#it would be easier truly-
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vastnbeyond · 13 days ago
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/ The pain of deciding icon sizes....
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fluentisonus · 7 months ago
I've said this before but valjean's view of the bishop throughout the book gets me so bad because like. he knew him for what, a day maybe? and it absolutely had a vast & profound & positive impact on him. but then he goes on to spend the whole book comparing himself to his idealized vision of the bishop & finding himself wanting & feeling guilty and miserable about every petty or selfish thought that crosses his mind. but it's so fucked up because like we as the readers know the bishop better! we've read the whole first book and we know he came from a privileged & wealthy background, that he was a rake when he was young, it wasn't til he was in his 40s or 50s to have some sort of change of heart & become a priest (a similar age to valjean when he met him!), that he has moments that seriously shake him, that he has some dubious politics left over, that he still has moments of pettiness he has to work through on the page (his initial approach to the member of the convention, e.g.). and also he's just kind of a weird old guy (affectionate). and like this is not to criticize the bishop, I think he's a genuinely really good guy, just that while the bishop has a realistic view of himself & his past ("he described himself with a smile, an ex-sinner,"), valjean is not getting any of this except maybe like. what would be mentioned in the newspaper when the bishop died. so his whole view of him is of this one shining moment where he changed his life and he feels he doesn't live up to that. which is sad! because the bishop understood him more than he realized & wouldn't have wanted him to feel that way
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astralis01 · 21 days ago
Roy Harper: You know, sometimes dandelions remind me of Dick. Wally West: Aww, is it because they’re like a little sunshine, spreading light and hope everywhere? Roy Harper: What? Gross, no, it’s because they’re like a weed that you can’t get rid of!
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bad1dimagines · 3 months ago
one of the weirdest and hardest things about all of this is how the joy of listening to one direction is rivaled by this pain and heaviness now. I was listening to them the other day and Strong came on. I was in grade 12 when it came out and I remember sitting in my car in the parking lot of some random high school one night waiting to pick my brother up from a basketball game, listening to Strong on repeat right after the album had come out. I loved it so much. That memory was never painful, but it is now. It's still happy but it's also sad because that chapter feels even more closed now than it did before. I always knew I could never go back, but I could reminisce and go onto my tumblr and look through my tags and think about all the fun I had without it feeling tainted. I could think about going over to my friends house first thing in the morning on nov. 23, 2013, spending the entire day watching the 1d day live stream in her basement, then finally going back upstairs to see that it had snowed three feet since I'd last been outside, without it feeling painful. I could listen to any song, see any picture, watch any video from those 5 years and never feel one negative emotion. That's changed now and it's hard to come to terms with.
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aptx!kaito au in which Shinichi doesn't know aptx exists and feels insane that his leading theory is "a six year old is the mastermind behind Kaitou Kid"
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gece-misin-nesin · 4 months ago
lowkey think that if jorge really wanted to sell us on the "odysseus is a monster thing" he should have had odysseus continue to stab poseidon even after he begged. bc like. Looking at odysseus now? he's less a monster and more like a morally grey protagonist. All of his questionable actions have pretty good explanations behind them. if you want to tell me he's a MONSTER, you need him to do something really fucking vile. without good justification. killing the baby? (also. he fought in a war. i reckon plenty of babies died indirectly as a result of his actions somehow) zeus literally told him he and his family would die otherwise. blinding the cyclops? pretty self-explanatory. sacrificing the men to scylla? bad, but has an understandable reason behind it and you can theoretically justify it. choosing the crew to die? saving his own life+you could argue they are the ones at fault for eating the cows anyway. torturing poseidon? there's literally no other way poseidon would let him go at that point AND he immediately stops after he begs.
point is, if you're going to tell me a character is a monster then at least make them do something that cannot be defended. something that CANNOT be justified at all. continuing to stab poseidon after being begged would have done that. but who knows, maybe the suitors being killed will be shown as something like that? still unlikely though considering they plot to kill telemachus and rape penelope.
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an-na-ko · 1 month ago
Thank you so much for the beautiful piece about Lyra that you made ❤️ it really touched my heart
awww anon, this is such a sweet and short message to receive 🥹 Thank you for reading it, even if the content is pretty difficult; I appreciate it so very much that you read my comic about my beloved Lyra. She was my little light and joy and I'm so glad to have shared her🤍
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i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end · 7 months ago
I just became very explicitly aware that my life is ruled by neither the forces of sexuality nor of romance, and that most people apparently consider that unusual.
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akai-anna · 7 months ago
Round 7
Round: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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izalith-witch · 3 months ago
If they didn’t want us to baby Sauron then why is he so baby shaped? 🥺
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If not husband then why made of husband material? 🥺
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Everyday i wake up and think abouthow sad i am that lestat the musical is objectively a horrible musical because i really do think interview with the vampire would probably make the best musical ever
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months ago
my romantic self-esteem is just absolutely rock-solid. for whatever reason!
#I’m a catch!#and I’m so not interested in anybody who wouldn’t demonstrably make my life better in every way#and that involves not being afraid of me or the idea of romance/marriage in general#and if you are afraid it just isn’t interesting or attractive enough for me#there was a boy a few years ago and tbh I think he liked me#and I liked him! he was cute he was intense in an endearing way#and he was smart#we argued about Taylor and then the next time I saw him he was like Christmas tree farm is a good song#(it had just come out)#and he never did anything about it and then he moved away and that is totally fine#and I wish him well.#but the crush was killed by the simple fact that he never liked me enough to say it#like truly and with all (non-romantic) love; go with God#at that point lol#that said I have never wanted marriage or children as an abstract concept#so it makes it much easier to think along these lines#it would be so devastating to want it so badly and not get it!#but I can’t even imagine summoning the desire for it in an abstract sense#I’ll meet someone and love them and then that will lead to marriage and possibly children#or I won’t#but both roads look about the same to me in terms of desire#or any desire big enough worth mentioning#not talking about the whispers or the daydreams that do sometimes intrude#but yeah I don’t think full desire would come until there was a person#and there might not be! I cannot conjure them from the deeps lol#anyway I’ll stop talking about it because I know it can be sensitive/delicate to talk about#in a public setting
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shovingdirtinmymouth · 6 months ago
It's strange being a self taught knitter with no one around you who is also in the fiber crafts. Like I am terrified of doing color work that involves more than one color yet I will jump on the chance to do lace work with no background. I'll look at patterns that call themselves a beginner pattern and go 'no thanks' yet I will buy the worst written pattern in the world and eat it up. I just feel like I never lost that beginner title.
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rainsofcamelot · 2 months ago
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chenouttachen · 8 months ago
those missing pit babe hours? not a phase.
the laptop is on, the doc is open and thoughts are being thunk. it's finally time to write my tribute piece to the scene between alan and dean in episode 10 because it's been months and i'm still not over the way that made me feel.
what's the gist? a bit of a character study of alan having doubts and feelings and a bad time. how long will it be? at most, 3-4k. idk how it takes a village made it to 32k but that was a fluke!
but behold! a sneak peek!
Life in the X-Hunter garage had never really been normal, Alan supposes, but there had once been a well-oiled routine. He would come to work early, the sun not yet touching the sky outside. His fingers would find the light switch and the garage would flicker into being; blue-wrapped cars elevated on scissor lifts, North’s tools strewn across his station, Dean’s gleaming helmet abandoned after a hasty polish at the end of the day. Fucking kids.
These tiny reminders of his team kept Alan company until the garage slowly filled with the early-morning grumbles of gruff mechanics and an even gruffer Babe. Alan would smile, because despite his hatred of the hours prior to ten am, the young racer insisted on being the first to show up, the first to take his car on the track, the first to start training. Babe’s constant presence, his drive to improve, to succeed – it made Alan strive to do right by him, by Way, by all of X-Hunter. His team was his own driving force, and it kept him coming in, even when he was tired or frustrated or ill.
It wasn’t just the morning routine though, that pulled Alan through each day. On any given day, Alan would be treated to a symphony of Dean’s enthusiastic questions, Way’s answering laughter and Sonic and North’s frequent antics and non-existent hazard perception.
More recently, the day-to-day chaos had grown to include Charlie’s vibrant energy as he threw his all into racing, or curled himself around Babe’s body like the rambunctious puppy he was. And, of course, there was Jeff.
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mercysought · 2 months ago
I am about to go to bed but I think one the largest things where the parallels don't match, where things really are quite different with Mythal and Asharen narrative wise is:
Mythal thought she knew best for the elves. She ruled over them because she was talented, just, she knew better than most. she was a natural leader Asharen might know more about magic than most, however she knows it's not her place - or anyone's, single person, powerful or no, wise or no - to make this massive decision of changing by themselves.
And this is the crux of why she would never be able to join anyone trying to tear down the veil. Intentions and knowing a better world of how it was before should not matter when even one person (in this case, herself is enough) says she doesn't want it. Because that choice, that change would impact everyone.
and folks that "know better" might say: you don't know better and therefore you stick with the devil you know. Maybe! But it still all boils down to choice: those who claim to fight for freedom of making your own decisions, your own mistakes, should not be removing the choice of the many simply because they think themselves wiser.
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