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insomniamamma · 3 months ago
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Hey @maggiemayhemnj! Tumblr ate the ask part way through writing this! This was a lot of fun to write!
Snow Day: Din Djarin & Grogu
A/N: Set between S1 and S2, as in before they crash on the ice planet. Wobbles back and forth between Din and Grogu's POV. Un-beta'd. Barely edited.
Warnings: Slightest hint of angst, because i can't help myself but 99.99% soft fluffy fluff. Just our clan of two playing in the snow.
Din wakes to the gabble of his charge, blunt claws tapping against the transparisteel windows. “It’s snow,” says Din, “You’ve never seen snow?” Those dark eyes rake over his visor and then flick away, ears and shoulders slump. “Not every world has snow,” says Din, “How about we go take a look?”
Grogu squirms at the feeling of socks and bantha hide booties over his feet. It’s very cold, Adika, and you are so much smaller than me. Grogu can’t always understand the sounds that the Mandalorian makes, but he never doubts what he feels from Din, never doubts Din’s care, and so only wiggles a little bit when Din works his feet into the booties. Grogu descends the ramp as he usually does, claws tapping against Din’s greaves, only this time his claws are blunted by mittens, and for a moment he is afraid and then he sees the wide expanse of shimmering white, ears pricking up, but there is nothing to hear except for his own heart, the soft crumping sound of his own steps, sensation of snow compacting beneath his feet, like walking through wet sand but not. It’s so quiet.
He’s not used to quiet anymore, accustomed to ship sounds, engine noise rattle and burble of much repaired life support and coolant systems. Peers up at Din, (has never seen Din’s face but the name echoed in his head the first time he laid eyes on the tall armored man, a sound like a bell and warmth like sun on his skin, like the smiles and laughs of long gone friends), watches as he holds the scope to his visor and scans. Grogu sees nothing but low dark clouds and distant trees laden with snow. Takes a few steps to feel the strange compression of it under his feet.
“It’s okay, Kiddo, there’s no large life forms in range. You can play. Go on.” The little one looks up at him, puzzled, and Din hunkers in the snow next to him.
“You can draw in it, see?” He extends a gloved finger and draws a flattened oval with two dots for eyes and elongate triangular ears. “That’s you.”
The child squeals and yanks a mitten off with his teeth, draws a flattened oval crossed with a t-shape. “That’s me! That looks just like me, ad’ika!”
“Ad’ika means little one.” Din shakes his head, “I don’t know your name, so this will have to do for now.”
“Eek! Ih Eek patu!” Grogu leans into the warm weight of Din’s gloved hand ruffling the sparse fuzz on the top of his head.
“Check this out,” says Din, and rakes snow together with his fingers, squeezes it in his palms, opens his hands to reveal an irregular white sphere, tosses the snowball gently and it splats against the rough weave of the child’s robe and for a moment he is afraid but then the child laughs big and bright all crinkled eyes and sharp carnivore teeth, scraping up handfuls of snow and flinging them at Din, glittering arcs falling short. Ad’ika peers down at his empty, claws and frowns.
“Watch me,” he says, “Like this, see?” Din reaches and fills his hands with snow, feels impact against his helmet and half his visor blurred with melting slush, high reedy laughter overdriving his pickups. “You got me! Well done, Ad’ika!”
The ache of the cold in his knees makes him stand, dusting the snow from his armor, while his charge points at the sky and gabbles, bends and scoops him into his arms. “It’s snowing!” Fluffy white flakes drift down in slow, silent spirals. The baby pats his mittened hands together, trying to catch the drifting flakes and opening his hands beads of water on his palms.
“I lived in a city before the Mandalorians found me, on a world called Aq Vetina. We didn’t get much snow, not where we were. We’d get maybe one good snow storm each winter. And everyone would be out in the streets playing in the snow. Children and grown ups alike. Because we knew it wouldn’t stay more than a day or so. Hey! Tilt your head back and open your mouth!”
“You can catch snowflakes on your tongue!” He remembers the feeling up snow melting on his tongue, landing on his eyelids, dusting his cheeks. Grogu delights in the feeling of snowflakes melting on his upturned face, but his joy is threaded through with grief and longing from Din. I understand, he says in his mind, knowing that his mouth can’t yet shape the sounds in basic, so he grabs Din’s thumb, feels Din’s hand fold around his. “Let’s go inside. I’ll heat up some soup.”
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toomuchracket · 6 months ago
Today has been A DAY, ugh. Train delays and cancellations to and from work, pouring rain and no coat...Maybe girlie has had a similar day but matty takes good care of her when she finally makes it home, hours later than planned.
matty's just home from tour and he is so so sleepy, so when you're leaving the house for meetings you just wake him up enough to say "i'll be home around six and i'll bring dinner. i love you, go back to sleep" and give him a kiss before you head out the door. the overground is delayed on the way into london, which is a bit annoying but whatever, you're still on time for meeting #1. and then you and your manager get stuck in traffic on the way to meeting #2, which leaves you a bit frazzled, then meeting #3 is cancelled at the last min so you decide to go and grab a coffee - the heavens just OPEN while you're out with no umbrella or jacket, so by the time you get to meeting #4 (which, thankfully, is on time and quick and good) you're soaked through. when you leave, intending to call a car, the streets are completely gridlocked, so you think "fuck it" and opt for the overground again; this, as it turns out, is a terrible decision, because the next two trains aren't running, which means you're at the station in the pissing rain for at least another hour and you just really REALLY want to go home to your boyfriend and your dog. poor matty phones to cheerily ask "hi darling! are you on your way home?", and you literally just burst into tears in response like "nooooooo the trains are off and the traffic is terrible and i'm so cold and wet and hungry and i just want to go home" - he's like "oh, sweet girl... which station are you at? i'll pick you up", and you sniffle like "no, thank you. you'll be stuck for hours, baby, m'serious", and he's not happy about it but he says "alright. but promise me you'll phone if the next train doesn't turn up, yeah? i'm not leaving you stranded. and i'm picking you up from the station at the other end no matter what", and you just sadly go "mhmm" lol. thankfully, the next train DOES turn up, and when you get off it matty's waiting in the car with a takeaway hot chocolate and a towel; as soon as you sit down, he gently dries your face and kisses you and lets you just melt into him while you cry a little bit about how shit your day's been, and once you've stopped sobbing he's like "d'you want to pick up dinner on the way home, or just order it from the house?", and you're like "i wanna go home :(", so he kisses you again and holds your hand while he drives. at home, he's the sweetest of the sweet, helping you out of your wet clothes and into a warm bath, ordering dinner before he comes in to wash your hair and calm you down, bundling you into a towel and some warm cosy clothes (his) and carrying you to the living room to cuddle (alone and then with mayhem) while you wait for the food - he dries your hair, too, after you've eaten, he makes you laugh, and generally just keeps you snuggled into him for the rest of the night because he knows that's where you feel safest and happiest. when you're curled up together in bed, stroking each other's faces, you're like "thank you. you're really good at taking care of me", and matty kisses your nose like "i love doing it, i really love it. i love you"; that sets you off again, honestly, and you sniffle "i love you too. so so much. can't explain how much, to be honest", and he just smiles like "no, i know how much. same as me" before cuddling you tighter like "come on, darling, let's get some sleep" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH he's so tender i love him <3
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toomuchracket · 1 month ago
fluff blurbs ALWAAAAAYS
sweetheart!george 1st valentines day after getting back together
bday party!matty and girly pre baba doing something weird artsy literary pretentious adorable for vday
we can do both!! george first - the two of you are really cutely nervous about the first post-reunion valentine's day, kinda reverting back to the anxious teenagers you were on the first one you spent together. you have work during the day, so it's an evening hangout; george picks you up after you finish (you def get butterflies seeing him lean against the car with a cig while he waits for you, and they only get worse when he kisses you hello) and takes you to his so you can get ready and exchange gifts (he gets you a pair of earrings with your favourite gemstone and a couple of records he discovered while you were away that he knew you'd like, and you get him - well, both of you - a long weekend in naples, so he can a) see where you lived and b) meet some of your extended family). dinner is "as british as you can make it while still being good", because you offhandedly mentioned that you'd missed pub food while you were in italy, with a few drinks - chill, but so lovely, and very romantic - and then you wander to get desserts and stroll home hand in hand. the whole thing is just so SWEET, and that vibe continues back at george's; yeah, you're wearing sexy underwear and you're alone in bed with george daniel, but the sex is slow, steamy, full of long kisses and soft giggles... there's no doubt george is head over heels in love with you, and it's reciprocated.
bday party... the day starts later than expected because the two of you can't keep your fucking hands off each other lmfao; after a morning's worth of orgasms (9, to be precise), exchanging gifts (your insane boyfriend somehow got you a BIRKIN, and you got him an actual genuine vintage aviator jacket that he's predictably obsessed with) and a quick stop to get coffee, you make it onto the tube at like midday and then enter the love letters exhibition at one of the museums around 45 mins later. most of it is really cute, but getting to look at matty's face when he reads some of the anaïs nin/henry miller erotic letters for the first time is priceless - he turns to you aghast like "this is mental. and i've seen you read shit of theirs!", and then once he recovers he gets a stupid smirk on his face and says "m'gonna write YOU letters like this when i'm on tour next" lmfao. the rest of the exhibit is sweet and wholesome, but those sexy letters don't seem to leave your or matty's minds for the rest of the day, to the point you're thankful you opted to do the m&s valentine's dine-in cook at home thing for dinner because it means you and matty can have sex in the kitchen while it's cooking teehee. actually, it takes a herculean amount of effort not to give in and let him stay inside you while you eat dinner, but you compose yourself long enough for the meal and the dishwashing afterwards before you're whining and begging for his cock again; matty being matty, you get exactly what you want and more, so much so that you have a sneaking suspicion you might have to do a pregnancy test just for peace of mind soon. a very successful day!! <3
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toomuchracket · 1 year ago
Mads I have this concept in my mind. I see it with d word Matty. I think beginning of the relationship, maybe Matty is supposed to be away for a couple of days so girlie is having a self maintenance night. I imagine her with her hair up to have heat less curl, self tan, maybe some pimple patches. And then Matty surprises her by coming back early, maybe she's waiting for her food, she opens the door and it's Matty. She's super embarrassed/self conscious but of course he's super chill about all of it.
this inspired me to write a lil fic! seeing it as set after candlelight, but before any d words or l words were used lol. enjoy! <3
i've been dying to meet you (d word matty x reader fluff)
the doorbell rings just as you're applying your under-eye patches. you don't rush to get it, though - the drivers know to just leave your food order at the door to your flat once you've buzzed them up. god forbid anyone sees you like this, after all, in the midst of your thursday night routine; you probably look insane, wandering around in your dressing gown and slippers, hair wrapped around a pair of tights and clipped up, face covered in sheet mask and pimple patches, respectively.
but you feel good. and you'll look good tomorrow. which is imperative, given that you’ll see your boyfriend (it still feels weird being able to say that, honestly) for the first time in 20 days.
the thought of that has you slightly giddy. humming happily, you dance through the flat towards the door, only pausing in the living room to click play on the next episode of sex and the city and have a sip of your wine. the mouthwatering scent of your dinner seeps into the hallway, growing stronger as you near the door - it's never quite been so potent before, but then again, you’re fucking starving. 
still humming tunelessly, you open the door to grab your food, and come face to face with matty.
your breath catches in your throat in horror - he can't see you like this, so soon into the relationship! - but your heart swells at the sight of your boyfriend in his hoodie and sweats, your (open!) takeaway in his hands. he grins when he sees you, eyes lighting up as he takes in your appearance; you tense up in preparation of him taking the piss out of it.
he doesn't, though. “hi, baby,” matty says softly. “stole one of your prawn crackers - hope you don't mind.”
you blink. “how- how did you get up here? you didn't buzz.”
“offered to hold the door for the delivery guy and just came in after him. and then i offered to bring this up when i asked if it was for your flat and he said yeah. felt like i was 22 again, honestly, in my old job,” your boyfriend smiles. “although i can safely say i never ever delivered a takeaway to someone as hot as you back then.”
“don't make fun,” you groan, stepping to the side to let him into the flat - he kisses your temple as he passes you - and kicking the door shut. “nobody was meant to see me tonight. s'why i asked them to ring the doorbell and just leave the food without me answering.”
“i did wonder why it took you so long to get to the door, darling,” matty calls over his shoulder as he wanders into your kitchen. he furrows his brow when you walk straight past and continue into your bedroom, laying the food on the counter and following you - well, until the door closes before him. “babe? are you… annoyed at me?”
“no, i'm just putting underwear on,” comes your muffled reply, followed by the sound of a drawer opening and closing.
“don't feel you need to do that on my account, sweetheart, i insist. actually, i'm more than happy to also get naked, if you prefer.”
despite your lingering shock at seeing him, you giggle at your boyfriend’s eager tone. “no, it's alright, matty.”
“you're sure? i've already got my shirt off.”
the speed with which you open your bedroom door at that phrase is almost embarrassing. matty - shirtless, as promised - smirks when you do. “i can't believe you had no pants on when you answered the door.”
you frown, flicking him on the stomach; he just laughs and follows you into the kitchen. “shut up, i couldn't put clothes on, i had just moisturised.”
“what, your arse and all?”
“interesting,” matty smirks again. “wouldn't mind seeing that process, to be honest.”
“for fuck's sake, matthew.”
“sorry, darling, couldn't resist,” your boyfriend grins. his face softens into a more tender smile. “just missed you, s'all. hope you don't mind that i came over early and interrupted your pamper night - couldn't settle at home, knowing you were only a few miles away for the first time in weeks.”
the sweetness of his revelation goes straight to your knees; you wrap your arms around his neck to hold yourself up, and press your lips to his in a tender kiss. it deepens when matty runs his tongue across your lips, slipping it into your mouth when they open, but that's as passionate as it gets - the overwhelming emotion behind the kiss is just sheer affection.
“i missed you too,” you kiss matty's nose when you pull away. “and you're not interrupting anything, really, s'just my usual thursday night routine,” you pull the little containers of food from the bag and turn to get a plate from the cupboard. “d'you want to split this with me? i ordered too much.”
matty nods, taking the plates from you and grabbing a fork from the drawer to dish the food up. “thanks, sweetheart. so, tell me more about this thursday night thing. you do this every week?”
“yeah, whenever i'm home, just to prep for the weekend. haven't you ever noticed i always look better at work on fridays?” you grin, pouring your boyfriend a glass of wine.
“not really. i think you look beautiful every day,” matty smiles, kissing your hand after you pass him the wine. “although i have noticed your hair is usually really curly during friday meetings. i like it.”
you point to your head. “blame this.”
“serious? i thought you were going to get a blow dry after work or something.”
“nah,” you giggle. “i just go to sleep with this in. feels a bit weird, but i like the end result.”
“so do i,” matty smiles. “you're so pretty, baby.”
your cheeks burn, and you smile bashfully at the floor. “well, when i take all these weird stickers off my face, maybe.”
“no, even now,” matty gently tilts your chin up so he can look you in the eye. “you’re beautiful. my perfect girl!”
he leans down to kiss you again; you giggle as he pulls away afterwards. “oh, you're down bad bad for me, aren't you? still thinking i'm pretty even when i've got pimple patches on.”
“well, yeah, i have eyes.”
“pretty ones, at that,” you rest your hand on his jaw, and he turns to kiss it. “i'm glad you came to see me tonight. would you like to stay over?”
“if i say yes, do i get to be pampered a little bit?” matty giggles.
“oh, i'll take care of you, don’t you worry, baby.”
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toomuchracket · 2 months ago
need to relax by taking a late night, steamy shower with birthday party matty cause i feel like that’d be the hottest and sexiest thing ever. a woman can dream…
love you so much, mads <3
i love you!!
and i love this... he'll sit with you while you write in the evenings, legs entwined with yours under the kitchen table while he plays the gameboy you got him for christmas and you inch closer to the conclusion of whatever you're working on, and he'll look up and smile when you close your laptop or cap your pen after a few hours, leaning forward to kiss your nose like "shall we get ready for bed, darling?"; you'll nod, and matty will take your hand and lead you upstairs into the bathroom, turning the shower on and getting it to your preferred temperature (too hot for him, but he endures it for you) while you put towels on the heated rail and nip to the bedroom to put your and matty's pyjamas on the radiator. you'll return to an almost-naked matty in the bathroom, and although the whole vibe is sweet you can't help running your hands across his chest and clasping them behind his neck for a kiss, which is spent sighing happily into each other while matty deftly undresses you, too - the kiss doesn't really stop until you're in the shower itself, content and warm under the water and in matty's arms, and it's replaced by a hug, the two of you as close as physically possible just breathing each other in. at some point, you murmur "can i wash your hair, baby?" into matty's neck, and the next little while is spent with shampoo and conditioner and various hair treatments for both of you in turn, those mostly-silent little acts of service that you both love and thrive off so much; more kissing follows as you wash each other gently, punctuated by murmured affirmations of love and little giggles, and it's only when your boyfriend's caressing hands wander to certain places on your body that the mood shifts to something sexier. your head rolls back onto his shoulder, and you can feel the smile in his lips as he kisses your forehead and whispers "let me make you feel good, please, sweetheart", a smile that you're sure stays on matty's face as he slips a deft hand between your thighs, thrusting and circling and scissoring and pinching as he coos "that's it, good girl, taking everything i give you so well" - he does lose his composure a little when you blindly reach back to touch him, groans stuttering as you circle his tip and slide your hand down the length of him, twisting (and tugging just enough) up and down until he starts to beg in your ear. when you cum, it's together, you soaking his hand while he spills onto your ass, harmonised moans richocheting off the tiled walls, and coming down from an orgasm with warm water flowing over you and matty kissing you like he needs it to breathe... it's the best feeling in the world. you're practically boneless after it all, but revived by more kisses after matty bundles the two of you into one towel and then warm pyjamas; that said, you do fall asleep as soon as he's dried your hair and lifted you into bed lol. but why wouldn't you? you're in his arms, the safest, cosiest place in the world <3
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toomuchracket · 2 months ago
#1 and birthday party 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
day 2 of the relationship sleepy sex where you've spent almost the whole day at matty's just kissing and hugging and going down on each other and then you've showered together and gotten all cosied up in bed... you're snuggled in bedsheets that smell like him, you used his shower gel, you're wearing his clothes, and matty himself is lying on top of you and making out with you like you've never been made out with before - which is, to say, somehow both extremely tenderly and extremely passionately and desperately. and then when you slide your underwear to the side and he just slips into you, thrusting soooooooo slowly while he continues to kiss you like that, the realisation that you're surrounded by him and he's YOURS and he loves you so so much... yeah, you can't help crying. matty pulls away when he feels the tears on your cheeks, slowing his hips down and softly stroking your face like "you alright, my darling?", and when you nod and sniffle "mhmm, just... overwhelmed, you know, by the fact that this is finally happening for us. but i love it, i really do, and i love you so much" he smiles tearily himself and says "oh, my sweet girl, i love you. dreamt about this, you know? you being mine, me being yours" - you giggle and say "thought you were gonna say you dreamt about shagging me in this bed", and matty laughs and says "well, that too", and when you say you did too he's like "in that case, then" and keeps kissing you while fucking into you slowly, cooing against your lips when you cum and groaning into you when he follows suit. the whole thing is just steamy, romantic, filled with love, and it's perfect. like the two of you <3
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toomuchracket · 4 months ago
matty cooking dinner for girlie and i think it would be extra special if it was d word because she’s always looking after him
that stage where you've just said i love you for the first time and now you're practically using it as punctuation and just having the best time existing with each other... dreamy. going for a coffee with matty in the morning and being all apologetic on the way home because you need to nip into tesco express for a few things, and him just being like "well let's buy ingredients for dinner while we're here and i'll make it, yeah?" - he sends you off on a mission to pick dessert (profiteroles) and a bottle of wine (he's so endeared when you return with a mid-range red, excited because it's on a clubcard deal lol) while he grabs the components for the main course, and even though you have a minor tiff at the checkout because he won't let you pay (he does compromise and lets you tap YOUR clubcard instead of his) it's quite lovely holding hands with him in the supermarket and being all domestic like that. back at your flat, after a sexy little sofa makeout sesh, the domesticity continues; he scoops you up and sets you on the kitchen counter with a glass of wine while he starts on dinner, and watching him pull cooking equipment from your cupboards with total familiarity genuinely makes you a bit emotional. anyway, of course matty's yapping while he's stirring the sauce, leaning over to kiss you just because he wants to (this happens A Lot) and giggling when you're like "baby, you're gonna burn the food if you keep this up" - he gently berates you for moving to stand behind him at one point like "sweetheart, what are you doing? you're meant to be sitting back and relaxing", but he coos when you wrap your arms around his waist like "missed you too much, s'all. thank you for doing this, by the way, matty, s'lovely. i quite like being taken care of like this". matty literally just turns to kiss you properly, smiling against your lips like "and i love doing it. you work so hard sorting everyone else out, darling - you deserve to be looked after, too, yeah? i know you're self-sufficient - you might be the most self-sufficient person i know, to be honest - and i love that about you, so much... i just want you to remember that i'm here to take care of you too, y'know? i love you. i love making you happy. i love taking care of you. i'll do it forever, if you'll let me, honestly". naturally, you get a little bit teary at that, because yeah you really aren't used to being taken care of like that, and then there's another little makeout, and then dinner, which is really lovely; matty blushes when you tell him as much, and you don't think anyone else has ever been in love as you are right now. yeah, it's just lovely. and so is he, sweet boy <3
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toomuchracket · 3 months ago
Office nerd lives in my head. Idk if you’ve done it before but the first time him & girlie hooked up after the concert. Like I know she lost her mind over his dick but it would be cute to have a Matty pov
he's really kinda no thoughts head empty during the first kiss, a little bit of his brain working on autopilot to follow your lead while the rest is just fireworks and lovehearts and exclamation marks lol. i've got another ask about him being all cute asking you out on dates afterwards, so i won't talk about that rn, but when it comes to making out on his sofa after that... it's blissful for him, honestly, with only minimal worry about the experience being enjoyable for you (which, of course, it is). he short-circuits when you ask if you can get him off, digging his nails into the sofa to stop himself nutting as soon as you touch him lol, and he's SO glad you're into him being vocal because he literally has no control over his own moaning while your lips are wrapped around him; he's a little bit shy about that after it's over (and he's recovered from seeing you swallow), but you're so lovely and gorgeous that he feels reassured, and confident enough to ask if he can go down on you (like he's been dreaming about for, well, the entirety of the time he's known you). and actually getting to do it, to taste you and feel you and make you feel good, following your lead like his life depends on it... it's matty's favourite thing EVER, and he thinks you're most beautiful post-orgasm and looking adoringly at him. and then, a couple of weeks later, actually getting to have sex with you properly - he's literally in heaven. that's all he can think the whole time, and it never stops feeling like that for him. all he cares about is you, making you feel good, making you happy. sweet boy <3
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toomuchracket · 4 months ago
need a messy makeout sesh with the nerd IMMEDIATELY
his favourite thing of ever is when you make yourself all comfy on his sofa with the tv or a record on and then end up snuggling into him and turning your heads for little kisses that always, ALWAYS end up with him laying you down on the couch and lying above you while you do your best to shove your tongues down each other's throats. for all his inexperience, matty has always been a wonderful kisser, so attuned to what you like and how to make you swoon that you think he was made just for the sole purpose of kissing you; he's HUNGRY with it, sloppy in the best way, desperately licking into your mouth and sucking and softly biting at your top lip, smiling and giggling into you when you whimper at the feeling, groaning deliciously when you retaliate and tug on his curls just to keep yourself tethered to something amidst all the ecstasy. and his face when he pulls apart to gasp for air... god, he's beautiful. and he's all yours <3
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insomniamamma · 3 months ago
Hi, I saw your request for something fluffy to write about and I have a thought of Jackson Joel bonding with reader over her pet (I will leave choice of pet up to you). Jackson Joel just hits me as someone in severe need of an emotional support animal!
Thank you so much for the ask, Nonnie! I think I may have misread the initial prompt because I made the pet in question his. By the time I realized my mistake it was too late to quit. And you are correct, Jackson Joel needs a pet, he just doesn't know it!
Pussy-Whipped: Joel Miller & F!reader w/Ellie
Warnings: Fluff. This is super soft fluff. Okay, maybe some language. Ellie has a mouth like a sailor and so does reader. Clueless reluctant cad dad!Joel needs his own warning.
A/N: The idea of big tough guy Joel Miller with a tiny tiny kitten is just *chef's kiss*. Also, I love reluctant cat Dads.
"No. Absolutely not.” “C’mon Joel, she’s so cute!” Ellie plops an angry looking ball of striped fluff into his unwilling hands. “We can’t have a cat!” “Why not? We’ve got enough fucking mice.” “No we don’t-“ “I found turds in the bathtub, Joel. The fuckin bathtub! They’ve been chewing on the soap.” “Why would a mouse chew on soap?” “How the fuck should I know? Cause it’s made with tallow maybe? Her name’s Jones. Jonesy meet Joel!” “We need to have an actual discussion about this!” He yells at Ellie’s retreating back. Since they came to Jackson she’s come out of her shell in a way he never expected. It’s just like her to drop a new pet into his lap and then run off to school. Lord have mercy, he says aloud to the newly empty room, what’m I supposed to do with you? Holds the kitten at eye level, soot grey with black stripes and a ruddy blaze between it’s eyes. The kitten lowers it’s tiny ears and butts it’s head against Joel’s chin. “Well, shit.”
You’re not entirely surprised when Joel finds you mucking the stables with a tiny kitten tucked into his jacket and thundercloud eyes. “Look, Joel, she said you were okay with it-“ Sees how you flinch from him, how you won’t quite look at him, “She was so excited, I couldn’t tell her no-“ “M’not mad,” says Joel, “I’ve just never had a cat before. I’m not sure what to do with her. Ellie just handed her to me and ran off.” “I had a feeling Ellie went behind your back,” you say, “I can find Jones another home if that’s what—“ “It’s not that,” says Joel, “It’s just, I don’t know what to do with her.” “Ellie? Or Jonesy?” “Both,” says Joel. This breaks the tension and you laugh. “I can help with the kitten, at least. What do you need to know?” “Everything,” he says as Jonesy worms her way out of his jacket and perches on his shoulder, making furious biscuits and butting her tiny face against his neck, purring like a tiny motor. “Oh, she likes you.” “Funny way of showin it,” says Joel and tries to peel the kitten off his collar, big hands uncertain of where to grab, how to grip. “Here,” you say, and pick Jonesy up by her scruff, cupping your palm under her hind legs. “Whoa, don’t hurt her-“ “This won’t hurt her, this is how their mamas carry them around. They got loose skin on the backs of their necks when they’re little. You can’t do it forever though. Here, you put one hand under her arms and then use your other hand to support her backside. See? Easy.” Joel holds the wiggling kitten like a live bomb. “Bring her in, Joel, she’s scared you’re gonna drop her.” Joel tucks the wiggling kitten to his chest and she squirts out of his grip and stations herself between his neck and shoulder, turns a prickly circle, poking holes in his good coat, and settles down. “You’ve never been around cats at all, have you?” “No Ma’am, Pa was scared of em. We only ever had dogs growing up.” “You’re in luck then. Cats are pretty easy. Give em food and a warm place to sleep and a box of dirt to shit in and they’re pretty much good.” “A litter box.” “Yeah.” “How does that work?” “Give her some food and pop her in the box after she eats. She’ll get the hint. They bury their waste instinctively.” Joel just stares at you. “She’s weaned, if that’s what you’re worried about—“ He reaches up and smooths his fingers over her fuzzy back-- “I, uh, I’m guessin certain people foods are off limits, like onions and chocolate-“ “I fuckin wish we had to worry about them getting into chocolate,” You say, “I think I’d kill a man for a bag of stale Hershey’s kisses.” Joel’s eyes widen and then he laughs and it’s like looking at an entirely different man, dour eyes transform into crinkling crescents, lovely dimple sinks into his scruffy cheek. “So if by some miracle I happen to find some chocolate I give it to you and not her.” “Exactly. And you’re right on about the onions. Anything in the allium family. No grapes or raisins either. She’s gonna need meat, skins or gristly bits you don’t want to eat should do. You’ll need to cut it up fine for a little bit. Bones are good, raw, not cooked.” “Cause cooked bones can splinter and hurt them,” “Right. Eggs’re good too. Raw or cooked-“ “Milk?” You raise your hand beside your face and wobble it back and forth in a see-saw motion. “Some cats can handle it, most can’t. You don’t want to clean that mess up.” Joel keeps reaching up to run his fingers over her back. “She’s awful small.” “You take care of her right and she’ll grow fast. Make sure you and Ellie handle her. Pick her up, carry her around, get her used to it. It’ll make things easier later on.” “I think we can manage that, can’t we?” You smile because he’s not talking to you, he’s talking to Jonesy”, drubbing her forehead with his big fingers while she makes gleeful biscuits on his shoulder. His eyes are soft, looking at the kitten and then soft looking at you. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Just—if you need—let me know how things go okay?” “Will do.”
“Jones left a dead mouse in Joel’s boot the other day,” says Ellie, brushing out Francisco’s mane, “You shoulda heard the scream. I thought he was gettin murdered or something.” You chuckle, picking burrs out of Danny Boy’s tail. You sometimes wonder if this large dumbass of a horse gets into the stick-tights on purpose out on patrol. “You know what I heard when I went downstairs? I ain’t mad baby kitty—“ she pitches her voice up and grins like a devil, “You did such good job! Who’s my fierce little hunter?” “No way!” “She’s got him wrapped around her little, finger? Toe? He’s pussy-whipped.” “Literally, not figuratively,” you say and you and Ellie share a conspiratorial laugh.
Joel shows up at the stable not too long after. “Hey Joel! How’re you and Jonesy making out?” “Jonesy’s great! She’s growing like a little weed!” “No problems?” You ask, thinking of the mouse in the shoe incident. “Nothing we couldn’t handle,” says Joel, “I, uh, need to ask you about something.” “Okay,” “I’ve got long patrol coming up next week,” “Oh, is Ellie going with?” “No, Ellie’s staying here, but she’s awful busy during the day. With school and everything, and lately she’s been hanging around the caff, helping out and stuff, and uh—“ “You’re worried about Jonesy,” “Yeah,” he says, “She’s used to one of us being around most of the time.” You smile, but your heart twists a little, back before you would’ve told time to find an AM station and put in on real low, so she could hear some people around, but these days? “You got a dirty shirt? Something you’ve worn a couple times?” “Yeah?” “Good. Leave that shirt in her favorite sleeping spot. It’ll smell like you and help her feel safe.” He nods, but his face is still troubled. “Just seems like a long time for both of us to be gone—“ “How about I pop my head in on my way home,” you say, “I’m usually done here a little after noon.” “If its not a problem,” says Joel, “I hate to ask—“ “It’s fine,” you say, “It’s on my way. Have Ellie leave the door unlocked. Just remember what you said about the chocolate.”
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toomuchracket · 7 months ago
office nerd cuddles … laying on his chest while i read and he’s playing with my hair and kissing my head and yapping about his day … mads i need it
- heather (yearning)
thinking of him a bit further into the relationship when he gets that little lecturing role at one of the unis... he calls you on his way home, sounding exhausted but asking if there's any bits you need him to pick up on the way home, and even though you say no he pops into one of the shops to buy you flowers anyway. and he presents these to you after he clatters through the front door and sighs as he kicks off his shoes and tugs off his blazer and tie and leaves them in a heap in the hallway while he runs through to you and collapses onto you on the sofa - you have a little hug, kissing matty's hair while he catches his breath, and then he pulls himself up to look at you like " :D hi darling" and give you a little kiss, which soon turns into a big, long, lazy kiss. at some point during the liplocking, like you said, you end up against his hard chest, cushioned by a cosy jumper, soothed by his chest rising and falling as he breathes, and at his encouragement you finish the chapter you're reading ("i don't mind, baby, really, i interrupted YOU") while he takes a second to just chill and relax himself by putting tiny braids in your hair and kissing your temple; when you're almost done reading, you're like "tell me about today, angel. it was interview techniques you were teaching today, wasn't it?", and his eyes just light up as he yaps on about the course material (but he catches himself and says "wait why on earth am i telling you this you already know how to interview lol") and how well the students seemed to pick it up and the couple in his 2pm seminar that remind him of the two of you ("he blushes every time she looks at him. he's so me")... it's just lovely, hearing him yap and being genuinely pleased that he had a really good day. of course, matty goes all shy when you tell him you're proud of him, hiding his face in your neck until you lure him out like "come on, let's go and make dinner", and the rest of the evening is just domestic loveliness - good food, good tv (the gilmore girls rewatch has begun. he's fascinated by it), a sweet little shower together/pamper sesh, maggie cuddles, and falling asleep entwined with each other. adorable <3
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toomuchracket · 6 months ago
d word girlie and matty at beas show ?
omg WAIT what if... lyla's first concert 🥺🥺 her auntie bea!!
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toomuchracket · 5 months ago
Vampire!Matty and girlie’s first time together??? Feel like he’s had a LONG time to perfect his craft in the bedroom …. WAIT would he be way more into period sex (sorry if that’s too much 🫣)
period sex has to be its own blurb and i have no less than 8 asks about it so stay tuned lol. the first time you generally just have sex... it happens after you've both gotten caught in the rain on the way back from a date - it's a month or so into actually properly dating, and given that the day was so overcast it meant you and matty could actually go out in the afternoon for once without risking him getting hurt. and it's a lovely day! you go out to a museum (and whisper "that's you" every time you see a fossil lol), then to the pub to watch the football, and it's just so... normal, and human, and matty absolutely loves it. the sex wasn't foreseen, but neither was the rain you get caught in on the way back to matty's - by the time you get into the lift to the penthouse, you're both soaked to the skin, clothes clinging to every contour of your body and breaths coming heavy (even matty, who technically doesn't even need to breathe lol), and the sexual tension is so crazy you HAVE to make out on the way up. the walk into the flat is calm, but by the time you get in you've already decided you're going to fuck him today, so you make a point of stripping off slowly while looking at him like "need to get out of these clothes. i'm too... wet". he's a vampire, yeah, but he's also a man, and as soon as he sees you naked matty's a goner; you're in his bed in seconds, kissing down his neck while he undresses, touching his face and nodding and whispering "please. i need you" when he pauses for a nanosecond before sliding in. it's sweeter than you anticipated (which is welcome!), but SO good - like you said, he knows what he's doing, and he looks at you like you're a work of art AND decorates your body like one when the pleasure in him gets too much to contain, and is truly genuinely the best you've ever had. and that's BEFORE he gets his mouth on you. jesus christ <3
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toomuchracket · 5 months ago
Omg YES vampire Matty night - does he share his whole story after girlie finds out he’s a vampire? What’s the story on how he turned (on purpose, accident, victim of a vamp attack)? So much lore!!
he shares his story right after you find out, yeah!! i think he was human during the late victorian era, to be honest - grew up in a middle-class northern family ("dad owned the farm, but we all worked on it"), was honestly a little bit of a fruit/too into literature and music so he moved to london (the way he phrases it to you is "you know... teen angst. like in lady bird where she says she wants to go where culture is. and that one bronski beat song") and hung around the literati ("oscar wilde used to flirt with me, you know. m'serious. i'm the basis for dorian gray" "nice try, healy, he was blonde in the book" "...ah, fuck") of the era. as it turns out, he was turned by an unknown vampire in the early 1900s, when he was in his early thirties, after almost dying from tuberculosis (ironically, also named consumption); he's like "i don't know why they chose me of all people-" and you interrupt like "because you were beautiful, matthew. you were beautiful anyway, and then you got TB, which everyone thought was a flattering malady - one of the brontës said that, i think - and whoever turned you probably thought it would've been a waste to let you die". and matty thinks for a second, and you worry you've offended or upset him, but he just smiles shyly and says "you think i'm beautiful?", the little shit, and you just roll your eyes and grin like "a little bit, yeah". anyway, he laid low for a bit after that, coming to terms with vampirism and relearning how to be a part of society, which meant he missed ww1, and spent ww2 working in paris for the resistance and chilling with sartre and camus - he stayed there for part of the 50s, then split his time between london and new york in the 60s and 70s ("punk was SO fun"), and spent the 80s back in manchester being angsty and emo again on the indie scene, and he's been in london ever since. all his money was made from an invention, inspired by the punks he hung around with: tattoo ink that didn't dissolve in vampires' venom-filled blood, which he patented and made a fucking FORTUNE from, a fortune that only keeps increasing and means he doesn't have to work and can get away with being part of the nightlife. he's gorgeous, he's sweet, he's funny, and he's totally head over heels for you in a way he's never been before. i love him <3
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toomuchracket · 11 months ago
Hear me out barista matty . either coworkers or ur his regular someting about those new pics in his glasses makes me need to see this
ok i am NOT doing another au but i do like the sound of barista matty actually. he owns and runs the coffee shop near your new job, and he's so hot and really very good at making coffee and just the right mix of flirty and sweet that you end up going in before work every morning and you get to a point where you honestly can't tell if it's because you're caffeine-dependent or matty-dependent. as he gets to know you better, he tailors your order ever so slightly to make it better for your taste (and makes the latte art extra pretty), and ends up christening you "cookie" because of your job (he whistles and calls you "smart cookie" when he learns about it) and also your penchant for the chocolate chip gloriousness stocked in the display cabinet - like, you're later than usual one morning, frazzled because you slept in, and when you run through the door of the coffee shop after the morning rush matty (looking relieved) is like "there she is! was starting to worry that you weren't coming in, cookie. saved you the last choc chip. and i'll get you a latte now, darling". even on your mornings off, you make a point of getting up early and going in for a coffee, sitting at the cosy little window armchair with a book, people-watching and doing your best not to be too obvious ogling matty's arms as he makes drinks and clears tables and (and this murders you) holds a toddler for like two seconds while her mum gets her purse from her bag to pay. it's on these days that you become really friendly, chatting to each other about anything and everything as he stops by your table while he's cleaning up - you offhandedly tell him when your birthday is, and on the day itself he presents you with your usual AND a muffin with a candle in it AND a really quite adorable blush on his face like "this is all on the house. obv. happy birthday, darling", and you cannot help kissing him on the cheek and making him blush even more. actually, you run into him that night in a bar, when you're both out with friends - you're ordering and you just hear a familiar voice from behind you say "cookie, if you've just asked for an espresso martini i will literally be heartbroken", and you BEAM and turn round to see matty looking ridiculously hot in a half-open white shirt and you say "never. can't drink coffee unless you make it anymore. you've spoiled me, matthew". he slings an arm around your shoulders and says "that's what i like to hear" and tells the bartender he'll pay for your drink alongside his wine, and when you thank him he shrugs like "s'your birthday. and i just got to buy a drink for a pretty girl, so, win-win"; before you can reply, though, he leans in and says "honestly, darling, i haven't been able to stop thinking about you kissing my cheek this morning", and you grin like "neither have i. liked it. and, to be honest... i like you". matty just beams and says "yeah, i like you too, cookie. i'd like to take you out, if you'd be up for that. you free for dinner tomorrow?", and you nod enthusiastically like "i'd love that". so yes! that's that. cute <3
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toomuchracket · 2 years ago
i'll do anything that you wanna
(hi! sweet @brownduck and a lovely anon sent in prompts to inspire this loooooong pre-relationship flatmate!matty moment. references to 10 Things I Hate About You (if you haven't seen it, go! watch it!). enjoy!)
flatmate!matty watching girlie wistfully sigh at some cute romantic thing in a show/film she's watching and now he's determined to do that for her. This could either be right before or right after they get together
Being super normal abt the idea of movie nights with flatmate matty, maybe this instance like riiight before you two get together 💔 cuddling up together bc that’s like, a totally normal thing that friends do, him nodding off onto your shoulder or vice versa……….
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matty knocks softly on your-half open bedroom door, nudging it fully open with his foot when he hears your soft "come in!". he tries to ignore the little pang of tenderness that appears in his heart when you smile at him standing in your doorway; instead, he focuses on addressing the laptop open on your knee, its artificial light illuminating your pretty face. "sorry, darlin', didn't realise you were still working. i'll leave you be."
he makes to exit, but is stopped by your sudden protests. "no, no, i'm finished for today," you say, closing the lid and lifting the computer from your shorts-clad lap. you stretch languidly, and matty's brain shuts down for a second as your cropped t-shirt rides up and exposes the bare underside of your boob. "what's up?"
once he's regained control of his brain, matty shrugs. he swears he sees your eyes flick down to quickly gaze at his bare chest, brought to prominence by the movement, but he's probably just projecting. "just wondered if you wanted to hang out, s'all. haven't really seen you much this week. missed you."
your face lights up as you beam at him. you pat the space beside you on your bed, signalling for matty to sit next to you. at first, he's quite grateful for the seat, because his knees went weak at the radiance of your smile, but then it hits him when he plonks down next to you; he's half naked in your bed, breathing in the scent of your perfume and shampoo, next to an almost as half-naked you, lying on your side and smiling at him through your eyelashes.
fuck. he's so fucked.
you shift up to a sitting position and - almost tentatively - reach across to boop matty on the nose. he wrinkles it in response, trying his best to deflect how adorable he found it, which makes you giggle and reposition his glasses for him. "you know, healy," you begin, teasingly. "for a supercool edgy rockstar, you're very cute sometimes, wanting to hang out with little old me late on a friday night."
matty can feel his cheeks go crimson, and bites his lip to stop from - what? smiling? groaning at how cute you are? kissing you there and then? he's not sure. "oi, less of the teasing. i'm trying to be nice."
"sorry. you're very sweet," you say, snuggling into his side so naturally that matty thinks he might pass out. "and i missed you too. was gonna put a film on, if you want to watch it with me."
matty experimentally leans his head to rest on your own; when you don't protest, he speaks. "that sounds nice. what film? don't say fucking twilight, i can't sit through that shite again."
"shut up, it's a masterpiece," you say indignantly, peeling yourself away from matty to rifle through the pile of dvds in the corner of your room. as much as your closeness fucks matty up, another pang in his heart appears as soon as you move from him; loss, longing, loneliness. jesus christ, he needs to get a grip. "oh! here, surely you like this one."
matty crawls forward to read the title, not noticing the way your thighs clench together at his lithe movement. "10 things i hate about you? i don't think i've ever seen it."
"WHAT?!" you press the dvd to your chest in what matty thinks might actually be genuine shock. "how have you never seen it? you've had girlfriends."
"what's that got to do with anything?"
you sigh, climbing back onto the bed and sitting on your knees in front of matty, who moves to sit on his hands so he physically cannot rest them on your almost-bare thighs as he so badly wants to. "it's a rite of passage for any girl to watch this with her boyfriend in the first few weeks of dating."
"don't ask me why, it just is," you begin, sighing. "but seeing as you've gotten to your big age without being shown it by the multitudes of girls who've tried and failed to cuff you..."
matty raises his eyebrows at that, but he can't exactly deny it.
"... i guess i'll have to do it." you roll your eyes dramatically, but smile that radiant smile again afterwards. "you cool with that, healy? pretending i'm your girlfriend for the 90 minutes it takes to watch this film?"
matty thinks about what he could say here. why pretend? let's make it official. i probably imagine you're my girlfriend for at least triple the amount of time it would take to watch the film every day of my life, anyway. but he doesn't. he won't. matty's so in love with you that he'd marry you tomorrow, but the thought of telling you that and you not feeling the same (which is bloody likely) terrifies him. it hurts like fuck repressing his feelings for you all the time, especially when there's reminders of you all over the flat you share - your trainers lying haphazardly by the door, your books on every flat surface available, your shampoo next to his in the shower caddy, your perfume wafting through every room and getting him higher than any drug he's ever been on - but he'd rather keep both quiet and you in his life than fuck up the dynamic and lose you forever.
so matty plays it cool. nonchalant. he shrugs, keeps his tone light, neutral facial expression. "sounds alright to me."
your smile dims a little. fuck, was he too cool with it? did he lapse into disdain? maybe - your tone is cooler when you reply with an "okay". thankfully, though, it brightens. "but that's not an excuse for you to do the old putting-the-arm-around-me-to-squeeze-my-tit move," you say, with a look so mischievous it borders on flirty.
the panging in matty's heart is replaced by fluttering - god, what he wouldn't give to have you look at him like that all the time. desperate to keep it going, he retorts with an equally mischievous phrase, pointedly ignoring the slight agony of how easily flirting with you comes to him. "fuck's sake, what's even the point of me agreeing to this then?"
your cheeks tint pink. fuck. scratch what he said about the flirty look - that's what matty wants to make you look like all the time, flustered by his affection. before he can make a cheesy joke about him really taking the boyfriend role seriously in making you blush, you respond with a statement that genuinely leaves him dumbstruck. "fine, we'll compromise: you can sit between my legs and use my tits as a headrest, okay?"
there's not even a hint of humour or sarcasm or irony in your voice. matty blinks a few times before he regains the power of speech. "you being serious?"
an earnest nod. "what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn't let you snuggle up to me like that?"
jesus h. fucking christ alive. this might genuinely kill matty off, but why wouldn't he take such a golden opportunity? if he dies, he dies with his head on your tits - arguably a perfect way to go. "fair point, babe. alright. get the film on, then."
you hop up from the bed and run to your tv (matty tries not to focus on the way your bum jiggles in those illegally-tiny shorts you're wearing, and fails miserably). as you faff around with the dvd player, you call back to him. "there's wine under your side of the bed if you want any."
smiling to himself at the way you said "your side of the bed" so casually, matty reaches down and grabs a slightly dusty bottle of red. "fuck me, this is good shit! no wonder you've been stashing it in here, babe. are you sure you want to drink it now?"
"might as well, if we're on a date," you say with a wink, walking back to the bed and settling onto it. after wiggling around to find the best sitting angle against the headboard, you gesture to the space between your open legs. "get in, then."
"dirty," matty quips, but does as he's told, climbing between your legs and leaning back against you. a flush of contentment passes through him as he does; the two of you seem to fit together seamlessly, laser cut puzzle pieces made with the sole purpose of connecting together. "ooh, they really are comfy!"
that earns him a flick to the stomach, but you don't berate him (unbeknownst to him, because you like the feeling of him resting his head there). "ready to start watching?"
"sure, babe."
you tap the remote to start the film, matty opens the wine, and fake date night begins. you both manage to watch the film in comfortable silence - albeit interspersed with the odd chuckle, and a melancholy "oh, heath" from matty when patrick first appears onscreen - until kat is shown intently reading the bell jar, at which point matty cackles. "oh my god, she's you!"
"can't even argue with you," you giggle, taking the wine from him and taking a swig. "but shush, babe, keep watching."
how can matty be expected focus on the film, though, when you're there right next to him, all sparkling eyes and smiling lips and cheeks flushed from the booze? he makes an effort to watch it, though, because it clearly makes you happy - that, and he's actually quite enjoying it. but his eyes continue to flick to you, too, heart fluttering slightly faster every time he does.
more of the film passes, the two of you sharing wine and chatting quietly and laughing throughout. suddenly, though, you gasp and put your arms around matty, who puts his hand on your thigh comfortingly as an immediate response. he screams internally when he realises he's probably crossed the acceptable intimacy line by several hundred miles in doing that, but keeps his hand there when you don't respond, too hooked on the onscreen action to bother. "okay, we have to actually shut up now - this is the best scene in the film."
matty squints at the frankie valli song playing in the background, then at heath ledger holding a mic. "surely he isn't-"
"oh, he is." you readjust matty's head on your chest to lean forward as best you can, eyes unblinkingly focused on the screen. matty turns his gaze sideways onto your face, which settles into a dreamy expression as you wistfully sigh at patrick serenading kat. the previously-unseen longing in your eyes is crystal clear, even in the dim lamplight of your bedroom.
oh. oh.
matty fights to suppress the grin spreading itself on his face as the realisation hits him.
you find being sung to romantic.
this is good. great, even. some would say perfect, ideal, serendipitous. the very thing matty does for a living is the thing - well, at least something - that you want to be wooed by. what a fucking wonderful turn of events.
the rest of the film passes by in a blur. matty watches it, oohing and ahhing a beat after you do, but doesn't really take anything in. his brain is too preoccupied with going through the (extensive) list of love songs he knows and could sing for you - ones he's written (about you), ones he loves (because they remind him of you), ones he knows you love. so preoccupied is matty, in fact, that he doesn't realise he's now resorted to tracing patterns into your thigh with his index finger, nor that you're actively enjoying him doing so. it's only when the credits begin to roll that matty snaps out of his daydreams about singing to you, and even then it's largely due to you (reluctantly) manoeuvering his body off of your own so you can get up to turn the tv off.
once the dvd is back in its case, you turn to matty, hands on hips, adorably blinking the tiredness from your eyes. he notices, with a flush of something like satisfaction, that your t-shirt is all crinkled over your chest where his head has been. "so," you start. "how'd you find it?"
"good, yeah. interesting," matty replies, watching you as you climb back onto your bed and burrow under the duvet. he isn't lying. "that scene where heath was singing to her... that was definitely my favourite." again, not a lie.
"get under the covers, you're freezing- yeah, that's my favourite scene, too," you say, lifting the duvet up so matty can awkwardly slide under it with you. his heart flutters again as you yawn cutely, a fluttering which increases to a rave-level bass thumping when you wriggle close to him and lay your head on his chest, draping an arm across his stomach. the agreed 90 minutes of pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend is definitely over, but there's no way matty's going to protest you cuddling him for longer, not when it feels so right. "s'romantic."
"d'you think you'd like it if someone sang to you, darlin?" matty asks - it's a bit of a loaded question, but your sleepiness means you'll give an honest answer that you probably won't remember giving at all.
"mhmm", you say, clutching matty tightly as you drift off to sleep. "maybe you could..."
you're fast asleep before you can finish the sentence. matty just looks at you tenderly, his love for you practically radiating off him, and gently sweeps a stray strand of hair from your cheek. emboldened by the wine and affection, he kisses your forehead - a feather-light brush of lips against skin - before settling down to sleep himself.
sharing a bed for a night crosses the acceptable intimacy line so far it's practically on another continent, but matty couldn't care less right now. "yeah, angel, i could. i can," he whispers into your hair. "and i will, soon. i promise."
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