#Pandora Rosier
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brokebaby · 3 months ago
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it was soo hard guys... my back hurts *cries*
but well, i did want to draw the cuosins together so..
pls look at reg and ev, lmaoo they didnt want to be there, andromeda looves lil dora, narcissa being the perfect miss, meanwhile bella and sirius won't stop moving
it was alphard's idea, he and ophelia wanted a picture of all the kids together<3
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seekmemystar · 3 months ago
everyone keeps having these moments at the top of the astronomy tower how are none of them bumping into each other
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bri-cheeses · 7 months ago
*Dorcas introducing Marlene to the Skittles for the first time*
Dorcas: “This is Regulus. Yes, he does bite. Do not mention James or Sirius around him.”
Dorcas: “This is Evan-and-Barty. Do Not separate them unless you are prepared to face the consequences.”
Dorcas: “And this is Pandora. She can see the future sometimes and has predicted horrible deaths for all of us, but we don’t like to worry about that.”
Dorcas: “What do you think, babe?” :3
Marlene: “… I think I’ve just unknowingly started dating a cult member”
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months ago
Regulus: i've only said i love you to three people. my brother, Pandora, and James when he got hit by a bladger and was dying from the head injury . I only regret one of those.
Remus: which one?
Regulus: James. he recovered like 2 days later so I just looked like an idiot
James: we're married
Regulus: still.
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motherstardust · 6 months ago
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marauders era girl hangout sesh (click for better quality)
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 month ago
sirius: so your name is pandora?
pandora: that’s right
sirius: that’s the name of some moon i’m pretty sure.
pandora: one of Jupiter’s moons yeah
sirius: (extremely long sigh) be honest are you related to me or are your parents just really eccentric?
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not-rab · 7 months ago
James *out of curiosity*: How did all four of you even befriend Regulus?
Evan: I helped fix his wand after I broke it
Barty: I stole his broom and refused to give it back unless he was nice to me
Pandora: I stalked him
Sirius: I'm his only biological brother and there's no refund button
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isabel-lillah · 1 year ago
"Pandora is my Sirius," Regulus confessed one night in the astronomy tower.
"What do you mean, love?" James asked, not stopping threading Reg's hair.
"She is my best friend, a sibling I never had... my ride or die, my platonic soulmate. The one person who always saw right through me."
Regulus took only a second before he continued: "I would kill, die, and live for her. Sirius is your person. Pandora is mine."
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rudamaruda520 · 8 months ago
James: What the fuck?! Crouch just fucking bit me!
Regulus: oh finally!
James: huh?
*Regulus, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas collectively roll up their sleeves to show him teeth marks*
Pandora: It means you're accepted. Biting is his love language.
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dorasoracle · 3 months ago
Regulus and Remus HAD a crush on each other on the SAME period .
Third year for Regulus and Fourth year for Remus.
Regulus gay awerning was Remus , and Remus first real crush was Regulus.
They were paired for commenting quidditch matches when Regulus had a broken wrist when he returned Hogwarts that year.
They commented together, and they were hilarious, they had the sarcasm and the passion.
Peter and Pandora were the true victims of this, Dora listened to Regulus rambling about Remus' welsh accent and Peter listened to Remus about Regulus' eyes.
They shared cigarettes ( Remus cigarettes which for casualties were always few of them so they had to share them instead of each having one ) , they walked down together a little later than other students because none of them wanted to leave actually, Regulus was gifted one of Remus sweathers by Remus himself one day in winter.
When Regulus wrist was okay, Remus thought that they would stop talking, instead Regulus always asked him if he was the one commenting on the match and once he said that Remus gave him luck ( Remus cried thank you , Peter wanted to suicide ) .
Passing fourth/third year their situation becomes purely friendly, they still have that strange connection but only as friends.
In Fifth Remus started dating Sirius and Regulus started to like James ( Pandora first thought was to suicide ) .
Years later one evening someone asked Regulus who has been his gay awakening and he answered that it was Remus in his third year.
Peter almost suffocated , and Remus said that in the same period he had a crush on Regulus. ( Regulus laughed the HARDEST in his entire life , Remus with him , Pandora and Peter they sighed damn loud )
When the others asked why they didn't confess, they both answered that they thought the other was being friendly.
Barty cried because ( his literal words ) : ' We could have the hottest couple of Hogwarts , Merlin and Morgana both ' .
Regulus and Remus both laughed ( Sirius and James were having an aneurysm ) .
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birdieardley · 2 months ago
Pandora hanging out with the Slytherin Skittles:
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the-original-gays · 9 months ago
James was the mum friend in a "wraps you in a soft blanket and makes you tea when you're not feeling well" way.
Sirius needed someone to love him.
Remus needed someone to accept him.
Peter needed someone to value him.
And James made sure each of them went to bed smiling.
Regulus was the mum friend in a "chasing you around the house screaming at you to not put forks in the plug sockets" way.
Evan had no regard for safety, his own or others.
Barty has no impulse control.
Pandora did dangerous experiments on a daily basis.
Dorcas would do just about anything if you paid her enough.
And Regulus was just trying to keep those fucking idiots alive.
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child-of-icarus · 8 months ago
Regulus: Guys, I need to tell you something
Regulus: I’m in love with my brothers best friend
Barty: Your own brother? The one that was disowned??
Regulus: Not my brother, his best friend
Dorcas: Remus?
Regulus: That’s my brothers boyfriend. I’m in love with his best friend
Pandora: Lily!?
Regulus: No, that’s Remus’ best friend
Regulus: It’s James, I’m in love with James
Evan: Your brothers best friend!?
Regulus: [heavy sigh]
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managone16 · 20 days ago
Genius Barty part 2: Regulus: Oh fuck, I don't think I have any eggs left- James: But you bought 4 dozen last week?? Regulus, shrugging: They all got used up. James: How? Regulus: Pandora made a face-pack, Barty took some to bake his cheese soufflé, Evan was included in the both face-pack and soufflé making. Regulus: Oh and Dorcas took some to make omelettes. James: So, you all used 48 eggs in 7 days?? Regulus: *Shrugs* Barty: Technically that's 1.71 eggs per person per day, so it isn't that much- James: I-what?? Sirius: HOW THE FUCK DID HE CALCULATE THAT SO FUCKING FAST??-
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months ago
Kidnapper: we have your girlfriend
Regulus, looking at James : I don't have a girlfriend lmao
Kidnapper: she made us reevaluate our life choices and now we feel really bad so can you come pick her up?
Regulus : oh my merlin, you have Pandora!
Kidnapper: I'm going to become a painter
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pleadingmantis · 7 days ago
Slytherin skittles hear me out cake would go crazy
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