James had said to you only moments before. "He wouldn't have made me happy." You sounded desperate now. "He's not you."
James stilled, his glistening eyes the only thing showing movement as they danced across your face intensely, though you saw them widen with something bright like hope. "What?"
The confusion of the word that he'd practically whispered out unspeakably attested to how you felt yourself, the terrain of the land you were exploring right there and then with James uncharted and rocky. You pushed on, knowing there was no going back now.
"Marlene wasn't completely right, James. She only said all of those things because I'd spent all this time trying to convince her—and myself—that I didn't still have feelings for you. But I do, clearly." You tipped your head down for a moment in exasperation and exhaustion, willing yourself to keep going. "Everyone can see it. All of our friends. Hell, even Sebastian could see it." You laughed, though your eyes were growing blurry. "So for me to try to push those feelings down any longer would just be lying to you and to myself." You let out an exasperated breath. "And I'm so sick of lying."
Your shoulders sunk as you stood there, a steadily shrinking distance between you and James that was both comforting and daunting to you. You couldn't do anything but watch as James's face stilled and then shifted as he thought, studying your own face in a way that made you conscious of every shift in your expression.
"I just," he began, and then raked a hand through his hair. "Why did you feel like you needed to hide how you felt in the first place?"
You felt your mouth go dry at the question—one you knew came only out of a desperate curiosity and nothing else—and your mind began spinning. The last few years of your friendship seemed to swirl in your head, flickering in and out of focus as you tried to come up with an answer.
"I-" you began, willing yourself to say something, anything at all. "I was scared." The words rang true so much that they made your heart pinch. "Scared that you wouldn't feel the same and I'd go and ruin everything. That I'd lose you."
James's hands lifted up from his sides like he wanted to reach out to you, and he did. He took your hand in his, grasping lightly at your fingertips in a touch that steadied you and made you feel lightheaded at the same time. He shook his head at you with a firm hold in his brow.
"You could never lose me."
His lips were parted, and his hazel eyes glistened over in the low common room lighting like the thought of your suggestion was painful enough on its own. Looking at him then, his face lined with years of a comforting, steadying familiarity, you knew deep in your chest that what he said was true. But that didn't alter all that you'd felt for the past number of years.
"It's not just that," you said, looking down at his hand that held yours and blinking away the guilt that crept into your stomach, because it wasn't James's fault that you had felt this way. "Even in Hogsmeade, James." Your voice was becoming unsteady again and it only frustrated you more. "What if everything you said you felt for me was just some spur-of-the-moment thing from some kiss? What if you didn't feel the same way a week from now? Or a month? I knew I wouldn't be able to get over that fear. Especially when I'd been hiding how I felt from you for years. And then there were your feelings for Lily to think about and ... I don't know."
You trailed off, finally able to stop yourself. You felt petty, so petty, because you were so close to getting what you knew your heart wanted, but you felt the insistent need to ruin things for yourself and think of every way things could go wrong. You'd never felt closer to James then, but also never farther away. All you could do was stand there and wait for him to say something, anything.
James stayed unmoving for a beat staring at you, wordlessly taking everything in with a fragility in the air that hallowed your labored breathing. Then he started to shake his head like he was in disbelief. He ran a hand through his brown hair.
"For Merlin's sake."
His voice was low, a mutter, and he stared at the ground for a moment in thought before dropping the hand that once held yours, turning and walking away from you, leaving up the steps to his dorm room. You watched his back as he disappeared, your fingertips feeling cold and empty.
You felt your blinking speed up in a dizzying confusion. You didn't know what had come over you, not even sure exactly what you'd said in all of your desperate rambling that had made him decide to leave, but your vision started to blur even more than it already had until you recognized the wetness forming beside your eyes.
Nothing made sense. Not then, and not in the last twenty-four hours. You moved until you were sitting down on the couch in front of you, feeling lightheaded as the fireplace crackled a few feet away. The light from outside had left with the sun and the room had a comforting kind of warm lighting, though even that did little to soothe you as you sat there with all the unresolved feelings within you.
You were confused and lost and wanted nothing more than to just fix things, but you were even more at a loss for words when you heard quick footsteps coming from the staircase James had left from, and then saw his returning form making its way down the steps.
You turned your head to him swiftly in confusion, following him and his soft but energetic steps as he came to sit next to you, and that was when you noticed he was holding something—a box. One that was tattered on the corners, its black fabric aged and dusting over.
You wiped at your eyes quickly, brows tugging in all your bewilderment as you waited for James to explain.
"I-" he began, and stopped as soon as his eyes focused more on your face. You must've looked as broken as you felt, and at seeing the look on your face, he held one of your hands in his before swiping across your cheek gently with the pad of his thumb.
You felt like wilting under his soft touch that you'd missed more than anything in the confusing weeks, mentally and physically exhausted from everything but still wanting more than anything to understand.
When you looked perhaps more stable, he looked back at the box that he'd set down beside him and placed it on his lap delicately as he spoke, his words echoing out slowly.
"I know you think I've just realized my feelings for you a week ago, and that they came from some kiss at a party. But, you have to believe me when I say that they're so much more than that." He placed the box in your hands, and you took it from him with a note of fragility, resting it atop your legs. His eyes bore into yours, like it would break him if you couldn't understand the words leaving his lips. He took a shaky breath in. "I need you to know, more than anything, that you're everything to me. You always have been."
Your lips began to shake at the earth-shattering words coming from your best friend's lips. "James, what-"
He stopped you with a gesture of his head that told you to look inside the box, and you did. Carefully, you lifted the flimsy cardboard top and placed it to the side, brows pulling together tight and something loud and hearty threatening to pull from your chest. You shook your head as tears began to well over your eyes again as you recognized what James had given you.
The box, the measly and old mess of cardboard and paper, was full of all the letters you'd written to him over the years—all the thank you notes, the letters you'd sent him from that summer and all the past ones—every single one of them. Your eyes raked over each of them when you felt too stunned to use your hands, but your heart still felt touched by the memories of each one all the same. It took everything in you not to release the sob you felt rising in your lungs.
"It's you. It's always been you."
James's eyes never left your face as you took everything in, the look behind them never having seemed so determined, so desperate. But there was something behind the way he looked at you, something so warm and honest, so familiar that you felt ridiculous for never noticing it before. And when your gaze flickered downward for a second in contemplation he tipped his head to follow it endearingly.
"Always," he promised. "Not Evans, not anyone else. I know I'm a bloody idiot, and I know I haven't been great at showing my emotions when it comes to you, but that's because it's you, and you mean everything to me and have since we were kids, and if this can't make you see that then I promise I'll spend every day trying to make up for it, and-"
"James." You stopped him, not knowing how much longer you could take sitting next to him and not getting rid of the frustrated crease between his brows, or how much longer you could ignore the thrum of your heart that called out to him so clearly now.
"Yeah?" he asked, and his eyes were like a deer in headlights. The warmth in their color reflected the simmering warmth from the fireplace, but that didn't compare to the fire that lay behind his gaze.
You placed the box, his box of the last six years of your friendship and then some, atop the couch next to you, and didn't wait another second before engulfing him in a hug. Your body crashed into his as he leaned back against the couch, his hands coming up to embrace you right away, and you heard him breathe a smile by your ear before he laughed, a perfect noise.
You felt like laughing then too, and crying, and everything else, because you couldn't remember the last time you'd gotten to hold him like this without the fear of revealing too much to him nagging at you. Your cheek pressed against his neck, his curls fanned against the top of your head, his hands held you tight, and you never wanted to leave the safety of his arms. Except to do one thing.
You pulled away from the hug and so did James after a second, his eyes wide and glistening but truly happy. He was smiling widely, his lopsided grin appearing after days like the sun after a storm, and you loved the sight more than anything, locking it away in the back of your mind as a memory you'd keep forever, like the box that sat next to you.
You laid a hand on his chest, another on his cheek, and James grasped the one that was flattened on his chest in his own, quickly glancing down at your hand in his like he couldn't believe he was holding it. He pulled you into him with it and leaned his head on yours.
"It's always been you, too," you whispered, and his eyes glanced down at your lips as you said the quiet words that'd been lingering on your lips for much too long. You had to push away your smile because you were aching to just kiss him like you'd wanted to for years. With a courage that could've only come from Godric himself, you finally did.
You leaned in until your lips met, a flutter of skin dancing shyly together until you leaned into him even further, and suddenly it felt like the crash of a wave, and sounded like the earth was moving beneath your feet, the sound of something right—and this time, you knew it felt the same for him too, because you could feel his boyish grin that you'd spent years admiring tugging against your lips.
You were kissing your best friend. For real this time. It felt so impossible for your mind to imagine such a thing, but luckily it didn't have to.
James moved his hands but they never left you, one sliding through your hair smoothly and one delicately holding your waist like you were something fragile. Butterflies fluttered through you at his touch, something familiar but foreign, wrong but also right, and somessilyperfect. You couldn't believe you'd spent all those years just a few words away from getting to feel it, getting to be surrounded by it.
You pulled away after a moment, your lips feeling puffy and burning with the heat of his kiss, but all you could think about was how free you felt, how happy you were that he was finally yours.
James looked down at you, his eyes dancing all across your face and stopping on your lips, and then somehow growing even warmer when they met yours again.
"I can't-" he began with a slight disbelieving shake of his head, voice coming out breathless and dazed as heat flushed into your own cheeks at the sight. "I can't believe..."
You laughed, feeling out of breath too, and adjusted the glasses that now perched crookedly on James's nose in an agonizingly cute way.
"Me neither," you finished for him, because you knew just how he felt, a secret the both of you shared; it was the only secret you still wanted to keep.
And it was a feeling you never wanted to have to live without again. Though now, with him in your arms and his familiar chocolate curls still brushing against your forehead, you knew you would never have to.
@hisparentsgallerryy @msmk11 @garfieldsladybird @empath-bunny @urmykindofwoman @bambi-jp @babyclea @kenjikishimotoswifey @cloudroomblog @the-marauders-mapp @mooonyxoxo @imgondeletedis @moon-flowerrs @fruticake @arey0usirius @marauroon @swiftsgirlfriend @jamieolivia27 @magicwithaknife
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
he didn't flinch when he heard the news, the potters were finally dead. after all, he had played such a huge part in it, he should bask in glory.
but his soul was hollow, and he wondered: why? he had always wanted it, that feeling of power coursing through his veins, making him feel like he was on top of the world. that feeling, it leaves you wanting more, more, more, until it's not enough, no matter how much it is. that surge of adrenaline and of euphoria when he knows it's him, him, his work, his art, his creation, his doing.
the kind of feeling that james had gone through, back in their hogwarts days, when he'd bask in it; the quidditch captain, the head boy. peter had been in love with james. not in a romantic way, but in an admiring way. james had been everything that peter had yearned to be, he had everything that peter wished he had: love, a big family, glory, confidence. because james had been the sun, the world revolving around him.
the kind of feeling lily had gone through, too. she had been so lovely. lily, lovely lily. peter's heart ached when he remembered her, so fierce, so ready to fight for what she believed to be right. she never let anything stop her, lily, she never had. she always fought and fought, and she never gave up on someone. she had been exceedingly bright, and hilarious too, and she had the power to see to beauty in others, no matter who they were.
and they had been so kind. lily and james, both of them. lily had been one of the few people peter had trusted with his whole being; james had been another. funny, how they trusted him the same, with an unbreakable bond, even, but wandless. it had been the bond of friendship, of love, woven through their hearts.
they were all going to die one day, either way. but it felt different, because he, himself, had done it.
yet still, there was now a world with no james and no lily. peter had never imagined living something like that. to him, it seemed like lily and james would be endless, people that'd be there forever to stay because they had a son, a family, and everyone around them.
maybe that's what made him so numb. his selfishness and his thirst for power, that he had forgotten what he had entered the war for: winning for the right. he went in with love and left with the dark mark on his arm.
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marylily-my-beloved · 6 months
Some of my marauder head canons:
Lily and Sirius would so be besties just bc of the fact they bond over sibling issues.
James and Marlene were childhood best friends, and they never stopped just blabbing random shit to each other.
Mary and Remus would always hang out together and bond over anything and everything.
Regulus and Pandora would do crazy potion stuff together and invent new things
Dorcas and Barty would do batshit crazy things to impress who they liked at that time, or just do batshit crazy things in general
Evan and Dorcas would go around terrorising teachers
Peter and Pandora would sit down and have nice games of chess and the most random conversations about plants and chess moves
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sebbianas · 1 year
forever grateful that marlene mckinnon didnt live long enough to see her childhood best friend james potter be betrayed by her other childhood best friend peter pettigrew
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kairospy · 1 year
Random Marauders Headcanons
pt. 2
Sirius: would burn water if possible. horrible, terrible cook (makes the best cocktails though)
James: teaches Regulus about hoodies only to steal them the second they smell like him (only times he’s seen wearing green)
Remus: didn't start wearing old man jumpers until his dad's started fitting him around year 4. he never stopped after that
Peter: terrified of chocolate frogs. can't eat them. won't so much as have one near him outside its container.
Mary: she has all the gossip. it doesn't matter that the gossip in question happened 2 seconds ago, she already knows it
Lily: was a vodka girl up until New Year's Eve 1976. never again.
Marlene: is childhood friends with James and they hold an annual prank war where she allies with Effie and James with Monty over the hols
Regulus: by age 12, him and Sirius were fluent in German solely to shit talk in the house.
Barty: his first kiss (a peck, really) was Pandora on a dare (they do not speak of this). his first real kiss was Regulus (who was his gay awakening and crush for years)
Evan: fucking loves cats. is allergic to them
Dorcas: wears men's cologne
Pandora: doesn't really like being touched. Unless it’s one of the 10 people allowed to do so, then she will cling and never let go
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My Marauders Headcanons <3
James Potter
Mom friend, super overprotective of remus (especially after the full moon, like he would fuss all over him <3), Daring, a leader and COMPETITIVE
Top ships (in order): Jegulus (agshshrfthh<<<3333)and Jily(<33)
Top platonic relationships: PLATONIC STARCHASER MY ROMAN EMPIRE <33, James and Marlene (The Gryffindor quitch team’s worst nightmare frfr), James and Lily ((platonically)OMG THEIR BANTER THO<3), James and Remus<33, James and Peter (childhood friends and James tried his best to be nice to Peter, especially when Sirius was being a dick), James and dorca (<3 expalined later)
Sirius Black
Dark brown eyes
GAY But had lots of gfs cus he was in denial for years lmao
Kinda a jerk, but yk that happens when you grew up where he did.
Top ship: Wolfstar<3.
Top platonic friendships: STARCHASER, Sirius and Mary (exes who have now met their true loves<3), Sirius and lily (Smoking on rooftops, rivals but they care<3), mary and sirius
Regulus Black
GAY (Much more accepting than his brother lmao)
Grey eyes, curlier hair than sirius
Cold but has a VERY SENSITIVE heart <3
Top ships(in order) : Jegulus, Barty/evan/regulus
Top platonic friendships: Pandora and regulus <33 (mlm & wlw solidarity, they're so sweet), moonwater (Remus and him are so special too me), Rosewater (best friends 😭 Crimson rivers ifykyk)
Lily Evans
freckles <33
Pookie is like deffo a BADASS BITCH! Like i love her charcaterisation in ‘The last enemy’, ‘Crimson rivers’ and ATYD the best. Feisty but chaotic asf lol.
Top ships (Not in order): Jily, Lily/mary, lily/marlene (from 'The Last Enemy' mostly)
Top platonic friendships: Lily and remus (OMG JUST THEM), James and lily, Mary and lily (in ‘The Last Enemy’), lily and marlene (‘The Last enemy’)
Evan Rosier
Gay asf
Doesn't get attached after sex
Older brother to Pandora's <3
Regulus's One Comfort Before Jame's  
Top ships: rose killer (perfect toxic couple lmao), rosewater.
Top platonic friendships: ROSEWATER, Dorcas and Evan (IDGAF chill + Teenage dirtbag chill), Evan and James (like idk they would just get along so well, like banter and fake flirting and shit), Evan and Pandora
Mary McDonald
Had a lot of relationships like Sirius but she never toyed with their hearts cus she felt actual attraction for the opposite gender.
She had an on and off relationship with Sirius, and rlly she was just doing this to help get Sirius out of his denial phase and into remus’ bed.
Rlly put together.
Dark skinned, ‘thick’, shirt curls and Blue eyes 😩😫. Like no wonder they all falling for her 😫😫
Top ships: Mary/lily (Chill and put together badass X feisty but chaotic badass)
Top Platonic relationships: Mary and Lily (THEY WORK AS BESTIES TOO 😭😭), Mary and Sirius (let's be rl she was the one who.slapped him and told him to go ask Remus out)
Barty Crouch jr
Bisexual ICON
Has tongue piercing 
He definitely wears skull earrings. Just a piss of his father. Cuz it reminds his father of the dark mark
kinda physco tbfr
Top ships: rosekiller, Barty/regulus/Evan
Top platonic friendships: Barty and Evan (I feel like Evan was Barty's closest friend), Barty and regulus, (Fuck buddies be frfr)
Remus Lupin
GAY. That boy is the definition of ‘the gay best friend’
Bro is done with life be fr rn
Top ships: WOLFSTAR<33
Top platonic friendships: lily and Remus(THEM😫), James and Remus (like i hc they would get along so well and have this special relationship but no one ever mentions them???), Remus and Peter (He was the only one who included Peter for the first few years + James ig, but sometimes he got too caught up with Sirius) 
As you can see with this one most of my HC are based of ATYD remus.
Marlene Mckinnon
Blue eyes, blondy choppy hair, pink highlights 
Similar aesthetic to Sirius
Surprisingly doesn't smoke<3
Rough and touch girlboss <3
Top ships: Marlene X Dorcas (alot to handle X loves handling it. CAN YOU TELL I'VE JUST READ CRIMSON RIVERS 😭🙏), Marlene X lily (only in ‘The Last enemy’
Top platonic relationships: James and marlene (NO BCS THEY ARE SO BROTHER/SISTER CODED), Sirius and marlene (They have a bunch of pictures of them both in matching leather jackets and earrings, arms around eachother, tongue out, winking and holding out the rock hand 🤘🤟), Marlene and Peter (only one she was always sweet with 😭🥹, this is rooted from lily mentioning that Peter was probably sad bcs of Marlene's death in that letter, he prolly felt even more guilty the bish 😔), and ofc lily and marlene (‘The last Enemy’ especially)
Peter Pettigrew 
Token straight friend LOL
I'm not sure he was like rlly all that much of an ally like sure all of his friends were gay asf, but it's not like he had any other friends??
He was such a cutie patootie 😭🙏
You can't convince me he wasn't such a sweetheart before he betrayed them. Like oh Peter WHY 😭
Top ships: I don't rlly ship him with anyone, but I think he had a few casual gfs throughout his years (CUS HES A CUTIEEE)
Top platonic relationships: Peter and james (peter’s cloest friend, they were childhood friends, and Peter tended to not appreciate remus’s attempts to include him, rather he was over appreciative to every small thing James did), Peter and Remus (the two secondary marauders 😭🙏), Peter and marlene (sweetheart and badass ❤️🙏)
Pandora Rosier
Looks SO sweet, acts SO sweet, but at the same time is a such a badass <3
She swear alot, cant convince me otherwise <3 (gets it from her (HEADCANON) brother, Evan)
Luna is practically a clone of Pandora's (physically and partly personality wise) like xeno’s genes did NOT put up a fight???
I Also hc that xenophilius is gay or aromantic and so they married eachother bcs they were rlly in love but platonically. Plus they always wanted children and couldn’t imagine it with anyone else<3.
Top ships: Pandora/Mary/lily (one of the only polys I ship), Pandora X rodolphus (crimson rivers)
Top platonic relationships: Pandora and xenophillius (expalined above),Pandora and regulus (AHHHAVHSD MY LOVEE <333), Pandora and Dorcas (Dorcas would be so overprotective of her🙏), Pandora and Barty, Pandora and James (James would be another brother figure for her <3).
In short everyone one is super overprotective of Pandora even though she is a GIRLBOSS
Dorcas Meadowes
Lesbian (Though no one ever guesses it lmao)
Long dreadlocks, hazel eyes, siren eyes, long eyelashes; HOT ASF 😩😩
IDGAF energy and #BADASSMF, like Voldemort, HIMSELF, killed dorcas and she put up A FIGHT you can't tell me otherwise ✨
Top ships: Marlene/Dorcas (<<3333 ESP IN CRIMSON RIVERS)
Top platonic relationships: Dorcas and Evan (explained before), Dorcas and Regulus (The reliable older sister), Dorcas and James (Them in Crimson rivers>>>>>)
Dorac and james:  She at first hated James because, for one, he was a jerk in the earlier years,two, he had a prejudice against Slytherin, and three, because Regulus had a huge crush on him and she was overprotective of regulus. But then she discovered how loving and caring James is, and she decided he was perfect for Reggie. She became the one James went on a drink with when he just wanted to relax and not talk.
I didnt write siblings in teh platonic relationships things, cus it just like more than that yk?
Sirius and regulus - So, SO complicated, so much unrseloved problems 😭
They still love eachother DEARLY <3
Srius kept on trying to get regulus to hang with hima nd teh marauders, he tried to stay as close with regulus as he once was. But sirius just coudln’t look at regulus once he got the dark mark 😭. ("What happened to my innocent baby brother who wouldn’t hurt a fly?" )
Evan and Pandora
Evan is so overprotective of her <333
She’s like the only one evan deosnt constantly pick at and be rude with (even with regulus and barty he’s cynical and blunt)
Pandora loves him SO SO much, but wouldn’t talk to him once he got the dark mark. 😭
Siblings are so complicated 😭esp when one of them is on the good side and one is on the dark 😭
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Attached are Picrew depictions of what Iheadcanon them to look like <3
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prettiestlovergirl · 7 months
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" late night devil, put your hands on me "
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✪ please check my rules before you request anything! and please read these disclaimers, if you are in violation of any rules, you will be deleted and/or blocked.
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✪ there is no guarantee that i will write what you've requested! i do not always have inspiration for things, so please bear with me and PLEASE do not message me/harass me about whether or not i saw your message.
✪ smut is my preferred genre but i am definitely open to writing/responding to other genres! i'm a whore but i love fluff as much as the next girl!
✪ if you want a part two of something, you MUST give me an idea for it!! could be small, could be fully thought out, doesn't matter to me, but there MUST be something i can go off of.
✪ below i have a loooooong list of characters i'll write for, if you see a character you like but is not on the list, please feel free to reach out! i will let you know whether or not i will add them to the list xx
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characters i'm willing to write for 𖼐꒱࿐ ִ I
✦ luke castellan ✦ coriolanus snow ✦ sejanus plinth ✦ finnick odair ✦ peeta mellark ✦ anakin skywalker ✦ peter parker ✦ jj maybank ✦ rafe cameron ✦ tim bradford ✦ wesley evers ✦ john nolan ✦ jake peralta ✦ barry allen ✦ james potter ✦ remus lupin ✦ sirius black ✦ tom riddle ✦ mattheo riddle ✦ theodore nott ✦ ares (from pjo) ✦ spencer reid ✦ aaron hotchner ✦ matt simmons ✦ luke alvez ✦ will lamontagne jr ✦ tony stark ✦ miguel o'hara ✦ steve rogers ✦ peter quill ✦ scott lang ✦ harry potter ✦ ron weasley ✦ fred weasley ✦ bill weasley ✦ charlie weasley ✦ percy weasley ✦ george weasley ✦ aaron thorsen ✦ anthony bridgerton ☆ benedict bridgerton ☆ harry hook (ouat) ✦ alex claremont diaz ✦ cardan greenbriar ✦ manny (abbott elementary) ✦ sally jackson ✦ lucy chen ✦ celina juarez ✦ hermione granger ✦ katniss everdeen ✦ johanna mason ✦ padme amidala ✦ sarah cameron ✦ angela lopez ✦ nyla harper ✦ amy santiago ✦ rosa diaz ✦ lily evans ✦ marlene mckinnon ✦ luna lovegood ✦ ginny weasley ✦ fleur delacour ✦ emily prentiss ✦ jennifer jareau ✦ elle greenaway ✦ emma swan ✦ natasha romanoff ✦ yelena belova ✦ kate bishop ✦ carol danvers ✦ wanda maximoff ✦ jude duarte ✦ prettiestlovergirl (fantasize about me, baby <3)
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definitely into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ oral fixation ☆ infidelity kink ☆ size kink ☆ brat/brat taming kink ☆ face fucking ☆ tit fucking ☆ thigh riding ☆ daddy/mommy content ☆ domination ☆ sadism ☆ breeding kink ☆ masochism ☆ exhibitionism ☆ squirting ☆ degrading ☆ dirty talk ☆ cum swapping ☆ dacryphilia ☆ overstimulation ☆ gagging ☆ praise edging ☆ biting ☆ marking ☆ cne ☆ dubcon ☆ coercion ☆ breath play ☆ impact play ☆ anal play ☆ legal age gap ☆ threesomes ☆ brother's best friend ☆ best friend's brother ☆ daddy x princess ☆ step-cest ☆ legal age gap ☆ dom x sub ☆ gangbang ☆ bareback/ cream pies ☆ being shared ☆ free use ☆ orgasm denial ☆ brat x brat tamer ☆ knife play ☆ corruption virgin! reader ☆ bimbo! reader ☆ office sex ☆ mean! reader ☆ hair pulling ☆ dark content ☆ fratboy! character ☆ hand kink ☆ dumbification ☆ nicknames: mami, mamas, mama, ma, pretty girl, babe, baby, sweetheart, angel ☆
sometimes into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ somnophilia ☆ olfactophilia ☆ piss kink ☆ arm kink ☆ dry humping ☆ virgin! character ☆ best friend! character ☆ kidnapping kink ☆ thigh fucking ☆ sub! character ☆ sex toys ☆ period sex ☆ orgy ☆ drunk sex ☆ angst ☆ fluff ☆ sex pollen ☆ under the table ☆ noncon play ☆ polyamory ☆ predator/prey kink ☆ bondage ☆ sensory deprivation ☆ fake relationship ☆ cuckhold ☆ pet play ☆ cockwarming ☆ nicknames: babydoll, doll, honey, hon ☆
not into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ tentacles ☆ age regression ☆ professor x student ☆ childhood bedroom ☆ self-harm ☆ suicide ☆ ai ☆ pedophilia ☆ incest ☆ underage characters ☆ race play ☆ race exclusive features ☆ eating disorders ☆ depression ☆ getting caught masturbating and moaning out a name ☆ financial domination ☆ scat ☆ gay for pay ☆ age play ☆ wax play ☆ pegging ☆ feet content ☆ food play ☆ male! reader ☆
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