#it feeds the soul
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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rigginsstreet · 2 years ago
steve and the other teens having a party/weekend getaway at his familys cabin up in the woods when billy - a deranged little serial killer man - crashes and holds them all hostage and mentally and physically tortures them. you know, all the fun stuff
and after he's killed some people off and theres only like steve robin and nancy left, theres a knock at the door. its heather. everyones relieved, thinking help is here. but whoopsie heather gets captured too.
and nancys trying to play hero of course. when billy steps out of the room shes whispering some grand plan to everyone for how theyre gonna get out of here. its great. theyll kill billy, run out, save their lives. whoopie.
so billy comes back in and the plans goes into action, they get freed of their restraints, nancys going to charge billy...
except heather jumps in front of her and stabs her. shocked gasps all around. billys laughing. heather was with him the whole time they just love theatrics.
robins shook because she and heather were kind of connecting through this thing, or so she thought. and like she still thinks heathers hot but she cant go around dating a killer thats not cool...
steve meanwhile has been in full cuckoo land because before all this he was kind of pissed off at everyone anyway because the whole weekend was his intelligence being insulted and getting into it with his ex girlfriend and just a bunch of headaches and him realizing he needs a new group of friends, so maybe hes kind of fallen for billy during this whole thing. cuz billys hot. and kept weirdly flirting with him and like... when in rome ya know. maybe steves always been insane and this is the push he needed to go full throttle
so hes bargaining with billy to spare him and robin, he wants to go on the run with him. he wont give billy and heather to the police
and billys not an idiot. is like "alright. but to make sure i can trust you... you gotta off the princess" because nancys still alive, if bleeding out at their feet. and steve... does it. kills her, to billy and heathers delight. robins horror. and they all turn to her like "well youre either with us or youre next"
i like to believe robin gets herself a serial killer girlfriend
now... billy and steve could run off together OR billy can get one good fuck out of him before being like "this was fun but i just dont know that i can totally trust you not to turn on me" and kills steve right after. both are fun to me.
the end
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bet-on-me-13 · 26 days ago
Undead Galaxy
So! Within the Ghost Zone, there exists a Lair unlike any other.
To a Ghost, a Lair is supposed to be an integral part of their Existence. When a Ghost Builds their Lair, they take a part of the Ghost Zone Itself and mold it into a Realm of their own, transforming it into a reflection of their Core.
As such, a Lair usually matches the personality, and more importantly the Obsessions, of the Ghost it was created by. It is meant to be the Eternal Home of the one who built it, a place to spend the rest of their eternal unlife, and as such it needs to be able to fulfill the Ghosts Obsessions.
Think of Skulkers Lair, an Island Jungle filled to the brim with Monsters and Beasts of all sorts, ready and waiting to be hunted down and skinned. The perfect home for a ghost with an Obsession based on Hunting.
Some take this a step farther, like the Ancients (which is just another name used for Gods in the Zone), who transform their Lairs into Entirely Seperate Afterlives for others to inhabit. Hades, Osiris, the Demon Lords of the various Hells, they all took this approach.
But there is a problem. For beings like God's, who are sustained by Worship, what would happen if their world were to die? If the planet their people resided on were to be hit by an asteroid, or blown up by an Alien warlord?
A God without its worship would Fade, and as such the Afterlife they used to maintain would fall apart as well. The Millions of Souls who trusted that God to protect them in death would be left to the mercy of the Void between Afterlives. Somebody decided that they didn't like that, and stepped in.
Within the Ghost Zone exists a Galaxy.
A Galaxy where all the souls and Afterlives of worlds that have died continue to exist. Worlds that were destroyed by a cataclysmic War that resulted in both sides dying, by unstable Mining Practices destabilize the Core, by a Psychic Virus that wiped out all life on Planet leaving a baren husk.
When their populations died, and the Gods who maintained their afterlives would have faded, they were saved by another and brought into his Lair.
The Ghost King, Phantom.
He was a spirit with two simple Obsessions. The Protection of others, and the Majesty of Space.
But there was no Space in the Ghost Zone, only the Infinite void. So he made his own. He constructed a Lair of incredible size, decorating it with Stars and Planets and Supernova and Nebula. He recreated the Majesty of the Space he adored, and the invited the wandering souls of dead worlds to enjoy it with him.
He gave them planets of their own within the Unliving Galaxy. All the souls of crumpled afterlives wandering the Ghost Zone were allowed to recreate it again, to find eachother and build their communities again.
With this he could fulfill both of his Obsessions at the same time, and he would he doing his duty as their king by helping his subjects.
He saw it as an absolute win.
They had been trapped in this strange dimension for days now.
Nobody had any idea how they ended up there. Clark had just fallen asleep, Diana was training, Hal was on patrol. Even J'onn himself was on Moniter Duty, when the next thing he knew they were all waking up on a floating purple rock in a Lazarus green void.
Thankfully Constantine that had been dragged alongside him when J'onn when he was taken, and managed to explain that they were in some kind of void in-between the afterlives.
"The Ghost Zone" "The Unending End" "The Collective Dead", it went by many names apparently. The most famous name for it was "The Infinite Realms", named for the way the infinite souls residing there would build their own personal Realms, or Lairs, to spend eternity in.
Not even he knew how they had ended up there. Constantine was confident that they hadn't died recently (the fact they needed to use "recently" was a sad thought), so it wasn't the old fashioned way at the very least.
Still, they needed to get moving. This place was dangerous and they didn't want to stay in one place for too long.
After days of traveling across the strange void (had they even eaten since they arrived there?) Constantine finally caught a hint of something. There was a draw on them, pulling them towards a specific direction. They had been unconsciously following it for days now, and now that they knew what they were doing they soldiered on even faster. If there were answers wherever they were being drawn, they would find them.
Once it came into view, it was obvious what had been calling to them this entire time. It was massive.
Spanning across the endless horizon, they could see something that looked like a Galaxy spanning in front of them. From their position on a floating island, they could see it in all its glory. Contrasting the green they had become accustomed to, the Galaxy swirled in a variety of Bright Blues and Deep Purples, with multicolored stars shining so brightly they stood out even as far as they were from it.
It took all their breaths away, and J'onn would admit to having stood there staring for longer than he should have. It was just so starkly different than anything he had seen thus far in this dimension of greens and purples.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
In an Instant their weapons were drawn and fighting stances set, facing the person who had appeared in their midst.
He was a young man, seemingly in his early 20's, with snow white hair and Lazarus green eyes. Above his head sat a crown glowing the same color as the galaxy spanning in front of them. They all knew instantly that this man was connected to it on a deep level.
"Who are you" Asked Diana. Her thoughts were filled with theat assessments and carefulness. She thought he was strong.
"Oh, my name is Phantom." He replied, "Sorry for startling you, this is one of my favorite spots to stargaze and I forgot that normal people usually can't see me when I zone out like that."
"What is that?" Clark asked, pointing to the Galactic Structure on the horizon. He was curious. The man before they didn't act hostile, so he had decided to match his energy.
"Oh, that's my Galaxy. Like it?" He asked excitedly, "Took me ages to get it looking just right, but I'm so proud of the results."
"Do you know why we are here?" Asked Hal, his mind was swimming with worry over his Sector of space. He had been taken while patrolling it. He wanted to get back quickly.
"I didn't bring you here, if that's what you're asking." He replied evenly, "But I know who did. They wanted to see you again, but with their Realms crumbled and their people scattered, they never had the chance. Now they do, and they wanted to say hello again. Sorry about the long journey, they messed up the Summoning process and you ended up a bit farther than intended."
"Who summoned us?" Asked Constantine warily. His thoughts were full of the various demons and gods he knew inhabited these Realms. He was worried.
"Well, You, accidently got dragged along through proximity, sorry." He apologized to the magician, "But as for the rest of you? Well, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves. Trust me, it'll be a welcome surprise."
"Can you tell us where can we find the ones who summoned us?" Asked J'onn finally. He was curious, and wary, of who had decided to pull them into this dimension. But if the man before them was being truthful, then he wanted to meet them.
"Just keep following that pulling sensation that brought you here, you'll find them." He said, "I'll stay here for a while longer though. Just want to stargaze a bit more."
They left him on the island and kept going.
As the approached the Galaxy, it dawned on them how truly massive the realm in front of them was. Hal confirmed that it wasn't as big as a real one, but even he was in awe at its size.
As they drew closer is quickly became apparent that they were being drawn in different directions. After a quick discussion they decided it was best to split up.
J'onn approached the Planet he was being drawn to, and realized very quickly that it very closely resembled his old homeworld, Mars. The Red Sands, the Rocky Terrain, the two Moons that could be seen orbiting the planet, all of it seemed tailor made to resurface memories of his destroyed home.
It took all of a second for all of it to come together in his head.
The allusions Phantom had made to his summoners missing him. The resemblance to his old Homeworld. The fact he was currently in a version of the Afterlife.
As he made the connection in his head, he felt another two connections form. Ones he had not felt in the the Centuries since he had lost them.
"Hello, J'onn."
"...M'yri'ah..." His wife.
"Hi dad."
"...K'hym..." His Daughter.
It took nearly a full minute before his mind calmed enough to send them a response. It was a Whirlwind of wild thoughts, fear of this being a trick, and above all hope that it was real.
Eventually, he finally managed a response.
"I missed you."
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serendippertyy · 5 months ago
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possessed pomni I have. A crush on u
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emacrow · 7 months ago
Constantine is noping this situation, you can't make hi-..ah fucking damn it
John was already paled when Kronos got revived, but seeing the eyes scalding blinding Fear of God staring into your very soul and judgment every inch power that was in that godlinng babe was enough for him to started drinking his emergency booze.
He is not dealing with Greek Gods bullshits, especially if that what he puzzling in the pieces together Then Kronos's story was becoming twisted all together. Nope, he isn't. Batman can bribe him all he wants. He is fucking leaving now!!
Fucking with THAT right there especially with the contract he still owed Kronos for, he rather suffered the complete obliteration of his soul being torn to shreds once he dies then have that god find him. He is escaping of here before She even noticed that he is Here with her ol time relic still in his pocket.
Before he can even get one step in the portal ready, he already felt his chest tightening as if his entire chest was being squeezed like a kid's teething toy.
Fucking dammit, he should've left right when Kronos was still having that psychic backlash, he knew he should've trusted his gut, fucking time Goddess and her all knowing of when and where.
Part 6 << >> Offical Quiz that Decision the Fate of this continuing fic >>> Fic Released
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fandomhorde · 3 months ago
In the beginning, there was an author with a dream.
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But the dream grew legs.
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And when it did, I grinned.
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Oh, the way I grinned.
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Mwahahahahahaha (Boss music starts playing)
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macdenlover · 8 months ago
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macden except dennis is only cool with being a couple if they’re role playing as different people. shenanigans ensue
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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mothnether · 10 months ago
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aseuki · 10 months ago
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[SOUL] - The Roche Limit
"A unique convergence of elements...gave a stubborn soul one last chance at revenge."
Marx | Sectonia | Fecto Elfilis
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beccawise7 · 5 months ago
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Rest the mind. Feed the soul. ✌️
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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lorax-devito · 4 months ago
if Mike never survived the fall in the quarry he and Will would’ve been the gay Romeo and Juliet of Hawkins
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somewhatidealname · 11 months ago
hello! i recently stumbled across your art and i absolutely adore your art style! is there any way to support you besides liking + reblogging?
and completely unrelated question, but; if i were to dangle remant on of those fishing rod toys for cats, would will/springtrap engage or brush it off as nonsense? please i need to know for research /j /nf
hi, first of all thank you so much!! tbh i don't have much else besides reblogs and likes for now. maybe i'll check out the other sites artists use to support themselves, one day.
secondly i don't know how you guys are obtaining remnants and attaching them to sticks but you are playing a dangerous game
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it's on sight
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onlykenobimatters · 5 months ago
OK but a giant angsty misunderstanding codywan fic where they’re kind of almost together during the war and Obi-wan is struggling with his definition of attachment vs his love for Cody and while on shore leave Cody gets wasted with some of his batchmates and his frustration with not being able to announce his own feelings gets misconstrued as obi-wan taking advantage of him and this spreads from clone to clone and it eventually gets back to another Jedi. Obi-wan is trying to figure out why some of his troopers are feeling so angry in the force when he’s summoned to the council.
And there’s more misunderstanding because I say so and the council doesn’t want to believe obi-wan would do anything like this but the war has made everything so dark and Obi-wan thinks Cody was the one that came to the council so now obi-wan thinks he’s been making unwanted advances on Cody and he’s absolutely shattered.
He agrees with the council that he should be removed from command. Only they think this is him admitting to forcing his attention on to Cody and they now need to figure out what to do because obi-wan before this had been a good general. He has the experience for it. Only clearly he has fallen and can’t be trusted (they are all so shocked and conflicted that obi-wan’s dark emotions of guilt and devastation are misunderstood as having eviler intentions).
Cody is very confused on why obi-wan isn’t in his room and is eventually informed that he has been removed from the GAR. Cody is pissed because what the kriff? That’s his general damnit you can’t just take him. And then Rex gets involved to apologize to Cody for not realizing obi-wan was harassing him and Cody is even more confused because what are you talking about????
And Cody learns what has been going on while he’s been moping around on shore leave and he panics because how did this go so wrong so fast? And now he’s marching through the temple on his way to the council room because if he has to shout at them to make them understand that he love so obi-wan, that nothing unwanted ever happened, and the fact that obi-wan was too fucking good for them to even suggest such a thing, well—
Making sure obi-wan knows Cody loves him will have been worth it.
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lucksea · 1 year ago
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havent decided how i want the introduction to go yet but i imagine it would roughly be one of these two
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bleaksqueak · 22 hours ago
It is so unbelievably frustrating how the algorithm timeline keeps defaulting in a place that has been free of algo bullshit for so long. I cannot tell if it’s a glitch or if they’re just pushing it intentionally. It’s at least easy to go back to the following feed, but with bluesky users more and more depending on the discover feed and tumblr defaulting to the algorithm timeline it just feels like ‘be twitter’ is the shitty destiny being pushed everywhere.
Important video anyone should give a watch:
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