Ema Strawberry
327 posts
25| female| demisexual| autistic| adhd| is feral cave crow like cat| will fight for a snack
Last active 60 minutes ago
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emacrow · 2 days ago
200% bet Danny was drunk asf that Bachelorette night to swoon even the sociopath like Janet. Alongside Danny's terrible taste in many red flagged ladies he had dated , he always attempted to murder him, rekill him again, dissect him, or kidnap him to make a cult in his name.
Janet convinced him to stay away from gotham by calls with the attempt of having him assassinated.
Danny doesn't realize the several bullets he unconsciously dodges during those whole conversations with her. His bright personality was very alluring to her, but He was fatal mistaken to her marriage in need of being taken care of.
Keeping a memoir photo of her soon to be one-time lover in her diary once he was dead would be glorious, that if he stays dead.
Fic prompt #7
Danny Fenton is the biological father of Timothy Drake.
He had a one night stand with Janet the night before her wedding.
She didn’t tell nobody about it, nor she tried to confirm whatever Tim was Jake son or not, but after some years even without proofs she could see the resemblance.
Not wanting his husband to find out she convinced him to stay out of Gotham for work.
13 years old Tim Drake-Wayne find the diary of his mother and truth about his birth and decide to try searching for his biological father
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emacrow · 2 days ago
The town outta nowhere.
"For the last fucking time Damian. We aren't lost and if you ask me again, I'll turn this car around!" Dick hissed at Damian in the back seat.
"Well.. that means we could go back to where the internet is actually working than. Are we lost Dick?" Tim's eyes gleamed with hope that suddenly regain after 1 hour of pure depression when he ran out of all his caffeine beverages along with the internet bars on everyone phone went to sos signal, including the car's radio and bat coms letting out static
They were on a mission assignment by Bruce to do a simple investigation about travelers going missing and reappearing weeks later acting differently than usual talking about a great town deep in Illinois forest, only to not remember the name of it or where the direction was.
Jason was also itting in the backseat, reading a book with an aura that suggests if you three dare argue again for the sixth time, im busting all your kneecaps so we can go home early.
Before dick could say anything, Tim suddenly gasped, seeing a green town sign with cryptic words that dick couldn't understand, but apparently Tim could read it.
"Civilization! Dick drive faster! They could have coffee!"
20 minutes in driving as they entered the town's entrance line, there were actually flying cars above them humming eith green light, people flying on hover boards glowing green as they stop as the gas tank was empty near a burger place cause na'ty bu'g'' in a odd languages?
People talked in odd static languages while they held coffee mugs with green foam. It would've been amazing to the Robins's eyes, if it weren't for the unsettling glimpse glowing different colored hair with green/red/purple eyes, abnormal glow around everyone, and the sudden dread they felt as if they trespassed a entity den that they shouldn't at all cross into.
A tap at the Driver's Window made Dick nearly flinch, looking to his right to see someone who looked normal enough despite the height.
A very tall lady to rival wonder woman's height with long orange hair with a teal headband with a red flower on it, with a bright smile and teal like eyes pointing her finger down to lower the window.
"Hey, I'm Jazz, welcome to Aty Pk, the most haunting Town in America." Jazz said softly with a welcoming smile that hide a tiny fang nearly escape her lips.
"Do you wanna tour of the town since you guys are new?" Jazz asked politely.
Jason smack his hands on Dick's and Tim's face as his face flush heavily.
"Yes mu-, We need a tour and possibly gas for our car, I'm Jason!" Jason nearly stumbled on his own words, his heart nearly stopping earlier as he was Enchanted by the literal tall goddess with the fiery hair as his inner fantasy chance of living a romance novel took control.
Meanwhile the remaining bats in gotham are full blown panicking after losing contact with the robin for 6 hours straight.
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emacrow · 4 days ago
Ain't this the truth, inspiration suddening rain down like the Niagara Falls and I honestly love them
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emacrow · 5 days ago
Master post links
Gofundme link <-
Danny the caretaker link here <-
Lilith, Mistress of Fear link here <-
Aquaman And merbaby danny link here<-
Siren song link here <-
Misunderstanding between Klarion and Danny link Here<-
Danny is klarion's soulmate link Here <-
Danny's aggressive admirer link Here <-
Justice League wasn't expecting this meeting the ghost king link Here <-
Young Justice League and the labyrinth link Here <-
Ghost in the watchtower vent link Here <-
Ghost in a box link Here <-
Babysitter klarion link Here <-
Justice League found a crystallized casket in the space link Here <-
Danny avoids ghosts trying to get him adopted link Here <-
Alfred adopted a baby link Here <-
Damian was left alone in Amity Park for a 10-minute link Here <-
Clockwork was once Kronos link Here <-
Here lies danny in what was left of Mars link Here <-
Tucker got kidnapped in Egypt link Here <-
Realm of Phantom board game link Here <-
Tim deprived of coffee led to desperate actions link Here <-
Danny the immortal babysitter link Here <-
Fairie danny link Here <-
Alfred's new apprentice link Here <-
Selina new stray link here <-
Cass new banshee friend link Here <-
Danny and the search for his dead bodies link Here <-
High infinite relam king is missing link Here <-
What that on your cape, superman? Link Here <-
Diana and her twin link Here <-
Let danny sleep dammit link Here <-
Danny wasnt the first contaminated with ectoplasma, Jazz was link Here <-
Jim gordon and the ghost link Here <-
Orphan's baby link Here <-
Danyal's favorite animal was a moon rabbit link Here <-
Damian, its not funny! link Here <-
Riddler's distant family link Here <-
Alfred's day off link Here <-
Superman, that a feral child on your cape link Here <-
Mini dannies link Here <-
Cass get used a sacrifice but with a twist link Here <-
Alien danny link here <-
Phantom of the Abandoned Opera link here <-
Clark visit his cousin too late link here <-
John constantine died, his soul became a halfa link <-
Raven saved Amity Park link here
Riddler, the stay at home uncle link here
Welcome to Starlight toy Galore and Repair center link Here
Ma and pa farm link here
Oracle's elderitch husband link here
The baby god link here
Hey did you lose this? Link here
Tim didn't know how he got here. The link here
Possible of being made into a story down below
Flash is being stalked here <-
Ma and Pa kent here <-
Jazz always wanted a little brother link here <-
Jazz was the first to be contaminated with the ectoplasm link here <-
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emacrow · 5 days ago
Welcome to the Starlight Toy Galore! Temporary close for the day!
Danny could only blush heavily in his ghost form. His brightened green eyes watched Jazz pick out an outfit for his date. Ellen looked at the deep blue colored scarf before throwing it to the aside to the pile of rejected other colored scarfs.
"Now you have the braille menu that Tucker sent you of the restaurant, right? Remember to take your black bandana if your eyes get irritated again. Sam, you missed a chibi toy on the right side of his hair." Jazz spoke as she was judging two different colored turtleneck with narrowed eyes.
To Danny's eyes, the bright colors felt normal in his ghost form compared to the black abyss in his human form beside the luminous foggy shapes of ghosts, spirits, souls, demons and faes in his sights.
He can still remember the horrifying shock in mom's and dad's eyes was the last thing he ever saw as the pure excruciating pain sizzle in his eyes as they were showing the Fenton Ghost On Sight double Blaster that will reveal any ghosts hiding invisible to the human eyes and unfortunately locked onto him once again and blasted directly into his eyes.
Waking up in a hospital bed only to see nothing at all was pure panicked, being touched by something or someone hugging him was worse, especially when he couldn't see a god damn thing, only to see ember's head appears was when he realized something immediately.
He couldn't see anything at all except Ghosts. It didn't stop there as he saw a dashing tiny being with wings stealing a cube of sugar, a red parasite bug whispering to some junkie that he pummeled into paste the wall, and a wild spirit messing around from the very black shape form of a person that he couldn't see before sneaking back in their form.
Jazz told him about her telling Mom and Dad the truth about him while he was in a privates hospital room thanks to Sam, Dad actually broken down and Mom couldn't stop staring down at her hands as she had been the one to do the example on the double blaster.
Two month of him still unconscious after that event, and thanks to Frostbite being brought to heal him, Along side teaching mom and dad his needs as it seem he can see in his ghost form, but not in his alive human form.
He couldn't see the damage of his eyes in his ghost form. Only his eyes were much green with much paler pupil, but apparently, what Tucker descriptive of his eyes were his pupil went brighter then a rainbow pearl that cause his iris to go from deep blue to a much paler icy blue.
The struggle was intensely real after he left the hospital, especially now handicapped and kept bumping into everything and every wall, Cujo thankfully helping him along with his new blind cane. Kitty and Johnny 13 actually helped him out, considering Kitty had a cousin who was born blind.
He couldn't be the astronaut that he wanted to be, especially when now he was blind. He was so down in his own depression state upon realizing that It took Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Ellen, and shocking, Dash dragged him, caving himself into his room after 5 months in. His hair was the length of his waist after that, but he didn't cut it since he didn't trust his dad or Jazz to cut his hair again.
They brought him to a great museum with an audio speakers for blind people like him, wandering the halls with glimpses of soul spirits embezzling in their masterpiece, even some in old toys on display, and accidentally finding himself into a kid's crafts their art room upon hearing the sounds of a crying child.
He couldn't see what they were crying, but he could see the well loved toy that was a Raggedy Andy doll so bright with a joyous old soul spirit of a elderly lady with plush separated arm on the floor.
Danny helped clumsily tie the doll's arm back in place with the help of that soul spirit whispering in his ear about which thread is tied where and tighten up.
He wouldn't know it but feeling the warmth glowing off a child's inner joyful spirit playfully peaking out the shell that was a human.
Danny felt a new dream born before his sightless eyes. He ended up fixing beloved toys here and there in Amity Park, then word got out after he made a beautiful music box that has a dancing ballerina in her box for a sweet grandma who was a retired Principal Dancer due to her torn achilles tendon after Danny saw how down her spirit mumbling how she wished to dance in the opera once last time.
A fix here, donated parts, threads, fabrics, buttons, cotton full of lonely spirits there, rebuild a lost dream of spirits all around all for 1 tiny trade each. He didn't know that the people he helped have been collectively anonymous a goFundme in Amity parks for him after he spoke about wanting to make a space theme toy shop and repair.
Danny would be 26 year old before he decided to invest in a building after going through a gigantic tsunami of customer wanting him to fix their old toys, plushy or antiques.
Danny had to change his last name due to the fact that nobody wouldn't let him rent a building nearly as far as new Jersey, much less a shop after hearing his last name being Fenton. Getting a cozy shop in a gotham full of saturated Ectoplasm was a wise choice.
It would be 3 months later meeting a lady with a soul spirit more wild peaking out of her body in a wheelchair who made his heart skip several slow beats after doing that Ashidon motion against the parenting section bookshelf even though her real body is still at the public library's counter.
7 months in of being befriended and compliments Babs Gordon, while her dominating spirit is nearly crossing the line. obviously flirting to him alongside whispering about how she loves to pull his silky hair again to hear him make that cute whine. If only people and ghosts could see the patient and restrain he had on himself, he would've probably already passed out again from the blood rushing to his head that day.
He learned many things about Babs, even though her wild spirit is dancing, showing off martial art techniques seductively, and talking the many many ways she can take him out that made Danny feel his heart about to stop.
Ellen, his sweet clone daughter, apparently was the first to say something about his most obvious crush on Babs and helped him practice, even though he failed miserable at the result. He got a date tonight.
Hopefully, everything goes well..
Part 2 link <-
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emacrow · 5 days ago
The baby god.
The world was in panic as Justice League couldn't do anything, a glowing green metorite ball the size of Neptune was heading directly toward Earth.
The green lantern corps couldn't do anything to move the direction of the metorite, Superman couldn't even get near without feeling faint, believing that there was kyptonite on the metorite stopping him.
Not even John could make any deal that involved that metorite at all.
Many city panic, started fighting, crying, and broken down. Many religious groups accept their fate.
Gotham City refused to go out quietly as everyone was throwing a simultaneous party. Even the villains went all out, even Joker didn't cause harm to anyone, much less made a joke at all..
Joker tremblingly held a very old playing joker card that Batman had since their first fight years ago while his eyes, one still black from earlier look to the last live being recorded with Batman's voice speaking on the live, He stayed along side in gotham even when end of the world was here.
Clark Kent stayed with his ma and pa house, lois Lane, holding her hands.
The world stood still as the seemingly the end was close by.
Only for the glowing green metorite was rapidly slowing down, nearly the same length by as the moon even if it was gigantic in comparison.
A gargantuan hands seen to have grasped it, the hands itself were covered in stars and dust as a loudest chirp could be heard around the earth.
Bright bluish green eyes the size of the sun slowly blink with curious, a gigantic toddler the twice size of Jupiter, a chubby face covered in dwarfs star made freckles, a glowing green necklace that held the tiny dwarf pluto, hair the covered Most of the darkness that was the night sky like strains clouds made from the heaven themselves.
A massive deep blue puff escaped the gargantuan being's mouth, raining down all over the earth, where tiny pure crystalized ice was the size of a baby pearl that never melted.
Everyone who was watching the live or was watching outside could see the being clearly.
The metorite threatened to end all life on earth as they knew it was stopped by a god.
The god slowly turned, the bright white hair swaying star dust everywhere in the sky as they were turning to someone and floated away, the joyous young laughter of a toddler echoing on earth.
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emacrow · 8 days ago
Amity Park, The New transylvania Town.
Got inspired by this beautiful post <- By this person @nerdpoe <-
Due to Amity Park town folks is completely independent on Ectoplasm air and liquid, but totally allergic to the sun in daylight.
They found a loophole that they could go out at night, but nobody able to leave fully from amity park due to the lack of ectoplasm that cause them to become weak, their skin paler then white paint, lengthing fangs, eyes nearly glowing onimous green from ecto- starving and the instable rage induced that come with it.
The Fenton and Frostbite came up with the temporary solution, which was modified thermos bottles full of ectoplasm, which end up becoming a business around town.
The unfortunate side effect seems to make the pure ectoplasm turn red and heavy scented like blood outside the town.
Family, lovers, and friends that visited Amity Park would come back with a 4 boxes stuff to the brim with bottled up ectoplasm to get refilled and visit the town again every 2 months to the point rumors started to come due to some crazed theory.
That Amity Park became a town of vampires. The rumors start another rumor that they never leave the town at all due to the dark clouds cover it's entirely. (The saturated ectoplasm clouds look like dark fog clouds above the sky)
People who came to visit and come back with boxes full of bottled up blood.
Then, when rumors reach the ears of the Justice League, it would be a year in Amity Park to become a much bigger community than when it used to be a small town.
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emacrow · 9 days ago
Tim the rejected no.9 2s
"Stop laughing, Babs. I can hear you."
Tim's eye twitched as babs snickered in her wheelchair seat. After saving the missing Bruce. Dick finally realized he wasn't crazy and Bruce Wayne came up with a perfect excuse story for the public to realize that he didn't die.
He'd been researching how to find a replica wig of his hair due to the obvious bright white hair with stardust carefully removed and placed in a plastic bag for anayzling later.
He went to babs' hideout due to Dick, Step, and Duke bursting out in uncontrollable laughter as his No.9 2s wannabe hair color.
It's not like he WANTED This in the first place, but fucking permanent black hair dye doesn't do shit to it, even Harley special hair dye concoction for that red and blue stripes didn't do nothing!
Not to mention the weird fucking behavior that he'd still researching later about from Jason and Damian. He half expected Damian to die laughing on the floor, but he went as stiff as a cement before he could say TTs, his eyes widening nearly comedically before narrowing in straight anger, ran back out mumbling on about something.
Jason went all feral cat in the corner on him. He only took one step in the building from the window and saw his new hair color, then hissed like some perfect replica of a TV static that shouldn't be possible in the human tongue before disappearing back out the window.
He tried cutting it and even shaving all his hair off,but it grew rapidly back to the original length of the rest of his hair in some stardust form of magical girl style.
The bright white hair simply didn't want to go. Thankfully, his eyebrows stayed black, and he could use black wigs when he needed to be Tim Drake.
The great advantage to this was nobody's paid any attention to him while he was going through the wig store as if they didn't recognize him or care for him.
He didn't even get mugged 26 times in a roll when it should've happened, but somehow, the muggers ignored him completely when he was a potential target.
The rogues didn't even recognize him or pay him any attention for a good while besides Harley and Poison Ivy.
He just has to accept it for now... until he went with Batman to tell the Justice League that he was alive and John Constantine staring at him in pure horror.
"How in the Fuck you got a Favor ticket from The Infinite Realm High King?!?"
Part 1 link <-
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emacrow · 9 days ago
Oml this is beautiful! Now i must make a part 2 for this 😍 🤩
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Did you lose this?
Inspired by this post.
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emacrow · 10 days ago
🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 *is an item shop stand for people to get their knives for two aureus* knives come get your knives here to kill Julius Caesar!
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emacrow · 11 days ago
Oracle's elderitch husband
It was just a normal patrol as Oracle was informating the batfam about the whereabout of Riddler's new hideout after he brought nearly four dozen suspicious boxes.
Then came the unfamiliar male voice in the coms.
"Hey honey, do you want almond raspberry babka no-
Oracle's coms immediately cut off.
It would be 26 minutes after the batfam finished patrol and spam nearly 5 dozen messages in the collective Robin chat before Oracle's com came back on.
"Who's with you, Oracle?"
"Father, she is obviously compromised after the coms cut off early."
"I'd been trying to find her location on the Batcomputer, but it's keep glitching out!"
"First of all, I am not compromised, Two, I forgot to take speaker voice off, and Three, who he is isn't none of your business. I mean It, if I catch any of you trying to dig into this, then I'm pulling all the embarrassing blackmail materials I have on all of you." Oracle hissed in the coms with words that swear she will do it. The sound of soft munching could be heard.
"Soo, how good is that almond raspberry Babka worth cutting off coms for?"
"I'll send the recipe to Alfred, but no digging, That means you Dick, Tim and Bruce, and Cass you better not help them out." Oracle spoke a bit softly before cutting off coms for the night.
"Oh, hunny~" Bab said softly, looking down with a smile that sends shivers down his back that promised pain.
"Ymhnzs?" Danny muffled voice could be heard as he was still in a headlock, his mouth covered by her hand as he was bend awkwardly that shouldn't be possible for a a very tall guy's back to bend in a way with the tray once almost full batch of freshly baked Almond Raspberry Babkas.
"What had I told you about coming in during my night hours~?" Babs said sweetly if it weren't for the arm nearly choking hold she had on his neck as she uncovered his mouth.
"Not allowed unless you're finished with work or Dante got stuck in your spare wheelchair again.." Danny quietly said with his face flushed.
"You're unconsciously becoming like your Dad, but at least he texted me before breaking down my wall to show me your baby pictures again."
"B-b-but, honey you ar-
"No buts, you're sleeping in the couch for tonight or in the thermos until next week until I figured out how to make the correct diversion to trick the bats, now make your choice now considering the babka asba bribe for a lesser punishment."
Danny pouted, his pointed ears droop down with his eyes all wide but he knew the Jack fenton puppy eye look isn't going to save him now from his wife's wrath.
"I'll take the couch.."
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emacrow · 12 days ago
Imagine Tim going on a spiral down about zombies apocalypse actually starting to laugh after Babs got tracking glitchy footage of a zombie, literally walking out his grave in the middle of the night, searching around gotham looking for something and speaking and yelling at someone if it weren't for the static making it difficult to hear completely, going back to the haunted mausoleum, and walking back into it's own grave before the crack of dawn.
It took dick, step, and actually damian to stop trying to steal sharpen machete from Damian's room. They don't know if this be a legitimate zombie or something like solomon grundy.
Babs had already looked up the history of that particular abandoned mausoleum as well and it was enough to make her blood go cold reading it.
That particular Mausoleum was said to be haunted belonged to a tragedy young heir whome body was never recovered to bury, the forgotten Nightingale family was well off and known family of oddballs.
A faded portrait of two parents whose faces were smudged by time, an older sister, a preteen boy, a little twin boy, and a girl.
A tragedy struck during a dark and thunder storm when the children decided to play a game of hide and seek and accidentally trick their older brother into thinking they went out during the storm as they fell asleep in a the hamper up in the attic of the home. Some people said Lightning struck several times that night and a terrifying wail was heard and other say they could hear desperate cries from that boy asking for his sibling to stop hiding and come home, but Dane was never seen again.
Some Superstitious people had said they could hear that young boy calling out for his siblings during night thunderstorm, his spirit never rested until he find them, and the Nightingale family never recovered from the lost, leaving and never to appear in gotham again.
The photo of the supposed missing and body never recovered Dane Nightingale looked exactly like their zombie with the Lichtenberg figure scar trailing up his arm. Black shirt hair, blue eyes, and pale tone skin found from a missing article poster.
Used to it
Danny was quite desensitized to death by the time he finished High school. And he didn’t mean just ghosts. Despite his stellar record of preventing any deaths during his vigilante career, he still managed to see quite a few dead bodies. Though those usually weren’t in Amity but nearby towns.
Ghosts did need help sometimes to get peace and that often meant that he found their remains and anonymously sent in tips to the police. It’s this reason why when he planned to move to Gotham for College, and after checking out rent prices, he decided to do something that would only aid him in saving money.
He took a week during the summer between semesters and traveled to Gotham. After a few days of scouting (and staying in shitty hotels) he found the perfect place. An unused Mausoleum. It just needed a minor bit of renovation (like adding a bathroom) and it would be perfect.
He went to the library and searched to make sure he knew the information of whose building it was and if there were plans to use it soon. His luck was good and it was considered abandoned. He checked the price and winced. It would take a good chuck from his savings but overall it would save him quite a bit.
Deciding to save money after he bought it, he used ghosts with the right obsessions to reconstruct it. When he started living there he was somewhat surprised at how settled he felt. Turns out he somewhat accidentally made himself his own grave, which was good for his ghost half.
He didn’t realize that his coming and going from the graveyard would be noticed by the bats though. He doesn’t really want to have them digging into his life. He knows it will be hard but somehow he knows they will find something.
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emacrow · 14 days ago
Tim doesn't know how he got here.
Sitting in Aquarium's office, holding a sniffling 4 year old little girl named ellen Nightingale on his lap with her head snuggling against his chest, nibbling on a Whale shaped cookie after all they both got lost.
He only looked away for a moment, and Bruce and the batfam dissappear on him while he was anazyling the heavier coffee choices at one of the Aquarium's coffee places.
Only to come out with a combination coffee that cost him 18 dollars more and nearly instinctly kick a teary eyed 4 year old Ellen that lost her mommy and mistook him as him, clinging to his leg out of the blue.
Apparently, Ellen got distracted by a cart vendor holding cute whale cookies while her mommy was talking to her big brother danta about not biting the birthday girl's older sister even if she being rude and now she lost, and she thought he was mummy and she doesn't know what do than the tears came.
Apparently, mommy looked like Tim only mommy had a bunch of pretty white fluffy in her hair and a lighting dancing on her face, but she extremely pretty and single to was Ellen's babbling about.
8 minutes in, a frantic pretty boy with mainly pepper flowing down salt like short hair came in, a 6 year old boy that look like him but white hair coated mainly piggybacking him that spotted him and Ellen, pointing at her.
"I found her first, i get to have The Death Pepper ice cream now!" Shriek out the 6 year old danta.
"Oh, thank ancients! Thank you for bringing her to the office here, mister..?" The supposedly Mummy glance his greenish blue baby-doll eyes at Tim, a strain of Lichtenberg figure spread upward from his neck to the forehead of his face as Ellen leaped into the arms of her mummy.
"Um- Tim Drake, and you are..?" Tim felt his face flush a bit as he stood up to shake hands with him.
"He is mummy, you dumb low-life bottom feeder!" Tiny fist waving as Danta imploded at him.
"Oh, biological speaking, yes. It's hard enough to get them to switch to Daddy, but it stuck onto me. My name is Danny Nightingale, and I appreciate that you found my little girl before I ranshake the entire aquarium like a pirate for buried treasure for her." Danny spoke softly, joking at the end, carefully holding Ellen, who snuggled her face against his chest like she did earlier with Tim.
"Yeah, she cling onto me harder than the octopus from Finding Dory when she thought I was you after I lost my own group." Tim said back, softly joking back while he sipped and choked his coffee as Ellen beamed about how Mister Tim got her two whale cookies with the blue eyes she wanted earlier and quietly failed at mumbling on can they keep him?
"Interesting.. well, she seemed attached to you, and you seem to be reliable enough to distract her from causing mayham. If you ever wanted to babysit for me, you can have my number?" Danny said, pulling out clownfish theme napkin and taking a pen from the office free pen jar.
'Wait, what?' Is what Tim thought to himself after Danny said his goodbyes, Danta sticking his tongue out, and Ellen cutely waving bye-bye as they left.
The napkin he was holding in his hand had an apartment address and a number contact along with a winking face and clumsily childish doodle of snowflakes, fire, and Dory fish next to it.
Bruce and the batfam came in the office seconds later after Tim pocket the contact info.
Might end up with a part 2. Idk yet
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emacrow · 14 days ago
Hey, did you lose this?
A gargantuan looming form that was black as the night sky, coated in stars, cosmic dust, planets, and nebula. Extremely long snow white hair defying gravity floating above the ceiling spreading across like a growing cloud. Bright blue eyes like jewels staring down at tim
Tim could only stare dumbfounded with his sleep deprived eyes after searching for the right summoning in his backup backup bunker to find batman after escaping the arkham asylum.
In its right thin hand holding like a wet napkin was batman unconscious, coated in deep blue ice.
"I believe this belong to your dimension, at first, I thought it was a miniature cat at first when it tried a pathetic attempt at fleeing my children's toy box was when I noticed it was just another misplaced humans and they don't last long in the infinite realm much less my children's toybox. It took me a moment to figure out the right dimensions where it originated, but you thankfully made it easier for me to find with the summoning." The bring lightly drop Batman down to the ground as the deep frozen ice easily melted away.
"D-don't you need a payment?" Is what Tim spoke after his mind reset back from shock.
"Oh no~, visiting this dimension is a grand payment considering this where I can finally nib the bud of those pesky sewage ectoplasm that been a pain in my ankle for long enough. At best, you would be rewarded for giving me such a gift." The being lightly tapped Tim's head with its glowing index finger, ruffling the black hair lightly.
"Should you need me for any favor, Call upon me, the High King of the Infinite realm, Danny Phantom, Protector of the Dead and Alive, Center of the Eternal Vast Sp" The be- Danny did a light bow, as his towering being faded away, the summoning circle disappearing as well.
Leaving only Tim alone with a Bruce coughing a bit, taking a couple of heavy breaths of fresh air which snapped Tim out of his stupor.
"Bruce, Bruce, are you alright?" Tim rushed over and lightly shook Bruce's shoulder as Bruce's eyes opened slowly to see Tim, except there was something different about tim. His hair wasn't black but now a strikingly bright white with specks of stardust.
Fanart -> link
Part 2-> link
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emacrow · 16 days ago
The civilization trapped in an ice meteorite.
Superman, after saving the earth from another earth ending bomb, breeze through space, were glowing clouds of gas and dust known as a planetary nebula floated around aimlessly with glowing green dwarf particles as if a solar system was sucked into, but there only lays a sun and 7 planets here before before something caught his eye.
A pusling aimlessly floating ball like metorite full of frozen white ice with green dipped in the bottom in the middle of space. The pulsing glow flickers like a couple of very slow heartbeats.
Superman used his x ray vision to see inside, and what he saw immediately immediately griped the ice and speed flew over through back to the Watchtower which was not far from here.
Superman spoke in the coms of his oxygen mask to the Watchtower.
"Open the space entrance gates, and someone calls in Beatriz Da Costa. I found a floating town trapped in metorite ice with what seems civilians' insides." Superman spoke in the coms as he pushed the metorite carefully toward the watchtower, unaware of the gigantic glowing transparent being with 8 neon green eyes staring at him wrapped around the ice metorite like a Serpent to it's eggs.
#dpxdc#dc x dp#danny phantom#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dcxdp#dc x dp prompt#danny is the ghost king#amity park town never was able to go back to their original world after Danny beat Pariah King#floating aimlessly in the middle of space covered in a far frozen ice barrier that danny manifest out of panicking#danny has tried and failed several times of putting amity park back only ended up in a random galaxy with other species of aliens#some attack#some are scared of the meteorite and the glowing giant eldritch being guarding it#elderitch danny phantom#the more time danny spent in space the more eldritch and protective he became over his town#amity park got infected with the constant ectoplasm filters and literally saved the people by turning liminal#good jack and maddie fenton reveal#superman found a ice metorite in the middle of a random space and bring it to watchtower after finding a civilization trapped inside#some aliens have been tracking down that metorite for a rematch or worship the being that whoop their collective asses#Green lantern Corp had heard many many stories about the Fierce Gargantuan protector and it's ice metorite#they got a green billboard full of galaxies and red yarn string figuring out where it coming and going#amity park got used to Danny after he became a eldritch#dash isn't simping at all#danny is still a fenturd#that jock tried to act tough only for danny to crock his head back at him 180 that was inhumane impossible with his eyes glowing#dash inner thought: Sweet lord oh mighty i am a bottom#Teddy Ghost#posting old drafts i never use
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emacrow · 16 days ago
Unfortunately, bad news regarding Time Rewound and Space Unbound.
I enjoy your comments and love the kudos you all have given me in my story to keep me writing and inspired.
I absolutely love your theories and ideas of what the next chapter would be.
I love writing my drafts for the chapters and continue on, but I'm in a mindset of total stress and worry, along side my beta readers also in their struggles as well.
I'm unfortunately going through a rough time where I'm can't afford to write while saving up money to pay off a debt.
My friends considered me making a gofundme thing which I do not know how to do to donate to my cause.
I don't want to be a bother, but I won't be able to update my stories until I'm in a stable position and not possibly of becoming homeless again.
Gofundme here <-
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emacrow · 16 days ago
So in your fanfic Time Rewound and Space Unbound, you have Alfred as the reincarnation of Rhea the Greek titan of Motherhood. Does Alfred get powers from this and /or will he be now that he knows?
And how will the Batfam react to seeing a much more youthful Alfred?
Alfred is the former titaness of Motherhood and gods in human flesh. He has great talent that many mothers today. Alongside bringing tranquility to the batfam and even helping bring back the robins and Bruce from nearly fatal injuries by speeding off the healing process.
As for Bruce, he knew that Alfred was getting old and would soon or later die from elderly age. He had constantine on speed dial to bargain with him to get a deal from a being to slow down his age because we all know he become a wreak of a man after Jason died.
Seeing Alfred young as the day he met him after his parents' funeral would make him cry in relief that he won't have to bury another loved one because Alfred is his rock, his stability, the main thing keeping the batfam and wayne manor all together even though he know that Alfred taught them enough for them to handle everything on their own.
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