#it's coercive and manipulative and abusive
grapefruitspit · 1 year
"why isn't it me?" kendall hugging roman and pressing into his wound until it bled again. we've seen roman self-harm on screen before (berating himself, the logan deepfake loop listening, antagonizing protesters to incite a beating). his deeply fucked up coping mechanisms for emotions and situations he can't handle. kendall knows this, he sent the logan deepfake, is invested in roman keeping his low self-esteem, but in this situation also can control him by giving him pain to cope. roman gripping onto kendall while kendall hugs him (holds him close, very intimately) and hurts him was painful to watch because you can see how much he hates that he wants it. kendall is giving him an out, a way to cope, for selfish reasons, and roman takes it as the reminder. this is why it isn't him this is why it isn't him this is why it isn't him.
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anthroxlove · 2 years
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anaja-theratbird · 1 year
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webanglikethat · 2 months
“Gabe wasn’t abusive enough”
as a victim of abuse myself, everyone complaining that Gabe is not ''abusive enough'' makes me SO fucking enraged. just because we don't see sally limping with a black eye while blood is rushing down her face, it does not mean she's not abused. one thing that is extremely important to recognize when it comes to abuse is that abuse can manifest in various forms -> including emotional, psychological, verbal, and financial abuse and even many more. it is not always visible or easily identifiable. abuse leaves scars that aren't always visible to the naked eye. stop pretending it is always black and white.
now to Gabe -> he is financially abusive: he is unemployed and seemingly devoid of any inclination towards responsibility. he shamelessly exploits Sally's hard-earned money and so, her efforts to secure a stable financial future for herself and Percy are callously disregarded as Gabe channels those funds into a destructive vortex of gambling.
-> he is verbally abusive to Percy: he always belittles him, undermining his self-esteem and sense of worth. Percy is barely twelve, living in a world that was not crafted for him, and he is trying to come to terms with that and there is Gabe, taking advantage of that. the psychological impact of Gabe's actions goes beyond mere verbal jabs; it seeps into the very fabric of Percy's self-concept. if you want to believe it or not.
-> he is okay with physical abuse: when Percy mentions he got kicked out for ´´assaulting a girl´´, instead of the expected concern or guidance everyone would expect from a normal person, Gabe's response is a simple yet chilling "okay," delivered with an almost impressed and approving tone. rather than condemning the use of physical force, Gabe's indifferent response basically indicates that he too would be okay with it and that perhaps, Percy's house isn't the safe place he thought it would be. (which we know is true, if you have read the books)
-> he is mentally abusive: HE answered Sally’s phone and spoke to the principal at Yancy. Gabe, ever the puppeteer, attempted //again// to extend his pathetic influence by seeking to control not only the household dynamics but also the very upbringing of Sally's son.
-> coercive control: Gabe is exerting control over the family's mobility by dictating access to the car. by making Sally negotiate, Gabe is asserting dominance and creating an environment where Sally feels compelled to seek his permission for everyday activities.
-> neglect: believe it or not, but failing to provide basic needs, including emotional support, is a form of abuse. Gabe's complete disregard for Percy's well-being is neglectful and abusive. period.
-> and I cannot believe that twelve year old Percy saw the red flags before some of you all -- who are grown adults -- did. Percy's recognition of the subtle manipulation tactics employed by Gabe literally showcase the emotional intelligence and observational skills that children can only develop when navigating difficult circumstances (shoutout to my psychology class).
and also, fuck you. what is abusive enough to you? as a survivor of abuse, I find this idea so fucking deeply troubling. what exactly constitutes 'abusive enough' to you? is it only valid if there's kicking or punching involved? let me be clear: abuse isn't just about physical violence. it is such a complex issue with many facets - emotional manipulation, verbal degradation, financial control, and psychological torment are all forms of abuse that can leave lasting scars. by suggesting Gabe needs to be 'more abusive,' you're unintentionally trivializing the experiences of countless abuse survivors whose abusers never laid a hand on them. this often prevents victims from seeking help. many abuse survivors struggle with self-doubt, wondering if their experiences 'count' because they don't match the extreme portrayals often seen in media. abuse isn't a spicy sauce you can just keep adding to until it burns. it’s not a competition to see who can be the most horrible human being possible. also how exactly are you measuring here? do you have a handy little scale? oh, he only emotionally devastated her today. that’a like, a 3 out of 10 on the abuse-o-meter. needs more punching!' Newsflash: abuse isn't some kind of a spectator sport. it’s not here for your entertainment or to meet your arbitrary standards of 'enough.'
so you know what? I think TV shows need more representation like this. the portrayal of Gabe as an abuser who initially appears harmless and quite stupid aligns with the reality of many abusive relationships because contrary to popular perceptions, abuse doesn't always manifest in blatant physical aggression or explicit threats. more often than not, it takes on subtler forms, such as psychological, emotional, or financial manipulation (as I already mentioned).
and I am so proud that the show chose this narrative path because it sheds light on the less-discussed aspects of abuse. in my opinion, the show proves to be a valuable resource by deviating from conventional tropes in its portrayal. victims often hesitate to seek help when their experiences deviate from the expected narrative, and bystanders may struggle to recognize the more subtle aspects of abuse, perpetuating a culture of silence and impunity for abusers. so good job to the percy jackson directors, you got my respect. <3
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hrizantemy · 2 months
I think the one thing I dislike about the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” fandom is that they only acknowledge physical abuse, and only towards the characters they like. So, I've taken it upon myself to point out the other forms of abuse scattered throughout the book and where they are more prevalent.
Financial abuse: Financial abuse is a form of domestic abuse where one person controls another’s access to financial resources, undermining their ability to support themselves and forcing them to depend on the perpetrator. It can involve various behaviors such as:
Is Feyre using Nesta’s rent to force her to attend a gathering financial abuse?
Yes, that situation is considered to be a form of financial abuse. If your sister is using financial support as leverage to force you into a particular action or behavior against your will, it constitutes controlling and coercive behavior. Financial abuse involves manipulating someone's financial situation to exert control over them, and this fits that description.
Psychological abuse: Psychological abuse, also known as emotional abuse, involves behavior intended to manipulate, intimidate, isolate, or otherwise undermine an individual’s mental well-being. This type of abuse can be subtle or overt and often accompanies other forms of abuse.
Is Cassian telling Nesta that everyone hates her and that he didn’t ask to be shackled to her either psychological abuse?
Yes, telling someone that everyone hates them and that no one, including you, wants to be associated with them is a form of emotional manipulation and degradation. This behavior aims to undermine the person’s self-esteem and sense of worth, making them feel isolated and unvalued. Psychological abuse often involves such tactics to control and hurt the victim emotionally, leading to long-term emotional and mental harm.
Physical abuse: Physical abuse involves the use of physical force that results in bodily harm or the threat of harm. It includes a range of behaviors aimed at causing physical injury or discomfort. Key forms of physical abuse include.
Was Nesta being forced to train physical abuse?
Yes, forcing someone to engage in physical training against their will and restricting their food intake, especially when they are already malnourished, are both abusive behaviors. Compelling someone to perform physical exercise when they do not want to, particularly to the point of causing harm or distress, is a form of physical abuse.
Denying adequate nutrition or controlling someone’s diet can cause serious health problems and further weaken the victim.
Physical abuse: Physical abuse involves the use of physical force that results in bodily harm or the threat of harm. It includes a range of behaviors aimed at causing physical injury or discomfort. Key forms of physical abuse include.
Is Nesta being locked in the HoW physical abuse?
Yes, being locked in a house against your will, particularly in response to behaviors like drinking and having sex, constitutes several forms of abuse. Restricting someone’s freedom of movement by locking them in a house is a form of physical abuse.
This act also constitutes psychological abuse as it manipulates and controls the victim’s environment, causing emotional distress, fear, and feelings of isolation.
Emotional manipulation: Emotional manipulation involves tactics used to influence, control, or exploit someone’s emotions to achieve a desired outcome or gain power over them.
Is Rhysand intimidating Nesta emotional abuse?
Yes, intimidation aims to manipulate your emotions, creating fear or anxiety to control your actions or decisions. This form of emotional manipulation can undermine your mental well-being and autonomy.
Emotional manipulation: Emotional manipulation involves tactics used to influence, control, or exploit someone’s emotions to achieve a desired outcome or gain power over them.
Coercion: Coercion involves using force, threats, or manipulation to compel someone to act against their will or to influence their decisions. It typically involves some form of pressure or intimidation. Key aspects of coercion include:
Is the inner circle using Elain to get Nesta to do things Emotional manipulation and coercion?
Yes, using your sister as a means to manipulate or pressure you into compliance. Creates emotional distress and feelings of obligation or guilt. Coercively controlling your actions by leveraging your relationship with your sister. Is a form of coercion that undermines your autonomy and freedom to make your own choices.
Let me know if should point out more and if to any of you have any.
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ouchmyghostskin · 23 days
Season 2 predictions regarding payneland:
I've been having thoughts since seeing the cameo where George said that there was a deleted scene post confession/ pre Crystal saying goodbye, where Edwin encouraged Charles to be honest with her about how he feels (which is kinda insane character development compared to episode one??? But good for him). Granted , they deleted it and we don't know why, but I'm going to assume it was for space/time etc. Originally I wasn't really sure if Edwin had picked up on the open-endedness of Charles saying that they had forever to figure it out, though I suspected he hadn't, but I thought that if he *had* that he would most likely wait. But now I think that Edwin probably saw that as "I don't reciprocate but don't worry we'll figure everything out". So I think the likelihood that Edwin might pursue something with someone else in season 2 is a definite possibility. Fully accepting Charles "rejection" and consciously deciding to address his loneliness and desire for romantic/sexual connection, despite his feelings for Charles. And....I suspect it's going to be the cat king. And I suspect that Charles is going to be caught between his interest in Crystal and insane jealousy about Edwin, and it's going to be the catalyst for him realizing that his jealousy is romantic in nature.
There is always the possibility payneland isn't endgame but I'm an optimist 👌
Now for some personal thoughts about the above that has some mildly negative feelings about catwin so if you would rather not read you can scroll now. 👍. Yay for curating your fandom experience!
So I'll be honest, there isn't even a small part of me that ships catwin. I thought the plot line was interesting, and I think the cat king is an interesting character that functions very well as a catalyst. I don't *hate* it and I have absolutely zero negative thoughts about people who enjoy it, just to be clear about that. Ship whatever you want, it's all paper dolls in a sandbox to me. For me personally though, I found the dynamic coercive enough to put me off it entirely as a ship. (For some people that's fun to explore, or ignore, in ships for a wide variety of reasons that I have zero desire to police, so again, I'm not criticizing catwin shippers). Secondarily , I actually don't ship characters all that often, but when I do Im pretty OTP about it, so that's contributing. But if that's the direction they're going in , it makes sense for them to continue with the cat king since it's established that Edwin is attracted to him, and has appeared to forgive him for manipulating him in season 1. So....I'll not be thrilled to see catwin content in season 2? But I can grimace through it if it's not endgame. Also...I've seen whispers that indicate some parts of fandom don't enjoy the jealousy plotline specifically bc they feel jealousy is harmful? I get it if it just doesn't interest you or brings up bad memories, but emotions don't harm others. Being angry or jealous is an almost unavoidable part of the human experience. Only your behavior motivated by those emotions can harm people. So ...I'm ALL for Charles continuing to grapple with emotions like jealousy and anger and coming to terms with realizing they don't make him an abusive person. Even if he handles it imperfectly that's still an interesting flaw, and there's an extremely large sliding scale of behavior between "that's something to work on but you are a great person" and actually harmful/abusive. Yay nuance!
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medusa-fem · 3 months
Not all trans women are innocent bystanders to the patriarchy
My trans girlfriend from highschool used to complain that I didn't want to sleep with her because "I didn't see her as a real woman". This was a coercion tactic, used against me as a traumatized female who simply did not want to have sex often.
Another trans woman I knew adamantly defended lolicon, stating that "they aren't real kids". Of course I later found out she got off to "legal loli"
Same trans woman as before adamantly defended the movie cuties. Did not give two shits about the exploitation of young girls. Even said that bullying maps online was wrong because "pedophiles need support to not act on their urges"
I have also had a run in with a male who clearly did not even care to be a woman, simply called himself one as a sissy to get a pass to get closer to female people. Absolute fucking freak. Abusive towards a younger female coworker using sexist slurs, kept touching me when I explicitly said to stop and said I lead him on after getting kicked out of my home, even used his fake label to try to get head from a trans woman he had known for 3 days who showed no interest.
I knew a trans woman who kept dating people younger than her. Saw a freshly 18 trans girl as a 23 year old. Consistently talked about how immature she was, which makes it clear to me she knew the power dynamic.
I had a trans woman I was hanging out with get permission from the other trans woman in the room to strip down to nothing, but did not ask me if I was comfortable with it. Then asked me if I wanted to see her botched circumcision scar. (I had only met her twice prior).
I had a trans woman use love bombing to manipulate me into jumping into a relationship with her. Once I realized how manipulative and mentally unwell she was I was going to break up with her. As soon as she figured out she drove to my house drunk to "get her things". She screamed at me and kept balling up her fist like she was going to punch me while I sobbed. I texted all of my nearby friends that if I didn't text them by x time the next day to call the cops, because I thought she was going to assault me.
I know of a trans woman in the area who was a friend of a trans man for about 6 months. He described them as something close to platonic soul mates. She raped him when he was too intoxicated to speak.
I knew a trans woman who would fully strip at any given opportunity while hanging out with a group of friends. Everyone was uncomfortable.
An abusive "friend" of mine from highschool began labeling himself nonbinary to sleep with traumatized trans men and nonbinary afab people who did not want to date men. He didn't do anything but use the label. He falsely accused me of rape because I began telling people about his abuse. He made comments about trying to get a trans male partner pregnant to trap him. Last I heard of him he was trying to sleep with my trans man friend, being extremely coercive, while I had to tell him to get the fuck out of there so he wouldn't get raped.
This isn't even all of it. I know some radfems who do not associate at all with the trans community may not realize it, but this is common place for trans men and nonbinary afabs. I have faced so much at the hands of trans women who were not held accountable for their behavior because no one wanted to hurt the reputation of trans women as a whole.
The concerns about bathrooms don't strike a cord because the trans community doesn't see it happen, that is actually rare. Please use the stories of the regular victims of trans women's actions, because these are stories I hope the lgbt community can take seriously. I'm not saying trans women as a whole are "men" or "just faking it", I'm saying they need to be held accountable just like other male individuals who harm female people.
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blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Yandere Feyd Rautha Would Include
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Absolutely ruthless. Feyd is the kind of yandere who would do literally anything for you. He would go to any lengths to protect you, whether it be killing, torturing, or even starting a war if necessary. Nothing would stop him from keeping you safe. He would also be hyper-possessive and jealous, going so far as to kill anyone who tried to get close to you or take you away from him. You're his and nobody else's as far as Feyd is concerned.
Feyd craves absolute devotion and possession over those he cares about. He has a deep-seated fear of rejection, leading him to become increasingly possessive and controlling in relationships. His idea of love is rooted in possessiveness, making him fiercely protective and jealous if he perceives that his love is threatened.
He will go to great lengths to keep this person close, often resorting to manipulative and coercive tactics. Despite his intensity, he also harbors complex feelings of insecurity and neediness, fueling his excessive behavior to maintain the connection he desires.
Feyd would also be extremely obsessive and possessive; constantly stalking and monitoring your every move. He would become extremely aggressive and abusive if his partner ever tried to distance themselves or end the relationship - going so far as to physically restrain you. He would also be extremely controlling and manipulative, using any means necessary to ensure that his partner stayed with him. This could include gaslighting, guilt-tripping, making threats, etc. Essentially, Feyd is the embodiment of the absolute extreme of yandere. There is no limit to what he will do.
Feyd would be incredibly obsessed with you. He would spend hours obsessing over everything about you - your quirks, your habits, even the way you move. He would want to understand you completely and would never hesitate to ask you a thousand questions.
He's a control freak, to say the least. Feyd would want to have complete control over your life. He would monitor you, track your movements, dictate your relationships, and make sure you're doing exactly what he believes is best for you. He's also a major sadist and has no issue with inflicting pain on others. If you were to try and run away, Feyd would do anything to ensure that you never leave his sight again.
Feyd would always be watching you, always making sure that he knew where you are at all times. He would become easily paranoid when it comes to you, and would always be thinking about the worst-case scenarios. He would also be extremely violent and aggressive to anyone or anything that even so much as looks at you the wrong way. If someone were to try and hurt you, Feyd would make sure they regretted it deeply and would do whatever it took to protect you from harm.
Despite his cruel nature, Feyd would want and expect absolute loyalty and devotion from your end as well. You must be completely committed to him and never waver in your fealty to House Harkennon.
He's demanding, egotistical, arrogant, and unapologetic in his approach to any situation. Feyd is used to getting what he wants, and he sees no reason as to why you'd be an exception to this rule. He's confident in his abilities to mold you into the perfect partner, and he's not afraid to use violence to ensure you stay in line.
Feyd has a very twisted view of love. He believes that pain and suffering are a normal part of a relationship and that to love someone means to go to extreme lengths for them. He would also be completely obsessed with you, to the point where he would think and dream about you constantly. You would be his everything and he'd go through anything to make you happy.
He may also have a secret room hidden away somewhere that contains your old belongings - like photos, clothes, and other personal items - which he would guard fiercely.
He's obsessed with you, to the point that he would see the whole world burn before ever letting you go. Feyd has a tendency to switch his emotions rapidly from love to sheer bloodlust. He can go from tender and affectionate to cold and cruel in a matter of seconds.
He craves your attention and validation, to the point of being desperate at times. Feyd would constantly look for ways to make you happy, even if it involved doing terrible things.
Feyd is an intensely jealous person. This includes both romantic jealousy (if he finds out you’re interested in someone else) and non-romantic jealousy (fear of you abandoning or betraying him). It wouldn’t be odd for him to snap and attack your love rival, or start a violent argument with you over it to get you to pay more attention to him.
He typically puts on an arrogant and cold presence when around others, often displaying a condescending and slightly cruel attitude. Feyd isn’t interested in small talk and pleasantries, he sees them as pointless wastes of time. Only a select few people (such as the emperor himself) are given his true respect.
Feyd is actually very good at giving reassurance, albeit with a possessive undertone. He often reassures you physically, holding you tightly as if to make sure you can't slip away from him. He likes to shower you with compliments and praise, both public (in front of others to emphasize that you're his) and private (whispering them into your ear).
Feyd is very good at rewarding you for doing as he says. He will heap praises on you and shower you with gifts for following his orders. Feyd is also an excellent provider, making sure you have anything and everything you could possibly need or want. If you follow his orders, not only will you get rewarded accordingly, but the amount of love that Feyd has for you will grow exponentially each time you prove your obedience.
Feyd can get extremely creative with punishments. He is not above using physical torture as a form of teaching. Feyd also knows how to use emotional manipulation to get what he wants, such as making you feel unworthy for disobeying him. He may also decide to cut you off from the world for a period of time, forcing you into isolation so he can be the only one to decide what you do and when you do it. Feyd is a sadist by default, so he enjoys punishing you.
Feyd is naturally a very aggressive and confrontational person, so he is used to fighting with others. He can get extremely heated during arguments, often shouting and using intimidating tactics to get his point across. When you fight with him, he will do anything to make sure that he wins. Whether it be verbally berating you or threatening your loved ones, Feyd will do whatever it takes. His love for you can easily turn into anger if he perceives you not following behind him.
Feyd will go all out with dates, trying to give the most expensive and luxurious dates as he has the means to do so. He will often book tables at the finest restaurants and then take you out on a romantic walk in a beautiful park in the quiet hours of the night. He sees this as a time for you and you alone, so Feyd will take steps to ensure every date is isolated from outside interference. He will be possessive and protective during each date, constantly monitoring you, holding your hand, or even kissing you.
Feyd is a very physically affectionate person and will take every chance he gets to touch you. He loves holding your hand and kissing you, even if others are watching. He will also be very cuddly and clingy, often hugging or holding you for no reason. He loves showing affection in public, as much as possible. He sees this as a way to lay down his claim on you and warn away others.
Feyd is a very physically affectionate person and will take every chance he gets to touch you. He loves holding your hand and kissing you, even if others are watching. He will also be very cuddly and clingy, often hugging or holding you for no reason. He loves showing affection in public, as much as possible. He sees this as a way to lay down his claim on you and warn away others.
Well, Feyd is the heir to his planet's royal family, so marriage is probably something that would be forced on him if he didn't already want it. He would definitely want a big, luxurious wedding that's the talk of the entire galaxy. There will be grand processions, lots of food, a huge feast, expensive gifts, and beautiful decorations. After the actual wedding ceremony and reception, he'll take you back to his massive palace to celebrate privately.
Feyd is all for having children, as it will allow him to further extend his bloodline. He would make a very protective and possessive father, shielding his children from everything and everyone that is deemed as a threat, and only allowing what he sees as the highest quality of food and clothing for them. Feyd would have a multitude of nurses and other servants to help look after his children, so he would make sure they were constantly under watch at all times. He will also encourage them to become as powerful as they can, making them train in combat.
Feyd is someone who gets what he wants, so he’d be extremely insistent on you having kids. If you told him you could not have children, he would likely seek a divorce and find another partner who could give him children. If you are unwilling to have children, Feyd will try his hardest to pressure you, manipulate you, or, if all else fails, force himself upon you. He may also have you sent to a hospital to do medical procedures on you, in order to make it possible to have children.
"You belong to me, and me only. Your body, your mind, your soul - everything about you is mine. You are my property. I will do anything to keep you close. If any man even so much as looks in your general direction, I will kill them. I will never let you go... You love me, yes? Then never forget who you belong to."
Ownership and Power - Feyd loves to dominate, and the feeling of being in control is something he craves. He loves the idea of having you belong to him, and being able to give and withhold affection or pleasure as he sees fit.
Sadism and Masochism - Feyd really likes to push your limits, both in terms of pain and pleasure. He enjoys the feeling of having you completely submit to him and the power that comes from being in charge.
Teasing and denial - Feyd likes to toy with your emotions, such as teasing you with the promise of potential reward, then punishing and denying you.
Restraint - Feyd enjoys using various methods to restrain you. This can be as simple as using rope or handcuffs, or more creative options like a collar and leash.
Humiliation and Degradation - Feyd also enjoys humiliating and degrading his partner as a way to assert his dominance and control. This could be anything from name-calling to public humiliation.
Feyd is a very sexually active person and loves to take the lead and be in control. He's open to experimenting with lots of different kinks, but he really enjoys things like light bondage, light humiliation, impact play, sensory play, and breath control. Additionally, Feyd also has a strong fetish for certain materials and textures, such as leather, lace, ropes, and ribbons.
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bella-goths-wife · 4 months
What would it be like to have sex with yandere bowers gang?
Warnings: Description of non con and dub con ⚠️
Reminder that the bowers gang are all 18+ in this au and so should any readers be, this is a MDNI post!
Non consensual considering they are abusive and obsessive and unlikely for it to happen naturally or without coercion
Luckily for ballerina reader, Henry isn’t able to force himself on you no matter how hard he tried because of witnessing his father do it to his mother. However this won’t stop him from encouraging the others from committing sex acts with you while he watches not even for sexual gratification but just for the knowledge that he has the power to do this to you and you have no say in it. Though sometimes he will be filled with jealousy and possessiveness so he’ll call it off and demand that you just hold him all night instead
Belch refuses to force himself on you because of his lack of wanting to hurt you in any way, however sometimes Henry will force him to do something to you but it’s non consensual on both ends for you and belch and is just a traumatising situation for both of you. Belch will cry and hold you afterwards and spew apologies in your ears
Vic will be more coercive then forceful and most of the time he isn’t wanting to do these acts for his own sexual gratification and pleasure but more for the ownership over you in the moment. He will be forceful if he’s in one of his jealous rages but most of the time he’s just manipulative in getting what he wants by offering you a basic need being fulfilled in exchange for that kind of intimacy from you. You could preemptively take the power away from him in that situation if you were the one offering your intimacy in exchange for a privilege that can slowly increase over time though.
Patrick is already known to constantly force himself on you and doesn’t feel any type of empathy for you. As long as he’s got Henry’s permission then he feels entitled to your body and he will violate you any time he pleases. Sure he’d like it if you were a willing participant, but he isn’t going to let an issue such as your consent get in the way of his sexual gratification. However he can also be manipulated using sex as stated in my previous fics
So yeah, not really sure where to go from here
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pix-writes · 8 days
in your opinion, how much does Ford toxic relationship with Bill have affected the way he enters a friendship and then a romantic relationship?
Their relationship, whether you think it's platonic or there was something of deeper feelings (one sided or mutual), it was unequivocally abusive in nature and incredibly intense because of how intertwined they were on a mental and physical level, considering bill could possess him. There is no doubt going to affect Ford in future relationships because he suffered literal torture and was basically held hostage by Bill, in a way, so for me it is something I really want to consider when it comes to writing Ford and a potential obstacle for him in getting into relationships of any kind in the future. I think sometimes we don't talk enough about how much abuse Ford went through and how emotionally manipulative and coercive ford and bill's relationship was, knowing what we know now for definite now we have tbob and this is not a website information.
In my mind Bill was essentially a narcissistic abuser (as much as that label can fit an interdimensional nightmare triangle being), such kind of abuse can take quite a while to process and work through, you can end up weirdly missing the person on one hand and on the other feel no ties to them at all when their gone on the other. We've already read that Ford has some apprehension/anxiety over bill's statue, which Mabel has comforted him over to give him some closure. The big thing about Ford is that post weirdmageddon, he no longer has a 'mission' and can set aside his feelings and has to confront his growth to complete his character arc, because he's no longer able to run from it. This means that post weirdmageddon he has to confront and then process all that happened to him with bill, fully, with no distractions or need for revenge against him. Ford is going to be affected by healing all of this, so I feel in general, it would affect his relationships. I think once he's able to make a connection with someone it won't take him too long to know it's not in any way a similar situation as the one he had with bill, but he still has residual nightmares (from ptsd) and it has been a big chunk of his life, so it's something that he can't really conceal but also something he wants to protect you from, he doesn't want it to be your burden when he gets into a romantic relationship. He has the support of his family though, who will always offer their words of advice. He's also confident in that he doesn't want to be with someone romantically without being fully honest with them, either, it just takes him a little while to open up. Meeting him with patience and understanding will help to ease his worries.
Sorry, I've probably repeated myself a lot here 😅 but TL;DR - it will affect Ford a fair amount and for a long amount of time but I don't think it would severely impact any of his relationships, it just means it'll take some time for him to open up in the first place.
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I think the worst thing about Stolas is that he's an absolute picture perfect victim in nearly every situation he's in.
He's endearingly, and relatably sad and insecure. He articulates his feelings and sets "boundaries". He admits that ".... GASP I'd be a monster if I let this relationship go on." He's in a loveless marriage and struggles with selfworth because of the abuse he faced as a child.
Everything about him makes all his behavior have this air of plausible deniability and excuses at the ready for any possible criticism.
Stolas is outright abusive and neglectful of his daughter, repeating the cycle, and regularly prioritizing sex over her mental health? No! He said he was sorry, :(((. His neglect is actually Stella's fault because she's such a BITCH that he can't focus long enough to notice that his kid is suffering.
Stolas has a emotionally and sexually coercive relationship with someone who he knows can't leave/break up with him because they literally need him to provide for his family and not die from poverty? Nooooo! He's insecure!! He just wants to be loved/desired and wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't notice all the blatant signs that Blitz wasn't comfortable with their relationship because....... Reasons!!
Stolas is classist, openly racist and demeans Blitz publicly and completely refusing to stand up for this relationship that he "cares" so much about? Nnnnnnnnnoooo, again! Insecure and sadboi. He was just embarrassed because he doesn't want people to rightfully judge and look down on him for abandoning his family to fuck some guy he just met. Thats not his fault!!! He even tried to emotionally manipulate Blitz into forgiving him by romantically leading him on after basically admiting that he doesn't respect or even actually like Blitz that much!!!!!!
Really, Blitz is the asshole there. I mean, what kind of a self hating idiot do you have to be to NOT immediately forgive the guy who thinks your nothing but a sex toy and when faced with the idea that your relationship is more then that, he acts like your disgusting and he's ashamed of you. Like, wow. He offered to hang out? Is that not fucking enough for you?
Meanwhile, Blitz just isn't really given the same grace. He's an idiot, he's an asshole for not talking about his feelings properly. He reacts badly to being accosted emotionally, and is blamed for not listening to his abuser's placating. Stolas is fair to be upset and want to be wanted after coming from a society where he means nothing outside of his ability to have children. But Blitz was fucking SOLD as a child. Considering how Fizz is also being sex trafficked by Mamm, and how "popular" he was as a kid, I can't imagine Blitz faired much better. Blitz was seen as worthless, only of use if someone bought him and forced him to do labor. All of which are things that heavily impact his relationship with Stolas. He isn't insecure when he's panicking over Stolas' offer, he's having a trauma response to the idea that he isn't doing his job as a body and product. Blitz has so much being held over his head. His daughter's future, his employees and found family, I hate that Stolas' stupid fucking emotional state is also something he has to handle.
All it takes for everyone to be on Stolas side, or to think Blitz needs to be more responsible to their relationship(the cheating accusations are fucking throwing me for a loop)is just some Therapy Speak and SadBoi Songs about how you're upset you got too emotionally attached to a guy you were assaulting.
Because Blitz is messy, and mean, because he's Fight and not Fawn, he's treated as the bad guy in this situation.
I think this problem comes up a lot in stories about mutually unhealthy relationships. I think about Spuffy a lot, where Buffy explicitly lead Spike on for literal YEARS, taking advantage of his feelings so she could feel good about herself and use him as a tool. And when Spike finally snaps(in an extremely out of character way btw)in Seeing Red, its framed like Buffy getting raped is her rightful punishment for being a tease. We don't address the ways she abused him until she's been punished, and we can use her abusive behavior to excuse and rationalize Spike's assault. Its no longer a conversation about unhealthy relationships and now is about how The Bitch needs to comfort and tell The Rapist that it wasn't his fault, it was hers!!!!! he's sowwy :(!!!
Similar problem with Stolitz I think. Blitz is shitty, he is mean and can be hurtful and manipulative. But we're only talking about it within the context of how Stolas needs to be coddled after being called out for his abuse. We could've handled this better. Considering the obvious care and EXTREME caution ValAngel got, I don't see why we couldn't have done that here. I don't understand why Angel gets special treatment and every other character thats sexually and/or emotionally abused gets treated as either a joke or just not given the same effort. They clearly can do it!! Because they literally did!!!!!! I love Angie and Fizz, but like man, we don't got the energy for anyone else, huh?
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zoeykallus · 1 year
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Abandonment Issues
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As requested by @golden-nyx-ghost I hope I'm not too far off the mark 😅
Warnings: Mentioned Anxiety/Implied Traumatic Experience/Hurt/Comfort/Also; Crosshair (I mean strong language)
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
I had to do a little research on that topic and thought I'd share what I found.
Abandonment issues is an informal term that describes a strong fear of losing loved ones or of them leaving a relationship. This fear can result from trauma, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Most common “symptoms”
worry that friends or partners will leave them
constantly look for signs that others do not really like them
need frequent reassurance that others love them
always try to please others, even at their own expense
give too much in relationships, or have a lack of boundaries
stay in unhealthy relationships due to a fear of being alone
What it can do to a person:
Have anxiety: Both children and adults with fear of abandonment may feel chronically anxious, especially if they feel a relationship is about to end.
Experience relationship challenges: Anxiety about abandonment can alter a person’s perceptions of their relationship, causing them to see problems where none exist. They may be sensitive to any sign of rejection, or find it difficult to trust that their partner will not leave. This can result in clingy behavior, which may impact the relationship.
Communicate poorly: People with abandonment issues may develop harmful communication techniques to ease their anxiety. For example, they may engage in attention-seeking behavior to get the love they feel they might lose.
Engage in harmful behavior: People with a fear of abandonment can sometimes try to prevent their partner from leaving them through manipulative or even abusive behavior. For example, a person may try to prevent someone from socializing with others. This is a form of coercive control.
AC: Of course, there are different forms of this problem, and it doesn't have to go to the extreme right away. At this point, we assume that no chronic, negative (harmful) behaviors have manifested yet.
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He is often quiet, introverted, but unlike you might think, he listens very carefully, is alert, attentive. He does not miss when your mood changes, and you are suddenly unsettled. Hunter reads your body language, notices every little thing. But he doesn't want to barge in, so he first tries to find out what makes you tick, to learn something about your past.
Gradually, he realizes what's bothering you, why you're sometimes so tense and overprotective when you communicate with him, why you sometimes barely let him out of your sight.
"You're afraid," he says unexpectedly.
You look at him, startled; you weren't really aware of it yourself. But now that he brings it up, you feel it abundantly clear.
"You won't lose me, you won't lose any of us. You won't get rid of us that easily."
You blink and say softly, "I've heard that before."
Hunter sighs softly, but smiles at you.
"You will see and learn with time that your past can't determine your future, it can only if you let it. You can count on us"
He grabs your shoulder and looks deep into your eyes.
"Do you trust me?"
You can't help but nod, Hunter's eyes, his expression, you feel so close to him.
"Good, have a little patience, that feeling of security you crave, it will come with time".
With him, you can talk openly about everything, he is a good listener, and he will always try to find a solution to the problems discussed between you. Echo can well understand what this fear of being abandoned or losing people is and how it feels. As a soldier, one inevitably deals with it a lot. Echo lost a great many of his brothers, not only to war, but also to Order 66.
"Some things we can't hold on to, no matter how hard we cling to them. That's a realization that's hard, but it comes eventually. You have to come to terms with it, make friends with it."
You wrap your arms around your body as if you need to hold on to yourself.
Echo sits down next to you and continues, "None of us want to leave you, but sometimes that's not in our power to decide. Voluntarily, we will never turn our backs on you. But you have to come to terms in a healthy way with the fact that some things are beyond our control."
You sigh softly and say, "I know, I just care that you don't seek distance from me because of me."
Echo laughs softly and says, "You're not getting rid of us that easily."
This cheerful guy is also a good listener and a good distraction. Wrecker can always carry you away and get you out of your darkest worries and thoughts. But he can also listen to you seriously and calmly when you need it.
He is attentive and much more empathetic than some might think.
Wrecker listens and nods in understanding.
"I know it's not the same, but I also sometimes fear losing my brothers. Well, as a soldier, you just worry about the things that might happen in the field. But you can't let that make you crazy."
You smile wryly at him.
"We certainly won't let you down on purpose," Wrecker says with conviction.
"Are you sure?"
"You're not losing us, we're here for you, every one of us," he says with a smile, thrusting a box of Mantel-mix into your hand.
You look up at him and say, "I've thought that about other people too."
Wrecker says perkily, "But we're not other people, we're Clone Force 99, and we deliver what we promise."
"Change is a fundamental part of life. People come and go, sometimes even those who are particularly close to us. That is quite normal. To be afraid of it is pointless."
You frown and say critically, "Aren't you afraid of suddenly being alone at some point?"
Tech goes into himself for a moment, thinks, then answers, "Not really. It's relatively unlikely that I'll suddenly find myself all alone at some point."
"Couldn't that theoretically happen to anyone?" you ask.
He frowns and says, "Well, theoretically it can, but there's also a probability factor."
You raise your eyebrows.
"Are you trying to tell yourself that right now because you're actually afraid of it too?"
Tech looks at you indignantly.
"I'm not afraid. There's no reason to be, and there's no reason for you to be. Why would we abandon you?"
You shrug, scenarios coming to mind.
"It's enough when priorities change, meeting new people in someone's life, that's often enough to split groups," you say seriously.
Tech hesitates.
"Well… yes, that may be true…"
He sighs and says, "If you let that anxiety consume you, you can't enjoy the time you have with the people around you at all. This constant anxious tension is unhealthy"
"That may be," you admit quietly.
Tech hands you back your holopad he fixed for you.
"Here. Good as new," he says with a small smile.
"Thanks Tech, and thanks for listening".
He has already recognized your behavior and that you cling does not agree with him at all. He can't handle it very well. Crosshair at least tries, in his own way.
"What do you want me to say? People leave us sometimes, and sometimes they leave us behind".
He himself has already had this painful experience, and actually he knows exactly how it feels.
"Hurts like a bitch, but it will pass. You can't let that define your life"
"That's easy for you to say," you sigh, dropping into your bunk.
Crosshair sighs deeply before sitting down on the bunk across from yours that actually belongs to Hunter and looks at you.
"No, I'm not just saying that. I've been through this experience too, I know it sucks, and I know you can get through it if you don't let it consume you."
You sit up and look at him questioningly.
"And how did you do that? How did you deal with it?"
Crosshair sighs again, shakes his head, and says grumpily, "You might not want to take an example from that"
"Why not?"
"My approach was unhealthy, too," he says reluctantly.
As you look at him questioningly, he continues, "Echo would probably say I'm stubborn as shit, but that wasn't it, not quite."
"Then what was it?" you ask cautiously, sensing that you're on sensitive ground here.
Crosshair looks around as if to make sure the two of you are alone. Finally, he looks at you again.
"I didn't cling to other people, but to being a soldier, to my supposed duty. The reason why my brothers and I actually parted ways to begin with. I plunged deeper into it, so deep that soon I was no longer myself. The whole process was painful, for me and others, you should not take an example from that".
You don't say the question that is on the tip of your tongue, but he answers it anyway, as if he felt it.
"Enjoy what you have, hold on to the positive things, not the negative. Deal with it, but deal with it sensibly. You can't force anything, neither that people stay with you nor that old wounds heal. Everything needs time and some work. But you can be sure, we would never abandon you willingly, none of us".
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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shini--chan · 3 months
Hi! I just wanted to see if you would be willing to write for the Yandere Template I for Armin and Levi from AoT? I hope you have an amazing day!
Thank you, you as well. Armin's character sheet will come out next month
Yandere Character Sheet I - Levi Ackerman
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Trigger warnings: coercive behaviour, physical abuse, abuse of authority, mutilation, murder, verbal abuse, blackmailing, deliberate scaring
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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The first thing that comes to mind is awkwardness. Levi wouldn't be a very communicative person and would perform poorly when it comes to words. Having spent his life either as a criminal or a soldier in the military, he would display a very cramped communication style - rough around the edges, harsh and aimed at commanding respect and authority. Wooing another person would be outside his realm of expertise, and it would show. Instead of sweet words and grand gestures, he would fall back on what he knows best - domination and assertion. Friendly isn't something that Levi does. Oh, he would know all too well how to manipulate, how to frighten and how to motivate people. That still doesn't mean he knows what to do with love, or even to handle more nuanced human interactions. Thus, his interactions with you would be filled with orders and threats, with the romance being lacking. With how he would treat you, you’d feel more like a servant or a prostitute. 
Which leads us to the next trait - roughness. Not just in the metaphorical sense, of him being rough around the edges, but also being rough in his interaction. Being as desensitised to violence as he is, it wouldn’t even occur to him that some of his behaviour is out of the ordinary. Brutality is just his way of life, and thus it would also become part of yours; you would just be on the receiving end. Thus, don't expect him to be kind, or indulge in romancing you. If anything, he would find the idea of wooing you the expected way, to be cheesy and unnecessary. Mostly, he would rely on his status and force of personality to attract you and keep you with him. Don't believe that he would tone down his swearing or crude jokes around you.
To him, you would be an escape from the stresses of his career and past. To him, you would be his happiness and freedom, and thus he would loathe to have to conform to societal expectations around you. Of course, when you're out in public, you'll both have to play by the rules, so he would coach you on how you have to behave around other people. There would be topics you would have to avoid, a certain demeanour you should showcase and designated people you would be forbidden from interacting with. Away from the public eyes, you'd have to fulfil roles in the private sphere. Should you fail, he'd become irritated or also angry and then life would become more difficult for you, even painful at times. 
It would go without saying that he would be overly strict with you. Levi would be of the opinion that constant comfort just ruins character, and that on top of that, you would need a firm hand to keep you in line. Thus, he would set up ironclad rules that he would expect you to follow without error or complaint. Furthermore, he wouldn't tolerate any loophole abuse - you would be expected to follow the spirit of his "laws'' as well as the letter. A meticulous schedule would be established that you would have to follow consistently.
 You wouldn't be blamed for deeming him controlling - he is after all. For him, it would be a coping mechanism to make his erratic lifestyle and difficult past more bearable. And to prevent his history from repeating itself. Everybody that he has loved turned their backs on him, either through death or by walking out of his life. Levi wouldn't tolerate you doing the same. Even the wish to do so would be seen as betrayal by him, and you would have to be punished for it. 
In many ways, he would be patronising to you. Compared to him, you're just so fragile and stupid. You would need him to survive, and to thrive you would have to obey his every command. All in all, he would regard himself as more experienced than you, having lived a turbulent and harsh life. How can you even dream of holding a candle to his flame? Best fall in line and take his every word to heart, since Levi knows best. 
To make matters worse, he would be rather irritable. Poor communication skills married with very high expectations would lead to him becoming very waspish when things don't go his way. Life with you is supposed to be filled with domestic bliss, a life shared with a person that he can unconditionally trust. Should you act in ways that shatter or even just crack that dream, he'll strive to painfully remind that you've misstep. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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Oh, there could be a multitude of ways that he could orchestrate this. One of his most fundamental plans of action, however, would be to ensure that you believe that you have to be with him, for whatever reason. This could be achieved through threatening to hurt your loved ones, blackmailing you into submission, or making you convinced of the fact that your life would be worse off without him. Else, he can make life miserable should you defy him - should he come forth with accusations about you, whose word would hold more sway? Yours or his? 
Other than that, he isn't strictly above using his authority to manoeuvre you to where he wants you to be. Perhaps martial law has been declared, and you are a citizen that has to heed his command. You could be subordinate to him in one way and he would pull the strings to make you dance to his tune. 
That being said, he is rather clumsy when it comes to social interactions and he is very conscious of it. Therefore, he would sic a friend or a subordinate unto you, and let them do all the dirty work. The argument that he would use would be that he works better when you're at his tender mercies, and that therefore you would have to be delivered to him. 
Once, he was also a thug, and despite all the education and regulation and development, traces of that mentality would still exist in him. A knife to the throat may be used to make you come with him, or to stay still when he talks with you. Regardless of your gender, he wouldn't shy away from manhandling you - subduing you with a few well placed hits or kicks, putting a knee on your back to make you stay down or slinging you over his shoulder. Gradually, you would become accustomed to this behaviour, and stop protesting, not that it would have helped much anyway. 
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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A lot and the expectations would be high. Of course, you would be good and fulfil all of them, yes? Else, he'll just have to help you along the way. 
Be clean and invest time in putting things in order. Cleanliness is next to godliness, after all. If you can't keep such basic matters in good shape, how can he expect you to be capable of anything else? Also, bad hygiene leads to sickness and death, and is a symptom of poverty. He wouldn't want you to unwittingly shorten your own life just because you can't brush your teeth twice a day. If you have to interact with him and her not cleanly already, then you'll quickly become so - just to make him less irritated and more benign in your interactions. 
While not all that important, he would prefer for you to be cynical. Not in that you are pessimistic and choleric, but in that you abstain from luxuries and comforts you could have. While he might fight so that others can live a peaceful and cosy life, he looks down on them exactly because of that. A too easy life corrupts the character and leads to weakness and arrogance in his eyes. Do not fall into that trap, and avoid becoming soft. He would treat you with more respect if you do. Else, he'll see you as even more fragile, and on top of being patronising, he would also be disdainful towards you. 
Speaking of respect, he would demand that you treat him with dignity and respect. He only survived in the Underground, even thrived, by not letting people step on his toes without there being consequences. He is a man that demands to be recognised as competent authority - if his own wife won’t abide, then why should his men. The image of “Humanity’s Strongest” is something that nobody should spit on, especially not you. If anything, you would be held up to even higher standards, and be expected to dote on him. Levi would want a supporting spouse, not another enemy he has to outmanoeuvre and subjugate or eliminate. Though, he would take it too far at times - having been starved of proper affection and love for so long, he’d want you to be all the more indulgent. 
Tying into the two traits mentioned above, he would want you to display and possess strength of character. Don’t be the sort to simply buckle under pressure, or to burst into tears when things don’t go your way. Don’t be a child, he isn’t in charge of raising you. That being said, if you “act like a child” then he wouldn’t shy away from treating you like one. But more to that later. The point is that he wants somebody that he can respect as well, that has dignity and strength and a sense of purpose. Best be decisive and don’t flip-flop between possibilities. 
Though, one thing above all - be honest with him. You two are not supposed to be enemies, so don’t act like it. He isn’t some rival you have to trick, or a youngster that has to be shielded from the world. Besides, if you lie too often, or omit the truth one time too many, he’ll lose trust in you and you don’t want that. It would just make your life more difficult than it already is. If you are dishonest, then he’ll wonder what else you’re hiding from him and become forceful. Keep in mind, what you define as forceful might be considered gentle in his books. 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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Not willingly, since you would be his happiness. However, if his actions, and the consequences thereof, would culminate in an ego-shattering blow, then he would release you out of guilt. Levi sees himself as a protector and guardian. Should that image, in regards to you, be annihilated, then he would give up his life with you to keep you safe. Though, it would take a lot for him to reach this stage. 
Tied with would be Levi’s loyalty to his own core principals. He has a sense of honour and loyalty, and values that he wouldn’t sacrifice for your sake. Should he have to choose between abiding by his own values and you, he would choose the former. In the case that he knows you want out, then he would be very careful to make sure that it doesn’t come to such a scenario. 
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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As a rule of thumb, Levi Ackerman keeps a very tight leash on his emotions, so acting out impulsively wouldn’t happen very often. This is important because all his actions towards you are thought out and purposeful, including the times he punishes you. While it would be tempting to simply beat you black and blue to teach you a lesson, you aren’t one of his soldiers. You aren’t a nosy civilian or a bandit or the enemy, so it would be wrong to treat you such. However, that doesn’t mean that physical violence is off the table. He could frame it that it looks like an accident, even to you. In the bonds of training, accidents happen all the time, especially if people have stupid reactions. Perhaps he’ll step on your foot and make you fall over, causing you to either break your leg or arm. Maybe he’ll be too forceful with a training sword, and it would break your skin and slide along the muscles and tendons without cutting anything. 
Of course, he could also make it perfectly clear that he is harming you and that it is his intention. It could be something as simple as a slap to the face or a harsh pinch in the side, or something as grave as tying you down and scaring you. It would be him leaving his traces on you, marking his territory so that no other would show interest in you. Also, so that you would be more reluctant to give you to somebody else. Such a chastisement could be the result of you “drawing unwanted attention” to yourself.  
Still, he would feel guilty, because that isn’t how lovers are supposed to treat each other. His solution to this dilemma would be to make you ask him to punish you. How can he say no when you’ve seen the errors in your ways and choose to repent? And if you ask him so nicely, then you’ll surely say thank you after he is finished. It would be a way to legitimise his treatment of you in his own eyes, as well as in your mind and to any third party. 
At the end of the day, he is a military man and would also employ military punishment. Working you to the bone until you are exhausted, making you do exercises while injured or paperwork while you’re sick. Naughty lovers like you sometimes need detention like an ordinary soldier. Or a stern reprimand, but with his potty mouth, that would become old fast; not that that would stop him from insulting you however.
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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Here, he’ll regard you with the same attitude a normal person would show a dog that ran away. Be thankful that it wouldn’t be more than that, else he would end up breaking your spirit in the ensuing hunt. As it is, you running away would irritate him immensely and you would be on thin ice around him for weeks afterwards. The longer you’d manage to evade him, the more frustrated and angry he’ll become; and the greater his respect for you will be. As strange as it may seem, he does like when you show that you can stand your ground. However, he’ll never let your candle grow brighter than his own flame. Curtailing your actions would be a way for him to ensure that. 
Most likely, he’ll enlist somebody to help him in some shape or form. It would probably catch you off guard when he isn’t the one that retrieves you, but somebody you don’t even know about. It would also be an oppotunity for him to flaunt his power to you, and strangle any thoughts of future escape attempts in the cradle. You’d be dragged before him, and he’d sit there, high and mighty while looking down on you. 
Though, he’d also take his time to hunt you down, should he be really upset. What better way to let off steam than to track you down and make you pay?
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO?
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The matter about power is that it isn’t a zero sum game. If you are foolish enough to believe that, then he would indulge you in order to yank the carpet from under your feet later. Levi wouldn’t trust you to have complete control over anything greater than your clothing choices, so for you to be in charge of his life … only over his dead and rotting body.
What he would allow, is for you to think that you have the upper hand, and can leave anytime you want. That way, you would become complacent and soft - easier for him to handle and manage. And when it would finally dawn on you that all the power you allegedly have is only nominal, then it would already be too late. 
Should you actually gain the upper man, then he would seek to reverse the roles as quickly as possible. He would do it in a way that you wouldn't catch on until it is too late. While he has difficulty with social interactions, he isn't incapable of sublimity or deception. You would be treated like an enemy on the battlefield and be punished as such. Trying the outlast him wouldn't work, since he would just continue until you would give in. 
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Being a practical man, preferably through a physical altercation. Nothing teaches a better lesson than bodily pain. Besides, if there is anything that Levi would have learned, then it is that actions speak louder than words. While diplomacy can be good, Levi would rather skip the preamble and go directly to business. Most of the competition would scarper after having to suffer some discomfort and cease trying to "rescue" you. As for the rest - Levi would have a few ideas on how to deal with that sort. 
People tend to become more subdued after losing a body part and that would be the way forward for him. Though, if circumstances wouldn't allow for such thorough actions, then there would be alternatives that he would resort to - such as paralysing them from the waist, or the neck, down. Slicing through tenons and ligaments means that they have to be rejoined, and even then they would never be the same as before - hands become useless and feet lame. The old injuries and scars ache on cold winter nights and during thunderstorms. In that way they would always be reminded of their misdeeds, and they would carry the consequences thereof for the rest of their lives. 
Of course, there would be those that would still persist. It would make matters both easier and harder for him, in different aspects. He could showcase it as besmirching his honour and kill the other in a public duel, so as not to lose face, regardless of their social class. On the flip side, it would put the spotlight on the two of you, and lead to the wrong people taking interest in the situation. 
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sokkastyles · 7 months
I feel like there's this kind of... Schrodinger's Aang problem, both in the show and the fandom, that gets to me because Aang is simultaneously presented to be so wide beyond his years, yet the argument that he's a twelve year old kid is trotted out constantly to defend and absolve him of any possible wrongdoing. He's supposedly wise and worldly enough at twelve to preach to Katara about forgiving her mother's killer, but he's also twelve and therefore too young to understand not, yknow, kissing Katara without her consent or blaming a fictional portrayal of her on her. (Obviously both things are examples of Aang just blowing past Katara's emotional and physical boundaries, I don't think it's talked about much how Katara never actually asks Aang for any advice about going to confront Yon Rha, he just comes out swinging, but the show and KA/wider fandom don't treat it that way). Do you think if Aang was written to be even a little older, say Katara's age, this would happen so much, even if the writing stayed the same? Defense of the EiP kiss, for eg, is already awful, but often relies on the "he's just twelve so its 'not that bad'" excuse.
I do think if Aang were older, or more physically imposing, people would recognize these things as Aang disrespecting Katara's boundaries, yes. We have this image that men who behave that way look a certain way and are threatening to women in ways that are easily identifiable. For example, the stereotype of the big angry man or the scary rapist hiding in the bushes, when in reality, most assaults are committed by someone the person already knows, a friend or a boyfriend. Just look at the "Nice Guy" belief and the way it manifests itself in KA vs Zutara discourse. Zuko is the scary bad boy who isn't good for Katara and probably an abuser, while Aang can't possibly hurt Katara because he's "just a kid" and "so nice." The problem is that this kind of rhetoric is entirely manipulative and incredibly coercive, and Aang hurts Katara by the very premise that he's so innocent and wise that she's not allowed to feel hurt by him, and if she does, it must be because there is something wrong with her. That idea, that Katara just doesn't know what is actually good for her and what she wants, and needs Aang to tell her, is implicitly presented in the show both in Ember Island Players and The Southern Raiders. And both episodes use Zuko as the underlying threat that is leading Katara away from good guy Aang.
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webanglikethat · 8 months
On Gabe. (TW // abuse)
as a victim of abuse myself, everyone complaining that Gabe is not ''abusive enough'' makes me so enraged. just because we don't see sally limping with a black eye while blood is rushing down her face, it does not mean she's not abused. it's important to recognize that abuse can manifest in various forms, including emotional, psychological, verbal, and financial abuse and even more. it is not always visible or easily identifiable. abuse leaves scars that aren't always visible to the naked eye. stop pretending it is always black and white.
he is financially abusive: he is unemployed and seemingly devoid of any inclination towards responsibility. he shamelessly exploits Sally's hard-earned money and so, her efforts to secure a stable financial future for herself and Percy are callously disregarded as Gabe channels those funds into a destructive vortex of gambling.
he is verbally abusive to Percy: he always belittles him, undermining his self-esteem and sense of worth. Percy is barely twelve, living in a world that was not crafted for him, and he is trying to come to terms with that and there is Gabe, taking advantage of that. the psychological impact of Gabe's actions goes beyond mere verbal jabs; it seeps into the very fabric of Percy's self-concept. if you want to believe it or not.
he is okay with physical abuse: when Percy mentions he got kicked out for ´´assaulting a girl´´, instead of the expected concern or guidance everyone would expect, Gabe's response is a simple yet chilling "okay," delivered with an almost impressed and approving tone. rather than condemning the use of physical force, Gabe's indifferent response suggests that he too would be okay with it and that perhaps, Percy's house isn't the safe place he thought it would be. (which we know is true, if you have read the books)
he is mentally abusive: HE answered Sally’s phone and spoke to the principal at Yancy. Gabe, ever the puppeteer, attempted to extend his influence by seeking to control not only the household dynamics but also the very upbringing of Sally's son.
coercive control: in this scenario, Gabe is exerting control over the family's mobility by dictating access to the car. by making Sally negotiate, Gabe is asserting dominance and creating an environment where Sally feels compelled to seek his permission for everyday activities.
and I cannot believe that twelve year old Percy saw the red flags before some of you all -- who are grown adults -- did. Percy's recognition of the subtle manipulation tactics employed by Gabe showcase the emotional intelligence and observational skills that children can only develop when navigating difficult circumstances (shoutout to my psychology class).
so you know what? I think TV shows need more representation like this. the portrayal of Gabe as an abuser who initially appears harmless and quite stupid aligns with the reality of many abusive relationships because contrary to popular perceptions, abuse doesn't always manifest in blatant physical aggression or explicit threats. more often than not, it takes on subtler forms, such as psychological, emotional, or financial manipulation (as I already mentioned). and I am so proud that the show chose this narrative path because it sheds light on the less-discussed aspects of abuse. in my opinion, the show proves to be a valuable resource by deviating from conventional tropes in its portrayal. victims often hesitate to seek help when their experiences deviate from the expected narrative, and bystanders may struggle to recognize the more subtle aspects of abuse, perpetuating a culture of silence and impunity for abusers. so good job to the percy jackson directors, you got my respect. <3
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montaguespades · 3 months
Good morning, since my replies necessitate this PSA:
Narcissistic abuse is only being singled out as a subtype of abuse because of how frequently others invalidate the survivors of it.
Narcissistic abuse survivors speak out because their own therapist will tell them that their abusive, narcissistic parents deserve forgiveness, and that forgiving them is necessary for closure and healing, but will NOT apply this to any other type of abuser.
Narcissistic abuse is getting a spotlight because narcissistic abusers are so damned good at being covert, so covert that the structure of society itself perpetuates the specific brand of controlling, manipulative, coercive, guilt-tripping, goal-post shifting behavior that narcissists have turned into a socially acceptable parenting style.
A narcissist's desperation to shut down survivors when they speak out is the proof of this.
Narcissists on Tumblr don't "like" to hear this, because it encroaches on their overall tactic of maintaining their "woe is me, I'm uniquely tortured and you can't say otherwise" foundation to stand on in any discussion. They fail to understand that narcissistic abuse survivors are just as qualified to identify with their "unique" brand of trauma, but unwilling to accept that the narcissistic behavior is not clinically mandatory to keep around.
Yeah, it turns out some abuse survivors just, don't want to pass on their pain and suffering, and they don't have a vague empathy disorder that keeps them from honoring their commitment to not become a monster. Curious how those survivors don't always catch a narcissism label or diagnosis, no matter how much crossover there may be, or how statistically likely it is to develop NPD after a narcissist abuses you as a child; it's almost like you only get hit with "stigma" if you're willing to hurt other people.
Stop defending abusers because you don't like victims speaking up.
Stop invalidating victims out of your own insecurity.
Call your therapist since she's been so helpful.
Leave survivors alone, we're trying to address the abusive power structure that still hurts us daily while you try to maintain it, because you believe that your status as a narcissist (and the stigma attached) is beyond your control for the rest of your life, and you're probably going to have partners and/or children regardless, repeating the cycle that we're simply asking that someone notice for once.
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