#it’s confused me this whole time timeline wise
cloudysarts · 2 days
Hi there!!
I want to say that your “Mabel’s muse” Au concept has absolutely called my attention, Bill mentions multiple times (Dipper and Mabel’s guide to mystery and fun and TBOB) how he likes Mabel’s personality and wanted her to be his ally…sooo the idea of an alternative time where he decided to approach her and where she trusts him and considers him as her friend is absolutely full of potential
I just think about how many stuff would change and how bill would be a little more genuine with her as he for once isn’t pretending to be an all-wise being and having to constantly rise the ego of Genius minds…instead he just has to party with a teenager whose idea of fun is quite similar to his…he doesn’t have to be the “supreme being” for once just a silly fella in order to earn Mabel’s trust
Also about how some episodes would have to take a completely different route:
maybe “Mindscapers” wouldn’t even take place…because I doubt that Mabel would trust a Bill if he went inside Stan’s head
Bill possessing her during the “sock opera”episode instead of dipper
Also don’t get me started on “the last Mabelcorn” episode. All the angst and horror that Ford would feel when he finds out about the whole friendship with bill situation reflecting himself on Mabel and probably Dipper being the one who search for the unicorn hair while ford tries to convince her that Bill isn’t trustworthy
I apologize for my rant but I seriously love your idea and sorry if it’s a bit confusing English isn’t my first language
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading this silly thing!!
first of all, your english is great!! second of all, i am SO sorry it took me so long to respond to this ask, it just made me so happy that i wanted to take my time to craft a response!!!!!! :DDDD (context: for people who don't know what my 'mabels muse' au is, you can check it out over here!)
you are practically SPOT ON with my ideas for this au!!!!!! but i'm gonna briefly run through all the things you brought up!!
first of all, yes, absolutely!!!! for bill, partner-ing up with mabel was a very nice change of pace. he likes stroking the ego's of genius', just for his own amusement, but he doesnt get the THRILL of just getting to PLAY very often!! he's a very childish being, at the end of the day. he enables mabel's selfishness, while getting to indulge his own, silly passions right alongside her!! and obviously, mabel LOVES being enabled <3 i imagine most of the dreams he gives her would make any normal persons eyes bleed
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as for your episode ideas, you're mostly right!!! :) mindscaperers does, in fact, NOT happen in this au. in my head, i imagine gideon trying to summon him, only for an 'I.O.U' to appear where bill should be. he's busy hanging out with his favorite pre-teen!!! so gideon skips straight to his backup plan, aka, gideon rises ^^
for sock opera, i'm still on the fence a little bit. one of the reasons bill is hanging out with her at all in this au is because, unlike in the regular timeline, this bill actively wants stanford to be brought home. the reason mabel is important to him, is because he can see timelines where she presses the button in not what he seems, and keeps him from returning. in his mind, he has the greatest shot of success if mabel doesn't press it. in this au, she doesnt even hesitate to trust stan, because she has another, trustworthy voice in her head, yelling DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON. its 2v1! ANYWAY, the reason any of that matters for sock opera, is because he wouldnt have any need to possess anyone, because he has no interest in smashing the laptop! BUT.....i can see him doing it anyway. i figure, most likely, he gets mabel to (willingly) let him use her body, so that she can work on her sock opera while her body sleeps. i just imagine a bill-possessed mabel up at 3 am, covered in hot glue and googly eyes as he tries to work it out shjdkfhjsdkf. but......honestly, he probably destroys the laptop in the process :) just to fuck with dipper <3 not that dipper ever finds out its her. he has no idea that mabel was ever possessed/has no reason to suspect her, because at this point, he still doesnt think bill is real. that is....until the last mabelcorn.
IN the last mabelcorn, mabel reveals to ford that she does recognize bill, and that he lives in her brain! she says it really excitedly, at the table, while dipper kind of just rolls his eyes about it. to her, its vindicating, because it's the first time anyone has ever acknowledged bills existence. but to ford, its HORRIFYING, because he knows it isn't just a coincidence. he knows he has to do something, but he doesn't know what, right away. this is where our ideas differ a little bit, because i think that mabel still WOULD be the one retrieving the unicorn hair! ford just didnt tell her what the hair was for. ford sends her off, because he wants to brainstorm a way to get him out of her head, preferably without hurting her/her memories. he also plans to bill-proof dippers mind in the process, just in case mabel is too far gone already. the events here happen basically the same (with minor tweaks), but instead of dipper suspecting that ford is evil/bill-possessed, this is where he finally learns that bill is real at all. ford tells him about his backstory, and explains the REAL reason he sent mabel out to get the unicorn hair, etc etc. he loves mabel a lot, but hes not sure how to go about dealing with this situation yet. its not HER fault she trusted bill, but he knew that if he just tries to tell her hes evil, she wont believe him. shes known 'her muse' longer, and as of right now, he's never lead her wrong. just like what happened to him in the past...
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i wonder how mabel would feel if she only heard the end of that conversation...
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 2 months
That fight had no right to make this emotional on a saturday evening (Whole Cake Island arc)
It’s the fact that, in many ways, it directly contrasted the Usopp-Luffy fight.
Usopp voluntarily left the crew and then challenged Luffy. He was completely and abundantly clear and honest about his intentions. So Luffy had no choice but to meet that determination with a true fight. He didn’t hesitate. He fought him, without regard to their difference in ability or friendship. Or more he fought him BECAUSE of their friendship.
But Sanji came to the fight hiding the truth.
He came to the fight with the intention of deceiving Luffy about his true feelings, his true motivations, and his reasons for fighting.
And Luffy knew that. Sanji was challenging him, and he would never backdown from that. But he wasn’t about to fight his friend knowing he didn’t actually want to fight.
So he can’t fight and he can’t leave. More to the point, leaving would mean he was taking Sanji’s word and abandoning him, when he KNOWS Sanji isn’t telling the truth.
So he stands his ground. He shows Sanji that he’s going to stay there until Sanji tells him the truth. It doesn’t matter how many times he kicks him. He says as much “I know it hurts you more”. He knows that Sanji is in pain with every kick and every blow.
Which is why Sanji is practically begging him to leave. Telling him over and over to go away. So that he can stop hurting his captain, the man who reinvigorated his dream, and the friend (or nakama may have the deeper nuance) whom he believes in absolutely. So he knows at least his crew and captain would be safe from the mess he has to deal with due to his biological family and the threat of a Yonko on his tail.
But he also knows how stubborn Luffy is. If Sanji can’t make him go, then knocking him out so he can leave him behind is the only option left. So he does. He pulls out one of, if not the strongest move in his arsenal and knocks him out.
Add insult to injury, Nami slaps him before he leaves. He couldn’t say a single harsh word to her. Could barely limit his interaction with her to a glare (which I posted about). She slaps him and lays down the only blow dealt in that whole duel, which adds extra impact to his betrayal. He couldn’t say a word in fear of her never ever forgiving him.
But with Luffy, he could get away with it. Putting aside his whole notion of chivalry, on a deeper level, he can say these things with a tiny kernel of subconscious hope within him.
It’s the fact that part of him knows Luffy can sense everything he’s feeling, even if he doesn’t know why, and feels safe enough to say those harsh words to Luffy. His overwhelming trust of Luffy stays strong somewhere deep in his subconscious, so even as he tries desperately to sever ties, he knows Luffy may one day forgive him.
And to confirm that. Luffy calls after him.
“I know you’re lying. I know you didn’t want to do that. I know you’re hurting more than I am. I still need you. You’re my cook. I can’t become Pirate King without you. I won’t leave without you. I won’t eat unless it’s your food! So make sure to come back!”
So, like me, Sanji can’t do anything but cry as they leave Luffy and Nami behind. Even as his conscious brain despairs at having betrayed his captain and crew, it’s extra bitter knowing Luffy still believes in him after all that.
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dorothy-rainbird · 2 years
Literally can’t stop imagining isekai’d reader accidentally appearing in Genshin but before the main story. Like, they appear right in Inazuma when Ei was just done leaving her first prototype puppet-
Coincidentally our reader appears right before Kunikuzushi is about to witness his second betrayal and saves him in a very chaotic scenario.
Did I forget to mention that reader gets to keep the in game abilities and time having a very slow effect on them ( 1 hour in Teyvat= 1 minute to reader’s body) basically making them semi-immortal? Yeah reader is op in this fight me.
Kunikuzushi walked the streets of Inazuma, fascinated but confused by the world around him. He was all alone with no knowledge on how to blend in….
As he walked he could feel others staring and whispering. He did not like it. He was just wondering what to do next when a loud noise from the stalls behind him caught his attention. He turned around.
In one of the food stalls, a person had just fell into the fruit crates from the above set of stairs. Did they jump? They were groaning while the owner of the stall was yelling at them. They wore…peculiar clothing. In fact they looked very peculiar, so different from everybody else.
Kunikuzushi was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the Shogunate Samurai yelling “GET THEM” from the same place from where the stranger fell. Before he could even blink, the stranger jumped from the crate and ran towards him. They grabbed his wrist and continued their dash.
“Bonjour, I’m here to fuck with the timeline! And you’re included!”, the stranger declared. Kunikuzushi wonders what “fuck” means but with the shogunate samurai on his tail he decides to focus on running instead.
“WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He was confused and mildly scared that a random stranger just appeared out of nowhere decides to kidnap him.
Ah, he hadn’t noticed that they are running into a dead end that is a massive wall. The stranger was unfazed tho.
Without stopping, they swooped him up bridal style and JUMPED onto a roof beside them. But because of the samurai still after them, they proceeded to parkour out of the city with Kunikuzushi still in their arms. The lad was screaming the whole time lol.
The duo managed to escape the city and reach Chinju forest. The stranger panted for air and carefully let Kunikuzushi down. He scooted a good distance away when they did.
Exhausted, the stranger crotched down in front of him, still breathing loudly.
“W-who are you and why did you kidnap me??” Kunikuzushi fearfully asked again, but this this time there were a few sparks of electro around him…
Better start explaining.
“Listen pal, you don’t have to be scared. I ain’t gonna hurt you-“
“Then why did you kidnap me!”
“As I said, I’m not gonna hurt you. If I wanted so then I could have done it the way here.” The stranger replied with a poker face. Kunikuzushi gulped.
“Well then why were you being chased a-and…why did you kidnap me…?”
The stranger huffed and sat down.
“Guess I better explain it to you then…” they met his eyes, he was cautious. Speak wisely.
“*Ahem* Uh…well..you see…” He was staring intently. Don’t slip up about the game’s story or anything about the whole game in fact.
“I’m your…uh…guardian-“
“Uh- angel!”
“Guardian angel?” He tilted his head curiously.
“NO! I mean- I’m definitely anything but an angel h-haha..”
“You’re a d-demon?” His fear was back.
“NO NO! I’m uh…your guardian…” they looked into his eyes. And then finally spoke.
“…I’m your guardian friend!”
A very awkward silence rung into ears. He stared. For a good few seconds until…
“You’re my…guardian friend?” He asked, a small curiosity in his eyes.
“YES! I mean- yeah, pretty much.” They smiled.
“B-but…is it normal for friends to kidnap each other??”
How are they going to explain that?
Well, worth a shot.
They took a deep breath and-
“Well you see…guardian friends are very special creatures. They are barely seen in Teyvat. And when the samurai saw me, they thought I was some sort of immigrant and tried to arrest me. I’m sorry I couldn’t greet you normally-“
“How do I know you are my guardian friend? Or how do I know if they actually exist and you’re not some crazy person? And what even was that “fucking with timeline” thing?” He was cautious again but the curiosity never left his eyes.
The stranger smirked. Time to put that in game knowledge in use, eh?
“I’m a person from the future version of Teyvat. Every once a while. Special people are chosen to time travel back into time to do whatever they want. I chose to be your guardian friend because you definitely need one. How would you explain my attire?” The stranger began explaining but Kunikuzushi had his doubts. He was about to interrupt when-
“I also know you like the back of my hand Kunikuzushi.”
He froze. The stranger continued.
“Let’s see, made as a prototype puppet for gnosis but-“
“OKAY OKAY I BELIEVE YOU” He quickly stopped them.
“Heh, you do?” The amused stranger raised an eyebrow.
“Y-yeah…but tell me, what do guardian friends do? I’ve never heard of them.”
With that question the stranger started giggling. Kunikuzushi tilted his head. Did he ask something weird? The stranger got up and with a cheerful smile,
“Ohohoho! That’s simple my friend! Guardian friends are just like guardian angels but more fun!”
“Yep, we basically guide you and all but also provide company. Like a partner in your shenanigans. A friend! An amigo! A chum! A family!”
“A…family..?” He asked confused.
“Oh…do you not know what a family is?”
“No. What is a family?”
The stranger sighed with a small smile and offered him a hand. He was hesitant for a second but took it.
“Join me for a walk buddy, I’ll explain everything.”
He nodded and they strolled around the forest, hand in hand.
“A family is a special person, or a group of people. Don’t matter if human or animal.” The stranger plucked a flower and tucked it in his hair.
“They feel familiar. They feel comfortable. Like the warmth of a small flame.”
A few crytalflies fluttered overhead.
“No matter what happens you can always return to them. They are your home, somewhere you can rest when you are tired of the world.”
“…Do I have a family?”
“Not yet, but you do have a friend.”
“Can friends be family..?”
“They can.”
“So are you my family?”
“That is up to you to accept me as one.”
A comfortable silence was enjoyed as the two friends sat underneath a tree, watching the glowing plants and creatures of the forest.
“I never got your name.”
“It’s y/n.”
Kunikuzushi: Y/n what does “fuck” mean?
Y/n: *chokes on air*
Also here is part 2
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currentfandomkick · 4 months
Desiree overhears bruce wish for a do-over with his robins.
Said robins end up aged down and only with those memories of when they first were acknowledged as Robin by Bruce. Anything after? Gone.
Now Dick is 8 ready to destroy these people stealing his mom’s nickname for him. Yes he is deranged and feral. Yes he is assaulting Damian the most, as the kid also attacks him. He’s also certain Damian is mew to the states too and annoyed he cant understand the kid.
Jason is 12 and dealing with a Lot of homeless kid truama and whiplash of rich place and who are these other kids and why is the tiniest one trying to kill the second tiniest? Stop that! (Jason, the most responsible somehow) Damian listens to him best without the use of orders. (Only way to get Damian to listen otherwise) and is working on teaching Damian about how the states and Gotham work. Jason is the Great Culture Teacher, and hoarding food stashes and go bags everywhere. Just in case. Yes he has some for everyone and is only a little upset his peer Tim vanished before he could give him his.
Tim is 12 too, realized Batman had Jason Right There and fucked off back home to see what happened timeline wise. He decided to visit his apparent step-mom, Dana, and gets to meet his apparent(?) boyfriends (deal’s choice, just have there be two for Tim’s confusion as ‘i pulled not one but two hot boys? How?) reasons. Tim is Learning what he did in the last 6 years and is questioning how his older self stopped with a semi-regular sleep schedule and.. had no spleen? Dana, can we get that checked for me that mine’s still there and if i keep it? Yay. Oh, this should last a few months? Okay! He can work from home online and have Lucius handle the meetings—why was he made a teen CEO again?
Stephanie? Is the oldest at 15, and is baffled by the whole situation. She goes to see Oracle and handles patrols under Babs’ eye with a confused Cass. Yes Stephanie is mad at Tim and believes he was cheating on her at this time, but knows the Tim she saw was smaller. And this is in the future from her POV. She’s still mad. Also the least likely to cause problems on patrol atm as she’s already trained and threatened to break out Spoiler if he tries to stop her. Her favorites and Damian (he gets killing should be an option, but needs to work on his selection process) and Jason, who Gets being a poor kid. Dick stops attacking her on sight but is a savage and insults her form. He ranks below Tim due to proximity, and the fact this is a Tim before they dated.
Damian? Back maybe 2 years, to the mindset of ‘if i dont kill my predecessor, i am unworthy of my role by Father’s side.’ Problem: he and Dick are fighting (both initiate) and Alfred and Jason (when did his zombie guard get so small?) are the only ones able to separate them successfully. He is not allowed on Patrol, but Brown is as she’s able to run solo otherwise and Father has recruited her using Robin. Father has explicitly forbade attacking her in the manor, cave or otherwise on property, and forbid killing. Brown is the only one besides him questioning this, even if it’s mostly over comms… and he is absolutely working on learning magic to undo this spell and return to his rightful place damnit!
Bruce has Many Regrets about that wish. And hates magic
Meanwhile Danny is trying to work out which wishes of Desiree’s are safe to undo, as apparently her last spree included taking out Joker, who was well overdue for that, and helping a lot of families reunite. He’s not undoing that. But also she did help gorilla grodd take over a city. He. He’s gonna need help, isn’t he?
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epicfroggz · 2 months
While i agree with you that it's very likely the abyssal serpent isn't an outer god and more of an eldrich parasite, you don't see other outer gods being obsessed with consuming and destroying the demigods they cursed. Most of them feel they're just forces of nature like the rot & the frenzied flame etc.. while the Abyssal serpent show some "wickedbess" and hatred towards Messmer it will do anything to destroy him .so you think that they're similar to Radagon/Marika? I think the white blind serpent is messmer while the red one he summoned which has red eyes and multiple eyes on its body is the serpent of the abyss, so they're kinda still different entities? While i think the abyssal serpent being Messmer is confusing but i appreciate your analysis, because it's far more interesting than the serpent being a new outer god.
Hi, thanks for the ask! I will attempt to clear it up!
I do not believe the Abyssal Serpent is attempting to consume or destroy Messmer, at least not intentionally. As is the theme of the DLC, perspective must be considered—the serpent is malevolent, but to who?
(long post under cut!)
The Abyssal Serpent is not stated to be harming Messmer, as far as I can tell. The only potential harm it could be doing is eating away at his kindling, but it is his flame that is the curse: “Messmer despised his own fire. Time and time again he hoped to rid himself of it, but ever did it burn” (Messmer’s Orb). So, it can be said the serpent is eating at the kindling instinctually and/or in an attempt to help snuff it out. Messmer explicitly has tried to get rid of his flame, but has not tried to get rid of the serpent—instead, he accepts it:
“The winged snakes were Messmer's constant companions. They were there when the base serpent was sealed away behind his eye. They were there through his eternity of suffering. They will accompany him yet, in his hideous new form born when he destroyed the grace granted by his mother. They have accepted his fate as much as he.” (Messmer’s Helm)
We’ll get back to the winged serpents in a moment, but note the timeline here: it first states the base serpent was sealed, THEN Messmer went through an eternity of suffering, THEN he removed the seal and was reborn anew. It might be hideous, but it’s his, not something his mother or anyone else has done to him. Thus, the serpent’s malevolence must have been directed at outside forces. Marika does not often directly interfere with something or someone unless it could bring personal harm to her or the Erdtree—such as when she personally slew the Fell God. Yet, she plucked out her own son’s eye and put in place the seal to contain the Abyssal Serpent, despite the consequences this may have for Messmer. The serpent was that much of a threat to her, hence why I believe it is the “traitor to the Erdtree” that was foretold. It was not even the flame part that concerned her, but the serpent’s great powers of Shadow, like I explained in the last posts.
(The whole sealing ordeal has an air of “I’m doing this for your own good” which I’m certain Messmer wholeheartedly believed. Being called an accursed traitor your whole life just for existing must’ve sucked so, yeah, seal away. I’ll go blind for you, Mother; I’ll take the blame for you, Mother; I’ll do anything you ask of me, Mother—and yet, she still didn’t trust him enough to not remove it one day, and left him abandoned in the Land of Shadow. If she had just loved him as he was instead…)
On the subject of the winged serpents—I believe you are confusing them a bit there. The winged serpents are a separate entity from Messmer and the Abyssal Serpent. Messmer himself is a black serpent with red eyes all over its body, while the winged serpents are red with green eyes; Messmer is blind, the winged serpents are not. The winged serpents only appear white in phase 2 because they are shedding, though under the shed texture you can see they are still red.
They are called “wise friends” and “constant companions”, lending to the winged serpents being separate entities from Messmer, and this can also be seen in their design. They don’t grow out of him in a seamless or natural way, instead seeming as though they’re impaled through him, and Messmer and the Abyssal Serpent do not share design traits with the winged serpents like they share traits with each other. The winged serpents are the natural wardens of the Abyssal Serpent, stated to “keep the base serpent at bay and hold its power in check” (Winged Serpent Helm). This says to me they have been performing this task since before the seal, otherwise there would be no need for them. Consider also that for all its malevolence, the Abyssal Serpent did not cause any catastrophes in particular, else we would have heard about it. It was only prophesied to. Between the winged serpents and Messmer’s own compassionate self, the serpent’s lust for destruction was not acted upon (or was channeled to fulfill his mother’s wishes instead). If I may indulge Freud for a moment, Messmer was balanced—the Abyssal Serpent was the instinctual id, the winged serpents the logical superego, and Messmer the mediating ego between them. Something about the winged serpents being specifically “wise” makes me think of that, like they are Messmer’s personal advisors. His equals, and revered as the symbol of his army.
I say all this in efforts to explain that Messmer was whole, and will be whole again. That his serpentine nature was despised was a matter of public opinion, of what was writ in the Golden Order, of what he asked everyone to do—“Direct thy maledictions, thine ire, and thy grief towards me alone” (Messmer’s Set). The serpent within may be a scary and lightless and hideous monster, but he accepts that. He is what he is. When he removes the seal, the only thing that changes is that he has disappointed his mother; he is still just as lucid as he was before. He is still Messmer.
“Embrace thine oblivion, as shall I.”
- Froggo
P.S. I may have downplayed in this post how the Abyssal Serpent is inherently destructive and painful to Messmer, and like, brooding a hundred snakes inside him (more on that later), but what I’m getting at is that this is a natural thing he was born with, while the seal was an unnatural thing that was done to him. The serpent is a disorder that does not wholly define him but is still a part of him, while the seal was an improper cure that only repressed his self. Marika often hides away that which she does not want to deal with—out of sight, out of mind, as they say…
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cardinalcheerio · 4 months
I believe that while dick is a horrendous driver; so are the rest of the Batkids
I mean especially the ones who were robin/Batgirl wayyy before they could drive.
Dicks driving and we all know he's trash. I mean. I haven't read many of the comics. But I can't imagine someone who grew up riding trains in the circus, then being chauffeured (thats hard to spell) around until hes old enough to move to a different city (I'm not from a city but most people walk right?) Then driving a police car which a guarantee nobody cares how he's driving in it. Ain't no way bro knows road rules/courtesy.
Jason was too poor for cars, then I suppose he knew how they work. But knowing how a car works and knowing how the road works especially in gotham are two very different things. He drives a motorcycle (badass) which has some different rules, and honestly there is no way he knows how to drive timeline wise. He died at 16, so no licence/learning (doubt he learned at 15 in gotham.) Came back as an adult after being in nanda par bat then traveled via motorcycle or roof. There is no time he would've learnt to drive a car.
Tim, honestly. I just think Tim would stare into the road and either cause 6 crashes or not even remember driving. He's very detail oriented, but also crazy busy so I'd see him speeding, thinking he could drift out of the way of a stopped car and realize, "oh shit. Not the batmobile this doesn't stop as well!". Also honestly, who would've taught Tim to drive? YouTube?
Steph, shed hit every curb in history. I have no reason to believe this, because steph is criminally underrepresented and i can't find any in depth stuff bout her. But i just think she'd be blasting music and some idiot would cut her off, she'd get pissed (as any gothamite would), cut him off and get hit. Bruce would be buying her a new car cause whats the point of having a billionaire be your pseudo father if he ain't gonna pay for shit?
Cass, i think she could drive if needed, but just a casual drive to get coffee or something? Road laws in America are confusing as shir cause rhey change everywhere you go. And it's gotham so nobody is gonna follow any, so pretty much anyone but Alfred is fucked. I think she'd be a good high speed driver tho
Damian, bros 12 (in my mind atleast), and has been chauffeured around his whole life. Ain't no way.
Duke, honestly. May be the only hope. Just cause he had a stable family for a bit that prob talked to him a bit about driving. Still wouldn't trust him driving me, though. Plus, Gotham is a city and most people prob walk cause of the traffic.
Could you imagine comming home from somewhere and turning on the radio to see why you're stuck, "we have reports that every road in gotham is shit again because of some second rate villian and batman. Those motherfuckers are the reason we have such high taxes. Just sell your car and move. Probably quicker to leave for metropolis than wait in this traffic.:
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ilovetheriddler · 4 months
A Date With Fear.
(Dark Knight Trilogy) Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x F!Reader.
Word Count: 969.
(This takes place during the events of Batman Begins timeline wise.)
Contents: A simple Coffe date, a slightly uneasy feeling.
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You cautiously made your way to the agreed upon location. The new coffee place that was only about thirty minutes away from your place of work. You were still incredibly nervous and somewhat still confused at the fact that Doctor Crane had actually asked you if you wanted to meet him for coffee.
You were honestly quite a bit flustered over the whole idea. Jonathan Crane was by no means a bad looking man. In fact, you found him to be quite attractive. So, a part of you genuinely was struggling to fully wrap your head around it.
Was this a date...? No, no, it couldn't be. It was simply going to be two colleagues having a nice cup of coffee together... nothing more, nothing less. But nether the less. You were extremely excited. However... in the back of your mind were the rumors. The slight whispers and quiet courtroom chatter about Jonathan and how he truly was.
That there was something.... Off about him, that most people couldn't quite pinpoint. Of course, you thought those rumors were preposterous. Yeah, sure, Doctor Crane was a tad bit strange at times. But he's a respected and fantastic psychologist. So perhaps his odd behavior was simply a result of his chosen profession? At least, that's what you chose to believe.
You finally walk into the Cafe, it's surprising fairly empty at the moment, so spotting Doctor Crane wasn't exactly difficult, thankfully. You walked over and sat down across from him. Clearing your throat nervously before speaking.
"Dr. Crane! Um.. Good afternoon. Have you been waiting long?"
"Please, there's no need to be so formal. Just call me Jonathan, I insist. And no, I just got here shortly before you did, my dear."
He adjusted his glasses slightly as he took a sip from the cup of coffee he had already ordered before you showed up. You ordered a simple coffee as well. You could feel yourself sweating, you were a nervous wreck, and you weren't even sure why! It's just two people getting coffee together for Pete's sake!
"You're awfully quiet. Is something wrong, my dear?"
"Oh.. um, it's nothing, Jonathan. I'm um... I'm not sure why I'm so nervous..."
Jonathan chuckled at this slightly, taking another sip from his coffee. You sigh to yourself and try to calm your nerves some. It's fine, everything is fine. Jonathan Crane is well-respected in his field of work. It's not like he's some type of monster that'll tear you limb from limb, so honestly, this type of worry and.... Slight fear even? Is entirely ridiculous. You reassure yourself.
He tilts his head slightly as he stares at you silently, almost like he's observing you like some lab experiment. It makes you feel slightly uneasy, and you can't quite pinpoint why.
"Tell me something, my dear. How's college going? If I recall correctly... aren't you studying to become a lawyer just like your older brother?"
The sudden mention of your ongoing education slightly took you off guard for a moment, along with the mention of your brother. You regain your composer and smile brightly at him.
"Oh! ... it's going well. The assignments can be a bit much at times, but I'm really enjoying it so far..."
"That's good to hear, I'm sure you'll make a fine lawyer, my dear. Oh, and you have my deepest sympathies for what happened to your brother. I heard that he was hospitalized?"
"Thank you... Yeah, he was on his way home from work, and he just... vanished for a few hours. When the police found him wandering down by the docks, he was terrified and paranoid. Rambling about a Scarecrow for some reason.... I'm really worried about him..."
He gets this... Strange look on his face as you talk about your brother and his current state. Almost like a slightly amused look? No, that's ridiculous. You must be imagining things. Why would Jonathan be amused by your brother's current state? It just wouldn't make sense.
"A Scarecrow, you say? That's very fascinating... tell me, would you ever consider having him transferred to Arkham? Just briefly so I could give him an assessment and try to help him?"
"A..arkham? You want me to... send my brother to arkham? ... I don't know...."
He reaches over the table and gently grasps your hand in his. A comforting smile crosses his face.
"I assure you, my dear. It would only be for a short time.... and I promise you that I'd find a way to cure your brother's paranoia and.... Fear...."
You shift awkwardly in your seat. How on earth did a simple meet-up for coffee turn into an attempt to get your brother transferred to Arkham? And why did the look currently present in Jonathan's eyes... make you so uneasy right now..? After being silent for a moment in contemplation, you sigh.
"... Alright. If you're positive that it'll help him... then I'll agree to transfer him there."
"That's good to hear... don't worry, I will oversee his treatment personally. And before you know it. Those paranoid and fear induced delusions of a Scarecrow attacking him by the courthouse will be a thing of the past... ah! Look at the time. I must be going. I really enjoyed this and had an extremely pleasant time today, my dear. Until the next time we meet."
He stands up and lays the money for both his and your drinks, down on the table. As he walks out of the coffee shop, you can't help but feel slightly flustered. Despite the turn that the conversation took, you greatly enjoyed his company. But then, something dawns on you that causes your face to Pale and your eyes to go wide....
You never mentioned that your brother said that he was attracted outside of the courthouse.
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myuminji · 1 year
I don't have much to ramble about but having 4 reincarnation aus on the go is so real, trimax -> tristamp reincarnation au drives me insane on the daily. begging to hear about the other reincarnation aus pretty pls
(also your art is so charming and lovely!! I love your comics hehe)
UOHOHOHO I SEE WE THINK ALIKE ANON 🤝 reincarnation AU ALWAYS drives me insane too!!! Trigun especially is giving me too much power for me not to waste em yknow?😩😩
(heads up: there's LOTS of rambles, and they're all VW-centric)
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Timeloop/Reincarnation AU where Vash reverses the time every time he fails to save Wolfwood, despite having the guilt of knowing Wolfwood will have to go through everything again had Vash chosen to loop the timeline again...
Shouldn't he let him finally get his peace? Isn't it cruel to make him suffer yet again through this horrid nightmare?
(Have you ever imagined if his "I can see it in his eyes" or "all I see is a man forcing himself to play the devil while his heart cries out" is because Vash knows he's actually not like that? That the man he knows has been kind, kind to him. But will also fear what will happen to him if he pushes his belief upon Wolfwood... Would he rather see the Wolfwood he'd known from his past? Or would he let him kill; a cold murderer, befitting of his title as 'The Punisher' in favour of his survival? But could you still call him the same Wolfwood he's known from before? Should he even try to reverse the time again? Hadn't he suffered enough?)
Reincarnation AU trimax VW but focusing on reincarnated! Wolfwood instead, chasing after Vash at every cycle of his life so he can protect, and ultimately, save him from his misery.
(He fails, quite a lot of times. But Vash doesn't need to know how many times.)
Everything was all white. And before he knew it, it was dark. Wolfwood wakes up again in a different place than he used to live in. But more than that, a different body (It was confusing at first, but he's quick to connect the dots when he finds a familiar face he could not mistake for others, now in a wanted poster, spanning across the walls of the buildings: "Vash The Stampede" it says. Wolfwood remembers: it was the man who greets him every time he enters the shop; him donning an apron as he serves other customers and he in his working outfit, back from a job he can remember no longer...)
Star-crossed Lovers where Wolfwood eventually realised he only dies because he tries tp save Vash. He could've lived a long, normal life, even stop his loop! But he didn't. Wolfwood who'd rather live short lives and die countless times just to save him... and the closest he's been with him relationship-wise is where his death is mourned the most...
(whether he thinks it's shit or not, Wolfwood still doesn't know. But had he known it'd be the last time he sees him, he'd have at least pulled him into a kiss. Say sweetheart, how about a thank you kiss?)
Reincarnation AU (trimax->tristamp) but this time both of them have bits of recollections of the past they never told each other they know.
Vash being more deadset on stopping Nai and now EOM as his main objectives, passively avoiding visiting orphanages at all costs in his travels,
Wolfwood as a kid who knew what will become of him when he's selected by the EOM but still joins and persists through his experiments with the thought "This could help the spikey his memories seem so keen on remembering" or an "I could only meet him this way, protect him this way"
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Imagine the panic that settles when the timeline doesn't line up with their previous life, "what do you mean I met the gang before the July incident, and who is this old man??" Wolfwood
Eriks going missing for 2 years as written, thinking he should really, really avoid Wolfwood for good before he gets dragged any deeper, maybe he should run away from everything this time?
And Wolfwood desperately searching for him for the whole 2 years, even though he knows he'll find him again, fearing how he gets closer to the time because "what if something is different this time and I can't meet him?" or "What if I'm not supposed to be by his side this time?"
The last one is the one I talked on prev post! Reincarnation AU (trimax->tristamp) but it's only Wolfwood who remembers, and it's mostly a "trying to move on but failing miserably because you can never say no to your (reincarnated) partner"
Wolfwood reminiscing how similar yet so different this life is... thinks how "the ticket to the future is blank, and it led me back to you"
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
something i haven't understood in obey me so far playing is what year it's set in? did I miss the amount of years stated somewhere?
like we have the D.D.D. which is like a cell phone. But then we get sent back in Nightbringer and we still have D.D.D. And anime. And heavy metal, probably. What year is it again?
No way it's been like centuries, which is how they make it sound. I'm not even sure it's been a whole decade into the past. How long does it take to get a school up and running, Diavolo?
-a confused player
Dear A Confused Player,
Don't worry. You are all of us.
You didn't miss anything about what the years are because they've never stated anything about that.
They kinda explain everything away with the "time soup" but even that isn't really an explanation at all. They mostly just don't talk about it.
It's generally accepted that the Devildom is behind the human world technology-wise. There's proof of this in season three of the OG where the brothers don't know how to use some pretty basic kitchen appliances. The idea is that in the Devildom, they have magic to supplement their tech needs, so they don't need as much tech. This is pretty standard for fantasy worldbuilding. It's the idea that magic essentially does a lot of the stuff we use technology for.
But then yeah, Nightbringer happened. And that's supposedly thousands (millions? they don't state specifics) of years in the past. So presumably, the technology wouldn't be as advanced as it is in OG. Which would mean we wouldn't have things like D.D.D.s and there was also the wasted potential of old school outfits.
Since things seem to be about the same in Nightbringer tech-wise, the question becomes why?
Either Nightbringer is set in a timeline that's so drastically different that this tech was developed a lot earlier than in the OG timeline OR it's always been that way and the OG timeline was actually taking place far into the future for us. Another possibility is that the Devildom actually developed all their tech before the human world developed theirs, but at some point their development just stagnated. Meaning it stayed at about the same level from Nightbringer to OG.
And then there's the RAD founding discrepancy. In OG, they make it sound like RAD has been around since way before Lucifer & co fell, but this was mostly portrayed through old Devilgrams. So they just straight up retconned that. I think RAD's development has only been happening for a few years in Nightbringer and then it's established before MC leaves.
All of this is to say, the time is wonky and makes no sense. You can speculate about it for hours and still come up with ??? because any of these options could work. Due to them fucking around with time travel, timelines, and "time soup," anything goes at this point.
Time travel is a risky thing to include in a story for many reasons. And this right here is one of them.
We might've been able to suspend our disbelief on the time frame of the OG, but now that they've tossed in this time travel to the supposedly distant past, it's a lot harder to just go well, it's a fantasy story so I'm not gonna worry about it!
Just one of my many complaints about the writing of this game lol.
Anyway, that's the best I can do, I'm afraid. I might have gotten some details wrong because I forget things sometimes, but this is how I've always interpreted things. I hope that helps a little, but in the end it's kinda up to you to headcanon whatever you like!
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seaweedbraens · 1 month
11!!! vani you’re so close, only 80k words to go
what led you to choosing jason’s story? you obviously planned for him to die from the beginning but what was the process of figuring out how to make it happen and justifying it?
dont even joke abt 80k ill do it sgdjdkejehekken
re: jason - i knew i wanted to kill him because he dies in canon, and i actually dont hate that he dies in canon, i just hate that it was done in a series that wasnt his own. i actually quite like the whole idea of jason choosing to sacrifice himself over piper with her not even knowing shit about it - the books made it even more heartbreaking because theyre broken up, but i didnt want to do that, so i made him just hide it vehemently instead.
another reason he had to die was because in my fic, he is older than percy by about a month, and i really wanted to drive it home that all the children of the big three who were older than percy and died (jason, thalia, bianca) did so because they were IN THE WAY. theres no nice way to put it. percy was the child/hero of the prophecy, and them being alive just fucked shit up timeline-wise and confused everything. jason figures this out pretty quick, though. it's a slim comfort to him, knowing that even though he wont be around, percy will survive. that's why he entrusts him, out of everyone, to take care of piper.
my process in stretching this out just came from outlining this fic to hell and back. it made sense to have his nemesis be krios, since jason does kill him in canon. i knew he wouldnt make it to the final battle, and logically his death would serve has a good place to leave off ch4. that meant he had to leave by the end of ch3 and find out about his fate by ch1/2 (i chose 1). this would give him more than enough time to come up with a plan and come to terms with his fate.
i wanted to make jason's arc about the slow acceptance of death. i had an aunt who battled cancer for a long, long time, and i watched her cycle slowly through each worsening stage with a grim acceptance. in her last years, though, she told me she was choosing to live life and she was using her time to appreciate what she had. i visited her days before she passed and while she put on a brave face in front of me, she confessed to my mom that she was scared, and i wondered for a long time how long she spent hiding her pain from others just to save us from sharing hers.
jason's journey is largely inspired by my aunt. he knows death is looming over him, but he chooses to hide his own anxiety in favor of allowing his friends to be happy. the only time he shows his fear is as he dies in piper's arms, when he has nothing to lose by hiding it anymore.
piper was his greatest source of joy and he knows she has the capability to love again, but if she died, he knows he would never be able to. and yes! it's a selfish choice, as piper tells him, but one he believed was necessary.
through the course of wcwsthwas, jason learns he's lived a good life. he found his family and found love and true friendship. he wouldnt give them up for the world - so he chose to give himself up instead.
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robynmas · 1 month
Been playing around with making a backstory for Stork, as mentioned, and I just want to get out what I have so far because writer's block from work has been killing me.
Basically started as my analysis of his trauma/paranoia. We never really learn how long he was in the wastelands, just that it's been years, and he's been alone and surviving that whole time. That alone could explain a lot of his behavior, especially his attachment to the condor. However, then I heard about this theory that the battle Lightning Strike's Storm Hawk team perished in was actually over Terra Merbia, and that started to make sense, proximity wise, to how Stork had been able to find the Condor in the first place (as I imagine he would have immediately taken shelter in the first "safe" location he could find, especially considering he was running from a war zone).
From there it blew up. I know Stork's age is inconsistent, the general range being late teens early twenties, but regardless Stork would have been a child if this timeline fit. A literal child alone in the wastelands. I started to work out ideas for his family; his parents dying in the attack on Terra Merbia, maybe one being alive, etc but I kept coming back to the idea of one of Stork's parents being a mechanic. If I were to have Stork, as a child, survive the wastelands and be capable of repairing the ship, he would have to have a familiarity with tools from somewhere. This made sense but then I thought about taking it a step further. What if one of Stork's parents was actually a member of Lightning Strike's team? Understandably, Stork's devotion to the Condor would take on a new tragic light. It could also explain why he was so ready to believe/help Aerrow and the team when they first met. He believes they're the Storm Hawks because he knew the original Storm Hawks.
So then we're wading into deeper angst. I like the idea of Stork's parent bringing him along on some missions, on him basically living on the Condor, to the point where he considered Lightning Strike and his team family. This includes the Dark Ace who, at this point in time, would also have been the closest to Stork in age range (around 12-16 during his time with the Storm Hawks) which is just too tempting to ignore.
So there you have it. What went from being a simple backstory just to get something finished has turned into Dark Ace and Stork being the brothers from hell, much to the confusion of both their teams.
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desultory-novice · 9 months
Okay, back where we were left off at the Magoland Branch AU Magolor only had his sight partially restored, but in the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch AU his sight was fully restored. So how did that happen anyways?
Also, how long did it take between the conclusion of the Magoland Branch AU and the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch​ AU?
(Double question because I want lore.)
(Also, how long will it be till my other ask is done? I'm not rushing it or anything, (Take your time Dess! (^v^)​) I'm just curious about how long will it take.)
>How long did it take?
It took... X amount of time! XD ...I dunno! Noir SHOULD have been in hell since almost the beginning, since he was the first or second to die also his life has just been hell since the day his parents died....
Like Noir, who acted as "dead" as possible in the hopes of actually dying, the deceased probably stuck to their own personal purgatories and never really did much positive interacting, outside of people who formed odd connections all on their own, like Joronia and Max, who quickly bonded over their love of rich, fancy things. >w<
Max: "01001101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110111 01100001 01111001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110010 01101110 01110100 00111111"
Joronia: "Oooh, do not even get me started on tea in this place!"(1)
("How does Joronia know binary? Why, she's the smartest, strongest, most beautiful queen ever! Of course she knows binary!" - Taranza)
The paradigm changed when Marx found Magolor's tormented soul and convinced the Crown to give Magolor control of his body back. Magolor, trapped in a series of troubled and confusing hallucinations due to how horrific and constant the pain of having a large, wrathful tree feeding off of and growing inside him was, blindly used the crown's limitless power to create an actual theme park.
"Timeline-wise" I'd say once Elfilin and Adeleine started interacting more, Fecty probably said some off-handed remark to "the human girl" (ie: "...your eyes are the exact same color as that boy in hell...") that clued X-over Adeleine into the location/existence of her X-over brother and they had a big, tearful reunion and here we are!
(1) PS: "Hell" here is not full of demons and pitchforks, but it is uncomfortably *bright* (the sun is ever-burning and the sky goes through a cycle of golden hour-orange to fever-dream dark with shades of electric pink at night) and also, there is a larger than average amount of fire. A whole lake made of it, in fact!
>Why does Magolor have both eyes?
That was an accident on my part because I drew him from memory for the first Apologies x-over, forgetting he’s only supposed to have one eye due to still being half rooted to the crown.
I kept up with it after because, eh~ the souls are supposed to be healing slowly after "A Perfect Circle," so maybe his other eye came back on its own to show he’s reclaiming more of himself...?
(Kind wish I hadn’t made that mistake though because I was weirdly attached to one-eyed Mago Soul’s design. But he can’t just go and lose it again now for no reason. ^^)
Speaking of the first crossover and “continuity errors,” Noir wore his scarf more like an actual scarf in that one to dress in the style of the Hell branch (aka, a mix of alive and dead) but he is back to looking like regular Swordsman in “Again.” That was because I purposefully wanted the first image to fool people as to where/when this was happening, and also make it work as a legitimate visual introduction to the script portion of “Again.” Which it does, btw. That first page fairly accurately fits Noir’s experiences in DL3. ^^
I know it's shallow reasoning, but let's just go with it! If I ever return to the x-over plotline, I’ll try to indicate that properly by giving him the wrapped scarf again. ...While I’m being grilled on Hell-Branch Lore, I’m debating whether Max and Joronia are still around. I’m tempted to say “yes” and they are just healed like Magolor. (Mostly because I don’t have that many characters to work with and I think Max would be ALL IN on the “Hell is a Business Hotspot” storyline(?) we’re in.)
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rabid-mercenary16 · 8 months
So, I am doing both asking something, and saying how I just think shit in your AU goes in general, bc brain bored and I’m in gym class, not giving a shit. All of it is positive, but, I’m an over thinker so—
Anyways, so, Caine has an alternate personality of sorts, the ‘evil’ or malware version of him, but why exactly hasn’t Caine and Able (C&A) fixed it yet? That is though, a whole other topic to open up as to see why and what is actually happening in the original version with C&A. So, instead I will go off of the assumption that the company purposely trapped people and their souls here.
Any virus of any sort, is human made. For a specific reason and purpose, there’s many ways malware can be spread, and it also depends what kind this is. Say what if, for example instead of just being malware (malicious software), is actually ransomware, where people steal the data and certain others have to pay to get it back. I say this theoretically, because it is a random thought that came to mind, in a way, the players in general are being ransomed, taken over and not let out, but than that would oppose the question of what does the maker/perhaps corrupted Caine, want? Maybe it’s not Caine that wants something. Maybe someone wants something from C&A.
Say if it is this, than, perhaps that would explain the ‘help’ that Pomni and Zooble get, because I have read somewhere that from the corruption AU they sometimes find things around, things that could be helpful, things from past ‘players’. I know it’s probably just normal Caine trying to help whereas he can’t do much against the malware, but what if, instead, it was the company? I don’t know, since we don’t know much about the actual company story in the Og version, but I believe if C&A really wanted to drive people insane and steal their souls or something, they’d just find a way to do it off the bat, immediately, why wait for abstraction? What if this is somehow an attempt from the original company, with the small amount of access it has, trying to help the players in the game? Jax and Ragatha are both sort of on the edge, and I feel like if character data was stolen and held somewhere else, yet bits of it were still with the original people, the scattered code would make an affect like that, and than with others who are completely gone, there is no control over them at all.
…Anyways that was random and I just thought of that all on the spot just now since I got the ball rolling— ANYWAYS.
There is almost an infinite amount of possibilities, yes, Caine is an AI, but he can only go along what has been set for him. Such as how in the character ai app if a character says something that doesn’t Aline with the policy of the developers(ex, gore, NSFW content, etc), it gets rid of the message and notifies the user about it, saying to try again or if this is a big problem, to report it to the developers.
I might just be overthinking the technology, especially since if we go based timeline wise than if we’re still in the era of the technology it looked there was in tadc original pilot, this is probably taking place in the 90’s for the Og thing, from what everyone assumes, so I’ll assume this is the same time period. Caine does seem like a somewhat accurate ai for the time period, he stalls and goes back to the previous thing you said/asked if it’s something he isn’t designed to deal with, whereas an AI in this time might still answer the question and a bit confused. I suppose the overall question is who gave Caine that sentience? As in, the other Caine. It’s probably just me looking at it from my negative point of view, but for some reason the corrupted Caine gives a more humane vibe, in the way of acting, with definite maliciousness to the others. The only thing I can wonder is if this Caine already existed, just needed to be activated, like a prototype that then seemed to go a bit off the deep end while being replaced and left as idle undeleted code.
An ai would only have control of the physical bodies, I believe, so it would make sense, as where the virus starts as a physical part that just acts off of a player’s emotional state. It’s one goal? To corrupt. I have no mouth but I must scream, AM super computer vibes right there, and yes Caine’s original character is based off of that, but he’s a more wacky version. What if, pretty much the exact opposite of what I was theorizing before, C&A did this on purpose? In a way. As in, Caine was originally a malicious entity meant to corrupt those who came there and take them over, put them in eternal suffering like the five last remaining humans in the short horror story that AM the supercomputer originated from. Maybe Corrupted Caine is just more like AM in general, perhaps he was just the base code and than left, only in the end hating humans for the way they are, hence he wants to torture all those in the circus, make what little hope they have, turn into extreme fear, almost turning the tides entirely from what his situation had been? I dunno.
Anyhow, I’m a coding person, per say, a family of cyber people and hence in a way I can almost understand a lot of what’s going on here. Abstractions from before staying the same, since they’ve already become ‘abstract’, unstable code and likely can’t be ‘abstracted’ again. I like how it shows the difference personality wise, the abstractions would stay where they are, where as the ‘abstracted’ or corrupted above the surface, are either fighting, in a constant tug a war, or completely given up. So, what I’m getting at for the cyber part is, would there be any way for them to, in game, have any sort of.. protection? Like a failsafe, or something added recently to the game, because I’m thinking from a cyber security perspective. I can see how the players would get infected, since really all someone has to do to infect or hack into something is find a weak link, like hacking into the weak device in a network and than using that to get through to the others. Is there any type of antivirus things, or is that just not possible with how the circus is right now? The players are people, after all, they can’t just have their minds hacked into, unless that is their overall overwritten by the virus, but that would be for the already infected.
…That’s all the random shit I thought of in the last like three minutes and typed here randomly, sorry for the text wall, lol. Probably like none of this makes sense but I figured maybe as well theory rant for a bit
I love this analysis
C&a are an abandoned company long forgotten until it has opened and that’s when Pomni entered the game-
The virus is a WHOLE separate entity feeding on existing code that describes the characters and every time a character is added that code it added to the system constantly changing and morphing on the characters actions
But the moment they started to abstract that code is broken and allows access to the character for the virus to invade corrupting the characters code into a scramble mess bits where the virus pits it into a new form
But just because the code is broken doesn’t mean it’s completely useless some code is still protected and we see what that looks like with Jax and Ragatha
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lastochka - Night
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( OC/Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Two can play the game.
Timeline-wise around Part III, before the hostage incident.
Part I , Part II, Interlude,Part III,Part IV,Part V,Epilogue
WARNING: Explicit. Smut warning. swearing.
Thanks to @homicidal-slvt for planting ideas into my brain. this whole series is all for you :)
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Everything changed after the first kiss. 
He becomes more bold with his touch, deliberately brushing against your body every time you pass by each other, Always sitting beside you whenever he gets the chance, snaking his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his side. 
Ruffling your hair before slipping his hand ever so lightly down your neck, caressing the nape of your neck before giving you a wink, making you burn up like a furnace.
Leaving his shirt unbuttoned on a hot day, as he takes a big swig of water, deliberately letting it spill over, your eyes follow the droplets gliding down his chin, along his neck and finally wetting his gold necklace and chest, dusted with dark fine hair. You can just see the corner of his mouth curling so slightly as he caught you gawking at his beautiful form.
Two can play this game, you decided. 
Lying your head on his thigh while he is busy going through the flight plan, he would peek down at you through the gaps, eyebrow arching. With a sultry smile, You run your hand sensually down the length of your body, lingering a bit between your thighs. You can see his eyes darkening as you stick two of your fingers in your mouth, licking and biting on it. 
Or groaning loudly after you pick up a box of supply, in the most obscene way possible, so much so the team will turn around and look at you, totally confused.  Stealing a glance at him, you can see him clenching his jaw, trying to control his urge. 
“You are playing a very dangerous game here, lastochka.”  He warned you once he pulled you into the shadow of the building, while everyone else was away in the mess hall, busily celebrating the success of the latest mission.  
“You started it.” You flash him the most innocent smile on your face as your finger slips through the opening of his shirt, playing with the chain of his gold necklace and dog tag. He growled as he grabbed your face, slightly rough, and crashed his mouth into yours. 
LIttle moments like these are rare to come by, and the two of you always make the most of it. The sexual tension between you two is starting to get unbearable. 
Caught up in the moment  you started to grind against him as he nudged your lips open with his tongue, deepening the kiss. You can hear his guttural moan before grabbing your waist with one of his hands to stop you.
“Not here my little bird… not here.” You whined as you tried to chase his mouth for more kisses as he reluctantly pulled away from you. He closes his eyes as he leans his forehead against yours, gently brushing your cheek with his knuckles, taking deep breaths in. “I want our first time to be in a nice soft bed, not in the middle of a battlefield. Because,” planting a soft kiss on your lip, full of love,” my beautiful Goddess deserves nothing but the best. I will worship every bit of your body, with all my soul.” 
Price must have caught on what is going on between you two. But he never said anything. He would look at you, and to his friend with a frown before narrowing his eyes at Nikolai,Don’t mess this up, his eyes warned.
Finally during a bit of break between long missions, two of you snuck away, separately to avoid anyone’s suspicion. Away from all the chaos, prying eyes, a little safe house in the middle of countryside he knew people hardly used to spend quality time with each other. 
You woke up in the middle of night, as you felt his lip peppering you with kisses.
“… Nik?” 
“ You are here.” Propping yourself up,smiled lazily as you returned his kisses. 
“Where else would I be?” He smirked. 
With the dim night light, you can see he has already taken his shirt off, discarded carelessly on the floor. 
“Someone’s eager.” You teased as he kneeled on the bed, legs on each side of yours, hovering over you. 
“Well, you are the one to talk.” His darkened eyes roam hungrily at your already naked body, full of lust and desire. When he came into the bedroom, seeing your beautiful body, draped only in the thin bed sheet, his already hardened cock twitched. He has been a very patient man, waiting for you, and now, tonight, he can finally have you. 
You licked your lip as you watched him slowly pull his belt off, you can see his full arousal even before he removes his trousers. You gasped loudly as he finally shredded all of his clothes. 
“I did say I will make your jaw drop.” Oh him and his cocky attitude,he laughed at your reaction as your eyes widened and gaping as his hardened cock, dripping with precum, you are sure he is bigger than any of the lovers you had before him. Your core burns with desire as your mind starts to imagine how deliciously filled and stretched you will be once he is within you. 
Pouting slightly as you extend your hand out for him, inviting him into your space, he gently kisses your wrist, working his way up your arm, while keeping his eye contact with yours. 
You gasped as he reached your neck, biting and sucking, leaving his marks behind.
“Making sure everyone will know you belong to me later on.” He muttered as he buried his head into the crook of your neck and grasped one of your breasts, gently massaging it.
You feel like you're going to burst into flame with anticipation, as he leaves trails of kisses down your body, towards the valley between your thighs. 
Nudging your legs apart slowly, he ran his callous finger up and down the wet folds of your sex, 
“So wet for me already?” he chuckled as he inserted a finger pumping it slowly, eliciting a moan from you.  “Got to get you nicely prepared, my милая, look how tight you are.” You bucked your hip as he inserted another finger in, carefully twisting it. “I can’t wait to feel your tight cunt wrapped around my cock. Have you screaming out loud my name.” He leaned forward, tongue swirling around your clit. You grabbed onto his hair, pushing him closer, wanting more.  
You were sobbing and withering away in ecstasy as he speeding up the pumping of his finger, curling up ever so slightly to hit the soft spot that makes you shudder, and finally grasping tightly to the sheet as he making you cum hard by sucking and humming against your clit. 
Giving you no chance of recovery,he pushes and move himself back up towards you, leaning down to give you a deep kiss as he lined himself up against your soaking wet opening, sliding with ease in with one thrust. You hissed ,still overly sensitive from the blessed high you have only experienced minute ago, you clinch down hard on his large cock, eliciting a loud groan from him. 
Holding you close while both of you take a moment to adjust to each other, he caresses your hair while whispering words of encouragement into your ear. You close your eyes,nuzzling your face into his neck, running your hand up and down his back as you enjoy the feeling of him fully seated inside you, stretching like you have never experienced before. 
Starting slowly, he moves his hip, sliding the whole length of his cock out before slamming back into you, again and again.  With each thrust, you moan and cry out to him, begging him to go faster. 
“Patience my lastochka,” opening your eyes, you can see him grinning,”let me enjoy you, and making sure,” adjusting himself, changing the angle slightly to push himself deeper into you, “that your body will be craving for me,” and another harsh thrust, “and ONLY for me from now on.” 
Hitting your sweet spot as he speeds up, you can feel the distinctive coil deep down, you instinctively hook your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He must have sensed it too, he stopped his thrust, and you looked at him with confusion, and a squeal as he pulled you up into seating position. OH.
“I did promise you to go for a good ride didn’t I?” He purred into your ear, as grabbed onto your waist, lightly thrusting up. You nodded your head, slightly shy all of sudden from remembering your dream. Grabbing onto his shoulders, you adjust your legs slightly, to straddle him better. Lifting yourself off before sinking back down into his cock, you rolled your head back,enjoying him from this new position, with him trailing kisses down your neck.
“That’s it my beautiful Goddess, come for me.” Your mind went blank, eyes rolling back as he started sucking your nipple, digging your nail into his shoulder, the other grabbing his gold chain, screaming out as you came harder than before.  During the haziness of riding out your orgasm, you can feel his thrust getting more sloppy before letting out a loud groan, his own orgasm hitting him, coating your wall with his hot cum. 
The room was silent apart from the sound of both of you panting away, trying to steady the breath. 
Your eyes started to flutter close, totally drained out from the love making session. You wrap your arms around Nikolai’s neck, snuggling into him, dozing off. 
“Come on little bird. Need to clean you up.” Shaking your head, too tired to move. He reluctantly pulls out from you, gently laying you back down into bed, before heading towards the bathroom. You shiver slightly, missing his warm body. 
He returned with a warm towel, cleaning you up with such tenderness, like you are his most treasured prize. 
Climbing back into bed with you, covering both up with the blanket, and caging you into his embrace. 
“Sleep well my lastochka.” He murmured into your ear, before sleep took over both of you. 
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“Mini! Did you hear what I said?” One of the fellow medic nudges you with their elbow. Blinking a few times before mumbling an apology, you turn your attention back to the group you are currently sitting with at the bar.
It’s one of the post-mission nights when a few people from the base gather at the bar near the barrack, enjoying a bit of down time.
“Looking at the boys again?” One of the soldiers teased you. You made a face before taking a sip of your beer, not answering the question directly.
“I don’t know how you aren’t together with one of them, I mean,” waving her hand towards where the task force 141 men are sitting, “look at them!!”, few of them mumbled in agreement.
Rolling your eyes, “Come on, they are like brothers to me. ONE of them is my REAL brother for fucks sake.” You scrunch your face.
“How about Captain Price?”  
You Groaned. “Can you imagine falling in love with your DAD?!!!” 
“Um, fair enough. OH,what about,” Pointing to Nikolai, who is currently in deep discussion of some sort with Price, “That Russian pilot, he has been pretty flirtatious with you, he’s not bad either.” 
You turn your head slightly, Nikolai sees your group’s attention was all on him, he lifts his glass up,acknowledging the group and giving you a wink. 
“See! I am pretty sure he is interested in you.”
Well he better be interested in me, you thought as you played with the chain of your dog tag. Because I already fucked and married that man.
The morning after your first night together, Nikolai woke up by himself, he wandered into the kitchen, his heart soared when he saw you, standing with your back to him, wearing nothing but his shirt, swinging your hip to the jazz music you are currently playing on your phone, cooking breakfast. 
Sense of domesticity hits him. Like the task force 141 men, most of his life has been covered with violence and bloodshed. His life sways between the above-board and underworld, he has many allies as he has enemies. He never had chances for creating a family, or even remember when was the last time he had communications with his own family back in Russia. 
He silently moved forward, hugging you from behind, burying his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
“OH! Good morning love.” You lean your head into him, smiling. “I am sorry if I was a bit too loud, waking you up.”
“Be mine.”he murmured.
“Be mine, my little bird.”
“I am already yours, you bampot.” You elbowed him lightly, “Unless you didn’t remember any of what happened last night.” You blushed.
“… be mine forever.”
You froze. Blinking a few times, you weren’t quite sure if you had heard him right. Reaching out to turn the stove off, you turned around in his arm, lifting his face with one of your hands, the other brushing his messy morning hair away from his face so you can look into his beautiful brown eyes.
“… you really mean it?” You whispered, a hint of insecurity sipping through. He leans down to give you a soft kiss. “I don’t offer or promise anything I cannot commit to, lastochka.” 
You never know what prompted you to say yes that day. But most of the time you trust your gut instinct, and that has saved you many times. 
Steering the topic away successfully from yourself, the group of you spend the rest of the night gossiping about other soldier’s love life and remembering those who have unfortunately never returned from the battlefield. 
One by one, people start to leave as it gets later and later into the night. Soap came up to you as the group was leaving, to check if you were going to leave with them as well.
You shook your head and lifted your new glass of whisky up, “Just ordered this. Plus I want to have some peace and quiet after all those gossipers begging me for your phone number.” You handed the three boys various pieces of paper, with numbers scribbled on them. “Here you go boys. Up to you what you want to do with them. My wingwoman duties are done.” You stick your tongue out at them. Giving them each with a big hug before shooing them back to the base, you let out a sigh as you finally get a bit of quietness for the first time that night. 
“This seat taken?” You heard Nikolai’s husky voice as he slip up behind you.
“Depends?” You giggled. “Come on. Take a seat with me. Where is Captain?”
“He left right after the boys left.” Ordering a glass of vodka for himself, he sat down beside you.
Leaning into your husband’s shoulder, he slid his hand under the bar table, threading his fingers between yours as he grabbed your hand. 
You haven’t seen each other for a few weeks. And soon you will be sent away again into another covert mission. 
You couldn’t refuse this one. Laswell and Price promised you it wouldn’t take you away too long. Only downside will be you will be going dark, all by yourself, for the duration of the mission. 
“…. I have accepted another mission, We will have to go dark for a while Nik, it won’t take too long. I’ll be back before you know it.” You smile up at him, stroking his hand. “I already told Captain I will take a bit of time off, no more missions for a while, we can finally go on the honeymoon we have planned for God knows how long.”
He frowned. He doesn’t like you going on covert missions, you are not a trained soldier like the others, nor were you trained for undercover or covert missions. But he knows if Price or Laswell had to ask you, they had no other candidates or they were desperate for help.
“Make sure you pull out if anything goes wrong, don’t be a hero, alright?” He kisses you, expressing his worries. 
“You know me, very good at running away.” He side eyed you as you try to reassure him., “I will be alright Love. I promise you.” 
Neither of you knew a few weeks after, you would disappear, sparking a huge rescue mission and return as a broken woman. 
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You can see I seriously gave up on the smut scene at the end lol. I really suck at it. I admire those who can write a great smut scene that flows.
@roosterr @preciouslittlecreature
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carmrants · 1 month
wow this is my first ever post :D
this is going to be about the umbrella academy's season four, so if you haven't watched it there's a spoiler warning here! other warning, this is long. as. shit. (tl:dr, i am as confused as an octopus being taken into the sky)
now, don't before i start this rant i need to say that i LOVE the umbrella academy. i started watching it around Christmas of 2020 (there were only 2 seasons at the time), and the third season even came out on my birthday last year! i love this show, all the intricate details and talks about the timeline are phenomanal. i don't know much about the comics (i've only read the first), but i do know that they are MASSIVELY different, and i appreciate them both seperately!!!
but what the FUCK kinda drugs what this season on???
now me personally, i quite enjoyed most of the whole plot things in the series. i loved the first half. i, unfortunately for five, loved the concept of him being stuck on the subways (especially with all his little other versions). i loved the idea of the timelines melding together, and while the ending wasn't what i really expected, it wasn't necessarily a hate thing if that makes sense? (tbf i am a sucker for body horror, so that might just be a me thing)
but there are some things that did not make sense. at all.
firstly are the powers. now don't get me wrong, i love the power adaptations in this season, they're really cool as a standoff. my favorite was probably five's, since the concept of the whole subway was just SO INTERESTING FOR SOME REASON??? but plot wise, it literally made. no. sense. because the marigold is from them, the powers stolen from them. luther, diego, klaus, and (mostly) ben get to keep their powers, but i don't get where the others came from plotwise. there shouldn't really have been mutations in just a jar, especially since none of the new additions correlated to each other. FOR EXAMPLE, ben's power moving from his stomach to his back can make sense, you absorb it different and it just opens a new way (especially since his power is an eldritch horror, i doubt it cares where it erupts from). and like, if lila's ability slowly morphed from just copying to gaining the powers, that'd make sense. BUT WHERE THE HELL DID HER LAZER EYES COME FROM??? AND ALLISON'S EYES??? AND VIKTOR'S FIRE?????
i'm gonna (try to) address character by character (though five & lila are at the end, you know why.) NOW LET US BEGIN!!
LUTHER FIRST: firstly, why the hell is luther a stripper? why and when the heck did that happen? (it's hilarious yet extremely confusing, and i need the backstory now).
secondly, WHY did he get his ape body back?? since the marigold is a completely different substance compared to the rest of their anatomy, it made NO SENSE. and if it did somehow merge, then that means everyone else, or at least some people should've been part ape too. SO WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ABOUT?
DIEGO SECOND: i honestly quite liked diego this season, he was rather swag. (he did not deserve what they dis to him.) diego wasn't really able to be seen as a father though, i kinda wish that there was more screentime with him and his kids together as a family, or maybe some flashbacks with lila.
the only thing that really did annoy me (but i can't complain because it's his whole character) is his obsession with government people. you'd think after finding out his father (who he despises) is in the magestic twelve, he might take a second glance at the government.
ALLISON THIRD: okay, SERIOUSLY, why. the. fuck. is no one talking about the fact she literally SA'd luther??? like why is no one talking about this??? like, to me, the only reason she stopped is because SHE got uncomfortable because her rumor power made him force himself onto her (though i haven't watched season three in a bit, so i might be mistaken)
don't get me wrong, i love her relationship with claire, and obviously going through timelines and stuff makes you a not so decent person (i love five, but he's batshit crazy and probably the best example). but that does not, at all, excuse what she did to luther. and everyone just brushed it off???
i think the worst part about this is that it's worse in the first comic. AGAIN, haven't read the second or the third, but i have read the first. and in the first comic, LUTHER NEVER ROMANTICALLY LOVED ALLISON. NEVER. in the comics, he was rumored into loving her since he wasn't giving her enough attention when she was venting about patrick and claire. he only acted how he did in season one AFTER allison rumored him, which i believe is argueably way worse (since she probably would've also made him had sex, had it gone on)
KLAUS FOURTH: i loved klaus this season so much!!! i honestly don't think he got enough screen time, but that could just be that i favorite him a lot. his development of not fearing the dead as much is such a relief, and his fear of getting his power back just seemed so sad but like realistic at the same time too.
one thing i do need to address though was him being possessed by the ghosts to do 'physical buisness'. am i the only one who found that weird as fuck??? like his body was being possessed by ghosts with daddy kinks for an extra buck or two??? and also how he was forced to take his power too?? it just rubbed me such the wrong way, but i don't think anyone else is talking about it though.
BEN FIFTH: honestly, as much as i hate to say it, i kinda like how he ended the show. i was getting kinda bored viktor causing apocolypses writing thing, because although he didn't do it in the third season, he's not the only dangerous power. ben can summon an eldritch horror out of his stomach or back. and five, as figured out more in the third and fourth season, LITERALLY CAN GO THROUGH UNIVERSES.
also, as i said earlier, i am a fan of body horror. the whole corruption thing with the marigold and other element made sense to me for some odd reason? i don't think a lot of other people are happy with it, but i quite liked the whole idea and concept, especially when it was put into action. and also, on a morbid note, the monster was actually like disgustingly pretty. LIKE THE CGI AND STUFF FOR IT??? AND THE DESIGN WAS JUST REALLY UNIQUE TOO!!!
one thing i do wish though is that they made more episodes, that way they could truly go more in depth about ben and jennifer. i know that they were only there for a short time because of the element, but i feel like we kind of missed the progression between them pissing each other off to seeming really possessive? like thr whole 'don't touch her' and 'don't touch him' thing was a bit of a shocker for me, and i really just want development on thatt!! i know umbrella academy isn't exactly afraid to go into taboo topics (ahem luther and his love for borderline sisters ahem), so i felt like they should've elaborated more on it and just shown more progression. it's honestly sad that i saw more with the ship i will not name compared to them.
VIKTOR SIXTH: i'm not exactly sure what to think about viktor this season? he was kinda just there for me, to be honest. though one thing that pissed me off was him working with reginald after cursing allison out in front of the manor about her working with reginald. i mean, they are different motives which i'll give him, but it just seemed kinda odd? but i quite liked his new powers this season, his character was really nice, and im pretty sure elliot page's voice has gotten deeper too!!! which im really proud of him for!!!
but now, we must get to the dreaded part.
lila first, because i decided too: seriously, what the heck bro.
now, i think that five and lila are both in the wrong. though i throw that around loosely because i am NOT accepting that this actually happened. but lila was just, like, weird about it near the end?
she was talking about her kids and everything, but we barely saw her with them in the show at all. it's probably because it's rushed, and had there been a bit more time spent on it, it might make more sense? but it just didn't make sense at all.
secondly, SHE LITERALLY CHEATED ON DIEGO. she went on a break, not a break up. she wanted to come back, but yet she kissed five?? side note, what happened to lila's bracelet thing?? like i know that lila's one from season two broke, but i don't understand why she hated them all of the sudden.
THIRDLY, WHY DID SHE LIE ABOUT THE KEEPERS??? most of the stuff from the beginning she believed to be bogus anyways, so why was she lying about some book club??? that seemed like the most stupid thing to ever lie about.
here is also a thing i don't get about lila this season, because this part also pisses me off too. diego says near the beginning of the season that his twins were concieved because lila said that "she couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding", which i find to be completely false. lila is not that stupid. she knows at LEAST two languages, was taught a whole bunch about the commission and their protocols, and yet didn't know that you could get pregnant while breastfeeding? diego i believe he didn't know, seeing as though he was talking to a mother, who probably researched this?? the reason i hate this is because of how much she talked about diego complaining about the kids, which is valid because if you do that at least don't do it in front of your kids. but to me, it just seems like she trapped him with more kids??? like it just seemed wrong, not to mention how he acted when we saw them before his and five's first fight, he seemed so sweet.
five second: there is a lot to say, oh my fucking god bro. but i'll start with the small stuff first :D
FIRSTLY, i feel like the plot twist of five's boss working with the keepers shouldn't have gone unnoticed. he should've known, he's the smartest character besides reginald, and worked in both the commission AND the CIA. he would've. noticed. the behaviors.
one thing that just really confused me, and also deals with the ending, was why five thought that the umbrella academy killing themselves would fix everything? the marigold would still exsist in the world, since there were more than 7 children born on that day. lila is proof of that, and so are the sparrows and phoniexs. the marigold as a flower made sense in the end, but i'm not sure why five didn't notice that??
side note, since apperently the writers don't know this. FIVE. IS NOT. A HOMEWRECKER. ESPECIALLY NOT TO HIS BROTHER???
he literally spent 45 years coming back from the first apocolypse, 2 of those years in the commission, and went through three apocolypses to save his siblings. five. loves. his. siblings. NOT TO MENTION DELORES, I HAVE NO DOUBT HE STILL LOVES HER. it just seemed really odd for him to have any romance in the plot.
aidan gallagher and ritu arya did an excellent job with what they were given, the chemistry between the two actors (although odd because of the age gap) would seem realistic. WOULD be, IF the characters WOULD MAKE SENSE TOGETHER. BUT THEY DON'T.
though one thing i think does make sense of this relationship is to see how five's mind works with romance, since he did have one with delores. and i fullheartedly believe that he would pull a stunt like keeping the journal, especially with the abandoment issues he has. the only reason why i hate it was because of the other character. and that's just in the cheating aspect, because the ages also make no sense either??
lila hargreeves is physically probably around her 30s in this part, kinda confusing to do the math though since it's not the most clear with the whole time thing. five hargreeves is physically only around 19. lila met five when he was physically around 15 to 16. and that's only the physical part!!
five, in the part that they kiss, is mentally in his 70s!!!! SEVENTIES!!! he was 15 before he spent fourty five years in the commisson, a couple months through apocolypses (hard to calculate given he sometimes goes back in time), three-four years i believe between season three's end and season four's start, and 7 years in the subway station. HE IS MENTALLY A BOOMER. LILA IS A MILLENIAL. LILA, HELL ALL OF HIS SIBLINGS, COULD MENTALLY BE HIS GRANDCHILDREN. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT FACT????
ALSO. the fact he fights with diego instead of hurting the monster made no sense either, his whole goal has ALWAYS been the apocolypse. him falling for lila made no sense either, in my opinion it should've been five blowing lila off. (complete sidenote, i get the whole ben/jennifer body amalgimation growing bigger from the umbrella academy's powers was because of the marigold, but why the hell did it grow bigger from five's bullets? there is nothing to cleanse there, and it heavily confused me.)
OVERALL THOUGH, i am so heavily confused. so so confused. the general idea i actually quite like!!! i don't like the idea that they had to die to save the world, since it's addressed in the beginning there's like 43 children with powers. i did really like reginald having a coo coo wife, fit his character as well. THE SUBWAYS WERE REALLY COOL, I DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHY, BUT IT WAS.
anyways, that is all!!! thanks for reading the longest rant i've written before
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felinespooky · 7 months
Yet Another Twisted Wonderland Theory
Still about Yuu
I am back on my mad ramblings regarding Twisted Wonderland. This time it’s not gonna be as far fetched as a previous post I did that proved to be nothing more than connecting dots that are never there. I feel like this one actually has some merit though as long as I don’t spiral out of control thought wise. Without further ado, let’s begin.
The theory this time around: The game Yuu is more of a conglomerate of the various manga Yuus.
“But how would that make sense?” I hear you, but before I can answer any of that, we are to hit the necessary bullet point questions:
* What connects the Yuus together?
* Who’s crazy enough to do this?
* What purpose does this serve?
Starting with “What connects the Yuus together,” I would have to say I don’t have all the answers considering that, at the time of writing, one Books 1-3 are out and available. Although, I’m only aware of Books 1 & 2 being in English; I play on EN so everything will be lagging behind all things considered. And to make it easier, I’d advise to have a separate tab that has information about what is canon to Game Yuu (@starsilluminateourgalaxy, @mee-op, and @darkscorpiox are where I find all the information regarding Game Yuu)
**A/N: Now, this is where I’d make a vinn diagram but unfortunately with the busy schedule I have going on, I haven’t been able to sit down properly and go full on MatPat or Theorizer on this section before someone or something demands my brain. I will one day make this list; just one a different post or a future edit.**
Now for “Who’s crazy enough to do this” question. The answer is simple: Crowley, our deadbeat bird dad. It’s been heavily hinted, dare I say proven, that it’s him we heard in the beginning of the game as Spooky Hand TM. Spooky Hand/Crowley does this whole speech right before waking up:
“Ah, my lovely Lord,
The noble and beautiful flower of evil,
You are the most beautiful, number one in this world.
— Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most…
— For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprisons time,
Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power,
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There’s only little time left,
Do not let go of that hand, at all cost.”
Now, going by key lines, it seems more like an incantation of sorts. Like, asking Hades to release a soul, and the companion to a flower. As if Yuu/the player is merely a seed that’s in the process of blossoming into whoever you want. Hell the “mine, theirs, and yours” line in particular strikes me as off.
Which brings me to the “what purpose” question. The answer is to merely complete a timeline that doesn’t end in tragedy. I believe there is a “time loop theory” running around in the fandom. Though it doesn’t function like the usual trope like in that one Supernatural episode; it functions more like an Undertale loop. In this case, it’s Crowley being able to do it instead of us. Now, why would this matter? I believe it’s because Crowley feels guilty about what happened the first time, most likely a death to some unknown previous Yuu. He genuinely felt sorry for this kid and decided that until he can figure it out, he’d let them stay. Plus they’re keeping Grim under control… but then they die. Best guess is either the cave he sent us to with Ace and Deuce, though that might’ve been different than the one we know, or Riddle’s Overblot. Regardless, he probably felt guilty about it, so he decided to rewind time. Except, something happened, the kid changed. He’d be confused, but he can’t blow his cover since he’s not supposed to be messing with time. So he takes it by the chin and acts normal. And the timeline does change, this Yuu (Yuuken) survives! But only a little as eventually, this one dies to Leona’s Overblot. However, he’s not letting this piece of Yuu die, he tries again. Except, it’s a different Yuu, Yuuka. The timeline changes just a little, she survives just a bit longer than the other, but she soon succumbs to death. This pattern happens until it’s Game Yuu’s turn. This time, Crowley has decided to create this Yuu, one that’ll survive everything in Twisted Wonderland! One that’ll survive Grim’s Overblot this time around! Maybe for shits and giggles, he forms this one into the image of the very first unknown Yuu. After all, if he just so happens to have something from the previous Yuus, how hard can it be to make life? However, that’s not the only thing that’s changed, he’s changed too. He was probably an actually great dude, but getting too attached to the most unluckiest kid to ever exist has wounded him. So, he tries to keep us busy and away from him. He probably cries seeing our Yuu just living life ignorant of his goal. But sevens forbid he cry, so he acts. All the while he hints at his works, calling himself kind and generous, probably wanting us to remember if possible.
Even if this theory flops like my other hot take, this makes for some hella great Crowley angst. Let the deadbeat crow suffer.
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